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Stephen i see you like keeping your guitar close. Wherever i am, you will ally find my guitar. Stephen lucille. Excuse me. Stephen lucille, your guitar. I know exactly what you mean. I gotta have my music close, too. Thats why i always carry around my little lady. You play harmonica . Stephen no, play yeah. This is alice. Shes my life. Lets scwam. Stephen, i dont think so. Stephen lets crank it up and rip off knob. Stephen, that doesnt have a knob. No, its a metaphor for sex. Im playing in the key of g. Is that a g . It wont work. Ive got another one. This ones in the key of g. All right lets do it. Stephen, im a professional. I dont know. Can you even play that thing in. Stephen you tell me. Wow. Stephen lets do it. All right. You start. Its the late show with stephen colbert. Tonight, stephen welcomes Ethan Hawke Tim meadows and musical guest wilco. Featuring jon batiste and stay human. And now, from the ed sullivan captioning sponsored by cbs cheers and applause stephen hey, everybody hey, chris thanks, everybody cheers and applause thank you so much. Amazing amazing stephen thanks so much. Hey welcome to the lat late show everybody. Thanks so much for being here. Oh, my gosh. Oh, it feels good. Feels good to be with everybody here tonight. Im your host, stephen colbert. And, folks, check your calendars. We are just days away from the first president ial debate, this late show will be broadcasting live right here from this stage to help you. cheers and applause i will applaud me any day of the week. Thank you very much. We will be he were live to help you relive all the big moments you just saw and are now drinking to forget. Donald trump says for the debate hes not prepping. Hes going to rely on his improv prep consists of asking a room full of drunk people for an object and occupation. laughter thank you very much. I heard chia pet and proctologist. Scene good morning, doctor laughter meanwhile improv. Meanwhile, the Clinton Campaign is really worried that trump could be seen as the winner if he clears the low bar of avoiding outrageous statements. Thats not the lowest bar for donald trump. A low bar for him is not telling lester holt hed be a ten if he bought a new set of knockers. Come on, lester, shake them up. Its true, lester. You look great. So, secretary clinton is preparing for everything. In fact, its being reported that she is actually prepping for two trumps at the debate an onmessage, disciplined donald trump and a freewheeling donald trump. By the way, freewheelin donald trump is the worst folk album of all time. cheers and applause now, normally candidates prepare by doing mock debates against a standin for their opponent, but who could portray the two side of donald trump . I know of only one person who same time, and we have obtained exclusive footage of him prepping secretary clinton. laughter they have the jobs. Sneaky little immigrants. Wicked, tricksy immigrants. Immigrants are my friends. Build. The. Wall. cheers and applause stephen trump is a lot like gollum both of them have Trouble Holding on to a ring for too long. Now, dont you boo gollum. Mao, heres some interesting news. A man in canada was caught stealing gold from the Royal Canadian mint. The man, an the mint inside his rectum. Yes, thats right. . Goldsphincter could you hear that could i hear that one more time, please . cheers and applause the man with the funny walk . Those horns, by the way, that was the sound he made when they pulled the gold out of him. The man was charged with theft, possession of stolen property and, god, i hope money laundering. laughter applause now jon wow found a jar of vaseline in his locker, and im going to say a rubber mallet and a bite stick. Presiding over the case when was man was on it trial and this is true the honorable judge peter doody, proving once and for all, i believe, that there is a god. laughter the thief was ordered to return the gold nuggets, but the mint ke well take a check. laughter now, in other news, i just saw a story that filled me with rage and then hunger. An entrepreneur has received a patent for this creation to revolutionize your next barbecue. It is a combination hamburger hot dog. He calls this the hamdog. Stephen yes. The hamdog. Sorry, elon musk. The hamdog is, evidently, an idea whose time has come. Instead of holding a hot dog in one hand and a hamburger in the other, now i can hold them both in one hand, leaving the other hand free to perform the heimlich on myself. But heres what i have a problem with. Okay. This hamdog was invented by an australian how did australia beat america . To the hamdog . America has always led the world i mean, who made a taco shell out of doritos . We did who put pizza flavoring on potato chips . We did and, damnit, have we forgotten the double down bacon and cheese between two pieces of deepfried chicken cheers and applause have we forgotten who thought that was a good idea . And why do you think the pilgrims kale over here in the first place . Not for religious freedom, but so on thanksgiving they could stuff a chicken inside a duck inside a turkey without the kings permission im calling on all our nations top scientists to stop whatever youre doing and invent new, unnatural food combination to make us proud. I dont care what it is. Combine lamb chops with a slurpee pipe gravy into a twinkie make beef stroganoff into fruit rollups call them fruit strogoffs put cheese on anything that doesnt have cheese on it already. Good luck finding it because, in the words of robert f. Kennedy, some men see things as they are and say why . I dream things that never were and say id put that in my mouth. laughter applause and now, say hi to something that is natural and delicious jon batiste and stay human, stephen dadacada. That was the battle hymn of the public. Thank you very much. I see you have a very special guest with you tonight. Do you want to tell the good people who you are honored to have the legendary nile rodgers in the the house. Stephen thank you very much for being here. Thank you. cheers and applause jon hes headline lining . Freak out lets dance, on saturday october 8 at forest hills stadiums in queens. Stephen thank you so much stephen i dont have to tell you folks that Donald Trumps not doing very well with African American voters. I especially dont have to tell you folks over there. Yesterday, at a rally in north carolina, he once again brought the black community the message of hope that all is hopeless. They are in the than ever, ever, ever. Stephen for one thing, donald trump might become president. And while some polls out there show trump with 0 support among African Americans, we found one. For his unique perspective we turn now to our dear friend. cheers and applause a boardcertified black Trump University graduate, p. K. Winthrop. P. K. , thank you so much for being here. cheers and applause p. K. , p. K. , my man great to see you again. What it do . Oh, it does, stephen. Stephen i see you come to us from a golf course. Im sorry, did we interrupt a round . Oh, i dont play golf, stephen. I just dress up like tiger woods autographs. They dont know. Stephen good to hear, good to hear. Speaking of confused white people, what do you think about donald trump saying theres never been a worse time for black people . Thats true, stephen. Unless time includes history. But let me tell you, this black person never had it better. Stephen really . You bet. Scarcity determines value. As one of the few black trump stephen speaking of which, did you hear about that guy in canada . Yeah, hes ad any friend of mine. Stay strong, leston stephen im surprised you support trump. Youre not going to miss barack obama in the white house . Oh, absolutely, stephen. Ill miss all the wonderful retail opportunities he provided. Those antiobama rallies were great for my business. Remember when i used to sell these obama hitler mustaches . Stephen how could i forget . You were quite proud of your etsy page. Also, remember my delicious obama is a kenyan black rhino steaks . laughter oh, i sold a lot of these. Stephen hold on, p. C. Arent black rhinos endangered . Like i said, i sold a lot of these. And then there was this crowd favorite obama you lie mouthwash because when youre heckling the president during the state of the union, you want your breath stephen well, president obama is about to leave office, so whats your Business Plan now . Well, stephen, ive completely restocked my entire inventory with new merchandise, like these brand trumpstaches. You slap one of these babies on a picture of trump. cheers and applause hitler . No, stephen. He becomes a powerful leader who knows how to rally the people with his powerful oratory skills. You know what i mean, like charlie chaplin. Hey, you hungry for more . Stephen i in no way implied they am. Well, youre going to love these. These are trump black rhino steaks. applause cheers stephen okay, okay. But, i just have on ask you here, arent those the same steaks as before . Nope. Completely different. These have been aged for eight years in a climatecontrolled duplex. And you can wash them down you can wash them down with trump spearmint liqueur. Yeah laughter stephen okay, i dont know about that, but at least that one didnt harm any rhinos. Actually, theres a fair amount of rhino in here. We use all of the animal. Were not monsters. Come on, man. Hey, hey, im sorry. Are you tiger woods . Do you have 5 . Well be right back with ethan hawke. What a lovely home you have. Is this your family . Yea, thats my daughter, my son, and thats my. Hey, koolaid man . Husband. Oh yeah [ crashing ] [ electricity crackles ] hey at least you got your Homeowners Insurance through progressive. By bundling it with your Car Insurance you saved a ton yeah. Do you want to see the rest of the house . I can actually see a lot of it. Oh. [ . Diggy . By spencer ludwig] . . What twisted ankle . What muscle strain . Advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain . Advil. Mmm. I cant believe its so delicious. I cant believe it has 40 fewer calories than butter. I cant believe its made with real, simple ingredients. I cant believe were on a whale. I cant believe my role isnt bigger. Oh, its real. Real ingredients. Unbelievable taste. Go ahead, enjoy. Real ingredients. Unbelievable taste. He lord . . Power, power to the lord . . . Power lord . , washington is broken. A blatant case of special interests buying influence in washington. A draft bill by scott tipton was largely written by tiptons Biggest Campaign contributor. Even worse, tiptons plans threaten thousands of recreation industry jobs. Jobs, and our rural way of life. Gail schwartz independent leadership for colorado. House majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. band playing stephen hey, everybody welcome back to the late show here on cbs, where disco never died. Keep on strong. You know, weve got a great show for you tonight. Nile rodgers is here. Ethan hawke will be out here in just a second, tim meadows. Wilco is performing. Ea because Bruce Springsteen is my guest on friday. applause well have an extensive interview about his new book, his life, and how he got all jacked in the early 80s for born in the u. S. A. I upon to know what his workout routine was. Theres probably a diet book in there. My first guest is a fourtime academyaward nominee with 30 years of acting, writing and directing under his belt. 23 confirmed kills. One of the sharpshooterrers, dubbed, the angel of death. Do what he does. Hes a legend. There. Stephen please welcome ethan hawke . . . applause wow stephen nice to see you. Are you a fan or are you looking to be in the band . Well, now that you mention it no, im a fan. I got the chance i made a very strange, weird movie when i was younger called chelsea walls, a movie applause its, like, the four people who ever saw it. But it was a lot of fun, and the movie has kind of no narrative. Its a weird, strange poem of a movie. And i asked what jeff the the score and he did a magnificent job. If theres a reason to see the movie, he did the score and there are a couple of scenes Kris Kristofferson was in it. Stephen can you direct the movie . I did. I ran a Theater Company when i was a kid. Stephen how young . Dead Poets Society came out when i was 18 and i dropped out of college and my mom was crying and crying and said, you wont do anything useful in your life. Stephen and your mom said, why not go for the big money and be a poet. Yeah, knowing my mom she would have thought that was pretty neat. Stephen really . Was your mom kind of artie and supportive of your career . You say that kind of mean. Stephen no, my mosms kind of artie and supportive of my career. My mother thought Alan Ginsberg should be president of the united states. Yeah, so she did think it was a pretty worthwhile career, and what actually of a lot of help Poets Society and i represented a theater for three months. Stephen here in the city . The first time we didnt rent for what long, and i didnt even know what play i was going to do but i started to make friends and put it on. Stephen it was the Sanford Meissner theater. He has one of my favorite quotes about act of all time. Phony bleep would fall to the ground and die. Stephen thats nice. Have you ever felt like im going to fall off this rope at any minute . I have fallen off the rope. Yeah. Stephen oh, okay. Painful . Very painful. Stephen wow. You know, when you start when youre 18 im not really joking. I had to learn in front of people, you know. So i was falling on my ass awe time. Stephen was there, like air, most painful experience for you that youd like to share laughter people dont really you think people want to know about your painful experiences but do you want to know about his painful experience . cheers and applause . All right, well, i feel like i should put my feet up on the couch. Stephen exactly. You know what i mean . Stephen all right, ethan, lets follow that feeling. Why dont you want to talk about it . Well, all right. Stephen and how does it relate to your artsy mother . You this before you get to your painful experience. Are you really getting a Lifetime Achievement award or did you get a Lifetime Achievement award . I know what youre thinking. Stephen its a yes or no question, sir. But if you would like a lawyer present. Im finding your questions scary. Stephen can you get a Lifetime Achievement award . Di. Stephen how old are you . Im 45 years old. Stephen youre 45 years old. Are you is there something terrible happening to . Lifetime Achievement Award who gave it to you. There is a Film Festival in San Sebastian which has a long legacy of celebrating film, and if you look at the list of people who wasnt award, gregory peck, sean penn, denzel washington, meryl streep. The list goes on for 50 years ask its incredible. They offered it to me, and i felt like i had to accept. My wife felt like it was a death sentence. Stephen im not saying you but Lifetime Achievement they put you out to pasture, Something Like that. Youre doing six films this year, report you . Im doing six this month, pal. I dont want to die, if thats what youre asking. I dont want this to be the end. Stephen dont want to die. Well, see if you can stay alive for two minute. Two seconds because we have to go to commercial and then well be right back with more ethan hawke. . . . For the people i love. So i talked to my doctor and she prescribed latuda. There are many forms of depression. Latuda is fda approved to treat bipolar depression in clinical studies, onceaday latuda was proven effective for many people with bipolar depression. Latuda is not for everyone. Call your doctor about unusual mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. Antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. Elderly dementia patients on latuda have an increased risk of death or stroke. Call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles and confusion, as these may be signs of a lifethreatening reaction, od sugar has been seen with latuda and medicines like it, and in extreme cases can lead to coma or death. 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What is do you want to share . Painful experiences all right, ill start with this one. All right, youre studying acting, doing repetition exercises, taking acting very seriously. Dead Poets Society comes out and people think you might have a chance at it. Youre playing the ummayoung mans part as constantine, making a broadway daview. U you cant help it. You want to share and express yourself, but you do think, maybe people will think im agreed great. And you think to yourself you might read what Marlon Brandos debut was like, and you read the great notices and you think, i wonder if mine will be like that. Maybe. And you are rehearsing and feeling so confident. You know, its really going well, and your friends come and they tell you youre great. And your mom, who is very youre really doing it. And then the New York Times comes, and you do your show, and youre at the Opening Night party and agents are lighting your cigarettes this is before the internet and then the paper comes out. sighs everybody starts on leave. And youre there with your cigarette. Maybe ill take a look at that. Ethan hawke plays constantine more concerned with his pimples perhaps he should spend less time at the Actors Studio and more at the dermatologist. Audience ooooooh stephen do you want to lay back down again . Yeah. Stephen oh, my god. But im still here, man. Stephen you are still here. Im 45 im on the colbert show. Stephen lifetime times is here. So the magnificent seven, a remake of the the magnificent seven, which is a remake of the seven samurai, which siremake of snow white and the the seven dwarfs. You play goodnight robicheaux, a former confederate soldier with 37 kills, and killing Union Soldiers and were pulling for you . Its a difficult back story. How do you what would you base this character on . Actually, not to make a joke, i founda incredibly interesting. Part of the thing so fascinating about this movie is its being headed bid denzel washington. So to see him take over this kind of very much dick cheney iconography of the classic hollywood western. Stephen yule brenner played the part initially. Who was russian. When you do an oldschool hollywood western, the images in your mind are john wayne, you having denzel do that and realizing one of his Close Friends is a former confederate soldier. I had the same reaction as you. What is this gois back story. I found it kind of fascinating and starting doing a lot of research about the civil war and the louisiana tyingers and what they were about and how interesting a place louisiana was in the civil war. And i called up one of my friend who is a musician in new orleans. And i said, tell and he said a faint heart never bleep a bob cat. Stephen did he just hang up after that . No, he had some other he he had some other if youre going to let me do this. Stephen sure. The other one he said was, mosquito down there are so large, they can stand flat footed and make love to a turkey. Stephen is that accurate . Is that accurate . laughter . So i hung up the the phone, and i said to myself, i have found my character. Stephen how many movies have you done at this postpone . In my life . Stephen sure. Do you know . Back on the couch. I thought i was talking about a movie and selling. Stephen the reason im asking is have you done westerns before . No, i have not. Stephen youre riding horses all the time. I have to ask what were your inner thighs like on day four. I have done a little if you havent condition it for a while its like hell on earth. Theres a reason cowboys walk bowlegged. Everything okay. Everything is fine. I already have four kids. I dont care about that. Stephen its best kind of birth control, riding a horse. Riding horses is no joke. And riding it with that many other guys. I mean, there are, like, 150 stunt guys. Were all riding. Its hot. Stephen anybody at the can the magnificent seven feel like, i know what im doing and getting in trouble . Everybody was too macho and getting in a little bit of trouble. We shot this movie forever. Im used to doing indy movies. We shoot them for a couch weeks. This one we were out five months in the desert, running around, beating each other up. Stephen it sound like fun. It was a blast. Stephen thank you for coming. Thank you for having me. Stephen nice to see you. The magnificent seven opens friday. Ethan hawke, everybody well be right b meadows. . Everybody sing, we are family . Y leaving . Grilled cheese and campbells tomato soup go together like grandchildren and chaos. . . . Lease a 2016 lincoln mkx for 349 a month. Initiating retrieval sequence. Target acquired. Dang it ah come on astronauts can vote from space. Take a break from the election with red or blue tea. . Get up and sing it to me . cheers and applause . Stephen hey, everybody. Welcome back to the late show. Ive known my next guest since i was 25 years old, and the first time he ever talked to me, he was angry and yelling, and i deserved it. Please welcome tim meadows. . . . applause stephen what is this . Are you going to do a magic trick . No, no, no. This is something i dont want to forget ill save it for later. I dont want to forget it. Stephen good, ill try to remember that. I wont even look at it. Hi, everybody. Stephen tim meadows, nice to see you. Good to see you. Stephen weve known each your girlfriend at the time in chicago, there was a party, like a fourth of july barbecue or Something Like that at her mothers house. Yeah. Stephen and i guess id had something to drink. Really. Stephen or something. And i crawled on the roof of her mothers garage and was throwing hot dogs at the people at the party. Do you remember what you ideal at me . I dont. Im sure it had m. If in there. Stephen it did, and it ended with grow the bleep up. City and i had just been hired in the National Touring company. And i thought ive bloap it. I will never be a member of the company. Because i was so cool. Stephen you were so cool. You were so cool. As a matter of fact, this is what you looked like back then. This is your s. N. L. Photo your first season. This is the guy can i see the shot again . Its a little bart simpsony. Thats all right. We used to joke about that. When i wasnt on the show, i would say, thats a live shot of me getting train going home. Because its me looking at the train, turning around and going, hey, im taking off now. Stephen you have kids now, right . I do. Stephen how old are your kids . I have two boys. They are 14 and soon to be 16. Stephen to they care that their dad is famous . I remind them of that a lot. Stephen hey ill tell them, every once this a while i go, do you guys realize, tim meadows, the television star, is cooking your breakfast . This is so cool for you. Stephen you can tell your grandchildren you were there yeah, yeah. Tim meadows is actually dropping you off at school, man. Stephen wait, what did you say, 14, and 16 . Yes. Stephen cothey even want to be with you . Do you guys still do things together. Even teenagers person in the world their kids probably thought they were nerd or just of the worst like, even miles davis probe had that problem with his kids at a certain points. His kids were probably lieb, oh, dad, shut up with that trumpet, you know. Im miles davis, man what are you talking about . They do. Now i try to spend as much time with them as i can because they are changing. We went to detroit this summer. Stephen your home town. My home town. I grew up in thank you very much, yeah. Stephen we usually have somebody from detroit here. I apologize. Not had time. Theyre in prison, somewhere, probably. I grew up in a rough part of detroit. You may have heard of it. It is called detroit. laughter yeah, okay. No rim shot on that. rim shot stephen dont go far. You know me . But, no, we went to detroit this summer. We saw a bunch of baseball detroit, and we were playing a car game, trying to kill time. And the game was, like, you had to pick the subject, and then you had three seconds or five seconds to name something, you know. So it was like, directors, and youd be, scorsese. It would be your turn and if you cant think of something wed go 4, 3, 2. It was me ask my son. We were driving and playing musical is this the 14yearold or 16yearold . The we were playing musical groups. I go led zeppelin and he was like. And i go 3, 2, 1. And he goes pussy riot stephen it counts. Counts. I i had never heard him say bleep . In any of its variations that you could use that word. Stephen i dont think cbs really pussy riot. Stephen no, cant find it in any the of the dictionaries. Im sorry. Stephen its not my beep its theirs. That was one of the things that happened this summer. Theyre getting so cool now, they dont want to hang out with me as much. Stephen now, son of zorn, which is the project youre doing with the great jason sedaikis. Love him. Stephen he is like he man of the masters of the ymps to to be with his nonanimated child and you play the boyfriend of mother . Yes. Stephen its an eternal story. It is. Stephen i think we have a clip right here. Gyp. Craig needs some bise for his bicycles. Bicycles . Who the hell rides bicycles . We do. Craig and i enjoy riding bicycles together as a couple. Rick sex on the mount know. You should try bicycle. Its good for your heart. You know what else is good for your heart, havingitant rick sex on a mounten top. Im going to go for an anger ride. Let me guess, on your bicycle. I havent seen that. Stephen oh, yeah, its really good. Thanks. Stephen good to see you, man. Thanks for being here. Thank you for having me. I want to say get friend dave floyd. Hes a friend of ours from detroit. He was in a car accident recently. Hes doing great, but i wanted to say love you, dave. And get well. Stephen stay strong, dave. Son of zorn premieres sunday on fox. Tim meadows, everybody. Well be right back with a get 10 off your womens fall fashion purchase of 50 or more right now. At kohls if your sneezes are a force to be reckoned with. Erent than claritin . Because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Try zyrtec . Muddle no more . Hold onto your forks. Endless shrimp is back at red lobster. That means you get to try as much as you want. Seriously. Like new garlic srirachagrilled shrimp. Its a little spice. A little sizzle. And a lot just right. And try new parmesan peppercorn shrimp. Helloooo crispy goodness. And the classic. Handcrafted shrimp scampi. You cant get enough of . Still gonna floor you. It may be called endless. [ . Diggy . By spencer ludwig] i was out here smoking instead of being there for my sons winning shot. That was it for me. Thats why im quitting with nicorette. Only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. It starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. Every great why needs a great how. Before taking his team to state for the first time. Gilman go get it, marcus. Go get it. Coach gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1 cash back everywhere, every time. . [ crowd cheers ] 2 back at Grocery Stores and now at wholesale clubs. And 3 back on gas. Which helped him give his players something extra. The cash rewards credit card from bank of america. More cash back for the things you buy most. Mmm. I cant believe its so delicious. I cant believe it has 40 fewer calories than butter. I cant believe its made with real, simple ingredients. I cant believe were on a whale. I cant believe my role isnt bigger. Oh, its real. Go ahead, enjoy. Stephen here performing someone to lose from their tenth studio album, schmilco, cheers and applause . . . . Where you gonna go in your winter coat . . I wonder what youre hiding cause its not too cold . Its already too late somebodys gonna get you . Ooh and if i hold you too tight . Someone else wont get to ooh . Wouldnt you know it . I keep it rolling . Considering no one punching a path . Facing the blast and the moon and the math . But you still never know wouldnt you know it . . Wouldnt you know it . Im so confused . I cant move i cant try . I hope you find someone to lose . Someday now where you gonna go . Like a cobra coiled sweating in a sweater, . You got too much style . Some day theyre gonna get you i hope you find . Someone to lose someday . I hope you find i hope you find . Someone to lose someday cheers and applause stephen wilco, schmilco , in one door a member of congress. Out another a highpaid lobbyist. 131 former members of congress are now lobbyists in washington, dc. Its just considered business as usual. I consider it wrong. From ever becoming lobbyists. Im Michael Bennet stephen thats it for the late show. Tune in tomorrow when my guests will be anthony anderson, Mark Consuelos and musical guest the kills. Now, stick around for james corden and his guests, kurt russell, ellen pompeo and kristen bell. Good night captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org . Are you ready to have some fun . Feel the love tonight dont you worry bout . Where you came from youre gonna be all right . Its the late, late show ladies and gentlemen, all the

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