Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 News At 10PM 20160814 : comparemel

Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 News At 10PM 20160814

train was stopped on its tracks heard wes mr. police are investigating a deadly accident after a woman was struck and killed by a bnsf train saturday afternoon at investigators say the woman was walking northbound close to the tracks near the 10,500 block of wadsworth boulevard before 2 pm. a train operator also headed north saw the woman and began to apply the brakes and sound the horn and she was hit by the train and pronounced dead at the scene. preliminre may have been wearing headphones. westminster police are working with bnsf officials to figure out exactly what happened leading up to the accident and that woman's identity has not been released, live in westminster andrea florez cbs4 news. and tonight cbs4 has confirmed that three denver sheriff's deputies have been fired for using excessive force against inmates. the notice of all three terminations came within a two- summer and deputy william jackson was fired for an incident in 2014 when he threw mentally ill patient back into his cell after seizing his bible, the department also says deputy stephen froebel used excessive force in 2015 when he smashed and inmates finger on a door so, and deputy fuller was terminated for using force on an inmate as retaliation. new developments now offer a swat standoff ends with gunfire in lakewood, the man shot by policeis the confrontation happened outside the 7-eleven gas station at sheraton and first. cbs4's howard nathan is live there tonight and howard how did the situation unfold?>>reporter: it turns out that it was a tip kathy and the swat situation took place right by the green dumpster over there and that is where this particular car was parked in the tip told police where they can find a man wanted for a number of warrants. neighborhood but where this man lived is unknown for now. neighbors were jolted by the gunfire hitting this old red pickup. >> i woke up to about three gunshots and jumped out of bed. >> lakewood police had been looking for the man in the pickup telling that there were seven warrants against him and they found a metaphor 20 a.m. this morning. >> at that time the agents backed off to contain the area and they got and phone contact with the t> police a dangerous weapon and the decision was made by the swat team to open fire. >> it is crazy that people would try to test the police and you will not win>> police say the man was a lie when the transported him. i'm glad that they got him but who knows if it was the right way or the wrong way the way that they took him, but with seven warrants and if he had a weapon on him it makes a big difference. >> the reverse 911 call to this lakewood neighborhood at away with some missing work.>> i have kids and i didn't want to get shot for something stupid. >> it is better to listen and obey their commands when they tell you to do something, less people would get hurt.>> tomorrow we may learn this man's name, age and what was on the warrants, reporting live in lakewood howard nathan news. right now the search is on for man who tried to sexually assault a woman and this is a sketch of the suspect. police in fort collins said the woman was leaving the old town area early friday morning when an hispanic male started walking with her and the victim says she ran away after he got too close for comfort and the suspect taster and tried to sexually assault her and she was able to fight him off and the minister described as hispanic and in his 20s with dark, waiting here. information on a risky rescue in southern colorado, a after hiking in crestone needle with his son anderson called help and crews were able to pull the injured man to safety and the hiker has several fractures but his helmet likely saved his life. right now a wildfire continues to spread in western colorado and is burning on private land near the garfield and mesa county line, the flames a burned one structure and -at least 500 acres. there have been for oil living near wallace creek are being told to evacuate. and chris spears parts of the state have not seen the rain for days and no relief in sight, more dry weather is in the forecast.>> we sure do and pockets around the state especially the western slope only 12% humidity right now in grand junction. let's look at those humidity values, it is a misleading at nighttime because the values go up as temperatures fall, let's better indicator of moisture in the air which represents actual water vapor. anything in the low 40s or lower extremely dry and look at the 20s and 30s on the western half of our state. very dry air to the west, abnormally dry many communities including the front range and metro denver which is not good news with a hot forecast ahead. i've been watching this webcam all night and thought maybe we would get lucky and see a lightnst case this minute, there's a cluster of storms off to the east of denver that has put on elisha tonight so there are a few places getting some moisture, also done in the southeastern corner a couple of pockets, but that is all it is kathy, pockets of moisture but overall the pretty dry forecast ahead. stick around because the +4 more may get a few of you excited. the red state gathering is taking place in denver this weekend and is a conference in party. colorado senator. kori gardner spoke with even this morning and refrain from commenting on the current divide and the republican party but instead focused on economic policy at the state and national level. he called for a change of outdated regulations he says are preventing small businesses from growing. >> we should have a sunset on regulations and just because a regulation passed in 19 six doesn't mean it is good in 2016. >> the conference comes after dozens of prominent republicans signed an the rnc to divert money from trump's campaign to races in the senate and house, and in the presidential campaign donald trump rallied in connecticut today after issuing a call for action to his supporters. meanwhile hillary clinton's running mate hit the campaign trail for the democrats. >> my prediction is when this campaign is all over and people have forgotten the losing campaign that he ran the two words they will remember about donald trump is you are mate's detailed economic plan to what he described as donald trumps empty promises. >> trumps plan is to say we're going to be rich but we ask him about the details we're going to be great, we will know the wall to make mexico pay for it, when you say what are the details he says believe me. >> while campaigning in connecticut saturday night donald trump blasted hillary clinton. >> she taxes, she will raise your regulations for your businesses which will put everybody out of work. >> trump trails clinton in national polls and in most battleground states but on friday he says he will win blue states and the loss is only possible if the election is rigged. >> the only way that we could lose in my opinion, i really mean this pennsylvania, is if cheating goes on.>> the campaign is so concerned about cheating it launched a sign-up page to recruit trump election of not just the vote on the eighth, go around and look and watch other polling places and make sure it is 100% fine. >> hillary clinton and her running mate release of the 2015 tax returns on friday and they are now calling on trump to do the same. trump says he cannot release his returns until an irs audit is completed. a developing now, a mosque leader and his associate killed in broad daylight in new city.>> we feel insecure and unsafe. >> coming up, why the community believes the men are targeted. and right now parts of louisiana are underwater and the rescue crews are tapping or rescuing hundreds trapped. they are not optimistic about the coming days. plus say goodbye to the man who gave life to a lovable robot and a new video shows the power a firenado next. >> a rough night for tyler anderson in philly and the rockies pitcher being tossed early in the rockies loss, that is coming up next on saturday's z22xez zvpz if you home is in the lane on the bench or on the range there's only one place to go. come to cabela's all week for great deals and more. save big on all your favorite trusted brands. get 20% off all walker's hearing protection and $400 off cabela's signature 64 safe. training, demos and seminars. because responsible ownership starts at cabela's. stop in and save all week long at cabela's and remember to own responsibly. this is the news breaking in milwaukee at this hour, officers wearing riot gear at athena protests that turned violent and angry crowds at a gas station on fire, the fire department says they cannot extinguish flames because shots of being fired and when officers been injured, more than 100 people are protesting the death police after a foot chase this afternoon police say that man was armed with a stolen gun. the developing now, the muslim community in new york city is in morning, the leader of a mosque and his associate were killed as they left afternoon prayer. the two men were shot in the back of the head, the suspects are in custody and investigators say there is no evidence the men were targeted because of their faith but worshipers at the mosque disagree saying they have recently felt animosity toward their community. information after the death mexico, donna anna county sheriff's deputies have taken over public safety duties in the village of hatch, this after one of the eight officers and the department was fatally shot. 33-year-old josi chavez was killed friday after pulling over to ohio fugitives.>> our officers are in morning just like anyone else. the message for them is that whenever they leave there is no guarantee you will come ho jesse haines, shot and injured another driver while trying to get away and he was caught after shooting himself in the leg and the second fugitive wanted on suspicion of murder and he is now in custody. the actor who brought r2-d2 to life in the star wars films has died kenny baker was 81 years old and is r2-d2 he operated the small droid both from inside and by remote control. jaeger got the job partly his family says he had suffered from breathing problems for years. at least three people have died in historic flooding in louisiana and more than 1000 people had to be pulled to safety. fire crews reached a woman just as floodwaters swallowed up her car near baton rouge and also rescued her dog who was already underwater. the national guard used a helicopter to rescue a man who would been clean to a tree branch started falling on friday filling rivers to overflowing and more than 100 roads are now closed and homes across the state are flooded.>> our house has gone under in our pets and are horses, everything has gone under. >> louisiana's governor says it is only going to get worse because more rain is in the forecast. video shows a fire tornado, also known as a firenado , spotted at the scene of a brush fire near portland oregon and wildfire creates its own weather which can spur the spinning vortex of flames. that fire we're told is now out . we're keeping an eye on the storm weather moving to northern colorado producing lightning this evening and chris spears it is one of the few storms you're tracking.>> yes pop-up of storms east of denver and they are still out there right now from fort morgan down through last chance, not severe but brief and heavy rains drip dc this line that extends from bennett back sprinkles maybe or outflow winds kicking up the atmosphere, also over south- central colorado from springs down to the lamarr area. all of that will come to the end as we roll through the evening, waking up with a few clouds on the eastern and southeastern plains tomorrow but the rest of you will have sunshine through the day and lots of sunshine in heat coming our way with a crop up of a few widely scattered showers and storms. activity, but definitely a chance for a couple to pop up tomorrow by far the headline will be dry and hot. 89 today downtown and at the airport, we started in the 50s, close to the normals and not near the records of 99 and 48. right now 60s and 70s east of interstate 25, the higher elevations have 50s and 60s with leadville at 47 and grand junction still 80 at this hour with very low relative humidity. joni burke our weather r and loveland as a 70 and ayesha and garland has 50 him high pressure will build as we going to the week ahead but it will retrograde and current models show high pressure building up the west coast. if this happens that will allow a batch of cool air to come down the front side of the high- pressure and that could coolest, i will show you on the plus for more than just a moment. for the night 50s on the eastern plains and lyman could country in the higher valleys could get into the 30s, 61 in grand junction and so a variety of temperatures based top elevation. tomorrow 80s and 90s statewide, 91 for denver and high country must the 70s and a few places nearing 80, and the western slope is hot again with 94 and grand junction. we have an ozone alert in effect for denver for sunday which includes the whole front range, greeley in fort collins and all the way down to the springs. the five day forecast, a hot storms here and there, do not get too excited, look at this, if the ridge builds up the west coast we could be in for a cool down as we go into the weekend ahead. cotton drive next few days and fire danger will become a weather story.>> thank you chris. ? ? ee-e-e-oh-mum-oh-weh ? ? hush my darling... ? ? don't fear my darling... ? ? the lion sleeps tonight. ? [snoring.] ? hush my darling... ? [snoring.] ? don't fear my darling... ? take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. guess what's in this box? uh, no, don't. i'll just tell you: clean, renewable energy. cool, right? fact is, xcel energy is the nation's number one provider of wind energy, and has been for over a decade. whoa! that's wind for ya. ? wind, wind, wind, wiiind. ? responsible by nature. hello and welcome to mazda saturday sports extra i am our cause, the rockies lost again tonight and nothing new there is a of lust six out of seven and eight out of the last 10 things got heated between the rockies and phillies. the first inning michael franco connects on a three run home run off of tyler anderson and just like that the phillies go up 3-0. anderson clearly not happy with himself. in the fourth the next time that franco was up anderson hit franco in the shins with his very first pitch peered the teams started yelling a bit at each other and anderson took a few steps towards franco and just like that anderson gets ejected. anderson trying to explain that

Related Keywords

Mexico , New York , United States , Mesa County , Colorado , Louisiana , Fort Morgan , Leadville , Fort Collins , Pennsylvania , Loveland , Wallace Creek , Ohio , Oregon , Connecticut , Tyler Anderson , Jesse Haines , Metro Denver , William Jackson , Kenny Baker , Michael Franco , Kori Gardner , Joni Burke , Hillary Clinton , Andrea Florez , Howard Nathan ,

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Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 News At 10PM 20160814 :

Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 News At 10PM 20160814

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train was stopped on its tracks heard wes mr. police are investigating a deadly accident after a woman was struck and killed by a bnsf train saturday afternoon at investigators say the woman was walking northbound close to the tracks near the 10,500 block of wadsworth boulevard before 2 pm. a train operator also headed north saw the woman and began to apply the brakes and sound the horn and she was hit by the train and pronounced dead at the scene. preliminre may have been wearing headphones. westminster police are working with bnsf officials to figure out exactly what happened leading up to the accident and that woman's identity has not been released, live in westminster andrea florez cbs4 news. and tonight cbs4 has confirmed that three denver sheriff's deputies have been fired for using excessive force against inmates. the notice of all three terminations came within a two- summer and deputy william jackson was fired for an incident in 2014 when he threw mentally ill patient back into his cell after seizing his bible, the department also says deputy stephen froebel used excessive force in 2015 when he smashed and inmates finger on a door so, and deputy fuller was terminated for using force on an inmate as retaliation. new developments now offer a swat standoff ends with gunfire in lakewood, the man shot by policeis the confrontation happened outside the 7-eleven gas station at sheraton and first. cbs4's howard nathan is live there tonight and howard how did the situation unfold?>>reporter: it turns out that it was a tip kathy and the swat situation took place right by the green dumpster over there and that is where this particular car was parked in the tip told police where they can find a man wanted for a number of warrants. neighborhood but where this man lived is unknown for now. neighbors were jolted by the gunfire hitting this old red pickup. >> i woke up to about three gunshots and jumped out of bed. >> lakewood police had been looking for the man in the pickup telling that there were seven warrants against him and they found a metaphor 20 a.m. this morning. >> at that time the agents backed off to contain the area and they got and phone contact with the t> police a dangerous weapon and the decision was made by the swat team to open fire. >> it is crazy that people would try to test the police and you will not win>> police say the man was a lie when the transported him. i'm glad that they got him but who knows if it was the right way or the wrong way the way that they took him, but with seven warrants and if he had a weapon on him it makes a big difference. >> the reverse 911 call to this lakewood neighborhood at away with some missing work.>> i have kids and i didn't want to get shot for something stupid. >> it is better to listen and obey their commands when they tell you to do something, less people would get hurt.>> tomorrow we may learn this man's name, age and what was on the warrants, reporting live in lakewood howard nathan news. right now the search is on for man who tried to sexually assault a woman and this is a sketch of the suspect. police in fort collins said the woman was leaving the old town area early friday morning when an hispanic male started walking with her and the victim says she ran away after he got too close for comfort and the suspect taster and tried to sexually assault her and she was able to fight him off and the minister described as hispanic and in his 20s with dark, waiting here. information on a risky rescue in southern colorado, a after hiking in crestone needle with his son anderson called help and crews were able to pull the injured man to safety and the hiker has several fractures but his helmet likely saved his life. right now a wildfire continues to spread in western colorado and is burning on private land near the garfield and mesa county line, the flames a burned one structure and -at least 500 acres. there have been for oil living near wallace creek are being told to evacuate. and chris spears parts of the state have not seen the rain for days and no relief in sight, more dry weather is in the forecast.>> we sure do and pockets around the state especially the western slope only 12% humidity right now in grand junction. let's look at those humidity values, it is a misleading at nighttime because the values go up as temperatures fall, let's better indicator of moisture in the air which represents actual water vapor. anything in the low 40s or lower extremely dry and look at the 20s and 30s on the western half of our state. very dry air to the west, abnormally dry many communities including the front range and metro denver which is not good news with a hot forecast ahead. i've been watching this webcam all night and thought maybe we would get lucky and see a lightnst case this minute, there's a cluster of storms off to the east of denver that has put on elisha tonight so there are a few places getting some moisture, also done in the southeastern corner a couple of pockets, but that is all it is kathy, pockets of moisture but overall the pretty dry forecast ahead. stick around because the +4 more may get a few of you excited. the red state gathering is taking place in denver this weekend and is a conference in party. colorado senator. kori gardner spoke with even this morning and refrain from commenting on the current divide and the republican party but instead focused on economic policy at the state and national level. he called for a change of outdated regulations he says are preventing small businesses from growing. >> we should have a sunset on regulations and just because a regulation passed in 19 six doesn't mean it is good in 2016. >> the conference comes after dozens of prominent republicans signed an the rnc to divert money from trump's campaign to races in the senate and house, and in the presidential campaign donald trump rallied in connecticut today after issuing a call for action to his supporters. meanwhile hillary clinton's running mate hit the campaign trail for the democrats. >> my prediction is when this campaign is all over and people have forgotten the losing campaign that he ran the two words they will remember about donald trump is you are mate's detailed economic plan to what he described as donald trumps empty promises. >> trumps plan is to say we're going to be rich but we ask him about the details we're going to be great, we will know the wall to make mexico pay for it, when you say what are the details he says believe me. >> while campaigning in connecticut saturday night donald trump blasted hillary clinton. >> she taxes, she will raise your regulations for your businesses which will put everybody out of work. >> trump trails clinton in national polls and in most battleground states but on friday he says he will win blue states and the loss is only possible if the election is rigged. >> the only way that we could lose in my opinion, i really mean this pennsylvania, is if cheating goes on.>> the campaign is so concerned about cheating it launched a sign-up page to recruit trump election of not just the vote on the eighth, go around and look and watch other polling places and make sure it is 100% fine. >> hillary clinton and her running mate release of the 2015 tax returns on friday and they are now calling on trump to do the same. trump says he cannot release his returns until an irs audit is completed. a developing now, a mosque leader and his associate killed in broad daylight in new city.>> we feel insecure and unsafe. >> coming up, why the community believes the men are targeted. and right now parts of louisiana are underwater and the rescue crews are tapping or rescuing hundreds trapped. they are not optimistic about the coming days. plus say goodbye to the man who gave life to a lovable robot and a new video shows the power a firenado next. >> a rough night for tyler anderson in philly and the rockies pitcher being tossed early in the rockies loss, that is coming up next on saturday's z22xez zvpz if you home is in the lane on the bench or on the range there's only one place to go. come to cabela's all week for great deals and more. save big on all your favorite trusted brands. get 20% off all walker's hearing protection and $400 off cabela's signature 64 safe. training, demos and seminars. because responsible ownership starts at cabela's. stop in and save all week long at cabela's and remember to own responsibly. this is the news breaking in milwaukee at this hour, officers wearing riot gear at athena protests that turned violent and angry crowds at a gas station on fire, the fire department says they cannot extinguish flames because shots of being fired and when officers been injured, more than 100 people are protesting the death police after a foot chase this afternoon police say that man was armed with a stolen gun. the developing now, the muslim community in new york city is in morning, the leader of a mosque and his associate were killed as they left afternoon prayer. the two men were shot in the back of the head, the suspects are in custody and investigators say there is no evidence the men were targeted because of their faith but worshipers at the mosque disagree saying they have recently felt animosity toward their community. information after the death mexico, donna anna county sheriff's deputies have taken over public safety duties in the village of hatch, this after one of the eight officers and the department was fatally shot. 33-year-old josi chavez was killed friday after pulling over to ohio fugitives.>> our officers are in morning just like anyone else. the message for them is that whenever they leave there is no guarantee you will come ho jesse haines, shot and injured another driver while trying to get away and he was caught after shooting himself in the leg and the second fugitive wanted on suspicion of murder and he is now in custody. the actor who brought r2-d2 to life in the star wars films has died kenny baker was 81 years old and is r2-d2 he operated the small droid both from inside and by remote control. jaeger got the job partly his family says he had suffered from breathing problems for years. at least three people have died in historic flooding in louisiana and more than 1000 people had to be pulled to safety. fire crews reached a woman just as floodwaters swallowed up her car near baton rouge and also rescued her dog who was already underwater. the national guard used a helicopter to rescue a man who would been clean to a tree branch started falling on friday filling rivers to overflowing and more than 100 roads are now closed and homes across the state are flooded.>> our house has gone under in our pets and are horses, everything has gone under. >> louisiana's governor says it is only going to get worse because more rain is in the forecast. video shows a fire tornado, also known as a firenado , spotted at the scene of a brush fire near portland oregon and wildfire creates its own weather which can spur the spinning vortex of flames. that fire we're told is now out . we're keeping an eye on the storm weather moving to northern colorado producing lightning this evening and chris spears it is one of the few storms you're tracking.>> yes pop-up of storms east of denver and they are still out there right now from fort morgan down through last chance, not severe but brief and heavy rains drip dc this line that extends from bennett back sprinkles maybe or outflow winds kicking up the atmosphere, also over south- central colorado from springs down to the lamarr area. all of that will come to the end as we roll through the evening, waking up with a few clouds on the eastern and southeastern plains tomorrow but the rest of you will have sunshine through the day and lots of sunshine in heat coming our way with a crop up of a few widely scattered showers and storms. activity, but definitely a chance for a couple to pop up tomorrow by far the headline will be dry and hot. 89 today downtown and at the airport, we started in the 50s, close to the normals and not near the records of 99 and 48. right now 60s and 70s east of interstate 25, the higher elevations have 50s and 60s with leadville at 47 and grand junction still 80 at this hour with very low relative humidity. joni burke our weather r and loveland as a 70 and ayesha and garland has 50 him high pressure will build as we going to the week ahead but it will retrograde and current models show high pressure building up the west coast. if this happens that will allow a batch of cool air to come down the front side of the high- pressure and that could coolest, i will show you on the plus for more than just a moment. for the night 50s on the eastern plains and lyman could country in the higher valleys could get into the 30s, 61 in grand junction and so a variety of temperatures based top elevation. tomorrow 80s and 90s statewide, 91 for denver and high country must the 70s and a few places nearing 80, and the western slope is hot again with 94 and grand junction. we have an ozone alert in effect for denver for sunday which includes the whole front range, greeley in fort collins and all the way down to the springs. the five day forecast, a hot storms here and there, do not get too excited, look at this, if the ridge builds up the west coast we could be in for a cool down as we go into the weekend ahead. cotton drive next few days and fire danger will become a weather story.>> thank you chris. ? ? ee-e-e-oh-mum-oh-weh ? ? hush my darling... ? ? don't fear my darling... ? ? the lion sleeps tonight. ? [snoring.] ? hush my darling... ? [snoring.] ? don't fear my darling... ? take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. guess what's in this box? uh, no, don't. i'll just tell you: clean, renewable energy. cool, right? fact is, xcel energy is the nation's number one provider of wind energy, and has been for over a decade. whoa! that's wind for ya. ? wind, wind, wind, wiiind. ? responsible by nature. hello and welcome to mazda saturday sports extra i am our cause, the rockies lost again tonight and nothing new there is a of lust six out of seven and eight out of the last 10 things got heated between the rockies and phillies. the first inning michael franco connects on a three run home run off of tyler anderson and just like that the phillies go up 3-0. anderson clearly not happy with himself. in the fourth the next time that franco was up anderson hit franco in the shins with his very first pitch peered the teams started yelling a bit at each other and anderson took a few steps towards franco and just like that anderson gets ejected. anderson trying to explain that

Related Keywords

Mexico , New York , United States , Mesa County , Colorado , Louisiana , Fort Morgan , Leadville , Fort Collins , Pennsylvania , Loveland , Wallace Creek , Ohio , Oregon , Connecticut , Tyler Anderson , Jesse Haines , Metro Denver , William Jackson , Kenny Baker , Michael Franco , Kori Gardner , Joni Burke , Hillary Clinton , Andrea Florez , Howard Nathan ,

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