University Chico It's 12 o'clock coming up next is the world. B.b.c. News with c Montgomery the authorities in Kenya have used Bhutto's is to destroy the homes of more than 30000 people in Canberra a sprawling settlement in the capital Nairobi residents were given 2 weeks notice of the plan but some say they were caught unawares moved last reports some of the residents of Kibera informal settlements sat beside their belongings and cried out in anguish as the bulldozers moved in a dorm to flatten their homes the Kenyan government had given them 2 weeks notice and said it's not required to pay compensation as all the buildings including primary schools and many private businesses were there illegally it says it needs to clear part of this vast slum in order to make way for the construction of a new bypass Amnesty International is described evictions as tragic and illegal and so the sight of young children carrying away their family's belongings was heartbreaking a British minister has confirmed to Parliament that the government will not object to the extradition of 2 British jihadists to the United States where they could be sentenced to death the 2 are accused of beheading hostages some of them from Western countries Ben Wallace the security minister said the decision was unusual but necessary in this is theirs and after carefully considered advice the government took the rare decision not to require assurances in this case and it would be inappropriate to comment further on that specific case. Foreign fighters detained in Syria could be released from detention without facing justice we have been working closely with international partners to ensure that they face justice for any crimes they have committed the International Court of Justice has ordered the United Arab Emirates to protect the rights of Qatari citizens amid continuing acute tensions between the 2 countries the u.a.e. Was one of 3 Gulf states that last year imposed a blockade and Qatar accusing it of supporting jihadi groups and being too close to Iran the Qataris brought it. Case Against the u.a.e. . Russian investigators say 6 prison guards have been detained after a video emerged showing staff brutally beating an inmate The video shows the inmates handcuffed and being held face down as guards took it in turns to hit him with batons ignoring his pleas for mercy Sarah Rainsford reports the beating you can trade in this video was brutal and sustained all this took place over a year ago in the central Russian town of Jaroslav all if Gagne my car if they'd complain at the time but an inquiry board there was nothing wrong with his treatments the last week the shocking 10 minute video emerged 6 suspects were detained today the actions or inaction of more senior prison officials will be examined but human rights activists say such abuse is commonplace in Russian prisons the lawyer who passed that video on to the press has now left the country after reporting threats world news from the b.b.c. Italy says it has agreed that ships with rescued migrants on board will be able to darken Italian ports at least until the e.u. Devises a strategy to address the food distribution and people but the Italian foreign minister and some other 0000000 s.-e. Said he wanted a policy to be devised within the next 5 weeks. A former security aide to the French president Emmanuel McCrone has defended taking part in a police operation injuring a May Day protest saying he was lending a hand to the police in a statement issued by his lawyers Alexandra bend I last had a video showing him beating up a protester was being exploited for political ends President McCrone has been criticised for his handling of the case since French media released footage last week of the assault the B.B.C.'s Hugh Schofield is in Paris it is the release a which is primarily in the firing line and the key question of course has always been why if they knew what has happened so early on the day under play the day regarded as trivial did they give the man a token sentence and demotion when it merited much more and that hasn't gone away Russia has reportedly offered to keep Iranian forces in Syria 100 kilometers away from the Israeli occupied Golan Heights but Israel is said to have argued that that would not be enough and raise concerns about Iran's long range weapons the reports emerged after Israel's leader Benjamin Netanyahu met Russia's foreign minister Sergey Lavrov in Jerusalem Argentina's president Marusya mockery has ordered the armed forces to strengthen their presence on the country's northern border to help fight drug trafficking the military will Guard Air Force radars that monitor illegal flights over Arjan time territory Argentina has avoided the drug related violence of Colombia and Mexico but has become an important transit country for illegal drugs from Bolivia and Peru going to Europe and Asia b.b.c. News. Support for the world comes from Babble a language app that teaches real life conversations in a new language like Spanish French or German Babble's 10 to 15 minute lessons are available in the app store or online at Babble. Dot com. I'm Marco Werman And you're with the world a happy Monday to you and the week begins once again with comments from President Trump in all capital letters to boot which takes us back psychically anyway to North Korea but this time it's a Ron that's the focus of Trump's shouting tweet Meanwhile the Putin pain from last Monday in Helsinki isn't anywhere near dry not to mention the rhetorical contradictions about what was and wasn't said we're going to dive into all this Iran trumps tweet and let's start with Mr Putin Susan Glasser writes a weekly column for The New Yorker about Donald Trump Washington it's been weeks isn't since Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin met in Helsinki and there's a lot we don't know and since 2 hours of that meeting was off the record there's a lot we may never know what is Putin said about the summit Well you know it's really striking actually that the Russians have come out and given a lot more details of what they say was agreed upon between Donald Trump invited reproach at the summit the American government has been remarkably silent and in fact just this morning you had serious Enders as well are we ever going to hear the u.s. Government side of what was happening in that meeting she said Oh we've addressed it last week but in reality the Russians have come out and said as President Putin put it that important verbal agreements were made with Donald Trump Americans have not confirmed this but basically they appear to have discussed possible Russian proposals on everything from Syria to Ukraine Yeah I mean those are some pretty big proposals reconstruction of war torn Syria cooperation on nuclear weapons and terrorism what do American diplomats know about these agreements that Putin is now kind of shaping the narrative around well you know that's the part that was so striking to me as someone who's covered. Russia for the last couple decades on and off when I ask veteran diplomats including a sitting u.s. Ambassador in Europe whose job requires him to know what the heck is going on with Russia completely in the dark was the words that came back we have a situation where the president really seems to be conducting his own Russia policy which isn't really in sync with the Russia policy of his government are there any conclusions we can draw about what happened in Helsinki if you just read between the lines both the public optics and the behavior since those suggest that President Trump genuinely was extremely solicitous of a lot of repute in non-confrontational I'm willing to hold the line on issues like saying sions we don't know why President Trump did those things but it does appear that he's taken a much more accommodationist tone with President Putin what I'm struck by is the lectures we've been hearing for the last year and a half from those who work for President Trump saying listen don't pay attention to the treats don't pay attention to the rhetoric look at the policy on Russia it's really tough we're tougher than Obama at times you've heard that line from the president himself and yet it stands in pretty stark variance with both his pursuit of these summits without a reproach in and his behavior in them and so I feel like at least it puts out there in the open for all to see that there is an enormous conflict inside the government on Russia Yeah and I would imagine there's a lot of room for misunderstanding and therefore even conflict outside this government that's exactly right I mean again especially when you are a stance with a leader of a complicated multi nation Alliance whose main concern in recent years has been renewed Russian aggression toward its neighbors and revisionism of the post Cold War post World War 2 borders that it agreed to remember he came out of a NATO summit where he basically bashed leaders of the NATO countries and was questioning that partnership while also praising President Putin and how can you maintain a consistent and unified front as the lions if the leader of your alliance doesn't seem to be on board with the. Policies the communication the disorganization I think it's all reflective of a genuine and serious dispute inside the trunk government that's having a ripple effect outside of it as well yes a contradictions upon contradictions yesterday as you know Trump tweeted a direct threat at Iran do you think this is a distraction a way to shift focus away from all this news about Russia and Putin Well look I can't begin to speak to the intent behind something like that but obviously that might be one of the hoped for consequences but you know it's pretty disconcerting isn't it to live in this trumped news cycle one can even go to bed on a Sunday night wake up in the morning. Do it would have used to be an all caps threat of nuclear war with your Eenie And so you know it's definitely disconcerting and obviously it's not very diplomatic I mean we're kind of chuckling about it but what the president says on an official Twitter account on an official White House stationery it's important that's exactly right but it's no laughing matter and frankly even if the consequence year is not to actually launch us to our conflict with the Iranians the consequence is to further devalue the word of the president of the United States to me that is an own goal in international diplomacy to undermine what had been one of the most significant assets good United States had in the world which was the strength and credibility and power behind the words of the president United States I think those no longer hold the power that they used to as a result of the most permissive who is use of his Twitter feed. Writes a weekly column for The New Yorker about Donald Trump Washington thanks for being with us as always thanks for having me the president's tweet about Iran leads to a big question what is the current u.s. Strategy on Iran it's actually not so clear at this point we'll have more about that on the show later but we did get a glimpse of the trumpet ministrations thanking over the weekend the goal of our efforts. In America. Secretary say yesterday at the Ronald Reagan Library in Simi Valley California he was speaking in front of what's been described as a largely Iranian American audience at an event called supporting Iranian voices and the recipe remarks were very critical of Iran's leadership Trita Parsi is a president of the National Iranian American Council So your group Trita was not in attendance at the Reagan Library why not. We were not invited but had we been invited we would not have attended anyways because this was not a dialogue this was an effort to trumpet ministrations to give the impression that the Iranian American community by and large supports his very belligerent policy and reality is that the Ga you want Americans do not are you saying that the audience for the talk was basically the deck was stacked I mean who were those rain Americans that were there I'm afraid even though many of them were there out of curiosity they certainly didn't believe that attending would be tantamount to supporting what was saying but I think many of them were you to come across as support for the administration this is reminding me very much of what happened during the Bush years when the Bush administration in the run up to the war in Iraq in their effort to try to convince the American public to support the invasion were creating Iraqis and Iraqi Americans on t.v. Begging the United States to bomb Iraq I think most people in the Iranian community do not want to play that role for their competence or. So let's listen to a little bit more from Secretary. Presidential Library and then I want to get your reaction to this. And. I want to. Thank. For the Iranian people. Would be very very much in agreement. With a country. Majority would also agree that the Democratic Change has to come from. And. Despite the very very intense frustrations that exist. The political repression. Corruption. To be frustrated. People to. When you hear President Rouhani of Iran say and warning the u.s. Do not play with allies tail or else you will regret it and war with Iran would be the mother of all wars What's your reaction I think it's extremely unfortunate that this type of rhetoric is not what's needed in any way shape or form what is needed right now is diplomacy and the parties need to go back to the table but we can't at the same time ignore that it was Donald Trump that walked out of this nuclear deal and started violating it not the Iranians it is Donald Trump that has initiated this escalation that we're not seeing reach very dangerous levels if many Iranian Americans want change to come but they want to come from inside Iran as opposed to you know regime change from outside did many of them see the Iran nuclear deal as just prolonging the status quo with the Revolutionary Guard still in these strong positions where they as they are rightly said they operate as a kind of government mafia enriching themselves the vast majority of Iranian Americans want to see the nuclear deal partly because they believe that reduce tensions and opening up Iran to the outside world is the best way of supporting the people inside of Iran that are pushing for democratic change the more tensions we have the more pressure to more economic sanctions we have the 1st people that suffer from that are ordinary people not to vision. You know Dick Cheney and John Bolton saber rattling a During the Bush administration or even heard about the specter of a bombing war none of that happened how concerned are you that that could be the outcome of what we're hearing right now. It's very interesting that it didn't happen because at the end of the day even President Bush himself rejected the pressure from Israel and Saudi Arabia to take military action because he understood how dangerous that was I am worried that the current president doesn't fully grasp these things and he's chased out the people in his administration that were courageous enough to speak out were willing to counter the president internal meetings right now you have increasingly a group of people around trump that are just yes men or that are pushing for the very same type of confrontation as the Israelis and the Saudis are particularly if secretary of defense matters and leaving the stray shin which is rumored now and you have none of the type of internal. Could cause the administration to think twice about things of this nature that's Trita Parsi he's president of the National Iranian American Council He's also author of Losing an enemy Obama Iran and the triumph of diplomacy. Here's a preview of a story we're working on for tomorrow show we take you back decades the late 1970 s. After the Vietnam war refugees boat people were settling on a Pacific island that was completely deserted our stories about a 16 year old Vietnamese girl she and her younger siblings were among the 1st to relocate to this remote Indonesian island so when she arrived there was pretty much nothing there there were no people no buildings they were on their own help would eventually arrive but it would take months so the refugees learnt to survive and they found a creek and people learned how to fish they had to place their it's they even had a pelt bats with slingshot. How one young survivor kept her siblings alive on cuckoo Island Their story coming up tomorrow. Jonathan Gold made Angelenos realize they could get a meal from a taco truck and change their relationship to Los Angeles in the process we remember Jonathan Gold later on the world. Support for the world comes from Legal Zoom offering a network of independent attorneys who can provide legal advice help with contract review and answer legal questions more information Legal Zoom dot com slash world. Offering a language program that uses interactive dialogue and speech recognition technology to teach a new language like Spanish French or Italian is available in the App Store. Babble . Dot com. Every time you open your eyes are photoreceptor cells respond to about 110 trillion of the spectrum of light just from that your brain builds a perception of what you see and then we believe that that is what the world looks like it turns out that's not true there's a lot more going on in the world around us I'm Guy Raz ideas about site and are for others that's next time on the Ted Radio Hour from n.p.r. . Tune in Wednesday night at 8 pm here on North State Public Radio support for n.s.p. Our comes from the Nor Cal jazz festival in historic Weaverville Saturday July 28th under the trees in leaf long park artists include the jazz trio Knotts j.b. Quartet International Blues men and big mo in the full moon band tickets and information at Nortel Jazz Festival dot com or by phone 520-4742. I'm Marco Werman And you're with the world the Korean war ended back in 1953 at least the actual fighting stopped then but for David Hawkins It was the start of a new life Hawkins was an American soldier captured by Chinese troops when the armistice was signed Hawkins was offered a choice by his captors go home to America or come live in China under a communist system he told the story to Chloe Hodge with a for the b.b.c. History programme witness it's a $953.00 and pathing uses reporting on an unprecedented proprietary ation of prisoners of war. In the rear operation come back again when you do 880-0000 Chinese and North Korean troops take a winding road to freedom it is that in ways that they should not return to their homeland stoutly refusing to live under communist rule again. I'm allowing business to choose whichever country they would have resulted in only 21 Americans and one British marine electing not to return home. I don't think it ever occurred to the us or the army of that there would be g.i. Issue would choose to go someplace else other than their own country by raising what they really have embraced socialism so let me see what it's like I'll check it up to fighting in a war that set the West against communist forces David Hawkins and 20 other G.I.'s made the astounding decision to check out life in a country both feared and loads by the nation were never really talked about it that much among ourselves but I can tell you that we were pretty much a political when I was a teacher we don't care if you're political or not you can be just as what they call of progressive worker and I'm going to me I'm a progressive worker I never thought of the consequences David was only 17 when he was 1st sent to the front lines in Korea there the United Nations and American troops were defending South Korea against the Chinese who with the backing of the Soviet Union was. Putting the moves Korean egresses within a few months of his arrival David was injured when I woke up it was daylight and I