Transcripts for KCRW 89.9 FM KCRW 89.9 FM 20170912 100000 :

KCRW 89.9 FM KCRW 89.9 FM September 12, 2017 100000

I'll be doing it doing a daytime set at the line hotel as part of the party should be lots of fun you can email me for details and all I could suffix Anthony DOT's valid as f k c r t v dot com All of you agree weak stay safe it's crazy out there Good Music always helps right Morning Edition coming up next thanks piece. The Florida Keys have been Turns 50 on the street as well and the news is next. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm core of a Coleman one was Hurricane Irma is now opposed to tropical cyclone with top sustained winds of about 15 miles per hour it's slowly winding down over the south especially in Tennessee Mississippi Alabama and Georgia heavy rain is currently falling in the Carolinas as N.P.R.'s Sarah McCammon reports flooded roads are one of the biggest issues right now for coastal cities like Savannah Georgia and turtles in South Carolina the National Weather Service says both cities set new rainfall records downtown turtle's Dinan areas around the Charleston Harbor were especially hard hit after the region experienced near record high tide tornadoes a common companion to tropical storms and hurricanes remain a concern for the region with multiple counties facing tornado warnings or watches hundreds of thousands of South Carolina homes and businesses are reported to be without power and as always after a big storm residents are being warned to watch out for fallen trees and power lines Sarah McCammon n.p.r. News Florida's fruit and vegetable farmers are looking at damage to their crops from hurricane Erma N.P.R.'s Dan Charles says they report substantial damage but it could have been worse farmers are reporting that in some places close to the Everglades Irma's winds knocked up to half the fruit off of orange and great for trees and other such as producing areas trees last only a small percentage of their fruit Florida's citrus industry has already been shrinking because of disease but it still accounts for about half the country's production many other farmers in Florida are more fortunate the hurricane hit before many crops like tomatoes and strawberries were planted fields were damaged but those crops were lost one strawberry grower near Tampa says he expects to plant his crop on schedule starting in a couple of weeks Dan Charles n.p.r. News California is suing the federal government over its decision to phase out the immigration program known as Dhaka it shields people brought to the u.s. Illegally as children California attorney Jenna. Beside it says affected dot com recipients have publicly identified themselves as they were asked by the government and the government could use that against them to deport them the federal government. Violated equal protection of the doctor recipients. I bring this action in order to have a court immediately addressed. The president's. Mean spirited actions other states joining California are Maryland Maine and Minnesota the California lawsuit over Dhaka is similar to one filed last week in New York by several more states and the District of Columbia wildfires continue to rage in the West the National Interagency Fire Center reports 39 large fires are burning and contained many are in Oregon Montana Idaho and Washington State other fires are burning in Colorado Utah and California the National Weather Service has posted air quality alerts because of smoke. And this is n.p.r. . Hillary Clinton says that sexism was a factor in her loss in last year's presidential contest but as N.P.R.'s Tamara Keith reports Clinton also talks about her own failings in a pair of n.p.r. Interviews timed with the release of her book titled What happened when says using a private email server for official business while Secretary of State was a quote dumb mistake and she admits her many plans and policy papers failed to convince voters that she understood their anger and frustration but she also says a significant percentage of Americans weren't ready for a female president I want people to understand sexism and misogyny are real they're real in business they're real in politics and people have to start standing up against it she argues it would be a mistake to assume she was the problem what happened to me was not just about me Clinton says she hopes her book Spurs conversation it has already reignited long simmering arguments over the 26000 election Tamara Keith n.p.r. News the u.n. Estimates 370000 were hanging or Muslims have fled violence in me and marred by going to neighboring Bangladesh Bangladesh prime minister has visited a refugee camp she strongly condemned me and Maher for its treatment of the fleeing Muslim minority me in Mar is a majority Buddhist country the Joint Typhoon Warning Center says typhoon Talum is about 500 miles southeast of Taiwan with top sustained winds of about 74 miles per hour a separate tropical depression has poured heavy rain on the Philippines bringing flooding 2 people have been killed I'm corps of a Coleman n.p.r. News. Support for n.p.r. Comes from Americans for the Arts dedicated to advancing an arts and history that employs 4800000 people in towns and cities across the country learn more at Americans for the Arts dot org and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation at r w j f. Dot org This is Morning Edition. Ahead on Morning Edition the total debt held by u.s. Households has reached an all time high and some economist all word the new level of debt is cause for alarm being in debt is a very stressful way to live overall American now or nearly 13 trillion dollars more on that coming up on Morning Edition today on press play 3 years ago video game developers broke up with her boyfriend by posting an entry on line against her . Internet firestorm still hasn't ended. It became known as gamer gate I'm Madeleine Brand Zoe Quinn today at noon on press play on. The Santa Monica College course at the Press Photographers Association of Greater Los Angeles and as MCs voted apartment present the 2017 exposures in journalism show 6 pm September 16th at the s.m.c. Dresser photography gallery visit to. Slash Press show for more information and. You're listening to Morning Edition on 89.9. Including off north and Ventura. One it's the real 7 This is Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm David Greene in Culver City California and I'm Rachel Martin in Washington d.c. The scope of hurricane Irma's destruction in the Florida Keys is only just becoming clear over the weekend Irma made landfall on the chain of islands as a Category 4 storm an unknown number of people chose to hole up there during hurricane despite the mandatory evacuation orders and they have since been more or less cut off with power and cell phone towers down. We know there is some serious destruction in the Keys and Florida officials are assessing the damage Here's Rear Admiral Peter Brown from a helicopter observing some of the hurricane's tracks there's some significant house damage there. Heavily damaged big structures. That were I've been asked about. The Defense Department has moved the u.s.s. Abraham Lincoln to the region to help with the evacuation of residents who are now stuck in the Keys with no power with no water that could be thousands of people N.P.R.'s Kirk Siegler Trying to us now Kirk what more can you tell us how hard is it to get out to the Keys right now well it's virtually impossible unless you've got access to a plane at this point there's a lot of devastation and we're starting to get a better sense of that as you said it's been cut off there's been no cell service in a lot of places no power. We know that there have been extensive amounts of homes destroyed trees and power lines down gas stations just mangled by the winds and the storm surge sent boats thrown up on to roads and as you say you know that we're starting to get a sense that there's going to be a huge humanitarian mission there there are estimates of up to about $10000.00 people who didn't evacuate. And they're going to have to be evacuated off the island at some point we are learning more and then clean up if you got it exactly we are we do know that some people mainly people living in the Key Largo areas are going getting access today and they're going to get back home and start doing some assessments I mean that's got to be incredibly frustrating so some people are getting back in but so many people are just waiting they can't go back home they don't know what's going on right in this scene down by the road block where police are diverting people because they don't want the traffic stacking up as anxious evacuee. Are waiting out there you know it's pretty tense a lot of people have been diverted over to this huge racetrack where there's an empty parking lot but there are a lot of there are actually no services when I visited there and there are people like Mark Schweitzer who are just camped out there with his r.v. And their boats out there as well people waiting to get back in and I talked to him and you know he was very frustrated Let's hear a little bit of that now why did people says dumbing down my driveway for 3 days you know I'm not stupid I left but I thought I could get back I'll never leave again so Rachel there's a lot of frustration there but you know people waiting to get back and he had driven up to Orlando and come back down here and he knows that his house is Ok and he knows that the road getting to it is passable so you're just waiting to get back in but there's no food no gas not much is open but officials I imagine don't want to hear what he just said that if there is this thought that all of the government of the officials cried wolf in the storm wasn't going to be so bad and now I'm never going to go back I mean it would next time they call for an evacuation that's dangerous Exactly and this is the tension you get in in all sorts of natural disasters but at this stage you know a lot of people have been gone for more than a week there are a lot of testing nerves a lot of sleepless nights and people just anxious out here waiting to get back in N.P.R.'s Kirk Siegler thanks so much Kirk glad to be here all right I want to ask a public official the very thing that you just brought up we have Jimmy Weekley on the line he is a city commissioner from Key West he's on the line from Chattanooga Tennessee where he rode out the storm Jimmy Weekley Good morning to you good morning to you worried about hearing a resident of the Keys say I'm never going to evacuate again because he's just so frustrated Yeah I am and there's a lot you have to understand. You know if they're so sick stayed behind in the cleanup crews that stayed behind they have to look at public safety 1st and with the number of power lines were down and the devastation that occurred all day don't want people coming back in and told they know that they're all dead. Protect their lives in the areas are secured from debris and the power lines to come down our reconnected so there isn't any a television. People arriving down there who are Laden and kicking a wire over picking up a wire to move and causes a fatality a lot of potential hazards there I'm going you have you been able to be in touch with with fellow officials who stayed behind in a stone Key West where they tell you I have by been able to connect with the. Emergency management people that stayed behind to see and Key West and to tell me that there's don't have any food that's not any water there's no fuel they are able to send some water in for. Rationing from 10 to 12 o'clock every day because at the damage to the pipeline you know we get all our water from Florida City which is just outside of Miami that pipe down and there's been a because of the destruction of trailer parks and water was it turned off there's water going into the ground of the Cogia trees turning over and breaking the pipeline and there's water so they've been controlling you know the time that they let water through the line to give people an opportunity to have some lines one of the bigger issues in Key West is set hours so a treatment plan went down as well. Oh really so that this is going to be a long road back to the case which it's so long while back I was able to speak with the city manager last night he has a landline that there's only one landline in the city hall there right now. And you can they can only call out on if they can't get incoming calls so he can call last night and they're looking at another 7 to 10 days before they're going to allow people in to Key West. However I understand that but yesterday afternoon the start allowed people back into the northern part of the county around the queue Largo area. Up to about 80 or 80 mile marker there are a lot of people back you know all right well and will be will be thinking about people in the Keys I will be really down yeah I'm here too so I'm going back probably tomorrow but. I hope I hope you make and people are doing Ok Jimmy Weekley the mayor of us thanks a lot thank you. Americans overall household debt has had a record high nearly 13 trillion dollars and rising which makes people wonder if we've already forgotten the lessons of the bubble of borrowing in the run up to the Great Recession Here's N.P.R.'s Chris Arnold the last time Americans had taken on a record level of debt we were in the throes of the financial crisis but the economy is in much better shape now home loans are being made to people who can actually afford done and a lot of the borrowing is arguably pretty responsible my hands and I recently had a baby in February and we've had a lot of changes in the past year Sasha Gallagher lives outside Richmond Virginia the couple just bought a house they spent their savings on a down payment so they use one of those 0 percent credit card offers to buy a whole bunch of stuff for their new home a washing machine a refrigerator a rideable lawnmower or and that fleece $6000.00 and it will probably grow because at this point appliance is on there but we really haven't furnished a home yet. That might sound like quite that credit card buying spree but Gallagher says she hasn't taken leave of her senses you know we're still driving both of our old beat up cars and basically into the ground he has housing a good school district is more important than a new car and Gallagher just finished pharmacy school and got a good job so she's gone from being basically a starving student to being the bigger breadwinner for the family and she says they'll be able to pay off that credit card pretty quickly likewise millions of Americans have found work in recent years and of course spending money keeps the u.s. Economy chugging along so maybe all this debt isn't so bad on the other hand some economists don't like this record borrowing Lucia Dunn is an economist at Ohio State University the new level of debt is cause for alarm duns been studying consumer debt for more than 20 years her research shows that overall only about half of credit card debt gets paid off each month and so she says that rising credit card debt suggests that more Americans are getting stuck paying those high interest rates being in debt is a very stressful way to live this lot of people who just you know in a hole and so stressed out of what we believe that group is growing we have to get him to forget the lessons learned from painful recession in 2007 to 2009 someone's son as an economist a Cal State he says he'd like to wave a cautionary flag about all this borrowing because the consumer spending is really the largest portion of the economy and when the time comes for an economic recession this is going to make the situation worse in addition to all that credit card debt and Merican so even more on student loans Sasha Gallagher who just bought the new House says that pharmacy school was not cheap yeah I also had like a mortgage or student loan payment. And I'd like to not have the actual number on the radio but it's a lot. Still Gallagher says her degree got her that new job that's got a nice paycheck research shows that if you have a college or advanced degree you're much more likely to own a house and earn a higher salary but rising student debt is becoming a bigger drag on many Americans finances Ok so household debt overall is at a record high but economists someone Stone says to keep it in perspective I don't think this is anything like what we faced in 2007 Chris Arnold reporting on n.p.r. News this is Morning Edition on case there are w I had on Morning Edition Apple will unveil its latest version of the i Phone today and apparently facial recognition will figure in the upgrade the idea of not having a pass code or a password having the phone just recognize you when you hold it up that's very appealing and what else to expect from the new on phone that's coming up on Morning Edition. You're listening to k.c. Next time on All Things Considered Florida begins to slowly pick up the pieces after Hurricane Irma from the keys in Miami to Tampa and Jacksonville we say goodbye to the spacecraft that open the door to scientific discovery on Saturn and you'll hear from Hillary Clinton her thoughts on the top administration and why she thinks she lost I'm Eric Roy local news weather and traffic it's All Things Considered from n.p.r. News anchors here w weekdays from 4 until Saturday. Now back to Morning Edition it's $319.00. For n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Dave Mattingly the airports in Miami and Fort Lauderdale are reopening this morning on a limited basis some flights are getting in and out but many remain canceled because of the damage left behind by Hurricane Erma millions of people in Florida are still without power there is heavy damage reported in the Florida Keys Britain's foreign secretary is heading to the Caribbean this week to survey some of the damage from Irma Here's N.P.R.'s Frank Langfitt in London the U.K.'s already deployed more than 700 troops in 50 police officers to its Caribbean islands but local people say far more is needed the b.b.c. Is shown images of soldiers handing out bottled water and huge lines outside of a supermarket on Tortola the largest the British Virgin Islands the b.b.c. Describe Tortola as resembling the sight of a bomb blast with neighborhoods flatboats piled high upon one another and power lines scattered across roads President Trump is meeting with Malaysia's prime minister today at the White House N.P.R.'s Geoff Bennett says ISIS and North Korea are expected to be discussed the White House meeting between President Trump and Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak is seen as being mutually beneficial for the Malaysian prime minister the meeting provides a dose of international legitimacy as he seeks reelection and for President Trump it's a chance to build a relationship with a regional partner in stopping the spread of ISIS and pressuring North Korea over its nuclear weapons program I'm Dave Mattingly in Washington. You're listening to Morning Edition on. This from case. California's unemployment rate is below 5 percent but that doesn't mean people aren't still getting a layoff notices and they are looking for new jobs for some of Southern California's unemployed there's additional help coming the way you saw Gonzales explains California State Employment Development Department has awarded nearly a $1000000000.00 grant to a regional employment center in Pasadena most of the money will be used to retrain $120.00 recently laid off workers they were employed at such companies as Applebee's h. And m. Clothing nurseries and Pasadena. School it's hope that once they're retrained the workers can find employment in such sectors as health care and education. Until the point today at. The damage caused by hurricane Hurricane Jose not far behind. Development on Florida's coastlines more property and more people are in harm's way despite massive evacuations than ever before to the point today. With Madeline Brand on. You're listening to Morning E

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