Transcripts For KCRG World News Now 20161026 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KCRG World News Now 20161026

frightening click. >> when i was in afghanistan, i was an instructor for ak-47. i know the noise. >> reporter: vance opened up in front of them, as they ran, hampton decided to stay and fight. i was a mama bear protecting her cubs. when you shoot at the officers, it just, the rage went through me, and i was, like, no, not today. >> reporter: after the shootout, the injured hampton officer, vance drove their police truck to the bear creek mobile home park where he carjacked a vehicle and shot a bystander, moving to his aunt and uncle's house allegedly murdering them and another man at a gas station. it was the last time he was seen or heard from. there's been false alarms, but no confirmed sightings since early monday mornings, and his cell phone stopped pinging. oklahoma city. fire on three people in miami. a woman approached three people, taking one of the victim's purse and fires off a shot hitting a 12-year-old boy in the stomach. they toss the wallets and phones and fires seven more shots hitting two others. police say a 20-year-old woman and a male suffered graze wounds and the 12-year-old boy is recovering after surgery. the contempt of court for ignoring a judge's orders. he's expected to plead not guilty in trail in early december. it stems from violating federal judge's order to stop enforcing civil immigration laws. the sheriff is up for re-election in the next month. volkswagen will pay $10 billion to buy back half a million vehicled fitted with so software to fool emissions u.s. history giving owners of 2009-2015 vws and audis a full trade price. it could begin next month. safety concern for america's best selling vehicle. the insurance institute for highway safety gave the ford f-150 pickup truck a poor rating for the headlights saying they do not provide enough visibility. in fact, most of the pickups tested scored poor. only one of them, the most expensive ridgeline earned a top rating of good. talk about the world series, shall we? it's off and running. cleveland easily took the first game from chicago 6-0, and that is thanks to this guy, perez, the first indians' player to have more than one home run in a world series. a solo shot you saw there, and then this one, a three-run home run in the eighth inning to confirm the victory. struck out eight batters in the first three innings, and you knew the night was not going to the cubs when brandon drove in a run in the first inning after being hit by a pitch with the bases loaded. the game one winner has taken the world series in the last six years. >> i want to read you a bit of shade that came from the official cleveland police department -- >> shade? >> a tweet, twitter, said missing persons report filed for chicago cubs offense. >> >> can you believe that? >> be careful with the trash talking. it is only game one. >> oh, the cleveland police putting that out. apb for the cubs' offense. >> the cavaliers host hoisted the championship banner in 52 years and demolished the knicks 117-88. sometimes they didn't stay for the game, leaving as soon as the ceremony was over to catch the baseball. arena to the progressive field, so they had the ceremony early for fans doing double duty. >> fans stuck around well past the basketball game so they could watch the indians play on the jumbotron above. >> oh, they got to watch both at the same time. >> pretty cool. coming up in the mix, we'll show you the new political ad that is being crowned the funniest of the election season. >> first, the home invasion caught on security camera. you can see a man around a sleeping woman, and then she tries to make a break for it, but he grabs her. hear how she got away from him. later, come with me as you see a world of pure imagination for all of us, unless you can bankroll it. come fly the friendly skies and fiscally extravagant skies with yours truly. >> tell us what you think about lifestyles of the rich and kendis on facebook,, >> no, we don't want to do that. . you see, medicare doesn't cover everything - only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so if 65 is around the corner, think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. t-of-pocket medical costs. so don't wait. call to request your free decision guide. and gather the information now to help you choose a plan later. these types of plans let you pick any doctor or hospital that takes medicare patients. and there's a range of plans to choose from, depending on you needs and your budget. so if you're turning 65 soon, call now and get started. because the time to think about today. (achoo!) you can pick up the flu from surfaces for up to 48 hours. it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. ?when you've got...? ?...nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!? ?nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!? here's pepto bismol! ah. ?nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!? sometimes we use k-y ultragel to enhance my body's natural moisture so i can get into it a bit quicker. and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... (coughs) cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex let's end this. you get used to sweaty odors in your car, you think it smells fine but your passengers smell this... eliminate odors you've gone noseblind to for up to 30 days with the febreze car vent clip break out the febreze, and [inhale/exhale mnemonic] back with an incident? texas that police call bold and brazen. a man entering a sleeping woman's home. >> the woman says the suspect intended to rape her, but she fought back, and the man is still on the loose. >> reporter: a brazen home invasion caught on camera. a man is lurking outside a home saturday while a young woman is and, look, he's turning around, like, looking in the window, watching me sleep. >> reporter: you see the man's face searching for a way to get in, eventually crawling through a window. inside, the woman fell asleep on her couch watching the investigation discovery show "a str stranger in my home." >> my mouth was over my mouth and nose. i thought i was in a dream. >> reporter: face to face, the frighted woman who doesn't want to be identified notices the open window and tries to escape. >> i thought in my head, if you're going to get out of here alive, this is the one and only time, make the move now. >> reporter: the man drags her back inside. >> i start screaming for help, and he takes off running. >> reporter: shaken, but not injured. the police are hunting for man in the video. >> anybody's bold enough to go inside of someone's residence knowing they are home is someone that we are concerned about. police are searching for him. >> frightening. a lighter note, our own mr. gibson is at it again. >> up, up, away in the lifestyles of the rich, and then there's us. that's next. i love the graphics in the segment and the segment itself, another segment of the lifes lifestyles of the rich and kendis. >> it's awesome. there's business class, executive class, first class, and another world that's over there. >> reporter: welcome to the fabulous life, the transport of choice for beyonce, lebron, and jets around the world, and there go-to carrier, a small long island, new york company, and as i found out, five-star service starts with the black car that picks you up directly from your home and takes you to the plane's door. ? ? >> what's up? never seen this car before. >> fancy. >> it's the way to go. >> never know around here. >> ready to >> reporter: before i'm on board, this company was founded by a former real estate developer, adam, who is not shy about dropping some of his celebrity client names. >> kobe, billy joel, madonna, everyone. >> reporter: startingal lon 15 years ago with a small fleet of ageing corporate jets, and now has 30 top of the line planes. the largest one circles the stop. what's the ultimate experience like? >> curb to curb service. you'll be brought to the airport, bags picked up before you leave, and we hand you a drink, pillows, blanket, and key thing is convenience and safety. >> reporter: that's nice, but it's not cheap. a private flight to dubai sets you back more than $200,000. what do we get for that kind of money? well, this plane is going to london. >> welcome aboard. >> gd i have my own personal dedicated flight attendant, in this case, nicole, just for myself. >> does this work? >> 2002 vintage? i guess i'll lower myself and do that. >> absolutely. >> i can totally get used to this p. >> thank you. >> beside my choice of champagne -- >> cheers. >> there's a full endless open bar and several high end meals served throughout the flight. eight, all that lie flat. the plane's sound system blasts your favorite tunes -- ? ? and off we go. flight to london takes a short six hours. on the ground, no customs to maneuver. it's already handled. >> this is really the way to fly. how long's it going to take to get to why circle back to the airport? >> i'm so sorry, sir, your card got declined. >> 14 minutes later, we're back on the ground. >> last time i had a flight like this on my debit card. thanks a lot. don't mind if i take this. >> no london, huh? >> no, no, not so much. london looked more like long island. sorry. >> a little quick tour. >> at least the got the champagne. >> when are we flying? $200,000. >> okay, never. >> that would be never. flr move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. ditch the misery. (coughs) that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex ditch the misery. let's end this. . time for the mix and starting to break down boundaries. asher is a 15 month old with down syndrome, and his mom had submitted his photos to an ad company. >> yeah. >> specifically for a campaign. >> he's cute. >> the advertising agency said they wouldn't submit the because they brand didn't specify they wanted a baby with special needs. >> oh. >> so mom put his photos on social media saying that she, you know, she doesn't understand why they would need specifications, so she says my son is photo jennic. >> very cute. i hope they say yes. >> the photo retweeted, and now the brand says they are seriously considering having him in their ad campaign. >> how cute is he? >> very, very cute. i want to show you what's the cutest political ad of the year right now. this is a wife of a texas county commissioner on tape pleading for votes, but it's different. it's not what you're used to. listen. >> gerald really doesn't have any hobbies. >> this year, take it down to 3838. >> always like that? >> yeah, all the time. >> which is somewhere between 238 and 4169. >> pleads for them to reelect him so that he'll get out of the house. so he'll have something else to do. oh, man. >> an important anniversary. >> yes. >> 30th year, the annual race in dupont circle. >> i love this. >> huge event. >> every year you have dozens of tough. >> usually a few stumbles. not tough, huh? >> it's not. >> you're on. >> you're on. >> let's do this. >> let's see. all right. i got some, like, 6 inch heels. starting over here. >> by jack? >> yeah. >> on your mark -- >> my heels are -- >> go! >> oh, not even close! not even >> rematch. >> wait! take two as if it was slo-mo. like it is. yes. diane, quit while you're ahead. >> oh, my god. >> can you even walk in them? >> not really. >> straight back. just walk. >> there you go. this morning on "world news now," friends and foes, donald trump unleashing a new round of attacks impersonating president obama after he dissed the republican candidate on late night tv. this as hillary clinton gathers more support from the celebrity world. an 8-year-old girl shares her story after survivi hear how she kept calm in the face of disaster. a dismal report about closing the gender pay gap. >> hear how long it could take to reach financial equality in the u.s. and where women are leaving work early in protest. and -- ? ? if you're not in formation, get in line. at least that's the message from the bey-hive after a parody video fell flat. both sides of the controversy on this wednesday, 26th, the ross team is on it. from abc news, this is "world news now." ? ? >> formation, get some hot sauce in your bag, swag. >> amy schumer has a powerful social media following as well. >> she does. we'll dig deeper. people hope to get in formation with two weeks to go before the election. donald trump is taking aim at obamacare and the president himself. >> so during his campaign blits in florida, trump defended his allegation that the election is rigged and mocked president obama saying he made the same claim when he was running eight years ago. >> before he won his first race, he was talking about voting, and he said, remember, i come from chicago, you know, i mean, you know, they -- give me a break. this guy is such a phony guy. >> he was referring to a video >> there was voter fraud in the past and went on to talk about the importance of oversight. >> trump spent the day hammering the president's signature health care law and touting one of his golf courses. it's your voice, your vote, and tom llamas is on the campaign trail. >> reporter: to turn this election around, donald trump convening reporters not for a news conference, but to show off one of his florida resorts. miami. it's a tremendous success. the bookings through the roof. >> reporter: behind trump? scores of his workers. >> we have well over a thousand employees, and 80% of them are hispanic. >> reporter: and then? >> anybody like to say a few words about working for trump? anybody? >> reporter: one man steps forward -- you're fired. i'll say, who is that guy? >> i want to say that even though i have many issues with my family because i've been supporting this man here, i love it. >> reporter: it went on and on. one after another, coming forward to praise the boss. >> i'm a latino and i support this man. >> i love this place. >> make america great again. >> god bless america. i vote for you. >> reporter: trump also using the moment to respond to that startling news about obamacare that people who get their insurance through the federal exchange will see their premiums spike 25%, and trump says it could go even higher and will only get worse under hillary clinton. >> that number is so wrong. that is such a phony number. talking about 60, 70, 80% in increases, not 25%. >> reporter: saying his employees are suffering. >> my employees are having a tremendous problem with obamacare. what they are going through with >> reporter: in fact, the resort's general manager said the majority of workers there don't use it at all. >> 99% of the employees are insured through the hotel. through our insurance and maybe there's a few that are insured through obamacare, but very, very few. >> reporter: as trump's plane touches down in florida, pointing to the signs behind him. >> i love the pink signs, women for trump. i love the signs behind me, blacks for trump. i like those signs. >> reporter: promising to shock the world just like the brexit vote in the u.k. defied predictions. >> there's going to be a lot of brexits happening in two weeks, a lot of brexit. remember that? everybody went to bed. they said, oh, gee, i think it's not -- and i said it was going to happen. >> reporter: mixing business and an event in washington, d.c., but it's not a campaign event, but ribbon cutting for trump's new hotel in the nation's capital and making remarks to show off the property for the cameras. tom llamas, abc news,al las tee, florida. a big name republican is jumping ship for hillary clinton. former secretary of state colin powell is voting for clinton saying she has the temperament and stamina. as far as trump, powell said he has insulted america almost every day. in endorsement from adele as well dropping by in miami last night calling clinton amazing. she can't vote, but she says she's still affected by what happens in america. overseas, french officials say about 4,000 migrants have been resettled so far from the huge camp in calle that's being demolished. three my grants arrived in chardonnay in eastern france where the welcome was lukewarm. railings to get to the temporary processing center at that camp. the united nations warns this will be the deadliest year on record for migrants and refugees crossing the mediterranean sea. 4,000 people this year died in the crossing. that's close to the total of all of last year. there's several contributing factors which point out to more people packed into flimsier boats. a girl from georgia describes survival in a plane crash. with her grandfather. she was hurt and is recovering in atlanta children's hospital and describes the moment after the crash. >> scariest part was when crashed, and i just saw myself, like, kept on looking at my hands and stuff, like, all tore up and stuff. >> reporter: her grandfather is now recovering from broken bones. by the time she's 91, the world gender equality. that's the finding at least from the world economic forum's latest global gender gap report showing if current trends continue, it takes 83 years for the gender gap to close worldwide in health, education, economic opportunity, and politics. iceland takes the top spot for closing it so far, even though this week women in the country started leaving work 14% early in protests of the gap. united states ranks 45th. it is the coldest morning of the fall season so far for major cities in the north east looking at today's highs, just 49 in boston. that's the high, folks. 51 in new york. not much warmer in the midwest. >> heavy rain in the upper midwest down through the plains, and parts of new england can prepare for 6 inches of snow starting tonight through friday. >> oh. >> the weather is already a factor in tonight's game two of rain in cleveland. >> well, in last night's game, wind was a problem for many. the indian's pitcher and miller combined to leave the cubs high and dry, shutting out chicago 6-0. yeah. that sums it up for cubs fans. they wondered if this world series drumming was worth the 71-year wait, but they are hopeful despite the intense rivalry. >> we have a lot of respect for cleveland fans, and they are respectful towards us. we are baseball fans, love the game, and here to witness history. >> either way, history will be made. last night's game not withstanding, and mcfarland has a cure for the so-called curse on the beloved cubs. they name their twins clark and addison. >> the significance, that's the intersection where wrigley field is located, at clark and addison in the north there in chicago. they were awake and watching the are good luck charms about now. >> yeah. >> all of chicago's hoping. >> they were born in a historic game in june when chris bryan hit three home runs and two doubles. last night, didn't hit anything. >> mom is on board, but she was a white sox fan when they first met. >> oh. >> she's been converted. >> that's it? just like that. clark and addison. coming up, the youth football coach accused of putting a man in to play with the boys. >> eagle eye spectator noticing that the sub has facial hair and tattoos. justin timberlake under fire for sharing his voting preference as anxiety grows that the voting selfie for many might be bans. that's coming up in the skinny. you're watching "world news now. brought to you by united health care. "world news now" weath brought to you by united health care. you may think you can put off checking out your medicare options until you're sixty-five, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. the rest is up to you. that's where aarp medicare supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company come in. they could help pay some of what medicare doesn't, saving you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you've learned that taking informed steps along the way really makes a difference later. that's what it means to go long?. call now and request this free [decision guide]. it's full of information on medicare and the range of aarp medicare supplement plans hospital that accepts medicare patients, and there are no network restrictions. unitedhealthcare insurance company has over thirty years experience and the commitment to roll along with you, keeping you on course. so call now and discover how an aarp medicare supplement plan could go long? for you. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, 50 and over for generations. plus, nine out of ten plan members surveyed say they would recommend their plan to a friend. remember, medicare doesn't cover everything. the rest is up to you. call now, request your free [decision guide] and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. go long?. wildlife rescue workers open up a lot of dawn. tough on grease...yet gentle. dawn helps open... something even bigger. go to, we've heard we've heard a lot about oversized youth players forcing some teams to forfeit games. outside of providence, a player got a lot of attention because when you're saying he's a man who shouldn't play with boys, captured on camera briefly playing for a football game meant for 13 and 14-year-olds, and he's thought to be 18. one outreach parent thought no. 84 for the buccaneers was not a boy. >> zoom in and see the facial hair, you know, most 13-year-olds start to get facial hair, but this gentleman had >> the team's founder says the coach had put a player's brother on the field and called the decision disgraceful. as a result, the league, itself, has disqualified that team indefinitely. >> he was not just growing ahead of his time. >> no, not quite. just a little bit older than everybody else on the field. >> yes. all right, admit it, sometimes we just get lucky. one of the world's best swimmers, well, he's a lucky guy this morning. >> he is. back at practice after having a mole removed from his chest, and he might not have had the procedure if not for a fan. we have more now. >> from australia, wins a gold medal. >> reporter: while he was first pumping his gold place finish in the free style in the olympics below his collarbone. he posted a photo of himself on instagram with this message. shoutout to the person that e-mailed the swim team doctor and told me to get my mole checked out. good call. very good call. according to the american cancer society, more than 3 million americans are diagnosed with some form of skin cancer every year. >> you see a mole that is a-se met try call, diameter bigger, colors irregular, get it checked out immediately. >> hugh jackman credits a makeup artist. >> i mentioned it to my wife, like, get it checked? >> reporter: while he did not reveal it was malignant, but it was removed, and he's bandaged up with a thumb's up. abc news, new york. >> he says it's less dramatic than some people made out. sounds like it's not me know ma, but could have developed into something else. a good thing to be removed and thanking the fan. >> absolutely. great to be safer than not. >> a good reminder for everybody when we come back, gaga, the gilmore girls, and going to the polls. >> what do they have in common? they're all in the skinny coming up next. >> see, i knew. "world news now" continues ? ? justin timberlake themed skinny song because we start with justin timerlake who is fired up about doing his civic duty. >> so much so he flew from l.a. to memphis, tennessee, where where he's from, all to cast an early vote in the presidential race. look there. while he was in the voting many people are doing nowadays, posted it on instagram, that's the thing, and that's when trouble started. >> basically, it's illegal to do that. a new law makes it a misdemeanor with a penalty including up to 30 days in jail and a fine. at first, the local district attorney said timberlake's actions were under review, but then they changed course a little bit. the d.a. says the whole thing is not being investigated. j.t. is in the clear. >> now everyone's dancing. >> it's confusing because different states have completely different laws on the matter. do it, but it's just -- i just love that video. >> he just dances his way out of it. >> taking a selfie. moving on, attention please, fans of the gilmore girls, your long wait is nearly over. >> running for seven seasons ending in 2007, and it won widespread critical acclaim. it's returning in a four-episode show's trademark fast paced dialogue. >> did we order chinese, greek, and italian food? >> and hot dogs. >> last night's a blur. what did we watch? >> no. i'd remember if we rocked a spelling. >> they need a lifetime movie of tori spelling, twirl of death. we have limited time. >> the series official name is a year in the life, premiers on netflix the friday after for a ride on a late, late show with james. the car pool session included a fake phone conversation with james playing the role of the nfl executive offering her her upcoming super bowl halftime gig. >> them it was time for singing, including a rendition of perfect illusion. ? it was a perfect illusion ? ? mistaken for love ? ? it wasn't love ? ? it was a perfect illusion ? ? mistaken for love ? >> i love how into it james gets. >> he's so good. >> he really thinks he's a backup dancer and singer at the same time. check this out. gaga got behind the wheel at one point, and james puts on a she's new to driving. then they are in costume. >> the family was scared about it. when he regained control, he wore a dress as you saw there, her outfits, including the meat dress, which was hilarious because you've always got to snack. they sang liquid dreams, remember that song? >> no. >> liquid dreams? it was not really lyrical genius. >> if you wear a meat dress, you need a grill at all times too. >> true. royalty in philadelphia putting down roots. >> the six-bedroom colonial where oscar winner grace kelly grew up and accepted the proposal. it's been bought by her son, prince albert, for the sum of $754,000. >> pretty good. he toured it yesterday, calling it special to the family, and they say it could be used as a u.s. base for albert's charity. >> all right. >> fantastic. >> a good cause. ? ? take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. ditch the misery. let's end this. (achoo!) you can pick up the flu from surfaces for up to 48 hours. it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home i used to blame the weather for my frizz. turns out my curls needed to be stronger to fight back. pantene's pro-v formula makes my curls so strong* they can dry practically frizz free.** because strong is beautiful. get even stronger results with pantene expert, our most sometimes we use k-y ultragel to enhance my body's natural moisture so i can get into it a bit quicker. olay regenerist renews from within. plumping surface cells for a dramatic transformation... ...without the need for fillers. with olay, you age less. so you can be ageless. olay ageless. my hygienist said the most random thing. she said i should think of my teeth like an apple. it could be great on the outside not so great on the inside. her advice? use a toothpaste and mouthwash that strengthens both. go pro with crest pro-health advanced. it's uniquely formulated with activestrength technology to strengthen teeth inside and is better at strengthening the outside than colgate total. crest toothpaste and mouthwash makes my whole mouth feel amazing. advance to healthier gums and stronger teeth from day one. ? ? ? ? >> you know that one? >> such a good game. >> oh, really? >> if i do say so myself. political song, and it forced to her to deny allegations she was antipolice. >> now amy schumer has her version. it's been viewed a million times on youtube, and, well, a lot of people don't like it. ? ? >> reporter: amy schumer under fire for her version of beyonce's "formation" starring many. beyonce's original video a try butte to black culture pride and empowerment. but the twitter backlash to schumer's video is severe, one calling her video rayist, and another writing, there's no possible excuse for schumer not black women. the parody video released has twice as many negative votes as positive on youtube, but schumer posted to instagram, you know you're that expletive when you cause conversation. thanks for the exclusive release title. we had follow-up making this tribute of all women inspiring each other. so whether pure parody or culture toning, ignored it's not. [ laughter ] it was released by title. it's okay. >> i mean, this -- the thing is, a lot of time these controversies give more publicity which is what she's saying. thanks so much. >> now we have the song stuck in our head. >> all right. this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for homeless shelter this winter. for the past two years, members of shelter house have opened a low-barrier shelter during the coldest months. that shelter accepts people who are intoxicated and can't get into shelter house. but past locations are no longer available. officials say 175 different people stayed at the shelter last winter, and they feel finding the location is the difference between life and death. dozens of people share their opinions about good morning, i'm kendis gibson. >> i'm diane macedo. here's the touch headlines we're following for you this morning on "world news now." donald trump has new ammunition for the campaign trail blasting obamacare as premiums are set to spike. hillary clinton won over another republican. former secretary of state, colin powell says he's with her. we'll have the full report police in oklahoma say the suspected killer they've been searching for had a hit list and intended to kill up to eight more people he's wanted on several charges including first degree murder. he's been on the run since sunday. volkswagen begins paying out $10 billion to buy back nearly half a million vehicles fitted with software designed to fool emissions tests. owners of 2009-2015 vws and audis will be given their car's pitching six strong inings for the tribe with nine strikeouts. those are some of the top stories -- interesting face there -- we're following on wednesday, october 26th. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> tough night for the cubs. >> yes. summed it up, didn't it, that fan? >> just game one, though, just game one. >> six more possibilities, six more games to go. 13 more days to go before election day, and the road to the white house is winding through make or break states this morning. >> donald trump shifting focuses to obamacare and rising premiums, and hillary clinton is looking ahead past election day working to secure a democratic majority in the senate. it's your voice, your vote. more now from maggie rulely. the must-win state. >> two weeks from today. >> reporter: abc news national tracking poll has clinton holding on to her double digit lead over donald trump. at 50% to his 38%. clinton armed with a steady and solid lead is focusing on getting wins down ballot. >> unlike his opponent, patrick murphy has never been afraid to stand up to donald trump. >> reporter: meanwhile trump continues to say that the polls are rigged as well as all of washington. >> job killing obamacare is just one more way that our system is rigged. >> reporter: jumping on the news that average premiums under the affordable care act increase by 25% for popular plans next year. he said obamacare is hurting his employees. we'll reveal it and replace it. >> reporter: afterwards, the general manager of trump's golf course said 99% of full-time employees were insured by the company, meaning they wouldn't need obamacare. >> none of them are on obamacare? >> reporter: trump's jumping from his golf course to a hotel attending a ribbon cutting ceremony in d.c. clinton will stay in florida for a get out the vote rally and celebrate her birthday. kendis, diane, it could be quite >> i can only imagine, maggie, thank you. trump continues to wage war on the media as he defends claim that the election is rigged. in florida, he told supporters the press is to blame for his performance in the polls. >> i'll tell you what, the media, folks, is noed goo. they are no good. very dishonest. and just about the biggest part of the crooked establishment are these people right back there with the phony cameras. they are a bunch of phony low-lives. >> trump launched a nightly news style show on facebook this week despite numerous reports and rumors, he insists he has no fight on fox news between megyn kelly and newt gingrich. he appeared on the news questioning the stories of women accusing trump of sexual assault and the relevance of the controversy itself and criticized kelly and the media for obsessing over the accusations and ignoring hillary clinton's alleged misdeeds. >> you're seeing the tapes of your show recently? fascinated with sex and don't care about public policy. >> me, really? >> that's what i get from you tonight. >> mr. speaker, i'm not fascinated by sex, but i'm fascinated by the protection of women, and understanding what we're getting in the oval office. >> gingrich fired back asking president bill clinton back to the east wing of the white house given his history of alleged sexual abuse against women and kelly refused to comment. >> told him to take care of his anger issues. interesting dig at the end. new developments in the case of thousands of national guard soldiers told to return their bonuses. president obama has ordered the pentagon to speed up its review of the matter, but the white house is not backing calls by some lawmakers that the debt be waived. lowered the number of soldiers afghanistan affected it was, at most, 6500 instead of the original figure of 10,000. mexican prosecutors say they've discovered another drug tunnel between the mexico and the u.s. the 563 yard long passage was equipped with ventilation and lighting and rails. it was apparently used to push loads of drugs through. officials did not reveal the exact end point in california. further north of the border in oklahoma, a 25-year-old woman apparently killed herself. a prison official says amber was found hanging in her cell. she was convicted of second degree murder in the death of her husband, air force veteran, pushing him out of the window of the 25th floor apartment in tul so. she sounded remorseful at the police station later. >> i'm not looking forward to all the nights i'm going to spend crying and waking up life. everyone's going to think i'm a murderer. >> she was seven months pregnant at the time claim the death was an accident caused by the apartment's thin windows. the family doesn't believe she committed suicide saying she had much to live for including her young son. a southern mississippi school district says it disciplined a white high school student for putting a noose around a black football player's neck. the district won't say what the policies. the state's naacp calls for a federal hate crimes investigation, and the group meets this morning with the fbi. the vatican is setting out new guidelines for catholics who wanted to cremated saying the remains can't be divvied up or kept at home, but in a church secure place. the new instructions were released for all soul's day when the faithful pray for and remember the dead. > the grounds of arlington national cemetery, and cycling will no longer be allowed other than families and guests visiting a loved one's grave. security measures at the cemetery are also going to be nr increase the starting next month. shoppers in charleston, west virginia saw a rare sight this week. a deer hiding in a mall stairwell for several hours as wildlife officials were called in as a result. >> they removed the deer they youth put down. >> oh, that's sad. on a happier note, a dog in alabama is a frequent customer of an ice cream truck, the sweet trend began a year ago, and rambo has been in pursuit of the frozen delights ever since. >> so there's other dogs that run away when they hear the ice cream truck's music. most do, but not rambo. he goes straight for the truck. what you might call his pop pupsicle. >> saw that coming. >> did you? >> not really. very cute. the big rig that keeps on trucking despite not having a driver. >> or at least a human one anyway. how a self-driving semi did in the midst of the humans in smaller vehicles. later, the softer side of michael moore, the controversial documentary just in time for election day. first, a look at today's chilly temperatures. "world news now" weather sometimes we use k-y ultragel to enhance my body's natural moisture so i can get into it a bit quicker. and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel. my cold medicines' wearing off. that stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. get commercial delivery made by a self-driving truck was? a beer run. anheuser busch are working with the autonomous truck maker, otto, for the 120 mile trip across colorado. uber acquired otto this summer. there was a professional driver on board the entire time, but never took control. bud arrived safe and sound. >> i can't believe i was the only one on that round of applause. i didn't hear anything from jack, geez. >> we were with you on that. >> all right. thank you, people. projected record sales of apple were enough to drive the company out of its down profit slum. shares of the world's most valuable publicly traded company slipped nearly 3% of posting the third successive quarter of declining iphone sales and fo upcoming holiday season. they suggest apple may be losing its edge on tech superiority. chipotle is still struggling reporting 22% drop as profits fell 95%. still, the ceo says they are on the road to recovery. if i have to make a recommendation, they should start delivering. >> even if it's just for me. >> you know the avocado is extra, though? >> the guac is extra every teem. they tell you every time. >> like, we know. >> i own a shirt that says, i know guac is extra. >> all right. so a fact checker for rolling stone testified in defamation case against the magazine that case, of course, stemming from the controversial 2014 rape on camp the woman whose story started the entire controversy. here's the details. >> reporter: for the first time, jurors hearing from the woman at the center of that now infamous "rolling stone" article, "a rape on campus," and in a taped depp deposition played on monday, the student known as jackie was under the impression it was details of the alleged rape would not be published. i was 20 years old and had no idea there was off the record on on the record. i was naive. she felt misquoted and pressure by the magazine to participate in the story, and that when a friend mentioned concerns to the reporter, sabrina, she responded, there's no pulling the plug at this point. the article is moving forward. the article became "rolling stone most read noncelebrity story ever. administration including the former associate deen. >> how would you describe they made you look? >> made it look like i used the trust of young women to cover up rape. that was so far from anything i would ever do. it's just unbelievable to me. >> reporter: suing the magazine for over $7 million, saying she was painted as a chief villain, and jackie disagreeing with the article's portrayal deposition discouraged her to, quote, see her get some kind of justice. since the publishing, the rolling stone article was retracted, but jackie maintains she was assaulted, testifying in deposition while she believed the story was manipulated to write something sensational, she believes the intentions were good. i believe she did the best she could. abc news, new york. coming up, michael moore offering a version of an october surprise. >> what his brand new film is "world news now" continues after this from our abc michael moore is known for stirring things up, e and no surprise, his new documentary is doing just that. >> all about, as you could guess, the presidential race. >> reporter: there's always talk about october surprises, but nobody was expecting this. michael moore in trumpland. >> before we got people not voting at all. how about third party people? anybody voting third party? >> reporter: one stand out? >> conservatives are, like, get in the car, we're going to the outback. >> reporter: two parts gorilla film making. >> it was shot and edited in 11 >> reporter: all for a plea for america's future. >> good night, america. you just elected the last president of the united states. >> reporter: michael moore, the eternal darling of the antiestablishment left tapped into the working class anger that launched his first film, "roger and me" railing lost jobs in the auto industry. >> we just lost a job. >> reporter: bowling for columbine. >> shot in the massacre. >> reporter: and fahrenheit 9/11. >> seeing how much money could be made. >> reporter: which you guessed it, rails against the iraq war. this newest offering showing a >> trying to come out and meet you halfway, and the things we don't agree on, all right, you love your guns. i don't want a gun. i don't get it gun. i won't get one. >> it's unexpected in many ways because you sort of expect a left wing propaganda piece. this is an olive branch to trump supporters. >> well, you know, i grew up their lives ruined by the system, and they see donald trump as their human molatov cocktail. >> reporter: another says one we'd regret. >> when they find out after a few months in office that president trump wasn't going to do a damn thing for them, it'll be too late. >> reporter: i was surprised to discover how deeply moore's views over the years clashed with clinton's. supporter through the primary? >> no, no, i didn't vote for her in 2008, i voted for obama. >> thank you, all, very much. >> this year i voted for bernie. i didn't vote for bill clinton back in the '90s. i voted third party. he was a conservative democrat. never a fan of them politically, but i've always admired and respected them as people, as human beings. the former first lady's passion for universal health care, the topic of moore's 2007 film, "sicko." >> making health care for everyone her top priority. >> reporter: why is her push in healthcare moving to you? >> 25 years ago, she put her neck right there on the chopping block so that we all of us could have universal health care, and she was the strongest. >> reporter: are you trying to appeal to trump supporters, appeal to bernie supporters, or both? >> convince people who are not going to vote to vote, bernie supporters, come on, you know, she ain't that bad. trying to say people voting third party, we need more than two parties. i'm saying for the guys i grew up with who work in the auto factories, this guy is not going to do what he's promising to do, and this woman is going to do something profound for our kids and our grandchildren. let's give her a shot here. coming up, ready, set, sleep! >> a tired toddler and more. for up to 48 hours? it's like having a sick family member that you didn't even know was there. and we all know what happens when one family member gets sick. but lysol spray and lysol wipes kill 99.9% of germs including 8 common cold & flu viruses to help protect your home. this cold and flu season sometimes we use k-y ultragel to enhance my body's natural moisture so i can get into it a bit quicker. and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... ? ? ? ? ? the pain ? the pain. all right. heros, as you know, come in all shapes, sizes, species as we're about to see. >> here's that and more in the newest edition of "two truths and a why." good morning. >> good morning, you two. this warms the hearts of dog ordinary persons everywhere. a beloved pooch. awakened by a barking dog, the owner's home engulfed in flames. firefighters rushed to the scene to find andre unconscious. her loyal dog on top of her as flames raised. she suffered burns, but is not the neighbors are calling the dog a e hero, and we think so too. he deserves an extra bone this week. halloween is a week away, and looking for inspiration? who you going to call? ghost busters. at least that's what one 8-year-old in california did. take a look at jeremy miller's amazing halloween costume built by his dad, ryan. he's been in a whch since age of 3 because of spina bifida, but his costume has working lights, a siren, and a speaker that plays the theme song. a costume that makes bill murray or any ghost buster proud. that's so amazingly cool. finally, why does this small child have more self-control than most adults i know? take a look at this tired stay awake until dad gives him permission to sleep, but, oh, when he finally does, take a look. >> do you want to go to sleep? you go ahead. go to sleep. i'll -- >> doesn't take. . kendis, diane, wouldn't life be easier if we could fall asleep that quickly? >> yes. or if i could make kendis fall asleep t sleep. got it. what are you doing? how are you doing? >> ouch. i bruised myself. committed way too much for that bit. what is sleep? if only. i try that with ambien and still doesn't work. >> a little vodka? this morning on "world news now," republicans catch a break over the trouble with obamacare. >> as millions of americans prepare for rising health care costs, donald trump says his first move in office would be to repeal the affordable care act as he fires back at the president calling him mr. tough guy. we'll have the details, ahead. a group of people in florida robbed at gun point. the suspect firing at her victims before taking off with their belongings. the manhunt is now underway. cleveland inches closer to history beating the cubs last night, but it was not just about baseball. the indians are getting royal reaction from the city's reigning king. get ready to fly high like the royals, like the rich and come along with me as i show you what a celebrity commute looks like on this wednesday, october 26th. it's rough. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> you look so excited. >> i know. that act as if you've been there before. >> it's so rough to act like you've been there before when you're just like -- >> i can't believe i'm here! we'll get to lifestyles of the rich and kendis. everyone's excited about that, but donald trump rallies against obamacare. >> trump is promising that his first order of business as president would be to repeal the affordable care act. he says he would give people more choice this their insurance plans, but he failed to offer some specifics. >> trump made the comments at one of the florida golf courses saying his employees are having problems with obamacare, but the resorts manager said 99% of the staff are insured by the company. >> trump is also taking aim at vice president biden after biden, as you recall, slammed he could take trump behind the gym implying he wants to beat him up, but trump has fighting words of his own. >> did you see where biden wants to take me to the back of the barn? me. you know, he's mr. tough guy. he's mr. tough guy when he's behind a microphone by himself. he wants to bring me to the back of the barn. oh. >> hillary clinton, by the way, turns 69 today. she'll be spending her birthday on the campaign trail in florida. >> and she went to an adelle concert in miami last night to do a little early celebrating, i guess. and the singer is 100% for the democratic nominee. adele, as you know, can not vote, but powell can and says he's with her. here's more now. >> reporter: hillary clinton feeling confident on a two-day swing through florida. >> i feel good, but, boy, i'm not taking anything for granted. behind her. there are volunteers from the campaign right now trying to gather all of these people up to send them across the street where they can actually vote. >> let's go vote! let's go vote! >> i voted yesterday. >> bring a friend tomorrow. >> reporter: florida, one of 36 states where voting is underway. nationwide, nearly 9 million votes already cast. clinton is getting a boost from a top republican, former secretary of state colin powell. powell and clinton publicly sparred over her use of private e-mails, and clinton's team implying powell suggested she use it. powell told "people" magazine her people tried to pin it on me. in hacked e-mails, powell saying of clinton, i would rather not have to vote for her, although she is a friend i respect. clinton doesn't look good, she's working herself to death. vote for clinton, reportedly saying she is balanced, she has temperament, and no matter what anyone says, she has stamina. he also attacked donald trump saying he has insulted america in one way almost every day. powell twice voted for president obama. the president taking his own shots at trump playing along with jimmy kimmel's mean tweets. >> president obama will go down as perhaps the worst president in the history of the united states! @realdonaldtrump. well,@realdonaldtrump, at least i will go down as a president. >> reporter: and now for hillary clinton, she's hoping if she wins big in the sunshine state, she can stop donald trump in his tracks. cecelia vega, abc news, pompano, florida. >> and one more thing about hillary clinton, a hacked e-mail campaign was concerned hillary clinton would be linked to the e-mail controversy, said clinton sent e-mails to the president from her nongovernment address. but the white house says the president had no knowledge of where clinton aerve server was located or what type of arrangement had been made regarding her e-mails. the u.s.-led coalition steps up efforts against isis, now setting sights in syria. ash carter says the coalition is already laying out the ground work to push isis out of the city of raqqa although forces are still working to recapture the iraqi city of mozul. it's up likely both major operations will be conducted at the same time. kurdish forces claim they surrounded and entered an important town. bashika is on a supply route from the second largest city. there's work to do. video released by a kurdish news agency shows civilians raising white flags. in oklahoma, the suspected killer had a hit list intending to kill eight victims saying michael advance was out for revenge over child sex abuse allegations. jay alva with abc has more on the search for advance. >> reporter: extra patrols, a statewide manhunt for a gunman who shot six and now vanished. >> every's on edge right now. i had people stopping and talking to me all day long. >> reporter: michael advance live streamed this spree on facebook. >> this is the real deal. >> reporter: police expect he may be dead, shot by this 26-year veteran cop. jimmy hampton. >> so it looks like a gun fight in the movies? >> yeah. he was shooting at me and i was shooting at him. took a shot to the foot and he and three others responded to a routine call of wild target practice. when hampton, a weapons trainer, heard a frightening click. >> when i was in afghanistan, i was an instructor for ak-47. i know the noise. >> reporter: vance opened up in front of them, as they ran, hampton decided to stay and fight. i was a mama bear protecting her cubs. when you start shooting at her shooting at the officers, it just -- the rage went through me and i was like, no, not today. >> reporter: after the shootout, the injured hampton and another police truck to the bear creek mobile home park where he carjacked a vehicle and shot a bystander. then moving to the aunt and uncle's house, allegedly murdering them before shooting another man at a gas station. it was the last time he was seen or heard from. police say there have been several false alarms, but no confirmed sightings of advance since early monday morning. and his cell phone has stopped pinging. police in florida hunting for an armed robber who opened fire on three people in miami. surveillance video shows a woman approaching three people. she takes one of the victim's purse and fires off a shot, hittinging a 12-year-old boy in the stomach. they toss the wallets and phones and fires seven more shots hitting two others. police say a 20-year-old woman and a 17-year-old male suffered graze wounds. the 12-year-old boy is the sheriff charged with contempt of court for ignoring a judge's orders. joe arpaio is expected to plead not guilty at trial in early december. it stems from violating federal judge's order to stop enforcing civil immigration laws. the sheriff is up for re-election in the next month. here at home, volkswagen will soon begin paying $150 10 billion to buy back nearly half a million vehicles fitted with it's the largest settlement in u.s. history giving owners of 2009-2015 vws and audis a full trade price. the buyback could begin as early as next month. and there's a safety concern this morning for america's best selling vehicle. the insurance institute for highway safety gave the ford f-150 pickup truck a poor rating for its hall halogen and l.e.d. lights saying they don't provide enough visibility. in fact, most of the pickups tested scored a poor rating. only one of them, the most expensive version of the 2017 honda ridgeline, earned a top rating of good. let's talk about the world series, shall we? it's off and running. cleveland easily took the first game from chicago 6-0, and that is thanks to this guy, roberto perez, the first indians' player to have more than one home run in a world series. a solo shot you saw there, and then this one, a three-run home run in the eighth inning to scoreless innings, struck out eight batters in the first three innings. and you just knew the night was not going to the cubs when brandon dwyer drove in a run in the first inning after being hit by a pitch with the bases loaded. the game one winner has taken the world series in the last six years. >> i want to read you a bit of shade that came from the official cleveland police department -- >> shade? >> a tweet, twitter, said missing persons report filed for chicago cubs offense. >> oh, that's just mean. >> can you believe that? >> be careful with the trash talking. it is only game one. >> oh, the cleveland police putting that out. apb for the cubs' offense. >> across the plaza, the cavaliers hoisted the city's first championship banner in 52 years and demolished the knicks 117-88. but get this, some fans didn't even stay for the game. baseball game. >> oh, yeah. >> it's just 97 steps from the arena to the progressive field, so they had the ceremony early for fans doing double duty. >> and the cool thing around well past the the basketball game so they could watch the indians play on the jumbotron above. >> oh, they got to watch both at the same time. >> pretty cool. coming up in "the mix," we'll show you the new political ad that is being crowned the funniest of the election season. first, the home invasion caught on security camera. you can see a man creeping around a sleeping woman, and then she tries to make a break for it, but he grabs her. hear how she got away from him. later, come with me as you see a world of pure imagination for all of us, unless you can bankroll it. come fly the friendly skies and fiscally extravagant skies with yours truly. >> tell us what you think about lifestyles of the rich and kendis on facebook,, and twitter @abcwnn. >> no, we don't want to do that. opinions. the strong ones, especially. you're watching ""world news now." "w . now." . only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. you're watching "world news now." opinions. the strong ones, especially. you're watching "world news now." k about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, in out-of-pocket medical costs. so don't wait. call to request your free decision guide. and gather the information now to help you choose a plan later. these types of plans let you pick any doctor or hospital that takes medicare patients. and there's a range of plans to choose from, depending on you needs and your budget. so if you're turning 65 soon, call now and get started. because the time to think about today. (achoo!) you can pick up the flu from surfaces for up to 48 hours. it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home ?when you've got...? ?...nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!? ?nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!? here's pepto bismol! ah. ?nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!? sometimes we use k-y ultragel to enhance my body's natural moisture so i can get into it a bit quicker. (coughs) cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex let's end this. you get used to sweaty odors in your car, you think it smells fine but your passengers smell this... eliminate odors you've gone noseblind to for up to 30 days with the febreze car vent clip break out the febreze, and [inhale/exhale mnemonic] back with an incident? texas that back with an incident? texas that police call bold and brazen. a man entering a sleeping woman's home. >> the woman says the suspect intended to rape her, but she fought back, and the man is still on the loose. >> reporter: it's a brazen home invasion caught on camera. a man is lurking outside a home saturday while a young woman is alone inside. and, look, he's turning around, like, looking in the window, watching me sleep. >> reporter: you can clearly see the man's face searching for a way to get in, eventually crawling through a window. inside, the woman fell asleep on her couch watching the investigation discovery show "a stranger in my home." >> i woke up to him putting his hand over my mouth and nose and strangling me with the other hand. at first i was immobile because i thought i was in a dream. >> reporter: face to face, the frightened woman who doesn't want to be identified then notices the open window and tries to escape. >> when i saw that window, i thought in my head, if you're going to get out of here alive, this is your one and only time, make the move now. >> reporter: the man drags her back inside. >> i start screaming for help, and he takes off running. >> reporter: shaken, but not injured. ft. worth police are now hunting for the man in the video. >> anybody's bold enough to go inside of someone's residence knowing they are home is someone that we are concerned about. doubt. >> yeah.. >> police are still searching for him. >> frightening. coming up, though, we're going to switch gears on a lighter note. our own mr. gibson is at it again. >> up, up, away in the lifestyles of the rich, and then there's us. that's next. "world news now" continues after this from our abc ? i just want to fly put your arms around me, away ? i love the graphics in the segment and the segment itself, another segment of the lifestyles of the rich and kendis. >> it's awesome. there's business class, executive class, first class, and then there's this whole other, other world that's over there. >> reporter: welcome to the his championship ring. private jets around the world and their go-to carrier, a small long island, new york, company called. and as i found out, a five-star service starts with the black car that picks you up directly from your home and takes you to the plane's door. ? >> what's up? never seen this car before. >> fancy. >> it's the way to g >> ready to fly? >> yes, i am, let's go. >> reporter: before i'm on board, a little bit about talon. it was founded by a former real estate developer, adam, who is not shy about dropping some of his celebrity client names.. >> kobe, billy joel, madonna, everyone. years ago with a small fleet of aging corporate jets, and now the largest one circles the has 30 top of the line planes. world with only one refuelling stop. what's the ultimate experience like? >> curb to curb service. you'll be brought to the airport, bags picked up before you leave. we hand you a drink, pillows, blanket and the key thing is convenience and safety. >> reporter: that's nice, but it's not cheap. a private flight to dubai sets you back more than $200,000. what do we get for that kind of money? well, this plane is going to i boarded this plane for a flight to london. >> welcome aboard. >> good to be aboard. i have my own personal dedicated flight attendant, in this case, nicole, just for myself. >> does this work? >> 2002 vintage? i guess i'll lower myself and do that. >> absolutely. >> i can totally get used to this p. >> thank you. and besides my choice of champagne -- cheers. and several high end meals served through wrought the flight. this particular plane seatings eight, all that lie flat. the plane's sound system blasts your favorite tunes -- ? i'm getting drunk on a plane ? ? all by myself just wanna-be -- and off we go. flight to london takes a short six hours. once on the ground, no customs to maneuver. it's already handled. >> this is really the way to fly. how long's it going to take to get to london? airport? >> i'm so sorry, sir, your card got declined. >> 14 minutes later, we're back on the ground. >> the last time i put a flight like this on my debit card. thanks. don't mind if i take this. >> no london, huh? >> no, no, not so much. london looked more like long island. sorry. >> a little quick tour. >> at least the got the domp. >> okay, never. >> that would be never. would b. flr move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex (coughs) that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. . time for the mix and time for the mix and starting to break down boundaries. asher is a 15 month old with down syndrome, and his mom had submitted his photos to an ad company. >> yeah. >> specifically for an b' gosh campaign. >> he's cute. >> the advertising agency said they wouldn't submit the photos because they brand didn't specify they wanted a baby with special needs. >> oh. >> so mom put his photos on social media saying that she, you know, she doesn't understand why they would need specifications, so she says my son is very photogenic opinion. >> very cute. i hope they say yes. >> the photo retweeted, and now the brand says they are good luck, asher, there. >> how cute is he? >> very, very cute. i want to show you what's the cutest political ad of the year right now. this is a wife of a texas county commissioner on tape pleading for votes, but it's different. it's not what you're used to. listen. >> gerald really doesn't have any hobbies. >> last year's tax rate was 1.419. this year, we can take it down to 3.838. >> yeah, all the time. >> which means the 3838 is probably going to go somewhere between 2838 and 4169. >> so she pleased for them to re-elect him so that he'll get out of the house. so he'll have something else to do. oh, man. >> an important anniversary. >> yes. >> 30th year, the annual race in dupont circle. >> i love this. >> huge event. >> every year you have dozens of tough. >> usually a few stumbles. you say it's not that tough, huh? >> it's not that tough. >> you're on. >> you're on. >> let's do this. >> let's see. all right. i got some, like, 6 inch heels. starting over here. >> by jack? >> yeah. >> on your mark -- >> i should point out my heelts are -- >> go! >> oh, not even close! not even close! >> my heels are way too big. >> rematch. take two as if it was slo-mo. like it is. yes. diane, quit while you're ahead. >> oh, my god. >> can you even walk in them? >> not really. >> you're not carl lewis, kendis, you're no carl lewis. >> straight back. just walk. >> there you go. >> keep doing that on tv. tonight as an area of low pressure tracks across iowa. the low moves from the plains across the state and by late wednesday moves into illinois. rain continues through wednesday morning before ending. over one inch of rainfall is possible across the norther third of the state with less amounts farther south. we cloud also could hear some rumbles of thunder as the system moves through. this is our best chance for rain into early next week as starting thursday we again get back to our dry, but up and down temperature trend we have seen this october. have a great night! tonight: showers and a few thunderstorm s likely. windy. wind: se 15-30. low: 50 tomorrow: showers and a few thunderstorm s likely, mostly in the morning. windy at times. wind: var 10-20. high: 56 low: 42 thursday: partly cloudy. high: 59 low: 42 friday: partly making news in america this wednesday morning, fighting until the final bell. donald trump going after everyone, even telling vice president joe biden to bring it on, and he's seizing on the rising costs coming to obamacare. plus, hillary clinton riding high as she celebrates a birthday. and many of us are bracing for a blast of cold air. hear where the freezing temperatures are right now plus snow in the forecast for the northeast and unrelentless rain on the west coast. caught on camera, a woman gets out of a car, pulls a gun and fires on a group of people just feet away. and the cleveland indians take game one. it was a dominating performance on the mound. shutting down the cubs plus the senior who predicted a cubs world series in his yearbook 23

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Transcripts For KCRG World News Now 20161026 :

Transcripts For KCRG World News Now 20161026

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frightening click. >> when i was in afghanistan, i was an instructor for ak-47. i know the noise. >> reporter: vance opened up in front of them, as they ran, hampton decided to stay and fight. i was a mama bear protecting her cubs. when you shoot at the officers, it just, the rage went through me, and i was, like, no, not today. >> reporter: after the shootout, the injured hampton officer, vance drove their police truck to the bear creek mobile home park where he carjacked a vehicle and shot a bystander, moving to his aunt and uncle's house allegedly murdering them and another man at a gas station. it was the last time he was seen or heard from. there's been false alarms, but no confirmed sightings since early monday mornings, and his cell phone stopped pinging. oklahoma city. fire on three people in miami. a woman approached three people, taking one of the victim's purse and fires off a shot hitting a 12-year-old boy in the stomach. they toss the wallets and phones and fires seven more shots hitting two others. police say a 20-year-old woman and a male suffered graze wounds and the 12-year-old boy is recovering after surgery. the contempt of court for ignoring a judge's orders. he's expected to plead not guilty in trail in early december. it stems from violating federal judge's order to stop enforcing civil immigration laws. the sheriff is up for re-election in the next month. volkswagen will pay $10 billion to buy back half a million vehicled fitted with so software to fool emissions u.s. history giving owners of 2009-2015 vws and audis a full trade price. it could begin next month. safety concern for america's best selling vehicle. the insurance institute for highway safety gave the ford f-150 pickup truck a poor rating for the headlights saying they do not provide enough visibility. in fact, most of the pickups tested scored poor. only one of them, the most expensive ridgeline earned a top rating of good. talk about the world series, shall we? it's off and running. cleveland easily took the first game from chicago 6-0, and that is thanks to this guy, perez, the first indians' player to have more than one home run in a world series. a solo shot you saw there, and then this one, a three-run home run in the eighth inning to confirm the victory. struck out eight batters in the first three innings, and you knew the night was not going to the cubs when brandon drove in a run in the first inning after being hit by a pitch with the bases loaded. the game one winner has taken the world series in the last six years. >> i want to read you a bit of shade that came from the official cleveland police department -- >> shade? >> a tweet, twitter, said missing persons report filed for chicago cubs offense. >> >> can you believe that? >> be careful with the trash talking. it is only game one. >> oh, the cleveland police putting that out. apb for the cubs' offense. >> the cavaliers host hoisted the championship banner in 52 years and demolished the knicks 117-88. sometimes they didn't stay for the game, leaving as soon as the ceremony was over to catch the baseball. arena to the progressive field, so they had the ceremony early for fans doing double duty. >> fans stuck around well past the basketball game so they could watch the indians play on the jumbotron above. >> oh, they got to watch both at the same time. >> pretty cool. coming up in the mix, we'll show you the new political ad that is being crowned the funniest of the election season. >> first, the home invasion caught on security camera. you can see a man around a sleeping woman, and then she tries to make a break for it, but he grabs her. hear how she got away from him. later, come with me as you see a world of pure imagination for all of us, unless you can bankroll it. come fly the friendly skies and fiscally extravagant skies with yours truly. >> tell us what you think about lifestyles of the rich and kendis on facebook,, >> no, we don't want to do that. . you see, medicare doesn't cover everything - only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so if 65 is around the corner, think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. t-of-pocket medical costs. so don't wait. call to request your free decision guide. and gather the information now to help you choose a plan later. these types of plans let you pick any doctor or hospital that takes medicare patients. and there's a range of plans to choose from, depending on you needs and your budget. so if you're turning 65 soon, call now and get started. because the time to think about today. (achoo!) you can pick up the flu from surfaces for up to 48 hours. it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. ?when you've got...? ?...nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!? ?nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!? here's pepto bismol! ah. ?nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!? sometimes we use k-y ultragel to enhance my body's natural moisture so i can get into it a bit quicker. and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... (coughs) cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex let's end this. you get used to sweaty odors in your car, you think it smells fine but your passengers smell this... eliminate odors you've gone noseblind to for up to 30 days with the febreze car vent clip break out the febreze, and [inhale/exhale mnemonic] back with an incident? texas that police call bold and brazen. a man entering a sleeping woman's home. >> the woman says the suspect intended to rape her, but she fought back, and the man is still on the loose. >> reporter: a brazen home invasion caught on camera. a man is lurking outside a home saturday while a young woman is and, look, he's turning around, like, looking in the window, watching me sleep. >> reporter: you see the man's face searching for a way to get in, eventually crawling through a window. inside, the woman fell asleep on her couch watching the investigation discovery show "a str stranger in my home." >> my mouth was over my mouth and nose. i thought i was in a dream. >> reporter: face to face, the frighted woman who doesn't want to be identified notices the open window and tries to escape. >> i thought in my head, if you're going to get out of here alive, this is the one and only time, make the move now. >> reporter: the man drags her back inside. >> i start screaming for help, and he takes off running. >> reporter: shaken, but not injured. the police are hunting for man in the video. >> anybody's bold enough to go inside of someone's residence knowing they are home is someone that we are concerned about. police are searching for him. >> frightening. a lighter note, our own mr. gibson is at it again. >> up, up, away in the lifestyles of the rich, and then there's us. that's next. i love the graphics in the segment and the segment itself, another segment of the lifes lifestyles of the rich and kendis. >> it's awesome. there's business class, executive class, first class, and another world that's over there. >> reporter: welcome to the fabulous life, the transport of choice for beyonce, lebron, and jets around the world, and there go-to carrier, a small long island, new york company, and as i found out, five-star service starts with the black car that picks you up directly from your home and takes you to the plane's door. ? ? >> what's up? never seen this car before. >> fancy. >> it's the way to go. >> never know around here. >> ready to >> reporter: before i'm on board, this company was founded by a former real estate developer, adam, who is not shy about dropping some of his celebrity client names. >> kobe, billy joel, madonna, everyone. >> reporter: startingal lon 15 years ago with a small fleet of ageing corporate jets, and now has 30 top of the line planes. the largest one circles the stop. what's the ultimate experience like? >> curb to curb service. you'll be brought to the airport, bags picked up before you leave, and we hand you a drink, pillows, blanket, and key thing is convenience and safety. >> reporter: that's nice, but it's not cheap. a private flight to dubai sets you back more than $200,000. what do we get for that kind of money? well, this plane is going to london. >> welcome aboard. >> gd i have my own personal dedicated flight attendant, in this case, nicole, just for myself. >> does this work? >> 2002 vintage? i guess i'll lower myself and do that. >> absolutely. >> i can totally get used to this p. >> thank you. >> beside my choice of champagne -- >> cheers. >> there's a full endless open bar and several high end meals served throughout the flight. eight, all that lie flat. the plane's sound system blasts your favorite tunes -- ? ? and off we go. flight to london takes a short six hours. on the ground, no customs to maneuver. it's already handled. >> this is really the way to fly. how long's it going to take to get to why circle back to the airport? >> i'm so sorry, sir, your card got declined. >> 14 minutes later, we're back on the ground. >> last time i had a flight like this on my debit card. thanks a lot. don't mind if i take this. >> no london, huh? >> no, no, not so much. london looked more like long island. sorry. >> a little quick tour. >> at least the got the champagne. >> when are we flying? $200,000. >> okay, never. >> that would be never. flr move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. ditch the misery. (coughs) that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex ditch the misery. let's end this. . time for the mix and starting to break down boundaries. asher is a 15 month old with down syndrome, and his mom had submitted his photos to an ad company. >> yeah. >> specifically for a campaign. >> he's cute. >> the advertising agency said they wouldn't submit the because they brand didn't specify they wanted a baby with special needs. >> oh. >> so mom put his photos on social media saying that she, you know, she doesn't understand why they would need specifications, so she says my son is photo jennic. >> very cute. i hope they say yes. >> the photo retweeted, and now the brand says they are seriously considering having him in their ad campaign. >> how cute is he? >> very, very cute. i want to show you what's the cutest political ad of the year right now. this is a wife of a texas county commissioner on tape pleading for votes, but it's different. it's not what you're used to. listen. >> gerald really doesn't have any hobbies. >> this year, take it down to 3838. >> always like that? >> yeah, all the time. >> which is somewhere between 238 and 4169. >> pleads for them to reelect him so that he'll get out of the house. so he'll have something else to do. oh, man. >> an important anniversary. >> yes. >> 30th year, the annual race in dupont circle. >> i love this. >> huge event. >> every year you have dozens of tough. >> usually a few stumbles. not tough, huh? >> it's not. >> you're on. >> you're on. >> let's do this. >> let's see. all right. i got some, like, 6 inch heels. starting over here. >> by jack? >> yeah. >> on your mark -- >> my heels are -- >> go! >> oh, not even close! not even >> rematch. >> wait! take two as if it was slo-mo. like it is. yes. diane, quit while you're ahead. >> oh, my god. >> can you even walk in them? >> not really. >> straight back. just walk. >> there you go. this morning on "world news now," friends and foes, donald trump unleashing a new round of attacks impersonating president obama after he dissed the republican candidate on late night tv. this as hillary clinton gathers more support from the celebrity world. an 8-year-old girl shares her story after survivi hear how she kept calm in the face of disaster. a dismal report about closing the gender pay gap. >> hear how long it could take to reach financial equality in the u.s. and where women are leaving work early in protest. and -- ? ? if you're not in formation, get in line. at least that's the message from the bey-hive after a parody video fell flat. both sides of the controversy on this wednesday, 26th, the ross team is on it. from abc news, this is "world news now." ? ? >> formation, get some hot sauce in your bag, swag. >> amy schumer has a powerful social media following as well. >> she does. we'll dig deeper. people hope to get in formation with two weeks to go before the election. donald trump is taking aim at obamacare and the president himself. >> so during his campaign blits in florida, trump defended his allegation that the election is rigged and mocked president obama saying he made the same claim when he was running eight years ago. >> before he won his first race, he was talking about voting, and he said, remember, i come from chicago, you know, i mean, you know, they -- give me a break. this guy is such a phony guy. >> he was referring to a video >> there was voter fraud in the past and went on to talk about the importance of oversight. >> trump spent the day hammering the president's signature health care law and touting one of his golf courses. it's your voice, your vote, and tom llamas is on the campaign trail. >> reporter: to turn this election around, donald trump convening reporters not for a news conference, but to show off one of his florida resorts. miami. it's a tremendous success. the bookings through the roof. >> reporter: behind trump? scores of his workers. >> we have well over a thousand employees, and 80% of them are hispanic. >> reporter: and then? >> anybody like to say a few words about working for trump? anybody? >> reporter: one man steps forward -- you're fired. i'll say, who is that guy? >> i want to say that even though i have many issues with my family because i've been supporting this man here, i love it. >> reporter: it went on and on. one after another, coming forward to praise the boss. >> i'm a latino and i support this man. >> i love this place. >> make america great again. >> god bless america. i vote for you. >> reporter: trump also using the moment to respond to that startling news about obamacare that people who get their insurance through the federal exchange will see their premiums spike 25%, and trump says it could go even higher and will only get worse under hillary clinton. >> that number is so wrong. that is such a phony number. talking about 60, 70, 80% in increases, not 25%. >> reporter: saying his employees are suffering. >> my employees are having a tremendous problem with obamacare. what they are going through with >> reporter: in fact, the resort's general manager said the majority of workers there don't use it at all. >> 99% of the employees are insured through the hotel. through our insurance and maybe there's a few that are insured through obamacare, but very, very few. >> reporter: as trump's plane touches down in florida, pointing to the signs behind him. >> i love the pink signs, women for trump. i love the signs behind me, blacks for trump. i like those signs. >> reporter: promising to shock the world just like the brexit vote in the u.k. defied predictions. >> there's going to be a lot of brexits happening in two weeks, a lot of brexit. remember that? everybody went to bed. they said, oh, gee, i think it's not -- and i said it was going to happen. >> reporter: mixing business and an event in washington, d.c., but it's not a campaign event, but ribbon cutting for trump's new hotel in the nation's capital and making remarks to show off the property for the cameras. tom llamas, abc news,al las tee, florida. a big name republican is jumping ship for hillary clinton. former secretary of state colin powell is voting for clinton saying she has the temperament and stamina. as far as trump, powell said he has insulted america almost every day. in endorsement from adele as well dropping by in miami last night calling clinton amazing. she can't vote, but she says she's still affected by what happens in america. overseas, french officials say about 4,000 migrants have been resettled so far from the huge camp in calle that's being demolished. three my grants arrived in chardonnay in eastern france where the welcome was lukewarm. railings to get to the temporary processing center at that camp. the united nations warns this will be the deadliest year on record for migrants and refugees crossing the mediterranean sea. 4,000 people this year died in the crossing. that's close to the total of all of last year. there's several contributing factors which point out to more people packed into flimsier boats. a girl from georgia describes survival in a plane crash. with her grandfather. she was hurt and is recovering in atlanta children's hospital and describes the moment after the crash. >> scariest part was when crashed, and i just saw myself, like, kept on looking at my hands and stuff, like, all tore up and stuff. >> reporter: her grandfather is now recovering from broken bones. by the time she's 91, the world gender equality. that's the finding at least from the world economic forum's latest global gender gap report showing if current trends continue, it takes 83 years for the gender gap to close worldwide in health, education, economic opportunity, and politics. iceland takes the top spot for closing it so far, even though this week women in the country started leaving work 14% early in protests of the gap. united states ranks 45th. it is the coldest morning of the fall season so far for major cities in the north east looking at today's highs, just 49 in boston. that's the high, folks. 51 in new york. not much warmer in the midwest. >> heavy rain in the upper midwest down through the plains, and parts of new england can prepare for 6 inches of snow starting tonight through friday. >> oh. >> the weather is already a factor in tonight's game two of rain in cleveland. >> well, in last night's game, wind was a problem for many. the indian's pitcher and miller combined to leave the cubs high and dry, shutting out chicago 6-0. yeah. that sums it up for cubs fans. they wondered if this world series drumming was worth the 71-year wait, but they are hopeful despite the intense rivalry. >> we have a lot of respect for cleveland fans, and they are respectful towards us. we are baseball fans, love the game, and here to witness history. >> either way, history will be made. last night's game not withstanding, and mcfarland has a cure for the so-called curse on the beloved cubs. they name their twins clark and addison. >> the significance, that's the intersection where wrigley field is located, at clark and addison in the north there in chicago. they were awake and watching the are good luck charms about now. >> yeah. >> all of chicago's hoping. >> they were born in a historic game in june when chris bryan hit three home runs and two doubles. last night, didn't hit anything. >> mom is on board, but she was a white sox fan when they first met. >> oh. >> she's been converted. >> that's it? just like that. clark and addison. coming up, the youth football coach accused of putting a man in to play with the boys. >> eagle eye spectator noticing that the sub has facial hair and tattoos. justin timberlake under fire for sharing his voting preference as anxiety grows that the voting selfie for many might be bans. that's coming up in the skinny. you're watching "world news now. brought to you by united health care. 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"world news now" continues ? ? justin timberlake themed skinny song because we start with justin timerlake who is fired up about doing his civic duty. >> so much so he flew from l.a. to memphis, tennessee, where where he's from, all to cast an early vote in the presidential race. look there. while he was in the voting many people are doing nowadays, posted it on instagram, that's the thing, and that's when trouble started. >> basically, it's illegal to do that. a new law makes it a misdemeanor with a penalty including up to 30 days in jail and a fine. at first, the local district attorney said timberlake's actions were under review, but then they changed course a little bit. the d.a. says the whole thing is not being investigated. j.t. is in the clear. >> now everyone's dancing. >> it's confusing because different states have completely different laws on the matter. do it, but it's just -- i just love that video. >> he just dances his way out of it. >> taking a selfie. moving on, attention please, fans of the gilmore girls, your long wait is nearly over. >> running for seven seasons ending in 2007, and it won widespread critical acclaim. it's returning in a four-episode show's trademark fast paced dialogue. >> did we order chinese, greek, and italian food? >> and hot dogs. >> last night's a blur. what did we watch? >> no. i'd remember if we rocked a spelling. >> they need a lifetime movie of tori spelling, twirl of death. we have limited time. >> the series official name is a year in the life, premiers on netflix the friday after for a ride on a late, late show with james. the car pool session included a fake phone conversation with james playing the role of the nfl executive offering her her upcoming super bowl halftime gig. >> them it was time for singing, including a rendition of perfect illusion. ? it was a perfect illusion ? ? mistaken for love ? ? it wasn't love ? ? it was a perfect illusion ? ? mistaken for love ? >> i love how into it james gets. >> he's so good. >> he really thinks he's a backup dancer and singer at the same time. check this out. gaga got behind the wheel at one point, and james puts on a she's new to driving. then they are in costume. >> the family was scared about it. when he regained control, he wore a dress as you saw there, her outfits, including the meat dress, which was hilarious because you've always got to snack. they sang liquid dreams, remember that song? >> no. >> liquid dreams? it was not really lyrical genius. >> if you wear a meat dress, you need a grill at all times too. >> true. royalty in philadelphia putting down roots. >> the six-bedroom colonial where oscar winner grace kelly grew up and accepted the proposal. it's been bought by her son, prince albert, for the sum of $754,000. >> pretty good. he toured it yesterday, calling it special to the family, and they say it could be used as a u.s. base for albert's charity. >> all right. >> fantastic. >> a good cause. ? ? take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. ditch the misery. let's end this. (achoo!) you can pick up the flu from surfaces for up to 48 hours. it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home i used to blame the weather for my frizz. turns out my curls needed to be stronger to fight back. pantene's pro-v formula makes my curls so strong* they can dry practically frizz free.** because strong is beautiful. get even stronger results with pantene expert, our most sometimes we use k-y ultragel to enhance my body's natural moisture so i can get into it a bit quicker. olay regenerist renews from within. plumping surface cells for a dramatic transformation... ...without the need for fillers. with olay, you age less. so you can be ageless. olay ageless. my hygienist said the most random thing. she said i should think of my teeth like an apple. it could be great on the outside not so great on the inside. her advice? use a toothpaste and mouthwash that strengthens both. go pro with crest pro-health advanced. it's uniquely formulated with activestrength technology to strengthen teeth inside and is better at strengthening the outside than colgate total. crest toothpaste and mouthwash makes my whole mouth feel amazing. advance to healthier gums and stronger teeth from day one. ? ? ? ? >> you know that one? >> such a good game. >> oh, really? >> if i do say so myself. political song, and it forced to her to deny allegations she was antipolice. >> now amy schumer has her version. it's been viewed a million times on youtube, and, well, a lot of people don't like it. ? ? >> reporter: amy schumer under fire for her version of beyonce's "formation" starring many. beyonce's original video a try butte to black culture pride and empowerment. but the twitter backlash to schumer's video is severe, one calling her video rayist, and another writing, there's no possible excuse for schumer not black women. the parody video released has twice as many negative votes as positive on youtube, but schumer posted to instagram, you know you're that expletive when you cause conversation. thanks for the exclusive release title. we had follow-up making this tribute of all women inspiring each other. so whether pure parody or culture toning, ignored it's not. [ laughter ] it was released by title. it's okay. >> i mean, this -- the thing is, a lot of time these controversies give more publicity which is what she's saying. thanks so much. >> now we have the song stuck in our head. >> all right. this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for homeless shelter this winter. for the past two years, members of shelter house have opened a low-barrier shelter during the coldest months. that shelter accepts people who are intoxicated and can't get into shelter house. but past locations are no longer available. officials say 175 different people stayed at the shelter last winter, and they feel finding the location is the difference between life and death. dozens of people share their opinions about good morning, i'm kendis gibson. >> i'm diane macedo. here's the touch headlines we're following for you this morning on "world news now." donald trump has new ammunition for the campaign trail blasting obamacare as premiums are set to spike. hillary clinton won over another republican. former secretary of state, colin powell says he's with her. we'll have the full report police in oklahoma say the suspected killer they've been searching for had a hit list and intended to kill up to eight more people he's wanted on several charges including first degree murder. he's been on the run since sunday. volkswagen begins paying out $10 billion to buy back nearly half a million vehicles fitted with software designed to fool emissions tests. owners of 2009-2015 vws and audis will be given their car's pitching six strong inings for the tribe with nine strikeouts. those are some of the top stories -- interesting face there -- we're following on wednesday, october 26th. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> tough night for the cubs. >> yes. summed it up, didn't it, that fan? >> just game one, though, just game one. >> six more possibilities, six more games to go. 13 more days to go before election day, and the road to the white house is winding through make or break states this morning. >> donald trump shifting focuses to obamacare and rising premiums, and hillary clinton is looking ahead past election day working to secure a democratic majority in the senate. it's your voice, your vote. more now from maggie rulely. the must-win state. >> two weeks from today. >> reporter: abc news national tracking poll has clinton holding on to her double digit lead over donald trump. at 50% to his 38%. clinton armed with a steady and solid lead is focusing on getting wins down ballot. >> unlike his opponent, patrick murphy has never been afraid to stand up to donald trump. >> reporter: meanwhile trump continues to say that the polls are rigged as well as all of washington. >> job killing obamacare is just one more way that our system is rigged. >> reporter: jumping on the news that average premiums under the affordable care act increase by 25% for popular plans next year. he said obamacare is hurting his employees. we'll reveal it and replace it. >> reporter: afterwards, the general manager of trump's golf course said 99% of full-time employees were insured by the company, meaning they wouldn't need obamacare. >> none of them are on obamacare? >> reporter: trump's jumping from his golf course to a hotel attending a ribbon cutting ceremony in d.c. clinton will stay in florida for a get out the vote rally and celebrate her birthday. kendis, diane, it could be quite >> i can only imagine, maggie, thank you. trump continues to wage war on the media as he defends claim that the election is rigged. in florida, he told supporters the press is to blame for his performance in the polls. >> i'll tell you what, the media, folks, is noed goo. they are no good. very dishonest. and just about the biggest part of the crooked establishment are these people right back there with the phony cameras. they are a bunch of phony low-lives. >> trump launched a nightly news style show on facebook this week despite numerous reports and rumors, he insists he has no fight on fox news between megyn kelly and newt gingrich. he appeared on the news questioning the stories of women accusing trump of sexual assault and the relevance of the controversy itself and criticized kelly and the media for obsessing over the accusations and ignoring hillary clinton's alleged misdeeds. >> you're seeing the tapes of your show recently? fascinated with sex and don't care about public policy. >> me, really? >> that's what i get from you tonight. >> mr. speaker, i'm not fascinated by sex, but i'm fascinated by the protection of women, and understanding what we're getting in the oval office. >> gingrich fired back asking president bill clinton back to the east wing of the white house given his history of alleged sexual abuse against women and kelly refused to comment. >> told him to take care of his anger issues. interesting dig at the end. new developments in the case of thousands of national guard soldiers told to return their bonuses. president obama has ordered the pentagon to speed up its review of the matter, but the white house is not backing calls by some lawmakers that the debt be waived. lowered the number of soldiers afghanistan affected it was, at most, 6500 instead of the original figure of 10,000. mexican prosecutors say they've discovered another drug tunnel between the mexico and the u.s. the 563 yard long passage was equipped with ventilation and lighting and rails. it was apparently used to push loads of drugs through. officials did not reveal the exact end point in california. further north of the border in oklahoma, a 25-year-old woman apparently killed herself. a prison official says amber was found hanging in her cell. she was convicted of second degree murder in the death of her husband, air force veteran, pushing him out of the window of the 25th floor apartment in tul so. she sounded remorseful at the police station later. >> i'm not looking forward to all the nights i'm going to spend crying and waking up life. everyone's going to think i'm a murderer. >> she was seven months pregnant at the time claim the death was an accident caused by the apartment's thin windows. the family doesn't believe she committed suicide saying she had much to live for including her young son. a southern mississippi school district says it disciplined a white high school student for putting a noose around a black football player's neck. the district won't say what the policies. the state's naacp calls for a federal hate crimes investigation, and the group meets this morning with the fbi. the vatican is setting out new guidelines for catholics who wanted to cremated saying the remains can't be divvied up or kept at home, but in a church secure place. the new instructions were released for all soul's day when the faithful pray for and remember the dead. > the grounds of arlington national cemetery, and cycling will no longer be allowed other than families and guests visiting a loved one's grave. security measures at the cemetery are also going to be nr increase the starting next month. shoppers in charleston, west virginia saw a rare sight this week. a deer hiding in a mall stairwell for several hours as wildlife officials were called in as a result. >> they removed the deer they youth put down. >> oh, that's sad. on a happier note, a dog in alabama is a frequent customer of an ice cream truck, the sweet trend began a year ago, and rambo has been in pursuit of the frozen delights ever since. >> so there's other dogs that run away when they hear the ice cream truck's music. most do, but not rambo. he goes straight for the truck. what you might call his pop pupsicle. >> saw that coming. >> did you? >> not really. very cute. the big rig that keeps on trucking despite not having a driver. >> or at least a human one anyway. how a self-driving semi did in the midst of the humans in smaller vehicles. later, the softer side of michael moore, the controversial documentary just in time for election day. first, a look at today's chilly temperatures. "world news now" weather sometimes we use k-y ultragel to enhance my body's natural moisture so i can get into it a bit quicker. and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel. my cold medicines' wearing off. that stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. get commercial delivery made by a self-driving truck was? a beer run. anheuser busch are working with the autonomous truck maker, otto, for the 120 mile trip across colorado. uber acquired otto this summer. there was a professional driver on board the entire time, but never took control. bud arrived safe and sound. >> i can't believe i was the only one on that round of applause. i didn't hear anything from jack, geez. >> we were with you on that. >> all right. thank you, people. projected record sales of apple were enough to drive the company out of its down profit slum. shares of the world's most valuable publicly traded company slipped nearly 3% of posting the third successive quarter of declining iphone sales and fo upcoming holiday season. they suggest apple may be losing its edge on tech superiority. chipotle is still struggling reporting 22% drop as profits fell 95%. still, the ceo says they are on the road to recovery. if i have to make a recommendation, they should start delivering. >> even if it's just for me. >> you know the avocado is extra, though? >> the guac is extra every teem. they tell you every time. >> like, we know. >> i own a shirt that says, i know guac is extra. >> all right. so a fact checker for rolling stone testified in defamation case against the magazine that case, of course, stemming from the controversial 2014 rape on camp the woman whose story started the entire controversy. here's the details. >> reporter: for the first time, jurors hearing from the woman at the center of that now infamous "rolling stone" article, "a rape on campus," and in a taped depp deposition played on monday, the student known as jackie was under the impression it was details of the alleged rape would not be published. i was 20 years old and had no idea there was off the record on on the record. i was naive. she felt misquoted and pressure by the magazine to participate in the story, and that when a friend mentioned concerns to the reporter, sabrina, she responded, there's no pulling the plug at this point. the article is moving forward. the article became "rolling stone most read noncelebrity story ever. administration including the former associate deen. >> how would you describe they made you look? >> made it look like i used the trust of young women to cover up rape. that was so far from anything i would ever do. it's just unbelievable to me. >> reporter: suing the magazine for over $7 million, saying she was painted as a chief villain, and jackie disagreeing with the article's portrayal deposition discouraged her to, quote, see her get some kind of justice. since the publishing, the rolling stone article was retracted, but jackie maintains she was assaulted, testifying in deposition while she believed the story was manipulated to write something sensational, she believes the intentions were good. i believe she did the best she could. abc news, new york. coming up, michael moore offering a version of an october surprise. >> what his brand new film is "world news now" continues after this from our abc michael moore is known for stirring things up, e and no surprise, his new documentary is doing just that. >> all about, as you could guess, the presidential race. >> reporter: there's always talk about october surprises, but nobody was expecting this. michael moore in trumpland. >> before we got people not voting at all. how about third party people? anybody voting third party? >> reporter: one stand out? >> conservatives are, like, get in the car, we're going to the outback. >> reporter: two parts gorilla film making. >> it was shot and edited in 11 >> reporter: all for a plea for america's future. >> good night, america. you just elected the last president of the united states. >> reporter: michael moore, the eternal darling of the antiestablishment left tapped into the working class anger that launched his first film, "roger and me" railing lost jobs in the auto industry. >> we just lost a job. >> reporter: bowling for columbine. >> shot in the massacre. >> reporter: and fahrenheit 9/11. >> seeing how much money could be made. >> reporter: which you guessed it, rails against the iraq war. this newest offering showing a >> trying to come out and meet you halfway, and the things we don't agree on, all right, you love your guns. i don't want a gun. i don't get it gun. i won't get one. >> it's unexpected in many ways because you sort of expect a left wing propaganda piece. this is an olive branch to trump supporters. >> well, you know, i grew up their lives ruined by the system, and they see donald trump as their human molatov cocktail. >> reporter: another says one we'd regret. >> when they find out after a few months in office that president trump wasn't going to do a damn thing for them, it'll be too late. >> reporter: i was surprised to discover how deeply moore's views over the years clashed with clinton's. supporter through the primary? >> no, no, i didn't vote for her in 2008, i voted for obama. >> thank you, all, very much. >> this year i voted for bernie. i didn't vote for bill clinton back in the '90s. i voted third party. he was a conservative democrat. never a fan of them politically, but i've always admired and respected them as people, as human beings. the former first lady's passion for universal health care, the topic of moore's 2007 film, "sicko." >> making health care for everyone her top priority. >> reporter: why is her push in healthcare moving to you? >> 25 years ago, she put her neck right there on the chopping block so that we all of us could have universal health care, and she was the strongest. >> reporter: are you trying to appeal to trump supporters, appeal to bernie supporters, or both? >> convince people who are not going to vote to vote, bernie supporters, come on, you know, she ain't that bad. trying to say people voting third party, we need more than two parties. i'm saying for the guys i grew up with who work in the auto factories, this guy is not going to do what he's promising to do, and this woman is going to do something profound for our kids and our grandchildren. let's give her a shot here. coming up, ready, set, sleep! >> a tired toddler and more. for up to 48 hours? it's like having a sick family member that you didn't even know was there. and we all know what happens when one family member gets sick. but lysol spray and lysol wipes kill 99.9% of germs including 8 common cold & flu viruses to help protect your home. this cold and flu season sometimes we use k-y ultragel to enhance my body's natural moisture so i can get into it a bit quicker. and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... ? ? ? ? ? the pain ? the pain. all right. heros, as you know, come in all shapes, sizes, species as we're about to see. >> here's that and more in the newest edition of "two truths and a why." good morning. >> good morning, you two. this warms the hearts of dog ordinary persons everywhere. a beloved pooch. awakened by a barking dog, the owner's home engulfed in flames. firefighters rushed to the scene to find andre unconscious. her loyal dog on top of her as flames raised. she suffered burns, but is not the neighbors are calling the dog a e hero, and we think so too. he deserves an extra bone this week. halloween is a week away, and looking for inspiration? who you going to call? ghost busters. at least that's what one 8-year-old in california did. take a look at jeremy miller's amazing halloween costume built by his dad, ryan. he's been in a whch since age of 3 because of spina bifida, but his costume has working lights, a siren, and a speaker that plays the theme song. a costume that makes bill murray or any ghost buster proud. that's so amazingly cool. finally, why does this small child have more self-control than most adults i know? take a look at this tired stay awake until dad gives him permission to sleep, but, oh, when he finally does, take a look. >> do you want to go to sleep? you go ahead. go to sleep. i'll -- >> doesn't take. . kendis, diane, wouldn't life be easier if we could fall asleep that quickly? >> yes. or if i could make kendis fall asleep t sleep. got it. what are you doing? how are you doing? >> ouch. i bruised myself. committed way too much for that bit. what is sleep? if only. i try that with ambien and still doesn't work. >> a little vodka? this morning on "world news now," republicans catch a break over the trouble with obamacare. >> as millions of americans prepare for rising health care costs, donald trump says his first move in office would be to repeal the affordable care act as he fires back at the president calling him mr. tough guy. we'll have the details, ahead. a group of people in florida robbed at gun point. the suspect firing at her victims before taking off with their belongings. the manhunt is now underway. cleveland inches closer to history beating the cubs last night, but it was not just about baseball. the indians are getting royal reaction from the city's reigning king. get ready to fly high like the royals, like the rich and come along with me as i show you what a celebrity commute looks like on this wednesday, october 26th. it's rough. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> you look so excited. >> i know. that act as if you've been there before. >> it's so rough to act like you've been there before when you're just like -- >> i can't believe i'm here! we'll get to lifestyles of the rich and kendis. everyone's excited about that, but donald trump rallies against obamacare. >> trump is promising that his first order of business as president would be to repeal the affordable care act. he says he would give people more choice this their insurance plans, but he failed to offer some specifics. >> trump made the comments at one of the florida golf courses saying his employees are having problems with obamacare, but the resorts manager said 99% of the staff are insured by the company. >> trump is also taking aim at vice president biden after biden, as you recall, slammed he could take trump behind the gym implying he wants to beat him up, but trump has fighting words of his own. >> did you see where biden wants to take me to the back of the barn? me. you know, he's mr. tough guy. he's mr. tough guy when he's behind a microphone by himself. he wants to bring me to the back of the barn. oh. >> hillary clinton, by the way, turns 69 today. she'll be spending her birthday on the campaign trail in florida. >> and she went to an adelle concert in miami last night to do a little early celebrating, i guess. and the singer is 100% for the democratic nominee. adele, as you know, can not vote, but powell can and says he's with her. here's more now. >> reporter: hillary clinton feeling confident on a two-day swing through florida. >> i feel good, but, boy, i'm not taking anything for granted. behind her. there are volunteers from the campaign right now trying to gather all of these people up to send them across the street where they can actually vote. >> let's go vote! let's go vote! >> i voted yesterday. >> bring a friend tomorrow. >> reporter: florida, one of 36 states where voting is underway. nationwide, nearly 9 million votes already cast. clinton is getting a boost from a top republican, former secretary of state colin powell. powell and clinton publicly sparred over her use of private e-mails, and clinton's team implying powell suggested she use it. powell told "people" magazine her people tried to pin it on me. in hacked e-mails, powell saying of clinton, i would rather not have to vote for her, although she is a friend i respect. clinton doesn't look good, she's working herself to death. vote for clinton, reportedly saying she is balanced, she has temperament, and no matter what anyone says, she has stamina. he also attacked donald trump saying he has insulted america in one way almost every day. powell twice voted for president obama. the president taking his own shots at trump playing along with jimmy kimmel's mean tweets. >> president obama will go down as perhaps the worst president in the history of the united states! @realdonaldtrump. well,@realdonaldtrump, at least i will go down as a president. >> reporter: and now for hillary clinton, she's hoping if she wins big in the sunshine state, she can stop donald trump in his tracks. cecelia vega, abc news, pompano, florida. >> and one more thing about hillary clinton, a hacked e-mail campaign was concerned hillary clinton would be linked to the e-mail controversy, said clinton sent e-mails to the president from her nongovernment address. but the white house says the president had no knowledge of where clinton aerve server was located or what type of arrangement had been made regarding her e-mails. the u.s.-led coalition steps up efforts against isis, now setting sights in syria. ash carter says the coalition is already laying out the ground work to push isis out of the city of raqqa although forces are still working to recapture the iraqi city of mozul. it's up likely both major operations will be conducted at the same time. kurdish forces claim they surrounded and entered an important town. bashika is on a supply route from the second largest city. there's work to do. video released by a kurdish news agency shows civilians raising white flags. in oklahoma, the suspected killer had a hit list intending to kill eight victims saying michael advance was out for revenge over child sex abuse allegations. jay alva with abc has more on the search for advance. >> reporter: extra patrols, a statewide manhunt for a gunman who shot six and now vanished. >> every's on edge right now. i had people stopping and talking to me all day long. >> reporter: michael advance live streamed this spree on facebook. >> this is the real deal. >> reporter: police expect he may be dead, shot by this 26-year veteran cop. jimmy hampton. >> so it looks like a gun fight in the movies? >> yeah. he was shooting at me and i was shooting at him. took a shot to the foot and he and three others responded to a routine call of wild target practice. when hampton, a weapons trainer, heard a frightening click. >> when i was in afghanistan, i was an instructor for ak-47. i know the noise. >> reporter: vance opened up in front of them, as they ran, hampton decided to stay and fight. i was a mama bear protecting her cubs. when you start shooting at her shooting at the officers, it just -- the rage went through me and i was like, no, not today. >> reporter: after the shootout, the injured hampton and another police truck to the bear creek mobile home park where he carjacked a vehicle and shot a bystander. then moving to the aunt and uncle's house, allegedly murdering them before shooting another man at a gas station. it was the last time he was seen or heard from. police say there have been several false alarms, but no confirmed sightings of advance since early monday morning. and his cell phone has stopped pinging. police in florida hunting for an armed robber who opened fire on three people in miami. surveillance video shows a woman approaching three people. she takes one of the victim's purse and fires off a shot, hittinging a 12-year-old boy in the stomach. they toss the wallets and phones and fires seven more shots hitting two others. police say a 20-year-old woman and a 17-year-old male suffered graze wounds. the 12-year-old boy is the sheriff charged with contempt of court for ignoring a judge's orders. joe arpaio is expected to plead not guilty at trial in early december. it stems from violating federal judge's order to stop enforcing civil immigration laws. the sheriff is up for re-election in the next month. here at home, volkswagen will soon begin paying $150 10 billion to buy back nearly half a million vehicles fitted with it's the largest settlement in u.s. history giving owners of 2009-2015 vws and audis a full trade price. the buyback could begin as early as next month. and there's a safety concern this morning for america's best selling vehicle. the insurance institute for highway safety gave the ford f-150 pickup truck a poor rating for its hall halogen and l.e.d. lights saying they don't provide enough visibility. in fact, most of the pickups tested scored a poor rating. only one of them, the most expensive version of the 2017 honda ridgeline, earned a top rating of good. let's talk about the world series, shall we? it's off and running. cleveland easily took the first game from chicago 6-0, and that is thanks to this guy, roberto perez, the first indians' player to have more than one home run in a world series. a solo shot you saw there, and then this one, a three-run home run in the eighth inning to scoreless innings, struck out eight batters in the first three innings. and you just knew the night was not going to the cubs when brandon dwyer drove in a run in the first inning after being hit by a pitch with the bases loaded. the game one winner has taken the world series in the last six years. >> i want to read you a bit of shade that came from the official cleveland police department -- >> shade? >> a tweet, twitter, said missing persons report filed for chicago cubs offense. >> oh, that's just mean. >> can you believe that? >> be careful with the trash talking. it is only game one. >> oh, the cleveland police putting that out. apb for the cubs' offense. >> across the plaza, the cavaliers hoisted the city's first championship banner in 52 years and demolished the knicks 117-88. but get this, some fans didn't even stay for the game. baseball game. >> oh, yeah. >> it's just 97 steps from the arena to the progressive field, so they had the ceremony early for fans doing double duty. >> and the cool thing around well past the the basketball game so they could watch the indians play on the jumbotron above. >> oh, they got to watch both at the same time. >> pretty cool. coming up in "the mix," we'll show you the new political ad that is being crowned the funniest of the election season. first, the home invasion caught on security camera. you can see a man creeping around a sleeping woman, and then she tries to make a break for it, but he grabs her. hear how she got away from him. later, come with me as you see a world of pure imagination for all of us, unless you can bankroll it. come fly the friendly skies and fiscally extravagant skies with yours truly. >> tell us what you think about lifestyles of the rich and kendis on facebook,, and twitter @abcwnn. >> no, we don't want to do that. opinions. the strong ones, especially. you're watching ""world news now." "w . now." . only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. you're watching "world news now." opinions. the strong ones, especially. you're watching "world news now." k about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, in out-of-pocket medical costs. so don't wait. call to request your free decision guide. and gather the information now to help you choose a plan later. these types of plans let you pick any doctor or hospital that takes medicare patients. and there's a range of plans to choose from, depending on you needs and your budget. so if you're turning 65 soon, call now and get started. because the time to think about today. (achoo!) you can pick up the flu from surfaces for up to 48 hours. it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home ?when you've got...? ?...nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!? ?nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!? here's pepto bismol! ah. ?nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!? sometimes we use k-y ultragel to enhance my body's natural moisture so i can get into it a bit quicker. (coughs) cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex let's end this. you get used to sweaty odors in your car, you think it smells fine but your passengers smell this... eliminate odors you've gone noseblind to for up to 30 days with the febreze car vent clip break out the febreze, and [inhale/exhale mnemonic] back with an incident? texas that back with an incident? texas that police call bold and brazen. a man entering a sleeping woman's home. >> the woman says the suspect intended to rape her, but she fought back, and the man is still on the loose. >> reporter: it's a brazen home invasion caught on camera. a man is lurking outside a home saturday while a young woman is alone inside. and, look, he's turning around, like, looking in the window, watching me sleep. >> reporter: you can clearly see the man's face searching for a way to get in, eventually crawling through a window. inside, the woman fell asleep on her couch watching the investigation discovery show "a stranger in my home." >> i woke up to him putting his hand over my mouth and nose and strangling me with the other hand. at first i was immobile because i thought i was in a dream. >> reporter: face to face, the frightened woman who doesn't want to be identified then notices the open window and tries to escape. >> when i saw that window, i thought in my head, if you're going to get out of here alive, this is your one and only time, make the move now. >> reporter: the man drags her back inside. >> i start screaming for help, and he takes off running. >> reporter: shaken, but not injured. ft. worth police are now hunting for the man in the video. >> anybody's bold enough to go inside of someone's residence knowing they are home is someone that we are concerned about. doubt. >> yeah.. >> police are still searching for him. >> frightening. coming up, though, we're going to switch gears on a lighter note. our own mr. gibson is at it again. >> up, up, away in the lifestyles of the rich, and then there's us. that's next. "world news now" continues after this from our abc ? i just want to fly put your arms around me, away ? i love the graphics in the segment and the segment itself, another segment of the lifestyles of the rich and kendis. >> it's awesome. there's business class, executive class, first class, and then there's this whole other, other world that's over there. >> reporter: welcome to the his championship ring. private jets around the world and their go-to carrier, a small long island, new york, company called. and as i found out, a five-star service starts with the black car that picks you up directly from your home and takes you to the plane's door. ? >> what's up? never seen this car before. >> fancy. >> it's the way to g >> ready to fly? >> yes, i am, let's go. >> reporter: before i'm on board, a little bit about talon. it was founded by a former real estate developer, adam, who is not shy about dropping some of his celebrity client names.. >> kobe, billy joel, madonna, everyone. years ago with a small fleet of aging corporate jets, and now the largest one circles the has 30 top of the line planes. world with only one refuelling stop. what's the ultimate experience like? >> curb to curb service. you'll be brought to the airport, bags picked up before you leave. we hand you a drink, pillows, blanket and the key thing is convenience and safety. >> reporter: that's nice, but it's not cheap. a private flight to dubai sets you back more than $200,000. what do we get for that kind of money? well, this plane is going to i boarded this plane for a flight to london. >> welcome aboard. >> good to be aboard. i have my own personal dedicated flight attendant, in this case, nicole, just for myself. >> does this work? >> 2002 vintage? i guess i'll lower myself and do that. >> absolutely. >> i can totally get used to this p. >> thank you. and besides my choice of champagne -- cheers. and several high end meals served through wrought the flight. this particular plane seatings eight, all that lie flat. the plane's sound system blasts your favorite tunes -- ? i'm getting drunk on a plane ? ? all by myself just wanna-be -- and off we go. flight to london takes a short six hours. once on the ground, no customs to maneuver. it's already handled. >> this is really the way to fly. how long's it going to take to get to london? airport? >> i'm so sorry, sir, your card got declined. >> 14 minutes later, we're back on the ground. >> the last time i put a flight like this on my debit card. thanks. don't mind if i take this. >> no london, huh? >> no, no, not so much. london looked more like long island. sorry. >> a little quick tour. >> at least the got the domp. >> okay, never. >> that would be never. would b. flr move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex (coughs) that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. . time for the mix and time for the mix and starting to break down boundaries. asher is a 15 month old with down syndrome, and his mom had submitted his photos to an ad company. >> yeah. >> specifically for an b' gosh campaign. >> he's cute. >> the advertising agency said they wouldn't submit the photos because they brand didn't specify they wanted a baby with special needs. >> oh. >> so mom put his photos on social media saying that she, you know, she doesn't understand why they would need specifications, so she says my son is very photogenic opinion. >> very cute. i hope they say yes. >> the photo retweeted, and now the brand says they are good luck, asher, there. >> how cute is he? >> very, very cute. i want to show you what's the cutest political ad of the year right now. this is a wife of a texas county commissioner on tape pleading for votes, but it's different. it's not what you're used to. listen. >> gerald really doesn't have any hobbies. >> last year's tax rate was 1.419. this year, we can take it down to 3.838. >> yeah, all the time. >> which means the 3838 is probably going to go somewhere between 2838 and 4169. >> so she pleased for them to re-elect him so that he'll get out of the house. so he'll have something else to do. oh, man. >> an important anniversary. >> yes. >> 30th year, the annual race in dupont circle. >> i love this. >> huge event. >> every year you have dozens of tough. >> usually a few stumbles. you say it's not that tough, huh? >> it's not that tough. >> you're on. >> you're on. >> let's do this. >> let's see. all right. i got some, like, 6 inch heels. starting over here. >> by jack? >> yeah. >> on your mark -- >> i should point out my heelts are -- >> go! >> oh, not even close! not even close! >> my heels are way too big. >> rematch. take two as if it was slo-mo. like it is. yes. diane, quit while you're ahead. >> oh, my god. >> can you even walk in them? >> not really. >> you're not carl lewis, kendis, you're no carl lewis. >> straight back. just walk. >> there you go. >> keep doing that on tv. tonight as an area of low pressure tracks across iowa. the low moves from the plains across the state and by late wednesday moves into illinois. rain continues through wednesday morning before ending. over one inch of rainfall is possible across the norther third of the state with less amounts farther south. we cloud also could hear some rumbles of thunder as the system moves through. this is our best chance for rain into early next week as starting thursday we again get back to our dry, but up and down temperature trend we have seen this october. have a great night! tonight: showers and a few thunderstorm s likely. windy. wind: se 15-30. low: 50 tomorrow: showers and a few thunderstorm s likely, mostly in the morning. windy at times. wind: var 10-20. high: 56 low: 42 thursday: partly cloudy. high: 59 low: 42 friday: partly making news in america this wednesday morning, fighting until the final bell. donald trump going after everyone, even telling vice president joe biden to bring it on, and he's seizing on the rising costs coming to obamacare. plus, hillary clinton riding high as she celebrates a birthday. and many of us are bracing for a blast of cold air. hear where the freezing temperatures are right now plus snow in the forecast for the northeast and unrelentless rain on the west coast. caught on camera, a woman gets out of a car, pulls a gun and fires on a group of people just feet away. and the cleveland indians take game one. it was a dominating performance on the mound. shutting down the cubs plus the senior who predicted a cubs world series in his yearbook 23

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