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Conference will look at how to align High School Class work with iowas workforce needs. He discussed the idea while touring Waterloo West High School yesterday. As part of his stop, branstad learned about the schools culinary class. Waterloo Officials Say adding more career and technical options is tough without additional money. One week ago, voters in waterloo rejected a 47 million bond that would have earmarked most of the money for exactly that. Branstad says working with existing resources is a reality with the states budget. 12 26 54 even with existing facilities, theres a lot you can do. And also partnering with the community colleges, like hawkeye, as with the private sector business, we just need to be smart about the way we Work Together and find ways to collaborate and utilize the resources we have. Branstads conference to address those collaboration issues is set to happen april 19 in des moines. Its called the future ready iowa summit. Some republican lawmakers in supporting an expansion of the states cannabis oil law. House Commerce Committee chairman Peter Crownie says he wants a law that creates a whole system for medical marijuana in iowa. Right now, iowa law allows patients with severe epilepsy to use cannabis oil. But people cant buy it, produce it or transport it in the state. The new legislation would allow more products and patients, but it still would prohibit smoking marijuana for medical purposes. Its unclear what support this bill will get from party leaders. A bill to ban minors from using tanning beds is once again up for debate in des moines. The Des Moines Register reports state lawmakers are willing to compromise to pass the legislation. The iowa house considered a bill that would ban anyone younger than 18 from using tanning beds. The bill now heads to the senate where it was originally approved last year. Meteorologist Justin Gehrts has your first alert forecast, justin. While a handful of flurries are today, especially west, many of us will be dealing with only a mostly cloudy sky. Fortunately, the winds have really gotten lighter and will be from the northwest under 10 mph. Highs stay chilly in the teens. Any flurries end early tonight with some clearing possible late. We start tomorrow in the single digits, ending up around 20 under a partly sunny sky. Another chance of light snow comes in late tomorrow night through friday morning; any accumulation s will be minor. The weekend starts cold with highs in the teens saturday, followed by 20s on sunday with snow likely. Well warm into the s next week. Today m cloudy, sct. Flurries high 1420 winds nw 510 alo 15 dbq 15 iow 18 nearly 300 land owners across iowa are Still Holding out over the proposed bakken oil pipeline. Dakota access wants to build the pipeline that would run diagonally across the state from north dakota to illinois. It would run through 18 the iowa utilities board met for several hours yesterday, but didnt come to a decision on the bakken pipeline. Dakota access has land from from about 80 of land owners along the planned pipeline route. If the board approves the pipeline and then regulators rule that Eminent Domain is justified under iowa land from those 300 land owners. Crude oils on the decline once again. This morning it was down about 11 cents as of 9 00 this morning. It ended below 28 dollars yesterday. The International Energy agency says supply is set to outpace demand this year. Global excess supply could reach 2 Million Barrels per day during the first quarter. In a tv9 followup this morning. A tama county man will be sentenced in april for helping his mother kill his wife 3 years ago. Yesterday, a newton jury convicted 40 year old Dustin Jefferson for aiding and abetting first degree murder. This was jeffersons third trial for his wifes `death. The first ended during jury the second ended in a mistrial. Authorities say 32 year old Kerry Oclair Jefferson died from a stab wound to the neck in september 2013. Police found her body when they went to a home in tama to arrest Dustin Jefferson on a separate charge. In 2014, a jury found jeffersons mother, ginger, guilty of first degree murder. Shes now serving a life sentence. Testimony during that trial implicated Dustin Jeffersons involvement in the murder. Its on to South Carolina and nevada after voters in New Hampshire made their president ial decisions last night. The polls were fairly accurate for both parties. Vermont senator Bernie Sanders ran away with win on the democratic side 60 to 38 over former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. Sanders says it will take a combined effort from his entire party to win it all in november. We will need to come together in a few months and unite this party and this nation because the right wing republicans we oppose must not be allowed to gain the presidency. For the republicans, donald numbers were actually slightly better than projected. He won with 35 of the vote. After focusing time in New Hampshire in recent weeks and months, Ohio Governor john kasich pulled in a strong 2nd place with nearly 16 of the vote. Iowa caucus winner ted cruz finished in third. Trump says a win in New Hampshire is just the beginning for his campaign. New hampshire, i want to thank you. We love you. Were going to be back a lot. Were not going to forget you. You started it. Remember, you started it. Trump currently holds a lead in recent polls out of South Carolina. Republican voters will make their decisions next week. Trump holds a double digit lead over cruz and florida senator marco rubio in that state. After a strong 3rd in iowa last week, rubio came in 5th place last night in New Hampshire. Democrats now head to nevada where hillary senator sanders. The realclearpolitics average shows clinton with a nearly 20point lead in the polls. We have Live College Basketball tonight on kcrg 9. 2. Its a division 3 iowa conference double header. Mens and womens teams from simpson travel north to decorah to take on luther. Tip off for the womens game starts at 6 00 with the men its all live tonight on kcrg 9. 2. More cases of the zika virus are popping up around the united stats. With the olympics coming up in a few months in brazil, some athletes are preparing to avoid the virus meteorologist Justin Gehrts updates our temperatures coming up in your first alert today, especially west, many of us will be dealing with only a mostly cloudy sky. Fortunately, the winds have really gotten lighter and will be from the northwest under 10 mph. Highs stay chilly in the teens. Any flurries end early tonight with some clearing possible late. We start tomorrow in the single digits, ending up around 20 another late tomorrow night through friday morning; any accumulation s will be minor. The weekend starts cold with highs in the teens saturday, followed by 20s on sunday with snow likely. Well warm into the 30s next week. Today m cloudy, sct. Flurries high 1420 winds nw 510 alo 15 dbq 15 iow 18 tonight flurries early low 28 winds n 510 alo 0 dbq 4 iow 6 tomorrow partly cloudy high 1824 winds nw 510 alo 19 dbq 19 iow 22 tomorrow night chance of snow late w 1117 winds sw 510 alo 13 dbq 11 iow 15 early high 23 low 14 saturday mostly sunny, chilly high 14 low 1 sunday snow likely high 26 low 8 monday mostly cloudy high 35 low 23 tuesday chance of rajn snow high 38 low 23 wnesday partly cloudy high 39 low 26 66 cases of the zika virus are now confirmed across the United States. As that number grows, theres growing concern as we get closer to the summer olympics. Athletes competing this summer are preparing to avoid getting sick. Abcs Stephanie Ramos reports. The rio olympics begin seven months from now. Instead of worrying about their fitness levels, some top athletes are worried about the zika virus. Soccer star hope solo helped lead team usa to a world cup victory in 2015. But solo tells Sports Illustrated because of the risk would skip the olympics if forced to make the choice today. I would never of having an unhealthy child. I dont know when that day will come for jeremy and me, but i personally reserve my right to have a healthy baby. Zika is spread by mosquitos and has been linked to a birth defect that causes heads. The virus could stay in the system for about a week. But once it has left the body, the cdc does not believe it affects futurpregnancies. Still, solo says no athlete competing in rio should be faced with this dilemma. Some say solo will not be the last to reconsider going to brazil Christine Brennan women are 40 percent closing on 50percent of the athletes going to the olympic and almost all of them are child bearing age. For now the u. S. Olympic committee tells abc news it is. Closely monitoring the situation through the cdc. And is passing on its recommendati ons athletes concerned about the rio games is that by population will be decreased significantly by colder temperatures. The summer games are in brazil. A blood bank in california isnt taking any chances with the zika virus, a bank in sacramento isnt accepting blood donations from anyone who recently traveled to mexico, central or south america. Anyone who traveled to those areas will have to wait 4 weeks before donating. Our patients receive is safe, and as a result we need to take certain measures. The blood Bank Provides donations to 42 hospitals across northern califirnia. Hundreds of thousands drones are now registered with the faa. And a good portion of those are people using them for agriculture purposes. More on todays agribusiness report. Stay with us. Good morning, this is the david geiger. There are now arod three hundred thoususd drones registered to the federal aviation administration. Drones are seeing strides forward in use after registration was opened at the end of last year. In agriculture. They are a new tool in a large tool box for conservation. Particularly in using information with other precision ag machines. Many drones in ag are looking towards mapping as the next best way to be more precise. When he can see crop Health Problems in pictures. Once i have that, i can load it into a google based viewer, such as an iphone earth, drop pins, label those problems, bring that back to my office, make a prescription based solution. So im only applying those where they need to be. Im only applyingnghe fertilizer where it needs to be. Im only applying that pesticide where it needs to be in the field. Sheller says on his farm, he can pay for a drone in 250 acres of work with cocoect use. He says on other farms. Hes seen returns of 20 dollars an acre. To 75 dollars an acre with full integration of information management. He says growers are used to yield maps or ferrlity maps. Drones give inseason maps to use. How can you not think that this is the future. Because ultimately we have to feed the world. And ultimately we have to do it without negatively impacting the environment a a with the Mississippi River dead zone being where its at and everyone continually scrutinizing us as farmers about how much nutrients we use per acre, i think its very vital and very important that we put those nutrients exactly where they need to be so the crop can uptake it and we can achieve maximum success. Sheller says hes excited that theres more interest on in getting drones to growers. But they would like to see more clarification and ease of entry for new drone operators. Theres more information on how to use drones in ag on shellers website. Precision drones dot com. A new productionon report was o o yesterday from the usda. But it didnt appear to be a market mover. I spoke with analyst brian roach. And the answer has to do. With south america. Not a lot of big changes, i guess probably how not seeing much supplies at all. We had hoped that maybe wed see some problems in weather and maybe draw down the crop size in south america to start off our growing season here in the u. S. But were not going to start that way with brazils corn crop getting 34 million tons larger, its just setting the tone for supplies to be not a whole lot less if anything larger from south america here as we move into spring time in the u. S. I think you have to look at cattle following the macros, stock markets, etc. So, when we came into monday we had a limit down move in the live and the feeders were actually back in green territory on the screen. Were not down much here. Were only a little positive on the nearby contracts. Demand has been decent. But when you look at the futures market, weve got this long term moving average that weve had a real tough time getting up above. Its been a pretty big cap on the futures mamaket. And thats all we have for the show today. Thanks for joining us on the ag report. Ill see you again next time. Well post a video every day in the agribusiness section of kcrg. Com. Youll find it under the news tab. Im david geiger with the agribusiness report. Trt 3. 46 oc std the number of job openings in the United States is near a record high. The Labor Department says there were five point 6 million unfilled jobs in december. Thatsust shy of a an alltime hihi set july of last year. The downside is that many of those jobs have skills some us workers dont have like truck drivers, experts s so say some employerer simply ask foror too much like a College Degree for entrylevel positions. Scammers are impersonating utility companies. Well discuss the issue with the Better Business bureaus barbara green coming up after t t breakak chubudget for some people and that can also make energy audit. As barbara green from the Better Business bureau joins us s day with more on utility impersonators. Barbara thank you for making time for us. In news, weve covered people impersonating Law Enforcement officers also weve talked about irs impersonator scams but for those promising a free energy audit, what is this con . Also some other elements to watch out for . Barbara. Thank you for university of iowa police are sending out more trigger warnings about sexual assaults. They say its a reminder that police are there to help in case of an emergency. And this weekend well announce our nine who care winner. Well introduce you to this years final nominee. Meteorologist Justin Gehrts updates our temperatures coming up in your first alert forecast. Stay with tv9. President ial candidates. Different people have won both iowa and New Hampshire and hope to continue that momentum in the coming weeks. Released more information on a deadly fire that started early yesterday morning. And the lead contamination in flint michigan is hurting more than just the water supply. Its having an impact on fire as well. Youre watching kcrgtv9. Now, from your 24 hour news source, this is kcrgtv9 news at midday. With New Hampshire behind them, republicans are moving on to South Carolina while democrats will take their campaigns to nevada. Iowa and New Hampshire winners hope to continue their momentum. Dem poll last night, Bernie Sanders ran away with the New Hampshire primary. He beat former secretary of state Hillary Clinton 60 percent to 38 percent. On the republican side, donald trump won New Hampshire with 35 . Ohio Governor John Kasich had a Strong Performance with about 16 . Iowa caucus winner senator ted cruz finished 3rd with 11. 6 . Abcs Elizabeth Hur has more on whats next trump wow wow wo w. We want to thank the people of New Hampshire. Donald trump and Bernie Sanders. N rocketing out of New Hampshire with resounding wins. Sanders thank you New Hampshire senator sanders. The oldest candidate in the race. Winning big with young voters. We have sent a message that will echo from wall street to washington. Trump. On the phone on gma this morning. Crediting his huge win. To the huge voter turnout. We were getting great signals we would have a rally and manymany people would show up my finishing in second place. Is now believed to be the top contender in whats called the establishment lane. Kasich i absolutely do believe that i can. Not only unify the party but i also believe i can bring back that blue collar democrat that was for reagan. And for iowa winner senator ted cruz. Floda governor jeb bush. And senator marco rubio. It was essentially a 3way tie for third. Now. Its onto South Carolina. With hillary vowing to march on. Hrc now we take this campaign to the entire country where we will fight for every vote in every state. Elizabeth tag on the republican side. Ben carson finished last. Carly fiorina didnt fare much better. And d governor chris christie. While he hasnt officially dropped out of the race. We are told. He is suspending campaigning. For now. Eh, abc news, ny. Meteorologist Justin Gehrts has your first alert forecast, justin. While a handful of flurries are possible today, especially west, many of us will be dealing with only a mostly the winds have really gotten lighter and will be from the northwest under 10 mph. Highs stay chilly in the teens. Any flurries end early tonight with some clearing possible late. We start tomorrow in the single digits, ending up around 20 under a partly sunny sky. Another chance of light snow comes in late tomorrow night through friday morning; any accumulation s will be minor. The weekend starts cold with highs in the teens saturday, followed by 20s on sunday with snow likely. Well warm into the 30s next week. Today m cloudy, sct. Flurries high 1420 winds nw 510 alo 15 dbq 15 iow 18 Des Moines Police shot at a driver during an Early Morning chase. Officers attempted to stop a vehicle in des moines around 2 20 this morning. After taking off from the attempted traffic stop, police say the driver lost control of his vehicle and officer chasing him got out of his squad car, police say the driver drove at him. Thats when the officer fired at the man, but missed. The driver later abandoned his car and ran yearold austin allen of des apartment complex. He faces several charges including 3 felony charges of assault with a weapon on a police officer. The e me of a man killed in a house fire. Police say 48yearold Neil Johnston refused to come out of the Burning House early yesterday morning. Police were originally called out to a home for a report of a disturbance. Police say a johnston was inside the home and threatening officers. When police couldnt get him to come outside, officers saw a fire erupt in the home. After breaking into the home to rescue johnston, police say he resisted the officers attempt to save him. Police ultimately had to leave him behind and run out of the home because of the fire and smoke. Students at the university of alerts from the school as the u of i issued its 3rd and 4th warnings this year about possible Sexual Misconduct on campus. Federal law requires the university to issue the warnings, but the one issued much information. It simply said University Police received anonymous reports of 2 weekend. One was from an east side Residence Hall on saturday, the other was in a west side hall on sunday. In both cases the alleged with police. The names of the Residence Halls. The universitys Public Safety Department Says the vague information is not intended to generate leads for police. Instead, its part of an overall plan to make the community safer. Officials say the idea of timely warnings about possible Sexual Misconduct reminds people not to be afraid to report incidents or to seek help. It does help to remind people this type of incident does occur and it when it says the suspect was known to the survivor its helpful to remind people to confront that myth its not the person who University Police say the school could face a 35 thousand dollar federal fine if it doesnt issue alerts in a timely manner about possible Sexual Misconducts on campus. People in Johnson County can sign up for Community Ids today. The center of worker justice created the program to make sure all people feel apart of the community. This local id card lets people open a bank account, get a library card and interact with school, city and Law Enforcement officials. The county started issuing these ids in july. You can get an id today and tomorrow at the old capitol mall, in front of c vs. Proof of identity and proof of residency are required. The ids are 8 dollars for adults and 4 dollars for kids. General motors is recalling nearly 500 thousand trucks and suvs for a brake pedal problem. Gm is recalling 2015 and 2016 chevy silverados, police vehicles. The automaker says a nut on the brake pedal can come loose and cause the pedal to not work. The company says it has no reports of crashes or injuries do tue the problem. Michigan Governor Rick Snyder is asking for nearly 200 Million Dollars in state funding to fix the Water Quality crisis in flint. Since lead is contaminating the citys water supply, its also affecting the Fire Departments who use that water on a daytoday basis. Anthony sabella from wjrt in flint has more. This is flint fire engine 61. At just a yearanda half old, its the newest in the fleet. But look a little intake valve, we see rubber that seals it. Those are being destroyed by whatever is in the water. It was brought to his attention equipment mechanic mike taylor, who took this and taylor says this photo shows pieces of flints water line getting caught in the pumps. Thats a brand new 462,000 pump that were talking says this type of corrosion shouldnt be happening for several years. We actually called the manufacturers of three of our fire trucks and they actually gave us some ideas of how to combat that a little bit, but whats done is done and were hoping it doesnt get to a point where we have to replace pumps. Which is what happened to the pump of a much older truck seen in this picture. Sent to cox a couple months ago. This invoice provided to the department estimates 65,000 dollars in repairs. Right now, the goal is to prevent that from happening to more engines by flushing out water lines weekly. So far, cox says there hasnt been much of an impact on the departments ability to fight fires. We test those pumps every day and if theyre not working right, when we test them in the morning, then they wont be in service. Kcrgtv9 and our show you care sponsors are honoring 9 outstanding volunteers weve selected from here in eastern call them our nine who care. Today we meet Alyssa Dougherty from Dubuque County whos working with her classmates to fight hunger around the world. Last november, alyssa single handedly organized a school wide Hunger Banquet at western dubuque high school. The Hunger Banquet splits participants into social classes to help them learn about income class disparities. Every single student participated. Alyssa is also involved with 4h, National Honor society, Student Council and her church. I want to be involved with everything. I just dont want to miss and opportunity to give back to the community. Alyssa will head to Iowa State University in the fall. While in ames, she plans to volunteer in any way that she can. Each of our nine who care will receive 500 dollars to donate to their favorite charities. And is saturday, well announce which one of them will go to washington dc in june to compete for the Jacqueline Kennedy onassis jefferson award for volunteerism. Have you ever heard an oscar just droned on. And on . Even the oscars are trying to cut back on some of the elements of the speeches. Meteorologist Justin Gehrts updates our temperatures coming up in your first alert while a handful of flurries are possible today, especially west, many of us will be dealing with only a mostly the winds have really gotten lighter and will be from the northwest under 10 mph. Highs stay chilly in the teens. Any flurries end early tonight with some clearing possible late. We start tomorrow in the single digits, ending up around 20 under a partly sunny sky. Another chance of light snow comes in late tomorrow night through friday morning; any accumulation s will be minor. The weekend starts cold with highs in the teens saturday, followed by 20s on sunday with snow likely. Well warm into the 30s next week. Today m cloudy, high 1420 winds nw 510 alo 15 dbq 15 iow 18 tonight flurries early low 28 winds n 510 alo 0 dbq 4 iow 6 tomorrow partly cloudy high 1824 winds nw 510 alo 19 dbq 19 iow 22 tomorrow night chance of snow late low 1117 winds sw 510 alo 13 dbq 11 iow 15 friday chance of light snow early high 23 low 14 saturday mostly sunny, chilly high 14 low 1 sunday snow likely high 26 low 8 monday mostly cloudy high 35 low 23 tuesday chance of rain snow partly cloudy high 39 low 26 beyonce namedropping a restaurant leads to a spike in sales. Plus, putting a wrap on some oscar speeches. Heres abcs Jason Nathanson w wh todays showbiz wrap. When beyonce mentions your restaurant in a song, sales spike. Thats what happened for red lobster. In her new song formation, which debuted over the weekend and we got a taste of at the super bowl, beyonce sings that when her man loves her right, she takes him to red lobster that mention was worth a 33 percent boost in sales, according to the company. And it generated over 40thousand twitter mentions, causing red lobster to trend for the first time ever. The oscars are hoping to make acceptance speeches less boring. They want to avoid a laundry list of thank yous so theyre asking every nominee ahead of time to submit a list of people theyd like to thank and when you win, those names will scroll across the bottom of the screen. Hopefully that will eliminate the boring stuff, and create more memorable, heartfelt moments the raunchy comicbook movie deadpool opens event in new york this week star Ryan Reynolds revealed his 14 month old daughter isnt a fan of daddy in the deadpool makeup sot Ryan Reynolds acto r yeah, she didnt like that. Naturally, she didnt like that. She likes, yeah normal daddy is much better. Much preferable to her than that. Yeah. Deadpool goes up against the zoolander sequel this weekend. Oscar and Tony Award Nominated actor ken watanabe cant return to broadway just yet, because of his battle with stomach cancer. The 56 year old japanese actor was supposed to resume his role in the king and i march 1st, but his people say that will have to be delayed. Watanabe is recovering from surgery in japan. And thats whats happening in hollywood, im Jason Nathanson, abc news, los angeles tomorrow the iowa hawkeyes have one of the last big tests of the big ten season as they travel to indiana. The hawkeyes are coming off a big win in champaign illinois against the illini on sunday. They were largely helped by the biggest man on the court Adam Woodbury who will need to keep play going into tournament time. I think its really helped woodbury with his confidence. Hes playing a lot more minutes. His role is obviously much more critical than its ever been this year it obviously has been. I dont have a great backup like gabe. With the more minutes, you guys have seen the stats go up and up iowas game against indiana is tomorrow night in bloomington indiana. If youre not making the drive out to the Hoosier State you can watch it live starting at 8 00 on espn. Its wednesday so we welcome your pet questions. If you have a question for dr. David graeff, please call us now at 3193688606. Care hospital on blairs ferry rapids. Thank you for making time for us today. Dr. Graeff, thanks for being here. Expert will be in amid the ups and downs of the market in recent days. Stay with kcrgtv 9. Back to our top stories this midday. Cedar Rapids High School students in des moines today to lobby for more education funding, students from jefferson, kennedy, washington and metro high schools were taught how to make a persuasive argument, and prepped on what to expect at the capitol. New hampshire voters picked vermont senator Bernie Sanders and donald trump as the winners of last nights primary. Sanders won in a landslide with 60 percent of the vote. Donald trump gained 35 percent of the vote on the republican side. Ohio Governor John Kasich finished 2nd. Now, one last look at this mornings weather, justin. While a handful of flurries are possible today, especially west, many of us will be dealing with only a mostly cloudy sky. Fortunately, the winds have really gotten lighter and will be from the northwest under 10 mph. Highs stay chilly in the teens. Any flurries end early tonight with some clearing possible late. We start tomorrow in the single digits, ending up around 20 under a partly sunny sky. Another chance of light snow cmes in late tomorrow night through friday morning; any accumulation s will be with highs in the teens saturday, followed by 20s on sunday with snow likely. Well warm into the 30s next week. Today m cloudy, sct. Flurries high 1420 winds nw 510 alo 15 dbq 15 iow 18 tonight flurries early low 28 winds n 510 alo 0 dbq 4 iow 6 tomorrow partly cloudy high 1824 winds nw 510 alo 19 dbq 19 iow 22 tomorrow night chance of snow late low 1117 winds sw 510 alo 13 dbq 11 iow 15 friday chance of light snow announcer brace yourself, because were about to bring you an hour of recipes that will change your life. Marios in the kitchen with the fabulous katie holmes. And theyre putting a tasty new spin on chicken youve got to taste to believe. Then chew to the rescue week continues as carla gives new life to a lost family favorite. Plus, clintons sharing his mindblowing tips for the most important room in your house. Get ready for an hour of television youll never forget right now on the chew

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