Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 News Repeat 20160301 : comparemela

Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 News Repeat 20160301

declared unsafe. because of all of the chemicals. making hash oil is a dangerous process, involving marijuana materials, and ushlgly but tan -- usually but tan dmr a quick moving brush fire, really in the middle of the city, this afternoon. one firefighter was injured. as flames scorched about two-and-a-half acres at the common ground golf course. >> she shut down a busy road -- they shut down a busy road. >>reporter: you can see alameda back open tonight, but it did have to be shut down around rush hour because of how close it was to the fire. take a look, you can see some of that charred grass tonight. this is on the golf course that runs right adjacent to traffic, so when things really started to pick up, the flames and the smoke, they just got too much for drivers. snapped these photos of a brush fire that scorched 3 acres in east denver. mark thomas was at work across the street. >> i thought one of these so i went to the window, and just saw the field was completely engulfed with smoke. >>reporter: the first call came in at around 4:00 on the common ground golf course. lieutenant shawn says the report was for fast moving flames, and heavy smoke. >> it was basically impeding traffic from alameda. >>reporter: shared these pictures show what the drivers were travelling through. >> it was whiteout. >>reporter: it took less than an hour for crews to get the fire under control, which can sometimes be difficult given the current conditions. >> once they get going, because of the warm and windy conditions, they spread very quickly. >>reporter: both denver and aurora fire did respond here this afternoon. we know a denver firefighter was transported to the hospital when he was injured by one of the hoses, we're told he suffered a sprained knee and was transported to the hospital but has since been released and is at home recovering tonight. we're live in denver, karen morfitt, cbs4 news. meteorologist justin mcheffey up in clear creek tonight, getting some snow up there, but still not enough, justin. >>reporter: yeah, karen, we've got the snow on going up here in the high country, so it's good we're getting the moisture up here, but it's not falling where we need it the most, which is in the denver the metro area and on the eastern plains, we're about 30 miles as the crowe flies from that fire in the metro area today. and what a difference just 30 miles can make, as a matter of fact, we've got a traction law that was posted for all cars, on i-70 from georgetown to the eisenhower tunnel. it's not a huj system, but here it is on satellite and doppler radar, you can make out the counterclockwise circulation over wyoming and the southern reaches of that are grazing northern colorado. so before morning, where i'm standing along the continental divide, 2-5 inches of snow, quick look at the temperature and a cold 19 degrees with west winds about 20 miles per hour. tonight, justin mcheffey, cbs4 news the republican presidential race, the gop is buzzing, over the interest white supremeists groups have in this kras and a photographer getting body slams at a donald trump rally. >> trump's rally was interrupted by black lives matter protesters. >> out, get out. out. >>reporter: they showed up following the news former kkk leader david duke, is supporting trump. and the candidate's initial refusal to denounce the hate group. during the protest, a magazine photographer had words with the secret service agent. trying to confine him to a media area. the agent, then took him down. meanwhile, marco rubio is trying to capitalize on that, plan angle. >> there is no plan for bigotry, david duke or the ku klux klan in the republican party. >> we don't need muslims, we need smart well educated white people who will a semilate to our culture. >>reporter: ted cruz is banking on a win. >> and we are, i believe, going to have a big chunk of delegates and everyone else will be way, way, way behind. this is a two-man race. >>reporter: things are much quieter on the democratic side with hillary clinton enjoying a sizable lead if the polls over bernie sanders tomorrow. she is expected to win most of the mayor states, with sanders expected to perform well only here in colorado and in his home state of vermont. now to the latest on a roll over crash in littleton that injured several children. the driver has been identified as 30-year-old angela densemore, will face dui charges when she's release from the hospital. her brother-in-law says she was in the van with her husband and 7 children, all under the age of 10, he says all should make a full recovery. copter 4 flying over what was a close call for this truck driver this morning, you can see his vehicle hanging off i-25, apparently saved by to tree. denver police say the driver was able to get himself out of the wreckage and cited for careless driving. to a developing story, a couple from park was killed riding a motorcycle, this weekend. investigators believe the driver who hit them was drunk and texting. tonight, our kelly werthmann on the story in parker, and kelly, the victims were known as people very quick to help others. >>reporter: and jim, this is where they were headed, on saturday afternoon. it's the tavern and the owner says it means a friend to everyone. and tonight r he's honoring his friends, here where the flag is waving at half-staff. >>reporter: just like the name of the tavern, where the doug last county hogs meet every week. they were friends to everyone. >> ryan and jackie were just two of the greatest people this world has ever known. the couple was killed on highway 83 in frank town, just about 1:30 when 27-year-old -- swerved while reading a text messages. she smoked marijuana that morning and had been drinking wine before the crash. court documents revealed there were empty alcohol bottles, a glass pipe and raw marijuana in her car. this isn't the first time she has been involved in a deadly scene. she shot and killed two men during a home invasion in aurora five years ago, but was cleared by the make my day law. now, she's facing multiple felonies, including vehicular >> giant man crying, women crying, we all beared our soul. >>reporter: a small memorial rests near the highway where their last ride came to an end. but for friends and fellow bikers, their memory lives on. >>reporter: and a memorial service for the couple has been planned for this friday morning, here in parker. and as for the woman allegedly responsible for their deaths, she's been held at the douglas county jail on a $50,000 bond. live in parker, kelly werthmann, cbs4 news. new details now as the police release new surveillance pictures of the men suspected in a shooting. northglenn. two men were shot and wouned at the shell d -- wounded at the shell station. when two of them started shooting. an update on a story that a huge response. he was losing his home because he couldn't pay $175 and his property taxess. top mustin live, viewers helped this man get a new home. >>reporter: karen, i'm standing on the back porch of his rental home. now, bob has ms, and he'll be confined to life in a wheelchair. he now has a new home, and a new lease on life. thanks to the viewers. >> i feel fantastic. >>reporter: life has changed dramatically for bob. >> i can't believe it, it's incredible. >>reporter: friday, we reported that bob, who suffers from ms, was being evicted from his boulder mobile home, after failing to pay $175 in back property taxes. he'd use the money to pay his medical bills. a boulder man saw our story and hours, that page has raised nearly $20,000, including one anonymous $12,000 donation. >> saw the story and did it to be helpful and it just went nuts. >>reporter: monday, bob's friends helped him move to his new place in aurora, a rental financed by his new income. >> i get to live here, but i live here safely, i don't have to worry about circumstances that can cause me to have to move. >>reporter: bob says he is eternally grateful to the generous donors who helped rescue him from the streets. his place is a mound of boxes, but he did find time to play a tune on his guitar. and now, after 35 years in boulder, nearly being steam rolled by the system, bob says he and his bird, sweetheart, are excited to start their new life. >> it turned out good. >>reporter: the city of boulder tells us any mobile home owners their taxes can work out with the county a payment plan. we wish him the best. we're live in aurora tonight, tom mustin, cbs4 news. new developments tonight on a controversial form of birth control the new warnings for essure that some women say don't go far enough. >> questionable signage. why parking in a legal space can still cost you. plus, how a little boy gets stuck in a vending machine for five hours. >> and the message behind this the sing along with a couple of west slope cops. [ music ] . >> and about the only snow we have left is where justin was in clear creek county and northern park county. high pressure is building in from the west. sending all of that moisture up over o colorado, and giving us a nice, mild week, how mild? the numbers are coming up. be a bronco for life, and troy thank you so much. did you say honey? hey, try some? mmm that is tasty. is it real? of course... are you? nope animated you know i'm always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios well you've come to the right place. great, mind if i have another taste? not at all mmm you're all right bud? never better i don't know if he likes that. yeah new developments in a battle to get a popular form of permanent birth control off the market. the food and drug administration announced today it will require more warnings for the essure product, can including a patient decision checklist. but essure opponents say that doesn't go far enough. >> the hearing last september, essure opponents voiced their concerns about the popular form of permanent birth control. >> we're finally being heard. it's been a long battle. >>reporter: essure is a tienl coil designed to block the tubes and stop pregnancy. women say it has ruined their health. >> i'm in pain. to have a hysterectomy at 33. >> i was in pain all the time. >>reporter: bayor healthcare makes the implant, in a statement, it says will it don't work with the fda to implement measure for safe use. they have maintained the product thousands of women have had it with no problems. a opponents of essure are not happy with the fda ruling, they say they will continue to fight for a recall. >> we are suffering. and we are standing strong and we have support of each other, but we need this taken off the >> now, we've been following this story since last july, you one little boy will never forget his first battle with a vending machine to melbourne australia, 4-year-old leo saw oreos and other yummy snacks in the machine, reached in, but his arm got stuck. his dad says they live in the country and he had never seen a vending machine before. >> inquisitive and looking at the -- his understand the vending machine, obviously, but he's -- he's good now. >> what an ordeal, it took the firefighters more than five anti-theft mechanism, he's going to be fine. rescue workers gave him a stuffed toy. denver drivers are accusing the city of handing out predatory parking tickets. something brian maass has been looking into for us. >> the city of denver hands out more than 600,000 tickets every year, generating well over 30 million dollars in revenue. many of those tickets are from parking too close to fire hide rants, but what we found raises questions about the tickets. >> i checked to see if there's any time on the meter. >>reporter: like so many others. >> put my card in. >>reporter: mike was annoyed by the ticket he got this month. he parked his 20 foot long truck in this space in cherry creek north. not realizing some spois spaces in the -- spaces are n the area are shorter than normal. the back of his truck infringed on access to if nearby fire hydrant. >> and engaging in what i think is predatory behavior, i'm tired of it. >>reporter: city code says you cannot park within ten feet of a measured, the end of the space he was in was les than ten feet -- less than ten feet. >> the rules are flawed can they need to be looked at. >>reporter: we did a bit of looking on our own. from their that's fire hydrant, 8.5 feet. even more bizarre. this legal metered space in cherry creek north has cars blocking access to this the fire plug. analyzing the last two months worth of city tickets given out for parking too near fire hydrants, what we found was eye opening. denver parking agents cited people 16 times for parking within ten feet of this the hydrant. >> parking within ten feet of a fire hide ranlt ranlt. this fire hydrant right here, about 150 feet away -- 15 feet the people it's fine to park here for an hour. >> confusion, mixed messages. >>reporter: the sign said he >> is it entrapment? fund raising. >>reporter: we found a couple of spots where the city has placed mark. but in many other places, no such warning, just signs suggesting that parking here is okay. these parking spots are like the cheese in this mouse trap. enticing, inviting, but take it and -- >> if you read the sign, follow the sign, you won't get a parking ticket. >>reporter: heather burke speaks for denver public works, we showed her what we found. >> don't you think that would lead someone to believe they could park there? >> no, not at all. >>reporter: we showed her data that her parking agents had a pattern of hitting the same block, multiple times in the same day, where these kinds of >> i don't see it, i think it's pretty understandable. >>reporter: she thinks most people know they shouldn't park within ten feet of a fire hydrant. why doesn't the city paint the curbs red and nobody would park there? no word on that question. . >> get rid of the sign. new video and sweet sounds out of pal said on the western slope, two police officers have a fun way of showing support for their brothers and sisters in blue. [ music ] . >> not bad, men. the department posted the video to its facebook page saying it's already been a tough year for colorado law enforcement, but to always remember the brotherhood, and push through the struggles. that's right, and can don't stop believing in the unusually warm weather we are having. >> ed, a lot of 60s in the forecast. >> through your weekend ahead. in the meantime, here's snow, it dissipating. part of the bigger system that is off in minnesota, parts of the dakotas and iowa, you can see a lot of snow along with that. we are just on the fringes of it. that's what we saw today as far as the foothills go. didn't see anything in denver today. we have the stationary front, just going to wobble towards colorado, and as it does, it will cool us off a little bit tomorrow. but then it pushes back to the east and this warm southwesterly upper 80 in phoenix today. coming our way. over oklahoma, the larger area as the severe weather thunderstorm watch that goes this little line of storms just scooting along here, and down here, some severe thunderstorm warning for these cells going on right now. as we take a look, what we did in denver today, 63 and 64. 70 is the record. lows. should have had a low of 22. from the weather watchers, field, 59. 62 in west highlands ranch. south aurora, 65 degrees today, everybody above normal. win at 22. 76% humidity. she says this is the colorado river near -- this guy, it's snowing, cold, but he's out there fishing. and take a look at this, fish creek in snowy steamboat, snowed about all day long in steamboat. that from shannon, some stormy skies near illif. sand stone ranch up in longmont. >> temperature for tonight, mostly in the teens, 20s, 30s over the eastern plains, single digits and teens for the high country. and then for tomorrow, a bit cooler than today, slightly above normal. we'll see 40s, 50s, over the eastern plains, 30s for the mountains and out west, temperatures in the 40s, 50s, here is your denver forecast. for tonight, mostly clear skies, overnight lows, tomorrow, partly 50s. that's the last day we'll be in the 50s, we jump into the 60s on wednesday, stay there, thursday, friday, with those sunny skies, girls in science on saturday. 64 degrees, and then take a look at this. little bit of rain shower activity comes our way, maybe monday and tuesday, but that's vonn miller wants to sna denver. broncos want to keep their super bowl 50 mvp, but looks like the sides will need time to iron out a long-term deal, so the broncos will have use their franchise tag on miller. but no complaints from miller and so far, no threats that me might skip off season work outs like demaryius thomas did. vonn wants to get the long-term deal done, whatever it takes to stay in denver. >> for me, i've never been franchised before, so i can't really say, hey, i don't want to be franchised. i don't want to do this. i can tell you what, i want to be with the denver broncos, i want to be with chris harris, i want to be with those guys for my whole career, whatever it takes to get it down. >> avs were buyers without having to sell more than they wanted. they got -- from new jersey in round pick did and they picked up boedker. avs hoping he can provide a spark down the stretch, before he becomes a frequent agent this summer. to get him, the avs game up veteran alex, he's the last remaining member of the 2001 stanley club kup team. the 36-year-old has four goals in this season. also gave up a pair of prospects in kyle wood, but joe sakic said today, they didn't have plans for those guys next season. >> aleck, giving him a chance to go to arizona where he can continue his career. and next year, we're going to move on, trying to get younger and feel like boedker, he can skate and keep up with mckenan. >> nuggets hosting memphis, wants to be called gris griz la. able to steal the ball right back. fourth quarter, new nugget, dj goes on on three, it works, up two. but they struggle led to guard zack randolph down low, here, a nice pass to matt. kobe bryant will make the final pepsi center trip on wednesday. i was impressed with the rockies spring training facility, but troy tulowitzki says it's too nice, country club i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. her life's work has been about breaking barriers. and so would her presidency. which is why, for every american who's not being paid what they're worth... who's held back by student debt or a system tilted against them- and there are far too many of you- she understands that our country can't reach it's potential... unless we all do. together. time heals all wounds, 7 month is not enough time for troy tulowitzki, he told usa today, he has no plans to talk to jeff again, the all-star shortstop still upset at being caught off guard when he was traded to toronto, he told the paper he was lied to his face, and he complained about having to carry the team when he was in colorado and he even criticized facility, he called it a country comfortable. the last one. >> we have a nice place here and proud of it, our guys are mentally tough and they compete, i have no issue with our guys being soft. or country club-ish, our guys are the opposite of that. >> century link poll results, how do you feel about the country club comment, 68% say it is the hard truth. why be in the kitchen... when you can be in the moment? olive garden now offers catering delivery. we make the food and deliver it to your door... so you can enjoy what's important. the rocks in boulder canyon, and you know, somebody is always look at this guy, not me. oh, man. >> that is incredible. >> i'm going to catch a movie, you guys go ahead. >> that's right. coming to you from hollywood, it's "comics unleashed" with your host, byron allen. tonight, byron welcomes lewis rainy. bobbiel bobby cocollins, sam tripoli, and helen hong. and now, a man so driven, he got tickets to sitting behind his desk, byron allen! [ cheers and applause ]

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