Transcripts For KCNC Through The Decades 20160208 : comparem

Transcripts For KCNC Through The Decades 20160208

good morning. denver police were preparing themselves for out-of-control crowds. we have seen this in denver before. they of course got the word out early before the super bowl asking fans to behave like the city has won a championship is what happened overnight. people packed inside bars downtown and then flooded into the streets after the broncos one super bowl 50. police planned for a chaotic celebration by adding controls. they closed streets to keep the area in control after the win. we saw one of the 12 arrests they made, a woman that had a gun and was taken into custody downtown. overall police were pleased with fans containing their cyber just enough. after police responded to a hit and run ann sheridan and kentucky the car in the inside and that lisa driver was injured. it doesn't look like anyone had life-threatening injuries. investigators found the license plate from the car that they think they be responsible in this hit and run. this is not the kind of attention you what a fans to get after the ball. 728 letter and qd. it is a 2004 acura gold hatchback and it likely will have damage to the front. if you have seen that car for information, call police. we will check in with our crews in california in a few minutes. let's talk about the forecast. >> everyone is asking about the parade. it is tomorrow. >> good morning. tomorrow is looking great. mid-50s for the afternoon high. speak. in the 20s and not bad at all. 22 thornton and littleton 24. from gary lindstrom the weather watcher in breckenridge, 21 degrees. went on the west side of town in the mountains and that could be a little problematic this morning. golden now has a 28 miles per hour when. on the satellite, a few clouds out there but we will have a lot of sunshine to the day. a high of about 46 degrees. it should be gorgeous and it gets warmer in the week ahead. let's check traffic. joel hillan taking a peek at that. >> if you are heading out the and 140 worth. we are campaigning for this to be a national holiday. here we are across the high country where we have winds in place all the way from c470 up to the eisenhower tunnel. you see slowing southbound on i- 25 between 36 and around the stadium curve. we have some ongoing brood construction. this morning if you're getting up early we hope you had enough time to enjoy the victory. >> people are still in bed watching the newscast. our crew is working early this morning as it is just after 4 am in san francisco. alan gionet is the early bird their life. i cannot even imagine how exciting it was. you need your cup of coffee. >> open way we sure do. in san francisco they were partying as well overnight. people were just crazy about the broncos winning. there was a little trouble here. there was a fight in the parking lot between fans but that was all of the trouble. good celebration in san francisco. people in the south bay area were celebrating everything was orderly. taking you to the game last night, the celebration was emotional. as the broncos were presented the lombardi trophy. we heard from pat bolan's wife annabel. >> is pat was here today he would say his very proud of his team and the best fans in the nfl. on behalf of the bolan family congratulations to the denver broncos for the third time broncos country, you are super bowl champions. >> demons of the seahawks lost now. peyton manning at 39 years old. we did avoid questions about his future. >> this has been a very emotional week an emotional night and i have a few priorities in order. i want to kiss my wife and kiss my kids and celebrate with my family intimates. i will drink a lot of beer tonight. budweiser, those are my priorities at this point. i will take some time to reflect on the other. i will say a prayer and think it to the man upstairs for this opportunity. >> peyton manning, 141 yards, one interception. not best career performance. he had a wonderful career. he did what he did to help the broncos win. game and peyton manning and the denver broncos are super bowl champs. >> great to see him on top. the broncos come away with an epic win and we have a look at the big plays. von miller came up huge in the game first quarter. two strikes cam newton of the ball. demarcus ware emily jackson go for the ball. a mistake by the panthers, they let jordan norwood escaping go down the sidelines for a super bowl record 61 yard return. broncos got another field goal and then von miller again. slapped the ball out of cam newton's hand in the broncos t.j. ward recovers at the four yard line. broncos go on to win 24-10 pulling out the upset win. broncos insiders were out in full force. >> reporter: from levi's gary miller anne kelly worth. super bowl champions for a third time wasting the lombardi trophy. you were in the interview area. >> there were so many smiles. it was excited to be there as many of them came in with kids. to leave a -- they said it was a hard game at times. but they proved they can go to the struggle. >> you had a moment to visit with john elway who 1 two super bowls. he put together this championship team. >> all credit to john elway and 15 years ago i wondered and john wondered whether he would find something to equal the excitement he felt being a quarterback and winning championships. he finally found it. he built this team and you know what. he turned it around. team in football. he turned it into the best defense at the ballgame team in the nfl. another lombardi trophy comes to denver. >> that is his competitive nature. another parade down the streets of denver. from santa clara. what a moment. >> denver is planning a parade and a victory rally in everybody is asking. tomorrow at noon at 17th and wynkoop near union station going through downtown on 17th street and then to civic center park. cbs4 will provide live coverage. we will get to the super bowl game highlights again in a few minutes. first let's talk about weather and traffic. >> you will want to know how to dress for that because the question. what are you going to wear because before the game was over they were already printing the super bowl championship t- shirts. >> everyone will be clamoring to get these. let's go to lauren dispirito. >> reporter: this if you have ever wondered how the new t- shirts gets on the shelves the past, this is how. they started 15 minutes after the broncos one -- won and they have been stacking the shirts ready to be printed with the official super bowl l logo. we know they have made 300 per hour in these of the kids t- shirts. they will go as far away as utah and new mexico and grand junction. many of the shirts will stay here in denver and you can buy them at sports authority. if you want to pick these up for your kids, this is what the check for the silver stickers. that lets you know you are buying official nfl gear. live, lauren dispirito. folks up in early busy working there this morning. check out the broncos photo gallery online here. cbs it highlights some of the top plays. dave aguilera is talking about the forecast. >> if you are waiting for the bus stop this morning you will need your broncos jacket. it will be 22 degrees three 8:00 a.m. three 8:00 a.m. mostly sunny skies on the way. looking at today. let's check traffic. >> the one trouble spot in the high country, watch out for the high winds at c470 towards georgetown. if you are about to for the latest traffic and cbs4 whether -- weather and traffic. >> [ music ] lady gaga wows the crowd. more of her rendition comi,, ,, (phone ringing) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. but that's how some americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) hey candidates, electric. it was the same in california. let's go to san francisco for the day after. >> they are live there this morning. >> reporter: good morning. sleepy so folks in denver and a few parts of san francisco still awake right now. the prevailing view of the national anthem last night was that lady gaga nailed it. there is a lot of praise for her going around about it and she herself said it was an honor to sing for you on your big day. [ music ] >> lady gaga sang and well and the fans were really thrilled about it. wearing the red gucci outfit. that sort of thing. and pats room -- platform shoes. giving america it's song its way last night. a big hit to start the game. >> i am impressed you recognize the name brand of her outfit. i thought she toned it down for that performance but an epic rendition of the national anthem. we also talked to you about the halftime show on our facebook page so leave a comment and tell us what you think. was everything you expected it to be. people are talking about beyonci's for performance. let's check on the weather is forecast. >> you have your orange guccis on this morning.>> double weather visit on friday as pines. we talked to the kids from to third grade here and we made a tornado in the tornado machine and made its no. we had a great time. i want to thank teacher naked call for shooting the video. the broncos were the world champs. we have wind going on this town. look at black hawk, 45 mile in our guests. continental divide. if you zoom out 51 if you zoom out 51 miles per hour in winter park and 54 on wilkerson pass. take a look at this in boulder, 21 but down the road in greeley it is 16. satellite greater together, a few clouds but we will have day. high-pressure moving in out west from california all the way back to colorado. there is a low pressure area over the great lakes where it you see the lines, those of the pressure lines and they are over colorado and nebraska and kansas. wind is picking up. the jet stream is zooming between the pressure zones. a little bit of snow from summit county to rocky mountain national park during the day. nothing really major but you may see some of that over skies. as far as wind, it will stay with us. anything purple there is up over 30. in the mountains it holds tight . high temperatures today leslie 30s and 40s across the state including denver. the 46 temperature is the high. 55 tomorrow evening and we talked to 63 on wednesday and keep the 50s rolling the thursday and friday. the broncos 1 -- won. >> eisenhower. you have nice dry conditions over the high mountain passes for now. we have wind in both hands on the steering wheel. southbound into town, speeds into the 60s and 50s. from 1/20 to i-70, regular speeds. a little slowing as you get past the stadium curve. a lot of people pausing to take ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, if you are traveling across the nation today there are some rough spots that all to the east. parts of northern iowa have blizzard warnings with big snowstorm out there. rain in nashville. we have advisories from the smokey mountains all the way to main purpose some of the smokey mountains could see 6 to 12 inches of snow at 4000 feet. in the west we are looking at lots of sunshine from colorado to california. let's see if the traffic is looking good. >> the drive out to dia is looking fantastic. and a little bit of slowing on i 25. the seahawks confirm another nfl superstar could be calling it a career.>> marshawn with just an emogee with two fingers making the peace sign as a caption. reports are out that he has told his friends that he is retiring. five -- 5:24 am. back to reality after quite a weekend. >> broncos fans happy this morning but the fans for in a rush to get out of the state and stadium. how the team leader showed some unusual sportsmanship. hello from santa clara. levi's stadium. super bowl 50 in the books. the denver broncos are super bowl champions for a third time and for their quarterback a second title. not peyton manning that we were used to in years past in this game against the panthers. he did not throw a touchdown but he kept the broncos in the game and did have a couple of scoring drives and he gets to win a second title and get the opportunity if he chooses to go out on top. that will be the question last night. what is next for peyton manning. >> you always have that bond with all of the guys you played with and once you have a chance to win a championship with. i will be grateful for this bond that i have with this bunch. no matter what happens, this group and these coaches of these players will not all be on the same team next year. this is a unique opportunity and i am very grateful to be a part of it. and not take it for granted. >> you couldn't have written the script any better. just like john elway 17 years ago winning a super bowl in his final game. we expect this will be his final game for him a super bowl title. ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, earning asset. >> -- we have team coverage of the broncos victory including alan gionet in california. >> lauren dispirito is waking up with fans. sean janus in downtown denver. let's go live to sean.>> we may have lost him. >> it was quite the place to be. we were trying to do that. check hello. >> sorry. i was told we didn't have our might. there's nothing going on here of their more square but we were -- want to first how you about something police had to deal with. outside of downtown at the intersection of sheridan and kentucky. hit-and-run and looking for a car in connection with that crime. this happened after midnight. the car in the intersection had three people inside and at least the driver was injured but it doesn't look like they will be life-threatening. investigators did find the license plate for one of the cars were decried that may be responsible for this hit-and- run. you don't want to see this kind of attention going to a football fan after the super bowl. 728 nqd. the car is a 2004 acura gold hatchback that will have damage to the front side of the car. let's talk about what we saw here. people packed inside the bars and flooding out into the streets. after the broncos one super bowl 50. police plan for a chaotic celebration. they closed some streets to keep the area and control hours after the win. they were 12 arrests and we saw dpd taking one woman into custody because she had a gun. overall they were pleased with the way people contain their excitement. live in denver, shawn chitnis. a lot of excitement overnight.>> everyone is asking about the parade. dave aguilera. >> the parade is looking great. tomorrow we will warm up into the mid-50s for the high and mostly sunny and this morning is not too bad. we took the super bowl and now we're taking the temperatures. 22 in boulder. 20 stapleton. weather watcher in littleton, richard hoffman has 20 degrees. this morning, a little bit of wind on the west side of town. in some of the mounds it is going up to 45 or 55. we have a jet stream flowing across and it will be breezy today. a few clouds mixed in with the sunshine once we start the morning. we will be partly cloudy to mostly sunny but a nice day. 46 degrees for the high and we pop into the 50s tomorrow. let's see how the roads are went to get past c470 it is super breezy. here we are across denver metro. some slowing along i 25. there ready to pick up the express lanes project. turn on kay away newsradio. you the latest traffic and weather together. gary kubiak will answer questions this morning at 9:00. miller will talk about his team's effort for the victory in last night super bowl. ivonne came out huge in the representative chris corley strips cam newton of the ball. marcus ware and jackson go for the ball. by the panthers letting jordan norwood escape. down the sidelines for a super bowl record 61 yard return. goal. from miller again, slapping the ball out of cam newton's hand. t.j. line. broncos go on to win it. gametime celebration was not complete until john elway was hoisting the trophy and thinking his boss. >> i am going to say this. but this one is for pat. >> what a moment. elway returned as a favorite. when the broncos won their first super bowl in 1998 pat bolan said this one is for john. john elway paying it forward. >> we want to talk about the excitement from california. >> good morning. >> good morning. person ever in the 50 years of the super bowl to win the super bowl as a player and to win it as a general manager. elway road his -- wrote his own history tonight. will patton -- will peyton manning play again. his mother said maybe it is time to retire at this point. the peyton manning brothers are both legends in the nfl. peyton manning has two super bowls to his name. last night he was gracious. >> they always have that bond. with all of the guys who played. it is all wonderful and i am grateful for this bond that i have. no matter what happens this group of these coaches will not all be on the same team next year. for this group and i am very grateful to be part of it. i do not take it for granted. >> cam newton had a tough time dealing with denver's defense. it was a key to the game. we had a tough time taking questions after the game from the media. >> i think you are disappointed for yourself and your teammates.>> many contrast between the two quarterbacks and this morning cam newton is taking criticism in the press for what some perceived as a lack of effort when the ball was fumbled with four minutes to go. did he not bother to go after it? that is a big question. super bowl 50, it is all settled today. thank you, alan. people will clamor to get a hold of that history and they will fill stores to get broncos swag and t-shirt printers are working overtime. >> lauren dispirito is live for us. we are hearing their printing 300 shirts and our.>> reporter: it has to get may -- made. most of this started full force 15 minutes after the broncos one last time. it is fascinating to look at this is the in cross. they have to get the colors on that logo and stacks of t-shirts ready to go. these are the children sizes. they want to have 20,000 of these made. eventually they end up over there on the drier and that is a quick process and then they get boxed up and being picked up and shipped to sports authority stores. around the state. if you want to get these for your kids, look for the silver stickers. that is what lets you know you are buying official nfl gear. the mood here is very good and they had to have the panthers logo set up and ready to go just in case. thankfully that didn't happen and it is all smiles and here. lauren dispirito. now the broncos will come home as champions later today and the fans had a chance on tuesday to wish them well at the parade. >> jeff todd was at the pearl -- game. >> reporter: you can say one thing to peyton manning, what would it be. >> congratulations. you are a champion. we love you.>> peyton manning, if it is his last game, i am glad we side. what a great game. to peyton what would you say? >> enjoy it. enjoy the moment and enjoy your family. thank you for all of the years you gave us in denver. you are broncos legend. we love peyton. >> the broncos fans gracious this morning. thank you painting -- patent for all your efforts. to a victory rally that this is happening tomorrow. it will go through downtown on 17. to 13th and then civic center park. live coverage to the entire more super bowl game highlights ,, ,, re bad breath, bad hair and a bad case of the mondays. and organized wardrobes that help you pull it together. and shuffling. and bathrooms that get big families out the door. they' re number ones, number twos, and a number of ideas for three. life' s morning madness. and comfortable, organized bed and bathrooms your dreams evolve, and with committed support, they thrive. peyton manning that's what the admin for the -- incredible finish. the fans love it. >> best quarterback in the world. epic. >> this is for pat. >> it is amazing. i literally think it is the best thing in the world. >> it was amazing. >> i am coming from denver so this is awesome and i had such a good time and i am glad that we did this. i have no regrets of coming in and paying the amount of money we did.>> i grew up in >> thank god you have reformed. >> i was a broncos fan long before there was a panthers team. we are glad they came together at the super bowl. we came out. >> i promised my son in 99 i would take them to the next super bowl parade in denver. >> every game we have watched together we 1. >> we had to come. that is why beer here. >> thank you for winning it for us. those fans had so much fun. a lot of people thought about is this a game of a lifetime. the last chance we might have for the super bowl for a while? those of the stories that i heard as people talked about why they went to the super bowl and i met some incredible fans including one guy who said he that he had bronchitis from excessive yelling during broncos game. he raised $1600. he said after three days i shut it down. but he went to the game. >> you know you are a true fan when you lose your voice. the our eyes and ears for a moment. what was it like it being there at the super bowl in the stands.>> reporter: the energy level was crazy. people were beside themselves and excitable. they didn't know they were grabbing people next to them. and the panthers fans really were pretty good. i heard a lot of congratulations and that was great. a lot of these folks put out a lot of money. the ticket prices were really high and so they felt in the end this was really worth it. they had a little more income perhaps than most of us have but they thought it is worth shelling out the money. super bowl 50. this is some great video. i love seeing the happy kids and their faces. >> we had a devil whether visit -- double whether visit. we talked with the middle school grades and they are billy excited to talk about the weather. and then after that we went to the third to the fifth grade group later in the day and we did all of our experiments making tornadoes and snow. thank you guys. had a great time. thanks to nicole gassman, a teacher. we had a great time. let's check out this morning. of town. up to 37 in golden. conifer 23. winter park 46. it will remain that way throughout the day. eastern plains, the 20s. as we look at the big map there is a ridge of high pressure forming out west and we are locked between that high and a low over the great lakes producing blizzard like conditions over iowa and snow back to new york state. that will be rough for those folks. in between is when the wind is picking up over colorado. it is bringing in moisture for the mountains so light snow appear going on but mostly clear over the eastern plains as far as the forecast. in great shape there. as far as the wind goes that will remain intact in the mountains. i don't look for that to go away anytime soon. it will blow all day long. temperature wise mostly 40s and 30s across the state. we're looking at a pretty good start. 46 ought to be the high today. wendy from time to time. 55 tomorrow. thursday and friday in the 50s with sun all week long. the broncos win and the temperatures turn around. we had sunshine and everybody should be happy and smiling. >> one of those from time to time is happening in the high country. eisenhower tunnel and johnson title, the roads look fine but we have wind cranking up. you can see it affecting the drive onto 85 as well. some of the usual spots. across denver metro, straight shot to town now they're getting those cones picked up and moved out of the way. across the denver metro it looks like a great trip. look at the drive times. today all ust poli melt -- us chipolte locations will shut down for a meeting about food safety. it will be broadcast nationwide . restaurants will be closed from 11 am until 3 pm and during that time the ceo will go over new food handling procedures. this is in reaction to an e. coli at five -- outbreak. (donkey sound) (elephant sound) there's a big difference between making noise, (tapping sound) and making sense. (elephant sound) when it comes to we need more than our next president needs a real plan to keep social security strong. (elephant noise) hey candidates. enough talk. (baseball on tv in background) with heart failure, danger is always on the rise. symptoms worsen because your heart isn't pumping well. (water filling room) about 50 percent of people die (dog whimpering) within 5 years of getting diagnosed. but there's something you can do. talk to your doctor about heart failure treatment options. because the more you know, the more likely you are...v (dog whimpering) welcome back. super bowl we coverage continues. people cannot stop talking about lady gaga. >> every time i hear it i get chills. >> it ended with the blue angels flying. game but people love watching the halftime show as well. lauren whitney was in the stands and talked to fans. >> reporter: [ music ]. what was your favorite part? >> beyonci. person ever? >> jay-z is a lucky man. >> having bruno mars with beyonci and coldplay was epic. i am so happy. there were lights everywhere. it has been amazing. >> would you think about beyonci? balough she is fabulous. i love coldplay. that was my favorite part. >> it was a lot of fun seeing it in person. >> commercials are always a big part of the game as well. >> they had everything from cuddly animals to other animals and kids and celebrities. >> reporter: the first votes are in for this year's best and worst super bowl commercials seen by millions. at the top of the list, sunday -- fraendy with kevin hart voted most popular. it was followed by a heinz commercial with wiener dogs helping towards mustard and ketchup. song. and then an ultrasound baby who can't wait to get its hands on some doritos. a 32nd spot in 2016 hatched up to $5 million. the average cost of an ad over the last 10 years has increased by 75%. >> it is the one time that everybody in america is watching. >> rounding out the top five getting spots for super bowl 50, the trenchcoat wearing doritos dogs. this year advertising executives played it safe shying away from the outrageous or controversial. once in the commercial that did resonate, the commander from audi featuring a retired astronaut and the song star man from recently deceased david this year's results and a three-year winning streak for anheuser-busch. the beer company did get a little free advertising when peyton manning said he would be drinking a few advisors. steven colbert was on for a live show after the super bowl and he woke up will ferrell who audition to be the animal expert. >> all right. what do we have here? >> this is mulan. mulan, easy, easy, easy. mulan is well i wouldn't do and are when you hear about what she is. she is a short spine peruvian mongoose and she looks so calm and cuddly but she can be very aggressive and it will charge so please no sudden movements. >> that really and i could be wrong, that really looks like a >> you could see bill o'reilly tonight after the cbs4 mac news. that was so funny. right now 22 degrees in denver. denver police. have celebrations went downtown and the hit and run with the possible broncos fan connection. how to celebrate the big win here. i am going to say this. this one is for pat. >> an emotional moment after the big win. john elway saludes pat bolan after the teams a super bowl win. the team prepares to come back home to the mile high city.>> the streets in downtown sydney -- denver are much quieter. people rallied in lodo. police made 12 arrests. stores are preparing for a rush of broncos fans. people are going to try to get their hands on new super bowl year. and look at the process to be the high demand. >> bands get excited about a victory celebration in downtown denver. a preview of the parade and rally for tomorrow coming up. i am mark taylor. >> i am britt moreno. broncos fan.

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New York , United States , Center Park , California , Sydney , New South Wales , Australia , Nebraska , Littleton , Colorado , Kentucky , Iowa , Boulder , Wilkerson Pass , Kansas , Peru , New Mexico , Utah , San Francisco , Americans , America , Peruvian , Pat Bolan , Dave Aguilera , Gary Kubiak , Emily Jackson , Gary Lindstrom , Richard Hoffman , Santa Clara , Lauren Whitney , Jeff Todd , Bruno Mars , Kevin Hart , John Elway , Peyton Manning , Chris Corley , Denver Metro , Sean Janus , Ann Sheridan , Nicole Gassman , Steven Colbert , Britt Moreno ,

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Transcripts For KCNC Through The Decades 20160208 :

Transcripts For KCNC Through The Decades 20160208

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good morning. denver police were preparing themselves for out-of-control crowds. we have seen this in denver before. they of course got the word out early before the super bowl asking fans to behave like the city has won a championship is what happened overnight. people packed inside bars downtown and then flooded into the streets after the broncos one super bowl 50. police planned for a chaotic celebration by adding controls. they closed streets to keep the area in control after the win. we saw one of the 12 arrests they made, a woman that had a gun and was taken into custody downtown. overall police were pleased with fans containing their cyber just enough. after police responded to a hit and run ann sheridan and kentucky the car in the inside and that lisa driver was injured. it doesn't look like anyone had life-threatening injuries. investigators found the license plate from the car that they think they be responsible in this hit and run. this is not the kind of attention you what a fans to get after the ball. 728 letter and qd. it is a 2004 acura gold hatchback and it likely will have damage to the front. if you have seen that car for information, call police. we will check in with our crews in california in a few minutes. let's talk about the forecast. >> everyone is asking about the parade. it is tomorrow. >> good morning. tomorrow is looking great. mid-50s for the afternoon high. speak. in the 20s and not bad at all. 22 thornton and littleton 24. from gary lindstrom the weather watcher in breckenridge, 21 degrees. went on the west side of town in the mountains and that could be a little problematic this morning. golden now has a 28 miles per hour when. on the satellite, a few clouds out there but we will have a lot of sunshine to the day. a high of about 46 degrees. it should be gorgeous and it gets warmer in the week ahead. let's check traffic. joel hillan taking a peek at that. >> if you are heading out the and 140 worth. we are campaigning for this to be a national holiday. here we are across the high country where we have winds in place all the way from c470 up to the eisenhower tunnel. you see slowing southbound on i- 25 between 36 and around the stadium curve. we have some ongoing brood construction. this morning if you're getting up early we hope you had enough time to enjoy the victory. >> people are still in bed watching the newscast. our crew is working early this morning as it is just after 4 am in san francisco. alan gionet is the early bird their life. i cannot even imagine how exciting it was. you need your cup of coffee. >> open way we sure do. in san francisco they were partying as well overnight. people were just crazy about the broncos winning. there was a little trouble here. there was a fight in the parking lot between fans but that was all of the trouble. good celebration in san francisco. people in the south bay area were celebrating everything was orderly. taking you to the game last night, the celebration was emotional. as the broncos were presented the lombardi trophy. we heard from pat bolan's wife annabel. >> is pat was here today he would say his very proud of his team and the best fans in the nfl. on behalf of the bolan family congratulations to the denver broncos for the third time broncos country, you are super bowl champions. >> demons of the seahawks lost now. peyton manning at 39 years old. we did avoid questions about his future. >> this has been a very emotional week an emotional night and i have a few priorities in order. i want to kiss my wife and kiss my kids and celebrate with my family intimates. i will drink a lot of beer tonight. budweiser, those are my priorities at this point. i will take some time to reflect on the other. i will say a prayer and think it to the man upstairs for this opportunity. >> peyton manning, 141 yards, one interception. not best career performance. he had a wonderful career. he did what he did to help the broncos win. game and peyton manning and the denver broncos are super bowl champs. >> great to see him on top. the broncos come away with an epic win and we have a look at the big plays. von miller came up huge in the game first quarter. two strikes cam newton of the ball. demarcus ware emily jackson go for the ball. a mistake by the panthers, they let jordan norwood escaping go down the sidelines for a super bowl record 61 yard return. broncos got another field goal and then von miller again. slapped the ball out of cam newton's hand in the broncos t.j. ward recovers at the four yard line. broncos go on to win 24-10 pulling out the upset win. broncos insiders were out in full force. >> reporter: from levi's gary miller anne kelly worth. super bowl champions for a third time wasting the lombardi trophy. you were in the interview area. >> there were so many smiles. it was excited to be there as many of them came in with kids. to leave a -- they said it was a hard game at times. but they proved they can go to the struggle. >> you had a moment to visit with john elway who 1 two super bowls. he put together this championship team. >> all credit to john elway and 15 years ago i wondered and john wondered whether he would find something to equal the excitement he felt being a quarterback and winning championships. he finally found it. he built this team and you know what. he turned it around. team in football. he turned it into the best defense at the ballgame team in the nfl. another lombardi trophy comes to denver. >> that is his competitive nature. another parade down the streets of denver. from santa clara. what a moment. >> denver is planning a parade and a victory rally in everybody is asking. tomorrow at noon at 17th and wynkoop near union station going through downtown on 17th street and then to civic center park. cbs4 will provide live coverage. we will get to the super bowl game highlights again in a few minutes. first let's talk about weather and traffic. >> you will want to know how to dress for that because the question. what are you going to wear because before the game was over they were already printing the super bowl championship t- shirts. >> everyone will be clamoring to get these. let's go to lauren dispirito. >> reporter: this if you have ever wondered how the new t- shirts gets on the shelves the past, this is how. they started 15 minutes after the broncos one -- won and they have been stacking the shirts ready to be printed with the official super bowl l logo. we know they have made 300 per hour in these of the kids t- shirts. they will go as far away as utah and new mexico and grand junction. many of the shirts will stay here in denver and you can buy them at sports authority. if you want to pick these up for your kids, this is what the check for the silver stickers. that lets you know you are buying official nfl gear. live, lauren dispirito. folks up in early busy working there this morning. check out the broncos photo gallery online here. cbs it highlights some of the top plays. dave aguilera is talking about the forecast. >> if you are waiting for the bus stop this morning you will need your broncos jacket. it will be 22 degrees three 8:00 a.m. three 8:00 a.m. mostly sunny skies on the way. looking at today. let's check traffic. >> the one trouble spot in the high country, watch out for the high winds at c470 towards georgetown. if you are about to for the latest traffic and cbs4 whether -- weather and traffic. >> [ music ] lady gaga wows the crowd. more of her rendition comi,, ,, (phone ringing) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. but that's how some americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) hey candidates, electric. it was the same in california. let's go to san francisco for the day after. >> they are live there this morning. >> reporter: good morning. sleepy so folks in denver and a few parts of san francisco still awake right now. the prevailing view of the national anthem last night was that lady gaga nailed it. there is a lot of praise for her going around about it and she herself said it was an honor to sing for you on your big day. [ music ] >> lady gaga sang and well and the fans were really thrilled about it. wearing the red gucci outfit. that sort of thing. and pats room -- platform shoes. giving america it's song its way last night. a big hit to start the game. >> i am impressed you recognize the name brand of her outfit. i thought she toned it down for that performance but an epic rendition of the national anthem. we also talked to you about the halftime show on our facebook page so leave a comment and tell us what you think. was everything you expected it to be. people are talking about beyonci's for performance. let's check on the weather is forecast. >> you have your orange guccis on this morning.>> double weather visit on friday as pines. we talked to the kids from to third grade here and we made a tornado in the tornado machine and made its no. we had a great time. i want to thank teacher naked call for shooting the video. the broncos were the world champs. we have wind going on this town. look at black hawk, 45 mile in our guests. continental divide. if you zoom out 51 if you zoom out 51 miles per hour in winter park and 54 on wilkerson pass. take a look at this in boulder, 21 but down the road in greeley it is 16. satellite greater together, a few clouds but we will have day. high-pressure moving in out west from california all the way back to colorado. there is a low pressure area over the great lakes where it you see the lines, those of the pressure lines and they are over colorado and nebraska and kansas. wind is picking up. the jet stream is zooming between the pressure zones. a little bit of snow from summit county to rocky mountain national park during the day. nothing really major but you may see some of that over skies. as far as wind, it will stay with us. anything purple there is up over 30. in the mountains it holds tight . high temperatures today leslie 30s and 40s across the state including denver. the 46 temperature is the high. 55 tomorrow evening and we talked to 63 on wednesday and keep the 50s rolling the thursday and friday. the broncos 1 -- won. >> eisenhower. you have nice dry conditions over the high mountain passes for now. we have wind in both hands on the steering wheel. southbound into town, speeds into the 60s and 50s. from 1/20 to i-70, regular speeds. a little slowing as you get past the stadium curve. a lot of people pausing to take ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, if you are traveling across the nation today there are some rough spots that all to the east. parts of northern iowa have blizzard warnings with big snowstorm out there. rain in nashville. we have advisories from the smokey mountains all the way to main purpose some of the smokey mountains could see 6 to 12 inches of snow at 4000 feet. in the west we are looking at lots of sunshine from colorado to california. let's see if the traffic is looking good. >> the drive out to dia is looking fantastic. and a little bit of slowing on i 25. the seahawks confirm another nfl superstar could be calling it a career.>> marshawn with just an emogee with two fingers making the peace sign as a caption. reports are out that he has told his friends that he is retiring. five -- 5:24 am. back to reality after quite a weekend. >> broncos fans happy this morning but the fans for in a rush to get out of the state and stadium. how the team leader showed some unusual sportsmanship. hello from santa clara. levi's stadium. super bowl 50 in the books. the denver broncos are super bowl champions for a third time and for their quarterback a second title. not peyton manning that we were used to in years past in this game against the panthers. he did not throw a touchdown but he kept the broncos in the game and did have a couple of scoring drives and he gets to win a second title and get the opportunity if he chooses to go out on top. that will be the question last night. what is next for peyton manning. >> you always have that bond with all of the guys you played with and once you have a chance to win a championship with. i will be grateful for this bond that i have with this bunch. no matter what happens, this group and these coaches of these players will not all be on the same team next year. this is a unique opportunity and i am very grateful to be a part of it. and not take it for granted. >> you couldn't have written the script any better. just like john elway 17 years ago winning a super bowl in his final game. we expect this will be his final game for him a super bowl title. ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, earning asset. >> -- we have team coverage of the broncos victory including alan gionet in california. >> lauren dispirito is waking up with fans. sean janus in downtown denver. let's go live to sean.>> we may have lost him. >> it was quite the place to be. we were trying to do that. check hello. >> sorry. i was told we didn't have our might. there's nothing going on here of their more square but we were -- want to first how you about something police had to deal with. outside of downtown at the intersection of sheridan and kentucky. hit-and-run and looking for a car in connection with that crime. this happened after midnight. the car in the intersection had three people inside and at least the driver was injured but it doesn't look like they will be life-threatening. investigators did find the license plate for one of the cars were decried that may be responsible for this hit-and- run. you don't want to see this kind of attention going to a football fan after the super bowl. 728 nqd. the car is a 2004 acura gold hatchback that will have damage to the front side of the car. let's talk about what we saw here. people packed inside the bars and flooding out into the streets. after the broncos one super bowl 50. police plan for a chaotic celebration. they closed some streets to keep the area and control hours after the win. they were 12 arrests and we saw dpd taking one woman into custody because she had a gun. overall they were pleased with the way people contain their excitement. live in denver, shawn chitnis. a lot of excitement overnight.>> everyone is asking about the parade. dave aguilera. >> the parade is looking great. tomorrow we will warm up into the mid-50s for the high and mostly sunny and this morning is not too bad. we took the super bowl and now we're taking the temperatures. 22 in boulder. 20 stapleton. weather watcher in littleton, richard hoffman has 20 degrees. this morning, a little bit of wind on the west side of town. in some of the mounds it is going up to 45 or 55. we have a jet stream flowing across and it will be breezy today. a few clouds mixed in with the sunshine once we start the morning. we will be partly cloudy to mostly sunny but a nice day. 46 degrees for the high and we pop into the 50s tomorrow. let's see how the roads are went to get past c470 it is super breezy. here we are across denver metro. some slowing along i 25. there ready to pick up the express lanes project. turn on kay away newsradio. you the latest traffic and weather together. gary kubiak will answer questions this morning at 9:00. miller will talk about his team's effort for the victory in last night super bowl. ivonne came out huge in the representative chris corley strips cam newton of the ball. marcus ware and jackson go for the ball. by the panthers letting jordan norwood escape. down the sidelines for a super bowl record 61 yard return. goal. from miller again, slapping the ball out of cam newton's hand. t.j. line. broncos go on to win it. gametime celebration was not complete until john elway was hoisting the trophy and thinking his boss. >> i am going to say this. but this one is for pat. >> what a moment. elway returned as a favorite. when the broncos won their first super bowl in 1998 pat bolan said this one is for john. john elway paying it forward. >> we want to talk about the excitement from california. >> good morning. >> good morning. person ever in the 50 years of the super bowl to win the super bowl as a player and to win it as a general manager. elway road his -- wrote his own history tonight. will patton -- will peyton manning play again. his mother said maybe it is time to retire at this point. the peyton manning brothers are both legends in the nfl. peyton manning has two super bowls to his name. last night he was gracious. >> they always have that bond. with all of the guys who played. it is all wonderful and i am grateful for this bond that i have. no matter what happens this group of these coaches will not all be on the same team next year. for this group and i am very grateful to be part of it. i do not take it for granted. >> cam newton had a tough time dealing with denver's defense. it was a key to the game. we had a tough time taking questions after the game from the media. >> i think you are disappointed for yourself and your teammates.>> many contrast between the two quarterbacks and this morning cam newton is taking criticism in the press for what some perceived as a lack of effort when the ball was fumbled with four minutes to go. did he not bother to go after it? that is a big question. super bowl 50, it is all settled today. thank you, alan. people will clamor to get a hold of that history and they will fill stores to get broncos swag and t-shirt printers are working overtime. >> lauren dispirito is live for us. we are hearing their printing 300 shirts and our.>> reporter: it has to get may -- made. most of this started full force 15 minutes after the broncos one last time. it is fascinating to look at this is the in cross. they have to get the colors on that logo and stacks of t-shirts ready to go. these are the children sizes. they want to have 20,000 of these made. eventually they end up over there on the drier and that is a quick process and then they get boxed up and being picked up and shipped to sports authority stores. around the state. if you want to get these for your kids, look for the silver stickers. that is what lets you know you are buying official nfl gear. the mood here is very good and they had to have the panthers logo set up and ready to go just in case. thankfully that didn't happen and it is all smiles and here. lauren dispirito. now the broncos will come home as champions later today and the fans had a chance on tuesday to wish them well at the parade. >> jeff todd was at the pearl -- game. >> reporter: you can say one thing to peyton manning, what would it be. >> congratulations. you are a champion. we love you.>> peyton manning, if it is his last game, i am glad we side. what a great game. to peyton what would you say? >> enjoy it. enjoy the moment and enjoy your family. thank you for all of the years you gave us in denver. you are broncos legend. we love peyton. >> the broncos fans gracious this morning. thank you painting -- patent for all your efforts. to a victory rally that this is happening tomorrow. it will go through downtown on 17. to 13th and then civic center park. live coverage to the entire more super bowl game highlights ,, ,, re bad breath, bad hair and a bad case of the mondays. and organized wardrobes that help you pull it together. and shuffling. and bathrooms that get big families out the door. they' re number ones, number twos, and a number of ideas for three. life' s morning madness. and comfortable, organized bed and bathrooms your dreams evolve, and with committed support, they thrive. peyton manning that's what the admin for the -- incredible finish. the fans love it. >> best quarterback in the world. epic. >> this is for pat. >> it is amazing. i literally think it is the best thing in the world. >> it was amazing. >> i am coming from denver so this is awesome and i had such a good time and i am glad that we did this. i have no regrets of coming in and paying the amount of money we did.>> i grew up in >> thank god you have reformed. >> i was a broncos fan long before there was a panthers team. we are glad they came together at the super bowl. we came out. >> i promised my son in 99 i would take them to the next super bowl parade in denver. >> every game we have watched together we 1. >> we had to come. that is why beer here. >> thank you for winning it for us. those fans had so much fun. a lot of people thought about is this a game of a lifetime. the last chance we might have for the super bowl for a while? those of the stories that i heard as people talked about why they went to the super bowl and i met some incredible fans including one guy who said he that he had bronchitis from excessive yelling during broncos game. he raised $1600. he said after three days i shut it down. but he went to the game. >> you know you are a true fan when you lose your voice. the our eyes and ears for a moment. what was it like it being there at the super bowl in the stands.>> reporter: the energy level was crazy. people were beside themselves and excitable. they didn't know they were grabbing people next to them. and the panthers fans really were pretty good. i heard a lot of congratulations and that was great. a lot of these folks put out a lot of money. the ticket prices were really high and so they felt in the end this was really worth it. they had a little more income perhaps than most of us have but they thought it is worth shelling out the money. super bowl 50. this is some great video. i love seeing the happy kids and their faces. >> we had a devil whether visit -- double whether visit. we talked with the middle school grades and they are billy excited to talk about the weather. and then after that we went to the third to the fifth grade group later in the day and we did all of our experiments making tornadoes and snow. thank you guys. had a great time. thanks to nicole gassman, a teacher. we had a great time. let's check out this morning. of town. up to 37 in golden. conifer 23. winter park 46. it will remain that way throughout the day. eastern plains, the 20s. as we look at the big map there is a ridge of high pressure forming out west and we are locked between that high and a low over the great lakes producing blizzard like conditions over iowa and snow back to new york state. that will be rough for those folks. in between is when the wind is picking up over colorado. it is bringing in moisture for the mountains so light snow appear going on but mostly clear over the eastern plains as far as the forecast. in great shape there. as far as the wind goes that will remain intact in the mountains. i don't look for that to go away anytime soon. it will blow all day long. temperature wise mostly 40s and 30s across the state. we're looking at a pretty good start. 46 ought to be the high today. wendy from time to time. 55 tomorrow. thursday and friday in the 50s with sun all week long. the broncos win and the temperatures turn around. we had sunshine and everybody should be happy and smiling. >> one of those from time to time is happening in the high country. eisenhower tunnel and johnson title, the roads look fine but we have wind cranking up. you can see it affecting the drive onto 85 as well. some of the usual spots. across denver metro, straight shot to town now they're getting those cones picked up and moved out of the way. across the denver metro it looks like a great trip. look at the drive times. today all ust poli melt -- us chipolte locations will shut down for a meeting about food safety. it will be broadcast nationwide . restaurants will be closed from 11 am until 3 pm and during that time the ceo will go over new food handling procedures. this is in reaction to an e. coli at five -- outbreak. (donkey sound) (elephant sound) there's a big difference between making noise, (tapping sound) and making sense. (elephant sound) when it comes to we need more than our next president needs a real plan to keep social security strong. (elephant noise) hey candidates. enough talk. (baseball on tv in background) with heart failure, danger is always on the rise. symptoms worsen because your heart isn't pumping well. (water filling room) about 50 percent of people die (dog whimpering) within 5 years of getting diagnosed. but there's something you can do. talk to your doctor about heart failure treatment options. because the more you know, the more likely you are...v (dog whimpering) welcome back. super bowl we coverage continues. people cannot stop talking about lady gaga. >> every time i hear it i get chills. >> it ended with the blue angels flying. game but people love watching the halftime show as well. lauren whitney was in the stands and talked to fans. >> reporter: [ music ]. what was your favorite part? >> beyonci. person ever? >> jay-z is a lucky man. >> having bruno mars with beyonci and coldplay was epic. i am so happy. there were lights everywhere. it has been amazing. >> would you think about beyonci? balough she is fabulous. i love coldplay. that was my favorite part. >> it was a lot of fun seeing it in person. >> commercials are always a big part of the game as well. >> they had everything from cuddly animals to other animals and kids and celebrities. >> reporter: the first votes are in for this year's best and worst super bowl commercials seen by millions. at the top of the list, sunday -- fraendy with kevin hart voted most popular. it was followed by a heinz commercial with wiener dogs helping towards mustard and ketchup. song. and then an ultrasound baby who can't wait to get its hands on some doritos. a 32nd spot in 2016 hatched up to $5 million. the average cost of an ad over the last 10 years has increased by 75%. >> it is the one time that everybody in america is watching. >> rounding out the top five getting spots for super bowl 50, the trenchcoat wearing doritos dogs. this year advertising executives played it safe shying away from the outrageous or controversial. once in the commercial that did resonate, the commander from audi featuring a retired astronaut and the song star man from recently deceased david this year's results and a three-year winning streak for anheuser-busch. the beer company did get a little free advertising when peyton manning said he would be drinking a few advisors. steven colbert was on for a live show after the super bowl and he woke up will ferrell who audition to be the animal expert. >> all right. what do we have here? >> this is mulan. mulan, easy, easy, easy. mulan is well i wouldn't do and are when you hear about what she is. she is a short spine peruvian mongoose and she looks so calm and cuddly but she can be very aggressive and it will charge so please no sudden movements. >> that really and i could be wrong, that really looks like a >> you could see bill o'reilly tonight after the cbs4 mac news. that was so funny. right now 22 degrees in denver. denver police. have celebrations went downtown and the hit and run with the possible broncos fan connection. how to celebrate the big win here. i am going to say this. this one is for pat. >> an emotional moment after the big win. john elway saludes pat bolan after the teams a super bowl win. the team prepares to come back home to the mile high city.>> the streets in downtown sydney -- denver are much quieter. people rallied in lodo. police made 12 arrests. stores are preparing for a rush of broncos fans. people are going to try to get their hands on new super bowl year. and look at the process to be the high demand. >> bands get excited about a victory celebration in downtown denver. a preview of the parade and rally for tomorrow coming up. i am mark taylor. >> i am britt moreno. broncos fan.

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