Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 News At 10PM 20161026 : comparemel

Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 News At 10PM 20161026

given four months ago. now all evidence indicates that these two suspects new not just what they were going after, but also who they were going after. now denver police want your help. it was around 530 last night when the two burglars made their way into demarcus ware's cherry creek apartment. >> what was going on, how they knew he was there at that time. all part of our investigation. >> reporter: he tweeted today, never about the material things for me but my safety. thank god for hidden cameras. the camera captured these photos of the suspects wearing gloves. >> people trying to commit a crime of this nature are going to do what they can to protect their identity which would be wearing close. >> reporter: police hope someone recognizes their faces. >> obviously these are very good pictures. hopefully somebody will recognize them and contact us and let us know who they are. >> reporter: ware's super bowl ring and a safe were taken. the ring made of 194 diamonds totaling 5.05 carats, is estimated to cost more than all of the broncos rings were personalized. with names on them. a representative for ware that we talked to said ware does not recognize the men that you just saw pictured. and believes since there was no forcible entry to the front door, maybe it was an inside job. again anyone who recognizes their men are urged to call denver police. reporting live, jeff todd, cbs4 news. >>w fell 60 feet to his death. that men has been identified as 36-year-old jason koi. karen morfitt live at the stadium tonight, karen, police want to know exactly what this man was doing right before that accident. >> reporter: exactly. jim, they say it is standard they get involved in these types of incidents. but this is now the second death here at mile high stadium in just over a year. moments after an exciting finish to "monday night football" -- flashing lights. >> paramedics came. i know the police blocked it off. >> reporter: 36-year-old jason coyle was sitting on a railing when witnesses say he appeared to lose his balance and fell 60 feet. investigators say it happened in an enclosed stairwell as fans were piling up the stadium. >> witnesses and first responders got there really quickly. and were able to start rendering aid. and he was transported to the hospital where he was pronounced deceased. >> reporter: this is the second death at mile high in a little over a year. last september francisco morales fell to his death trying to retrieve a hat that had fallen. police say morales was intoxicated at the time. following last night's incident, the denver broncos released a statement that says providing a safe environment for guests is their top priority. we are reviewing this tragic incident and will continue to maintain all necessary safety measures police say it's unclear whether or not drugs or alcohol may have played a factor in court's fall last night. they also -- we did learn just before this newscast that according to a gofundme page coley does leave behind five children and a wife. we have a link to the fundraiser page on our website at if you'd like to help the family. live in denver, karen morfitt, cbs4 news. developing now investigators want to talk to anyone who witnessed a wild chase down i-76 45 miles closer to denver in lock we. the cops say two men inside a stolen truck were throwing items out the window. want to show you some of those items. they were tossed right on the highway while the truck was racing along at 100 miles an hour. investigators say it's amazing no one was hurt. new tonight and air force cadet pleads guilty to sexually assaulting a woman on university hill in boulder. have to register as a sex offender. warmolts will be sentenced in january. but we already know the plea deal calls for a year in the county jail. plus 10 years in intensive sex offender probation. people living in one of denver's fastest-growing neighborhoods blame nearby homeless camps for recent violence. this was the scene in the ballpark neighborhood, this was back in march. until the city came through and removed those camps, now they are back again. last night stan bush heard from a family whose house was hit by stray bullets. he followed up today with the city. >> reporter: those neighbors are not blaming the homeless population but rather the drug activity that follows them. this afternoon the city acknowledged this area is repopulating as a homeless camp. getting this area cleaned up seems nearly impossible. randy russell says he's been living on the street since he came to denver. forced a cleanout of the area. >> what you going to do to us? we ain't got no place to go. >> reporter: the city moved the homeless population of the street to clean it for public health concerns. >> since around the beginning of the summer it seems like there's been much more people even just in the alleyways. not just the sidewalks. >> reporter: businesses and residents thought the cleanout would dismantle the camping here. betty milner is the executive director of denver's road home. >> we feel that but it's like a balloon. when you squeeze it one place you're going to see an impact and then another. >> reporter: officials say they know the homeless encampment looks bad but there's little they can do. many of the homeless here are seeking assistance from the shelters and charities that own the land. when a few begin to camp, milliner says more follow. to protect themselves from abuses alone. >> have to make sure that we tie services to this. cycle. >> reporter: the situation frustrates the city as much as neighbors who live nearby. shelter space in denver to house the entire homeless population. many just refuse the help. >> it's not clear if there will be another cleanup in this area. >> reporter: the city is working to get some of the bad actors out and get help to those who will accept it. the city acknowledges getting some of the population to happening tomorrow cdot is bringing in cowboys to help round up cattle that escaped during an accident on i-70. a semi hauling those cattle tipped over near georgetown. some of the cows were killed, many others ran off. at least 20 still running around tonight. drivers in that area should beware of any animals on the interstate tonight. campaign trail, both candidates making a last-minute push in florida. he state. donald trump trying to make up ground. today he slammed obamacare pointing to those premium announced. hillary clinton told her florida supporters to take advantage of early voting. clinton currently has a slight lead in the florida pools. a third party candidate is gaining momentum and brought his message to colorado tonight. evan mcmullin has a real chance to win the state of utah. that would make him the first third-party candidate to win a state since george wallace back in 1968. mcallen was in lakewood today and lauren dispirito covered >> reporter: if he does win utah, and then neither trump nor clinton secure a majority of the electoral college votes, and it's a slim chance that would happen, but a chance, then the election goes to the house of representatives where some political analysts say he would be elected. despite having virtually no shot at winning by popular >> thank you. >> reporter: campaigning for the first time in colorado, independent presidential candidate evan mcmullin started his event sharing his background acknowledging many of the people in his own audience might not know who he is. >> someone had to stand on principle. i didn't know if this would be successful or how it would play out. >> reporter: the third-party candidate is only on the ballot in 11 states. but is gaining attention as polls show him tied or leading the race in utah. where conservatives show reluctance to vote for republican candidate >> a new conservative movement will stand up for women when they are attacked. >> reporter: policy director for house republicans ex-cia officer and mormon, mcmullen says if elected he will return power to states. >> here we are with hillary clinton and donald trump who personify our leadership crisis in this country. we've got to break out of that. the only way is to use our voices and our votes. >> reporter: voters who don't hillary clinton. >> it's kind of hard to say what you do with your boat. at least something i believe in and it would be better. >> i feel like he's moderate so he can please a lot of people. i feel like he has a really good moral center. >> reporter: colorado is one of the 11 states where mcmullen's name is on the ballot. elsewhere he is asking voters to write in his name. live in lakewood, lauren dispirito, cbs4 news. of voter fraud. how one man managed to cast two votes in three elections. >> you'd be surprised how often people go to vote. >> new video of a man who nearly gets killed trying to wrangle his runaway car. how would smash a one-of-a- kind stained-glass window in a ,, nobody told me to expect it. intercourse that's painful due to menopausal changes. it's not likely to go away on its own. so let's do something about it. it provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable. premarin vaginal cream treats vaginal changes due to menopause and moderate-to-severe painful intercourse caused by these changes. don't use it if you've had unusual vaginal bleeding, breast or uterine cancer, blood clots, liver problems, stroke or heart attack, are allergic to any of its ingredients or think you're pregnant. side effects may include headache, pelvic pain, e uterus, strokes, blood clots, or dementia so use it for the shortest time based on goals and risks. estrogens should not be used to prevent heart disease, heart attack, stroke or dementia. ask your doctor about premarin vaginal cream. new at 10:00, cbs4 investigation uncovers more brian maass has more. >> reporter: lincoln wilson owns property in colorado and in kansas. according to election officials the registered republican voted in both states in 2010, 2012, and again in 2014. one man, three elections, six votes. kansas secretary of state chris kovacs. >> you'd be surprised how often people double fault. >> reporter: wilson is one of five coloradans for with voter fraud. >> we want to get the word out. we'll catch you. >> reporter: after each election colorado and kansas crosscheck voters to identify double ballots. and cleaned up the databases. but kovacs believes 10,000 people are registered in both colorado and kansas. >> any one of those 10,000 people could probably succeed in casting two votes. >> reporter: and some people like bruce ricky have been charged with trying to vote twice in colorado elections. counties at the same time. >> there are individuals who break the law. and they should and are being prosecuted for that. >> reporter: secretary of state wayne williams admits other coloradans are getting away with it. combing through data, cbs4 found a suspected double voters in denver, arapahoe and douglas counties. >> it's a relatively small number, it is a problem of any magnitude. because we have close elections in colorado. >> reporter: how is voting twice even possible? ask teresa haley of denver's montbello neighborhood. she called us after receiving two ballots. one to her home address, the other to her po box. >> i want someone to take this very serious. >> reporter: she has no idea how she was registered twice. >> if this happened to me, i'm sure i was not singled out. this has happened to somebody else. >> reporter: brian maass, cbs4 news. teresa haley is right. we've been contacted by a they've received more than one ballot. bottom line, if you received two, don't vote twice. you could be prosecuted. vandals destroy a one-of-a- kind stained-glass window at colorado state university. this window in the danforth chapel includes pieces imported from europe and was crafted from mouth blown glass. police say vandals shattered the window to get into the chapel over the weekend. a big $15 billion deal for volkswagen owners. today a federal judge approved the largest ever car settlement in this country. the german automaker acknowledged last year that nearly half a million diesel volkswagens and audis sold in the u.s. were programmed to cheat on emissions testing. those car owners and leaseholders have the choice between selling the cars back to vw or getting them repaired. they will also get between five and $10,000 each. a new twist on the typical highway chase. a driver in switzerland was pulled over on the shoulder talking to a truck driver when his car scene right there, started to roll away. he was chasing after his car as it hit the median. followed it across traffic until it eventually crashed into the signpost. >> maybe he needs a self driving car. uber is brewing up a new service perhaps, video of a self driving truck. hauling budweiser beer from fort collins to colorado springs. the maiden voyage was last week and at one point the driver did leave the seat, moved into the back and there you see it, self driving. we were curious is that legal? >> it's not that it's legal. it's more that it's not illegal. this is a function of technology outpacing our laws. so we believe this is a way that's going to really improve safety and increase quality of life for everyone in colorado. that's why we're pushing it. >> cdot and state patrol helped out with the test run with four cdot says at this point look at this as a one-time deal so drivers don't need to be looking over their shoulders for big rigs with no one at the controls. >> that would freak you out a little. a lot of clouds today but they did not bring any rain. what's the latest? >> no rain for us unfortunately. a few scattered showers. even a little lightning strike to the south. some heavier showers as you move into kansas. everything clearing out of colorado right now and nothing much behind xc to go over our area and continue to bring us nice mild days. clouds out of the area overnight. you can see our state border to border sunny up until this time tomorrow. wednesday 10:00, nothing on radar. you can see we have that one front, will be under the influence of that over the next several days. that's all the desert air down there in the 90s in phoenix today, we're not going to be in the 90s but it is going to keep us on the dry side. as we take a look, let's go to our weather center with lauren today, but still 10 degrees above normal. >> the jet stream right now is just over colorado so it is keeping the warmer air coming out direction. usually this time of year moreover colorado down to the south. we have cooler air coming our way. right now high-pressure really building as you head towards the southern part of the state. notice again temperatures over the next several days are going to be very warm. one from southern california all the way down to parts of louisiana. high-pressure toasty. low pressure system riding the jet stream so that's why we have a little bit of moisture. there is moisture up to our northwest. really warm on saturday, we did hit 82 degrees. down to the 70s on sunday. 70s for the next couple of days. dry weather is really sticking around for us. it was warm today but again like you said a little cooler than yesterday. what did we get to today? >> 72 degrees today. 10 above normal, 73 downtown, 51 and 49, 33 would be normal but look at the extremes, 1959 how dry? so far we've had about a quarter inch of rain. that's about two thirds of an inch below normal. since september, that's less than two months, we are about an inch and a third below normal. so it's been dry. high temperatures from the weather watchers west greeley 68 degrees, fort collins 71, firestone 72. 75 in limon. 58 and 60 right now, northwest brees at 10, 39% humidity, rising barometer. this is from pete perera, hildebrand range in littleton. the hill the -- hay bales and pumpkins. four keys with this time of year are very happy that they are geese and not turkeys. you can see this from elaine cottingham, branches clawing at the sky. that's a neat shot. and look at this from phil carey, weather watcher who is also a pilot, a stunning sunrise! you can also see the reflection of his instruments in the cockpit. as we take a look at tonight's elevations. out west 30s and 40s. a few degrees warmer tomorrow. 60s, 70s near 80 for the east. 50s and 60s for the mountains. out west 60s and lower 70s. here is your forecast. for tonight clear skies, 45 and 44. for tomorrow, take a look at mostly sunny skies, back in the low to mid-70s. for the next several days, even warmer 79 on thursday, 80- degree reading on friday. 74 on saturday. 75 on sunday. for the final weekend october. and then as we take a look, when is the last time you saw this on halloween? 70 degrees and sunny. and then we cool down slightly into the mid-60s as we head on ,, ,, ,, i'm jamie foxx for verizon. in the nation's largest independent study by rootmetrics, verizon is america's most reliable network. and i'm jamie foxx for sprint, with no wins in reliability in any state. you need to stop your shenanigans. i-i'm... you're not jamie foxx. i'm close enough, just like sprint. no! look at my map. take it in. oh! yeah, there you go. eh? yeah. oh. (sighs) don't get fooled by a cut rate network. verizon gives you tons of data without all the restrictions. get twenty gigs and four lines for only 160, with no surprise overages. when i became governor, i knew we had to protect our colorado way of life. it's why i need a good team in the state senate. like rachel zenzinger, a former teacher who's fought for equal pay for equal work. daniel kagan championed property tax rebates to help seniors afford their utility bills. jenise may worked to cut taxes for 30,000 small businesses. and tom sullivan is a veteran and transparent government. they'd be a great team in the state senate. about a year ago, 30 ethiopians were killed by isis. reporter: mass execution of ethiopian christians... mike coffman was the only one that reached out to our community. he went to every ethiopian church. he was there, and he was sharing the sadness that we were actually experiencing at the time. he says what he means, that means a lot to us and to me. i'm mike coffman, and i approve this message. just because you win the game doesn't mean to avoid the criticism. such is t coach. remember the sequence before halftime when the broncos chose to run out the clock instead of trying for points? hindsight is 2020. didn't hurt them last night but it could have. after c.j. anderson's big run the broncos had the ball at their own 40. they called their second timeout but then two plays later, just let the clock run out much to everyone's amazement. it was a questionable decision and left gary kubiak dancing around what exactly happened. >> it was third and six. probably not very good reasons. you know? should stay aggressive right there but i did have my reasons why i made my decision. so my fault. blame somebody, blame me. okay? >> you can display in your reasons. >> no. i don't have to explain them. might give something away for later on. how about that? i do agree with you all. we should be aggressive right there. i do agree. >> at least he's honest. it's been 68 years since the cleveland indians won the world series. imagine how cubs fans feel, it's been 108 years for them. board prediction, one of those streaks going to end very soon. indians got a gem from corey kluber. just for hits, through six innings of work. in the fourth, got some help from roberto perez. a solo shot to left. that would put the indians up 3- 0. that one did get out. and then would stay 3-0 until the eighth when perez does it again, this time with two on. he has three in the playoffs. indians win 6-0 and take game one. who do you think will win the world series? the voting ended before the game ended but 61% of you thinking the cubs. less than 400 feet away from progressive field is quicken loans arena, home of the cavaliers. the indians hoping to get a banner of their own. they raised that one in cleveland tonight, lebron james got a triple double. offense, he's got that. 19 points, 14 assists, 11 rebounds as the cavs get a big 117-88 win. the bus basketball team is more than two weeks away from its season opener and tad boyle says they are already overrated. cu holding media day today. the buffs picked to finish fifth in the pac-12. but in typical coaching style, boil making sure his guys don't get a big head. >> we have some pretty talented but right now, if i had to describe our team in one word, it would be overrated. we all want to get better. for us to get better, to make that next step it's not easy. and it's not going to be given to us. not going to be handed to us. it's not going to be tweeted to us. you know, we have to go out and earn that. >> at least he's staying up with the times. certainly out of the question. but we found one guy who absolutely a man attacked me in a parking garage. tried to stab me with an 8-inch knife. but i carry a pistol. i fight back. that's why i'm still here. every woman has a right to defend herself with a gun if she chooses. hillary clinton disagrees with that. don't let politicians take away your right to own a gun. it's no secret. donald trump isn't for us. and unfortunately, congressman coffman isn't, either. just listen. and as families struggle to make ends meet, coffman voted against equal pay for equal work 11 times. it gets worse. coffman said he would support donald trump for president. this is the colorado none of us want to lose. i'm gail schwartz, and i'm running for congress to stop the sale of our public lands. coloradans should have the freedom to use this land for ranching, hunting and fishing, not watch it sold off to the highest bidder. scott tipton wants to cut off our access to these lands for generations to come, killing thousands of jobs. the national anthem has become a hot topic. but recently at a minor-league hockey game in toledo, joe everson did something that everyone can stand behind. >> [ singing ] zero say can you broad stripes and bright stars -- o say does that star- spangled banner yet wave ? o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave ? ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, thanks for watching news. the late show with stephen colbert is captioning sponsored by cbs >> stephen: stephen. stephen. huh. you know, i wonder how my life would be different fispelled it

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Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 News At 10PM 20161026 :

Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 News At 10PM 20161026

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given four months ago. now all evidence indicates that these two suspects new not just what they were going after, but also who they were going after. now denver police want your help. it was around 530 last night when the two burglars made their way into demarcus ware's cherry creek apartment. >> what was going on, how they knew he was there at that time. all part of our investigation. >> reporter: he tweeted today, never about the material things for me but my safety. thank god for hidden cameras. the camera captured these photos of the suspects wearing gloves. >> people trying to commit a crime of this nature are going to do what they can to protect their identity which would be wearing close. >> reporter: police hope someone recognizes their faces. >> obviously these are very good pictures. hopefully somebody will recognize them and contact us and let us know who they are. >> reporter: ware's super bowl ring and a safe were taken. the ring made of 194 diamonds totaling 5.05 carats, is estimated to cost more than all of the broncos rings were personalized. with names on them. a representative for ware that we talked to said ware does not recognize the men that you just saw pictured. and believes since there was no forcible entry to the front door, maybe it was an inside job. again anyone who recognizes their men are urged to call denver police. reporting live, jeff todd, cbs4 news. >>w fell 60 feet to his death. that men has been identified as 36-year-old jason koi. karen morfitt live at the stadium tonight, karen, police want to know exactly what this man was doing right before that accident. >> reporter: exactly. jim, they say it is standard they get involved in these types of incidents. but this is now the second death here at mile high stadium in just over a year. moments after an exciting finish to "monday night football" -- flashing lights. >> paramedics came. i know the police blocked it off. >> reporter: 36-year-old jason coyle was sitting on a railing when witnesses say he appeared to lose his balance and fell 60 feet. investigators say it happened in an enclosed stairwell as fans were piling up the stadium. >> witnesses and first responders got there really quickly. and were able to start rendering aid. and he was transported to the hospital where he was pronounced deceased. >> reporter: this is the second death at mile high in a little over a year. last september francisco morales fell to his death trying to retrieve a hat that had fallen. police say morales was intoxicated at the time. following last night's incident, the denver broncos released a statement that says providing a safe environment for guests is their top priority. we are reviewing this tragic incident and will continue to maintain all necessary safety measures police say it's unclear whether or not drugs or alcohol may have played a factor in court's fall last night. they also -- we did learn just before this newscast that according to a gofundme page coley does leave behind five children and a wife. we have a link to the fundraiser page on our website at if you'd like to help the family. live in denver, karen morfitt, cbs4 news. developing now investigators want to talk to anyone who witnessed a wild chase down i-76 45 miles closer to denver in lock we. the cops say two men inside a stolen truck were throwing items out the window. want to show you some of those items. they were tossed right on the highway while the truck was racing along at 100 miles an hour. investigators say it's amazing no one was hurt. new tonight and air force cadet pleads guilty to sexually assaulting a woman on university hill in boulder. have to register as a sex offender. warmolts will be sentenced in january. but we already know the plea deal calls for a year in the county jail. plus 10 years in intensive sex offender probation. people living in one of denver's fastest-growing neighborhoods blame nearby homeless camps for recent violence. this was the scene in the ballpark neighborhood, this was back in march. until the city came through and removed those camps, now they are back again. last night stan bush heard from a family whose house was hit by stray bullets. he followed up today with the city. >> reporter: those neighbors are not blaming the homeless population but rather the drug activity that follows them. this afternoon the city acknowledged this area is repopulating as a homeless camp. getting this area cleaned up seems nearly impossible. randy russell says he's been living on the street since he came to denver. forced a cleanout of the area. >> what you going to do to us? we ain't got no place to go. >> reporter: the city moved the homeless population of the street to clean it for public health concerns. >> since around the beginning of the summer it seems like there's been much more people even just in the alleyways. not just the sidewalks. >> reporter: businesses and residents thought the cleanout would dismantle the camping here. betty milner is the executive director of denver's road home. >> we feel that but it's like a balloon. when you squeeze it one place you're going to see an impact and then another. >> reporter: officials say they know the homeless encampment looks bad but there's little they can do. many of the homeless here are seeking assistance from the shelters and charities that own the land. when a few begin to camp, milliner says more follow. to protect themselves from abuses alone. >> have to make sure that we tie services to this. cycle. >> reporter: the situation frustrates the city as much as neighbors who live nearby. shelter space in denver to house the entire homeless population. many just refuse the help. >> it's not clear if there will be another cleanup in this area. >> reporter: the city is working to get some of the bad actors out and get help to those who will accept it. the city acknowledges getting some of the population to happening tomorrow cdot is bringing in cowboys to help round up cattle that escaped during an accident on i-70. a semi hauling those cattle tipped over near georgetown. some of the cows were killed, many others ran off. at least 20 still running around tonight. drivers in that area should beware of any animals on the interstate tonight. campaign trail, both candidates making a last-minute push in florida. he state. donald trump trying to make up ground. today he slammed obamacare pointing to those premium announced. hillary clinton told her florida supporters to take advantage of early voting. clinton currently has a slight lead in the florida pools. a third party candidate is gaining momentum and brought his message to colorado tonight. evan mcmullin has a real chance to win the state of utah. that would make him the first third-party candidate to win a state since george wallace back in 1968. mcallen was in lakewood today and lauren dispirito covered >> reporter: if he does win utah, and then neither trump nor clinton secure a majority of the electoral college votes, and it's a slim chance that would happen, but a chance, then the election goes to the house of representatives where some political analysts say he would be elected. despite having virtually no shot at winning by popular >> thank you. >> reporter: campaigning for the first time in colorado, independent presidential candidate evan mcmullin started his event sharing his background acknowledging many of the people in his own audience might not know who he is. >> someone had to stand on principle. i didn't know if this would be successful or how it would play out. >> reporter: the third-party candidate is only on the ballot in 11 states. but is gaining attention as polls show him tied or leading the race in utah. where conservatives show reluctance to vote for republican candidate >> a new conservative movement will stand up for women when they are attacked. >> reporter: policy director for house republicans ex-cia officer and mormon, mcmullen says if elected he will return power to states. >> here we are with hillary clinton and donald trump who personify our leadership crisis in this country. we've got to break out of that. the only way is to use our voices and our votes. >> reporter: voters who don't hillary clinton. >> it's kind of hard to say what you do with your boat. at least something i believe in and it would be better. >> i feel like he's moderate so he can please a lot of people. i feel like he has a really good moral center. >> reporter: colorado is one of the 11 states where mcmullen's name is on the ballot. elsewhere he is asking voters to write in his name. live in lakewood, lauren dispirito, cbs4 news. of voter fraud. how one man managed to cast two votes in three elections. >> you'd be surprised how often people go to vote. >> new video of a man who nearly gets killed trying to wrangle his runaway car. how would smash a one-of-a- kind stained-glass window in a ,, nobody told me to expect it. intercourse that's painful due to menopausal changes. it's not likely to go away on its own. so let's do something about it. it provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable. premarin vaginal cream treats vaginal changes due to menopause and moderate-to-severe painful intercourse caused by these changes. don't use it if you've had unusual vaginal bleeding, breast or uterine cancer, blood clots, liver problems, stroke or heart attack, are allergic to any of its ingredients or think you're pregnant. side effects may include headache, pelvic pain, e uterus, strokes, blood clots, or dementia so use it for the shortest time based on goals and risks. estrogens should not be used to prevent heart disease, heart attack, stroke or dementia. ask your doctor about premarin vaginal cream. new at 10:00, cbs4 investigation uncovers more brian maass has more. >> reporter: lincoln wilson owns property in colorado and in kansas. according to election officials the registered republican voted in both states in 2010, 2012, and again in 2014. one man, three elections, six votes. kansas secretary of state chris kovacs. >> you'd be surprised how often people double fault. >> reporter: wilson is one of five coloradans for with voter fraud. >> we want to get the word out. we'll catch you. >> reporter: after each election colorado and kansas crosscheck voters to identify double ballots. and cleaned up the databases. but kovacs believes 10,000 people are registered in both colorado and kansas. >> any one of those 10,000 people could probably succeed in casting two votes. >> reporter: and some people like bruce ricky have been charged with trying to vote twice in colorado elections. counties at the same time. >> there are individuals who break the law. and they should and are being prosecuted for that. >> reporter: secretary of state wayne williams admits other coloradans are getting away with it. combing through data, cbs4 found a suspected double voters in denver, arapahoe and douglas counties. >> it's a relatively small number, it is a problem of any magnitude. because we have close elections in colorado. >> reporter: how is voting twice even possible? ask teresa haley of denver's montbello neighborhood. she called us after receiving two ballots. one to her home address, the other to her po box. >> i want someone to take this very serious. >> reporter: she has no idea how she was registered twice. >> if this happened to me, i'm sure i was not singled out. this has happened to somebody else. >> reporter: brian maass, cbs4 news. teresa haley is right. we've been contacted by a they've received more than one ballot. bottom line, if you received two, don't vote twice. you could be prosecuted. vandals destroy a one-of-a- kind stained-glass window at colorado state university. this window in the danforth chapel includes pieces imported from europe and was crafted from mouth blown glass. police say vandals shattered the window to get into the chapel over the weekend. a big $15 billion deal for volkswagen owners. today a federal judge approved the largest ever car settlement in this country. the german automaker acknowledged last year that nearly half a million diesel volkswagens and audis sold in the u.s. were programmed to cheat on emissions testing. those car owners and leaseholders have the choice between selling the cars back to vw or getting them repaired. they will also get between five and $10,000 each. a new twist on the typical highway chase. a driver in switzerland was pulled over on the shoulder talking to a truck driver when his car scene right there, started to roll away. he was chasing after his car as it hit the median. followed it across traffic until it eventually crashed into the signpost. >> maybe he needs a self driving car. uber is brewing up a new service perhaps, video of a self driving truck. hauling budweiser beer from fort collins to colorado springs. the maiden voyage was last week and at one point the driver did leave the seat, moved into the back and there you see it, self driving. we were curious is that legal? >> it's not that it's legal. it's more that it's not illegal. this is a function of technology outpacing our laws. so we believe this is a way that's going to really improve safety and increase quality of life for everyone in colorado. that's why we're pushing it. >> cdot and state patrol helped out with the test run with four cdot says at this point look at this as a one-time deal so drivers don't need to be looking over their shoulders for big rigs with no one at the controls. >> that would freak you out a little. a lot of clouds today but they did not bring any rain. what's the latest? >> no rain for us unfortunately. a few scattered showers. even a little lightning strike to the south. some heavier showers as you move into kansas. everything clearing out of colorado right now and nothing much behind xc to go over our area and continue to bring us nice mild days. clouds out of the area overnight. you can see our state border to border sunny up until this time tomorrow. wednesday 10:00, nothing on radar. you can see we have that one front, will be under the influence of that over the next several days. that's all the desert air down there in the 90s in phoenix today, we're not going to be in the 90s but it is going to keep us on the dry side. as we take a look, let's go to our weather center with lauren today, but still 10 degrees above normal. >> the jet stream right now is just over colorado so it is keeping the warmer air coming out direction. usually this time of year moreover colorado down to the south. we have cooler air coming our way. right now high-pressure really building as you head towards the southern part of the state. notice again temperatures over the next several days are going to be very warm. one from southern california all the way down to parts of louisiana. high-pressure toasty. low pressure system riding the jet stream so that's why we have a little bit of moisture. there is moisture up to our northwest. really warm on saturday, we did hit 82 degrees. down to the 70s on sunday. 70s for the next couple of days. dry weather is really sticking around for us. it was warm today but again like you said a little cooler than yesterday. what did we get to today? >> 72 degrees today. 10 above normal, 73 downtown, 51 and 49, 33 would be normal but look at the extremes, 1959 how dry? so far we've had about a quarter inch of rain. that's about two thirds of an inch below normal. since september, that's less than two months, we are about an inch and a third below normal. so it's been dry. high temperatures from the weather watchers west greeley 68 degrees, fort collins 71, firestone 72. 75 in limon. 58 and 60 right now, northwest brees at 10, 39% humidity, rising barometer. this is from pete perera, hildebrand range in littleton. the hill the -- hay bales and pumpkins. four keys with this time of year are very happy that they are geese and not turkeys. you can see this from elaine cottingham, branches clawing at the sky. that's a neat shot. and look at this from phil carey, weather watcher who is also a pilot, a stunning sunrise! you can also see the reflection of his instruments in the cockpit. as we take a look at tonight's elevations. out west 30s and 40s. a few degrees warmer tomorrow. 60s, 70s near 80 for the east. 50s and 60s for the mountains. out west 60s and lower 70s. here is your forecast. for tonight clear skies, 45 and 44. for tomorrow, take a look at mostly sunny skies, back in the low to mid-70s. for the next several days, even warmer 79 on thursday, 80- degree reading on friday. 74 on saturday. 75 on sunday. for the final weekend october. and then as we take a look, when is the last time you saw this on halloween? 70 degrees and sunny. and then we cool down slightly into the mid-60s as we head on ,, ,, ,, i'm jamie foxx for verizon. in the nation's largest independent study by rootmetrics, verizon is america's most reliable network. and i'm jamie foxx for sprint, with no wins in reliability in any state. you need to stop your shenanigans. i-i'm... you're not jamie foxx. i'm close enough, just like sprint. no! look at my map. take it in. oh! yeah, there you go. eh? yeah. oh. (sighs) don't get fooled by a cut rate network. verizon gives you tons of data without all the restrictions. get twenty gigs and four lines for only 160, with no surprise overages. when i became governor, i knew we had to protect our colorado way of life. it's why i need a good team in the state senate. like rachel zenzinger, a former teacher who's fought for equal pay for equal work. daniel kagan championed property tax rebates to help seniors afford their utility bills. jenise may worked to cut taxes for 30,000 small businesses. and tom sullivan is a veteran and transparent government. they'd be a great team in the state senate. about a year ago, 30 ethiopians were killed by isis. reporter: mass execution of ethiopian christians... mike coffman was the only one that reached out to our community. he went to every ethiopian church. he was there, and he was sharing the sadness that we were actually experiencing at the time. he says what he means, that means a lot to us and to me. i'm mike coffman, and i approve this message. just because you win the game doesn't mean to avoid the criticism. such is t coach. remember the sequence before halftime when the broncos chose to run out the clock instead of trying for points? hindsight is 2020. didn't hurt them last night but it could have. after c.j. anderson's big run the broncos had the ball at their own 40. they called their second timeout but then two plays later, just let the clock run out much to everyone's amazement. it was a questionable decision and left gary kubiak dancing around what exactly happened. >> it was third and six. probably not very good reasons. you know? should stay aggressive right there but i did have my reasons why i made my decision. so my fault. blame somebody, blame me. okay? >> you can display in your reasons. >> no. i don't have to explain them. might give something away for later on. how about that? i do agree with you all. we should be aggressive right there. i do agree. >> at least he's honest. it's been 68 years since the cleveland indians won the world series. imagine how cubs fans feel, it's been 108 years for them. board prediction, one of those streaks going to end very soon. indians got a gem from corey kluber. just for hits, through six innings of work. in the fourth, got some help from roberto perez. a solo shot to left. that would put the indians up 3- 0. that one did get out. and then would stay 3-0 until the eighth when perez does it again, this time with two on. he has three in the playoffs. indians win 6-0 and take game one. who do you think will win the world series? the voting ended before the game ended but 61% of you thinking the cubs. less than 400 feet away from progressive field is quicken loans arena, home of the cavaliers. the indians hoping to get a banner of their own. they raised that one in cleveland tonight, lebron james got a triple double. offense, he's got that. 19 points, 14 assists, 11 rebounds as the cavs get a big 117-88 win. the bus basketball team is more than two weeks away from its season opener and tad boyle says they are already overrated. cu holding media day today. the buffs picked to finish fifth in the pac-12. but in typical coaching style, boil making sure his guys don't get a big head. >> we have some pretty talented but right now, if i had to describe our team in one word, it would be overrated. we all want to get better. for us to get better, to make that next step it's not easy. and it's not going to be given to us. not going to be handed to us. it's not going to be tweeted to us. you know, we have to go out and earn that. >> at least he's staying up with the times. certainly out of the question. but we found one guy who absolutely a man attacked me in a parking garage. tried to stab me with an 8-inch knife. but i carry a pistol. i fight back. that's why i'm still here. every woman has a right to defend herself with a gun if she chooses. hillary clinton disagrees with that. don't let politicians take away your right to own a gun. it's no secret. donald trump isn't for us. and unfortunately, congressman coffman isn't, either. just listen. and as families struggle to make ends meet, coffman voted against equal pay for equal work 11 times. it gets worse. coffman said he would support donald trump for president. this is the colorado none of us want to lose. i'm gail schwartz, and i'm running for congress to stop the sale of our public lands. coloradans should have the freedom to use this land for ranching, hunting and fishing, not watch it sold off to the highest bidder. scott tipton wants to cut off our access to these lands for generations to come, killing thousands of jobs. the national anthem has become a hot topic. but recently at a minor-league hockey game in toledo, joe everson did something that everyone can stand behind. >> [ singing ] zero say can you broad stripes and bright stars -- o say does that star- spangled banner yet wave ? o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave ? ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, thanks for watching news. the late show with stephen colbert is captioning sponsored by cbs >> stephen: stephen. stephen. huh. you know, i wonder how my life would be different fispelled it

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