Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 Morning News-530A 20161014 : compa

Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 Morning News-530A 20161014

it's on i-25. castle rock to the dtc. the bridges have some delays northbound between 225 and university. but the bridges to downtown are looking nice and wide open for now. i'll give you your full look at the denver metro traffic picture coming up. let's talk about the dark cloud looming over us this morning. a road loss for the broncos as the team could not get anything going until later on in the game. plus, we have another injury to talk about to an offensive struggling to keep their quarterback safe. we learned overnight russell okung was taken to the hospital after that game due to a concussion. he did tweet out, though, "thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. all good ." chargers beat the broncos 21-13. here's a look at the plays of the game as denver falls to 4-2 and out of first place in the rivers takes the pass, throws to the end zone. caught, touchdown san diego. >> the chargers on their 12th play will go ahead and score first here. >> during the play, holding in the end zone, offense, 76. that results in a safety. >> inside the five, cj anderson to the end zone, touchdown denver. >> a penalty flag in the back field. that is a confirm of extraordinary magnitude. f0 >> coming up, a closer look broncos. city of denver could use a rarely enforced law to try to shut down permanently a bar. it would mean -- shawn chitness is live. >> reporter: quite the change from monday morning when we were talking about having a shooting outside this bar and now on friday the bar will be by the city. again, they were saying because this is going to be considered a public health risk, they need to shut down the bar. it was sunday night into monday morning that denver police were here with detectives taking a look at bullet holes along 27th street, which was just outside of the cold crush bar. one man died in that shooting and another was seriously injured. the city could file a public nuisance case within the next 10 days. for now, e been suspended. they'll be looking into whether there was illegal activity. while some say the bar made them worry about living in the neighborhood, others are concerned it was unfairlily singled out. >> i think this is a sense there was targeting going on because it is a black owned business and there tend to be black patrons here. >> always drama and fights especially on sunday nights. most of the time you can't get to the alley. i have a hard time getting into get in touch with the owners of this business for their comment on the situation. investigators will now have 15 days before they move forward on that liquor license suspension. again, for now, the bar is closed. live in denver, shawn chitness, cbs4 morning news. dry conditions in colorado are extending the fire season. yesterday a family in parker got a close call with a brush fire. here's our andrea flores. >> when mother nature wants to give you a it. brian and his daughter, lindsey, say they have a lot to be thankful for after flames came dangerously close to their home. >> initially when you hear that, you're saying, oh, it can't be that close, and so i wasn't too worried about it. >> reporter: but panic set in when they found firefighters in their back yard. >> then i came out here and i saw it's literally like a foot away from my fence and my back yard. i was really scared. dog home alone. the fire started around 3:00 thursday and worked it's way up a hill towards five homes near rain tree circle. >> with the small breeze and the warm temperatures and extremely dry fuel and the slope, the wildfire was able to pick up momentum. >> reporter: but crews quickly stopped the fire in its tracks. >> i feel really blessed. colorado is a dry area, and you wouldn't think there would be a fire in october, but it can happen any time, anywhere. the fire serves as a good reminder that wildfire season can last all year long. now the family is grateful crews kept them out of harm's way. >> thank you because you saved my house, family. just thank you for all your hard work. >> it is dry. andrea flores reporting there how dry it is. ashton is going to tell us how warm we're going to get. good morning. >> how about record heat today? the mountains will be far above normal. colorado. checking in with our cbs4's weather watchers, jeff in burlington reporting 48. that's mild to start the day. a little colder in greeley. weld county you're at 37 now. boulder is at 52. meanwhile, leadville is at 30. here's what you can expect at the bus stop this morning. not as chilly as it was yesterday morning. frankly, it will be mild for an october morning. 50 at the bus stop. the record as it stands now for we expect to at least tie that record. the weekend won't be as warm, but it doesn't exactly cool down. now let's check in with joe. >> reporter: good morning. here's a look at 6th avenue now. you can see speeds dipping into about the 50s and 60s. it will take you 2 minutes to get from i-70 to simms and 6 minutes from simms to i-25 along 6th avenue. as we take a look at the rest of the picture, we have slowing down eastbound c-470 at yosemite. accidents or stalls to report this morning. i know the broncos lost, try to drive nicely. we are now 25 days to the general election and the trump campaign is sharpening its attacks on the clinton campaign. >> trump continues to deny a series of sexual assaults against him. now he says the media and clinton are part of a conspiracy against him. hena daniels has the latest. >> reporter: trump spent sexual assault allegations leveled against him by several women this week. he took particularly aim at one of them. a writer for "people" magazine who says he forcibly kissed her during an interview at his florida estate in 2005. >> look at her, look at her words. you tell me what you think. i don't think so. >> reporter: yesterday, melania the article. >> these attacks are orchestrated by the clintons and their media allies. >> this is disgraceful. it is intolerable. >> reporter: the first lady issued her most searing attack yet of the republican nominee. >> no woman deserved to be treated this way. none of us deserves this kind of abuse. >> reporter: in a pretaped interview for the ellen show, clinton reacted to recent developments in the trump campaign. >> there's a lot that many levels, but i don't want anybody to think this election is over, because it's been so unpredictable up until now that i'm not taking anything for granted. >> reporter: clinton's campaign continued to be dogged by hacking yesterday, as wikileaks published more e-mails that links to her campaign. some exchanges revealed tension between top aides and issues how to deal with the e-mail scandal. to authenticate the leaked e- mails, even saying some may be fakes. today clinton holds a fundraiser in seattle. trump holds two events in north carolina. he comes to colorado tuesday. now 56 degrees in denver. >> still to come, new hurricane taking aim at bermuda and hitting hard. we're going to show you one man's fight with the wind. the denver broncos fall to 4-2 after a loss last night. coming what went wrong and what's cancer has been linked to a higher rate of dementia. this is the stunning news in health this morning. about half a million men are currently using testosterone lowering drugs as cancer therapy. a study finds they're twice as likely to develop dementia within five years. doctors are having better success in treating breast cancer. a new study shows the death rate for white 1.9% between 2010 and 2014. so that was down 1.5% for african-americans. researchers think the improvements are due to better education about screening and treatment. there's new evidence now that obesity may be linked to an increase in liver cancer. researchers at the american cancer society studied three factors of obesity and found high body mass, increased waist diabetes were strongly linked to an increased risk for liver cancer. plenty of options for live music this weekend around town. bret saunders breaks it down in our cbs4 concert calendar. >> how about some cake this weekend. the quirky band from sacramento, california, returns to colorado two nights. they've been around 25 years. it's been a great run, with roll lifestyle and the distance. boulder theater, friday and saturday. ? got to work and deserve it, earn it to own it ? >> there's a free show sunday, civic center park, with g love and special sauce. rap and soul and funk music. a free concert, part of the denver rock and roll half marathon. sunday morning, civic center park. find out about these shows and you about this story. the first spinoff film to the star wars series is set to open in december, and it's a stand- alone movie focused on a young girl and her part in rebellion against darth vader. >> we have hope. rebellions are built on hope. they have no idea we're coming. the force is strong. >> make 10 men feel like 100. >> we'll take the next chance. and the ne. >> save the rebellion! >> rogue one lands in theaters december 16th. video showing a man trying to stand in a hurricane force winds and rain in bermuda. hurricane nicole wiped across the islands yesterday. kevin pearson stood in the midst of that category 3 storm. downed trees, downed power lines. boats broke away from docks. there is a lot of bermuda this morning. ashton, i don't want to lecture people, because we don't have hurricanes here, but not something you want to do. >> no. dumb. very, very dumb. because of flying debris. that's always the biggest concern when you're in a hurricane. long ago i worked in mississippi and i was in a hurricane that had 140-mile-per- hour winds. the wind blew the contacts out of my eyes. i was blind. >> intense. >> yeah, it was intense. environments anymore. 52 wheat ridge. in the mountains temperatures are in the 30s, including 35 in aspen. 34 in avon. 48 in burlington. we'll get close to 90 degrees for many areas on the eastern plains later on. along the front rae we'll be well into the 80s. high country locations will be in the 60s and 70s. a few clouds in the western slope. looks like they're moving toward us. they'll be unsuccessful because of a big ridge of high pressure that will keep us sunny big storm system in the pacific northwest, it's going to drench washington, oregon and northern california. but that storm will go north of us. so no rain or mountain snow in the forecast for the weekend. here's the futurecast, i'll pause at midnight tonight. a couple of clouds. partly cloudy tonight. it will be mild, almost warm, frankly, for a friday evening. looks great for any plans you have. on sunday you can see some rain and snow to the northwest of us. through the weekend. it's also the rock 'n roll half marathon this weekend. warm temperatures for that event. next tuesday, cold front comes through. we drop into the 60s. let's get a check on traffic with joe. >> reporter: good morning. here's a look at 225 and yosemite, facing southbound. as you can see a little bit past that is dtc boulevard. you'll see quite a bit of slowdowns there because of that merge to i-25. it's slowing down this time southbound coming into town. speeds dipping into about the 50s or so. it will take nine minutes from 120th to i-70. as we take a look at the metro wide picture, we have only one offhighway problem which is a reported water main break at 16th in lewis over in lakewood. joe, thank you very much. some airlines are adding new fire suppression equipment to flights to protect people from the risk of tablets and cell latest. >> reporter: airlines are going the extra mile to prevent disaster. at least three u.s. carriers are stocking their fleets with fire containment bags. >> well, we got smoke in the cabin, could you send the emergency equipment over here? >> reporter: the threat was underscored by reports of samsung phones overheating, prompting a world wide recall and permanent production. ryan greene's samsung caught fire, forcing the evacuation of a southwest airlines flight. >> i heard some popping that sounded like a ziploc popping open, and looked around to see what that was and there was smoke pouring out of my pocket. >> reporter: even before the recall, the faa took the unusual step of warning passengers not to use or charge the devices while on board or stow them in checked luggage. this is the bright red bag its 219 planes. it's made of fire resistant material and designed to hold portable electronic devices should they overheat or catch fire. virgin has also added the bags to 60 of its jets. delta said it plans to install the bags which can withstand temperatures up to 3200 degrees fahrenheit to all of its flights by next year. hena niels, cbs news. broncos now, they days to prepare for the return of brock osweiler and the texas ans, a monday night game. >> the tell me has to recover from back to back losses. romi bean is here to discuss what went wrong yesterday. good morning, it's a tough start. >> good morning. it's always harder to get up after a loss. after an emotional week that saw their head coach go to the hospital, the denver broncos in a mistake filled loss to the san diego chargers. with gary kubiak watching back in denver, the broncos' defense allowed 10 first quarter points. the team had 12 penalties to go with two fumbles. it was the second consecutive loss, who saw their 15-game road win streak in the division snap. when they went at half, had a mess to clean up. they were down 10-3 to the chargers. the broncos' defense had given up 173 yards and the chargers' offense had the ball for more than 20 minutes out of the 30 minutes of play. the broncos even got a turnover at the san diego's 11-yard line, but only managed a field goal. by the end of the third quarter, the broncos' offense had just 77 passing yards. it was clear kubiak was not on the sidelines. the broncos lacked energy early and they didn't make become acustomed to seeing until too little, too late rally in the fourth quarter. benny fowler told our mark haas after the game that the loss had nothing to do with the short week or kubiak not being there, but it's hard to deny things were different without kubiak. >> we don't make excuses. that's not the reason why we lost. we have -- we can't beat ourselves. we're not blaming the short week or coach kubiak, we have to be better than that. >> reporter: what do you hit the reset button, maybe refresh a little bit and you have the texans in 10 days? >> put this game behind us, learn from it and play who we are. >> whoever coaching us and whoever out there playing quarterback for us, you know, we believe in them for the utmost. we have to make plays and win games. >> it's hard to deny kubiak has some things to address when we returns to -- he returns to come to nver monday night. six days after that they will see the chargers again, this time at home in the mile high city. >> boy, there's so much. thank goodness they have all that time. where do you start? >> so many places to start. first of all, we have to look at injuries. sanders left the game questionable return with a hip injury. it looks like, excuse me, russell okung was doing better. people think it may have been a we're waiting on that. as far as the defense, they have no answers so far for tight ends or runningbacks and they've been exploited the past two weeks. we need to solve that. >> everything seemed a little off today. romi, thank you for the breakdown. >> putting the blame where it belongs, you and britt not wearing orange. >> he went there. ,, before donald trump, there was mike coffman. before trump said women should be punished for having an abortion, coffman wrote a bill to redefine rape, which could exclude women who were drugged. of u.s. soldiers. and on president obama? trump: he could have been born in kenya. coffman: he's just not an american. stop mike coffman now before he gives trump more ideas. house majority pac is responsible we are about an hour and a half away from our official sunrise this morning. that will be at 7:09. we will have a lot of sunshine today, not only in denver but really throughout the state of colorado. checking on our cbs4 weather watcher on the western slope, david barry, 44 degrees out that way. in johnstown don reporting 38. it's a relatively mild start to the day. we are expecting a record high temperature this afternoon. let's get a check on the traffic with here's a look at the drive from southbound 225. it will take about 3 minutes to head southbound from parker road to i-25. as we take a look at the rest of the metro wide picture, we have slowdowns northbound i-25 at around highway 36. alan, we are still working that offhighway incident, it's a reported water main break at 16th and lewis. joe, thanks a lot. a sign that's lit up controversy for a long time in a sandwich shop in down. even that is causing controversy. the former restaurant owner posted a piece of paper long ago that read, this is america. when ordering speak english. it was posted for a decade and it caused even controversy across the country. the former owner has since passed away, but spoke passionately about that sign in 2007. >> you can learn 100 languages. i have no problem with that. but here this sign is also telling you, here we only speak shop after he passed away and he has now removed the sign. he said they want to honor his father's traditions, but it's time to move on from the controversy. this morning 56 degrees in denver. and we are coming close to some record high temperatures this weekend. unbelievable. >> incredible weather story coming up. ashton is all over that. plus, still ahead, a week ago the broncos were on top of plus, this, a new zika warning in florida. i'm sick to my stomach, man. it's sickening. >> cch sick and so do a lot of broncos' fans. a fall from first. we have reaction and a look ahead. >> they didn't look like the team we know and love. we have a live look from copter 4 it's over u.s. 36 and i-25, peering down on traffic that seems to be moving just fine. we're looking ahead to a warm weekend with highs in the 80s. we are flirting with record highs, everybody. thanks for joining us. happy friday. there's the silver lining.

Related Keywords

Leadville , Colorado , United States , North Carolina , Center Park , Florida , Texas , Castle Rock , California , San Diego , Oregon , Washington , Seattle , Mississippi , Kenya , Burlington , Weld County , Sacramento , Boulder , Bermuda , Texans , Americans , America , American , David Barry , Mike Coffman , Ryan Greene Samsung , Hena Niels , Andrea Flores , Gary Kubiak , Hena Daniels , Kevin Pearson , Denver Metro , Benny Fowler , Britt Moreno , Cj Anderson , Bret Saunders ,

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Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 Morning News-530A 20161014 :

Transcripts For KCNC CBS4 Morning News-530A 20161014

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it's on i-25. castle rock to the dtc. the bridges have some delays northbound between 225 and university. but the bridges to downtown are looking nice and wide open for now. i'll give you your full look at the denver metro traffic picture coming up. let's talk about the dark cloud looming over us this morning. a road loss for the broncos as the team could not get anything going until later on in the game. plus, we have another injury to talk about to an offensive struggling to keep their quarterback safe. we learned overnight russell okung was taken to the hospital after that game due to a concussion. he did tweet out, though, "thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. all good ." chargers beat the broncos 21-13. here's a look at the plays of the game as denver falls to 4-2 and out of first place in the rivers takes the pass, throws to the end zone. caught, touchdown san diego. >> the chargers on their 12th play will go ahead and score first here. >> during the play, holding in the end zone, offense, 76. that results in a safety. >> inside the five, cj anderson to the end zone, touchdown denver. >> a penalty flag in the back field. that is a confirm of extraordinary magnitude. f0 >> coming up, a closer look broncos. city of denver could use a rarely enforced law to try to shut down permanently a bar. it would mean -- shawn chitness is live. >> reporter: quite the change from monday morning when we were talking about having a shooting outside this bar and now on friday the bar will be by the city. again, they were saying because this is going to be considered a public health risk, they need to shut down the bar. it was sunday night into monday morning that denver police were here with detectives taking a look at bullet holes along 27th street, which was just outside of the cold crush bar. one man died in that shooting and another was seriously injured. the city could file a public nuisance case within the next 10 days. for now, e been suspended. they'll be looking into whether there was illegal activity. while some say the bar made them worry about living in the neighborhood, others are concerned it was unfairlily singled out. >> i think this is a sense there was targeting going on because it is a black owned business and there tend to be black patrons here. >> always drama and fights especially on sunday nights. most of the time you can't get to the alley. i have a hard time getting into get in touch with the owners of this business for their comment on the situation. investigators will now have 15 days before they move forward on that liquor license suspension. again, for now, the bar is closed. live in denver, shawn chitness, cbs4 morning news. dry conditions in colorado are extending the fire season. yesterday a family in parker got a close call with a brush fire. here's our andrea flores. >> when mother nature wants to give you a it. brian and his daughter, lindsey, say they have a lot to be thankful for after flames came dangerously close to their home. >> initially when you hear that, you're saying, oh, it can't be that close, and so i wasn't too worried about it. >> reporter: but panic set in when they found firefighters in their back yard. >> then i came out here and i saw it's literally like a foot away from my fence and my back yard. i was really scared. dog home alone. the fire started around 3:00 thursday and worked it's way up a hill towards five homes near rain tree circle. >> with the small breeze and the warm temperatures and extremely dry fuel and the slope, the wildfire was able to pick up momentum. >> reporter: but crews quickly stopped the fire in its tracks. >> i feel really blessed. colorado is a dry area, and you wouldn't think there would be a fire in october, but it can happen any time, anywhere. the fire serves as a good reminder that wildfire season can last all year long. now the family is grateful crews kept them out of harm's way. >> thank you because you saved my house, family. just thank you for all your hard work. >> it is dry. andrea flores reporting there how dry it is. ashton is going to tell us how warm we're going to get. good morning. >> how about record heat today? the mountains will be far above normal. colorado. checking in with our cbs4's weather watchers, jeff in burlington reporting 48. that's mild to start the day. a little colder in greeley. weld county you're at 37 now. boulder is at 52. meanwhile, leadville is at 30. here's what you can expect at the bus stop this morning. not as chilly as it was yesterday morning. frankly, it will be mild for an october morning. 50 at the bus stop. the record as it stands now for we expect to at least tie that record. the weekend won't be as warm, but it doesn't exactly cool down. now let's check in with joe. >> reporter: good morning. here's a look at 6th avenue now. you can see speeds dipping into about the 50s and 60s. it will take you 2 minutes to get from i-70 to simms and 6 minutes from simms to i-25 along 6th avenue. as we take a look at the rest of the picture, we have slowing down eastbound c-470 at yosemite. accidents or stalls to report this morning. i know the broncos lost, try to drive nicely. we are now 25 days to the general election and the trump campaign is sharpening its attacks on the clinton campaign. >> trump continues to deny a series of sexual assaults against him. now he says the media and clinton are part of a conspiracy against him. hena daniels has the latest. >> reporter: trump spent sexual assault allegations leveled against him by several women this week. he took particularly aim at one of them. a writer for "people" magazine who says he forcibly kissed her during an interview at his florida estate in 2005. >> look at her, look at her words. you tell me what you think. i don't think so. >> reporter: yesterday, melania the article. >> these attacks are orchestrated by the clintons and their media allies. >> this is disgraceful. it is intolerable. >> reporter: the first lady issued her most searing attack yet of the republican nominee. >> no woman deserved to be treated this way. none of us deserves this kind of abuse. >> reporter: in a pretaped interview for the ellen show, clinton reacted to recent developments in the trump campaign. >> there's a lot that many levels, but i don't want anybody to think this election is over, because it's been so unpredictable up until now that i'm not taking anything for granted. >> reporter: clinton's campaign continued to be dogged by hacking yesterday, as wikileaks published more e-mails that links to her campaign. some exchanges revealed tension between top aides and issues how to deal with the e-mail scandal. to authenticate the leaked e- mails, even saying some may be fakes. today clinton holds a fundraiser in seattle. trump holds two events in north carolina. he comes to colorado tuesday. now 56 degrees in denver. >> still to come, new hurricane taking aim at bermuda and hitting hard. we're going to show you one man's fight with the wind. the denver broncos fall to 4-2 after a loss last night. coming what went wrong and what's cancer has been linked to a higher rate of dementia. this is the stunning news in health this morning. about half a million men are currently using testosterone lowering drugs as cancer therapy. a study finds they're twice as likely to develop dementia within five years. doctors are having better success in treating breast cancer. a new study shows the death rate for white 1.9% between 2010 and 2014. so that was down 1.5% for african-americans. researchers think the improvements are due to better education about screening and treatment. there's new evidence now that obesity may be linked to an increase in liver cancer. researchers at the american cancer society studied three factors of obesity and found high body mass, increased waist diabetes were strongly linked to an increased risk for liver cancer. plenty of options for live music this weekend around town. bret saunders breaks it down in our cbs4 concert calendar. >> how about some cake this weekend. the quirky band from sacramento, california, returns to colorado two nights. they've been around 25 years. it's been a great run, with roll lifestyle and the distance. boulder theater, friday and saturday. ? got to work and deserve it, earn it to own it ? >> there's a free show sunday, civic center park, with g love and special sauce. rap and soul and funk music. a free concert, part of the denver rock and roll half marathon. sunday morning, civic center park. find out about these shows and you about this story. the first spinoff film to the star wars series is set to open in december, and it's a stand- alone movie focused on a young girl and her part in rebellion against darth vader. >> we have hope. rebellions are built on hope. they have no idea we're coming. the force is strong. >> make 10 men feel like 100. >> we'll take the next chance. and the ne. >> save the rebellion! >> rogue one lands in theaters december 16th. video showing a man trying to stand in a hurricane force winds and rain in bermuda. hurricane nicole wiped across the islands yesterday. kevin pearson stood in the midst of that category 3 storm. downed trees, downed power lines. boats broke away from docks. there is a lot of bermuda this morning. ashton, i don't want to lecture people, because we don't have hurricanes here, but not something you want to do. >> no. dumb. very, very dumb. because of flying debris. that's always the biggest concern when you're in a hurricane. long ago i worked in mississippi and i was in a hurricane that had 140-mile-per- hour winds. the wind blew the contacts out of my eyes. i was blind. >> intense. >> yeah, it was intense. environments anymore. 52 wheat ridge. in the mountains temperatures are in the 30s, including 35 in aspen. 34 in avon. 48 in burlington. we'll get close to 90 degrees for many areas on the eastern plains later on. along the front rae we'll be well into the 80s. high country locations will be in the 60s and 70s. a few clouds in the western slope. looks like they're moving toward us. they'll be unsuccessful because of a big ridge of high pressure that will keep us sunny big storm system in the pacific northwest, it's going to drench washington, oregon and northern california. but that storm will go north of us. so no rain or mountain snow in the forecast for the weekend. here's the futurecast, i'll pause at midnight tonight. a couple of clouds. partly cloudy tonight. it will be mild, almost warm, frankly, for a friday evening. looks great for any plans you have. on sunday you can see some rain and snow to the northwest of us. through the weekend. it's also the rock 'n roll half marathon this weekend. warm temperatures for that event. next tuesday, cold front comes through. we drop into the 60s. let's get a check on traffic with joe. >> reporter: good morning. here's a look at 225 and yosemite, facing southbound. as you can see a little bit past that is dtc boulevard. you'll see quite a bit of slowdowns there because of that merge to i-25. it's slowing down this time southbound coming into town. speeds dipping into about the 50s or so. it will take nine minutes from 120th to i-70. as we take a look at the metro wide picture, we have only one offhighway problem which is a reported water main break at 16th in lewis over in lakewood. joe, thank you very much. some airlines are adding new fire suppression equipment to flights to protect people from the risk of tablets and cell latest. >> reporter: airlines are going the extra mile to prevent disaster. at least three u.s. carriers are stocking their fleets with fire containment bags. >> well, we got smoke in the cabin, could you send the emergency equipment over here? >> reporter: the threat was underscored by reports of samsung phones overheating, prompting a world wide recall and permanent production. ryan greene's samsung caught fire, forcing the evacuation of a southwest airlines flight. >> i heard some popping that sounded like a ziploc popping open, and looked around to see what that was and there was smoke pouring out of my pocket. >> reporter: even before the recall, the faa took the unusual step of warning passengers not to use or charge the devices while on board or stow them in checked luggage. this is the bright red bag its 219 planes. it's made of fire resistant material and designed to hold portable electronic devices should they overheat or catch fire. virgin has also added the bags to 60 of its jets. delta said it plans to install the bags which can withstand temperatures up to 3200 degrees fahrenheit to all of its flights by next year. hena niels, cbs news. broncos now, they days to prepare for the return of brock osweiler and the texas ans, a monday night game. >> the tell me has to recover from back to back losses. romi bean is here to discuss what went wrong yesterday. good morning, it's a tough start. >> good morning. it's always harder to get up after a loss. after an emotional week that saw their head coach go to the hospital, the denver broncos in a mistake filled loss to the san diego chargers. with gary kubiak watching back in denver, the broncos' defense allowed 10 first quarter points. the team had 12 penalties to go with two fumbles. it was the second consecutive loss, who saw their 15-game road win streak in the division snap. when they went at half, had a mess to clean up. they were down 10-3 to the chargers. the broncos' defense had given up 173 yards and the chargers' offense had the ball for more than 20 minutes out of the 30 minutes of play. the broncos even got a turnover at the san diego's 11-yard line, but only managed a field goal. by the end of the third quarter, the broncos' offense had just 77 passing yards. it was clear kubiak was not on the sidelines. the broncos lacked energy early and they didn't make become acustomed to seeing until too little, too late rally in the fourth quarter. benny fowler told our mark haas after the game that the loss had nothing to do with the short week or kubiak not being there, but it's hard to deny things were different without kubiak. >> we don't make excuses. that's not the reason why we lost. we have -- we can't beat ourselves. we're not blaming the short week or coach kubiak, we have to be better than that. >> reporter: what do you hit the reset button, maybe refresh a little bit and you have the texans in 10 days? >> put this game behind us, learn from it and play who we are. >> whoever coaching us and whoever out there playing quarterback for us, you know, we believe in them for the utmost. we have to make plays and win games. >> it's hard to deny kubiak has some things to address when we returns to -- he returns to come to nver monday night. six days after that they will see the chargers again, this time at home in the mile high city. >> boy, there's so much. thank goodness they have all that time. where do you start? >> so many places to start. first of all, we have to look at injuries. sanders left the game questionable return with a hip injury. it looks like, excuse me, russell okung was doing better. people think it may have been a we're waiting on that. as far as the defense, they have no answers so far for tight ends or runningbacks and they've been exploited the past two weeks. we need to solve that. >> everything seemed a little off today. romi, thank you for the breakdown. >> putting the blame where it belongs, you and britt not wearing orange. >> he went there. ,, before donald trump, there was mike coffman. before trump said women should be punished for having an abortion, coffman wrote a bill to redefine rape, which could exclude women who were drugged. of u.s. soldiers. and on president obama? trump: he could have been born in kenya. coffman: he's just not an american. stop mike coffman now before he gives trump more ideas. house majority pac is responsible we are about an hour and a half away from our official sunrise this morning. that will be at 7:09. we will have a lot of sunshine today, not only in denver but really throughout the state of colorado. checking on our cbs4 weather watcher on the western slope, david barry, 44 degrees out that way. in johnstown don reporting 38. it's a relatively mild start to the day. we are expecting a record high temperature this afternoon. let's get a check on the traffic with here's a look at the drive from southbound 225. it will take about 3 minutes to head southbound from parker road to i-25. as we take a look at the rest of the metro wide picture, we have slowdowns northbound i-25 at around highway 36. alan, we are still working that offhighway incident, it's a reported water main break at 16th and lewis. joe, thanks a lot. a sign that's lit up controversy for a long time in a sandwich shop in down. even that is causing controversy. the former restaurant owner posted a piece of paper long ago that read, this is america. when ordering speak english. it was posted for a decade and it caused even controversy across the country. the former owner has since passed away, but spoke passionately about that sign in 2007. >> you can learn 100 languages. i have no problem with that. but here this sign is also telling you, here we only speak shop after he passed away and he has now removed the sign. he said they want to honor his father's traditions, but it's time to move on from the controversy. this morning 56 degrees in denver. and we are coming close to some record high temperatures this weekend. unbelievable. >> incredible weather story coming up. ashton is all over that. plus, still ahead, a week ago the broncos were on top of plus, this, a new zika warning in florida. i'm sick to my stomach, man. it's sickening. >> cch sick and so do a lot of broncos' fans. a fall from first. we have reaction and a look ahead. >> they didn't look like the team we know and love. we have a live look from copter 4 it's over u.s. 36 and i-25, peering down on traffic that seems to be moving just fine. we're looking ahead to a warm weekend with highs in the 80s. we are flirting with record highs, everybody. thanks for joining us. happy friday. there's the silver lining.

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