Transcripts For KCRG Good Morning America 20161104 : compare

Transcripts For KCRG Good Morning America 20161104

and bombshell allegations, megyn kelly's explosive new memoir. >> it's a very personal book. it's revealing. >> reportedly containing new accusations against former boss, roger ailes. months of alleged harassment. why she says she didn't speak up then and how he is responding this morning.why she says she dd then and how he is responding this morning. and good morning, america. we know it's an especially happy morning in chicago. >> oh, you could say that, george. we'll take a look at wrigley field right now. millions are expected to gather today for a giant world series celebration. some superstar fans also getting in on the fun like nba stars, dwyane wade and lebron james. take a look at this post, lebron for the indians and made a bet and now lebron has to dress up in a cubs uniform and so dwyane just gave you a preview. about it. we begin with the race for the white house. just four days till the final votes and our brand-new tracking poll shows hillary clinton edging up to a three-point lead. still very close as the candidates crisscross the battle grounds in these final few days. abc's tom llamas starts us off with the latest from the trump campaign. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. donald trump, hillary clinton and their top surrogates in at least ten states today, the campaign trail is getting congested. take a look at this. this is air force one sharing a tarmac with trumfo north carolina, hillary clinton's plane and trump's plane coming face-to-face in north carolina. the race to the finish line is on. overnight, donald trump speaking to one of his largest crowds ever in the state of north carolina. >> we're going to have some big, big beautiful weeks ahead of us i think, huh. >> reporter: with just four days to go, trump in full attack mode against hillary clinton. sending his crowds into a frenzy reports, abc new sources say are inaccurate. >> the fbi is investigating how hillary clinton put the office of secretary of state up for sale in violation of federal law. the fbi agents say their investigation is likely to yield an indictment. >> reporter: also on the campaign trail, melania trump. >> he certainly knows how to shake things up, doesn't he? >> reporter: her first speech since the convention fiasco when it was discovered portions of this time melania trying to appeal to female voters saying if the trumps make it to the white house, one of her issues will be to stop online bullying on social media. >> our culture has gotten too mean and too rough, especially to children and teenagers. it is never okay when a 12-year-old girl or boy is mocked, bullied or attacked. on the playground and it is absolutely unacceptable when it's done by someone with no name hiding on the internet. >> reporter: an interesting choice for melania since her husband is prolific at attacking people on twitter. tweeting in the past, jeb bush just got contact lenses and got rid of the gsses. he wants to look cool, but it's far too late. 1% in nevada and did crooked hillary help disgusting check out sex tape and past alicia m. become a u.s. citizen so she could use her in the debate? trump watched melania's speech from his plane and gave this review. >> she did a great job. that takes a lot of courage. >> reporter: now on that tweet of a sex tape alicia machado has called that lie, and trump is also being accused of spreading more falsehoods, alleged. >> the fbi director said he had no reason to believe that. >> hillary clinton is calling on her top surrogates to help make a final push in the battleground states from politicians to musicians. abc's cecilia vega is in westchester, new york, with her campaign. good morning, cecilia. >> reporter: robin, good morning to you. hillary clinton hits three states today alone. she is closing down this race with a whirlwind tour of crucial battle grounds and calling in some big jay z, tonight, stevie wonder, pharrell last night. hillary clinton calling on her famous friends in this final stretch from pharrell. >> i'm here because i believe she's going to fight for us. >> reporter: to bernie sanders. >> we're not voting for high school president. we're voting for the most powerful leader in the entire world. >> reporter: in the battleground of north carolina, clinton's closing argument, a pitch to black and latino voters. >> he retweets white supremacists and spreads racially tinged conspiracy >> reporter: running mate, tim kaine, in arizona with a presidential campaign first. a speech entirely in spanish. [ speaking spanish ] >> reporter: and president obama called in to fire up millennials in florida. >> we got to work like our future depends on it because it actually depends on it. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: one person not on the campaign trail, huma abedin. overnight clinton's closest aide seen at a high dollar washington fund-raiser for her boss. fashion editor, anna there to greet her. >> any response to the fbi, will you -- >> reporter: abedin ignoring questions about the fbi's discovery of those e-mails on her estranged husband's laptop. and hillary clinton's team has revealed her plans for the night before the election. a massive rally in philadelphia. hillary, will and chelsea clinton, all right there alongside the obamas. lady, for a massive rally in philadelphia. what they want voters to see right before they head into the polls this last image, george, the passing of the torch. >> going for a blockbuster finish, thanks very much. let's bring in matt dowd and jon karl to talk about this more. put up our tracking poll. we said it shows a three-point lead for hillary clinton overall nationally but part of the reason it's close you're seeing a scramble in states and encouraging signs for donald trump in blue states and encouraging ones for hillary in red states. >> reporter: there's no question this race has tightened. hillary clinton is still the favorite in this race but the map is really gotten jumbled. look at the new polls we have out in the last 24ou hampshire, now at a tie. this is a state that for over a month hillary clinton looked like she had a comfortable lead. now we've had a series of polls that show that donald trump could actually win in the state of new hampshire and then if you look at traditionally red states, we have first the state of arizona. this is one that the clinton team said they are going after. look at this, a poll that shows trump up but barely outside the margin of error. that is uncomfortably close for a republican in arizona and then finally in the state of georgia, georgia is a state that hasn't gone democratic for a long, long time. donald trump clinging to a one-point advantage, well within the margin of error statistically tied in what we thought was bright red georgia. >> still a long shot for clinton but surprisingly it is that close and, matt dowd, looking at the closing arguments on the clinton side. you got president obama just out there trying to mobilize voters. on the trump side you've got him making charges from the stump and then that speech from >> i just wanted to let the melania speech and the irony of that speech sink in. she comes out against cyberbullying and married to one of the biggest cyberbullies that we've ever seen in this. i think it was totally political malpractice to let her go out like that. it would be like bernie madoff's wife speaking out against investment ponzi schemes. >> you'll get a tweet from donald trump today. but on -- >> bring it on. bring it on. >> on the race overall, we are are now in these final three is there anything any other external event you think could affect the voting or all momentum? >> as we saw last week when we were talking about hillary clinton had a rough comfortable lead was moving in and the comey announcement happened, and then it adjusted the race by two or three points. anything can happen in the final three days. we've seen it in elections in years past and wikileaks and everything else we have to stay tuned until monday. anything could change. it is a small but comfortable lead for hillary clinton. >> jon, what's the one state you're keeping your closest eye on this weekend? >> north carolina. north carolina is the state above all is absolutely dead even. you talk to both camps. they both think they can win and both know they could lose. >> donald trump needs to win it, jon karl, matt dowd, thanks very much. four days until the final votes and the latest on the race on sunday on "this week" and be here when the polls close tuesday night. i'll be anchoring live coverage all night with our political moving on from politics to that shocking story out of south carolina. a woman missing for months finally found held captive. her boyfriend still missing. and a suspect is now in custody. abc's linsey davis has new details from the scene. >> reporter: this morning, investigators are poring over this rural south carolina area for evidence of a possible serial killer. todd christopher kohlhepp, a registered sex offender is now behind bars after authorities say they found kala brown held captive on this 100-acre property. >> i can tell you one of the charges is going to be kidnapping. it could be, you know, a number of things. >> reporter: acting on a tip, police say they heard brown banging on the inside of a storage container in this wooded area surrounded by a chain link fence on thursday. the 30-year-old was chained inside by her neck and told police she had been fed but trapped, padlocked inside the metal locker for two months. brown who reportedly cleaned houses for kohlhepp before he offered them for sale and her missing at the end of august. weeks later friends and family say mysterious messages began to appear on carver's facebook account, including one saying that the couple was fine, and just out of town. they found their car at the crime scene but no sign of carver last seen on surveillance leaving work the day they both disappeared. police say brown told them there could be multiple bodies on kohlhepp's property. >> we're trying to make sure that, you know, we don't have a serial killer on our hands. >> reporter: kohlhepp, who w convicted and sentenced to prison for kidnapping in 1986 is a licensed pilot and realtor based in a town about 15 miles away from it container. in september, the 45-year-old posted on facebook reading the news, this person missing, that person missing, another person missing, oh, wait, that person just went to beach with friend. other person found with her parole violation boyfriend. i just got a picture of the conditions that kala brown has months. she was chained from around her neck and was essentially in a steel cage roughly 4x4x6 and that was inside of a larger container. now, a massive search is under way on this property, in this field behind me, because the victim herself told police that she believes as many as four bodies may be buried here, george. >> boy, that is just horrific. okay, linsey, thanks very much. we turn to another recall for samsung. this time for washing machines that could blow apart. it comes on the heels of those note 7 recalls after several phones caught fire. abc's gio benitez here with the story. first on "gma," good morning, gio. >> reporter: good morning to you. abc news has been working on this investigation for the past year. now we're learning nearly 3 million washing machines in american homes right now could put you and your family at risk. the images are dramatic. mangled metal, a wall that looks punched through and then there's the giant bruise. just three of the hundreds of reported cases of samsung top loading washing machines blown apart when operating at high >> without warning, the washing machine just exploded. it sound like a bomb went off in my ear. >> reporter: melissa hakton says she was inches away and her 4-year-old right there too. >> i remember covering my head and leaning over towards my son and just screaming this scream. >> reporter: just now after a month "gma" investigated on their top loading washing nation's top consumer watchdog and samsung are recalling an unprecedented 2.8 million top loading washing machines. elliot kay is the chairman. how many reports are we talking about here? >> we're talking about 730 reports of a very serious hazard of the top of these washing machines completely blowing off. >> reporter: and amid the complaints, nine reports of injuries. that bruise reportedly came the machine slammed into the woman's back and forced her into a cabinet where she struck her head and jaw. >> we're looking at parents with their children right there in close proximity. >> i do the laundry in my family. i've got two young boys. this would scare the heck out of me. which is why we hope parents and others take advantage of this recall. >> reporter: the machines in question, 34 different model lines of samsung's top loading washing machines sold since march 2011 until now. >> for some of these units just too much speed. the top of the unit is not secured enough based on the design failure. >> reporter: samsung telling "gma investigates," our priority is to minimize any safety risk and address the conditions that lead to the rare instance when the top of the washer unexpectedly separates from the unit. we apologize for the inconvenience this is creating to our loyal customers. so, a few options if you have one of these recalled machines. washer's top, or a rebait towards a new washing machine, any brand. or full refund for those who bought it within the past 30 days. you get more info on on yahoo! george. >> important info right there. thanks, gio. to amy with the morning's other top stories starting with a real advance in the fight against isis. >> that's correct. intense fighting is being reported as iraqi troops backed by u.s. forces push deeper into the city of mosul today. the fighting described as the heaviest yet. isis hitti attacks and rocket launches targeting tanks. the battle could take weeks if not months. back here in this country tense moments on the las vegas strip. thousands of people had to be evacuated from the paris hotel after a contractor hit a power line trapping people in elevators and forcing a room-to-room search. guests were put up at other hotels. power slowly being restored there this morning. and new revelations about the death of a former nfl star at the age of 46. kevin turner had a severe and unprecedented case of the brain disease, cte, linked to repeated head trauma. turner was a plaintiff in a concussion lawsuit against the nfl. finally, it is friday and if you need to destress your life, well, you should check out not netflix, but napflix, the new app offering videos like raindrops in the fall and lazy clouds with music. there's also the standard fire burning in the fireplace or you can stare at a roast chicken there. napflix promises you to bore you to sleep and a yale professor lecturing about einstein, a chess competition. mine is called the golf channel but, you know, whatever puts you to sleep. >> i like that rain video. >> nice and soothing, right? it's free, by the way. >> it is? >> totally free. you guys want to hop a flight to chicago? millions expected to pack the street force a massive parade and rally celebrating the cubs. the brand-new world champions. abc's alex perez has all the excitement. >> reporter: it's the party 108 years in the making. [ cheers and applause ] the city of chicago coming together to honor the cubs. >> come and celebrate what we've all been waiting for for 108 years. >> reporter: thousands of loyal supporters of the lovable losers turned world series champs will line the streets in wrigleyville and heart of downtown chicago. police already on duty along the parade route since early morning working in 12-hour shifts. fans forced to funnel through two security checkpoints. the team set to show off that historic hardware, while fans will show off their new championship merchandise, which has flown off the shelves after wednesday night's win. >> we had to come and get everything. just wasted $400 on just cubs stuff. >> reporter: as for the festivities, details are scarce and the mayor's office declining lists like dyeing the chicago river cubby blue. tapping the city's fictional son ferris bueller to ride in a float or whether bill murray or eddie vetter might make an appearance. for all those young cubs fans in chicago they won't have to ply hooky. there's already a scheduled day off for the chicago public schools. robin. >> thinking ahead. no one was going to be there anyway. thank you, alex, so much. the weather? >> it is going to be perfect, robin. so beautiful. i used to live a block and a half away from wrigley. i can't imagine it. look at this. mid-50s. sunny, light wind. you don't get this in november in chicago all that often and a quick look in the southwest not at all this way. the visibility near zero as people were driving there and that dust storm rolling through. your local weather 30 seconds away. first though, the weekend getaways brought to you by highs will generally range from the mid-60s towards dubuque to around 70 from a waterloo to including waterloo, cedar rapids, and iowa city. it'll be hard to find a cloud over the next 48 hours. our next front will arrive later monday, though it'll be moisture starved and only capable of an isolated shower by monday night. next week will be a continuation of mild and dry conditions. have a great weekend! today: sunny. wind: sw 5-10. and coming up here on "gma," megyn kelly reveals allegations about her former boss, roger ailes, saying he grabbed and sexually harassed her. new details about the murder of washington intern, chandra levy. the new voice mails you've never heard before from former congressman, gary condit. and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis with humira. source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. humira is the number #1 prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. n fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. want more proof? 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no, only lawyers do that. so when you got rear-ended and needed a tow, your insurance company told you to look at page five on your policy. did it say "great news. you're covered!" on page five? no. it said, "blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah..." the liberty mutual app with coverage compass? makes it easy to know what you're covered for and what you're not. the easiest decision you'll make all week is to shop kohl's this weekend because kohl's will give you tax break savings with an extra 10 percent off and an extra 10 dollars off your purchase of 25 dollars or more! everyone gets kohl's cash too! kohl's. lips appear to age faster than other skin. no worries! now there's chapstick total hydration. it's 100% natural, age-defying formula is clinically proven to provide healthier, more youthful looking lips. ? shake it up ? ? twist and shout ? okay, now this song is going to be stuck in my head all day long. that's what a parade looks like in chicago from "ferris bueller's day off." it does seem similar to that later in chicago to celebrate the cubs. everyone waiting to find out who is going to hit that parade route. matthew broderick. bill murray? >> we know bill murray will be there. no question about that. final week of the campaign trail. donald trump making a last push for votes, flooding the battleground states. our new poll shows a three-point race with four days to go. take a look at this smash and grab caught on tape. robbers storm a miami flea market. they have a sledgehammer, rifle and steal handfuls of jewelry and cash before getting away and police are searching for suspects right now. pranks, but you have to hear this one. it may top them all and might be one of the most dangerous one, a couple of australians sneaking into a golf tournament. why is that dangerous, you ask? that was a golf tournament in north korea. >> huh? >> and they claimed to be professional golfers but they weren't, and their skills showed as much on the golf course, so we'll tell you what happened next. >> did they get out of north korea? >> they have to give their we'll wait for it. >> a good tease. thank you. first in this half hour those shocking new allegations from megyn kelly in her upcoming book reportedly making claims about sexual advances her former boss, roger ailes, made towards her. abc's rebecca jarvis is here with the new details. good morning, rebecca. >> good morning. megyn kelly's memoir is still weeks away from release but people are talking this morning about the new bombshell allegations in it leaked by radar online including allegations that the now ousted ceo of fox news, roger ailes, >> reporter: this morning, the bombshell allegations in megyn kelly's highly anticipated mem memoir, "settle for more." >> it's a very personal book. it's revealing. it's been under an embargo. basically they would have to hurt you if you found it. >> reporter: reporting excerpts from the book, ahead of its november 15th release date, by rada allegations against roger ailes. >> i'm megyn kelly. >> reporter: according to radar online kelly writing that ailes began harassing her in the summer of 2005. i will be called in to roger's office. he would shut the door. he will engage in a kind of cat and mouse game with me veering between obviously inappropriate sexually charged comments and legitimate professional advice. the fox news anchor reportedly writing she rejected every single one of ailes' physical advances recalling one instance when he crossed a new line kelly also addressing her own fears about speaking up. crossing him was a major risk, she reportedly writes, but what if, god forbid, he was still doing it to someone? >> she has control of the story and she can explain in her own words what happened and why she came forward when she did. >> reporter: kelly's memoir released just months after former fox news host, gretchen carlson -- >> i'm gretchen carlson. >> reporter: -- brought her own sexual harassment claims against roger ailes. >> hi, everyone. i want to support all women who have been victims of sexual harassment. >> reporter: ailes has repeatedly denied these allegations. his attorney telling abc news in a statement, "this is what miss kelly had to say about roger ailes only one year ago on the charlie rose program, i really care about roger and he has been fog but good to me and he's been very loyal and he's had my back and he's looked out for me. mr. ailes denies her allegations misconduct of any kind." fox news and 21st century fox declining to comment. kelly writes that the harassment eventually ended when she reported ailes to a supervisor. >> and the book is coming out november 15th. >> all right. thank you there, rebecca. we move on to more details on the chandra levy case, one of washington, d.c.'s most notorious murders, and cost a congressman his job and reputation. and there's new reporting on the case, amy? >> t death and disappearance and connection to gary condit including voice mails you've never heard before. >> it's around 6:30. i haven't heard from you. >> reporter: that's the voice of former congressman, gary condit, heard for the first time to chandra levy, the 24-year-old intern whose disappearance captured the nation's attention and forced the married congressman out of office under a cloud of suspicion. >> it's 11:45. i'm sorry. i've been tied up for the last few days but you already know that. >> reporter: interest in this case now reawakened in light of a new book by condit and last >> you developed a friendship with her and you saw her outside the office, correct? >> i saw her one time. >> came by your condo once? >> maybe twice. >> you say in your book that she had come by a handful of times. >> yeah, i mean i said handful of times. could have been four times, could have been five. >> reporter: this is the first time condit has spoken publicly about the case since abc's interview in 20 >> no, i didn't. >> reporter: but now these never before heard messages from a night in early may 2001 when chandra was already missing. >> maybe you're out of the country or something. anyway, give me a call if you get this message. bye. >> reporter: the former congressman always insisted he had nothing to do with her death and still won't comment on the nature of their relationship. >> why is it you will not answer publicly whether or not you had a sexual relationship with chandra levy? publicly for 15 years and i'm not going to change my position or my view on that today or probably any time in the future. >> reporter: but now new questions emerging like why was the married congressman calling a young intern to arrange a get-together? >> give me a rundown on kind of what your schedule is, things are looking pretty good for me today anyway, bye. >> reporter: on tonight's "20/20" you will see the story of how the case against the man once convicted of killing chandra levy was blown apart when an extra from "the house of cards" secretly recorded a key witness. you will hear audio from her seven-hour recording for the very first time. so many questions still in this case. >> the whole story and from "house of cards." you will learn more on "20/20." "mystery in rock creek park" at 10:00 eastern on abc. thank you, amy. coming up on our big board, is the end of fitbit coming? plus, a new alert about your kids and salt. guess which foods are causing the biggest problems? the answer may surprise you. we're back in two minutes. at walgreens, you're free- free to seize the savings on medicare part d. from one-dollar copays on select plans to rewards points on all prescriptions, it's easy to save big at walgreens. ? just stop by walgreens. ? then sit back and enjoy the savings. is ever as our ocean spray cranberries, which is why we're declaring it "the unofficial official fruit of the holidays." the fig's gonna be so bummed. [ chuckles ] for holiday tips and recipes, go to [ chuckles ] remember 2007? smartphones? o m g ten years later, nothing's really changed. it's time to snap out of it. hello moto. snap on a jbl speaker. it's a phone you can change again and again and again. hello moto. get excited world. moto is here. the new moto z with motomods. buy one moto z droid, get one free. >> time now for the big board. our team of insiders standing by to weigh in on today's top stories and becky worley at the table. you're coming up next. let's begin with more on the white house race, just four days to go. such a close race and crowded too, four candidates on the ballot in most states. let's talk about that with jon karl. you got both gary johnson and jill stein, falling right now. well below 10% combined but we know that even the tiniest bit can make a difference. remember ralph nader in 2000. >> no question about that at all. right now it's hard to say exactly who they would help or who they would hurt. our colleagues over at fivethirtyeight took a look and found that a majority of pollsters have jill stein and gary johnson taking away from hillary clinton. but just by about a percent. obviously in a close race, george, in a close state that can make all the difference in evan mcmullin, the third party conservative candidate out of utah, and it looks like he could actually win the state. >> there's a long history with third party candidates in presidential races. some people forget about teddy roosevelt. he even tried that. what's the most important ones you think going back? >> one of the big ones was of course, ross point, was actually leading in the polls in the 1992 presidential election, leading bill clinton and george h.w. bush. of course, he dropped out of the race. he got back in, ended up winning i think it was 19% of the vote but, robin, they always took as a article of faith they lost because of ross perot. analysis later showed that perot took pretty equally from clinton and from bush and in one other one, george mentioned was ralph nader. ralph nader only got what was it? 97,000 votes in the state of 6 million votes cast. you have to remember. >> that's the thing that comes up. jon, thank you. up next, the fitbit was all the rage a couple of years ago and seemed like everyone had one strapped to their wrist but now sales are way down and the company's stock has taken a nosedive. becky, you will tell us about this. what happened? >> we all love the fitbit. you wear it. it motivates you to get off your butt. you learn what 10,000 steps a day feels like. you change your life. but here's the problem. you really need a second one? it's really amazing that this product has fallen so fast. now, fitbit tells me that 40% of the devices they sold last quarter were to returning customers who had one before, but a lot of people aren't going back for more, and the stock has fallen more than 80% in its value. >> all you need is this. >> or the iwatch or something like that. fitbit do more to fight some of the other devices that were -- >> what could he have done? >> they tried to do big screens, and tried to do more colors. lower price points. they have one that starts at $60. notifications for text messages or phone calls. but if you wanted all the bells and whistles you'd pay 250 bucks for a smartwatch or if you didn't want to pay anything you'd use your phone. phones have cannibalized single-use devices. do you remember gameboy? all here already in these, and they count steps really well. >> becky, thanks. we move on to alarming new study about kids and salt. doctors reveal nearly 90% of kids 6 to 18 consume excess sodium, and dr. ashton has more on it. what exactly does this study show? >> salt by the number, you guys, about 2,300 milligrams is recommended for kids 14 years of age and older. this study looked at kids age 6 to 18. really wanted to ask the who, what, where, when, how they were consuming salt. bad news, they're getting a lot across the board. high school kids, the most getting it at dinner, buying it at stores, but the shockers in terms of food t most salt came in foods like pizza, mexican foods, sandwiches, you guys, bread. more sodium than potato chips, so it's really this hidden salt. now, to couch this -- s how can bread have more than potato chips? >> it's in all processed food, guys and added to bread so you have to look at those labels. from a medical and nutritional standpoint salt isn't all bad or all good. you want to get ready, take this data with a chunk of salt. >> i think this is an eye opener for a lot of folks. i think you're talking about adding salt, but it's in the foods, you describe. what do you recommend? >> if we have to lead by example, adults have a problem with it l. if you're talking about things can you do today, start by reading those labels. flip that package around, look at the sodium content and look at the sugar as well because that's a big culprit. you want to try to eat non-prosed foods as much as possible. when your kids are little, expose them to a range of different types of food because their palates are developing, and they should taste what all types of food taste like, and be on the lookout for kids tha in medicine, water follows salt, so that could be a sign they are getting too much. >> check for sodium. five times a week. >> thanks, becky. >> getting down to five is going to be hard. >> that's true. hey, jon, have a good weekend, jen, same, becky, you'll still work and come back later. pre-black friday sales. >> don't start. >> okay, okay. coming up in two minutes, the guys who pranked their way into a north korean golf tournament. and 20 years after the jonbenet ramsey case, new questions this morning about her mother. was she a victim or part of the crime? you're right. we need to get ready for the big show. what's up dudes? lots to do. hey iron man can you run up for the lights? you got it. thanks. [ drums beating ] way to assemble guys. what's elmo's motivation? [ giggle ] got it. excuse me. coming through. oh, hey. what do you think? tall enough? taller. definitely taller. it's starting to click guys. woo-hoo. yes. [ instrumental music ] woah, we're gonna make this... [ barks ] yeah, spectacular. question, are my teeth yellow? have you tried the tissue test? ugh yellow. what do you use? crest whitestrps. crest 3d whitestrips whiten 25 times better than a leading whitening toothpaste i passed the tissue test. oh yeah. crest whitestrips are the way to whiten. thanks for doing this, dad. so i thought it might be time to talk about a financial strategy. so let's start talking about your long term goals. knowing your future is about more than just you. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. when cold and flu hold you back try theraflu expressmax, that has a maximum strength formula with a unique warming sensation you instantly feel. theraflu. for a powerful comeback. new expressmax caplets. all right. we're back wit all right. we're back with those australian men, a real estate agent and a builder who nearly found themselves in some extremely hot water in north korea because they decided to pose as professional golfers in a tournament and abc's nick watt has what happened next. >> reporter: morgan ruig on the tee. oh, dear. >> big shank. big shank. >> reporter: he's no golfer. he's an aussie realtor and his buddy, evan, is a construction worker. >> initially we just said we were a couple of australian golfers and they said, you are the australian team and we sort of didn't say no. >> i think their internet access is pretty limited and don't have many opportunities for research there. >> reporter: they had snazzy blazers made, took the pyongyang tour, a prank so pranky it's this american college kid just got 15 years hard labor for grabbing a propaganda banner as a keepsake. kim jong-un not big on humor. his haircut for the record is not supposed to be funny. rogen and franco mocked him in "the interview." ? firework ? ? >> katy perry. >> i never heard this before in my life. >> i love katy perry. >> reporter: he threatened retaliation and spectacularly hacked. golf isn't exactly famous for a sense of fun either. all those rules about when you can touch your ball and what kind of pants you have to wear, this prank should have gone horribly wrong. the caddies smelled a rat. >> i hit 120 which apparently is not very good and she thought it would bring great shame on my family. >> reporter: maybe they think australians are just terrible at golf. they let them live. they let them leave. now they're big stars back home. >> i didn't tell my mom until i was at the border. got a big hug at the airport on the way home. >> reporter: for "good morning america," nick watt, abc news, los angeles. laughing right now, but you have to hear, they were having a long lunch. which i think could be a translation for a boozy lunch and decide to do either mongolian eagle racing or join the north korean golf tournament. >> all those pictures out of will. >> it's a great tale to tell now that they are alive to say it, right? >> i got to say nick had a better golf swing than they did. way to go, nick. >> 50 over par, not so good for them. >> no. not so good. coming up in our next forget black friday. how you can score huge holiday savings right now plus the two biggest days for deals and then the great john legend is here live. look at that baby. he's talking about luna and he is sharing an exclusive look at his brand new music. all that when we come back. little baby, oh. ? where did i go wrong ? coming up "gma's" fall concert series presented by carmax. drive what's possible. technology is useful. i just bought a book. and while i was telling you about the book, i downloaded a song. oh, and full disclosure, guilty. the point is, life is digital. so, carmax, created a site where you can reserve a car online. come in when it's convenient, your car will be waiting. just another thing to make buying a car better for you... reads this tweet that i just posted. oh, that appears to be trending. lol. (relaxing waves) (vacuum) no matter what you love, we'll help you style your home from floor to ceiling. now get 15% off select hgtv home? by sherwin-williams paint, i love my mom. my mom. i love my kids. my kids. my job. taking care of everybody. everyday. my mom. my kids. my job. yes. when i'm at work. when i'm at home. i could just really use some help sometimes. hey we hear you. that's why aarp helps family caregivers... with resources and connections to experts to help make your life easier to manage. because we get it. if you don't think "this is right for me" when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp". get to know us at ? ? ? ? back here on "gma" a huge morning breaking down the best back here on "gma," we have a huge morning breaking down the best holiday deals this month. two days for major savings that aren't black friday. plus, we've got john legend here. he'll be with us and, of course, we got to get foo some of the weather. you have to see this video, you guys, out of pacifica, california, the big waves we've been talking about coming. well, they were there and it's not over yet because you have that parade of storms that have been rolling through the pacific. you could see waves up to even 15 feet. so surfers, be aware and be ready. it's going to be a good one. high surf advisories around san francisco and the bay area. my sister is in monterey. she loves surfing, and right in teacher has pleaded not guilty to a felony charge for her sexual relationship with a student. prosecutors are charging mary beth haglin with sexual exploitation. she originally faced a lesser charge of sexual exploitation by a school employee, but prosecutors upgraded it to a felony charge after her t-v interviews. in those interviews, she admitted she had a cedar rapids washington high school. a judge has refused to give a dubuque man a new trial for the murder of his daughter. in september, a jury found robert stern guilty of shooting his daughter in their dubuque home in june 2015. stern is 63. his daughter, kimberly, was 27 and had autism. in his appeal, stern's attorney argued there had not been enough evidence to convict him at trial. the judge disagreed. stern's sentencing is scheduled eastern iowa airport will fly directly to charlotte for the first time. the airport is holding a nascar themed celebration event today with giveaways to recognize this new flight. this marks eastern iowa airport's 13th non-stop destination. and now here's your first alert forecast. plan on a spectacular fall day. highs will generally range from the mid-60s towards dubuque to around 70 from a waterloo to quad cities line and southwest, including waterloo, cedar rapids, and iowa find a cloud over the next 48 hours. our next front will arrive later monday, though it'll be moisture starved and only capable of an isolated shower by monday night. next week will be a continuation of mild and dry conditions. have a great weekend!today: sunny. wind: sw 5-10. high: 70 tonight: mostly clear. wind: sw 5-10. low: 45 tomorrow: mostly sunny. wind: sw 5-15. high: 68 tom. night: mostly clear. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. final sprint. the brand-new poll this morning, candidates neck and neck as they charge into the battleground states. and new questions resurrected about jonbenet ramsey's mother starting with the ransom note at the crime scene. we'll have what friends of patsy say about her life before her daughter's death. ? shopping secrets. so many black friday deals already available, so is right now really the best time to shop? what day do you really get the best deals this month? we've got your answers right here. ? all of me ? millions love john legend's smash hit "all of me" and this morning the exclusive first look at his brand-new music video "love me now." ? who's going to kiss when you i'm gone ? >> wife chrissy and daughter say -- >> good morning, america. how much do we love john legend? >> so much. >> love that baby. >> i know. great combination of the two of them. happy friday, everybody. we have the fray here, as well. a big performance coming up, and look what happened when they were rehearsing earlier this morning. they didn't think we were watching. gotcha, guys. >> that's so funny. >> don't pretend. we might make you do it later. >> as long as we don't have to sing. >> that's exactly right. also, great holiday deals coming up, black friday before christmas just seven weeks away. we know the answer to this question for you, lara. you started shopping. >> absolutely. >> i've written my list down. >> that was good. that's a start. >> that's good. >> you got to start somewhere. becky worley is back with your insider's guide to huge savings that are two days to get the best deals this month that aren't black friday-ish, so we got that for you. >> all right. but first let's start with the morning rundown and amy. the big story, that final dash to the finish line just four days until election day. and our national tracking poll out this morning showing hillary clinton with a slight three-point lead over donald trump, but trump is enjoying a big advantage when it comes to enthusiasm among his supporters, and abc's cecilia vega has all the latest. good morning, cecilia. >> reporter: amy, good morning to you. hillary clinton is calling on her famous friends to make a last-ditch appeal to energize voters. in north carolina overnight pharrell telling the young crowd this election is too important to sit out. >> i want to see that glass shatter on the floor and i want us all to stomp on it together. >> reporter: also on stage, bernie sanders slamming donald trump saying the republican nominee's campaign is built around bigotry, and president obama is heading back to north carolina as part of his cross country tour of battleground states. across the aisle, donald trump telling college students in florida the race is too close to be taken for granted. he also got a boost from his wife melania in a rare campaign appearance. she vowed to take on >> our culture has gotten too mean and too rough, especially to children and teenagers. >> reporter: but she made no mention of her husband's frequent social media attacks. today both candidates back on the campaign trail in a last-minute push through battleground states. the clinton team revealing her plans for the night before the election, a massive rally, clinton and her entire family right there in philadelphia with president obama and the first lady. amy. >> all right, cecilia, thank you. well, a major safety recl, "gma" is first to report this morning about the recall of nearly 3 million samsung washing machines because of an explosion risk. some customers say their top loading machines blew apart at high speed. nine injuries reported. the recall affects several models, and our website has full details. well, a $13,000 reward is being offered in the frantic search for a missing 10-year-old girl in texas. kayla gomez-orozco was last seen at a church near tyler on authorities believe she was abducted by a stranger and could be in grave danger. the fbi and u.s. marshals have joined in the search. well, harvard university has canceled the rest of the season for its men's soccer team. school officials say players were compiling a sexually explicit so-called scouting report that rated the attractiveness of players on the women's team. harvard's president calls the comments appalling and says the practice began back in 2012. well, a dramatic crash caught on camera. this suv rolling over several times in traffic. this happened in houston. surveillance video showing a woman running in to help. somehow the driver was not seriously injured. it's incredible, but the cause of the crash is under investigation. and finally, if you like to relax with a glass of wine and a hot tub, you know what, why not combine the two. a spa theme park in japan offering hot tubs filled with merlot or bordeaux, so you can really soak up the wine. filled with coffee, tea and even ramen noodles. they claim that there are health benefits to those. i understand the wine and the tea. i think they lost me on the ramen noodles. not sure about that one. >> yeah. >> you had me at wine. >> yeah. >> thank you, amy. >> that's fine. >> good to have you back from nashville. >> oh, thank you, robin. happy friday, everybody. time for "pop news" and the upcoming "beauty and the beast" reboot making belle more than a bookworm, we have to report this morning. in this sneak peek from "entertainment weekly," we see actress emma watson as belle standing by her work table her covered in music boxes. that's her dad next to her, maurice, as you might remember in the animated version in 1991. he was the gadget maker and flash in order and it's belle's dad who is the craftsman. belle herself is an inventor creating self-functioning washing machines to give herself more time to read. i love that. >> emma watson who will play belle says the movie is setting out to create a more meaningful back story for her character. you can see it all unfold when "beauty and the beast" hits theaters on march 17. >> beauty and brains. >> i love that. isn't that great? >> uh-huh. >> sort of advance our stories. >> absolutely. also in "pop news" this morning, quentin tarantino has confirmed he plans to retire after hitting the ten film mark which means he has just two to go. the writer/director revealing his impending departure from hollywood at a conference in san diego, and we know what number nine will be. the "pulp fiction" director teased an upcoming full length scripted movie earlier this year, a project about bonnie and clyde set in 1930s australia. >> i have to ask. did he say why he's going to retire? >> i think he feels he has done what he needed in this genre and i think he will continue to create, but i feel like he's ready to move on in that way, but i wonder what number ten he's going out with a bang. >> yes, he is. then finally in "pop news" this morning, some friday celebrity real estate eye candy for you. fashion icon tommy hilfiger and his wife, you guys, listen to this. they cut the price of their sprawling penthouse apartment atop new york's plaza hotel by >> they cut it by $21 million? >> it's free now, right? no, it will still cost almost $60 million. the luxurious duplex, 5,600 square feet across 2 floors boasting 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms is now listed at 58.9 million. down 21 million. the apartment features a kitchen to die for, an amazing library. you can see all the pictures right there. jaw-dropping views of central park and it's been on the market for awhile so now it's like, you know, a fire sale. >> just like it. >> yeah, but great taste. hilfiger, you got great taste. that's "pop news" this morning. happy friday, everybody. >> happy friday to you, lara. coming up, the best holiday deals before black friday and the items you should wait to buy. plus, new questions about jonbenet ramsey's family. her mother patsy back in the ve it to you straight? that airline credit card you have... it could be better. it's time to shake things up. with the capital one venture card, you get double miles on everything you buy, not just airline purchases. seriously, think of all the things you buy. this why you asked me to coffee? well yeah... but also to catch-up. what's in your wallet? (chuckle) ( ? ) come on, dad. ( ? ) to stand alongside my, my love ? ? whoa, talkin' 'bout my love ? ? talkin' 'bout my, my love ? you ready, dad? ? whoa-ooh ? ? ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ? there's only one egg that gives you better taste and better nutrition in so many varieties. classic. cage free. and organic. only eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. man: long live queen elizabeth. you don't think i would've preferred to grow up out of the spotlight, away from the scrutiny and the visibility? woman: i have seen three great monarchies brought down through their personal indulgences. the crown must win. (flash bulb popping) good is in every blue diamond almond. a good that comes in 20 flavors from whole natural to wasabi and soy sauce. and once good gets going, there's no stopping it. get your good going. blue diamond almonds. the easiest decision you'll make all week is to shop kohl's this weekend because kohl's will give you tax break savings with an extra 10 percent off and an extra 10 dollars off your purchase of 25 dollars or more! there is jonbenet ramsey. it's now 20 years after her murder and we have a first look at a new lifetime documentary that examines her mother patsy. paula faris is here with that. hey, paula. >> good morning, george. you know, in this documentary you'll see interviews that you have never seen before, as well as analysis of that 911 call. through creator asking the question, could patsy ramsey have killed her own daughter and detail how patsy's love of stage and theater may have helped her cover it up. >> in 1996, the savage murder of jonbenet ramsey gripped the nation. >> reporter: on the 20-year anniversary a fresh examination of the tragic death of 6-year-old beauty queen jonbenet ramsey with an upcoming made for tv movie. >> jonbenet was everything to me. >> reporter: and a new documentary produced by lifetime. >> from the beginning, the police and media suspected one question -- >> who was patsy ramsey, tragic victim or cold-blooded killer? >> let me assure you that i did not kill jonbenet. >> reporter: in 2008 the district attorney, mary lacy, exonerated the ramseys claiming that touch dna proved the suspect was an unknown male. but this lifetime special is now resurrecting big questions about whether patsy ramsey might have been jonbenet's killer starting with the ransom note found at the crime scene. one of the first detectives to arrive at the million dollar mansion that terrible december morning, robert whitson. >> the handwriting examiner said i need to show you something and he turned three or four pages in that notepad, and at the top of the pad it said mr. and mrs. and then started the letter "r." so at that point it looked like and that notepad was patsy ramsey's. >> reporter: and another detective on the case, fred patterson telling lifetime -- >> there were some similarities in the handwriting between patsy's writing and the writing on the note. >> reporter: investigative journalist jeff shapiro who covered the story for over a decade saying -- >> would an intruder break in and take the time to try to copy patsy's handwriting or is it sheer coincidence that some of the resemble resembles her or is none of this a coincidence? >> reporter: it showcases her love of theater. her chosen talent when she was a young beauty queen herself. >> patsy practiced a lot. she worked on her characters and her vocalizations and her accents and all of the different things to create the characters. >> reporter: the filmmakers raising the question, could she have been acting all along to cover up a possible crime? >> there was a sense within the law enforcement community that because of patsy ramsey's was someone who has a grip on great theatrics. >> now, let's remember that patsy ramsey did pass away ten years ago. we reached out to lin wood who represents the ramsey family, no response, but, george, this documentary looks fascinating. >> it sure does. lease talk to someone in it. dan abrams, our chief legal analyst. thanks, paula. dan, you've been following this case from the beginning, 20 years, part of this documentary. what do you make of this new information? >> this new information argument that it couldn't have been patsy ramsey because there was one unidentified male person's dna both in jonbenet's underwear and another spot in the long johns, and that was the critical relatively new piece of evidence meaning the authorities did this new type of dna testing in 2007/2008. they found what they told us publicly was a match in another male dna found in her underwear so the conclusion was, well, that must be the real killer. now we learn, well, it's not so definitive. >> so, that's the thing. it doesn't actively implicate patsy but it takes away this information that looked definitive about somebody else. >> that's right. that's right, because before when the d.a. came out 2004 and formally exonerated the ramsey family, the main arme was, look, we've got this dna which points to somebody else and now we learn, well, this could actually be dna from multiple people and as a result it might have been transferred or gotten there in some other way. >> do you think had we known this at the time, she wouldn't have been exonerated? >> the d.a. would tell you, no. the d.a. would say it was based on the totality of the circumstances, but it does make it a little bit of a tougher argument to formally exonerate, and i say that because there is still such a divide within the boulder community and among the boulder authorities about whether patsy ramsey might have exonerate someone publicly, you better have it sort of clear and convincing -- they would say -- mary lacy and lin wood would say we still believe it's clear and convincing but -- >> what do authorities do with it at this point? it's a 20-year-old case. patsy has been dead for ten years. >> what they do is publicly claim it's still open. they publicly leave it still open and this case will never be solved. >> dan abrams, thanks very much. the movie "who killed jonbenet? airs tomorrow on lifetime. it's immediately documentary "jonbenet's mother: victim or killer." the holiday shopping alert. the best days to get deals that aren't black friday. alright, here we go. let's hear the crowd. ahhhh! i go to the right. i go to the left. fake 'em out. mama go up, up, up! she did it. -again? you can't avoid gravity. but unitedhealthcare can help you avoid financial surprises by helping you uh-huh ? eat up, buddy. you'll get it this time. yeah ok not too quick don't let go until i say so. i got you... you're doing it! discover card. i'm not a customer, but i'm calling about that credit scorecard. give it. sure! it's free for everyone. oh! well that's nice! and checking your score won't hurt your credit. oh! i'm so proud of you. well thank you. free at at, ? ? it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. always keep laundry pacs away from children. keep them up, keep them closed, keep them safe. tide pods now come in a child guard zip pack. to help keep your laundry pacs safe and your child safer. hey zoomer skye, why do they keep saying we're only at toys"r"us? [bark] because you can only find us at toys"r"us? is anyone else only at toys"r"us? [bark] you have all the answers. get these and other hot toys you can only find in our whole store full of awwwwesome! it's a video for the disney movie "moana." yep, the song is written by "hamilton" star lin-manuel miranda and sung by alessia cara. here's "how far i'll go." ? will i cross the line ? ? see the line where the sky meets the sea ? ? it calls me and no one knows how far it goes if the wind in my sail ? >> you can hear and see more november 23rd. it won't sound like this plan highs will generally range from the mid-60s towards dubuque to around 70 from a waterloo to quad cities line and southwest, including waterloo, cedar rapids, and iowa city. it'll be hard to find a cloud over the next 48 hours. our next front will arrive later monday, though it'll be moisture starved and only capable of an isolated shower by monday night. next week will be a continuaio a great weekend! today: sunny. wind: sw 5-10. all righty, time to get the scoop on holiday shopping. we saw amazon launch its black friday deals this week, and some stores even started showing off holiday savings before halloween. becky worley is back to tell us what's hot now and what we should wait to buy? >> get this, 47 million people have already completed their christmas shopping according to 20% of the population wrapped and done. that is kind of unsettling along with the idea that we're seeing ads in circulars that came out last weekend for black friday deals starting now. so do i have to shop now to get the best deals? >> black friday deals are here all month long at lowe's. >> reporter: ads for early black friday sales like starting now. i thought shopping on black friday was getting ahead of the holidays. are these early sales a sign that the best deals are only happening now? there are a few stellar offers. walmart with a sale on tvs like this 32-inch hdtv for $125. that's over 100 bucks off. great deals like this 60% off blanket discount on the columbia site with a code and amazon with to 40% off of various megablocks. don't get too anxious yet about missing the lowest prices. >> anything that calls itself a black friday sale and is happening in the first three weeks of november is suspicious. we're very skeptical of it. >> reporter: they say it's worth waiting for better prices around thanksgiving. phones, predicted to be hundreds of dollars cheaper. tvs can be 40% to 70% off, and beauty products so rarely discounted are ripe for buy one get one free offers. and the timing on deals is pretty standard. dealnews tracks the number of great deals are low in the beginning of november but ramp up to peak discounts on thanksgiving day. >> if you want the best deals of the season, you do have to do a little bit of shopping on thanksgiving. take out your computer or take out your tablet and start browsing the door busters online that evening. >> and if you don't want to give up your turkey day, good for you. enjoy the holiday weekend because the second best day for deals all year long, cyber >> ah, take a deep breath and plan your purchases knowing you don't have to shop early, robin, to get the best deal. >> it used to be so easy. we would just wait until black friday but how do we strategize now? >> okay, thanksgiving, after you do the dishes and watched the football, okay, maybe you sneak off and fire up the computer and just tactically buy the things you really want to get the biggest discounts on because thursday is the best discount day. >> okay. >> then cyber monday is next. black friday, good for clothes. >> good for clothes. >> there is a strategy. >> okay. >> you'll be hearing more from me. >> happy to have you here. have a great weekend. coming up, the one and only john legend is here. don't go anywhere. crash on county home road yesterday and 3 others have life- threatening injuries. the crash happened around 4 p-m yesterday at the intersection of county home road and north troy road. that is on the northern edge of robins. three vehicles were involved in what was crash. the linn county sheriff's office says a pick-up rear-ended a car, pushing that car into another pick-up. five people were in the car. two of those people have died and the other three are now at uihc with life-threatening injuries. the pick-up drivers weren't hurt. 14 people are graduating from the cedar rapids regional police academy today. the 44th academy includes graduates from the cedar rapids, north liberty, and tipton police departments. others will graduate from the cedar rapids fire department and the and now here's your first alert forecast. plan on a spectacular fall day. highs will generally range from the mid-60s towards dubuque to around 70 from a waterloo to quad cities line and southwest, including waterloo, cedar rapids, and iowa city. it'll be hard to find a cloud over the next 48 hours. our next front will arrive later monday, though it'll be moisture starved and only capable of an isolated shower by a continuation of mild and dry conditions. have a great weekend!today: sunny. wind: sw 5-10. high: 70 tonight: mostly clear. wind: sw 5-10. low: 45 tomorrow: mostly sunny. wind: sw 5-15. high: 68 tom. night: mostly ? i don't know who ? [ applause ] welcome back to "gma" this friday morning. welcome to our audience. good to have you here. [ applause ] and please welcome our very, very special guest this morning, he's up for the grammy, golden broke, academy award superstar john legend is here. >> good to see you, george. [ applause ] >> good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning. how is everybody? [ applause ] >> got a nice walk. just kind of have that gait. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> did you guys see the picture of his little girl earlier? >> oh. >> luna. >> perfect guest to have here this morning for our first topic which is there's actually been a everything, we all know that of ear worms. study says 90% of us get an ear worm at least once a week. amy wakes up to them several types a week. >> i complain about it in the morning. i'm like "bohemian rhapsody." >> i've had one for the last day and a and a half since i heard the fray was coming on "how to save a life". >> that's what songwriters are going for. >> you can write for it. >> we th we don't approach it scientifically but trying to write songs that people can hold on to and grab on to. >> but not torment. i don't want to be tormented. >> you want it to be a good ear worm. you don't want it to be. >> you have one. 2:00 a.m., i'm sorry. >> your song, i've been -- i saw you and i started singing -- ? all of me ? ? all of you ? >> this song now -- i'll be singing it the rest of the day. ? >> it is the most beautiful song. all your curves and all your edges. >> imperfections. thank you so much. >> we all have them. >> yes, we do. >> to me it's like the last song i hear which get out of the car and it just plays in my head. >> the cmas when they did that tribute to dolly parton. i was singing it and now i can't remember the song but whitney houston sang -- >> i'll always love you. >> and lady gaga songs get stuck in people's heads because of the rhythm. >> upbeat and simple melody with a twist. ? bad romance ? >> you want something to feel familiar and fresh at the same time. a lot of songwriters, that sense of familiarity like i've heard something like this before but is still new. >> you mastered it. >> i don't know. >> songwriters don't usually take platonic friendships as i'm trying to make a transition here. i'm just confusing john legend here. >> you're on your own in this one. >> classic segue. >> there's a reason why -- there's information more information this morning about the fact that women and men can't actually be friends. >> i think you can. >> i think that's phooey. >> i have real-life examples of friends that are platonic for a long time? are awe tracked to them. >> i think they're good-looking people but i'm not sexually motivated toward them. >> based on evolutionary standpoint it doesn't make any sense like why would that be something we should do or -- >> a lot of times it'll happen because maybe you're couples -- your friend cups like you're not attracted to, you know, the couples you hang out with even though they're good-looking people that you would like to hang out with, you're not thinking about wanting to jump hole. >> do we have a shovel? >> you become friends with groups that are couples and -- >> i get it. >> you're not trying to bone your friend's wife. >> he didn't go there. >> he said it. he said it. >> he said what you were all thinking. what you were all thinking. >> i have lots of friends that are guys. >> different for men and women. >> men they say are -- but here's the new thing. so they always said attracted to their female platonic friends than vice versa but this new study showed the difference wasn't that great so contrary to what people always thought the men always want to be with their female friends it's actually almost the same. >> it still underscored men still want a little bit more. >> that's true. >> i love how george does it with a wink. >> let's talk about what's new with john legend. you finally have new music out. music. we put the new single out called "love me now" and put the preorder up for the new album that comes out december 2nd called "darkness and light." i think it's my best album yet and can't wait for people to hear it. >> that's big because we'll share the video. the video is adorable. we'll make you wait for that and share that in a little bit. but you have so much that's going on with the new music and luna. she was just adorable for halloween. >> yes. >> how many ou >> over a few days we put her in like eight outfits. >> oh, cute. >> adorable. >> i think -- >> oh. >> we kept -- chrissy on twitter said something about she didn't know what halloween costume luna was going to wear and so all these companies started sending us all these costumes so we were just doing a fashion show at the house and taking photos of everything. >> did she go -- >> i think luna was probably not having as much fun as we were she had some moments where she was like i'm over this. she couldn't say it so we just kept going. >> ten years of therapy will knock that out. >> tell us about the movie as well. >> "la la land," that's coming out -- [ applause ] so, it's an original musical which, you know, we haven't really seen that in hollywood in quite a while, a brand-new musical, it's written and directed by directed "whiplash" starring emma stone and ryan gosling, i'm in it, as well. [ applause ] and my company executive produced it and i wrote a song for it too. >> are you john legend in it. >> i'm ray different person. i'm keith. but i play a musician and i play the band leader in a band that ryan gosling's character joins for awhile and he's trying to decide what he wants to do with his career. >> you push him. >> i represent one option in his option. the other option is him being more like true to his original roots as a jazz pianist also dealing with his romance with emma stone's character and they're figuring it out but it's a love story but also about two creative people in los angeles trying to make it. >> i've heard great thing. >> beautiful, dame dwren is an amazing director and so proud just to be part of it. >> have you been bitten by the acting bug. >> i had a great time but i still think i'm more of a songwriter and singer than i am an actor. but i had a wonderful time and i was lucky to just be a part of such a great cast and a great team. >> we see a combination of that. [ applause ] we see a combination of that with your new music video. can we show everybody? >> i wasn't really acting in this. >> ah, that's true. that's true, all john legend. here we go. ? who's gonna kiss you when i'm gone ? ? i'm gonna love you now like it's all i have ? ? i don't wanna think about it i want you to love me now ? ? love me now love me now ? ? oh oh love me now oh oh oh oh ? ? love me now love me now ? [ cheers and applause ] >> your sound, your sound, just -- when you hear your voice, when you hear your music now that will be stuck in my head. >> that's my goal here. >> and don't worry, john is going to be back in a couple of weeks and will perform for us so you'll have to come back. [ applause ] the new album "darkness and light." we can't wait for that. >> i can't wait for everybody to hear it. you can preorder it today. >> all right. >> hey, coming up, andrew garfield is opening up about his buzz. come on back. and we're back now with an exciting announcement. marvel's "doctor strange" starring benedict cumberbatch opens nationwide today. to celebrate, guess what, everybody here is getting two tickets to see "doctor strange" friends at imax. take them, take them. we're all seeing the movie. legenerally range from the mid-s towards dubuque to around 70 from a waterloo to quad cities line and southwest, including waterloo, cedar rapids, and io lara, i'm going to go ahead and sneak one for you. we can do that while back this weekend. >> fall back. thank you, ginger. going to change subjects now to andrew garfield. he has gone from spider-man's web slippinger to a war hero starring in mel gibson's drama called "hacksaw ridge" playing a real-life conscientious objector who went on to receive the medal of honor all without firing a gun. abc's nick watt sat down with him. >> reporter: "hacksaw ridge" is the true story of a world war ii soldier who refused to carry a pacifist. >> yes. where he says i want to help but i can only do it in my way which is a nonviolent way. i'm not a conscientious objector. i'm a conscientious cooperator. >> let's go. >> reporter: a battlefield medic who went back onto the battlefield after dark to rescue his own, even the enemy. the only part that i felt was not convincing was on the battlefield you take off your helmet and your hair is perfect. >> well, y i do about that? wearing a helmet and got a thick head of hair. all that's going to happen it's going to be flattened. i will argue this point with you. >> i'm just thinking my own experience if i was wearing a helmet on a battlefield i would tell you what my hair would look like. >> which is why you didn't get the job. maybe that's why they hired me. >> mel gibson directs, first time in ten years. mel gibson from my favorite knows how to do a battle scene. >> it's a mystery how he did it. he had half the money and half the shooting days that he had for "braveheart" but i don't think you can tell. >> reporter: there's already oscar talk around this film. >> okay. >> how do you take that in yuri kick louse sort of british self-effacing way? >> yes, no, come on. the benefit of those kinds of even talk about it means that someone out there might -- who may notav go, oh, people are using that word associated with this film, maybe i'll go and see it and then that then might go in and have their lives changed by desmond doss. >> i figure i'll be saving people, not killing them. >> i have a friend from the south who is very easily offended by bad southern accents. he claims that you're one of the first people who has ever actually nailed it on the film. >> that could have gone either way. that's my intention was not to offend your friend. >> for "good morning america," "hacksaw ridge" is in theaters nationwide today. robin. >> all right, lara, time now, i know you love this for our mission pawsible update. we've helped so many dogs find forever hopes. we'll tell you exactly how many furry friends have been adopted. first, though, let's take a look at some of our most recent success stories. coast to coast our four-legged friends are finding their forever homes from san francisco to burbank to memphis to new york. remember shy, now he's called watson and he loves his owner sean. mapetite positively stealing our hearts. >> here is ma petite in her forever home with her mom kathy and her canine siblings. >> reporter: and what about maurice. the lovable dog from mudville senior dog rescue. >> he's been a wonderful addition. he's a little spazz. shelter. the poodle mix already making himself at home with his human. >> i could tell that he was a super sweet guy. >> reporter: our count is growing as we're revealing our new tally right now. all right. so let's get to it. the number of mission pawsible dogs that have found new homes is, drum roll, please. [ drum roll ] >> 971. we are right there at a thousand. you guys can help us get there by go to on yahoo! and find a participating shelter and share your story with us on twitter using the #gmapawdoption. i saw that vince vaughn yesterday. i love that little fella. i was in nashville, otherwise -- tomorrow we'll be live streaming from paw chela, a dog festival put on by the san antonio -- thank you, thank you for sharing all your stories. we're getting ready for the weekend. the fray here live performing live. >> "how to save a life," people. so excited to have one of our favorite bands on the fray. they have a brand-new called "through the years" and "singing low" which they're about to perform right now. ? like water torture you get in my head ? ? you call me this and i call you that there's too much talking ? ? so please don't speak my heart is having trouble with the beat beat beat ? ? so try to take it slow ? ? we can't speak i want it i'm just trying to find the beat beat beat ? ? my heart is singing low ? ? we can lay together we're closer than we've ever been ? ? stay right here forever and ? where we're going that promise land we made that promise you gave me your hand ? ? and all their talking it pulled us in ? ? say you'll never leave can we promise that ? ? please don't speak my heart is having trouble with the beat beat beat ? ? so try to take it slow ? ? we can't speak i'm trying i just wanna find the beat beat beat ? ? my heart is singing low we can lay together ? ? we're closer than we've ever been ? we found a way to love again ? ? we found a way to love again ? ? ? step one you say we need to talk ? ? he walks you say sit down it's just a talk ? ? he smiles politely back at you ? ? you stare politely right on through ? ? some sort of window to your right as he goes left and you stay right ? ? between the lines of fear and blame you begin to wonder why you came ? ? where did i go wrong i lost a friend ? ? somewhere along in the bitterness and i would have ? had i known how to save a life ? ? how to save a life ? [ cheers and applause ] "gma's" fall concert series is presented by carmax. darien: why have the latest smartphone if you can't use it wherever you go? switch to u.s. cellular for our best plan yet: 7 gigs of data per line for only $49. to share more photos at your cabin or video chat at your secret fishing spot... all for just $49. the best part? we put towers in places the other guys don't. because u.s. cellular thinks you deserve a signal that works wherever you are. switch to u.s. cellular and get a whopping 7 gigs of data per line thank you. thank you. that put us in a great mood. >> our pleasure. >> ginger, you have something you want to share. >> tomorrow morning my very own character on "miles from tomorrowland" will make a debut. i became a cartoon. she'll ride along on the jet stream. her motorcycle. chasing aliens. it makes sense. >> of course. >> congratulations, ginger. >> happy friday. >> 9:30. police officers says the attacks were out of friends with scott greene for 26 years. the two worked as mechanics together. but their friendship grew after greene left that job in 2004. now, he says he's struggling to understand what put his friend and father of four on this path. williams says greene had depression after his father died of cancer. family members say the man cedar rapids police shot is doing a little better. a cedar rapids officer shot 37-year-old jerime mitchell during a traffic stop near coe police say there was a struggle and the officer fired a weapon, hitting mitchell in the neck. a brother-in-law told tv9 mitchell is in critical condition. but he was more alert and watched the world series on t-v wednesday. a family spokesperson says they are not endorsing any protests or public vigils connected to his case. and now here's your first alert forecast. plan on a spectacular fall day. highs will generally range from the mid-60s towards dubuque to around 70 from a waterloo to quad cities line and southwest, city. it'll be hard to find a cloud over the next 48 hours. our next front will arrive later monday, though it'll be moisture starved and only capable of an isolated shower by monday night. next week will be a continuation of mild and dry conditions. have a great weekend!today: sunny. wind: sw 5-10. high: 70 tonight: mostly clear. wind: sw 5-10. low: 45 tomorrow: mostly sunny. wind: sw 5-15. high: 68 tom. night: mostly clear. >> announcer: it's "live with kelly!" today, from the movie "the edge of seventeen," kyra sedgwick. and josh radnor is here. and, star of "mr. robot," christian slater is kelly's cohost of the day. all next on "live!" ? ? and now, here are kelly ripa and christian slater! [cheering and applauding] ? ? >> christian: that's good, i like it.

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Transcripts For KCRG Good Morning America 20161104 :

Transcripts For KCRG Good Morning America 20161104

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and bombshell allegations, megyn kelly's explosive new memoir. >> it's a very personal book. it's revealing. >> reportedly containing new accusations against former boss, roger ailes. months of alleged harassment. why she says she didn't speak up then and how he is responding this morning.why she says she dd then and how he is responding this morning. and good morning, america. we know it's an especially happy morning in chicago. >> oh, you could say that, george. we'll take a look at wrigley field right now. millions are expected to gather today for a giant world series celebration. some superstar fans also getting in on the fun like nba stars, dwyane wade and lebron james. take a look at this post, lebron for the indians and made a bet and now lebron has to dress up in a cubs uniform and so dwyane just gave you a preview. about it. we begin with the race for the white house. just four days till the final votes and our brand-new tracking poll shows hillary clinton edging up to a three-point lead. still very close as the candidates crisscross the battle grounds in these final few days. abc's tom llamas starts us off with the latest from the trump campaign. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. donald trump, hillary clinton and their top surrogates in at least ten states today, the campaign trail is getting congested. take a look at this. this is air force one sharing a tarmac with trumfo north carolina, hillary clinton's plane and trump's plane coming face-to-face in north carolina. the race to the finish line is on. overnight, donald trump speaking to one of his largest crowds ever in the state of north carolina. >> we're going to have some big, big beautiful weeks ahead of us i think, huh. >> reporter: with just four days to go, trump in full attack mode against hillary clinton. sending his crowds into a frenzy reports, abc new sources say are inaccurate. >> the fbi is investigating how hillary clinton put the office of secretary of state up for sale in violation of federal law. the fbi agents say their investigation is likely to yield an indictment. >> reporter: also on the campaign trail, melania trump. >> he certainly knows how to shake things up, doesn't he? >> reporter: her first speech since the convention fiasco when it was discovered portions of this time melania trying to appeal to female voters saying if the trumps make it to the white house, one of her issues will be to stop online bullying on social media. >> our culture has gotten too mean and too rough, especially to children and teenagers. it is never okay when a 12-year-old girl or boy is mocked, bullied or attacked. on the playground and it is absolutely unacceptable when it's done by someone with no name hiding on the internet. >> reporter: an interesting choice for melania since her husband is prolific at attacking people on twitter. tweeting in the past, jeb bush just got contact lenses and got rid of the gsses. he wants to look cool, but it's far too late. 1% in nevada and did crooked hillary help disgusting check out sex tape and past alicia m. become a u.s. citizen so she could use her in the debate? trump watched melania's speech from his plane and gave this review. >> she did a great job. that takes a lot of courage. >> reporter: now on that tweet of a sex tape alicia machado has called that lie, and trump is also being accused of spreading more falsehoods, alleged. >> the fbi director said he had no reason to believe that. >> hillary clinton is calling on her top surrogates to help make a final push in the battleground states from politicians to musicians. abc's cecilia vega is in westchester, new york, with her campaign. good morning, cecilia. >> reporter: robin, good morning to you. hillary clinton hits three states today alone. she is closing down this race with a whirlwind tour of crucial battle grounds and calling in some big jay z, tonight, stevie wonder, pharrell last night. hillary clinton calling on her famous friends in this final stretch from pharrell. >> i'm here because i believe she's going to fight for us. >> reporter: to bernie sanders. >> we're not voting for high school president. we're voting for the most powerful leader in the entire world. >> reporter: in the battleground of north carolina, clinton's closing argument, a pitch to black and latino voters. >> he retweets white supremacists and spreads racially tinged conspiracy >> reporter: running mate, tim kaine, in arizona with a presidential campaign first. a speech entirely in spanish. [ speaking spanish ] >> reporter: and president obama called in to fire up millennials in florida. >> we got to work like our future depends on it because it actually depends on it. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: one person not on the campaign trail, huma abedin. overnight clinton's closest aide seen at a high dollar washington fund-raiser for her boss. fashion editor, anna there to greet her. >> any response to the fbi, will you -- >> reporter: abedin ignoring questions about the fbi's discovery of those e-mails on her estranged husband's laptop. and hillary clinton's team has revealed her plans for the night before the election. a massive rally in philadelphia. hillary, will and chelsea clinton, all right there alongside the obamas. lady, for a massive rally in philadelphia. what they want voters to see right before they head into the polls this last image, george, the passing of the torch. >> going for a blockbuster finish, thanks very much. let's bring in matt dowd and jon karl to talk about this more. put up our tracking poll. we said it shows a three-point lead for hillary clinton overall nationally but part of the reason it's close you're seeing a scramble in states and encouraging signs for donald trump in blue states and encouraging ones for hillary in red states. >> reporter: there's no question this race has tightened. hillary clinton is still the favorite in this race but the map is really gotten jumbled. look at the new polls we have out in the last 24ou hampshire, now at a tie. this is a state that for over a month hillary clinton looked like she had a comfortable lead. now we've had a series of polls that show that donald trump could actually win in the state of new hampshire and then if you look at traditionally red states, we have first the state of arizona. this is one that the clinton team said they are going after. look at this, a poll that shows trump up but barely outside the margin of error. that is uncomfortably close for a republican in arizona and then finally in the state of georgia, georgia is a state that hasn't gone democratic for a long, long time. donald trump clinging to a one-point advantage, well within the margin of error statistically tied in what we thought was bright red georgia. >> still a long shot for clinton but surprisingly it is that close and, matt dowd, looking at the closing arguments on the clinton side. you got president obama just out there trying to mobilize voters. on the trump side you've got him making charges from the stump and then that speech from >> i just wanted to let the melania speech and the irony of that speech sink in. she comes out against cyberbullying and married to one of the biggest cyberbullies that we've ever seen in this. i think it was totally political malpractice to let her go out like that. it would be like bernie madoff's wife speaking out against investment ponzi schemes. >> you'll get a tweet from donald trump today. but on -- >> bring it on. bring it on. >> on the race overall, we are are now in these final three is there anything any other external event you think could affect the voting or all momentum? >> as we saw last week when we were talking about hillary clinton had a rough comfortable lead was moving in and the comey announcement happened, and then it adjusted the race by two or three points. anything can happen in the final three days. we've seen it in elections in years past and wikileaks and everything else we have to stay tuned until monday. anything could change. it is a small but comfortable lead for hillary clinton. >> jon, what's the one state you're keeping your closest eye on this weekend? >> north carolina. north carolina is the state above all is absolutely dead even. you talk to both camps. they both think they can win and both know they could lose. >> donald trump needs to win it, jon karl, matt dowd, thanks very much. four days until the final votes and the latest on the race on sunday on "this week" and be here when the polls close tuesday night. i'll be anchoring live coverage all night with our political moving on from politics to that shocking story out of south carolina. a woman missing for months finally found held captive. her boyfriend still missing. and a suspect is now in custody. abc's linsey davis has new details from the scene. >> reporter: this morning, investigators are poring over this rural south carolina area for evidence of a possible serial killer. todd christopher kohlhepp, a registered sex offender is now behind bars after authorities say they found kala brown held captive on this 100-acre property. >> i can tell you one of the charges is going to be kidnapping. it could be, you know, a number of things. >> reporter: acting on a tip, police say they heard brown banging on the inside of a storage container in this wooded area surrounded by a chain link fence on thursday. the 30-year-old was chained inside by her neck and told police she had been fed but trapped, padlocked inside the metal locker for two months. brown who reportedly cleaned houses for kohlhepp before he offered them for sale and her missing at the end of august. weeks later friends and family say mysterious messages began to appear on carver's facebook account, including one saying that the couple was fine, and just out of town. they found their car at the crime scene but no sign of carver last seen on surveillance leaving work the day they both disappeared. police say brown told them there could be multiple bodies on kohlhepp's property. >> we're trying to make sure that, you know, we don't have a serial killer on our hands. >> reporter: kohlhepp, who w convicted and sentenced to prison for kidnapping in 1986 is a licensed pilot and realtor based in a town about 15 miles away from it container. in september, the 45-year-old posted on facebook reading the news, this person missing, that person missing, another person missing, oh, wait, that person just went to beach with friend. other person found with her parole violation boyfriend. i just got a picture of the conditions that kala brown has months. she was chained from around her neck and was essentially in a steel cage roughly 4x4x6 and that was inside of a larger container. now, a massive search is under way on this property, in this field behind me, because the victim herself told police that she believes as many as four bodies may be buried here, george. >> boy, that is just horrific. okay, linsey, thanks very much. we turn to another recall for samsung. this time for washing machines that could blow apart. it comes on the heels of those note 7 recalls after several phones caught fire. abc's gio benitez here with the story. first on "gma," good morning, gio. >> reporter: good morning to you. abc news has been working on this investigation for the past year. now we're learning nearly 3 million washing machines in american homes right now could put you and your family at risk. the images are dramatic. mangled metal, a wall that looks punched through and then there's the giant bruise. just three of the hundreds of reported cases of samsung top loading washing machines blown apart when operating at high >> without warning, the washing machine just exploded. it sound like a bomb went off in my ear. >> reporter: melissa hakton says she was inches away and her 4-year-old right there too. >> i remember covering my head and leaning over towards my son and just screaming this scream. >> reporter: just now after a month "gma" investigated on their top loading washing nation's top consumer watchdog and samsung are recalling an unprecedented 2.8 million top loading washing machines. elliot kay is the chairman. how many reports are we talking about here? >> we're talking about 730 reports of a very serious hazard of the top of these washing machines completely blowing off. >> reporter: and amid the complaints, nine reports of injuries. that bruise reportedly came the machine slammed into the woman's back and forced her into a cabinet where she struck her head and jaw. >> we're looking at parents with their children right there in close proximity. >> i do the laundry in my family. i've got two young boys. this would scare the heck out of me. which is why we hope parents and others take advantage of this recall. >> reporter: the machines in question, 34 different model lines of samsung's top loading washing machines sold since march 2011 until now. >> for some of these units just too much speed. the top of the unit is not secured enough based on the design failure. >> reporter: samsung telling "gma investigates," our priority is to minimize any safety risk and address the conditions that lead to the rare instance when the top of the washer unexpectedly separates from the unit. we apologize for the inconvenience this is creating to our loyal customers. so, a few options if you have one of these recalled machines. washer's top, or a rebait towards a new washing machine, any brand. or full refund for those who bought it within the past 30 days. you get more info on on yahoo! george. >> important info right there. thanks, gio. to amy with the morning's other top stories starting with a real advance in the fight against isis. >> that's correct. intense fighting is being reported as iraqi troops backed by u.s. forces push deeper into the city of mosul today. the fighting described as the heaviest yet. isis hitti attacks and rocket launches targeting tanks. the battle could take weeks if not months. back here in this country tense moments on the las vegas strip. thousands of people had to be evacuated from the paris hotel after a contractor hit a power line trapping people in elevators and forcing a room-to-room search. guests were put up at other hotels. power slowly being restored there this morning. and new revelations about the death of a former nfl star at the age of 46. kevin turner had a severe and unprecedented case of the brain disease, cte, linked to repeated head trauma. turner was a plaintiff in a concussion lawsuit against the nfl. finally, it is friday and if you need to destress your life, well, you should check out not netflix, but napflix, the new app offering videos like raindrops in the fall and lazy clouds with music. there's also the standard fire burning in the fireplace or you can stare at a roast chicken there. napflix promises you to bore you to sleep and a yale professor lecturing about einstein, a chess competition. mine is called the golf channel but, you know, whatever puts you to sleep. >> i like that rain video. >> nice and soothing, right? it's free, by the way. >> it is? >> totally free. you guys want to hop a flight to chicago? millions expected to pack the street force a massive parade and rally celebrating the cubs. the brand-new world champions. abc's alex perez has all the excitement. >> reporter: it's the party 108 years in the making. [ cheers and applause ] the city of chicago coming together to honor the cubs. >> come and celebrate what we've all been waiting for for 108 years. >> reporter: thousands of loyal supporters of the lovable losers turned world series champs will line the streets in wrigleyville and heart of downtown chicago. police already on duty along the parade route since early morning working in 12-hour shifts. fans forced to funnel through two security checkpoints. the team set to show off that historic hardware, while fans will show off their new championship merchandise, which has flown off the shelves after wednesday night's win. >> we had to come and get everything. just wasted $400 on just cubs stuff. >> reporter: as for the festivities, details are scarce and the mayor's office declining lists like dyeing the chicago river cubby blue. tapping the city's fictional son ferris bueller to ride in a float or whether bill murray or eddie vetter might make an appearance. for all those young cubs fans in chicago they won't have to ply hooky. there's already a scheduled day off for the chicago public schools. robin. >> thinking ahead. no one was going to be there anyway. thank you, alex, so much. the weather? >> it is going to be perfect, robin. so beautiful. i used to live a block and a half away from wrigley. i can't imagine it. look at this. mid-50s. sunny, light wind. you don't get this in november in chicago all that often and a quick look in the southwest not at all this way. the visibility near zero as people were driving there and that dust storm rolling through. your local weather 30 seconds away. first though, the weekend getaways brought to you by highs will generally range from the mid-60s towards dubuque to around 70 from a waterloo to including waterloo, cedar rapids, and iowa city. it'll be hard to find a cloud over the next 48 hours. our next front will arrive later monday, though it'll be moisture starved and only capable of an isolated shower by monday night. next week will be a continuation of mild and dry conditions. have a great weekend! today: sunny. wind: sw 5-10. and coming up here on "gma," megyn kelly reveals allegations about her former boss, roger ailes, saying he grabbed and sexually harassed her. new details about the murder of washington intern, chandra levy. the new voice mails you've never heard before from former congressman, gary condit. and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis with humira. source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. humira is the number #1 prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. n fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. want more proof? ask your rheumatologist about humira. humira. what's your body of proof? when i first started working with capital one, my dad called them up and asked for "the jennifer garner card" which is such a dad thing to do. after he gave his name the woman from capital one said "mr. garner, are you related to jennifer?" kind of joking with him. and my dad was so proud to tell her, "as a matter of fact, she is my middle daughter". so now dad has the venture card, he's earning his double miles, and he made a friend at the company. can i say it? go ahead! two times a day right? diligently... but 80% of bacteria aren't even on teeth. eughty purschunt?! colgate total's different. it fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums. protecting 100% of your mouth's surfaces. colgate total for whole mouth health. ? i don't want to grow up, i'm a toys"r"us kid! ? ? they got -- ? trolls! ? here we are, it's a trollabration ? ? come join us we're the party nation ? this really is a whole store full of awesome! killed two des moines area police officers will make his first court appearance this morning. scott greene is facing 2 counts of first degree murder. the 46-year-old urbandale man spent the night in polk county jail. police say greene ambushed urbandale police officer justin martin and des moines police sergeant anthony beminio in separate greene turned himself in about eight hours after the shootings. the visitation for officer martin is from 4 to 8 monday at the south calhoun middle school in rockwell city. the funeral will be at 11-40 tuesday morning at the middle school. governor branstad has ordered flags to fly at half staff on the days of officer martin and sergeant beminio's funerals. police expect to announce funeral arrangements for sergeant beminio sometime today. a look at your first alert forecast in 2 the mid-60s towards dubuque to around 70 from a waterloo to quad cities line and southwest, including waterloo, cedar rapids, and iowa city. it'll be hard to find a cloud over the next 48 hours. our next front will arrive later monday, though it'll be moisture starved and only capable of an isolated shower by monday night. next week will be a continuation a great weekend! today: sunny. wind: sw 5-10. high: 70 tonight: mostly clear. wind: sw 5-10. low: 45 tomorrow: mostly sunny. wind: sw 5-15. high: 68 tom. night: mostly clear. wind: sw 5-10. low: 45 a former substitute school your car insurance policy is 22 pages long. did you read every word? no, only lawyers do that. so when you got rear-ended and needed a tow, your insurance company told you to look at page five on your policy. did it say "great news. you're covered!" on page five? no. it said, "blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah..." the liberty mutual app with coverage compass? makes it easy to know what you're covered for and what you're not. the easiest decision you'll make all week is to shop kohl's this weekend because kohl's will give you tax break savings with an extra 10 percent off and an extra 10 dollars off your purchase of 25 dollars or more! everyone gets kohl's cash too! kohl's. lips appear to age faster than other skin. no worries! now there's chapstick total hydration. it's 100% natural, age-defying formula is clinically proven to provide healthier, more youthful looking lips. ? shake it up ? ? twist and shout ? okay, now this song is going to be stuck in my head all day long. that's what a parade looks like in chicago from "ferris bueller's day off." it does seem similar to that later in chicago to celebrate the cubs. everyone waiting to find out who is going to hit that parade route. matthew broderick. bill murray? >> we know bill murray will be there. no question about that. final week of the campaign trail. donald trump making a last push for votes, flooding the battleground states. our new poll shows a three-point race with four days to go. take a look at this smash and grab caught on tape. robbers storm a miami flea market. they have a sledgehammer, rifle and steal handfuls of jewelry and cash before getting away and police are searching for suspects right now. pranks, but you have to hear this one. it may top them all and might be one of the most dangerous one, a couple of australians sneaking into a golf tournament. why is that dangerous, you ask? that was a golf tournament in north korea. >> huh? >> and they claimed to be professional golfers but they weren't, and their skills showed as much on the golf course, so we'll tell you what happened next. >> did they get out of north korea? >> they have to give their we'll wait for it. >> a good tease. thank you. first in this half hour those shocking new allegations from megyn kelly in her upcoming book reportedly making claims about sexual advances her former boss, roger ailes, made towards her. abc's rebecca jarvis is here with the new details. good morning, rebecca. >> good morning. megyn kelly's memoir is still weeks away from release but people are talking this morning about the new bombshell allegations in it leaked by radar online including allegations that the now ousted ceo of fox news, roger ailes, >> reporter: this morning, the bombshell allegations in megyn kelly's highly anticipated mem memoir, "settle for more." >> it's a very personal book. it's revealing. it's been under an embargo. basically they would have to hurt you if you found it. >> reporter: reporting excerpts from the book, ahead of its november 15th release date, by rada allegations against roger ailes. >> i'm megyn kelly. >> reporter: according to radar online kelly writing that ailes began harassing her in the summer of 2005. i will be called in to roger's office. he would shut the door. he will engage in a kind of cat and mouse game with me veering between obviously inappropriate sexually charged comments and legitimate professional advice. the fox news anchor reportedly writing she rejected every single one of ailes' physical advances recalling one instance when he crossed a new line kelly also addressing her own fears about speaking up. crossing him was a major risk, she reportedly writes, but what if, god forbid, he was still doing it to someone? >> she has control of the story and she can explain in her own words what happened and why she came forward when she did. >> reporter: kelly's memoir released just months after former fox news host, gretchen carlson -- >> i'm gretchen carlson. >> reporter: -- brought her own sexual harassment claims against roger ailes. >> hi, everyone. i want to support all women who have been victims of sexual harassment. >> reporter: ailes has repeatedly denied these allegations. his attorney telling abc news in a statement, "this is what miss kelly had to say about roger ailes only one year ago on the charlie rose program, i really care about roger and he has been fog but good to me and he's been very loyal and he's had my back and he's looked out for me. mr. ailes denies her allegations misconduct of any kind." fox news and 21st century fox declining to comment. kelly writes that the harassment eventually ended when she reported ailes to a supervisor. >> and the book is coming out november 15th. >> all right. thank you there, rebecca. we move on to more details on the chandra levy case, one of washington, d.c.'s most notorious murders, and cost a congressman his job and reputation. and there's new reporting on the case, amy? >> t death and disappearance and connection to gary condit including voice mails you've never heard before. >> it's around 6:30. i haven't heard from you. >> reporter: that's the voice of former congressman, gary condit, heard for the first time to chandra levy, the 24-year-old intern whose disappearance captured the nation's attention and forced the married congressman out of office under a cloud of suspicion. >> it's 11:45. i'm sorry. i've been tied up for the last few days but you already know that. >> reporter: interest in this case now reawakened in light of a new book by condit and last >> you developed a friendship with her and you saw her outside the office, correct? >> i saw her one time. >> came by your condo once? >> maybe twice. >> you say in your book that she had come by a handful of times. >> yeah, i mean i said handful of times. could have been four times, could have been five. >> reporter: this is the first time condit has spoken publicly about the case since abc's interview in 20 >> no, i didn't. >> reporter: but now these never before heard messages from a night in early may 2001 when chandra was already missing. >> maybe you're out of the country or something. anyway, give me a call if you get this message. bye. >> reporter: the former congressman always insisted he had nothing to do with her death and still won't comment on the nature of their relationship. >> why is it you will not answer publicly whether or not you had a sexual relationship with chandra levy? publicly for 15 years and i'm not going to change my position or my view on that today or probably any time in the future. >> reporter: but now new questions emerging like why was the married congressman calling a young intern to arrange a get-together? >> give me a rundown on kind of what your schedule is, things are looking pretty good for me today anyway, bye. >> reporter: on tonight's "20/20" you will see the story of how the case against the man once convicted of killing chandra levy was blown apart when an extra from "the house of cards" secretly recorded a key witness. you will hear audio from her seven-hour recording for the very first time. so many questions still in this case. >> the whole story and from "house of cards." you will learn more on "20/20." "mystery in rock creek park" at 10:00 eastern on abc. thank you, amy. coming up on our big board, is the end of fitbit coming? plus, a new alert about your kids and salt. guess which foods are causing the biggest problems? the answer may surprise you. we're back in two minutes. at walgreens, you're free- free to seize the savings on medicare part d. from one-dollar copays on select plans to rewards points on all prescriptions, it's easy to save big at walgreens. ? just stop by walgreens. ? then sit back and enjoy the savings. is ever as our ocean spray cranberries, which is why we're declaring it "the unofficial official fruit of the holidays." the fig's gonna be so bummed. [ chuckles ] for holiday tips and recipes, go to [ chuckles ] remember 2007? smartphones? o m g ten years later, nothing's really changed. it's time to snap out of it. hello moto. snap on a jbl speaker. it's a phone you can change again and again and again. hello moto. get excited world. moto is here. the new moto z with motomods. buy one moto z droid, get one free. >> time now for the big board. our team of insiders standing by to weigh in on today's top stories and becky worley at the table. you're coming up next. let's begin with more on the white house race, just four days to go. such a close race and crowded too, four candidates on the ballot in most states. let's talk about that with jon karl. you got both gary johnson and jill stein, falling right now. well below 10% combined but we know that even the tiniest bit can make a difference. remember ralph nader in 2000. >> no question about that at all. right now it's hard to say exactly who they would help or who they would hurt. our colleagues over at fivethirtyeight took a look and found that a majority of pollsters have jill stein and gary johnson taking away from hillary clinton. but just by about a percent. obviously in a close race, george, in a close state that can make all the difference in evan mcmullin, the third party conservative candidate out of utah, and it looks like he could actually win the state. >> there's a long history with third party candidates in presidential races. some people forget about teddy roosevelt. he even tried that. what's the most important ones you think going back? >> one of the big ones was of course, ross point, was actually leading in the polls in the 1992 presidential election, leading bill clinton and george h.w. bush. of course, he dropped out of the race. he got back in, ended up winning i think it was 19% of the vote but, robin, they always took as a article of faith they lost because of ross perot. analysis later showed that perot took pretty equally from clinton and from bush and in one other one, george mentioned was ralph nader. ralph nader only got what was it? 97,000 votes in the state of 6 million votes cast. you have to remember. >> that's the thing that comes up. jon, thank you. up next, the fitbit was all the rage a couple of years ago and seemed like everyone had one strapped to their wrist but now sales are way down and the company's stock has taken a nosedive. becky, you will tell us about this. what happened? >> we all love the fitbit. you wear it. it motivates you to get off your butt. you learn what 10,000 steps a day feels like. you change your life. but here's the problem. you really need a second one? it's really amazing that this product has fallen so fast. now, fitbit tells me that 40% of the devices they sold last quarter were to returning customers who had one before, but a lot of people aren't going back for more, and the stock has fallen more than 80% in its value. >> all you need is this. >> or the iwatch or something like that. fitbit do more to fight some of the other devices that were -- >> what could he have done? >> they tried to do big screens, and tried to do more colors. lower price points. they have one that starts at $60. notifications for text messages or phone calls. but if you wanted all the bells and whistles you'd pay 250 bucks for a smartwatch or if you didn't want to pay anything you'd use your phone. phones have cannibalized single-use devices. do you remember gameboy? all here already in these, and they count steps really well. >> becky, thanks. we move on to alarming new study about kids and salt. doctors reveal nearly 90% of kids 6 to 18 consume excess sodium, and dr. ashton has more on it. what exactly does this study show? >> salt by the number, you guys, about 2,300 milligrams is recommended for kids 14 years of age and older. this study looked at kids age 6 to 18. really wanted to ask the who, what, where, when, how they were consuming salt. bad news, they're getting a lot across the board. high school kids, the most getting it at dinner, buying it at stores, but the shockers in terms of food t most salt came in foods like pizza, mexican foods, sandwiches, you guys, bread. more sodium than potato chips, so it's really this hidden salt. now, to couch this -- s how can bread have more than potato chips? >> it's in all processed food, guys and added to bread so you have to look at those labels. from a medical and nutritional standpoint salt isn't all bad or all good. you want to get ready, take this data with a chunk of salt. >> i think this is an eye opener for a lot of folks. i think you're talking about adding salt, but it's in the foods, you describe. what do you recommend? >> if we have to lead by example, adults have a problem with it l. if you're talking about things can you do today, start by reading those labels. flip that package around, look at the sodium content and look at the sugar as well because that's a big culprit. you want to try to eat non-prosed foods as much as possible. when your kids are little, expose them to a range of different types of food because their palates are developing, and they should taste what all types of food taste like, and be on the lookout for kids tha in medicine, water follows salt, so that could be a sign they are getting too much. >> check for sodium. five times a week. >> thanks, becky. >> getting down to five is going to be hard. >> that's true. hey, jon, have a good weekend, jen, same, becky, you'll still work and come back later. pre-black friday sales. >> don't start. >> okay, okay. coming up in two minutes, the guys who pranked their way into a north korean golf tournament. and 20 years after the jonbenet ramsey case, new questions this morning about her mother. was she a victim or part of the crime? you're right. we need to get ready for the big show. what's up dudes? lots to do. hey iron man can you run up for the lights? you got it. thanks. [ drums beating ] way to assemble guys. what's elmo's motivation? [ giggle ] got it. excuse me. coming through. oh, hey. what do you think? tall enough? taller. definitely taller. it's starting to click guys. woo-hoo. yes. [ instrumental music ] woah, we're gonna make this... [ barks ] yeah, spectacular. question, are my teeth yellow? have you tried the tissue test? ugh yellow. what do you use? crest whitestrps. crest 3d whitestrips whiten 25 times better than a leading whitening toothpaste i passed the tissue test. oh yeah. crest whitestrips are the way to whiten. thanks for doing this, dad. so i thought it might be time to talk about a financial strategy. so let's start talking about your long term goals. knowing your future is about more than just you. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. when cold and flu hold you back try theraflu expressmax, that has a maximum strength formula with a unique warming sensation you instantly feel. theraflu. for a powerful comeback. new expressmax caplets. all right. we're back wit all right. we're back with those australian men, a real estate agent and a builder who nearly found themselves in some extremely hot water in north korea because they decided to pose as professional golfers in a tournament and abc's nick watt has what happened next. >> reporter: morgan ruig on the tee. oh, dear. >> big shank. big shank. >> reporter: he's no golfer. he's an aussie realtor and his buddy, evan, is a construction worker. >> initially we just said we were a couple of australian golfers and they said, you are the australian team and we sort of didn't say no. >> i think their internet access is pretty limited and don't have many opportunities for research there. >> reporter: they had snazzy blazers made, took the pyongyang tour, a prank so pranky it's this american college kid just got 15 years hard labor for grabbing a propaganda banner as a keepsake. kim jong-un not big on humor. his haircut for the record is not supposed to be funny. rogen and franco mocked him in "the interview." ? firework ? ? >> katy perry. >> i never heard this before in my life. >> i love katy perry. >> reporter: he threatened retaliation and spectacularly hacked. golf isn't exactly famous for a sense of fun either. all those rules about when you can touch your ball and what kind of pants you have to wear, this prank should have gone horribly wrong. the caddies smelled a rat. >> i hit 120 which apparently is not very good and she thought it would bring great shame on my family. >> reporter: maybe they think australians are just terrible at golf. they let them live. they let them leave. now they're big stars back home. >> i didn't tell my mom until i was at the border. got a big hug at the airport on the way home. >> reporter: for "good morning america," nick watt, abc news, los angeles. laughing right now, but you have to hear, they were having a long lunch. which i think could be a translation for a boozy lunch and decide to do either mongolian eagle racing or join the north korean golf tournament. >> all those pictures out of will. >> it's a great tale to tell now that they are alive to say it, right? >> i got to say nick had a better golf swing than they did. way to go, nick. >> 50 over par, not so good for them. >> no. not so good. coming up in our next forget black friday. how you can score huge holiday savings right now plus the two biggest days for deals and then the great john legend is here live. look at that baby. he's talking about luna and he is sharing an exclusive look at his brand new music. all that when we come back. little baby, oh. ? where did i go wrong ? coming up "gma's" fall concert series presented by carmax. drive what's possible. technology is useful. i just bought a book. and while i was telling you about the book, i downloaded a song. oh, and full disclosure, guilty. the point is, life is digital. so, carmax, created a site where you can reserve a car online. come in when it's convenient, your car will be waiting. just another thing to make buying a car better for you... reads this tweet that i just posted. oh, that appears to be trending. lol. (relaxing waves) (vacuum) no matter what you love, we'll help you style your home from floor to ceiling. now get 15% off select hgtv home? by sherwin-williams paint, i love my mom. my mom. i love my kids. my kids. my job. taking care of everybody. everyday. my mom. my kids. my job. yes. when i'm at work. when i'm at home. i could just really use some help sometimes. hey we hear you. that's why aarp helps family caregivers... with resources and connections to experts to help make your life easier to manage. because we get it. if you don't think "this is right for me" when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp". get to know us at ? ? ? ? back here on "gma" a huge morning breaking down the best back here on "gma," we have a huge morning breaking down the best holiday deals this month. two days for major savings that aren't black friday. plus, we've got john legend here. he'll be with us and, of course, we got to get foo some of the weather. you have to see this video, you guys, out of pacifica, california, the big waves we've been talking about coming. well, they were there and it's not over yet because you have that parade of storms that have been rolling through the pacific. you could see waves up to even 15 feet. so surfers, be aware and be ready. it's going to be a good one. high surf advisories around san francisco and the bay area. my sister is in monterey. she loves surfing, and right in teacher has pleaded not guilty to a felony charge for her sexual relationship with a student. prosecutors are charging mary beth haglin with sexual exploitation. she originally faced a lesser charge of sexual exploitation by a school employee, but prosecutors upgraded it to a felony charge after her t-v interviews. in those interviews, she admitted she had a cedar rapids washington high school. a judge has refused to give a dubuque man a new trial for the murder of his daughter. in september, a jury found robert stern guilty of shooting his daughter in their dubuque home in june 2015. stern is 63. his daughter, kimberly, was 27 and had autism. in his appeal, stern's attorney argued there had not been enough evidence to convict him at trial. the judge disagreed. stern's sentencing is scheduled eastern iowa airport will fly directly to charlotte for the first time. the airport is holding a nascar themed celebration event today with giveaways to recognize this new flight. this marks eastern iowa airport's 13th non-stop destination. and now here's your first alert forecast. plan on a spectacular fall day. highs will generally range from the mid-60s towards dubuque to around 70 from a waterloo to quad cities line and southwest, including waterloo, cedar rapids, and iowa find a cloud over the next 48 hours. our next front will arrive later monday, though it'll be moisture starved and only capable of an isolated shower by monday night. next week will be a continuation of mild and dry conditions. have a great weekend!today: sunny. wind: sw 5-10. high: 70 tonight: mostly clear. wind: sw 5-10. low: 45 tomorrow: mostly sunny. wind: sw 5-15. high: 68 tom. night: mostly clear. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. final sprint. the brand-new poll this morning, candidates neck and neck as they charge into the battleground states. and new questions resurrected about jonbenet ramsey's mother starting with the ransom note at the crime scene. we'll have what friends of patsy say about her life before her daughter's death. ? shopping secrets. so many black friday deals already available, so is right now really the best time to shop? what day do you really get the best deals this month? we've got your answers right here. ? all of me ? millions love john legend's smash hit "all of me" and this morning the exclusive first look at his brand-new music video "love me now." ? who's going to kiss when you i'm gone ? >> wife chrissy and daughter say -- >> good morning, america. how much do we love john legend? >> so much. >> love that baby. >> i know. great combination of the two of them. happy friday, everybody. we have the fray here, as well. a big performance coming up, and look what happened when they were rehearsing earlier this morning. they didn't think we were watching. gotcha, guys. >> that's so funny. >> don't pretend. we might make you do it later. >> as long as we don't have to sing. >> that's exactly right. also, great holiday deals coming up, black friday before christmas just seven weeks away. we know the answer to this question for you, lara. you started shopping. >> absolutely. >> i've written my list down. >> that was good. that's a start. >> that's good. >> you got to start somewhere. becky worley is back with your insider's guide to huge savings that are two days to get the best deals this month that aren't black friday-ish, so we got that for you. >> all right. but first let's start with the morning rundown and amy. the big story, that final dash to the finish line just four days until election day. and our national tracking poll out this morning showing hillary clinton with a slight three-point lead over donald trump, but trump is enjoying a big advantage when it comes to enthusiasm among his supporters, and abc's cecilia vega has all the latest. good morning, cecilia. >> reporter: amy, good morning to you. hillary clinton is calling on her famous friends to make a last-ditch appeal to energize voters. in north carolina overnight pharrell telling the young crowd this election is too important to sit out. >> i want to see that glass shatter on the floor and i want us all to stomp on it together. >> reporter: also on stage, bernie sanders slamming donald trump saying the republican nominee's campaign is built around bigotry, and president obama is heading back to north carolina as part of his cross country tour of battleground states. across the aisle, donald trump telling college students in florida the race is too close to be taken for granted. he also got a boost from his wife melania in a rare campaign appearance. she vowed to take on >> our culture has gotten too mean and too rough, especially to children and teenagers. >> reporter: but she made no mention of her husband's frequent social media attacks. today both candidates back on the campaign trail in a last-minute push through battleground states. the clinton team revealing her plans for the night before the election, a massive rally, clinton and her entire family right there in philadelphia with president obama and the first lady. amy. >> all right, cecilia, thank you. well, a major safety recl, "gma" is first to report this morning about the recall of nearly 3 million samsung washing machines because of an explosion risk. some customers say their top loading machines blew apart at high speed. nine injuries reported. the recall affects several models, and our website has full details. well, a $13,000 reward is being offered in the frantic search for a missing 10-year-old girl in texas. kayla gomez-orozco was last seen at a church near tyler on authorities believe she was abducted by a stranger and could be in grave danger. the fbi and u.s. marshals have joined in the search. well, harvard university has canceled the rest of the season for its men's soccer team. school officials say players were compiling a sexually explicit so-called scouting report that rated the attractiveness of players on the women's team. harvard's president calls the comments appalling and says the practice began back in 2012. well, a dramatic crash caught on camera. this suv rolling over several times in traffic. this happened in houston. surveillance video showing a woman running in to help. somehow the driver was not seriously injured. it's incredible, but the cause of the crash is under investigation. and finally, if you like to relax with a glass of wine and a hot tub, you know what, why not combine the two. a spa theme park in japan offering hot tubs filled with merlot or bordeaux, so you can really soak up the wine. filled with coffee, tea and even ramen noodles. they claim that there are health benefits to those. i understand the wine and the tea. i think they lost me on the ramen noodles. not sure about that one. >> yeah. >> you had me at wine. >> yeah. >> thank you, amy. >> that's fine. >> good to have you back from nashville. >> oh, thank you, robin. happy friday, everybody. time for "pop news" and the upcoming "beauty and the beast" reboot making belle more than a bookworm, we have to report this morning. in this sneak peek from "entertainment weekly," we see actress emma watson as belle standing by her work table her covered in music boxes. that's her dad next to her, maurice, as you might remember in the animated version in 1991. he was the gadget maker and flash in order and it's belle's dad who is the craftsman. belle herself is an inventor creating self-functioning washing machines to give herself more time to read. i love that. >> emma watson who will play belle says the movie is setting out to create a more meaningful back story for her character. you can see it all unfold when "beauty and the beast" hits theaters on march 17. >> beauty and brains. >> i love that. isn't that great? >> uh-huh. >> sort of advance our stories. >> absolutely. also in "pop news" this morning, quentin tarantino has confirmed he plans to retire after hitting the ten film mark which means he has just two to go. the writer/director revealing his impending departure from hollywood at a conference in san diego, and we know what number nine will be. the "pulp fiction" director teased an upcoming full length scripted movie earlier this year, a project about bonnie and clyde set in 1930s australia. >> i have to ask. did he say why he's going to retire? >> i think he feels he has done what he needed in this genre and i think he will continue to create, but i feel like he's ready to move on in that way, but i wonder what number ten he's going out with a bang. >> yes, he is. then finally in "pop news" this morning, some friday celebrity real estate eye candy for you. fashion icon tommy hilfiger and his wife, you guys, listen to this. they cut the price of their sprawling penthouse apartment atop new york's plaza hotel by >> they cut it by $21 million? >> it's free now, right? no, it will still cost almost $60 million. the luxurious duplex, 5,600 square feet across 2 floors boasting 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms is now listed at 58.9 million. down 21 million. the apartment features a kitchen to die for, an amazing library. you can see all the pictures right there. jaw-dropping views of central park and it's been on the market for awhile so now it's like, you know, a fire sale. >> just like it. >> yeah, but great taste. hilfiger, you got great taste. that's "pop news" this morning. happy friday, everybody. >> happy friday to you, lara. coming up, the best holiday deals before black friday and the items you should wait to buy. plus, new questions about jonbenet ramsey's family. her mother patsy back in the ve it to you straight? that airline credit card you have... it could be better. it's time to shake things up. with the capital one venture card, you get double miles on everything you buy, not just airline purchases. seriously, think of all the things you buy. this why you asked me to coffee? well yeah... but also to catch-up. what's in your wallet? (chuckle) ( ? ) come on, dad. ( ? ) to stand alongside my, my love ? ? whoa, talkin' 'bout my love ? ? talkin' 'bout my, my love ? you ready, dad? ? whoa-ooh ? ? ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ? there's only one egg that gives you better taste and better nutrition in so many varieties. classic. cage free. and organic. only eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. man: long live queen elizabeth. you don't think i would've preferred to grow up out of the spotlight, away from the scrutiny and the visibility? woman: i have seen three great monarchies brought down through their personal indulgences. the crown must win. (flash bulb popping) good is in every blue diamond almond. a good that comes in 20 flavors from whole natural to wasabi and soy sauce. and once good gets going, there's no stopping it. get your good going. blue diamond almonds. the easiest decision you'll make all week is to shop kohl's this weekend because kohl's will give you tax break savings with an extra 10 percent off and an extra 10 dollars off your purchase of 25 dollars or more! there is jonbenet ramsey. it's now 20 years after her murder and we have a first look at a new lifetime documentary that examines her mother patsy. paula faris is here with that. hey, paula. >> good morning, george. you know, in this documentary you'll see interviews that you have never seen before, as well as analysis of that 911 call. through creator asking the question, could patsy ramsey have killed her own daughter and detail how patsy's love of stage and theater may have helped her cover it up. >> in 1996, the savage murder of jonbenet ramsey gripped the nation. >> reporter: on the 20-year anniversary a fresh examination of the tragic death of 6-year-old beauty queen jonbenet ramsey with an upcoming made for tv movie. >> jonbenet was everything to me. >> reporter: and a new documentary produced by lifetime. >> from the beginning, the police and media suspected one question -- >> who was patsy ramsey, tragic victim or cold-blooded killer? >> let me assure you that i did not kill jonbenet. >> reporter: in 2008 the district attorney, mary lacy, exonerated the ramseys claiming that touch dna proved the suspect was an unknown male. but this lifetime special is now resurrecting big questions about whether patsy ramsey might have been jonbenet's killer starting with the ransom note found at the crime scene. one of the first detectives to arrive at the million dollar mansion that terrible december morning, robert whitson. >> the handwriting examiner said i need to show you something and he turned three or four pages in that notepad, and at the top of the pad it said mr. and mrs. and then started the letter "r." so at that point it looked like and that notepad was patsy ramsey's. >> reporter: and another detective on the case, fred patterson telling lifetime -- >> there were some similarities in the handwriting between patsy's writing and the writing on the note. >> reporter: investigative journalist jeff shapiro who covered the story for over a decade saying -- >> would an intruder break in and take the time to try to copy patsy's handwriting or is it sheer coincidence that some of the resemble resembles her or is none of this a coincidence? >> reporter: it showcases her love of theater. her chosen talent when she was a young beauty queen herself. >> patsy practiced a lot. she worked on her characters and her vocalizations and her accents and all of the different things to create the characters. >> reporter: the filmmakers raising the question, could she have been acting all along to cover up a possible crime? >> there was a sense within the law enforcement community that because of patsy ramsey's was someone who has a grip on great theatrics. >> now, let's remember that patsy ramsey did pass away ten years ago. we reached out to lin wood who represents the ramsey family, no response, but, george, this documentary looks fascinating. >> it sure does. lease talk to someone in it. dan abrams, our chief legal analyst. thanks, paula. dan, you've been following this case from the beginning, 20 years, part of this documentary. what do you make of this new information? >> this new information argument that it couldn't have been patsy ramsey because there was one unidentified male person's dna both in jonbenet's underwear and another spot in the long johns, and that was the critical relatively new piece of evidence meaning the authorities did this new type of dna testing in 2007/2008. they found what they told us publicly was a match in another male dna found in her underwear so the conclusion was, well, that must be the real killer. now we learn, well, it's not so definitive. >> so, that's the thing. it doesn't actively implicate patsy but it takes away this information that looked definitive about somebody else. >> that's right. that's right, because before when the d.a. came out 2004 and formally exonerated the ramsey family, the main arme was, look, we've got this dna which points to somebody else and now we learn, well, this could actually be dna from multiple people and as a result it might have been transferred or gotten there in some other way. >> do you think had we known this at the time, she wouldn't have been exonerated? >> the d.a. would tell you, no. the d.a. would say it was based on the totality of the circumstances, but it does make it a little bit of a tougher argument to formally exonerate, and i say that because there is still such a divide within the boulder community and among the boulder authorities about whether patsy ramsey might have exonerate someone publicly, you better have it sort of clear and convincing -- they would say -- mary lacy and lin wood would say we still believe it's clear and convincing but -- >> what do authorities do with it at this point? it's a 20-year-old case. patsy has been dead for ten years. >> what they do is publicly claim it's still open. they publicly leave it still open and this case will never be solved. >> dan abrams, thanks very much. the movie "who killed jonbenet? airs tomorrow on lifetime. it's immediately documentary "jonbenet's mother: victim or killer." the holiday shopping alert. the best days to get deals that aren't black friday. alright, here we go. let's hear the crowd. ahhhh! i go to the right. i go to the left. fake 'em out. mama go up, up, up! she did it. -again? you can't avoid gravity. but unitedhealthcare can help you avoid financial surprises by helping you uh-huh ? eat up, buddy. you'll get it this time. yeah ok not too quick don't let go until i say so. i got you... you're doing it! discover card. i'm not a customer, but i'm calling about that credit scorecard. give it. sure! it's free for everyone. oh! well that's nice! and checking your score won't hurt your credit. oh! i'm so proud of you. well thank you. free at at, ? ? it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. always keep laundry pacs away from children. keep them up, keep them closed, keep them safe. tide pods now come in a child guard zip pack. to help keep your laundry pacs safe and your child safer. hey zoomer skye, why do they keep saying we're only at toys"r"us? [bark] because you can only find us at toys"r"us? is anyone else only at toys"r"us? [bark] you have all the answers. get these and other hot toys you can only find in our whole store full of awwwwesome! it's a video for the disney movie "moana." yep, the song is written by "hamilton" star lin-manuel miranda and sung by alessia cara. here's "how far i'll go." ? will i cross the line ? ? see the line where the sky meets the sea ? ? it calls me and no one knows how far it goes if the wind in my sail ? >> you can hear and see more november 23rd. it won't sound like this plan highs will generally range from the mid-60s towards dubuque to around 70 from a waterloo to quad cities line and southwest, including waterloo, cedar rapids, and iowa city. it'll be hard to find a cloud over the next 48 hours. our next front will arrive later monday, though it'll be moisture starved and only capable of an isolated shower by monday night. next week will be a continuaio a great weekend! today: sunny. wind: sw 5-10. all righty, time to get the scoop on holiday shopping. we saw amazon launch its black friday deals this week, and some stores even started showing off holiday savings before halloween. becky worley is back to tell us what's hot now and what we should wait to buy? >> get this, 47 million people have already completed their christmas shopping according to 20% of the population wrapped and done. that is kind of unsettling along with the idea that we're seeing ads in circulars that came out last weekend for black friday deals starting now. so do i have to shop now to get the best deals? >> black friday deals are here all month long at lowe's. >> reporter: ads for early black friday sales like starting now. i thought shopping on black friday was getting ahead of the holidays. are these early sales a sign that the best deals are only happening now? there are a few stellar offers. walmart with a sale on tvs like this 32-inch hdtv for $125. that's over 100 bucks off. great deals like this 60% off blanket discount on the columbia site with a code and amazon with to 40% off of various megablocks. don't get too anxious yet about missing the lowest prices. >> anything that calls itself a black friday sale and is happening in the first three weeks of november is suspicious. we're very skeptical of it. >> reporter: they say it's worth waiting for better prices around thanksgiving. phones, predicted to be hundreds of dollars cheaper. tvs can be 40% to 70% off, and beauty products so rarely discounted are ripe for buy one get one free offers. and the timing on deals is pretty standard. dealnews tracks the number of great deals are low in the beginning of november but ramp up to peak discounts on thanksgiving day. >> if you want the best deals of the season, you do have to do a little bit of shopping on thanksgiving. take out your computer or take out your tablet and start browsing the door busters online that evening. >> and if you don't want to give up your turkey day, good for you. enjoy the holiday weekend because the second best day for deals all year long, cyber >> ah, take a deep breath and plan your purchases knowing you don't have to shop early, robin, to get the best deal. >> it used to be so easy. we would just wait until black friday but how do we strategize now? >> okay, thanksgiving, after you do the dishes and watched the football, okay, maybe you sneak off and fire up the computer and just tactically buy the things you really want to get the biggest discounts on because thursday is the best discount day. >> okay. >> then cyber monday is next. black friday, good for clothes. >> good for clothes. >> there is a strategy. >> okay. >> you'll be hearing more from me. >> happy to have you here. have a great weekend. coming up, the one and only john legend is here. don't go anywhere. crash on county home road yesterday and 3 others have life- threatening injuries. the crash happened around 4 p-m yesterday at the intersection of county home road and north troy road. that is on the northern edge of robins. three vehicles were involved in what was crash. the linn county sheriff's office says a pick-up rear-ended a car, pushing that car into another pick-up. five people were in the car. two of those people have died and the other three are now at uihc with life-threatening injuries. the pick-up drivers weren't hurt. 14 people are graduating from the cedar rapids regional police academy today. the 44th academy includes graduates from the cedar rapids, north liberty, and tipton police departments. others will graduate from the cedar rapids fire department and the and now here's your first alert forecast. plan on a spectacular fall day. highs will generally range from the mid-60s towards dubuque to around 70 from a waterloo to quad cities line and southwest, including waterloo, cedar rapids, and iowa city. it'll be hard to find a cloud over the next 48 hours. our next front will arrive later monday, though it'll be moisture starved and only capable of an isolated shower by a continuation of mild and dry conditions. have a great weekend!today: sunny. wind: sw 5-10. high: 70 tonight: mostly clear. wind: sw 5-10. low: 45 tomorrow: mostly sunny. wind: sw 5-15. high: 68 tom. night: mostly ? i don't know who ? [ applause ] welcome back to "gma" this friday morning. welcome to our audience. good to have you here. [ applause ] and please welcome our very, very special guest this morning, he's up for the grammy, golden broke, academy award superstar john legend is here. >> good to see you, george. [ applause ] >> good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning. how is everybody? [ applause ] >> got a nice walk. just kind of have that gait. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> did you guys see the picture of his little girl earlier? >> oh. >> luna. >> perfect guest to have here this morning for our first topic which is there's actually been a everything, we all know that of ear worms. study says 90% of us get an ear worm at least once a week. amy wakes up to them several types a week. >> i complain about it in the morning. i'm like "bohemian rhapsody." >> i've had one for the last day and a and a half since i heard the fray was coming on "how to save a life". >> that's what songwriters are going for. >> you can write for it. >> we th we don't approach it scientifically but trying to write songs that people can hold on to and grab on to. >> but not torment. i don't want to be tormented. >> you want it to be a good ear worm. you don't want it to be. >> you have one. 2:00 a.m., i'm sorry. >> your song, i've been -- i saw you and i started singing -- ? all of me ? ? all of you ? >> this song now -- i'll be singing it the rest of the day. ? >> it is the most beautiful song. all your curves and all your edges. >> imperfections. thank you so much. >> we all have them. >> yes, we do. >> to me it's like the last song i hear which get out of the car and it just plays in my head. >> the cmas when they did that tribute to dolly parton. i was singing it and now i can't remember the song but whitney houston sang -- >> i'll always love you. >> and lady gaga songs get stuck in people's heads because of the rhythm. >> upbeat and simple melody with a twist. ? bad romance ? >> you want something to feel familiar and fresh at the same time. a lot of songwriters, that sense of familiarity like i've heard something like this before but is still new. >> you mastered it. >> i don't know. >> songwriters don't usually take platonic friendships as i'm trying to make a transition here. i'm just confusing john legend here. >> you're on your own in this one. >> classic segue. >> there's a reason why -- there's information more information this morning about the fact that women and men can't actually be friends. >> i think you can. >> i think that's phooey. >> i have real-life examples of friends that are platonic for a long time? are awe tracked to them. >> i think they're good-looking people but i'm not sexually motivated toward them. >> based on evolutionary standpoint it doesn't make any sense like why would that be something we should do or -- >> a lot of times it'll happen because maybe you're couples -- your friend cups like you're not attracted to, you know, the couples you hang out with even though they're good-looking people that you would like to hang out with, you're not thinking about wanting to jump hole. >> do we have a shovel? >> you become friends with groups that are couples and -- >> i get it. >> you're not trying to bone your friend's wife. >> he didn't go there. >> he said it. he said it. >> he said what you were all thinking. what you were all thinking. >> i have lots of friends that are guys. >> different for men and women. >> men they say are -- but here's the new thing. so they always said attracted to their female platonic friends than vice versa but this new study showed the difference wasn't that great so contrary to what people always thought the men always want to be with their female friends it's actually almost the same. >> it still underscored men still want a little bit more. >> that's true. >> i love how george does it with a wink. >> let's talk about what's new with john legend. you finally have new music out. music. we put the new single out called "love me now" and put the preorder up for the new album that comes out december 2nd called "darkness and light." i think it's my best album yet and can't wait for people to hear it. >> that's big because we'll share the video. the video is adorable. we'll make you wait for that and share that in a little bit. but you have so much that's going on with the new music and luna. she was just adorable for halloween. >> yes. >> how many ou >> over a few days we put her in like eight outfits. >> oh, cute. >> adorable. >> i think -- >> oh. >> we kept -- chrissy on twitter said something about she didn't know what halloween costume luna was going to wear and so all these companies started sending us all these costumes so we were just doing a fashion show at the house and taking photos of everything. >> did she go -- >> i think luna was probably not having as much fun as we were she had some moments where she was like i'm over this. she couldn't say it so we just kept going. >> ten years of therapy will knock that out. >> tell us about the movie as well. >> "la la land," that's coming out -- [ applause ] so, it's an original musical which, you know, we haven't really seen that in hollywood in quite a while, a brand-new musical, it's written and directed by directed "whiplash" starring emma stone and ryan gosling, i'm in it, as well. [ applause ] and my company executive produced it and i wrote a song for it too. >> are you john legend in it. >> i'm ray different person. i'm keith. but i play a musician and i play the band leader in a band that ryan gosling's character joins for awhile and he's trying to decide what he wants to do with his career. >> you push him. >> i represent one option in his option. the other option is him being more like true to his original roots as a jazz pianist also dealing with his romance with emma stone's character and they're figuring it out but it's a love story but also about two creative people in los angeles trying to make it. >> i've heard great thing. >> beautiful, dame dwren is an amazing director and so proud just to be part of it. >> have you been bitten by the acting bug. >> i had a great time but i still think i'm more of a songwriter and singer than i am an actor. but i had a wonderful time and i was lucky to just be a part of such a great cast and a great team. >> we see a combination of that. [ applause ] we see a combination of that with your new music video. can we show everybody? >> i wasn't really acting in this. >> ah, that's true. that's true, all john legend. here we go. ? who's gonna kiss you when i'm gone ? ? i'm gonna love you now like it's all i have ? ? i don't wanna think about it i want you to love me now ? ? love me now love me now ? ? oh oh love me now oh oh oh oh ? ? love me now love me now ? [ cheers and applause ] >> your sound, your sound, just -- when you hear your voice, when you hear your music now that will be stuck in my head. >> that's my goal here. >> and don't worry, john is going to be back in a couple of weeks and will perform for us so you'll have to come back. [ applause ] the new album "darkness and light." we can't wait for that. >> i can't wait for everybody to hear it. you can preorder it today. >> all right. >> hey, coming up, andrew garfield is opening up about his buzz. come on back. and we're back now with an exciting announcement. marvel's "doctor strange" starring benedict cumberbatch opens nationwide today. to celebrate, guess what, everybody here is getting two tickets to see "doctor strange" friends at imax. take them, take them. we're all seeing the movie. legenerally range from the mid-s towards dubuque to around 70 from a waterloo to quad cities line and southwest, including waterloo, cedar rapids, and io lara, i'm going to go ahead and sneak one for you. we can do that while back this weekend. >> fall back. thank you, ginger. going to change subjects now to andrew garfield. he has gone from spider-man's web slippinger to a war hero starring in mel gibson's drama called "hacksaw ridge" playing a real-life conscientious objector who went on to receive the medal of honor all without firing a gun. abc's nick watt sat down with him. >> reporter: "hacksaw ridge" is the true story of a world war ii soldier who refused to carry a pacifist. >> yes. where he says i want to help but i can only do it in my way which is a nonviolent way. i'm not a conscientious objector. i'm a conscientious cooperator. >> let's go. >> reporter: a battlefield medic who went back onto the battlefield after dark to rescue his own, even the enemy. the only part that i felt was not convincing was on the battlefield you take off your helmet and your hair is perfect. >> well, y i do about that? wearing a helmet and got a thick head of hair. all that's going to happen it's going to be flattened. i will argue this point with you. >> i'm just thinking my own experience if i was wearing a helmet on a battlefield i would tell you what my hair would look like. >> which is why you didn't get the job. maybe that's why they hired me. >> mel gibson directs, first time in ten years. mel gibson from my favorite knows how to do a battle scene. >> it's a mystery how he did it. he had half the money and half the shooting days that he had for "braveheart" but i don't think you can tell. >> reporter: there's already oscar talk around this film. >> okay. >> how do you take that in yuri kick louse sort of british self-effacing way? >> yes, no, come on. the benefit of those kinds of even talk about it means that someone out there might -- who may notav go, oh, people are using that word associated with this film, maybe i'll go and see it and then that then might go in and have their lives changed by desmond doss. >> i figure i'll be saving people, not killing them. >> i have a friend from the south who is very easily offended by bad southern accents. he claims that you're one of the first people who has ever actually nailed it on the film. >> that could have gone either way. that's my intention was not to offend your friend. >> for "good morning america," "hacksaw ridge" is in theaters nationwide today. robin. >> all right, lara, time now, i know you love this for our mission pawsible update. we've helped so many dogs find forever hopes. we'll tell you exactly how many furry friends have been adopted. first, though, let's take a look at some of our most recent success stories. coast to coast our four-legged friends are finding their forever homes from san francisco to burbank to memphis to new york. remember shy, now he's called watson and he loves his owner sean. mapetite positively stealing our hearts. >> here is ma petite in her forever home with her mom kathy and her canine siblings. >> reporter: and what about maurice. the lovable dog from mudville senior dog rescue. >> he's been a wonderful addition. he's a little spazz. shelter. the poodle mix already making himself at home with his human. >> i could tell that he was a super sweet guy. >> reporter: our count is growing as we're revealing our new tally right now. all right. so let's get to it. the number of mission pawsible dogs that have found new homes is, drum roll, please. [ drum roll ] >> 971. we are right there at a thousand. you guys can help us get there by go to on yahoo! and find a participating shelter and share your story with us on twitter using the #gmapawdoption. i saw that vince vaughn yesterday. i love that little fella. i was in nashville, otherwise -- tomorrow we'll be live streaming from paw chela, a dog festival put on by the san antonio -- thank you, thank you for sharing all your stories. we're getting ready for the weekend. the fray here live performing live. >> "how to save a life," people. so excited to have one of our favorite bands on the fray. they have a brand-new called "through the years" and "singing low" which they're about to perform right now. ? like water torture you get in my head ? ? you call me this and i call you that there's too much talking ? ? so please don't speak my heart is having trouble with the beat beat beat ? ? so try to take it slow ? ? we can't speak i want it i'm just trying to find the beat beat beat ? ? my heart is singing low ? ? we can lay together we're closer than we've ever been ? ? stay right here forever and ? where we're going that promise land we made that promise you gave me your hand ? ? and all their talking it pulled us in ? ? say you'll never leave can we promise that ? ? please don't speak my heart is having trouble with the beat beat beat ? ? so try to take it slow ? ? we can't speak i'm trying i just wanna find the beat beat beat ? ? my heart is singing low we can lay together ? ? we're closer than we've ever been ? we found a way to love again ? ? we found a way to love again ? ? ? step one you say we need to talk ? ? he walks you say sit down it's just a talk ? ? he smiles politely back at you ? ? you stare politely right on through ? ? some sort of window to your right as he goes left and you stay right ? ? between the lines of fear and blame you begin to wonder why you came ? ? where did i go wrong i lost a friend ? ? somewhere along in the bitterness and i would have ? had i known how to save a life ? ? how to save a life ? [ cheers and applause ] "gma's" fall concert series is presented by carmax. darien: why have the latest smartphone if you can't use it wherever you go? switch to u.s. cellular for our best plan yet: 7 gigs of data per line for only $49. to share more photos at your cabin or video chat at your secret fishing spot... all for just $49. the best part? we put towers in places the other guys don't. because u.s. cellular thinks you deserve a signal that works wherever you are. switch to u.s. cellular and get a whopping 7 gigs of data per line thank you. thank you. that put us in a great mood. >> our pleasure. >> ginger, you have something you want to share. >> tomorrow morning my very own character on "miles from tomorrowland" will make a debut. i became a cartoon. she'll ride along on the jet stream. her motorcycle. chasing aliens. it makes sense. >> of course. >> congratulations, ginger. >> happy friday. >> 9:30. police officers says the attacks were out of friends with scott greene for 26 years. the two worked as mechanics together. but their friendship grew after greene left that job in 2004. now, he says he's struggling to understand what put his friend and father of four on this path. williams says greene had depression after his father died of cancer. family members say the man cedar rapids police shot is doing a little better. a cedar rapids officer shot 37-year-old jerime mitchell during a traffic stop near coe police say there was a struggle and the officer fired a weapon, hitting mitchell in the neck. a brother-in-law told tv9 mitchell is in critical condition. but he was more alert and watched the world series on t-v wednesday. a family spokesperson says they are not endorsing any protests or public vigils connected to his case. and now here's your first alert forecast. plan on a spectacular fall day. highs will generally range from the mid-60s towards dubuque to around 70 from a waterloo to quad cities line and southwest, city. it'll be hard to find a cloud over the next 48 hours. our next front will arrive later monday, though it'll be moisture starved and only capable of an isolated shower by monday night. next week will be a continuation of mild and dry conditions. have a great weekend!today: sunny. wind: sw 5-10. high: 70 tonight: mostly clear. wind: sw 5-10. low: 45 tomorrow: mostly sunny. wind: sw 5-15. high: 68 tom. night: mostly clear. >> announcer: it's "live with kelly!" today, from the movie "the edge of seventeen," kyra sedgwick. and josh radnor is here. and, star of "mr. robot," christian slater is kelly's cohost of the day. all next on "live!" ? ? and now, here are kelly ripa and christian slater! [cheering and applauding] ? ? >> christian: that's good, i like it.

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