Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 News At 10PM 20161008 : comparemel

Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 News At 10PM 20161008

>> i moved on her and i failed. i'll admit it. i did try and [ bleep ] >> reporter: washington post obtained a video trump appears unaware that he is being recorded. >> i moved on her like a [ bleep ] and she was married. all of a sudden she's now got the big phony [ bleep ] totally changed her look. >> reporter: he was talking with access hollywood and current today show host billy opera. >> i'm automatically attracted to beautiful. it's like a magnet. and when you are a star they will let you do it. you can do anything. grab them by the [ bleep ] >> [ laughter ] >> do anything. >> reporter: the campaign quick to react tweeting this is horrific. we cannot allow this man to become president. even trump's own party is appalled. house speaker paul ryan released this statement, canceling trump's event. i am sickened by what i heard women are to be championed and revered not objectified. i hope mr. trump treats this situation with the seriousness it deserves. mitt romney tweeted this, heading up married women condoning assault, such biodegradation demean our wives and daughters and corrupt america's face to the world. trump had this to say. this was locker room banter. a private conversation that took place many years ago. bill clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course, not even close. i apologize if anyone was offended. >> melania said this was okay. >> rt congressman mike coffman running for reelection released this statement for the good of the country and to give the republicans a chance of defeating hillary clinton mr. trump should step aside. his defeat at this point seems almost certain. we did talk with political analyst republican dick wadhams and penfield tate about the scandal. >> donald trump is reprehensible, in 2005, is actually outside the public arena. this happened. when you look at hillary clinton and her e-mail scandal, the fact that the clinton foundation was soliciting donors for access to the state department when she was secretary of state, you could make a case that her character flaws are actually worse because they were within the public sphere of her life. not the private. >> you can make mistakes and recover from them and say it was a momentary lapse or a lapse of judgment or something. but twice is a pattern. and it's more than two times he's said things t the other thing that i found fascinating about the tape is he knew he was miked the entire time. >> again trump is expected to release a video statement tonight, we will bring that to you as soon as we get it. mike pence will campaign in wisconsin tomorrow instead of trump. trump says he will spend the day in new york preparing for sunday's presidential debate. can watch that debate right here on cbs4 at 7:00. shaun boyd will have her analysis on cbs4 news at 10:00. taking new turns, this man is missing and presumed dead, police believe this man killed him. but the suspect took his own life in jail before he could go to trial. now a so-called murder journal reveals chilling new details about the crime. lauren dispirito live in edgewater. police never found a body but are still very confident this is the murder case. >> reporter: they are, jim. that's because when they tried to take the suspect into custody here, this summer, over other charges he ended up in a shootout with them and they later found inside the gp -- the jeep he was driving a journal that they are now referring to as his murder journal. the last time anyone saw 71- year-old john sees a was this june in alamosa. the california man had come to colorado to pan for gold. but shortly after arriving, he a man police say detailed gruesome plans in his journals. i'm having a really hard time hunting anyone to kidnap, kill, carjack, according to entries detailed in court documents. i really want to get us an rv and i'm working hard looking for a great opportunity. the chilling text continues the next day after investigators say little shot and killed seasick and the visitor for his rv after little attended church. maybe i should've stayed at the church for lunch. then maybe i wouldn't have done what i just did. even without finding his body, district attorney pete weir says the journal entries are clear. >> we were extremely confident that mr. little was guilty of first-degree murder. >> reporter: this week little took his own life in his jail cell. prompting investigators to make a new plea for information. and tonight the family is joining that plea, adding $10,000 to a crime stoppers reward for information that helps them find cezik's body. life tonight in edgewater, lauren dispirito, cbs4 news. new details in the deadly shooting on the university of colorado campus. officers killed a man with a machete. we know now that man is former marine brandon simmons. his friends tell us he had been they are shocked what happened wednesday morning. jeff todd has been covering this story. you just talked with some men who served with simmons. >> reporter: yeah. they said he had recently reunited with his birth father and that's what brought him to colorado. they say he was a kind and caring man but now there are so many unanswered questions like what he was doing in boulder at all. friends of brandon simmons have been showing support and sorrow discharged from the marines earlier this year. after growing up in foster homes and spending a decade in the marines most recently as a drill instructor, we are told simmons was having a hard time coping with life after service. investigation into what went on wednesday morning on campus is still going on. today the cu police announced their officer who fired his gun is clay austin, he has been at cu nearly four years. the boulder police officer involvth unpaid leave. just a few minutes ago we were able to talk to two former marines who knew simmons, here is what they had to say. >> just so out of character for brandon. one of the best stand up guys you'll ever meet. he was an outstanding guy. he had a beautiful wife, two beautiful kids. he was an incredible marine. someone i looked up to. guess. i don't know. is just devastating. to me it's pathetic to see somebody's life. he don't get the chance to explain what he was going through. get the help he needed. >> reporter: the police chief at cu said on wednesday that she believed that under the circumstances, it was in the best interest of the universityh no timeline for the joint agency investigation to bring forward some conclusions in this case. reporting life, jeff todd, cbs4 news. new development as police arrest the man they say attacked a woman in the shack -- in this shocking video. jesus garcia now accused of kidnapping his former girlfriend then shooting her and a good samaritan who answered the door and tried to rescue that victim. it's a story you saw first on karen morfitt i know you talked with that good samaritan after the incident. what is he saying about the arrest? >> reporter: jim, he says he is so relieved this man has been taken off of the streets. it was his video surveillance that helped identify that suspect and will also play a huge role in court. >> [ yelling ] >> reporter: yes -- less than a week after this violent attack -- denver police were able to track down and arrest their suspect, jesus garcia. he was holed up at l 47th and vasquez. >> i didn't realize he was still in town. and close by. >> reporter: ryan gear was thrust into the chaos early sunday morning when a young woman came knocking on his door trying desperately to get away from this man, believed to be garcia. home surveillance video captured those frightening moments and shows gear without hesitation leaping into action. out of his hand and free her. >> reporter: before that scuffle would end, both gear and that young woman were shot. and garcia would get away. leaving everyone on edge until his capture. >> that's lots of happiness. so yeah, we're relieved. we will sleep better. >> reporter: geer is now focused on his recovery and says the experience has shed new light on his life. >> other than being very thankful to be alive, just shows me how blessed i am with my friends and family. >> reporter: those same people have set up a gofundme account to help geer and his family with the mounting medical expenses. if you'd like to help, we have a link on our website, at live in denver, karen morfitt, cbs4 news. developing tonight burke ramsey files a lawsuit after cbs explosive special about his sister's death. coming up why he wants $150 million after being linked to the murder of jonbenet. the storm rumbles. new video of lotto thieves. donald trump has just released a statement on those lewd remarks about women. that he gave several years ago. the tape just released today again, he's got a statement out late tonight. >> on in our state, nothing going on in the region. so this is your weekend but we do have something coming up in the five-day forecast. i'll talk about it. but what most i'm going to talk about is pretty good. trevor siemian questionable diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. but i spent my whole life fighting back. so you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say... "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump. happening now hurricane matthew making its slow crawl up the east coast. could make landfall in georgia or south carolina overnight. like savannah. and florida more than a million people are without electricity. the storm stayed far enough off shore to prevent major damage to cities like miami, fort lauderdale and west palm beach. at least four people have died including an elderly couple who died from carbon monoxide fumes. while running a generator in their garage. helicopters from the u.s. are arriving in haiti to provide assistance after the hurricane killed hundreds there. commander says homes and buildings are leveled. a developing story burke ramsey is suing the forensic pathologist who said burke killed his sister jonbenet. the pathologist was talking with a reporter out of cbs detroit. dr. warner spitz appeared in a cbs series that re-examined the death of jonbenet 20 years after the murder in boulder. this defamation lawsuit is seeking $150 million in damages for the accusation burke ramsey's attorney claims him living under a false cloud of suspicion. >> there's no place in an orderly and just society for an individual to go out and use his so-called credentials and his so-called position as an expert to brand this young man as a killer. >> boulder police and prosecutors publicly cleared burke ramsey's name. dr. spitz has not commented on the lawsuit. released a statement regarding his vile comments about women in 2005. let's hear what he has to say. >> i've never said i'm a perfect person. nor pretended to be someone that i'm not. i've said and done things i regret. and the words released today on this more than a decade old video or one of them. anyone who knows me knows these words don't reflect who i am. i said it. i was wrong. and i apologize. i travel the country talking about change for america. but my travels have also changed me. i've spent time with grieving mothers who lost their children, laid-off workers whose jobs have gone to other countries, and people from all walks of life who just want a better future. i have gotten to know the great people of our country, and i've been humbled by the faith they've placed in me. i pledge to be a better man tomorrow. and will never ever let you we're living in the real world. this is nothing more than a distraction from the important issues we are facing today. we are losing our jobs, we are less safe than we were eight years ago, and washington is totally broken. hillary clinton and her kind have run our country into the ground. i've said some foolish things. but there's a big difference between the words and actions of other people. bill clinton has actually abused women bullied, attacked, shamed, and intimidated his victims. we will discuss this more in the coming days. see you at the debate on sunday. >> there you go. earlier several republicans including colorado congressman mike coffman asked trump to drop out of the race. he has given no indication he would do that. asked trump mentioned you can watch that next debate sunday at 7:00 here on cbs4. new video shows two thieves with an elaborate plan to steal convenience store. the woman complains her soda is flat. the guy distracts the clerk while the woman steals a bunch of track to -- scratch tickets. repair hit at least 10 stores and cashed out nearly $700. last night the couple had again but the cops are keeping a close watch. they cut the woman but not her partner. after our first freeze, it is warming up again. should be a great weekend to get outside. >> a good weekend just for everybody. there's nothing going on at the whole weer high-pressure holding on, this system will slowly move to the east and then begin to sink down and tuesday is when it gets here. so that's the time we have to enjoy some great weather. take a look at the hurricane once again. winds over 105 miles an hour, moving north at 12, still a category two. eastside has the strongest winds. that's why the coast got a little break because the west side of the eye had less wins land and that's where you have very heavy rains going on right now. here is the path we are looking at, stays as a category one hurricane. and then it drops to a tropical storm. less than 65 miles an hour. you can see where it turns to the right as we take a look at all the models, remember how they went up along the coast and made a big loop down to the south? most of them are just having it wander out to the east and die off. only a few co as we look at what we did today, 67 and 68 after starts of 32, so we had our first official frost of the season and it comes on the average day when we get our first official frost of the season. october 7. 69 and 40 are the normals. pretty close to that. 51 in malden, fort collins 63. 65 in evergreen. greeley 66. west of leader from the colorado gun club 68 degrees. 47 and 46 right now, south brees at 14. so still up there, steady barometer. elaine cunningham shows that it's right here in arvada. we also know purgatory resort is now making snow. here is breckenridge ski area. a good coating of snow up there. this was all gold week ago, steven johnson says but now it's all white. take a look at this incredible shot from larry pierce, the snowy flat tops and you see why they call them flat tops. as we take a look at lowe's tonight, 20s 30s over the eastern plains. temperatures in the 30s and 40s. ni 50s and 60s for the mountains, 60s to the mid-70s. here is your forecast for tonight, clear skies, lowe's around the 40 degrees mark by morning. tomorrow call for sunshine and low 70s, that's about perfect. if it's not how about sunday 75 degrees. look at columbus day at 78. 70 on tuesday there's the change couple scattered showers a bit cooler wednesday at 68 but we cleared out. right back to the 70s to near next weekend. >> now that i know about the the go-ahead. you want to know how trevor was today? [ laughter ] he did a little bit more, took more reps in practice and like i said we'll how he comes out of it. 48 hours here so we'll see how he is feeling tomorrow but took a lot more today so we'll see. >> i have a theory. maybe gary kubiak has kept us guessing and asking about trevor siemian so most of the focus this week is on that and less attention and pressure on the rookie. you know the first-round pick who could be making his first nfl start? trevor siemian officially listed as questionable. but to me if he's not 100% why risk further injury? let him get ready for the charges on th hot falcons defense. he should be able to handle it. he has seen the former seventh round pick handle the pressure of replacing peyton. >> learned from the best with febrile there. he's always calm cool collective. i know when i went out there i was just, football is football. just try to have fun. >> last week paxton came in, and did a good job. didn't have we going to stay with what we got to do. be behind paxton. whoever starting. like we always been. try to go out and get another win. college football see you ranked for the first time since 2005 so cross that streak off the list. the buffs can and another bad streak tomorrow against usc. project team cu is 0-10 against all time. a win would help improve -- help prove they deserve that ranking. >> time being ranked. we got to prove that we are a ranked team. some teams just don't respect us but we got to make them believers. >> how many times has colorado played usc? how many times they beat them? zero. we have to earn our respect. the rams can still salvage a decent season. maybe a bowl game but also feels like things uld really start to fall apart. still searching for an identity and for some leaders. and say everything is going to be okay. i'm always a firm believer that the difference between a good and a great team is player lead over coach lead. we're not even a good football team right now. that burden falls on me as the head coach. college basketball and northern colorado announcing serious self-imposed -- self- imposed sanctions including no postseason this year and recruiting limitations. amid an investigation into alleged serious violations that cost bj held nuggets preseason game number 2 against the lakers. emmanuel mudiay given go with nikola jokic. up and under, and one. nuggets starters looking utterly. mudiay sharing the ball, finds jusuf nurkic for the dunk and one. now a close game in the second half. lebron james has his team for the baseball playoffs. i'm mike coffman, and i approve this message. service. it started with my dad. he fought in world war two, was wounded in korea. he's the reason i joined at 17, fought in two iraq wars, and still serve today. the va scandal is an outrage, failing to care for our wounded warriors. that's why i took on the va: to get our veterans the care and respect they deserve. because i understand the sacrifices they made, and i'll never stop fighting for those who fought for us. lebron james cheering on his hometown indians today, cleveland leads 2-0 in the series. rockies fan, who do you root for? you could root for troy tulowitzki. "tulo" in the postseason for a second straight year. having a good series so far, early two run home run off yu darvish, the first of the four homers that toronto hit off darvish. the blue jays won 5-3 to take top team as the series heads to toronto. you could root for the cubs. as they try to end their 108- year long curse. game one against the giants to win every other year, scoreless until the eighth. javier baez finally got a run on the board connecting off of johnny cueto. the only run in the game, this made bill murray very happy. 1-0 the final. game two is tomorrow. who are you rooting for? jim voted a lot of times. >> like everybody votes ,,,, ,, guess what's in this box? uh, no, don't. i'll just tell you: clean, renewable energy. cool, right? fact is, xcel energy is the nation's number one provider of wind energy, when it comes to clean energy, we're always delivering. xcel energy. really cool picture of the day. >> and i have two. take a look at this one from jacob padilla. adams county fog. a neat shot. and tom meyer's got this out at the beer festival. hurricane evacuation plan. this is my kind of plan. grab a beer, and then you run. i like that. >> several microbreweries from the hurricane as well. just happened to be in town for the beer fest. >> yeah. lucky them. thanks for watching cbs4 news. "the late show with stephen colbert" is next captioning sponsored by cbs >> stephen: hay, diane lane thank you so much for being here. i want you to meet paul, one of

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