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The people generally speaking love the parody they want more of the parody beneath the parody. Me Enough I'm thinking and I'm telling you 99.2 percent love it and want to hear it again so we'll take that under advisement but it's always interesting because people will call polo Pablo and Palko and they'll spell your name 18 different ways yeah they also mishear my my lyrics sometimes like how did you see me that was incredible day oh Day Oh Day Oh Day Look day oh come and send bedo home is where they think I said. Or maybe they were just a credit refund on what you were singing about British or the whole look of the song was me yelling his name wasn't it yeah the usual as I'm sure they knew that. You're welcome. What do it live there now. No no no. That is be it on home I'm talking telling the people if you want me to do it a lot so there you go we're just a little some some for you we've got big news about Jeff Sessions we've got a Costa is now claiming that there's media censorship they care let me ask you something yes did was c.n.n. Banned from the White House no so just one guy yes yes so c.n.n. Can still go yes that is correct. But the guy that broke protocol had no manners with trying to shut down the president he envisage Levy has been assaulted a young female aide he can't go. Are there rules let me ask you something this is. One of those questions that I think people don't understand the answer to your Give me a good one I know you are. Does the 1st Amendment mean its own fettered untethered you can do anything you want well no it doesn't when it comes to the freedom of the press what do you think that means how man. Well you should be able to ask the president questions we need to know no but I think generally the for forgetting the present what it's about is of the 1st Amendment and the freedom the press just just for you a journalist you an anchor you know I mean what I've been doing for a long time forget the actual back and forth today with the president or even the White House the job what does the job what does that amendment restrict the government from stopping you from doing from telling the people what what you're doing they need to know the story right. Yes I'll give you an example when I was and when I was in Lansing Michigan for 5 years in East Lansing you got the m. Issue Spartans were heard on w j and in Lansing every night love the station love the state a bunch of stations in Michigan the Spartans one year and I believe 1909 made it to I think the elite 8 which is in the n.c.a.a. Tournament you have the sweet 16 you get the lead a then you get the final 4 then you get the champion I think they made it to the elite 8 and then lost like Kentucky or somebody and there was a riot in the streets of East Lansing m.a.c. Avenue or Boulevard where I think it's evident and they were burning a couch and people riding on horses and girls had no shirts on and stuff because it was just mayhem right. So I go at 2 o'clock in the morning and shoot some video and Brian one of my photography was out there shooting video whatever and. I'll never forget the police were telling us you can't be here and what do you think the answer was yes I can be here oh yes we can you don't have the right is the government to tell us we can't document this that we can't report on this that we can't take a picture of this that we can't do a story about this it wasn't like it was happening inside of somebody's home it was happening in the middle of the road you know I mean now they have the right to restrict access if they're there's something going on like there's a bomb that could explode inside a car you don't have to allow me a journalist access to go next to the car because that obviously I'm putting life in limit risk. They don't have to let me go through a police barrier because there's you know an armed gunman that's holed up in a house I get that as well but if there are a bunch of stupid drunk college kids who are half naked drinking and lighting a couch on fire I have the right to take video I have the right to document it I have the right to tell the story on my t.v. Station or my radio station or whatever I have that right. I've been to several. News conferences on many different topics and when you go there's generally a gaggle of people they actually call it a gaggle and you've got reporters from all sorts of outlets you've got people who want to get the story get it back for their deadline in the newspaper online or on the television or on radio and whatever and we already know that there is an inherent rule that you get to ask a question and again like I said earlier possibly a follow up you don't get to switch topics you don't get to argue you know I have never rancor. Sadly I had never carry in my in my history as a journalist and I'm not in this position but I have been I have never ever ever never ever decided that I was going to challenge the person I was questioning. Jim Acosta started that today by saying I'm going to challenge you on the caravan he'll remember that up he said he did and yes now it is his job to ask questions that could be questions that are favorable to the president they could be questions that might not come off as favorable they could be skeptical questions it's a journalist's job to be skeptical and ask questions that his viewers or listeners or whatever might buy one here if there's 2 but for him to stand I'm going to challenge on the caravan when the president says well this is what it is and the president even at one point which is kind of out of character for him says well you and I have a disagreement on that he says those words and the caustic keeps keeps on accosting him. He doesn't stop it isn't slow down it doesn't make sense and then he says look you're done sit down now get give her the mike and this young girl's trying to get the mike and he does physically push her arm away stop her from getting the mike that is the definition of assault any Some guy just called me a snowflake's I think is assault No I just know the definition but even beyond that it was his time to sit down sit your ass down now it's somebody else's turn this was never a news conference held for Jim Acosta this was a news conference held for the American people by the president of the United States and as much as a cost to doesn't agree with this the president is actually the important one in the room and that's Jim Acosta not c.n.n. That's a banks across credit I mean because how many times have we seen we're at Casa becomes the story not the question he asked the president it's he himself he becomes the story not to me as a journalist that it should never ever be he you're there to report what the president is saying or to an asteroid question here is the president dancer period you should never become the story is the journalist there covering the president and it have you and I cannot agree with you or. You're absolutely 100 percent right I could not agree with you more and at some point either the bosses at c.n.n. Are going to have to learn with journalism is what the job is and have a talk with him or the media is going to continue to be this this indoctrinating you know thought pushing machine and we're just going to see another generation fall prey to it it's very very strange to me are it is our 89 for one Pags headed 89417247 Rick has been unbelievably patient on line one Rick what's going on high. Thank you Joe God bless you and your staff thank spent less President Trump and his administration yes or God bless Kitty Lockheed and Pavel cruiser to get those things right yes very close yes very very close yes. Yes you talk about are about Minnesota Michigan I think is lost or everloving mind to how we turned into a pretty much at this point predominantly blue state and the used to resonate as you were just talking about you know we're here I didn't wear your stuff and then what can we do well I'm going to tell you something when you see Michigan go to President Trump nearly 2 years ago and you see that Michigan understands the workers understand manufacturing got to come back taxes have to go down regulation has to go down when you have a state that everybody thought was going to go blue go red and 2 years later when we're seeing the prosperity that was promised by President Trump 2 years later vote Debbie Stabenow to stay there when you have a great candidate and John James. And vote Whitmer in for god sakes over overshooting I don't get it I got to be honest with you I've got a house there I love Michigan we go all the time I don't understand what's going on I remember John Engler as the governor and a 1000000000 dollar surplus because he was doing the right things he was saying the right things and making the right moves why that state would go blue I don't get I truly don't understand it. How you pay for these things I mean since you were catches you know over who are. Gretchen can thank thing was you know fixing roads it's happening taxes and what about my crimes I've been getting here in the last year I was going to go back to. The Democrats are going to take them back and by the way she was shooting platform was I'm going to lower income tax in Michigan he was the right guy I don't understand I love Michigan if you look at the state when it comes to politics is predominately red but the urban areas are certainly blue I don't get why the the red couldn't overtake the blue they did it in the presidential election it was a surprise I get it but if every one of those people that voted for President Trump would have voted the right way this to yesterday you'd have a bill shooty as the as the governor elect and you'd have John James as the senator elect I don't understand what happened I absolutely understand agree you know where we go from here I know we'll see bro in again we keep a close eye on it Rick thanks I don't I don't get it I don't understand how it is look I get how it works if you look at any any United States map of red versus blue on and what the electorate looks like the country is. 8590 percent red just by color coded up by population as you look at the color of the of the nation it's predominately red by far then you've got splotches in l.a. In New York in Detroit and Chicago that are blue and those tiny splotches of geography tiny parts of the map those are the places that are electing or not electing people every 2 years every 4 years that's exactly what's going on and the idea that these very small metropolises on the map I mean they're large when you're there but these very small areas are voting that way and controlling everything that's a problem. So I don't know what you do you have to change the message and let people and by the way where was this this blacks it did 40 percent of black people in America yesterday vote red or Republican I don't think so not even close Kerry can you see if you can find a number on the black vote yesterday may not have it yet Ok but I guarantee it wasn't 40 percent for Republicans and that's what kinda So it has been saying this would have been plenty of other people been saying as good 40 percent approval for 04 for President Trump doesn't does not relate or parlay to votes in midterm elections and so on they might line up to vote for President Trump with the also lined up and voted for a lot of pretty horrible candidates so well that we come back Jeff Sessions is leaving got a lot going on this hour plenty of your phone calls too on the Joe Pags show stay here. Here listening to Joe. Are you like me and just about anybody I know you've got tons of old v.h.s. 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Those of us who believe in traditional American values have to do something that will bring so many millions of people that are voting against them back into the fold back into the pro USA pro-traditional marriage in values fold. The Constitution is great our freedoms and liberties are great smaller government lower regulations lower taxes great I don't understand why anybody voted the other the other way he said if I got even one phone call today at all who said I voted for the people that I voted for go arrival to for Iraq I want to talk about anybody no no not one person and I ask them off the top of the show call in man let's have that discussion I'm not looking to yell at you and go nuts and all it cost on you digger. To do all that. I would like to I was really want to pick your brain and find out why you thought Robert Francis O'Rourke was the right guy for Texas why you thought Andrew Gillum was the right guy for for Florida I want to know why you thought Stacy Abrams was the right person for Ga I want to know why why you thought Gretchen Whitmer was the right person for Michigan I'm open to hearing it. I really am and you had a really great choices on the other sides and thank goodness in least some of those races the the good guys won but man what the hell is going on here we've got