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About leaking top secret about leaking top secret information. Captioning funded by cbs good morning from studio 57 newsroom at cbs news headquarters here in new york. Good to be with you. Im annemarie green. Well, the Trump Campaign says newly released fbi notes proved the Obama Administration tried to protect Hillary Clinton. The records show that a Senior State Department official asked the fbi to change the classification of an email from clintons private server. The u. S. Electoral system is rigged. A new cbs news poll finds clintons lead over trump has widen nationally. In a fourway race she now leads trump by nine points among likely voters. Her lead two weeks ago was four points. Hena daniels is here in new york. Good morning. Morning, annemarie. Donald Trump Campaigns in colorado today a day ahead of clinton. In a series of interviews yesterday trumps wife Melania Trump publicly defended him against Sexual Assault allegations for the first time. While Clintons Campaign dealt with more fallout during her email practices during her time as secretary of state. . Hillary tonight . Reporter Hillary Clinton appeared a starstudded fundraiser via video last night. Were in the final stretch of this campaign, and we need your help. This shows corruption at the highesve on twitter accusing the fbi and the state department of colluding with clinton. Fbi documents released monday from the agencys probe of her use of a private email server, the agencys Patrick Kennedy trying to get the agency to, quote, see their way to mark email of benghazi unclassified in exchange for more Personnel Exchange in that manner really, frankly, is insulting. Reporter the development came on the same day Donald Trumps wife melania spoke to cnn and defended her husbands lewd 2005 comments to nbc access hollywood host billy bush about women. I was surprised because hes not the man that i know. He was, i believe, egged from the host to say dirty and bad stuff. Reporter campaigning in green bay, the republican nominee doubled down on rigged election claims. People that have died ten years ago are still voting. Illegal immigrants are voting. Reporter despite trumps claims most experts say voter fraud is extremely rare in the u. S. On a radio talk show yesterday trump said if he defeats clinton in november he might meet with russian president Vladimir Putin before his inauguration. Also said clinton has, quote, a highly overrated intellect. Annemarie. Hena daniels here in new york. Thank you very much, hena. Early voting began in georgia. There were long lines some had to wait hours to cast their ballots. Early voting in person is allowed in 33 states. Roughly a third of the votes were cast before election day. And florida Election Officials say theyt mismatched signatures. A federal judge ruled that voters must be notified if their signatures on their ballots and Voter Registration cards dont match so they can fix the problem. Previously ballots with mismatched signatures were thrown out. Well, coming up on cbs this morning, we will talk with washingtons susan page about officials are investigating, though. Its still unclear just who is responsible for the weekend attack. A bottle with flammable liquid was thrown through the window and graffiti was written on a nearby wall. Ive got to make sure we take this extremely seriously because i dont want any retaliation from the other side. The worse thing we can do is have this expand into more violence, which is a direct assault on the democratic process. No one was injured in the attack. Both republicans condemned the violence. A retired u. S. General pleaded guilty to misleading the fbi during an investigation into leaks of classified material. James cartwright who once served as the vice chairman of the joint chiefs will likely spend several months in prison. David martin reports. Reporter general James Cartwright now retired but once known as president obamas favorite general pled guilty to responding to questions from a federal judge cartwright who served as vice chairman of the joint chiefs admitted he lied to fbi agents investigating classified information to two journalists, Daniel Sanger of the New York Times and daniel klaidman. Sanger was the reporter with the seib attacks conducted against Irans Nuclear program. The computers that controlled enriched uranium causing them to spin out of control. Cartwright admitted to providing information classified as top secret to both sanger and klaidman and lying about it to fbi agents. In a statement, he said it was wrong for me to mislead the fbi. The crime carries a sentence of up to five years in prison. Recommend a maximum sentence of six months. David martin, cbs news, the pentagon. Well, the pentagon says iraqi forces are ahead of schedule in the battle to retake mosul from isis. Some 30,000 iraqi and Kurdish Forces supported by a u. S. Led coalition began the attack yesterday. Its believed there are about 5,000 isis fighters in mosul. Isis took control of the second largest city in 2014. The u. N. Says the operation could leave 700,000 civilians without shelter. In syria, russian and Syrian Forces say they will stop their attack on the city of aleppo for eight hours thursday. The Russian Defense minister said air strikes against aleppo stop today. The socalled humanitarian pause is meant to allow the wounded and sick to be evacuated. Elizabeth palmer reports from syria. Reporter as day begins in syrian soldiers and opposition fighters shoot at each other across a front line that runs right through the city center. Soldiers offered to show us where rebels have manufactured one of their signature weapons. So this is an ordinary cooking gas canister, sawed in half. Its designed so that explosives would fit in the top part. Perhaps shrapnel in the bottom and then it would be reassembled with these mick makeshift fins which would help to guide it like a very primitive rocket. The rockets were launched and aimed, sort of, through an ordinary piece of steel pipe. The syrian army has homemade arms too like the now infamous and imprecise barrel bomb. As for its precise weapons there arent enough welltrained soldiers to use them accurately. Largely stalled. Here on the citys southern edge its taken the army three months to advance 800 yards to those white buildings. And everywhere on this improvised battlefield. There is misery. An old man tells us, i have no food, no bread, i have nothing. Not even a safe place to wait out this grinding war. The fight for control of aleppo is less a pitched battle and more a ruthless siege which is slowly choking the life out of half of the city. Elizabeth palmer, cbs news, damascus. Back at home, a wildfire in southern colorado is zero contained at this point. The socalled duncan fire started monday. Its burned over 15,000 acres and six buildings. There are 129 homes in the evacuation area. Investigation. Coming up on the morning news, a message to minorities. The head of the countrys Largest Police chief group issues an apology for historical mistreatment. And the florida man who shot at George Zimmerman finds out his punishment. This is the cbs morning news. At George Zimmerman finds out his punishment. This is the cbs morning news. Absolutely ageless . Night cream with active naturals . Blackberry complex. Younger looking skin can start today. Absolutely ageless . From aveeno . Ive been taking probiotics gx from natures bounty to maintain healthy digestion and help with the occasional unwanted gas and bloating. So wherever i get stuck today, my future self will thank me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Hang on, go go go back. Thank you. Do i get stuck in an air duct . Its a funny story really. laughing nearly 50 years of experience has taught us no matter what the future holds, youre always better off healthy. I used to blame the weather for my frizz. Turns out my curls needed to be stronger. Pantenes prov formula makes my curls so strong. They can dry practically frizz free. Because strong is beautiful. Right when you feel a cold sore, abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. Without it the virus spreads from cell to cell. Only abreva penetrates deep and starts to work immediately as fast as two and a half days when used at the first sign. Learn how abreva starts to work immediately at abreva. Com dont tough it out, knock it out, fast. With abreva. A rocket lifting supplies to the International Space station blasted off last night from the it is the First Mission by orbital atk since one of the companys rockets exploded on the launchpad two years ago. The new booster uses two new russianmade engines. George zimmermans shooter is sentenced and a police group issues an apology. Those some are the headlines on the mornings newsstand. The Los Angeles Times reports on an apology to the nations the statement came from the head of the nations largest lice chief group as they met yesterday in san diego. While we obviously cannot change the past, it is also clear that we must change the future. We must move Forward Together to build a shared understanding. Terrance cunningham received a standing ovation for his comments. The Houston Chronicle reports 80 children during a nationwide sex trafficking crackdown. The fbi says 239 suspects were arrested in more than 100 cities during the threeday operation. The youngest victim rescued was just 13 years old. The Orlando Sentinel reports on the 20year prison term given to a man who shot at George Zimmerman. Matthew appersons sentence is watchman who was acquitted three years ago after killing trayvon martin. And the Washington Post findings out what mario batali plans to cook for a white house ste dinner. President obama is welcoming the Prime Minister tonight. The state dinner is the first prepared by batali and the last of president obamas presidency. Officials say guests can expect traditional italian dishes that having engrained in american cuisine. Still ahead, the president makes a late show stop. Mr. Obama talked with comedian Stephen Colbert about snacks and heres a look at todays forecast in some cities around the country. President obama visited the late show here on cbs and Stephen Colbert asked him to endorse his successor kind of. Id like to ask you about your choice of snacks. Can i do that . Sure. All right. Go ahead. I have two choices for you here. Would you care for an extra fiber nutrient bar which has traveled to more than 100 countries . Or this triple tangerine covered in golden retriever hair filled with bile that i wouldnt leave alone with the woman i love . [ laughter ] colbert was playing Office Manager who was also offering president obama tips for his job i think hes going to be okay in that area. On the cbs Moneywatch Netflix gets a big boost and a major action by merrill lynch. Jill wagner is at the New York Stock Exchange with that and more. Good morning, jill. Good morning, annemarie. Earning season is in full swing on wall street, bank of americas profits beat expectations. On a whole, though, the markets fell yesterday. The dow lost nearly 52 points. The s p finished 6 points the nasdaq fell 14 points. Netflix had a very good day the stocks surged with trading by as up as 20 . Netflix added over 3. 5 million subscribers around the globe and as reported that beat expectations, netflix had a boost in the original programming like the surprise summer hit stranger things. Merrill lynch being the first major Brokerage Firms to stop offering commissionbased the rule extends from a fiduciary rule enacted by the Obama Administration in april requires that people put their clients interests ahead of their own. Clients will have to pay a fee based on a percentage of their assets. Deutsche bank has agreed to pay 30 million in a case. Investors Say Deutsche Bank and others rigged silver prices on a secret mti in 1999. Other banks are expected to settle. And tesla, manufactured panasonic solar panels have reached a deal to manufacture solar panels. Tesla says it wants to sell the panasonic panels to residential and commercial use. Annemarie. Jill wagner at the New York Stock Exchange. Thank you so much, jill. Still to come out for blood. An injury sidelines indians pitcher trevor bauer in game three of the American League heres a look at todays forecast in some cities around the country. A busy night at the office for the Cleveland Indians bull pen after their starting pitcher left in the first inning because the indians are one victory away from clinching the American League pennant. How about wine in a can . Daniel nottingham has more on that. Reporter wine is rolling out a new look and andruw jones field recordings in Central California is one of the first wine makers to do it. Sounds like youre opening a beer. Yeah. Reporter jones started back then it made up 5 of his business. Today, canned wine accounts for 40 . Why wine in a can . Real simple. Simplicity. You know, wine doesnt to be so ceremonial. Reporter canned wine currently makes up less than 1 of the market but the growth has been explosive. Sales more than doubled over the last year from 6. 4 million to 14. 5 million. Sommelier Whitney Adams said affordable, single serving and a hit with millennials. I think thats definitely the way that things are headed. I think more and more, you know, every month or two, a wine comes out in a can. Reporter single cans retail for as low as 5. At field recording its about 8. Six packs and eightpacks are also available. You dont actually have to drink it that night. No light hitting the product so it keeps the product super fresh. Reporter whether you want pinot noir or something bubbly, theres one in every can to quench the thirst of wine lovers. Danielle nottingham, cbs news, paso robles, california. After brushing, listerine . Total care strengthens teeth, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. To the total family. Listerine . Total care. One bottle, six benefits. Power to your mouth . . . You dont own me . . Dont try to change me in any way . . Oh . . Dont tell me what to do . The new 2017 corolla with Toyota Safety sense standard. . You dont own me . Heres another look at this mornings top stories. Former general James Cartwright pleaded guilty to lying to the fbi during an investigation into leaks of classified informn. He admitted to providing top secret information to two journalists. Cartwright could face up to six months behind bars. And the fbi notes reveal a close aide to Hillary Clinton at the state department contacted the fbi to try and get the classification of material on her private server lowered. In exchange, the fbi would get to deploy more agents in foreign countries. The deal never went through. There are concerns that russian government officials jeff pegues reports. Reporter two years ago, top russian general Valery Gerasimov who has president Vladimir Putins area called for a new kind of warfare. In a military journal gerasimov wrote about using covert and propaganda tactics to turn a thriving state into a victim of foreign intervention, causing it to sink into a web of adam meyers the head of intelligence for crowd strike said gerasimovs doctrine is behind the recent attacks on the Democratic National committee. Imagine that on Election Night the results come out. Reporter meyers a u. S. Official fear thats exactly what the russians will try to do. All they need to do is cause us to question the results that come back from one district and reaction that we might call for, say, a complete recount. Reporter helen purcell, the elections recorder for maricopa county, arizona, says an easy way to stop the hackers is to keep the Voting Machines offline. So this is not in any way connected to the internet . No, no. They use paper ballots. So even on the touch screen machines, you have a tape of everything that happens on that machine so that can be verified. Reporter u. S. Officials similar tactics in other countries including ukraine, during its 2014 president ial election. And while the russians have denied the allegations, were told president obama is considering retaliating with sanctions or in cyber attacks. Jeff pegues, cbs news, washington. Well, coming up after your local news on cbs this morning, a look at how leaders of a gaming industry in las vegas are taking a political drivers are becoming a potential danger on highways. And gayle talked with singer mike posner about his long awaited second album. Thats the cbs morning news for this tuesday. Thanks for watching. Im annemarie green. Have a great day. Ie green. F0 hi, everybody. Welcome to the cbs4 morning news. This is the news tuesday, october 18th. Im alan gionet. Im britt moreno. Ashton is tracking a little bit of a cooldown for. Hi alan and good tuesday morning. Our cooling trend continues for today. Were not going to have nearly as much wind as yesterday. Im sure you noticed winds were gusting over 30 Miles Per Hour in the denver area, especially in the mountains with gusts over 50 Miles Per Hour. Now wind has calmed down, single digits. 30s and 40s this morning. Well stay above freezing for the morning commute and the bus

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