Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 Morning News-7A 20161105 : compare

Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 Morning News-7A 20161105

so mountains. might be picking up some snow as well. current temperature for you. and richard hoffman our weather watcher coming in at 40. here's the satellite and radar together. a big influx of moisture into southern colorado. we have some rain and snow moving into that area. getting ready to get a food rain there and snow in the san juans has prompted an advisory vmentd some of those areas could see 4 to 8 inches of snow. over # # ,000 feet. a foot of snow possible. further north like parts of summit we might have a couple of issues there. denver, partly cloudy. 61. and the day should be mostly cloudy by afternoon. a high of 67 degrees today so much a little cooler >> okay. thank you. >> well this is is the news in campaign 2016. republican presidential candidate donald trump will visit colorado tonight. he'll be at the national western complex to rally voters with only 3 days left. l rally starts at 9:30 tonight and doors will open at 6:30. updates on cbs news at 5:00 and 10:00. one of the denver campaign offices was vandalized clarkson after someone through a rock through the window. our cameras caught police arresting a suspect. two dozens veterans and staff were inside but thankfully no one was hurt. >> this is america. doesn't matter what candidate it is. it shouldn't come down to vandalizing something. it make you wonder how safe we really are with the people around us. suspect is or if they face any charges. that same office was fition hit yesterday. painted elves friday morning. profanity were painted on the the walls. they worked to clean up as the police work to find those vandals. donald trump and his rival are pulling out all the stops highway of election day. while trump rally called on beyonce. more from washington. ? ? >> jay-z and his wife beyonce helped hillary clinton incite voters fried night. >> we have unfinished business to do. more barriers to break. and with your help, a glass ceiling to crack once and for all. >> both candidates used their election day to focus on their bases. clinton energized minorities and women in pig stis like pittsburgh and detroit while trump visited smalltown america with stops in massachusetts -- i didn't have to bring jay-z. i'm here all by myself. >> the race moves into its final author. the poll gives clinton a two- appointment le you factor in third peart. among the 13 that will decide the election, clinton leads in pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan and virginia. but other states right on to victory are neck and neck. they include florida, north carolina and colorado. trump has a lead in ohio. as the clock ticks down they are taking nothing for granted. >> i'm asking you to dream big. >> you can make the difference. in the final push for votes. cbs news. the white house. >> today former new york city mayor will with in denver many he's rallying support it donald trump. he's at the field office add 1:00. bernie sanders heads to colorado springs. he's going to the cornerstone art center at 3:00. new this morning, taking a selfy with media is no longer banned in colorado. a federal judge ruled yet that the state cannot efns a law set pack in 1891 that stops voters. that law was intended to prevent cooargs antebuy of selling of votes. the fear of prrks hoon is a threat to free speech to privacy --s. all the election coverage you need on tuesday. our special coverage begins at 4:00 and will continue on air online for nbc 4 news at 10:00. developing now investigators say a teacher assaulted a student. the boulder county sheriff arrested 43-year-old yesterday. authorities say he choked a teenage boy then kneed him in the groin. this allegedly haen warned not it use profanity and the next student who did would get into hi sorm of leave. during this investigation. denver polic want to find whoever shot and killed a man while walking his dog. it happened in june. 0-year-old was walking his dog when a car drove dangerously close to him. his family tells us that he hilt the car with a bottle and then the driver turned around and shot 2013 black camaro. >> the late east coasten a shootout with new york city police that left one sergeant and the suspect deaded. a second sergeant was shot in the loag this morning. police say hes forked his way endothe home. shots rang out as officers got to the scene. >> just the animosity. it's scary. >> it's got new details this morning about a deadly crash involving a school bus and a commuter bus. glenn shapel want -- once took medication for is series yours. it killed six people. no children were on pord at the may have lost consciousness. a man akeulzed of killing a denver attorney is now in kus di. turned himself of a misissue an alert. police say he killed -- 13th and broadway nearly a week ago. he then ditched his pickup truck and then left the scene. he dieded at the hospital. let's get a quick check >> sun not fully up yet this morning but this -- a big upper level l low many i'll let you know if it brings in missouri. >> denver colorado. >> as opposed to any o'denver right now. >> frozen straw berries ysm health experts say colorado could be asked and we're fired up a about the broncos taking on on the raiders. player. your morning sports is ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, now that the temperatures are feeling more fall-like. one denver organization wants to kick off the holiday tradition with a -- we're joined by laurie perry. board of direct force. good morning to you. >> thanks for having me. >> tell us a little bit about the junior light of denver. it's the mile high holiday mark; right if >> correct of the junior league of denver's mission is to improve civic leaders in the essentially our community forecast is improving the literacy from birth to the third grade and year to day we distributed over 2500 books. >> how does this help the community? >> absolutely. so the proceeds from the holiday mart support the development of women. and also, small businesses as well. the holiday mart is imoik to be held it week. and we'll have businesses that are in colorado. >> we're looking at some video now. all -- is there a vip shopping, ipped. >> keep clouds. this friday from ten it noop. tickets are $40. and we'll provide a light breakfast. there'll be a pop up shop and lots of concern the. people might be able to find? >> we have everything you can imagine from jewelry, home dicor, food, decorations if for the holidays and a lot of other fantastic gifts for anyone you can imagine on your list. >> that's awesome. tell us about how people can maybe get tickets to this event or where they need to be. >> tickets are $10 and they can be purchased in advance online or purchase them at the door and parkin field house on the eus of denver campus and light rail -- wonderful option. >> all right. >> well thank you so much. >> ybl we're automaticking about the holiday season. let's see. do we have some holiday weather in store? >> just snow to get in the mood, don't we? >> some of us will be getting snow. there's some snow. off. it's 41 downtown. check out lieman. they are 25 degrees to start you off. 37 in forth collins. it's warm in grand junction. now take a look. a lot of moisture moving in to southern colorado. some rain early this morning. it's moving in. get up into the san juans. most of it above 10,000 feet but a little bit of snow and some rain. so we have some cloud that during this day. the reason a big upper low in northern new mexico. lots of rainfall. this is cut off from the main flow. a big ridge of high pressure up here to the north rockies. once this moves out it will go unfortunately that won't happen until monday. the unsun n skies. a pretty cloudy weekend. coming up. just don't see that rain or evening the snow moving up into the denver metro area. a couple of inches in snow in summit county. that's above about 1 # ,000 feet up there. below that is rain snow mix. so we'll have cloud but i'm not looking for any rain moving still that winter worthment thu . tonight. 60, 70 the east. primarily out west. 50s and 40s. the mountains it look like. as we take a look at the rest of the forecast -- don't forget we fall back tonight. an extra hour of sleep. that should be the highlight. 68 degrees tomorrow. partly sun gnu appear then 60s for monday and mostly sunny skies. >> i'm one of the few that share because i like that extra hour of sleep. >> it's so good in the fall. in the spring it's -- makes you crazy. >> so dark so early. >> that's true. it doesn't last too long. >> thank you. we're learning more about a pom conveyor that -- more on the charges filed against two boys at the strf could 20106 mark the return of the brop koas-raiders rivalry? it never completely went away but it lost some luster. but oakland is once again a forced to be reckoned with. and through half of the season this year, they've matched denver 6-2 record. they came saturday night. a pat for first in the a if issue c west. established a long time ago. >> i just don't like them. they're from oakland. e just don't like the regulars. >> i just don't like them. you don't know why. these guys just -- chemistry is different. just all jump in. dism the broncos has been ruled out for sunday's game. have a good weekend. this has be sports break. the most awarded car company ,, ,, i'm hillary clinton and i apov donald trump: i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go f--- themselves! you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever... you gotta see this guy. ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh. "i don't remember." non-slip shoe into that door. on this side, i want my customers to relax and enjoy themselves. but these days it's phones before forks. they want wifi out here. but behind that door, i need a private connection for my business. wifi pro from comcast business. public wifi for your customers. private wifi for your business. strong and secure. good for a door. and a network. comcast business. built for security. built for business. "what's your position on equal pay for women?" on." "you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. blood coming out of her wherever." "i think that putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing." "i don't wanna sound too much like a chauvinist but when i come home and dinner's not ready, i go through the roof." "so you treat women with respect?" - "uh, i can't say that either." - "alright." priorities usa action is responsible gljtsd a great shot for you. there's still some color in that area. a couple of days ago. look at the blue sky behind beautiful leaves out there. a lot of that will be falling off in the week ahead. as we have some up and downs in the forecast. weather-watcher temperatures. what pops out on the map is the walled in temperature. mark russell has 14 degrees on his thermometer. kind of chilly. we look back into the city. 5 very nice, comfortable 57 degrees going on in south denver this morning. futurecast does show the clouds coming up from the south. cloud up. might see a little sprinkle down along the divide this afternoon but just don't count on a lot of rain from the system coming in. 69 at fort collins. 67 degrees today am little degree high. coming up, i'll let you know what the rest of the weekend looks like in just a little bit. >> thanks. new this morning a recall on frozen strawberries that's affecting colorado. the ctc says they were imported from egypt and used at different rest rawpts. they say the fruit could be the source of a hepatitis a outbreak across several states. there are no known cases in colorado. the product wasn't sold in grocery stores. cbs >> celebrating art through photography. expressing themselves at the denver arts week. see more of one photograph's passion that's grown passion that's grown over the past it's no secret. donald trump isn't for us. and unfortunately, congressman coffman isn't, either. just listen. and as families struggle to make ends meet, coffman said he would support donald trump for president. and that's all we really need to know. dccc is responsible for the content of this advertising. z25koz zvpz y25koy yvpy woman: after all donald trump has said and done... she ate like a pig... you can do anything. i moved on her like a b***h! woman: trump's just so disgusting and degrading. he's bragged about assaulting women, said he didn't know if donald trump's a sexual predator. come on. look, we just can't vote for coffman or trump. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. my name is charity salazar, and i'm an air force veteran. every election, nancy pelosi and her washington friends launch vicious attacks against mike coffman. this year is no different. they say he's waging a war against women. that's just not true. mike stood up for women in the military, protecting us against sexual assault. and making sure pregnant women aren't discriminated against at work. time and again mike has stood up for women. i know, because he stood up for me. i'm mike coffman, welcome back. more like fall. a beautiful day to be outside as well. your forecast here in a minute. first we want to tell you about denver's art week. it's art from every medium and forum. just published a new book of history art. taken from all over the world. >> the pictures all show let's human nature. humorous sechtions. >> denver arts week continues through next saturday. we'll have a length to all of the events on drns cbs snsm a medical kairm ker charmed with peopling people save safe is federally indited the ,, ,, the sunrise on this saturday morning. thank you for joining us this morning. cbs 4 meteorologist steve agulaira is here to tell you what's in store for the weekend. >> a little storm system moving into colorado. us but our odds of getting anything are pretty slim. despite some areas getting some rain and snow. to start you off this morning we are 40 degrees and 46 in morris so many. get you going. not too bad. john snyder is in the upper 50s in south denver. you can see on the map look at all of the clouds. little rain and a little snow in the san juans. so that cloud cover will bubble up. but i think most of the for the valley. big-time moisture. those areas over a foot of snow possible in some areas above 11,000 spheet. today we'll have a high of 67 and a whole lot of cloud cover moving in. a few bits of sup here and there and more clouds than sun the way things look right now. tomorrow pretty much the same deal as well. >> we do. >> new details about a bomb square that veablghted a neighborhood in castle inject rock earlier this week. two teenager boys are now charged in the case after police found bomb-making supplies in one of the homes. >> it was monday around 2:30 in the morning when castlerock police came across two teens. with #e know both were carrying guns. one teen has been charged with two count of sexual exploitation of a il possession of a handgun. his bond is $50,000. the other teen's parents with respect notified until later and they found dozens of chemicals. they found some chemicals in a dangerous state. they had to dispose of a device but stopped short of calling it a bomb. the teen is charged with a and handgun. it's been placed in $1 million. earlier this week the attorney say t up likely either teen will be charged. >> to be in the business first and the punishable by last. cbs 4 news. >> only one of the teens cases was opened to the public. the other was closed and will likely stay that way. both teens have hearings in the next several days. developing now a former nurse at federal custody. the nurse is accused of stealing and tampering with painkillers. now hospital officials are alerting dozens of patients who could be infected by dirty needles. they broke this story yesterday and the nurse has done this before in another state. former university hospital casey -- was arrested at her home thursday following an indictment for 09-year-old nurse stole the powerful pain medications while working in the hospitals die yal sis unit. she refilled them with saline and was caught trying to glue the caps back on. they charged her with abusing six patient scriptions from june 29th to july 12th of this year. university hospital says no patients were armed. dozens have now been tested hepatitis c as a precaution. the state nursing board suspended her license. but it's not the first time she's been accused of the same crime. her husband tells cbs 4 she's been fired in oklahoma. in a charging documents prosecutors say she lied to authorities about stealing medicine and replacing it with water. no negatives appeared on her was hired. >> cbs 4 news. she could face ten years in prison and a $3 million fine. a surgical tech arrested for doing the same thing will sentenced on monday. pled guilty to tampering with at consumer product in obtaining a controlled substance. he was replacing -- he previously used. allen has hiv, hepatitis b and c but so far there has been patients were infected. a developing story of two u.s. soldiers killed in action in afghanistan thursday. we learned they were stationed at fort carson. they have been identified as captain andrew byer, killed. going 134 miles an hour in a 35 miles an hour zone testimony happened last month. four cars were involved in the crash. the suspect ran from the scene and was found at city park where two fisherman reported he was naked and dancing on a statue in the middle of the lake. he admitted to the crime saying he was just being stupid. questions remain about how a crane fell on a building in denver yesterday. this was at near 42nd. 125-foot crane arm toppled off but it's not clear why. thankfully no one was hurt. >> they thought their neighborhoods were tped after they found toilet paper over the roads. we asked city officials about it the there's a good reason for it. >> i think it looks like we've within toilet papered. >> they aren't too happy about the view outside their house. >> usually the neighborhood now it just looks like it got tped. >> they have been getting a lot of calls from people wondering about the toilet paper stuck to many city and neighborhood streets. people are really curious. >> is this a halloween prank? is this teenagers, you know? what's with the toilet paper. this is part of our fall program. >> looks a the tacky. >> it's really tacky and really sticky an about 40 minutes to dry. and so this protects the surface of the crack seal and it also protects people's cars, bicycles, your shoes. it doesn't get tracked all over the place. >> the city's opt attituded to use it rather than shut down street. >> toilet paper we all know it's -- blotting potential. it works really, really well and really inexpensive. >> i was surprised it was done this way. of i've never seen it done this way before. that the city can use to cover the seals but they say good old fashioned toilet paper is significantly cheaper. happening tomorrow several streets in downtown denver will be closed as a popular museum moves to a new location. crews will use six sets of remote control wheels to relocate the 26-footal museum. it's in capitol hill now bup tomorrow it's going to head to the golden triangling. it moves road os street and banic street. this time of year, many people -- many of us look forward to the end of the daylight saving time. that means we fall back an hour at 2:00 in the morning. this is a good time to check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. the ride home is going to be in the dark. increases this time of year. more cars are going to be on the road at the same time most animals are on the move in the efntion. >> the with days getting shorter and daylight savings on top of that. the movement times is starting to overlap with a lot of rush hour. statewide thousands of animals are hit and killed every year. they hope to build more wildlife overpasses like the one here. th and would require a lot of support and collaboration. predicting weather conditions isn't always easy. well now our meteorologists are getting some help from space. we'll show you the latest satellite built right here in colorado that will help give in colorado that will help give you more ,, ould be within reach. in an affordable dream kitchen that works as hard as you do. at ikea, we believe that everything you need should be within reach. in an affordable dream kitchen that works as hard as you do. >> the -- it will be able to map lightning worldwide you'ving lead times for tornado warnings. you've got a closer look, didn't you? >> we went out there on thursday. we got to see the clean room. the -- it's in florida already of the it's getting ready to launch. it may be on the 19th. they had to move the date t. may be on 19th. there's four all together. it will go up in and two more between now and 2019. so it's a whole series that as you said. it's like going from regular tv to hd as far as weather forecasting. it's really going to help out a lot. and it will help on the forecasting -- speaking of that. we have a few clouds out there now. take a look at the sunrise. i do have a couple of pictures that i took yesterday. or thursday when we went out there to the clean room. they have to wear all that there's a lot of -- little selfie. 37 in fort collins. 40 in colorado springs. evergreens at 40 this morning and quite a bit of rain and snow this morning and we will start to cloud some. some sunshine at deserve and cloud up. however i just don't think this upper level will come far north enough to get us the mountains and that's about it. once this moves through we still have this big ridge of high pressure that is covering most of the country. so we'll get this little cutoff low and next week we'll get back to plain old sunny and mild temperatures the way things look. the futurecast now on the snow. quite a bit of way in the way of snow. it doesn't not bubble up toward denver. that moisture. so with that in mind winter weather advisory. some areas above 11,000 feet could see a foot of snow. a lot of moisture going in down there. most temperatures are in the 60s and 50s today. the denver high. 67. lolts of clouds and we talked about it earlier. you get an extra hour of sleep tonight as we fall back. 6 degrees tomorrow and partly sunny skies and 60s monday and tuesday and into election day. and then wednesday, we pop back to mostly sun n skies. >> is it really november? >> it is. >> where's the snow? >> a night full of glitz and glamour. michelle and sam are joining us this morning to tell us more about the global down syndrome foundation and it's annual be beautiful, be yourself fashion show. thank you both so much for being here. bright and early this morning. >> thank you verying if us. >> can you tell us about the we do have some celebrities. this year we have john mckinley. we have peyton manning. we're very excited but, of course, the evening -- l folks who steal the show are our 25 models with down syndrome. they come from a lot of different states. sam is from colorado. he's a tried and trued mold and one of the stars in the show. >> awesome. i was going to say i think the real celebrity is sitting right here on i hear you're in the fashion show; right? what's your favorite part about it? >> well, i like to walk down with the celebrities. >> yeah. >> and i also like to show my break dancing moves. >> we might have so see many of those. these pictures are awesome. a lot of really neat outfits and just a lot of fun. >> absolutely. >> what are the proceeds going to? oh, sure. -- we are now serving 1200 unique patients. and they come from 27 states and seven countries and then we do research at that improves their medical care too. it's really important. we're the least funded genetic condition by our federal government. >> i didn't know that. that's really interesting. >> our challenges. >> i there's celebrities involved. fashion and seens an just fun surrounding something that needs a lot of attention. >> exactly. we have local celebrities too. we have the raptds and the avalanche. we have the captains coming and some of their key players. they get vostled by volunteering, donating or buy tickets. there's a lot of activity. >> we have that information you're looking forward toful >> i'm looking forward to -- >> seeing peyton manning. >> i'm looking forward to see more famous people that i never see in a while. >> awesome. i think you're just going to kill it out there, my friend. awesome job. thank for being with us this morning. >> thank you so much. >> well, still a little warmer than usual across colorado but it's a not stopping the snow boarding expo in denver. ,, ,, ,, ,, tickets are $15 for adults or you can use a $3 discount when you head to the website. the expo is opened from 10:00 until 8:00 tonight and then again tomorrow from 10:00 until 6:00. >> a spirit yesterday -- saw the malls christmas tree arrive after traveling more than 1200 miles. the white fir will be decorated with more lights and 5,000 ornaments. the tree lighting concert is set for next saturday. >> a beautiful day. >> the christmas spirit. you've got to duoto the saab juans am winter weather advisory up there. some inches of snow. ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, a final check of the forecast. >> we need it. >> satellites can't bring us more moisture? [ laughter ] >> cost a lot more money if they could. i'll tell you what. before we get going a little funny picture. this is michael smith sending this in. his tag line was bald eagle getting harassed by -- >> getting picked on. >> he is a little bit there. across the state today temperatures are going to be very nice around here. looking for a high in the upper 60s denver alled way up into greeley today. moisture, not a lot of it. some cloud this weekend and back to sunshine by the time we get to monday. finding reliable services can be like finding a needle in a haystack. with finding the needle just got a lot easier. now here is the host of haystack tv, chris kane. you've perhaps heard of peripheral neuropathy. it's a condition where there's damage to the nerves in your feet and legs, or your hands and arms. it can be a devastating condition that causes pain, numbness, tingling and burning. it could slowly progress over many years, and it can become severe and debilitating. this condition affects an estimated 20-million americans. dr. dean anderson is a chiropractor at front range medical center, which is a an integrated health clinic, and he's here to discuss an advancement in treatment that's providing great results and offering hope for many of those suffering from neuropathy. hey, thanks for being here. thanks for having me. so tell us exactly what is peripheral neuropathy. well it's nerve damage to peripheral nerves, chris, which most patients we see have been dealing with this for a long period of time. so we see a lot of patients who are frustrated, they sometimes feel lost because they've been told nothing else can be done, and then they're just having to deal with the side effects of decreased quality of life. you know, oftentimes it they can't sleep at night. they suffer with a lot of burning pain,. they have numbness or they have issues with balance, and it's very frustrating. what causes it? well the majority of cases we see are caused by blood sugar problems or diabetes. but there can be a number of things, whether it's toxicities, we don't know the cause. all right, well treatments then, what are the traditional treatments that are out there? well most patients we see that have been dealing with this, they're on medications like gabapentin, larotin, lyrica, and all of which are good. they can manage the symptom of pain, but it does nothing for the nerve. so as the medication wears off the pain is back, and it's just this ongoing process. why do people continue to suffer even though they are taking the medication. well that's just it, the medications can be good for managing that symptom of pain but it does nothing for the the pain is right back. well talk about what you do in your office, because you're having great results and, really, people that have been told that nothing can be done for your pain, you're helping them. yeah, the technology that we use is what we call electronic signaling treatment. it's a form of current that we use at very high frequencies depending on the type of nerve damage patients have. nerves are electrical. we want to get these nerves to fire better. now with this technology, we also use what's called a vasopneumatic device which helps increase blood flow or circulation to the nerves, so by stimulating the nerves, getting e allow these nerves to rebound. all right, well talk about the results that you're getting then. well, number one is we want to see subjective improvement, patients feel better. we want to see that they can sleep at night. they're not fall risks, they can have better balance, and they can just do more. we also want to see an improvement in nerve function, so we monitor that very carefully by assessing patients as we go through, because the goal is to improve function. all right, now you're very unique in what you're offering, because you are helping people that have been that they can't be helped. ugh a screening process or qualification process to make sure we understand not only what's driving their condition but also what type of nerve damage they have. there's different types of neuropathy, and we specifically want to know, because that affects how we treat the individual. all right, we actually talked to a few of your patients, and let's take a listen and see what they had to say. great. when i first started coming to dr. anderson, i had no feeling in my feet. it was very, very difficult for me to drive a car because i couldn't feel the brake pedal anymore. is absolutely fantastic. i no longer fear losing my balance as i walk, i have feeling in my feet and lower legs again, and driving a car makes me much safer on the roads than i used to be. he told me he though he could help me and found out that it's probably my autoimmune system isn't working correctly. i then went through the treatments, and right away i i was falling down a lot. and if anybody has any question about it, you need to try it. at least come and see how it works for you. anyone that is suffering from pain, they need to give you a call, you can help them. i'm going to tell them how to get ahold of you. thanks for being here. great. many patients are told elsewhere that nothing can be done for the pain from neuropathy and that they just have to live it with. if you've heard this same thing from your doctor, dr. anderson ee screening that includes looking at your personal health history, a confidential questionnaire, and a patient-specific neuropathy exam to determine if you are, indeed, a candidate for treatment. this is $120 value in his office. appointments are limited so call (720) 851-9694 or visit narrator: today on lucky dog, an unimaginable case of neglect becomes one of the most inspiring stories in lucky dog history. will take a lot of hard work and an equally special new home. avery: i know that i can't take every single special needs dog in, but at least i can take one more. brandon: i'm brandon mcmillan and i've dedicated my life to saving the lonely, unwanted dogs that are living without hope. [background intro music] brandon: my mission is to

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New York , United States , Fort Collins , Colorado , North Carolina , Missouri , Washington , Boulder County , Florida , Virginia , Wisconsin , New Mexico , University Hospital , Michigan , Oklahoma , Fort Carson , Egypt , Massachusetts , Colorado Springs , Pennsylvania , Ohio , Capitol Hill , District Of Columbia , Americans , America , Mike Coffman , John Snyder , Chris Kane , Peyton Manning , Nancy Pelosi , Andrew Byer , Laurie Perry , Richard Hoffman , Denver Metro , Michael Smith , John Mckinley , Hillary Clinton , Brandon Mcmillan , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 Morning News-7A 20161105 :

Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 Morning News-7A 20161105

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so mountains. might be picking up some snow as well. current temperature for you. and richard hoffman our weather watcher coming in at 40. here's the satellite and radar together. a big influx of moisture into southern colorado. we have some rain and snow moving into that area. getting ready to get a food rain there and snow in the san juans has prompted an advisory vmentd some of those areas could see 4 to 8 inches of snow. over # # ,000 feet. a foot of snow possible. further north like parts of summit we might have a couple of issues there. denver, partly cloudy. 61. and the day should be mostly cloudy by afternoon. a high of 67 degrees today so much a little cooler >> okay. thank you. >> well this is is the news in campaign 2016. republican presidential candidate donald trump will visit colorado tonight. he'll be at the national western complex to rally voters with only 3 days left. l rally starts at 9:30 tonight and doors will open at 6:30. updates on cbs news at 5:00 and 10:00. one of the denver campaign offices was vandalized clarkson after someone through a rock through the window. our cameras caught police arresting a suspect. two dozens veterans and staff were inside but thankfully no one was hurt. >> this is america. doesn't matter what candidate it is. it shouldn't come down to vandalizing something. it make you wonder how safe we really are with the people around us. suspect is or if they face any charges. that same office was fition hit yesterday. painted elves friday morning. profanity were painted on the the walls. they worked to clean up as the police work to find those vandals. donald trump and his rival are pulling out all the stops highway of election day. while trump rally called on beyonce. more from washington. ? ? >> jay-z and his wife beyonce helped hillary clinton incite voters fried night. >> we have unfinished business to do. more barriers to break. and with your help, a glass ceiling to crack once and for all. >> both candidates used their election day to focus on their bases. clinton energized minorities and women in pig stis like pittsburgh and detroit while trump visited smalltown america with stops in massachusetts -- i didn't have to bring jay-z. i'm here all by myself. >> the race moves into its final author. the poll gives clinton a two- appointment le you factor in third peart. among the 13 that will decide the election, clinton leads in pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan and virginia. but other states right on to victory are neck and neck. they include florida, north carolina and colorado. trump has a lead in ohio. as the clock ticks down they are taking nothing for granted. >> i'm asking you to dream big. >> you can make the difference. in the final push for votes. cbs news. the white house. >> today former new york city mayor will with in denver many he's rallying support it donald trump. he's at the field office add 1:00. bernie sanders heads to colorado springs. he's going to the cornerstone art center at 3:00. new this morning, taking a selfy with media is no longer banned in colorado. a federal judge ruled yet that the state cannot efns a law set pack in 1891 that stops voters. that law was intended to prevent cooargs antebuy of selling of votes. the fear of prrks hoon is a threat to free speech to privacy --s. all the election coverage you need on tuesday. our special coverage begins at 4:00 and will continue on air online for nbc 4 news at 10:00. developing now investigators say a teacher assaulted a student. the boulder county sheriff arrested 43-year-old yesterday. authorities say he choked a teenage boy then kneed him in the groin. this allegedly haen warned not it use profanity and the next student who did would get into hi sorm of leave. during this investigation. denver polic want to find whoever shot and killed a man while walking his dog. it happened in june. 0-year-old was walking his dog when a car drove dangerously close to him. his family tells us that he hilt the car with a bottle and then the driver turned around and shot 2013 black camaro. >> the late east coasten a shootout with new york city police that left one sergeant and the suspect deaded. a second sergeant was shot in the loag this morning. police say hes forked his way endothe home. shots rang out as officers got to the scene. >> just the animosity. it's scary. >> it's got new details this morning about a deadly crash involving a school bus and a commuter bus. glenn shapel want -- once took medication for is series yours. it killed six people. no children were on pord at the may have lost consciousness. a man akeulzed of killing a denver attorney is now in kus di. turned himself of a misissue an alert. police say he killed -- 13th and broadway nearly a week ago. he then ditched his pickup truck and then left the scene. he dieded at the hospital. let's get a quick check >> sun not fully up yet this morning but this -- a big upper level l low many i'll let you know if it brings in missouri. >> denver colorado. >> as opposed to any o'denver right now. >> frozen straw berries ysm health experts say colorado could be asked and we're fired up a about the broncos taking on on the raiders. player. your morning sports is ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, now that the temperatures are feeling more fall-like. one denver organization wants to kick off the holiday tradition with a -- we're joined by laurie perry. board of direct force. good morning to you. >> thanks for having me. >> tell us a little bit about the junior light of denver. it's the mile high holiday mark; right if >> correct of the junior league of denver's mission is to improve civic leaders in the essentially our community forecast is improving the literacy from birth to the third grade and year to day we distributed over 2500 books. >> how does this help the community? >> absolutely. so the proceeds from the holiday mart support the development of women. and also, small businesses as well. the holiday mart is imoik to be held it week. and we'll have businesses that are in colorado. >> we're looking at some video now. all -- is there a vip shopping, ipped. >> keep clouds. this friday from ten it noop. tickets are $40. and we'll provide a light breakfast. there'll be a pop up shop and lots of concern the. people might be able to find? >> we have everything you can imagine from jewelry, home dicor, food, decorations if for the holidays and a lot of other fantastic gifts for anyone you can imagine on your list. >> that's awesome. tell us about how people can maybe get tickets to this event or where they need to be. >> tickets are $10 and they can be purchased in advance online or purchase them at the door and parkin field house on the eus of denver campus and light rail -- wonderful option. >> all right. >> well thank you so much. >> ybl we're automaticking about the holiday season. let's see. do we have some holiday weather in store? >> just snow to get in the mood, don't we? >> some of us will be getting snow. there's some snow. off. it's 41 downtown. check out lieman. they are 25 degrees to start you off. 37 in forth collins. it's warm in grand junction. now take a look. a lot of moisture moving in to southern colorado. some rain early this morning. it's moving in. get up into the san juans. most of it above 10,000 feet but a little bit of snow and some rain. so we have some cloud that during this day. the reason a big upper low in northern new mexico. lots of rainfall. this is cut off from the main flow. a big ridge of high pressure up here to the north rockies. once this moves out it will go unfortunately that won't happen until monday. the unsun n skies. a pretty cloudy weekend. coming up. just don't see that rain or evening the snow moving up into the denver metro area. a couple of inches in snow in summit county. that's above about 1 # ,000 feet up there. below that is rain snow mix. so we'll have cloud but i'm not looking for any rain moving still that winter worthment thu . tonight. 60, 70 the east. primarily out west. 50s and 40s. the mountains it look like. as we take a look at the rest of the forecast -- don't forget we fall back tonight. an extra hour of sleep. that should be the highlight. 68 degrees tomorrow. partly sun gnu appear then 60s for monday and mostly sunny skies. >> i'm one of the few that share because i like that extra hour of sleep. >> it's so good in the fall. in the spring it's -- makes you crazy. >> so dark so early. >> that's true. it doesn't last too long. >> thank you. we're learning more about a pom conveyor that -- more on the charges filed against two boys at the strf could 20106 mark the return of the brop koas-raiders rivalry? it never completely went away but it lost some luster. but oakland is once again a forced to be reckoned with. and through half of the season this year, they've matched denver 6-2 record. they came saturday night. a pat for first in the a if issue c west. established a long time ago. >> i just don't like them. they're from oakland. e just don't like the regulars. >> i just don't like them. you don't know why. these guys just -- chemistry is different. just all jump in. dism the broncos has been ruled out for sunday's game. have a good weekend. this has be sports break. the most awarded car company ,, ,, i'm hillary clinton and i apov donald trump: i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go f--- themselves! you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever... you gotta see this guy. ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh. "i don't remember." non-slip shoe into that door. on this side, i want my customers to relax and enjoy themselves. but these days it's phones before forks. they want wifi out here. but behind that door, i need a private connection for my business. wifi pro from comcast business. public wifi for your customers. private wifi for your business. strong and secure. good for a door. and a network. comcast business. built for security. built for business. "what's your position on equal pay for women?" on." "you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. blood coming out of her wherever." "i think that putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing." "i don't wanna sound too much like a chauvinist but when i come home and dinner's not ready, i go through the roof." "so you treat women with respect?" - "uh, i can't say that either." - "alright." priorities usa action is responsible gljtsd a great shot for you. there's still some color in that area. a couple of days ago. look at the blue sky behind beautiful leaves out there. a lot of that will be falling off in the week ahead. as we have some up and downs in the forecast. weather-watcher temperatures. what pops out on the map is the walled in temperature. mark russell has 14 degrees on his thermometer. kind of chilly. we look back into the city. 5 very nice, comfortable 57 degrees going on in south denver this morning. futurecast does show the clouds coming up from the south. cloud up. might see a little sprinkle down along the divide this afternoon but just don't count on a lot of rain from the system coming in. 69 at fort collins. 67 degrees today am little degree high. coming up, i'll let you know what the rest of the weekend looks like in just a little bit. >> thanks. new this morning a recall on frozen strawberries that's affecting colorado. the ctc says they were imported from egypt and used at different rest rawpts. they say the fruit could be the source of a hepatitis a outbreak across several states. there are no known cases in colorado. the product wasn't sold in grocery stores. cbs >> celebrating art through photography. expressing themselves at the denver arts week. see more of one photograph's passion that's grown passion that's grown over the past it's no secret. donald trump isn't for us. and unfortunately, congressman coffman isn't, either. just listen. and as families struggle to make ends meet, coffman said he would support donald trump for president. and that's all we really need to know. dccc is responsible for the content of this advertising. z25koz zvpz y25koy yvpy woman: after all donald trump has said and done... she ate like a pig... you can do anything. i moved on her like a b***h! woman: trump's just so disgusting and degrading. he's bragged about assaulting women, said he didn't know if donald trump's a sexual predator. come on. look, we just can't vote for coffman or trump. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. my name is charity salazar, and i'm an air force veteran. every election, nancy pelosi and her washington friends launch vicious attacks against mike coffman. this year is no different. they say he's waging a war against women. that's just not true. mike stood up for women in the military, protecting us against sexual assault. and making sure pregnant women aren't discriminated against at work. time and again mike has stood up for women. i know, because he stood up for me. i'm mike coffman, welcome back. more like fall. a beautiful day to be outside as well. your forecast here in a minute. first we want to tell you about denver's art week. it's art from every medium and forum. just published a new book of history art. taken from all over the world. >> the pictures all show let's human nature. humorous sechtions. >> denver arts week continues through next saturday. we'll have a length to all of the events on drns cbs snsm a medical kairm ker charmed with peopling people save safe is federally indited the ,, ,, the sunrise on this saturday morning. thank you for joining us this morning. cbs 4 meteorologist steve agulaira is here to tell you what's in store for the weekend. >> a little storm system moving into colorado. us but our odds of getting anything are pretty slim. despite some areas getting some rain and snow. to start you off this morning we are 40 degrees and 46 in morris so many. get you going. not too bad. john snyder is in the upper 50s in south denver. you can see on the map look at all of the clouds. little rain and a little snow in the san juans. so that cloud cover will bubble up. but i think most of the for the valley. big-time moisture. those areas over a foot of snow possible in some areas above 11,000 spheet. today we'll have a high of 67 and a whole lot of cloud cover moving in. a few bits of sup here and there and more clouds than sun the way things look right now. tomorrow pretty much the same deal as well. >> we do. >> new details about a bomb square that veablghted a neighborhood in castle inject rock earlier this week. two teenager boys are now charged in the case after police found bomb-making supplies in one of the homes. >> it was monday around 2:30 in the morning when castlerock police came across two teens. with #e know both were carrying guns. one teen has been charged with two count of sexual exploitation of a il possession of a handgun. his bond is $50,000. the other teen's parents with respect notified until later and they found dozens of chemicals. they found some chemicals in a dangerous state. they had to dispose of a device but stopped short of calling it a bomb. the teen is charged with a and handgun. it's been placed in $1 million. earlier this week the attorney say t up likely either teen will be charged. >> to be in the business first and the punishable by last. cbs 4 news. >> only one of the teens cases was opened to the public. the other was closed and will likely stay that way. both teens have hearings in the next several days. developing now a former nurse at federal custody. the nurse is accused of stealing and tampering with painkillers. now hospital officials are alerting dozens of patients who could be infected by dirty needles. they broke this story yesterday and the nurse has done this before in another state. former university hospital casey -- was arrested at her home thursday following an indictment for 09-year-old nurse stole the powerful pain medications while working in the hospitals die yal sis unit. she refilled them with saline and was caught trying to glue the caps back on. they charged her with abusing six patient scriptions from june 29th to july 12th of this year. university hospital says no patients were armed. dozens have now been tested hepatitis c as a precaution. the state nursing board suspended her license. but it's not the first time she's been accused of the same crime. her husband tells cbs 4 she's been fired in oklahoma. in a charging documents prosecutors say she lied to authorities about stealing medicine and replacing it with water. no negatives appeared on her was hired. >> cbs 4 news. she could face ten years in prison and a $3 million fine. a surgical tech arrested for doing the same thing will sentenced on monday. pled guilty to tampering with at consumer product in obtaining a controlled substance. he was replacing -- he previously used. allen has hiv, hepatitis b and c but so far there has been patients were infected. a developing story of two u.s. soldiers killed in action in afghanistan thursday. we learned they were stationed at fort carson. they have been identified as captain andrew byer, killed. going 134 miles an hour in a 35 miles an hour zone testimony happened last month. four cars were involved in the crash. the suspect ran from the scene and was found at city park where two fisherman reported he was naked and dancing on a statue in the middle of the lake. he admitted to the crime saying he was just being stupid. questions remain about how a crane fell on a building in denver yesterday. this was at near 42nd. 125-foot crane arm toppled off but it's not clear why. thankfully no one was hurt. >> they thought their neighborhoods were tped after they found toilet paper over the roads. we asked city officials about it the there's a good reason for it. >> i think it looks like we've within toilet papered. >> they aren't too happy about the view outside their house. >> usually the neighborhood now it just looks like it got tped. >> they have been getting a lot of calls from people wondering about the toilet paper stuck to many city and neighborhood streets. people are really curious. >> is this a halloween prank? is this teenagers, you know? what's with the toilet paper. this is part of our fall program. >> looks a the tacky. >> it's really tacky and really sticky an about 40 minutes to dry. and so this protects the surface of the crack seal and it also protects people's cars, bicycles, your shoes. it doesn't get tracked all over the place. >> the city's opt attituded to use it rather than shut down street. >> toilet paper we all know it's -- blotting potential. it works really, really well and really inexpensive. >> i was surprised it was done this way. of i've never seen it done this way before. that the city can use to cover the seals but they say good old fashioned toilet paper is significantly cheaper. happening tomorrow several streets in downtown denver will be closed as a popular museum moves to a new location. crews will use six sets of remote control wheels to relocate the 26-footal museum. it's in capitol hill now bup tomorrow it's going to head to the golden triangling. it moves road os street and banic street. this time of year, many people -- many of us look forward to the end of the daylight saving time. that means we fall back an hour at 2:00 in the morning. this is a good time to check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. the ride home is going to be in the dark. increases this time of year. more cars are going to be on the road at the same time most animals are on the move in the efntion. >> the with days getting shorter and daylight savings on top of that. the movement times is starting to overlap with a lot of rush hour. statewide thousands of animals are hit and killed every year. they hope to build more wildlife overpasses like the one here. th and would require a lot of support and collaboration. predicting weather conditions isn't always easy. well now our meteorologists are getting some help from space. we'll show you the latest satellite built right here in colorado that will help give in colorado that will help give you more ,, ould be within reach. in an affordable dream kitchen that works as hard as you do. at ikea, we believe that everything you need should be within reach. in an affordable dream kitchen that works as hard as you do. >> the -- it will be able to map lightning worldwide you'ving lead times for tornado warnings. you've got a closer look, didn't you? >> we went out there on thursday. we got to see the clean room. the -- it's in florida already of the it's getting ready to launch. it may be on the 19th. they had to move the date t. may be on 19th. there's four all together. it will go up in and two more between now and 2019. so it's a whole series that as you said. it's like going from regular tv to hd as far as weather forecasting. it's really going to help out a lot. and it will help on the forecasting -- speaking of that. we have a few clouds out there now. take a look at the sunrise. i do have a couple of pictures that i took yesterday. or thursday when we went out there to the clean room. they have to wear all that there's a lot of -- little selfie. 37 in fort collins. 40 in colorado springs. evergreens at 40 this morning and quite a bit of rain and snow this morning and we will start to cloud some. some sunshine at deserve and cloud up. however i just don't think this upper level will come far north enough to get us the mountains and that's about it. once this moves through we still have this big ridge of high pressure that is covering most of the country. so we'll get this little cutoff low and next week we'll get back to plain old sunny and mild temperatures the way things look. the futurecast now on the snow. quite a bit of way in the way of snow. it doesn't not bubble up toward denver. that moisture. so with that in mind winter weather advisory. some areas above 11,000 feet could see a foot of snow. a lot of moisture going in down there. most temperatures are in the 60s and 50s today. the denver high. 67. lolts of clouds and we talked about it earlier. you get an extra hour of sleep tonight as we fall back. 6 degrees tomorrow and partly sunny skies and 60s monday and tuesday and into election day. and then wednesday, we pop back to mostly sun n skies. >> is it really november? >> it is. >> where's the snow? >> a night full of glitz and glamour. michelle and sam are joining us this morning to tell us more about the global down syndrome foundation and it's annual be beautiful, be yourself fashion show. thank you both so much for being here. bright and early this morning. >> thank you verying if us. >> can you tell us about the we do have some celebrities. this year we have john mckinley. we have peyton manning. we're very excited but, of course, the evening -- l folks who steal the show are our 25 models with down syndrome. they come from a lot of different states. sam is from colorado. he's a tried and trued mold and one of the stars in the show. >> awesome. i was going to say i think the real celebrity is sitting right here on i hear you're in the fashion show; right? what's your favorite part about it? >> well, i like to walk down with the celebrities. >> yeah. >> and i also like to show my break dancing moves. >> we might have so see many of those. these pictures are awesome. a lot of really neat outfits and just a lot of fun. >> absolutely. >> what are the proceeds going to? oh, sure. -- we are now serving 1200 unique patients. and they come from 27 states and seven countries and then we do research at that improves their medical care too. it's really important. we're the least funded genetic condition by our federal government. >> i didn't know that. that's really interesting. >> our challenges. >> i there's celebrities involved. fashion and seens an just fun surrounding something that needs a lot of attention. >> exactly. we have local celebrities too. we have the raptds and the avalanche. we have the captains coming and some of their key players. they get vostled by volunteering, donating or buy tickets. there's a lot of activity. >> we have that information you're looking forward toful >> i'm looking forward to -- >> seeing peyton manning. >> i'm looking forward to see more famous people that i never see in a while. >> awesome. i think you're just going to kill it out there, my friend. awesome job. thank for being with us this morning. >> thank you so much. >> well, still a little warmer than usual across colorado but it's a not stopping the snow boarding expo in denver. ,, ,, ,, ,, tickets are $15 for adults or you can use a $3 discount when you head to the website. the expo is opened from 10:00 until 8:00 tonight and then again tomorrow from 10:00 until 6:00. >> a spirit yesterday -- saw the malls christmas tree arrive after traveling more than 1200 miles. the white fir will be decorated with more lights and 5,000 ornaments. the tree lighting concert is set for next saturday. >> a beautiful day. >> the christmas spirit. you've got to duoto the saab juans am winter weather advisory up there. some inches of snow. ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, a final check of the forecast. >> we need it. >> satellites can't bring us more moisture? [ laughter ] >> cost a lot more money if they could. i'll tell you what. before we get going a little funny picture. this is michael smith sending this in. his tag line was bald eagle getting harassed by -- >> getting picked on. >> he is a little bit there. across the state today temperatures are going to be very nice around here. looking for a high in the upper 60s denver alled way up into greeley today. moisture, not a lot of it. some cloud this weekend and back to sunshine by the time we get to monday. finding reliable services can be like finding a needle in a haystack. with finding the needle just got a lot easier. now here is the host of haystack tv, chris kane. you've perhaps heard of peripheral neuropathy. it's a condition where there's damage to the nerves in your feet and legs, or your hands and arms. it can be a devastating condition that causes pain, numbness, tingling and burning. it could slowly progress over many years, and it can become severe and debilitating. this condition affects an estimated 20-million americans. dr. dean anderson is a chiropractor at front range medical center, which is a an integrated health clinic, and he's here to discuss an advancement in treatment that's providing great results and offering hope for many of those suffering from neuropathy. hey, thanks for being here. thanks for having me. so tell us exactly what is peripheral neuropathy. well it's nerve damage to peripheral nerves, chris, which most patients we see have been dealing with this for a long period of time. so we see a lot of patients who are frustrated, they sometimes feel lost because they've been told nothing else can be done, and then they're just having to deal with the side effects of decreased quality of life. you know, oftentimes it they can't sleep at night. they suffer with a lot of burning pain,. they have numbness or they have issues with balance, and it's very frustrating. what causes it? well the majority of cases we see are caused by blood sugar problems or diabetes. but there can be a number of things, whether it's toxicities, we don't know the cause. all right, well treatments then, what are the traditional treatments that are out there? well most patients we see that have been dealing with this, they're on medications like gabapentin, larotin, lyrica, and all of which are good. they can manage the symptom of pain, but it does nothing for the nerve. so as the medication wears off the pain is back, and it's just this ongoing process. why do people continue to suffer even though they are taking the medication. well that's just it, the medications can be good for managing that symptom of pain but it does nothing for the the pain is right back. well talk about what you do in your office, because you're having great results and, really, people that have been told that nothing can be done for your pain, you're helping them. yeah, the technology that we use is what we call electronic signaling treatment. it's a form of current that we use at very high frequencies depending on the type of nerve damage patients have. nerves are electrical. we want to get these nerves to fire better. now with this technology, we also use what's called a vasopneumatic device which helps increase blood flow or circulation to the nerves, so by stimulating the nerves, getting e allow these nerves to rebound. all right, well talk about the results that you're getting then. well, number one is we want to see subjective improvement, patients feel better. we want to see that they can sleep at night. they're not fall risks, they can have better balance, and they can just do more. we also want to see an improvement in nerve function, so we monitor that very carefully by assessing patients as we go through, because the goal is to improve function. all right, now you're very unique in what you're offering, because you are helping people that have been that they can't be helped. ugh a screening process or qualification process to make sure we understand not only what's driving their condition but also what type of nerve damage they have. there's different types of neuropathy, and we specifically want to know, because that affects how we treat the individual. all right, we actually talked to a few of your patients, and let's take a listen and see what they had to say. great. when i first started coming to dr. anderson, i had no feeling in my feet. it was very, very difficult for me to drive a car because i couldn't feel the brake pedal anymore. is absolutely fantastic. i no longer fear losing my balance as i walk, i have feeling in my feet and lower legs again, and driving a car makes me much safer on the roads than i used to be. he told me he though he could help me and found out that it's probably my autoimmune system isn't working correctly. i then went through the treatments, and right away i i was falling down a lot. and if anybody has any question about it, you need to try it. at least come and see how it works for you. anyone that is suffering from pain, they need to give you a call, you can help them. i'm going to tell them how to get ahold of you. thanks for being here. great. many patients are told elsewhere that nothing can be done for the pain from neuropathy and that they just have to live it with. if you've heard this same thing from your doctor, dr. anderson ee screening that includes looking at your personal health history, a confidential questionnaire, and a patient-specific neuropathy exam to determine if you are, indeed, a candidate for treatment. this is $120 value in his office. appointments are limited so call (720) 851-9694 or visit narrator: today on lucky dog, an unimaginable case of neglect becomes one of the most inspiring stories in lucky dog history. will take a lot of hard work and an equally special new home. avery: i know that i can't take every single special needs dog in, but at least i can take one more. brandon: i'm brandon mcmillan and i've dedicated my life to saving the lonely, unwanted dogs that are living without hope. [background intro music] brandon: my mission is to

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New York , United States , Fort Collins , Colorado , North Carolina , Missouri , Washington , Boulder County , Florida , Virginia , Wisconsin , New Mexico , University Hospital , Michigan , Oklahoma , Fort Carson , Egypt , Massachusetts , Colorado Springs , Pennsylvania , Ohio , Capitol Hill , District Of Columbia , Americans , America , Mike Coffman , John Snyder , Chris Kane , Peyton Manning , Nancy Pelosi , Andrew Byer , Laurie Perry , Richard Hoffman , Denver Metro , Michael Smith , John Mckinley , Hillary Clinton , Brandon Mcmillan , Bernie Sanders ,

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