Transcripts For KCNC CBS This Morning 20160916 : comparemela

Transcripts For KCNC CBS This Morning 20160916

where was president obama born? and he still wouldn't say america. >> trump under fire. but dodging birther questions. >> i feel donald trump can't win because tonight he was very clear that he believes that barack obama was born in the united states. >> donald trump hasn't said anything. donald trump has not said anything. >> well. >> the media is not going to force trump to say anything he wouldn't say. >> he didn't take the position did and that came out of hillary clinton! >> new york city police officers guns drawn and chasing a crazed man through the street armed with a meat cleaver. >> the police gave him an opportunity to end it peacefully. >> the dangerous storm of the year is coming into focus. >> a monster. >> samsung issuing a recall and could cost the company more than $1 billion. >> now is the time to act. again, joined colin kaepernick's protest and this time she did it wearing red, white, and blue. >> a passenger walked away from a crash landing that overshot the runway. >> the jets have won it. >> a good way to face one of your favorite players? beer is a wonderful thing. >> i want to give you the gift of balloons. >> yea! >> and all that matters. >> when you look into the mirror, how old >> yes! announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places! welcome to "cbs this morning." donald trump's campaign is conceding that president obama was born in the united states, but the republican nominee, himself, is not saying that. the question came up as another new poll find the presidential race in a statistical tie. hillary clinton leads trump to 40% when third dunn party candidates are included. >> trump said he wasn't ready to answer the question before president obama was born. an adviser put out a statement saying that mr. trump believes that mpresident obama was born n the united states. >> reporter: financing efforts in hawaii donald trump to prove president obama was born outside of the united states. been evasive on the subject but >> why doesn't he show his birth certificate. >> reporter: trump's campaign put out a statement not from the candidate himself but from jason miller who praised trump for bringing "this ugly incident to release his birth certificate." but it did not quiet trump. >> a lot of people feel it wasn't a proper certificate. >> he called the document a fraud on twitter for years and insisted president obama was born in kenya. in 2015, trump again questioned the president's citizenship and falsely tried to pin the rumor on hillary clinton's 2008 campaign. >> hillary birth certificate. hillary is a birther. whether or not that was a real certificate because a lot of people question it, i certainly question it. >> in the 2016 primary republican season, trump used the birther issue again. this time against rival ted cruz. >> wasn't born in this country. nobody knows. they are looking right now to figure it out. >> jason miller, who now says born in the united states worked for ted cruz in the republican primaries and in 2011 president obama said he would release his tax returns when president obama released his birth certificate. >> hillary clinton tweeted this. president obama's successor cannot and will not be the man that led the movement period. nancy cordes is in washington where hillary clinton spoke out last night. nancy, good morning. >> good morning. clinton has called trump bigoted before but last night here in washington she brought up what she called several new examples like when we called a black pastor a nervous mess just yesterday and his refusal to say says he believes. was born here despite what his campaign now says he believes. >> every time we think he has hit rock bottom, he sinks even lower. >> reporter: trump's campaign reversal came an hour after clinton released a barrage of tweets calling his candidacy the most divisive of our lifetimes. >> he was asked, one more time, where was president obama born? and he still wouldn't say hawaii. >> reporter: she had trump's comments have now gone beyond innuendo or doing whistle. >> from what launched his presidential campaign to his racist attacks on a federal judge. >> reporter: clinton told the hispanic garnling that she would send a comprehensive immigration proposal to congress in her republicans and say, this is your chance, to help millions of families and show that your party, the party of lincoln, is better than donald trump! >> reporter: cbs news/"the new york times" poll finds voters think clinton would do a better job of trump handling immigration and a much better job on foreign policy. but trump has an edge on the economy. the number one issue for voters. in greensboro, north carolina, and campaign absence to make a political point. >> i can afford to take a feud off. millions of americans can't. they either go to work sick or they lose a paycheck, don't they? >> reporter: clinton said that she roealizes she needs to give americans something to vote for and not against and will try to talk about policy as much as and stay positive but a few hours >> thanks, nancy. dan senor was senior adviser for mitt romney and paul ryan for the presidency in 2012. is it in donald trump's interest for us to be discussing the birther issue this morning? >> no. it's astonishing six plus weeks out he is still talking about these issues. these are the kind of issues if you think they are to your political advantage only to your political advantage deep in a primary, not now. >> why is he doing it now? i re campaign says? >> i think he is undisciplined. a lot of the clinton folks, a lot of the clinton campaign has been wondering over the last couple of weeks whether donald trump could put some discipline around himself and the campaign. i've heard from a number of folks how he performs at the debate if they want to provoke him and he can play crazy and play up the temperament issue and yesterday remind you on >> dan, he keeps saying, i don't bring it up, you guys bring it up. i'm not even discussing it any more. >> welcome to a presidential campaign where you have hundreds of reporters breathing do you remember your throat and asking you questions and try to provoke you and your opposition will try to provoke you. the pressure you're under as a presidential campaign is nothing like you've experienced before. donald trump as experienced as he is in the media is still a first-time candidate. >> donald trump laid out a tax plan yesterday that included which is a break with republican orthodox. >> on issue after issue, what is amazing about trump he is effectively running against both parties. he running against the democrats and against traditional republican ideas. on the spending front, introducing a new entitlement is jarring to any republican who is physical to conservative over the last few years. >> you could make the argument running against both parties is a smart political move. >> to change election saying i'm against the system and not beholding to anybody even my own par party. >> can we talk about hillary's health? she walked out to yesterday to "i feel good" by james brown. >> i think it's only an issue when the voters don't see a candidate. you can miss a feud on the trail. watch the two on a stage and debate. she will be fine and people will forget about this health issue. it will be a nonissue. willing to go to get change. it's easy for the clinton campaign to say, oh, it's still trump. he'll never win. in a change election you're playing with fire that is your attitude so a close race is better to be widened. >> dan senor, thank you for being here. samsung galaxy 7 phone users are told to turn off their phone reportedly fire since its release last month. the government says samsung has not done enough. kris v fires. as this demonstration shows, even a small lithium ion battering can cause blistering flames if it malfunction. the u.s. product safety's commission elliott kay. >> if it starts charging or gets overheated, stepway fr waway fr phone. >> reporter: it calls it a serious fire hazard. >> please, please power it down and r >> reporter: samsung's u.s. president apologized thursday. >> we did not meet the standard of excellence that you expect and deserve. for that, we apologize. >> reporter: the faa says the only way to fly with the phone is by turning it off, keeping it unplugged on board and out of checked baggage. >> i've never seen a single product singled out like this do not turn this phone on a plane. we strongly suggest this or if >> reporter: dan ackerman of cnet says. >> the process took a lot longer than anybody thought because samsung tried to do it by themselves at first. >> reporter: kay from the cpsc agrees. he says samsung should have brought in the government right away to handle the recall. >> it's not a recipe for a successful recall for a company to go out its own. and that, in my mind, anybody who thinks that a company going on its own is going to provide the best recall for that compa and, more importantly, for the consumer, need to have more than their phone checked. >> reporter: strong words there. 97% of these phones that were sold in the united states and a million or so have been sold in the united states have the defective battery. only about 130,000 have been brought in for a refund or exchange for a fixed phone and there are reports the cpsc is what officers recovered from the scene was a bb gun with a laser. police say this photo shows a replica of the bb gun king was allegedly carrying on wednesday when police officer mason shot and killed him. >> my god! >> shots fired. >> the family attorney says accounts from witnesses differ from the police and are calling for an independent investigation. >> we're told he wasn't doing anything wrong. >> a regular typical, 13 year old. always laughing and smiling. and instead of planning for a football game this weekend, the family is planning for a funeral. >> according to "the washington post" since the beginning of 2015, there have been at least people holding toy guns. >> a 13 year old is dead in the city of columbus because of our obsession with guns and violence. >> reporter: columbus city officials urge for calm into the investigation of his death. in 2014, rice was holding a when he was shot and killed by a >> we don't have enough facts to know how this relates to any other shooting. that's why we do an investigation. >> columbus police were not wearing body cameras and are not expected to until next year. mason is a nine-year police veteran and was cleared of any wrongdoing after shooting and killing an armed suspect back in 2012. a grand jury will determine if any criminal charges should be filed followi incident. charlie? >> new york city police are investigating a man who attacked new york city police ver. attacked a man with a meat cleaver. the attack happened last night near manhattan's penn station. police say the suspect hurt one officer with this meat cleaver and off-duty cop was slashed in the face and recovering in the government forces cut off rebel held areas of aleppo earlier this month. a congressional committee is urging president obama not to contract edward snowden. a report shows the majority of documents that snowden sold were military secrets not related to privacy concerns. it also characterized him as a disgruntled employee. snowden responded on twitter saying the american people deserve better. the congressional court was issued a day before the release the blue angels are told to late night comedy shows are playing big abig role this election. >> how many the late night shows are shaping this campaign. th for an announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by by j. jcpenn jcpenney. that is getting your pennies worth. i love that my shop is part of the morning ritual around here. people rely on that first cup and i wouldn't want to mess with that. but when (my) back pain got bad, i had trouble getting there on time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. for pain relief that can last into the morning. ? 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"usa today" says the obama adminisration is launching a new strategy in the fight against the heroin and opioid crisis. nearly 100 people die each day. that makes heroin and opioid addiction the single greatest week to all united states attorney offices and she is urging prosecutors to share information across state lines to identify overprescribing doctors and traffickers. bloomberg reports on a huge recall from chrysler for seat bag problems. there are concerns that seat belts might not tighten and air bags might not deploy in a crash. for information on the specific website cbsthisthis "the washington post" reports the blue angels will stop performing a man engineer that led to the death of one of its pilots. on thursday, a 32-year-old marine captain died as a result of pilot error. he was killed in june while preparing for an air show in tennessee. the pilot crashed after attempting a stunt. investigators say it was too low and too fast. >> "wall street journal" says a crew of a cargo ship remain stranded at sea after getting stuck in ship's bankruptcy troubles. the men were sailing from south korea to the persian gulf. as of wednesday, the company had 89 ships carrying as many as 14 billion dollars in cargo stranded and their ship could run out of fuel in november. the "new york post" reports on police commissioner bill bratton stepping down today. his law enforcement career spanned more than four decades like boston and los angeles, as well as new york. bratton told us last month about his decision to leave. >> it's the right time for me personally. i'm 68 years of age. and so the right time for me professionally. the nypd is in excellent shape. >> bratton has taken a job in the private sector. james o'neal has taken over as the new commissioner. hillary clinton will make an next week. donald trump, bill clinton and bernie sanders all made guest appearances last night. politicians are more often choosing these programs for big interviews. don dahler is outside the ed sullivan theater in new york home of "the late show with stephen colbert." >> reporter: michelle obama will appear here next tuesday. the latest political figure, including donald trump and colbert. for the candidates, late night television can be risky. but it's an invitation too hard to pass up. >> a lot of people are worried that hillary clinton isn't healthy enough to be president. and a lot of people are worried that donald trump is. >> reporter: in an election season like no other, the candidates hillary and donald trump have proven to be irresistible punch lines. >> tomorrow, hillary clinton is going to be cleared of all e-mail charges by same as appearing in person for a politician late night interviews and they offer a chance to highlight a candidate's personality and reach a different audience. >> could i mess your hair up? >> reporter: donald trump played along as "the tonight show" host jimmy fallon poked fun of him thursday night. over the past 12 months, donald trump hit the late night circuit seven times. hillary clinton appeared eight times. rather than holding a press clinton did it with jimmy kimmel. >> take my pulse. >> oh, my god. there is nothing there! >> reporter: but late night interviews can be risky. her favorable backfired weeks later when she nearly fainted in new york city. >> she had she is not dead but as we know, she is a liar. >> reporter: her husband took to the daily show last night to try to set the record straight. >> used to be called when i was young, walking pneumonia, but sometimes you can't walk any more and you got to rest, so that's what she did. magazine story on late nights and the changing political landsca >> that is true. >> they give the comedian a lot to work with. >> it started a long, long time ago when richard mixon went on "the mike douglas show." a move is partly inspired by the mylan controversy. cbs news reports on the 500% increase on the 2009. they would force drugmakers to justify drug price hikes. >> if a pharmaceutical corporation wants to raise drug prices more than 10%, they are going to have to give notice that they are going to do that, and then they are going to have to justify that increase. we already do that for insurance companies. this kind of transparency and tammy baldwin are also cosponsors. u.s. soccer said after the game, we honor our national anthem and expect our players to stand when the anthem is being played. coming up, what is in the in studio 57 only on "cbs this morning." that is coming up. it's easy to love your laxative... and softens to unblock naturally. so you have peace of mind from start to finish. love your laxative. miralax. quilted northern works so well people can forget their bathroom experience. but these birds see all and forget nothing. except this one, who has an outlet for a face. around here, i'm lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. heads up! you know what, don't worry about it. my bargain detergent couldn't keep up. it was mostly water. so, i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated, so i get a better clean. i mean, i give away water for free. i'm not about to pay for it in my detergent. tide. number one rated. it's got to be tide listerine? 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san francisco hairstylist jar samuel loves his salvador dolly inspired tattoos. >> i like the art of it. i like the expression of the art. >> reporter: when its comes what is going under his skin? >> sort of out of sight, out of mind, ha ha. >> reporter: you don't spend too much time thinking about it? >> i want them liked i haven't given it too much thought. >> reporter: some don't until they get sensitivity, allergic reactions and infections. >> my foot kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger. >> reporter: sarah is the sister of a cbs news employee says this tattoo she got in 2012 quickly became infected and sent her to the emergency room. >> they told me it was a pretty bad infection and put me on antibiotics and some crutches, >> reporter: at this new york city tattoo parlor, the owner who goes by the name bang bang, says he takes careful precautions which include rubber gloves. >> lots of glove changing in this job. >> reporter: and sterilized instruments. >> the drowse in tattoo shops is what you don't see so that is why it's tough. it's micro bacteria and diseases and germs that we have to clean and sterilized and we need to give extreme care to the preparation. >> reporter: but it's not just the tattoo shops. san diego dermatologist or tease studied the issue. >> what is concerning about tattoo ings inks is we don't know what is going into the tattoo inks. >> reporter: the fda notes many pigments in inks are industrial grade colors used for printers' ink or automobile paint. >> it can cause many different types of problems, like just inflammatory reactions or even types of skin cancer. when you go in to get a tattoo, it's important that you're aware of that and don't think that it's just harmless paint going into your skin. >> reporter: the fda reports seven voluntary recalls of tattoo ink since 2004. one that came after 19 people contracted a serious infection from contaminated ink. this owner says he trusts his nationwide deserve more scrutiny. >> i think that in the future, they do need to really test what is inside of them. >> reporter: so the fda is in the process of trying to do just that. now the agency recently came up with new ways to look for harmful toxins in those inks and is trying to develop methods to identify just what is in those color pigments, but couldn't tell us whether any new regulations will come out of all of this. >> it just looks like it hurts. getting them. it's no longer just tough people. when i was growing up, that is who did it. >> and two at the table. >> norah, do you have a tattoo? >> no. but i'm going to get one. >> you are? >> i am. >> go to the best. >> we know the best. bang bang. >> thank you, anna. i guess you're not a tattoo person? >> i don't have any tattoos. >> have you ever thought about it? >> maybe. once? once or twice. >> that often? >> but i didn't go >> i'm with you, anna. let those two rebels do it. i'm a big old square. i'm with you. ahead, the apparent road rage battle between a school bus announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by publishers clearinghouse. ? ? with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts and cocoa, nutella adds a smile to any morning. nutella - spread the happy! my girl cindy bought this fridge from lowe's because of their worry-free 30-day satisfaction guarantee on appliances. that's what i'm talking about cindy. now get 10% off select appliances $396 or more, at lowe's. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. 12 months free at discover card. i'm not a customer, but i'm calling about that credit scorecard. 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"the new york times" poll asked and jobs by an eight-point margin but clinton is 22 points ahead when it comes to foreign policy. >> u.n. officials say this morning that troops in syria are still holding up aid that the city of aleppo desperately need. u.n. vehicles are moving across the turkey/syria border after long delays, but the road to aleppo still need to be secured. now, this is the fourth day of the cease-fire put in place after week of deadly fighting around aleppo. syrian forces have cut off section of aleppo held groups. activists say many inside are wounded and others need food. >> the united states ambassador to the united nations samantha power has been a strong advocate for intervention in syria. she is the youngest permanent author and joins us as a general assembly convenes in new york. it is an interview you will see only on "cbs this morning." ambassador powell, welcome. >> thank you. >> why has it taken so long? so long for aid to reach the people in aleppo, in the city of aleppo who are desperate? >> well, the regime has been very explicit about its tactics in this war, starve, get bombed, or vend. surrender. while russia has done an important agreement with secretary kerry and seeking to implement it we believe it can bring a material difference in the lives and we need to end the war altogether. the syrian regime, you know, death by a thousand paper cuts. they are requiring new paper work, new documentation -- >> dot russians have no influence with them? >> they have significant enough? >> the russians whether they are not doing enough or the syrians aren't listening. it could be an important deal because it could prevent the regime from flying over poopgs areas and prevent barrel bombing and the kind of things we have seen the regime do so long and turn the russians turn to what they were supposed to do is fight terrorists instead of vilve civilians. but we need cease-fire for seven days and humanitarian access >> secretary kerry said this is the last chance. do you believe this is the last chance of this plan? >> we are certainly investing in it as if it is. the suffering, as you said, charlie, of the people has been so great. this is a real opportunity. the united states and russia have been negotiating for months to get into this level of specifity but russia has to deliver a regime -- >> is there a difference between state and defense in terms of russians and how much you can share intelligence with the russians? people are talking about that for days. >> they are. and it's favored parlor talk who is where and so forth. we have one policy xt president sets the policy and we are all moving out to implement it. i was with president and secretary kerry yesterday. >> you can't look at syria and think it's a glowing success with all of the refuge flow and with terrorist fighters, but it's incumbent on us to tak opportunity that we have here presented to us. russia is not excited about a quagmire in syria either. a terrorist problem can unite people if we really focus on it and we have got to take this opportunity and drive it home. if all we do is cease hostile its and get food to people that is a better week than last week. we have to make incremental progress to bring about the political transition. >> ambassador, charlie mentioned author. the book you said, why does the united states stand so idly by? back then, you had it was american officials chose not to intervene. don't you believe that is happening today in syria? >> syria is a very complex picture. there are thousands of armed groups. the question, again, of what military intervention would achieve, where you would do it and how you would do it in a way the terrorists wou been extremely challenging. but the idea that we have not been, quote, doing anything on syria i think is absurd. we have done everything short of waging war against the asawed regi -- assad regime and having success against isil on the ground which is of great importance to the american people. >> president obama is going to make a big announcement about the refuges in the coming days, correct? >> next week when the heads of state gather, the united states state leveraging what the u.s. does to get other countries to step up. each country that gathers will make new and significant pledges on funding humanitarian assistance to refuges don't have to leave the region and taking more refuges within each country's own borders. >> may i turn to north korea? ban ki-moon of the united nations said it's urgent to do something. what can be done by the united states because of the a threat of north korea having deliverable nuclear weapons? >> well, it is every bit as urgent as the secretary-general said and that is why in march of this year, i and my team negotiated the toughest sanctions resolution through the u.n. that we have seen. >> why not do it? in the nature of the regime? >> this resolution or this sanctions regime would cut off so many of the avenues they have to procuring the technology to continue to advance the program that they are doing. but it's not enough, of course. we need to ensure enforcement of the resolution passed and put in place new sanctions in the wake of what they have just done, but we need china, which is the -- has the most leverage over north korea and not infinite leverage but north korea is difficult and not to crack but use its influence to get north korea back to the table. it impedes the technology you need to do bad things but if you get them to give up your nuclear program and we need china to turn the heat up and that includes by closing all loopholes in the sanctions regime that exists. >> ambassador, always good to have you at the table. good to see you. >> thank you. sitting and looking at your computer screen can be bad for you. they spend hours staring at these monitors in a dark room with all of that blue light. ahead, "48 hours" investigates a murder involving two best friends. >> a man is found dead in his car and his autopsy find an unusual sedative and fingers point to his best friend, a well-regarded dentist. but was it murder? or did he die of natural causes? that is coming up on "cbs this morning." hey there, hi. why do people have eyebrows? real? oh, are you reading why people put milk on cereal? why does your tummy go "grumbily, grumbily, grumbily"? why is it all (mimics a stomach grumble) no more questions for you! ooph, that milk in your cereal was messing with you, wasn't it? yeah, happens to more people than you think... try lactaid, it's real milk, without that annoying lactose. good, right? mmm, yeah. i got your back. hello. hi. welcome. this is the chevy malibu. it was awarded "most dependable midsize car" by j.d. power. it looks great. wow! what is happening? oh my gosh, it's going up! but the malibu's not the only vehicle that was awarded. this is mind blowing. warded most dependable as well. this is extremely impressive. there's so many! doing it once, yea, great job, four times, obviously, they're doing something right. absolutely cottonelle asked real people about cleaning... their bums. what? (laughs) (laughs) what does cleanripple texture do? catches all the stuff that you want to get out. this is really nice. this one is, like, it goes the extra step. kind of sassy. uh, breezy. hands up. weeeeeee. my bum is saying, "thank you very much." cleanripple texture is designed to clean better. go cottonelle, go commando. fact. people spend less time lying awake with aches and pains with advil pm than with tylenol pm. advil pm combines the number one pain reliever with the number one sleep aid. gentle, non-habit forming advil pm. in our "morning rounds." the eye opening impact of digital device. nearly 60% of americans are in front of some type of screen five hours or more a day. 65% of us report symptoms of eye strain. dr back. >> thank you for having me. >> what does staring at the screen do for our eyes? >> a lot of things, actually. we all sit in front of computers, as you said, many hours a day. we do a few things when we are staring at the computer. one, we tend to blink less. the blink rate typically is 15 to 20 blinks a minute. when you're staring at a computer and focusing at the computer, the blink rate spots and can tearing and redness and can contribute to eye strain. >> you got the 202020 rule? >> a lot of ways to prevent all of these thing. 202020 rule means every 20 minutes, take a break from your computer. look away from the computer at something that is 20 feet away or further. for 20 seconds or more. and it actually is good advice also during those breaks to sort of stand up, stretch the arms, if your eyes are feeling dry, put a lubricant in to lubricate the eyes. >> any special glasses you could wear? >> there are some for people above 40. i'm one of those where the near vision starts to go. you're focusing at a fixed distance that is close to your eyes all day long and you can get computer glasses to alleviate that strain and blue light is emitted from computers and some people think the blue light can cause fatigue and blue light so you can get yellow tinted glasses which block some of that blue light. >> do you think it does cause permanent damage? >> it's still kind of early. there is evidence that ultraviolet light can catch damage to the retina and cataracts. interesting blue light goes as far as frequency and it's not far removed from ultraviolet light. possibly years and years of blue light might cause some damage. >> does it really happen at 40? sudden, i had to go like this. >> the arm is not long enough sometimes. it's called presopia. it's a fact of life and happened to almost everybody. it's a great thing, isn't it? >> aging is a great thing? >> it's all relevant. >> bruce springsteen has wrote legendary anthemselves and they are legendary. he has written about his life in a much anticipated new book and he spoke to anthony mason in his first tv book about the autos t it's a death trap a suicide wrap ? announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by visionworks. find more than glasses. find a better you. since the launch of the new dannon whole milk yogurt, a natural outburst seems to have taken over the country. (security...) hi, i'm stuck in an elevator... with a cow. (a what?) hole milk. new dannon, natural is back. with the right steps, 80% of recurrent ischemic strokes could be prevented. and i'm doing all i can to help prevent another one. a bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. be sure to talk to your doctor ? ? born in the usa i was born in the usa ? >> that song, that is a title song for bruce springsteen's iconic album "born in the usa." a career spanning more than four ca influential songs in rock history like "dancing in the dark." my favorite bruce springsteen song. "glory days" and "born to run. a book traces his rise from struggling jersey shore singer to worldwide rock superstar. it is published by simon and shuster that is a division of an interview set to air on cbs sunday morning. >> it starts from the rock star drive. you were miserable, you were bullied, you know? it's just a litany of the usual. i believe every artist has someone who told them they weren't worth dirt and someone who told them they were the second coming of baby jesus and they believed them both and that is the fuel that forces the fi intense heat. why did you have the confidence you could deliver on that? >> i listened to radio and said, i'm as good as a lot of those guys. no one knows it yet! maybe they never will. but inside, i felt like i had the goods, you know? i had the goods. >> he has the goods. >> sure does. he just finish his international tour wednesday night in boston. at this point, on course to be the biggest grossing international tour of the year. you know? but he is still playing four hours a night. >> i was going to say, anthony, i've seen him three to four hours and he loves it too. he loves it. >> i went home from his concert exhausted and we talked to him the next day! >> what does he say about the headlines in terms about his battle with depression? >> he has faced two really big challenges as he entered his 60s. once was losing clarence clemons, his big man, the sax player and which was a big blow to the band and difficult to recover from that. the other is from 60 to 65 depression and said he literally couldn't get out of bed. he could play if he got to the studio. but he talks about that challenge and it was really -- i mean, it really knocked him back. >> was he writing during that time? >> he wasn't writing the book but he could write music. >> anthony, i can't wait to see this interview because he very rarely talks and i can't wait to see. the book is called "born to run." and it goes on sell september an organized crime ring in a thousand dollars and checks go missing. they're not the person on the check they claim to be. one mother was dropping her daughter off at daycare when she was burglarized. >> they put a screwdriver in the key hole and hit it with something and it bypassed by alarm and i had a book of checks in there and i started cancelling my credit cards. cases like this since the beginning of the year. women are advised to be aware of their surroundings and not leave belongings inside cars. let's check on the morning drive with joel. good morning, if you're heading across the denver metro area, we're watching an accident in the eastbound direction of i-70 at washington. we just have back ups that remain because of that and those have extended back to federal. taking a look across the daefr metro area, the accesses are off the highway with of i-76 at 88. a new accident along e-470 itself. still slow in the direction past santa fe making your way into the tech center and eastbound along i-270 seems like it 0 oorjts take a look at this mountain camera shot. not a cloud in the picture there. clouds way out east but there's a lot of sunshine to be had out there this morning. temperatures warming up for some of us eerie it's 50. it's 52 sart showing clear skies over the state. a slight chance of an isolated storm later this afternoon. a 10% chance or less for denver. 72 is the high today. we warm it up for the weekend. 77 tomorrow and isolated storm late and plain sunny skies on ,,,, know what's in this box? well, in case your crystal ball is broken, here's a hint. safe, reliable energy, for starters. see, at xcel energy this is our hometown. so, we're not just about making a living here, we're about living here. aw, i wish i had wings. in our community, we're always delivering. xcel energy. ? ? ? welcome back to "cbs this morning.? coming up this half hour, a rare drug turns up in a body and police suspect the victim's best friend, a dentist. but do police have the man? "48 hours" hat only interview with that dentist. >> plus some of the personal belongings of president reagan and history wife nancy are going up for auction. ahead, you'll see the collection from a presidential football to a necklace owned by the first lady time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. donald trump son said his father plans to separate himself from personal business interest if elected president. tax returns. he said the tax return is 12,000 pages and questions about it would be a distraction from his father's main message. the rap reports on a questionable choice of music of hillary clinton's campaign. ? ? i feel good ? i knew that i would now ? >> they played the song "i feel good" by james brown as she made her entrance in greensboro, north. the first time back on a campaign trail. someone should have told clinton that james brown died of complications of pneumonia. >> i'm not blaming you, but i'm saying that is ridiculous and not directing it at you. just talking here. i didn't say, that gayle! >> i just read this thing here and it's called a script. wonder will be one of the performers at the contribution to prince next month. the lineup also includes christina aguilera and chaka khan. >> i love chaka khan. >> me too. a well-liked family man was found dead in his car in upstate new york. police were stunned to find an unusual drug in his body. more surprising, his best friend, a prominent "48 hours" correspondent richard schlesinger has the only interview with the dentist charged with the murder. >> thomas coleman was dead in a vehicle, in a parking lot of the fitness plaza. >> reporter: was your first thought homicide? detectives were still puzzled by what they saw. 44-year-old tom coleman had parked his car on the far side of the parking lot at the gym where he was headed. it wasn't the parking but the building. if you work out in the morning you're parking close to the building. >> the detective got surveillance video that showed something unusual. when coleman arrived early that morning. >> this is tom coleman's car pulling in right there. it's 4:54 a.m. >> reporter: he pulled up to another car and although the footage is very grainy, they thought that car was a white suv. >> we started thinking with the circle of people close to tom coleman and the only person with a white suv was gilbert nunez. >> it's emotional for you? >> it is. he was my best friend, truly. >> reporter: nunez may have been tom's best friend, but he volunteered to the police that he was having an affair with this is a guy who was sitting with detectives, you could say, by the way, i had an affair with the wife of the dead guy? >> he is still in love with her too. . he wanted to make that clear. >> reporter: that seems to me in any way to be unusual. am i wrong here? >> this is very unusual. >> reporter: there was something else unusual found in the autopsy. a sedative detected in tom's body and used by those sometimes in the medical profession. >> he was a dentist. that was his profession. >> reporter: the head of the legal team said the autopsy was hardly definitive. >> it may have been a heart attack. >> this is a murder case. >> i'm innocent. i haven't done anything wrong. >> richard schlesinger is here. have this drug in his system? >> that is one of the great mysteries of this case. it's used in dental procedures but no record of him having any procedures recently. the other interesting thing there wasn't very much in his body. so the defense was saying it wouldn't have been enough to kill him. it's sort of the jury to sort out what it all meant. >> i can't imagine any circumstances wanting to murder your best friend, but when it was unveiled in that piece that could say that was a motive. >> when you peel back the layers, you find out they were pretty close. they were texting each other back and forth and all very friendly. ed, believe it or not, that mr. coleman knew about the affair and was okay with it. that's what he says. >> i don't know. is anybody ever okay with an affair? no, they are not! >> oh, what do you know? >> not much. >> i've never had that experience, so what do i know? >> you can watch richard's full report death of a dentist in the "48 hours" tomorrow night and it includes an exclusive interview with the dentist and a "48 hours" double feature starting at 9:00/8:00 central. >> we work hard for you. >> you go. >> yes, ma'am. >> presidential history starting next week. >> so where can you find a jar of jelly beans, a piece of the berlin wall and this pair of elephant auottomans? ? any personal items owned by president ronald reagan and his wife nancy will be up for auction starting next week. the auction house values the collection more than $2 million. with the presidential campaign under way, the trend toward nostalgia appears to be well-timed. mo rocco went to the auction this, is it about just collecting the most valuable items and putting them on display? >> no it's far more sophisticated ththanan sat on . >> reporter: 1986! the items from the private collection of president and mrs. ronald reagan are part of a narrative. >> here, we have the reagan family's thanksgiving platter and turkey assault asalt and pe turkey of the family? >> i don't know. >> reporter: of their friend. love margaret and dennis this afternoon afternooner thatcher. >> a lot of these things in the white house. so that is very, very alluring. ? >> reporter: everything up for bid was part of the reagan's everyday life. >> in the library there was a fantastic hotel napkins. >> i would point out it's reagan's which is a single which is either his or her bar. >> i think he is thinking about his time playing his most famous character. >> do you like to play football? >> not much. >> a little while before his time. this is probably nancy reagan. >> honestly? it looks more like jane wyman to me. i'm serious! it does! >> i didn't notice. >> reporter: there is a pair of leather elephant ottomans. these are cute, very cute. a jelly bean jar that sat on the desk of the president's desk. he can firmly identified with california and the west but he >> that's right. he didn't learn it gate and the famous speech. >> mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall! >> reporter: what is the asking price for this? >> this is $10,000 to $20,000. >> mr. auctioneer bring down >> then the iconic football. >> ask him to go in there with all they have got and win just one for the gipper. >> reporter: of course, he would not have known when he made that movie how important it would be to his entire football career. >> exactly. >> reporter: apparently he and tom brady had the same ball boy. >> are you ready? >> reporter: i got you. wow. great. oops. i thought i almost hit the berlin wall! the president. at $50,000 this necklace worn by first lady is the auction's highest value item. she was kind of controversial at the beginning concerning all of the glitter. in a 1981 interview for "60 minutes," mike wallace asked nancy reagan about her emphasis on style and elegance at a time of economic hardship. >> reporter: were you unprepared for the scrutiny you were going to get? >> yes, i really was. >> reporter: would you like to a now you can own the furniture used during that conversation and much, much more. >> prince charles, princess diana sat here and mother teresa. this is by frank sinatra and was actually based on a photograph that was taken at the statue of liberty. it was a birthday gift to nancy reagan. reagan a picture depicting fireworks. a little scandal doesn't hurt an auction. starting tomorrow, you can preview the items in the exhibition. bidding begins on the 21st. charlie, norah o'donnell rah, gayle? bring those checkbooks! >> thank you. >> i love mo's observations on those pieces. >> i like the piece of the berlin wall. >> that would be my favorite too. >> you liked the elephant? >> i did. but i'm not sure what you would do with them. >> that's right. proceeds from the sale will presidential foundation and institute. up next, a look at all that mattered this week. you're watching "cbs this in one door - a member of congress. out another - a high-paid lobbyist. 131 former members of congress are now lobbyists in washington, dc. it's just considered business as usual. i consider it wrong. that's why i'm fighting for a new law to permanently ban former members of congress chael bennet friend and colleagues and families celebrated his deplorious life at a memorial service yesterday in new york city. he died in may after more than a minutes" where he reported more than 900 stories and to hold the record for the longest run in prime time network television. we spoke on my pbs program way back in 1993 to morley safer. any regrets about this career you've had here? >> oh, gosh, no. >> reporter: nothing? you wouldn't have done anything different? >> i mean, talk about a lucky, blessed life as >> a master story teller. >> i like what jeff said, he elevated everything he did. >> what a way to go when everybody is celebrating your life. >> as we leave you, let's take a look back at all that mattered this week. have a great weekend. see you monday. ? ? riding along in my automobile ? >> these are artifacts. >> did you sit in there? >> of course, i did! the smithsonian national museum of african-american history and culture. >> our gandhi was jackie robinson. ? with no particular place to go ? >> as long as he had this, they could not enslave him. >> the history of african-americans had been you were in the back. >> there was a sign saying, white this way, colored that way. they get back to the same -- you would have to bleep that out. >> african-americans were always was not yet willing to serve them. >> it was a late 1970s. people were looking for a change. ? >> the beat was a vehicle worth straight street poetry. >> i've been holding back tears. so many of the exhibits remind me of the struggle. ? >> hallelujah. time is she has had a chance to work on her closing message. >> why not release every possible medical record? you can't. >> people think there is something unusual about getting the flu. >> he once called the flu. we are having a flu because she collapsed there on tv. >> donald trump says he feels decades younger than his actual age. >> do you think hillary would be able to stand up here an hour? we want her better and we want her back on the trail, i think he has a concussion! >> we have been hearing the sporadic boom of artillery here in aleppo. clearly, the cease-fire is not perfect. >> it is rare for a tropical storm to form over land. >> there is your river on big street, baby. >> questions surrounding hillary clinton's pneumonia, or some are i'm driving along, you know? i love the colorful clothes she wears and the way the sunlight plays upon her hair. ? >> he never put my name on the label copy of the song, so i never got paid, nor did i get credit. >> we have more about haircare but it's not the woman. >> a gross stamp! michael weatherly, do you miss anthony dinozzo? >> sometimes late at night. he was a good drinking buddy! >> you had the cheeseburger before or after? >> i knew i was going to have a problem with you today! >> on "cbs this morning"! good morning, it's 8:55. breaking news into the newsroom this morning. we just found out that joe jr. has died. he was the great grandson of the man who founded coors brewery. he ran for congress back in 2012 and he was 74 yores old. more on his passing later today on cbs4 news another noon. two coloradans killed while fighting isis. they returned to chicago union station this morning. stories this summer. jamie, you have been there for a few hours now. what's the latest? >>reporter: the bodies finally arrived here after nine long weeks. it took an incredible effort to get them here but the families can finally bury their sons today. the families waiting for the moment this morning. they finally received closure toda morning for everybody. the men died separately while fighting along side kurdish forces this summer. jack shirley was 25 years old. jordan mactaggart was 22 years old. the sister of shirley says they heroes today. the father said he voluntarily went to syria to fight along side the forces fighting isis. again, they're able to bury their sons today so good news for them in some ways. live from union station, jamie leary, cbs4 morning news. man, it's a great morning out there. sunshine all over the city. may have a few storms this afternoon. temperatures not bad. 50 in city park. [cheers and applause] >> announcer: today on rachael ray... >> rachael! >> announcer: dr. oz is getting to the bottom of your tough milk questions. >> rachael: you scared me. >> announcer: then -- >> whoo! >> announcer: brother of jussie smollett, but he can cook with the big boys. now, are you ready for rachael! [cheers and applause] >> welcome, everybody, welcome. now like many people, i kind of dread going to the doctor and i tend to put it off because i'm busy and don't have time for checkups and don't have time to

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