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Cctv jackpot on reports from here the law. The air. It was known to most defining moment of ukraines Political Trends formation but it was among the most simple. President democrat art rival former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko said three and sentenced a jet ski is Independence Square. When they arrived and he and i didnt make it nice and perky it cools. Eric leaves flowers this is a different ukraine this is the ukraine of three people and you have given this country to each and all of us. Those who are living today and those who will win tomorrow. That is why people who are on my dime who perished on my dime. Our heroes forever. They are our liberty. Evil. Ukraines Parliament Approves of release and voted to remove president janet could be thrown out as well as setting the election for the twenty fifth of may. This drew a defiant response from Victor Yanukovich who insisted he would need to leave the country will resign. Is this is this. Im not going to leave the country. Im not going to resign on the legitimately elected president of the given current east bible the International Mediators whom i worked that given the security counties. Ill see how theyre going to play this part. Everything that is taking place today is to a large extent vandalism and then the tree and a state school. Ukrainians openly to a gimmick or beaches home on saturday off to the demonstrators so called self defense motions to full control of the capital. But the joy of victory was tempered by the lives lost security. Phenomenal. I did during the winter months girls take it good to be a Police Sniper is the j c is paraded before the moments and is lucky to escape with his life. Highlighting the tensions that were made in ukraine and the needful this country can now find me in nineteen eighty. And speaks for all citizens and heal the wounds that still deeply divide this nation as a judge of the season the key will the whereabouts of the ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich for my names punk liao die off the heat of the capital and is on food. Yulia tymoshenko was freed from prison and returned to kiev. Then you cover to left kiev on seven i and denounced what he described as the two following several days of much of last week that claimed a seat in lives residents in the eastern town of donetsk his stronghold said security had been reinforced. Along the main road to his private home in the town suggesting he might be there. Meanwhile the head of Ukraines Armed forces says in a statement the ami one get involved in the political crisis and almost relieved as well act in accordance with the constitution so we can find out whats happening in kiev at this hour were joined by our correspondent rory run smoother. I will conroy thanks apple being with us. So in sydney has been a tumultuous time these last hours. Whats happening there in the capital kiev and the rest of the country tonight well behind me i would just overlooking the mighty done the Independence Square there is a large formation of people there are still a consistent turnout from the protesters and of course the lid tymoshenko the street former Prime Minister and Opposition Leader encouraged them to stay here and continue in their fight and uneven still here and were expecting out lots more here in the coming hours. We understand from Ukrainian Television of acts of euro might don the group that was in charge now of these protests have detained two policemen thinks they were involved but the end of the shootings of the protesters on thursday unconfirmed reports of bad people saying they now need to be brought to trial at of course a lot of uncertainty or dimensions of the questions about the whereabouts of yanukovich we know that he delivered a Message Broadcast on television on saturday night that arent clear aware that message was recorded theres been no reports of seeing him going in to tv studio for example but his aides said he was in a cottage cheese because depending on how you pronounce it in Eastern Ukraine with the authorities largely supportive but now theres lots of questions that need to be answered and the road uncertainty of the road ahead is deftly uncertain. Once memorial for the countrys fresh wounds locals bring flowers and candles to a square and kiev to remember those who died in this weeks unprecedented confrontation. Looking back but also looking to head the resistance on the money is being taken abroad my alley cats. So i was on the south front of the team but the future is uncertain just days ago victory on a call that drool from his president ial compound to the compound hes now left with this phelps and his son with her resignation the protest is in the market down with them on the second option is to become the leader of the cup to protest but was now stasi think ill call him peace in the ring. Protesters unique yet wanted to get a cough it out. They may have succeeded what next. It was the lead up to this the mind and purchased is a very vague idea of what to do next. They want to see change they want a mole on his authority on the mall on a system thats an improvement in quality of life that they dont know how to achieve this. Which makes the situation quite tricky the Political Landscape is changing and the opposition them fell apart when i needed it to the parties will try to claim the momentum of the protesters but keeping them hopeful will prove a challenge. Most people are trying to stay optimistic. I believe the ukraine has every prospect. It was possible the cats. We are very hard weekend people. There is corruption that there must be to wait out this way. Alex gets that which way is still anyones guess. Rory is to witness to our correspondent brian ross and the robbery of his industry was knitted in which white out is anybodys guess as you can put it there it is how people must be feeling at the mind isnt someone so weve also been hearing even when youre the tymoshenko out returns to the center of kiev and that we would chat. She didnt actually gets a unanimous support from everybody was there. So what can we expect in the coming nights. Indeed in their work hecklers. I bet some of whom booed during her speech. She was a former Prime Minister and there are people who simply dont like or a one protester told us of that he will stay in them id done in Independence Square but not knots for duty a season during the referred to here and youll stay there because it is the right thing to do many people simply dont want to see a change of faces they want to see a change in the system at the very important a distinct scent of making here. I hate to make predictions of them because they hadnt spoken and we spoke twenty four hours ago had you asked me if we were seeing eye due to missing toe on the stage here in the mind on a saturday night. Its a wasnt something was really quite unimaginable site hate to say what the next twenty four hours or bring except for upping the certainties one the parliament is meeting at this moment it is this sunday is an Orthodox Christian country but the parliament is convening of me expects some of the Opposition Leaders here in the square at about midday as they normally do on sunday we could also expect an increase in confrontations in Eastern Ukraine as we saw develop on saturday. Largely because that is a stronghold of chemical that his party is called the party of regions and that if the specific reference to those of south eastern regions which support him some of them flying soviet era flags a talking finally about to ukraines connection to russia but not really an indication of a Secessionist Movement of the splits but perhaps an indication of of the us the fractured state that may lie ahead for ukraine and of course remember that you owe it to tymoshenko is no free but she holds no official of roles he is a former Prime Minister. Oh well what will likely see of her party be the head of the opposition now the majority of the parliament of trying to reinstate or somehow and try to give or some type of brawn of course the party talking about preparation of preparations for those elections and we may of course i hear more from the article that in the coming twenty four hours mike thank you very much from each pool advance to a comprehensive update from me about correspondent brian ross and birds. And there are a mention of course the rush of reacting will russia has expressed its serious concern over the idea of ukraines opposition to carry out its side of a peace deal intended to end the National Political crisis. Russian foreign minister sergei the froth telephoned his german french and polish counterparts. He appealed to them to use their influence to push ukraines opposition to comply according to the website of Russias Foreign Ministry the probable cyrus as alms expound extremists and ys is on influencing the opposition to make knew them on as he says these actions pose a direct threat to you crying sovereignty and constitutional order. Foreign ministers from gemini france and poland agreed to take additional measures to guarantee the implementation of a done deal. They brokered the deal signed between the government and opposition on friday. Calls for a promise of early elections and returned to ukraines two thousand and four constitution which unlimited president ial powers. The eu ministers signed a deal as witnesses but the russian envoy been poisoned and want to rush has been sighing meanwhile the us treasury secretary jack lew says the United States is ready to work with russia and other countries what he called restoring democracy in ukraine. The remarks followed a meeting between new and his russian counterpart and taunts of the on off on the sidelines of a group of twenty meeting in sydney. You said the us is ready to assist you crying. As it implements reforms to restore economic stability and growth youre watching cctv news will have all stories for you very shortly. Fan. It was windy. The position. Its just that. The alarm in him rule was. I know. Such culture extends. The war the eye. Welcome back to watching cctv news coming here from beijing. And there were focusing on thailand where the ruling coffee the cuts hyun has accused the Anti Government Peoples Democratic Reform Committee a planning to overthrow the Caretaker Administration of being auctioned a loss by the middle of april. Is it really starts person and so on is the ma and warned the plan would create a political vacuum and lead to violent confrontations between supporters of both sides. Also on sunday four thousand members of the prior government Red Shirt Movement on the scene in the city often knock on much to see not. Theyve traveled from around the nation to develop a plan to count of the pc os these plants it to staunch the Blood Administration the United Nations Security Council has given a unanimous yes to a resolution on for what access off humanitarian aid the war told syria the three a long while and since area. The skilled well as the one hundred thousand people and driven nine million more from their homes cctv can spell one expired the draft resolution has been adopted unanimously the resolution aims to ease the suffering of the syrian people. After three years of brutal civil war. No more to me or am on the profiling and our own desperation of this union people. If this resolution is implemented picky and in good faith and uses some of the suffering and the east. The resolution calls for unhindered access for un humanitarian agencies the militarization of hospitals schools and other civilian facilities and condemns the rise of Al Qaeda Affiliated Terrorists Council members and why the un membership must themselves do what they can to pressure the syrian authorities in the opposition groups to implement it the reservation is made very clear the councils expectations that its the moms will be missed. And that they will be consequences for non compliance the resolution calls for quote further steps in either the government or the opposition fails to comply but does not detail what those steps maybe Security Council permanent members china and russia vetoed three previous un resolutions that condemned the Syrian Government and called for sanctions would join this resolution which blames both the Syrian Government and the opposition for the humanitarian crisis chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman tim gunn said. We support the International Community to uphold the principle of neutrality and justice. The un will issue a Progress Report every thirty days to live the Syrian Government for the opposition is found to be non compliant with the resolution the Security Council will decide what further steps if any may be appropriate. Jim stalin cctv washington. Second group of South Koreans has met with a long lost relatives in the dprk at the countrys kong on the Mountain Hotel with a stripper turned to the south on saturday. Three hundred and fifty seven South Koreans made their way into the dprk the audio on sunday morning for the three day reunion with their relatives up to being separated for six decades. During the three days there will be six meetings between families from both sides then being allowed to spend a total of eleven hours to get out the government sponsored family reunions of the first in more than three years south korea says the visits are a sign of improving relations between the two countries and is expecting they will play the way for high level talks in the future. The dprk state media also declared the loft is empty is at the reunions show there was a need to improve ties with south korea and to expand dialogue and cooperation. Afghan president ahmed cause i a has postponed a planned visit to sri lanka and condemned the killing of nineteen Afghan Soldiers by that tell about. The attack because as an Army Checkpoint in the Eastern Province of hunan in the early hours of sunday. The government confirmed that six soldiers had also gone missing since the attack. The afghan army has sent Additional Forces into the mountainous area near the border with pakistan which is known as a of an off day. Im still in afghanistan the taliban has suspended talks on a possible Prisoner Exchange with the us the militant group said it called off the colts beat and definitely use of the complexity of the situation in afghanistan the us recently took steps to revive Prisoner Exchange talks with the taliban. They propose swapping five taliban detainees in guantanamo in exchange for the return of baba got the big guy hell become a us soldier who went missing in afghanistan in two thousand and nine and is believed to be held by a taliban like medicines in northwest caucus on. Fan. I eye. The show he means business. The it seems the refusal of sport the only only. Were about to wrap up the sochi Winter Olympics and as the wrapping up the is just a matter of hours away we take a look back to chinas performance among the team was missing its biggest Winter Olympics are one month. It was still able to win three gold medals the victim bios reports with the absence of chinas most decorated Winter League team ever while mom was on clear he would lead the charge for chinas olympic squad. Any would be a trio of ladies as the general chilling on the john holmes found themselves on top of the podium in sochi. An impressive effort for a nation that only competes in a core number of winter events. We have finished our test compared to do as winter games in we managed to secure a killer matters but as the delegation a thing or we headed to a performance especially in some sports where we didnt get him out of the week did show improvement and were very satisfied. And they were extremely satisfied. In short track speedskating. Managed two gold medals and six over two thirds of chinas coal are you. Many difficulties no matter what happens ill even tell teens. Our beliefs our theory the whole team supporting each other. That is the sweet sounds. China is also satisfied that their bid for the twenty twenty two winter games. The thinking is that Successful Campaign can act as a catalyst of the middle kingdom to become a more established olympic winter power similar to russia. And their time in russia has also provided the chinese delegation with a partial blueprint for their bit. I think what is anas as the waves and sushi set is very beginning. Sports news sports is not too far and appear to relate to get there after the olympics do will speed up the basic bottom and up the cd a thing and theyre very smart and i think china should consider this. Such i believe so too with three gold medals and nine total but the still of the closing ceremonies to take care of any athlete to meet the needs of that stadium will be the old shell home. Despite not winning a medal here tuesday by the chinese delegation to be the athlete that had the most olympic spirit. Overcoming a knee injury and still performing here at the olympics. Peter bayliss cctv sochi. The danes have no cream without some controversy the Austrian Olympic Committee says the Cross Country ski area has jia has been suspended on the testing positive for performance enhancing drugs it is the fifth dumping case of the olympics and the first involving the blood boosting drug epo. Your openness to take that in the mens ski after a long and though that was on every the ninth and was tested seven days like that in austria. He was due to compete in the fifty kilometer mass start on sunday the final event of the Cross Country competition the Committee Said that the athletes had been dropped from the scene and sent home it is the first serious stepping offense reported during the games. The drive is used to freeze ray and blood cells that carry oxygen to the muscles increasing stamina and did you its the four other cases at the games involve minors stimulants they can be found in food supplements. So everybodys wondering how it used to reason if you know chore what im talking about thats the name of chinas lunar rover. Along with the china prior visits the incident said the plans goal and see about technical problems that could cripple the right to remain on the sole official site you choose raid on panoramic camera and Imaging Equipment the functioning and tidy and use it had carried out scheduled signs of the cultivation is before this moon night so that scientists havent fixed the control problems that have been troubling the six wheeled vehicle since late january. The moon rise i landed on the moon in the middle of december and was expected to operate for three months. The chinese Nobel Laureates have won more yet has undone by his pen name mori and has visited turkey as part of the governments one hundred chinese intellectuals project cctv is me how to buy david reports from assemble the guest of turkeys one hundred chinese intellectuals program. Chinas noble prize winner in each picture going on lamented the lack of turkish fleet age are translated into chinese. He called on the governments of both countries to translate morning terry works into each others languages. Marianna spent five days of his week long tour here in istanbul where he visited the top of the palace and the sultan ahmed mosque. Turkish president abdullah killer welcomed into the Capital Raising his contribution to world literature. Praise be to emphasize that turkey china has strong ties the one hundred chinese intelligence project was part of the two thousand and thirteen turkish culture here in china and brought many chinese writers journalists and intellectuals here to turkey. As the one hundred chinese intellectuals project comes to an end in turkish culture and tourism minister emphasized the importance of the project for turkey. In the uk. Were doing everything we can see from all turkey and china as a ministry we care very much the chinese intellectuals capital turkey. For that reason a world we know mine are more youngsters that its very important for us. During his meeting with culture minister. Im actually more yun stressed his fondness of turkey turkeys a country that produced europe and asia it may be too graphically the stunt from us but it is close to la paz. After visiting turkeys world we know the museum the aya sofia molly on call duty. Well maybe documents from the past as local clients to make a personal contribution to the improvement of cultural ties between china and turkey he said he would use the isp as the main venue in one of his future books the highlight of the cctv is campbell and thats it for the suprise of cctv news the weather is coming up next another recall of mine come along. Over the next hour taking the nairobi for today the line. Alcohol induced the next day i met with not quite yet the new. Lulu. Eye all the eye. It is. I will cz he will know who will. Do you. The disclosed. This recollection. We attempt to find the answers. Ideal to enjoy your weekend is here on aged care will punch him stand on it so to welcome two new slide. Finance ministers and Central Bank Chiefs of the group of twenty nations have wrapped up their two day meeting in sydney with a statement. They adopted a target of adding at least two percent growth over five years. We committed to implementing policies that time to lift the filly tv gdp by more than two percent above that huge atrium lot like our policies

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