Transcripts For KCRG KCRG TV9 Morning News 20160907 : compar

Transcripts For KCRG KCRG TV9 Morning News 20160907

city traffic stops. the police department asked for the study. you're watching kcrg-tv9. now, from your 24 hour news source, this is kcrg-tv9 news morning news. first, meteorologis t kaj o'mara has your first occasional showers and storms will be scattered around the area today. any storms that form will be capable of torrential rainfall rates, and a quick 1-2" of rain is likely in many areas. over the northern half, isolated rain amounts of 4-5" are also possible. should this area rivers likely rising into the weekend. thursday continues to look dry with more storms possible on friday. this weekend will be a nice one with highs in the 70s and lows well down into the 50s. kickoff for iowa/iowa state will be in the upper 60s with temperatures falling to the upper 50s around the 4th quarter. "love water, not oil! love water, not oil!" officers have pulled back from dakota access pipeline protesters in north dakota. that's because they say it wasn't safe for police officers. this after a federal judge has all, of a portion of the dakota access pipeline -- the pipeline set to go through iowa. the standing rock sioux tribe is pushing a restraining order against the pipeline company because they say construction could destroy sacred sites. the judge says he'll make decision by friday on the tribe's challenge of construction permits. authorities say a group of between 150 and 200 protesters gathered at the construction area tuesday morning to continue their protest. some carried hatchets and knives. tied themselves to bulldozers. one woman says their fight is culturally significant. ""there are so many of us united in this fight. there's numbers...with strong prayers. our ancestors are with us, " no pipeline workers were at the site, and authorities did not arrest anyone. green party presidential candidate jill stein may face charges in north dakota. authorities say they plan to charge her for spray- painting construction the charges would be for trespassing and vandalism. a spokeswoman for stein says activists invited her to leave a message at the protest site. she says stein wrote "i approve this message" on the blade of a bulldozer. nearly three decades later, a family of a missing 11- year-old boy finally has answers. jacob wetterling's parents finally found out the heartbreaking truth that a man abused and killed the boy in 1989. reid binion reports. we found, until we found him."jacob wetterling's mother - confronting a reality that she has dreaded for 27 years... ...the certain knowledge that jacob - 11 years old at the time - was murdered by a sexual predator. "i want to say jacob i'm so sorry, it is incredibly painful to know his last days, last hours, last minutes."53-year-old danny heinrich -- confessing that he kidnapped jacob... ...on assaulted and murdered the boy. "danny heinrich is no longer a person of interest. he is the confessed murderer of jacob wetterling."heinrich -- agreeing to confess to the killing... ...and lead the authorities to jacob's remains as part of a plea deal. officials -- describing the grisly details of what was found. "bones consistent with a juvenile male. teeth that would eventually be matched to jacob's dental records and a t-shirt that said 'wetterling.'"b ut the discovery came at a cost -- heinrich - now set to receive just a 20-year sentence for possession of child pornography... ...authorities - agreeing not to charge him in jacob's death... ...saying that the plea deal was the only way to bring closure in a heart- wrenching, decades-long case - something the family signed off on. wetterling family could lay their son to rest."i'm reid binion reporting. if you live on the west side of dubuque, checking out a at several options to better serve people in that area. one option would be to put in a bookmobile at the old site of a book vending machine. four years ago the library set up that machine inside the hy-vee on the northwest arterial, but it often broke and wasn't reliable. another option includes a partnership with the dubuque county library in asbury. it would allow people living on the west side of the city to use the county library in asbury. "if it's something we could work out, it could be a win-win as far as tax-payers are concerned. are two different library systems. " henricks says it would be up to the board of directors for both libraries to figure out the terms of that possible partnership. until then, they encourage everyone to make their way downtown to use the library since they're already paying for the service. this is national suicide prevention week. suicide is second leading cause of death in the united states for people ages 15 to 34. hawkeye community college in more people know" about suicides. hawkeye has lined up 1,100 shoes along the sidewalks of the central campus courtyard. that's one pair to represent every student life lost to suicide in a typical year. the display has stories to go along with all the shoes. picture posters show photos of some of the students who took their own lives. for those students taking the time to look, it's a reminder people are willing and able to help. " it wouldn't surprise me at all, time...just dealing with life trying to get homework done trying to have a social life trying, working to grow who you are working to have some money. " campus organizers say, if this unusual display encourages just one student having difficulties to seek out help in time, then it's all worth it. linn county supervisors asked for a rewrite before voting a second time on a minimum wage increase. that will now happen today. the supervisors were supposed to vote yesterday. but they delayed it to let the linn ordinance. after a second vote, they would not have been able to change the wording. the plan would increase the minimum wage over three years to 10- dollars 25-cents an hour. " i've heard from a lot of workers who think this is long overdue i've heard from businesses who wish the state would do it. i don't know if the state will take it up this year and if the state doesn't i think you'll see a lot more counties take it up. " if supervisors approve the minimum wage today a would take place next monday. today, president obama plans to meet with survivors of bombs the u-s left behind in loas decades ago. as part of his historic visit, the president wants to help the country move forward. good morning! it's ---. occasional showers and storms storms that form will be capable of torrential rainfall rates, and a quick 1-2" of rain is likely in many areas. over the northern 4-5" are also possible. should this occur, flash flooding would be a concern, along with area rivers likely rising into storms possible on friday. this weekend will be a nice one with highs in the 70s and lows well down into the 50s. kickoff for iowa/iowa state will be in the upper 60s with temperatures falling to the 4th quarter. morning america. trt oc big lawsuit? big payout. >> $20 million. >> reporter: in this morning's "gma first look," fox news is making headlines of its own. just two months after the sexual harassment lawsuit against roger ailes, the network's parent company is settling, for $20 million. the announcement comes after a scathing new york magazine secretly recording conversations with ailes since 2014. >> reporter: in an unprecedented public apology to carlson, 21st century fox said we sin veerly regret that gretchen wasn't treated with the respect," i'm diane macedo, abc news, new york. man, my feet are killin' me. same time tomorrow, fellas!? dr. scholl's massaging gel work insoles absorb a hard day on your feet for comfort that keeps you feeling more energized. dude's got skills. dr. scholl's work insoles. my dad gave me those shares, you know. he ran that company. i get it. but you know i think you own too much. gotta manage your risk. i love bread i love ice cream pizza! peanut butter -tacos! i love ramen. anything chocolate chicken tacos, pork tacos. and now that i've learned to manage what i eat, i can still eat the foods i love. every. single. day. members have lost 15% more weight in the first 2 months than on the beyond the scale program than on our previous program and they're still eating the foods they love. that's the genius of this program! laos, president obama says the u-s has an obligation to help the country get rid of unexploded bombs. the u-s secretly dropped those bombs during the vietnam war. " we will invest 90-million dollars over the next th to this effort. our hope is that this funding will mark a decisive step forward in the work of rolling back the dangers of uso, clearing bombs, supporting survivors and advancing better future for the people of laos."" the president's speech at the "cope" visitor center marked the beginning of a three day trip to the country. president obama is the first president to visit laos. the unexploded bombs that the u-s dropped there can still go off posing a threat. deaths every year in the country. a california man has admitted to murdering a t-s-a agent at the los angeles international airport, almost 3 years after the shooting. the plea deal will spare paul ciancia's life, but the 26-year-old will spend the rest of his life in federal prison. he shot and killed t-s-a officer gerardo hernandez at the airport in november of 2013. that morning, ciancia also shot 2 other t-s-a officers and a traveler. those 3 all suffered serious injuries, but a newborn will survive after someone shot his mother before he was born. doctors in chicago saved the child from his mother's womb after two men shot her and the boy's father several times. crystal myers and albert moore remain in critical condition after monday's shooting. nine shots hit moore. five bullets hit myers who was nine months pregnant. doctors delivered the boy by c-section who is now healthy. ""i was upstairs in the window when i heard the shots. when i come down here, it was done... was laying down there." " chicago police say shootings over the labor day weekend killed at least 13 people and injured more than 50 others, this baton rouge woman is calling it a blessing, but she still has a tough road ahead. dechia gerald is the widow of one of the officers killed in baton rouge, louisiana in july. she found out just a few weeks later that she was gerald's child. dechia says she is very excited but also scared because her husband was a very "hands-on" dad. "1:58-2:10" for the most part, its a blessing but at the same time there are those days where where i get overwhelmed and say how am i going to do this by myself without him " gerald says as soon as she found out she was pregnant she told her family, her in- laws, her fellow officer widows, and her husband's squad. close and so candidates are focusing their efforts. donald trump and hillary clinton are pouring time and effort into key battleground states. its here is a live look at . us now with your first alert forecast. occasional showers and storms will be scattered around the area today. any storms that form will be capable of torrential rainfall rates, and a quick 1-2" of rain is likely in many areas. over the northern half, isolated rain amounts of 4-5" are also possible. should this occur, flash flooding would be a concern, along with area rivers likely rising into the weekend. thursday continues to look dry with more storms possible on friday. this weekend will be a nice one with highs in the 70s and lows well down into the 50s. kickoff for iowa/iowa state will be in upper 50s around the 4th quarter. thanks, kaj. a bill that would have put more than a billion fighting the zika virus has failed. while it passed in the republican controlled house, it failed in the democrat controlled senate on a couple of key points. source, kcrg-tv9. it's ---. here's what you need to know today. "17:46:03 this is an iconic loss for the whole community " riley's caf on first avenue in cedar rapids suffered damage from a fire that started near a vent. people living in spillville are upset because they can't get as much flood insurance as others close by. outdated fema flood maps stop them from getting more coverage. a native american tribe in north dakota is temporarily halts construction on one stretch. the judge is set to make the final decision on friday. a man has admitted to the sexual abuse and murder of an 11 year old minnesota boy nearly 30 years ago. a plea deal means he won't serve any time in jail for the murder. you're watching kcrg-tv9. now, from your 24 hour news source, this is kcrg-tv9 news has your first alert forecast, kaj... occasional showers and storms will be scattered around the area today. any storms that form will be capable of torrential rainfall rates, and a quick 1-2" of rain is likely in many areas. over the amounts of 4-5" are also possible. should this occur, flash flooding would be a concern, along with area rivers likely rising into the weekend. thursday continues to look dry with more storms possible on friday. this weekend will be a nice one with highs in the 70s and lows well down into the 50s. kickoff for iowa/iowa state will be in the upper 60s with temperatures falling to the the white house tightening, hillary clinton and donald trump are ratcheting up the attacks. as abc's maggie rulli reports, the two nominees are also pouring in time and necessary to win in november. both candidates are focusing in on key clinton wrapping up yesterday in veterans clinton: his whole campaign has been one long insult to all those who've worn the uniform to protect our most cherished american values and of lacking any real foreign policy plans clinton: he says he has a secret plan to defeat isis, but the secret is he has no plan. donald trump - bashing clinton right back while in north carolina... calling out clinton's use of a private email server trump: hillary clinton has taught us all how much of a problem we have by cybersecurity. and saying he is the candidate who can unite america trump: imagine what we could accomplish if we started rking toward one people under one god, saluting one flag and with less than three weeks until the first ficial presidential debate - the two candidates sqaured off back to back inrviews with c'sk about the trump foundation, hasy policyump: wt's going to happenl rint to election day - we're seeing a slightly a new strateg, inton hadn't taken anyquestionse e end of july - now she's holding back to back chats on rn tnal security and those ails...r tire campaign. maggie rulli,c n e presidentialrace show two dif leaders -- but a close race. the c-n-n - o-r-c poll released yesterday showed republican donald trump this poll was of 786 likely voters -- and is within the margin of error. yet hillary clinton holds a 6-point lead over donald trump in an nbc news - survey monkey poll. 48% to 42%. this was an online poll of more than 30,000 registered voters -- with a 1% margin of error. the man who admitted to killing a minnesota boy 27 years ago won't serve any time for that crime. danny heinrich admitted to abducting, sexually assaulting and shooting jacob wetterling on october 22nd, 1989. heinrich led last week. and he admitted in court to the crimes after pleading guilty to child pornography charges. the plea deal, which the wetterling family approved, means he'll serve 20 years for child porn, but nothing for jacob's murder. a bill aimed at combating the zika virus did not pass out of the senate. the $1.1 billion dollar funding bill didn't get the 60 votes needed to end debate on the issue. senate democrats unanimously senate republicans doomed the bill, adding such provisions as blocking funding for planned parenthood and allowing the confederate battle flag to fly at veterans' cemeteries. while campaigning in florida, hillary clinton accused republicans of playing politics. "they can't help themselves from playing games, even when lives are on the line. i call on all republicans to put people before politics and finally vote in favor for a clean funding bill to fight zika right here in florida." " several congressiona l republicans have funding in with other government spending measures, resolving the issue before the end of the month. " "no one should doubt the gravity of the threat or the long term health consequences of failing to get our work done." " this is the 3rd time the zika funding bill has failed in the senate. cedar rapids schools say teacher's relationship with a student. mary beth haglin admitted having a sexual relationship with a washington high school student. she's charged with sexual exploitation by a school employee. the district says then- principal dr. ralph plagman didn't handle investigations appropriately this past february and april. plagman says he made the wrong call from trusting the wrong people. that allowed haglin to continue teaching. plagman, along with activities director mike last week, a motorcycle and a school bus crashed in clayton county, killing the motorcycle rider. now investigators have cited the driver of the clayton ridge school bus for failure to yield while making a left turn. she's charlotte scherer from guttenberg. the crash happened last thursday on great river road between guttenberg and garnavillo. it killed the motorcycle rider, ronald kephart. he was 50 and from garnavillo. students were on the bus when it happened, but none of them were hurt. hancher auditorim is set to university of iowa will let the public come in and see the new building before its first concert later this month. media tours took place in the new auditorium yesterday. it has replaced the old hancher auditorium that the flood of 2008 destroyed. this new building took nearly 3 years to build with a price tag of $176 million dollars. the auditorium will seat 1,800 people, and administrators hope everyone will find the building worth all of the attention. "we've been waiting on this, and we've been working on this, long enough to be a second grader, that's long enough to have a second grader and that's a long time. " a ribbon cutting will take place at 3 p-m on friday. that's when the public can come in for free to check out the new hancher auditorium. we will be broadcasting live from hancher all morning tomorrow. we'll look back at how hancher got its start, what it went through during the flood, and an intimate look at the new a restaurant known for the classic diner experience is out of commission. a fire in the ceiling of riley's caf in cedar rapids ruinedth possibility to rebuild. up next... this morning's weather wise question. meteorologist kaj o'mara is up first alert storm team occasional showers and storms will be scattered be capable of torrential rainfall rates, and a quick 1-2" of rain is likely in many areas. over the northern half, isolated rain amounts of 4-5" are also possible. should this occur, flash floodng area rivers likely rising into the weekend. thursday continues to look dry with more storms possible on and lows well down into the 50s. kickoff for iowa/iowa state will be in the upper 60s with temperatures falling to the upper 50s around the 4th quick action from a victim and a man is now in jail after a woman managed to stay with your 24 hour news source, kcrg tv-nine. it's --. right now french authorities notre dame cathedral in paris. police say they found seven gas canisters inside a car there. authorities say they found the car on on with no license plates, and no one inside. an official says police have taken the couple who owned the car into custody. a fire investigator now says they know where the fire at riley's caf near downtown cedar rapids started, but not what caused it. they say the fire that extensively damaged the popular cafe started in or near a ventilation fan in the ceiling over a dishwashing area. the cafe is at 836 first avenune. firefighters got the call about little more than an hour to get the fire under control. one firefighter went to the hospital with a heat-related illness. crews had to remove most of riley's food and check to make sure the fire wasn't spreading. neither of the businesses beside riley's had any fire damage, but moose mcduffy's does have smoke damage. the restaurant was closed when the fire started. the diner was part of cedar rapids for nearly 40 years. it could be closed for awhile. 17:46:05-14 "it's been a diner type restaurant at this location meetings and business meetings. it's really quite a loss for the community. " they say the roof of riley's will have to be repaired, but the rest of the restaurant should be salvageable. some in spillville say they're upset after learning people in a nearby city can purchase more flood insurance than they can. yesterday, they met to learn about their options after flooding hit winneshiek county 2 weeks ago. homes in spillville can only purchase insurance up to quarter of a million dollars. the mayor says the city is stuck at the $35,000 amount because fema's maps are outdated. the federal government hasn't updated them in spillville since 1976. " "when they issued them they ran into a situation where they i believe lack of funding and some other stuff came up with the levee, so they shelved the maps, and until those maps are approved, the city of spillville cannot get to the next phase of flood insurance. so our residents are locked in at $35,000, '. " fema is now working on approving new maps, but klimesh says that won't happen until 2019. kcrg-tv9 has reached out to fema to find out why spillville's maps are outdaed. a university will analyze possible racial profiling from dubuque police officers during traffic stops. police say internal reports don't show anything alarming, but they want to be transparent. the city council voted six to one last night to hire st. ambrose university to do the chief says there seems to be a racial disparity just based on the numbers. but he says you have to look at other variables like the location of the stops. the st. ambrose group will collect its own data. the group will study traffic patterns and work to identify the race of each driver at certain points throughout the city. they will start collecting data in the next few months. an iowa man is in jail this morning for allegedly kidnapping and holding a woman against her will in a newton motel. police say 38 year old michal on monday, east of des moines in newton. when the victim tried to get away, investigators say darrow beat and choked her. eventually, the woman escaped and ran into the lobby of the motel. kimberley plumb was working the front desk and called 9-11 for the victim. she just came running inside the hotel. her lip was cut. she was bleeding. asked me to call 9-11. said that the trucker's got her. so i went and got my cell phone. i called 911. she went out the door. the victim ran across the street where police officers met up with her. police tracked down darrow a few hours later. officers say he and the victim know each other. " " riley's caf on first street in newsroom... several fire departments are responding to the apartment complex at main street and jefferson street in calmar. 4 departments are still on scene, we will continue to update you morning's weather, kaj... occasional showers and storms will be scattered around the area today. any storms that form will be capable of torrential rainfall rates, and a quick 1-2" of rain is likely in many areas. over the northern half, isolated rain amounts of 4-5" are also possible. should this occur, flash flooding would be a concern, along with area rivers likely rising into the weekend. thursday continues to look dry with more storms possible on friday. this weekend will be a nice one with highs in the 70s and lows well down into the 50s. kickoff for iowa/iowa state will be in the upper 60s with temperatures fai 4th quarter. we certainly hope your is and we'll be back with a local news update in about 20 minutes. also make sure to join us at eleven for good morning, america. donald trump and hillary clinton on attack. >> the secret is he has no plan. >> putin looks at her and he laughs, okay. >> trading sharp jabs over her e-mail, his taxes and isis. a war of words even before the debate. tropical storm alert. newton slamming mexico now to making history as the southwest and the midwest brace for dangerous rain and flash floods. fox news fallout. former anchor gretchen carlson gets $20 million in a massive settlement after those bombshell sexual harassment allegations against ex-chief roger ailes. the secret recordings that could be behind the deal and why is another top star leaving unexpectedly. and get ready to dance from

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Vietnam , Republic Of , New York , United States , Louisiana , Paris , France General , France , Sioux , North Carolina , Washington , Florida , Laos , Minnesota , Cedar Rapids , Iowa , California , Des Moines , Winneshiek County , Mexico , Clayton County , Linn County , North Dakota , Chicago , Illinois , America , French , American , Ronald Kephart , Roger Ailes , Paul Ciancia , Notre Dame , Charlotte Scherer , Albert Moore , Danny Heinrich , Los Angeles , Kaj Omara , Diane Macedo , Mary Beth , Gretchen Carlson , Hillary Clinton ,

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Transcripts For KCRG KCRG TV9 Morning News 20160907 :

Transcripts For KCRG KCRG TV9 Morning News 20160907

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city traffic stops. the police department asked for the study. you're watching kcrg-tv9. now, from your 24 hour news source, this is kcrg-tv9 news morning news. first, meteorologis t kaj o'mara has your first occasional showers and storms will be scattered around the area today. any storms that form will be capable of torrential rainfall rates, and a quick 1-2" of rain is likely in many areas. over the northern half, isolated rain amounts of 4-5" are also possible. should this area rivers likely rising into the weekend. thursday continues to look dry with more storms possible on friday. this weekend will be a nice one with highs in the 70s and lows well down into the 50s. kickoff for iowa/iowa state will be in the upper 60s with temperatures falling to the upper 50s around the 4th quarter. "love water, not oil! love water, not oil!" officers have pulled back from dakota access pipeline protesters in north dakota. that's because they say it wasn't safe for police officers. this after a federal judge has all, of a portion of the dakota access pipeline -- the pipeline set to go through iowa. the standing rock sioux tribe is pushing a restraining order against the pipeline company because they say construction could destroy sacred sites. the judge says he'll make decision by friday on the tribe's challenge of construction permits. authorities say a group of between 150 and 200 protesters gathered at the construction area tuesday morning to continue their protest. some carried hatchets and knives. tied themselves to bulldozers. one woman says their fight is culturally significant. ""there are so many of us united in this fight. there's numbers...with strong prayers. our ancestors are with us, " no pipeline workers were at the site, and authorities did not arrest anyone. green party presidential candidate jill stein may face charges in north dakota. authorities say they plan to charge her for spray- painting construction the charges would be for trespassing and vandalism. a spokeswoman for stein says activists invited her to leave a message at the protest site. she says stein wrote "i approve this message" on the blade of a bulldozer. nearly three decades later, a family of a missing 11- year-old boy finally has answers. jacob wetterling's parents finally found out the heartbreaking truth that a man abused and killed the boy in 1989. reid binion reports. we found, until we found him."jacob wetterling's mother - confronting a reality that she has dreaded for 27 years... ...the certain knowledge that jacob - 11 years old at the time - was murdered by a sexual predator. "i want to say jacob i'm so sorry, it is incredibly painful to know his last days, last hours, last minutes."53-year-old danny heinrich -- confessing that he kidnapped jacob... ...on assaulted and murdered the boy. "danny heinrich is no longer a person of interest. he is the confessed murderer of jacob wetterling."heinrich -- agreeing to confess to the killing... ...and lead the authorities to jacob's remains as part of a plea deal. officials -- describing the grisly details of what was found. "bones consistent with a juvenile male. teeth that would eventually be matched to jacob's dental records and a t-shirt that said 'wetterling.'"b ut the discovery came at a cost -- heinrich - now set to receive just a 20-year sentence for possession of child pornography... ...authorities - agreeing not to charge him in jacob's death... ...saying that the plea deal was the only way to bring closure in a heart- wrenching, decades-long case - something the family signed off on. wetterling family could lay their son to rest."i'm reid binion reporting. if you live on the west side of dubuque, checking out a at several options to better serve people in that area. one option would be to put in a bookmobile at the old site of a book vending machine. four years ago the library set up that machine inside the hy-vee on the northwest arterial, but it often broke and wasn't reliable. another option includes a partnership with the dubuque county library in asbury. it would allow people living on the west side of the city to use the county library in asbury. "if it's something we could work out, it could be a win-win as far as tax-payers are concerned. are two different library systems. " henricks says it would be up to the board of directors for both libraries to figure out the terms of that possible partnership. until then, they encourage everyone to make their way downtown to use the library since they're already paying for the service. this is national suicide prevention week. suicide is second leading cause of death in the united states for people ages 15 to 34. hawkeye community college in more people know" about suicides. hawkeye has lined up 1,100 shoes along the sidewalks of the central campus courtyard. that's one pair to represent every student life lost to suicide in a typical year. the display has stories to go along with all the shoes. picture posters show photos of some of the students who took their own lives. for those students taking the time to look, it's a reminder people are willing and able to help. " it wouldn't surprise me at all, time...just dealing with life trying to get homework done trying to have a social life trying, working to grow who you are working to have some money. " campus organizers say, if this unusual display encourages just one student having difficulties to seek out help in time, then it's all worth it. linn county supervisors asked for a rewrite before voting a second time on a minimum wage increase. that will now happen today. the supervisors were supposed to vote yesterday. but they delayed it to let the linn ordinance. after a second vote, they would not have been able to change the wording. the plan would increase the minimum wage over three years to 10- dollars 25-cents an hour. " i've heard from a lot of workers who think this is long overdue i've heard from businesses who wish the state would do it. i don't know if the state will take it up this year and if the state doesn't i think you'll see a lot more counties take it up. " if supervisors approve the minimum wage today a would take place next monday. today, president obama plans to meet with survivors of bombs the u-s left behind in loas decades ago. as part of his historic visit, the president wants to help the country move forward. good morning! it's ---. occasional showers and storms storms that form will be capable of torrential rainfall rates, and a quick 1-2" of rain is likely in many areas. over the northern 4-5" are also possible. should this occur, flash flooding would be a concern, along with area rivers likely rising into storms possible on friday. this weekend will be a nice one with highs in the 70s and lows well down into the 50s. kickoff for iowa/iowa state will be in the upper 60s with temperatures falling to the 4th quarter. morning america. trt oc big lawsuit? big payout. >> $20 million. >> reporter: in this morning's "gma first look," fox news is making headlines of its own. just two months after the sexual harassment lawsuit against roger ailes, the network's parent company is settling, for $20 million. the announcement comes after a scathing new york magazine secretly recording conversations with ailes since 2014. >> reporter: in an unprecedented public apology to carlson, 21st century fox said we sin veerly regret that gretchen wasn't treated with the respect," i'm diane macedo, abc news, new york. man, my feet are killin' me. same time tomorrow, fellas!? dr. scholl's massaging gel work insoles absorb a hard day on your feet for comfort that keeps you feeling more energized. dude's got skills. dr. scholl's work insoles. my dad gave me those shares, you know. he ran that company. i get it. but you know i think you own too much. gotta manage your risk. i love bread i love ice cream pizza! peanut butter -tacos! i love ramen. anything chocolate chicken tacos, pork tacos. and now that i've learned to manage what i eat, i can still eat the foods i love. every. single. day. members have lost 15% more weight in the first 2 months than on the beyond the scale program than on our previous program and they're still eating the foods they love. that's the genius of this program! laos, president obama says the u-s has an obligation to help the country get rid of unexploded bombs. the u-s secretly dropped those bombs during the vietnam war. " we will invest 90-million dollars over the next th to this effort. our hope is that this funding will mark a decisive step forward in the work of rolling back the dangers of uso, clearing bombs, supporting survivors and advancing better future for the people of laos."" the president's speech at the "cope" visitor center marked the beginning of a three day trip to the country. president obama is the first president to visit laos. the unexploded bombs that the u-s dropped there can still go off posing a threat. deaths every year in the country. a california man has admitted to murdering a t-s-a agent at the los angeles international airport, almost 3 years after the shooting. the plea deal will spare paul ciancia's life, but the 26-year-old will spend the rest of his life in federal prison. he shot and killed t-s-a officer gerardo hernandez at the airport in november of 2013. that morning, ciancia also shot 2 other t-s-a officers and a traveler. those 3 all suffered serious injuries, but a newborn will survive after someone shot his mother before he was born. doctors in chicago saved the child from his mother's womb after two men shot her and the boy's father several times. crystal myers and albert moore remain in critical condition after monday's shooting. nine shots hit moore. five bullets hit myers who was nine months pregnant. doctors delivered the boy by c-section who is now healthy. ""i was upstairs in the window when i heard the shots. when i come down here, it was done... was laying down there." " chicago police say shootings over the labor day weekend killed at least 13 people and injured more than 50 others, this baton rouge woman is calling it a blessing, but she still has a tough road ahead. dechia gerald is the widow of one of the officers killed in baton rouge, louisiana in july. she found out just a few weeks later that she was gerald's child. dechia says she is very excited but also scared because her husband was a very "hands-on" dad. "1:58-2:10" for the most part, its a blessing but at the same time there are those days where where i get overwhelmed and say how am i going to do this by myself without him " gerald says as soon as she found out she was pregnant she told her family, her in- laws, her fellow officer widows, and her husband's squad. close and so candidates are focusing their efforts. donald trump and hillary clinton are pouring time and effort into key battleground states. its here is a live look at . us now with your first alert forecast. occasional showers and storms will be scattered around the area today. any storms that form will be capable of torrential rainfall rates, and a quick 1-2" of rain is likely in many areas. over the northern half, isolated rain amounts of 4-5" are also possible. should this occur, flash flooding would be a concern, along with area rivers likely rising into the weekend. thursday continues to look dry with more storms possible on friday. this weekend will be a nice one with highs in the 70s and lows well down into the 50s. kickoff for iowa/iowa state will be in upper 50s around the 4th quarter. thanks, kaj. a bill that would have put more than a billion fighting the zika virus has failed. while it passed in the republican controlled house, it failed in the democrat controlled senate on a couple of key points. source, kcrg-tv9. it's ---. here's what you need to know today. "17:46:03 this is an iconic loss for the whole community " riley's caf on first avenue in cedar rapids suffered damage from a fire that started near a vent. people living in spillville are upset because they can't get as much flood insurance as others close by. outdated fema flood maps stop them from getting more coverage. a native american tribe in north dakota is temporarily halts construction on one stretch. the judge is set to make the final decision on friday. a man has admitted to the sexual abuse and murder of an 11 year old minnesota boy nearly 30 years ago. a plea deal means he won't serve any time in jail for the murder. you're watching kcrg-tv9. now, from your 24 hour news source, this is kcrg-tv9 news has your first alert forecast, kaj... occasional showers and storms will be scattered around the area today. any storms that form will be capable of torrential rainfall rates, and a quick 1-2" of rain is likely in many areas. over the amounts of 4-5" are also possible. should this occur, flash flooding would be a concern, along with area rivers likely rising into the weekend. thursday continues to look dry with more storms possible on friday. this weekend will be a nice one with highs in the 70s and lows well down into the 50s. kickoff for iowa/iowa state will be in the upper 60s with temperatures falling to the the white house tightening, hillary clinton and donald trump are ratcheting up the attacks. as abc's maggie rulli reports, the two nominees are also pouring in time and necessary to win in november. both candidates are focusing in on key clinton wrapping up yesterday in veterans clinton: his whole campaign has been one long insult to all those who've worn the uniform to protect our most cherished american values and of lacking any real foreign policy plans clinton: he says he has a secret plan to defeat isis, but the secret is he has no plan. donald trump - bashing clinton right back while in north carolina... calling out clinton's use of a private email server trump: hillary clinton has taught us all how much of a problem we have by cybersecurity. and saying he is the candidate who can unite america trump: imagine what we could accomplish if we started rking toward one people under one god, saluting one flag and with less than three weeks until the first ficial presidential debate - the two candidates sqaured off back to back inrviews with c'sk about the trump foundation, hasy policyump: wt's going to happenl rint to election day - we're seeing a slightly a new strateg, inton hadn't taken anyquestionse e end of july - now she's holding back to back chats on rn tnal security and those ails...r tire campaign. maggie rulli,c n e presidentialrace show two dif leaders -- but a close race. the c-n-n - o-r-c poll released yesterday showed republican donald trump this poll was of 786 likely voters -- and is within the margin of error. yet hillary clinton holds a 6-point lead over donald trump in an nbc news - survey monkey poll. 48% to 42%. this was an online poll of more than 30,000 registered voters -- with a 1% margin of error. the man who admitted to killing a minnesota boy 27 years ago won't serve any time for that crime. danny heinrich admitted to abducting, sexually assaulting and shooting jacob wetterling on october 22nd, 1989. heinrich led last week. and he admitted in court to the crimes after pleading guilty to child pornography charges. the plea deal, which the wetterling family approved, means he'll serve 20 years for child porn, but nothing for jacob's murder. a bill aimed at combating the zika virus did not pass out of the senate. the $1.1 billion dollar funding bill didn't get the 60 votes needed to end debate on the issue. senate democrats unanimously senate republicans doomed the bill, adding such provisions as blocking funding for planned parenthood and allowing the confederate battle flag to fly at veterans' cemeteries. while campaigning in florida, hillary clinton accused republicans of playing politics. "they can't help themselves from playing games, even when lives are on the line. i call on all republicans to put people before politics and finally vote in favor for a clean funding bill to fight zika right here in florida." " several congressiona l republicans have funding in with other government spending measures, resolving the issue before the end of the month. " "no one should doubt the gravity of the threat or the long term health consequences of failing to get our work done." " this is the 3rd time the zika funding bill has failed in the senate. cedar rapids schools say teacher's relationship with a student. mary beth haglin admitted having a sexual relationship with a washington high school student. she's charged with sexual exploitation by a school employee. the district says then- principal dr. ralph plagman didn't handle investigations appropriately this past february and april. plagman says he made the wrong call from trusting the wrong people. that allowed haglin to continue teaching. plagman, along with activities director mike last week, a motorcycle and a school bus crashed in clayton county, killing the motorcycle rider. now investigators have cited the driver of the clayton ridge school bus for failure to yield while making a left turn. she's charlotte scherer from guttenberg. the crash happened last thursday on great river road between guttenberg and garnavillo. it killed the motorcycle rider, ronald kephart. he was 50 and from garnavillo. students were on the bus when it happened, but none of them were hurt. hancher auditorim is set to university of iowa will let the public come in and see the new building before its first concert later this month. media tours took place in the new auditorium yesterday. it has replaced the old hancher auditorium that the flood of 2008 destroyed. this new building took nearly 3 years to build with a price tag of $176 million dollars. the auditorium will seat 1,800 people, and administrators hope everyone will find the building worth all of the attention. "we've been waiting on this, and we've been working on this, long enough to be a second grader, that's long enough to have a second grader and that's a long time. " a ribbon cutting will take place at 3 p-m on friday. that's when the public can come in for free to check out the new hancher auditorium. we will be broadcasting live from hancher all morning tomorrow. we'll look back at how hancher got its start, what it went through during the flood, and an intimate look at the new a restaurant known for the classic diner experience is out of commission. a fire in the ceiling of riley's caf in cedar rapids ruinedth possibility to rebuild. up next... this morning's weather wise question. meteorologist kaj o'mara is up first alert storm team occasional showers and storms will be scattered be capable of torrential rainfall rates, and a quick 1-2" of rain is likely in many areas. over the northern half, isolated rain amounts of 4-5" are also possible. should this occur, flash floodng area rivers likely rising into the weekend. thursday continues to look dry with more storms possible on and lows well down into the 50s. kickoff for iowa/iowa state will be in the upper 60s with temperatures falling to the upper 50s around the 4th quick action from a victim and a man is now in jail after a woman managed to stay with your 24 hour news source, kcrg tv-nine. it's --. right now french authorities notre dame cathedral in paris. police say they found seven gas canisters inside a car there. authorities say they found the car on on with no license plates, and no one inside. an official says police have taken the couple who owned the car into custody. a fire investigator now says they know where the fire at riley's caf near downtown cedar rapids started, but not what caused it. they say the fire that extensively damaged the popular cafe started in or near a ventilation fan in the ceiling over a dishwashing area. the cafe is at 836 first avenune. firefighters got the call about little more than an hour to get the fire under control. one firefighter went to the hospital with a heat-related illness. crews had to remove most of riley's food and check to make sure the fire wasn't spreading. neither of the businesses beside riley's had any fire damage, but moose mcduffy's does have smoke damage. the restaurant was closed when the fire started. the diner was part of cedar rapids for nearly 40 years. it could be closed for awhile. 17:46:05-14 "it's been a diner type restaurant at this location meetings and business meetings. it's really quite a loss for the community. " they say the roof of riley's will have to be repaired, but the rest of the restaurant should be salvageable. some in spillville say they're upset after learning people in a nearby city can purchase more flood insurance than they can. yesterday, they met to learn about their options after flooding hit winneshiek county 2 weeks ago. homes in spillville can only purchase insurance up to quarter of a million dollars. the mayor says the city is stuck at the $35,000 amount because fema's maps are outdated. the federal government hasn't updated them in spillville since 1976. " "when they issued them they ran into a situation where they i believe lack of funding and some other stuff came up with the levee, so they shelved the maps, and until those maps are approved, the city of spillville cannot get to the next phase of flood insurance. so our residents are locked in at $35,000, '. " fema is now working on approving new maps, but klimesh says that won't happen until 2019. kcrg-tv9 has reached out to fema to find out why spillville's maps are outdaed. a university will analyze possible racial profiling from dubuque police officers during traffic stops. police say internal reports don't show anything alarming, but they want to be transparent. the city council voted six to one last night to hire st. ambrose university to do the chief says there seems to be a racial disparity just based on the numbers. but he says you have to look at other variables like the location of the stops. the st. ambrose group will collect its own data. the group will study traffic patterns and work to identify the race of each driver at certain points throughout the city. they will start collecting data in the next few months. an iowa man is in jail this morning for allegedly kidnapping and holding a woman against her will in a newton motel. police say 38 year old michal on monday, east of des moines in newton. when the victim tried to get away, investigators say darrow beat and choked her. eventually, the woman escaped and ran into the lobby of the motel. kimberley plumb was working the front desk and called 9-11 for the victim. she just came running inside the hotel. her lip was cut. she was bleeding. asked me to call 9-11. said that the trucker's got her. so i went and got my cell phone. i called 911. she went out the door. the victim ran across the street where police officers met up with her. police tracked down darrow a few hours later. officers say he and the victim know each other. " " riley's caf on first street in newsroom... several fire departments are responding to the apartment complex at main street and jefferson street in calmar. 4 departments are still on scene, we will continue to update you morning's weather, kaj... occasional showers and storms will be scattered around the area today. any storms that form will be capable of torrential rainfall rates, and a quick 1-2" of rain is likely in many areas. over the northern half, isolated rain amounts of 4-5" are also possible. should this occur, flash flooding would be a concern, along with area rivers likely rising into the weekend. thursday continues to look dry with more storms possible on friday. this weekend will be a nice one with highs in the 70s and lows well down into the 50s. kickoff for iowa/iowa state will be in the upper 60s with temperatures fai 4th quarter. we certainly hope your is and we'll be back with a local news update in about 20 minutes. also make sure to join us at eleven for good morning, america. donald trump and hillary clinton on attack. >> the secret is he has no plan. >> putin looks at her and he laughs, okay. >> trading sharp jabs over her e-mail, his taxes and isis. a war of words even before the debate. tropical storm alert. newton slamming mexico now to making history as the southwest and the midwest brace for dangerous rain and flash floods. fox news fallout. former anchor gretchen carlson gets $20 million in a massive settlement after those bombshell sexual harassment allegations against ex-chief roger ailes. the secret recordings that could be behind the deal and why is another top star leaving unexpectedly. and get ready to dance from

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Vietnam , Republic Of , New York , United States , Louisiana , Paris , France General , France , Sioux , North Carolina , Washington , Florida , Laos , Minnesota , Cedar Rapids , Iowa , California , Des Moines , Winneshiek County , Mexico , Clayton County , Linn County , North Dakota , Chicago , Illinois , America , French , American , Ronald Kephart , Roger Ailes , Paul Ciancia , Notre Dame , Charlotte Scherer , Albert Moore , Danny Heinrich , Los Angeles , Kaj Omara , Diane Macedo , Mary Beth , Gretchen Carlson , Hillary Clinton ,

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