Transcripts For KCRG America This Morning 20161025 : compare

Transcripts For KCRG America This Morning 20161025

hillary clinton looking to win over voters today in the must win state of florida. >> with election day two weeks away a new poll shows clinton with a five-point lead and trump is crying foul now claiming the latest polls are phony and rigged. abc's angelica spanos is here with the details. >> reporter: good morning to you. both donald trump and hillary clinton are on the trail today in florida working to energize their supporters. trump, though, he may have to work a little harder. he insists even though most polls show him trailing clinton. on day two of a three-day tour in the battleground state of florida, donald trump lashes out against the polls. >> folks, we're winning. we're winning. they are phony polls put out by phony media. >> reporter: last night trump's team bypassing the mainstream media with his facebook live show called trump tower live. directly to the american people but in new hampshire, clinton joined forces with massachusetts senator elizabeth warren. the pair bashed trump after he called clinton a nasty woman at the last debate. >> get this, donald, nasty women are tough. nasty women are smart. and nasty women vote. and on november 8th, we nasty women are going to nasty feet to cast our nasty votes to get you out of our lives forever. >> reporter: clinton accused trump of having no concrete plan to defeat isis. >> he's basically declaring defeat before the battle has even started. he's proving to the world what it means to have an unqualified commander in chief. >> reporter: with early voting two key states trump would need to win, trump says don't wait until november 8th. >> get your friends, your family, your co-workers out to vote so you can go vote today. you can go vote tomorrow. but get out to vote. >> reporter: and hillary clinton has a new target, republican candidates in down ballot races. clinton is becoming so confident ha she'll win she's now campaigning for down ballot democrats at an increased pace. kendis, >> doing that today in florida. thank you. president obama took a break from his fund-raising swing in california show shore up more support for clinton. >> the president made an appearance on "jimmy kimmel live" where he railed against trump while singing clinton's praises. >> and, you know, she's not somebody who thinks the job is about flash and sizzle and know, making sure that folks are doing a little bit better. >> the president urged everyone to get out and vote calling it a responsibility and we can't sit back and complain. donald trump apparently made money on an insurance claim 11 years ago and the press reports he collected 17 million for hurricane damage to his private club in florida, but no one recalls much damage to the mar-a-lago resort. for annr he had a very good insurance policy so was able to keep the money. as we mentioned candidates will focus on florida today. hillary clinton and tim kaine will be holding three separate rallies. donald trump will lead two rallies on his third straight day in that state. mike pence is hitting the campaign trail today in the battleground state of ohio. and it's bad news for democrats about obamacare. just days before the election the administration confirms though millions of users qualify for subsidies and many consumers will only be able to choose plans from a single company. that prompted donald trump last night to declare it's over for obamacare. breaking news from australia where four people have been killed on an amusement park ride. the accident happened on a river rapids ride at dream world known as australia's biggest theme park. now, police say a malfunction caused two people to be ejected from their raft while two others were caught inside video just coming in shows one of the rafts flipped over onto the ride's conveyer belt. the park closed as investigators say they're trying to figure out what led to the malfunction. we also have breaking news it turkey. an explosion rocked a popular tourist city in the mediterranean that happened in a parking lot and many injuries reported. the cause is still unknown but turkish media have been reported for days about the possibility the deadliest attacks on security forces, 59 trainees were killed when gunmen stormed a training center. more than 100 injured. a little known breakaway faction of the pakistan taliban claimed responsibility for that assault. iraq's leaders say their country's main fight against isis is ahead of schedule. the battle for the city of mosul is now in its second week. iraqi forces with support from the u.s. military are pushing toward that city from three different directions. abc's martha raddatz is country and she asked about the fight against isis during a tour with the u.s. general in charge of american ground troops. >> reporter: describe how they fight. >> they're trying to defend forward and collapsing back to mosul. the question is how hard will they fight in mosul? >> it is believed the entire operation to liberate mosul will take months. there are about a million people in that city. the theory is that isis may increase the use of civilians as on both sides of the country. starting on the west coast, you can see the barrage of storms coming in off the pacific. these systems are bringing in heavy rain and strong winds up to 70 miles per hour in higher elevations. the one benefit is over half a foot of rain this week for places that desperately need it. and on the east coast, it's cold, temperatures starting to settle in, frost and freeze watches posted from virginia to massachusetts. by tomorrow morning it'll be below freezing with windchills new york city and boston. forget about winter is coming. it's here. >> i think i for got to bring the plants in. the clash of two seasons in new england. the picture shows a few inches of snow covered a thousand-foothilltop but, of course, that beautiful fall foliage below. >> absolutely pretty. the mystery unfolding. a backup dancer for pop stars like beyonce and rihanna is missing. after livestreaming his getaway on facebook. see why this driver is running after a vehicle on the highway. cottonelle asked real people about cleaning... their bums. what? (laughs) (laughs) what does cleanripple texture do? catches all the stuff that you want to get out. this is really nice. this one is, like, it goes the extra step. kind of sassy. uh, breezy. hands up. weeeeeee. my bum is saying, "thank you very much." cleanripple texture is designed to clean better. go cottonelle, go commando. looking for balance in your digestive system? try align probiotic. for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support, with align. the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. now in kids chewables. maybe almond breeze tastes so good made with california blue diamond almonds. but if you ask our almond growers... there's no maybe about it. almond breeze. the best almonds make the best almondmilk. proud sponsor of usa volleyball. there are 16 fresh-picked oranges squeezed into each bottle of tropicana pure premium. and absolutely no space for added sugar, water, or preservatives. tropicana. we put the good in morning. firefighters in hollywood, florida, were able to rescue two painters after their scaffolding collapsed, however, another one fell to his death. they were working on a mural on the side of a 41-story luxury condo under construction. one of the painters remains in serious condition. agents in oklahoma are working around the clock in the search for a murder suspect who livestreamed his crime spree or at least his getaway. michael vance is wanted for the killing of his aunt and uncle officers with an ak-47, as well as several carjackings. >> i'm about to steal another car like right now. it's going to be intense. >> police are also warning that vance has some sort of communicable disease that he may be trying to spread. a backup dancer who performed with a-listers like beyonce and rihanna has gone missing. and her famous friends are appealing for help. 32-year-old shirlene quigley vanished early sunday morning, last seen getting on a bus in new york city around 1:00 in the morning. now, rihanna posted a video of quigley on instagram calling her a beautiful soul and pleading for anyone who may have seen her to call police. lawmakers are calling for federal action to wipe out the debt of soldiers who are being asked to repay bonuses they received for serving in iraq and afghanistan. but the california national guard reportedly told congress about the issue two years ago and they did nothing. thousands of soldiers have been ordered to pay back that money because a national guard official committed fraud by dispensing payments they didn't in the new auto reliability ratings from "consumer reports." buick has become the first domestic brand to make the top three since the survey started in the early '80s. the magazine says most of the line's problems have been ironed out. lexus came in number one in reliability followed by toyota. in fact, asian brands took seven of the top ten spots. when we come back, suing subway jared fogle's wife is going after the chain. why stopped the pitchman's pedophilia more than a decade ago. some new guidance for preventing sudden infant death syndrome. see where experts say babies should be sleeping until they're a year old. i love my mom. my mom. i love my kids. my kids. my job. taking care of everybody. everyday. my mom. my kids. my job. yes. when i'm at work. when i'm at home. i could just really use some help sometimes. with resources and connections to experts to help make your life easier to manage. because we get it. if you don't think "this is right for me" when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp". get to know us at i was out here smoking instead of being there for my son's winning shot. that was it for me. that's why i'm quitting with nicorette. only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. ? life can be messy... but with crayola color wonder... it doesn't have to be. don't you wish life could be this mess-free? color wonder. find it in the crayola aisle. sets each sold separately. we're non stop, we've gotta have our extra protein. oikos triple zero greek non fat yogurt has 15 grams of protein. zero added sugar, zero artificial sweetener and zero fat. and zero holding me back! oikos triple zero. be unstoppable. for lower back pain sufferers, the search for relief often leads here. introducing drug-free aleve direct therapy. a high intensity tens device that uses technology once only in doctors' offices. for deep penetrating relief at the source. new aleve direct therapy. so, you might be wondering why this man is chasing after a car in the middle of a busy highway. the answer is, that's his car switzerland. he apparently had pulled over but forgot to apply the parking brake. >> oops. >> you can see him run around despite all the traffic chasing the car. finally it comes to a stop after hitting a sign on the side of the highway. the car did have some front bumper damage, but no one was hurt. >> i think he's happier about it in the end. as for the roads in the u.s., they are going to be wet from central california up to the northwest and into the rockies. the same deal for parts of the plains >> if you're flying, you should probably expect airport delays in minneapolis and san francisco. well, subway is not commenting right now on a new lawsuit that it's facing from the ex-wife of its former pitchman. >> as you know, jared fogle was the face of the sandwich shop chain until going to prison on child sex charges. but his former wife says subway should have fired him much sooner. abc's linzie janis with the accusing executives of ignoring multiple allegations against their former pitchman in order to protect company profits. >> hi, i'm jared the subway guy. >> reporter: katie mclaughlin says subway received at least three complaints about fogle years before he pleaded guilty to child pornography and sexual abuse-related charges last november. the first just four years after his first commercial. fogle allegedly approaching a minor at a subway event. even after a third complaint in 2011, mclaughlin says subway sought to portray fogle as a family man. >> he has two kids and more reasons to better on betting eating habits. >> subway did not act on at least one complaint is beyond comprehension henkes. >> reporter: linzie janis, abc news, new york. >> later on "good morning america" we dig deeper into that lawsuit and find out why mclaughlin says her husband's ad campaign was too lucrative for subway to stop. ways to reduce the risk of the american academy of pediatrics says babies should sleep in the same room as their parents for the first year but not in the same bed and if the baby is held skin to skin for the first hour of life the risk of sids goes down. vaccinations also reduce the risk by 50%. a new study reveals the toll cigarettes take on our nation's health. more than a quarter of all cancer deaths in the u.s. are caused by smoking. now, the highest rate among men is in arkansas where 40% of cancer deaths were linked smoking. kentucky had the highest rate among women, 29%, and utah had the lowest rate of smoking-related cancer deaths. a teenage football player at a san diego high school got quite the scare after being struck by lightning. it happened just after practice while he was walking to the locker room. the 14-year-old was taken to the hospital for treatment and thankfully has already been released. knocked me down to my knees. every muscle in my body was cramping up. just like somebody tackling you down to the ground and just basically holding you there. it was one of the worst pains in my life. >> tests on his heart showed it was actually fine. he says he had some tingling in his legs, but he claims it's nothing he can't shake off. >> oh. now he gets some bragging rights. >> exactly. to the fans of the chicago cubs and cleveland indians, we know you're patiently waiting for tonight. take a look at this. the world series logos have been painted at cleveland's progressive field, and the are ready for tonight's game one. as for last night's football game, let's get highlights now from espn. good morning, america. i'm scott van pelt. week seven in the national football league finished up with a return to denver from brock osweiler. the quarterback from the broncos got paid in the off-season, trevor siemian the new man. and osweiler couldn't get on the same page with his receivers deandre hopkins, business best wideout, he turns one way, he goes the other. it's awful when the emojis are out. clowning you. siemien play action hits emanuel sanders running open in stride and he gets tackled inside the 5. you see 88 there at the bottom of the screen. that is demaryius thomas. too big, too strong. broncos lead 14-6. now, the texans were hanging around. they had some field goals and funneled going in for another score and here siemian goes up top and sanders got close and for the first time in the rookie career of devontae booker, the youngster out of utah, he takes its into the end zone and finds the paint there and that gave denver a 12-point lead. here in the fourth, what, we got fooled by this. we thought that was a pass. somehow it spirals out of his osweiler, 22 of 41 for 131 yards and that suffocating broncos defense gets them to 5-2. busy tuesday in sports. first game of the world series and the nba tips off. we will see you when they're done at midnight eastern here on "sportscenter." enjoy your tuesday. >> all right. you too. thanks. now up next in "the pulse," president obama on "jimmy kimmel live" reading mean tweets. and booted from the ballroom, which couple was sen stars"? tresiba? is a once-daily, long-acting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. i want to trim my a1c. ? tresiba? ready ? tresiba? provides powerful a1c reduction. releases slow and steady. works like your body's insulin. when my schedule changes... i want something that delivers. ? tresiba? ready ? i can take tresiba? any time 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dizziness, or confusion. ask your doctor if you're tresiba? ready. ? tresiba? ready ? absorbent. so one roll of bounty can last longer than those bargain brands. so you get more "life" per roll. bounty. the long-lasting quicker picker upper. my challenge is to be in sync, with my body, myself, my life. it all starts with a healthy routine. begin the activia two week probiotic challenge by enjoying activia yogurt with billions of probiotics everyday. take the activia probiotic challenge! ? time to check "the pulse" starting with some late night laughs with president obama. >> yes, so the president dropped by "jimmy kimmel live" to talk up hillary clinton and talk down donald trump and he humored viewers across the country >> barack obama is the sharknado of presidents. loud, stupid and overhyped. #sharknado4. president obama will go down as perhaps the worst president in the history of the united states, exclamation point, @realdonaldtrump. well, @realdonaldtrump, at least i will go down as a president. >> he's getting used to this drop mike thing. kimmel asked the president if he ever laughs when he watches trump in a debate. his answer was, most of the time. and next to the big night in the ballroom, it was eras night on "dancing with the stars." >> so, the standout couple, i got to say, was probably james and sharna. they did a really cute 1940s jitterbug and earned 9s from all of the judges. not bad for a race car driver. >> and sharing the leaderboard, 1950s jive called both energetic and tricky. and here's what some critics are calling the worst dance of the night, ryan lochte and cheryl. they were being described as lazy and uninspired in this 1990s rumba. but the olympian advances nonetheless. >> yes, getting the boot maureen mccormick and artem. "the brady bunch" star said she was proud of how far she made it. >> no lack of excitement. that's for sure. >> that's for sure. more news after this. more news after this. that's why you will stay in this drawer... forever. i can't live without you. and that's why i will never, ever wash you. protect your clothes from the damage of the wash with downy fabric conditioner. it not only softens and freshens... it helps protect clothes... from stretching, fading and fuzz... so your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. downy fabric conditioner wash in the wow. sfx: (short balloon squeal) it's ver... sfx: (balloon squeals) ok can we... sfx: (balloon squeals) i'm being so serious right now... i really want to know how your coffee is. it's... sfx: (balloon squeals) hahahaha, i had a 2nd balloon goodbye! oof, that milk in your coffee was messing with you, wasn't it? yeah. happens to more people than you think. try lactaid, it's real milk, without that annoying lactose. mmm. good right? yeah. lactaid. it's the milk that doesn't mess with you. i've been taking probiotics gx from nature's bounty to help with the occasional unwanted gas and bloating. wherever i get stuck today, my "future self" will thank me. thank you. thank you! how do i get stuck in an air duct? nearly 50 years of experience has taught us: no matter what the future holds, you're always better off healthy. (war drums beating) fight heartburn fast. with tums chewy delights. the mouthwatering soft chew that goes to work in seconds to conquer heartburn fast. tum tum tum tum. chewy delights. only from tums. campbell's one dish recipes. one pan, less than 30 minutes. because if they aren't going to eat it, at least you didn't spend too much time making it. campbell's one dish recipes. made for real, real life. ? eat up, buddy. you'll get it this time. yeah ok not too quick don't let go until i say so. i got you... start strong with the lasting energy of 100% you're doing it! checking our top stories, hillary clinton and donald trump are both campaigning in the key battleground of florida today. trump is now calling the polls rigged as a new national poll has clinton ahead by five percentage points. and breaking news, four people have died after an accident at an amusement park in australia. a malfunction caused two people to be ejected from their raft while two others were caught inside the ride according to officials. dozens of police trainees have been killed in a terror quetta. security officials say a group linked to al qaeda stormed a training center and set off explosive vests. let's take a look at today's weather, shall we? rain for a big part of the western u.s. some strong wind across the southwest and the rain will be heavy from the plains to the great lakes. cooler along the east coast. and finally, how long do you wait for a practical joke? >> a couple seconds. i'd say. >> well, for a new hampshire wasn't even there to see it. >> but his daughter was, we should point out. our boston station has the story. >> it's been a long time coming and i've wanted to bring this back to you for many years now. >> reporter: a note adrift at sea for some 50 years finally where it belongs. >> oh, my god. that's my father's writing. >> reporter: paula pierce gingerly holding the fadedism nk stained piece of paper. >> it's incredible. yes, he wrote this, his hands were on this. it's been gone 26 years, and he put this in a survived. >> reporter: her dad tossing the message in a bottle in the atlantic in hampton beach, new hampshire, where the family used to own the beachcomber hotel. >> it didn't take long to realize this one doesn't belong with me. >> reporter: landing on a beach thousands of miles away in turks and caicos where clint buffington was on vacation. >> also a lot of places called beachcomer in different states. >> it said return to 419 ocean boulevard and receive a reward husband, paul. >> that $150 would have represented probably seven rents. seven rents. motels were going for 20 bucks a night. >> reporter: buffington, a teacher who lives in salt lake city, lute, told pierce about the note a few years back, unable to deliver it in person until this moment. >> by the way, it doesn't say mail it to 419 ocean boulevard. it says return it. >> reporter: in return pierce kept her dad's promise. >> what, what, what. >> there it is. >> i made a new friend. we all made a new friend. >> but was it adjusted for inflation? >> i was going to say. i don't think she factored that in. >> that's what's making news in america this morning. stay with us for "good morning america" and have a this is ??? . a new look for linn-mar. the school board votes on a revamp affecting all students. sleeping soundly. the american academy of pediatrics released new advice to protect babies from sudden infant death syndrome. a standout student. october's student of the month balances life as a student and mentor. on october 25th. here's a live look at the city cam. first, meteorologis t kaj o'mara has your first alert forecast, kaj... plan on a cloudy tuesday with a slight chance at a few rain showers developing later today. the overall timing of this low pressure system hasn't changed at all and should drop most of its rain during the night and into wednesday morning. a half inch to one inch of rainfall is possible with

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New York , United States , Hampton Beach , New Hampshire , Arkansas , Australia , Afghanistan , Texas , Kentucky , Cleveland , Ohio , Turkey , Florida , Boston , Massachusetts , California , San Diego , Quetta , Balochistan , Pakistan , Denver , Colorado , San Francisco , Oklahoma , River Rapids , Salt Lake City , Utah , Iraq , Hollywood , Switzerland , Greece , Chicago , Illinois , Turks , Texans , America , Iraqi , Turkish , Greek , American , Michael Vance , Ryan Lochte , Barack Obama , Tim Kaine , Jimmy Kimmel , Elizabeth Warren , Emanuel Sanders , Al Qaeda , Kaj Omara , Deandre Hopkins , Katie Mclaughlin , Clint Buffington , Maureen Mccormick , Hillary Clinton , Jared Fogle ,

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