Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 Morning News-6A 20161026 : compare

Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 Morning News-6A 20161026

thrown those heavy coats over the costumes. >> let's get right to ashton. amazing weather looking at this morning. >> good morning to you, allen and brit. if october were to end today we would be tied for the fifth warmest october on record. but with warmer weather coming our way for tomorrow and friday, i think our ranking will be a little higher than that by the time the 31st rolls around. this morning, temperatures aren't quiet as mild as yesterday. most of us in the 50s of the 60s. instead 40s for most neighborhoods including 41 in brighten. just make sure your kids are prepared for a while in the air this morning. later on very nice. 5-day forecast coming up. let's check the traffic. >> never a good sign when they're flashing lights on the cdot camera. this is i-70 as you get past river valley. we're watching that in town and starting to see the drive load up. we're going to look at that >> two weeks out from the election close to the end of the political commercials and today two candidates have big events planned in our state. jamie is live at the state capitol with this. tell us whose coming to town. good morning. >> if you need it, today might be a good day to find more motivation to vote. there's a few campaigns across colorado making one last push to cause you to do just that. just behind me on the steps of the capitol, in it for clinton, they're gathering to cast ballots in her honor. it's an organized event that's happening across the front range to today. why are they choosing today? because it's hillery's 69th birthday. happy birthday is going to happen just ahead of the vp nominee governor mike pence. he's campaigning in colorado springs today. well. u.s. nominee. there's another one, a celebrity appearance, supporter going to be at the campus at 1:00 this afternoon to rally hundreds of young latinos to register to vote. pence will be at the park hill golf course at 3:15. he's also making a start in lubland. hillery supporters are gathering denver women vote first. live in denver, jamie >> hillery clinton celebrating her 69th birthday today. she's going to be campaigning in the state of florida as she faces new e-mails. wikileaks released one yesterday. they allegedly suggests the president knew clinton was using her personal e-mail as secretary of state earlier than previously reported. other e-mails showed top aids clinton's e-mail troubles. that includes pedesta. clinton ignored the wikileaks dump yesterday. >> your spending the entire campaign attacking one group of americans after another. now his final target is democracy itself. rival donald trump is heading to carolina today. they announced this week they'll skyrocket this year. focus if he becomes president. >> 6:04. traffic and weather every ten minutes on the 4's. >sunrise in about an hour and 15 minutes from now. temperatures in the 40s for the most part as we were just talking about in the denver area. 30s and 40s on the eastern plains. 20s and 30s in the colorado high country. doppler 4,000 isn't showing anything. we have clear skies from the western slopes to the eastern plains. once the sun comes up, we get long. yesterday, half the day we were covered with clouds. by lunchtime, 69 degrees and easily take the lunch outside. today daytime temperature around 74. after work or school plan on 50s or 60s this evening. tomorrow and friday it looks much warmer than today. record breaking heat possible. we'll talk all about it. >> we have a new situation we're watching. copper 4 has arrived over this. this 120th at a street called malvoy. you can see it completely blocked off. 120th you're going to be experiencing some delays this morning. watch out for that. i want to take you south bound coming down into town right now as we have speeds from the 50s dipping to the 60s. a bit of the high country take we had an accident and a stall. that is the stall going on. hopefully, they get it cleared out of the way shortly. you want to avoid parts of spear. that's going to happen tonight starting at 7:00. the lane closures remain in place and they're going to do that each night, brit, so they can do utility work. >> broncos star demarcus ware this morning. some crooks got away his super bowl ring after monday night's win ware had planted hidden cameras so live from the police department with the surveillance photos. sheen, i cannot believe they were brave enough to steal that ring. >police are impressed by the recognize the suspects. the hidden cameras caught the suspects stealing from the apartment. demarcus ware shared on twitter after they won he came home to stolen items. it did make him worry abou safety knowing that these two got in there and we're told these men came into the apartment around 5:30 and spent less than ten minutes inside. this morning a safe and his customized ring are gone. it's unclear how the two men got in. no signs of forced entry. most significant is the ring there's no other ring like it. just the cost to make that ring, don't expect it to be -- if you recognize the two men or have any information you're asked to contact crime stoppers. live in denver, cbs4 morning news. >> new this morning, the latest legal battle between the parents his remains were found a few miles from the father's home in the reservoir area. his death remains a history mystery. the judge deceased an initial statute of limitations. no clearing on how dylan died. >> classes back on after police stand off put three schools on lockout yesterday. a man and a woman barricaded themselves inside a home for nine hours yesterday but they surrendered peacefully and it all happened near tenth and bridge. they went on lock down as a precaution. all of the students were safe openings on a unique space. the top five floors of the clock tower. the iconic 21 story building was the third tallest. finished back in 1911. a lot of other buildings are around it right now. top five floors used for events. you can still rent it. the sale might mean it could close some day. >> happening tonight, the orleans and the team hoping for a much better year. the nuggets only won four of the eight preseason games. tonight's tip off at 6:00. the first home game this saturday against the trailblazers. >> tonight game two of the world series, the cubs try again after they got shut out last night. >> here's the indians made it 6-0. tonight's game starts at 5:00 our time. the time was moved up because of the threat of rain in cleveland. >> happening today, pampering and a much needed break for kids at children's hospital. staff members from the oxford club and crawford hotel will and spa. this is from a previous year. certainly a nice way to spend the day. >> that is a great thing they're doing. 6:10. a man attacked me in a parking garage. tried to stab me with an 8-inch knife. but i carry a pistol. i fight back. if she chooses. hillary clinton disagrees with that. don't let politicians take away your right to own a gun. donald trump supports my right to own a gun. this is the colorado none of us want to lose. i'm gail schwartz, and i'm running for congress coloradans should have the freedom to use this land for ranching, hunting and fishing, not watch it sold off to the highest bidder. scott tipton wants to cut off our access to these lands for generations to come, killing thousands of jobs. i approved this message . closer to halloween, it's going to look dark at night. temperatures this morning above normal for everybody, even in the mountains with 20s and 30s. greely36. really chilly is what i should call it. where we were hours ago most of us are 20 degrees cooler than yesterday. yesterday was such a great start to the day. you'll notice the difference when you step outside. it's a lot cooler than yesterday at this time. it will be 74 degrees this afternoon in denver. same thing for fort collins. wyoming topping out at 64 degrees. 70s for the eastern plains and some 70s as west as well including in grand junction. there are a couple of high clouds in morning. that's it. clear skies dominate the weather through the weekend likely into halloween as well. yesterday's weather maker, snow and mountains yesterday now in the midwest severe weather and at least a potential on oklahoma today. weather did i lasses in chicago and cleveland. that's where they moved the game back because of the line of storms. there's also a system in the pacific west. they're going to knock the the foreseeable future, today skies 74. tomorrow the records 80. we should tie it and break a record of 80. for the weekend, saturday and sunday game time temperatures in the 70s coming up on sunday and your trick or treating forecast, joel, take a look at this, 50s and 60s coming up monday evening. >> taking a look south bound from copper 4, we're looking at i-5 and i-70. we're looking at the as a matter of fact, take a look at the speeds we have. speeds in the 60s as you're making your way south bound along i-25. they dip down to the 50s and then 40s. still on the drive from 120th to i-70. westbound looking good and we're seeing eastbound making it through commerce city. here we are, look at the volume we have in the north bound direction. taking a look at the cars, they price of entry. here we are across the denver metro area. looks like a trouble spot along federal as you get on the approach. watch out for that. south bound around the curve we're a little bit of slowing. want to take you up to the high country. 285 looking great. showing the possibility of lower visibility of issues traveling from the tower up over the pass. >> joel, thank you. apple's deal has sales declining in 15 you may never hear the threat of lost luggage again. hannah daniels live at the new york stock exchange. good morning. >> good morning. third quarter earnings reports colonel to swing off market. yesterday disappointing results dragged stocks down. the dow lost at 53 points. the nasdaq finished six points lower. right now, futures are looking down. the tech giant apple dropped years. they sold fewer iphones and said they miscalculated the demand for the iphone 7 and plus they're not sure they can make enough units in time for christmas and that could hurt sells. soon, fliers will be able to track the journey of their luggage. delta is having a fly mobile app to let the customers see the location. the air fair for a trip is down more than 9% in the second quarter of 2016. that puts the average fair at $353 for a round trip ticket. >> hannah, thank you so much for that report. >> we want to take a look at wednesday's top stories. we are learning more now about the fan who fell to his death at mile high stadium monday night. help his wife and five children. he was sitting on a railing before he fell 60 feet. witnesses say he appeared to lose his balance. an autopsy may help determine whether drugs or alcohol played a factor in the fall. this is the second deadly fall. two men had a hit list. still on the loose wanting to target several more people after killing hi he's now president ised of shooting a fifth person at a convenient store. he posted live videos to social media. he has since disappeared. remember that face. arizona sheriff general is there. the federal judge has ordered hue to stand trial in december. he's accused of disobeying a control. >> right now, 39 degrees in denver. let's meet our wednesday child and ashton with the weather watchers. >> that's right. we're checking in with maria reporting 42 degrees, clear skies and chilly in the city area. certainly not cold. it's no secret. donald trump isn't for us. and unfortunately, congressman coffman isn't, either. just listen. and as families struggle to make ends meet, coffman voted against equal pay for equal work 11 times. it gets worse. coffman said he would support donald trump for president. i'm jamie foxx for verizon. in the nation's largest independent study by rootmetrics, verizon is america's most reliable network. and i'm jamie foxx for sprint, with no wins in reliability in any state. you need to stop your shenanigans. i-i'm... you're not jamie foxx. i'm close enough, just like sprint. no! look at my map. take it in. oh! yeah, there you go. eh? yeah. oh. (sighs) don't get fooled by a cut rate network. verizon gives you tons of data without all the restrictions. get twenty gigs and four lines for only 160, . skyla adores country music and opened up to me sharing her effection for animals, especially horses. >> horses are kind of like me and through a lot of different stuff so. >> what do you mean by that? >> i person to the other and another and another. >> is that how you describe your life? >> yeah. i want to live on a ranch and take care of horses and stuff like that. >> she's a beautiful child. you can find out more about skyla by calling the adoption >> let's take a look at weather and traffic. here's ashton. >> good morning to you, allen. it's time for the forecast. no travel related issues on the roads or in the air. al beconsider key 75 degrees. phoenix 93. sunshine in the bay area. midwest rain for chicago today. that rain makes its cleveland later on and there could be severe weather toward oklahoma today. east coast chilly but dry. 49 and all the major airports across the country at this time. let's check the traffic. here's joel. >> watching from copper 4, this is i-25 in orchard. look at the long line of cars we have extending on their way into town. you're going to have plenty of company and see great speeds. some of the usual spots 120th to the west. eastbound along i-70 looks great. take a look at the drive times. eastbound along i-70, speeds in the lower 50s getting you from i-20 to i-25. >> you can win free tickets. log on to cbs denver. concert is june 3rd at the pepsi center. >> a chicago man made a prediction about series in his yearbook 20 years ago. in his yearbook back in 1993, chicago cubs 2016 world champs. there it is right there. you heard it here first. he says he had a dream back then that the cubs won. a friend sent him the yearbook picture. the cubs need to turn things around after last night's world the way of a good story. >> not over yet. coming up next, the plan to lure the dog off the highway. there's cattle loose on i-70 after a crash. after a crash. >> and we're going to tell,, it's no secret. donald trump isn't for us. just listen. and as families struggle to make ends meet, coffman voted against equal pay for equal work 11 times. it gets worse. coffman said he would support donald trump for president. and that's all we really need to know. when i became governor, i knew we had to protect our colorado way of life. it's why i need a good team in the state senate. like rachel zenzinger, a former teacher who's fought for equal pay for equal work. daniel kagan championed property tax rebates to help seniors afford their utility bills. jenise may worked to cut taxes for 30,000 small businesses. and transparent government. they'd be a great team in the state senate. . the news at 6:30 this morning. live look downtown. there's the beautiful capitol. we are less than two weeks before the election season is over. ashton talking about record temperatures. they're out there running. >> nice way to start the morning. >> thanks for joining us. it's incredible. we're going to set a record soon. >> yeah, tomorrow and friday we could have a new record high temperature as we soar close to 80 degrees. today lower to middle 70s the best we can do. still 10-15 degrees above normal this time of year. live look to the east less than an hour away from the sunrise. 30s and 40s up around the front range. 39 out at dia and 36 in greely. meanwhile, mountain areas in the 20s and 30s. clouds yesterday are gone and it will be a completely sunny day and stays sunny through halloween. we'll check the forecast coming up. right now, back inside the check the traffic with joel. >> good morning. still. we're watching a little trouble spot as you get to the mouse trap there. right now, 10 minutes to get you to the spot. look at the speeds dipping down to the 30s and 40s now. we're going the try and check out and see what's going on there at the mouse trap cam and report back here in a couple of minutes. >> joel, thank you, was it an inside job? that's the question ware wants answered after burglars broke into his cherry crk got away with his super bowl ring among other things. sheen is live from the denver police department and sheen, these burglars were caught on camera and you have the pictures to prove it. reporter: denver police are hopeful these photos are good enough folks will recognize the people in the photos. three photos show the two men. one in a red shirt and one in a police are saying these are high quality photos. also grateful for the hidden cameras inside the apartment catching the suspects stealing from his cherry creek residence. he shared on twitter after the broncos won monday night he came home to find items stolen from his home. he was a little worried about his safety and we're told these two men were able to get into the apartment around 5:30 in the evening while the game ten minutes inside and take away a safe as well as his customized super bowl ring. no signs of forced entry. that's where the question about an inside job is coming in. the ring itself worth around $36,000 with almost 200 diamonds on it. unique to ware so likely not going to be sold on the secondary market. if you have any information that can help denver police news. >> happening today, helping cowboys round up cows. a semi that was hauling cattle tipped them and some of the cattle were killed. a lot of the others wondered off. at least 20 are still on the loose we understand. if you're driving around there, you're going to want to be aware of that. >> the wild fire gaining gr burning in colorado you do need rain. west of pueblo, west of cliff, it's about 60% contained. the fire has destroyed nine homes. >> lakewood has a new chief of police after a nationwide search. the department ended up going with a local guy. he's a 30-year veteran with the lakewood department. he's served as the interim chief for the past five months. he becomes the eighth police history. >> ashton is here. what's up? >> we're talking about the temperatures being up. that's for sure. this morning it's chilly and that's what we have to expect this time of year. chilly is all we can label it. we can't call it cold for october standards. if october were to end this will be the fifth warmest is denver weather history. 73, 6 degrees above normal. that may not sound like from a climate standpoint, that's a huge value. of course, it's been drier than normal this month. more than half normal with precipitation and no chance for rain in the metro area through the end of the month or snow for that matter. 30s and 40s from the eastern plains. 20s and 30s in the colorado high country. comparing temperatures from where we were yesterday at this time we were 15 degrees cooler. noticing a difference, yesterday was remarkably warm we'll see 60s in the mountains later today. 70s for colorado's western slope and we'll see sunshine statewide. all the rain on the western slope has ended from yesterday. nothing but dry weather for colorado today and really through the weekend. mountains included. weather maker yesterday now in the midwest. there could be a couple of severe thunderstorms in oklahoma. rain for chicago, detroit and cleveland. you can see the front behind the front, high pressure building in and that high dominates the weather through the weekend. today's high 74. tomorrow 80 and the record is 80 set way back in 196 6. friday's record is 80 set in 94. we could break that record and for the weekend, mid-70s saturday and sunday and kick off temperature right around 74 degrees. sunday afternoon, joel, very nice 5-day forecast. >> taking a look from copper 4, i-25 at university. i want to show it to you. we got it on our cdot camera. south bound i-25 and 40th. it's creating a mess blocking off the center and right lane. look at the flashing lights we have as you make your way south bound and this is the wake what is left. south bound coming down into town on the approach to i-70. look at the cars and brake lights. right now, the drive times say nine minutes from thornton to denver. once the that's where we're really going to see the drive times pick up and speeds go down. still a good drive as we travel along u.s.36. different story with speeds into the 20s. here we are across the denver metro area. this is one accident we're watching back ups on i-76 because of it. slowing south bound and looks like we got quiet a bit of slowing in mississippi. typically starts to happen and slow down as we see something. north bound along i-225 for now speeds in the 40s. speeds in the teens as you get from parker road. an 11 minute drive. >investigators want to talk to anyone who witnessed a wild chase down i-7 6. it started in wiggins yesterday and ended 45 miles closer to denver. officers say the two men inside a spel items out of the window along the way. here's a picture of some of those items which include a fender, vehicle grill and bumper. they were tossed on the highway while the truck was racing along at 100 miles an hour. it's amazing no one was hurt. >it's the end of the future. colorado has become a chess site. in the self-driverring vehicle company auto. have a look at this. analyzer bush. at night, west traffic, this self-driving truck hauled beer 120 miles along i-25 from fort collins to colorado springs. the driver even got in the back. that trip happened last week. the driver of course leaving the seat and moving to the back made us curious. is that legal? >> not that it's legal, it's more that it's not illegal. this is a function of technology out pacing the law. this is a way really increase safety and quality of life in colorado and that's why we're questioning that. >> a loft of issues with the cdot. more troopers escorted the semidown i-25. there's questions about employment in the long run too. cdot says this test was a one time deal. nobody behind the wheel. not yet. >that's a premature halloween prank. often times an educator can put of hope as well. this week, they're celebrating the 30th anniversary. the school offers programs to kids in need. special needs children all the way through adult hood. it was started by a couple whose son has cerebral palsy. students and teachers celebrated at the community church. the colorado based school has grown to a couple other states and ireland. up to 12,000 families have been helped for colorado based chipotle. >a new report may make you safer at dia. >> there's the capitol for you. another incredible day. we're talking about records now. ashton has the latest on that. we'll look at halloween too. game one of the world series went to the indians with a shut out. here's michael with a look at your morning sports. sports break. >> it's been 60 years since the cleveland indians won a world series. 108 years for the cubs. indians got a gem last night. nine strike outs and allowed just four hits. in the fifth he got help from roberto perez. that would put the indians up 3- 0. it would stay that way until e perez does it again. three homers all season long. three in the postseason. indians win game one 6-0. also later tonight, the nuggets start their season in new orleans. >> this has been the chevy sports break brought to you by she have row lay, the most awarded car company two years ,, this is the colorado none of us want to lose. i'm gail schwartz, and i'm running for congress to stop the sale of our public lands. coloradans should have the freedom to use this land for ranching, hunting and fishing, not watch it sold off to the highest bidder. scott tipton wants to cut off our access to these lands for generations to come, killing thousands of jobs. i approved this message from a rancher's perspective, we feel that often washington is removed from what we need. senator bennet is different. michael bennet has been at the ready and always willing to listen. when the federal government wanted to increase grazing fees, senator bennet stepped up and helped put a stop that. he commits to his word, and that means a lot to a guy like me. and we trust him. i'm michael bennet and i approve this message. . time now 6:44. welcome to wednesday. it's a bit chilly compared to where we were this time yesterday. take mountain points towards the east. 51 degrees up at lookout this morning. 45 in lafayette. 46 nearby bolder. 39 in thornton, 45 in king carol. again, about 15 degrees cooler than we were at this time yesterday. overall, it's a beautiful day. we'll talk much more about your weather. straight ahead, let's get a check on the traffic. >> yeah, it's a drive right now, south bound coming down have an accident blocked off the right three lanes. south bound i-25 near park avenue. right in the heart of downtown. the folks at the top of your screen in the express toll lanes are getting their money's worth this morning for sure. i would recommend using that. getting down to i- 70 not an issue. we are starting to see back ups from this go all the way back and extend just north of i-7 6. that's going to ag >> candidates have big plans today in colorado as we inch closer to the election. hopefully, the end. jamie joins us live at the state capitol. less than two weeks. >> less than two weeks to be specific. we got about 12 somedays and 19 hours. whose counting. closer to election day we're likely going to see a big push on part of the candidates for the campaigns and that's what we're seeing here this morning nominee governor mike pence, he and his team are headed to colorado springs. it's his third visit to colorado springs as part of a three state tour. he's going to be at the colorado springs event center at 7:00 tonight. it so happens to be clinton's 69th birthday today. many of her female supporters in colorado say they plan to cast ballots in her honor ah today the campaign pushes today in colorado. senator ted cruz is here and going to be in denver campaigning for u.s. senate nominee darryl glenn. cruz and glenn stop in lubland first and head to the golf course at 3:15. just behind me, denver women vote first, that group is gathering to cast their ballots in honor of hillery clinton's birthday. that's not only a denver event live in denver, cbs4 morning news. >hillery clinton turns 69 today. she's planning to campaign in florida. there is new embarrassment in a new batch of hacked e-mails released by wikileaks. they're suggesting the president knew clinton was using her personal e-mail while secretary of state. earlier, the obama administration has admitted. earlier they showed top aids struggling to struggles including campaign chair. meantime, donald trump took time to denounce the increasing obama care premiums. they said yesterday that will be the first if he becomes president. >> i'm going to repeal it and replace it. she's going to expand it and it's going to get more and more expensive. >> trump also wondered off the message. v.p. joe biden said he would like to >> people are raising money to help the family of the man who fell to his death at mile high stadium after the game monday night. there's a go fund me page to help his wife and five children. police say he was sitting on a railing before he fell that night. witnesses say he appeared to lose his balance and fell about 60 feet. police say it's unclear whether or not drugs a role. >> this window in the chapel includes pieces imported from europe crafted from blown glass. police say vandals shattered it to get into the church over the weekend. they went through the cabinets around storage area. they're working to see if the original window design can be created. >> denver now acknowledges what homeless people are setting up makeshift camps. people blame drug activity for resent violence. they blamed people siting public health concerns. leaders say they know homeless camps look bad but there's little they can do. >> we feel that particular effort was a success but it's like a balloon. when you seize it one place, you're going to see an impact in another. >> leaders say this city trying to take a compassionate approach. they say getting service could be the biggest challenge and many of them choose to live on the street. new video this morning of the demolition of a french refugee camp. this is known as the jungle. people torched dozens of huts overnight because they were told to move out. leaders say they were prepared for this and firefighters were standing by. french leaders are moving out leave war and poverty. more than 4,000 migrants have left the camp since monday. >> well, the department of defense is facing a lot of pressure right now. the pentagon says about 6500 california guard soldiers have been told to repay the $15,000 or more. audits revealed the cali that includes robert richmond who has survived a road side bomb in iraq. >his irony after 30 years of fighting battles for the united states army, my final battle is fighting against them. >> the white house urges the pentagon to speed up the review and a bill in congress could limit or stop the military's ability to recover the overpayments. >> we are getting a look at a boarder city of tee wan that. >> they are not saying whether they actually reach the united states. the passage is 563-yards or just over a quarter mile long. investigators say it has ventilation and lighting. they have rails apparently used to push loads of drugs. prosecutors found more than two tons of marijuana in packages at the house where the tunnel starts in mexico. >> new from overnight, a close call for a marine pilot. east of l. a. while the pilot ejected without getting hurt. the jet burned. the accident apparently happened during landing and no immediate word on what went wrong. new this morn, dia passenger like the results of the inspection. the airport got a perfect score. the inspection looks at several things. federal inspectors say there's free burritos but they're still having a tough time bringing in new customers. sales have fallen about 22% for the fourth straight quarter. that's worse than the 18.3% drop wall street analyst expected. they're struggling to win back people's trust. >> justin timber lake's voting shelfie is raising questions. advantage of early voting. he posted this picture to instar gram. it's illegal to take pictures or videos inside a polling station in tennessee. they say leaders are thrilled justin can't stop the feeling. they're reminding people to not bring phones inside the polling station. shelfies are illegal in our state as well. take a listen. >when you're in the studio and rocking that lyric, do you write down the words? and then when you tell someone the lyrics, do they go run? >they don't get to do that because i'm the boss. . >> all the guys in the studio raising the roof. just kidding. catch the late, late show. ashton, i see you. >> what's the thing with the hands? >> dance moves. all right. gets go to joel first. we have trouble right now. >> we do. it's a tough drive this morning. this is a new accident at 70th avenue at the bridge over i-25 there. accident blocking off a lane. not the only spot. another accident blocking off the right side of the highway south bound along i-25 along park avenue. we're finally getting these cars moving. it was at a complete stand still. we're going to continue delays and drive times are going to continue to tick up and speeds are going to continue to tick down. look how slow it is as you make your way through commerce city. slow through santa fe and sl south bound along i-225 as well. not effecting, not much different. south bound along i-225 making your way to the tech center. one accident in the one spot that can make a mess for the commute. >> meanwhile, the weather is spectacular. it's a bit chilly as we get the day started. sun will be up here in the 7:22. temperatures 30s and 40s. you'll need a jacket this morning but you don't have to elsewhere around the state 20s and 30s. we compare current temperatures to where we were. 22 degrees cooler at dia. a change you'll notice. later on today it will feel just like yesterday. sunshine all day long. highs in the 70s. 60s for most mountain towns. the midwest where there could be severe weather. the front making its way towards chicago and cleveland. that's why the world series game is moved up a little bit. high pressure dominating the weather all around the weekend. today 74 and tomorrow 80. then we should break a railroad coming up friday with a highway around 81. for the weekend temperatures in the 70s and broncos game sunday. 50s and 60s for trick or treating monday even. >the candy could melt. >> don't put it ,, ,, ,, ,, and unfortunately, congressman coffman isn't, either. donald trump isn't for us. just listen. and as families struggle to make ends meet, coffman voted against equal pay for equal work 11 times. it gets worse. coffman said he would support donald trump for president. and that's all we really need to know. captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is wednesday, october 26 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning.? donald trump takes aim at obama care saying price hikes will only get wnd she reaches out to hispanic voters in an unusual television experience. we will talk with trump campaign manager kellyanne conway. >> a require look inside north korea's capital. how they are trying to portray strength despite harsh sanctions over his nuclear program. >> dierks bentley and elle king interview each other. the pair takes us on a ride to

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New York , United States , Fort Collins , Colorado , Crawford , Washington , Florida , California , Mississippi , Mexico , Oklahoma , Arizona , Iraq , Tennessee , Pepsi Center , Wyoming , Colorado Springs , Phoenix , North Korea , Ireland , France , Chicago , Illinois , Americans , America , French , Scott Tipton , Darryl Glenn , Dierks Bentley , Michael Bennet , Jamie Foxx , Gail Schwartz , P Joe Biden , Jamie Hillery Clinton , Robert Richmond , Roberto Perez , Denver Metro , Hannah Daniels , Daniel Kagan , Hillary Clinton , Ted Cruz , King Carol , Chillery Clinton ,

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Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 Morning News-6A 20161026 :

Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 Morning News-6A 20161026

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thrown those heavy coats over the costumes. >> let's get right to ashton. amazing weather looking at this morning. >> good morning to you, allen and brit. if october were to end today we would be tied for the fifth warmest october on record. but with warmer weather coming our way for tomorrow and friday, i think our ranking will be a little higher than that by the time the 31st rolls around. this morning, temperatures aren't quiet as mild as yesterday. most of us in the 50s of the 60s. instead 40s for most neighborhoods including 41 in brighten. just make sure your kids are prepared for a while in the air this morning. later on very nice. 5-day forecast coming up. let's check the traffic. >> never a good sign when they're flashing lights on the cdot camera. this is i-70 as you get past river valley. we're watching that in town and starting to see the drive load up. we're going to look at that >> two weeks out from the election close to the end of the political commercials and today two candidates have big events planned in our state. jamie is live at the state capitol with this. tell us whose coming to town. good morning. >> if you need it, today might be a good day to find more motivation to vote. there's a few campaigns across colorado making one last push to cause you to do just that. just behind me on the steps of the capitol, in it for clinton, they're gathering to cast ballots in her honor. it's an organized event that's happening across the front range to today. why are they choosing today? because it's hillery's 69th birthday. happy birthday is going to happen just ahead of the vp nominee governor mike pence. he's campaigning in colorado springs today. well. u.s. nominee. there's another one, a celebrity appearance, supporter going to be at the campus at 1:00 this afternoon to rally hundreds of young latinos to register to vote. pence will be at the park hill golf course at 3:15. he's also making a start in lubland. hillery supporters are gathering denver women vote first. live in denver, jamie >> hillery clinton celebrating her 69th birthday today. she's going to be campaigning in the state of florida as she faces new e-mails. wikileaks released one yesterday. they allegedly suggests the president knew clinton was using her personal e-mail as secretary of state earlier than previously reported. other e-mails showed top aids clinton's e-mail troubles. that includes pedesta. clinton ignored the wikileaks dump yesterday. >> your spending the entire campaign attacking one group of americans after another. now his final target is democracy itself. rival donald trump is heading to carolina today. they announced this week they'll skyrocket this year. focus if he becomes president. >> 6:04. traffic and weather every ten minutes on the 4's. >sunrise in about an hour and 15 minutes from now. temperatures in the 40s for the most part as we were just talking about in the denver area. 30s and 40s on the eastern plains. 20s and 30s in the colorado high country. doppler 4,000 isn't showing anything. we have clear skies from the western slopes to the eastern plains. once the sun comes up, we get long. yesterday, half the day we were covered with clouds. by lunchtime, 69 degrees and easily take the lunch outside. today daytime temperature around 74. after work or school plan on 50s or 60s this evening. tomorrow and friday it looks much warmer than today. record breaking heat possible. we'll talk all about it. >> we have a new situation we're watching. copper 4 has arrived over this. this 120th at a street called malvoy. you can see it completely blocked off. 120th you're going to be experiencing some delays this morning. watch out for that. i want to take you south bound coming down into town right now as we have speeds from the 50s dipping to the 60s. a bit of the high country take we had an accident and a stall. that is the stall going on. hopefully, they get it cleared out of the way shortly. you want to avoid parts of spear. that's going to happen tonight starting at 7:00. the lane closures remain in place and they're going to do that each night, brit, so they can do utility work. >> broncos star demarcus ware this morning. some crooks got away his super bowl ring after monday night's win ware had planted hidden cameras so live from the police department with the surveillance photos. sheen, i cannot believe they were brave enough to steal that ring. >police are impressed by the recognize the suspects. the hidden cameras caught the suspects stealing from the apartment. demarcus ware shared on twitter after they won he came home to stolen items. it did make him worry abou safety knowing that these two got in there and we're told these men came into the apartment around 5:30 and spent less than ten minutes inside. this morning a safe and his customized ring are gone. it's unclear how the two men got in. no signs of forced entry. most significant is the ring there's no other ring like it. just the cost to make that ring, don't expect it to be -- if you recognize the two men or have any information you're asked to contact crime stoppers. live in denver, cbs4 morning news. >> new this morning, the latest legal battle between the parents his remains were found a few miles from the father's home in the reservoir area. his death remains a history mystery. the judge deceased an initial statute of limitations. no clearing on how dylan died. >> classes back on after police stand off put three schools on lockout yesterday. a man and a woman barricaded themselves inside a home for nine hours yesterday but they surrendered peacefully and it all happened near tenth and bridge. they went on lock down as a precaution. all of the students were safe openings on a unique space. the top five floors of the clock tower. the iconic 21 story building was the third tallest. finished back in 1911. a lot of other buildings are around it right now. top five floors used for events. you can still rent it. the sale might mean it could close some day. >> happening tonight, the orleans and the team hoping for a much better year. the nuggets only won four of the eight preseason games. tonight's tip off at 6:00. the first home game this saturday against the trailblazers. >> tonight game two of the world series, the cubs try again after they got shut out last night. >> here's the indians made it 6-0. tonight's game starts at 5:00 our time. the time was moved up because of the threat of rain in cleveland. >> happening today, pampering and a much needed break for kids at children's hospital. staff members from the oxford club and crawford hotel will and spa. this is from a previous year. certainly a nice way to spend the day. >> that is a great thing they're doing. 6:10. a man attacked me in a parking garage. tried to stab me with an 8-inch knife. but i carry a pistol. i fight back. if she chooses. hillary clinton disagrees with that. don't let politicians take away your right to own a gun. donald trump supports my right to own a gun. this is the colorado none of us want to lose. i'm gail schwartz, and i'm running for congress coloradans should have the freedom to use this land for ranching, hunting and fishing, not watch it sold off to the highest bidder. scott tipton wants to cut off our access to these lands for generations to come, killing thousands of jobs. i approved this message . closer to halloween, it's going to look dark at night. temperatures this morning above normal for everybody, even in the mountains with 20s and 30s. greely36. really chilly is what i should call it. where we were hours ago most of us are 20 degrees cooler than yesterday. yesterday was such a great start to the day. you'll notice the difference when you step outside. it's a lot cooler than yesterday at this time. it will be 74 degrees this afternoon in denver. same thing for fort collins. wyoming topping out at 64 degrees. 70s for the eastern plains and some 70s as west as well including in grand junction. there are a couple of high clouds in morning. that's it. clear skies dominate the weather through the weekend likely into halloween as well. yesterday's weather maker, snow and mountains yesterday now in the midwest severe weather and at least a potential on oklahoma today. weather did i lasses in chicago and cleveland. that's where they moved the game back because of the line of storms. there's also a system in the pacific west. they're going to knock the the foreseeable future, today skies 74. tomorrow the records 80. we should tie it and break a record of 80. for the weekend, saturday and sunday game time temperatures in the 70s coming up on sunday and your trick or treating forecast, joel, take a look at this, 50s and 60s coming up monday evening. >> taking a look south bound from copper 4, we're looking at i-5 and i-70. we're looking at the as a matter of fact, take a look at the speeds we have. speeds in the 60s as you're making your way south bound along i-25. they dip down to the 50s and then 40s. still on the drive from 120th to i-70. westbound looking good and we're seeing eastbound making it through commerce city. here we are, look at the volume we have in the north bound direction. taking a look at the cars, they price of entry. here we are across the denver metro area. looks like a trouble spot along federal as you get on the approach. watch out for that. south bound around the curve we're a little bit of slowing. want to take you up to the high country. 285 looking great. showing the possibility of lower visibility of issues traveling from the tower up over the pass. >> joel, thank you. apple's deal has sales declining in 15 you may never hear the threat of lost luggage again. hannah daniels live at the new york stock exchange. good morning. >> good morning. third quarter earnings reports colonel to swing off market. yesterday disappointing results dragged stocks down. the dow lost at 53 points. the nasdaq finished six points lower. right now, futures are looking down. the tech giant apple dropped years. they sold fewer iphones and said they miscalculated the demand for the iphone 7 and plus they're not sure they can make enough units in time for christmas and that could hurt sells. soon, fliers will be able to track the journey of their luggage. delta is having a fly mobile app to let the customers see the location. the air fair for a trip is down more than 9% in the second quarter of 2016. that puts the average fair at $353 for a round trip ticket. >> hannah, thank you so much for that report. >> we want to take a look at wednesday's top stories. we are learning more now about the fan who fell to his death at mile high stadium monday night. help his wife and five children. he was sitting on a railing before he fell 60 feet. witnesses say he appeared to lose his balance. an autopsy may help determine whether drugs or alcohol played a factor in the fall. this is the second deadly fall. two men had a hit list. still on the loose wanting to target several more people after killing hi he's now president ised of shooting a fifth person at a convenient store. he posted live videos to social media. he has since disappeared. remember that face. arizona sheriff general is there. the federal judge has ordered hue to stand trial in december. he's accused of disobeying a control. >> right now, 39 degrees in denver. let's meet our wednesday child and ashton with the weather watchers. >> that's right. we're checking in with maria reporting 42 degrees, clear skies and chilly in the city area. certainly not cold. it's no secret. donald trump isn't for us. and unfortunately, congressman coffman isn't, either. just listen. and as families struggle to make ends meet, coffman voted against equal pay for equal work 11 times. it gets worse. coffman said he would support donald trump for president. i'm jamie foxx for verizon. in the nation's largest independent study by rootmetrics, verizon is america's most reliable network. and i'm jamie foxx for sprint, with no wins in reliability in any state. you need to stop your shenanigans. i-i'm... you're not jamie foxx. i'm close enough, just like sprint. no! look at my map. take it in. oh! yeah, there you go. eh? yeah. oh. (sighs) don't get fooled by a cut rate network. verizon gives you tons of data without all the restrictions. get twenty gigs and four lines for only 160, . skyla adores country music and opened up to me sharing her effection for animals, especially horses. >> horses are kind of like me and through a lot of different stuff so. >> what do you mean by that? >> i person to the other and another and another. >> is that how you describe your life? >> yeah. i want to live on a ranch and take care of horses and stuff like that. >> she's a beautiful child. you can find out more about skyla by calling the adoption >> let's take a look at weather and traffic. here's ashton. >> good morning to you, allen. it's time for the forecast. no travel related issues on the roads or in the air. al beconsider key 75 degrees. phoenix 93. sunshine in the bay area. midwest rain for chicago today. that rain makes its cleveland later on and there could be severe weather toward oklahoma today. east coast chilly but dry. 49 and all the major airports across the country at this time. let's check the traffic. here's joel. >> watching from copper 4, this is i-25 in orchard. look at the long line of cars we have extending on their way into town. you're going to have plenty of company and see great speeds. some of the usual spots 120th to the west. eastbound along i-70 looks great. take a look at the drive times. eastbound along i-70, speeds in the lower 50s getting you from i-20 to i-25. >> you can win free tickets. log on to cbs denver. concert is june 3rd at the pepsi center. >> a chicago man made a prediction about series in his yearbook 20 years ago. in his yearbook back in 1993, chicago cubs 2016 world champs. there it is right there. you heard it here first. he says he had a dream back then that the cubs won. a friend sent him the yearbook picture. the cubs need to turn things around after last night's world the way of a good story. >> not over yet. coming up next, the plan to lure the dog off the highway. there's cattle loose on i-70 after a crash. after a crash. >> and we're going to tell,, it's no secret. donald trump isn't for us. just listen. and as families struggle to make ends meet, coffman voted against equal pay for equal work 11 times. it gets worse. coffman said he would support donald trump for president. and that's all we really need to know. when i became governor, i knew we had to protect our colorado way of life. it's why i need a good team in the state senate. like rachel zenzinger, a former teacher who's fought for equal pay for equal work. daniel kagan championed property tax rebates to help seniors afford their utility bills. jenise may worked to cut taxes for 30,000 small businesses. and transparent government. they'd be a great team in the state senate. . the news at 6:30 this morning. live look downtown. there's the beautiful capitol. we are less than two weeks before the election season is over. ashton talking about record temperatures. they're out there running. >> nice way to start the morning. >> thanks for joining us. it's incredible. we're going to set a record soon. >> yeah, tomorrow and friday we could have a new record high temperature as we soar close to 80 degrees. today lower to middle 70s the best we can do. still 10-15 degrees above normal this time of year. live look to the east less than an hour away from the sunrise. 30s and 40s up around the front range. 39 out at dia and 36 in greely. meanwhile, mountain areas in the 20s and 30s. clouds yesterday are gone and it will be a completely sunny day and stays sunny through halloween. we'll check the forecast coming up. right now, back inside the check the traffic with joel. >> good morning. still. we're watching a little trouble spot as you get to the mouse trap there. right now, 10 minutes to get you to the spot. look at the speeds dipping down to the 30s and 40s now. we're going the try and check out and see what's going on there at the mouse trap cam and report back here in a couple of minutes. >> joel, thank you, was it an inside job? that's the question ware wants answered after burglars broke into his cherry crk got away with his super bowl ring among other things. sheen is live from the denver police department and sheen, these burglars were caught on camera and you have the pictures to prove it. reporter: denver police are hopeful these photos are good enough folks will recognize the people in the photos. three photos show the two men. one in a red shirt and one in a police are saying these are high quality photos. also grateful for the hidden cameras inside the apartment catching the suspects stealing from his cherry creek residence. he shared on twitter after the broncos won monday night he came home to find items stolen from his home. he was a little worried about his safety and we're told these two men were able to get into the apartment around 5:30 in the evening while the game ten minutes inside and take away a safe as well as his customized super bowl ring. no signs of forced entry. that's where the question about an inside job is coming in. the ring itself worth around $36,000 with almost 200 diamonds on it. unique to ware so likely not going to be sold on the secondary market. if you have any information that can help denver police news. >> happening today, helping cowboys round up cows. a semi that was hauling cattle tipped them and some of the cattle were killed. a lot of the others wondered off. at least 20 are still on the loose we understand. if you're driving around there, you're going to want to be aware of that. >> the wild fire gaining gr burning in colorado you do need rain. west of pueblo, west of cliff, it's about 60% contained. the fire has destroyed nine homes. >> lakewood has a new chief of police after a nationwide search. the department ended up going with a local guy. he's a 30-year veteran with the lakewood department. he's served as the interim chief for the past five months. he becomes the eighth police history. >> ashton is here. what's up? >> we're talking about the temperatures being up. that's for sure. this morning it's chilly and that's what we have to expect this time of year. chilly is all we can label it. we can't call it cold for october standards. if october were to end this will be the fifth warmest is denver weather history. 73, 6 degrees above normal. that may not sound like from a climate standpoint, that's a huge value. of course, it's been drier than normal this month. more than half normal with precipitation and no chance for rain in the metro area through the end of the month or snow for that matter. 30s and 40s from the eastern plains. 20s and 30s in the colorado high country. comparing temperatures from where we were yesterday at this time we were 15 degrees cooler. noticing a difference, yesterday was remarkably warm we'll see 60s in the mountains later today. 70s for colorado's western slope and we'll see sunshine statewide. all the rain on the western slope has ended from yesterday. nothing but dry weather for colorado today and really through the weekend. mountains included. weather maker yesterday now in the midwest. there could be a couple of severe thunderstorms in oklahoma. rain for chicago, detroit and cleveland. you can see the front behind the front, high pressure building in and that high dominates the weather through the weekend. today's high 74. tomorrow 80 and the record is 80 set way back in 196 6. friday's record is 80 set in 94. we could break that record and for the weekend, mid-70s saturday and sunday and kick off temperature right around 74 degrees. sunday afternoon, joel, very nice 5-day forecast. >> taking a look from copper 4, i-25 at university. i want to show it to you. we got it on our cdot camera. south bound i-25 and 40th. it's creating a mess blocking off the center and right lane. look at the flashing lights we have as you make your way south bound and this is the wake what is left. south bound coming down into town on the approach to i-70. look at the cars and brake lights. right now, the drive times say nine minutes from thornton to denver. once the that's where we're really going to see the drive times pick up and speeds go down. still a good drive as we travel along u.s.36. different story with speeds into the 20s. here we are across the denver metro area. this is one accident we're watching back ups on i-76 because of it. slowing south bound and looks like we got quiet a bit of slowing in mississippi. typically starts to happen and slow down as we see something. north bound along i-225 for now speeds in the 40s. speeds in the teens as you get from parker road. an 11 minute drive. >investigators want to talk to anyone who witnessed a wild chase down i-7 6. it started in wiggins yesterday and ended 45 miles closer to denver. officers say the two men inside a spel items out of the window along the way. here's a picture of some of those items which include a fender, vehicle grill and bumper. they were tossed on the highway while the truck was racing along at 100 miles an hour. it's amazing no one was hurt. >it's the end of the future. colorado has become a chess site. in the self-driverring vehicle company auto. have a look at this. analyzer bush. at night, west traffic, this self-driving truck hauled beer 120 miles along i-25 from fort collins to colorado springs. the driver even got in the back. that trip happened last week. the driver of course leaving the seat and moving to the back made us curious. is that legal? >> not that it's legal, it's more that it's not illegal. this is a function of technology out pacing the law. this is a way really increase safety and quality of life in colorado and that's why we're questioning that. >> a loft of issues with the cdot. more troopers escorted the semidown i-25. there's questions about employment in the long run too. cdot says this test was a one time deal. nobody behind the wheel. not yet. >that's a premature halloween prank. often times an educator can put of hope as well. this week, they're celebrating the 30th anniversary. the school offers programs to kids in need. special needs children all the way through adult hood. it was started by a couple whose son has cerebral palsy. students and teachers celebrated at the community church. the colorado based school has grown to a couple other states and ireland. up to 12,000 families have been helped for colorado based chipotle. >a new report may make you safer at dia. >> there's the capitol for you. another incredible day. we're talking about records now. ashton has the latest on that. we'll look at halloween too. game one of the world series went to the indians with a shut out. here's michael with a look at your morning sports. sports break. >> it's been 60 years since the cleveland indians won a world series. 108 years for the cubs. indians got a gem last night. nine strike outs and allowed just four hits. in the fifth he got help from roberto perez. that would put the indians up 3- 0. it would stay that way until e perez does it again. three homers all season long. three in the postseason. indians win game one 6-0. also later tonight, the nuggets start their season in new orleans. >> this has been the chevy sports break brought to you by she have row lay, the most awarded car company two years ,, this is the colorado none of us want to lose. i'm gail schwartz, and i'm running for congress to stop the sale of our public lands. coloradans should have the freedom to use this land for ranching, hunting and fishing, not watch it sold off to the highest bidder. scott tipton wants to cut off our access to these lands for generations to come, killing thousands of jobs. i approved this message from a rancher's perspective, we feel that often washington is removed from what we need. senator bennet is different. michael bennet has been at the ready and always willing to listen. when the federal government wanted to increase grazing fees, senator bennet stepped up and helped put a stop that. he commits to his word, and that means a lot to a guy like me. and we trust him. i'm michael bennet and i approve this message. . time now 6:44. welcome to wednesday. it's a bit chilly compared to where we were this time yesterday. take mountain points towards the east. 51 degrees up at lookout this morning. 45 in lafayette. 46 nearby bolder. 39 in thornton, 45 in king carol. again, about 15 degrees cooler than we were at this time yesterday. overall, it's a beautiful day. we'll talk much more about your weather. straight ahead, let's get a check on the traffic. >> yeah, it's a drive right now, south bound coming down have an accident blocked off the right three lanes. south bound i-25 near park avenue. right in the heart of downtown. the folks at the top of your screen in the express toll lanes are getting their money's worth this morning for sure. i would recommend using that. getting down to i- 70 not an issue. we are starting to see back ups from this go all the way back and extend just north of i-7 6. that's going to ag >> candidates have big plans today in colorado as we inch closer to the election. hopefully, the end. jamie joins us live at the state capitol. less than two weeks. >> less than two weeks to be specific. we got about 12 somedays and 19 hours. whose counting. closer to election day we're likely going to see a big push on part of the candidates for the campaigns and that's what we're seeing here this morning nominee governor mike pence, he and his team are headed to colorado springs. it's his third visit to colorado springs as part of a three state tour. he's going to be at the colorado springs event center at 7:00 tonight. it so happens to be clinton's 69th birthday today. many of her female supporters in colorado say they plan to cast ballots in her honor ah today the campaign pushes today in colorado. senator ted cruz is here and going to be in denver campaigning for u.s. senate nominee darryl glenn. cruz and glenn stop in lubland first and head to the golf course at 3:15. just behind me, denver women vote first, that group is gathering to cast their ballots in honor of hillery clinton's birthday. that's not only a denver event live in denver, cbs4 morning news. >hillery clinton turns 69 today. she's planning to campaign in florida. there is new embarrassment in a new batch of hacked e-mails released by wikileaks. they're suggesting the president knew clinton was using her personal e-mail while secretary of state. earlier, the obama administration has admitted. earlier they showed top aids struggling to struggles including campaign chair. meantime, donald trump took time to denounce the increasing obama care premiums. they said yesterday that will be the first if he becomes president. >> i'm going to repeal it and replace it. she's going to expand it and it's going to get more and more expensive. >> trump also wondered off the message. v.p. joe biden said he would like to >> people are raising money to help the family of the man who fell to his death at mile high stadium after the game monday night. there's a go fund me page to help his wife and five children. police say he was sitting on a railing before he fell that night. witnesses say he appeared to lose his balance and fell about 60 feet. police say it's unclear whether or not drugs a role. >> this window in the chapel includes pieces imported from europe crafted from blown glass. police say vandals shattered it to get into the church over the weekend. they went through the cabinets around storage area. they're working to see if the original window design can be created. >> denver now acknowledges what homeless people are setting up makeshift camps. people blame drug activity for resent violence. they blamed people siting public health concerns. leaders say they know homeless camps look bad but there's little they can do. >> we feel that particular effort was a success but it's like a balloon. when you seize it one place, you're going to see an impact in another. >> leaders say this city trying to take a compassionate approach. they say getting service could be the biggest challenge and many of them choose to live on the street. new video this morning of the demolition of a french refugee camp. this is known as the jungle. people torched dozens of huts overnight because they were told to move out. leaders say they were prepared for this and firefighters were standing by. french leaders are moving out leave war and poverty. more than 4,000 migrants have left the camp since monday. >> well, the department of defense is facing a lot of pressure right now. the pentagon says about 6500 california guard soldiers have been told to repay the $15,000 or more. audits revealed the cali that includes robert richmond who has survived a road side bomb in iraq. >his irony after 30 years of fighting battles for the united states army, my final battle is fighting against them. >> the white house urges the pentagon to speed up the review and a bill in congress could limit or stop the military's ability to recover the overpayments. >> we are getting a look at a boarder city of tee wan that. >> they are not saying whether they actually reach the united states. the passage is 563-yards or just over a quarter mile long. investigators say it has ventilation and lighting. they have rails apparently used to push loads of drugs. prosecutors found more than two tons of marijuana in packages at the house where the tunnel starts in mexico. >> new from overnight, a close call for a marine pilot. east of l. a. while the pilot ejected without getting hurt. the jet burned. the accident apparently happened during landing and no immediate word on what went wrong. new this morn, dia passenger like the results of the inspection. the airport got a perfect score. the inspection looks at several things. federal inspectors say there's free burritos but they're still having a tough time bringing in new customers. sales have fallen about 22% for the fourth straight quarter. that's worse than the 18.3% drop wall street analyst expected. they're struggling to win back people's trust. >> justin timber lake's voting shelfie is raising questions. advantage of early voting. he posted this picture to instar gram. it's illegal to take pictures or videos inside a polling station in tennessee. they say leaders are thrilled justin can't stop the feeling. they're reminding people to not bring phones inside the polling station. shelfies are illegal in our state as well. take a listen. >when you're in the studio and rocking that lyric, do you write down the words? and then when you tell someone the lyrics, do they go run? >they don't get to do that because i'm the boss. . >> all the guys in the studio raising the roof. just kidding. catch the late, late show. ashton, i see you. >> what's the thing with the hands? >> dance moves. all right. gets go to joel first. we have trouble right now. >> we do. it's a tough drive this morning. this is a new accident at 70th avenue at the bridge over i-25 there. accident blocking off a lane. not the only spot. another accident blocking off the right side of the highway south bound along i-25 along park avenue. we're finally getting these cars moving. it was at a complete stand still. we're going to continue delays and drive times are going to continue to tick up and speeds are going to continue to tick down. look how slow it is as you make your way through commerce city. slow through santa fe and sl south bound along i-225 as well. not effecting, not much different. south bound along i-225 making your way to the tech center. one accident in the one spot that can make a mess for the commute. >> meanwhile, the weather is spectacular. it's a bit chilly as we get the day started. sun will be up here in the 7:22. temperatures 30s and 40s. you'll need a jacket this morning but you don't have to elsewhere around the state 20s and 30s. we compare current temperatures to where we were. 22 degrees cooler at dia. a change you'll notice. later on today it will feel just like yesterday. sunshine all day long. highs in the 70s. 60s for most mountain towns. the midwest where there could be severe weather. the front making its way towards chicago and cleveland. that's why the world series game is moved up a little bit. high pressure dominating the weather all around the weekend. today 74 and tomorrow 80. then we should break a railroad coming up friday with a highway around 81. for the weekend temperatures in the 70s and broncos game sunday. 50s and 60s for trick or treating monday even. >the candy could melt. >> don't put it ,, ,, ,, ,, and unfortunately, congressman coffman isn't, either. donald trump isn't for us. just listen. and as families struggle to make ends meet, coffman voted against equal pay for equal work 11 times. it gets worse. coffman said he would support donald trump for president. and that's all we really need to know. captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is wednesday, october 26 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning.? donald trump takes aim at obama care saying price hikes will only get wnd she reaches out to hispanic voters in an unusual television experience. we will talk with trump campaign manager kellyanne conway. >> a require look inside north korea's capital. how they are trying to portray strength despite harsh sanctions over his nuclear program. >> dierks bentley and elle king interview each other. the pair takes us on a ride to

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