Transcripts For KCSM CCTV News 20140330 :

Transcripts For KCSM CCTV News 20140330

young. white voters go to the polls to elect of the house and that was disrupted by anti government protests. it would most likely force the ctv news a very warm welcome. at the top of the south chinese president hu jin ping has just arrived in brussels for a state visit to belgium the festival via chinese head of state to the country in twenty seven years. he plans to visit the headquarters of the european union in the city. belgium is the last leg of cheese for nation european trip for belgium he visited the netherlands prawns and gemini and attended the third nuclear security summit in the high during the visit to germany the chinese president said ties with the country will benefit from that time is for the reform and opening up that he believes that cooperation will bring about good results. he was addressing the reception and dusseldorf attended by business representatives from both countries. president she said economic and trade times acted as the driving force for elections he said china needed german quality and the gemini needed china's market and its creative development. the president plays the business representatives for their contributions to china's growing with germany and the eu. he said he expected more from an optimizing by natural trade stock is expanding this gut full cooperation. strengthening innovation using dog onto its own trade friction and shouldering more social responsibility. as part of a schedule president she coped with jem and psychologists teachers from confucius institutes benjamin student studying chinese. he's the main advertising expanded cultural exchanges to promote understanding. on saturday the president also watched a youth football match between a chinese have a gem and tamed and empowered more young chinese to take up the sport's leading has this report. promoting cultural exchanges between china and gemini constant changing. i think the participants for their contributions. he said that lost to re up a foreign land which helps a person appreciates the difference isn't difficult as it can also help cody evade collins and enmity towards other countries. the pistons had expended people to people exchanges can help eliminate prejudice to ole miss in the standings. it was to see the younger generation to carry on the friendship between china and germany employing chinese the chairman scientologists appreciate all the achievements the statistic time to do more to share its emissions i'm a little culture conditions to enable the load to the dentist and china at the olympic stadium but the only person she would have denied speaking to young chinese guy jimmy heath from the wolf's bad cough. twenty chinese of function bend county in north west china's zhang xi province. does being trained. jim and coaches including cdp in college and the celtics uncle ah they don't put on those in china he said he hopes more chinese blog events themselves to the sport the cctv . very happy event there and don't send them a president she met with the german president joke and all have the chops on a medical to discuss strengthening trade ties and china's take on global affairs. some one hundred and fifty chinese business executives are also traveling with she's in pain and i signed several deals with german company is the son of a thriving relationship between two of the world's top exporter is cctv costs for the center gap and has that story. it was no surprise that president exceeding he received a ceremony is welcome in germany has a rival marking the first visit by a chinese president in eight years talks on to map out the future of china and germany is already enhanced strategic partnership over the next ten years the number of lucrative deals between german and chinese carmakers for stocks as the city spends some time to time that ended one point four billion dollar deal to expand production in china spike and also signed the answers as part of plans to invest more than twenty five billion dollars in spring two thousand a team effort today was already soaring sales. the disco was for volkswagen china isn't very big market. we have twenty five percent of the chinese market share. car sales in china are just starting to grow the european market settled in china's market is on the rights that so often highly anticipated speech president she also explained in china's position on territorial claims that it intends to safeguard. it has been so calm south china sea we've enough stir up trouble however we're not afraid of trial. of course but we must defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity. first i had sammy has often been seen as the gateway to europe especially economically which is why it's only fitting that presidency continues his european tour from germany to brussels where he'll hold to strengthen its china's relationship with the rest of the european union. some forgotten cctv prelims. not to be places on the missing malaysia airlines flight mh forty seven c of that screen twenty three days since the beijing bound plane vanished mysteriously up to taking off from kuala lumpur but this still no explanation as to where it went and why. a chinese family members of the passages arrived in kuala lumpur on sunday. rival the members that said they will not reject the media would speak to reporters as a unified why they're expected to press malaysian officials in person the more the titles on the investigation as well as the evidence as to how they came to the conclusion that the plane crashed in the southern indian ocean two thirds of the two hundred and twenty seven passages on the boeing triple seven with chinese and their relatives have expressed frustrated with relational parties since the plane went missing the engine is unknown or in the coming days. hope we can highly december talks was a technical personnel involved in this age but many fear and lies and the malays in government. during these meetings we hope we can hear him or the people it's always sad to say it was possibly due to lack in the press conference season to eighteen and an australian naval ship loaded with a black box that acta is set to join today's search for the missing relationships. the detector consists of the us navy's tired thing i like ice time and on and on the water vehicle as well as other acoustic detection equipment but like i say uses acoustic signals to track down the black box flight recorder with a maximum depth of six thousand leases. it could be mindful in finding the blackhawks before it signaled the lions the robotic underwater vehicle can scan the ocean's depths to detect underwater wreckage they can produce high resolution imagery of the ocean full of the depth of up to for the hop thousand leases and operate for twenty five hours. so i get some more on the story because of relational thought jesus top of their daily briefings to the family members all passages the family members are openly the hotel here in beijing and that we can get a mole from our report will show up thanks for joining us of what's to come and tell us about the nice thing to die and what kind of questions to the family's oscillation size when you get going with out getting creepy looking very likely we'll be at the park that belichick team and fans the channel began working to get in the hurricane rescue operation. i can pass. both are searching for a bit over on the way. jake got his due date and have been confirmed not really think your damage treat them any doping during eid. anyone that you anti fascist nothing can remember to ask questions during a briefing. usually there are some of the kids today to attend a tea. the first forty minutes for it. the main and chew it could change the region to the lp for the project will cater to be there on the aircraft. she kept a wife or he'll keep getting kicked up the canal and entered water. i feel when melted cheese together to ensure that you get to know whether the prior week's top and begin to know they're there. i'm like are the light you can repeat the couch from them. anything to get the chance to bring christian duty to teach ap mike to check with the yellow keep the client or it could check if there was a gimmick intervention on them. well that could change from the recap equal to the rate that she was an expert should be plenty of pictures to come he did and i think every kid getting buried deep into the cooking. i think tanner to make peachy keen in china who are not keen on going at a refueling. she had every hope that freaking can start time eight am in the morning that they don't have to wait too long to reach enough people to want don't want to get match fit in helping him get much in my chair working interest. he questioned. that made it back to sleep. for sheer thank you very much indeed of a wushu who is happily the hotel in beijing they're watching cctv use of the ride back with more stories up to the store right fan the work the net. china's foreign ministry says the country would never allow the philippines in any form too occupied with ivory off charges that john and his spokesman on why it was commenting on the philippines said the supply ship with kim was on board to be revived wreath on the seven i always said manila intended to hike up the south china sea issue to bolster its attempt to illegally scenes when i read he said the move cannot change the fact that china holds sovereignty of the match items which includes a red eye. he stressed that china would never allow the philippines to undermine the two thousand and two declaration on the conduct of parties in the south china sea between china and as iam in the country is. in nineteen ninety nine the philippine war ship ran aground in red ivory. the lara has refused to tell him what he has in a recent statement claims the warship was put there to serve as a permanent installation. the philippines has repeatedly attempted to deliver construction materials to build on the reef to intensify and expand its military presence the dprk engine hasn't started high level government hopes that the dprk and the city of ageing. it's the first time in more than a year that officials from the two countries have held talks. a major issue for japan during the two days of talks is the place of at least a dozen of its citizens do it says were adopted by the dprk in the nineteen seventies and nineteen eighties to pass the dti kind don't have diplomatic relations. i held talks in twenty twelve during a brief warming all blogspot does and adopted the cpi cayenne or store opened in december of that dia. the two countries agreed to resume the talks on an informal gathering earlier this month between japanese and dprk foreign ministry officials in the northeastern chinese city of shenyang today talks are scheduled to end on monday. thailand senatorial election has begun at all polling stations in the seventy six provinces and in the capital bangkok the election is expected to fill the seats of election the senate since the sixty s to avoid spot on a monday the senate is comprised of one hundred and fifty seats this is the elected from each of the seventy six provinces and then call and the rest are appointed. a number of member rather the election committee said the vote count at all polling stations is expected to be completed by eight pm local time sunday. thailand has for the eggnog of the eligible but this out of a population of sixty seven million about one hundred thousand police officers were deployed to provide security at all polling units nationwide voting as the trial proceeded peacefully except for a bomb that exploded in the southern and not to want problems this morning. the bomb killed two policemen and injured three others. that was reportedly decimated by militants bought this for my sound system whether it was aimed directly at disrupting the. as the province's plagued with insurgent violence. ukraine's presidential election would not have just two main candidates competing for the office on saturday boxing champion turned politician that ali klitschko pulled out all my t's presidential poll and says he now supports a busy man and confectionery company on a tightrope or chicago. also known as the chocolate skating. cctv studio called to forty reports. the county could go and that's kolkata cinco. two men who played a leading role in the ukraine's popular uprising movement that led to the fabian real's of president speak to him in context. now join forces to create what titus ankle calls and new ukraine trainers for the tackle countries facing jake and the priests and challenges that require bear creek an efficient decisions to be taken. our country needs you need me. klitschko withdrew from the presidential race and announced he would instead run for mayor of the ukrainian capital kiev he now endorses the billionaire businessman who confirmed his candidacy laid on friday. several opinion polls already's the candidate clicks cuts as has the greatest support them on to people and the best chance to win. among all those running for the democratic platform. what a lot of pressure on the other pro bnp and pro democratic candidates to also withdrawn from the presidential race. forman prime minister yulia tymoshenko the most well known of the candidates and snow planet shakers main content it may feel this pressure. though she's expected to stage a strong campaign. she may also end up pulling out and uniting with qantas angle. may's elections are a crucial step for ukraine to resolve its worst political crisis in the years russia is trying to do it it was impossible to all this that the modification in ukraine and the books being needs to be. i'm permitted to is the year promises given by ukraine and the garments and ukrainian that this is too cute to pass all three forms and to keep the viewer in this moment the most important things to keep the election campaign. and the fear of due dates for the new annex on the hunt for the presidential election the main tent pitched in all fifteen candidates are expected to run for the presidency and ukrainians will have to decide who will lead the country. during one of the most critical moments of its history. during a crime to police cctv yet those who reject where the government has announced that registration for elections could open like that today. the higher election committee will meet to map out titles of the elect. it is shortly to choose a new president for the country. the book follows the ousting of former president mohammed was the last july. correspondent yes uh huh provokes of the challenges facing all parties as they prepare for the ballot registration for the elections is expected to open on sunday. the monthly to them and a sign of the challenges ahead. solve these challenges are logistical preparing voters' lists. polling stations campaigning regulations and volunteers. the high committee said it's now ready for the big day. he said to have that now. he added that creates the experience in that link since it is the city if we didn't pursue it was all be up to three years when applying to the egypt except audiences i'm practices. many addictions parliamentary elections of the congo. i undid his intention to make sense of security however is a tougher challenge. rather the demonstrations. violence in the streets and recent bombings pose a threat to the election process. what is the most committed as you know how would i talk to them we've seen an escalation in the last few days to appeal and write some of the dimensions of the real mail. unions will go down to who dislike the deed in the referendum and elections will be a success. icc who knew that the ouster of the brotherhood from our last july. resigned as defence minister had announced his candidacy this week. this was followed on friday by clashes with celtic eating the funny people including me and aunt ro eight twenty one year old june of this in cairo the brotherhood was blamed on apologies for the killings the ten year threatened to retaliate if it sees his bones. what i was about him at the zoo. i expect they would try anything. but honestly with the legal tools he says running the brotherhood was to resort to violence to stop the elections and the country's transition to guarantee maximum security authorities announced that the police force and the army will both be on high alert from now until the end of the elections. yes i keep or ccd the fire. the short time ago i spoke with the other correspondent in cairo at el morro he had he told us the has shown growing support for egyptian field marshall had built up the old ccs presidential campaign. an old son exclaimed the election committee will meet today as we already had to give its green light to the international office to oversee the elections. for most of the legal analysts or citizen's army. it is sort of the unknown and the two of the elections itself on with the stronger and speculations all indications in all polls are pointing toward just about the fact that it's easy to become agents of the next president. there is also strong candidate can be somebody in the race itself of but at the same time he doesn't seem to have the same popularity as the season goes on and so for many the elections are just about at night or procedures to move within a democratic framework and to give the power to the fact that since lethal force of the good folk of now the elections committee in its own press officer will be shared with all the help today. they will also give the green light for all international organizations that want to wonder if the elections to be present it also announced the details of this cancel all the elections. to which the expectations are on back to the new tarp also should and that by the fifth of june at the polls. when you've ever heard of something called take that still t e f f it's a growing mostly grown in the horn of africa as a key part of the ethiopians heritage and the crucial food staple. what's not gaining increased interest of boredom on health aficionado is seeking a nutritious gluten free alternative to wait and thomas cut that given them some much needed catch. a herd of cattle circles atop a pile of golden tan. we like rain which has been called to be in ethiopia for centuries until recently it was only known outside the country by visitors. ethiopian restaurants. but as nutritious alternative to week. now gaining increased interest abroad among health nuts diabetics and their suffering from clean intolerance. the tmp and have his own was considered a part of the national identity these days you can find some but the conditions for the fifth annual fourth of may. but the piece own touches people assume. this home and to keep his hands whole week was that it ties in all of you know part of the crop in contact with. it accounts for more than a quarter of cultivated land in ethiopia. with limited access to seed varieties fertilizers and modern machinery that would allow for higher yields ethiopia's six point five million thai farmers still struggle to meet local demand let alone the growing into national appetite. a ban on exports meant to stop prices increasing be on the means of desert home. this high farmers to local consumers and stole their potential to sell to foreign markets. i then had a duty of government that's. when he was out of it. as a team regardless it's gluten free cereal is being heralded as the next peak rates falling to the other superstar it is like in one in ethiopia. this judicial a ground into flour and yeast to make a flat bread called into a staple of ethiopian cuisine. now just a broader finding new ways to use the weather and veggie burgers or test crepes. it is the only gluten free which is increasingly important aspect of the fruits that that is being sought. it's also incredibly nutritious many people considered to be super fit. the abs national spotlight is shining on the grain goodness that ethiopians for millenia unless the export ban is lifted. the country's farmers were made on able to reap the economic benefits. we would be interesting to see and to taste test would not start the new cries of a gluten free cereal which my if the restrictions can be lifted to find its way to the rest of the world beyond ethiopia. well that's it for the suprise of cctv news but i was not truly been doing for my soon to be back to that of the next hour total delight to use including the current licence from the search for his off the speed of light into my line of work by saddam the thing. as you. and the books. henne has betrayed you. in the middle of the sport seats about forty years of age. ninety six to five. i am a sahm to two thousand i was going on fourteen if i made myself and i was fourteen i would try to sell. this of course that person today is the same spot on the slide. normally we're off to reinstate. well know everything about me cut it off long beach. no these guys could be disabled. when the prosecution. what really makes you with me interesting is the fact that these changes and you will be the same tomorrow so i try to get ryan to work into couldn't be that team to conduct a life changing. no goalie giving the deceased's the changing opinions of all things but also confronts the crew will last and in person. i believe this one c to twenty years becomes pope i am in talks to her. goal i can't do that. east. what is called the views the home it's no use to be seen in the inquest in another direction and in use them the same vintage. this morning. is there to see nature makes you in no way around. lucy. looking at the horizon and new year songs or something. you don't know what to do this. lauren to that side to the horizon and you don't know what it is too long for. i think this is a move by monday. it's a man who was longing for something he's only in a slump or something but he doesn't know what is wrong. aye aye the show. it's sunday night here in japan are welcome to this prestigious line political parties in ukraine have named their candidates for the presidential election of billionaire is beating the latest opinion poll. he supported the demonstrations that ousted pro russia present kennel cough which last month. the parties held meetings in a couple of years on saturday to choose their candidates for the may twenty fifth election. ukrainian democratic alliance for reforms or food or party said it will back the billionaire controlled portion call former

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Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia , Japan , Philippines , Australia , Germany , Shenyang , Liaoning , China , Kiev , Ukraine General , Ukraine , Congo , Beijing , Russia , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , South China Sea , Brunei General , Brunei , Ethiopia , Cairo , Al Qahirah , Egypt , Manila , Thailand , Netherlands , Bangkok , Krung Thep Mahanakhon , Kolkata , West Bengal , India , Chicago , Illinois , United States , Australian , Ukrainians , Chinese , Ethiopians , Egyptian , Thai , Ukrainian , German , Malaysian , Ethiopian , Japanese , Jimmy Heath , Indian Ocean , El Morro , Ali Klitschko , Yulia Tymoshenko ,

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Transcripts For KCSM CCTV News 20140330 :

Transcripts For KCSM CCTV News 20140330

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young. white voters go to the polls to elect of the house and that was disrupted by anti government protests. it would most likely force the ctv news a very warm welcome. at the top of the south chinese president hu jin ping has just arrived in brussels for a state visit to belgium the festival via chinese head of state to the country in twenty seven years. he plans to visit the headquarters of the european union in the city. belgium is the last leg of cheese for nation european trip for belgium he visited the netherlands prawns and gemini and attended the third nuclear security summit in the high during the visit to germany the chinese president said ties with the country will benefit from that time is for the reform and opening up that he believes that cooperation will bring about good results. he was addressing the reception and dusseldorf attended by business representatives from both countries. president she said economic and trade times acted as the driving force for elections he said china needed german quality and the gemini needed china's market and its creative development. the president plays the business representatives for their contributions to china's growing with germany and the eu. he said he expected more from an optimizing by natural trade stock is expanding this gut full cooperation. strengthening innovation using dog onto its own trade friction and shouldering more social responsibility. as part of a schedule president she coped with jem and psychologists teachers from confucius institutes benjamin student studying chinese. he's the main advertising expanded cultural exchanges to promote understanding. on saturday the president also watched a youth football match between a chinese have a gem and tamed and empowered more young chinese to take up the sport's leading has this report. promoting cultural exchanges between china and gemini constant changing. i think the participants for their contributions. he said that lost to re up a foreign land which helps a person appreciates the difference isn't difficult as it can also help cody evade collins and enmity towards other countries. the pistons had expended people to people exchanges can help eliminate prejudice to ole miss in the standings. it was to see the younger generation to carry on the friendship between china and germany employing chinese the chairman scientologists appreciate all the achievements the statistic time to do more to share its emissions i'm a little culture conditions to enable the load to the dentist and china at the olympic stadium but the only person she would have denied speaking to young chinese guy jimmy heath from the wolf's bad cough. twenty chinese of function bend county in north west china's zhang xi province. does being trained. jim and coaches including cdp in college and the celtics uncle ah they don't put on those in china he said he hopes more chinese blog events themselves to the sport the cctv . very happy event there and don't send them a president she met with the german president joke and all have the chops on a medical to discuss strengthening trade ties and china's take on global affairs. some one hundred and fifty chinese business executives are also traveling with she's in pain and i signed several deals with german company is the son of a thriving relationship between two of the world's top exporter is cctv costs for the center gap and has that story. it was no surprise that president exceeding he received a ceremony is welcome in germany has a rival marking the first visit by a chinese president in eight years talks on to map out the future of china and germany is already enhanced strategic partnership over the next ten years the number of lucrative deals between german and chinese carmakers for stocks as the city spends some time to time that ended one point four billion dollar deal to expand production in china spike and also signed the answers as part of plans to invest more than twenty five billion dollars in spring two thousand a team effort today was already soaring sales. the disco was for volkswagen china isn't very big market. we have twenty five percent of the chinese market share. car sales in china are just starting to grow the european market settled in china's market is on the rights that so often highly anticipated speech president she also explained in china's position on territorial claims that it intends to safeguard. it has been so calm south china sea we've enough stir up trouble however we're not afraid of trial. of course but we must defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity. first i had sammy has often been seen as the gateway to europe especially economically which is why it's only fitting that presidency continues his european tour from germany to brussels where he'll hold to strengthen its china's relationship with the rest of the european union. some forgotten cctv prelims. not to be places on the missing malaysia airlines flight mh forty seven c of that screen twenty three days since the beijing bound plane vanished mysteriously up to taking off from kuala lumpur but this still no explanation as to where it went and why. a chinese family members of the passages arrived in kuala lumpur on sunday. rival the members that said they will not reject the media would speak to reporters as a unified why they're expected to press malaysian officials in person the more the titles on the investigation as well as the evidence as to how they came to the conclusion that the plane crashed in the southern indian ocean two thirds of the two hundred and twenty seven passages on the boeing triple seven with chinese and their relatives have expressed frustrated with relational parties since the plane went missing the engine is unknown or in the coming days. hope we can highly december talks was a technical personnel involved in this age but many fear and lies and the malays in government. during these meetings we hope we can hear him or the people it's always sad to say it was possibly due to lack in the press conference season to eighteen and an australian naval ship loaded with a black box that acta is set to join today's search for the missing relationships. the detector consists of the us navy's tired thing i like ice time and on and on the water vehicle as well as other acoustic detection equipment but like i say uses acoustic signals to track down the black box flight recorder with a maximum depth of six thousand leases. it could be mindful in finding the blackhawks before it signaled the lions the robotic underwater vehicle can scan the ocean's depths to detect underwater wreckage they can produce high resolution imagery of the ocean full of the depth of up to for the hop thousand leases and operate for twenty five hours. so i get some more on the story because of relational thought jesus top of their daily briefings to the family members all passages the family members are openly the hotel here in beijing and that we can get a mole from our report will show up thanks for joining us of what's to come and tell us about the nice thing to die and what kind of questions to the family's oscillation size when you get going with out getting creepy looking very likely we'll be at the park that belichick team and fans the channel began working to get in the hurricane rescue operation. i can pass. both are searching for a bit over on the way. jake got his due date and have been confirmed not really think your damage treat them any doping during eid. anyone that you anti fascist nothing can remember to ask questions during a briefing. usually there are some of the kids today to attend a tea. the first forty minutes for it. the main and chew it could change the region to the lp for the project will cater to be there on the aircraft. she kept a wife or he'll keep getting kicked up the canal and entered water. i feel when melted cheese together to ensure that you get to know whether the prior week's top and begin to know they're there. i'm like are the light you can repeat the couch from them. anything to get the chance to bring christian duty to teach ap mike to check with the yellow keep the client or it could check if there was a gimmick intervention on them. well that could change from the recap equal to the rate that she was an expert should be plenty of pictures to come he did and i think every kid getting buried deep into the cooking. i think tanner to make peachy keen in china who are not keen on going at a refueling. she had every hope that freaking can start time eight am in the morning that they don't have to wait too long to reach enough people to want don't want to get match fit in helping him get much in my chair working interest. he questioned. that made it back to sleep. for sheer thank you very much indeed of a wushu who is happily the hotel in beijing they're watching cctv use of the ride back with more stories up to the store right fan the work the net. china's foreign ministry says the country would never allow the philippines in any form too occupied with ivory off charges that john and his spokesman on why it was commenting on the philippines said the supply ship with kim was on board to be revived wreath on the seven i always said manila intended to hike up the south china sea issue to bolster its attempt to illegally scenes when i read he said the move cannot change the fact that china holds sovereignty of the match items which includes a red eye. he stressed that china would never allow the philippines to undermine the two thousand and two declaration on the conduct of parties in the south china sea between china and as iam in the country is. in nineteen ninety nine the philippine war ship ran aground in red ivory. the lara has refused to tell him what he has in a recent statement claims the warship was put there to serve as a permanent installation. the philippines has repeatedly attempted to deliver construction materials to build on the reef to intensify and expand its military presence the dprk engine hasn't started high level government hopes that the dprk and the city of ageing. it's the first time in more than a year that officials from the two countries have held talks. a major issue for japan during the two days of talks is the place of at least a dozen of its citizens do it says were adopted by the dprk in the nineteen seventies and nineteen eighties to pass the dti kind don't have diplomatic relations. i held talks in twenty twelve during a brief warming all blogspot does and adopted the cpi cayenne or store opened in december of that dia. the two countries agreed to resume the talks on an informal gathering earlier this month between japanese and dprk foreign ministry officials in the northeastern chinese city of shenyang today talks are scheduled to end on monday. thailand senatorial election has begun at all polling stations in the seventy six provinces and in the capital bangkok the election is expected to fill the seats of election the senate since the sixty s to avoid spot on a monday the senate is comprised of one hundred and fifty seats this is the elected from each of the seventy six provinces and then call and the rest are appointed. a number of member rather the election committee said the vote count at all polling stations is expected to be completed by eight pm local time sunday. thailand has for the eggnog of the eligible but this out of a population of sixty seven million about one hundred thousand police officers were deployed to provide security at all polling units nationwide voting as the trial proceeded peacefully except for a bomb that exploded in the southern and not to want problems this morning. the bomb killed two policemen and injured three others. that was reportedly decimated by militants bought this for my sound system whether it was aimed directly at disrupting the. as the province's plagued with insurgent violence. ukraine's presidential election would not have just two main candidates competing for the office on saturday boxing champion turned politician that ali klitschko pulled out all my t's presidential poll and says he now supports a busy man and confectionery company on a tightrope or chicago. also known as the chocolate skating. cctv studio called to forty reports. the county could go and that's kolkata cinco. two men who played a leading role in the ukraine's popular uprising movement that led to the fabian real's of president speak to him in context. now join forces to create what titus ankle calls and new ukraine trainers for the tackle countries facing jake and the priests and challenges that require bear creek an efficient decisions to be taken. our country needs you need me. klitschko withdrew from the presidential race and announced he would instead run for mayor of the ukrainian capital kiev he now endorses the billionaire businessman who confirmed his candidacy laid on friday. several opinion polls already's the candidate clicks cuts as has the greatest support them on to people and the best chance to win. among all those running for the democratic platform. what a lot of pressure on the other pro bnp and pro democratic candidates to also withdrawn from the presidential race. forman prime minister yulia tymoshenko the most well known of the candidates and snow planet shakers main content it may feel this pressure. though she's expected to stage a strong campaign. she may also end up pulling out and uniting with qantas angle. may's elections are a crucial step for ukraine to resolve its worst political crisis in the years russia is trying to do it it was impossible to all this that the modification in ukraine and the books being needs to be. i'm permitted to is the year promises given by ukraine and the garments and ukrainian that this is too cute to pass all three forms and to keep the viewer in this moment the most important things to keep the election campaign. and the fear of due dates for the new annex on the hunt for the presidential election the main tent pitched in all fifteen candidates are expected to run for the presidency and ukrainians will have to decide who will lead the country. during one of the most critical moments of its history. during a crime to police cctv yet those who reject where the government has announced that registration for elections could open like that today. the higher election committee will meet to map out titles of the elect. it is shortly to choose a new president for the country. the book follows the ousting of former president mohammed was the last july. correspondent yes uh huh provokes of the challenges facing all parties as they prepare for the ballot registration for the elections is expected to open on sunday. the monthly to them and a sign of the challenges ahead. solve these challenges are logistical preparing voters' lists. polling stations campaigning regulations and volunteers. the high committee said it's now ready for the big day. he said to have that now. he added that creates the experience in that link since it is the city if we didn't pursue it was all be up to three years when applying to the egypt except audiences i'm practices. many addictions parliamentary elections of the congo. i undid his intention to make sense of security however is a tougher challenge. rather the demonstrations. violence in the streets and recent bombings pose a threat to the election process. what is the most committed as you know how would i talk to them we've seen an escalation in the last few days to appeal and write some of the dimensions of the real mail. unions will go down to who dislike the deed in the referendum and elections will be a success. icc who knew that the ouster of the brotherhood from our last july. resigned as defence minister had announced his candidacy this week. this was followed on friday by clashes with celtic eating the funny people including me and aunt ro eight twenty one year old june of this in cairo the brotherhood was blamed on apologies for the killings the ten year threatened to retaliate if it sees his bones. what i was about him at the zoo. i expect they would try anything. but honestly with the legal tools he says running the brotherhood was to resort to violence to stop the elections and the country's transition to guarantee maximum security authorities announced that the police force and the army will both be on high alert from now until the end of the elections. yes i keep or ccd the fire. the short time ago i spoke with the other correspondent in cairo at el morro he had he told us the has shown growing support for egyptian field marshall had built up the old ccs presidential campaign. an old son exclaimed the election committee will meet today as we already had to give its green light to the international office to oversee the elections. for most of the legal analysts or citizen's army. it is sort of the unknown and the two of the elections itself on with the stronger and speculations all indications in all polls are pointing toward just about the fact that it's easy to become agents of the next president. there is also strong candidate can be somebody in the race itself of but at the same time he doesn't seem to have the same popularity as the season goes on and so for many the elections are just about at night or procedures to move within a democratic framework and to give the power to the fact that since lethal force of the good folk of now the elections committee in its own press officer will be shared with all the help today. they will also give the green light for all international organizations that want to wonder if the elections to be present it also announced the details of this cancel all the elections. to which the expectations are on back to the new tarp also should and that by the fifth of june at the polls. when you've ever heard of something called take that still t e f f it's a growing mostly grown in the horn of africa as a key part of the ethiopians heritage and the crucial food staple. what's not gaining increased interest of boredom on health aficionado is seeking a nutritious gluten free alternative to wait and thomas cut that given them some much needed catch. a herd of cattle circles atop a pile of golden tan. we like rain which has been called to be in ethiopia for centuries until recently it was only known outside the country by visitors. ethiopian restaurants. but as nutritious alternative to week. now gaining increased interest abroad among health nuts diabetics and their suffering from clean intolerance. the tmp and have his own was considered a part of the national identity these days you can find some but the conditions for the fifth annual fourth of may. but the piece own touches people assume. this home and to keep his hands whole week was that it ties in all of you know part of the crop in contact with. it accounts for more than a quarter of cultivated land in ethiopia. with limited access to seed varieties fertilizers and modern machinery that would allow for higher yields ethiopia's six point five million thai farmers still struggle to meet local demand let alone the growing into national appetite. a ban on exports meant to stop prices increasing be on the means of desert home. this high farmers to local consumers and stole their potential to sell to foreign markets. i then had a duty of government that's. when he was out of it. as a team regardless it's gluten free cereal is being heralded as the next peak rates falling to the other superstar it is like in one in ethiopia. this judicial a ground into flour and yeast to make a flat bread called into a staple of ethiopian cuisine. now just a broader finding new ways to use the weather and veggie burgers or test crepes. it is the only gluten free which is increasingly important aspect of the fruits that that is being sought. it's also incredibly nutritious many people considered to be super fit. the abs national spotlight is shining on the grain goodness that ethiopians for millenia unless the export ban is lifted. the country's farmers were made on able to reap the economic benefits. we would be interesting to see and to taste test would not start the new cries of a gluten free cereal which my if the restrictions can be lifted to find its way to the rest of the world beyond ethiopia. well that's it for the suprise of cctv news but i was not truly been doing for my soon to be back to that of the next hour total delight to use including the current licence from the search for his off the speed of light into my line of work by saddam the thing. as you. and the books. henne has betrayed you. in the middle of the sport seats about forty years of age. ninety six to five. i am a sahm to two thousand i was going on fourteen if i made myself and i was fourteen i would try to sell. this of course that person today is the same spot on the slide. normally we're off to reinstate. well know everything about me cut it off long beach. no these guys could be disabled. when the prosecution. what really makes you with me interesting is the fact that these changes and you will be the same tomorrow so i try to get ryan to work into couldn't be that team to conduct a life changing. no goalie giving the deceased's the changing opinions of all things but also confronts the crew will last and in person. i believe this one c to twenty years becomes pope i am in talks to her. goal i can't do that. east. what is called the views the home it's no use to be seen in the inquest in another direction and in use them the same vintage. this morning. is there to see nature makes you in no way around. lucy. looking at the horizon and new year songs or something. you don't know what to do this. lauren to that side to the horizon and you don't know what it is too long for. i think this is a move by monday. it's a man who was longing for something he's only in a slump or something but he doesn't know what is wrong. aye aye the show. it's sunday night here in japan are welcome to this prestigious line political parties in ukraine have named their candidates for the presidential election of billionaire is beating the latest opinion poll. he supported the demonstrations that ousted pro russia present kennel cough which last month. the parties held meetings in a couple of years on saturday to choose their candidates for the may twenty fifth election. ukrainian democratic alliance for reforms or food or party said it will back the billionaire controlled portion call former

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