Nation dot com today and sign up now for Fox Nation opinion done right now Shepard Smith There are so many streams of information coming Some are designed to distract you and to mislead you when news is breaking you have to slow down we have to begin with what's most important I'm here to find out what happened to report it without fear or favor in context and perspective and to be honest brutally honest about every bit of we work endless hours to make sure that we deliver to you is fact it's a fact Shepard Smith on Fox News Channel real news real honest opinion. The Windy City now is considered the most corrupt city in America Fox is my Toben Alderman Ed Burke a 50 year veteran of city council arguably one of the most powerful city councilman in the nation was charged federally with attempted extortion this past Tuesday he was reelected Chicago Tribune columnist John Kass says no one should be surprised that the City of Big Shoulders edged out Los Angeles for having the most public corruption cases of any city in America let's ship rising is that we keep taking and we keep what the same people and it's like. Police are punch me in the mouth again but the University of Illinois at Chicago did a study totaling convictions from 1976 to 2017 determining that 1731 public officials in Chicago were found guilty the state in fair much better Illinois is the 3rd most corrupt state at the movies a repeat winner How to Train Your Dragon the hidden world has topped the weekend box office for the 2nd week but. Beyond the age of the one place the whole of the back of. A close 2nd is Tyler Perry's final installment of the Medea franchise it's called the Medea family funeral at knows about funerals out of there and a lot of the a lot of them. 3rd place the lead out battle angel Lego Movie 2. It was an forth coming in 5th best picture winner green book it got a post Oscar bump Fox News Former President Bill Clinton is taking meetings with some Democrats running for the White House in a sign of how things have changed most of the campaign's early front runners are staying away as are the female candidates in a historically diverse field the Democratic party has shifted considerably to the left since Clinton's 2 terms in the White House Clinton's personal baggage also making things a bit awkward for sob I-Man character and this is Fox News. Lately it seems like everything we use every day is getting an upgrade from the bed we sleep in to the razor we use when we wake up but we've neglected one of the more important products in our daily routine that old worn out tooth brush I'm Simon and of and I'm a product designer after I learned how important brushing teeth is to overall health I worked with a dentist a crypt better electric tooth brush that makes brushing most simple affordable and surprisingly enjoyable quip has sensitive sunny vibrations that a gentle on your gums and a built in time of the pulses to guide you around your mouth all packed into a beautifully slim and dies aluminum design we also to live afresh brush heads on a dentist recommended schedule for just $5.00 with free shipping backed by thousands of dentists quip is one of the 1st electric toothbrushes accepted by the American Dental Association upgrade and stop brushing Besa with quit which starts at $25.00 and is guaranteed for life with a refill plan sign up now a good quick dot com slash save and you'll get your 1st refill tax free with a quick electric toothbrush plan that's your 1st refill pack free at g e t Q u.i.p. Dot com slash save. And. M m m m m m m m m m. M m m m m. M m m m m m m m. M m m m. M m m m m m m m m m m. M m m. M. M m from the City of Angels near the Pacific Ocean Good morning good evening wherever you may be across the nation around the world I'm George Norry walk into coast to coast am a virgin artist for the 1st couple hours tonight bumper music later tonight why prayers work here's what's happening sad news has passed coast to coast just to list it Dr Robin Falco has passed away she was battling cancer for several years we just received word on that late today sad story Robin of course was the significant other of Richard Hoagland and he truly misses her deeply. At least 23 people have been confirmed dead and many many injured when an apparent large tornado destroyed several homes on a southeast Alabama community Sunday a leak County Sheriff Jay Jones says that children are among the dead he says it's possible the death toll will continue to rise authorities are pausing the search overnight because conditions are just way too dangerous in the dark due to massive amounts of debris this thing just hit like a bomb. Major winter storm on its way to bring heavy snow from the Midwest into the northeast it's going to be a rough couple days this week for them the House Judiciary Kimmitt committee will seek documents from more than 60 people and organizations as it begins investigations into possible obstruction of justice and abuse of power by President Trump will see what they come up with that so-called Momo suicide challenge is apparently back in the spotlight despite being widely branded as an elaborate hoax Momo garnered a global attention last year after it allegedly started spreading what's app players were reportedly urged to commit self harm and even suicide prompting police warnings Howard the game has since been regarded as a legend the challenge free circulated in the news this week after some parents in the United Kingdom claimed to find the eerie character back on whatsapp again and hidden in some animated videos on social media Howard Luma author of The Global Brain with us Howard you did some research for you for us into this what the heck is this Momo thing well 1st of all it is allegedly guides kids through a series of challenges that end in suicide now what do I say allegedly You just mentioned that a lot of people are saying it's a hoax and that is the big question we discuss this in September 2018 that was just 5 months ago and when word of the most of the side challenge went global It appeared in Europe England South America the Philippines and even in India then the most suicide challenge panic went away but the new mobile hoax challenge warning appeared on Tuesday of this week as you said In England it spread like wildfire Wednesday that where there is on Wednesday when it was spreading by late Thursday it had been debunked as a hoax The Atlantic magazine traces the scare to Tuesday afternoon when it says that a Twitter user going by the name of Wanda Maxim off whipped out her iphone and posted a terrifying message to parents. Warning Please read this is real Maximov explains that there is a thing called Momo that's instructing kids to kill themselves Maximov tweeted to screenshot of a Facebook post that screams in capital letters inform everyone you can get to news the Atlantic by midday Thursday Maximus police have no retreated more than 22000 times she concurred Ashjian had even posted a warning about the so-called Momo challenge to her 129000000 Instagram followers allegedly the new Momo suicide challenge was popping up on You Tube videos aimed at kids but You Tube has amazing search capabilities after all it is owned by Google on those the stunning search providers on the planet You Tube says it use that gargantuan search capability and it found nothing the Momo suicide challenge was not hidden on any of you tubes recent videos not of on You Tube posted this on Thursday quote We want to clear something up regarding the Momo challenge we've seen no recent evidence of videos promoting the more challenge on You Tube videos encouraging harmful and dangerous challenges are against our policies close quote So here's the question why do hoaxes like the 2 most suicide scares go global Why do they go viral we are drawn to good scares and if we are parents we fear losing our children but we will lose them someday why they will grow up so there is good cause for insecurity to give us even more cause for alarm our teenagers have just hit the reality testing phase of life they need to discover the limits of their powers they need to take risks and do outrageous things their adventures frighten us we fear losing our teens a something that will harm them to themselves teenagers are independent beings but to you and me our teens are still children look way back in 1970 I interviewed 16 New York high school kids for an article on drugs and sex in the private schools of New York one thing became obvious teenagers put an impenetrable roof over what they are doing a roof of absolute secret. In fact kids work hard to keep their deeds invisible to all adults but I wasn't introduced to these kids by adults I was introduced by other kids told me the things they hid from their parents an awful lot of what they were up to would have left their parents struck and or fired nonetheless these kids grew up to be responsible caring adults blindfold the teenagers create the full us parents make us susceptible to panic the always have this an easy feeling of something dangerous might be going on and indeed it might so that's why phony panics like the moment suicide challenge take hold there are manifestations of our worst night and you have to take it seriously Howard you do absolutely ours Web site Howard Blume b l o o m dot net Thanks Howard need a little pick me up about a park me up that's right a study by researchers at the University of Alabama Birmingham finds that spending 20 minutes in a park or green space makes the average person happier What's more it doesn't matter whether you're sitting on a bench or playing around with a Frisbee the boost of happiness occurred whether an individual engaged in physical activity or not just by being out there in the park just remember that as we reported last week Amazon is planning to open its own grocery stores across the United States at a lower price point the Whole Foods the company is planning don't win dozens of the stores according to The Wall Street Journal with the 1st $1.00 opening in Los Angeles is early as the end of this year Lauren Weinstein our expert on the internet I thought I'd bring in on this one Lauren what is Amazon up to they want everything yeah before I get into that I just want to say one thing about this the so-called suicide challenge Momo here because I've been looking into that myself also and I agree I can't find any evidence that it is anything other than a hoax and. Panic is not justified over it and it's very unfortunate that there are people promoting hoaxes like. Ok now back to this situation what the heck is going on with Amazon building everything yeah so what we have to keep in mind here is that there have been various attempts to disrupt the retail grocery industry and some of them have been you know sort of successful So if ale those things like ordering online and going and picking up home delivery and then there's more direct models like Walt Walmart has their super center is a very large grocery section of the try to compete against as a subject as very successfully against large conventional supermarket chains where there's been consolidation a lot of consolidation in recent years it's a really not completely clear what Amazon is going for this time we know that this new project is distinct from their ownership of Whole Foods it's unlikely to be as quote unquote And as you said there's talk that the 1st store stores may be built here in l.a. . Now one thing that's kind of interesting is the reports are also that these won't be very large stores they may be just a bit more than half the size of conventional supermarkets and that they may try to buy existing small markets smaller markets to ramp up so a lot of unknowns what's this going to mean what kind of impact is it going to have well one thing we know about Amazon for sure they can change their minds at the drop of a dime Yes they try things they track Spearman's if they don't work they jump out they dump them they can pull the rug out they can leave everyone else involved twisting in the breeze like what they just did in New York City where they had promised to build their 2nd headquarters they really basically demanded enormous public tax incentives to choose New York City and then when the citizens didn't seem to be giving them enough love they just canceled and pulled out so Amazon isn't always the most reliable of partners what are they so so you know you look at this in terms of this Ok they're starting a new project they're starting to groceries What's that going to mean are they really going to build all these stores what are they going to have of these stores will they close them a year later if they don't work out. All of the suggest that we should take this new venture with at least a few grains of salt you're right and you know don't panic over it yet we don't really know what they're doing and a year from now 2 years from now it may be completely different well just have to wait you've got it Lauren thanks we'll talk to you this week or in Weinstein our expert on the Internet America's new astronaut capsule has successfully docked with the International Space Station as part of its demonstration mission the dragon vehicle launched by California space x. Company early Saturday morning while we were still on the year did so automatically it is the latest in a series of tests that capsules must pass in order to get approval from NASA to transport astronauts up next Karl gallops back on with us on coast to coast as we talk about biblical prophecy his latest work the rabbi the secret message in the identity of must. By George Norry here are you ready for u.f.o. 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And welcome back to coast to coast quite a night for you tonight folks Karl gallops back with us critically acclaimed Amazon top 60 best selling author ever he is a former decorated Florida law enforcement officer a longtime senior pastor of the hickory hammock Baptist Church on the Gulf Coast of Florida and the host of his own radio talk show Freedom Friday he serves on the board of regents at the University of Moby ill in the below Bama and Carl frequently appears in television radio and print media interviews as a commentator Carl welcome back to the program towards the door you hey man thank you so much for having me back I'm looking forward to this and was was mobile is close to where that tragic tornado hit this morning well George actually not now we see where I'm located on the Gulf Coast in Florida we're only about 60 miles from Moby all mobiles right down on the Gulf Coast of course but the storms and the tornado warnings rip through our whole area but where that tragedy happened is in league County Alabama which is a little bit north east of us up and around all burn 23 people already Carlia maybe more cynical over the horrible it really is he your new book is called the rabbi the secret message in the identity of the Messiah which is almost an offshoot of your other book that you had of course called the rabbi who found Messiah tell us about this Yeah well thanks yeah the rabbi the family thought it was printed in 2013 published and by major publisher and that book eventually went international and was published in 5 different languages there was a documentary movie made out of it Rabbi Jonathan Kahn and I are in that movie together and that was then subtitled into other languages and it was spoken in English of course so that. Went crazy but the thing is you know here we are 2019 and people say well why would you write another book well because George so much more has happened continually doesn't have a story yeah I mean biblical prophecy just doesn't stop with one story No it doesn't end the story is a true story and on top of that new witnesses of come forward new evidence has come forward new information. Cooperation supernatural back stories to the whole thing and so on and I've met people now that live in Israel that are directly connected to this we've become good friends they have validated so much of what I had written before plus they knew so much more and plus again with the restoration of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and that was all a part of that story the original story and now we're living it I mean this book had to be written we had to tell the story the people that have already read it are just just going crazy over it because it's just it just ties right into so much of today's headline news it's the story that won't die and it's a true story and it it hits it reads like the Raiders of the Lost Ark or some interest but it's but it's a true story it does when you hear the word biblical the phrase spin political prophecy Karl what is what does that mean to you Well here's the thing George 1st of all there is a sense throughout the world and you see this in mainstream media reporting in various venues that aren't even necessarily Christian or biblical that there's a sense throughout the world that something is getting ready to snap I mean something is strange I mean we're living in this instantaneous communication information exchange age and it's just it's it's it's a dancing at mega speed and then you know rewards and rumors of wars and everybody's talking about World War 3 in the Middle East is pretty much collapsed Syria's collapse Turkey is collapsing into an Islamic caliphate and on and on and on people are same what's happening what's going on well here's the thing to. Court and listen I'm a pastor of course and prior to that a law enforcement officer I'm not here to to be preachy I'm not going to be preachy tonight but I just I want people understand the way I see it is that there's one place in all the world that told us thousands of years ago that there would come a specific time in history that is marked by specific events and we get into those in a few moments if you'd like that would then point to the most prophetic times on the planet since the 1st coming of Jesus Christ and those things are now happening and they're converging and we're the 1st generation in the history of the planet to see it happen with the only historical