Transcripts For KCRG World News Now 20161116 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KCRG World News Now 20161116

>> we're learning more about the deadly shooting in oklahoma city's main airport. police say the killer ambushed michael winchester, a southwest airline employee and father of the kansas city chiefs' football player, james winchester, however, they don't know the motive. the killing set off a panic at the facility. here's more now from lauren lyster. >> reporter: oklahoma city airport, a sus penaltied gunman confirmed dead after a man hunt tuesday. airport. >> reporter: just before 1:00 p.m. tuesday, shots were fired in the parking lot. >> a suspect was located. deceased. an apparent gunshot wound to the head. >> reporter: the shooter fatally wounding a southwest airlines employee, 52-year-old michael winchester. >> we're just getting told to halt operations. >> reporter: officials shutting down the airport, travelers sheltering in placing then emergency going on. >> didn't see a thing, just kept walking. nobody acted like there was commotion. >> reporter: after the shooting, officers going car to car searching for the suspect. >> obviously, when you have a potential suspect inside a building as big as the airport and several levels of parking area to search, it's just going to be time consuming. >> reporter: all airlines at will rogers airport confirming they'll waive change fee for travelers rebooking. kendis, diane? >> lauren, thank you. officials in utah trying to figu student stabbed five classmates and himself at school. they said the teenager was a straight-a student with no prior discipline problems and had not been bullied. investigators said the stabbings had nothing to do with race, religion, or ethnicity. the victims are expected to survive. a fatal boat crash was caused by mechanical failure and poor maintenance. five killed when the axle broke and the driver lost control and and now the safety board made ten recommendations including the use of seat belts when the vehicle is on the road. dramatic helmet cam video from philadelphia showing moments leading up to a crash involving a dirt bike and police cruiser. officers tried to stop several bikers from illegally riding around city streets, and an 18-year-old dirt biker badly injured with two broken legs, a fractured skull, and had a second surgery yesterday. all right. cute videole >> the turtle population in peru is flourishing thanks to the work of a conservation group. >> hundreds of thousands -- >> oh, they are cute. >> look at them. the ridged backed reptiles released into the amazon jungle. more than 600,000 babies have been set free in protected rivers and lakes. >> look at that. >> part of a thirty year conservation project to save them from extinction. is on extinction lists due to poaching and other activities. >> you like turtles. >> i like turtles. >> they are cute. >> how can you not like turtles. >> and struggling along. get to the water. >> i -- i -- ducks. >> sure. >> why not. >> random. okay. >> in china, they asked why did the ducks cross the oh. >> oh! >> thank you, jack. lots of ducks. like, 20,000. >> wow. >> they all stayed crosswalk, law-abiding ducks. >> yes, they did. witnesses said it took the ducks two minutes to get through the entire crossing. they also stopped traffic. we're going to watch all two minutes of the crossing. >> that's a lot of ducks. >> looks like they got all their ducks in a row. >> yeah! >> someone fed you that line. >> we have to end the block quickly. megyn kelly opens up about donald trump. their campaign showdown captured headlines for weeks, and what and about her claims of sexual harassment against roger ales. >> surprising statement of a mother of who toddler who died in the family's hot car. her words of support for her ex-husband after he was found guilty of their son's murder. remember, you can find us on facebook at, and on you know your heart loves megared omega-3s... but did you know your eyes, your brain, and your joints really love them too? introducing megared advanced 4in1... just one softgel delivers mega support. i had frequent heartburn, doctor recommended prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. just 1 pill each morning. 24 hours and zero heartburn, straight years, and it's still recommended today. whenever i try to grow out my hair, strands always break off. but now, pantene is making my hair practically unbreakable. the pro-v formula micro-targets weak spots, making every inch... ...stronger so i can love my hair longer. pantene. strong is beautiful. the sea in norway when a 35,000 pound hump backed whale nearly swallow him. he was out filming killer whales, and despite the shock, he says he didn't feel he was in much danger at all. he says the humped back knew what he was doing and moved to avoid him. he called it, perhaps, the most thrilling millisecond of his life. i say too close for comfort. >> yes. i will echo that. 28 people protesting against the controversial oil pipeline in north dakota have been arrested. came after protesters put a pickup truck and tree branchs on railroad tracks near a work staging area that caused a three hour train delay. protests against the pipeline were held in 80 cities across the country. in columbus, ohio, an activist blobbed traffic handcuffing himself under a vehicle in a downtown intersection, and vermont senator and former presidential candidate bernie sanders joined protesters in washington, d.c. that little boy who died in the family's hot car. >> she testified in defense of her ex-husband said blaming the parent will not help. here's more. >> reporter: it's clear that jurors didn't believe her, who, in court, defended her ex-husband saying, she, too, feels he accidently left their 22 month old son to die in the silver suv outside his atlanta officer in june of 2014. >> cooper was the sweetest boy. >> reporter: harris convicted on all frustrations to facebook, so now you say justice has been served, but guess what, convict every parent this has ever happened to, and i promise two things, one, it never brings the children back, and, two, it will not prevent it from happening in the future. the problem is as a society that refuses to believe this can happen to them, and i pray you never have to walk this path. child safety experts made that point. the number of children dying passenger side air bags and parents were told it was best to move child seats to the back. car makers are working on solutions including an alarm that can sense the weight of the child in a car seat. abc news, atlanta. >> coming up in the next half hour, why your luggage may now prefer delta. why new system the airline now has in place they hope cuts down on the number of lost or misplaced suitcases. first what in her words with rocky relationship with then candidate trump. you're watching "world news now." the feud eclipsed the presidential campaign, of course, talking about megyn kelly against donald trump. >> after the presidential relationship in her new book titled "settle for more." here's abc's dan harris. >> reporter: it was one of the most talked about moments of the presidential campaign. megyn kelly versus then candidate donald trump. >> you call women you don't like fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals. >> reporter: insults following, calling her a bimbo, unprofessional, and crazy. tower. what did you say and do? >> the meeting was off the record. i'm not getting into the content, but i went over there, i walked in, and he gave he a nice greeting, hugged me -- >> hugged you? >> yes. >> reporter: kelly weighing in on one of trump's controversial moves since winning the election. the appointment of steve bannon as senior strategist and counsel to the president. and white nationalist views espoused on the website with headlines like birth control makes women unattractive and crazy and hoist it high and proud: the confederate flag proclaims a glorious heritage. >> what do you say to the critics? >> i don't know there's evidence of that. you know -- >> breitbart headlines? >> i mean, there's absolutely controversial, but what his defenders say is he's responsible for every single headline that we want up while he was the executive chairman. i don't know that you could tar the entire team with that brush. i'm megyn kelly. >> reporter: 12 years at fox news, she's become the most prominent and popular anchor. >> i'll ask the questions you're not answering. how is it fair? >> reporter: groomed by the powerful former fox news chairman, roger ales. sexual assault claim against him, she too, was a victim. in a statement, he said i categorically deny the allegations kelly make about me. i work tirelessly to promote and advance her career as megyn admitted to charlie rose. watch the interview and decide for yourself. my attorneys restrict me from commenting further, so suffice it to say no go unpunished. the contract at fox news is up next year, and the next move has everyone guessing. >> can you stay at fox after all of this? >> oh, sure, i can easily stay at fox, but hopefully go anywhere i want. i don't think anything happening this year limited that. >> do you want to say? >> i'm figuring that out. as much as i love the job, i love the three lives my husband and i brought into the world. this is my philosophy, settle for more, so i'm going to do swooning over joe biden. >> embrace yourself, kendis, for this next. he said sure, but don't just get any one. get one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head! go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b crossaction delivers a clinically proven superior clean vs. sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels super clean! oral-b. know you're getting a superior clean. i'm only in my 60's. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. 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[ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now - and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. (coughs) that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex ditch the misery. let's end this. okay. we had so many joe biden memes since the election, and they are hilari hilarious. check them out, but they are also -- people are also all about joe suddenly because of a certain photo. >> huh. oh! >> you realize who this >> well -- >> already -- >> he was supposed to start off with the photo and ask if you could all guess, do you know who this is? >> here's the reveal. >> it doesn't work if you do it the other way around. good job. >> i always sucked at jeopardy. give the answers first. i'm sorry. >> no, i'm crying. >> all right. >> so that photo, that's actually joe biden. yes. >> wow. >> it is joe biden. sorry. moving on. sesame street nails the mannequin challenge. did you see it? they got in on the challenge as well. look at that. look at the reveal. guess what challenge their are doin the mannequin challenge. >> oh. >> diane. >> nice. >> which, by the way, i don't know if you caught this, but we did our own mannequin challenge yesterday. >> yeah. >> and some of you probably saw it, actually air on the show, we're not sure if you saw how it actually came together, so we decide to show you how the beautiful sausage was made. >> this is behind the saecenes. talking about donald trump, place. we had literally 40 secs to get everything ready while we read. >> that's the thing. everyone else has time to put them together, we had a few second. >> exactly. >> the wnn team falling into place. >> nailed it. >> what better way to celebrate than with fast food? it's national fast food day, so we brought selections here to celebrate with. >> yes. >> we got -- kendis is not going to eat at all. >> a big gulp here. >> on that -- >> what is that? >> i did drink. >> mcdonald's is causing controversy experimenting with the sauce. >> i'm -- >> do you know how long this stuff has been here. >> it's a little cold, but it's okay. it's not so bad. >> i think it's been here a little while. >> how is that working out for this morning on "worlds news now", mad scramble to staff the white house. the crunch is on to fill hundreds of government positions with some shakeups among the transition team. we're going to have the latest on who is definitely out and the surprising former foe considered for a top job. and as the trump team moves ahead, so protesting his election. students all over the country walked out of their classes to march through the streets. see the alarming new numbers showing up in the uptick in harassment some kids face as well. new this half hour, pizza takes to the sky. >> a high flying favorite food reached a milestone. will the world ever be the same? >> no, of course not. and winter is coming, but it's never too early to get psyched for summer, right? news on the skinny, newly announced blockbuster summer tour. don't worry, we won't tell you on this wednesday, november 16th. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> i don't know the moves for straight up -- >> i don't know. make them up. flip your hair a lot. that's how you do it, you know. >> flip the hair back and forth. >> flip your hair a lot. >> ias abdul dancing. either is jack. is that it? >> a little bit of that. oh, you got it. oh. the video still playing on the side of the street, and there's a move we can't replicate on network television. all right. we'll get more -- >> exciting news. more about that on the skinny, big tour announcement. >> first, we have reports of discord in the trump cam as the president-elect prepares to fill the cabinet. meetings in trump power, donald trump tried to put rumors to rest tweeting last night, very organized process taking place as i decide on cabinet and many other positions. i'm the only one who knows who the finalists are. earlier, two top advisers on the transition team resigned or forced out. the lobbiests who consult with corporations and foreign governmentings pmg. >> the slice president-elect mike pence in charge of the team booting all l preponderate joe biden as well. >> with the announcement of new hires expected any day, ben carson bows out despite running for president, he felt he couldn't run a federal agency with lack of experience. another former rival met with trump yesterday, fed cruz, not saying what, if anything, position he's call for, but called it a mandate for change. >> donald trump left reporterers scrambling dipping out of the >> the completing had dinner with the family at a steak house in manhattan, after the staff told the press he was in for the night. after dinner, the staff said they'll operate a traditional press pool in the future. meanwhile, protesters out for the zechbs straight day. mary bruce has more. >> reporter: in the nation's capital, hundreds of students put down pens and picked up a protest sign. >> we want to let donald trump know he race im, sexism, and bigotry. >> reporter: taking over pennsylvania avenue, shut down the lincoln memorial. hundreds of d.c. students walking out of class to walk to capitol hill to ensure their voices are heard although most are too young to vote. many of them frustrated that those now protesting elsewhere and could have voted did not. >> you should have voted. if you didn't, you voted for trump. >> reporter: trump supporters. >> give it a chance. like it in four years, vote him out. >> a dramatic uptick in harassment and intimidation. according to the southern poverty law center, 400 incidents in seven days, four times more than an average week. this church vandalized. at the university of michigan, a community rallying around its muslim students after incidents of ethnic intimidation. >> it's just absurd and it's horrible. >> reporter: in west virginia, two officials under fire including a after agreeing with racially disparaging comments posted about the appearance of first lady michelle obama. the report says cases of intimidation and harassment doubled since last friday saying many, but not all of those cases, made reference to donald trump. california has the highest record the rates with over 50 acts followed by texas, washington state, new york, and florida. mary bruce, abc news, washington. in the wake of hillary introduced a bill to abolish the electoral college wanting the winners of the presidential elections to be determined by the pop mu lar vote instead. clinton is currently leading the popular vote by nearly a million votes. clinton is expected to make the first public appearance since the election honored in washington tonight by the children's defense fund. clinton worked for the organization in the '70s after graduating from law school. it was commitment of helping kids. syria's president hopes to find an ally in trump. he said a relationship would be natural if trump follows through on the pledge to fight terrorism. however, assad told portuguese television he's skeptical an alliance will be reached. this came as air strikes followed a conversation between trump and putin on the need to fight international terrorism. the united nations committee cease fire that's expected to be adopted when the general assembly votes next month and calls on syria to immediately end all indiscriminate attacks and condemns human rights violations by the government. oklahoma's main airport is open again after what police called a deadly ambush. the 52-year-old employee, michael winchester, shot to death tuesday at will rogers international airport. winchester is a father of the member of the football team. no motive for the shooting, and it caused chaos as hundreds of people held inside the terminal and on aircraft. police say the killer eventually took his own life. in utah, counselors on hand this morning as students return to a high school where five classmates were stabbed. officials in oram are trying to figure out what triggered the attack by the 16-year-old student. he was a straight-a student who had never been in trouble. the student helped one of the bleeding, like, oh, he's bleeding, he said, there's a psycho in there, he stabbed me. >> boxed the suspect into a bathroom area, not placing himself in harm's way. >> victims in critical to fair condition but expected to survive with stab wounds to the necks. the teenage suspect is now in custody. his parents issuing a statement saying they are sorry for the pain and injury he caused. to the southeast now where some traditional outor because of the fire threat. starting campfires, fireworks, cigarettes, and parking a car off the road is prohibits fearing the hot tail pipe ignites leaves below. here's more. >> reporter: as firefighters on the ground and in the air battle the blazes that have scorched 100,000 acres, two new aixs. >> reporter: air quality alerts up across the region, at least 200 in tennessee hospitalized, the smoke briefly stopping some flights in charlotte's airport. watching her home. >> oh, i'm concerned. it was at the top of the ridge and now down to here. >> reporter: firefighters from around the country digging in. >> going to manage it until we have help from mother nature. >> reporter: this fire growing, moving call for more evacuations in the area. eva pilgrim, abc news. a southern california where a santa monica police officer attacked by a happen inside a convenience store. the entire confrontation was caught on camera. the yufrs walking into the convenience store and heads to the back as you can see there. police say that's when the 28-year-old darrell mcintosh confronted him and bumping him, escalating from there. the motive up clear, but police for an altercation with that same officer. >> all right. switching gears now. look up in the sky. it's not a bird or a plane, but your pooe sa. dominos made the first commercial food delivery by drone. the company received a chicken pizza and chicken and cranberry pizza. the advantages include avoiding traffic and reducing delivery times. >> to arrive in less than 30 minutes? >> they said th counterbecause drivers got in accidents to get there in 30 minutes. >> so chicago cubs fans have been in heaven since the team won its first world series in sow 8 years. well, the cubs now have a little extra spiritual support. pope francis is the proud owner of a cubs hat. the chicago's archbishop sent the lid and encased baseball to the vatican and tweeted the picture with the message, news they can now celebrate with us and ask for our prayers. >> it was not one of the city-like bets where, you know -- >> i don't think so. >> chicago says to the vatican, they were a fan, called each other out. holy water of cleveland won, no. it was not a swap. >> the cleveland archdoicese and ohio bet each other they'd feed a certain number of hungry families in the respective cities if the other won. they were other. it was fun. >> good eats in chicago now thanks to cleveland. 3500 feet in the air from the 50 yard line. the story behind the bird's eye view over steel city as the air force parachute team dropped in the steelers' game. jack watched it. >> the princess really did have a thing for hans solo. what she admitted about the real life romance with harrison ford. skinny," first, a look at today's forecast. "world news now" weather brought to you by points of light. you know your heart loves megared omega-3s... but did you know your eyes, your brain, and your joints really love them too? introducing megared advanced 4in1... just one softgel hey julie, i know today's critical, but i really... ...need a sick day. dads don't take sick days. dads take dayquil severe: the... ...non-drowsy, coughing, aching, fever, sore throat, stuffy... back seat chefs peer inside your oven. but you've cleaned all baked-on business from meals past with easy-off, so the only thing they see is that beautiful bird. go ahead. let 'em judge. you're looking at amazing bird's eye view of pittsburgh, wings of blow. the air force parachute team honored veterans this weekend by launching themselves from 3500 feet over the steel city on to the 50 yard line of the steelers game on heinz field honoring veterans from the nation's five most recent wars, world war ii, iraq/afghanistan. would you do it in. >> no. >> also high in the sky, social media frustrated by delays and ticket prices. >> with the rush about to kick in, an airline has a new system they hope set passengers' minds at ease about their luggage. >> reporter: with heavy holiday traffic around the corner, help it looks normal. inside, there's something special. >> oh, there it is. >> that black dot there is a computer chip. >> reporter: that chip carrying your bag information sending a radio signal allowing delta airlines and passengers to track bags on an app on their phone. >> bag loaded in honolulu and automatically zooms in. >> reporter: from check-in to conveyor belt, pick up the underneath here. when you get the green light, it extends the message your bag's on board. >> reporter: each mishandled bag costs an airline $100, a cost passed on to fliers. >> it's a game changer and it's going to drive the industry. >> reporter: delta believes it's $50 million system will cut the number of mishandled bags by 10-20%. >> you're never going to lose the bag again? >> i will never lose your bag again. >> reporter: a bag tag to cut one the biggest complaints from flie. okay. can we get some peanuts for free? when we come back, the secret about ford that fisher carried for four decades. >> newest sexiestman alive. sex. the skinny's next. tszing ing time now for the skinny starting with a little heat between princess lay ya and hans solo. >> well, it was that amazing romantic attention that brought sizzle to the famous galaxy far, far, far, far away. >> revealing a secret she's. carrying around for 40 years. >> oh, no. >> her real life three-month affair with co-star harrison intense, it was han and leia during the week and carrie and heiron during the weekend. hot. >> she opened up in the memoir beginning the affair with the marry 33-year-old father of two after a birthday party for the director. >> no comment from ford. next, a major league throwback summer tour. 30 their first album, the new kids on the block announced the total package, a massive north american tour this summer joined by boyz ii men -- >> and? paula abdul! i'm so excited. >> yes. new kids recently -- ? ? active in the tour circuit. total package will mark abdul's >> the combined, the three acts sold 200 million records world wise. most of them to me, and boyz ii men the best selling rb group of all time. >> so the tour kicks off may 12th, the start of the in columbus, ohio hitting more than 40 cities. tickets go on sale this saturday. ? ? next, a major announcement from "people" magazine. >> waiting for that. >> excited? >> oh, yeah. >> this year's sexiest man alive from 2016 drum roll please. it's dwyane "the rock" johnson at 6'5", he is a fine specimen. 2 245 pounds, 44 years old, nine six pack abs. >> i love this. the former champ happens to be the world's highest paid actor, million over the past year adding to his estimated net worth of 185 million. >> amazing. johnson tells people magazine it took a lot of time for him to become comfortable with his own skin, and these days, it's his relationships with long-time girlfriend, lauren, and their 11 month old daughter, and his 15-year-old daughter, symone, that help keep him grounded. all right. congratulations. it's great. happy for him. >> >> cindy crawford and her husband, randy, hope to come into serious cash. >> listing their compound for $60 million, $9 more more than they paid for it a year ago. >> on a bluff, three acres, stunning views of the ocean. newly renovated mediterranean style main house built in 1944, boasts 5300 square feet of living space. >> along with an updated chef's a swimming pool, spa, outdoor pavilion and tennis court. (coughs) that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. ef. ditch the misery. let's end this. looking for balance in your digestive system? try align probiotic. for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support, with align. it's judgment day. back seat chefs peer inside your oven. but you've cleaned all baked-on business from meals past with easy-off, so the only thing they see is that beautiful bird. go ahead. let 'em judge. ok! impaciente! manolo! you're so cold, come in! what's wrong? take off your hat! gets dry in the winter too. try head and shoulders' dry scalp care it nourishes the scalp 3 surface layers deep to help... ...prevent dryness and keeps you up to 100% flake free now we can cuddle the whole winter! head and shoulders' dry scalp care you know your heart loves megared omega-3s... but did you know your eyes, your brain, and your joints really love them too? first off, i am 35 years old, i am dworivorced, and i li in a van down by the river. >> it was a punch line for chris farley as the motivational speaker, but living in a van by the river is not anymore. >> i miss him. there's a social media aspect attached to the growing community of americans converting vehicles of all sizes into homes. here's lauren lyster. >> reporter: this 24-year-old entrepreneur, andrew, lives in the office. >> lounge space/store front. >> yes. he actually lives at the office. it's a little tight. the founder of the clothing company and two partners bought a school bus at auction and the ultimate work/life balance. >> this is our counter space. when it's a store, it's a display case. >> reporter: home and store all in one. >> i wanted to cut costs and see america. >> reporter: the benefits? no rent for apartment or store, and and travels the country building his business. what's the thing you miss the most? >> a hot shower. >> reporter: it's not just xander and the school bus, but a growing movement of people turning vehicles into their homes issue and there's a hashtag for it, on instagram, more than 900,000 posts from around the country and world. in nevada city, california, 53-year-old nonprofit fundraiser, jennifer, and her father, fixing up a camper to take to the road full-time. >> it wasn't that i needed to find a new job or move to a new city, but i could take my home with me. >> one 24-year-old bay area his box truck home to pay off school loans and save six figures for retirement. >> it's partly the economics of it as well as the culture appeal oft. >> reporter: downsizing lifestyle include overnight parking restrictions and the neighbors. >> when people see people living in their vehicles, they will often report them. >> reporter: that headache is worth it for people like xander. >> it's, like, where's my office today? the mountains, by the >> reporter: lauren lyster, abc news, los angeles. >> considering it? >> that's one of the benefits, that you can get a different view -- >> oh, that's true. >> park down there by malibu and -- >> today mountain view, tomorrow river view. >> yeah. >> the anchor man down by the river. >> yes, exactly. >> don't miss our updates on facebook, this is abc's "world news now" informing insomniacs for identified the remains of a missing world war two marine from oelwein. now he'll receive a proper burial with full honors. marine private first class wilbur mattern was 23 when he died fighting on a pacific ocean island during world war two. the government recently found his remains inside a burial site there. mattern's burial will be next monday, november 21st, at arlington national cemetery near good morning, i'm diane macedo. >> i'm kendis gibson. here's some of the topheadlines on this wednesday morning on "world news now." officials trying to figure out what led to a deadly shooting in oklahoma city's main airport as a southwest airlines employee killed in what's called an ambush. shooter took his own life. details in air strikes in syria pound rebel held areas of aleppo. state television says the government operation focused on terrorism strongholds is the first offensive since russia and syria stopped air strikes last month to allow civilians to leave. >> breaking protocol, donald trump ditches the press covering his move and headed out of the pept house failing to let reporters in on his whereabouts. traditionally, at least one reporter travels with the president-elect in case something newsworthy happens. those are some of the top stories on this wednesday, november 16th. from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning, everybody, on this wednesday. a lot of to get to this morning. >> that's right. we begin this half hour with sad news. the killing of an airline worker at oklahoma city's main airport. >> authorities say 52-year-old michael winchester, father of a professional football player, shot to death in an apparent ambush at will rogers airport. was later found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. >> it led to a day filled with chaos at the airport. here's more. >> reporter: police in oklahoma city announcing the man hunt at the city's airport is over. the man suspected of a deadly shooting found dead of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot here. >> reporter: just before 1:00 p.m., shots fire in the parking lot. the gunman fatally shooting a southwest airlines employee, 52-year-old michael winchester, the father of james winchester. officials shutting down the airport telling everyone to shelter in place. some passengers stuck on planes for hours. officers in tactical gear giving searching for the suspect for three hours. >> he was found in his vehicle, which is described as a red pickup truck. >> reporter: police have not yet given a possible motive, but now that he's been accounted for, the airport is resuming operations. all right. thanks to philip there. politics and the first cracks are being shown right now in donald trump's transition team, and apparent shakeup following reports of in-fighting among top week of anti-trump protests across the country. here's more now. >> reporter: vice president-elect mike pence smiling as he leaves trump tower, but just hours earlier, one of trump's top national security advisers abruptly resigned from the transition team. former congressman mike rogers reportedly pushed out, and he's not alone. a low-level trump staffer is gone after requesting national securi president-elect's oldest children. sources say it was not a formal request from trump or his kids, but it comes under new scrutiny over the blurred lines of family businesses and the white house that the trump children are helping assemble. meanwhile, trump dealing with criticism over a chief strategist. >> people didn't vote for donald trump to bring a white supremist into the white house. in washington, d.c., hundreds of students took over pennsylvania avenue and shut down the lincoln memorial. >> we want to let donald trump know he cannot divide us with his racism, sexism, all that bigotry. >> reporter: since the election, uptick in sbimation. more than 400 incidents, four times more than an average week. it appears trump himself is not immune to the complaints. the president-elect tweeting, quote, if the election was based on popular vote, i would have campaigned in new york, florida, and won easily. as of now, hillary clinton is winning the popular vote by 800,000 ballots. abc news, washington. >> donald trump reported top security clearance for his son-in-law. if approved, ivanka sits in on the presidential briefings, but it could take weeks before being cleared. this is just the latest in a series of untraditional moves by trump. from several luxury apartment buildings in manhattan. the decision follows complaints from tenants who do not want to be associated with trump, and three nba teams reportedly stop staying at trump hotels to avoid connections with the president-elect. that includes the milwaukee bucks, grizzlies, and mavericks who are owned by mark cuban, an opponent of trump. president obama spends a second day in greece after trying to explain trump's unexpected rise. violence broke out in athens as thousands of protesters rallied against the president's visit, and riot police used tear gas and grenades to disperse the crowds. the president's trip comes days before greek leftists hold annual anti-american demonstrations. new images of an isis bomb factory in iraq. it surfaced after they discovered the rockets and motor. every single room in the large warehouse was a different step of an assembly line geared to mass produce weapons. impressive images there. three minnesota men sentenced to prison for plotting to join isis, among nine men in minnesota's community who say they were part of a group of friends who inspired and recruited each other to join isis. three men going to trial and convicted of a serious charge of conspiracy to commit murder outside the u.s. will be sentenced later today. isis singled out the thanksgiving day parade here in new york as a lone wolf style attack. officials say there's been no specific threat. here's more. >> reporter: with the giant balloons, huge crowds, and national tv audience, security officials have long considered the thanksgiving day parade a possible terrorist target, and now isis in a message that features a picture of the new york parade is calling on its followers to use speeding vehicles to attack outdoor >> it is very difficult to detect large gathers like parades from these types of attacks using vehicle, and we saw that, for example, last summer in nice. >> reporter: authorities say 86 people were killed in the nice attack as a man claiming allegiance to isis drove a truck through the horrified crowds celebrating bastille days. it's a situation authorities are well aware of. >> we've seen incidents where rise to the call. >> reporter: not the least because the parade route on thanksgiving day goes right past the big trump international hotel in new york city. preparations for the parade are well underway setting up the bleachers here in central park, and new york police have already visited some 135 truck rental locations. setting up an early warning system for anyone planning brian ross, abc news, new york. two more suspected arsonists arrested in connection of the wildfires in the southeast. 80,000 acres scorched, and resulting smoke is causing breathing problems. outdoor activities like fireworks and campfires are ban in the danger zone. >> if you'd like to legally use pot without having a meal, head to colorado's capital,s first u.s. city to let restaurants and bars apply for marijuana use. it allows customers to use the drug inside the establishment as long as it is nosm patrons must bring their own marijuana. baggage charges are now extending to overhead bins. united is the first major u.s. airline to limit customers to one carry-on bag that fits under the seat. if you need to use the overhead bin, you have to upgrade your seattle class or pay to check the bag. it begins in april. >> basically, you're allowed a backpack or your purse. personal bag, they say, that's all you get. >> no carry-ones flying united economy there. speaking of travel, irish officials have a transatlantic mystery on their hands. the unusual looking solar power houseboat washed up on a beach with no one inside. it was apparently built in canada by adventurer rick small. last year, he rode a solar powered bicycle across canada. >> the houseboat seen last summer, and inside was a note in which he gives the houseboat to a homelessou no word on rick's where abouts now either. >> a lot of mystery there. interesting. >> very cool. a rescue caught on camera, a deadly head-on collision, erupting into flames, what a man did to save one of the drivers trapped inside. kids and cell phones, how much should parents know about who their children call and text? there's a growing debate now over parents monitoring their kids' cell phone use. first, a look at today's high temperatures. "world news now" weather brought to you by united health care. "world news now" weather brought to you by united health care. approaching medicare eligibility? don't put off checking out your medicare options until 65. now is a good time to get the ball rolling. medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. the rest is up to you. insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company come in. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they could help save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. taking informed steps really makes a difference later. that's what it means to go long?. call now and request this free decision guide and explore the range of aarp medicare supplement plans. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. call now and request your free decision guide... and start gathering the information you need to help you go long?. ? harry's meeting clients from far away.? ? but they only see his wrinkles. ? ? he's gotta play it cool to seal the deal. ? ? better find a way to smooth things over. ? ? if only harry used some bounce, to dry.? ? yeah. ? my cold medicines' wearing off. that stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. you know your heart loves megared omega-3s... but did you know your eyes, your brain, and your joints really love them too? introducing megared advanced 4in1... just one softgel it's judgment day. back seat chefs peer inside your oven. but you've cleaned all baked-on business from meals past with easy-off, so the only thing they see is that beautiful bird. go ahead. let 'em judge. in in seattle, a downed power line caught fire after some rainy weather there. nearby roads closed while they repaired the damage. thankfully, no injuries reported. in california, a fire rescue caught on dash camera. the chp says a hyundai was trying to pass slower traffic and slammed head-on into a volkswagen. the two people in the hyundai killed, and the driver of the vw was alive, but trapped. flames all around the the only door the victim got out through was blocked by flames so an officer used his car to push the vw away, and firefighters jumped in to rescue the man. what a team effort there. investigators in utah are happened after a 16-year-old straight-a student in provo, utah went on a stabbing spree in school wounding several classmates including himself. here's the latest. >> reporter: tears and ambulances at this suburban utah high school tuesday morning. the community responding to a terrifying stabbing spree breaking out just before 8:00 a.m. >> i'm still with a patient who is stable on the south side of the school. i'm making access into the school for more critical parties. >> reporter: a 16-year-old male student, a sophomore, stabs five other students in the boys' locker room before using the knife to cut himself. >> transporting a patient from inside the locker room. two stab wounds to the neck. >> reporter: all five transported to the hospital with injuries fair to critical. a student resource officer taking the suspect in custody in the parking lot, the station live streaming. underway on a tuesday morning, and now it's just lined with fire vehicles. >> reporter: distraught parents waiting outside, this student shaken by school shootings elsewhere, and now a stabbing at her own. >> i find it scary because now i don't think schools are safe anymore. >> reporter: the school facing questions on how to prevent this from happening again. >> we hate the idea of having metal detectors in the school, and yet kids' saty is the most important priority. >> reporter: we've learned one victim and a suspect released fr say they don't know what the motive for the attack is yet, but have a number of witnesses and working to sort through the statements as they investigate. kendis, diane? >> lauren, thanks. grief counselors at the school later on this morning to help those students. >> much needed. >> yeah. shifting to lighter news now, a beautiful fir tree from wisconsin is on the way to the white house. dozens of local residents posed for pictures before the 19 foot tree was taken down arriving at the white house the day before >> it rolls up there, and michelle obama and the young ladies welcome a tree. coming up, it's what so many kids are hoping to find under their christmas trees, a shiny new cell phone. >> before they power up, what parents need to know about monitoring their kids' cell phone use. you're watching "world news now." "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. ? ? oh, that messager app. >> what's instagram? >> never heard of it. trying to download the seven minute workout app. it's an interval workout. >> seven minutes? >> 12 exercises for 30 seconds, and you're done. >> i'm in for that. >> a growing number of apps these days for parents to workout, but to control kids' cell phone use. >> it's a debate on whether and how much parents should supervise kids' cell phone events. here's t.j. holmes. >> reporter: what are teens doing on their phones? many adults will never know, but there's one who does. >> you can't hide from me. >> reporter: khristine, mom of 13-year-old and 11-year-old was so anxious to know what her ki secretly installed spyware to watch them, can see anything. >> it's legal to monitor your kids, but a controversy lurks. do teens deserve privacy or secretly monitoring for safety's sake more important? >> at 11 and 13, we have to know what's beginning on in their life. >> what's the problem with letting your parents see your phones when they ask? >> i just want privacy. >> reporter: last summer, she became more secretive. something's going on. >> reporter: she downloads spy software on both kids' phones. were you torn? >> nope. >> you were not? >> not one bit. my kids, i needed to protect them. >> reporter: experts say it may hurt your children and relationship with them in the long run. the author of "how to raise an adult." >> 24/7 surveillance of your kids, everywhere about, every decision, every moment is effectively saying, i do not trust you in the slightest. on them? >> wow. i hope they just know that i do trust them, and that i'm doing this just to protect them. >> reporter: using the app, she discovers she's texting someone she thinks is a teenager, but when she calls the number, she gets a surprise, it's an adult. >> she thought she was talking to a friend, and turned out that it was not. >> reporter: she blocked the caller. >> went through every scenario, meeting somebody. >> reporter: she had to confront her daughter confessing about the spy ware, but she came clean first. >> she came down the stairs, like, i need to talk to you. >> reporter: beat you to it? >> she did. >> reporter: talking about the stranger she was texting, and shocked her mom was spying, she saw the other side. >> i had a lot of different emotions, like, why is she doing this, but i was happy because i knew she was protecting me. >> yeah, see, you can spy on the kids, and eventually they come around. >> absolutely. >> even if they hate you in the moment. they'll get over it. >> reading the instructions for this seven-minute workout. >> you're into this seven-minute workout thing. >> it's really, like, deep here. >> a demonstration. >> jumping jacks description. start with feet together and arms at your sides, slightly bend your knees and jump straight up as you are jumping jacks d.c. kick your legs out to shoulder width and hands over er width and hands over my cold medicines' wearing off. that stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. happy anniversary dinner, darlin' can this much love be cleaned by a little bit of dawn ultra? oh yeah one bottle has the grease cleaning power of two bottles of this bargain brand. it's judgment day. back seat chefs peer inside your oven. but you've cleaned all baked-on business from meals past with easy-off, so the only thing they see is that beautiful bird. go ahead. might need this for the next segment. it's never easy to say good-bye to a four-legged family member, but a man across the pond had plenty of help. >> a surprise outpouring of kind ness tops this morning's two truths and a why. >> gra the baemp for the last walk with his 18-year-old dog. he underestimated strangers. thousands joined mark and walnut pouring on to the beach in cornwall, u.k. this weekend to honor walnut's last walk hours before the elderly dog was put down. they tweeted messages of support, #walkwithwalnut, and he thanks everyone for coming out, reminding us how lucky we are to be alive to share in the wonderful world that our pets fitting tribute there for walnut. next up, remember those word problems in your college math classes? well, for one college professor, those exercises of probability just became a lot more autobigraphical. this is a statistics professor at fairfield university in connecticut who just happened to win the lottery taking home a $100,000 jackpot. he said he ignored the advice of his teacher who said the odds were too small to win the lot toe, and he's an example and probability lextures saying someone has to win, so why not you? timely, why is this suddenly the most popular bird in all of china? because his combover resembles the new president-elect here in folks are flocking to the enclosure in china to look at the donald trump look-alike. the bird's name is little red and the species is indigenous to central china. what came first the chicken or the egg, but one user wants to know, so does the bird look like trump or does trump look like the bird? what do you think? >> oh, we're still trying to get over walnut. >> kendis, you okay? >> i don't know. poor walnut. >> you're going through it now. >> it's sad. that's beautiful. the neighbors came out. that was awesome. thanks, will. >> this morning on >> this morning on "world news now" civics and ethics for the future first family. >> as the trump transition team moves ahead, there's new criticism over his children, the trump brand and the white house. plus the growing concern over the president-elect's relationship with the press. halted air traffic, and travel everies facing delays and cancellation told to huddle in place, and others escorted by the police in swat gear. new details. >> what megyn kelly is saying about the feud with then candidate donald trump and what she thinks about the choices of the white house team opinion. grub on the go, the biggest exports, talking about fast food, of course, on this national fast food day. come celebrate with us or at the very least, diane. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> so over there off to the left of the set, we have the fast food just, like, hanging out. >> oh, yeah, a little bit distracted. i'm distracted this morning, we know why. >> except diane keeps -- >> kendis distracted by it. >> i'm not i'm hoping there's some vodka in those drinks, those big sippy drinks. >> i think you're out of luck, my friend. >> no, i don't think so. make that happen. >> in the world news now mug. >> absolutely. >> we start this morning with a shakeup in donald trump's transition team feeling the strain of setting up a new administration. >> an official handling national security stepped down amid word of an internal power struggle, and trump broke protocol last night ditching the press again as he left trump tower to have manhattan restaurant. >> this all comes as the role trump's children may play and angry high school march in protest of donald trump's election. abc's tom llamas has more. >> reporter: in trump tower, the first cracks in the trump transition now starting to show. one of the first president-elect's top advisers on national security abruptly resigning from the transition team. former congressman mike rogers reportedly pushed out. vice president-elect mike pence enters trump tower, just recently put in charge of the men in transition operation. and word a low level trump staffer is out after requesting national security clearance for trump's children. ivanka, don jr., and eric all on the transition team. the senior adviser kenleyan conway forced to respond. >> i'm not intimately away to that familiar line of questioning, matt, but i know the that is that the inquiries were made very informally, and that's all i know. >> reporter: campaigning sources say it was never a formal request from the president-elect or his children, but it comes with ivanka trump facing scrutiny over this image, her own company using the new first family's interview on "60 minutes" to promote the jewelry line, sending an alert to fashion reporters, saying, quote, she was wearing her favorite bengal from the collection on "60 minutes," and the bracelet retails at $10,800, highlighting blurred lines from the white house and the white house the children are helping assemble. >> people they you're part of the administration, ivanka. >> i'm going to be a daughter, but i said throughout the campaign i'm passionate on certain issues. >> ivanka trump's company blaming the bracelet incident on a well-intentioned employee, adding they are discussing new policies. the trump children not the only ones on the transition team facing questions. democrats sounding the alarm over the president-elect's stephen bannon, the former chairman of breitbart news published headlines like this, hoist it high and proud: the confederate flag proclaims a glorious heritage. >> people didn't vote for donald trump so that he could bring a white supreme cyst into the white house. >> reporter: but house speaker paul ryan refusing to criticize him. >> this is a person who helped him win an incredible victory. the president is judged on the results of the administration. >> reporter: as for the president-elect himself, he's tweeting about the election he won, firing off a message if the election were based on total popper lar vote, i would have campaigned in new york, florida, and california and won even bigger and more easily. as it stands, hillary clinton is now winning the popular vote by more than 770,000 votes. as someone who may no longer be on any short list of a cabinet position, dr. ben carson, one of trump's biggest supporters, but carson's life has not prepared him to be a cabinet secretary. carson himself saying if he were to be a federal bureau accurate, he would be like a fish out of water. tom llamas, abc news, new york. >> and trump is also responded to reports of in-fighting and speculation over possible appointees looking to make it clear that he's in charge and everything's under control. overnight trump tweeted, a very organized process taking place as i decide on cabinet and many other positions. i am the only one who knows who the finalists are. >> president obama acknowledged that trump's victory took him by surprise. a day after asking americans to give trump a chance, the president tried to explain the unexpected rise at a news conference in greece. he said it seeded from deep seeded anxieties in the working class, and he tapped into a troubling string of rhetoric. >> i still don't feel responsible for what the president-elect says or does, but i do feel a responsibility as president of the united facilitate a good transition, and i present to him, as well as the american eem, my best thinking, my best ideas about how you move the country forward. >> violence broke out in athens as thousands rallied against president obama's visit. riot police used gas and gun grenades to disperse the crowds. the president's visit comes days before greek leftists hold an annual anti-american demonstration. george w. bush defends nafta the u.s. trade partnership with canada and mexico that trump has vowed to renegotiate or get rid of altogether. in his first public comments since the election, bush didn't mention trump by name, but referred to the anger that led to his victory. >> look, i understand anger. some people might have been angry when i was president. >> president bush refrained from criticizing trump saying it would not be helpful. >> we're learning more about the deadly shooting in oklahoma city's main airport. police say the killer ambushed michael winchester, a southwest airline employee and father of the kansas city chiefs' football player, james winchester, however, they don't know the motive. the killing set off a panic at the facility. here's more now from lauren lyster. >> reporter: at oklahoma city's airport, a suspected gunman confirmed dead after an all out manhunt tuesday. >> they just ground airport. they've got some situation going on here. >> reporter: just before 1:00 p.m. tuesday, shots were fired in the parking lot. >> a suspect was located. deceased. with an apparent gunshot wound to the head. >> reporter: the shooter fatally wounding a southwest airlines employee, 52-year-old michael winchester. >> we're just getting told on to halt all operations, travelers down the airport, travelers sheltering in placing then evacuated, some unaware of the emergency going on. >> didn't see a thing, just kept walking. nobody acted like there was commotion. >> reporter: after the shooting, officers intactical gear going car to car searching for the suspect. >> obviously, when you have a potential suspect inside a building as big as the airport and several levels of parking area to search, it's just going to be time consuming. >> reporter: all airlines at will rogers airport confirming they will waive change fees for travelers rebooking. kendis and >> lauren, thank you. officials in utah trying to figure out why a 16-year-old student stabbed five classmates and himself at school. they said the teenager was a straight-a student with no prior discipline problems and had not been bullied. investigators said the stabbings had nothing to do with race, religion, or ethnicity. all of the victims are expected to survive. the ntsb has determined that a fatal duck boat crash in seattle was caused by mechanical failure and poor maintenance. axle on the amphibious vehicle axed broke and the driver lost control and crashed into a bus. all of this happening last year, and now the safety board made ten recommendations including the use of seat belts when the vehicle is on the road. dramatic helmet cam video from philadelphia showing moments leading up to a crash involving a dirt bike and police cruiser. officers tried to stop several bikers from illegally riding around city streets. an 18-year-old dirt biker was badly injured with two broken legs, a fractured he underwent a second surgery yesterday. all right. cute video alert here. >> yes. >> the turtle population in peru is flourishing thanks to the work of a conservation group. >> hundreds of thousands of -- >> oh, come on, they're cute. >> oh, look at them. the rijd-backed reptiles have been released into the amazon jungle. more than 600,000 babies have been set free in protected rivers and lakes. >> look at that. it's part of a 30-year them from extinction. this particular brand is turtle is on extinction lists due to poaching and other activities. >> you like turtles. >> i like turtles. >> they are cute. >> how can you not love turtles? >> and struggling along. get to the water. >> i -- i -- ducks. >> sure. >> why not. >> random. okay. and in china, they were why did the ducks cross the road? >> oh! >> thank you, jack. lots of ducks. like, 20,000. >> wow. >> they all stayed in the crosswalk, law-abiding ducks. >> yes, they did. witnesses said it took the ducks two minutes to get through the entire crossing. they also stopped traffic. we're going to watch all two minutes of the crossing. >> that's a lot of ducks. >> that's a lot of ducks. >> looks like they got all their ducks in a row. >> yeah! >> someone fed you that line. >> we have to end the block quickly. coming up, megyn kelly opens up about her feud with president-elect donald trump. their campaign showdown captured headlines for weeks. now saying about trump and about her claims of sexual harassment against roger ailes. and the surprising statement of a mother of a toddler who died in the family's hot car. her words of support for her ex-husband after he was found guilty of their son's murder. remember, you can find us on facebook at, and on twitter @wnn news. you're watching "world news you know your heart loves megared omega-3s... but did you know your eyes, your brain, and your joints really love them too? introducing megared advanced 4in1... just one softgel delivers mega support. i had frequent heartburn, doctor recommended prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. just 1 pill each morning. 24 hours and zero heartburn, straight years, and it's still recommended today. whenever i try to grow out my hair, strands always break off. but now, pantene is making my hair practically unbreakable. the pro-v formula micro-targets weak spots, making every inch... ...stronger so i can love my hair longer. pantene. strong is beautiful. close call for a diver off the sea in norway when a 35,000 pound hump backed whale nearly swallow him. patrick dykstra was outline filming killer whales, and despite the shock, he says he didn't feel he was in much danger at all. he says the hump back whale knew what he was doing and moved to avoid him. he called it, perhaps, the most thrilling millisecond of his life. i say too close for comfort. >> yes. i will echo that. 28 people protesting against the controversial oil pipeline in north dakota have been arrested. the sheriff says the arrests came after protesters put a pickup truck and tree branchs on railroad tracks near a work staging area that caused a three hour train delay. protests against the pipeline were held in 80 cities across the country. in columbus, ohio, an activist blocked traffic by hand cuffing himself under a vehicle at a downtown intersection. and vermont senator and former washington, d.c. some surprising words of support this morning from the mother of that little boy who died in the family's hot car. >> leeann testified in defense of her ex-husband said blaming the parent will not help. here's more. >> reporter: it's clear that jurors didn't believe her, who, in court, defended her ex-husband saying, she, too, feels he accidently left their 22 month old son to die in the silver suv outside his atlanta officer in june of 2014. >> cooper was the sweetest boy. >> reporter: harris convicted on her frustrations to facebook. so now you may be saying justice has been served. but guess what? you can conviction every parent that this has happened to and i promise you two things. one, it will never bring our children back and, two, it will not prevent it from happening in the future. the problem is as a society that refuses to believe this can happen to them, and i pray you never have to walk this path. child safety experts made that point. the number of children dying this way accidently climbed in parents were told it was best to move child seats to the back. car makers are working on solutions, including an alarm that can sense the weight of the child in a car seat. steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. coming up in the next half hour, why your luggage may now prefer flying delta. why new system the airline now has in place they hope cuts down on the number of lost or misplaced suitcases. anchor megyn kelly is now saying in her words about her rocky relationship with then candidate the feud eclipsed the presidential campaign, of course, talking about the feud eclipsed the presidential campaign, of course, talking about megyn kelly against donald trump. titled "settle for more." here's abc's dan harris. >> reporter: it was one of the most talked about moments of the presidential campaign. megyn kelly versus then candidate donald trump. >> you've called women you don't like fat business, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals. >> reporter: a tore end of insults followed trump calling kelly a bimbo, unprofessional and crazy. kelly and trump eventuall buried the hatchet during a meeting at trump tower. >> what did you say? what did you do? >> so the actual meeting was off the record. i don't want to get into the specific content. but i went over there, i walked in, and he gave me a nice greeting. he hugged me. >> you hugged you? >> yes. >> reporter: kelly weighing in on one of trump's controversial moves since winning the election. the appointment of steve bannon as senior strategist and counsel to the president. bannon, formally head of criticized for the racist, misogynist and white nationalist views espoused on the website with headlines like birth control makes women unattractive and crazy and hoist it high and proud: the confederate flag proclaims a glorious heritage. >> what do you say wh to the critics? >> i don't know there's evidence of that. you know -- >> breitbart headlines? >> i mean, there's absolutely controversial, but what his defenders say is he's not responsible for every single headlines that went up on breitbart while he was the executive chairman. i don't know that you could tar the entire team with that brush. i'm megyn kelly. >> reporter: during her 12 years at fox news, megyn kelly has become one of the network's most prominent and is >> i'll ask the questions you're not answering. popular anchors. just tell me, how is it fair? >> reporter: she was groomed by chairman, roger ailes. this year, when her former colleague, gretchen, filed a sexual assault claim against him, she too, was a victim. in a statement released by his attorney, ailes said i categorically deny the allegations kelly made about me. i work tirelessly to promote and advance her career as megyn admitted to charlie rose. watch the interview and decide for yourself. my attorneys restrict me from commenting further, so suffice it to say no good deed goes unpunished. megyn kelly's contract at fox news is up next year. her next move has everyone guess >> can you stay at fox after all of this? ing. >> oh, sure, i can easily stay at fox. i can go hopefully anywhere i want. i don't think anything happening this year limited that. >> do you want to say? >> i'm figuring that out. as much as i love the job, i lovehe three lives my husband and i brought into the world. this is my philosophy, settle for more, so i'm going to do that. why the internet is suddenly swooning over joe biden. >> embrace yourself, kendis, for this next. yourself, kendis, for this next. he said sure, but don't just get any one. get one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head! go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b crossaction delivers a clinically proven superior clean vs. sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels super clean! oral-b. know you're getting a superior clean. i'm only in my 60's. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. to me, relationships matter. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. and virtually no referrals needed. so don't wait. call now and request this free decision guide to help you better understand medicare... and which aarp medicare supplement plan might be best for you. there's a wide range to choose from. we love to travel - and there's so much more to see. so we found a plan that can travel with us. anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now - and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. (coughs) that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. okay. so we've had so many joe biden memes since the election and they are la harris. check them out. but they are also -- people are also all about joe suddenly because of a certain photo. >> huh. oh! >> well -- >> already -- >> he was supposed to start off with the photo and ask if you could all guess, do you know who this is? >> here's the reveal. >> it doesn't work if you do it the other way around. good job. >> i always sucked at jeopardy. give the answers first. >> so that photo, that's actually joe biden. yes. >> wow. >> it is joe biden. sorry. moving on. sesame street nails the mannequin challenge. did you see it? they got in on the mannequin challenge, as well. look at that. look at the reveal. guess what challenge their are doing right now? the mannequin challenge. >> oh. >> diane. >> nice. >> which, by the way, i don't know if you caught this, but we happened to do our own mannequin challenge yesterday. >> yeah. >> and some of you probably saw it, actually air on the show, we're not sure if you saw how it actually came together. so we decided to show you how this beautiful sausage was made. >> this is behind the scenes. talking about donald trump, everybody starts swooping into we had literally about 40 seconds to get everything ready while we're reading. >> that's the thing. everyone else has these.mannequin challenges has time to put them together. we had a few seconds. >> exactly. >> the wnn team falling into place. >> nailed it. what better way to celebrate than with fast food? it's national fast food day, so we brought selections here to celebrate with. >> yes. >> kendis is not going to eat at all. >> a big gulp here. >> eat something. >> on that -- >> what is that? >> i did drink. >> mcdonald's is causing controversy experimenting with the sauce. >> i'm -- >> do you know how long this stuff has been here? >> it's a little cold, but it's still good. >> it's -- >> they don't go bad. >> i think it's been here a little while. >> how is that working out for fog is possible. it looks like it will mimic tuesday and burn off during in the morning as a southeast wind takes over. highs climb into the 60s wednesday with 70s possible thursday. as the area of low pressure gets closer, showers develop friday with colder 30s and 40s ahead for highs during the weekend. have a great night. tonight: mostly clear with patchy fog. wind: nw 5-10. low: 38 tomorrow: mostly sunny. wind: se se 5-15. low: 46 making news in america this morning, new moves by president-elect donald trump and his transition team. trump skirting the press overnight in new york city. his team showing signs of discord before the new administration takes shape. plus, his new tweet saying only he knows who is going to fill important jobs. and the search is on for a motive after a deadly shooting hours. we have details now on the victim whose son plays in the nfl and the alleged gunman found after an exhaustive search. caught on camera, a fiery roadside rescue. the heroes ignoring intense flames and risking their own lives to save someone inside that vehicle. and an actor on "star wars" revealing a little behind-the-scenes secret many suspected.

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Transcripts For KCRG World News Now 20161116 :

Transcripts For KCRG World News Now 20161116

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>> we're learning more about the deadly shooting in oklahoma city's main airport. police say the killer ambushed michael winchester, a southwest airline employee and father of the kansas city chiefs' football player, james winchester, however, they don't know the motive. the killing set off a panic at the facility. here's more now from lauren lyster. >> reporter: oklahoma city airport, a sus penaltied gunman confirmed dead after a man hunt tuesday. airport. >> reporter: just before 1:00 p.m. tuesday, shots were fired in the parking lot. >> a suspect was located. deceased. an apparent gunshot wound to the head. >> reporter: the shooter fatally wounding a southwest airlines employee, 52-year-old michael winchester. >> we're just getting told to halt operations. >> reporter: officials shutting down the airport, travelers sheltering in placing then emergency going on. >> didn't see a thing, just kept walking. nobody acted like there was commotion. >> reporter: after the shooting, officers going car to car searching for the suspect. >> obviously, when you have a potential suspect inside a building as big as the airport and several levels of parking area to search, it's just going to be time consuming. >> reporter: all airlines at will rogers airport confirming they'll waive change fee for travelers rebooking. kendis, diane? >> lauren, thank you. officials in utah trying to figu student stabbed five classmates and himself at school. they said the teenager was a straight-a student with no prior discipline problems and had not been bullied. investigators said the stabbings had nothing to do with race, religion, or ethnicity. the victims are expected to survive. a fatal boat crash was caused by mechanical failure and poor maintenance. five killed when the axle broke and the driver lost control and and now the safety board made ten recommendations including the use of seat belts when the vehicle is on the road. dramatic helmet cam video from philadelphia showing moments leading up to a crash involving a dirt bike and police cruiser. officers tried to stop several bikers from illegally riding around city streets, and an 18-year-old dirt biker badly injured with two broken legs, a fractured skull, and had a second surgery yesterday. all right. cute videole >> the turtle population in peru is flourishing thanks to the work of a conservation group. >> hundreds of thousands -- >> oh, they are cute. >> look at them. the ridged backed reptiles released into the amazon jungle. more than 600,000 babies have been set free in protected rivers and lakes. >> look at that. >> part of a thirty year conservation project to save them from extinction. is on extinction lists due to poaching and other activities. >> you like turtles. >> i like turtles. >> they are cute. >> how can you not like turtles. >> and struggling along. get to the water. >> i -- i -- ducks. >> sure. >> why not. >> random. okay. >> in china, they asked why did the ducks cross the oh. >> oh! >> thank you, jack. lots of ducks. like, 20,000. >> wow. >> they all stayed crosswalk, law-abiding ducks. >> yes, they did. witnesses said it took the ducks two minutes to get through the entire crossing. they also stopped traffic. we're going to watch all two minutes of the crossing. >> that's a lot of ducks. >> looks like they got all their ducks in a row. >> yeah! >> someone fed you that line. >> we have to end the block quickly. megyn kelly opens up about donald trump. their campaign showdown captured headlines for weeks, and what and about her claims of sexual harassment against roger ales. >> surprising statement of a mother of who toddler who died in the family's hot car. her words of support for her ex-husband after he was found guilty of their son's murder. remember, you can find us on facebook at, and on you know your heart loves megared omega-3s... but did you know your eyes, your brain, and your joints really love them too? introducing megared advanced 4in1... just one softgel delivers mega support. i had frequent heartburn, doctor recommended prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. just 1 pill each morning. 24 hours and zero heartburn, straight years, and it's still recommended today. whenever i try to grow out my hair, strands always break off. but now, pantene is making my hair practically unbreakable. the pro-v formula micro-targets weak spots, making every inch... ...stronger so i can love my hair longer. pantene. strong is beautiful. the sea in norway when a 35,000 pound hump backed whale nearly swallow him. he was out filming killer whales, and despite the shock, he says he didn't feel he was in much danger at all. he says the humped back knew what he was doing and moved to avoid him. he called it, perhaps, the most thrilling millisecond of his life. i say too close for comfort. >> yes. i will echo that. 28 people protesting against the controversial oil pipeline in north dakota have been arrested. came after protesters put a pickup truck and tree branchs on railroad tracks near a work staging area that caused a three hour train delay. protests against the pipeline were held in 80 cities across the country. in columbus, ohio, an activist blobbed traffic handcuffing himself under a vehicle in a downtown intersection, and vermont senator and former presidential candidate bernie sanders joined protesters in washington, d.c. that little boy who died in the family's hot car. >> she testified in defense of her ex-husband said blaming the parent will not help. here's more. >> reporter: it's clear that jurors didn't believe her, who, in court, defended her ex-husband saying, she, too, feels he accidently left their 22 month old son to die in the silver suv outside his atlanta officer in june of 2014. >> cooper was the sweetest boy. >> reporter: harris convicted on all frustrations to facebook, so now you say justice has been served, but guess what, convict every parent this has ever happened to, and i promise two things, one, it never brings the children back, and, two, it will not prevent it from happening in the future. the problem is as a society that refuses to believe this can happen to them, and i pray you never have to walk this path. child safety experts made that point. the number of children dying passenger side air bags and parents were told it was best to move child seats to the back. car makers are working on solutions including an alarm that can sense the weight of the child in a car seat. abc news, atlanta. >> coming up in the next half hour, why your luggage may now prefer delta. why new system the airline now has in place they hope cuts down on the number of lost or misplaced suitcases. first what in her words with rocky relationship with then candidate trump. you're watching "world news now." the feud eclipsed the presidential campaign, of course, talking about megyn kelly against donald trump. >> after the presidential relationship in her new book titled "settle for more." here's abc's dan harris. >> reporter: it was one of the most talked about moments of the presidential campaign. megyn kelly versus then candidate donald trump. >> you call women you don't like fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals. >> reporter: insults following, calling her a bimbo, unprofessional, and crazy. tower. what did you say and do? >> the meeting was off the record. i'm not getting into the content, but i went over there, i walked in, and he gave he a nice greeting, hugged me -- >> hugged you? >> yes. >> reporter: kelly weighing in on one of trump's controversial moves since winning the election. the appointment of steve bannon as senior strategist and counsel to the president. and white nationalist views espoused on the website with headlines like birth control makes women unattractive and crazy and hoist it high and proud: the confederate flag proclaims a glorious heritage. >> what do you say to the critics? >> i don't know there's evidence of that. you know -- >> breitbart headlines? >> i mean, there's absolutely controversial, but what his defenders say is he's responsible for every single headline that we want up while he was the executive chairman. i don't know that you could tar the entire team with that brush. i'm megyn kelly. >> reporter: 12 years at fox news, she's become the most prominent and popular anchor. >> i'll ask the questions you're not answering. how is it fair? >> reporter: groomed by the powerful former fox news chairman, roger ales. sexual assault claim against him, she too, was a victim. in a statement, he said i categorically deny the allegations kelly make about me. i work tirelessly to promote and advance her career as megyn admitted to charlie rose. watch the interview and decide for yourself. my attorneys restrict me from commenting further, so suffice it to say no go unpunished. the contract at fox news is up next year, and the next move has everyone guessing. >> can you stay at fox after all of this? >> oh, sure, i can easily stay at fox, but hopefully go anywhere i want. i don't think anything happening this year limited that. >> do you want to say? >> i'm figuring that out. as much as i love the job, i love the three lives my husband and i brought into the world. this is my philosophy, settle for more, so i'm going to do swooning over joe biden. >> embrace yourself, kendis, for this next. he said sure, but don't just get any one. get one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head! go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b crossaction delivers a clinically proven superior clean vs. sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels super clean! oral-b. know you're getting a superior clean. i'm only in my 60's. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. to me, relationships matter. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. needed. so don't wait. call now and request this free decision guide to help you better understand medicare... and which aarp medicare supplement plan might be best for you. there's a wide range to choose from. we love to travel - and there's so much more to see. so we found a plan that can travel with us. anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now - and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. (coughs) that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex ditch the misery. let's end this. okay. we had so many joe biden memes since the election, and they are hilari hilarious. check them out, but they are also -- people are also all about joe suddenly because of a certain photo. >> huh. oh! >> you realize who this >> well -- >> already -- >> he was supposed to start off with the photo and ask if you could all guess, do you know who this is? >> here's the reveal. >> it doesn't work if you do it the other way around. good job. >> i always sucked at jeopardy. give the answers first. i'm sorry. >> no, i'm crying. >> all right. >> so that photo, that's actually joe biden. yes. >> wow. >> it is joe biden. sorry. moving on. sesame street nails the mannequin challenge. did you see it? they got in on the challenge as well. look at that. look at the reveal. guess what challenge their are doin the mannequin challenge. >> oh. >> diane. >> nice. >> which, by the way, i don't know if you caught this, but we did our own mannequin challenge yesterday. >> yeah. >> and some of you probably saw it, actually air on the show, we're not sure if you saw how it actually came together, so we decide to show you how the beautiful sausage was made. >> this is behind the saecenes. talking about donald trump, place. we had literally 40 secs to get everything ready while we read. >> that's the thing. everyone else has time to put them together, we had a few second. >> exactly. >> the wnn team falling into place. >> nailed it. >> what better way to celebrate than with fast food? it's national fast food day, so we brought selections here to celebrate with. >> yes. >> we got -- kendis is not going to eat at all. >> a big gulp here. >> on that -- >> what is that? >> i did drink. >> mcdonald's is causing controversy experimenting with the sauce. >> i'm -- >> do you know how long this stuff has been here. >> it's a little cold, but it's okay. it's not so bad. >> i think it's been here a little while. >> how is that working out for this morning on "worlds news now", mad scramble to staff the white house. the crunch is on to fill hundreds of government positions with some shakeups among the transition team. we're going to have the latest on who is definitely out and the surprising former foe considered for a top job. and as the trump team moves ahead, so protesting his election. students all over the country walked out of their classes to march through the streets. see the alarming new numbers showing up in the uptick in harassment some kids face as well. new this half hour, pizza takes to the sky. >> a high flying favorite food reached a milestone. will the world ever be the same? >> no, of course not. and winter is coming, but it's never too early to get psyched for summer, right? news on the skinny, newly announced blockbuster summer tour. don't worry, we won't tell you on this wednesday, november 16th. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> i don't know the moves for straight up -- >> i don't know. make them up. flip your hair a lot. that's how you do it, you know. >> flip the hair back and forth. >> flip your hair a lot. >> ias abdul dancing. either is jack. is that it? >> a little bit of that. oh, you got it. oh. the video still playing on the side of the street, and there's a move we can't replicate on network television. all right. we'll get more -- >> exciting news. more about that on the skinny, big tour announcement. >> first, we have reports of discord in the trump cam as the president-elect prepares to fill the cabinet. meetings in trump power, donald trump tried to put rumors to rest tweeting last night, very organized process taking place as i decide on cabinet and many other positions. i'm the only one who knows who the finalists are. earlier, two top advisers on the transition team resigned or forced out. the lobbiests who consult with corporations and foreign governmentings pmg. >> the slice president-elect mike pence in charge of the team booting all l preponderate joe biden as well. >> with the announcement of new hires expected any day, ben carson bows out despite running for president, he felt he couldn't run a federal agency with lack of experience. another former rival met with trump yesterday, fed cruz, not saying what, if anything, position he's call for, but called it a mandate for change. >> donald trump left reporterers scrambling dipping out of the >> the completing had dinner with the family at a steak house in manhattan, after the staff told the press he was in for the night. after dinner, the staff said they'll operate a traditional press pool in the future. meanwhile, protesters out for the zechbs straight day. mary bruce has more. >> reporter: in the nation's capital, hundreds of students put down pens and picked up a protest sign. >> we want to let donald trump know he race im, sexism, and bigotry. >> reporter: taking over pennsylvania avenue, shut down the lincoln memorial. hundreds of d.c. students walking out of class to walk to capitol hill to ensure their voices are heard although most are too young to vote. many of them frustrated that those now protesting elsewhere and could have voted did not. >> you should have voted. if you didn't, you voted for trump. >> reporter: trump supporters. >> give it a chance. like it in four years, vote him out. >> a dramatic uptick in harassment and intimidation. according to the southern poverty law center, 400 incidents in seven days, four times more than an average week. this church vandalized. at the university of michigan, a community rallying around its muslim students after incidents of ethnic intimidation. >> it's just absurd and it's horrible. >> reporter: in west virginia, two officials under fire including a after agreeing with racially disparaging comments posted about the appearance of first lady michelle obama. the report says cases of intimidation and harassment doubled since last friday saying many, but not all of those cases, made reference to donald trump. california has the highest record the rates with over 50 acts followed by texas, washington state, new york, and florida. mary bruce, abc news, washington. in the wake of hillary introduced a bill to abolish the electoral college wanting the winners of the presidential elections to be determined by the pop mu lar vote instead. clinton is currently leading the popular vote by nearly a million votes. clinton is expected to make the first public appearance since the election honored in washington tonight by the children's defense fund. clinton worked for the organization in the '70s after graduating from law school. it was commitment of helping kids. syria's president hopes to find an ally in trump. he said a relationship would be natural if trump follows through on the pledge to fight terrorism. however, assad told portuguese television he's skeptical an alliance will be reached. this came as air strikes followed a conversation between trump and putin on the need to fight international terrorism. the united nations committee cease fire that's expected to be adopted when the general assembly votes next month and calls on syria to immediately end all indiscriminate attacks and condemns human rights violations by the government. oklahoma's main airport is open again after what police called a deadly ambush. the 52-year-old employee, michael winchester, shot to death tuesday at will rogers international airport. winchester is a father of the member of the football team. no motive for the shooting, and it caused chaos as hundreds of people held inside the terminal and on aircraft. police say the killer eventually took his own life. in utah, counselors on hand this morning as students return to a high school where five classmates were stabbed. officials in oram are trying to figure out what triggered the attack by the 16-year-old student. he was a straight-a student who had never been in trouble. the student helped one of the bleeding, like, oh, he's bleeding, he said, there's a psycho in there, he stabbed me. >> boxed the suspect into a bathroom area, not placing himself in harm's way. >> victims in critical to fair condition but expected to survive with stab wounds to the necks. the teenage suspect is now in custody. his parents issuing a statement saying they are sorry for the pain and injury he caused. to the southeast now where some traditional outor because of the fire threat. starting campfires, fireworks, cigarettes, and parking a car off the road is prohibits fearing the hot tail pipe ignites leaves below. here's more. >> reporter: as firefighters on the ground and in the air battle the blazes that have scorched 100,000 acres, two new aixs. >> reporter: air quality alerts up across the region, at least 200 in tennessee hospitalized, the smoke briefly stopping some flights in charlotte's airport. watching her home. >> oh, i'm concerned. it was at the top of the ridge and now down to here. >> reporter: firefighters from around the country digging in. >> going to manage it until we have help from mother nature. >> reporter: this fire growing, moving call for more evacuations in the area. eva pilgrim, abc news. a southern california where a santa monica police officer attacked by a happen inside a convenience store. the entire confrontation was caught on camera. the yufrs walking into the convenience store and heads to the back as you can see there. police say that's when the 28-year-old darrell mcintosh confronted him and bumping him, escalating from there. the motive up clear, but police for an altercation with that same officer. >> all right. switching gears now. look up in the sky. it's not a bird or a plane, but your pooe sa. dominos made the first commercial food delivery by drone. the company received a chicken pizza and chicken and cranberry pizza. the advantages include avoiding traffic and reducing delivery times. >> to arrive in less than 30 minutes? >> they said th counterbecause drivers got in accidents to get there in 30 minutes. >> so chicago cubs fans have been in heaven since the team won its first world series in sow 8 years. well, the cubs now have a little extra spiritual support. pope francis is the proud owner of a cubs hat. the chicago's archbishop sent the lid and encased baseball to the vatican and tweeted the picture with the message, news they can now celebrate with us and ask for our prayers. >> it was not one of the city-like bets where, you know -- >> i don't think so. >> chicago says to the vatican, they were a fan, called each other out. holy water of cleveland won, no. it was not a swap. >> the cleveland archdoicese and ohio bet each other they'd feed a certain number of hungry families in the respective cities if the other won. they were other. it was fun. >> good eats in chicago now thanks to cleveland. 3500 feet in the air from the 50 yard line. the story behind the bird's eye view over steel city as the air force parachute team dropped in the steelers' game. jack watched it. >> the princess really did have a thing for hans solo. what she admitted about the real life romance with harrison ford. skinny," first, a look at today's forecast. "world news now" weather brought to you by points of light. you know your heart loves megared omega-3s... but did you know your eyes, your brain, and your joints really love them too? introducing megared advanced 4in1... just one softgel hey julie, i know today's critical, but i really... ...need a sick day. dads don't take sick days. dads take dayquil severe: the... ...non-drowsy, coughing, aching, fever, sore throat, stuffy... back seat chefs peer inside your oven. but you've cleaned all baked-on business from meals past with easy-off, so the only thing they see is that beautiful bird. go ahead. let 'em judge. you're looking at amazing bird's eye view of pittsburgh, wings of blow. the air force parachute team honored veterans this weekend by launching themselves from 3500 feet over the steel city on to the 50 yard line of the steelers game on heinz field honoring veterans from the nation's five most recent wars, world war ii, iraq/afghanistan. would you do it in. >> no. >> also high in the sky, social media frustrated by delays and ticket prices. >> with the rush about to kick in, an airline has a new system they hope set passengers' minds at ease about their luggage. >> reporter: with heavy holiday traffic around the corner, help it looks normal. inside, there's something special. >> oh, there it is. >> that black dot there is a computer chip. >> reporter: that chip carrying your bag information sending a radio signal allowing delta airlines and passengers to track bags on an app on their phone. >> bag loaded in honolulu and automatically zooms in. >> reporter: from check-in to conveyor belt, pick up the underneath here. when you get the green light, it extends the message your bag's on board. >> reporter: each mishandled bag costs an airline $100, a cost passed on to fliers. >> it's a game changer and it's going to drive the industry. >> reporter: delta believes it's $50 million system will cut the number of mishandled bags by 10-20%. >> you're never going to lose the bag again? >> i will never lose your bag again. >> reporter: a bag tag to cut one the biggest complaints from flie. okay. can we get some peanuts for free? when we come back, the secret about ford that fisher carried for four decades. >> newest sexiestman alive. sex. the skinny's next. tszing ing time now for the skinny starting with a little heat between princess lay ya and hans solo. >> well, it was that amazing romantic attention that brought sizzle to the famous galaxy far, far, far, far away. >> revealing a secret she's. carrying around for 40 years. >> oh, no. >> her real life three-month affair with co-star harrison intense, it was han and leia during the week and carrie and heiron during the weekend. hot. >> she opened up in the memoir beginning the affair with the marry 33-year-old father of two after a birthday party for the director. >> no comment from ford. next, a major league throwback summer tour. 30 their first album, the new kids on the block announced the total package, a massive north american tour this summer joined by boyz ii men -- >> and? paula abdul! i'm so excited. >> yes. new kids recently -- ? ? active in the tour circuit. total package will mark abdul's >> the combined, the three acts sold 200 million records world wise. most of them to me, and boyz ii men the best selling rb group of all time. >> so the tour kicks off may 12th, the start of the in columbus, ohio hitting more than 40 cities. tickets go on sale this saturday. ? ? next, a major announcement from "people" magazine. >> waiting for that. >> excited? >> oh, yeah. >> this year's sexiest man alive from 2016 drum roll please. it's dwyane "the rock" johnson at 6'5", he is a fine specimen. 2 245 pounds, 44 years old, nine six pack abs. >> i love this. the former champ happens to be the world's highest paid actor, million over the past year adding to his estimated net worth of 185 million. >> amazing. johnson tells people magazine it took a lot of time for him to become comfortable with his own skin, and these days, it's his relationships with long-time girlfriend, lauren, and their 11 month old daughter, and his 15-year-old daughter, symone, that help keep him grounded. all right. congratulations. it's great. happy for him. >> >> cindy crawford and her husband, randy, hope to come into serious cash. >> listing their compound for $60 million, $9 more more than they paid for it a year ago. >> on a bluff, three acres, stunning views of the ocean. newly renovated mediterranean style main house built in 1944, boasts 5300 square feet of living space. >> along with an updated chef's a swimming pool, spa, outdoor pavilion and tennis court. (coughs) that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. ef. ditch the misery. let's end this. looking for balance in your digestive system? try align probiotic. for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support, with align. it's judgment day. back seat chefs peer inside your oven. but you've cleaned all baked-on business from meals past with easy-off, so the only thing they see is that beautiful bird. go ahead. let 'em judge. ok! impaciente! manolo! you're so cold, come in! what's wrong? take off your hat! gets dry in the winter too. try head and shoulders' dry scalp care it nourishes the scalp 3 surface layers deep to help... ...prevent dryness and keeps you up to 100% flake free now we can cuddle the whole winter! head and shoulders' dry scalp care you know your heart loves megared omega-3s... but did you know your eyes, your brain, and your joints really love them too? first off, i am 35 years old, i am dworivorced, and i li in a van down by the river. >> it was a punch line for chris farley as the motivational speaker, but living in a van by the river is not anymore. >> i miss him. there's a social media aspect attached to the growing community of americans converting vehicles of all sizes into homes. here's lauren lyster. >> reporter: this 24-year-old entrepreneur, andrew, lives in the office. >> lounge space/store front. >> yes. he actually lives at the office. it's a little tight. the founder of the clothing company and two partners bought a school bus at auction and the ultimate work/life balance. >> this is our counter space. when it's a store, it's a display case. >> reporter: home and store all in one. >> i wanted to cut costs and see america. >> reporter: the benefits? no rent for apartment or store, and and travels the country building his business. what's the thing you miss the most? >> a hot shower. >> reporter: it's not just xander and the school bus, but a growing movement of people turning vehicles into their homes issue and there's a hashtag for it, on instagram, more than 900,000 posts from around the country and world. in nevada city, california, 53-year-old nonprofit fundraiser, jennifer, and her father, fixing up a camper to take to the road full-time. >> it wasn't that i needed to find a new job or move to a new city, but i could take my home with me. >> one 24-year-old bay area his box truck home to pay off school loans and save six figures for retirement. >> it's partly the economics of it as well as the culture appeal oft. >> reporter: downsizing lifestyle include overnight parking restrictions and the neighbors. >> when people see people living in their vehicles, they will often report them. >> reporter: that headache is worth it for people like xander. >> it's, like, where's my office today? the mountains, by the >> reporter: lauren lyster, abc news, los angeles. >> considering it? >> that's one of the benefits, that you can get a different view -- >> oh, that's true. >> park down there by malibu and -- >> today mountain view, tomorrow river view. >> yeah. >> the anchor man down by the river. >> yes, exactly. >> don't miss our updates on facebook, this is abc's "world news now" informing insomniacs for identified the remains of a missing world war two marine from oelwein. now he'll receive a proper burial with full honors. marine private first class wilbur mattern was 23 when he died fighting on a pacific ocean island during world war two. the government recently found his remains inside a burial site there. mattern's burial will be next monday, november 21st, at arlington national cemetery near good morning, i'm diane macedo. >> i'm kendis gibson. here's some of the topheadlines on this wednesday morning on "world news now." officials trying to figure out what led to a deadly shooting in oklahoma city's main airport as a southwest airlines employee killed in what's called an ambush. shooter took his own life. details in air strikes in syria pound rebel held areas of aleppo. state television says the government operation focused on terrorism strongholds is the first offensive since russia and syria stopped air strikes last month to allow civilians to leave. >> breaking protocol, donald trump ditches the press covering his move and headed out of the pept house failing to let reporters in on his whereabouts. traditionally, at least one reporter travels with the president-elect in case something newsworthy happens. those are some of the top stories on this wednesday, november 16th. from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning, everybody, on this wednesday. a lot of to get to this morning. >> that's right. we begin this half hour with sad news. the killing of an airline worker at oklahoma city's main airport. >> authorities say 52-year-old michael winchester, father of a professional football player, shot to death in an apparent ambush at will rogers airport. was later found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. >> it led to a day filled with chaos at the airport. here's more. >> reporter: police in oklahoma city announcing the man hunt at the city's airport is over. the man suspected of a deadly shooting found dead of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot here. >> reporter: just before 1:00 p.m., shots fire in the parking lot. the gunman fatally shooting a southwest airlines employee, 52-year-old michael winchester, the father of james winchester. officials shutting down the airport telling everyone to shelter in place. some passengers stuck on planes for hours. officers in tactical gear giving searching for the suspect for three hours. >> he was found in his vehicle, which is described as a red pickup truck. >> reporter: police have not yet given a possible motive, but now that he's been accounted for, the airport is resuming operations. all right. thanks to philip there. politics and the first cracks are being shown right now in donald trump's transition team, and apparent shakeup following reports of in-fighting among top week of anti-trump protests across the country. here's more now. >> reporter: vice president-elect mike pence smiling as he leaves trump tower, but just hours earlier, one of trump's top national security advisers abruptly resigned from the transition team. former congressman mike rogers reportedly pushed out, and he's not alone. a low-level trump staffer is gone after requesting national securi president-elect's oldest children. sources say it was not a formal request from trump or his kids, but it comes under new scrutiny over the blurred lines of family businesses and the white house that the trump children are helping assemble. meanwhile, trump dealing with criticism over a chief strategist. >> people didn't vote for donald trump to bring a white supremist into the white house. in washington, d.c., hundreds of students took over pennsylvania avenue and shut down the lincoln memorial. >> we want to let donald trump know he cannot divide us with his racism, sexism, all that bigotry. >> reporter: since the election, uptick in sbimation. more than 400 incidents, four times more than an average week. it appears trump himself is not immune to the complaints. the president-elect tweeting, quote, if the election was based on popular vote, i would have campaigned in new york, florida, and won easily. as of now, hillary clinton is winning the popular vote by 800,000 ballots. abc news, washington. >> donald trump reported top security clearance for his son-in-law. if approved, ivanka sits in on the presidential briefings, but it could take weeks before being cleared. this is just the latest in a series of untraditional moves by trump. from several luxury apartment buildings in manhattan. the decision follows complaints from tenants who do not want to be associated with trump, and three nba teams reportedly stop staying at trump hotels to avoid connections with the president-elect. that includes the milwaukee bucks, grizzlies, and mavericks who are owned by mark cuban, an opponent of trump. president obama spends a second day in greece after trying to explain trump's unexpected rise. violence broke out in athens as thousands of protesters rallied against the president's visit, and riot police used tear gas and grenades to disperse the crowds. the president's trip comes days before greek leftists hold annual anti-american demonstrations. new images of an isis bomb factory in iraq. it surfaced after they discovered the rockets and motor. every single room in the large warehouse was a different step of an assembly line geared to mass produce weapons. impressive images there. three minnesota men sentenced to prison for plotting to join isis, among nine men in minnesota's community who say they were part of a group of friends who inspired and recruited each other to join isis. three men going to trial and convicted of a serious charge of conspiracy to commit murder outside the u.s. will be sentenced later today. isis singled out the thanksgiving day parade here in new york as a lone wolf style attack. officials say there's been no specific threat. here's more. >> reporter: with the giant balloons, huge crowds, and national tv audience, security officials have long considered the thanksgiving day parade a possible terrorist target, and now isis in a message that features a picture of the new york parade is calling on its followers to use speeding vehicles to attack outdoor >> it is very difficult to detect large gathers like parades from these types of attacks using vehicle, and we saw that, for example, last summer in nice. >> reporter: authorities say 86 people were killed in the nice attack as a man claiming allegiance to isis drove a truck through the horrified crowds celebrating bastille days. it's a situation authorities are well aware of. >> we've seen incidents where rise to the call. >> reporter: not the least because the parade route on thanksgiving day goes right past the big trump international hotel in new york city. preparations for the parade are well underway setting up the bleachers here in central park, and new york police have already visited some 135 truck rental locations. setting up an early warning system for anyone planning brian ross, abc news, new york. two more suspected arsonists arrested in connection of the wildfires in the southeast. 80,000 acres scorched, and resulting smoke is causing breathing problems. outdoor activities like fireworks and campfires are ban in the danger zone. >> if you'd like to legally use pot without having a meal, head to colorado's capital,s first u.s. city to let restaurants and bars apply for marijuana use. it allows customers to use the drug inside the establishment as long as it is nosm patrons must bring their own marijuana. baggage charges are now extending to overhead bins. united is the first major u.s. airline to limit customers to one carry-on bag that fits under the seat. if you need to use the overhead bin, you have to upgrade your seattle class or pay to check the bag. it begins in april. >> basically, you're allowed a backpack or your purse. personal bag, they say, that's all you get. >> no carry-ones flying united economy there. speaking of travel, irish officials have a transatlantic mystery on their hands. the unusual looking solar power houseboat washed up on a beach with no one inside. it was apparently built in canada by adventurer rick small. last year, he rode a solar powered bicycle across canada. >> the houseboat seen last summer, and inside was a note in which he gives the houseboat to a homelessou no word on rick's where abouts now either. >> a lot of mystery there. interesting. >> very cool. a rescue caught on camera, a deadly head-on collision, erupting into flames, what a man did to save one of the drivers trapped inside. kids and cell phones, how much should parents know about who their children call and text? there's a growing debate now over parents monitoring their kids' cell phone use. first, a look at today's high temperatures. "world news now" weather brought to you by united health care. "world news now" weather brought to you by united health care. approaching medicare eligibility? don't put off checking out your medicare options until 65. now is a good time to get the ball rolling. medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. the rest is up to you. insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company come in. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they could help save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. taking informed steps really makes a difference later. that's what it means to go long?. call now and request this free decision guide and explore the range of aarp medicare supplement plans. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. call now and request your free decision guide... and start gathering the information you need to help you go long?. ? harry's meeting clients from far away.? ? but they only see his wrinkles. ? ? he's gotta play it cool to seal the deal. ? ? better find a way to smooth things over. ? ? if only harry used some bounce, to dry.? ? yeah. ? my cold medicines' wearing off. that stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. you know your heart loves megared omega-3s... but did you know your eyes, your brain, and your joints really love them too? introducing megared advanced 4in1... just one softgel it's judgment day. back seat chefs peer inside your oven. but you've cleaned all baked-on business from meals past with easy-off, so the only thing they see is that beautiful bird. go ahead. let 'em judge. in in seattle, a downed power line caught fire after some rainy weather there. nearby roads closed while they repaired the damage. thankfully, no injuries reported. in california, a fire rescue caught on dash camera. the chp says a hyundai was trying to pass slower traffic and slammed head-on into a volkswagen. the two people in the hyundai killed, and the driver of the vw was alive, but trapped. flames all around the the only door the victim got out through was blocked by flames so an officer used his car to push the vw away, and firefighters jumped in to rescue the man. what a team effort there. investigators in utah are happened after a 16-year-old straight-a student in provo, utah went on a stabbing spree in school wounding several classmates including himself. here's the latest. >> reporter: tears and ambulances at this suburban utah high school tuesday morning. the community responding to a terrifying stabbing spree breaking out just before 8:00 a.m. >> i'm still with a patient who is stable on the south side of the school. i'm making access into the school for more critical parties. >> reporter: a 16-year-old male student, a sophomore, stabs five other students in the boys' locker room before using the knife to cut himself. >> transporting a patient from inside the locker room. two stab wounds to the neck. >> reporter: all five transported to the hospital with injuries fair to critical. a student resource officer taking the suspect in custody in the parking lot, the station live streaming. underway on a tuesday morning, and now it's just lined with fire vehicles. >> reporter: distraught parents waiting outside, this student shaken by school shootings elsewhere, and now a stabbing at her own. >> i find it scary because now i don't think schools are safe anymore. >> reporter: the school facing questions on how to prevent this from happening again. >> we hate the idea of having metal detectors in the school, and yet kids' saty is the most important priority. >> reporter: we've learned one victim and a suspect released fr say they don't know what the motive for the attack is yet, but have a number of witnesses and working to sort through the statements as they investigate. kendis, diane? >> lauren, thanks. grief counselors at the school later on this morning to help those students. >> much needed. >> yeah. shifting to lighter news now, a beautiful fir tree from wisconsin is on the way to the white house. dozens of local residents posed for pictures before the 19 foot tree was taken down arriving at the white house the day before >> it rolls up there, and michelle obama and the young ladies welcome a tree. coming up, it's what so many kids are hoping to find under their christmas trees, a shiny new cell phone. >> before they power up, what parents need to know about monitoring their kids' cell phone use. you're watching "world news now." "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. ? ? oh, that messager app. >> what's instagram? >> never heard of it. trying to download the seven minute workout app. it's an interval workout. >> seven minutes? >> 12 exercises for 30 seconds, and you're done. >> i'm in for that. >> a growing number of apps these days for parents to workout, but to control kids' cell phone use. >> it's a debate on whether and how much parents should supervise kids' cell phone events. here's t.j. holmes. >> reporter: what are teens doing on their phones? many adults will never know, but there's one who does. >> you can't hide from me. >> reporter: khristine, mom of 13-year-old and 11-year-old was so anxious to know what her ki secretly installed spyware to watch them, can see anything. >> it's legal to monitor your kids, but a controversy lurks. do teens deserve privacy or secretly monitoring for safety's sake more important? >> at 11 and 13, we have to know what's beginning on in their life. >> what's the problem with letting your parents see your phones when they ask? >> i just want privacy. >> reporter: last summer, she became more secretive. something's going on. >> reporter: she downloads spy software on both kids' phones. were you torn? >> nope. >> you were not? >> not one bit. my kids, i needed to protect them. >> reporter: experts say it may hurt your children and relationship with them in the long run. the author of "how to raise an adult." >> 24/7 surveillance of your kids, everywhere about, every decision, every moment is effectively saying, i do not trust you in the slightest. on them? >> wow. i hope they just know that i do trust them, and that i'm doing this just to protect them. >> reporter: using the app, she discovers she's texting someone she thinks is a teenager, but when she calls the number, she gets a surprise, it's an adult. >> she thought she was talking to a friend, and turned out that it was not. >> reporter: she blocked the caller. >> went through every scenario, meeting somebody. >> reporter: she had to confront her daughter confessing about the spy ware, but she came clean first. >> she came down the stairs, like, i need to talk to you. >> reporter: beat you to it? >> she did. >> reporter: talking about the stranger she was texting, and shocked her mom was spying, she saw the other side. >> i had a lot of different emotions, like, why is she doing this, but i was happy because i knew she was protecting me. >> yeah, see, you can spy on the kids, and eventually they come around. >> absolutely. >> even if they hate you in the moment. they'll get over it. >> reading the instructions for this seven-minute workout. >> you're into this seven-minute workout thing. >> it's really, like, deep here. >> a demonstration. >> jumping jacks description. start with feet together and arms at your sides, slightly bend your knees and jump straight up as you are jumping jacks d.c. kick your legs out to shoulder width and hands over er width and hands over my cold medicines' wearing off. that stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. happy anniversary dinner, darlin' can this much love be cleaned by a little bit of dawn ultra? oh yeah one bottle has the grease cleaning power of two bottles of this bargain brand. it's judgment day. back seat chefs peer inside your oven. but you've cleaned all baked-on business from meals past with easy-off, so the only thing they see is that beautiful bird. go ahead. might need this for the next segment. it's never easy to say good-bye to a four-legged family member, but a man across the pond had plenty of help. >> a surprise outpouring of kind ness tops this morning's two truths and a why. >> gra the baemp for the last walk with his 18-year-old dog. he underestimated strangers. thousands joined mark and walnut pouring on to the beach in cornwall, u.k. this weekend to honor walnut's last walk hours before the elderly dog was put down. they tweeted messages of support, #walkwithwalnut, and he thanks everyone for coming out, reminding us how lucky we are to be alive to share in the wonderful world that our pets fitting tribute there for walnut. next up, remember those word problems in your college math classes? well, for one college professor, those exercises of probability just became a lot more autobigraphical. this is a statistics professor at fairfield university in connecticut who just happened to win the lottery taking home a $100,000 jackpot. he said he ignored the advice of his teacher who said the odds were too small to win the lot toe, and he's an example and probability lextures saying someone has to win, so why not you? timely, why is this suddenly the most popular bird in all of china? because his combover resembles the new president-elect here in folks are flocking to the enclosure in china to look at the donald trump look-alike. the bird's name is little red and the species is indigenous to central china. what came first the chicken or the egg, but one user wants to know, so does the bird look like trump or does trump look like the bird? what do you think? >> oh, we're still trying to get over walnut. >> kendis, you okay? >> i don't know. poor walnut. >> you're going through it now. >> it's sad. that's beautiful. the neighbors came out. that was awesome. thanks, will. >> this morning on >> this morning on "world news now" civics and ethics for the future first family. >> as the trump transition team moves ahead, there's new criticism over his children, the trump brand and the white house. plus the growing concern over the president-elect's relationship with the press. halted air traffic, and travel everies facing delays and cancellation told to huddle in place, and others escorted by the police in swat gear. new details. >> what megyn kelly is saying about the feud with then candidate donald trump and what she thinks about the choices of the white house team opinion. grub on the go, the biggest exports, talking about fast food, of course, on this national fast food day. come celebrate with us or at the very least, diane. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> so over there off to the left of the set, we have the fast food just, like, hanging out. >> oh, yeah, a little bit distracted. i'm distracted this morning, we know why. >> except diane keeps -- >> kendis distracted by it. >> i'm not i'm hoping there's some vodka in those drinks, those big sippy drinks. >> i think you're out of luck, my friend. >> no, i don't think so. make that happen. >> in the world news now mug. >> absolutely. >> we start this morning with a shakeup in donald trump's transition team feeling the strain of setting up a new administration. >> an official handling national security stepped down amid word of an internal power struggle, and trump broke protocol last night ditching the press again as he left trump tower to have manhattan restaurant. >> this all comes as the role trump's children may play and angry high school march in protest of donald trump's election. abc's tom llamas has more. >> reporter: in trump tower, the first cracks in the trump transition now starting to show. one of the first president-elect's top advisers on national security abruptly resigning from the transition team. former congressman mike rogers reportedly pushed out. vice president-elect mike pence enters trump tower, just recently put in charge of the men in transition operation. and word a low level trump staffer is out after requesting national security clearance for trump's children. ivanka, don jr., and eric all on the transition team. the senior adviser kenleyan conway forced to respond. >> i'm not intimately away to that familiar line of questioning, matt, but i know the that is that the inquiries were made very informally, and that's all i know. >> reporter: campaigning sources say it was never a formal request from the president-elect or his children, but it comes with ivanka trump facing scrutiny over this image, her own company using the new first family's interview on "60 minutes" to promote the jewelry line, sending an alert to fashion reporters, saying, quote, she was wearing her favorite bengal from the collection on "60 minutes," and the bracelet retails at $10,800, highlighting blurred lines from the white house and the white house the children are helping assemble. >> people they you're part of the administration, ivanka. >> i'm going to be a daughter, but i said throughout the campaign i'm passionate on certain issues. >> ivanka trump's company blaming the bracelet incident on a well-intentioned employee, adding they are discussing new policies. the trump children not the only ones on the transition team facing questions. democrats sounding the alarm over the president-elect's stephen bannon, the former chairman of breitbart news published headlines like this, hoist it high and proud: the confederate flag proclaims a glorious heritage. >> people didn't vote for donald trump so that he could bring a white supreme cyst into the white house. >> reporter: but house speaker paul ryan refusing to criticize him. >> this is a person who helped him win an incredible victory. the president is judged on the results of the administration. >> reporter: as for the president-elect himself, he's tweeting about the election he won, firing off a message if the election were based on total popper lar vote, i would have campaigned in new york, florida, and california and won even bigger and more easily. as it stands, hillary clinton is now winning the popular vote by more than 770,000 votes. as someone who may no longer be on any short list of a cabinet position, dr. ben carson, one of trump's biggest supporters, but carson's life has not prepared him to be a cabinet secretary. carson himself saying if he were to be a federal bureau accurate, he would be like a fish out of water. tom llamas, abc news, new york. >> and trump is also responded to reports of in-fighting and speculation over possible appointees looking to make it clear that he's in charge and everything's under control. overnight trump tweeted, a very organized process taking place as i decide on cabinet and many other positions. i am the only one who knows who the finalists are. >> president obama acknowledged that trump's victory took him by surprise. a day after asking americans to give trump a chance, the president tried to explain the unexpected rise at a news conference in greece. he said it seeded from deep seeded anxieties in the working class, and he tapped into a troubling string of rhetoric. >> i still don't feel responsible for what the president-elect says or does, but i do feel a responsibility as president of the united facilitate a good transition, and i present to him, as well as the american eem, my best thinking, my best ideas about how you move the country forward. >> violence broke out in athens as thousands rallied against president obama's visit. riot police used gas and gun grenades to disperse the crowds. the president's visit comes days before greek leftists hold an annual anti-american demonstration. george w. bush defends nafta the u.s. trade partnership with canada and mexico that trump has vowed to renegotiate or get rid of altogether. in his first public comments since the election, bush didn't mention trump by name, but referred to the anger that led to his victory. >> look, i understand anger. some people might have been angry when i was president. >> president bush refrained from criticizing trump saying it would not be helpful. >> we're learning more about the deadly shooting in oklahoma city's main airport. police say the killer ambushed michael winchester, a southwest airline employee and father of the kansas city chiefs' football player, james winchester, however, they don't know the motive. the killing set off a panic at the facility. here's more now from lauren lyster. >> reporter: at oklahoma city's airport, a suspected gunman confirmed dead after an all out manhunt tuesday. >> they just ground airport. they've got some situation going on here. >> reporter: just before 1:00 p.m. tuesday, shots were fired in the parking lot. >> a suspect was located. deceased. with an apparent gunshot wound to the head. >> reporter: the shooter fatally wounding a southwest airlines employee, 52-year-old michael winchester. >> we're just getting told on to halt all operations, travelers down the airport, travelers sheltering in placing then evacuated, some unaware of the emergency going on. >> didn't see a thing, just kept walking. nobody acted like there was commotion. >> reporter: after the shooting, officers intactical gear going car to car searching for the suspect. >> obviously, when you have a potential suspect inside a building as big as the airport and several levels of parking area to search, it's just going to be time consuming. >> reporter: all airlines at will rogers airport confirming they will waive change fees for travelers rebooking. kendis and >> lauren, thank you. officials in utah trying to figure out why a 16-year-old student stabbed five classmates and himself at school. they said the teenager was a straight-a student with no prior discipline problems and had not been bullied. investigators said the stabbings had nothing to do with race, religion, or ethnicity. all of the victims are expected to survive. the ntsb has determined that a fatal duck boat crash in seattle was caused by mechanical failure and poor maintenance. axle on the amphibious vehicle axed broke and the driver lost control and crashed into a bus. all of this happening last year, and now the safety board made ten recommendations including the use of seat belts when the vehicle is on the road. dramatic helmet cam video from philadelphia showing moments leading up to a crash involving a dirt bike and police cruiser. officers tried to stop several bikers from illegally riding around city streets. an 18-year-old dirt biker was badly injured with two broken legs, a fractured he underwent a second surgery yesterday. all right. cute video alert here. >> yes. >> the turtle population in peru is flourishing thanks to the work of a conservation group. >> hundreds of thousands of -- >> oh, come on, they're cute. >> oh, look at them. the rijd-backed reptiles have been released into the amazon jungle. more than 600,000 babies have been set free in protected rivers and lakes. >> look at that. it's part of a 30-year them from extinction. this particular brand is turtle is on extinction lists due to poaching and other activities. >> you like turtles. >> i like turtles. >> they are cute. >> how can you not love turtles? >> and struggling along. get to the water. >> i -- i -- ducks. >> sure. >> why not. >> random. okay. and in china, they were why did the ducks cross the road? >> oh! >> thank you, jack. lots of ducks. like, 20,000. >> wow. >> they all stayed in the crosswalk, law-abiding ducks. >> yes, they did. witnesses said it took the ducks two minutes to get through the entire crossing. they also stopped traffic. we're going to watch all two minutes of the crossing. >> that's a lot of ducks. >> that's a lot of ducks. >> looks like they got all their ducks in a row. >> yeah! >> someone fed you that line. >> we have to end the block quickly. coming up, megyn kelly opens up about her feud with president-elect donald trump. their campaign showdown captured headlines for weeks. now saying about trump and about her claims of sexual harassment against roger ailes. and the surprising statement of a mother of a toddler who died in the family's hot car. her words of support for her ex-husband after he was found guilty of their son's murder. remember, you can find us on facebook at, and on twitter @wnn news. you're watching "world news you know your heart loves megared omega-3s... but did you know your eyes, your brain, and your joints really love them too? introducing megared advanced 4in1... just one softgel delivers mega support. i had frequent heartburn, doctor recommended prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. just 1 pill each morning. 24 hours and zero heartburn, straight years, and it's still recommended today. whenever i try to grow out my hair, strands always break off. but now, pantene is making my hair practically unbreakable. the pro-v formula micro-targets weak spots, making every inch... ...stronger so i can love my hair longer. pantene. strong is beautiful. close call for a diver off the sea in norway when a 35,000 pound hump backed whale nearly swallow him. patrick dykstra was outline filming killer whales, and despite the shock, he says he didn't feel he was in much danger at all. he says the hump back whale knew what he was doing and moved to avoid him. he called it, perhaps, the most thrilling millisecond of his life. i say too close for comfort. >> yes. i will echo that. 28 people protesting against the controversial oil pipeline in north dakota have been arrested. the sheriff says the arrests came after protesters put a pickup truck and tree branchs on railroad tracks near a work staging area that caused a three hour train delay. protests against the pipeline were held in 80 cities across the country. in columbus, ohio, an activist blocked traffic by hand cuffing himself under a vehicle at a downtown intersection. and vermont senator and former washington, d.c. some surprising words of support this morning from the mother of that little boy who died in the family's hot car. >> leeann testified in defense of her ex-husband said blaming the parent will not help. here's more. >> reporter: it's clear that jurors didn't believe her, who, in court, defended her ex-husband saying, she, too, feels he accidently left their 22 month old son to die in the silver suv outside his atlanta officer in june of 2014. >> cooper was the sweetest boy. >> reporter: harris convicted on her frustrations to facebook. so now you may be saying justice has been served. but guess what? you can conviction every parent that this has happened to and i promise you two things. one, it will never bring our children back and, two, it will not prevent it from happening in the future. the problem is as a society that refuses to believe this can happen to them, and i pray you never have to walk this path. child safety experts made that point. the number of children dying this way accidently climbed in parents were told it was best to move child seats to the back. car makers are working on solutions, including an alarm that can sense the weight of the child in a car seat. steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. coming up in the next half hour, why your luggage may now prefer flying delta. why new system the airline now has in place they hope cuts down on the number of lost or misplaced suitcases. anchor megyn kelly is now saying in her words about her rocky relationship with then candidate the feud eclipsed the presidential campaign, of course, talking about the feud eclipsed the presidential campaign, of course, talking about megyn kelly against donald trump. titled "settle for more." here's abc's dan harris. >> reporter: it was one of the most talked about moments of the presidential campaign. megyn kelly versus then candidate donald trump. >> you've called women you don't like fat business, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals. >> reporter: a tore end of insults followed trump calling kelly a bimbo, unprofessional and crazy. kelly and trump eventuall buried the hatchet during a meeting at trump tower. >> what did you say? what did you do? >> so the actual meeting was off the record. i don't want to get into the specific content. but i went over there, i walked in, and he gave me a nice greeting. he hugged me. >> you hugged you? >> yes. >> reporter: kelly weighing in on one of trump's controversial moves since winning the election. the appointment of steve bannon as senior strategist and counsel to the president. bannon, formally head of criticized for the racist, misogynist and white nationalist views espoused on the website with headlines like birth control makes women unattractive and crazy and hoist it high and proud: the confederate flag proclaims a glorious heritage. >> what do you say wh to the critics? >> i don't know there's evidence of that. you know -- >> breitbart headlines? >> i mean, there's absolutely controversial, but what his defenders say is he's not responsible for every single headlines that went up on breitbart while he was the executive chairman. i don't know that you could tar the entire team with that brush. i'm megyn kelly. >> reporter: during her 12 years at fox news, megyn kelly has become one of the network's most prominent and is >> i'll ask the questions you're not answering. popular anchors. just tell me, how is it fair? >> reporter: she was groomed by chairman, roger ailes. this year, when her former colleague, gretchen, filed a sexual assault claim against him, she too, was a victim. in a statement released by his attorney, ailes said i categorically deny the allegations kelly made about me. i work tirelessly to promote and advance her career as megyn admitted to charlie rose. watch the interview and decide for yourself. my attorneys restrict me from commenting further, so suffice it to say no good deed goes unpunished. megyn kelly's contract at fox news is up next year. her next move has everyone guess >> can you stay at fox after all of this? ing. >> oh, sure, i can easily stay at fox. i can go hopefully anywhere i want. i don't think anything happening this year limited that. >> do you want to say? >> i'm figuring that out. as much as i love the job, i lovehe three lives my husband and i brought into the world. this is my philosophy, settle for more, so i'm going to do that. why the internet is suddenly swooning over joe biden. >> embrace yourself, kendis, for this next. yourself, kendis, for this next. he said sure, but don't just get any one. get one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head! go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b crossaction delivers a clinically proven superior clean vs. sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels super clean! oral-b. know you're getting a superior clean. i'm only in my 60's. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. 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[ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now - and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. (coughs) that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. okay. so we've had so many joe biden memes since the election and they are la harris. check them out. but they are also -- people are also all about joe suddenly because of a certain photo. >> huh. oh! >> well -- >> already -- >> he was supposed to start off with the photo and ask if you could all guess, do you know who this is? >> here's the reveal. >> it doesn't work if you do it the other way around. good job. >> i always sucked at jeopardy. give the answers first. >> so that photo, that's actually joe biden. yes. >> wow. >> it is joe biden. sorry. moving on. sesame street nails the mannequin challenge. did you see it? they got in on the mannequin challenge, as well. look at that. look at the reveal. guess what challenge their are doing right now? the mannequin challenge. >> oh. >> diane. >> nice. >> which, by the way, i don't know if you caught this, but we happened to do our own mannequin challenge yesterday. >> yeah. >> and some of you probably saw it, actually air on the show, we're not sure if you saw how it actually came together. so we decided to show you how this beautiful sausage was made. >> this is behind the scenes. talking about donald trump, everybody starts swooping into we had literally about 40 seconds to get everything ready while we're reading. >> that's the thing. everyone else has these.mannequin challenges has time to put them together. we had a few seconds. >> exactly. >> the wnn team falling into place. >> nailed it. what better way to celebrate than with fast food? it's national fast food day, so we brought selections here to celebrate with. >> yes. >> kendis is not going to eat at all. >> a big gulp here. >> eat something. >> on that -- >> what is that? >> i did drink. >> mcdonald's is causing controversy experimenting with the sauce. >> i'm -- >> do you know how long this stuff has been here? >> it's a little cold, but it's still good. >> it's -- >> they don't go bad. >> i think it's been here a little while. >> how is that working out for fog is possible. it looks like it will mimic tuesday and burn off during in the morning as a southeast wind takes over. highs climb into the 60s wednesday with 70s possible thursday. as the area of low pressure gets closer, showers develop friday with colder 30s and 40s ahead for highs during the weekend. have a great night. tonight: mostly clear with patchy fog. wind: nw 5-10. low: 38 tomorrow: mostly sunny. wind: se se 5-15. low: 46 making news in america this morning, new moves by president-elect donald trump and his transition team. trump skirting the press overnight in new york city. his team showing signs of discord before the new administration takes shape. plus, his new tweet saying only he knows who is going to fill important jobs. and the search is on for a motive after a deadly shooting hours. we have details now on the victim whose son plays in the nfl and the alleged gunman found after an exhaustive search. caught on camera, a fiery roadside rescue. the heroes ignoring intense flames and risking their own lives to save someone inside that vehicle. and an actor on "star wars" revealing a little behind-the-scenes secret many suspected.

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