Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 Morning News-6A 20160816 : compare

Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 Morning News-6A 20160816

look at these cameras hiendz behind me. 73, 84 at noon and 8 -- 88 is the high. we're going to shave a few degrees off the high. we have a chance for afternoon thunderstorms. bigger change coming later in the week. it's time for traffic, joel hillan is watching things. hi, joel. >> good morning, no sweat on the drive. take a look no accidents on highway, but volume out there and that's causing slowing. we'll break down the drive time in a bit. >> looking forward to it, joel. firefighters put out a fire at a waste management facility in north frankland. workers were forced to get out. no one hurt. they haven't said how the fire started. law enforcement says they have a major win. they have busted a massive heroin drug jaime leary is here to tell us about. four people have died from overdoses involving heroin overdoses. >> authorities have busted the heroin ring though in denver. details of which they're going to announce just this morning. it took the work of the colorado general's office, the dea's office, denver police and the it involves street level dealers and rick salinger has been documenting the problem in the metro area for years. he visited cherry creek area -- the homeless has worked hand and hand with heroin dealers and despite police action, it has been a difficult problem for the city to clean up. the numbers, four deaths so far from overdoses. clear problem for those struggling with addiction to cleanup and those cracking down are trying to at least on the heroin problem in denver. today, that announcement expected to come here. the colorado judicial building around 11:30 this morning. we're going to keep an eye on that. jaime leary, cbs4 morning news. >> thank you for breaking that down. crews in albert county are trying to get control of a fast moving fire. copter 4 shows us what it looked like late last night. you can see the fire glowing firefighters in agate -- a photo shows what fire crews are dealing along the colorado-wyoming boldin border. this is a fire-nado. a rope of fire. this happens when rising heat and turbulent heat -- it ra border. still 44% contained. and firefighters do not expect to have it fully contained until october. >> when you see images like that you have to say thank you to all the firefighters out there working hard to keep us safe. here's dave with a check on the weather. >> fire-nado's are incredible. you got the heat rolling out of the fire. we see that form with dust devils when you see a hot day and you get it going across the play ground. here's the weather watcher temperatures this morning. g great sleeping weather last night. dawn in johnstown has 54 and you go up the pike here and we have 58 degrees in fort collins from shelby majors and she says she's got a breezy morning going on up there. here's the break down for us today. clear to partly cloudy to start with isolated thunderstorms popping during the course of the afternoon. much like the last several days but it's a shade cooler today. 86 in boulder. still expecting the 70s to return in a few days, which we'll talk about. now let's check traffic with joel hillan who is watching that. any problems? >> on highway we don't have problems at least cars crashing. a stall on i-25 near 23rd. here's a look at copter 4 at -- southbound coming down into town, speeds from the 40s dipping into the 30s. they pick back u 10 minutes from 120th to i-70. i-76 looking great as we take a look at those drive times. eastbound along u.s. 36 may be slowing with speeds into the 40s. we're across the denver-metro area, there's one stall along i-225. we have the ongoing road work at staff and 17th. you can't head northbound for a couple of days while they do utility work. and wide open. you can turn on koa 850 am and 94.1 fm for the latest cbs4 weather and traffic. people are waking up after a deadly police shooting led to rioting. the city introduced a curfew for everyone under 18. it worked. protests turning violent. people burning cars, throwing rocks at police cars. a lot o shot and killed 23-year old smith. police say he had a gun he turned on officers. family members of a faller park county deputy are planning to sue the department of community staff. nate kerrigan died in a shootout while serving an eviction notice. evicting martin worth who previously threatened authorities. kerrigan's parents speak to -- >> they had -- they were aware of this. >> when the men went back into the house -- when the man went back into the house, why didn't they wait. he wasn't going anywhere. why couldn't it wait? my son would be alive. >> sheriff fred wagner told reporters he didn't order a swat team because he didn't think it was necessary. he didn't violent. the lawsuit says wagner and the department were grossly negligent and didn't follow procedures when deputies served the eviction notice. kerrigan's family is suing for 1 million. and deputy martin is $1 million. and deputy martin is seeking $2.5 million. a man accuse -- a judge sentenced connor yesterday. liquor store before threatening sheriff sholent. people may notice a lot of police and firefighters at centennial airport. no cause for alert. it's apart of a disaster drill that will test the airport's emergency planning. this is video from a previous exercise. the exercise is not supposed to impact flights, but people living nearby could notice a lot of emergency vehicles. and you'll see black smoke between 8:00 and 11:00 tonight. colorado are heading to louisiana to deliver food and water to shelters. some rivers are rising. threatening to damage even more homes. 7 people are already dead. crews are rescued 20,000 people. we're hearing from a woman pulled to safety. hailey had just gotten out of the hospital after a surgery. she was on her way to pick up medication when >> the water shot me in the red car into the water and started filling up. filling up. >> her car sunk lower and lower. luckily people were there to get her out of that bad situation. >> i busted open the back, the first thing was to get ahold of her and pull her out. >> i couldn't do it from the boat so i jumped in. i do what i had to do. >> that's amazing to see people helping people. >> they saved her dog, she's now one of thousands taking shelter there. those want to -- police believe this is all gang related there. a group of armed men arrived in a couple of pickup trucks yesterday and kidnapped a group at this upscale restaurant. it's on the city's layer a. the men didn't take tourist. trump will take -- clinton campaigns in pennsylvania for the second day in a row. trump is calling for a temporary suspension of immigration from nations with a history of her or and propose a test for immigrant to gage their american values calling it extreme vetting. there is already questioning during vetting for immigrants. it's unclear what he might additionally do. he blames the rise of hillary clinton. clinton says trump's proposal to fight isis varies by the day. >> she lacks the mental and physical stamina to take on isis. >> he talked about letting syria become a free zone for isis. he's talked about sending ground troops, american ground troops. well, that is off the table as far as i am concerned. away from brain cancer served a year in iraq and the vice president says he wouldn't have allowed his son to serve overseas under a trump presidency. here's what's coming up next, the news on the effectiveness of flu nasal spray. what you want to know. apple hints at the future put your finger to good use. welcome back. weather and traffic on the fours. take a look at this shot if you're getting your breakfast ready. look at the tv. a beautiful shot of sunrise, 6:11. it just happened out there. we have a fresh sunrise going on and there's a lot of sunshine today. 58 degrees downtown right now. speaking of beautiful, there's another beautiful shot here. this is from the flat irons from the royal trail looking at the backside of the flat irons from howard. thanks for that. you reported a shot there. as we start off at 61 in boulevard. 52 in greeley. look at leadville, cold at 38 degrees up there. and susie jay, our morning. we have moderate air quality today. it's a non alert day for us. ads far as the satellite goes, we had a few thunderstorms last night across the southeast. those pushed out leaving partly cloudy skies behind. it's clear from denver to the continental did i individual and another batch much moisture moving up telluride in south western colorado and that moisture will move our way for thunderstorms. you can see showers going on around the four corne. pressure ridge moving in for our thunderstorms today. a little better chance at picking up storms and that shows up on the future cast forecast for us. first by noon in the mountains and they'll pull over the eastern plains. along the palmer divide along lincoln canyon, a better chance of thunderstorms getting going this afternoon and evening. highs today, 80s and 90s across the east. temperatures are just a shade cooler than what we had yesterday here in the northeast. 70s in the mountains and 92 in grand junction today. city. isolated storms this afternoon. same deal tomorrow. and we start a trend of cooling temperatures by thursday. 83 scattered storms. 70s popping back in gear on friday and saturday with a few scattered thunderstorms then as well. a little hint of fall coming in as we head into the weekend, joel. >> not time for those pumpkin spice lattes. >> not yet. >> this is i-225 making your way nort going to see the volume from c-470. southbound looking good. it shows up red. it should be green and this should be a yellow color. that will a jest shortly. speeds dipping down into the 40s and into the 40s. 53 miles-an-hour from 120th to i-70. that's not too bad. 11 minutes from 120th to i-70 . westbound along i-76, it's starting to load up from 88th now. and then as you head eastbound along i-270 seeing we have our mouse cam trap point to go the west. you can see the foothills and headlights making their way into town. getting passed pecos is where it bunches over i 25. we're going to watch that. it's green, but that will turn yellow here shortly. we're seeing the slowing in the northbound direction of i-25 on the approach to i-70. northbound along i-225, c-470 itself, northbound coming into town, not seeing a lot of slowing. no you make your way from arapahoe road to i-225, that's a 7 minute drive with speeds in the 40s. southbound i-225, that's in the 30s by now, but right now, but you're looking at speeds into the 50s. details this morning on a new water proof iphone and olympic medalist may have won gold, but they have to lose money to the tax man. this is the news on wall street this morning. jill wagner is live on the markets will open at a record high this morning. oil prices are rebounding. the dow jumped 59 points and the nasdaq rose 29. futures pointing to a lower open. this is a blow to obama care. edna will stop offering policies in the 15 states it offering. eatna say they lost -- aetna say they losi aren't healthy. iphone filed a patton -- apple files tons of pattons and not all of them come into fusion. u.s. olympic medalist can't beat uncle sam. athletes who are medals get cash. they're subject to tax. britt. >> just when you think they've won everything, i guess they're not immune to the tax man. >> it doesn't mat er how fast you run, you cannot ex scape the irs. there's an arrest in the excuse style shooting of a new york imam and his assistance. policeay killed kaomjee and uddin. they were able to track him down because he ran down a cycle. there's nothing out yet on a motive. california police have a man in custody right now accused of starting a wild fire still burning in northern california. officers say damon is responsible for numerous fires over the past year including one in the town of lower lake, through homes there. the clayton fire broke out over the weekend destroying hundreds of homes north of san francisco. thousands had to evacuate. there was an applause when word of this arrest happened. advance walker has torn his acl and expected to miss the entire season now. the injury happened on the first play during team drills yesterday. you have to look for jared or rookie adam to stepp absence. coming up, romi bean is going to update us in the quarterback races. >> walker just come back from a back injury. nasal sprays are just as effective as flu shots for kids. the finding in canada challenged the cdc's recommendation not to use the nadzal spray after from a trial involving 1200 children. if you're just joining us, it feels cooler outside at 58 degrees. let's check on the weather watchers. >> hi, weather watchers reporting temperatures in the 50s on the satellite, we're welcome back. weather and traffic on the fours. this is your travel forecast if you're going anywhere across the nation. here's what it looks like. let's start with going to be nice and cool 70 degrees. you get into the mid-section and 80s like kansas city. it's going to be hot -- 96 in dc and you factor in the humidity. almost unbearable. here in denver, we're looking at 88 for the high and a few isolated thunderstorms popping this afternoon. let's check traffic with joel hillan watching things. >> here's a drive-thru the tech center. down. we're going to drive out to dia, we're watching southbound coming into town. patchy spots, which is typical this time of day. i-70 itself, inbound along pena boulevard, you're going to have company on that drive, but nothing to slow you down. the a-line running on time. a record-breaking week for firearms found in airports across the country. tsa agents august 5th to august 11th. of those, 68 were loaded. 21 had a round in the chamber. agents say travelers say they forgot they had weapons with them. thousands in denver have the chance to get free eye care this week. the eyes of hope van wants to help people see better by providing free exams and eye care. organizers teamed up with local optometrist to make it happen. >> i had several first tim eye exam and never had glasses, so this could get them to be able to see. >> the van can be found at the pena southwest family health care center until thursday. that's located on federal boulevard. the and exams the exams -- and the exams are first come first serve. a video comes from alaska. the bear and three cubs were hunts for salmon when one went over the water fall. mom had to jump into action and she got the bears back to safety. >> unbelievable video. but mom is always save the day, don't they. >> they always do. the new warning when it cups to using a common drug -- when it comes to using a common drug. over a million ears of corn are picked a day here in olathe, colorado. and i'm glad we have a senator who uses his ears to listen to what's most important to colorado farmers. michael bennet asked what he could do to help, and then worked with republicans to make a farm bill the thing that impresses me most about michael bennet: we don't always agree, but he values our input. and i do trust michael bennet to look out for us. this is the news at 6:30 this tuesday morning. here's a look from our brand new roof top camera which shows the start to the day and the sunrise casting beautiful orange and blues. students are heading back to class today at adams 12 five star schools, congratulations, everybody. sorry to tell you the summer is wrapping up. >> i don't know if congratulations works for kids going back to school. >> maybe congrats to the parents. >> dave aguilera with the weather. >> i guess it depends on what grade you're going to. mostly clear and check out the temperatures we have for you going on this morning. 46 in 57 in englewood and 56 in stapleton to start off this morning. as we go through the day now, here's the break down for us. it should be 73 at 9:00 a.m. not as hot. 83 at noon. 88 should be the high with partly cloudy skies this afternoon. we'll have a few thunderstorms kicking in gear. a better chance of storms today. a 20% chance. joel, how does the traffic situation look this morning? >> we're seeing slowing volume related. i-70 to 120th. >> thank you, joel. breaking news now. crews are mopping up a wild fire in boulder county. they say was started by a power line issue. just after midnight, emergency crews went to the 1300-block of logan mill road to check on the flames. xcel energy cut off power to those lines near the area to help threatened. that's the good thing. so far, a 4th of an acre has been burned, but crews are going to look closer once the sun is fully up. some people may need to review their bank account statements for suspicious activity. hotel operate hei says 20 properties across the united states may have been hacked. mallware may have collected those information. collected from december 26th, 2015, through april 10th of this year. the wet earn snow mass resort is the only colorado hotel effected. researchers are looking closely at the active ingredient at tylenol. it links childhood behavior problems to those mother -- john of pediatrics posted -- they found 5% of the children h and hyperactivity problems. doctors sherry ross says it's not a large number, but she's taking notice. >> it gives us a reason to pause and reminding patients anything taken during pregnancy could be a problem. >> dr. sherry says -- it's safe for pregnant women to use, but should be taken only when necessary to minimize risks. a cooler morning to the here's dave. >> yes, man, i don't know if you open your windows last night when sleeping, but we had a great sleeping night. 58 degrees and lovely shot this morning from our library cam. there's the sun popping up. sunrise at 6:11. we're in it this morning. 6 in akron. 55 in boulevard -- 66 in akron and 55 in boulder. palm romero at 58 this morning. we have a non alert day, moderate air quality out there. the air we had thunderstorms out over eastern colorado. those pushed out leaving behind a few clouds this morning, and then you see a batch of moisture coming into the san juans mountain. there's a little disturbance pushing under the high pressure ridge with moisture. we'll have a little better chance of picking up thunderstorms this afternoon than we did yesterday. still a 20% chance, but that's better than nothing. here we go. by noon, thunderstorms popping n eastern plains. could have big ones along the palm divide into the lincoln county area. most of north eastern colorado cooler than yesterday and 70s in the mountains primarily -- 88 degrees. isolated storms later this afternoon and same cooler as we head into the thursday timeframe with 83. it does a number on the temperatures and drops into the 70s and a better chance of getting measurable rain and joel, as evidence the last couple of days, we're dry out there, so rain would be good to get that fire danger out of here. >> you can get that over my yard. >> just your yard only. >> here's copter 4 traveling trying to make your way from aurora, denver into commerce city. you have plenty of company doing that along this drive this morning and that's typical this time of day. southbound coming into town, speeds dipping into the 20s as you get passed 104th due to the volume we have out there the northbound direction in the 50s and 60s. 12 minutes from 120th to i-70. slow in the usual spots. here's our mouse cam trap, it's pointed to the east as you go over to i-25 along i-n especially slow and we're seeing that develop along here and northbound along i-225 as well. southbound along i-225 running heavy. this is where copter was. it looks like there's an accident or trouble spot, but it slows down in the westbound direction. c-470 still nice and wide open. c-470 a nice and wide open drive. there's a lot of repair work before school starts in jefferson county. deputies more than 20 classroom windows and glass doors there. things are boarded up. shawn chitnis live with the story this morning. shawn. >>reporter: alan, school is goio start on monday, so of course staff has their work cut out as they get ready for that start of the new school year to take care of those windows and doors that were damaged over the weekend by what authority was saying are two teenagers that were responsible for it. in all, the damage is more than they heard someone breaking glass and some banging noises early on saturday morning, so they called up deputies saying they saw two people on the south side of the building wearing black. the jefferson county sheriff's office arrived at the school around 6:00 and found two teenage boys between 13 and 16 on campus. investigators said each had a 6-foot long silver pipe, but the two teenage boys dropped them and ran off. in the video you can see the boarded off. staff are working to get school ready by next week when it will open up. investigators are trying to find those teenage boys, so if you have information that can help them in looking for those two, you're asked to contact the jefferson county sheriff's office. live in myrtle town, shawn chitnis, cbs4 morning news. happening tonight, leaders in vail will talk about raising the lift ticket tax to -- the town would create more parking for people and leaders want to put that change on the november ballot. vail's mayor knows the proposal for upping lift ticket taxes is not viewed fondly by everyone. >> it would greatly effect the consumer one way or another and guest and locals alike. it's across the board with that. >> vail already has a 4% lift tax. the funds go into the the new tax would double that starting next year if passed by voters. the vail town council is looking for public input on the proposal. you can go to -- we have the vegas hotel coming down. >> crews blew it up for the convention center. the property closed last year. there was a lot of dust after that came down last night. coming up next, today we're expecting to learn about a big break on a heroin ring in denver. and we're hearing from a man who helped save a woman from her sinking car in louisiana. the broncos will soon share the practice field, but the big quarterback. i'll break down how each prospect measures up, next. the same thing has been rough for the rockies is probably putting it nicely. entering yesterday, the club lost 9 of its last 11 games and the two best teams in the mainly ors are coming to coors field. starting against the washington nationals. rockies would take an early 2-1 lead. blackman named the nl reason why. he's been red hot. add another home run-on to his total, and that's 20 for the season. that would tie things at 3. rockies led 4-3 in the 6th. we've seen this movie before. de la rosa gives up a home run shot. we're tied at 4 and in the 7th it got worse. harper with the go ahead rbi and that game welcome back. weather and traffic on the fours. man oh man, what a great morning. a great sleeping weather. i don't know if you sleep with your window opens. temperatures in the 50s. clear and sun is coming up. let's look at temperatures. weather watchers reporting mostly 50s and 40s. those guys. new folks reporting. shelby majors at 58 degrees this morning. we take you down south down in -- randy clark coming in at 44 degrees. here's the future cast. we'll have clear to partly cloudy skies this morning. isolated thunderstorms this afternoon. a little better chance than yesterday. a 20% chance and then once we get into the end of the week, the chances start to go up along with cooler temperatures. 88 in fort collins. joel hillan is checking traffic. i would imagine everybody is facing big, bright sunshine in their face this morning, huh. >> the eastbound routes really sizzling on the retina. don't forget the sun glasses. we're from the copter 4, live pictures and you can see i-70 to i-225 exactly what dave is talking about in the be direction. look at the harsh shadows. we have an accident in the eastbound direction of i-70 near through jansey there. it's slowing down a bit find that as well as folks come around that curb. we're a controls the denver-metro area and we've got some -- we have slowing along the denver-metro area. britt. >> joel, thank you. sadly, heroin use seems to be prevalent on the cherry creek bike path in denver. you may have seen it out there, users on the trail. but now the problem could soon multiple agencies are revealing a big win in the war against drugs. jaime leary is live in denver with that story. hi, jaime. >>reporter: good morning, britt. this morning, the colorado attorney general along with the dea, denver police and other agencies will announce the a combination of a major heroin bust. they say it involves bust from everyone on the street level to high level distribution. according to the denver coroner's office, four this year. cbs4 investigative reporter rick salinger has been documenting this problem for years and yesterday he visited the cherry creek bike path where it's not hard to see what's going on. you can spot used syringes and homeless have been working hand and hand with the dealers. despite police action, it has been a difficult problem for the city to clean up. details on this bust are expected to be announced this morning right here at the colorado judicial building. we're going to keep an eye o supposedly the charges just at the state level, but again 11:30 and we'll be here for that announcement. jaime leary, live. air support could get help. crews trying to fight a fast moving fire in albert county. copter 4 shows us what it looked like last night. this was named the basin fire and it has burned -- damian is accused of starting numerous fires over the past year and a half. this includes one that burned through the town of lower lake, california over the weekend. it destroyed 175 buildings and homes. >> you know, i haven't quite you know, lost it yet over the whole thing. you know. my whole life was inside that building there. >> the fire started saturday afternoon. crews are worried send burning ambers flying. quiet in milwaukee after rioting from the deadly police shooting over the weekend. the city's curfew for everyone under the age of 18 worked. officers dealt with scenes like this. protests turned violent and people burned cars and through rocks at police. a lot of people in the community are upset after a police officer shot and killed 23-year old and wouldn't put it down. a deputy is pursuing a lawsuit. nate kerrigan died in a shootout in bailey. homeowner martin worth refused to make payments and he threatened authorities. the sheriff said he did not order a swat team because he didn't think it was necessary. the lawsuit claims wagner was grossly didn't follow procedures. kerrigan's family is suing for $1 million in damages and another deputy wounded martin is asking for $2.5 million. the danger is far from over in parts of louisiana. portions of some rivers in that state are still rising this morning. red teams from colorado are coming in to help. 7 people died so far in flooding. take a look. the flood waters in baton rouge over roadways. he tried to save homes. >> we're going to stay until the bloody end and if it knocks us down, we're going to rebuilt. >> we're learning more about the incredible water rescues. a good samaritan jumps into the water to save a woman trapped inside her car. the car is completely submerged in flood waters. >> i couldn't do it from the boat so i jumped i do what i had to do. >> i was thankful. i'm thankful and blessed. >> that was close. crews have rescued more than 22,000 people since the flooding began on friday. 15 guantanamo -- that's the single largest transfer since president obama took office. these inmates includes those from afghanistan and yemen. down detainees at the u.s. prison in cuba. trump is looking to regain momentum after laying out his anti-terror plan. he spoke from ohio. trump says he wants to keep people with radical views from entering the country. hillary clinton who campaigned -- she'll campaign again today in the keystone state. colorado votersre decide whether terminally sick people can take prescriptions to end their lives. the medical aid and dying measure has enough signatures to make it onto the ballot. two physicians have to agree that a person is terminally ill has 6 months or less to live and at least 18 and mentally competent. the measure have failed twice. people have -- asure have failed twice. people have -- officials september. the problem effects about 3500 people in montrose county. let's look live in rio as the u.s. has 75 medals including 26 gold. we're ahead of everybody else. american gymnast simone biles could earn her 4th olympic gold when she compete in the floor exercise today. a photo finish in the women's -- watch this happen. this is shawnee he fell across the finish line and ended up winning the gold medal of american -- america's allison felix. olympic owe firps says miller's torso finished before felix so she was declared the winner. >> you feel for both runners. the broncos will have a she has a closer look at what's happening with the quarterback situation. romi, what do you have? >>reporter: there's 23 days until the regular season opener. the broncos hasn't picked a starting quarterback. coach gary kubiak may have all the information he needs because mark sanchez and trevor won't just be throwing passes against the broncos defense in practice this week. the broncos will work against the san francisco 49ers for 2 days this week and the two teams will play on saturday. so w d call? for mark sanchez, cut down on turnovers. sanchez through three interceptions in practice last week that would have been returned for touchdowns had they happened in games. he threw a pick in the broncos first pre-season game last thursday. he continues to make mistakes at times when plays get extended and he forces a throw, rather than throw the ball away. for trevor, step forward. he has made fewer can handle the leadership portion of the john. he's got to prove he can be the alpha on the offense. broncos usually play their starters into the third quarter of the third pre-season game which means all signs point to gary kubiak making a decision by the end of this week. >> let's talk about morale because i understand there was a scuffle on the field, a flag thrown, sanders and -- what happened out there. >> the are two prominent players. gary kubiak said these guys are tired of playing against each other. it's great that the san francisco 49er will be here and the broncos won't have to go head to head. things are getting heated. >> you're hitting your own guy. i understand how that's a problem. >> the testosterone is up. on thursday on cbs4 morning and weekdays from 3:00 to 7:00 on sports 760. dave aguilera as we start weather every tens on the fours. >> it's not football weather. it's a warm one. not as hot as yesterday, but it will be up there. here's a live look as we zoom from our roof top camera. 58 degrees. beautiful shot here from debbie in alamosa. look at the cloud cover. there's a little rainbow. a little faint rainbow peeking throu temperatures in alamosa, 56 degrees. 51 in meeker. 55 at the airport. orlando , is a weather watcher in west littleton and he has 54. satellite and radar shows moisture coming in across the san juan mountains. that will be a moisture available for thunderstorms this afternoon with a little disturbance moving in across the four corners area under high pressure in place. showers and thunderstorms this afternoon, first in the mountains by noon and they'll later today. high today is 88 degrees with isolated thunderstorms this afternoon. same thing tomorrow. a little cooler on thursday with a better chance of rain. and then a much better chance of rain with scattered storms on friday and saturday and joel, we're looking at 70s by the end of the week >> dave, a traffic alert i want to show you. these pictures from copter 4. this is a terrible accident that is completely blocked off the eastbound direction of i-70. this is as you're getting passed evergreen there and i know you're coming down the those spots and the sunshine glares in your eyes. copter 4 pans out a little bit, you'll see the police have the entire interstate blocked off in the eastbound direction. that is going to be a tough drive. let me show you where this is at on the map as you're coming around the corner. this line of purple shows the blocked traffic. that's a tough part of the commute as you're trying to make your way out of the high country. i want to show you spot and you can see your drive this morning. >> red and irritated.,,,, ,,,, david was proud to be an american soldier. there is not a day that i don't think about david. when i saw donald trump attack another gold star mother, i felt such a sense of outrage. 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