Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 News At 6 20161020 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 News At 6 20161020

mails. that have made controversial comments about ethnic and religious groups. the running mates were on the campaign trail for them today, tim kaine in ohio and north carolina, mike pence in durango. pence attacked the national media for what he called biased reporting. >> it's not exactly like it's a fair fight out there. ever since i joined this campaign it's just been amazing. it's like it's every day with the national media doing half of hillary clinton's work for her. some mornings i got to turn on the television with a stick. >> i don't know exactly what we'll see but donald trump is sort of telegraphed -- it's going to be scorched earth. it's going to be scorched earth. donald trump has made the entire campaign about going after people. you're going to go after people if they're mexican, if they're muslim, we're going to say negative things about women. we're going to go after john >> reporter: tonight's debate will have the same format as the first debate with two candidates standing behind podiums fielding questions from the moderator. other topics include immigration, supreme court, economy, national debt and entitlements and foreign-policy with trump trailing badly in the polls he'll be especially aggressive while clinton's strategy will likely be do no harm. complete coverage tonight at 10:00. going to be busy tonight. a >> look forward to it. might not matter how persuasive donald trump and hillary clinton are tonight. early mail-in voting is underway. including here in colorado. at least 2 million people nationwide have already voted. some viewers have e-mailed us with questions about the ballot including how much postage it needs and where you can turn it in. we've got answers to your questions on the campaign 2016 section of probably feeling it, pretty sky. temperatures will really drop as the sun sets. ed greene live outside. especially with clear skies, we're in for a cold night. >> a cool day today. only 59 downtown. the cool air mass is in place. the sun has gone down behind the mountains. the skies are clear. breezy right now but they will calm down as well and that sets the stage for the heat radiated upwards and nothing to hold it in. freeze warning in effect. take a look at the map. all up and down the front range as you see including the greater metro, out west over the grand valley and out east, we have a frost advisory for yuma, kit carson and cheyenne counties. the whole state is going to have a chill tonight. teens and 20s high country. metro between 30 and 35 degrees. some will, so if you have those just take care of them. that's the way it is right now, freeze warning in effect from 2:00 a.m. till 8:00 a.m. these guys are pretty tough. some of them won't. so take care. >> thank you very much. despite cooler temperatures, the junkins fire southwest of pueblo has now grown to 70,000 acres. and there is zero containment. the flames have already destroyed five homes and 13 other buildings. close to 300 homes are threatened. now red cross shelters have been opened for the evacuees. investigators say the fire was caused by a downed power line. a crash that killed a bus driver and injured three people does remain a mystery today. police did release surveillance video showing the school bus slamming into a pillar at dia. cbs4's rick sallinger joins us with a closer look at the video and the final report tonight. rick? >> reporter: karen, the video was one element of many that was examined during this investigation. but in the end, the cause of that video shows the bus on level four at dia running off the road directly into the pillar. it was believed to be going 35 to 40 miles per hour at the time. in the 15 per mile per hour zone. the camera was not close enough to reveal if the driver suffered a medical emergency. neither could the autopsy. the bus contained coaches and members of the legacy high school football team. they had just returned from the game in california. that bus made an unexplained return to the terminal after picking up the players. the bus would not have made it under the level for overhang. so could that be why the driver turned off the road? >> conceivable. it's hard for me to conclude that because again, we had witnesses on board the bus who indicated that there was no effort to stop emergency braking. >> reporter: i spoke to the today. and he said he believes that his wife drove off the road in order to avert a collision. with that overhang. live at denver police headquarters, rick sallinger, cbs4 news. we do have a sad update out of arvada. a cyclist who was hit by a vehicle has died. the crash happened about 7:00 at 52nd and wadsworth. he was a 43-year-old man, name has not been released. no word yet on whether the driver will face charges. controversial substance that was banned in denver, craton is -- kratom is back on the shelves. people who use it believe it relieves chronic pain anxiety and depression. kelly werthmann live with one of the stores in denver, that sells kratom. kelly? >> reporter: you can see how many kratom products this store has and you can really understand that why it was a big hit to business when they were told to stop selling it. up until yesterday this entire is back on store shelves. >> it's actually a tea leaf. >> reporter: jennifer mahaney has told -- has sold kratom for years and says belief based product or a customer favorite. >> it's a supplement that some people are using. >> reporter: so it came as a surprise in august when the dea called kratom an imminent threat with intent to classify it as a schedule one drug like heroin >> we were caught off guard. >> reporter: in early september the denver department of environmental health forced mahaney and other stores to stop selling it. >> we had no notice. they made us take our product off the shelves. >> reporter: dea says there have been 15 craton related deaths in the last three years. but many users say it helps them kick harder drugs. >> i also have depression. >> reporter: the dea withdrew so it can gather more public input. that led the city of denver to lift its ban with some conditions. >> asking retailers to put that product out and offer it with a consumer advisory so that people can purchase it, somewhat more informed than they have been in the past. >> we're grateful to have it back on the shelves. >> reporter: so the dea now wants to hear from you. if you have any input on its medical uses or its effects, you can get more information at input. reporting live in denver, kelly werthmann, cbs4 news. burglars go to great lengths to break into a vape pen shop. besides stealing thousands of dollars of merchandise they caused plenty of damage. the owner thinks she knows who is behind the crime. groundbreaking research at csu could help in the fight against the zika virus. for the third night in a row we are seeing snow showers up in larimer county. shows you how cool it is around and skies were clear. showers even a few thunderstorms. i've seen what can happen as the result of hate. my son matt was murdered in laramie, wyoming, in 1998. he was befriended by two men in a bar who pretended to be gay. they offered him a ride home, and when he was in their car, they robbed him and beat him. they drove matt out to the prairie and tied him to a split-rail fence, then beat him some more and left him for dead. in the love and support we were shown. so when i see the hate that donald trump has brought to his campaign for president, it terrifies me. i'd like to punch him in the face, i'll tell ya. ahh, i don't know what i said, uhh, i don't remember. he's a mexican. i could stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot somebody, and i wouldn't... words have an influence. violence causes pain. hate can rip us apart. i know what can happen as the result of hate, and donald trump should never be our president. sa action donald trump and congressman coffman would punish women. and coffman tried to redefine rape to mean only forcible rape. in coffman's bill, victims who were drugged, even minors, victims of statutory rape, would not be considered rape victims. content of this advertising. new video tonight showing thieves using a car to smash into a vape store in thornton. they pocketed thousands of dollars worth of merchandise. this happened at elite vapes in the mission trace shopping center. one 20th and colorado. cbs4's andrea flores live there now. you found out this shop has been hit before. >> reporter: that's right. it has had its fair share of bad luck. this shop has been broken into three times within the last year. the latest burglars busting in by car, leaving the store in shambles. surveillance video shows vapes in thornton. >> it was a smash and grab that they did with a car. >> reporter: backing into the store and stealing merchandise last monday. >> they came in wearing halloween masks so we can't identify anybody. >> reporter: they busted windows, broke frames and got away with more than $2000. in goods. >> primarily what we lost was equipment that we use our customers learn about our product. >> reporter: but the cash register untouched. owner and fulghum believes the suspects may be underage. >> anybody that comes in here is carded. if they're not 18 they get sent out. had they been in here and looked around before they would have known where our good stuff was and done after that versus our used equipment. >> reporter: this isn't the first time the store has been targeted. more than $6000 in merchandise year. >> we recovered and we thought we nipped it in the bud until they drove a car into us. >> reporter: now she says she's left to wonder what more she can do to protect her store. >> i know my security film works. i know we locked the door every night. i know we set an alarm. but what do we do to keep them from driving a car into the shop? i don't know. >> reporter: the owner has filed a report with thornton pd but says the suspects are still at large. she's hoping the shopping center patrols to crack down on the amount of break-ins and businesses in the area. reporting live in thornton, andrea flores, cbs4 news. researchers at colorado state are studying whether a citrus solution can stop the spread of zika. the ingredient, nootkatone, is found in grapefruit. it is approved by the fda as a fragrance and flavor enhancer. research already shows the substance can repel takes. infected mosquitoes. >> certainly seems to be killing mosquitoes at a certain concentration. of the muscular that transmits zika virus. we need more tools. >> if it turns out to be a potent insecticide it has the potential for use on mosquito nets in africa to prevent malaria and even here to fight west nile virus. cold-weather sure kills the skeeters, ed. >> maybe we need more of that. that helps. look at larimer county for the third night in a row every night this week they have had light snow or snow showers going on. not much going on over the rest of the state down to the south. but the storm track just over northeastern conroe -- most of the moisture now off to the east of us. clear skies in place and with cold weather we, this is what we've got tonight. a freeze warning from 2:00 a.m. till 8:00 a.m. includes the greater metro and all along the front range. the grand valley out west and frost advisory. chilly night across the state. cool air that came through, little more nudging into the area as well. high-pressure out west and this is going to move into the southwest, and start to wrap warm air and push it up into our area. how warm? look at phoenix 93 degrees. so yes some of this warmth will be coming our way. not in the 90s but we get back into the mid-to-upper 70s. look at the heat across the south. 80s and 90s, 94 in brownsville, but to the north, and we are right in the middle. only in the low 60s today. 59 downtown. 38 and 41 were the starts, 64 and 36 would be normal. 86 and 18 the records. 55 and 53 right now. was brees at 18. 27% humidity and we have a rising barometer. from connie rauch, still color in the leaves. they've got wide. yeah. a little snow in steamboat. and also some snow as you can see right around bear lake and cutting trees, this from stephen rapp. temperatures tonight mostly 20s and 30s. teens and 20s for the mountains. out west temperatures in the 20s and 30s. tomorrow another cool day but we are starting to see a little bit of warm-up. 50s 60s over the eastern plains. 50s and 60s out west. here is your denver forecast. tonight we look for that freeze warning clear and cold, 35 and 31 for the overnight lows, tomorrow mostly sunny, still on the cool side low 60s, but then we reverse course, friday 72, 78 on saturday, 77 sunday, even monday 73 degrees sunshine all the way and kickoff of the bronco game, in the 60s. >> that's a fantastic forecast. von miller stopped by green valley ranch high school. the super bowl mvp wanted to named a national blue ribbon school. green valley high is one of just a handful across the country to win the honor. >> and it's only achieved through great academic success. so it just shows you what type of work ethic these kids have year. and the type of support system they have from the teachers. >> and with the old spice they probably smell nice too. he told the kids about the importance of hard work and confidence and of cour off some of the trademark dance moves ahead of the big homecoming dance. >> he is so intense but so much fun. >> got to smell good for the dance. >> that could go wrong in a hurry. the buffs obviously better but not everyone is giving them this is the colorado none of us want to lose. i'm gail schwartz, and i'm running for congress to stop the sale of our public lands. coloradans should have the freedom to use this land for ranching, hunting and fishing, not watch it sold off to the highest bidder. scott tipton wants to cut off our access to these lands for generations to come, killing thousands of jobs. i approved this message time for the ford sports desk brought to you by the best- selling trucks, for deaf series. the official trucks of the nfl. if you expect the broncos to to start pointing fingers, guess what. you'd be right. but not at each other. instead pointing them out themselves. the broncos are hoping the never hurt anybody. one thing we've heard all week long is getting back to the basics. the players say it starts with holding themselves accountable. >> the fact that like i wasn't on dt or dt was not on me. we are more hard on ourselves and owning up to the mistakes, letting my teammates know i should have did this for you or i could have helped you out or tell me, i could've done this. it's us, criticizing ourselves too much in front of our teammates >> we could be 8-0 and dt could have 1000 yards and me and chris still going to be on him. we just in my opinion we the same people win, lose, or draw. >> broncos back to work tomorrow. the slow starts finally caught up with the avs. they have fallen behind 2-0 and last night they couldn't rebound. colorado suffered its first loss in washington. the caps dominated from the start. semyon varlamov stopped 19 shots in the first period. colorado only had 18 shots all season. jared bednar not happy. >> i didn't love our body language and our response after a poor first period. i think that we should have been taking the positive out of that period, varley makes a bunch of big saves and keeps it 1-0. we have a chance to continue to win the game and for me we didn't push back hard enough. how about the cleveland indians? had an couldn't get it done yesterday. not a problem this afternoon. carlos santana with a solo shot. that one went for 13 feet. indians up 2-0. very next inning, coco crisp says i will raise you with a solo shot. now the indians, we'll wait and see still got to figure out who they're playing. cubs and dodgers in game four right now. colin cowherd recently said program. as you might imagine that didn't sit well with folks around here including some members of the cbssports sports team. did not sit well with joel klatt either. so jill went on the show to set the record straight. >> you said at one point this year that i came on and it was 10 minutes of wrong. >> yeah. >> you had 10 minutes of dumb. what you're seeing is a list of schools that have a national title, a heisman trophy, and a butkus award. you've got ohio state, michigan, oklahoma, usc, miami, colorado, nebraska, penn state alabama and notre dame. colorado, you're on your way back. good on you, mike mcintyre. the buffs are for real this year. >> that school is often high and i'm not talking about the elevation. >> it is legal. >> not sure who dropped the mic first in that regard. kirk herbstreit chimed in telling the local radio station he would be shocked if they didn't win the pac-12 south. what do you think? go to the sports page, colorado tied for the lead with utah. cross our fingers. the prohibition and nutrition parties are not groups you've probably heard of but they have candidates running for president. what they and 20 other parties are all on the colorado ballot. a judge who made headlines for giving a lenient sentence isis. reporter: mass execution of ethiopian christians... mike coffman was the only one that reached out to our community. he went to every ethiopian church. he was there, and he was sharing the sadness that we were actually experiencing at the time. he says what he means, and he does what he says. that means a lot to us and to me. i'm mike coffman, we are just 30 minutes away from the third and final presidential debate. the race has gotten more combative. since hillary clinton and donald trump debated 10 days ago, danielle nottingham live in las vegas where tonight's debate is happening and danielle, more fireworks expected tonight. >> reporter: not expecting them to play nice too much this evening. keep in mind early voting is underway in dozens of states so tonight could inspire some voters to cast their ballots right away. the big questions tonight are will these candidates stay with their game plan and stay on message? hillary clinton and donald trump will meet in their final presidential debate at the university of nevada las vegas the latest national poll shows clinton is ahead by nine points in a four-way race. >> i don't believe the polls anymore. i don't believe them. >> reporter: in recent days trump said the election is rate. despite offering no evidence of voter fraud. a -- ivanka trump says her father will do the right thing once the votes have been counted. >> to your point if he will win or won't win and i will believe he will accept the outcome either way. >> reporter: expected to raise questions about clinton's trustworthiness. wikileaks has released a steady stream of hacked e-mails from clinton campaign manager john podesta. in one exchange podesta road, the campaign had taken on a lot of water over clinton's e-mail scandal. clinton will get the first question tonight and experts predict the fireworks will fly soon after that. >> i will think -- i think you will throw everything in the kitchen sink. >> reporter: dr. jacob thompson is a debate coach. he says clinton should be ready for the unexpected. >> it's going to be ugly. debate more than half a dozen women have accused trump of unwanted sexual advances. allegations he denies. experts say tonight's face-off could reach new lows in presidential debate history. tonight's debate will be separated into six sections. 15 minutes each. they will cover topics including the economy, foreign policy, immigration and supreme court. the candidates will not be making opening or closing statements. live in las vegas, el >> thank you. you can catch that right here on cbs4, and on after this newscast. we'll have a wrap up and analysis on cbs4 news at 10:00. while the candidates were getting ready, the running mates were still on the trail. vice presidential candidate mike pence spent the afternoon in durango. he praised donald trump second debate performance and says he expect him to do well tonight.

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Miami , Florida , United States , Nevada , Nile , Washington , Larimer County , Colorado , North Carolina , California , Michigan , Green Valley , Arvada , Denver , Ethiopia , Mexico , Oklahoma , Nebraska , Wyoming , Cheyenne , Green Valley Ranch , Phoenix , Arizona , Ohio , Greene , Utah , Mexican , Ethiopian , Jacob Thompson , Connie Rauch , Scott Tipton , Tim Kaine , Jared Bednar , Notre Dame , Gail Schwartz , Jennifer Mahaney , Stephen Rapp , Shaun Boyd , Mike Coffman , Danielle Nottingham , Andrea Flores , Las Vegas , Carlos Santana , Semyon Varlamov , Joel Klatt , John Podesta , Mike Mcintyre , Hillary Clinton ,

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