Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 News At 5PM 20161111 : comparemela

Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 News At 5PM 20161111

either. >> reporter: the shooter led police on a wild chase across county lines into castle rock. dangerous speeds forced dpd to call off the chase. they later found the camaro at a centennial apartment complex. the suspect vanished. residents say dangerous activity is common. >> yeah, it is just mostly fights. they break out. >> there is probably a police car or an ambulance here about once a week. >> reporter: back in march, a stone prompting a homicide investigation. larry moved to the neighborhood six months ago and says he is already looking for a way out of his lease. >> it is not worth it. >> reporter: now, the shooting victim is expected to survive. as far as the suspect is concerned, dpd says they are still interviewing witnesses to try to find out who this person is before they release a suspect description. >> thanks. rye now, the latest on yesterday's deadly shooting near denver's 16th street mall. 20-year-old steven wily has been arrested on suspicion of first degree murder. there was a fight in the parking lot on chama street. nathaniel simpson died. the second victim has nonlife threatening injuries. wily hopped an rtd bus to get away from the scene. but, he was arrested a short time later. president-elect trump says immigration, repealing obama care, and in his words, big league jobs. he talked after meeting with republican leaders and met president obama for the first time ever. >> he has had the opportunity to have an excellent conversation with president- elect trump. it was wide ranging. we talked about some of the organization issues in setting up the white house. we talked about foreign policy. we talked about domestic different situations. some wonderful and some difficult. i very much look forward to dealing with the president in the future, including counsel. uh ... he explained some of the difficulties. some of the high flying asset and the great things that have been achieved. so, mr. president, it was a great honor being with you and i look forward to being with you many, many more times >> thank you. >> mr. trump also met with house speaker paul ryan who gave him a tour of capitol hill. political specialist shaun boyd joins us now with details on the trump transition and shaun, trump's family has been among the closest advisers throughout this so far. >> reporter: they will not be part of his administration due to nepotism rules. while cabinets are full of washington insiders, trumps like his campaign will be donald trump a splashy send off to dc. he met with his transition team to begin assembling a new government. colorado campaign chair says it will change business as usual. >> you are going to see a lot of barriers put up to have people turn this into a feeding of the trough thing. >> reporter: he says he has been approached about playing a role in the trump administration. but says it is not something he ever gave much thought to. >> in a traditional model, here is what i want, but mr. trump has been anything but traditional. >> reporter: names floated are rudy giuliani, chris christie, newt gingrich. bobby jindal, sarah palin, interior secretary. reince priebus is being considered for chief of staff. but trump will also likely tapestry executives in oil and >> so i would not be a bit surprised to see people that are brand new to this system. brand new to the washington beltway thing. you will see in a lot of the business tools and techniques we have been using brought into the agencies. that is how you reduce them and make them smaller. all the way through customer service. i think you will see a big push in government to have a different level of customer service. >> one of the agencies that will definitely see an ovel veteran's administration which has come under fire with long wait lists for healthcare and millions of dollars in cost overruns on new hospitals like the one in aurora. >> thanks. we have also seen more protests in cities across the country. thousands of high school students protesting mr. trump's win held a walk-out. this was in san francisco. and thousands have registered to attend a rally at the state an inclusiveness rally. >> the united states of america, you can host an election that might have been carried by one. but at the end of the day, we are still black, white, red, and brown, and we are still representing the united states of america. >> now, colorado stat the house and senate. >> house democrats chose duran of denver. republicans chose grantham. they needed to elect new leaders because the current ones are retiring due to term limits. voter ins four other states this week approved measures legalizing marijuana. they are california, maine, massachusetts, and nevada. so, colorado is now one of eight states this all with legal recreational pot. might impact colorado. our jennifer brice is digging into that and joins us now with more on what we can expect. >> reporter: well, you know law enforcement i spoke with, a couple of folk ins that field today, and they said that they hope recreational pot in other states will now begin to lessen some of the negative impacts that they say that they have been seeing here in our state. meanwhile, a change in administration has a lot of people wondering about the future of pot law enforcement says pot from colorado has fueled the black market. but now that other states are legalizing it, how will things change? >> would they then absorb some of that organized crime and go to nevada and massachusetts. that could be an advantage to the state of colorado. >> reporter: tom gorman heads up the federal drug enforcement program. he says the midwest get a lot of colorado's weed with two years. four more states have legalized recreational marijuana. but it remains illegal under federal law. >> people at the grass roots level and states across the country are saying nuts to that. the federal government and the states are going to have to come to the table and work this out. >> reporter: while president- elect donald trump hasn't said what he will do about recreational marijuana, he has made it clear he is not a fan of colorado's industry. >> colorado marijuana, good or bad? >> i would say it is bad. medical marijuana is another feel strongly about that. >> reporter: gorman says it is not just about tax revenue. he says it all comes with a price. >> you can expect more ers , more hospitalizations. more fatalities. you can expect more poison control calls. and, your use is going to go up. >> reporter: and marijuana insiders that i spoke with today say that they believe that pot operations here in our value because there is more of it out there across the country and they believe the consulting industry is going to be booming because now, we have a lot of experts here in colorado that a lot of states are going to look for, for guidance. live in denver, jennifer brice, cbs4 news. >> with a few ballot issues still not decided in colorado, be sure to check out all the latest results on a weather alert tonight. get ready for la nina. the view from copter 4. those dry skies this winter. our meteorologist chris spears is in the mobile weather lab tonight. at cherry creek state park. so explain la nina. >> reporter: it is just an abnormal cooling of the waters in the equator eastern part of the ocean. but what is not easy to answer weather patterns here in the united states. look at this. look at the text on the lower left of the screen giving you a general idea of what we anticipate. the pattern favors warmer and drier weather to the south. cooler and wetter weather to the north. that is a little vague because look at where colorado lies. we are right smack dab in the middle. so, a la nina winter here could go either way. sometimes, they are dry, sometimes they are wet. sometimes, they are right where they should be. back out here degrees here. and, that is a little bit cool. need a jacket. but it is a little warmer than we should be this time of the year. ed greene, we have a cool-down coming our way. these temperatures may be taking a little bit of a dive here at least in the short term. >> yes, you are right chris. we have a cold front coming our way. nothing going on now. but a few clouds moving in with that front. but it sits right now almost through the metro area bringing cool weather with it. how much cooler? i will let you know. and how long it stays with us. catching dozens of drivers by surprise. and that is just the start of the damage. >> if you spend much of your day on your smartphone, how do you sleep at night? i will explain the connection. >> and, the big renovation and health for veterans widow there veteran's day. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: new at 6:00 tonight, protests against presiden another one set to start here within the hour. i'm lauren dispirito live at the state capital. i will have protesters, arguments at 6:00. ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, >> developing tonight, terrifying video out of johannesburg, south africa. 100 vehicles in this video alone were caught up in the flood waters. it took down a wall at the city zoo as well and more rain smartphone asleep of course. but a new study suggests the amount of time you spend on your phone prior to that can affect how you speak. >> kathy walsh shows us poor sleep is associated with obesity, diabetes, and depression. >> reporter: like in of us, janna can't go long without checking her smartphone. she looks every couple of minutes. >> if i took an intentional cell phone fast, i don't think w it is now a habit. >> reporter: a new study suggests that habit could affect your quality of sleep. researchers studied more than 650 adults tracking how much time they spent on their smartphones and their sleeping habits over a month. they found extended screen time was linked with poor sleep quality and less sleep. especially for those who use them right before bed. sleep doctors say that may be for a few reasons. >> maybe, if you don't sleep but, the other alternative is looking at your phone exposes you to blue light. blue light is alert and can inhibit your sleep and fragment your sleep. >> reporter: getting enough quality sleep is critical for physical and mental health. it is linked to increased risk of diabetes, obese city, and depression. jenna says her smartphone habits have thrown off her bedtim before bed could help ensure a better fight's rest. kathy walsh, cbs4 news. >> just turn it over jim. turn it over and go to bed. just ahead of veteran's day, volunteers honor a fallen veteran and his widow. >> curly butler planned to renovate his kitchen but died open this day in 1998. now, thanks to home depot and volunteers of america, they are to cook her meals. >> she is just so happy. we have been going at this since about january. and, getting all the details together for her. and we were table to surprise her. and, there have been tears of joy and she is happy. >> beautiful. volunteers installed ten new cabinets, countertops, a sink, oven and fridge. butler served in the navy. ed greene here with forecast. >> yes, we have clear skies across doppler 4,000. a few clouds here and there. the only place we have any showers down near albuquerque. here comes a cool front. it has cooler air behind it. it is going to push on through. keep going. and then we go right back to that southwesterly flow. showers just over southern coastal area near texas. and then, maybe a few in the great lakes region. that is about it. across the nation. so they came out with a drought monitor today. 98% of colorado, all but a extreme northwest, is under some form of drought either abnormally dry or moderate. right along the front range and out onto the eastern plains. let's take denver now. last time the high was in the 50s which we expect tomorrow, was october 5. 55 degrees. otherwise, it will be in the 60s , the 7 780s , and 80s . we only had one-one- hundredthover an inch we did 69, 68. 61 and 55 right now. northeast 9 for the winds. 31% humidity. a rising barometer. united states marine corp. is 241 years old today. we salute them. and all of our servicemen. and, loveland, opening day. this is from casey daybreaking through the barrier. they had a beautiful day up there. albeit dry and sunny. and winter park is cold enough. as we look at temperatures. northeastly in the 30s . we will find 20s and a few 30s in the higher elevations. out west, temperature ins the 30s . it will be a little cooler around here. but it will last 24 hours. was will see 50s over the eastern plains. 60s southeast. 50s for the mountains. 60s out west. all right, here is your denver forecast. tonight, mostly clear skies. 35 and 34 the overnight lows. then, for tomorrow, we will be keel but a lot of sunshine, so you will then the next several days. take a look at this. veteran's day, 58 degrees cooler. then we turn it right back around. look at the 6 0z and low 70s and sunshine all the way. but again, we are watching something toward the end of next week. could bring snow to the mountains. maybe three to six inches. maybe moisture down here. >> that will be so great. >> we need it. >> we do. the nuggets lost tuesday night after a controversial >> they fessed up. and here are some solutions head coach ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, >> mark is here too talk sports anted the saints are looking good. >> one after another. the saints have the number one passing offense in the nfl. but that is actually not the number one concern to the denver defense right now. michael spencer is at the view house centennial with more. >> reporter: welshing mark, a lot has been made this week stop the run. denver 29th in the league in terms of rushing defense. and in their last game against oakland on sunday night. the broncos gave up 218 rushing yards. we talked to the guys all week about this. and they said it is not a scheme thing. it is simply a matter of them needing to tackle bet. >> tackling is just a technique effort. being consistent with what you are doing. not letting people break, contain, we had three or four time ins short yardage in the game. we had guys stop and theye so, just detail, have to do a better job. >> technique definitely. and the want to, a lot of guys saying we have to get back to the fundamentals. we talked about it. everybody talked about that. just getting back to football. >> reporter: as you might imagine, tackling will be one of the topics that we tackle this week on the cbs4 football blitz. we are tapeing the show tonight. brandon marshall and demaryius thomas will be our guests. mark? >> thank you michael. players at the nuggets game. warriors are in town. nuggets steaming about tuesday's loss to memphis after the nib came out and said the refs got it wrong and the replay in the final second of the game should have given the ball to denver. instead, they gave it to the grizzlies who hit a game winning shot that never should have happened. >> out of bounds, possession is one of the things that they spend a lot of time on at the head coaches meetings. the gm meetings talking about how effective and replay center is. well, it wasn't that great the other night. and i feel bad for our guys. we didn't win our game because of the error made, we are looking at any and ere way to see what our options are moverring forward. to see if there is any way to change the outcome of the game. to replay the final seven tenths of a second. >> the nba has replay first- degree final part of the game. the clock in memphis. >> just give the win ,, ? ? ? when you find something worth waiting for, l guidance while you're mastering life. >> drivers across the country are reporting mysterious explosions while they are at the wheel. >> as cbs4's cbs4 lauren dispirito shows us, it is a frightening experience. we hope you will join us tonight at 10:00 for the story. cooler, 58 degrees. then back to the 60s and 70s. >> all right, thanks ed. >> and new at 6:00, we take a that just sold. what the owners plan to do with it. captioning sponsored by cbs captioning sponsored by cbs >> pelley: the transition begins. >> we now are going to... want to do everything we can to help you succeed, because if you succeed, then the country succeeds. >> mr. president, it was a great honor being with you, and i look forward to being with you many, many more times in the future. welcomes the 45th to his new office. the incoming first lady gets a tour of their new home. >> this is what democracy looks like. >> pelley: also tonight, protests against the election results. >> definitely enough to bring me to tears. >> pelley: great expectations. can the new president keep the promises he made? and, the play's the thing at the

Related Keywords

Nevada , United States , Texas , Washington , Castle Rock , Colorado , California , Johannesburg , Gauteng , South Africa , Denver , San Francisco , Maine , Greene , Massachusetts , Loveland , Capitol Hill , District Of Columbia , Glencoe , America , Shaun Boyd , Chris Christie , Bobby Jindal , Nathaniel Simpson , Sarah Palin , Tom Gorman , Jennifer Brice , Brandon Marshall , Rudy Giuliani , Newt Gingrich , Paul Ryan , Kathy Walsh , Reince Priebus ,

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Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 News At 5PM 20161111 :

Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 News At 5PM 20161111

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either. >> reporter: the shooter led police on a wild chase across county lines into castle rock. dangerous speeds forced dpd to call off the chase. they later found the camaro at a centennial apartment complex. the suspect vanished. residents say dangerous activity is common. >> yeah, it is just mostly fights. they break out. >> there is probably a police car or an ambulance here about once a week. >> reporter: back in march, a stone prompting a homicide investigation. larry moved to the neighborhood six months ago and says he is already looking for a way out of his lease. >> it is not worth it. >> reporter: now, the shooting victim is expected to survive. as far as the suspect is concerned, dpd says they are still interviewing witnesses to try to find out who this person is before they release a suspect description. >> thanks. rye now, the latest on yesterday's deadly shooting near denver's 16th street mall. 20-year-old steven wily has been arrested on suspicion of first degree murder. there was a fight in the parking lot on chama street. nathaniel simpson died. the second victim has nonlife threatening injuries. wily hopped an rtd bus to get away from the scene. but, he was arrested a short time later. president-elect trump says immigration, repealing obama care, and in his words, big league jobs. he talked after meeting with republican leaders and met president obama for the first time ever. >> he has had the opportunity to have an excellent conversation with president- elect trump. it was wide ranging. we talked about some of the organization issues in setting up the white house. we talked about foreign policy. we talked about domestic different situations. some wonderful and some difficult. i very much look forward to dealing with the president in the future, including counsel. uh ... he explained some of the difficulties. some of the high flying asset and the great things that have been achieved. so, mr. president, it was a great honor being with you and i look forward to being with you many, many more times >> thank you. >> mr. trump also met with house speaker paul ryan who gave him a tour of capitol hill. political specialist shaun boyd joins us now with details on the trump transition and shaun, trump's family has been among the closest advisers throughout this so far. >> reporter: they will not be part of his administration due to nepotism rules. while cabinets are full of washington insiders, trumps like his campaign will be donald trump a splashy send off to dc. he met with his transition team to begin assembling a new government. colorado campaign chair says it will change business as usual. >> you are going to see a lot of barriers put up to have people turn this into a feeding of the trough thing. >> reporter: he says he has been approached about playing a role in the trump administration. but says it is not something he ever gave much thought to. >> in a traditional model, here is what i want, but mr. trump has been anything but traditional. >> reporter: names floated are rudy giuliani, chris christie, newt gingrich. bobby jindal, sarah palin, interior secretary. reince priebus is being considered for chief of staff. but trump will also likely tapestry executives in oil and >> so i would not be a bit surprised to see people that are brand new to this system. brand new to the washington beltway thing. you will see in a lot of the business tools and techniques we have been using brought into the agencies. that is how you reduce them and make them smaller. all the way through customer service. i think you will see a big push in government to have a different level of customer service. >> one of the agencies that will definitely see an ovel veteran's administration which has come under fire with long wait lists for healthcare and millions of dollars in cost overruns on new hospitals like the one in aurora. >> thanks. we have also seen more protests in cities across the country. thousands of high school students protesting mr. trump's win held a walk-out. this was in san francisco. and thousands have registered to attend a rally at the state an inclusiveness rally. >> the united states of america, you can host an election that might have been carried by one. but at the end of the day, we are still black, white, red, and brown, and we are still representing the united states of america. >> now, colorado stat the house and senate. >> house democrats chose duran of denver. republicans chose grantham. they needed to elect new leaders because the current ones are retiring due to term limits. voter ins four other states this week approved measures legalizing marijuana. they are california, maine, massachusetts, and nevada. so, colorado is now one of eight states this all with legal recreational pot. might impact colorado. our jennifer brice is digging into that and joins us now with more on what we can expect. >> reporter: well, you know law enforcement i spoke with, a couple of folk ins that field today, and they said that they hope recreational pot in other states will now begin to lessen some of the negative impacts that they say that they have been seeing here in our state. meanwhile, a change in administration has a lot of people wondering about the future of pot law enforcement says pot from colorado has fueled the black market. but now that other states are legalizing it, how will things change? >> would they then absorb some of that organized crime and go to nevada and massachusetts. that could be an advantage to the state of colorado. >> reporter: tom gorman heads up the federal drug enforcement program. he says the midwest get a lot of colorado's weed with two years. four more states have legalized recreational marijuana. but it remains illegal under federal law. >> people at the grass roots level and states across the country are saying nuts to that. the federal government and the states are going to have to come to the table and work this out. >> reporter: while president- elect donald trump hasn't said what he will do about recreational marijuana, he has made it clear he is not a fan of colorado's industry. >> colorado marijuana, good or bad? >> i would say it is bad. medical marijuana is another feel strongly about that. >> reporter: gorman says it is not just about tax revenue. he says it all comes with a price. >> you can expect more ers , more hospitalizations. more fatalities. you can expect more poison control calls. and, your use is going to go up. >> reporter: and marijuana insiders that i spoke with today say that they believe that pot operations here in our value because there is more of it out there across the country and they believe the consulting industry is going to be booming because now, we have a lot of experts here in colorado that a lot of states are going to look for, for guidance. live in denver, jennifer brice, cbs4 news. >> with a few ballot issues still not decided in colorado, be sure to check out all the latest results on a weather alert tonight. get ready for la nina. the view from copter 4. those dry skies this winter. our meteorologist chris spears is in the mobile weather lab tonight. at cherry creek state park. so explain la nina. >> reporter: it is just an abnormal cooling of the waters in the equator eastern part of the ocean. but what is not easy to answer weather patterns here in the united states. look at this. look at the text on the lower left of the screen giving you a general idea of what we anticipate. the pattern favors warmer and drier weather to the south. cooler and wetter weather to the north. that is a little vague because look at where colorado lies. we are right smack dab in the middle. so, a la nina winter here could go either way. sometimes, they are dry, sometimes they are wet. sometimes, they are right where they should be. back out here degrees here. and, that is a little bit cool. need a jacket. but it is a little warmer than we should be this time of the year. ed greene, we have a cool-down coming our way. these temperatures may be taking a little bit of a dive here at least in the short term. >> yes, you are right chris. we have a cold front coming our way. nothing going on now. but a few clouds moving in with that front. but it sits right now almost through the metro area bringing cool weather with it. how much cooler? i will let you know. and how long it stays with us. catching dozens of drivers by surprise. and that is just the start of the damage. >> if you spend much of your day on your smartphone, how do you sleep at night? i will explain the connection. >> and, the big renovation and health for veterans widow there veteran's day. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: new at 6:00 tonight, protests against presiden another one set to start here within the hour. i'm lauren dispirito live at the state capital. i will have protesters, arguments at 6:00. ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, >> developing tonight, terrifying video out of johannesburg, south africa. 100 vehicles in this video alone were caught up in the flood waters. it took down a wall at the city zoo as well and more rain smartphone asleep of course. but a new study suggests the amount of time you spend on your phone prior to that can affect how you speak. >> kathy walsh shows us poor sleep is associated with obesity, diabetes, and depression. >> reporter: like in of us, janna can't go long without checking her smartphone. she looks every couple of minutes. >> if i took an intentional cell phone fast, i don't think w it is now a habit. >> reporter: a new study suggests that habit could affect your quality of sleep. researchers studied more than 650 adults tracking how much time they spent on their smartphones and their sleeping habits over a month. they found extended screen time was linked with poor sleep quality and less sleep. especially for those who use them right before bed. sleep doctors say that may be for a few reasons. >> maybe, if you don't sleep but, the other alternative is looking at your phone exposes you to blue light. blue light is alert and can inhibit your sleep and fragment your sleep. >> reporter: getting enough quality sleep is critical for physical and mental health. it is linked to increased risk of diabetes, obese city, and depression. jenna says her smartphone habits have thrown off her bedtim before bed could help ensure a better fight's rest. kathy walsh, cbs4 news. >> just turn it over jim. turn it over and go to bed. just ahead of veteran's day, volunteers honor a fallen veteran and his widow. >> curly butler planned to renovate his kitchen but died open this day in 1998. now, thanks to home depot and volunteers of america, they are to cook her meals. >> she is just so happy. we have been going at this since about january. and, getting all the details together for her. and we were table to surprise her. and, there have been tears of joy and she is happy. >> beautiful. volunteers installed ten new cabinets, countertops, a sink, oven and fridge. butler served in the navy. ed greene here with forecast. >> yes, we have clear skies across doppler 4,000. a few clouds here and there. the only place we have any showers down near albuquerque. here comes a cool front. it has cooler air behind it. it is going to push on through. keep going. and then we go right back to that southwesterly flow. showers just over southern coastal area near texas. and then, maybe a few in the great lakes region. that is about it. across the nation. so they came out with a drought monitor today. 98% of colorado, all but a extreme northwest, is under some form of drought either abnormally dry or moderate. right along the front range and out onto the eastern plains. let's take denver now. last time the high was in the 50s which we expect tomorrow, was october 5. 55 degrees. otherwise, it will be in the 60s , the 7 780s , and 80s . we only had one-one- hundredthover an inch we did 69, 68. 61 and 55 right now. northeast 9 for the winds. 31% humidity. a rising barometer. united states marine corp. is 241 years old today. we salute them. and all of our servicemen. and, loveland, opening day. this is from casey daybreaking through the barrier. they had a beautiful day up there. albeit dry and sunny. and winter park is cold enough. as we look at temperatures. northeastly in the 30s . we will find 20s and a few 30s in the higher elevations. out west, temperature ins the 30s . it will be a little cooler around here. but it will last 24 hours. was will see 50s over the eastern plains. 60s southeast. 50s for the mountains. 60s out west. all right, here is your denver forecast. tonight, mostly clear skies. 35 and 34 the overnight lows. then, for tomorrow, we will be keel but a lot of sunshine, so you will then the next several days. take a look at this. veteran's day, 58 degrees cooler. then we turn it right back around. look at the 6 0z and low 70s and sunshine all the way. but again, we are watching something toward the end of next week. could bring snow to the mountains. maybe three to six inches. maybe moisture down here. >> that will be so great. >> we need it. >> we do. the nuggets lost tuesday night after a controversial >> they fessed up. and here are some solutions head coach ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, >> mark is here too talk sports anted the saints are looking good. >> one after another. the saints have the number one passing offense in the nfl. but that is actually not the number one concern to the denver defense right now. michael spencer is at the view house centennial with more. >> reporter: welshing mark, a lot has been made this week stop the run. denver 29th in the league in terms of rushing defense. and in their last game against oakland on sunday night. the broncos gave up 218 rushing yards. we talked to the guys all week about this. and they said it is not a scheme thing. it is simply a matter of them needing to tackle bet. >> tackling is just a technique effort. being consistent with what you are doing. not letting people break, contain, we had three or four time ins short yardage in the game. we had guys stop and theye so, just detail, have to do a better job. >> technique definitely. and the want to, a lot of guys saying we have to get back to the fundamentals. we talked about it. everybody talked about that. just getting back to football. >> reporter: as you might imagine, tackling will be one of the topics that we tackle this week on the cbs4 football blitz. we are tapeing the show tonight. brandon marshall and demaryius thomas will be our guests. mark? >> thank you michael. players at the nuggets game. warriors are in town. nuggets steaming about tuesday's loss to memphis after the nib came out and said the refs got it wrong and the replay in the final second of the game should have given the ball to denver. instead, they gave it to the grizzlies who hit a game winning shot that never should have happened. >> out of bounds, possession is one of the things that they spend a lot of time on at the head coaches meetings. the gm meetings talking about how effective and replay center is. well, it wasn't that great the other night. and i feel bad for our guys. we didn't win our game because of the error made, we are looking at any and ere way to see what our options are moverring forward. to see if there is any way to change the outcome of the game. to replay the final seven tenths of a second. >> the nba has replay first- degree final part of the game. the clock in memphis. >> just give the win ,, ? ? ? when you find something worth waiting for, l guidance while you're mastering life. >> drivers across the country are reporting mysterious explosions while they are at the wheel. >> as cbs4's cbs4 lauren dispirito shows us, it is a frightening experience. we hope you will join us tonight at 10:00 for the story. cooler, 58 degrees. then back to the 60s and 70s. >> all right, thanks ed. >> and new at 6:00, we take a that just sold. what the owners plan to do with it. captioning sponsored by cbs captioning sponsored by cbs >> pelley: the transition begins. >> we now are going to... want to do everything we can to help you succeed, because if you succeed, then the country succeeds. >> mr. president, it was a great honor being with you, and i look forward to being with you many, many more times in the future. welcomes the 45th to his new office. the incoming first lady gets a tour of their new home. >> this is what democracy looks like. >> pelley: also tonight, protests against the election results. >> definitely enough to bring me to tears. >> pelley: great expectations. can the new president keep the promises he made? and, the play's the thing at the

Related Keywords

Nevada , United States , Texas , Washington , Castle Rock , Colorado , California , Johannesburg , Gauteng , South Africa , Denver , San Francisco , Maine , Greene , Massachusetts , Loveland , Capitol Hill , District Of Columbia , Glencoe , America , Shaun Boyd , Chris Christie , Bobby Jindal , Nathaniel Simpson , Sarah Palin , Tom Gorman , Jennifer Brice , Brandon Marshall , Rudy Giuliani , Newt Gingrich , Paul Ryan , Kathy Walsh , Reince Priebus ,

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