Transcripts For KCCI CBS This Morning 20151015 : comparemela

Transcripts For KCCI CBS This Morning 20151015

the programrogram that cross matches passengers names with terror watch list was down about 90 minutes. >> the worst violence in israeli since last year's war with hamas. >> eight israelis have been killed with 31 palestinians. in texas a fast moving wildfire only 10% contained and destroyed nine homes and 150 threatened. >> donald trump has set his sights on bernie sanders. away. i call him a socialist/communist because that is what he is. >> walmart causing uproll on wall street. stock plunges to the lowest level since 1998. >> lost 20 million dollars in market cash. >> lambar odom remains on life support. authorities investigate whether cocaine may have been involved. a dash cam running when a truck lost control in southern california. the truck flew off the road and the driver critical hurt. >> all that. >> kansas city royals move on with a matchup with the blue jays. >> russell martin hit the bat. the run scores and the fans went crazy. it didn't matter because jose bautista just launched one towards montreal. >> the 50th anniversary of the national for the arts and humidity. my girl my girl." >> on "cbs this morning." >> it has to be brief, because i want to make sure jim webb has a chance to talk. >> i've had a long history with working with the situation of african-americans. >> like a school of fish or a gaggle of geese? you know? it's a situation of african-americans. this morning" sponome to "cbs this morning." investigators are trying to find out why a computer system meant to keep terrorists out of the united states failed. the glitch forced thousands of international travelers to wait in line last night for hours. customs and border protection inspectors had to check no fly lists by hand. >> the outage affecteded major airports across the country. the system is back online this morning. should work in seconds. that was not the case last night. the system airline and customs officers used to check your name against a list of suspected terrorists went down wednesday night. department of homeland security officials blamed the problem with a router for causing the 90-minute outage, resulting in long lines at some of the nation's major airports, including miami, charlotte, and dallas. >> they told me that the computer system was down and that we needed to fill out forms old-school style so i filled out the form and everything was all set after that. it was quick and easy. >> reporter: at new york's jfk airport. >> they should have had a better system, like, another backup or something. there was people that couldn't walk. it was crazy, crazy. people in wheelchair that were like crying and waiting there for hours. >> reporter: at boston's logan airport. >> they said there was a nationwide computer glitch and we all had to wait. >> reporter: those long lines led to paper work. >> they finally just you know, let everything fill out a form and get through. >> reporter: the outage comes days after a computer glitch delayed hundreds of southwest airlines flights. this summer, united airlines had to ground all flights for a time flight plans to pilots. customs and border protection officials said last night the agency experienced a temporary outage with its processing systems and officers processed international travelers using alternative procedures. sources tell "cbs this morning," alternative procedures meant a tedious process of there are no signs that this failure had anything to do with a malicious attack. this morning, president obama will announce a major shift in his plans for troops in afghanistan. the president has decided to slow the pace of the drawdown of u.s. forces. thousands more than initially plan will now remain stationed in afghanistan. margaret brennan is at the white house with the reasons behind the president's decision. margaret, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the recent explosion of violence obama to reverse his decision to bring nearly all u.s. troops home by the time he leaves office. this was a tough call for the president who had declared the american war in afghanistan to be over. now, he'll slow the drawdown from the current level of 10,000 troops to about 5,500 by the end of 2016. his original plan was keep a thousand troops stationed in kabul. u.s. military advisers warned a more robust presence is needed to combat a resurgence taliban, as well as threats from isis and al qaeda. last month the taliban overran a major afghan city for the first time since 2001. senior administration officials say u.s. forces will now be stationed at four key bases at a cost of around $15 billion and more than a billion the original plan. sources say the president is concerned he wants to give his successor more flexibility to fight terrorism. israeli is taking new action this morning to battle increasingin increasing violence from palestinians. hundreds of israeli troops are deployed across the country and attacks targeting troops and civilians continue. eight israeli and could be targeted, mistaken for terrorists. the scene of a young dead palestinian man surrounded by israeli forces is the latest one in this latest surge of violence at the entrance of the old city after he allegedly tried to knife an israeli security guard. another tacker at a bus station was shot and killed by police after stabbing a 70-year-old israeli woman. knife attacks are a hallmark of the recent unrest. this security video released by israeli police shows a assault on commuters during the central city city. civilians are having demonstrations in violence as they have for the palestinians who have died. this man was killed during clashes with israeli security forces. and no sooner had his funeral in bethlehem finished, fighting erupted on the streets once again. those we spoke with say the anger and fear is palpable. >> very, very dangerous. we are scared. all the time. >> reporter: in his first address since the violence began, palestinian president mahmoud norah? >> johnathan vigliotti in jerusalem, thank you. another republican congressman says the house committee investigating the deadly 2012 benghazi attack wants to hurt hillary clinton's presidential chances. been the longest investigation, longer than watergate. >> house majority leader kevin mccarthy suggested last month the investigation was meant, in part, to sink clinton's poll numbers. clinton's campaign spokesman says the inquiry, quote, has zero credibility left but the former secretary of state will testify to the committee next week. this morning, the clinton campaign is telling vice president joe biden to make up his mind about running for president. clinton and senator bernie sanders are reaping the rewards from tuesday night's debate. many democrats are asking if there is still even an opening for joe biden. nancy cordes is in des moines, iowa, where the first in the nation caucuses are three and a half months away now. nancy, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the clinton campaign is subtly, but upping the pressure on vice president biden to announce his intentions. they feel this field has been in limbo long enough. >> did we have a good debate last night? we will win nevada for the democrats to keep a democrat in the white house! >> reporter: an energized hillary clinton stayed in nevada wednesday after a debate performance that gave her campaign a badly needed shot of confidence. the campaign chair issues this challenge to biden. >> i think the time has come for a decision. >> i'm feel really lucky in las vegas. >> reporter: clinton, herself, took a more hands-off approach. >> i think he needs to decide what is best for him and his family. >> reporter: biden has to consider sanders sudden surge in funding and he raised more than 2.5 million in 24 hours and more than republican rand paul raised in three months. we asked skarnedsanders if he would like to see another candidate in the race. >> joe biden is a good friend of mine. some people say who he comes in the was it does me good and others say it doesn't. i don't know the answer to that. >> reporter: anyone looking for clues from biden himself didn't >> i was proud of them. i thought they all did well. >> reporter: hit on supporters in the draft biden movement insist clinton's debate performance only made it more clear why biden needs to run. >> there really isn't a pier for her on the stage and i think having the vice president on the stage, it gives democrats a good alternative. it would give us our primary a boost. >> reporter: if biden does get in the race, he'll attend the second democratic debate here in des moines on november 14th. check out another signed that sander is feeling good after his performance on tuesday night. here he is busting out the dance moves with ellen at a taping in california yesterday. the show is slated to air this afternoon. >> thanks, nancy. something i thought i would never see, bernie sanders and ellen. >> right, dancing. he is also now political target for billionaire donald trump, the republican front-runner hit the vermont senator hard in wednesday's trump says sanders is pushing clinton to the left. >> i watched hillary last night. we are going to give this and that and a poor woman to give everything away because this maniac standing on her right is giving everything away so she is following. that is what is happening! this socialist/communist, okay? nobody wants to say it. >> cbs news contributor frank luntz is with us. good morning. >> it's always unnecessary. donald trump finds the line and then crosses it and then jumps a mile beyond it. and it's part of the reason why kevin mccarthy went through what he did, why you see so much anger, so much frustration and it's happening on both sides of the political spectrum and the focus groups that i'm doing, it is tough to make it through the three hours, because people are just so mad. you know what? trump is talking to them. he really is relating to them. he is leading in iowa, new hampshire, south carolina, and nevada, we found in our work, the first four states. my advice to viewers, stop looking at the national polls and follow those first four states because, charlie, nobody has ever won those first states and not won the nomination and trump is ahead in all four. >> one more question about trump. is this a new strategy for him to attack democrats? is he going to focus more on democrats now than he is on republicans? >> ts hard to tellit is hard to tell. we have never seen a republican attack republicans the way he has and in that clip he left hillary clinton alone but it doesn't bother other republicans. when we have shown those clips to focus groups of him ripping into on the gop candidates, they laugh and want to see more. it's entertainment for them. >> he seems to use social media, frank, very effectively. how much of a difference does that make that you can get the good and bad and oh, so ugly out so quickly for him. >> i haven't talked about this before but we have been looking at content of social media and for the first time conservative social media is more negative, more vicious and more personal in the attacks than left wing social media and trump is provoking it and stoking it. all you have to do is look at what happened after the democratic debate when clinton and sanders people were actually complimenting each other. then look at the republican social media and it is vicious. every day, every hour they are coming after each other. we have never seen that before. >> how has trump complicated jeb bush and marco rubio and other republicans candidates attempt to gain momentum? >> we have heard they don't get the air time because of all the things trump is saying. he is so telegenic you want to focus on him but deeper than that because trump support is deeper than that. the more that we inform people about where trump stands, they don't break from him. bernie sanders has the weakest support of any candidate that they can go -- i don't mean bernie sanders. ben carson. trump, over 80% of trump voters say they are going to stay with him no matter what they learn and that makes it hard for rubio and bush to get traction. >> frank luntz, thank you so much. >> pleasure. a fast moving wildfire near austin, texas, has destroyed nine homes and is threatening more than 100 others. firefighters are battling the 4200 acre hidden pine fire from the ground and the air, but this morning, it's only 15% contained. this morning, former nba star lamar odom is reportedly showing small signs of improvement in the hospital. but there is new information today that odom may have used cocaine in the days before he was found unconscious at a nevada brotherl. kevin frazier is outside sunrise hospital center in las vegas where lamar odom is recovering. kevin, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, gayle. you know, according to a source inside the hospital that is close to the family that i spoke with yesterday, there were small improvements for lamar odom. he squeezed kim kardashian's hand and he briefly opened up his eyes, but understand this. for his life. the first 911 call came around 3:15 nevada time tuesday from a female employee of the love ranch where lamar odom had been a guest since saturday. another male caller told operators about drugs he says odom had been tag. >> he apparently had some cocaine on him that has -- he finished -- he did this on saturday. >> as far as you know, there is no cocaine since saturday? >> that is correct. >> reporter: the caller also said odom was taking large amounts of reload, a sexually enhancement drug that the fda warns could be dangerous if mixed with certain other medications. >> the owner of the love ranch. >> they said roll him on his left side and he started throwing up a lot. >> reporter: "entertainment tonight" was allowed into the room of the brothel that odom was discovered. >> the police looked into his things and said they didn't find anything. >> reporter: the sheriff denied a search warrant was executed. trevor ariza and other teammates have visited odom's bed didside. >> reporter: they have been going in to check on lamar but the one thing they are told is talk to him, he can hear you. that is the hope he will hear a voice recognizable and come out of that coma. his two older children were expected here last night and we will have much more information on "entertainment tonight." thanks, kevin. in baseball this morning, toronto blue jays have a shot at their first pennant in 22 years. they laemtedeliminated the texas rangers last night with a little controversy. blue jays fans protested a umpire's call in the seventh inning. they flu litter on the field. moments later, the trontsjose bautista came back with a three-run home run. it's a moment a young fan will never forget. the boy was dressed just like bautista's beard and all! he swung in the stands and watched the series home run in pure joy! toronto plays kansas city in the american league championship series and it starts tomorrow night! >> i love how grown men can remember details so vividly about sports. it's moments like that. i get it now. >> so adorable. a aid who what a gorgeous day we have in front of us! temperatures will start off in the upper 40s to a'risin'. highs will head back into the 70s, but cooler air is only a day away! overnight lows will dip into the mid to upper 30s friday morning, with highs only topping out in the mid to upper 50s. that batch of cold air will stick around through saturday, with patchy frost possible across most of northern/western iowa. highs rebound back into the mid 60s sunday and low 70s monday with rain chances returning tuesday! announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by american express open. growth. two teenagers are beaten in a church. bun died and how their parents face manslaughter charges. >> ahead, a look inside the church that one neighbor calls a cult. the news is back in the morning right here on "cbs this morning." how does it feel to lose the first 10 pounds on weight watchers? let's go! join for free at and lose ten pounds on us. what if there was another way to look at relapsing multiple sclerosis? this is tecfidera. tecfidera is not an injection. it's a pill for relapsing ms that has the power to cut relapses in half. imagine what you could do with fewer relapses. tecfidera may cause serious side effects, such as allergic reactions, pml, which is a rare brain infection that usually leads to death or severe disability, and decreases in your white blood cells. the most common side effects are flushing and stomach problems. tell your doctor about any low white blood cell counts, infections, any other medical conditions, or if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. learn more about the most prescribed pill for relapsing ms in the us, at talk to your doctor about tecfidera, and take another look at relapsing ms. nothing like a good, quick meal to bring two people together. campbell's skillet sauces. ready in under 20 minutes. campbell's. my tempur-pedic cuddles better than my husband does... ...but that's just between you and me. it's really cool to the touch. at mattress firm,get zero percent apr financing. visit mattress firm, ahead, a source in one now 7:26... kcci 8 traffic! any accident locations are plotted on the map. your mobile speed unit locations are listed on the map. what a gorgeous day we have in front of us! temperatures will start off in the upper 40s to low 50s as the sun gets a'risin'. highs will head back into the 70s, but cooler air is only a day away! overnight lows will dip into the mid to upper 30s friday morning, with highs only topping out in the mid to upper 50s. that batch of cold air will stick around through saturday, with patchy frost possible across most of northern/western iowa. highs rebound back into the mid 60s the first democratic debate took place last night and it featured everybody's favorite ratings rather, an old man nourknow your headline says this. >> that's a different take on what actually happened. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, the man who led the hunt of cecil, the lion, says he has done nothing wrong. in court today and he says why he expects to be cleared of all charges. >> 19-year-old reveal the secrets of a church. police say the boy was tortured inside the building. ahead why investigators accuse his parents and sister of playing a role in his tragic death. "the baltimore sun" reports on the overnight arrest of protesters who occupied city hall. at least 12 were taken into custody during a sit-in. they don't want the city's interim police commissioner to permanently get the job. protesters demanded better policing in the wake of freddie gray case. "the boston globe" reports on the dangers of unregulated dietary supplements. a new study finds 23,000 emergency room visits in the year could be traced to those supplements. the age group no affected, 20 to 34-year-olds. weight loss and energy products cause the most problems. "wall street journal" reports on the justice department and fbi investigating daily fantasy sports. authorities want to know if it's a form of gambling that violates federal law. fbi agents have been contacting customers of draftkings, a fantasy football company based in boston. new york's state attorney general has opened a similar inquiry. "usa today" reports that walmart's top ten shareholders lost nearly $15 billion after the biggest one-day drop in the retailer's stock in 17 years. shares closed around $60 yesterday. they plummeted 10% after walmart presented a disappointing outlook on growth and profit. the plunge cost all of walmart's stockholders more than $21 billion in lost wealth. business insider reports netflix blames its slowing growth in the u.s. on transition to new debit and credit cards with chips. netflix added 880,000 u.s. members, lower than the 1.1 million. expected. they say the switch in credit cards to keep their service active. police in central new york say two brothers were viciously beaten inside a church. one of the teenagers later died. six members of the word of life christian church are in jail this morning. the victims's parents face the most serious charges. michelle miller is outside of was described as a, quote, counseling session. photos taken inside the church the day after the deadly beating offer a rare glimpse inside the guarded building. police say on sunday night, 19-year-old lucas leonard and his 17-year-old brother christopher, sat down for a spiritual counseling session at the word of life christian church. at some point, the meeting became physical. >> both brothers were continually subjected to physical punishment over the course of several hours. in the hopes that each would confess their prior sins and ask for forgiveness. >> reporter: on monday, lucas' family drove him to the hospital when they realized he wasn't breathing. he died that afternoon. investigators later found his young brother still inside the church. he was taken to the hospital. police say both brothers suffered blunt force trauma and had injuries to their stomachs, backs, thighs and genitals. during the search, investigators also found several other children who appeared to be unharmed. >> we know that there was -- bruce and deborah leonard, are facing charges of first-degree manslaughter and four artificial people, including the victims' sisters is charged with second-degree assault. define garrimore is deborah leonard's attorney. >> apparently this was related to some church-related discipline that was being imposed on her two boys. i don't think it was her idea. >> reporter: what were they being disciplined for? >> that, i can't say. >> you can't see in. only see lights on and all of the windows are boarded up. >> reporter: neighbors like tara litz say church members tried to recruit them in the past. >> we always joked around and said they were a cult and now we are believing they probably were. >> reporter: litz lived in the house next door for ten years. she said congregation members were nice but strange and the >> it was not any recognizable language that i could distinguish. >> reporter: the group's secretory raised eyebrows in theill be in court tomorrow for a hearing. charlie. >> michelle, thanks. this morning, the man behind the hunt for cecil, the lion, appeared before a judge. our cameras tracked down theo bronkhorse before he entered a zimbabwe court. he says the investigation surrounding the death of cecil has ruined him. debora patta is here with more. >> reporter: tourists flocked here unaware that not far from here a set of drama was set to play out. palmer who shot and killed cecil, the lion. all charges have been dropped against him. but the man who led the hunt is still being prosecuted. hiding behind dark glasses, theo bronkhorst sat in his pickup waiting for the proceedings to begin. turning his head away from the camera he told us he done nothing wrong and claimed he had a legal permit and he will be vindicated in court. >> i guess i had a famous line. >> reporter: the famous line was the star attraction of the park. cecil. he believes he is the fallguy. >> many lions shot and killed every year. >> reporter: he broke down as he told us his life had been ruined. >> well, it's destroyed us, hey. it's destroyed the family, my you know, we -- we employee a lot of people and they will have -- time now. i guess each family is supporting six or more dependents. >> reporter: zimbabwe officials insist the shooting of cecil was unlawful. legally hunting is rarely prosecuted in zimbabwe. but a study was done and they were convinced the outrage surrounding this case, it would be different this time. like many zimbabweans here, surprised charges were dropped against palmer. >> really thought that this was going to be an example to other again, until early next week. >> it shows another side to the story there. >> it does. >> give you something to think about. thank you, again, debora. are some businesses keeping races a secret? jeff pegues is in washington. >> why a mobile phone app in washington, d.c. is generating a lot of controversy coming up on "cbs this morning." if you're heading out the door because you have stuff to do, you'll be missed. we only ask that you set your dvr so you can watch "cbs this morning" any time you like because we will be here until 9:00. happy to be here. we will be right back. get burned but that don't happen to us opioids block pain signals by attaching to something called mu-receptors here but they also attach to mu-receptors in the bowel. and that can cause opioid-induced constipation... or oic. i could struggle with oic maybe not. there's movantik. movantik can help reduce oic by blocking opioids from binding to mu-receptors in the bowel. do not take movantik if you have a bowel blockage or a history of them. serious side effects may include a tear in your stomach or intestine. and can also include symptoms of opioid withdrawal. common side effects include stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, gas, vomiting, and headache. tell your doctor about any side effects and about medicines you take as movantik may interact with them causing side effects. so, go on, talk to your doctor about opioid-induced constipation. and ask if once-daily movantik is right for you. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. at safelite, we know how busy life can be. these kids were headed to their first dance recital... ...when their windshield got cracked... ...but they couldn't miss the show. so dad went to the new safelite-dot-com. and in just a few clicks, he scheduled a replacement... ...before the girls even took the stage. so you don't have to miss a thing. y'all did wonderful! that's another safelite advantage. 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(children giggle) symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. call or go online to learn more about a free trial offer. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. i need new carpet. ok. i have two dogs. and a husband. house trained? my husband? no, the dogs. sometimes. i'd suggest stainmaster pet protect carpet. why? incredibly durable and stain resistant. that's why they call it master it's... i got it. purchase stainmaster carpet and pad by 11/2, and get basic install by thanksgiving for free. nothing like a good, quick meal to bring two people together. campbell's skillet sauces. ready in under 20 minutes. i always feel like somebody is watching me take a look at a water spout that formed near miami. it dissipated before causing any trouble. >> looks like it could have caused damage but it's all good there. some businesses in an upscale washington, d.c. neighborhood are accused this through a mobile app. shopkeepers are using a private messaging service to alert each other and the police about people who are acting suspiciously. the vast majority of those reports are activityty, but it t hasnsn't gonone entirerely as planned.d. in trendy georgetown, store owners will tell you shoplifting is part of the cost of doing business. green works at the sports zone elite. >> the type of people is more like a shoplifter, they come here all the time and go to the same item and get the feel of the store. police recorded 120 thefts in the heart of georgetown and to countercrime, businesses are using an app called groupme that works like a chat room and communities and employees and on-duty police officers send pictures of customers acting suspiciously. recent posts including african-american female late 20 just stole from lacoste and need someone asap. person walking out, black male. >> we are all pretty alarmed by it. >> reporter: peter murray, a reporter for the georgetown newspaper was unsettled what he saw. >> just a glance at the app you see racial bias immediately. >> reporter: murray found from march 1st to july 5th of this year 330 people were identified as suspicious activity. of those, 72% were described as african-american. >> not only was there this jump to a conclusion that somebody has committed a cream because they are suspicious or because or they have a certain hairstyle, but also the people who are texting each other are sort of reveling in this game of following people around and say whog is suspicious. >> reporter: any idea of what percentage of those identified as african-american are arrested? >> i would say very small percentage. maybe less than 5%. >> reporter: joe sternly runs the georgetown business improvement district, which started the neighborhood. he pushes back at the notion that it's profiling. >> somebody posts something that is inappropriate, the group actually, our staff goes out and meets with the person and retrains them and mak story. groupme wouldn't comment either. >> jeff, thanks. the only good thing is that there is a bunch of people on that group and people are raising flags the way it's being used, some of the stereotypes that are being used. >> i don't think i'm in favor. >> exactly. >> i've heard that white people sho shoplift too. just saying. >> yes, they do and other colored people too. >> yes. >> i'm not a fan, norah. tom hanks and steven spielberg were neighbors long before working together. did you know that? ahead, the hollywood masters tell us why it took so long for them to pair up. plus a father's surprise what a gorgeous day we have in front of us! temperatures will start off in the upper 40s to low 50s as the sun gets a'risin'. highs will head back into the 70s, but cooler air is only a day away! overnight lows will dip into the mid to upper 30s friday morning, with highs only topping out in the mid to upper 50s. that batch of cold air will stick around through saturday, with patchy frost possible across most of northern/western iowa. highs rebound back into the mid 60s sunday and low 70s monday with rain chances returning tuesday! announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota, let's go places! the all-new tacoma. how does it feel to lose the first 10 pounds on weight watchers? 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"be a hero." we all have greatness in us, and with the right tools, there are no limits to where your rhythm will take you. introducing the ultimate laptop. welcome back it's now 7:56... kcci 8 traffic! any accident locations are plotted on the map. your mobile speed unit locations are listed on the map. what a gorgeous day we have in front of us! temperatures will start off in the upper 40s to low 50s as the sun gets a'risin'. highs will head back into the 70s, but cooler air is only a day away! overnight lows will dip into the mid to upper 30s friday morning, with highs only topping out in the mid to upper 50s. that batch of cold saturday, with patchy frost possible across most of northern/western iowa. highs rebound back into the mid 60s sunday and low 70s monday with rain chances it's thursday, october 15th, 2015. welcome back to "cbs this morning." more real news ahead, including a group that will stop taking tips, first on "cbs this morning," ceo danny meyer tells us why he is taking the risk. first, here is a look at today's eye opener at 8:00. the system back online. no signs that the failure had anything to do with a malicious attack. recent explosion of violence in afghanistan has led president obama to reverse his decision. three palestinian men were arrested, israeli police suspected them of about to launch another attack. the clinton campaign is suddenly but unmistakably upping the pressure on vice president biden to announce his intentions. donald trump finds the line and crosses it and then jumps a mile beyond it. in the old days, with bergdahl bergdahl, who was a traitor, it was treason, you would shoot him. he would get shot. fast-moving wildfire near austin. small improvements for lamar odom. he is a long way from being out of the woods, and he is fighting for his life. businesses here in georgetown started to use the app despite potential suspicious activity. the people who are texting each other are reveling in this game of following people around and saying who is suspicious. check out another sign that sanders is feeling good after his performance tuesday night. here he is busting out the dance moves with ellen. something i thought i would bernie sanders and ellen. >> i'm charlie r i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. investigators trying to figure out how a computer glitch made proms probles for a system. officers had to check passengers' names against the watch list by hand. the outage affected major cities from coast to coast. >> it left thousands of people stranded stranded, confused and frustrated for two hours. the lines got longer and longer until the system came back up. customs and border protection officials say there is no sign that the outage was malicious. hillary clinton's debate performance is putting new pressure on vice president joe biden. clinton's campaign chairman said wednesday it's time for biden to decide on a presidential campaign. clinton herself said the vice president needs to consider what's best for him and his family. biden said he thought all the tuesday night and left it at that. bernie sanders says he raised $2.5 million since the debate. he also got the attention of donald trump. in virginia last night the republican candidate called sanders a, quote, socialist/communist and a maniac. restaurant legend danny meyer plans to take tipping off the menu. gratuities going away at 13 of his new york restaurants. meyer wrote online, starting at the modern in late november you'll no longer find a tip line on your check and there will be no need to leave additional cash at the table, the coat check or the bar. we're pleased to welcome danny meyer back to studio 57. good morning. >> good morning, charlie. >> you call this hospitality included. why are you doing this? >> you know what, i love the hospitality business as much as anyone on earth. what i don't love is a situation in which over the 30-year career that i have had, the disparity between what somebody can make in the dining room with the tipping system and what somebody can make in the kitchen has widened by about 200%. >> a lot more being made by the waiters than the cooks? >> yes. i love the fact that waiters make good money. the waiters when we eliminate tipping will make as much or more in 75% of the cases than they're making now. when you have a tip, i don't think the general public fully understands where the tip can go and where it's not allowed to go. for example, when you leave a tip at any restaurant, not only is the waiter generally sharing it with all other waiters, but they're not i aallowed to share it with anyone in the kitchen. >> why are they not allowed? >> that's how laws are written across the country. >> having to do with taxes or what? >> nothing to do with taxes. it's the gratuities are only allowed to be shared amongst the people who actually faced you during the meal. so that means that, on a really busy saturday night, when everybody is high-fiving a great job of taking care of you, the cooks are sweating a little bit more while the waiters are counting more cash. >> the person i want to be happy is the cook. >> you're so right about that. >> danny, people say it's too good to be true. does it mean we're going to pay in other ways, that now the prices of food will go up? >> well, the price of your meal is exactly what it is. so, for example, when you agreed many, many years ago that it's worth paying a little bit more for organic vegetables or locally grown vegetables or animals that were raised responsibly, it's put in the menu prices. right now it's going to be put in the menu prices not just what we pay the cooks, florists, reservationists and table cloths and what we pay our servers as well. that's our responsibility to do it. at the end of the day when you get your credit card bill a month later. that line when you come to one of our restaurants should look exactly as it would have if you had struggled in the dark to put on the tip. it's true that the menu price itself will look higher by about 21% but the total a the bottom will be the same. the benefit is that we'll get a chance, because we don't have to worry about who cannot get tips, to make it an equitable playing field. >> not worrying about people who don't give good tips. >> that's one of the most demoralizing things in the world if somebody stiffs the waiter for slow service and it might not have been the waiter's fault. >> this is on the front page of every major newspaper in the country. can you guarantee that it will only be a 20% increase in the menu price? or could you go as high as 35% as some analysts are suggesting? >> well, we are going to start it at 21% and try to make it work as best we can. i think it's important to understand that january 1 of next year minimum wage will go up everywhere. as soon as that happens, every restaurant will have to raise their prices. that doesn't require you to eliminate tipping but we said, if we're going to raise our prices anyway, why don't we use this opportunity to make the restaurant business a much more sustainable place. i have to add one more thing. we are facing, across the whole country, the biggest single labor shortage in talented cooking skills that we have ever seen. part of the reason is that, if you are a young kid and you want to go to cooking school with big, big bills, how do you tell your parents, what i really want to do is go work for $11 an hour, $10 an hour, $9 an hour and live in a big city like new york. so for the very sustainability of the business we think this is important. >> all right. >> really interesting. >> thank you, restaurant legend. you wear that well. >> thank you queen gayle. >> thanks, danny. to our conversation with tom hanks and steven spielberg about what it's like to work together. >> how does one stay to tom hanks, that was good, but could you do it over? >> i say, that was great. that was brilliant. once more. what a gorgeous day we have in front of us! temperatures will start off in the upper 40s to low 50s as the sun gets a'risin'. highs will head back into the 70s, but cooler air is only a day away! overnight lows will dip into the mid to upper 30s friday morning, with highs only topping out in the mid to upper 50s. that batch of cold air will stick around through saturday, with patchy frost possible across most of northern/western iowa. highs rebound back into the mid 60s sunday and low 70s monday with the atlanta falcons are flying high. but can they soar over the saints? tracy wolfson is standing by at the mercedes-benz superdome in new orleans with a preview. will the patriots look for revenge sunday over deflaettegatedeflategate. that's ahead here on "cbs this morning." selling 18 homes? easy. building them all in four and a half months? now that was a leap. i was calling in every favor i could, and i knew i could rely on american express to help me buy those building materials. there are always going to be unknowns. you just have to be ready for them. another step on the journey... will you be ready when growth presents itself? 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call now for a free medicare information kit or come to a free medicare meeting. find out why 95% of people who join us, stay with us. health alliance. just seems right. to tom hanks and steven spielberg join forces for the fourth time as actor and director. their new movie "bridge of spies" opens tomorrow. the oscar winners talked about us in new york about their winning partnership and friendship? hollywood. how does this work? this particular collaboration? do you call him and say tom, i have something for you? tom, do you say, guess what, >> no, i called tom and said that i got wind of a story that a young writer had brought to dreamworks. >> we have a soviet spy. >> that story became "bridge of spies" a cold-war drama based on true events and steeped in intrigue and espionage. >> we call it the constitution and we agreed to the rules. that's what makes us americans. >> tom hanks plays james donovan, a lawyer assigned to defend an accused soviet spy named rudolph abel. later he is called on to negotiate a prisoner swap. abel for american pilot gary powers who had been shot down and had been held by the soviets. >> the spy swap, this was all news to me, and i, you know, called tom on the phone, you know, and said -- >> you knew. >> i would love you to read this. >> you said there was nobody you could envision playing the part of jim donovan other than you, tom hanks. over to you. you get the call. >> i pulled out a trumpet and i blew it really loud and i took pots and pans and banged them together, and i cut up the newspapers to form confetti and threw it all over the house. >> so you liked it instantly. >> everyone deserves a defense. every person matters. >> you, tom, are such a student of history. >> i am. non-fiction entertainment is a better way to spend your time than anything you could possibly make up. >> for me i googled jim donovan, i wanted to see what the real guy looked like. >> beefy irishman. >> i thought that was interesting. i can't say i was interested in the story before. after i looked at the movie i went, wow! >> movies should open people's eyes to something they knew nothing or very little about. movies should open up possibilities for audiences. >> isn't it great when you go to the movies -- i didn't know that. >> i love the collaboration between the two of you. it seems so easy. is it as easy as it appears? >> it's as easy as the film will let it be. in private ryan we had an easy collaboration under difficult circumstances. it was a tough, dangerous movie to make. >> get down! >> depends on really the genre that we're in. >> "saving private ryan" was the first time hanks and spielberg teamed up as actor and director. that was in 1998. 1980s. >> kids didn't go to the same school, but the car pool hour is universal somewhere between like 7:15 and -- >> 7:35. >> it will be driving -- he'll be driving past the front of my house and i'm playing catch with the kids waiting for the car pool. oh, steven is driving. he slowed down, rolled the window down. i'd like to talk but i have to get the kids to school! he would be on his way. >> we've been neighbors and friends for such a long time, before we started professionally working together. >> steven, how does one say to tom hanks, that was good, but could you do it over? a little more energy. >> i say -- in my mantra is saying, that was great. that was brilliant. once more! once more. >> comes up and will say things like, oh, do something different. >> yeah. >> do something different. >> it works. i remember saying a long time ago, the making of an "indiana jones" movie where harrison is on the tank and that kind of stuff. it shows this thing. they're setting up the shot. i remember harrison ford was saying he was doing something with his hand. i said, steven, how about this in the foreground? steven was like, i love it. keep that in. i'm like, you get to do that? >> because it's -- who knew. it's a weird -- people can make all the assumptions, but the fact of the matter is a movie is like a living, breathing thing. it just keeps evolving. we don't let the cement dry and then make the entire movie. i don't like the cement to dry until theyave to yank the film out of my hands and put it in movie theaters. it's always changing and evolving. >> 40th anniversary of jaws"jaws." >> 40th anniversary. >> '75 it came out. >> steven, you should know that. >> i don't pay attention to those things. i guess i'll pay attention on the 50th anniversary. >> 40 is big for a movie that people still want to do, da-da, da-da. they know what that is. >> so you were told then, you know, listen, you'll never make another movie with that kind of commercial success. you should stop now. is that true? >> what they said was in the middle of shooting "jaws," you'll never make another movie. it was so far over budget and schedule. >> do you remember the budget? >> about $3.2 million. i think we went to $10 million or $11 million. in 1987 it's a big overage. i was shocked that we finished the movie. it didn't sink in for a couple years what "jaws" had become in the country. the only experience i remember having where i thought we were a popular movie. i was at the 31 flavors trying to get ice cream in a long line. the only time it impacted me was that people were talking about it in line. that's when i realized it. >> piedmont theater, in piedmont, california, the day before the 4th of july. i remember because the day before that, july 3rd, 1975, murray hamilton told the mayor. you can't close the beaches. tomorrow is the fourth of july. >> for christ sake. tomorrow is the 4th of july. >> i said, guys, tomorrow is the 4th of july. it was a big moment for all of us. that was the first movie i stood in line for. >> hanks has starred in four spielberg films. he says they are special opportunities for him still. he loves to share that experience with his fellow actors. >> because i had done this before, the other guys in the movie came up and said, what can we expect? i said, the best thing that can happen on the set is where steven disappears, you don't know where he is and then you see him out of the corner of your eye somewhere on the periphery of the set with a finder up to his eye and he's looking around. that means he's looking for something that's going to be solid gold and you hope you're in it somewhere. >> that's so great. >> great, great. great. >> i shared a desk with the man who presented jaws. >> you feel the chemistry, the admiration, the love, respect between the two of them. it's good to see. opens friday. 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"the san francisco chronicle" reports on the arrival today of the self-driving tuesday freeway speed, changing lanes, and using brakes to avoid a collision. the "los angeles times" reports on the resignation of a prominent astronomer at uc berkeley. the school found he investigated sexual harassment policy for years but let off with only a warning. rapper jay-z.'s copyright tile, he toot stand yesterday in los angeles. he says elbow he had permission to use "elements of an egyptian song." >> defense lawyers are expected to begin their case today. "the new york times" reports pro tennis player beshard is suing after a fall at the united states open. her suit is against the united states tennis association and the national tennis center. she says she slipped on a cleaning solution left on the floor and had an injury that forced had toreer to withdraw from the tournament. caroline westlake was a cat expert at the zoo and attacked another employee who was a monkey handler and a fight over a judge ordered her for pay more than 1 1,200 dollars and serve community service. i think that is a funny story. welcome back. we missed charlie. he was gone for three days. >> we did. welcome back. funny a mir cat expert. i thought of the social media thing. she was an expert in the mir cat? >> and strange things happening at the zoo. week six of the nfl season kicks off tonight right here on cbs. the 1-4 new orleans saints hope to pull off an upset against the undefeated atlanta falcons. the falcons this year are one of six perfect teams. tracy wolfson, "the nfl on cbs" lead game reporter is on the field at the mercedes-benz superdome superdome in new orleans. good morning! what do you think we will see tonight? >> you mentioned the zoo. i think this place will be a zoo tonight. a rivalry game between the two nfc south teams. you mentioned it. new orleans is struggling and trying to find their way. the atlanta falcons is undefeated. one of the surprise teams right now in the nfl. it should be interesting. i think it's going to take a lot to stop this nfc south atlanta falcons power offense that they have. julio jones just clicking on all cylinders and devante freeman and matt ryan. the defense the saints has been struggling. the question going is how will julio jones be? he is dealing with a hamstring injury. i am told he is not on a pitch count tonight and expected to play. >> what did drew brees? having a tough time this season and one of the nicest guys in the nfl. what do you think about him? they say he is 36 and some say that is a little old in the nfl. are his best days behind him? >> tom brady is older. >> i don't think it't' old in the nfl. we have seen several players around that age perform at a high level. it is interesting. you mentioned it. he is struggling definitely mightily this year. he is not surrounded by the parts that he used to have. they lost jimmy graham and drew brees dealing with a shoulder injury a few weeks ago. i was told he is 100% bunt you never really know. they need a win but i think his future is definitely questionable with the new orleans saints. >> tom brady is 38 and playing pretty well for 38. >> that's right. >> or pretty. 28, he is playing well. >> is there an advantage for the saints playing at their hometown in the superdome? >> you know, there is but they haven't been as dominate at home as they have been in the past. this atlanta team is a different team run by dan quinn, taking over this year. he just provides this mentality of toughness, play fast, play competitive, never give up. they won four of their five games in the fourth quarter. they have had to come from behind to win. so this is a completely different atlanta team that i did not think will be in awe of this stadium which, by the way, they have played in here before. >> let's talk about sunday's game, tracy. some are calling it deflategate revenge with the patriots and the colts. what is your take on that? >> reporter: you know what? i look at it as it's in the past. that is just a media thing and everybody is just talking about it. once they kick off, it is just another game to me. will certainly be playing with capturing the journey and james brown, who hosts "the nfl today" on cbs takes us to landry walker high school. >> get everybody up over here. >> reporter: for saints cornerback keenan lewis, new orleans is more than a city he plays in. it's home and giverg back to his hometown is never far from his mind. >> keenan wants to say a few words to you all. >> fortunately, i was one of those guys to have an opportunity to play in a super bowl so it's an honor to give back and i always like to give like to present this ball to coach. >> keenan has been the inspiration for us to continue to show that each and every one of you all inspire to be and make it out like he did, so we want to give him another hand. >> reporter: growing up in the shadow of the superdome, lewis always hoped an nfl stadium would one day be his workplace. >> it was tough growing up, you know, in this community. you always hear about everything taking place. you don't get too many stories that guys had opportunity to make it to the national football league, so that was a dream i always had, i always wanted to accomplish. >> reporter: with just his mom at home, keenan looked to his football coach for guidance. >> coach power stepped in and played that father figure role and that was tremendously important. east monterrey court where i grew up at playing out here with the other guys and gave me the opportunity to play. >> we gave you opportunity. you just had to wait your turn. you had to wait your turn. >> i had to find my way. >> reporter: after being drafted by pittsburgh, lewis found his way to the super bowl. later, he turned down more money from the steelers to sign with his hometown saints. >> it wasn't about the money. it was about me coming back and showing the youth that dreams do come true and take into consideration to me accomplishing the thing that they dream of, maybe it will make them play even harder. you stop me? drive through that ball. colin get a little pass and in the nfl, one run, touchdown. >> he's a motivator. when i see him, i think to myself, he did it, he was in the same position, also the same school as me, and he made it out. so i really think i think i can make it out also. >> you don't go no power. as soon as he runs to you and dodge, he's done. as soon as they come back around, boom. >> i want to be like him one day. one day, i want to play in the back and give back to my people as well. >> 1-2-3! >> 1-2-3. >> win! >> that's why you set your goals. you try to reach your goals by, you know, looking at that football and say i want to do the same thing that keenan did. >> dreams do come true, no matter what the situation you face, you know, you can accomplish your dreams. >> i love these stories. what i like is when all of them, when the players go back to look on the kid' eyes when they are looking at him saying, he did it, maybe i can. >> yeah. because they view them as such heroes, right? >> keenan lewis, got a new fan. >> a new fan, indeed. a big city, a big book and one author's dream that put him on top. up next the child of the south who launched a what a gorgeous day we have in front of us! temperatures will start off in the upper 40s to low 50s as the sun gets a'risin'. highs will head back into the 70s, but cooler air is only a day away! overnight lows will dip into the mid to upper 30s friday morning, with highs only topping out in the mid to upper 50s. that batch of cold air will stick around through saturday, with patchy frost possible across most of northern/western iowa. highs rebound back into the mid 60s nd your a1c is not at goal with certain diabetes pills or daily insulin, your doctor may be talking about adding medication to help lower your a1c. ask your doctor if adding once-a-week tanzeum is right for you. once-a-week tanzeum is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes, along with diet and exercise. once-a-week tanzeum works by helping your body release its own natural insulin when it's needed. tanzeum is not recommended as the first medicine to treat diabetes or in people with severe stomach or intestinal problems. tanzeum is not insulin. it is not used to treat type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis, and has not been studied with mealtime insulin. do not take tanzeum if you or your family have a history of medullary thyroid cancer or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you're allergic to tanzeum or any of its ingredients. stop using tanzeum and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms of a serious allergic reaction which may include itching, rash, or difficulty breathing; if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe stomach pain that will not go away and may move to your back, with or without vomiting; or if you have symptoms of thyroid cancer which include a lump or swelling in your neck, hoarseness, trouble swallowing, or shortness of breath. before using tanzeum, talk to your doctor about your medical conditions, all medicines you're taking, if you're nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. and about low blood sugar and how to manage it. taking tanzeum with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your risk for low blood sugar. common side effects with tanzeum include diarrhea, nausea, injection site reactions, cough, back pain, and cold or flu symptoms. some serious side effects can lead to dehydration which may cause kidney failure. ask your doctor if adding once-a-week tanzeum is right for you. go to to learn if you may be eligible to receive tanzeum free for 12 months. it was the people who bore the brunt of the blackout struggling through a night and most of the day without lights, elevators, subways or air-conditioners. steve young reports on how they handled it. >> new york in july of 1977 faced a blackout that lasted more than a day. cbs news cameras captured that summer's looting and arson and chaos. that era inspired a first-time novelist, "city on fire" this season's most talked about new book. new yorkers of the '70s lived with constant unseize. bankrupt and the son of sam terrorized millions. jeff glor spoke to the author of "city on fire" about a novel that sparked a bidding war wayne a huge advance. >> there is a moment, you know, on the turnpike and you look out the window and you see, for the first time in that trip, the skyline. >> and it had always seemed to be saying to me, you're here, you made it. you're home. >> reporter: you thought this is it? this is where i'm meant to be? >> this is where all of the people who aren't meant to be anywhere else, you know? are meant to be. >> reporter: the spark of an idea that would become the biggest and boldest novel of his generation came to garth hobarth in 2003. >> i got off the bus and had white heat in my brain. >> reporter: 12 years after this north carolina native made a "city on fire" hit shelves at 944 pages. hallberg wrote it longhand. >> even though it seemed unpublishable to me. >> reporter: unpublishable. >> i knew it would be somewhere between 875 and 970 pages long. those kinds of -- i shouldn't see those kinds of books being published. >> reporter: why did you do it? >> because it had to be done. it was a joy. it was a joy to do. >> reporter: diana miller is his editor. >> it was a warm and to have the smarts and emotional side together seamlessly is a great combination. >> reporter: city on fire is set in the new york of the 1970s, focusing on the heirs to a great fortune and the messy lives and city they along amongst. >> out again. >> i knew it! >> reporter: including the blackout of 1977. >> it was a miserable muggy wednesday night. possession that i felt in the 45-second space where the entire book came to me was that somehow i had been dreaming about or communicating with this time period for years. i had been driving around. >> reporter: you wanted to live in that time period? >> i didn't -- it wasn't a choice. i mean, i'm driving around the back road in north carolina, you know, feeling like nobody gets it. >> and listening to ps atti smith. >> you didn't live through this era but people who did live through this era in the '70s in new york, seem to think that you nailed what the city was. >> they did such a good job leaving a set of traces, photographs, albums, books. this was the go-to desk. >> reporter: hallberg is 36 years old and spent much of his time researching the novel inside new york's main library and four years thinking about "city on fire" five years writing it and another couple of years watching a bidding war develop over who would publish it. in the end knopf won for a reported $2 million. do you think about the money part of it? >> as little as i can. >> reporter: why? >> that's not a youthful set of thoughts to have in mind when i sit down at the desk to work on the next thing. >> reporter: because it's transactional? >> because it's transactional, and good art isn't. >> reporter: but the rights to "city on fire" have been sold for a movie producer and means the book will likely be on the big screen. >> as the blocks piled up between him and the grief counselor's officer. >> reporter: hallberg just left for an 18-city book tour won't say what else the future holds. for now, he is letting readers linger over the past. for "cbs this morning," jeff glor, new york. >> i'm into it. i want to see it. >> i do too. >> the description that he felt white heat on his brain. he knew that there was something he had to do. >> yeah. >> go ahead. >> the book critic for "the new york times" says kids eager to escape the platitude of >> how about my questions? >> huh? seth. tt2watx#@n4 p bt@qj4@ tt2watx#@n4 p "a@qz8$ tt2watx#@n4 p bm@qq3( tt4watx#@n4 r dztq 4/, tt4watx#@n4 r entq d+l tt4watx#@n4 r gzt& ],4 tt4watx#@n4 r well, that does it for us. our digital everyone, it's now 8:55... today iowans who are against the proposed bakken oil pipeline will gather outside the iowa utilities board. iowa cci organized the rally - it starts at 10 am. also today, it looks like quik trip may give kum & go some competition on keo way! des moines plan and zoning will consider a site plan for quik trip to build a new convenience store at 12th & keo - with 10 gas pumps. thousands of drivers travel keo every day on their way into downtown! tonight the world food prize laureate award ceremony is taking place at the statehouse. this year's winner sir fazle hasan abed will be honored. the event starts at 7. good luck to des moines native lolo jones today - she's having hip surgery! she posted on than one year out from the 2016 rio olympic games. five fire departments in story county have a new piece of life saving equipment! it's called the resq cpr device. just approved by the fda - only a handful of states have it. the device uses a suction cup and pod to give better airflow to the heart and brain. marry greeley medical center in ames is the first place in iowa to get the device - and handed them out. four more devices are going to maxwell, jewell, nevada, and gilbert. kcci 8 traffic! any accident locations are plotted on the map. your mobile speed unit your weather in 30 seconds! i don't know how you did it? what? riding our bikes across the state? getting my masters? no! paying off your house early! oh! that was easy! awhile back we talked with veridian credit union and they got us into a 10 and done loan! refinancing lowered our rate and closing costs were only $200! yeah, it was really easy! and we saved enough money to take this trip to europe! veridian's been great, helping us with all of our finances! now if they could only teach us french! what a gorgeous day we have in front of us! temperatures will start off in the upper 40s to low 50s as the sun gets a'risin'. highs will head back into the 70s, but cooler air is will dip into the mid to upper 30s friday morning, with highs only topping out in the mid to upper 50s. that batch of cold air will stick around through saturday, with patchy frost possible across most of northern/western iowa. highs rebound back into the mid 60s sunday and low 70s monday with

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