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But you know that making art quite the treat to watch the ball. I went to get the border to get on top of tortillas with chicken. They are. The Court Ordered one from the living dead. For all its like in the president ial election the dawning of the stuff i tell you to keep in utah and it was i kidding. Stoppers program with the search efforts for money should Airlines Flight mh forty seven the nearly two dozen ships and a cropped up picking up the search to die the search area as the refund to two hundred and seventeen thousand square kilometers. All the southern indian ocean north west of perth. A total of forty have prompted my chips are scouting the area. Anti ship seen as central to the surge were expected to reach the southern city. Chinas auto seventy six transport aircraft has departed up from Perth International airport to the target area. Meanwhile lehigh june zero one and the net and height you want one five had been searching an area where a major league was possible to watch and study. Can it prompted much it still costs in the search on the presiding. Israeli officials have briefed the Chinese Media on the latest in the search for the missing funds. The head of the joint Agency Coordination center the chief Marshal Angus houston said visual Search Operations would continue and that he could help narrow down the search area. Shes usually say shh the usual search many kiddos wreckage still on the surface. And that will provide. She says that an error the search area in which the area. And of course with a small statue we can bring in the ongoing War Technology that is about to not have a look. What is lying on the ocean i reassure passengers aboard the missing plane will replace with some tough choices when it comes to seeking compensation if it turns out that their loved ones have not survived. As is widely feared International Conventions let out some rules to ensure passage of families are adequately compensated. But the amount of that compensation can vary widely as to the means of obtaining several its one of the reports from qualify the links to steam the people on board flight in each tree seventy. You need to expect Malaysia Airlines to pay them compensation over the sta hundred and seventy thousand us dollars. Even if the airline is not found to be negligent. Thats thanks to rules first introduced fifteen years ago provided the country on reaching the intended destination even the country with a passenger bought the tickets have signed that agreement the Montreal Convention largely replaced a seventeen year old set of rules that have been designed to protect the interests of the nations ailing industry rather than passengers. In eighteen eighty nine government on the need to reply hes not modernize it. Um and it was a huge effort of the two of the baby pumpkin to take that on one of the things that happens to be the last couple years. These are the encouraging states ought to come on board without because of the more uniform were able to deal with the situations the better it is for everyone involved malaysia and china both bound by that Convention Although thailand with some passengers boarding tickets is not. Malaysia airlines or more accurately it insurance may be required to pay off considerably more with the airline is bound to be negligent. In many cases the insurance on how the airline certain cases out of court alone. Families would do if it isnt hardcore drawn one percent in some cases it does require that a condition that can take a long time. Family members may be asked to sign away their rights to take legal Action Action that aviation lawyers will tell them that the much larger sums. In any case passengers families wont all be treated equally historically the payouts a very dramatic going to wear the claims in court. Nice tone to the passengers who want to because from the compensation claims are trying to estimate. Lost in terms of lost income. Loves you very much depends on income levels in different countries. So as im just as it may seem chinese and malaysian next of kin are likely to receive substantially less compensation than relatives of passengers from western europe or the United States brian also cctv called for with such area for the missing plane has shifted many times over the possible weeks and some people are wondering if its being carried out is the one place one of them has provided the new railway calculation law which has attracted attention from Malaysia Airlines tumble has that story. The das deal with the intention to use Malaysian Airlines fly and ninety seven she may not have crashed no such crew was entertained by his calculations if the plane was hijacked it would have gone down much closer to man. As they see things slide them into seventy two took a Straight Path across the southern indian ocean and the north laine arcs as was completed i produced a lifetime are sent. Was looking to soak up the coast delays populated by insight based on the taste of success the connections with the plank on the condition that the plane was flying and a constant speed. The pilot neil way he was going to its more likely that he chose to fly straight to whatever destination he said. So far investigators have found no evidence that can prove the plane was hijacked. But since no debris has been found in the town and the leaves is that it is right. Uncle dennis and emotionally. I see the pasco area where the plane and its trip in the southern indian ocean loved all the malaysian government announced a seven car door. The very pleasant hour in the southern indian ocean is quite far from the atom but i seems that the said sarah has changed many times and is moving toward my proposed area that has meant that my theory and population. According to msn skin condition fly them into seventy banished about one thousand eight hundred and fifty kilometers west of perth australia. But pence as a mossad did not factor in the Straight Path the plane could have taken the fence if they had taken into account the flight would have ended around one thousand kilometers west of perth australia. Thats me on the diamond team a trench the deepest location of the southern indian ocean. At least two while Malaysian Airlines official status and the reason he conceded that some members also caught a very strong about the medical backgrounds have also rejected some ideas im aware that there might be. In the present presenting the information back to our headquarters in austin to last through two in basra and Research Organizations and potentially set up a conference called chris to talk to them so that they could talk to. Some members of the family members are here. So they can cope with dial up. The best clues about what exactly happened on board dynamics to seventy nine its lined in every corner of that box. Finding these data however means finding the plane first there are questions about the weather and vivid with that. The doctoral work in finance and it may be snowed in addition expat. But im fat. This is the case of simple mathematics and watch the reason. Listen the lines to contagion has supported its findings to the nearest thing. If the city ukrainian officials cited the killing of Anti Government protest is in the capital kiev and have already took place under the direct leadership of ousted president Viktor Yanukovich the countrys interior ministry also released a video allegedly showing Police Office is shaping up for testers in the third request of the ukrainian prosecutor general interior ministry and state Security Service made the segments of a joint News Conference on thursday. I played the shooting deaths of more than one hundred people on the vehicle to drive police said Security Services also said unidentified russians were at the headquarters of ukraines Security Service during the protests on the same day the Ukrainian Interior Ministry released a video which i say shows Police Officers shooting a protest is a dead leaf every question is the new government has been under pressure to identify and punish the killers below yanukovich as the vaunted ordering the killings. Early on thursday the prosecutor general said twelve members of the vicroads had been detained on suspicion of shooting peaceful protests but its been apart since for more weekend the speaker across one of the house but it is to joyces from here. I welcome the hall. The show we understand is reportedly anyway planning to again raise the export price of gas to ukraine by a twenty six percent following the previous price spike a massive one of forty four percent on to study what more can you tell us about that yes now the Russian Energy giant is planning to increase the price of making the increase in l a total of eighty percent. This is the incredible amount for the first price had been initially due to sixty eight point five dollars per thousand cubic meters on monday they hit a recent tuesday meeting and eighty five point five hours. Now the price will come up to fourteen eighty five point five dollars per thousand cubic meters of gas. We cranked up. Washington has said that this is an increase in rice in china said Alexei Miller the steel gas promise that this is due to unpaid bills than ninety two point two billion dollars for it right. However the ukrainian Prime Minister are singing singing singing that all this is basically political been trying to put pressure on russia is trying to put pressure on ukraine. And this is of course can be seen because previously december they receive a discount on top then president of the ad the typical that it signed a deal with russian president went in and they had given disc empty train now the ousted president the chicken cottage is gone this is done is gone and they have received this enormous amount of an increase which now amounts to eighty percent the train the russian government deciding that ethnic russians living in ukraine are threatened. Whats the truth on my chest tightens and what can you tell us about this situation amid a tense standoff between russia and you cry. This is being put forth by rush and theres no concrete evidence to it. We tried to get the idea we got to try to get the perception of the questions here. Many things at once take a look at what they had to say the shia government says it believes that questions the ukraine are threatened. The ethnic russians hearing a crane shot to the belief that they are written in this country and claim the idea to be far from reality. Alexandra cool summer is a popular ukrainian rock star. She was born in russia are raised in tn. Her father with the military officer and soviet union. She believes theres a different reason behind some russians feeling discomfort in ukraine three i held him i think the current pensions now that its hot its been suggested dont feel bad enough the Un Protection from the government and thats why they dont feel you know they have it dismissed lg the best of it in an antique actually not the guests bring their a games changes eighty six year old retired ukrainian work or live in a close call but stresses that she in all three years of experience has never had any issues with ethnic russians in an opening at nine ukrainian time when you mention playing in theaters and it has been deemed a new kind of infringement. On a stampede as if they will go on in here. The mosque al strongly believes the question is reflected in the ukrainian territory there are currently no official accounts of violence against ethnic russians here so basically it seems there is no concrete evidence to support much as the belief that their presence here will see whether or not the developments here in ukraine the ticket prices with the right jenny craig or make a difference but get the questions living here one third. Many thanks for that to me how an interesting report from you than me how about a bit in here afghanistans interior minister has predicted a high turnout for this weekends National Elections at a press conference on thursday havent blogged outside he also said he believed the countrys Security Forces are doing everything they can to ensure the safety of his nearly two hundred thousand Afghan Forces being deployed to protect buses and polling stations and election where to stop acting sealed ballot boxes for delivery to nearly fifty five hundred Polling Centers nationwide addressing concerns about forty president common cause i do is constitutionally barred from running for president said he was confident of all the candidates would respect the will of the people. Here we start to cause one and short items in kabul and he told us the situation the country remains tense which house the day to go right now is certainly chances are they not easy the streets in the city of seven Million People are virtually vacant the government is urging people to stay inside for their own safety or in this city on lockdown for driving around early this morning streets are vacant that there is no for shopping flowers free chicken street void of any people right now. There are a great deal of checkpoints that have cropped up throughout the city and especially in the major roads that the intercom full of people from the army people from the Afghan National police are stopping any kind of color are doing everything they can to make short of one that no one gets into this city with a crowd explosive devices proper vehicle for ied that right do everything they can after the wave of attacks was that lead up to this week. When the wind in the selection is simply an area off of a high focus and weve been speaking to show korea. Lexis who is a member of Afghanistans Parliament and she told us about afghan womens that is a patient in the upcoming poll. I believe it two thousand and fourteen addiction is much different in two thousand and four in two thousand and nine election. Because the document that women participation. Starting from day registration process by giving vote. Ten day camping get to me in different crowd than fifth and tenth day of very few candidates are selected to this entry was president to deal with men and one of the candidate dollars taking his life to honor campaigning at the event so it means that the romans the shoot. On the war is not the kinda box it is not. Im subject to we become objects right now and this is very important for women of afghanistan to vote for some way which is giving me consider the issue when it needs you as a benefit of putting nation and i believe the usc. Hopefully there is nothing to them in participation which is it to not be anymore remain close to vote because since morgan that one yet we were taken as given in cf interview with the staff of his affairs with the Election Commission with this event a psychic vision and half are lacking today we have one in ten teams housing them and they are working and putting station has only from the majesty of it to the side which is good and that when insurance that would mean putting station one to be a Fair Election and that would not be able to use remains that registration caught fire and a favorite candidate and i believe two thousand fourteen is important but the more important one but it was in afghanistan because we have to have to commit it to be dead to have to put it away for womens issues and human rights issue for afghanistan and particularly for democracy process in afghanistan. South korea has succeeded and aspiring Ballistic Missiles capable of striking gold parts of the dprk. The countrys Defence Ministry said on friday that the ministry test fired Ballistic Missiles with a range of five hundred kilometers of march twenty third. Didnt i am the southwestern coastal county in south chong chong problems. Three days after the test firing the dprk five two tall medium range Ballistic Missile isles which coolest inches from the un security council. The band pyongyang from testing Ballistic Missile technology both still in the three of their children to the people have been confirmed dead after a cargo ship carrying sixteen dprk crew members sent off south koreas southern coast. South koreas cuts comes as the mongolian flagship says a distress signal early friday in waters south of the countrys port city of yall soon. Three of the creaminess of being rescued and sent to hospital and the rest are still missing. South koreas cuts to his mother was thirteen vessels and six ip route to search for the missing crew the forty three hundred tonne ship carrying Steel Products from the dprk a port city of chongqing in and it was head of the chinas border of china doll in shandong province. Malaysian police idea of Chinese Tourists to the filipino resort where we were abducted from a resort in Eastern Malaysia on site. Police say the seven suspects who are regarded as Anti Government militia men in the philippines have let some us states and may arrive back in the philippines. However im a malaysian official says its possible that you have to lift the i can say he will come ashore would need to stop by. Elation and philippine all parties working together and exchanging information. Some of kellys society to the briefing or set of everything that the suspects had no specific target and i did it for ransom the chinese consulate general in kuching has to stop twenty four hour emergency mechanism that is the malaysian side to deal with the incident as soon as possible. The chinese tourist is a twenty nine year old woman from shanghai the family say she was in the room when the gunman entered and reportedly forced out into a waking thought you watching cctv news from beijing. Fan. The eu. Fan. It challenges in education is making sure that the millions of People Living in remote rural areas have access to quality courses. When progress is looking to change that by spreading fire education across the country through satellites show but it has this report from bogota. My days teaching a class once a week. Yes i likes me seem easy the colombian after frustrating so close as they are more than thirty hours of preparation before hand to create powerpoint presentations in practice however when the students are going to participate. Few people and the participation of students is very important here because we reach three hundred Centers Across the country and they need to show us that they understand the topics we are learning professor chris is one of several instructors conducting courses the internet and satellite through the company employed which provides Higher Education to several regions within a country by using the latest in technology and is the scene twenty five years weve transformed the lives of more than sixty thousand people. We currently have seven thousand students and three graduate programs the classes are transmitted from studios located outside and looked out over the three hour classes or once a week its interesting the material at the beginning of the semester which they are expected to study from the conceit is in the pot while we are in remote areas places where we found it they would receive education because of the problems which order security and difficult to access to these places in the act. Cruz says his record attendance has been four hundred and fifty students across the country at one time the distance is no problem for the professor even if a student of thousands of kilometers away sad and surprised if you sign on over there in the classroom there is a representative of the duke all that is called the collaborator. That person types and the question. My teachers assistant for seasonal time now and still teaching the class. And tutoring is done throughout the weekend for a nice chap and even on sky that no student is left behind. There are a waste of victories in Fitness Health and technology the boys that they offer degrees at the third of the price compared to other universities. For those who cannot afford Higher Education. The Company Works with the government to help students access scholarships and finds a shell baking the movie. From what i would bet that by june because genesis here with a white sport. Welcome to this one of the goss. They love one wonders what the nazis began to build a steel bar in the ag week to pop with a mass of getting from the association between east Antonio Spurs in the Oklahoma City thunder said antonio can all but clinch first in the west with the way in a cave in the contest of it around on the nineteenth st as being equal the club record of twenty they said two years ago during the playoffs and in the postseason was ok to that end the streak and also not bad tone of the proceedings to read an nba finals appearance bloody history between these two ok see what all can read between the sides this year with tony parker looking havent eat slices and lay with fat and tone up and going on. But democrat would match that with a group of one of his own he finishes up top the lead down to. During their win streak the spurs and any contributions from everyone this like patty mills for twenty one off the bench putting his side of my night. The thunder would make a late charge for the half. Russell was first triple thick enough wind for a ballgame at the break. Okc with enron after the reset the conduct of his team back in front with a lot of use in the home side makes a run in the Third Quarter kevin directive is not known the joker in the fantasy and twenty eight that extend his streak of scoring twenty five reported thirty nine the thunder was out of the league in the studio. And then getting out in transition to rest and finish on the other and the way is a double gave the Oklahoma City faithful love of what theyre seeing. This person try to make a Late Comeback and while leonard to get the definite dont need all the way up to ten point game with two minutes to go to okc to isolate last for a lot of raking is well below the continuation of twenty seven for him. This was one of six ninety four they stopped at antonios nineteen eighty three. What it does to the nba standings or less ok seed pulled within three aw seven toll for top spot with eight games to go spot three three six occupied by the clippers used in portland in golden state will douse them with in phoenix are slugging it out for the final two postseason places. Audi says miami in indiana locked in a battle for the top seam chicago and throttle are about to open the third spot when your next having a late push to begin the playoffs they got back the seat the Europa League quarter finals kicked off across the continent thursday in the eye could see or not we knew that this king of france to take on leone in the italian leaders would be at their best through the ninety minutes it was their friendship only to be better opportunities. What the score locked at nil nil still made in the later stage of the game. Leonardo but then she finally broke the deadlock with a short corner of lee on the fence sweeping the ball scramble around the area before telling the feet of an itchy you finish off to make the final one meal for your day. They were not take advantage back on the elite from light to. So can somebody help me with the timing of certain person has when daddy is it. We have a little troubling the first half. Dont mess up a lot especially on the break the second half was spending outpaced beyond that a little bit on the physical is time we had fielded two teams went goal and we could have one of them already. Im typing this its a good lead but there still remains the second leg injury. Just that. Elsewhere dutch cup winners in the flower is but that he can empty bottle to take you step toward its second straight semi final. The track valencia three no home and portugals portal to one goal advantage into lake two of the mop tops of the app london. For the mens team are now in their first major the masters is set for next week. The tournament at augusta listen world number one tiger woods is of a back injury was also a chance to be with the three time winner Phil Mickelson he pulled a muscle and pulled out of last weeks event. He is proving to be alright. Hes in the hideout the first draft of this weeks houston open and fell when the stock in the sand on twelve against other that very nicely the five time major winner would end up with a four under par sixty eight he is three shots off the pace. No wonder a mcilroy also showed off his touch from the beach wedding that if you feel about one thirty in the woods birdied all the irishman pulled it off the pace of life yet. Read the shot of the game. Can a one off the flight stakes on the seventh. Unfortunate for him in seven batch of leaders i was a lot of that student intelligence under the second unforeseen back with a gentle eighty eight forty pm beijing time to nurture friday afternoon was selected to watch the wind blew one was moving with them. The picture in this weeks episode. That doesnt mean what the problem that ive been off the top. I mean that in the book with india fan. Order the kit president ahmed because i miss some confidence and a tall claims of hall of dawn forces out there to quit behind its

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