Transcripts For KCRG Good Morning America 20160930 : compare

Transcripts For KCRG Good Morning America 20160930

rigged system. it is terrible. >> and this morning, his new twitter storm attacking that beauty queen again. now calling her, quote, disgusting. mystery in paradise. two sisters on the exotic trip of a lifetime found dead in their luxury resort room. just days after posting these photos. the family's search for answers this morning. and from heckler to hero. the golfer fan who challenged world at their own game. the $100 bet and the perfect putt. what he's saying this morning about the shot of a lifetime. that makes me laugh every single time i see it. good morning, america. if you're going to heckle a pro golfer -- >> you better make the putt, george. >> you better putt like one. exactly. at the ryder's cup. heckling the guys. one thing better than the putt could be his celebration afterwards. >> a tiger move. a shot of a lifetime. a lot of news to get to. hurricane matthew on the move right now. take a look at the massive storm spinning in the caribbean. winds up to 100 miles an hour. ginger is tracking that hurricane right now. but we begin with the latest on the deadly train crash in new jersey. investigators on the scene trying to find out why the train station. amy is on the scene. you saw that man that jumped in to help. >> it had to be a horrific scene for that man. 29-year-old rahman perkins. he ran in to help the woman who died on the platform. his account and so many others will be of great interest to the ntsb. who is piecing together all the moments that led up to that deadly crash. >> are you okay? >> reporter: images of chaos and panic inside a new jersey train carrying 250 people at the height of rush hour crashed into a station. >> holy [ bleep ]. >> you heard a ka-boom. the whole place shook. >> everybody is thinking the train is going to slow down, and just collided. >> reporter: it struck with such violent force, part of the ceiling collapsed. debris raining down on the hundreds of people waiting for trains. >> we have a train that has gone through the station. >> reporter: passengers poured out of the emergency windows to escape the carnage on the train. >> before i knew it, i was flying forward into car one. the wall of car one. i bounced back and hit the wall. >> reporter: as hundreds of firefighters and police raced to the scene, they found the most severely injured passengers located in that first car. many trapped. investigators trying to find out why the train didn't slow down. this surveillance video showing the train heading south at 8:05 a.m. thursday. approaching the ho boeken station. the final stop. the speed limit, 10 miles per hour. the train may have been traveling 30 miles an hour. the train engineer, now identified as 48-year-old thomas gallagher was treated for minor injuries and is cooperating with investigators. here's what the station used to look like. now the century-old building in pieces. everyday heros like richin pitching in to help. >> when everybody started running out, i ran in. i saw the train crashed into everything. i just -- i just started trying to help whoever i could. >> reporter: you ran into a building that people were running out of with a superman hoodie. you helped so many people when they were scared and didn't know what to do. >> yes, ma'am. >> reporter: what made you run in? >> i don't know. my mom and my dad raised brave kids. >> reporter: perkins found 34-year-old fabiola bittar de kroon in the rubble. she had just dropped her daughter at at day care and was perkins, trying to comfort her as they waited for help. were you able to give her peace? you held her when she was taking her final breaths? >> yes, i'm just going to say, i tried to comfort her as much as i could. i knew she was in pain. i said, i'm not going to leave you. if you're going to die, you're not going to die by yourself right now. i'm going to be here with you. >> boy, that young man was raised right. >> reporter: he was cr and rahman said he was in the right place at the right time because he deviated from his normal routine. he saw a group of women selling breast cancer awareness t-shirts, stopped to talk with them for several minutes, and then saw people starting to run. then everybody was running would have been next to that woman when the train crashed. >> people want answers. moments ago, i spoke with bella dinh-zarr. the vice chairman of the ntsb. >> this is our first full day on scene. we arrived as soon as possible yesterday afternoon. and, we have found that this is a -- push/pull car configuration that has crashed into this hoboken station. we're in the process of securing -- making sure that the site is safe so our investigators can access all of on these three cars, as well as the engine. >> so, right now you have had limited access to the accident site? >> that's right. we did have access, however, to the locomotive. we are able -- we were able last night to take out the recorder. we will be getting information from that event recorder. >> you want to talk to the engineer and others, right? >> that's right. we'll interview the engineer. and we'll be checking records, maintenance records, employee records. we'll be doing all of our standard operation review of the records. >> what are the main questions you'll be asking the engineer? >> we'll be asking the engineer what -- exactly what he was doing. we always look at the 72 hours before the accident to make sure that, you know, to follow his -- his activities during those periods. we'll be asking what he remembers of the actual crash itself. >> the new jersey transit rail was ordered to install a safety system known as positive train control. ptc. this was back in 2008. can you describe what this does and could it have prevented this accident? >> well, the ntsb, robin, has been recommending positive train control for more than 40 years now. and also prevents overspeed crashes by preventing derailments. >> that type of system, could it have prevented this accident? >> that's what we'll be looking into. i know everyone is really anxious for information. and as are we. we want to look very carefully and be very careful before we present anything other than what we find in our investigation. >> that's fully understood. everyone is anxious for the answers. time this morning. i know it's a busy day ahead. >> thank you. >> bella dinh-zarr. hopefully, the engineer and other crew members can provide some answers to that. >> 40 years for that system. hopefully this helps push that system forward. now to that massive hurricane matthew gaining strength overnight. with winds hitting 100 miles an hour. ginger has been tracking its hurricane matthew, it's a category 2 hurricane. gusts are at 120 miles per hour. fortunately, for the next 36 hours, it stays over the open ocean. only affecting some shipping lanes. but then watch what it does here. it turns to the north. strengthens more. the path takes it over cuba into the bahamas by tuesday into wednesday. the next natural question, does it affect the united states? right now, the national hurricane center has it pushing off to the east. that would be great news, couple of outlying computer models show it going toward florida. one to watch. the flash flooding is more of an imminent threat. north carolina, already more than ten inches of rain. we're on alert from maryland to michigan. a state of emergency in cumberland, north carolina. flash flooding tearing through streets, leaving gaping holes. >> people are still trying to drive through this mess. >> reporter: the road buckling hours. >> please don't put lives at risk. >> reporter: nearly two dozen people rescued. >> my car stopped. i can't swim. the water is almost up to my door. >> reporter: in detroit. >> people are taking a gamble. >> reporter: drivers barely able to navigate. many ending up submerged. this is unrelated to matthew. get that out there, and just know that it could see coastal flooding and flood watches that include places like philadelphia. robin, george, michael? >> ginger, thank you very much. we move to overseas. to jerusalem where president obama and former president clinton joined dozens of world leaders for the funeral of shimon peres. abc's chief foreign correspondent, terry moran is on the scene. >> reporter: it was the end of an era here in israel. you could sense it. so many world leaders joining yarmulke with his crest. a rare handshake with benjamin netanyahu, all to pay tribute to shimon peres. really the last of the founding generation of the state of israel for a long-time champion for peace, right up until the end, as president obama said in his eulogy. >> the region -- is going through a chaotic time. threats are ever-present. and yet, he did not stop dreaming, and he did not stop working. >> reporter: as they buried shimon peres on these slopes here in jerusalem, many israelis feeling as if they had lost a kind of father figure. perhaps we're also burying the vision, the hope for peace that he worked so long to achieve. george? >> president obama hit it right there. president peres was the most tireless idealist i have ever >> so impressive to see the world leaders. now to the race to the white house. 39 days until the election. until the next -- and nine until the next debate. and donald trump is lashing out about this week's showdown, calling it rigged, and going after the moderator, as trump makes headlines with a non-endorsement from a major paper. abc's tom llamas is here with all those details. good mor >> reporter: robin, good morning to you. donald trump has described his campaign as historic. this morning, making a headline. "usa today" has never taken sides in the history of the presidential race. now they're advising their readers not to vote for donald trump. one of the nation's most read newspapers, "usa today," telling voters to stay away from donald trump. the paper's editorial board breaking their no-endorsement policy, calling trump a serial clinton, saying they didn't have consensus for a clinton endorsement. the war on trump as he is putting a new spin on the debate he claims he won. >> i had to put up with the anchor and fight the anchor all the time on everything i said. what a rigged deal. >> reporter: but that's not what he told me after he walked off that debate stage. mr. trump, how do you think you did tonight? >> i thought it was great. i got everything i wanted to say, i got it out. >> reporter: now, after a senior campaign staffer said trump failed to execute at the first debate -- >> i will work hard. ly te-- i will tell you that. >> reporter: on "the view" his campaign manager on the defensive. after mocking a miss universe on her weight. >> did you reprimand him and say, listen, why are you calling women fat pigs? did you say that to him? >> i think it's beside the point. >> what did he say? >> he gave that particular woman a second chance. >> reporter: and now, "the daily from 2004 where trump fawns over a 23-year-old female high school teacher arrested for having sex with a 14-year-old boy. >> by the way, did you see what she look like? >> not bad. >> not bad. i'd say so. do you think the 14-year-old kid is scarred forever? he might have put the move on her. it might have given him confidence actually. >> reporter: back to that exchange on "the view." overnight, donald trump sending out this tweet. did crooked hillary help disgusting check out a sex tape and pastli citizen so she could use her in the debate? you have a presidential candidate talking about a sex tape. we have entered new ground. >> one of several new tweets this morning. he was up at 3:20 a.m. doing another tweet talking about the sources on his campaign. criticizing his debate performance. >> he was up late last night. >> tom, thank you very much. let's go to jon karl. jon, we have to begin with this kind of inexplicable that he is doubling down like this. >> i'm concerned about the time here, george. you mentioned 3:20 a.m. the others were 5:14, 5:19, 5:30. i don't know if this is a presidential candidate that's getting any sleep, but he does seem to be trying to prove an argument that hillary clinton has made against him in that convention speech of hers when she said, a man you can bait with a tweet is not a man you can trust with nuclear weapons. it's quick inexplicable. >> he's changing his tune on rigged. this is coming as we are starting to see a series of polls starting to come in showing a bounce for hillary clinton. >> yes, and it's extraordinary. if you look in the minutes after the debate, he said to cnn he thought lester holt did great job. now we're seeing virtually every poll that has come in showing a big bounce for hillary clinton. she leads in states like florida, new hampshire, michigan. and clearly this is getting under his skin. clearly, the -- it's a all. >> maybe later we'll see tweets about "usa today." kind of remarkable. in their 34-year history, they have never endorsed or not endorsed a candidate like that. this was a scathing editorial. and a part of a pattern developing. >> it sure is. you had that. days before you had "the arizona republic" which has not endorsed a democratic presidential candidate in 128 years endorsing hillary clinton. look at this from "the wall street journal" editorial board. dorothy rabinowitz says her election alone is what stands between the american nation and the reign of the most unstable, profoundly unperformed, psychologically unfit president to enter the white house. that's "the wall street journal." >> next debate nine days away. it will air live right here on abc. our own martha raddatz is one of the moderators. the vice presidential candidates eastern here on abc. >> another long night. now to violent protests in california overnight over the deadly police shooting of an unarmed man. police firing tear gas at the crowd as demonstrators threw bottles. abc's matt gutman has the latest. >> reporter: this morning, dozens of protesters facing off against police. [ gunfire ] >> reporter: el cajon police firing pepperballs into the crowd the disperse it, declaring it an unlawful assembly. police say for the third straight night, dozens of protesters seized intersections, stopping cars after the fatal shooting tuesday of alfred olango. his sister asked for help with her brother, telling them he was unarmed. she was right there when he was shot. when protesters began breaking but relatively peaceful. demonstrators demanding the police release cell phone video which showed the entirety of the incident with olango. now i spoke to the city's mayor last night. he said he's seen the video. it vindicates the police version. he says that he also understands that until he releases the video, that city could see more unrest. guys? >> all right, matt. thank you very much. now to major super bowl news. you remember th ? and the home of the brave ? >> that's lady gaga singing the national anthem at last year's super bowl 50. now, guys, it's official. lady gaga will take the main stage. she tweeted, this year, the super bowl goes gaga. she's doing the half time show. >> i loved it when she did this. >> yes. it was awesome. >> let's go to ginger. let's get to the weekend getaways brought to you by petco. by petco-. today. this should keep our temperatures confined to the 60s for highs in all areas. the wind will continue to blow out of the north, but not as strong as yesterday. like we experienced wednesday, a sprinkle could come out of the thickest clouds, but no measurable rainfall is anticipated in our area. tonight into saturday, plan on clouds to hang on. sunday, clouds should disperse somewhat, allowing a return to the upper trend is likely through wednesday wi coming up, mystery in paradise. two american sisters on a trip that was supposed to be a trip of a lifetime, vacationing at a luxury resort. found dead in their room. the family's search for answers this morning. resort. found dead in their room. the family's search for answers this morning. you're choosing more complete allergy relief and all the enjoyment that comes along with it. when we breathe in allergens, our bodies react only control 1. flonase controls 6. and six is greater than one. with flonase, more complete relief means enjoyment of every beautiful moment. flonase, six is greater than one, changes everything. ? people say, let's just get a sandwich or something. 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to find out more, chat with your eye doctor rapids will allow people who live or work in the flood zone to get back into the area. and it's asking people who don't need to be there to stay away so large equipment can get in for clean-up. the flood zone will be open to everyone else starting at seven saturday morning. the area for a few weeks as as part of the flood recovery. as a safety measure, police will step up their patrols. roads and bridges are also starting to open across the city. this morning, edgewood road crossing the cedar river is open. the city says downtown bridges should be open to traffic saturday. that includes all i-380 ramps leading into the downtown area. bus service will also resume saturday. a look at your first alert darien: why have the latest smartphone if you can't use it wherever you go? switch to u.s. cellular for our best plan yet: 7 gigs of data per line for only $49. to share more photos at your cabin or video chat at your secret fishing spot... all for just $49. the best part? we put towers in places the other guys don't. because u.s. cellular thinks you deserve a signal that works wherever you are. switch to u.s. cellular and get a whopping 7 gigs of data per line today. this should keep our temperatures confined to the 60s for highs in all areas. the wind will continue to blow out of the north, but not as strong as yesterday. like we experienced wednesday, a sprinkle could come out of the thickest clouds, but no measurable rainfall is anticipated in our area. tonight into saturday, plan on clouds to hang on. sunday, clouds should disperse somewhat, allowing a re area. next week, a warming trend is likely through wednesday with a seasonable cool-down right behind a mid-week cold front. enjoy your weekend! today: becoming mostly cloudy. wind: ne 10-15. high: 67 tonight: cloudy. wind: ne 5-10. low: 57 tomorrow: mostly cloudy. wind: n 5-10. high: 66 tom. night: partly cloudy. when i put on a great pair of pants... i can move, be myself i feel good and i know i look great... and there's nothing better than that. the juliet ankle pant from chico's the ultimate fit for every body i tried hard to quit smoking. but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. we welcome you back to "gma." investigators are on the scene of the devastating train crash in new jersey. train plowing into a station during rush hour. one woman killed. more than 100 injured. investigators trying to determine what wept wrong. amy robach is on the scene. one of the country's most taking a sign in the race for the white house. they're declaring donald trump as unfit for the presidency. and millions on alert for the path of hurricane matthew. moving west with winds of 100 miles an hour. ginger tracking the latest all morning long. it's our biggest "deals & steals" event every. she's sharing bargains with us for more than five years. five years already. done more than 2,000 deals. she's only getting better. she's here with 30 today for us. amazing day. >> we can't wait. it will be all throughout the morning. but first in in half hour. that vacation mystery. two american sisters enjoying a trip at a luxury resort on a tropical island before they were found dead in their room. investigators and family searching for mara schiavocampo is here with that. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, robin. a mystery indeed. the mother and brother of those sisters have now travelled to the seychelles to find out what happened and to bring them home. this morning, two sisters' vie occasion turned into one family's nightmare. 42-year-old robin korkki from chicago, and her sister, room. mysteriously passing away on a trip of a lifetime. >> you're talking about pulmonary edema. that's a big deal. i would look for drug use, either directly or indirectly by someone else. >> reporter: the pair both worked in banking. robin's linkedin account she was a trader. they shared their love of travel on social media. they were staying in a luxury $2,000 a night resort in the seychelles. the island known for beautiful beaches and high-end resorts. the trip was part of a nearly month-long vacation many africa. days after posting these pictures, a terrible end. discovered when an employee of the hotel tried to wake them in their villa. the day before, the pair had been seen drinking at the resort until about 6:45 p.m. later helped to their rooms by staff at 8:15. when discovered the next morning, no visible signs of injuries were found on the bodies. an autopsy determining the cause of death for both sisters as acute annie also suffering edema. >> this is something they ingested or inhaled that caused their death, based on their age and health. >> reporter: a pulmonary analysis. tonight's "20/20" takes a deep dive at a small town murder case. a black man in upstate new york was found not guilty of killing his ex's son who was white. >> reporter: this is a story about race, smalltown romance, and a shocking murder. within hours of the death of 12-year-old garrett phillips, police focused us is p his mother's exboyfriend, nick hillary. hillary says it's because he is black. police say it's because only he could be the killer. >> the found not guilty. >> reporter: this morning, this rourl, predominantly white town divided after the acquittal of nick hillary. a local soccer coach charged with murdering his ex-girlfriend's 12-year-old son, garrett phillips. >> there was one person who had an issue with garrett. >> reporter: who was it? >> yes. >> reporter: there are people who say now that the reason you and tandy was because garrett want youd out of the house. >> not true. >> reporter: there wasn't tension between you and garrett? >> no. >> reporter: look at the ex-messages. i've been waiting for almost a year for the situation between you and my kids to get better and it's not. this is not easy for me. but i have to put my kids first. that's nick's car following garrett on his riding out of his school parking lot minutes before his murder. nick says he didn't see garrett. he was there to scout a soccer game and left at half time because it was raining. >> i don't believe that nick hillary was in the parking lot by coincidence. he was hunting garrett. >> reporter: the district attorney argues nick strangled garrett in his mother's bedroom and jumped out the window to really nothing. >> right. >> reporter: police found no dna, nothing to prove hillary was there. and his defense says he has an al biand no motive. >> you killed the poor kid with the hope that the mother will come running back into your arms? it makes absolutely no sense. >> reporter: during his closing argument, defense attorney repeats reasonable doubt 25 times. >> he's not the type of person that would walk his hands around a child's neck, and kill a child. >> reporter: after the verdict, one family distraught. one family relieved. it's been a long five years. >> it has. not just for myself. but for my entire family. and this also is a great day for em. >> reporter: justice in court. and the end of a case. the judge had cited in his ruling that it was only circumstantial evidence that brought nick hillary to murder trial in the first place. the complete lack of any frenzive evidence really weighed heavily on him. the nick hillary and his lawyer told me a couple of days ago, walking through the small town, somebody rolled down the car window as they rolled by and yelled murderer. >> he's still in town? >> reporter: but i don't know if he'll stay. >> more on "20/20" tonight at 10:00 eastern. >> always great to see you. >> great to see you guys. . what's on the big board? coming up, the big-time businessman saying some women in the work place should hide their if you're searching other travel sites to find a better price... ...stop clicking around... when heartburn hits, fight back fast with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ? tum -tum -tum -tum ? smoothies! only from tums big board. our team of experts standing by live. you know it's a big board when t.j. is right here. a huge "walking dead" lawsuit. co-creator frank derabont was fired in season two. now he's filed a suit against amc, claims he's entitled to profits from the show, seeking whopping damages. give us a number. >> the man helped create one of the biggest he just wants a small pittance for his trouble. >> what is a pittance? >> $280 million. a quarter billion dollars this man is asking for. he says he's ode it. frank derabont is the name. you might not know it. wrote it, produced it, directed it. season two, they let him go. >> did they give a reason? >> not much. he thinks part of the reason is, season, there were certain profits he was owed. they got rid of him early. >> sounds like he might have a case. >> how big of a ratings shut this? he's asking for $200-something million, how much does the show make? >> no matter how much it's making, he argues it's not making as much as it could. something called vertical independent grags. neatwork produces a show, sells it, licenses it to itself at a lower rateo down and margins down for people they might have to owe like frank. he says funny business is going on here. whatever texas instruments calculator he's using to figure out the profits are higher than the network says. this is going on for five years. probably won't go to trial for 2018. >> my calculator doesn't have that many numbers on it. all right. we'll keep our eye on that one. case. an iowa teen and her family filing a lawsuit. the teen sent suggestive photos to a classmate. we have becky here? >> no, sunny. >> sunny there you are. >> becky got nervous. >> sunny, you're here. okay, the family attorney says that t the prosecutor basically is trying the shame their daughter about her behavior. is that true? tell us about the case. >> you have a 14-year-old girl who is the high school freshman. she sends two photos to a boy who encouraged her to send the photos. one photo, michael, is of her in a sports bra and some boy shorts. the other photo, she is topless with the same boy shorts. but her hair is covering her breasts. prosecutors got hold of these in an investigation of sexting at the high school. her are child pornography. that would make her register as a sex offender. >> t.j. is shaking his head. >> oh, lord. >> i think you have talked about this before, sunny. does this type -- does it cast too wide of a net? legal experts feel that way. >> i think so. we have talked about this in the sense that it takes law a long time to catch up with technology. the bottom line is, a lot of children are sending these they're committing suicide because they're being bullied at school. other kids are sending them between themselves. that's teenage behavior. i'll show you mine if you show me yours. prosecutors are trying to balance this. the better course, education. main community service. but child pornography charges? i don't think so. zplefr time you said that, t.j., you're wiping your brow. i'm with you. kids, boy or girl. >> it's what they do. >> it's what they do. it's scary. >> it's scary out there. all right, sunny, thank you. now to the backlash over gender bias in the work place. a male venture capitalist writing in "the wall street journal" that women in tech should hide their gender when launching startups to get ahead. we'll talk to becky. our tech guru. you got a raise to lawyer a moment ago. >> refer to me as b.w., and no picture to let you know i'm a woman. it could affect the audience's value to affect what i'm saying. come on. >> that's a good point you just made. >> i'm quoing what this guy wrote. if your linkedin profile, use your initials or unisex name and e eliminate photos. this guy is an investor in in women in tech snolg so strong, they should hide their identities if they want equal treatment. what? the backlash is fierce. john greathouse has posted one of the fastest gender bias. saying i told them to endure it, rath eer than fix it. >> it does exist. >> this keeps getting worse. it's not only author j.k. rowling used a gender-neutral name because she didn't want the alienate male readers. >> i didn't know that's why she did it. i thought she was channeling j.r.r. tolkien. the author points to orchestras. traditionally 95% male. started blind auditions, boom, women came in when conductors that's what the conversation should be about. the subject is our work product. all people should be included. >> what you to think, sunny? >> i just can't believe it. the bottom line is, women, men, it's who is the best for the position, right? >> exactly. >> quality of work. >> is that why you go by t.j.? >> you mow my first name. you know why i go by t.j. >> he's gt an interesting first name. >> come on, say it. >> tell people, >> some, robin. >> what is it? >> it's loutelious. "gma" will be right back. >> all right. thank you, becky. thank you, sunny. thank you, t.j. gilman: go get i. go get it. gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. at places like the batting cages. ? [ crowd cheers ] 2% back at grocery stores and now at wholesale clubs. and 3% back on gas. the cash rewards credit card from bank of america. more cash back for the things you buy most. allergies distracting you? when your symptoms start...d from bank of america. doctors recommend taking ...non-drowsy claritin every day of your allergy season. claritin provides powerful, non-drowsy 24 hour relief... for fewer interruptions from the amazing things you do every day. live claritin clear. after 40 years of making soup at progresso, we've learned chicken is king. and so we're now using 100% antibiotic and hormone free long live chicken! my girl cindy bought this fridge from lowe's because of their worry-free 30-day satisfaction guarantee on appliances. that's what i'm talking about cindy. i like your style. welcome back to one of our favorite stories of the morning. the heckler on the golf course who had a lot of guts. >> the ryder cup is the biennial tournament. a lot of competition between the u.s. and europe. one man not acting like a gentleman at the rooider cup. he was heckling the european team. the team, including rory mcilroy continued to miss this put. a short one. roughly ten feet. the heckler wouldn't let up. they invited him on to the green. they even placed a $100 bill if the guy made the putt. they're like, with where the money is, right? he lines it up. he said he was sick to his stomach right here. everyone goes crazy, including the player. the players got into it. and this moment was reminiscent of "tin cup," don't you think? >> good thing he hit the cup. >> looked like he won the rooider cup. >> i compared the roar to the movie "tin cup." hole an everybody goes nuts. it remind me of that. i just soaked it in. >> his name is david johnson. from north dakota, of course, we have an american heckling the europeans. i love that the europeans got in there, giving him high-fives and hugs as well. the play starts today. the u.s. has lost 5 of the last 6. >> not a good run for us. >> he said he's going to frame the $100 bill. >> if we don't win this year we have david johnson. years. think that's a good idea. line it up. >> if i could, i would. >> thank you, paula. in the next hour, the royal road trip across canada. there's princess charlotte. taking the little step right there. we'll have a lot more coming up. plus, our biggest "deals & steals" event. tory is here with 30 deals in ? ? and off you go, ? ? ? and off you go, ? for every step, every stride, every start, begin strong with the lasting energy of 100% whole grain quaker oats... and off you go. i had so many thoughts once i left the hospital after a dvt blood clot. what about my wife... ...what we're building together... ital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me? i spoke to my doctor and she told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots. but eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. knowing eliquis had both... ...turned around my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless you doctor tells you to. or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt & pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. to eliquis right for me. technology is useful. i just bought a book. and while i was telling you about the book, i downloaded a song. oh, and full disclosure, when we were just chatting about that song thing, someone arranged a date. guilty. the point is, life is digital. so, carmax, created a site where you can reserve a car online. come in when it's convenient, your car will be waiting. just another thing to make buying a car better for you... lol. people always say let's just get a sandwich or something. you don't just learn how to drive... or solve the world's problems... be a dad... "or something" and we don't just make sandwiches "or something" we hand-slice avocado, pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia there's nothing "or something" about it. panera. food as it should be. back here on "gma." checking in on the loma fire. they have it to 34% contained. i think we have video, too. otherwise, the fire alerts are still on. a new trough digging in. we'll have gusty winds ahead of the rain. adjustment says they are planning to vote today on an appeal to build a kinnick stadium inspired house. the board's decision on whether to let a decorah couple build the home was delayed twice. at today's meeting, the board will not take any public comments. the appeal is on the city's building permit. neighbors say the kinnick- impact the health, welfare and safety of the neighborhood. because of the university of iowa's homecoming parade, the board is holding the meeting in a new location. they will meet at at the environmental education center at the east side recycling center at 6:30 tonight. homecoming weekend events could impact your drive around downtown iowa city tonight. thousands of hawkeye fans will be downtown for the the annual parade starting at 5:45. the parade takes over parts of gilbert, iowa, streets. the route is different than normal this year because of road construction. you'll want to allow more time if your evening commute takes you through downtown. and now here's your first alert forecast. plan on an increase in clouds today. this should keep our temperatures confined to the 60s for highs in all areas. the wind will continue to blow out of the north, but not as strong as yesterday. like we experienced wednesday, a sprinkle could come out of the thickest clouds, but no measurable rainfall is anticipated in our area. to sunday, clouds should disperse somewhat, allowing a return to the upper 60s/low 70s across the area. next week, a warming trend is likely through wednesday with a seasonable cool-down right behind a mid-week cold front. enjoy your weekend!toda y: becoming mostly cloudy. wind: ne 10-15. high: 67 tonight: cloudy. wind: ne 5-10. low: 57 tomorrow: mostly cloudy. wind: n 5-10. high: 66 tom. night: partly cloudy. wind: n 5-10. low: 53 people from the federal emergency management agency, or fema, toured flood damaged homes and businesses in floyd, homeowners, and measured how high flood waters rose inside buildings. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. rush hour train crash. alarming new pictures from inside the new jersey station. what sent the passenger train barreling into the terminal? >> you okay? >> one person killed. more than 100 injured. investigators racing to figure out what caused the accident. we're live at the scene. ? on top of the world ? first steps in public. her first words to dad, prince william. the 16-month-old stealing the show from her pig bo-- big brotr george. britney spears opening up about her 20s. why she says her 30s are happier and healthier. all that and alfonso ribeiro here in our house. it's friday. and look who is saying -- >> good morning, america. >> only you could say it like that. >> loud. always a great time when alfonso is here. we'll have fun with him ahead. >> also a lot of fun with tory johnson this morning. she's brought us 2,000 deals over the last five years. today, the biggest deals, more deals than she's ever done in one show. >> she's got 30 deals coming up in the next hour alone on this show and on our facebook page on twitter. on our "gma" instagram. deals are all over the place. you cannot escape our deals. tory, kick it off with deal number one. what is it? >> all right. we're so fired up to do it. we have had to put our audience to work to help us with deal number one. they're rocking rbx active wear we've got a huge assortment of tops and bottoms for any guy or girl on the go. a fabulous assortment at an unbeatable price. depending on the piece you choose, they range from $22 to $45. today, everything is slashed in rbx is throwing in free shipping. on yahoo! for the details. we have more, you know it. 29. >> we're counting. we're counting. >> it's a good start. >> that's a great start. so many more great deals ahead. first, the morning rundown from paula faris. >> tory's got a busy morning. good morning, everyone. new details about the devastating train crash in new jersey. one woman was killed. 114 people were injured. this morning, investigators ar trying to determine whether mechanical failure or operator error is to blame for the speeding train into the station. amy robach is at the scene. good morning to you. >> reporter: that's right, paula. and we learned this morning hat that the engineer who was at the control of the train at the time of the crash has just tested negative for drugs and alcohol. he's fully cooperating with the investigation and is a veteran railroad worker. train. they could reveal why the train failed to slow down. while entering the station. investigators cannot access the cameras. because the train cars are under the collapsed roof. it's not safe yet. the woman who lost her life was killed by debris on the platform. she was waiting for the train and had just dropped her daughter off at day care. this were uplifting stories of strangers trying to help each other. i sp the station as the crash was happening. >> when everybody started running out, i started running in. the train crashed into everything. i just -- i just started trying to help whoever i could. >> reporter: what made you run in? >> i don't know. my mom and my dad, they just raised brave kids. >> reporter: rahman perkins was a real-life superhero. he was wearing his superman hoodie as he ran in. he also was there with that woman as she died there on the this crash, however is raising more questions about the safety technology. why is it not yet in place? it could intervene and stop a crash before it happens. governor christie says pending the results of this investigation, that system could be in place sooner than expected. paula, back to you. >> the big question this morning. amy, thank you. other news, violence erupted near san diego overnight as a crowd protested this week's police shooting of an unarmed black man. one group started throwing bottles and smashing windows. prompting police to fire tear gas. and arrest two people. the mother of the ma by police denies her son was mentally ill and is demanding police release video of that shooting. donald trump launched a new firestorm on twitter around 3:00 this morning. in a string of predawn tweets, he called alicia machado disgusting and then alluded to a sex tape. meantime, trump is denying a report that he did business in violation of the cuban embargo. trump claims the debate monday was rigged against him. he raised a new attack against hillary clinton saying she got immunity from the fbi during her e-mail scandal. last i checked, we're still in september, but it is beginning to sound a lot like christmas. it's true. according to a new poll, about 34 million americans have already begun christmas shopping. about 1 million already done. perhaps the poll's best revelation, 74% of people say, they're quote annoyed by overachievers who get everything done early. do you fall in the 74% category or are you one of the 1 million? >> you think we're going to admit to the 74%? >> i will gladly. i want to hire one of the 1 million to do my christmas shopping because they're done. >> always thinking there, paula. >> trying. >> i wait until halloween to start. i've got standards, people. okay. oh, baby baby. you've heard of the terrible 2z. britney spears is saying that her 20s were the toughest time of her life. she goes on to explain why her 30s are the best years yet. saying i'm in a good place. i'm loving and learning who i am every day. she say she's comfortable being single and is settling into her own skin. i didn't like my 20s. >> yeah? >> i liked them. >> there's so much growing. you feel lost. you don't know what you're doing with your life. >> 40s are pretty good. >> 50s are fabulous. >> i was going to say 50s are pretty good, too. >> i love it. >> i would agree. but 20 is rough. >> george and i loved it. >> nice try, robin. next up, good-bye, girls. after six seasons of ups and downs, "girls" is coming to an end. the hit comedy shot its series finale last night. the cast got sentimental. last moments on set. creator and star lena dunham expressed her gratitude for the fans on instagram, ending with #crying selfie. #crelfie. #good night i love you all. the sixth and final season premieres in 2017. i can't believe it's already over. >> six seasons. >> you think they started much younger, alison williams was saying, i don't know my adult life without "girls." and you forget, for them, that's a lot of t >> they showed the ups and downs of the 20s in that series. >> they really hit the ups and the downs, george. bravo. and finally, funny flotus is back. michelle obama teaming up with college humor to show students just how easy it is to get financial aid from fafsa. she appears in a mock game show hosted by our pal, chris harrison. take a look. [ phone ringing ] >> hello? >> hi, mrs. obama? what's my name? >> who is this? >> so, your name is adrienne? >> that's it, thanks. >> oh, just a few months left. okay, gotta change my address. >> now it's tough to see this, but flotus is working on her own resume. it reads as the first lady of the united states, i've been straight up nailing it for eight years. she is really funny. >> oh, yeah. >> she is. did you see her on "ellen" >> with the shopping? >> it was great. >> recently, she was laughing about how president obama talks at dinner and how boring it is. i thought, good point. not all of us can say that. >> and get away with it. thank you, sara. coming up on "gma," the royal road trip. charlotte says her first words and takes her first steps in public. and it's our big "deals & steals" 30 on 30 event. i'm heading over to tory to see >> where is she? >> voila. okay, i've got two fab ones specifically for you. first up from a really great company called freaker. so freaker makes socks. >> odell beckham jr. >> you can get socks in their nfl collection or a variety of spunky prints. or the bottle insulator. the bottle sweater. for drinking games. >> sometimes you watch the games, they drive you to drink. >> a huge assortment. the company all made in america. it's a "shark tank" company. they range normally from $10 to $20. everything today slashed in half. so five to ten bucks from freaker. i love these from lulu dk tattoos. you can wear your team pride. we have every nfl team. i pulled the giants out for you. normally, two pack, 20 bucks. today, slashed in half. two packs, ten bucks. >> you keep on doing it. 30 on 30 today. don't go anywhere. with tory johnson. 30. x of you... for when you stretch out. i want you to stay this bright blue forever... that's why you will stay in this drawer... forever. i can't live without you. and that's why i will never, ever wash you. protect your clothes from the damage of the wash with downy fabric conditioner. it not only softens and freshens... it helps protect clothes... from stretching, fading and fuzz... so your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. wash in the wow. my mother passed 2003, but she always told me i don't care if you turn out to be a great athlete or whatever but, you need to make sure you get your college degree. answering machine: hi, leave a message after the beep. (beep) hey mom, this is larry. i just want to let you know that uh, i fulfilled the promise that you held me to. love you. i was in shock when my dentist was explaining to me the acidity of foods and what they can do to your teeth. thinning of the teeth and leading to being extremely yellow would probably gross me out! my dentist recommended pronamel. it can help protect enamel from acid erosion. my mouth feels really fresh and clean and i stuck with it. i really like it. it gives me a lot of confidence. pronamel is all about your enamel. all right, you guys. here we go. deal number four and five. so superhot haley atwell is wearing this superhot celestial collection from serefina. big assortment of pieces to choose from. normally, from $40 to $92. everything slashed by 55%. give that a big thumbs up. starting at 18 bucks. of course, who knew alfonso had so many talents. coloring. these are paige and tates most sophisticated adult coloring book. the pages are thick, perforated. you can frame them. amazing deal. norma normally $13. slashed in half, $6.50. >> everybody is getting involved. five down, 25 to go. now to the royal road trip. will, kate, charlotte, and george, closing out their time in canada. lama hasan has been there with them every step of the way. >> reporter: arriving hand in hand with mum and dad, prince george and princess charlotte arrive and hit the ground running. she took the lead, taking her first steps for the cameras. straight to the balloons. she giggled. and awed. her first words in public. >> we can see how much she's grown. >> reporter: the pint-sized prince liked the petting zoo and rode a pony. >> whoa. how is that? >> reporter: his sister preferred to bounce on moose, a therapy dog. >> you can see the bond between george and charlotte developing. >> reporter: they're like partners in crime. 3-year-old george all boy, more >> reporter: giggling as they popped in midair. ? mum and daughter had a ball dancing to "la bamba" and making animal balloons. george quick to not have little sis have all the fun, ran over, saying, but i want one. can i have one? the hands-on parents william and kate spending some quality family time. the garden pty and images that will melt everyone's heart. and it is so rare to see the cambridges as a family of four. so savor every moment, folks. as for the royal road trip they pick up again today with william and kate heading to islands famous for bear watching and fishing. george? >> all right, thank you, lama. >> she's having a good time. >> she is. the kids are so cute. up. again ? [ rear alert sounds ] [ music stops ] ? just can't wait to get on the road again ? [ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] ? on the road again ? ? like a band of gypsies we go down the highway ? [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. hurry in and lease the 2017 passat s when cold and flu hold you back try theraflu expressmax, now in new caplets. it's the only cold & flu caplet that has a maximum strength formula with a unique warming sensation you instantly feel. theraflu. for a powerful comeback. new expressmax caplets. i've been on my feel all day. i'm bushed! yea me too. excuse me...coming through! ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. scholls massaging gel insoles. they're proven to give you comfort. which helps you feel more energized ...all day long. ? ? when is your flu shot more than a flu shot? when it helps give a lifesaving vaccine to a child in need. ? thanks to customers e a shot." program has helped provide 15 million vaccines through the un foundation. it's that easy to make a difference. ? walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. is that ice-t? nope, it's lemonade. is that ice-t? lemonade. ice-t? what's with these people, man? lemonade. read it. ok. delicious. ice-t at a lemonade stand? surprising. what's not surprising? how much money marin saved by switching to geico. yo, ice-t! it's lemonade, man! fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. ? welcome back to "gma." what a crowd. you know "deals & steals" is but i know one woman who is going to tell us. >> it's a hooded beach towel. and we hooked up the control room after a long week at "gma" with their own hoodie pillows. they have great ones for their next, travel, napping, privacy from your colleagues. a big assortment, usually only online. usually $25 to $35. everything from hoodie pillow is $12.50 to $17.50. ? now i know what this isplan on today. this should keep our temperatures confined to the 60s for highs in all areas. the wind will continue to blow out of the north, but not as strong as yesterday. like we experienced wednesday, a sprinkle could come out of the thickest clouds, but no measurable rainfall is anticipated in our area. tonight into saturday, plan on clouds to hang on. sunday, clouds should disperse somewhat, area. next week, a warming trend is likely it is time for more amazing deals with tory. our 30 on 30 event. our audience has their signs. they're ready. they're gearing up for big savings. >> they're ready, right? >> you're getting quite a workout. >> we are. we are. sprinting all around this building. we hav to bring you these phenomenal deals. ready to pull the number on this one. all right. that's your cue. there you go. you did well. michael todd beauty. you will clean your face faster and better by using one of these devices. six speeds. anti-microbial. so there's all kinds of germ protection but just really, really good cleansing. it's a key from michael todd beauty. it's a beauty store favorite. only here will you find this deal. depending on the product you choose. depending on the power of the tool. they start at $149. for today, our special, everything is slashed by at least 68%. >> what? >> our prices starting at $47. love that. >> by the way, you have done a great job there. you might have a career. the reveal was good. >> ready? good job. >> good mom. >> exactly. good mom. the company makes the eyeglasses the reading glasses that you're never far away from. you forget the readers. you pop them on. right there. you choose your strength. pop 'em on. you choose your strength. i don't know that that's your strength. >> yes, yes. >> there's pods. key chains. their brand-new key chain version. there's a pod you can attach to your cell phone. they weigh less than a nickel. >> they're very light. >> as thin as two credit cards. >> there you go. exactly. normally, starting at $20. depending on what you choose. everything slashed in half. 10 to 15 bucks from thin optics. ready? perfect. oh, look at you. in tandem. i love it. this company, butterscotch blankee. gorgeous, gorgeous stroller blankets. they're personalized. you choose from a different patterns and then put the name on. so comfy soft as well. it looks good and feels good. normally $65. these are slashed in half. $32.50. >> thank you all. thank you. >> moving right along, oh, look, we've -- some familiar faces here. so -- we're starting out with these totes from lulu dharma. as you can see, terrific for men or women. the linen weekender bag. holds a lot. right? >> perfect for me. put a weekend getaway into the bag. five colors to choose from, as you see. there's one missing. we have a duplicate. there's five colors to choose from. normally, $145. we have a big discount on these. we're slashing them by 74%. $38. >> that's gorge rllgood deal. >> great deal. swing on over here. o. >> another so these are supersoft. right, don't mind me feeling this over here. give a little feel to this. >> oh, okay. oh, to this. >> or both. or both. actually, he said to me this morning, am i going to get to meet robin roberts? i said, up close and personal. i love these scarfs. you ok f it's called a blanket scarf. they're oversized. of different ways. it's not just these four patterns. i think we have a few dozen patterns to choose from. and an incredible, incredible deal. >> work it, alfonso. >> normally, these are 30 bucks. >> he's working it. he's really showing off. >> $15. $15. 15 bucks. 15 bucks. >> 15? >> alfonso's styling is included. how good does he look? >> he looks great. they all look fabulous. on yahoo!. >> and we're not through. we have so many more deals coming your way. go to our website. to our facebook page. we're live right now. we have more coming up. emergency management agency, or fema, toured flood damaged homes and businesses in floyd, butler, and bremer counties. they took photos, spoke with homeowners, and measured how high flood waters rose inside buildings. they'll send then, governor branstad will decide if he'll ask president obama for a federal disaster declaration, which would qualify the area for federal aid. dubuque is closing miller riverview park for the rest of the year because of flooding from the mississippi river. it was supposed to be open until october 23rd. but the city says it doesn't expect water to lower anytime soon. officials say the city will refund anyone who has paid for an upcoming reservation at the campground. and now here's your first alert today. this should keep our temperatures confined to the 60s for highs in all areas. the wind will continue to blow out of the north, but not as strong as yesterday. like we experienced wednesday, a sprinkle could come out of the thickest clouds, but no measurable rainfall is anticipated in our area. tonight into saturday, plan on clouds to hang on. sunday, clouds should disperse somewhat, allowing a return to the upper 60s/low 70s across the area. next week, a warming trend is likely through wednesday with a seasn mid-week cold front. enjoy your weekend!toda y: becoming mostly cloudy. wind: ne 10-15. high: 67 tonight: cloudy. wind: ne 5-10. low: 57 tomorrow: mostly cloudy. wind: n 5-10. high: 66 tom. night: partly cloudy. wind: n 5-10. welcome back to "gma," live from times square. wow. whoo! happy friday, everybody. happy friday to you at home. we're having a lot of fun this friday. great to have sara here with us. >> thank you. >> and it's about to get even better. i know that's hard to improve on >> not that hard. >> come on out, alfonso! >> mwah. how are you? hey, buddy. how you been? good, good. hello, darling. mwah. big man. >> brother. >> brother, brother, man. >> how you doing, man? >> i get the center seat. look at this. you know, my first time here >> how do you like it? >> i love it. great energy. >> great energy. and great, you have a claim to fame. you were a model just a minute ago. you did a fabulous job. >> thank you. i was working really hard to make sure that we saw that it was a scarf and a blanket. >> you have a whole new claim to fame. somebody sent me an apple sticker of you. look at that, everybody. >> yes, yes. it's a -- >> so what is that all about? >> i'm still trying to figure it out because -- i mean, they -- download the new software for the apple products. >> every apple iphone right now? >> wow. >> and it's crazy. because what i'm trying to figure out is, why they're not paying me. people say, hey, man. that's pretty cool on the iphone 7. i was like, no, no i got the 6s. they say, no, no, no, you're on here. and they showed me. i was like, wow, that's very cool. i want them to sell a lot. because afterwards, i'm going to >> a millionth of a penny for each one. you'll do fine. >> give me a half a cent. i don't take too much. >> we have a lot to catch up with you on. we're happy you're at the table. we already discussed these topics that require some opinions. you always have a great opinion. george, what do you have? >> i love this one. the ultimate kids menu. the deli at mansion park. you can kids, right? >> yes. >> how old? >> i have a 13, almost 3, and 17 months. >> wow. >> you're almost getting there with the 3-year-old. what do you want for dinner? i don't know. >> yeah, there's a whole lot of i don't knows. there's a whole lot of that. >> here's what they have. the i don't know. hot dog and fries. >> that's the name of it? >> yeah. >> the i don't care. chicken tenders and fries. >> makes sense. totally makes sense. >> i'm not hungry. grilled cheese and fries. and i don't want that, fish sticks with fries. that is so true. you ask your kids what they want for dinner, you get an i don't >> and it still goes even when they're 13. because my 13-year-old is like this. what do you want? >> i don't know. chicken tenders? >> he made it easier. oh, you want the i don't know. okay. >> you mess with them. >> oh, yeah. >> big time. >> and speaking of meals, how many times do you say, what do you want? they go, well, what are you going to have? what is what i'm going to eat determining what you're going to eat? >> you can't have what i'm going to have, because i'm not grilling you a fillet mignon. i'm not wasting the good meats on you. >> they go from i don't know and i don't care to the most expensive thing on the menu. >> absolutely. they don't look at what's on the menu. they just look at numbers. it's the only thing they still understand. >> it's what they ordered they don't want. they want what you have. >> my wife does that, too. he's like, what are you going to have? cool, i'll order that. >> it's called marriage, my >> i'm like, hey, i think i'm going to have this. really, cool. she orders it, i order something different. what i really wanted. i got her figured out. she's over there giving me the evil eye, right. >> where is she? where is she? >> just wave, babe. wave. >> aw. >> this is actually our first trip, the first time she's away from the babies. yeah, so we left the babies in l.a. with her mom and auntie and so she came. and was like, i'mgoing to come on this visit and break the bond with the babies. so -- >> with that being said, your first trip, i'm not going to call it a vacation away from your kids. kind of like a vacation. that leads into the next story i have. if you're -- one of the hardest things employers found is that people don't want to take vacations. if you take a vacation, you get behind. take a vacation. >> i love that. i love that idea. that is fantastic. >> it's a tech company. steel house. the guy's worked in silicon valley for 15 years. one of the biggest thing, they couldn't take vacations. they couldn't get refreshed. they give the employees $2,000 to take a trip to go wherever you want. do whatever you want. >> i am going to call abc. i'm going the call abc and listen, you know, i know i'm down for a lot of the year. i think you should pay me for my vacation. $2,000 a week. >> you want me to give you the answer? no. >> no. >> they don't let you save it. that might be your instinct. they make you submit receipts to prove you got away. >> and they have very little turnover. only 5 people out of 250 have left them over the last years. >> that's a good company. >> it makes sense. >> a lot of people will like you can't use it for a spa day. don't come back with a receipt for the spa day. they said, but, we won't judge if you come back from vegas if you gamble it away. that's what i'm saying. what about you? if abc, if abc said, here's money, go on vacation every year, where are you going? >> i'm going to bora bora. >> that's a good one. >> that's a good one. >> i'm going to one of those overwater bungalows. my wife and i sitting there without the kids like, yeah, a toast to abc. >> i bet -- in pictures. let talk about what you have going on. you're a busy man. >> i've got two series, my, you know, "america's funniest home videos" our season premiere. we love it. we love it. we premier this sunday on abc at 7:00, 6:00 central. i feel like this season is a complete upgrade from last year. especially for me, as a host. >> i looked at the season last year and i went, wow. i'm kind of like, my energy is all over the place. i felt like, because we do the voiceovers separately than we do the actual on-camera stuff. i decided i need to make this one tone and make it feel like i'm talking to somebody at home and less about talking to the studio audience. >> let's take a look. >> okay. >> this is a bit. >> ooh. yeah. you're pregnant! oh [ bleep ]. i thought it was a lip gloss. >> i had no idea. >> i think the only way to elevate that clip is if she would have actually used it like lip gloss. that would have been just real nasty. >> oh, my god. >> oh, my god, thank you. oh. yes. and then i also have -- my other cooking channel. premieres october 9th. sundays at 9:00 eastern. that show is about treats. we show how treats are made all the way from ingredients to sending them off. a tootsie roll. a cake. or chips. or -- all the way through. you learn a lot about how it's all made. all the different stuff. what i really love is the machines they have to make to get the stuff to go through. so, they'll make this new contraption so they can take the ingredients from, like, a big log, to like this. i love that stuff. >> we remember you from "fresh prince." it all began with carlton. [ cheers and applause ] is it true you almost didn't get that gig? >> yeah. i originally got it. incoming president, warren littlefield didn't want me to do it after the pilot. they tried to recast and went through the entire recasting process and the executive producers and will were like, no, we think he's the guy. but they had to let him go through his process. they ended up not finding anybody. and then, like, six weeks into the series, he came over and was like, you know what, i gotta say, i'm sorry i put you through that. >> and the rest is history. >> so, yeah. >> we' >> we are. we are. could you help us with another job here? can you help us with tory? >> we got more stuff? >> we got more deals. we got more stuff. >> such a good job. how about one of these, baby. i'll let you pick the color. these are from jimmy crystal. you know what i mean? i'm like, yo, what? what? what? >> you get the small birthstone set or the big splurge. the small sets, fabulous. they're $30, slashed to $15. these big babies, $330, slashed to $165. it's a big savings and they're pret next, we have sock art. pretty fabulous. robin, i pulled these for you. look at the fabulous slogans on all of these. i love them. i like this one. not today, duh, because it's "gma," right? >> yolo. >> self-made. >> yolo. >> that's yours. big discount on these. normally 15 bucks. big assortment, slashed in half. $6 to $7.50. and from sock art, free shipping, >> all right, tory. go to @"gma" on twitter for the next deal. coming up, the biggest welcome back. we made to it number 19 of 30, tory. let's see the deal. >> i love these. they're from kevia. macrame bracelets. all of them are adjustable. this fabulous medallion piece crystals. unbelievable deal. normally $56. they're slashed by a whopping 68%. $18 and free shipping. on yahoo!. >> that adds it. before we get more d keep our temperatures confined to the 60s for highs in all areas. the wind will continue to blow out of the north, but not as strong as yesterday. like we experienced wednesday, a sprinkle could come out of the thickest clouds, but no measurable rainfall is anticipated in our area. tonight into saturday, plan on and all that brought to you by walgreens. oh, i like them. they're good. more coming up. >> yeah. more coming up. >> number 20 soon. michael? >> thank you, ginger. i'm here now with haley atwell. fans love you as agent carter. >> yes. >> and now you're taking on a big role in the abc series "conviction," as a former first daughter who is blackmailed into taking a job. >> she is. and i play an american, which is different for audiences to hear the american accent. there's a word i have trouble with. i can never say in an american accent. it's murderer. being in a legal procedural is guaranteed to feature at least once in every episode. i keep on going murderer. try to do it in an english accent. >> i can barely do the american accent. i can't say words with the letter "s." it's very tough for me, too. but i'm excited for you. you're great on this show. you're doing it justice. murderer. i understand what you saying. you can get away with that with me. your co-star, eddie cahill, you two spar a lot. >> yes, we do. >> sit like that when you're -- >> when we're on-set and waiting for cameras, we play banana grams. we keep the level of competition up because, in the scenes with eddie, it's like psychological warfare. we're playing mental chess all the time. we have to keep the energy up backstage. we play pranks. we tease each other. >> on "captain america, civil war," chris evans, your co-star, he sent you stuff from the set. something about your funeral? >> he texted me going, we're -- we're filming your funeral today. there's a picture of me they made to look older. he's like, i totally still would. you're really hot. and then he was like, and you've got a great turnout. i felt they gave peggy a good sendoff. he kept the -- the obituary for me, the pamphlet they gave out. it was all very sweet. >> that's a sweet friend to keep your obituary to give to you. what a great guy chris evans is. your character is compared to olivia pope from "scandal." but you say -- you don't have a tv. you don't watch tv? >> i don't have a telly, as we call it in england. a telly. so i watch things years later. i'm only just finishing "six it takes me awhile to catch up. i'm a bit slow. >> well, let me tell you this. you're great at your job. >> thank you. >> you really are. watch yourself some time. in "conviction." it premieres monday night at 10:00, 9:00 central here on abc. check it out. and coming up, a deal right darien: why have the latest smartphone if you can't use it wherever you go? switch to u.s. cellular for our best plan yet: 7 gigs of data per line for only $49. or video chat at your secret fishing spot... all for just $49. the best part? we put towers in places the other guys don't. because u.s. cellular thinks you deserve a signal that works wherever you are. switch to u.s. cellular and get a whopping 7 gigs of data per line for only $49. we don't want to waste any time. ten more to go. >> ten more. we partnered with all of these vendors to bring you these amazing deals. starting with kelvin. this is deal 21. this is the all-in-one tool. this is for the person who, you know, doesn't think that they need tools around the house but does. screwdriver, bottle opener, corkscrew. utility knife. normally $50. slashed in half, 25 bucks. every home needs one. >> boom. a big assortment of cutlery, flatwear. flatware. normally, the sets start at $38. slashing all of them by at least 61%. $15 to 20 bucks. one of my favorite companies, moon and lowell. robin's ride. you pick the color. like the old-fashioned hotel key. the color of the acrylic. a name, a phrase, a date. whatever is important to you. you're going to get to create your own. such a fun gift. these are slashed roma boots. we love roma boots because for every pair sold, they give away a pair to a child living in poverty. >> i know, i know. >> we have the short style. the tall style. more on the website. in all women's sizes. starting at $87. slashed by 53%. $41 to $42. >> keep going. keep going. >> we're putting the audience to these are from kings of cole. we have leather elbow patches here. superhot sequins here. i love the skull in sequins. sequins are so hot. there's a variety of styles to choose from. normally $68. these are slashed by a whopping 62%. $24 to $26. thank you, guys. all right. keeping in the personalized. we love that around here. from lisa stewart. these are leather bracelets. whatever matters to you. big assortment of leather to choose from. >> grateful. oh. >> so many options on these. normally $65. these are slashed by 63%. so $24. >> my new little niece. >> i know, i know. sabatino. i have to keep talking while you like that. this is the deluxe truffle set. three different bottles that you're getting. salt, zest, honey. karen made this to show us what you can use. it changes everything. you name it. so fabulous. normally $59. for the trio. they're slashed by 51%. a "gma" favorite. snack bags. wet bags. these are great for car seats or the dirty shopping carts in the grocery store. $10 to $50. slashed in half. 5 to 25 bucks. lara wears these all the time. these gorgeous hand-beadeder rings, necklaces. these pieces start at $32. everything is slashed by 57%. $13 to $21. we're ending number 30 with a feast, a feast from southern comfort. so southern comfort. who doesn't love some southern culture. oh, my gosh, i said southern comfort. it's southern culture. fried chicken. waffle mixes. pancake mixes. bacon rubs. big, fabulous assortments. all premeasured. kind of foolproof. they range from $8 to $48. we've slashed them in half. it gets the sara seal of approval. i love that. $4 to $23. all the deals at on yahoo!. you want me to say that for you? you keep chewing. we'll be right back with one [ cheers and applause ] but wait. there's more. we have a surprise for our audience here in times square. drum roll please. [ drum roll ] everyone here is going home with some of these goodies. [ cheers and applause ] ? will join cedar rapids city leaders at their flood briefing. they will address consumer protection and insurance claims that particularly affect flood victims. roads and bridges are starting to open across the city. this morning, edgewood road crossing the cedar river is open. the city says downtown bridges should be open to traffic saturday. that includes all i-380 ramps leading into the downtown area. bus service will also resume saturday. and starting monday, the linn county-cedar rapids solid wasteg evacuation zone. since those people went without trash pickup for a week, they can put out their normal trash container plus two 35-gallon bags for free. and now here's your first alert forecast. plan on an increase in clouds today. this should keep our temperatures confined to the 60s for highs in all areas. the wind will continue to blow out of the north, but not sprinkle could come out of the thickest clouds, but no measurable rainfall is anticipated in our area. tonight into saturday, plan on clouds to hang on. sunday, clouds should disperse somewhat, allowing a return to the upper 60s/low 70s across the area. next week, a warming trend is likely through wednesday with a seasonable cool-down right behind a mid-week cold front. enjoy your weekend!toda y: becoming mostly cloudy. wind: ne 10-15. high: 67 low: 57 tomorrow: mostly cloudy. wind: n 5-10. high: 66 tom. night: partly cloudy. >> announcer: it's "live with kelly!" today, from the film "deepwater horizon," mark wahlberg. and star of the series "quantico," priyanka chopra. plus, katie brown shows us what to do with your extra apples. plus, film and tv actor jerry o'connell returns for another day of cohosting. all next on "live!" ? ? now, here are kelly ripa and jerry o'connell!

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Transcripts For KCRG Good Morning America 20160930 :

Transcripts For KCRG Good Morning America 20160930

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rigged system. it is terrible. >> and this morning, his new twitter storm attacking that beauty queen again. now calling her, quote, disgusting. mystery in paradise. two sisters on the exotic trip of a lifetime found dead in their luxury resort room. just days after posting these photos. the family's search for answers this morning. and from heckler to hero. the golfer fan who challenged world at their own game. the $100 bet and the perfect putt. what he's saying this morning about the shot of a lifetime. that makes me laugh every single time i see it. good morning, america. if you're going to heckle a pro golfer -- >> you better make the putt, george. >> you better putt like one. exactly. at the ryder's cup. heckling the guys. one thing better than the putt could be his celebration afterwards. >> a tiger move. a shot of a lifetime. a lot of news to get to. hurricane matthew on the move right now. take a look at the massive storm spinning in the caribbean. winds up to 100 miles an hour. ginger is tracking that hurricane right now. but we begin with the latest on the deadly train crash in new jersey. investigators on the scene trying to find out why the train station. amy is on the scene. you saw that man that jumped in to help. >> it had to be a horrific scene for that man. 29-year-old rahman perkins. he ran in to help the woman who died on the platform. his account and so many others will be of great interest to the ntsb. who is piecing together all the moments that led up to that deadly crash. >> are you okay? >> reporter: images of chaos and panic inside a new jersey train carrying 250 people at the height of rush hour crashed into a station. >> holy [ bleep ]. >> you heard a ka-boom. the whole place shook. >> everybody is thinking the train is going to slow down, and just collided. >> reporter: it struck with such violent force, part of the ceiling collapsed. debris raining down on the hundreds of people waiting for trains. >> we have a train that has gone through the station. >> reporter: passengers poured out of the emergency windows to escape the carnage on the train. >> before i knew it, i was flying forward into car one. the wall of car one. i bounced back and hit the wall. >> reporter: as hundreds of firefighters and police raced to the scene, they found the most severely injured passengers located in that first car. many trapped. investigators trying to find out why the train didn't slow down. this surveillance video showing the train heading south at 8:05 a.m. thursday. approaching the ho boeken station. the final stop. the speed limit, 10 miles per hour. the train may have been traveling 30 miles an hour. the train engineer, now identified as 48-year-old thomas gallagher was treated for minor injuries and is cooperating with investigators. here's what the station used to look like. now the century-old building in pieces. everyday heros like richin pitching in to help. >> when everybody started running out, i ran in. i saw the train crashed into everything. i just -- i just started trying to help whoever i could. >> reporter: you ran into a building that people were running out of with a superman hoodie. you helped so many people when they were scared and didn't know what to do. >> yes, ma'am. >> reporter: what made you run in? >> i don't know. my mom and my dad raised brave kids. >> reporter: perkins found 34-year-old fabiola bittar de kroon in the rubble. she had just dropped her daughter at at day care and was perkins, trying to comfort her as they waited for help. were you able to give her peace? you held her when she was taking her final breaths? >> yes, i'm just going to say, i tried to comfort her as much as i could. i knew she was in pain. i said, i'm not going to leave you. if you're going to die, you're not going to die by yourself right now. i'm going to be here with you. >> boy, that young man was raised right. >> reporter: he was cr and rahman said he was in the right place at the right time because he deviated from his normal routine. he saw a group of women selling breast cancer awareness t-shirts, stopped to talk with them for several minutes, and then saw people starting to run. then everybody was running would have been next to that woman when the train crashed. >> people want answers. moments ago, i spoke with bella dinh-zarr. the vice chairman of the ntsb. >> this is our first full day on scene. we arrived as soon as possible yesterday afternoon. and, we have found that this is a -- push/pull car configuration that has crashed into this hoboken station. we're in the process of securing -- making sure that the site is safe so our investigators can access all of on these three cars, as well as the engine. >> so, right now you have had limited access to the accident site? >> that's right. we did have access, however, to the locomotive. we are able -- we were able last night to take out the recorder. we will be getting information from that event recorder. >> you want to talk to the engineer and others, right? >> that's right. we'll interview the engineer. and we'll be checking records, maintenance records, employee records. we'll be doing all of our standard operation review of the records. >> what are the main questions you'll be asking the engineer? >> we'll be asking the engineer what -- exactly what he was doing. we always look at the 72 hours before the accident to make sure that, you know, to follow his -- his activities during those periods. we'll be asking what he remembers of the actual crash itself. >> the new jersey transit rail was ordered to install a safety system known as positive train control. ptc. this was back in 2008. can you describe what this does and could it have prevented this accident? >> well, the ntsb, robin, has been recommending positive train control for more than 40 years now. and also prevents overspeed crashes by preventing derailments. >> that type of system, could it have prevented this accident? >> that's what we'll be looking into. i know everyone is really anxious for information. and as are we. we want to look very carefully and be very careful before we present anything other than what we find in our investigation. >> that's fully understood. everyone is anxious for the answers. time this morning. i know it's a busy day ahead. >> thank you. >> bella dinh-zarr. hopefully, the engineer and other crew members can provide some answers to that. >> 40 years for that system. hopefully this helps push that system forward. now to that massive hurricane matthew gaining strength overnight. with winds hitting 100 miles an hour. ginger has been tracking its hurricane matthew, it's a category 2 hurricane. gusts are at 120 miles per hour. fortunately, for the next 36 hours, it stays over the open ocean. only affecting some shipping lanes. but then watch what it does here. it turns to the north. strengthens more. the path takes it over cuba into the bahamas by tuesday into wednesday. the next natural question, does it affect the united states? right now, the national hurricane center has it pushing off to the east. that would be great news, couple of outlying computer models show it going toward florida. one to watch. the flash flooding is more of an imminent threat. north carolina, already more than ten inches of rain. we're on alert from maryland to michigan. a state of emergency in cumberland, north carolina. flash flooding tearing through streets, leaving gaping holes. >> people are still trying to drive through this mess. >> reporter: the road buckling hours. >> please don't put lives at risk. >> reporter: nearly two dozen people rescued. >> my car stopped. i can't swim. the water is almost up to my door. >> reporter: in detroit. >> people are taking a gamble. >> reporter: drivers barely able to navigate. many ending up submerged. this is unrelated to matthew. get that out there, and just know that it could see coastal flooding and flood watches that include places like philadelphia. robin, george, michael? >> ginger, thank you very much. we move to overseas. to jerusalem where president obama and former president clinton joined dozens of world leaders for the funeral of shimon peres. abc's chief foreign correspondent, terry moran is on the scene. >> reporter: it was the end of an era here in israel. you could sense it. so many world leaders joining yarmulke with his crest. a rare handshake with benjamin netanyahu, all to pay tribute to shimon peres. really the last of the founding generation of the state of israel for a long-time champion for peace, right up until the end, as president obama said in his eulogy. >> the region -- is going through a chaotic time. threats are ever-present. and yet, he did not stop dreaming, and he did not stop working. >> reporter: as they buried shimon peres on these slopes here in jerusalem, many israelis feeling as if they had lost a kind of father figure. perhaps we're also burying the vision, the hope for peace that he worked so long to achieve. george? >> president obama hit it right there. president peres was the most tireless idealist i have ever >> so impressive to see the world leaders. now to the race to the white house. 39 days until the election. until the next -- and nine until the next debate. and donald trump is lashing out about this week's showdown, calling it rigged, and going after the moderator, as trump makes headlines with a non-endorsement from a major paper. abc's tom llamas is here with all those details. good mor >> reporter: robin, good morning to you. donald trump has described his campaign as historic. this morning, making a headline. "usa today" has never taken sides in the history of the presidential race. now they're advising their readers not to vote for donald trump. one of the nation's most read newspapers, "usa today," telling voters to stay away from donald trump. the paper's editorial board breaking their no-endorsement policy, calling trump a serial clinton, saying they didn't have consensus for a clinton endorsement. the war on trump as he is putting a new spin on the debate he claims he won. >> i had to put up with the anchor and fight the anchor all the time on everything i said. what a rigged deal. >> reporter: but that's not what he told me after he walked off that debate stage. mr. trump, how do you think you did tonight? >> i thought it was great. i got everything i wanted to say, i got it out. >> reporter: now, after a senior campaign staffer said trump failed to execute at the first debate -- >> i will work hard. ly te-- i will tell you that. >> reporter: on "the view" his campaign manager on the defensive. after mocking a miss universe on her weight. >> did you reprimand him and say, listen, why are you calling women fat pigs? did you say that to him? >> i think it's beside the point. >> what did he say? >> he gave that particular woman a second chance. >> reporter: and now, "the daily from 2004 where trump fawns over a 23-year-old female high school teacher arrested for having sex with a 14-year-old boy. >> by the way, did you see what she look like? >> not bad. >> not bad. i'd say so. do you think the 14-year-old kid is scarred forever? he might have put the move on her. it might have given him confidence actually. >> reporter: back to that exchange on "the view." overnight, donald trump sending out this tweet. did crooked hillary help disgusting check out a sex tape and pastli citizen so she could use her in the debate? you have a presidential candidate talking about a sex tape. we have entered new ground. >> one of several new tweets this morning. he was up at 3:20 a.m. doing another tweet talking about the sources on his campaign. criticizing his debate performance. >> he was up late last night. >> tom, thank you very much. let's go to jon karl. jon, we have to begin with this kind of inexplicable that he is doubling down like this. >> i'm concerned about the time here, george. you mentioned 3:20 a.m. the others were 5:14, 5:19, 5:30. i don't know if this is a presidential candidate that's getting any sleep, but he does seem to be trying to prove an argument that hillary clinton has made against him in that convention speech of hers when she said, a man you can bait with a tweet is not a man you can trust with nuclear weapons. it's quick inexplicable. >> he's changing his tune on rigged. this is coming as we are starting to see a series of polls starting to come in showing a bounce for hillary clinton. >> yes, and it's extraordinary. if you look in the minutes after the debate, he said to cnn he thought lester holt did great job. now we're seeing virtually every poll that has come in showing a big bounce for hillary clinton. she leads in states like florida, new hampshire, michigan. and clearly this is getting under his skin. clearly, the -- it's a all. >> maybe later we'll see tweets about "usa today." kind of remarkable. in their 34-year history, they have never endorsed or not endorsed a candidate like that. this was a scathing editorial. and a part of a pattern developing. >> it sure is. you had that. days before you had "the arizona republic" which has not endorsed a democratic presidential candidate in 128 years endorsing hillary clinton. look at this from "the wall street journal" editorial board. dorothy rabinowitz says her election alone is what stands between the american nation and the reign of the most unstable, profoundly unperformed, psychologically unfit president to enter the white house. that's "the wall street journal." >> next debate nine days away. it will air live right here on abc. our own martha raddatz is one of the moderators. the vice presidential candidates eastern here on abc. >> another long night. now to violent protests in california overnight over the deadly police shooting of an unarmed man. police firing tear gas at the crowd as demonstrators threw bottles. abc's matt gutman has the latest. >> reporter: this morning, dozens of protesters facing off against police. [ gunfire ] >> reporter: el cajon police firing pepperballs into the crowd the disperse it, declaring it an unlawful assembly. police say for the third straight night, dozens of protesters seized intersections, stopping cars after the fatal shooting tuesday of alfred olango. his sister asked for help with her brother, telling them he was unarmed. she was right there when he was shot. when protesters began breaking but relatively peaceful. demonstrators demanding the police release cell phone video which showed the entirety of the incident with olango. now i spoke to the city's mayor last night. he said he's seen the video. it vindicates the police version. he says that he also understands that until he releases the video, that city could see more unrest. guys? >> all right, matt. thank you very much. now to major super bowl news. you remember th ? and the home of the brave ? >> that's lady gaga singing the national anthem at last year's super bowl 50. now, guys, it's official. lady gaga will take the main stage. she tweeted, this year, the super bowl goes gaga. she's doing the half time show. >> i loved it when she did this. >> yes. it was awesome. >> let's go to ginger. let's get to the weekend getaways brought to you by petco. by petco-. today. this should keep our temperatures confined to the 60s for highs in all areas. the wind will continue to blow out of the north, but not as strong as yesterday. like we experienced wednesday, a sprinkle could come out of the thickest clouds, but no measurable rainfall is anticipated in our area. tonight into saturday, plan on clouds to hang on. sunday, clouds should disperse somewhat, allowing a return to the upper trend is likely through wednesday wi coming up, mystery in paradise. two american sisters on a trip that was supposed to be a trip of a lifetime, vacationing at a luxury resort. found dead in their room. the family's search for answers this morning. resort. found dead in their room. the family's search for answers this morning. you're choosing more complete allergy relief and all the enjoyment that comes along with it. when we breathe in allergens, our bodies react only control 1. flonase controls 6. and six is greater than one. with flonase, more complete relief means enjoyment of every beautiful moment. flonase, six is greater than one, changes everything. ? people say, let's just get a sandwich or something. 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to find out more, chat with your eye doctor rapids will allow people who live or work in the flood zone to get back into the area. and it's asking people who don't need to be there to stay away so large equipment can get in for clean-up. the flood zone will be open to everyone else starting at seven saturday morning. the area for a few weeks as as part of the flood recovery. as a safety measure, police will step up their patrols. roads and bridges are also starting to open across the city. this morning, edgewood road crossing the cedar river is open. the city says downtown bridges should be open to traffic saturday. that includes all i-380 ramps leading into the downtown area. bus service will also resume saturday. a look at your first alert darien: why have the latest smartphone if you can't use it wherever you go? switch to u.s. cellular for our best plan yet: 7 gigs of data per line for only $49. to share more photos at your cabin or video chat at your secret fishing spot... all for just $49. the best part? we put towers in places the other guys don't. because u.s. cellular thinks you deserve a signal that works wherever you are. switch to u.s. cellular and get a whopping 7 gigs of data per line today. this should keep our temperatures confined to the 60s for highs in all areas. the wind will continue to blow out of the north, but not as strong as yesterday. like we experienced wednesday, a sprinkle could come out of the thickest clouds, but no measurable rainfall is anticipated in our area. tonight into saturday, plan on clouds to hang on. sunday, clouds should disperse somewhat, allowing a re area. next week, a warming trend is likely through wednesday with a seasonable cool-down right behind a mid-week cold front. enjoy your weekend! today: becoming mostly cloudy. wind: ne 10-15. high: 67 tonight: cloudy. wind: ne 5-10. low: 57 tomorrow: mostly cloudy. wind: n 5-10. high: 66 tom. night: partly cloudy. when i put on a great pair of pants... i can move, be myself i feel good and i know i look great... and there's nothing better than that. the juliet ankle pant from chico's the ultimate fit for every body i tried hard to quit smoking. but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. we welcome you back to "gma." investigators are on the scene of the devastating train crash in new jersey. train plowing into a station during rush hour. one woman killed. more than 100 injured. investigators trying to determine what wept wrong. amy robach is on the scene. one of the country's most taking a sign in the race for the white house. they're declaring donald trump as unfit for the presidency. and millions on alert for the path of hurricane matthew. moving west with winds of 100 miles an hour. ginger tracking the latest all morning long. it's our biggest "deals & steals" event every. she's sharing bargains with us for more than five years. five years already. done more than 2,000 deals. she's only getting better. she's here with 30 today for us. amazing day. >> we can't wait. it will be all throughout the morning. but first in in half hour. that vacation mystery. two american sisters enjoying a trip at a luxury resort on a tropical island before they were found dead in their room. investigators and family searching for mara schiavocampo is here with that. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, robin. a mystery indeed. the mother and brother of those sisters have now travelled to the seychelles to find out what happened and to bring them home. this morning, two sisters' vie occasion turned into one family's nightmare. 42-year-old robin korkki from chicago, and her sister, room. mysteriously passing away on a trip of a lifetime. >> you're talking about pulmonary edema. that's a big deal. i would look for drug use, either directly or indirectly by someone else. >> reporter: the pair both worked in banking. robin's linkedin account she was a trader. they shared their love of travel on social media. they were staying in a luxury $2,000 a night resort in the seychelles. the island known for beautiful beaches and high-end resorts. the trip was part of a nearly month-long vacation many africa. days after posting these pictures, a terrible end. discovered when an employee of the hotel tried to wake them in their villa. the day before, the pair had been seen drinking at the resort until about 6:45 p.m. later helped to their rooms by staff at 8:15. when discovered the next morning, no visible signs of injuries were found on the bodies. an autopsy determining the cause of death for both sisters as acute annie also suffering edema. >> this is something they ingested or inhaled that caused their death, based on their age and health. >> reporter: a pulmonary analysis. tonight's "20/20" takes a deep dive at a small town murder case. a black man in upstate new york was found not guilty of killing his ex's son who was white. >> reporter: this is a story about race, smalltown romance, and a shocking murder. within hours of the death of 12-year-old garrett phillips, police focused us is p his mother's exboyfriend, nick hillary. hillary says it's because he is black. police say it's because only he could be the killer. >> the found not guilty. >> reporter: this morning, this rourl, predominantly white town divided after the acquittal of nick hillary. a local soccer coach charged with murdering his ex-girlfriend's 12-year-old son, garrett phillips. >> there was one person who had an issue with garrett. >> reporter: who was it? >> yes. >> reporter: there are people who say now that the reason you and tandy was because garrett want youd out of the house. >> not true. >> reporter: there wasn't tension between you and garrett? >> no. >> reporter: look at the ex-messages. i've been waiting for almost a year for the situation between you and my kids to get better and it's not. this is not easy for me. but i have to put my kids first. that's nick's car following garrett on his riding out of his school parking lot minutes before his murder. nick says he didn't see garrett. he was there to scout a soccer game and left at half time because it was raining. >> i don't believe that nick hillary was in the parking lot by coincidence. he was hunting garrett. >> reporter: the district attorney argues nick strangled garrett in his mother's bedroom and jumped out the window to really nothing. >> right. >> reporter: police found no dna, nothing to prove hillary was there. and his defense says he has an al biand no motive. >> you killed the poor kid with the hope that the mother will come running back into your arms? it makes absolutely no sense. >> reporter: during his closing argument, defense attorney repeats reasonable doubt 25 times. >> he's not the type of person that would walk his hands around a child's neck, and kill a child. >> reporter: after the verdict, one family distraught. one family relieved. it's been a long five years. >> it has. not just for myself. but for my entire family. and this also is a great day for em. >> reporter: justice in court. and the end of a case. the judge had cited in his ruling that it was only circumstantial evidence that brought nick hillary to murder trial in the first place. the complete lack of any frenzive evidence really weighed heavily on him. the nick hillary and his lawyer told me a couple of days ago, walking through the small town, somebody rolled down the car window as they rolled by and yelled murderer. >> he's still in town? >> reporter: but i don't know if he'll stay. >> more on "20/20" tonight at 10:00 eastern. >> always great to see you. >> great to see you guys. . what's on the big board? coming up, the big-time businessman saying some women in the work place should hide their if you're searching other travel sites to find a better price... ...stop clicking around... when heartburn hits, fight back fast with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ? tum -tum -tum -tum ? smoothies! only from tums big board. our team of experts standing by live. you know it's a big board when t.j. is right here. a huge "walking dead" lawsuit. co-creator frank derabont was fired in season two. now he's filed a suit against amc, claims he's entitled to profits from the show, seeking whopping damages. give us a number. >> the man helped create one of the biggest he just wants a small pittance for his trouble. >> what is a pittance? >> $280 million. a quarter billion dollars this man is asking for. he says he's ode it. frank derabont is the name. you might not know it. wrote it, produced it, directed it. season two, they let him go. >> did they give a reason? >> not much. he thinks part of the reason is, season, there were certain profits he was owed. they got rid of him early. >> sounds like he might have a case. >> how big of a ratings shut this? he's asking for $200-something million, how much does the show make? >> no matter how much it's making, he argues it's not making as much as it could. something called vertical independent grags. neatwork produces a show, sells it, licenses it to itself at a lower rateo down and margins down for people they might have to owe like frank. he says funny business is going on here. whatever texas instruments calculator he's using to figure out the profits are higher than the network says. this is going on for five years. probably won't go to trial for 2018. >> my calculator doesn't have that many numbers on it. all right. we'll keep our eye on that one. case. an iowa teen and her family filing a lawsuit. the teen sent suggestive photos to a classmate. we have becky here? >> no, sunny. >> sunny there you are. >> becky got nervous. >> sunny, you're here. okay, the family attorney says that t the prosecutor basically is trying the shame their daughter about her behavior. is that true? tell us about the case. >> you have a 14-year-old girl who is the high school freshman. she sends two photos to a boy who encouraged her to send the photos. one photo, michael, is of her in a sports bra and some boy shorts. the other photo, she is topless with the same boy shorts. but her hair is covering her breasts. prosecutors got hold of these in an investigation of sexting at the high school. her are child pornography. that would make her register as a sex offender. >> t.j. is shaking his head. >> oh, lord. >> i think you have talked about this before, sunny. does this type -- does it cast too wide of a net? legal experts feel that way. >> i think so. we have talked about this in the sense that it takes law a long time to catch up with technology. the bottom line is, a lot of children are sending these they're committing suicide because they're being bullied at school. other kids are sending them between themselves. that's teenage behavior. i'll show you mine if you show me yours. prosecutors are trying to balance this. the better course, education. main community service. but child pornography charges? i don't think so. zplefr time you said that, t.j., you're wiping your brow. i'm with you. kids, boy or girl. >> it's what they do. >> it's what they do. it's scary. >> it's scary out there. all right, sunny, thank you. now to the backlash over gender bias in the work place. a male venture capitalist writing in "the wall street journal" that women in tech should hide their gender when launching startups to get ahead. we'll talk to becky. our tech guru. you got a raise to lawyer a moment ago. >> refer to me as b.w., and no picture to let you know i'm a woman. it could affect the audience's value to affect what i'm saying. come on. >> that's a good point you just made. >> i'm quoing what this guy wrote. if your linkedin profile, use your initials or unisex name and e eliminate photos. this guy is an investor in in women in tech snolg so strong, they should hide their identities if they want equal treatment. what? the backlash is fierce. john greathouse has posted one of the fastest gender bias. saying i told them to endure it, rath eer than fix it. >> it does exist. >> this keeps getting worse. it's not only author j.k. rowling used a gender-neutral name because she didn't want the alienate male readers. >> i didn't know that's why she did it. i thought she was channeling j.r.r. tolkien. the author points to orchestras. traditionally 95% male. started blind auditions, boom, women came in when conductors that's what the conversation should be about. the subject is our work product. all people should be included. >> what you to think, sunny? >> i just can't believe it. the bottom line is, women, men, it's who is the best for the position, right? >> exactly. >> quality of work. >> is that why you go by t.j.? >> you mow my first name. you know why i go by t.j. >> he's gt an interesting first name. >> come on, say it. >> tell people, >> some, robin. >> what is it? >> it's loutelious. "gma" will be right back. >> all right. thank you, becky. thank you, sunny. thank you, t.j. gilman: go get i. go get it. gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. at places like the batting cages. ? 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"or something" and we don't just make sandwiches "or something" we hand-slice avocado, pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia there's nothing "or something" about it. panera. food as it should be. back here on "gma." checking in on the loma fire. they have it to 34% contained. i think we have video, too. otherwise, the fire alerts are still on. a new trough digging in. we'll have gusty winds ahead of the rain. adjustment says they are planning to vote today on an appeal to build a kinnick stadium inspired house. the board's decision on whether to let a decorah couple build the home was delayed twice. at today's meeting, the board will not take any public comments. the appeal is on the city's building permit. neighbors say the kinnick- impact the health, welfare and safety of the neighborhood. because of the university of iowa's homecoming parade, the board is holding the meeting in a new location. they will meet at at the environmental education center at the east side recycling center at 6:30 tonight. homecoming weekend events could impact your drive around downtown iowa city tonight. thousands of hawkeye fans will be downtown for the the annual parade starting at 5:45. the parade takes over parts of gilbert, iowa, streets. the route is different than normal this year because of road construction. you'll want to allow more time if your evening commute takes you through downtown. and now here's your first alert forecast. plan on an increase in clouds today. this should keep our temperatures confined to the 60s for highs in all areas. the wind will continue to blow out of the north, but not as strong as yesterday. like we experienced wednesday, a sprinkle could come out of the thickest clouds, but no measurable rainfall is anticipated in our area. to sunday, clouds should disperse somewhat, allowing a return to the upper 60s/low 70s across the area. next week, a warming trend is likely through wednesday with a seasonable cool-down right behind a mid-week cold front. enjoy your weekend!toda y: becoming mostly cloudy. wind: ne 10-15. high: 67 tonight: cloudy. wind: ne 5-10. low: 57 tomorrow: mostly cloudy. wind: n 5-10. high: 66 tom. night: partly cloudy. wind: n 5-10. low: 53 people from the federal emergency management agency, or fema, toured flood damaged homes and businesses in floyd, homeowners, and measured how high flood waters rose inside buildings. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. rush hour train crash. alarming new pictures from inside the new jersey station. what sent the passenger train barreling into the terminal? >> you okay? >> one person killed. more than 100 injured. investigators racing to figure out what caused the accident. we're live at the scene. ? on top of the world ? first steps in public. her first words to dad, prince william. the 16-month-old stealing the show from her pig bo-- big brotr george. britney spears opening up about her 20s. why she says her 30s are happier and healthier. all that and alfonso ribeiro here in our house. it's friday. and look who is saying -- >> good morning, america. >> only you could say it like that. >> loud. always a great time when alfonso is here. we'll have fun with him ahead. >> also a lot of fun with tory johnson this morning. she's brought us 2,000 deals over the last five years. today, the biggest deals, more deals than she's ever done in one show. >> she's got 30 deals coming up in the next hour alone on this show and on our facebook page on twitter. on our "gma" instagram. deals are all over the place. you cannot escape our deals. tory, kick it off with deal number one. what is it? >> all right. we're so fired up to do it. we have had to put our audience to work to help us with deal number one. they're rocking rbx active wear we've got a huge assortment of tops and bottoms for any guy or girl on the go. a fabulous assortment at an unbeatable price. depending on the piece you choose, they range from $22 to $45. today, everything is slashed in rbx is throwing in free shipping. on yahoo! for the details. we have more, you know it. 29. >> we're counting. we're counting. >> it's a good start. >> that's a great start. so many more great deals ahead. first, the morning rundown from paula faris. >> tory's got a busy morning. good morning, everyone. new details about the devastating train crash in new jersey. one woman was killed. 114 people were injured. this morning, investigators ar trying to determine whether mechanical failure or operator error is to blame for the speeding train into the station. amy robach is at the scene. good morning to you. >> reporter: that's right, paula. and we learned this morning hat that the engineer who was at the control of the train at the time of the crash has just tested negative for drugs and alcohol. he's fully cooperating with the investigation and is a veteran railroad worker. train. they could reveal why the train failed to slow down. while entering the station. investigators cannot access the cameras. because the train cars are under the collapsed roof. it's not safe yet. the woman who lost her life was killed by debris on the platform. she was waiting for the train and had just dropped her daughter off at day care. this were uplifting stories of strangers trying to help each other. i sp the station as the crash was happening. >> when everybody started running out, i started running in. the train crashed into everything. i just -- i just started trying to help whoever i could. >> reporter: what made you run in? >> i don't know. my mom and my dad, they just raised brave kids. >> reporter: rahman perkins was a real-life superhero. he was wearing his superman hoodie as he ran in. he also was there with that woman as she died there on the this crash, however is raising more questions about the safety technology. why is it not yet in place? it could intervene and stop a crash before it happens. governor christie says pending the results of this investigation, that system could be in place sooner than expected. paula, back to you. >> the big question this morning. amy, thank you. other news, violence erupted near san diego overnight as a crowd protested this week's police shooting of an unarmed black man. one group started throwing bottles and smashing windows. prompting police to fire tear gas. and arrest two people. the mother of the ma by police denies her son was mentally ill and is demanding police release video of that shooting. donald trump launched a new firestorm on twitter around 3:00 this morning. in a string of predawn tweets, he called alicia machado disgusting and then alluded to a sex tape. meantime, trump is denying a report that he did business in violation of the cuban embargo. trump claims the debate monday was rigged against him. he raised a new attack against hillary clinton saying she got immunity from the fbi during her e-mail scandal. last i checked, we're still in september, but it is beginning to sound a lot like christmas. it's true. according to a new poll, about 34 million americans have already begun christmas shopping. about 1 million already done. perhaps the poll's best revelation, 74% of people say, they're quote annoyed by overachievers who get everything done early. do you fall in the 74% category or are you one of the 1 million? >> you think we're going to admit to the 74%? >> i will gladly. i want to hire one of the 1 million to do my christmas shopping because they're done. >> always thinking there, paula. >> trying. >> i wait until halloween to start. i've got standards, people. okay. oh, baby baby. you've heard of the terrible 2z. britney spears is saying that her 20s were the toughest time of her life. she goes on to explain why her 30s are the best years yet. saying i'm in a good place. i'm loving and learning who i am every day. she say she's comfortable being single and is settling into her own skin. i didn't like my 20s. >> yeah? >> i liked them. >> there's so much growing. you feel lost. you don't know what you're doing with your life. >> 40s are pretty good. >> 50s are fabulous. >> i was going to say 50s are pretty good, too. >> i love it. >> i would agree. but 20 is rough. >> george and i loved it. >> nice try, robin. next up, good-bye, girls. after six seasons of ups and downs, "girls" is coming to an end. the hit comedy shot its series finale last night. the cast got sentimental. last moments on set. creator and star lena dunham expressed her gratitude for the fans on instagram, ending with #crying selfie. #crelfie. #good night i love you all. the sixth and final season premieres in 2017. i can't believe it's already over. >> six seasons. >> you think they started much younger, alison williams was saying, i don't know my adult life without "girls." and you forget, for them, that's a lot of t >> they showed the ups and downs of the 20s in that series. >> they really hit the ups and the downs, george. bravo. and finally, funny flotus is back. michelle obama teaming up with college humor to show students just how easy it is to get financial aid from fafsa. she appears in a mock game show hosted by our pal, chris harrison. take a look. [ phone ringing ] >> hello? >> hi, mrs. obama? what's my name? >> who is this? >> so, your name is adrienne? >> that's it, thanks. >> oh, just a few months left. okay, gotta change my address. >> now it's tough to see this, but flotus is working on her own resume. it reads as the first lady of the united states, i've been straight up nailing it for eight years. she is really funny. >> oh, yeah. >> she is. did you see her on "ellen" >> with the shopping? >> it was great. >> recently, she was laughing about how president obama talks at dinner and how boring it is. i thought, good point. not all of us can say that. >> and get away with it. thank you, sara. coming up on "gma," the royal road trip. charlotte says her first words and takes her first steps in public. and it's our big "deals & steals" 30 on 30 event. i'm heading over to tory to see >> where is she? >> voila. okay, i've got two fab ones specifically for you. first up from a really great company called freaker. so freaker makes socks. >> odell beckham jr. >> you can get socks in their nfl collection or a variety of spunky prints. or the bottle insulator. the bottle sweater. for drinking games. >> sometimes you watch the games, they drive you to drink. >> a huge assortment. the company all made in america. it's a "shark tank" company. they range normally from $10 to $20. everything today slashed in half. so five to ten bucks from freaker. i love these from lulu dk tattoos. you can wear your team pride. we have every nfl team. i pulled the giants out for you. normally, two pack, 20 bucks. today, slashed in half. two packs, ten bucks. >> you keep on doing it. 30 on 30 today. don't go anywhere. with tory johnson. 30. x of you... for when you stretch out. i want you to stay this bright blue forever... that's why you will stay in this drawer... forever. i can't live without you. and that's why i will never, ever wash you. protect your clothes from the damage of the wash with downy fabric conditioner. it not only softens and freshens... it helps protect clothes... from stretching, fading and fuzz... so your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. wash in the wow. my mother passed 2003, but she always told me i don't care if you turn out to be a great athlete or whatever but, you need to make sure you get your college degree. answering machine: hi, leave a message after the beep. (beep) hey mom, this is larry. i just want to let you know that uh, i fulfilled the promise that you held me to. love you. i was in shock when my dentist was explaining to me the acidity of foods and what they can do to your teeth. thinning of the teeth and leading to being extremely yellow would probably gross me out! my dentist recommended pronamel. it can help protect enamel from acid erosion. my mouth feels really fresh and clean and i stuck with it. i really like it. it gives me a lot of confidence. pronamel is all about your enamel. all right, you guys. here we go. deal number four and five. so superhot haley atwell is wearing this superhot celestial collection from serefina. big assortment of pieces to choose from. normally, from $40 to $92. everything slashed by 55%. give that a big thumbs up. starting at 18 bucks. of course, who knew alfonso had so many talents. coloring. these are paige and tates most sophisticated adult coloring book. the pages are thick, perforated. you can frame them. amazing deal. norma normally $13. slashed in half, $6.50. >> everybody is getting involved. five down, 25 to go. now to the royal road trip. will, kate, charlotte, and george, closing out their time in canada. lama hasan has been there with them every step of the way. >> reporter: arriving hand in hand with mum and dad, prince george and princess charlotte arrive and hit the ground running. she took the lead, taking her first steps for the cameras. straight to the balloons. she giggled. and awed. her first words in public. >> we can see how much she's grown. >> reporter: the pint-sized prince liked the petting zoo and rode a pony. >> whoa. how is that? >> reporter: his sister preferred to bounce on moose, a therapy dog. >> you can see the bond between george and charlotte developing. >> reporter: they're like partners in crime. 3-year-old george all boy, more >> reporter: giggling as they popped in midair. ? mum and daughter had a ball dancing to "la bamba" and making animal balloons. george quick to not have little sis have all the fun, ran over, saying, but i want one. can i have one? the hands-on parents william and kate spending some quality family time. the garden pty and images that will melt everyone's heart. and it is so rare to see the cambridges as a family of four. so savor every moment, folks. as for the royal road trip they pick up again today with william and kate heading to islands famous for bear watching and fishing. george? >> all right, thank you, lama. >> she's having a good time. >> she is. the kids are so cute. up. again ? [ rear alert sounds ] [ music stops ] ? just can't wait to get on the road again ? [ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] ? on the road again ? ? like a band of gypsies we go down the highway ? [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. hurry in and lease the 2017 passat s when cold and flu hold you back try theraflu expressmax, now in new caplets. it's the only cold & flu caplet that has a maximum strength formula with a unique warming sensation you instantly feel. theraflu. for a powerful comeback. new expressmax caplets. i've been on my feel all day. i'm bushed! yea me too. excuse me...coming through! ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. scholls massaging gel insoles. they're proven to give you comfort. which helps you feel more energized ...all day long. ? ? when is your flu shot more than a flu shot? when it helps give a lifesaving vaccine to a child in need. ? thanks to customers e a shot." program has helped provide 15 million vaccines through the un foundation. it's that easy to make a difference. ? walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. is that ice-t? nope, it's lemonade. is that ice-t? lemonade. ice-t? what's with these people, man? lemonade. read it. ok. delicious. ice-t at a lemonade stand? surprising. what's not surprising? how much money marin saved by switching to geico. yo, ice-t! it's lemonade, man! fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. ? welcome back to "gma." what a crowd. you know "deals & steals" is but i know one woman who is going to tell us. >> it's a hooded beach towel. and we hooked up the control room after a long week at "gma" with their own hoodie pillows. they have great ones for their next, travel, napping, privacy from your colleagues. a big assortment, usually only online. usually $25 to $35. everything from hoodie pillow is $12.50 to $17.50. ? now i know what this isplan on today. this should keep our temperatures confined to the 60s for highs in all areas. the wind will continue to blow out of the north, but not as strong as yesterday. like we experienced wednesday, a sprinkle could come out of the thickest clouds, but no measurable rainfall is anticipated in our area. tonight into saturday, plan on clouds to hang on. sunday, clouds should disperse somewhat, area. next week, a warming trend is likely it is time for more amazing deals with tory. our 30 on 30 event. our audience has their signs. they're ready. they're gearing up for big savings. >> they're ready, right? >> you're getting quite a workout. >> we are. we are. sprinting all around this building. we hav to bring you these phenomenal deals. ready to pull the number on this one. all right. that's your cue. there you go. you did well. michael todd beauty. you will clean your face faster and better by using one of these devices. six speeds. anti-microbial. so there's all kinds of germ protection but just really, really good cleansing. it's a key from michael todd beauty. it's a beauty store favorite. only here will you find this deal. depending on the product you choose. depending on the power of the tool. they start at $149. for today, our special, everything is slashed by at least 68%. >> what? >> our prices starting at $47. love that. >> by the way, you have done a great job there. you might have a career. the reveal was good. >> ready? good job. >> good mom. >> exactly. good mom. the company makes the eyeglasses the reading glasses that you're never far away from. you forget the readers. you pop them on. right there. you choose your strength. pop 'em on. you choose your strength. i don't know that that's your strength. >> yes, yes. >> there's pods. key chains. their brand-new key chain version. there's a pod you can attach to your cell phone. they weigh less than a nickel. >> they're very light. >> as thin as two credit cards. >> there you go. exactly. normally, starting at $20. depending on what you choose. everything slashed in half. 10 to 15 bucks from thin optics. ready? perfect. oh, look at you. in tandem. i love it. this company, butterscotch blankee. gorgeous, gorgeous stroller blankets. they're personalized. you choose from a different patterns and then put the name on. so comfy soft as well. it looks good and feels good. normally $65. these are slashed in half. $32.50. >> thank you all. thank you. >> moving right along, oh, look, we've -- some familiar faces here. so -- we're starting out with these totes from lulu dharma. as you can see, terrific for men or women. the linen weekender bag. holds a lot. right? >> perfect for me. put a weekend getaway into the bag. five colors to choose from, as you see. there's one missing. we have a duplicate. there's five colors to choose from. normally, $145. we have a big discount on these. we're slashing them by 74%. $38. >> that's gorge rllgood deal. >> great deal. swing on over here. o. >> another so these are supersoft. right, don't mind me feeling this over here. give a little feel to this. >> oh, okay. oh, to this. >> or both. or both. actually, he said to me this morning, am i going to get to meet robin roberts? i said, up close and personal. i love these scarfs. you ok f it's called a blanket scarf. they're oversized. of different ways. it's not just these four patterns. i think we have a few dozen patterns to choose from. and an incredible, incredible deal. >> work it, alfonso. >> normally, these are 30 bucks. >> he's working it. he's really showing off. >> $15. $15. 15 bucks. 15 bucks. >> 15? >> alfonso's styling is included. how good does he look? >> he looks great. they all look fabulous. on yahoo!. >> and we're not through. we have so many more deals coming your way. go to our website. to our facebook page. we're live right now. we have more coming up. emergency management agency, or fema, toured flood damaged homes and businesses in floyd, butler, and bremer counties. they took photos, spoke with homeowners, and measured how high flood waters rose inside buildings. they'll send then, governor branstad will decide if he'll ask president obama for a federal disaster declaration, which would qualify the area for federal aid. dubuque is closing miller riverview park for the rest of the year because of flooding from the mississippi river. it was supposed to be open until october 23rd. but the city says it doesn't expect water to lower anytime soon. officials say the city will refund anyone who has paid for an upcoming reservation at the campground. and now here's your first alert today. this should keep our temperatures confined to the 60s for highs in all areas. the wind will continue to blow out of the north, but not as strong as yesterday. like we experienced wednesday, a sprinkle could come out of the thickest clouds, but no measurable rainfall is anticipated in our area. tonight into saturday, plan on clouds to hang on. sunday, clouds should disperse somewhat, allowing a return to the upper 60s/low 70s across the area. next week, a warming trend is likely through wednesday with a seasn mid-week cold front. enjoy your weekend!toda y: becoming mostly cloudy. wind: ne 10-15. high: 67 tonight: cloudy. wind: ne 5-10. low: 57 tomorrow: mostly cloudy. wind: n 5-10. high: 66 tom. night: partly cloudy. wind: n 5-10. welcome back to "gma," live from times square. wow. whoo! happy friday, everybody. happy friday to you at home. we're having a lot of fun this friday. great to have sara here with us. >> thank you. >> and it's about to get even better. i know that's hard to improve on >> not that hard. >> come on out, alfonso! >> mwah. how are you? hey, buddy. how you been? good, good. hello, darling. mwah. big man. >> brother. >> brother, brother, man. >> how you doing, man? >> i get the center seat. look at this. you know, my first time here >> how do you like it? >> i love it. great energy. >> great energy. and great, you have a claim to fame. you were a model just a minute ago. you did a fabulous job. >> thank you. i was working really hard to make sure that we saw that it was a scarf and a blanket. >> you have a whole new claim to fame. somebody sent me an apple sticker of you. look at that, everybody. >> yes, yes. it's a -- >> so what is that all about? >> i'm still trying to figure it out because -- i mean, they -- download the new software for the apple products. >> every apple iphone right now? >> wow. >> and it's crazy. because what i'm trying to figure out is, why they're not paying me. people say, hey, man. that's pretty cool on the iphone 7. i was like, no, no i got the 6s. they say, no, no, no, you're on here. and they showed me. i was like, wow, that's very cool. i want them to sell a lot. because afterwards, i'm going to >> a millionth of a penny for each one. you'll do fine. >> give me a half a cent. i don't take too much. >> we have a lot to catch up with you on. we're happy you're at the table. we already discussed these topics that require some opinions. you always have a great opinion. george, what do you have? >> i love this one. the ultimate kids menu. the deli at mansion park. you can kids, right? >> yes. >> how old? >> i have a 13, almost 3, and 17 months. >> wow. >> you're almost getting there with the 3-year-old. what do you want for dinner? i don't know. >> yeah, there's a whole lot of i don't knows. there's a whole lot of that. >> here's what they have. the i don't know. hot dog and fries. >> that's the name of it? >> yeah. >> the i don't care. chicken tenders and fries. >> makes sense. totally makes sense. >> i'm not hungry. grilled cheese and fries. and i don't want that, fish sticks with fries. that is so true. you ask your kids what they want for dinner, you get an i don't >> and it still goes even when they're 13. because my 13-year-old is like this. what do you want? >> i don't know. chicken tenders? >> he made it easier. oh, you want the i don't know. okay. >> you mess with them. >> oh, yeah. >> big time. >> and speaking of meals, how many times do you say, what do you want? they go, well, what are you going to have? what is what i'm going to eat determining what you're going to eat? >> you can't have what i'm going to have, because i'm not grilling you a fillet mignon. i'm not wasting the good meats on you. >> they go from i don't know and i don't care to the most expensive thing on the menu. >> absolutely. they don't look at what's on the menu. they just look at numbers. it's the only thing they still understand. >> it's what they ordered they don't want. they want what you have. >> my wife does that, too. he's like, what are you going to have? cool, i'll order that. >> it's called marriage, my >> i'm like, hey, i think i'm going to have this. really, cool. she orders it, i order something different. what i really wanted. i got her figured out. she's over there giving me the evil eye, right. >> where is she? where is she? >> just wave, babe. wave. >> aw. >> this is actually our first trip, the first time she's away from the babies. yeah, so we left the babies in l.a. with her mom and auntie and so she came. and was like, i'mgoing to come on this visit and break the bond with the babies. so -- >> with that being said, your first trip, i'm not going to call it a vacation away from your kids. kind of like a vacation. that leads into the next story i have. if you're -- one of the hardest things employers found is that people don't want to take vacations. if you take a vacation, you get behind. take a vacation. >> i love that. i love that idea. that is fantastic. >> it's a tech company. steel house. the guy's worked in silicon valley for 15 years. one of the biggest thing, they couldn't take vacations. they couldn't get refreshed. they give the employees $2,000 to take a trip to go wherever you want. do whatever you want. >> i am going to call abc. i'm going the call abc and listen, you know, i know i'm down for a lot of the year. i think you should pay me for my vacation. $2,000 a week. >> you want me to give you the answer? no. >> no. >> they don't let you save it. that might be your instinct. they make you submit receipts to prove you got away. >> and they have very little turnover. only 5 people out of 250 have left them over the last years. >> that's a good company. >> it makes sense. >> a lot of people will like you can't use it for a spa day. don't come back with a receipt for the spa day. they said, but, we won't judge if you come back from vegas if you gamble it away. that's what i'm saying. what about you? if abc, if abc said, here's money, go on vacation every year, where are you going? >> i'm going to bora bora. >> that's a good one. >> that's a good one. >> i'm going to one of those overwater bungalows. my wife and i sitting there without the kids like, yeah, a toast to abc. >> i bet -- in pictures. let talk about what you have going on. you're a busy man. >> i've got two series, my, you know, "america's funniest home videos" our season premiere. we love it. we love it. we premier this sunday on abc at 7:00, 6:00 central. i feel like this season is a complete upgrade from last year. especially for me, as a host. >> i looked at the season last year and i went, wow. i'm kind of like, my energy is all over the place. i felt like, because we do the voiceovers separately than we do the actual on-camera stuff. i decided i need to make this one tone and make it feel like i'm talking to somebody at home and less about talking to the studio audience. >> let's take a look. >> okay. >> this is a bit. >> ooh. yeah. you're pregnant! oh [ bleep ]. i thought it was a lip gloss. >> i had no idea. >> i think the only way to elevate that clip is if she would have actually used it like lip gloss. that would have been just real nasty. >> oh, my god. >> oh, my god, thank you. oh. yes. and then i also have -- my other cooking channel. premieres october 9th. sundays at 9:00 eastern. that show is about treats. we show how treats are made all the way from ingredients to sending them off. a tootsie roll. a cake. or chips. or -- all the way through. you learn a lot about how it's all made. all the different stuff. what i really love is the machines they have to make to get the stuff to go through. so, they'll make this new contraption so they can take the ingredients from, like, a big log, to like this. i love that stuff. >> we remember you from "fresh prince." it all began with carlton. [ cheers and applause ] is it true you almost didn't get that gig? >> yeah. i originally got it. incoming president, warren littlefield didn't want me to do it after the pilot. they tried to recast and went through the entire recasting process and the executive producers and will were like, no, we think he's the guy. but they had to let him go through his process. they ended up not finding anybody. and then, like, six weeks into the series, he came over and was like, you know what, i gotta say, i'm sorry i put you through that. >> and the rest is history. >> so, yeah. >> we' >> we are. we are. could you help us with another job here? can you help us with tory? >> we got more stuff? >> we got more deals. we got more stuff. >> such a good job. how about one of these, baby. i'll let you pick the color. these are from jimmy crystal. you know what i mean? i'm like, yo, what? what? what? >> you get the small birthstone set or the big splurge. the small sets, fabulous. they're $30, slashed to $15. these big babies, $330, slashed to $165. it's a big savings and they're pret next, we have sock art. pretty fabulous. robin, i pulled these for you. look at the fabulous slogans on all of these. i love them. i like this one. not today, duh, because it's "gma," right? >> yolo. >> self-made. >> yolo. >> that's yours. big discount on these. normally 15 bucks. big assortment, slashed in half. $6 to $7.50. and from sock art, free shipping, >> all right, tory. go to @"gma" on twitter for the next deal. coming up, the biggest welcome back. we made to it number 19 of 30, tory. let's see the deal. >> i love these. they're from kevia. macrame bracelets. all of them are adjustable. this fabulous medallion piece crystals. unbelievable deal. normally $56. they're slashed by a whopping 68%. $18 and free shipping. on yahoo!. >> that adds it. before we get more d keep our temperatures confined to the 60s for highs in all areas. the wind will continue to blow out of the north, but not as strong as yesterday. like we experienced wednesday, a sprinkle could come out of the thickest clouds, but no measurable rainfall is anticipated in our area. tonight into saturday, plan on and all that brought to you by walgreens. oh, i like them. they're good. more coming up. >> yeah. more coming up. >> number 20 soon. michael? >> thank you, ginger. i'm here now with haley atwell. fans love you as agent carter. >> yes. >> and now you're taking on a big role in the abc series "conviction," as a former first daughter who is blackmailed into taking a job. >> she is. and i play an american, which is different for audiences to hear the american accent. there's a word i have trouble with. i can never say in an american accent. it's murderer. being in a legal procedural is guaranteed to feature at least once in every episode. i keep on going murderer. try to do it in an english accent. >> i can barely do the american accent. i can't say words with the letter "s." it's very tough for me, too. but i'm excited for you. you're great on this show. you're doing it justice. murderer. i understand what you saying. you can get away with that with me. your co-star, eddie cahill, you two spar a lot. >> yes, we do. >> sit like that when you're -- >> when we're on-set and waiting for cameras, we play banana grams. we keep the level of competition up because, in the scenes with eddie, it's like psychological warfare. we're playing mental chess all the time. we have to keep the energy up backstage. we play pranks. we tease each other. >> on "captain america, civil war," chris evans, your co-star, he sent you stuff from the set. something about your funeral? >> he texted me going, we're -- we're filming your funeral today. there's a picture of me they made to look older. he's like, i totally still would. you're really hot. and then he was like, and you've got a great turnout. i felt they gave peggy a good sendoff. he kept the -- the obituary for me, the pamphlet they gave out. it was all very sweet. >> that's a sweet friend to keep your obituary to give to you. what a great guy chris evans is. your character is compared to olivia pope from "scandal." but you say -- you don't have a tv. you don't watch tv? >> i don't have a telly, as we call it in england. a telly. so i watch things years later. i'm only just finishing "six it takes me awhile to catch up. i'm a bit slow. >> well, let me tell you this. you're great at your job. >> thank you. >> you really are. watch yourself some time. in "conviction." it premieres monday night at 10:00, 9:00 central here on abc. check it out. and coming up, a deal right darien: why have the latest smartphone if you can't use it wherever you go? switch to u.s. cellular for our best plan yet: 7 gigs of data per line for only $49. or video chat at your secret fishing spot... all for just $49. the best part? we put towers in places the other guys don't. because u.s. cellular thinks you deserve a signal that works wherever you are. switch to u.s. cellular and get a whopping 7 gigs of data per line for only $49. we don't want to waste any time. ten more to go. >> ten more. we partnered with all of these vendors to bring you these amazing deals. starting with kelvin. this is deal 21. this is the all-in-one tool. this is for the person who, you know, doesn't think that they need tools around the house but does. screwdriver, bottle opener, corkscrew. utility knife. normally $50. slashed in half, 25 bucks. every home needs one. >> boom. a big assortment of cutlery, flatwear. flatware. normally, the sets start at $38. slashing all of them by at least 61%. $15 to 20 bucks. one of my favorite companies, moon and lowell. robin's ride. you pick the color. like the old-fashioned hotel key. the color of the acrylic. a name, a phrase, a date. whatever is important to you. you're going to get to create your own. such a fun gift. these are slashed roma boots. we love roma boots because for every pair sold, they give away a pair to a child living in poverty. >> i know, i know. >> we have the short style. the tall style. more on the website. in all women's sizes. starting at $87. slashed by 53%. $41 to $42. >> keep going. keep going. >> we're putting the audience to these are from kings of cole. we have leather elbow patches here. superhot sequins here. i love the skull in sequins. sequins are so hot. there's a variety of styles to choose from. normally $68. these are slashed by a whopping 62%. $24 to $26. thank you, guys. all right. keeping in the personalized. we love that around here. from lisa stewart. these are leather bracelets. whatever matters to you. big assortment of leather to choose from. >> grateful. oh. >> so many options on these. normally $65. these are slashed by 63%. so $24. >> my new little niece. >> i know, i know. sabatino. i have to keep talking while you like that. this is the deluxe truffle set. three different bottles that you're getting. salt, zest, honey. karen made this to show us what you can use. it changes everything. you name it. so fabulous. normally $59. for the trio. they're slashed by 51%. a "gma" favorite. snack bags. wet bags. these are great for car seats or the dirty shopping carts in the grocery store. $10 to $50. slashed in half. 5 to 25 bucks. lara wears these all the time. these gorgeous hand-beadeder rings, necklaces. these pieces start at $32. everything is slashed by 57%. $13 to $21. we're ending number 30 with a feast, a feast from southern comfort. so southern comfort. who doesn't love some southern culture. oh, my gosh, i said southern comfort. it's southern culture. fried chicken. waffle mixes. pancake mixes. bacon rubs. big, fabulous assortments. all premeasured. kind of foolproof. they range from $8 to $48. we've slashed them in half. it gets the sara seal of approval. i love that. $4 to $23. all the deals at on yahoo!. you want me to say that for you? you keep chewing. we'll be right back with one [ cheers and applause ] but wait. there's more. we have a surprise for our audience here in times square. drum roll please. [ drum roll ] everyone here is going home with some of these goodies. [ cheers and applause ] ? will join cedar rapids city leaders at their flood briefing. they will address consumer protection and insurance claims that particularly affect flood victims. roads and bridges are starting to open across the city. this morning, edgewood road crossing the cedar river is open. the city says downtown bridges should be open to traffic saturday. that includes all i-380 ramps leading into the downtown area. bus service will also resume saturday. and starting monday, the linn county-cedar rapids solid wasteg evacuation zone. since those people went without trash pickup for a week, they can put out their normal trash container plus two 35-gallon bags for free. and now here's your first alert forecast. plan on an increase in clouds today. this should keep our temperatures confined to the 60s for highs in all areas. the wind will continue to blow out of the north, but not sprinkle could come out of the thickest clouds, but no measurable rainfall is anticipated in our area. tonight into saturday, plan on clouds to hang on. sunday, clouds should disperse somewhat, allowing a return to the upper 60s/low 70s across the area. next week, a warming trend is likely through wednesday with a seasonable cool-down right behind a mid-week cold front. enjoy your weekend!toda y: becoming mostly cloudy. wind: ne 10-15. high: 67 low: 57 tomorrow: mostly cloudy. wind: n 5-10. high: 66 tom. night: partly cloudy. >> announcer: it's "live with kelly!" today, from the film "deepwater horizon," mark wahlberg. and star of the series "quantico," priyanka chopra. plus, katie brown shows us what to do with your extra apples. plus, film and tv actor jerry o'connell returns for another day of cohosting. all next on "live!" ? ? now, here are kelly ripa and jerry o'connell!

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