Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 News At 6 20161104 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 News At 6 20161104

4 as they hovered above stapleton. >> it hit the windshield. >> reporter: they spotted two construction workers down below. one of them shining a laser in his direction. >> for someone to be clowning around with a laser pointing putting us in harm's way made me mad. >> reporter: pilot kelpie alexander describes losing his night vision as disorienting and dangerous. >> it multiplies in of laser beams that start illuminating the entire cockpit. it can last 20 seconds. >> reporter: laser sightings are not that uncommon. in addition to the stapleton scare, two other pilots reported lasers in centennial and greeley. one of them a commercial aircraft. kenneth carol, the man identified as the suspect says he never meant any harm. thank god nobody got hurt. >> it is not a toy. you should never point those things at aircraft. >> reporter: carol was release from custody and says he learned his lesson. it is still unclear if he will face any charges. reporting live in broomfield, andrea flores, cbs4 news. now to an update on a driver accused of hitting and killing a little girl in longmont. a judge decided that kyle couch will go to trial on charges ud and duid. police say the 20-year-old was under the influence of marijuana and alcohol during the crash in may. eight-year-old peyton nohlton was riding her bicycle and was killed. police identified the suspected hit and run driver who hit and killed a lawyer. how did they find the driver? >> reporter: investigators say that suspect crashed his truck just a few blocks from here. and then, left the vehicle behind fleeing both from that scene and the one here at 13th and broadway. now, investigators say just before 2:00 on sunday morning, 28-year-old corino poleck and her boyfriend were struck by a pickup truck. she was killed. the man who hit them just was involved in another accident. police recovered the truck, but he took off on foot and is now sought by police. if you have any information about that suspect or where he might be, you are asked to call crime stoppers an we have all of the information on how you can do that on our website on we spoke to one of the victim's closest friends. hear what he has to say about her impact on the entire cbs4 news. and a teenager now in custody after leading police on a dangerous chase right along i- 70. started at 11:00 last night when a cop in georgetown clocked a vehicle going 110 miles an hour on the interstate. the chase went on for miles. with state troopers joining in. but they called it off and the driver got up to 120. minutes later, that teen driver actually crashed into a state patrol vehicle. >> the driver attempted an amateur pit maneuver on the trooper's vehicle crashing into the trooper's vehicle and fleeing past him. >> the teenager ran from the scene, but was found a short time later and there were already warrants out for his arrest in other cases. there were apparently signs of financial trouble at heritage college well before the vocational school shut down this week. >> we shared with you the heartbreaking stories of people who paid a lot of money to go there hoping for a brighter financial problems. rick, what did you find? >> reporter: well jim, like some other for profit colleges that closed before, heritage was the subject of lawsuits. today, we sat down with a woman who had been an insider here for 16 years. the sudden closure of heritage college blind sided not only students but faculty and staff. they got a letter telling them they were paycheck. kelly farico was director of student accounts for heritage. >> the students and the staff, the faculty. they are all great, wonderful people. you know, with a lot of integrity. >> reporter: but she says it did not extend to those running the college. a lawsuit filed by employees in missouri alleged grades were changed to keep attendance up for federal funding and people she shows us paperwork on a student here with a serious drug record. it was entered in a pharmacy program. >> this student had a felony drug conviction? >> that was disclosed up front. >> reporter: students met to talk about their problems. some said they were still being asked to pay tuition. >> i'm not paying any money. why should i be paying for something that the school doesn't exist anymore? >> reporter: for at the ten heritage colleges across the country, the end is here without their diplomas in hand. >> so see them walking across crying. there was no better feeling. and i will miss that. it's sad. >> reporter: we reached out to heritage college today for a education, but so far, no reply. rick sallinger, cbs4 news. this is the news in campaign 2016. donald trump jr. campaigning today in fort collins. he appealed to outdoors man saying he grew up hunting an fishing. hi said his dad would protect the second amendment and get rid of obama care. >> you have politicians running around there making a deal for the sake of making a deal. it doesn't have to be a good deal because nobody can read it becaus long. nobody knows what is in it. nancy pelosi says we have to pass it before we know what is in it. >> trump jr. told the crowd they are part of a movement to change the status quo in washington dc. bill clinton will be in fort collins. pueblo, an denver tomorrow to campaign for his wife. but today, it was president obama campaigning for his former secretary of state. this uniquely unqualified person doesn't become president. >> the latest cbs news, new york times poll shows clinton's national lead is shrinking. she is up by three points. a grand jury indicts two men in home repair scams all across the front range. arrest warrants are out for these guys. aaron spontaneo and mario vasquez. both may have already left the state. customers paid for work that was not done. >> mary navarro is one of the victims. chef says hybrid remodeling never gave her a new roof. but took $13,000 of her insurance money. >> they are the lowest people they can be. i didn't want to see anybody hurt anymore. it has taken a toll on me. >> reporter: a warrant is now issued on the suspects. they are both accused of racketeering under the colorado district attorney george brauchler urges them to turn themselves in. >> pose people involved in these scams, we give them a couple of options. if you make every victim whole financially up front, we will be generous with the plea bargain. you won't walk away, but we will be generous. >> reporter: documents show they billed customers out of $143,000. it also claims they were different names. kathy varone, another alleged victim says her roof didn't pass inspection twice. she had to hire another company to fix the job and lost $7,000. she does not want to see this kind of misfortune happen to another person. >> it is for other homeowners. they have targeted single mothers. widows. senior citizens. that is who i'm doing this for. >> i hope they rot in jail. >> reporter: jennifer brice, cbs4 news. advice in the story. be suspicious of a person who will not start the work until you have paid them in full. technology developed here in colorado could change the way the weather is predicted. how this satellite will give you the most accurate forecast. >> also coming up, we will let you know which colorado ski resort might be in the hands of a new york hedge fund. >> clear skies but over the southwest, a little snow is developing down here. now, coming up, we will tell you why we have a woman: after all donald trump has said and done... she ate like a pig... you can do anything. i moved on her like a b***h! woman: trump's just so disgusting and degrading. he's bragged about assaulting women, and he's the republican nominee for president! and congressman mike coffman said he didn't know come on. look, we just can't vote for coffman or trump. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. i alone can fix it! bomb the [bleep] out of 'em. i'd like to punch him in the face. i like people that weren't captured, okay? he's a mexican! she ate like a pig... i moved on her like a [bleep] i did not say that... i love war. yes, including with nukes. blood coming out of her... they're rapists... wrong. there has to be some form of punishment. such a nasty woman. i wanna be unpredictable. i don't remember! and you can tell them to go [bleep] themselves! priorities usa action is responsible >> new details on an investigation into chemical tainted water air force base in colorado springs. in august, officials reported 150,000 gallons of water contaminated with fire fighting foam had been released into the city's waste water system. now, investigators say it was 20,000 gallons. turn out most of the tainted water likely evaporated due to an opening in the pit where it is being stored. crested butte mountain resort is being sold from one investment group to another. the current opener florida reports. the buyer is a new york hedge fund. crested butte is the only colorado resort in the deal. if it closes skiers won't see any immediate changes. that is because the resorts have long term operating lease that's stay in place. an up close like at a state of the art weather satellite built right here in colorado. it is set to launch in the coming weeks from cape canaveral florida. the gozar spacecraft will help meteorologists like dave aguilera give you accurate forecast. he is at lockheed martin in littleton with more. >> reporter: it has been over 20 years since the last upgrade to the u.s. weather satellite system. with the launch of the goes r weather satellite, forecasters are about to blast off to a whole new world. >> it is five times faster, four times the resolution, and three times the number of ways to look at the earth. it, they like to describe it as you are going from standard definition tv to high definition tv. >> reporter: built by lockheed martin here in colorado, the goes r will be able to map lightning worldwide and predict lead time for tornado warnings by five to ten minutes. and the cloud imager will be five times faster than what current technology allows. what makes all of this even more exciting for weat the beginning. >> so, the program has four satellites that will monitor weather around the world. goes r is already in florida getting ready to be launched. this is goes s that will be launched in a couple of years and two other satellites will be launched between now and 2019. the new satellite will have better mapping of solar and magnetic storms too. dave aguilera, cbs4 news. >> the satellite launches in the next few weeks. ed, you look up in the sky every now and then. could get. let me tell you right now. hey, we have doppler 4,000. and, we have clear skies around here, you have seen all of that sunshine today. but you see a little moisture working its way up near telluride. we will get to that in a moment. first, here is what we have. the cold front pushing on through. we have showers and thunderstorms. high pressure sinking in. and there is that system coming up from the southwest. and you see the cooler air that we have been talking about all week long is now really permeating a great deal of the nation and squeezing out the warm air down 70s and 80s and no 90s down there close to that in brownsville. 84 in phoenix but everybody else has been on the cool side. however, we are warmer than we have been because we are starting to see a warmup after the cold front went on by. everybody is warmer than we were yesterday at this time. but we are talking warmer temperatures. pleasant weather. let's go in the weather center with lauren. we are also talking about kind of a change. >> reporter: there is the chance for some moisture. state. looking at the futurecast, we have the area of low pressure to the southwest. that is going to continue to build in that area throughout the evening. there is a big dust storm in phoenix. but that will move toward the four corners as we head toward saturday. we see warm moisture into the state. so the south western mountains may get decent snowfall and sloppy conditions. some of this could get into our central mountains as we head into saturday morning. there is a chance get a little bit here in denver. northeast of it should stay central into the but the foothills could get a little bit of rain as well. we are looking to pick up a little bit of snow. across the front range, we may get a little bit of that as well. snowfall forecast, most of it staying in the south western mountains. we may pick up a couple of inches of snow. in the south western corner, there are advisories for this. >> finally we will have moisture to talk about. and it is snow. so winter weather advisory in south western sections of the 69 and 70 the highs today in denver. 36 and 38 were the lows. here is where we should be. 58 and 30. the warmest ever, 79. the coolest, in 1946. 21% humidity. we have a steady barometer. look at this from dudi. there is a hawk at the top of the pine tree. this is in golden. temperatures tonight mostly in the 30s in the eastern plains. 20s and 30s in the west, temperature ins the 20s , 30s , lower 40s . tomorrow, another fine day around here with 60s and 70s for the eastern plains. we will find 50s and 60s for the mountains. mild certainly for them. northeastly 60s out west. here is your denver forecast. tonight, clear skies. where that, the low down around the 40-degree mark for tomorrow. we will see partly sunny skies and near 70 degrees one again. and then, as we take a look not a whole lot of change except for a chance of an isolated shower saturday. sunday, 69 degrees. temperatures about 10 debris above normal. coach phillips can probably breathe a little easier with every day. >> except for the broken rib. [ laughter ] >> except for that, he will be out there on sunday. so, wade is cracking jokes about the big hit. plus, the pack 12 south. big night for the buffs as they seek their first conf ,, hillary clinton: i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. vo: in times of crisis america depends on steady leadership. donald trump: "knock the crap out of them, would you? seriously..."vo: clear thinking... donald trump: "i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me." vo: and calm judgment. donald trump: "and you can tell them to go fu_k themselves." vo: because all it takes is one wrong move. y: "i would bomb the sh_t out of >> time for the ford sports desk brought to you by the best selling trucks 39 years straight. ford f series. the official trucks of the nfl. >> maybe cause for concern regarding aqib talib's injury. broncos sent him to california to get a second opinion. he has not been ruled out for sunday. but after sitting out last week, the fact he still has not practiced this week, not promising. wade phillips joked he is day- to-day after taking the big hit on the sidelines. wade joked it wasn't a collision. he was just run over. he is not in the concussion protocol. his sense of humor is not go out at an interception. i'm thinking about being in the box this week. just because ... i am in some pain. and i really don't want to get hit again. in fact, they should have a warning thing. saying ... you know, if you are on the sideline beware or something. question. how much will wade's' defense give up? vote on avalanche are in chicago. maybe the blackhawks players will be tired if they stayed up late watching the cubs. but the avalanche player probably did too. nuggets in minnesota tonight. they could be 3-0 as they could be 0-3. they have led in the fourth quarter of all three games. the first game they held on. lead slip away. >> i mean, we are ready. everybody needs to step up and play the best game. we need to win for sure. i think we have a great team. an we are very close to figure it out. college football and ucla is on the list of teams the buffs have not beaten since joining the pack 12. well, cu has already crossed o or, asu, and stanford off the >> reporter: mention ucla to the buffs, and you get that wry smile that hides their frustration. two years ago, colorado lost in double overtime. and last year, they dominated the bruins. but, still, found a way to lose. >> i don't think they think they have pay back on their mind, but i think they believe against anybody they play, they believe we can win the game. i am pretty sure ucla thinks we will find a way to screw it up because we have the last couple of years. the close ones but we are not looking to lose. >> reporter: in past seasons, the ucla game really has not meant anything for them. but tonight, there's a lot on the line for colorado. this is the beginning of a four game stretch that leads to the pack 12 title game. >> usually during this time of the year, we are playing with pride. now we have something to play for. it is a great feeling. >> we will come out, handle business like we are supposed to and try to get a win this weekend and move forward. >> we are in in. so, we are there now. so now, we have to go perform in the heavyweight fights. so, the kids are excited about it. i'm excited about it. we have to go do it. >> reporter: so what was once frustration, is now optimism. the buffs believe they can make this a november to remember. in boulder, eric christensen, cbs4 sports. >> ucla was picked to win the pac 12 south. >> they are going to win by 21 at least. >> if i had a piece of paper i would write it down. >> i will remind you tonight when they have won. >> i'm not coming back tonight. [ laughter ] an unpleasant stench stinking up one city. >> and tears in buena vista as investigators solve a cold case from 1977. why, the killer will never be arrested. this ,, woman: after all donald trump has said and done... she ate like a pig... you can do anything. i moved on her like a b***h! woman: trump's just so disgusting and degrading. he's bragged about assaulting women, and he's the republican nominee for president! and congressman mike coffman said he didn't know if donald trump's a sexual predator. come on. look, we just can't vote responsible for the content of this advertising. my name is charity salazar, and i'm an air force veteran. every election, nancy pelosi and her washington friends launch vicious attacks against mike coffman. this year is no different. they say he's waging a war against women. that's just not true. mike stood up for women in the military, protecting us against sexual assault. he believes in equal pay and making sure pregnant women aren't discriminated against at work. time and again mike has stood up for women. i know, because he stood up for me. and i approve this message. i'm michael bennet, and i approve this message. narrator: what do you really know about darryl glenn, the fringe republican candidate for senate? darryl glenn doesn't believe in climate change. he's for eliminating the department of education. and glenn wants to outlaw abortion even in cases of rape and incest. reporter: glenn says if he's fortunate enough to go to capitol hill, he has no interest in working across the aisle. darryl glenn: i'm running against democrats. r colorado. "what's your position on equal pay for women?" "it's too early in the morning to ask that question." "you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. blood coming out of her wherever." "i think that putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing." "i don't wanna sound too much like a chauvinist but when i come home and dinner's not ready, i go through the roof." "so you treat women with respect?" - "uh, i can't say that either." - "alright." >> live, from colorado's news channel, this is cbs4 news at 6:30. >> a cold case murder is solved nearly 40 years after the crime. 17-year-old audrey marie elizabeth hurtado disappeared back in 1977. three days later her body was found in vista. matt kroschel, her family probably felt like they would never see this day happen. >> reporter: karen, it was extremely emotional. the family members and the police officers that never gave up on this case. meeting in buena vista today as the announcement was made. it was front page news in 1977. >> this was a homicide that occurred 39 years ago. >> reporter: a small town rocked by a gruesome murder. this field. >> audrey marie elizabeth hurtado had been stabbed to death. >> reporter: sketches of a young man spotted with audrey the day she went missing while in buena vista visiting family was all investigators had to work with back then. now, new dna technology is helping them to close the case. >> the day audrey hurtado's body was found on july 28, 1977 ... >> reporter: chuck hampton was police chief when the murder happened. >> every member of the buena four of us, were committed to doing everything possible to investigate this case to the best of our ability. >> reporter: investigators say a 15-year-old boy only identified as ck was also on the suspect list. but, when he died in a motorcycle accident in 1981, the trail went cold. until brand new dna test matched to that teenage boy closing the case for good. >> thank god. she can rest in peace now. >> reporter: audrey's brother

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