Transcripts For KCNC Through The Decades 20160213 : comparem

Transcripts For KCNC Through The Decades 20160213

bottom of the barrel -- says they should. >> colorado is still at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to this public health issue. >> reporter: parents are required to notify schools if they decide not to vaccinate. this legislation would require them to notify the health department instead. >> this takes the burden off of schools which are doing enough already.>> reporter: -- >> i think this is another way to harass parents who choose to delay or decline. it's another way to target them and find out who exactly is not getting the vaccine.>> reporter: she says the bill violates the law that protects the privacy of students. >> this immunization system doesn't keep your private anymore. sensitive data that the government can collect. we are absolutely positive that kept confidential.>> reporter: he says the bill makes it easier for the health department to protect kids who are most at risk when there is an outbreak. >> we saw whooping cough last year, chickenpox fisher. who knows what is next? >> reporter: some say they can already access this information when necessary. i expected to be packed when the bill is up for a vote in 2 weeks. the colorado department of corrections is looking for two men who are part of the 211 crew prison gang. we are told that dennis simonton and wesley jones took off their ankle monitors. officials say there is no threat to any doc staff member however the man should be considered armed and dangerous. now for an update on the investigation into a plot to attack highlands high school. one of the two girls charged with the investigation appeared in court today. lawyers want the 16-year-old to be charged as a juvenile, not as an adult as she is now. jamie was at the courthouse.>> reporter: these are two important upcoming hearings. she is currently being charged as an adult. attorneys are trying to get her back into a juvenile court. judging by the amount of arguing that they get on her the case. as always her parents were in tow, listening to the hearing. the defense attempted to close the courtroom go this motion then they attempted to remove the district attorney for the prosecution. that was also denied. of the 16-year-old girls were arrested back in december when someone texted the tip line warning of their plans to attack this to mountain high school, planning to kill students and teachers. the question is if she should be tried as an adult or a juvenile. i briefly spoke with adults to see how she is doing. the judge did order that the hearing be close. -- the future hearings be closed but the preliminary hearing will be private. jamie larry cbs4 news -- leary cbs4 news. this happened at independence high school this morning in glen dale arizona. two teens were found dead at they are not searching for suspects at this time. parents were reunited with their kids. there's a suspected burglar who may have broken into a dozen homes. he has been arrested. he is not charged with 10 counts of burglary, more than $250,000 worth of items stolen. investigators tell us they did recover some of the stolen goods while they were arresting him. new information about the amount of ronco's calcific -- broncos contour fit -- counterfeit gear that was seized. much of this was found during the big parade. >> reporter: the trafficking counterfeit goods is the second largest illicit trade to the tune of $250 billion. it is big business, especially in a city like denver with the broncos people want to commemorate that win. these fake jerseys and apparel are now off the streets after icee -- i.c.e. agents seized this. another bunch of apparel was seized during the broncos parade. >> this is not a victimless crime. this affects the u.s. worker. >> reporter: many people don't want to pay hundreds of dollars for a jersey. agents say that it will cost the economy and it runs criminal organizations. >> we are not just talking about a mom-and-pop situation of producing 50 t-shirts. we're talking about criminal organizations that produce thousands and thousands. i urge the american public not to participate in the purchase of these items. >> reporter: how do you know that you are buying a knockoff? the quality is not as good, i am told. they say the stitching and lathering are often something to look at and that there are a lot of misspellings on the counterfeit stuff. live in jennifer does -- live in denver, jennifer rice. -- jennifer brice. we are live in golden with this story of this bicycle race that will not be returning. what are you hearing about the impact this will have? for -- >> this seven-day race is estimated to bring in $130 million. i am told there was supposed to be a press conference this morning announcing the host cities. afternoon that an ownership change has canceled the race for this year. i talked to a few people from around the state all involved with the race and they have come to a general consensus that if the event couldn't be planned with top-quality, it is good to take a year break. the weeklong race usually started in the mountain times -- towns and then ended in the front rage -- front range. we spoke with one member of the local organizing committee who said the race stages were important for business and the race held a lasting impact. >> it had a huge impact. especially the first year when we had it on the corner, 40,000 people were here. another 10,000 people were up race. one of the things that i see because i work at a bike shop, i see a lot of people from out of time -- out of town that race. the race that they do this.>> reporter: i spoke with another member of an organizing committee and he told me that the kind of exposure this race got, especially with the european audience, this was priceless. i spoke to an avid spec tatar and he said he is heartbroken. live in golden, jeff todd cbs4 news. coming up, a freak accident kills a driver. why investigators are now checking hundreds of manholes for safety issues. chances are you have hit one of those pesky potholes. why they were stuff the problem is yet to come. a few clouds across the state with another find a. lots of sunshine and it looks like it will hold. we have a high-pressure ridge in the west and cold and snowy in the east. love is in the air ,, rin the middle of a time when senior povertyt is increasing. republicans and some democratsp came up with a brilliant idea for cutting cost-of-living adjustments for social security. we said, "it will be over our dead bodies if you cut social security." as president, i will do everything i can to extend the solvency of social security and expand benefits for people who desperately need them. i'm bernie sanders, developing tonight, a freak accident in boston. the driver is dead after a 200 pound manhole cover went crashing through her car windshield. investigators still do not know what sent the cover flying. the impact send the call -- the car crashing into a wall. they are now checking the safety of hundreds of other manholes in boston. we have potholes. we have some whoppers appearing with a big warm up. howard nathan didn't have to go far to find one, right near cbs4. >> reporter: the denver works department -- public works department says it is no rater than normal for this time of year. don't try telling that to the motoring public. take a look at this, the cold temperatures as we discussed means you need to pay attention not only to the car next to you and in front of you but the potholes on the road as well. i spoke to a couple of people today who put on a lot of miles driving for their jobs and they see a lot of damage caused by potholes. >> i am still avoiding them. i am definitely seeing some smaller cars having to pull over and regroup after hitting a big pothole. >> i have not pop the tire yet but sometimes it feels like i have or broke the suspension or something like that. >> reporter: if you think the potholes are bad now, denver public works says wait until spring. it will get even work. reporting live in denver, howard nathan cbs4 news. campaign 2016 will bring the democratic presidential candidates to denver this weekend. hillary clinton and bernie sanders both debated this weekend -- yesterday. the nomination. bernie sanders is also saturday afternoon at the denver convention center. -- colorado convention center. the republican field is down to 6. many continue to attack front-runner donald trump. expect those attacks to continue tomorrow night and south -- in south carolina. the debate starts at 7:00 right here on cbs4. pope francis is making a stop in cuba on his way to mexico. he sat down with the head of the russian orthodox church, the first such visit in nearly 1000 years. they signed a religious documents on -- he will be love was in the air today recorder's office. >> judges volunteer their time for special weddings go couples could get married for free. one couple ended up staying for the free ceremony after they received their marriage license. >> we got married in canada but we needed a license here. we had no idea the judges were going to be here. >> they had cake, refreshments and even romantic prizes donated by local businesses. they performed 47 weddings at the office. ed greene, a beautiful day. >> i got married three times today. [ laughter ] we have clear skies today. the same weather pattern is in place. high pressure and snow and cold over here. this is all cold air. snow not too far away from us. this cold air is pushed up against the front range. that is why we are 10 degrees cooler than yesterday. now it pulls away and we will start to warm up again. we may have some snow showers over the weekend. we had a flu -- a few showers that have moved out of the area. we lightsey a little snow shower activity in the high country on sunday -- we might see a little snow shower activity in the high country on sunday. monday, snow showers may continue in some places but otherwise clear and cloudy skies -- the colder air will slide in tomorrow, chicago 11 degrees for a high tomorrow. we are seeing warmer temperatures in the south now, 80s to near 90 over the southwest which will push into 52 and 55 or the highs for today, still above the normal high of 45 degrees, the lows were 30 and 32, 72 and 21 below are the records were today. it's 53 and 45 right now. we have a steady barometer. the wind is out of the east at 6 miles an hour. take a look at this. cheryl jones was at the super bowl. she said we knew the broncos were going to win because they were having an orange broncos sunset. out then you lose with something like that? look at this sunrise from fort lopp and from dale hofstetter. that is spectacular. there are 20s and 30s here. we will see some 2 below zero readings in the valleys. we start to warm it up a bit tomorrow with 50s and 60s, nearing 70s for the east and 40s and 50s in the mountains. here's the forecast for tonight, clear skies, 33 and 29 a lot of sunshine and some clouds, 65 and 62 for the highs, 62 saturday, 55 for sunday, presidents' day 59, mid- 60s for tuesday and wednesday. eventually this pattern of cold in the east end warm in the west will flip -- and warm in the west will flip. it won't happen this weekend or next weekend but perhaps the following weekend. it turns out boise state the broncos are celebrities.,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, a crazy finish in 4 car and -- fort collins earlier this week. everyone had to take of what went down at the buzzer. >> i think we arts mounted ourselves -- we outsmarted ourselves trying to use instant replay. in statement released today the conference says the reps did everything right during the review process but they were unknowingly viewing video not delivered at full speed from the production truck. basically they timed a slow- motion replay in the analysis than a 10th of the second -- 8/10 of a second. nothing can be done now so the rams still get the win. see you escaped with a win last night. they can't lose to the cougars. it took a desperation three- pointer in overtime. that forced a second overtime before the buffs finally pull away. that now puts see you in a three-way tie for fourth place with washington and [ name indiscernible ] >> this was a big win. it showed great toughness overcoming adversity. we didn't play our guest game. that's a testament to how good this week is. >> it was a good win. we will take it. we will move on. i am not really happy with how the defense played but we may just enough shots. broncos team member aqib talib was find $12,000 for two personal fouls. the broncos were on the late late show --, c.j. anderson and [ name indiscernible ] were on "the late, late show" last night. >> [ muffled audio ] >> [ cheering and applause ] [ overlapping speakers ] [ laughter ] >> [ laughter ] >> i love it! the celebrity tour will continue on monday. von miller will be a presenter at the grammys. you will see the grammys on cbs4 on monday this year which is different. >> it used to be on sundays. >> let's talk more about them >> let's. we are now giving away tickets to ellie goulding's latest concert ,, ,, (phone ringing) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard, so our next president to keep it strong. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) hey candidates, it's called a rigged economy, and this is how it works. most new wealth flows to the top 1%. it's a system held in place by corrupt politics where wall street banks and billionaires buy elections. my campaign is powered by millions of small contributions. people like you who want to fight back. the truth is you can't change a corrupt system by taking its money. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message. i have the feeling everything is going to be beautiful. >> sunny skies all the way. look at this. thank you for watching we have a couple of bald eagle that standley lake in westminster. maybe they are planning a romantic valentine date. [ laughter ] >> pelley: republicans fight for the christian right and prepare for our cbs debate. tempers flare between the democrats. >> madame secretary, that is a low blow. >> pelley: also tonight, a low blow of cold in much of america. the pope's pilgrimage to mexico. greyhound racing may be neither the end of its run. and steve hartman at a museum of love. >> i built it for other people to see, but it's for me, too. me captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: now, there are six. s candidates continued today when dark horse jim gilmore headed for the barn. so a great deal is riding on tomorrow's debate. rr can anyone catch trump? can an establishment republican break out? the stage is set for the contest hosted by cbs news in greenville, south carolina. today, the candidates put their faith in christian conservatives eight days before the primary in ys south carolina. and here's julianna goldman. >> i think that life is divinely inspired. >> reporter: in a state where or faith is central to many voters, republican presidential candidates have proclaimed their beliefs on the stump-- >> i'm a christian and i converted to catholicism. >> i discovered my purpose by discovering the lord. >> reporter: on the airwaves. >> to use gifts we've been given. >> it's a faith and family forum. gi >> reporter: and at a religious forum where today jeb bush, marco rubio-- >> faith is the most important influence in my life. >> reporter: and ted cruz addressed the faithful. >> i am saved by grace and it family's life. >> reporter: can you talk a little bit about the role of faith in south carolina in this primary? >> there are there are a lot of faith value voters here's for sure. and we'll have chance to share my life journey and how faith has been important. >> reporter: self-described re evangelicals are born-again christians make up 65% of south carolina republican primary voters four years ago. while cruz won the evangelical vote in iowa, donald trump won it in new hampshire. that may explain why in a state known for its rough-and-tumble politics, trump and his conservative credentials have become a feeding frenzy. >> there is nothing conservative about donald trump. >> look past the boasting and you'll see right through him. >> reporter: on twitter, trump turned the tables on his anti- in can ted cruz be an evangelical christian when he lies so much and is dishonest? negative tv ads here in south carolina. getting hit from all sides you can expect him to try to make up g for that on the debate stage tomorrow night. o >> pelley: julianna goldman, thanks. and speaking of tomorrow night's debate, john dickerson will be s the moderator, and he's joining us now. or john, what are you expecting? >> reporter: well, i'm expecting the candidates to have a presidential demeanor on the outside and on the inside, a roiling desire to do battle. usually on a debate stage, the candidates want to look presidential because they don't want to come across as too aggressive. on the other hand, the stakes are very high here in south carolina, and there are two different kinds of battles going on. t there's donald trump's battle wi with ted cruz, which has gotten nasty and personal over who is more conservative, and over co questions of faith. ld donald trump tweeted about cruz's christianity. then there is the battle between en the mainstream alternatives, those three candidates -- bush, al kasich, and rubio. they are trading exchanging counter-charges almost by the issues -- medicaid, and what's nt id be president? so we hope when it's all said and done while there will be a er lot of heat there might also be some light. >> pelley: and with the winnowing that's occurred with the primaries and caucuses, it there will just be six candidates now on the stage, a very consequential debate. and that debate will begin at tomorrow evening at 9:00 eastern time, 8:00 central. that's 6:00 in the west, right here on cbs. and we invite you to tweet us your questions using the hashtag "gopdebate." democrats held their primary last night. >> he does not support the way i he do building on the progress that the president has made. >> reporter: in rural south ra carolina today, hillary clinton portrayed bernie sanders as one dimensional, part of a new di strategy she unveiled at last night's debate. universal health care coverage. >> reporter: she is embracing ge his vision but panning his plans in detail. >> you need to level with people. every progressive economist who e has analyzed that says the ana numbers don't add up. it would probably increase the size of the federal government by about 40%. >> that is absolutely inaccurate. secretary clinton has been going in around the country saying, "bernie sanders wants to dismantle the affordable care act. e people are going to lose their medicaid." we're not going to dismantle anything. >> reporter: and with south carolina's minority-heavy ca primary looming, she is accusing sanders of the undermining the nation's first black president. >> in the past he's called him ti disappointment. the kind of criticisms we hear from bernie sanders about our e ki president i expect from republicans. i do not expect from someone t running for the democratic nomination to succeed him. m >> madam secretary, that is a fo low blow. ec i have worked with president h but you know what? last i heard, we lived in a democratic society. last i heard, a united states senator had the right to disagree with the president. >> reporter: clinton supporter and former secretary of state madeline albright apologized re tonight for saying last week, "there's a special place in hell fo for women who don't help other women." she acknowledged in an op-ed in this context it offended some women who aren't voting for hillary clinton. very much. it looks chilly in south carolina where nancy is. and another big story tonight is n the cold snap in the northeast. temperatures are expected to bottom out sunday morning, possibly hitting record lows in re philadelphia, new york, and boston. in saranac lake, new york, wind chills could drop below minus 40. michelle miller is chilling in stranton, pennsylvania. >> reporter: it was a striking image-- house after house us at about 2:30 in the morning, the water main burst, shooting water 20 feet into the air and shutting down two blocks. s, freeze set in. s signs, trees and power lines. that worries homeowner oscar velez. >> i'm just concerned that re people are going to slide and t get hurt or get hit by those big icicles there hanging. ng >> reporter: from the midwest to t the deep south, there was no escaping the arctic blast. today in greenville, south carolina, freezing temperatures turned this water fountain into a giant popsicle. temperatures are expected to to plunge to two degrees in new york on sunday. pedro morales says he's invested in a cheap ski mask to stay warm. >> they're great. and for $5, that's a bargain in new york city. >> reporter: and here in scranton, these houses are likely to remain on ice for several more days, scott. that's because temperatures are freezing here until tuesday. >> pelley: michelle miller, thanks very much, michelle. police are trying to figure out why a man armed with a machete attacked people last night in a restaurant in columbus, ohio. four people were hurt, one , critically. jeff pegues is following this. >> reporter: police say the assault has the hallmarks of a terrorism-inspired attack. michael woods is deputy chief of the columbus police department. >> a lone individual with a machete going into a public bl place, committing an assault on people that he apparently does not know. do those are the things that-- that th give us concern. >> reporter: investigators say last night, 30-year-old muhammad barry went to this mediterranean restaurant and asked questions about the israeli owner and the ou food. he left and then returned half an hour later with a machete. in 911 calls, witnesses e. >> reporter: barry led police on -m was shot and killed after investigators say he lunged at an officer. law enforcement sources tell cbs news that barry had been on their radar before, and that is re, notified federal authorities after that attack. scott, we've also learned that he was here in the u.s. on a green card. >> pelley: jeff pegues, thanks. overnight, the u.s. and russia hammered out a deal to stop the fighting in syria's catastrophic civil war that has killed 260,000 people and sent 12 million fleeing from their homes. this deal would be a breakthrough, except it isn't pt immediate, it isn't permanent, and it doesn't include all the es hostile forces. holly williams is in turkey tonight. holly, tell us some more. >> reporter: well, scott, this would be the first cease-fire in syria's civil war, agreed to by involved in the conflict. and hopefully, it will allow food and aid to get into places that are cut off right now because of fighting. but it's not clear whether the syrian regime will actually comply, and this temporary cease-fire may not start for another week, which allows the regime to continue its offensive around the city of aleppo, which has already driven tens of en t thousands of people from their homes. there are fears that aleppo d could soon be besieged by the t regime, just like the town of madaya, where more than 40 people have already starved to death. those are the regime's tactics, and in an interview released an today, the syrian president, bashar al-assad, vowed to retake ar the entire country. he also rejected allegations of war crimes. . now, the regime's offensive is o backed by russian airstrikes and russia says despite cease-fire it will continue those strikes against terrorist groups. and that's another problem because when russia has said that in the past, it's also some of those rebels are very skeptical about the cease-fire plan, and the agreement does not include isis and other extremist groups. >> pelley: not likely to be the end that the world's been hoping for. holly williams in turkey tonight. holly, thank you. on our southern border, we are now seeing a new wave of f immigration from mexico, but what's notable is who is making the journey and why. we asked mark strassmann to look into this. >> reporter: every day, cubans cross this border bridge from mexico into laredo, texas. since 1966, the cuban adjustment act has guaranteed asylum to refugees fleeing the communist a regime. they qualify for a green card after a year and a day, and citizenship five years later. but now they're afraid the thawing the diplomatic relations will end that special ia protection. jessenia acuna says, "how was i na supposed to get here if they it would have been impossible." most cuban refugees no longer n try to reach miami on makeshift rafts in the florida straits. s e they now fly to a latin american ri country like ecuador, then spend months making a trip through land and a half dozen other countries before reaching the texas border. 51,000 arrived here last year, 68% of them through laredo. >> it's a whole transnational human smuggling operation. >> reporter: jorge duany studies cuban migration patterns at florida international university. well organized? >> very well organized and it's supposed to be the second most profitable illegal network after the illegal trade business. >> reporter: most head to miami. at this refugee resettlement office, we met andres hernandez. his trip here from cuba took stress, lot of days without eating," but worth it to him and other cubans, immigrants desperate to start fresh in soon join the back of the line e mark strassmann, cbs news, miami. >> pelley: greyhound racing may be headed for the finish line. p compared freshmen to bunnies eats his words when "the cbs >> pelley: greyhound racing has been on its last legs for decades. it's hanging on in florida, but david begnaud found even there the hounds could be near the end of their run. be >> go! >> reporter: peter cyers has s been taking his daughter and his grandchildren to the naples-ft. myers greyhound racing track for 20 years. >> whoa! >> reporter: on this day, the grandstands were nearly empty. attendance. i remember the crowds really cheering. >> reporter: only 19 dog tracks remain in the u.s. 12 of them are in florida. isadore havenick owns two of them. >> to have 50 people come to a o business that seats thousands, se it's like going to a dolphins' th game in december. it's an empty building. >> reporter: havenick says he loses $5 million a year running ru these races, but he says he has to in order to keep his more- profitable poker business open. ro florida law mandates it. >> we have to run 90% of the 9 amount of racing we ran in 1996 i in order to keep our poker room open. >> reporter: how many races do you have to run a year? >> thousands of dog races. >> reporter: havenick supports decoupling the two businesses so he can run his poker rooms without racing the dogs. carey theil is executive director of grey2k, an organization working to protect greyhounds. sa >> greyhound racing is cruel and inhumane. for about 22 hours a day. the cages are barely large enough for the dog to stand up or turn around. >> if they don't want to run live greyhound racing, they could stop today, stop today. turn in your permit. >> reporter: jack cory lobbies for the greyhound industry. he blames the audience decline on the track owners. ne i alive and well if the tracks wanted to promote it, if the i tracks wanted to modernize it. mr. theil and the animal rights eil groups and the greyhound tracks all want to become slot casinos. come >> reporter: here at the mardi gras casino in south florida, race number 7 is about to get under way. the future of florida's racing is buried in a bill before the legislators right now and those legislators may vote on that by the end of this month. >> pelley: david begnaud. today, the president of mount st. mayor's university in maryland reinstated two faculty members that he fired on monday. they had criticized president simon newman's plan to weed out struggling freshmen quickly to improve the school's standing. the school newspaper reported that newman compared those students to baby rabbits that should be drowned. newman has apologized. as up next, francis does something no pope has done for nearly 1,000 years. or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions heart is healthy enough for sex nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. headache, upset stomach, to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. or loss in hearing or vision, or any 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thousands of catholics will try to catch a glimpse of the man many revere as the people's pope. >> this pope is completely different. >> reporter: jessenia acuna and her friend bradley treasure came tr from west palm beach, florida. you. s >> yes. >> yes. specifically? >> acceptance and love. ( applause ) >> reporter: and reconciliation. . he first stopped in cuba to meet with the patriarch of the russian orthodox church which split with the vatican nearly 1,000 years ago. aboard the plane, the pope emphasized his mission in mexico to try to heal a country, which has lost an estimated 100,000 people in a vicious drug war over the last decade and to highlight the plight of migrant by traveling from southern mexico, where many start their journey, and ending with a symbolic mass at the u.s.-mexico border. e the pope's first mass here in mexico city will be tomorrow. scott, his visit is also meant to reinvigorate catholics here where it's estimated the number of people raised catholic and still practicing has dropped nearly 10%. >> pelley: manuel bojorquez in the mexican capital for us. manuel, thank you. a valentine from steve hartman ,, >> pelley: life's precious moments are stored in our minds, but that wasn't quite good enough for the unforgettable man that steve hartman met "on the road." >> reporter: around starkville, nd mississippi, retired mail carrier charles evans is known mostly for his questionable taste in lawn furnishings. but i came here for something undeniably beautiful. ab >> the man with the plan. (laughs) >> reporter: charles met his fe wife, louise, back in 1949. >> when you looked at her, it was like an electrical shock. >> i guess it's love. >> reporter: to charles, true love is so powerful, nothing can stop it. t. >> that's a big four-letter word. >> reporter: nothing. >> straighten it out. is >> reporter: which is why after she died in 2011, after 60 years of marriage, he decided a grave e marker wasn't enough, that their love deserved more than a monument. what their love needed was a museum. d and so, in a little outbuilding in behind his house, charles evans built just that. >> this is our memorabilia area. >> reporter: inside, he's got the shoe shine stand he was work at when he met her. he's got all the music they used nc to dance to. and he's got four walls packed solid with pictures, documenting every significant occasion. ev >> and this was where we went on out to lunch. >> reporter: and most every insignificant occasion. >> this was her laughing with food in her mouth. la >> reporter: needless to say, he visitors, which is fine by charles. >> this is our last dance. ch >> reporter: in fact, you get the sense he almost enjoys his alone time more. on slow days, he slow dances with louise. >> i guess i'm trying to relive our life, would you think? wo >> reporter: maybe. >> i don't know. it's-- it's so hard to explain, you know. it but it's not a suffering memory. it's a beautiful memory, you know. >> reporter: sometimes, people el try to tell charles to move on, t but in his mind, why would you want to make a bunch of new memories when the old ones are still so good? >> yeah, she was lovely. >> reporter: steve hartman, "on the road," in starkville, mississippi. >> pelley: and that's the cbs evening news for tonight. for all of us at cbs news all around the world, i'm scott pelley. remember, the republican debate here on cbs and i'll see you sunday on "60 minutes." good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh >> developing now, colorado scientists are planning a major role in researching the rapidly spreading zika virus. the centers for disease control office in fort collins is this country's main testing spot in the battle against the virus. thanks for being with us. i'm jim benemann. >> i'm karen leigh. colorado senators took a tour of the cdc virus. lauren dispirito is live for us there now. the scientist work is crucial especially right now. >> reporter: it is karen. some of the most important research being done to understand the zika virus is being done here at the cdc in fort collins. many of the top experts are here. we know senator cory gardner businesses asked to tour the facilities. they got to look at some of the laboratories where scientists are working around the clock to test samples that have been flown in from all over the world. testing those for zika virus. there are teams here trying to train other labs and how to correctly diagnose the virus. it is something that is needed and needed fast. >> what is impressive to me is the incredible dedication of the staff. to sigh the pile of boxes flown in. >> fulfilling the argument they made in 2010, it closes down and at that time, they thought that would be penny wise and kind of foolish and leave the country exposed. leave the world exposed. turns out they were right and i'm glad they are still here.

Related Keywords

Starkville , Mississippi , United States , Fort Collins , Colorado , Saranac Lake , New York , Russian Orthodox Church , Massachusetts , Turkey , Mexico City , Distrito Federal , Mexico , Syria , Aleppo , Lab , Russia , Washington , District Of Columbia , South Carolina , Iowa , Ecuador , Cuba , Jersey , Chicago , Illinois , Miami , Florida , Canada , New Hampshire , Texas , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Boston , Standley Lake , Columbus , Ohio , Andres Hernandez , Cuba General , Denver , Greenville , Greene , Israel , Boise , Maryland , Americans , America , Mexican , Russian , Cubans , Syrian , Israeli , American , Cuban , Marco Rubio , Steve Hartman , Scott Pelley , Al Kasich , Shaun Boyd , Julianna Goldman , Dennis Simonton , Dale Hofstetter , Ellie Goulding , Madeline Albright , Cheryl Jones , Brandon Johnson , Pedro Morales , Bernie Sanders , Holly Williams , Dan Pavone , Cory Gardner , Jennifer Brice , Jeb Bush , John Dickerson , Wesley Jones , Oscar Velez , Howard Nathan , Bashar Al Assad , Charles Evans , Simon Newman , Michelle Miller , Jim Gilmore , Muhammad Barry , Ted Cruz , Hillary Clinton , Karen Leigh , Jack Cory ,

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