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Although fire investigators are not sure if medical equipment inside had anything to do with the cause of the fire. When we find medical grade oxygen whether that t contributed to the fire or accelarted the fire we wouldnt no y. But they obviously had health problems. Investigators have not said yet, where the fire started inside the mobile home. They have said there is no evidence yet of a crime in the cause of this deadly fire. Dave franzman live in cedar rapids, kcrg tv9 news. Firefighters are investigating a house fire in North English. They say it started around 830 last night at a house in 400 block of west clark street. Smoke. We have no further information from the iowa county sheriffs office. Tv9 wants to remind you that whenever you see news happening, call newsline 9 at 319365 9999. You can also send pictures and videos to newsroom at kcrg dot com. A bus driver has plead not guilty in a written plea, after being accused of killing an iowa state student in a hit and run. Investigators say 23year old Benjamin Clague was driving a cyride bus last december when he hit 18yearold emmalee jacobs in a cross walk. She died from her injuries. Prosecutors say claugue did not stop after hitting jacobs. Ames Police Tracked down clague with help from cyride video, which showed the crash. Authorities believe clague knew he hit jacobs, but didnt come forward. A jury trial is now a vinton family is hoping people come forward with informatioioabout their missing son, 35yearold joshua wellman. He was last seen 3 months ago at asac a Substance Abuse center in cedar rapids. Wellmans mother and stepfather are asking anyone who knows anything to speak out. However, police say searching for missing adults is not always an easy process. Kcrgtv9s brea love tells us how family and investigators are working to find more informataton in this case. Theres definitely something wrong. After joshua wellmans mother dropped him off three months ago, she never thought he wouldnt come home. When family members didnt hear from him for a couple days, they immediately father, and very close to his family. 6 38 he wouldnt go a day without talking to his sister or his mother or something. Thats just not his nature. While police began their investigation, the waltons started theieiown search. They used social media and asked around looking for any information. 6 55 we are trying, we keep getting lured from one end of the state to the other end of the state. And neither groups have had any luck. Jcrpd did their own search, as well as interviewing individuals, and looking up phone and cell usage records. Nothing was found, so police have now entered him into the National Crime center database. 23 23 if the missing adult has any ththunited states, it will trigger a notification to the Cedar Rapids Police department, and at this point that has not been fruitful. In general, finding missing adults can be hard. Buelow says they usually fall into three categories. They choose to leave, they have a medical condition, or theres foul play involved. Evidence of foul play with this particular case, we dont have any evidence that he went voluntarily, we dont have any a challenging case. 26 11 police dont give up on this thing, but obviously its got to be very frustrating for understand that. They jjst hope they now they home. It was a foggy start to the day. Meteorologist Justin Gehrts has your first alert forecast, justin. Well have a mostly cloudy sky for a good share of window of clearing is likely toward the last long, but itll help get our highs into the 30s. A fastmoving weather system drops by tonight, bringing a chance of a light wintry mix changing to light snow. Most of that should be done by lunchtime tomorrow with only flurries thereafter. Accumulations look light, staying under an inch in many places. Warmer weather is ahead over the coming days, with 30s tomorrow and wednesday, 40s thursday, and even 50s to finish off the w wk. Today mostly cloudy high 3036 winds 34 the battle for what is next court is setting up a political showdown between republicans and democrats. Just 2 days after Justice Antonin Scalia died. The fight over his successor is now a prime political topic. Abcs lana zak has the latest. Justice Antonin Scalia was arguably the brightest conservative legal mind in america. And the implication of his sudden passing on the Upcoming Elections could not be more profound. Sot sen. Ted cruz president ial candidatewe ought to makekehe 2016 ection a referendumumn the Supreme Court. Less than an hour after scalias death was announced, the political jockeying began. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell declared . This vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president. But it is the president s constitutional right to appoint a judge to the Supreme Court, and there is no exception for an Election Year sot president obama i plan to fulfill my Constitutional Responsibilities the senate has the consitutioiol right to confirm or deny that appointee. Something they may choose to do, after the election according to senator Lindsay Graham on gma sot sen. Lindsay graham south carolinawhen an election is over, the president wins, they have a chance to send qualified nominees of their philosophy to the senate and i will vote for them if theyre qualified even if i would not have chose them. Lana zak oncam close so what appointee might the president put forward . Among the most common names being mentioned, sri srinavasanconfirmed unanimously as a circuit judge, he would be the first asianamerican on the Supreme Court. Lz, abc news, washington. Multiple news outlets are reporting a cedar rapids judge, jane kelly, as a potential Supreme Court nominee. Shes a justice on the us rapids. Kelly is a harvard law graduate and a former classmate of president obama. She has received support from senator Chuck Grassley, who chairs the judiciary committee. Today, a group of eastern iowans will protest medical marijuana at the state capitol. This midday, 22 people from the jones countys safe and Healthy Youth coalition arere joining g re than 100 people in des moines. Theyll participate in the Iowa Alliance of coalitions for change youth day. They plan to talkith lawmakers about the current medical marijuana proposal. Ththbill would allow thehe production and sale of cannabis oil. That oil is made from Marijuana Plants but does not have the thc, which produces a high. A 2014 law makes it legal for those with epilepsy to use the oil, but there is no legal way to get any in iowa. Iowa House Republican Bobby Kaufmann worked with chair of the House Commerce Committee peter cownie to create this new bill. It would allow for creation, distribution and sale of cannabis oil to help with more medical conditions. I think its historic that, for weve had a republican introduce a bill on medical canabis. Thats a big deal in and of itself. House speaker r inda upmeyer has been critical of the bill saying doctors worry theyll lose their licse writing presiptions. The fda hasnt approved marijuana for medical use. The bill faces the february 19th funnel deadline, which means it needs approval in a House Committee to stay alive. Angry, scared, sad. These are all feelings and emotions scientists have studied for years. Now one researcher is happier studying what makes you smile. Updates our temperatures coming up in your first alert forecast. Stay with tv9. Well have a mostly cloudy sky the afternoon, but a fewhour window of clearing is likely toward the end of the day. It wont last long, but itll help get our highs into the 30s. A fastmoving weather system drops by tonight, bringing a chance of a light wintry mix changing to light snow. Most of that should be done by lunchtime tomorrow with only lingering flurries thereafter. Accumulations look light, staying under an inch in many places. Warmer days, with 30s tomorrow and wednesday, 40s thursday, and even 50s to finish off the week. Today mostly cloudy high 3036 winds sw 510 alo 32 dbq 30 iow 34 tonight m cloudy, mix late low 2430 winds s 510 alo 25 dbq 25 iow 28 tomorrow chance of snow, mainly early high 3238 winds nw 515 alo 33 dbq 33 iow 36 tomorrow night mostly cloudy low 1723 winds nw 515 alo 19 dbq 19 iow 22 wednesday mostly cloudy high 31 low 20 thursday mostly cloudy, milder high 43 low 23 friday chance of am rain, windy high 53 low 43 sunday partly cloudy high 49 low 32 monday partly cloudy high 40 low 29 many decades ago, scientists only focused on the negative feelings of emotionslike depression and anger. But one neuro psychologist is now doing the opposite. Researcher is now exploring happiness, joy, and love. When Barbara Fredrickson hears go to your happy her lab. For more than 20 years shes been studying positive emotions, tackling how they affect the heart, the immune system and mental health. The ways ththt we feel happiness and wellbeing are actually showing up in the cells of our immune system and supporting our health in that way. Money and success account for only a smal part of peoples happiness, a bigger meditating even just 15 minutes a day is an easy way to do that. Before and after a peopops heart rates, and we see a healthy pattern of cardiovascular activity. Everyone has this place inside of them thats how to tap into it. It is possible to rewire your brain to be happier. And achor , these five habits will do it every day think of three things youre grateful for, write about a positive experience from the past 24 hours, exercise, meditate and perform one random act of kindness. Doing this every day, for just 30 days, can change the neuropathways in your brain, making happiness second nature. Im martie salt reporting. Trt 1. 18 oc std. A new budget deal from president Obamas Administration has some iowa farmers on edge. Well explain why biions of dollars may disappear for Crop Insurance. Good morning, this is the e david geiger. Last week. The Obama Administration rolled out a four trillion dollar budget deal. In it. A cut to Crop Insurance to the tune of 18 billion dollars. Some lawmakers were quick to voice dipproval of the plan. House ag chair mike conaway says it would be a sever blow to farmers. Pat roberts. The senate ag chair. Calls the new budget an attack on risk management. Iowa senator Chuck Grassley also voiced disapproval in a conference call. Support. And the individual issues in it will get looked at. But when it comes to Crop Insurance cuts. H hpoints to the omnibus spending package last year. Where similar cuts were removed. Legislators plus the white house want to take money out of Crop Insurance. We stoppepethat. So i think weve got the votes to stop it now. The second thing is, theres just kind of a rule about farm bills over the last 35 years. You spend a year or two writing a farm bill, its a five year farm bill, yy want farmers to havav certainin so you dont open up a farm bill. According to the national Crop Insurance services. Producers pay a collective fourillion dollarar every year fororrop insurance. Cutting it would make farming more expensive especially with low commodity prices. China is worried about its growing grain stocks. While seeing theres a need to reduce higher guaranteed Producer Prices for food. The u sda says the government does not know when or how to do it. So the country is expected to see record corn. Production again. For the 20152016 marketing ar. The usda thinks china will make two hundred 25 Million Metric Tons of corn. And a hundred and 30 metric tons of wheat. China could also have a combined ending stocks of two hundred 58 Million Metric Tons. About half of global reserves. Last week. Cattle returned to its volatile sideways buying. Slow, lackluster, not much going on. Kind of your typical lunar holiday type trade. Were still stuck in the same range weve been in. The key will be to come in and hold this weeks lows next week and see how that pans out you know if it tracks price demand or not as well too. So very lackluster, dont see much goi on here right now. Till we get closer to the enenof the month, maybe. We start to get a little bit more of a weather time period. Big volatility again. Cash market did not hold in. Light cash trade again this week. But erratic. We had reports anywhere from 128 all looks like if we can hold the cash at 132 134 next week or not. Keep this back down and retrace the recent lows and support levels. Really the gains are in the cut outs. Keeps the optimism underneath the market in spite it trending towards overbought. Estimate a big,g, big rally. I keep waiting for the markets to set back a little bit further. Try to buy into it there but so long as the cash trade stays firm, i think the short term trend is still up. Buwere not advising any fresh buys here right now. If youre long, id stay long but wait for a set back to buy in. And thats all i have today. Thanks for tuning. Ill be back tomorrow. Trt3. 44 oc std saving lives in the community. Is the passion of one eastern iowa man who volunteers his time to emergencies. Not only helping the injured, but influencing High School Students. Spoors honor nine outststding volunteerer from throughout eastern iowa. We call them our nine who care. High school athletes, performers and their coaches know rich struve pretty well. Kcrgtv9s beth malicki shows us how he fills an Important Role behind the scenes of some of the most Popular High School events in linn its show choir season. The glitz, the vocals the band. And the injuries. 9 38 12 for show choirs it can be ankles, asthma, dislocated shoulder here before 29 rich struve has been doing ts for 35 years giving up his weekends and nights tending to the wounded. He started with the red cross, and eventually cofounded the group, linn county cert radio club. Theyre emergency medical responders. A role that is often stressful, sometimes ry, and never compepeated. 9 39 02 over the years s ve had a lot of events out at kingston stadium, soccer track even hunters ridge, we also do a radd communication s and weather spotting. 22 this Nonprofit Group brings another layer of medical, logistical and evacuation support to big events. 47 it saves the 911 call, and that frees it up for people who need it on the street. 56 struve volunteers 500 hours a year as an emergency medical but he serves a dual role, helping those who are hurt and nurturing those ho have an interest in n he medical profession. He recruits High School Students and trains them to respond to everything from a sprained wrist to a bomb threat. 9 57 55 we knew the signs of a seizure. Courtney dighton applied what she learned from struve at a Football Game when someone fell backward in the stands. She knew to check for a head iury, radioed in help, and kept the concerned crowd a safe distance away. 10 01 08 hes more of a mentor, he teaches you things, he helps you, he makes you use your brain, which is good. Shes now in college and studying nursing, like marly fredreckson, another volunteer with linn county cert radio club. 9 56 1616es taught me being a team leader. 27 struve has devoted himself to putting others first. Not just those who end up under his medical tent. But to the young volunteers hes grown into future medical professionals. 10 01 15 hes not only a supervisor, hes almost like a grandpa or a dad will help you with anything you need. 30 were on the scene of a mobile fire death vestigation on the southwest side of cedar rapids. This week millions along the east coast will be dealing with the threat of major storms. Youre watching kcrgtv9. Now, from your 24 hour news source, this is kcrgtv9 news at midday. At least one person is dead and another is injured after a mobile home fire on the southwest side of cedar rapids. Responders came out early this morning in the 3700 block of 16th avenue sw in cedar rapids thats between wiley and edgewood on 16th to a mobile home 4 park. Kcrgtv 9s Dave Franzman j jns us live frorothe scene as investigators have been on site for hours. Dave . The fire call came in at about 730. At the west parkmobile home park. Investigators have not released any identities yet. But they have confirmed one scene, and one person was taken to the hospital. One neighbor whos lived here for 50 years, described theheire victims as an older couple and close friend. He believed theyve been residents for at least 45 years. Fire crews found smoke anan flames,s,howing when they arrived. But the fire never got large enough to threaten the other nearby mobile homes. That neighbor said the issues. Although fire investigators are not sure if medical equipment inside had anything to do with the cause of the fire. When we find medical grade oxygen whether that contributed to the fire or accelarted the fire we wouldt no yet. T they obviously had health problems. Investigators haveveot said yet, where the fire started inside the mobile home. They have said there is noo the cause of this deadly fire. Dave franzman live in cedar rapids, kcrg tv9 news. Environmental leaders will meet tuesday to further investigate a case of asbestos inside a cedar rapids high school. Officials say asbestos was found inside washington high school. The Environmental Protection commission could decide to send the case to the Attorney Generals Office for enforcement. Both the Cedar Rapids Community School District and the company it hired to clean up asbestos, abatement specialties, will be allowed to comment during that meeting. The investigation found there was uncontained asbestos inside a Renovation Construction area within the school. Staff did not have access to it. After the discovery, the district says it cleaned the area and tested the air completed. Your first alert forecast, justin, its amazing how wellllave a mostly cloudy sky for a good share of window of clearing is likely toward the end of the day. It wont last long, but itll help get our highs into the 30s. A fastmoving weather system drops by toninit, bringing a chance of a light wintry mix changing to light snow. Most of that should be done by lunchtime tomorrow with only lingering flurries thereafter. Accumulations look light, staying under an inch in many places. Warmer weather is ahead ver the cominn days, w wth 30s tomorrow and wednesday, 40s thursday, and even 50s to finish off the week. Today mostly cloudy high 3036 winds sw 510 alo 32 dbq 30 iow 34 as arctic air begins to move out of the country and millions of americans try to a new storm is moving through. Abcbc Elizabeth Hur shows us how states from georgia to maine are preparing for rain, snow, and ice s this morning. The nations capital. Under a winter storm warning. Bracing for up to 6 inches of snow. Overnight. More snow fell in chicago. After a weekend of blinding white out conditions. Nats leaving highways and roadways. Littered with wreckage. Nats from indiana. To pennsylvania. Multiple pile ups killing three and sending dozens to the hospital. And some incredible images are emerging from the recordbreaking cold. Firefigthers battling a blaze in philadelphia. Leaving this car completely frozen in ice. In boston. Subzero temperatures shattering a 60yearold record and in new york. It washe coldest valentines day in 100 years. Nats finally. In new hampshire. The wicked cold led to these dramatic rescues at a ski resort. 48 people trapped. The ground. Sot it swung hard and it swung back this after two trams broke down. Eventually. Everyone was rescued safely. After about three hours. Elizabeth hur oncam close there is some relief from this dangerous cold. Forecasters say a storm coming from the south and up the coast. Will bring warmer temperatures by midweek. Eh, abc news, new york. At least 3 pepele are recovering from injuries this midday, after a nearly 30car pile up on interstate 80 from sunday. Troopers say the snow may have caused this series of crashes. The iowa state patrol says the first two crashes happened around noon yesterday at the west branch exit. Just moments later, 28 more vehicles piled up nearby. The wrecks forced authorities to shut down the westbound lanes for several hours. Performance coatings will expand to dubuque and hire at least a dozen workers to start. Rie coatings is basededn eden prairie, minnesota. It provides coatings for technology, agricultural, automotive, energy and other sectors. Greater Dubuque Development said rie coatings will hire 12 to 15 employees at the start in a building at 5301 chavenelle road near us 20 and northwest arterial. Meetings this friday and next month could decide the future of the Dakota Access pipeline. The iowa utilities board will hold those meetings. It delayed a decision last week after holding 4 public meetings. The pipeline would take oil from north dakota and into illinois. Iowa is the only state in the path that hasnt given approval. The utilities board is trying to decide whether to give the Texas Company the authority to force 296 landowners to sign easements. The Cedar Falls City Council will meet tonight for the citys budget hearing. Total proposed budget starting july 1st would be 17. 9 Million Dollars. That is slightly higher than the year before which was 17. 6 Million Dollars. That means the owner of a home with an assessed valuation of 100,000 would see a 0. 5 increase. Or it would go up from 3. 37 a year to 6. 45. Winning big at the box officeone movie is breaking records since its weekend premiere. And twitter confessions. Kanye west reveals a new album and an upside down financial situation. Meteorologist Justin Gehrts updates our temperatures coming up in your first alert forecast. Stay with tv9. Meteorologist Justin Gehrts surf, stream, download, and play on multiple devices at once, with centurylink interert. Get up to 40 megs for 20 a month for 1 year when bundled with qualifying home phone plan. Just call. Right now. Wanna see this as an action movie . [ deep voice get ready. [ normal voice ] or drama . [ melodramatic voice ] get up to 40 megs for 20 a month. [ normal voice ] only from centurylink. Speed may not be available in your area. Call now. Well have a mostly cloudy sky for a good share of the afternoon, but a fewhour window of clearing is likely toward the end of the day. It wont last long, but itll help get our hihis into the 30s. A fastmoving weather system drops by tonight, bringing a chance of a light wintry mix changing to light snow. Most of that should be done by lunchtime tomorrow with only flurries thereafter. Accumulations look light, staying under an inch in many places. Warmerr weather is ahead over the coming days, with 30s tomorrow and wednesday, 40s thursday, and even 50s to finish off the week. Today mostly cloudy high 3036 winds sw 510 alo 32 dbq 30 iow 34 tonight m cloudy, mix late low 2430 winds s 510 alo 25 dbq 25 iow 28 tomorrow chance of snow, mainly early high 3238 winds nw 515 alo 33 dbq 33 iow 36 tomorrow night mostly cloudy low 1723 winds nw 515 alo 19 dbq 19 iow 22 wednesday mostly y oudy high 31 low 20 thursday mostly cloudy, milder windy high 53 low 43 saturday partly cloudy high 52 low 37 sunday partly cloudy high 49 low 32 monday partly cloudy high 40 low 29 bbaking records and winning the Box Office Bucks this weekend. The runwaywith some new designs. Abcs Jason Nathanson takes us to new york city for fashion week. It was a big night in the big apple for rihanna. The singer made her new york debut not as a diva but as a designer. Ririnna unveiled her own line of sportswear and shoes. And said shes delighted with her first try at a second career. Sot rihanna. I am really excited, i am just happy that everything came out, i mean, beyond my expectations. Lionel richie was crowned person group musiccares in los angeles ahead of the wonder and Lenny Kravitz turned out for the evening of tribute s s Stevie Wonder hes got a great sense of humor. Sot Lenny Kravitz . I love being around him. Lionel said hes very honored by the award but hes trying to keep his mood light. Sot Lionel Richie i am siily aa as long as i can keep that silliness going, i am alright. This is a business where if you take it too serious it will kill you. Finally, deadpool was a killer athe weekend box office. Starring Ryan Reynolds as a racked up the richest r rated opening ever an estimated 135 Million Dollars far surpassing expectations. Kung fu panda 3 was a distant second, gith an estimated 17 pont 7 million how to be single debuted in third place. And thats whats happenii in hollywood. Im jaaon nathanson, abc news, los angeles. Rapper kanye west should have gotten insurance from geico for his money. West tweeted out he is 53 Million Dollars in debt. The rapper and husband of Kim Kardashian made the tweet t moments b bore performing on saturday night live. West also announced a new album on twitter last week. Then took it back. You can now only hear that album on streaming service tidal. It wasnt high on style points, but the hawkeyes Mens Basketball Team got the win against minnesota last night at carver. Iowa improved to close as 2 popots late, down 6664 before iowa hung on. Peter jok scored 27 and Jarrod Uthoff had 24 points and 15 rebounds. Iowa is ranked either 4th or 5th, depending on the poll you see. The hawkeyes are at penn state on wednesday and back home against wisconsin on the 24th. The iowa state Mens Basketball Team is hoping for backtoback top 25 ns when they play babaor tomorrow. The cyclones beat number 24 texas saturday 85 75. You can watch tuesday nights game at 8 oclock on espn 2 and espn 3. This also comes as the uni men knocked off Wichita State on sunday as the panthers have won 6 in a row. For all of the focus on battling Heart Disease how much of a role does genetics play . Especially compared with trying to tay active and make smart choices for eating. A specialist with the ui heart and Vascular Center will guide us through genetics and Heart Disease. Stay with tv9. Heart disease is such a common we constantly hear the importance o exercising and eating right. Yet. What about the rolelef genetics and Heart Disease . Dr. Barry london from the university of iowa heart and Vascular Center joins us to talk about the role of genetics within Heart Disease. Dr london, thank you for making time for us. If people are ncerned about Heart Disease, jusus how critical is it for someone to look into Family History . Can family ancestry help in making people more aware about the risks they could face especially when trying tototay active and also make smart dietary decisions. Dr. London, thanks for being here. Will be in with more on tropical fruits and do not be afraid of the mango and its benefits. Stay with your 24 hour news back to our top stories this midday. Cedar r pids firefighters arar investigating how one person died in a mobile home fire this 16th avenue southwest. Were just learning from officials that 72 scene. His partner 72 year old karen jacobs was sent to the hospital. Follow tv9 throughout the day, as we work to get developing details in this story. Firefighters are investigating how a house fire started in North English last night. It happened around 830 on the 400 block of west clark street. Crews fought the fire for several hours. Multiple news outlets are reporting a cedar rapids judge, jane kelly, as a potential Supreme Court nominee. Shes a justice on the us court of appeals for the 8th circuit in cedar rapids. Kelly is a harvard law graduate and a former classmate of president obama. Now, one last look at this mornings weather, justin. Well have a mostly cloudy sky or a good share of the afternoon, but a fewhour window of clearing is likely toward the end of the day. It wont last long, but itll help get our highs into the 30s. A fastmoving weather system drops by tonight, bringing a chance of a light wintry mix changing to light lunchtime tomorrow with only lingering flurries thereafter. Accumulations look light, staying under an inch in many places. Warmer weather is ahead over the coming days, with 30s tomorrow and wednesday, 40s thursday, and even 50s to finish off the week. Today mostly cloudy high 3036 winds sw 510 alo 32 dbq 30 iow 34 tonight m cloudy, mix late low 2430 winds s 5 510 alo 25 dbq 25 iow 28 tomorrow chaace of snow, mainly early high 3238 winds nw 515 alo 33 dbq 33 iow 36 tomorrow night mostly cloudy w 1723 win w15 alo dbq 19 iow 22wednesday mostly cloudy high low 20 thursday mostly cloudy, milder high 43 low 23 friday chance of am rain, windy high 53 low 43 saturday partly cloudy high 52 low 37 sunday partly cloudy high 49 low 32 monday partly cloudy high 40 committed at the chew. The pantry ransacked. Vital ingredients stolen. The kitchen covered in clues. Everyone is a suspect. Was it dastardly daphne oz . Corrupt Clinton Kelly . Criminal carla hall . Or menacing Michael Symon . The fabulous Fran Drescher is on the scene, can you figure out chew dunnit . The mystery unfolds right now on the chew. [ cheers and applause ] whats going on. As you can see a crime has been committed here. Our pantry has been ransacked all hour long we are going to try to solol this mystery and we want you to get involved too, you think you know the perpetrator. But right now everyone is a suspect, every single one of you how are you guys doing today

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