Transcripts For KCRG ABC World News 20151206 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KCRG ABC World News 20151206

nation, as a result of this husband and wife, and this home, neighbors of one of the terrorists reporting they saw him transform right in front of him. here's cecelia vega,. >> reporter: tonight, the investigation turning to this home, and enrique marquez, suspected of providing the guns used in the massacre. >> did he provide the guns to farook? >> reporter: authorities say there's no information that marquez played any role in the shooting. himself into a mental health facility. >> they kept to themselves. all their children, they're good kids. >> reporter: what's the biggest difference? >> his dress, beard, more withdrawn, started wearing his white thing, the long, draped out outfit, whatever it is. >> reporter: but nobody said they noticed any warning signs of the terror to come. tonight, this new photo of farook and his family. his brother and sister are angry for not knowing they were living a double life. do you feel like you didn't know your brother? >> i feel like he had a double his life from us. >> reporter: his father saying he shared ideology with the isis leader. and his brother and sister saying they're in complete shock. they went to his house, never saw anything suspicious. and tonight say they're grieving for all of the people that died right here behind me. >> cecilia, thank you. and tonight, the fbi is on the hunt for any links the attackers may have had to jihadi recruiters or known terror groups. and this plot appears to be the kind of home-ground terror the agency has long feared. here's pierre thomas. >> reporter: tonight, hundreds of fbi agents here at home and across the globe are in a race against time to uncover exactly what and who was behind the massacre in san bernardino. fbi officials are searching computers and cell phones couple in a desperate attempt to see if they were radicalized or directed by isis or other terrorists. the female killer allegedly swore allegiance to the leader of isis on facebook on the day of the assault. >> the most important part of this investigation right now is, are they lone players, the two of them, or are they connected to other people? >> reporter: but if this couple was truly inspired by isis, it marks a dangerous evolution in the u.s. terror threat. the fbi director has been warning for months about an unprecedented social media campaign by isis encouraging potentially thousands of followers in the u.s. to attack. >> it's as if there is a devil sitting on their shoulder saying, "kill, kill, kill, kill!" >> reporter: the social media marketing polished, not just violent, appealing to the young. there's evidence the marketing campaign is working. in the last two years alone, the fbi has identified or arrested nearly 90 suspected isis supporters from inside the united states. at least 20 teenagers. 13 fales. and 15 of those arrested accused of trying to launch murderous plots here at home. the nation narrowly averted the first isis-inspired massacre in may when two men armed with assault rifles tried to attack a texas cartoon conference about the prophet mohammed. and now this young suburban couple who left behind a 6-month-old baby and went on a vicious killing spree. law enforcement is struggling to cope with the new isis social media threat. tom? and president obama will speak to the nation tonight, comeing after he and his national weekend immediatemeeting on the sander bernardino attacks. >> and the president wants to reassure people he's taking the threat seriously. he's going to give an update on the sander bernardino investigation. and he give a look at what the government is doing to target the threat of homegrown extremists like in california. and he will talk about actions he will say needs to be done on visas, guns, and other issues. but if you're looking for a wholesale change in strategy, that's not what the president will offer tonight. this is an intensification of what's already being done. >> and he'll be speaking from the oval office. and there's a reason for the >> and it's only the third time in his presidency he's given a speech from the oval office. right now, the usual place is filled with christmas decorations. >> thank you. and the president's address begins at 8:00 p.m. eastern, right here on abc. and terror is fueling the presidential debate. and hillary clinton parting ways with the white house, saying america is not winning the battle. trump saying some americans should be closely monitored. and cruz rising in the polls with an aggressive position. >> we're not winning, but it's too soon to say if we're doing >> reporter: trump and clinton in a statistical tie. and here's clinton on "this week". >> what's the problem with radical islam? >> the problem is, that sounds like we're declareing war against a religion. >> you look at the names, what's happened, you tell me. >> reporter: trump is open to racial profiling. but clinton is not. >> they'll use that as a tool to say, we're at war against the u.s. >> reporter: when ted cruz suggested this -- >> we'll carpet bomb them into oblivion. >> reporter: clinton says he doesn't know how that will trump saying he will agree to a ban on the no-fly list. as for boots on the ground, trump said he's open to deploying american combat forces. clinton said she would like to see more than 50 special forces on the ground. >> thank you. and let's head overseas, an apparent lone wolf attacker stabbing two before being taken down by police. jennifer eccleston reporting in from london tonight. >> reporter: cell phone video captures a terrifying scene. >> tase him, tase him, tase him, tase him. >> reporter: a man with a knife lunging at police at a london stabbing two people. police subduing him with a taser. both survive but tonight scotland yard is calling the attack a "terrorist incident." >> might be a self starter, just self radicalized from material on the internet. >> reporter: media reports say the man shouted, "this is for syria." one witness on the scene shouting this -- >> you ain't no muslim, bro. >> reporter: the attack comes at time of high alert after a string of terror arrests and just days after parliament voted to launch air strikes against isis in syria. opponents had feared that move could trigger lone wolf attacks across the homeland. tonight, police are urging the people to remain calm but alert and vigilant. calling the threat of terrorism here severe. >> thank you. a shooting here at home raising questions in miami beach. a suspected bank robber facing police with a straight rayzor. here's marci gonzalez. >> reporter: tonight, investigators going frame by frame through this cell phone video and others shot by bystanders in miami beach as an attempted robbery suspect armed with a straight-edge razor was shot and killed by police. >> i saw the guy fall down and everything. >> reporter: investigators haven't said why one officer decided to use deadly force while another fired a stun gun. in this image you can see the filaments hitting the suspect just a moment before he's killed. >> a police officer on the street literally has a fraction of a second to make the determination whether deadly force is warranted. the suspect as a man with a record of bank robbery. officers confronted the man after he walked into a bank of america yesterday morning and allegedly handed this note to a teller demanding money claiming to have a bomb. police say he then took off with no cash and ran into this nearby barber shop. coming out grasping this barber's razor. leading to the deadly confrontation. >> he did raise his hand with the straight-edged razor in it and he was shot. >> reporter: investigators now going over these images, and video from at least one officer's body cam. looking into whether the shooting was justified. marci gonzalez, abc news, new york. next to the nation's weather. the northwest, bracing for storms this week. icy roads making travel difficult. even closing i-90 for part of the time. and storm after storm battering the region. parts of oregon and washington could see a foot of rain by and some good news from former president jimmy carter tonight. four months after revealing he had cancer, now telling his church group he's cancer-free. he was treated with surgery, radiation, and a cutting-edge regime. still ahead, the great holiday debate. is it a holiday or christmas tree. is christmas being disguised? and later, a scare in the air for morgan freeman. causing his private jet to make those stories, coming up. whatever you're doing, plan well and enjoy life... or, as we say at unitedhealthcare insurance company, go long. consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company... go long. this is claira. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for her she's agreed to give it up. that's today? we'll be with her all day to see how it goes. after the deliveries, i was ok. now the ciabatta is done and the pain is starting again. more pills? seriously? seriously. all these stops to take more pills can be a pain. can i get my aleve back? for my pain, i want my aleve. get all day minor arthritis pain relief hey i'm here on the red carpet where our next arrival is... whoa! toenail fungus!? fight it! with jublia. jublia is a prescription medicine used to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. are you getting this?! most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness, itching, swelling, burning or stinging, blisters, and pain. oh, epic moves, big j! fight it! getting ready for your close-up? ask your doctor if jublia is right for you. visit our website for savings on larger size. welcome back. tonight, a christmas story, or so many traditions stirring up controversy. a move to be inclusive to all faiths, but is it going too far? here's mara schiavocampo. >> reporter: tonight, a debate over christmas traditions leaving many saying bah humbug. or, in the case of one city councilwoman, "i quit." >> at this time in our country and in our world, it's important to be inclusive. >> reporter: new jersey's charlene storey resigning this week after the city council voted to change the name of the "holiday tree lighting ceremony" to a "christmas tree lighting ceremony." >> it's not a holiday tree, it's not a pear tree, it's a christmas tree. >> reporter: that city councilwoman later reconsidered, deciding to stay on. but all across the country, christmas controversies are lighting up like trees. from the campaign trail -- >> if i become president, we're all gonna be saying merry christmas again. that i can tell you. >> reporter: to campus. tennessee-knoxville students upset with a university memo urging inclusion, saying, "ensure your holiday party is not a christmas party in disguise." >> it's my god-given right to be able to have a christmas party. >> reporter: to coffee shops. starbucks stirring ire by removing christmas symbols from their holiday cups. >> yes, they got rid of the christian religious symbols like snowflakes and snowmen. >> reporter: still, some say there is something we can all agree on. 1the holidays are the holidays. we celebrate them, and it's all good. when we come back, the final four of college football. who made the list? and liftoff. why this mission is so crucial to the crew on the international space station. the "index," up next. a chance to live longer with... opdivo, nivolumab. opdivo is the first and only immunotherapy fda approved based on a clinical trial demonstrating longer life... ...for these patients. in fact, opdivo significantly increased the chance of living longer versus chemotherapy. opdivo is different. it works with your immune system. opdivo can cause your immune system to attack normal organs and tissues in your body and affect how they work. this may happen any time during or after treatment has ended, and may become serious and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you experience new or worsening cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; diarrhea; severe stomach pain or tenderness; severe nausea or vomiting; loss of appetite;... ...swollen ankles; extreme fatigue; constipation; rash; or muscle or joint pain, as this may keep these problems from becoming more serious. these are not all the possible side effects tell your doctor about all your medical conditions including immune system problems or if you've had an organ transplant, or lung, breathing or liver problems. a chance to live longer. ask your doctor if opdivo is right for you. bristol-myers squibb thanks the patients and physicians who participated in the opdivo clinical trial. did you know that good nutrition is critical for brain health? 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why it's being called the holy grail of ship wrecks. both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needingo go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis song: "that's life" song: "that's life" song: "that's life" song: "that's life" song: "that's life" song: "that's life" that's life. you diet. you exercise. and if you still need help lowering your blood sugar... ...this is jardiance. along with diet and exercise, to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. it works by helping your body to get rid of some of the sugar it doesn't need through urination. this can help you lower blood sugar and a1c. and although it's not for weight loss or lowering systolic blood pressure, jardiance could help with both. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. other side effects are genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections, changes in urination, kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of an allergic reaction. symptoms may include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. jardiance is free for one year for eligible patients. so talk to your doctor, and for details, finally tonight, the discovery of a ship that sank 300 years ago. it's being called the holy grail of ship wrecks. here's neal karlinsky. >> reporter: in these first images from the ocean floor, you can clearly see vases, cannons, and what looks like coins. so much gold, colombia's president making a claim as big as the discovery. "it is one of the biggest underwater heritage in the history of humanity," he says. the spanish galleon, the san jose, sank on june 8th, 1708, in the caribbean off the coast of cartagena, colombia. it was 150 feet long and armed with 64 guns. estimates of the treasure on board, believed to include gold and coins like this one shown on the facebook page for sea search armada, and silver vary widely. from an astonishing $4 billion to as much as $17 billion. "it is a job of many years with many people," says a member of the team. "a huge triumph." dive teams have kept the exact location of the galleon secret, for obvious reason. it was found in 1,000 feet of water during what was very much a high-tech treasure hunt. tonight, what is thought to be shipwrecks is a secret no more. we thank you for watching. "gma" first thing in the morning, and david muir will be right back here tomorrow night. i'm tom llamas in new york. for those of you celebrating tonight, happy hanukkah. good night, and have a good evening.the rose bowl is never a bad plan b... iowa is in the rose bowl for the first time in 25 years -- more on the announcement is ahead. president obama prepares to address the nation from the oval office after the san bernardino shootings that killed 14 people. and i'm live at the fill the plate telethon that is raising money to provide healthy meals to seniors in need. i'll have more in a live report. from your 24 hour news source, this is kcrg-tv9 news at 5:30. from disappointmen t saturday night to "yeah, we're going to pasadena" on sunday afternoon. the iowa hawkeyes are heading west -- to the rose bowl -- for so long, the pinnacle achievement in the big ten. the last time the tiger- hawk showed up in pasadena was the 1991 rose bowl - after the 1990 season. tv-9's josh christensen joins us now -- amid the tough loss last night, beaming smiles around the football complex today... oh for sure. the hawkeyes said after last night's loss that they felt they deserved to be in the rose bowl. it was either going to be iowa or ohio state representing the big ten. the hawkeyes gained the respect of many pundits around the nation after their performance last night in the big ten championship. ... despite last night's loss to michigan state, the hawkeyes only dropped from 3rd to 5th in the rankings which gave the team was heading to pasadena. as

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Transcripts For KCRG ABC World News 20151206 :

Transcripts For KCRG ABC World News 20151206

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nation, as a result of this husband and wife, and this home, neighbors of one of the terrorists reporting they saw him transform right in front of him. here's cecelia vega,. >> reporter: tonight, the investigation turning to this home, and enrique marquez, suspected of providing the guns used in the massacre. >> did he provide the guns to farook? >> reporter: authorities say there's no information that marquez played any role in the shooting. himself into a mental health facility. >> they kept to themselves. all their children, they're good kids. >> reporter: what's the biggest difference? >> his dress, beard, more withdrawn, started wearing his white thing, the long, draped out outfit, whatever it is. >> reporter: but nobody said they noticed any warning signs of the terror to come. tonight, this new photo of farook and his family. his brother and sister are angry for not knowing they were living a double life. do you feel like you didn't know your brother? >> i feel like he had a double his life from us. >> reporter: his father saying he shared ideology with the isis leader. and his brother and sister saying they're in complete shock. they went to his house, never saw anything suspicious. and tonight say they're grieving for all of the people that died right here behind me. >> cecilia, thank you. and tonight, the fbi is on the hunt for any links the attackers may have had to jihadi recruiters or known terror groups. and this plot appears to be the kind of home-ground terror the agency has long feared. here's pierre thomas. >> reporter: tonight, hundreds of fbi agents here at home and across the globe are in a race against time to uncover exactly what and who was behind the massacre in san bernardino. fbi officials are searching computers and cell phones couple in a desperate attempt to see if they were radicalized or directed by isis or other terrorists. the female killer allegedly swore allegiance to the leader of isis on facebook on the day of the assault. >> the most important part of this investigation right now is, are they lone players, the two of them, or are they connected to other people? >> reporter: but if this couple was truly inspired by isis, it marks a dangerous evolution in the u.s. terror threat. the fbi director has been warning for months about an unprecedented social media campaign by isis encouraging potentially thousands of followers in the u.s. to attack. >> it's as if there is a devil sitting on their shoulder saying, "kill, kill, kill, kill!" >> reporter: the social media marketing polished, not just violent, appealing to the young. there's evidence the marketing campaign is working. in the last two years alone, the fbi has identified or arrested nearly 90 suspected isis supporters from inside the united states. at least 20 teenagers. 13 fales. and 15 of those arrested accused of trying to launch murderous plots here at home. the nation narrowly averted the first isis-inspired massacre in may when two men armed with assault rifles tried to attack a texas cartoon conference about the prophet mohammed. and now this young suburban couple who left behind a 6-month-old baby and went on a vicious killing spree. law enforcement is struggling to cope with the new isis social media threat. tom? and president obama will speak to the nation tonight, comeing after he and his national weekend immediatemeeting on the sander bernardino attacks. >> and the president wants to reassure people he's taking the threat seriously. he's going to give an update on the sander bernardino investigation. and he give a look at what the government is doing to target the threat of homegrown extremists like in california. and he will talk about actions he will say needs to be done on visas, guns, and other issues. but if you're looking for a wholesale change in strategy, that's not what the president will offer tonight. this is an intensification of what's already being done. >> and he'll be speaking from the oval office. and there's a reason for the >> and it's only the third time in his presidency he's given a speech from the oval office. right now, the usual place is filled with christmas decorations. >> thank you. and the president's address begins at 8:00 p.m. eastern, right here on abc. and terror is fueling the presidential debate. and hillary clinton parting ways with the white house, saying america is not winning the battle. trump saying some americans should be closely monitored. and cruz rising in the polls with an aggressive position. >> we're not winning, but it's too soon to say if we're doing >> reporter: trump and clinton in a statistical tie. and here's clinton on "this week". >> what's the problem with radical islam? >> the problem is, that sounds like we're declareing war against a religion. >> you look at the names, what's happened, you tell me. >> reporter: trump is open to racial profiling. but clinton is not. >> they'll use that as a tool to say, we're at war against the u.s. >> reporter: when ted cruz suggested this -- >> we'll carpet bomb them into oblivion. >> reporter: clinton says he doesn't know how that will trump saying he will agree to a ban on the no-fly list. as for boots on the ground, trump said he's open to deploying american combat forces. clinton said she would like to see more than 50 special forces on the ground. >> thank you. and let's head overseas, an apparent lone wolf attacker stabbing two before being taken down by police. jennifer eccleston reporting in from london tonight. >> reporter: cell phone video captures a terrifying scene. >> tase him, tase him, tase him, tase him. >> reporter: a man with a knife lunging at police at a london stabbing two people. police subduing him with a taser. both survive but tonight scotland yard is calling the attack a "terrorist incident." >> might be a self starter, just self radicalized from material on the internet. >> reporter: media reports say the man shouted, "this is for syria." one witness on the scene shouting this -- >> you ain't no muslim, bro. >> reporter: the attack comes at time of high alert after a string of terror arrests and just days after parliament voted to launch air strikes against isis in syria. opponents had feared that move could trigger lone wolf attacks across the homeland. tonight, police are urging the people to remain calm but alert and vigilant. calling the threat of terrorism here severe. >> thank you. a shooting here at home raising questions in miami beach. a suspected bank robber facing police with a straight rayzor. here's marci gonzalez. >> reporter: tonight, investigators going frame by frame through this cell phone video and others shot by bystanders in miami beach as an attempted robbery suspect armed with a straight-edge razor was shot and killed by police. >> i saw the guy fall down and everything. >> reporter: investigators haven't said why one officer decided to use deadly force while another fired a stun gun. in this image you can see the filaments hitting the suspect just a moment before he's killed. >> a police officer on the street literally has a fraction of a second to make the determination whether deadly force is warranted. the suspect as a man with a record of bank robbery. officers confronted the man after he walked into a bank of america yesterday morning and allegedly handed this note to a teller demanding money claiming to have a bomb. police say he then took off with no cash and ran into this nearby barber shop. coming out grasping this barber's razor. leading to the deadly confrontation. >> he did raise his hand with the straight-edged razor in it and he was shot. >> reporter: investigators now going over these images, and video from at least one officer's body cam. looking into whether the shooting was justified. marci gonzalez, abc news, new york. next to the nation's weather. the northwest, bracing for storms this week. icy roads making travel difficult. even closing i-90 for part of the time. and storm after storm battering the region. parts of oregon and washington could see a foot of rain by and some good news from former president jimmy carter tonight. four months after revealing he had cancer, now telling his church group he's cancer-free. he was treated with surgery, radiation, and a cutting-edge regime. still ahead, the great holiday debate. is it a holiday or christmas tree. is christmas being disguised? and later, a scare in the air for morgan freeman. causing his private jet to make those stories, coming up. whatever you're doing, plan well and enjoy life... or, as we say at unitedhealthcare insurance company, go long. consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company... go long. this is claira. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for her she's agreed to give it up. that's today? we'll be with her all day to see how it goes. after the deliveries, i was ok. now the ciabatta is done and the pain is starting again. more pills? seriously? seriously. all these stops to take more pills can be a pain. can i get my aleve back? for my pain, i want my aleve. get all day minor arthritis pain relief hey i'm here on the red carpet where our next arrival is... whoa! toenail fungus!? fight it! with jublia. jublia is a prescription medicine used to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. are you getting this?! most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness, itching, swelling, burning or stinging, blisters, and pain. oh, epic moves, big j! fight it! getting ready for your close-up? ask your doctor if jublia is right for you. visit our website for savings on larger size. welcome back. tonight, a christmas story, or so many traditions stirring up controversy. a move to be inclusive to all faiths, but is it going too far? here's mara schiavocampo. >> reporter: tonight, a debate over christmas traditions leaving many saying bah humbug. or, in the case of one city councilwoman, "i quit." >> at this time in our country and in our world, it's important to be inclusive. >> reporter: new jersey's charlene storey resigning this week after the city council voted to change the name of the "holiday tree lighting ceremony" to a "christmas tree lighting ceremony." >> it's not a holiday tree, it's not a pear tree, it's a christmas tree. >> reporter: that city councilwoman later reconsidered, deciding to stay on. but all across the country, christmas controversies are lighting up like trees. from the campaign trail -- >> if i become president, we're all gonna be saying merry christmas again. that i can tell you. >> reporter: to campus. tennessee-knoxville students upset with a university memo urging inclusion, saying, "ensure your holiday party is not a christmas party in disguise." >> it's my god-given right to be able to have a christmas party. >> reporter: to coffee shops. starbucks stirring ire by removing christmas symbols from their holiday cups. >> yes, they got rid of the christian religious symbols like snowflakes and snowmen. >> reporter: still, some say there is something we can all agree on. 1the holidays are the holidays. we celebrate them, and it's all good. when we come back, the final four of college football. who made the list? and liftoff. why this mission is so crucial to the crew on the international space station. the "index," up next. a chance to live longer with... opdivo, nivolumab. opdivo is the first and only immunotherapy fda approved based on a clinical trial demonstrating longer life... ...for these patients. in fact, opdivo significantly increased the chance of living longer versus chemotherapy. opdivo is different. it works with your immune system. opdivo can cause your immune system to attack normal organs and tissues in your body and affect how they work. this may happen any time during or after treatment has ended, and may become serious and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you experience new or worsening cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; diarrhea; severe stomach pain or tenderness; severe nausea or vomiting; loss of appetite;... ...swollen ankles; extreme fatigue; constipation; rash; or muscle or joint pain, as this may keep these problems from becoming more serious. these are not all the possible side effects tell your doctor about all your medical conditions including immune system problems or if you've had an organ transplant, or lung, breathing or liver problems. a chance to live longer. ask your doctor if opdivo is right for you. bristol-myers squibb thanks the patients and physicians who participated in the opdivo clinical trial. did you know that good nutrition is critical for brain health? 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why it's being called the holy grail of ship wrecks. both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needingo go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis song: "that's life" song: "that's life" song: "that's life" song: "that's life" song: "that's life" song: "that's life" that's life. you diet. you exercise. and if you still need help lowering your blood sugar... ...this is jardiance. along with diet and exercise, to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. it works by helping your body to get rid of some of the sugar it doesn't need through urination. this can help you lower blood sugar and a1c. and although it's not for weight loss or lowering systolic blood pressure, jardiance could help with both. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. other side effects are genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections, changes in urination, kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of an allergic reaction. symptoms may include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. jardiance is free for one year for eligible patients. so talk to your doctor, and for details, finally tonight, the discovery of a ship that sank 300 years ago. it's being called the holy grail of ship wrecks. here's neal karlinsky. >> reporter: in these first images from the ocean floor, you can clearly see vases, cannons, and what looks like coins. so much gold, colombia's president making a claim as big as the discovery. "it is one of the biggest underwater heritage in the history of humanity," he says. the spanish galleon, the san jose, sank on june 8th, 1708, in the caribbean off the coast of cartagena, colombia. it was 150 feet long and armed with 64 guns. estimates of the treasure on board, believed to include gold and coins like this one shown on the facebook page for sea search armada, and silver vary widely. from an astonishing $4 billion to as much as $17 billion. "it is a job of many years with many people," says a member of the team. "a huge triumph." dive teams have kept the exact location of the galleon secret, for obvious reason. it was found in 1,000 feet of water during what was very much a high-tech treasure hunt. tonight, what is thought to be shipwrecks is a secret no more. we thank you for watching. "gma" first thing in the morning, and david muir will be right back here tomorrow night. i'm tom llamas in new york. for those of you celebrating tonight, happy hanukkah. good night, and have a good evening.the rose bowl is never a bad plan b... iowa is in the rose bowl for the first time in 25 years -- more on the announcement is ahead. president obama prepares to address the nation from the oval office after the san bernardino shootings that killed 14 people. and i'm live at the fill the plate telethon that is raising money to provide healthy meals to seniors in need. i'll have more in a live report. from your 24 hour news source, this is kcrg-tv9 news at 5:30. from disappointmen t saturday night to "yeah, we're going to pasadena" on sunday afternoon. the iowa hawkeyes are heading west -- to the rose bowl -- for so long, the pinnacle achievement in the big ten. the last time the tiger- hawk showed up in pasadena was the 1991 rose bowl - after the 1990 season. tv-9's josh christensen joins us now -- amid the tough loss last night, beaming smiles around the football complex today... oh for sure. the hawkeyes said after last night's loss that they felt they deserved to be in the rose bowl. it was either going to be iowa or ohio state representing the big ten. the hawkeyes gained the respect of many pundits around the nation after their performance last night in the big ten championship. ... despite last night's loss to michigan state, the hawkeyes only dropped from 3rd to 5th in the rankings which gave the team was heading to pasadena. as

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