> he writes songs and plays as beautifully as someone can. he's reached that level of transcendence where it can't"> > he writes songs and plays as beautifully as someone can. he's reached that level of transcendence where it can't" property="og:description"> > he writes songs and plays as beautifully as someone can. he's reached that level of transcendence where it can't">

Transcripts For KCNC CBS Overnight News 20161104 : compareme

Transcripts For KCNC CBS Overnight News 20161104

t t too. they no longer cry." >> he writes songs and plays as beautifully as someone can. he's reached that level of transcendence where it can't be better than it is. it just is. it's something that just hits you. >> reporter: to fully appreciate the music here you have to see the misery. authorities didn't want us to show what life is like for the prisoners. so much of what we filmed we had to record secretly, without the guards knowing. inmates in zamba are fed just one meal a day, a small bowl of gruel made out of corn flour. the menu, we're told, rarely changes. on good days they get a few beans. on bad days, inmates say, yhikonde salenje sang on the album nominated for a grammy. he's doing time for burglary. do you eat meat in chicken? beef? you're laughing. that's not good. when was the last time you had meat? >> 2014. 25 december. >> reporter: 2 1/2 years ago christmas day? >> yeah. >> reporter: it's not just the lack of food. zamba is so overcrowded prisoners say they only have enough room in their cells to sleep wedged against one another lying on their sides. stefano narenda also sang on the album. so you're sleeping on your side? >> translator: when you want to turn, you have to do it together. >> and they're right next to each other? how do you sleep? >> reporter: stefano is in for robbery, and he's hiv positive, as are around a quarter of zamba's inmates. they occasionally get visits from an italian nun, sister anna tommasi, who runs a small charity providing some food and legal aid to prisoners. if you were writing a postcard to somebody who had never been to this prison, how would you describe it here? >> i think it's impossible for somebody outside to get -- there are no words because -- >> reporter: what life is like here? >> yes. i think before you came three days ago if i had written anything do you think you could have had a clue? >> no. >> sometimes i call it the waiting room of hell. >> reporter: that's what this prison room is like sometimes? >> yeah. >> reporter: if it is the living room of hell, salvation for chikande salenje comes from music. >> when i'm singing i feel like i'm in another world. i don't feel like i'm in prison realize oh, i'm still in prison. when i'm singing i forget about everything else. >> reporter: when the music stops that's when you realize you're in prison? >> when we're singing the walls are no longer there. but when we stop the walls return. and then we're back to counting the bricks again. ? >> reporter: chikonde wouldn't have to count the bricks longer. oo after five years here he was about to get released and when we were there recorded a new song for ian brennan. it's about leaving prison and his years of life as i used to blame the weather for my frizz. turns out my curls needed to be stronger. pantene's pro-v formula makes my curls so strong... ...they can dry practically frizz free. because strong sick, huh? i'm good. cooooling thing happening? it's got a menthol burst. you can feel it right away. new mucinex fast-max clear & cool. feel the menthol burst. and clear your worst cold symptoms. let's end this. for far too many americans the fight against addiction is a life or death battle. just ask khalia when he saw the light. years later he's now a successful businessman with a string of juice bars in and around los angeles. how he put his life together is the focus of his new book "i forgot to die." mireya villarreal has the story. >> one day i woke up and this was my life and i couldn't get out. >> reporter: on the streets of l.a.'s notorious skid row the smell of crack and heroin and human waste hangs in the air. for 47-year-old khalil rafaty it brings back old memories. bit, seeing a syringe. >> reporter: i wouldn't have even noticed that but you picked that up in an instant. >> yeah. because that's what i used every 15 minutes. >> reporter: rafaty grew up in ohio. he escaped a childhood scarred by physical and sexual abuse by moving to los angeles. but there was no escaping his demons. rafaty started using and selling drugs. that led to a felony drug conviction and later his descent into heroin addiction and homelessness. >> this is the last house on the this is where i could get drugs and i could panhandle. it's like being hijacked. you have to have drugs. >> reporter: more than once rafaty ended up in the los angeles county jail. so you actually haven't been back here since you were released from jail. >> yeah. now, that gave me a shudder. >> reporter: yeah? >> yeah. inside there is way worse than we just were. >> reporter: how bad were the withdrawals in there? just horrible. >> reporter: rafati has been sober for 13 years now but admits he still thinks about getting high sometimes. what stops him he says is the life he has now. >> that's as california as you can get. >> reporter: a thriving business he built with his partner haley gorsy and the roughly 200 employees that depend on him. >> smile. >> reporter: sunlife organics has six locations in los angeles. >> trust god, clean house, help others, right? >> reporter: his flagship shop in malibu with its loyal celebrity superfood smoothies and a healthy lifestyle that rafati credits with saving his life. >> hibiscus, orange, alkaline water and raw honey. >> it's a long way from skid row. >> what was the point where you were like no, this really is the end, i'm stopping? >> the seizures, the abscesses. my teeth were literally rotting out of my head. so just the physical condition that i was in really drove me to don't make a change. >> reporter: after finally getting clean, rafati started working odd jobs, doing yard work and cleaning houses. that led to steady jobs, then investments and eventual l. a successful business venture focused on of all things wellness. >> what's up, buddy? how was the run? >> great. >> yeah? >> when i completely fell apart was when i wasn't working. i've got to work. >> reporter: rafati says he got a second chance at life but his his present. >> the addict in me is what i bring to this operation. this relentless pursuit of greatness and pure authentic self-expression. that's what it's all about. so what i bring to the table is yeah, is being nuts. >> reporter: could you say that this has become your new drug? >> this isn't just my new drug. this is my anti-depressant. and it's the greatest anti-depressant i've ever tried. i've tried them all. >> reporter: what is that advice you that give to maybe not just dream that you had of owning a , ,, ,, an elementary school teacher in colorado came up with half a sentence, and it changed the lives of a lot of kids. here's marc strassmann. >> this book is one of my favorites. >> reporter: every third grade teacher struggles to connect with students, especially at the beginning of the year. >> everybody, your booty is like glued to the carpet. you're not getting up again. >> reporter: but denver unique and she thinks groundbreaking way to do that. >> i just wrote on the board "i wish my teacher knew" and had students write an answer for me. >> reporter: the responses range from heartwarming -- >> i wish my teacher knew that i love her with all my heart. >> reporter: -- to heartbreaking. >> i wish my teacher knew my grandpa died when i was in california. i started to cry because i want him to be still alive. >> students all over the country challenging issues, and it really helps you know what actions i need to take as a teacher to support them. >> and was the simplicity of that opening sentence part of the success? >> i think there's a real power in the simplicity of the sentence. >> let's read it again and make sure it makes sense. >> reporter: schwartz multiplied that power a few years ago when she tweeted some of her students' notes. they talked about everyday hardships like poverty, loneliness, and the break-ups of >> it kind of snowballed, and through the power of social media teachers all over the country and really all over the world started doing the same lesson. >> reporter: schwartz turned those notes and the ideas she developed to deal with them into a new book that looks to explain how one question can change everything for our kids. >> i wish my teacher knew that i don't have as many friends as i thought. >> why did you write that? sometimes mean or rude. >> reporter: and what did she say to you about that? >> she told the class to raise their hand if you wanted to be my friend. and nearly all of the class put their hand up. >> reporter: you didn't think you had many friends, and what did you learn? >> a lot of people wanted to be friends. >> i've seen their peers rally around i've seen this exercise really grow and change and help students. >> did it make you realize also you're not the only one who worries or has problems? what did that tell you? >> it told me that sometimes you need a hug. >> and a pat on the back. >> and a pat on the back. you guys did awesome. >> reporter: marc strassmann, denver, colorado. that's the overnight news for this friday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back with us a from the broadcast center here in new york city i'm demarco morgan. the race gets tighter. as election day grows closer. >> five days away from the change you've been waiting for your entire life. >> imagine it is january 20th, 2017 and imagine it is donald trump standing in front of the capitol. also tonight, seniors argue over two of their own. >> i wouldn't trust her to go to the store for me. >> i don't believe he's qualified to lead anything, including my local homeowners association. the government says kids are eating too much salt, putting their health at risk. tears of joy in cubville. the drought ends, and the waterworks begin. becomes an international tv sensation. >> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news." the race is down to four days, and hillary clinton's lead is down to three points. in a new cbs news/"new york times" poll it is clinton 45%, donald trump 42%. two weeks ago clinton had a motivating voters to the polls is key, and both campaigns seem to have adopted a new motto. "if you can't win 'em, scare 'em." donald trump was in florida yesterday with his version of a story in the "wall street journal" about the fbi and the clinton foundation. major garrett was there. >> so let me ask you this question. i've never done this before. will justice be done? yes or no? >> reporter: in jacksonville, florida today donald trump seized on a new report that the fbi has investigated criminal wrongdoing at the clinton foundation. >> it was reported that an avalanche of information is coming in. the fbi agents say their investigation is likely to yield an indictment. >> reporter: not quite. cbs news has confirmed that the fbi has looked into the finances of c so far no charges have been filed. >> he certainly knows how to shake things up, doesn't he? >> reporter: in pennsylvania trump's wife melania made her first campaign appearance since giving a partially plagiarized speech at the gop convention. she said as first lady she would focus on online bullying, accused of doing. >> children and teenagers can be fragile. they are hurt when they are made fun of or made to feel less in looks or intelligence. >> reporter: trump also deployed former arch-rival turned ally ted cruz to iowa today, but campaigning with mike pence, cruz kept his focus off of trump. >> i recognize some of you guys are wanting to write stories suggesting divisions among republicans. i'll make a point, i'm getting ready to get on a gigantic airplane that has donald trump's name painted on the side of it. >> repr: eastern north carolina, part of a closing strategy of driving up the gop vote in the reddest part of battleground states. scott, trump's weekend schedule is at least partially set. it looks a little more purple and blue. stops saturday in nevada and colorado, sunday in wisconsin. >> major garrett on the home stretch. now let's check in with nancy cordes covering the clinton campaign. >> reporter: if donald trump were to win this election, we would have a commander in chief who is completely out of his depth and whose ideas are >> reporter: with five days to go, clinton has concluded that the best way to win the white house is to paint a picture of trump in it. >> if you're latino, you know what life would be like because we'd have a president who doesn't see you as american at all. >> reporter: the latest cbs news/"new york times" poll helps explain the strategy. only 49% of likely voters say they are very enthusiastic about casting their ballots, dowom in the absence of enthusiasm fear might be the next most powerful motivator. >> you can't make excuses for this stuff! >> reporter: in miami today the president warned that the nation's very character is at stake. >> if you discriminate against people of different faiths before you are president, then that is what you will do in office. office! >> reporter: it isn't all doom and gloom. clinton pairs her argument about trump with talk about how she wants to lead. >> i disagree with people on lots of issues but i believe the only way we can get things done is to actually listen and respect each other and try to find that common ground. >> reporter: newly released state department e-mails show that at one point secretary clinton and her to abedin discussed how abedin could get a secure phone to clinton. clinton suggested that perhaps an aide to abedin's now disgraced husband anthony weiner could fedex it to her. scott, state department officials say this would not have been appropriate, sending it in that manner, as long as the phone was rendered inoperable first. >> nancy cordes for us tonight. nancy, thank you. we told you a moment ago how vote, state by state, that elects the president. anthony salvanto is our cbs news director of elections and our expert on this. anthony, tell us first about trump. >> well, scott, let's take a look at trump's path through those battleground states that will ultimately decide this. we think he has to win florida. that's the perennial battleground state. and also get ohio, where the polls have been very tight. but then he also has to win north carolina, which is also a tight race, and even then he electoral votes that he needs. he'll still have to go and take a couple of other states like, say, a colorado and a nevada in order to get past 270. if that sounds like a lot of work for the last five days, it is. >> and when hillary clinton looks at your map, what does she see? >> here's why she still has an edge. start with pennsylvania, where she's been leading in the polls. if she can hang on to that, then she just needs to win north carolina herself, say, to go that adds up to an easier electoral college path for hillary clinton. >> anthony salvanto, director of elections here at cbs news, thanks very much. whatever side of your line we hope you'll join us for cbs news election night coverage. that's going to be tuesday night at 7:00 eastern time. in northern afghanistan today two u.s. service members were killed and four were wounded in a raid against taliban leaders in kunduz province. the americans have not been identified. forces. u.s. air strikes were called in. dozens of taliban fighters were killed. but so were at least 30 afghan civilians. ,, ,, ,, ,, perhaps you've noticed just how heated your own election conversations are getting. marc strassmann got an earful listening to retirees. for our week-long series "closing arguments." >> reporter: this is the villages north of orlando. sprawling and tranquil. bitter, partisan divide. >> he's alienated over 50% of the american electorate. >> that is not true. have you researched him? have you gone in -- >> yeah, i have. and that's why i'm voting against him. >> reporter: linda fogg is a retired 61-year-old chemical engineer. 67-year-old dale kennedy used to be a mortgage broker. >> i'm about to walk out of here. i'll tell you what. >> reporter: we introduced these two lifelong republicans. >> well, be my guest. you always do. >> reporter: by mail fogg voted for hillary clinton. her first vote ever for a democrat. >> was there a part of you that felt like a traitor to your party? >> no. i believe donald trump has been a traitor to the gop. >> i'm linda fogg. >> reporter: fogg even started a club here, republicans for hillary. >> when we have a candidate at the top of the ticket that insults women, minorities, immigrants, and mocks the disabled, i don't believe he's qualified to lead anything. >> reporter: kennedy is passionately pro trump. >> there is so much positive energy behind donald trump. he is definitely not a perfect person. and he has said some stupid things. >> has trump said anything that is so to you stupid or offensive that it made you second-guess your support? >> momentarily, when the thing came out. >> which thing? >> oh, you know which thing. you know which one. >> are you talking about the billy bush interview? >> whatever. let's just say he's said a lot of stupid things and yes, some of them were -- they made me stop and think. >> what is it about trump that you find attractive? >> this man loves america. he wants to get us back to our roots, to where we have morals in this country. i believe he is far more trustworthy than hillary clinton. i wouldn't trust her to go to the store for me. she has lied about benghazi. she has lied about her e-mails. >> yes, there are some issues i have with hillary clinton. i believe that hillary clinton walks right up to the line of legality and kind of flirts with it and backs off. but we have had her under the microscope for decades and we have yet to find anything that we can lock her up for, as the trump supporters would say. >> reporter: fogg and kennedy will both campaign for their candidates until next tuesday. [ honking ] having people honk at me. every once in a while i get shot a bird. >> and so do i. >> oh, really? >> not the same person hopefully. >> reporter: marc strassmann, cbs news, the villages, florida. 40 million people watched the chicago cubs defeat the cleveland indians last night in game 7 of the world series. it was the largest tv audience for a series game since 1991. speak of the last time the cubs won, in 1908. here's dean reynolds. >> the cubs win the world series! >> reporter: it was a game that will be emblazoned on the souls of cub fans forever. a turn of events that made grown men sob with relief that the burden borne by their parents and grandparents had finally been lifted from their shoulders. [ cheers ] >> reporter: there were enough emotional peaks and valleys to one game. when a four-run cub lead evaporated, people started to lose it. cindy lloyd spoke for many. >> did you think they were going to blow it? >> yeah. that did cross my mind. >> reporter: randy traub is a big guy who was too afraid to watch even one of the 80 screens in the cubby bear bar. >> i didn't want to look. i've been down this road too many times. >> reporter: well, this road trip lasted 108 years, but it was no dd in the post-game partying -- >> yeah! >> reporter: -- cubs slugger kyle schwarber became acquainted with a fine vintage. >> it tastes great. tastes so much better now that we're champs. >> reporter: this morning the cubs came home, clutching the trophy that eluded this franchise for so long. and it took a white sox fan to explain how long. >> the last time the cubs won thomas edison was alive and they hadn't invented sliced bread yet. >> reporter: "chicago tribune" >> i think the losing -- you know, you kind of got used to it over the years. >> happy to shed that lovable loser thing? >> oh, my god. i'm happy not to have to write about the billy goat ever again. >> reporter: further confirmation that all of this is not really a dream will come tomorrow, scott, when much of the city is expected to turn out for a big parade honoring baseball's new world champions. >> dean reynolds at wrigley for us tonight. dean, thank you. coming up next, stopped for a broken taillight, in minutes he was dead. an ex-cop stands trial. and later, american kids are ahh...still sick, huh? i'll take it from here. i'm good. i just took new mucinex clear and cool. ah! what's this sudden cooooling thing happening? it's got a menthol burst. you can feel it right away. wow, that sort of blind-sided me. and it clears my terrible cold symptoms. ahh! this is awkward. new mucinex fast-max clear & cool. feel the menthol burst. and clear your worst cold symptoms. sometimes we use k-y ultragel to enhance my body's natural moisture so i can get into it a bit quicker. and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel. a fired white police officer in south carolina could get 30 years to life if he's convicted in the murder of an unarmed black man. marc strassmann is covering the trial. >> reporter: walter scott's family arrived at the charleston they've waited 19 months for the day michael slager, scott's killer, begins to confront a possible life sentence. prosecutor scarlet wilson. >> what michael slager did to walter scott was wrong. it was flag out wrong. >> reporter: it was an everyday traffic stop last april. >> your license and registration, sir. >> reporter: slager pulled over scott for a broken taillight. scott suddenly ran. moments later, in this cell phone video recorded by a passerby, the white officer shot the fleeing black suspect five times in the back. one bullet entered scott's heart. >> the charge in this case is murder. >> reporter: slager's jury, 11 of them white, one black, will hear his claim of self-defense. the 34-year-old former officer says he and scott fought over the cop's stun gun moments began. defense attorney andy savage. >> he physically and forcefully resisted to the extent that they were both fighting on the ground. >> walter's gone. but now we need justice for walter. >> reporter: anthony scott, walter's older brother, told us the video proves slager killed in cold blood. >> what goes through your head and heart when you watch the video now? >> to me it's a man being shot in the back by a coward police officer. >> reporter: the court also heard from judy scott, walter's mother. scott, she testified she was on the phone with him during the traffic stop and heard him groaning in pain, apparently from being tased. >> marc strassmann for us in charleston. marc, thank you very much. sometimes we use k-y ultragel to enhance my body's natural moisture so i can get into it a bit quicker. and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel. 90% of american kids eat far too much salt, according to a new federal study which says those kids are at risk for high blood pressure and heart disease. here's dr. jon lapook. >> reporter: at cafeterias, restaurants, and home kids are piling on the salt. >> when i'm home doing homework, i usually eat a lot of chips. crazy with salt. that's my go-to food there. >> reporter: but that go-to food could lead to problems like high blood pressure. already one in nine children have it. the recommended daily limit for sodium ranges from 1900 milligrams a day for younger kids to 2300 a day for older ones. today's study found adolescents consumed 55% more sodium than recommended. y the limit. >> my favorite food would be pizza. >> reporter: pizza and mexican food headed the top ten list of sodium sources. but the salt was sprinkled throughout their entire diet. and of the ten only milk had naturally occurring sodium. for the rest salt was added during processing. four of the bagel bites is going to be about 410 milligrams of sodium. >> reporter: bridget murphy is a dietician at nyu langone medical center. >> one tablespoon of ketchup has 160 milligrams of sodium than that's more thain slice of bread. >> reporter: the cdc says it's important to limit the salt in children's diets because eating habits learned early tend to persist as we get older. it's easy to be intimidated by numbers on food labels, but if you remember the daily sodium allowance is from 1900 to 2300 milligrams, depending upon your child's age, you can figure out how to spend those milligrams wisely. >> dr. jon lapook. thanks, doc. married on his own tv show. ,, ,, ,, finally tonight, most americans would be hard-pressed to name a single u.s. ambassador. but one of them has become a star. here's mark phillips in copenhagen with celebrity diplomacy. >> reporter: rufus gifford is a different kind of ambassador. >> on this one i'm not certain that i can give you anything >> reporter: he's the media star kind. >> thank you so much. >> reporter: and this is his show. >> i have the best job in the world. and the only way you can really explain it to people is by living it. >> this is your average wednesday. >> reporter: rufus gifford, ambassador to denmark, is a the idea of transparency in government to a place no man has gone before. he let danish tv cameras in to film his work and his life. >> wonderful. >> reporter: the catchily entitled "i am the ambassador from america" was supposed to draw a small cult audience of foreign policy geeks. >> we thought if we were lucky we might have 50,000 danes tune in. >> reporter: instead, the danes rolled in and tuned in in their shock. >> he looks like a hollywood star. perfect smile, good-looking, smart, and so on. >> an american from central casting almost. >> yeah. >> reporter: but apart from a character, a show needs a plot. enter, kitchen left, rufus's partner steven. >> should be home by 7:00 then. evening is free. >> good. >> yeah. >> reporter: the two decided what they needed and maybe what the show needed was a good you are legally married. congratulations. [ applause ] >> reporter: it was a happy day. a big hit. and more. >> there was an element of diplomacy there. or politics. whatever you want to call it. >> what were you trying to prove? >> we were in copenhagen city hall, where the first same-sex unions in the world took place, steven and i got married. >> reporter: naturally the awards followed. >> rufus gifford! >> oh, man. >> reporter: having conquered denmark, the show has now been picked up by netflix and is running around the world. >> you never know what sells on tv. >> that is true. that is true. yes indeed. >> hi. >> reporter: the ambassador turned accidental tv star is going global, and diplomacy may never be the same. mark phillips, cbs news, copenhagen. >> and that's the overnight news for this friday. for some of you the news continues. little bit later for the morning news. and be sure not to miss "cbs this morning." from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm scott pelley. >> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news." hi, everyone, and welcome to the "overnight news." i'm demarco morgan. it's four days and counting till election day, and both hillary clinton and donald trump are crisscrossing the country, trying to drum up votes in the battleground states each will need to win the white house. how are they doing? we begin with major garrett with the trump campaign. >> so let me ask you this question. i've never done this before. will justice be done or not? will justice be done? yes or no? >> reporter: in jacksonville, florida today donald trump seized on a new report that the fbi has investigated criminal wrongdoing at the clinton foundation. >> it was reported that an avalanche of information is the fbi agents say their investigation is likely to yield an indictment. >> reporter: not quite. cbs news has confirmed that the fbi has looked into the finances of the clinton foundation, but so far no charges have been filed. >> he certainly knows how to shake things up, doesn't he? >> reporter: in pennsylvania trump's wife melania made her first campaign appearance since giving a partially plagiarized speech at the gop convention. she said as first lady she would focus on online bullying, something her husband has been accused of doing. >> children and teenagers can be fragile. they are hurt when they are made fun of or made to feel less in looks or intelligence. >> reporter: trump also deployed former arch-rival turned ally ted cruz to iowa today. but campaigning with mike pence, cruz kept his focus off of trump. suggesting divisions among republicans. i'll make a point, i'm getting ready to get on a gigantic airplane that has donald trump's name painted on the side of it. >> reporter: trump rallies tonight in reliably republican eastern north carolina, part of a closing strategy of driving up the gop vote in the reddest part of battleground states. scott, trump's weekend schedule is at least partially set. it looks a little more purple and blue, stops saturday i wisconsin. nancy cordes now, traveling with the clinton campaign. >> if donald trump were to win this election, we would have a commander in chief who is completely out of his depth and whose ideas are incredibly dangerous. >> reporter: with five days to go, clinton has concluded that the best way to win the white house is to paint a picture of trump in it. >> if you're latino, you know what life would be like because we've have a president who doesn't see you as american at all. news/"new york times" poll helps explain the strategy. only 49% of likely voters say they are very enthusiastic about casting their ballots, down from 62% in 2012. in the absence of enthusiasm fear might be the next most powerful motivator. >> you can't make excuses for this stuff. >> reporter: in miami today the president warned that the nation's very character is at stake. >> if you discriminate against people of different faiths before you are president, then that is what you will do in office except you will have more power to carry out the twisted notions that you had before you were in office! >> reporter: it isn't all doom and gloom. clinton pairs her argument about trump with talk of how she wants to lead. >> i disagree with people on lots of issues, but i believe the only way we can get things find that common ground. >> reporter: newly released state department e-mails show that at one point secretary clinton and her top aide huma abedin discussed how abedin could get a secure phone to clinton. clinton suggested that perhaps an aide to abedin's now disgraced husband anthony weiner could fedex it to her. scott, state department officials say this would not have been appropriate, sending it in that manner, as long as e inoperable first. on tuesday many millennials will be going to the polls for the first time. hillary clinton has a wide lead among the 18 to 29-year-old voters. she's got the support of 49% compared to donald trump at 21%. more than half of young voters say they are fearful about the future. elaine quijano gathered a group of millennials from a dozen different states to discuss the election. >> i'm a very proud conservative but i don't think that donald trump represents the republican unapologetic american and full-blown deplorable trump supporters. >> i'm 19 years old. i'll be voting for gary johnson this year. >> i'm 27 and i'm with her. >> honestly, all i really know is i'm not with her and i don't support hillary clinton. >> i say i'm a trump supporter and they immediately think i'm racist, i'm islamophobic. that's a problem in this election. we automatically jump to conclusions that a trump supporter is this bad, uneducated person. >> he's bombastic and he says a lot of stuff that i absolutely do not 100% agree wi >> how many of you here have had college debt or you will soon have college debt, student debt? >> by the time i'm finished with my education i'm going to have over $200,000 in debt. in order to get a better career, you're forced into higher education, forced into this debt. i don't think really either candidate has posed a good enough stance. and that is the issue of civil rights. a recent poll found that 85% of young african-americans and 72% of hispanics believe their race is under attack in the u.s. i wonder, why do you think that is? >> this particular topic is something that's really dear to my heart because i was robbed and shot in my head. and if that wasn't enough, i look up and i was staring down and this time it wasn't the barrel of a gun from someone who was trying to rob me. this time i was looking at the barrel of the police. >> ryan quatrimane, let me ask you. you're the son of a former police officer. is that right? >> he actually recently retired. i think there are bad police officers. there's plenty of corrupt police officers. but i think obama hasn't done a decent job at helping the african-american communities. and i think hillary clinton is part of that. police officers, you know, versus the black lives matter, the african-american community. one is a choice, you have a choice to be a cop. you sign that. you go through training for that. ain't no choice being black. trump has normalized his talk and has put a lot of lives in danger. >> here's the thing. trump hasn't been in the white house. so to say that trump tore our country apart at the seams and created this racial division, no way. president obama was the one who was in the white house for eight years, and race relations have been worse than ever in this country. t' an african-american man who has torn apart this country. we need to look at that. >> to say that race relations have gotten as bad as they've ever been under president obama shows a lack of historical depth. america is built on racial division. and donald trump rhetoric, this otherism, builds into that narrative that has long been the narrative of american society. 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"you left without saying good-bye," he sings. "you left behind the children too. ? >> he writes songs and plays as beautifully as someone can. he's reached that level of transcendence where it can't be better than it is. it just is. it's something that just hits you. >> reporter: to fully appreciate the music here you have to see the misery. but when we arrived at zomba, authorities didn't want us to show what life is like for the prisoners. so much of what we filmed we had to record secretly, without the guards knowing. inmates in zomba are fed just one meal a day, a small bowl of gruel made out of corn flour. the menu, we're told, rarely changes. on good days they get a few beans. on bad days, inmates say, there's no food at all. he's doing time for burglary. do you eat meat? chicken? beef? you're laughing. that's not good. when was the last time you had meat? >> 2014. 25 december. >> reporter: 2 1/2 years ago christmas day? >> yeah. >> reporter: it's not just the lack of food. zo s prisoners say they only have enough room in their cells to sleep wedged against one another lying on their sides. stefano narenda also sang on the album. so you're sleeping on your side? >> translator: when you want to turn, you have to do it together. >> and they're right next to each other? how do you sleep? >> translator: we just sleep. we have no choice. as are around a quarter of zomba's inmates. they occasionally get visits from an italian nun, sister anna tomasi, who runs a small charity providing some food and legal aid to prisoners. if you were writing a postcard to somebody who had never been to this prison, how would you describe it here? >> i think it's impossible for somebody outside to get -- there are no words which could explain because -- here? >> yes. i think before you came three days ago if i had written anything do you think you could have had a clue? >> no. >> sometimes i call it as the waiting room of hell. >> reporter: that's what this prison room is like sometimes? >> yes. >> reporter: if it is the living room of hell, salvation for chikande salenje comes from music. >> translator: when i'm singing, i feel like i'm in another world. i don't feel like i'm in prison at all. it's only when i stop that i everything else. >> reporter: when the music stops that's when you realize you're in prison? >> translator: when we are singing, the walls are no longer there. but when we stop, the walls return. and then we're back to counting the bricks again. ? >> reporter: chikonde wouldn't have to count the bricks much longer. after five years here he was about to r we were there recorded a new song for ian brennan. it's about leaving prison and his fears of life as a free man. >> you can see the full report >> you can see the full report on o ? ? one day a rider made a decision. the decision to ride on and save money. he decided to save money by switching on, ride proud. geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. ngerous. always keep laundry pacs away from children. keep them up, keep them closed, keep them safe. tide pods now come in a child guard zip pack. to help keep your laundry pacs safe and your child safer. align, press and unzip. ahh...still sick, huh? i'll take it from here. i just took new mucinex clear and cool. ah! what's this sudden cooooling thing happening? it's got a menthol burst. you can feel it right away. wow, that sort of blind-sided me. and it clears my terrible cold symptoms. ahh! this is awkward. new mucinex fast-max clear & cool. feel the menthol burst. and clear your worst cold symptoms. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. e's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel. for far too many americans the fight against addiction is a life or death battle. just ask khalil rafati. when he saw the light. years later he's now a successful businessman with a string of juice bars in and around los angeles. how he put his life together is the focus of his new book, "i forgot to die." mireya villarreal has the story. >> one day i woke up and this was my life and i couldn't get out. >> reporter: on the streets of l.a.'s notorious skid row the smell of crack and heroin and human waste hangs in the air. for 47-year-old khalil rafati it brings back old memories. >> that triggers me a little even noticed that but you picked that up in an instant. >> yeah. because that's what i used every 15 minutes. >> reporter: rafati grew up in ohio. he escaped a childhood scarred by physical and sexual abuse by moving to los angeles. but there was no escaping his demons. rafati started using and selling drugs. that led to a felony drug conviction and later his descent into heroin addiction and homelessness. >> this is the last house on the block. i had nowhere else to go. this is where i could get drugs and i could panhandle. it's like being hijacked. you have to have drugs. >> reporter: more than once rafati ended up in the los angeles county jail. so you actually haven't been back here since you were released from jail. >> yeah. now, that gave me a shudder. >> reporter: yeah? >> yeah. inside there is way worse than where we just were. >> reporter: how bad were the withdrawals in there? >> the worst ever. on a cold cement floor. sober for 13 years now but admits he still thinks about getting high sometimes. what stops him he says is the life he has now. >> that's as california as you can get. >> reporter: a thriving business he built with his partner haley gorsy and the roughly 200 employees that depend on him. >> smile. >> reporter: sunlife organics has six locations in los angeles. >> trust god, clean house, help others, right? >> reporter: his flagship shop in malibu with its loyal celebrity clientele sells superf credits with saving his life. >> hibiscus, orange, alkaline water and raw honey. >> it's a long way from skid row. >> what was the point where you were like no, this really is the end, i'm stopping? >> the seizures, the abscesses. my teeth were literally rotting out of my head. so just the physical condition time is pretty much up if i don't make a change. >> reporter: after finally getting clean, rafati started working odd jobs, doing yard work and cleaning houses. that led to steady jobs, then investments and eventually successful business venture focused on of all things wellness. >> what's up, buddy? how was the run? >> great. >> yeah? >> when i completely fell apart was when i wasn't working. i've got to work. >> reporter: rafati says he got a second chance at life but his past remains very much a part of his present. >> the addict in me is what i bring to this operation. this relentless pursuit of greatness and pure authentic self-expression. that's what it's all about. so what i bring to the table is yeah, is being nuts. >> reporter: could you say that this has become your new drug? >> this isn't just my new drug. this is my anti-depressant. and it's the greatest anti-depressant i've ever tried. i've tried them all. >> reporter: what is that advice recovering addicts but also people out there who have the dream that you had of owning a business? >> never, ever,, ,, ,, ,, an elementary school teacher in colorado came up with half a sentence, and it changed the lives of a lot of kids. here's marc strassmann. >> this book is one of my favorites. >> reporter: every third grade teacher struggles to connect with students, especially at the beginning of the year. >> everybody, your booty is like glued to the carpet. you're not getting up again. >> reporter: but denver teacher kyle schwartz has come up with a unique and she thinks groundbreaking way to do that. >> i just wrote on the board "i wish my teacher knew" and had students write an answer for me. >> reporter: the responses range from heartwarming -- >> i wish my teacher knew that i love her with all my heart. >> reporter: -- to heartbreaking. >> i wish my teacher knew my grandpa died when i was in california. i started to cry because i want him to be still alive. >> students all over the country challenging issues, and it really helps me know what actions i need to take as a teacher to support them. >> and was the simplicity of that open-ended sentence part of its success? >> i think that there's a real power in the simplicity of the sentence. >> let's read it again and make sure it makes sense. >> reporter: schwartz multiplied that power a few years ago when she tweeted some of her students' notes. they talked about everyday hardships like poverty, loneliness, and the break-ups of families. >> it kind of snowballed, and media teachers all over the country and really all over the world started doing the same lesson. >> reporter: schwartz turned those notes and the ideas she developed to deal with them into a new book that looks to explain how one question can change everything for our kids. >> i wish my teacher knew that i don't have as many friends as i thought. >> why did you write that? >> because there are a lot of sometimes mean or rude. >> reporter: and what did she say to you about that? >> she told the class to raise their hand if you wanted to be my friend. and nearly all of the class put their hand up. >> reporter: you didn't think you had many friends, and what did you learn? >> a lot of people wanted to be friends. >> i've seen their peers rally around them. i've seen this exercise really grow and change and help students. you're not the only one who worries or has problems? what did that tell you? >> it told me that sometimes you need a hug. >> and a pat on the back. >> and a pat on the back. you guys did awesome. >> reporter: marc strassmann, denver, colorado. that's the overnight news captioning funded by cbs it's friday, november 4th, 2016. just four days until the presidential election. this is the "cbs morning news." as we head into the final weekend of the campaign, hillary clinton is painting a grim picture of what a trump presidency might look like. >> we would have a commander in chief who is completely out of his depth and whose ideas are incredibly dangerous. >> meanwhile, melania trump hit the trail for the first time in months saying, as first lady, she would battle something her own husband has been accused of, cyber bullying.

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Transcripts For KCNC CBS Overnight News 20161104

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t t too. they no longer cry." >> he writes songs and plays as beautifully as someone can. he's reached that level of transcendence where it can't be better than it is. it just is. it's something that just hits you. >> reporter: to fully appreciate the music here you have to see the misery. authorities didn't want us to show what life is like for the prisoners. so much of what we filmed we had to record secretly, without the guards knowing. inmates in zamba are fed just one meal a day, a small bowl of gruel made out of corn flour. the menu, we're told, rarely changes. on good days they get a few beans. on bad days, inmates say, yhikonde salenje sang on the album nominated for a grammy. he's doing time for burglary. do you eat meat in chicken? beef? you're laughing. that's not good. when was the last time you had meat? >> 2014. 25 december. >> reporter: 2 1/2 years ago christmas day? >> yeah. >> reporter: it's not just the lack of food. zamba is so overcrowded prisoners say they only have enough room in their cells to sleep wedged against one another lying on their sides. stefano narenda also sang on the album. so you're sleeping on your side? >> translator: when you want to turn, you have to do it together. >> and they're right next to each other? how do you sleep? >> reporter: stefano is in for robbery, and he's hiv positive, as are around a quarter of zamba's inmates. they occasionally get visits from an italian nun, sister anna tommasi, who runs a small charity providing some food and legal aid to prisoners. if you were writing a postcard to somebody who had never been to this prison, how would you describe it here? >> i think it's impossible for somebody outside to get -- there are no words because -- >> reporter: what life is like here? >> yes. i think before you came three days ago if i had written anything do you think you could have had a clue? >> no. >> sometimes i call it the waiting room of hell. >> reporter: that's what this prison room is like sometimes? >> yeah. >> reporter: if it is the living room of hell, salvation for chikande salenje comes from music. >> when i'm singing i feel like i'm in another world. i don't feel like i'm in prison realize oh, i'm still in prison. when i'm singing i forget about everything else. >> reporter: when the music stops that's when you realize you're in prison? >> when we're singing the walls are no longer there. but when we stop the walls return. and then we're back to counting the bricks again. ? >> reporter: chikonde wouldn't have to count the bricks longer. oo after five years here he was about to get released and when we were there recorded a new song for ian brennan. it's about leaving prison and his years of life as i used to blame the weather for my frizz. turns out my curls needed to be stronger. pantene's pro-v formula makes my curls so strong... ...they can dry practically frizz free. because strong sick, huh? i'm good. cooooling thing happening? it's got a menthol burst. you can feel it right away. new mucinex fast-max clear & cool. feel the menthol burst. and clear your worst cold symptoms. let's end this. for far too many americans the fight against addiction is a life or death battle. just ask khalia when he saw the light. years later he's now a successful businessman with a string of juice bars in and around los angeles. how he put his life together is the focus of his new book "i forgot to die." mireya villarreal has the story. >> one day i woke up and this was my life and i couldn't get out. >> reporter: on the streets of l.a.'s notorious skid row the smell of crack and heroin and human waste hangs in the air. for 47-year-old khalil rafaty it brings back old memories. bit, seeing a syringe. >> reporter: i wouldn't have even noticed that but you picked that up in an instant. >> yeah. because that's what i used every 15 minutes. >> reporter: rafaty grew up in ohio. he escaped a childhood scarred by physical and sexual abuse by moving to los angeles. but there was no escaping his demons. rafaty started using and selling drugs. that led to a felony drug conviction and later his descent into heroin addiction and homelessness. >> this is the last house on the this is where i could get drugs and i could panhandle. it's like being hijacked. you have to have drugs. >> reporter: more than once rafaty ended up in the los angeles county jail. so you actually haven't been back here since you were released from jail. >> yeah. now, that gave me a shudder. >> reporter: yeah? >> yeah. inside there is way worse than we just were. >> reporter: how bad were the withdrawals in there? just horrible. >> reporter: rafati has been sober for 13 years now but admits he still thinks about getting high sometimes. what stops him he says is the life he has now. >> that's as california as you can get. >> reporter: a thriving business he built with his partner haley gorsy and the roughly 200 employees that depend on him. >> smile. >> reporter: sunlife organics has six locations in los angeles. >> trust god, clean house, help others, right? >> reporter: his flagship shop in malibu with its loyal celebrity superfood smoothies and a healthy lifestyle that rafati credits with saving his life. >> hibiscus, orange, alkaline water and raw honey. >> it's a long way from skid row. >> what was the point where you were like no, this really is the end, i'm stopping? >> the seizures, the abscesses. my teeth were literally rotting out of my head. so just the physical condition that i was in really drove me to don't make a change. >> reporter: after finally getting clean, rafati started working odd jobs, doing yard work and cleaning houses. that led to steady jobs, then investments and eventual l. a successful business venture focused on of all things wellness. >> what's up, buddy? how was the run? >> great. >> yeah? >> when i completely fell apart was when i wasn't working. i've got to work. >> reporter: rafati says he got a second chance at life but his his present. >> the addict in me is what i bring to this operation. this relentless pursuit of greatness and pure authentic self-expression. that's what it's all about. so what i bring to the table is yeah, is being nuts. >> reporter: could you say that this has become your new drug? >> this isn't just my new drug. this is my anti-depressant. and it's the greatest anti-depressant i've ever tried. i've tried them all. >> reporter: what is that advice you that give to maybe not just dream that you had of owning a , ,, ,, an elementary school teacher in colorado came up with half a sentence, and it changed the lives of a lot of kids. here's marc strassmann. >> this book is one of my favorites. >> reporter: every third grade teacher struggles to connect with students, especially at the beginning of the year. >> everybody, your booty is like glued to the carpet. you're not getting up again. >> reporter: but denver unique and she thinks groundbreaking way to do that. >> i just wrote on the board "i wish my teacher knew" and had students write an answer for me. >> reporter: the responses range from heartwarming -- >> i wish my teacher knew that i love her with all my heart. >> reporter: -- to heartbreaking. >> i wish my teacher knew my grandpa died when i was in california. i started to cry because i want him to be still alive. >> students all over the country challenging issues, and it really helps you know what actions i need to take as a teacher to support them. >> and was the simplicity of that opening sentence part of the success? >> i think there's a real power in the simplicity of the sentence. >> let's read it again and make sure it makes sense. >> reporter: schwartz multiplied that power a few years ago when she tweeted some of her students' notes. they talked about everyday hardships like poverty, loneliness, and the break-ups of >> it kind of snowballed, and through the power of social media teachers all over the country and really all over the world started doing the same lesson. >> reporter: schwartz turned those notes and the ideas she developed to deal with them into a new book that looks to explain how one question can change everything for our kids. >> i wish my teacher knew that i don't have as many friends as i thought. >> why did you write that? sometimes mean or rude. >> reporter: and what did she say to you about that? >> she told the class to raise their hand if you wanted to be my friend. and nearly all of the class put their hand up. >> reporter: you didn't think you had many friends, and what did you learn? >> a lot of people wanted to be friends. >> i've seen their peers rally around i've seen this exercise really grow and change and help students. >> did it make you realize also you're not the only one who worries or has problems? what did that tell you? >> it told me that sometimes you need a hug. >> and a pat on the back. >> and a pat on the back. you guys did awesome. >> reporter: marc strassmann, denver, colorado. that's the overnight news for this friday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back with us a from the broadcast center here in new york city i'm demarco morgan. the race gets tighter. as election day grows closer. >> five days away from the change you've been waiting for your entire life. >> imagine it is january 20th, 2017 and imagine it is donald trump standing in front of the capitol. also tonight, seniors argue over two of their own. >> i wouldn't trust her to go to the store for me. >> i don't believe he's qualified to lead anything, including my local homeowners association. the government says kids are eating too much salt, putting their health at risk. tears of joy in cubville. the drought ends, and the waterworks begin. becomes an international tv sensation. >> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news." the race is down to four days, and hillary clinton's lead is down to three points. in a new cbs news/"new york times" poll it is clinton 45%, donald trump 42%. two weeks ago clinton had a motivating voters to the polls is key, and both campaigns seem to have adopted a new motto. "if you can't win 'em, scare 'em." donald trump was in florida yesterday with his version of a story in the "wall street journal" about the fbi and the clinton foundation. major garrett was there. >> so let me ask you this question. i've never done this before. will justice be done? yes or no? >> reporter: in jacksonville, florida today donald trump seized on a new report that the fbi has investigated criminal wrongdoing at the clinton foundation. >> it was reported that an avalanche of information is coming in. the fbi agents say their investigation is likely to yield an indictment. >> reporter: not quite. cbs news has confirmed that the fbi has looked into the finances of c so far no charges have been filed. >> he certainly knows how to shake things up, doesn't he? >> reporter: in pennsylvania trump's wife melania made her first campaign appearance since giving a partially plagiarized speech at the gop convention. she said as first lady she would focus on online bullying, accused of doing. >> children and teenagers can be fragile. they are hurt when they are made fun of or made to feel less in looks or intelligence. >> reporter: trump also deployed former arch-rival turned ally ted cruz to iowa today, but campaigning with mike pence, cruz kept his focus off of trump. >> i recognize some of you guys are wanting to write stories suggesting divisions among republicans. i'll make a point, i'm getting ready to get on a gigantic airplane that has donald trump's name painted on the side of it. >> repr: eastern north carolina, part of a closing strategy of driving up the gop vote in the reddest part of battleground states. scott, trump's weekend schedule is at least partially set. it looks a little more purple and blue. stops saturday in nevada and colorado, sunday in wisconsin. >> major garrett on the home stretch. now let's check in with nancy cordes covering the clinton campaign. >> reporter: if donald trump were to win this election, we would have a commander in chief who is completely out of his depth and whose ideas are >> reporter: with five days to go, clinton has concluded that the best way to win the white house is to paint a picture of trump in it. >> if you're latino, you know what life would be like because we'd have a president who doesn't see you as american at all. >> reporter: the latest cbs news/"new york times" poll helps explain the strategy. only 49% of likely voters say they are very enthusiastic about casting their ballots, dowom in the absence of enthusiasm fear might be the next most powerful motivator. >> you can't make excuses for this stuff! >> reporter: in miami today the president warned that the nation's very character is at stake. >> if you discriminate against people of different faiths before you are president, then that is what you will do in office. office! >> reporter: it isn't all doom and gloom. clinton pairs her argument about trump with talk about how she wants to lead. >> i disagree with people on lots of issues but i believe the only way we can get things done is to actually listen and respect each other and try to find that common ground. >> reporter: newly released state department e-mails show that at one point secretary clinton and her to abedin discussed how abedin could get a secure phone to clinton. clinton suggested that perhaps an aide to abedin's now disgraced husband anthony weiner could fedex it to her. scott, state department officials say this would not have been appropriate, sending it in that manner, as long as the phone was rendered inoperable first. >> nancy cordes for us tonight. nancy, thank you. we told you a moment ago how vote, state by state, that elects the president. anthony salvanto is our cbs news director of elections and our expert on this. anthony, tell us first about trump. >> well, scott, let's take a look at trump's path through those battleground states that will ultimately decide this. we think he has to win florida. that's the perennial battleground state. and also get ohio, where the polls have been very tight. but then he also has to win north carolina, which is also a tight race, and even then he electoral votes that he needs. he'll still have to go and take a couple of other states like, say, a colorado and a nevada in order to get past 270. if that sounds like a lot of work for the last five days, it is. >> and when hillary clinton looks at your map, what does she see? >> here's why she still has an edge. start with pennsylvania, where she's been leading in the polls. if she can hang on to that, then she just needs to win north carolina herself, say, to go that adds up to an easier electoral college path for hillary clinton. >> anthony salvanto, director of elections here at cbs news, thanks very much. whatever side of your line we hope you'll join us for cbs news election night coverage. that's going to be tuesday night at 7:00 eastern time. in northern afghanistan today two u.s. service members were killed and four were wounded in a raid against taliban leaders in kunduz province. the americans have not been identified. forces. u.s. air strikes were called in. dozens of taliban fighters were killed. but so were at least 30 afghan civilians. ,, ,, ,, ,, perhaps you've noticed just how heated your own election conversations are getting. marc strassmann got an earful listening to retirees. for our week-long series "closing arguments." >> reporter: this is the villages north of orlando. sprawling and tranquil. bitter, partisan divide. >> he's alienated over 50% of the american electorate. >> that is not true. have you researched him? have you gone in -- >> yeah, i have. and that's why i'm voting against him. >> reporter: linda fogg is a retired 61-year-old chemical engineer. 67-year-old dale kennedy used to be a mortgage broker. >> i'm about to walk out of here. i'll tell you what. >> reporter: we introduced these two lifelong republicans. >> well, be my guest. you always do. >> reporter: by mail fogg voted for hillary clinton. her first vote ever for a democrat. >> was there a part of you that felt like a traitor to your party? >> no. i believe donald trump has been a traitor to the gop. >> i'm linda fogg. >> reporter: fogg even started a club here, republicans for hillary. >> when we have a candidate at the top of the ticket that insults women, minorities, immigrants, and mocks the disabled, i don't believe he's qualified to lead anything. >> reporter: kennedy is passionately pro trump. >> there is so much positive energy behind donald trump. he is definitely not a perfect person. and he has said some stupid things. >> has trump said anything that is so to you stupid or offensive that it made you second-guess your support? >> momentarily, when the thing came out. >> which thing? >> oh, you know which thing. you know which one. >> are you talking about the billy bush interview? >> whatever. let's just say he's said a lot of stupid things and yes, some of them were -- they made me stop and think. >> what is it about trump that you find attractive? >> this man loves america. he wants to get us back to our roots, to where we have morals in this country. i believe he is far more trustworthy than hillary clinton. i wouldn't trust her to go to the store for me. she has lied about benghazi. she has lied about her e-mails. >> yes, there are some issues i have with hillary clinton. i believe that hillary clinton walks right up to the line of legality and kind of flirts with it and backs off. but we have had her under the microscope for decades and we have yet to find anything that we can lock her up for, as the trump supporters would say. >> reporter: fogg and kennedy will both campaign for their candidates until next tuesday. [ honking ] having people honk at me. every once in a while i get shot a bird. >> and so do i. >> oh, really? >> not the same person hopefully. >> reporter: marc strassmann, cbs news, the villages, florida. 40 million people watched the chicago cubs defeat the cleveland indians last night in game 7 of the world series. it was the largest tv audience for a series game since 1991. speak of the last time the cubs won, in 1908. here's dean reynolds. >> the cubs win the world series! >> reporter: it was a game that will be emblazoned on the souls of cub fans forever. a turn of events that made grown men sob with relief that the burden borne by their parents and grandparents had finally been lifted from their shoulders. [ cheers ] >> reporter: there were enough emotional peaks and valleys to one game. when a four-run cub lead evaporated, people started to lose it. cindy lloyd spoke for many. >> did you think they were going to blow it? >> yeah. that did cross my mind. >> reporter: randy traub is a big guy who was too afraid to watch even one of the 80 screens in the cubby bear bar. >> i didn't want to look. i've been down this road too many times. >> reporter: well, this road trip lasted 108 years, but it was no dd in the post-game partying -- >> yeah! >> reporter: -- cubs slugger kyle schwarber became acquainted with a fine vintage. >> it tastes great. tastes so much better now that we're champs. >> reporter: this morning the cubs came home, clutching the trophy that eluded this franchise for so long. and it took a white sox fan to explain how long. >> the last time the cubs won thomas edison was alive and they hadn't invented sliced bread yet. >> reporter: "chicago tribune" >> i think the losing -- you know, you kind of got used to it over the years. >> happy to shed that lovable loser thing? >> oh, my god. i'm happy not to have to write about the billy goat ever again. >> reporter: further confirmation that all of this is not really a dream will come tomorrow, scott, when much of the city is expected to turn out for a big parade honoring baseball's new world champions. >> dean reynolds at wrigley for us tonight. dean, thank you. coming up next, stopped for a broken taillight, in minutes he was dead. an ex-cop stands trial. and later, american kids are ahh...still sick, huh? i'll take it from here. i'm good. i just took new mucinex clear and cool. ah! what's this sudden cooooling thing happening? it's got a menthol burst. you can feel it right away. wow, that sort of blind-sided me. and it clears my terrible cold symptoms. ahh! this is awkward. new mucinex fast-max clear & cool. feel the menthol burst. and clear your worst cold symptoms. sometimes we use k-y ultragel to enhance my body's natural moisture so i can get into it a bit quicker. and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel. a fired white police officer in south carolina could get 30 years to life if he's convicted in the murder of an unarmed black man. marc strassmann is covering the trial. >> reporter: walter scott's family arrived at the charleston they've waited 19 months for the day michael slager, scott's killer, begins to confront a possible life sentence. prosecutor scarlet wilson. >> what michael slager did to walter scott was wrong. it was flag out wrong. >> reporter: it was an everyday traffic stop last april. >> your license and registration, sir. >> reporter: slager pulled over scott for a broken taillight. scott suddenly ran. moments later, in this cell phone video recorded by a passerby, the white officer shot the fleeing black suspect five times in the back. one bullet entered scott's heart. >> the charge in this case is murder. >> reporter: slager's jury, 11 of them white, one black, will hear his claim of self-defense. the 34-year-old former officer says he and scott fought over the cop's stun gun moments began. defense attorney andy savage. >> he physically and forcefully resisted to the extent that they were both fighting on the ground. >> walter's gone. but now we need justice for walter. >> reporter: anthony scott, walter's older brother, told us the video proves slager killed in cold blood. >> what goes through your head and heart when you watch the video now? >> to me it's a man being shot in the back by a coward police officer. >> reporter: the court also heard from judy scott, walter's mother. scott, she testified she was on the phone with him during the traffic stop and heard him groaning in pain, apparently from being tased. >> marc strassmann for us in charleston. marc, thank you very much. sometimes we use k-y ultragel to enhance my body's natural moisture so i can get into it a bit quicker. and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel. 90% of american kids eat far too much salt, according to a new federal study which says those kids are at risk for high blood pressure and heart disease. here's dr. jon lapook. >> reporter: at cafeterias, restaurants, and home kids are piling on the salt. >> when i'm home doing homework, i usually eat a lot of chips. crazy with salt. that's my go-to food there. >> reporter: but that go-to food could lead to problems like high blood pressure. already one in nine children have it. the recommended daily limit for sodium ranges from 1900 milligrams a day for younger kids to 2300 a day for older ones. today's study found adolescents consumed 55% more sodium than recommended. y the limit. >> my favorite food would be pizza. >> reporter: pizza and mexican food headed the top ten list of sodium sources. but the salt was sprinkled throughout their entire diet. and of the ten only milk had naturally occurring sodium. for the rest salt was added during processing. four of the bagel bites is going to be about 410 milligrams of sodium. >> reporter: bridget murphy is a dietician at nyu langone medical center. >> one tablespoon of ketchup has 160 milligrams of sodium than that's more thain slice of bread. >> reporter: the cdc says it's important to limit the salt in children's diets because eating habits learned early tend to persist as we get older. it's easy to be intimidated by numbers on food labels, but if you remember the daily sodium allowance is from 1900 to 2300 milligrams, depending upon your child's age, you can figure out how to spend those milligrams wisely. >> dr. jon lapook. thanks, doc. married on his own tv show. ,, ,, ,, finally tonight, most americans would be hard-pressed to name a single u.s. ambassador. but one of them has become a star. here's mark phillips in copenhagen with celebrity diplomacy. >> reporter: rufus gifford is a different kind of ambassador. >> on this one i'm not certain that i can give you anything >> reporter: he's the media star kind. >> thank you so much. >> reporter: and this is his show. >> i have the best job in the world. and the only way you can really explain it to people is by living it. >> this is your average wednesday. >> reporter: rufus gifford, ambassador to denmark, is a the idea of transparency in government to a place no man has gone before. he let danish tv cameras in to film his work and his life. >> wonderful. >> reporter: the catchily entitled "i am the ambassador from america" was supposed to draw a small cult audience of foreign policy geeks. >> we thought if we were lucky we might have 50,000 danes tune in. >> reporter: instead, the danes rolled in and tuned in in their shock. >> he looks like a hollywood star. perfect smile, good-looking, smart, and so on. >> an american from central casting almost. >> yeah. >> reporter: but apart from a character, a show needs a plot. enter, kitchen left, rufus's partner steven. >> should be home by 7:00 then. evening is free. >> good. >> yeah. >> reporter: the two decided what they needed and maybe what the show needed was a good you are legally married. congratulations. [ applause ] >> reporter: it was a happy day. a big hit. and more. >> there was an element of diplomacy there. or politics. whatever you want to call it. >> what were you trying to prove? >> we were in copenhagen city hall, where the first same-sex unions in the world took place, steven and i got married. >> reporter: naturally the awards followed. >> rufus gifford! >> oh, man. >> reporter: having conquered denmark, the show has now been picked up by netflix and is running around the world. >> you never know what sells on tv. >> that is true. that is true. yes indeed. >> hi. >> reporter: the ambassador turned accidental tv star is going global, and diplomacy may never be the same. mark phillips, cbs news, copenhagen. >> and that's the overnight news for this friday. for some of you the news continues. little bit later for the morning news. and be sure not to miss "cbs this morning." from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm scott pelley. >> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news." hi, everyone, and welcome to the "overnight news." i'm demarco morgan. it's four days and counting till election day, and both hillary clinton and donald trump are crisscrossing the country, trying to drum up votes in the battleground states each will need to win the white house. how are they doing? we begin with major garrett with the trump campaign. >> so let me ask you this question. i've never done this before. will justice be done or not? will justice be done? yes or no? >> reporter: in jacksonville, florida today donald trump seized on a new report that the fbi has investigated criminal wrongdoing at the clinton foundation. >> it was reported that an avalanche of information is the fbi agents say their investigation is likely to yield an indictment. >> reporter: not quite. cbs news has confirmed that the fbi has looked into the finances of the clinton foundation, but so far no charges have been filed. >> he certainly knows how to shake things up, doesn't he? >> reporter: in pennsylvania trump's wife melania made her first campaign appearance since giving a partially plagiarized speech at the gop convention. she said as first lady she would focus on online bullying, something her husband has been accused of doing. >> children and teenagers can be fragile. they are hurt when they are made fun of or made to feel less in looks or intelligence. >> reporter: trump also deployed former arch-rival turned ally ted cruz to iowa today. but campaigning with mike pence, cruz kept his focus off of trump. suggesting divisions among republicans. i'll make a point, i'm getting ready to get on a gigantic airplane that has donald trump's name painted on the side of it. >> reporter: trump rallies tonight in reliably republican eastern north carolina, part of a closing strategy of driving up the gop vote in the reddest part of battleground states. scott, trump's weekend schedule is at least partially set. it looks a little more purple and blue, stops saturday i wisconsin. nancy cordes now, traveling with the clinton campaign. >> if donald trump were to win this election, we would have a commander in chief who is completely out of his depth and whose ideas are incredibly dangerous. >> reporter: with five days to go, clinton has concluded that the best way to win the white house is to paint a picture of trump in it. >> if you're latino, you know what life would be like because we've have a president who doesn't see you as american at all. news/"new york times" poll helps explain the strategy. only 49% of likely voters say they are very enthusiastic about casting their ballots, down from 62% in 2012. in the absence of enthusiasm fear might be the next most powerful motivator. >> you can't make excuses for this stuff. >> reporter: in miami today the president warned that the nation's very character is at stake. >> if you discriminate against people of different faiths before you are president, then that is what you will do in office except you will have more power to carry out the twisted notions that you had before you were in office! >> reporter: it isn't all doom and gloom. clinton pairs her argument about trump with talk of how she wants to lead. >> i disagree with people on lots of issues, but i believe the only way we can get things find that common ground. >> reporter: newly released state department e-mails show that at one point secretary clinton and her top aide huma abedin discussed how abedin could get a secure phone to clinton. clinton suggested that perhaps an aide to abedin's now disgraced husband anthony weiner could fedex it to her. scott, state department officials say this would not have been appropriate, sending it in that manner, as long as e inoperable first. on tuesday many millennials will be going to the polls for the first time. hillary clinton has a wide lead among the 18 to 29-year-old voters. she's got the support of 49% compared to donald trump at 21%. more than half of young voters say they are fearful about the future. elaine quijano gathered a group of millennials from a dozen different states to discuss the election. >> i'm a very proud conservative but i don't think that donald trump represents the republican unapologetic american and full-blown deplorable trump supporters. >> i'm 19 years old. i'll be voting for gary johnson this year. >> i'm 27 and i'm with her. >> honestly, all i really know is i'm not with her and i don't support hillary clinton. >> i say i'm a trump supporter and they immediately think i'm racist, i'm islamophobic. that's a problem in this election. we automatically jump to conclusions that a trump supporter is this bad, uneducated person. >> he's bombastic and he says a lot of stuff that i absolutely do not 100% agree wi >> how many of you here have had college debt or you will soon have college debt, student debt? >> by the time i'm finished with my education i'm going to have over $200,000 in debt. in order to get a better career, you're forced into higher education, forced into this debt. i don't think really either candidate has posed a good enough stance. and that is the issue of civil rights. a recent poll found that 85% of young african-americans and 72% of hispanics believe their race is under attack in the u.s. i wonder, why do you think that is? >> this particular topic is something that's really dear to my heart because i was robbed and shot in my head. and if that wasn't enough, i look up and i was staring down and this time it wasn't the barrel of a gun from someone who was trying to rob me. this time i was looking at the barrel of the police. >> ryan quatrimane, let me ask you. you're the son of a former police officer. is that right? >> he actually recently retired. i think there are bad police officers. there's plenty of corrupt police officers. but i think obama hasn't done a decent job at helping the african-american communities. and i think hillary clinton is part of that. police officers, you know, versus the black lives matter, the african-american community. one is a choice, you have a choice to be a cop. you sign that. you go through training for that. ain't no choice being black. trump has normalized his talk and has put a lot of lives in danger. >> here's the thing. trump hasn't been in the white house. so to say that trump tore our country apart at the seams and created this racial division, no way. president obama was the one who was in the white house for eight years, and race relations have been worse than ever in this country. t' an african-american man who has torn apart this country. we need to look at that. >> to say that race relations have gotten as bad as they've ever been under president obama shows a lack of historical depth. america is built on racial division. and donald trump rhetoric, this otherism, builds into that narrative that has long been the narrative of american society. (achoo!) did you know you can pick up cold & flu viruses from things in your home for up to 48 hours? it's like having a sick family member that you didn't even know was there. and we all know what happens when one family member gets sick. but lysol spray and lysol wipes kill 99.9% of germs including 8 common cold & flu viruses to help protect your home. this cold and flu season help keep your home happy and healthy we're going to prove just how wet and sticky your current gel antiperspirant is. now we're going to show you ? gaviscon is a proven heartburn remedy that gives you fast-acting, long-lasting relief. it immediately neutralizes acid and only gaviscon helps keep acid down for hours. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief, try doctor-recommended gaviscon. hey julie, i know today's critical, but i really... ...need a sick day. dads don't take sick days. dads take dayquil severe: the... in the african nation of malawi there's a maximum security prison that's famous and the beautiful music they make. in fact, an album called "the muk of zamba prison" was nominated for an emmy. anderson cooper went to listen for "60 minutes." ? >> reporter: this is the music that brought us to malawi, one of the least developed nations on the planet. it's a place of staggering beauty. there's vast mountains, lush forests, and a long idyllic lake. ? drive through the countryside, however, and you quickly see poverty is widespread. the country of 17 million people, life is full of hardships. a security prison, and the music you're hearing comes from behind these walls. the prison was built to hold around 400 inmates. today there are 2,400 here. ? what's so startling when you walk into the prison yard on a sunday morning -- ? -- is that everywhere you turn there's music. a cacophony of choirs. ? many here are hardened criminals. others are casualties of a legal system that can be chaotic and arbitrary. where court files are routinely lost and most suspects have no legal representation. in a small room off the yard there's a prison band. practicing every day on donated instruments. ? those men in green are guards. they play side by side with inmates. ian brennan, an american producer who travels the world recording new music in unlikely places, heard about zamba and three years ago flew to malawi to check it out. you're taking a gamble. because you go to places, you don't necessarily know what's there. >> no, no, no. we have no idea. it's a leap of faith every only leap of faith. officer thomas banamo took one too. he helped found the prison band eight years ago. he wasn't sure what to think the day ian brennan showed up. >> [ speaking foreign language ]. >> translator: i was quite surprised because i couldn't understand how this guy knew about us and why would he be interested in our prison. >> reporter: it's not every day a white american knocks on the prison door and says he wants to come in. >> translator: yeah. it's not every day. >> what took you so long? >> reporter: brennan saw promise in this prison and the possibility of an album. so he set up his microphones and asked anyone interested to write and sing songs about their lives. ? men and women. ? inmates and guards. it was something most had never done before. ? >> well, the thing we look for everywhere which is, you know, music that resonates with us. this is what moves me, and hopefully it will move someone else. >> reporter: and when you hear it you know it? >> yeah, you feel it usually. >> reporter: even if you don't understand the words right away? >> it's better when you don't understand the words. because when you don't understand the words you have to listen to what somebody means, not what they're saying, and if they mean it. ? reluctant to write and sing about his life. but when he did, ian brennan knew his music would be on the album. just listen to what he came up with one morning when we were there. ? a softly sung ballad about the sudden death of his wife. ? "you left without saying good-bye," he sings. "you left behind the children too. ? >> he writes songs and plays as beautifully as someone can. he's reached that level of transcendence where it can't be better than it is. it just is. it's something that just hits you. >> reporter: to fully appreciate the music here you have to see the misery. but when we arrived at zomba, authorities didn't want us to show what life is like for the prisoners. so much of what we filmed we had to record secretly, without the guards knowing. inmates in zomba are fed just one meal a day, a small bowl of gruel made out of corn flour. the menu, we're told, rarely changes. on good days they get a few beans. on bad days, inmates say, there's no food at all. he's doing time for burglary. do you eat meat? chicken? beef? you're laughing. that's not good. when was the last time you had meat? >> 2014. 25 december. >> reporter: 2 1/2 years ago christmas day? >> yeah. >> reporter: it's not just the lack of food. zo s prisoners say they only have enough room in their cells to sleep wedged against one another lying on their sides. stefano narenda also sang on the album. so you're sleeping on your side? >> translator: when you want to turn, you have to do it together. >> and they're right next to each other? how do you sleep? >> translator: we just sleep. we have no choice. as are around a quarter of zomba's inmates. they occasionally get visits from an italian nun, sister anna tomasi, who runs a small charity providing some food and legal aid to prisoners. if you were writing a postcard to somebody who had never been to this prison, how would you describe it here? >> i think it's impossible for somebody outside to get -- there are no words which could explain because -- here? >> yes. i think before you came three days ago if i had written anything do you think you could have had a clue? >> no. >> sometimes i call it as the waiting room of hell. >> reporter: that's what this prison room is like sometimes? >> yes. >> reporter: if it is the living room of hell, salvation for chikande salenje comes from music. >> translator: when i'm singing, i feel like i'm in another world. i don't feel like i'm in prison at all. it's only when i stop that i everything else. >> reporter: when the music stops that's when you realize you're in prison? >> translator: when we are singing, the walls are no longer there. but when we stop, the walls return. and then we're back to counting the bricks again. ? >> reporter: chikonde wouldn't have to count the bricks much longer. after five years here he was about to r we were there recorded a new song for ian brennan. it's about leaving prison and his fears of life as a free man. >> you can see the full report >> you can see the full report on o ? ? one day a rider made a decision. the decision to ride on and save money. he decided to save money by switching on, ride proud. geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. ngerous. always keep laundry pacs away from children. keep them up, keep them closed, keep them safe. tide pods now come in a child guard zip pack. to help keep your laundry pacs safe and your child safer. align, press and unzip. ahh...still sick, huh? i'll take it from here. i just took new mucinex clear and cool. ah! what's this sudden cooooling thing happening? it's got a menthol burst. you can feel it right away. wow, that sort of blind-sided me. and it clears my terrible cold symptoms. ahh! this is awkward. new mucinex fast-max clear & cool. feel the menthol burst. and clear your worst cold symptoms. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. e's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel. for far too many americans the fight against addiction is a life or death battle. just ask khalil rafati. when he saw the light. years later he's now a successful businessman with a string of juice bars in and around los angeles. how he put his life together is the focus of his new book, "i forgot to die." mireya villarreal has the story. >> one day i woke up and this was my life and i couldn't get out. >> reporter: on the streets of l.a.'s notorious skid row the smell of crack and heroin and human waste hangs in the air. for 47-year-old khalil rafati it brings back old memories. >> that triggers me a little even noticed that but you picked that up in an instant. >> yeah. because that's what i used every 15 minutes. >> reporter: rafati grew up in ohio. he escaped a childhood scarred by physical and sexual abuse by moving to los angeles. but there was no escaping his demons. rafati started using and selling drugs. that led to a felony drug conviction and later his descent into heroin addiction and homelessness. >> this is the last house on the block. i had nowhere else to go. this is where i could get drugs and i could panhandle. it's like being hijacked. you have to have drugs. >> reporter: more than once rafati ended up in the los angeles county jail. so you actually haven't been back here since you were released from jail. >> yeah. now, that gave me a shudder. >> reporter: yeah? >> yeah. inside there is way worse than where we just were. >> reporter: how bad were the withdrawals in there? >> the worst ever. on a cold cement floor. sober for 13 years now but admits he still thinks about getting high sometimes. what stops him he says is the life he has now. >> that's as california as you can get. >> reporter: a thriving business he built with his partner haley gorsy and the roughly 200 employees that depend on him. >> smile. >> reporter: sunlife organics has six locations in los angeles. >> trust god, clean house, help others, right? >> reporter: his flagship shop in malibu with its loyal celebrity clientele sells superf credits with saving his life. >> hibiscus, orange, alkaline water and raw honey. >> it's a long way from skid row. >> what was the point where you were like no, this really is the end, i'm stopping? >> the seizures, the abscesses. my teeth were literally rotting out of my head. so just the physical condition time is pretty much up if i don't make a change. >> reporter: after finally getting clean, rafati started working odd jobs, doing yard work and cleaning houses. that led to steady jobs, then investments and eventually successful business venture focused on of all things wellness. >> what's up, buddy? how was the run? >> great. >> yeah? >> when i completely fell apart was when i wasn't working. i've got to work. >> reporter: rafati says he got a second chance at life but his past remains very much a part of his present. >> the addict in me is what i bring to this operation. this relentless pursuit of greatness and pure authentic self-expression. that's what it's all about. so what i bring to the table is yeah, is being nuts. >> reporter: could you say that this has become your new drug? >> this isn't just my new drug. this is my anti-depressant. and it's the greatest anti-depressant i've ever tried. i've tried them all. >> reporter: what is that advice recovering addicts but also people out there who have the dream that you had of owning a business? >> never, ever,, ,, ,, ,, an elementary school teacher in colorado came up with half a sentence, and it changed the lives of a lot of kids. here's marc strassmann. >> this book is one of my favorites. >> reporter: every third grade teacher struggles to connect with students, especially at the beginning of the year. >> everybody, your booty is like glued to the carpet. you're not getting up again. >> reporter: but denver teacher kyle schwartz has come up with a unique and she thinks groundbreaking way to do that. >> i just wrote on the board "i wish my teacher knew" and had students write an answer for me. >> reporter: the responses range from heartwarming -- >> i wish my teacher knew that i love her with all my heart. >> reporter: -- to heartbreaking. >> i wish my teacher knew my grandpa died when i was in california. i started to cry because i want him to be still alive. >> students all over the country challenging issues, and it really helps me know what actions i need to take as a teacher to support them. >> and was the simplicity of that open-ended sentence part of its success? >> i think that there's a real power in the simplicity of the sentence. >> let's read it again and make sure it makes sense. >> reporter: schwartz multiplied that power a few years ago when she tweeted some of her students' notes. they talked about everyday hardships like poverty, loneliness, and the break-ups of families. >> it kind of snowballed, and media teachers all over the country and really all over the world started doing the same lesson. >> reporter: schwartz turned those notes and the ideas she developed to deal with them into a new book that looks to explain how one question can change everything for our kids. >> i wish my teacher knew that i don't have as many friends as i thought. >> why did you write that? >> because there are a lot of sometimes mean or rude. >> reporter: and what did she say to you about that? >> she told the class to raise their hand if you wanted to be my friend. and nearly all of the class put their hand up. >> reporter: you didn't think you had many friends, and what did you learn? >> a lot of people wanted to be friends. >> i've seen their peers rally around them. i've seen this exercise really grow and change and help students. you're not the only one who worries or has problems? what did that tell you? >> it told me that sometimes you need a hug. >> and a pat on the back. >> and a pat on the back. you guys did awesome. >> reporter: marc strassmann, denver, colorado. that's the overnight news captioning funded by cbs it's friday, november 4th, 2016. just four days until the presidential election. this is the "cbs morning news." as we head into the final weekend of the campaign, hillary clinton is painting a grim picture of what a trump presidency might look like. >> we would have a commander in chief who is completely out of his depth and whose ideas are incredibly dangerous. >> meanwhile, melania trump hit the trail for the first time in months saying, as first lady, she would battle something her own husband has been accused of, cyber bullying.

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