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Right back. Almost sixty million americans are affected by mental illness. Together we can help them with three simple words. My name is chris noth and i will listen. From maine to maui, thousands of High School Students across the country are getting in on the action by volunteering in their communities. Chris young action teams of High School Students are joining volunteers of america and Major League Baseball players to help train and inspire the next generation of volunteers. Carlos pea its easy to start an action team at your school so you, too, can get in on the action. Get in on the action at actionteam. Org. cause youll be in my heart yes, youll be in my heart now and forevermore. Narrator if animals are our best friends, shouldnt we be theirs . Visit your local shelter, adopt a pet. Youll be in my heart no matter what. Cbs cares. If you were a hippie in the 60s, you need to know. Its the dawning of the age of aquarius. Yeah, and Something Else thats cool. What . Osteoporosis is preventable. All osteos preventable . Right on if you dig your bones, protect them. All cbs cares today, Vice President joe biden said he is proud of last nights democratic president ial debate. But if he was looking for a reason to jump into the race he likely didnt find it. Hillary clinton dominated. Nancy cordes was there. Reporter clinton and sanders clashed from the start over gun control. Is Bernie Sanders tough enough on guns . No, not at all. Reporter capitalism. I think we should look to countries like denmark. We are not denmark, we are the United States reporter and huh to rein in big banks. I went to wall street in 2007 before the big crash we had. I basically said cut it out. Quit foreclosing on homes. You do not, congress does not regulate wall street. Wall street regulates congress. And we have got to break up these banks. Reporter clinton was ready when all four criticized her 2002 vote to go to war in iraq, which she now calls a mistake. I recall being on a debate stage, about 25 times, with then senator obama debating this issue. After the election he asked me to become secretary of state. Reporter sanders came to clintons rescue on the issue that dogged her the most. That the American People are sick and tired of hearing about your damn, emails. Thank you. Me too. Me too. Some people are going to say you gave her a big gift. I dont know i gave her a big gift. What i said was true. Issues. Candidates polling near 0, former Maryland Governor martin night. We passed comprehensive gun safety legislation. Reporter if Vice President joe biden was hoping for a front happen. And Clintons Campaign manager said today its time for him to make up his mind. All biden shared today was this, brief assessment of the night. I was proud of, i thought they all did well. Bidens backers insist there is still room for him in this race even if the others exceeded expectations. One adviser told me today, scott, if he does jump in, voters will forget about the first debate and focus on the second one here at Drake University in iowa next month. Nancy cordes, thank you, nancy. Tomorrow a zimbabwean hunter will go on trial for helping an american client kill a beloved lion. The american, Walter Palmer does not face charges. Permit. That money is supposed to help conservation, but our correspondent discovered who is really bagging the blood money. Cecil was a Star Attraction at the national park. The minnesota dentist who killed him said he had done nothing wrong. He paid 55,000 for a legal hunting permit. Cecil was an icon on our part of the industry. Reporter the safari operators in zimbabwe, he told us americans like palmer make up the majority of zimbabwes trophy hunters. Part of the huge hunting fees they pay is to go to conservation and community projects. He told us it rarely does. Blaming corrupt government officials. It is a problem. It is a real menace. People are in dire straits. And people can do almost anything in terms of selling their souls for a bit of silver. Reporter one district hunting fees, eight times the average salary. But villagers said they havent seen any of it. What do you live on . How many dollars . Nothing. Reporter nothing. Not one cent. Nothing. Reporter he wants to sell his goats for food. For now he lives off the meager crops he grows. Unlike the villagers, it has Running Water and he showed us his thriving sun flowers. We were there today, with the sun and everything, the crops arent doing there so well. Theyre really battling. You need to water them. Reporter really . But they didnt have water . Unfortunately. Reporter yeah. In addition to schools and clinics, he told us the hunting fees also go to buy food. So why does everybody say they didnt have food . So are you saying theyre lying to us . Yeah, of course they are. Reporter theyre lying to us . They are. Because theres no one go hungry in this country. Reporter it is rare for illegal hunting to be prosecuted. This time the International Outcry over cecil the lion resulted in not only a trial but partial ban of big game hunting on some of the farms bordering the national park. Thank you, deborah. After a deadly outbreak of listeria, we have turned up more red flags about our food supply. And this church had quiet. I know blowdrying fries my hair, but im never gonna stop. Because now ive got pantene shampoo and conditioner the prov formula locks moisture inside my hair and the damage from pantene. Strong is beautiful. Your clever moves wont stop the cold and flu. But disinfecting with lysol can. Lysol wipes and spray are approved to kill more types of germs than clorox. To help keep your family healthy, lysol that. Its the final countdown the final countdown if youre the band europe, you love a final countdown. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Right here on monday we reported former blue bell creamery workers complained about filthy conditions at a texas factory linked to an outbreak of listeria. Turns out the outbreak had been going on for years. Ten people got sick from the bacteria. Three died. Tonight, jim axelrod continues his investigation. Reporter Richard Porter and tina ettiger were patients at via christie Saint Francis hospital in wichita, kansas when they were both infected with listeria. They were treated by dr. Tom moore and his colleagues. I think the public has an expectation, i think a reasonable expectation, that when they come to the hospital, that the food thats given to them is safe. Reporter they had been sickened by contaminated Blue Bell Ice Cream. Porter survived the infection, ettiger did not. Did our food Safety System fail Richard Porter and tina ettiger . I believe it did. Reporter fda record show blue bells own testing found listeria in its oklahoma plant as far back as 2013. The laws at the time did not require blue bell to share that information with regulators. Michael taylor is the fda Deputy Commissioner for foods. Do the current laws do enough to protect the most vulnerable americans. We dont think they do enough to protect all americans. Thats why we have the 3,000 deaths annually from a wide range of pathogens. Reporter taylor says that will change with the implay men taegs of the food safety modernization act, the first overall of u. S. Food safety laws in more than 70 years. The kind of practices we saw in the facility are what the new food safety law is intended to prevent. Reporter you are going from reactivity to prevention. Exactly. Thats the shift. Reporter the shift started this fall when the fda began implementing rules. With 1,000 inspectors for 100,000 facilities. Taylor says they cant do it alone. The companies have to take responsibility for understanding the hazard in their facilities. Reporter you will never have the resources to be in every Production Facility every day. We have got to have a system that creates real accountability on the companies for doing the right thing for prevention every day. Of course, the fda need money to make this all work. So far, congress has authorized just about 28 of what its estimated they will need to fully implement the new law. We have learned so much in the series, jim. Thank you very much. There was a close call at Los Angeles International airport. An airport worker drove onto a runway just as a jetliner carrying 78 people was cleared for takeoff. An alarm sounded in the tower, the pilot hit the brakes. Nobody was hurt. Supplements coming next. Today the government blamed Dietary Supplements for sending 23,000 people to the emergency room each year, and putting more than 2,000 of them in the hospital. This. Reporter two years ago when Chris Herrera was 15, he lost 56 pound while taking a Green Tea Extract build as a fat burner. His mom, lourdes gonzalez. Him seeing the difference what one pill was doing, he probably decided to take more on his own without letting me know. But then his eyes turned yellow. Medical tests showed his liver was failing. Doctors blame the Green Tea Extract. Having to hear the doctor tell me every day that christopher had a 50 chance of dying and not making it was hurtful. Reporter herrera recovered. Half of American Adults use at least one supplement, so 23,000 emergency visits a year reflects a relatively low complication rate. But since these product dont need fda approval, the cdc says it is important to monitor their weight loss and Energy Product accounted for 50 of visits. 5 to 34. Most typical patients young adults. Most common symptoms were cardiac. Chest pain. Elevated heart rate. Dr. Andrew geller of the cdc its the reports lead author. Some Dietary Supplements may have benefits. But there are risks. We encourage patients to tell their physicians that theyre taking Dietary Supplements and which ones. Reporter scott, patients dont tell doctors theyre taking supplements they dont kid them real medications. Supplements can have interact actions with med. One idea is to bring your medicines to the doctors office. Throw them on the table. One by one go over what you are taking. Dr. Jon lapook, thanks, doc. In london they asked not for whom the bell tolled, they asked if anyone could stop it. A Technical Glitch caused the bell at saint george to ring nonstop for 24 hours. The residents went nuts. One chimed in, have you tried turning it off and then on again. We dont know who finally fixed it. But he is our candidate for the nobel prize. And well be right back. Woman what does it feel like when a woman is having a heart attack . Chest pain, like theres a ton of weight on your chest. Severe shortness of breath. Unexplained nausea. Cold sweats. Theres an unusual tiredness and fatigue. Theres unfamiliar dizziness or lightheadedness. Unusual pain in your back, neck, jaw, one or both arms, even your upper stomach, are signs youre having a heart attack. Dont make excuses. Make the call to 911 immediately. Learn more at womenshealth. Gov heartattack. Bipolar disorder is a brain condition that causes unusual or dramatic mood swings. It affects millions of americans and compromises their ability to function. When diagnosed, bipolar disorder can be effectively treated by mood stabilizers. But most people with bipolar disorder suffer for years without help because the symptoms are missed or confused with other illnesses, like depression. Learn how easily you can help we end it we power couple into new media and old. Heres chip reid. Reporter it is 4 30 a. M. When the first boat docks at marthas vineyard. Every morning jan and his wife, moira load 2,000 pounds of newspapers into two beat up vans and hit the road. Good morning. Reporter after losing their sixfigure incomes in architecture and software during the recession, it was a way to make just enough money to stay on the island they loved. Their friend on the mainland thought they had gone mad. I said, you know what, you should see the science, this place, in the morning. Its fantastic. Send it to you. Reporter thats how it started. Today they have 2,000 email followers and 13,000 on facebook. The way the light strikes something. You think, i have to stop right now. Take that picture. Reporter you are preoccupied. Not even thinking about the paper route . No. Sometimes, 25 minutes go by. I think maybe i should deliver some papers now. Reporter demand for their photos is so great they expanded into cards, calendars, even art exhibits. Still they earn a fraction of what they used to make in their High Pressure corporate jobs. 20 . You make 20 now. Yeah. Maybe. Reporter are you happier now . Yeah. Here. Take this out. Reporter wow. Beautiful. You were worried it would be too gray to get a photograph. Theres always something. Reporter in the Morning Light here there is always something. I love that little boat. Reporter to brighten the day for thousand of their closest friends. Chip reid, cbs news, marthas vineyard, massachusetts. And thats the cbs overnight news for this thursday. For some of you the news continues. For others, check back with us a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. York city, im scott pelley. Announcer this is the cbs overnight news. Welcome to the overnight news. Im jim axelrod. The nation of zimbabwe has decided not to bring charges against the dentist from minnesota who killed cecil the lion earlier this year on a big game hunt. Cecil was the Star Attraction at a game park and was fitted with an electronic collar. Walter palmer paid 55,000 for the hunt. The paperwork was in order. But the lion was illegally lured out of the park. The commercial hunter in charge of the safari will be in court today facing up to ten years in jail. The incident has triggered a fierce debate over trophy hunting in zimbabwe. Deborah patta is there. Game reserves are major Tourist Attractions here. The riches are not shared, after 35 years of oppressive rule, the government is broke and the economy in ruins. The national park, former home to cecil the lion is being ravaged by zimbabwes dire conditions. As a result conservation relies primarily on hunting. We spoke to a man who oversees the industry. How much money does the government give to the parks . Nothing. Zero. Reporter the parks turn to hunting. When the dentist was on a private hunt. 30 of fees for private hunts are supposed to be paid to the national parks. In most cases you find because of the bureaucratic natures of organization, most money may be consumed to a large extent through Administration Costs directly to conservation. Reporter if a hunt is on land owned by indigenous communities the community is to receive 100 of trophy hunting fees. This money administered by rural District Council. We met its ceo near his thriving sunflower crops. We were there today with the sun and everything the crops arent doing so well. Theyre battling. You need to water them. Reporter really. Yeah. Reporter but theyre out of water. Unfortunately. Reporter yeah, uhhuh. Unlike the rural poor, he has Running Water. His council made over 600,000 in trophy fees over the past year. He claims that money is used to provide infrastructure and communities. But the villagers we spoke to say they havent received a cent from the council. Like this man who has not had a job for decades and does not have one dollar to his name. So where do you get your food from . From agriculture. Reporter by agriculture he means the few meager crops he is able to grow in a country that is facing a drought. Why does everybody say they dont have food . Are you saying theyre look to us . Yeah, of course they tar. Reporter theyre lying to us . They are. They are. Yes. Reporter it is rare for illegal hunting to be prosecuted in zimbabwe. This time the International Outcry over the shooting of cecil the lion resulted not only in a trial but a partial ban of big game hunting on some of the farms bordering the national park. Sheriff in nevada want to court seeking a warrant to get a blood sample from lamar odom, former basketball player and reality tv star was found unconscious in a local brothel. He is hospitalized on life support. Authority want to know what drugs he was taking. Michelle miller has the story. Reporter according to the brothels owner, odom had been partying for days. He said odom was looking to get away from everybody and having a good time. Flipped it up. Odom comes in. Reporter former Los Angeles Laker star, lamar odom found unconscious at a brothel tuesday. Rushed to Sunrise Hospital in las vegas. His nearly 7 foot frame too tall to be air lifted by helicopter. Saturday, odom checked in at dennis hoffs love ranch south in crystal, nevada, dennis hoff is the brothels owner. Hoff says odom was drinking cognac and had taken herbal viagra like supplement, discovered unresponsive in his room by two women. Off awe he was throwing up, terrible. Traumatized. Odom, the winner of two of nba championships with the Los Angeles Lakers, last played in the nba two years ago. His off the Court Struggles included an arrest in 2013 for driving under the influence. Lamar, you do have to go to the dentist, baby. Reporter odom featured on Reality Tv Show keeping up with the kardashians throughout his four year marriage to khloe. The two filed for divorce in 2013. Several nba players have turned to social media to show their support. Miami heat star dwayne wade tweeted, prayers all the way up for my brother. Odoms representatives have not responded to cbs this mornings request for comment. The nye county sheriff in nevada is investigating. Deadly listeria outbreak linked selling tainted product for years. The question now why did it take so long for the fda to discover this. Reporter Richard Porter and tina ettiger were patients at via christie Saint Francis hospital in wichita, kansas when they were both infected with listeria. They were treated by dr. Tom moore and his colleagues. I think the public has an expectation, i think a reasonable expectation, that when they come to the hospital, that the food thats given to them is safe. Reporter they had been sickened by contaminated Blue Bell Ice Cream. Porter survived the infection, ettiger did not. Did our food Safety System fail Richard Porter and tina ettiger . I believe it did. Reporter fda record show blue bells own testing found listeria in its oklahoma plant as far back as 2013. The laws at the time did not require blue bell to share that information with regulators. Commissioner for foods. Do the current laws do enough to protect the most vulnerable americans. We dont think they do enough to protect all americans. Thats why we have the 3,000 deaths annually from a wide range of pathogens. Reporter taylor says that will change with the implementation of the food safety modernization act, the first overall of u. S. Food safety laws in more than 70 years. The kind of practices we saw in the facility are what the new food safety law is intended to prevent. Reporter you are going from reactivity to prevention. Exactly. Thats the shift. Reporter the shift started this fall when the fda began implementing rules. With 1,000 inspectors for 100,000 facilities. Taylor says they cant do it alone. The companies have to take the hazard in their facilities. Reporter you will never have the resources to be in every Production Facility every day. We have got to have a system that creates real accountability on the companies for doing the right thing for prevention every day. The cbs overnight news will be right back. It has been more than 40 but i wanted to try something new. And im into that. So were using ky love. Its a pleasure gel that magnifies both of our sensations. Right, i mean, for both of us, just. Yeah, it just takes all those awesome feelings you usually feel and it just makes them. Rawr. Jill and kate use the same dishwasher. Same detergent. But only jill ends up with wet, spotty glasses. Kate adds finish jetdry with five power actions that dry dishes and prevent spots and film, so all thats left is the shine. For better results, use finish jetdry. Huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Yeah, Everybody Knows that. Well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast . You got to know when to holdem. Know when to fold em. Know when to walk away. Know when to run. You never count your money, when youre sitting at the ta. What . You get it . I get the gist, yeah. Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent it has been more than 40 years since Richard Nixon became the only president in u. S. History to resign from office. Watergate was his undoing. Now all these years later, new details of the scandal are emerging. David martin reports for sunday morning. Subcommittee will come to order. Reporter it was the biggest bombshell of the biggest political scandal in american history. Mr. Butterfield are you aware of the installation of any listening devices in the oval office of the president . I was aware of listening reporter white house aide Alexander Butterfield revealing the existence of the white house taping system to the Senate Watergate committee. When butterfield gave that dramatic testimony in july, 1973, it was a pivot point in watergate. Reporter reporter bob woodward along with Carl Bernstein famously exposed the machinations of the white house, tried and failed to interview butterfield. He passed the name on to the committee. Do you think the tapes had ever been revealed had it not been for butterfield . Probably would not have. Reporter turned out butterfield was sitting on a lot more secrets. 20 boxes full of them. This is the year, 1971. And each of these is a month. Reporter two years ago he turned over to woodward. Reporter did you ever, in you would one day collaborating with bob woodward of all people . No, not at all. Reporter what did you think when you walked into his apartment and you see the 20 boxes . I thought wow. Lets start looking. Reporter the result is the last of the president s men, published by simon and schuster, a division of cbs. In addition to the documents, woodward spent 40 hours interviewing butterfield who for three years occupied the office next to the president s. First one to see hem every day. Last one to see him every night. Attending to all the need. Reporter when butterfield left he took his files with him. Some of the documents are classified top secret. How did you just walk away with them from the white house . It was easy. I just walked away with them. I did the wrong thing. No one is supposed to do that. But i felt to tell you the truth, that, those papers were safer with me than with anyone. I had been around classified. Thats no excuse. I am saying i wasnt going to show these to the wrong person. I was going to take good care of them. Reporter one top secret document reveals nixons candid handwritten opinion of the bombing of vietnam. An angry scrawl across a report from henry kissinger. We have had ten years of total control of the air and laos and vietnam. The result zilch. And just the day before nextson told dan rather of cbs news, exactly the opposite. The results have been very, very effective. Surely, nixon was not the first and wont be the last president to privately say things he would never say public. Yeah, the level of contradiction and the depth of the fraud. Reporter according to woodwards research nixon ordered the military to drop nearly 3 million tons tough bombs and would order another million dropped in the year after the zilch memo. It send you to, send you into your heart and soul about, you know what are we doing . How did this happen . How could we have been led this way . It takes the concept of military leadership by a president turns it on its head. Reporter another document, this one in butterfields handwriting details nixons reaction to the massacre in which 504 vietnamese sill civilianed were slaughtered. Get background of all involved. Almost be disclosed. Does credit witnesses. Diskrez it rings a bell. We went to great lengths. Reporter butterfield wrote a first blue the whistle. And another aboutsy more hearst the reporter who broke the story. According to the memo. Hearst received a grant from the edgar b. Stern family fund which is clearly left wing and antiadministration. Another vulnerable spot according to butterfields notes, is the possible involvement of a lib jew. If the guy was a liberal jew, that was, material with which to, to discredit somebody. You are asking me things that are very difficult to explain about a very complicated man. Reporter a president who on a Christmas Eve tour of the Old Executive Office building next to the white house, made a discovery that sparked a witchhunt. Some of the staff people, pictures of john f. Kennedy on their desks. Or on the wall. Nixon said we have to get rid of that infestation, as if it was some sort of disease that somebody would have a picture of j. F. K. In their office. What were you supposed to do about these pictures of other president s on the walls . Get them all take ebb down. Get them all taken down . Yes. He made that an express order. Roy in particular, white house chief of staff told butterfield the president would like you to find out who the woman is who has the two kennedy pictures. Adding he asked about it once a week at least. Butterfield reported back the cia secret service and fbi and House Committee on unamerican activities all found the woman, a Civil Servant named Edna Rosenberg was a completely royal whats surprised is you go through all of this, the amount of energy that was devoted to these kind of maneuvers. This was a subversion of what the job of the presidency is. All of it documented in butterfields files. Thats to holdeman. This is to the treasury secretary. This is to the social secretary for the white house. They really are sort of a record of what the president is thinking about on on any given day. Yeah. Some of them at least 40 years after, seem very, very strange. Yes, they do. Did they . Did they seem strange at the time . In this strange environment, no. Nothing of course was stranger than the break in at Democratic National Committee Headquarters in the watergate. That third rate burglary which brought down the president. Butterfield was not in on it but knew about the taping system that could answer the question, what did the president know . When did he know it . Listen, the last thing i wanted to do was be the person who gave away the secret. Holdeman and i told the president we would never tell. Reporter then a retired fbi agent, donald sanders, a member of the Watergate Committee staff, wound up an otherwise routine interview by asking exactly the right question. Do you remember the question . Exactly. How did it go . Was there ever any other listening device in the oval office . That was the, and i said, i think i said, my, im ser you asked that question. Im sorry you asked that question. History flips right there. I knew what i was saying, getting into. I really knew what it meant. When you look back at at now. Would you have done anything differently in the way you the taping system . No, i thought of that a lot. I bet. I regret nothing. I didnt do everything right. But i satisfied myself that that i didnt tell a lie. Reporter it was of course the tapes that revealed the president had obstructed justice by ordering the coverup of the watergate break in. Nixon resigned. Butterfield faded into retirement in california. The meeting president s have before they go up to the capital to be sworn in as the new president. Reporter now he is back to teach us all one of the basic lessons of journalism. There is always more to the story. There is the president waving goodbye. As you hear the applause. Weve been changing things up with ky love. Oh yeah. It gives us chills in places weve never gotten chills before. Yeah, it makes us feel like. An infant is one of the latest and youngest faces of the epidemic of gun violence. Laid to rest one week after hit by a stray bullet riding in a car in cleveland. Police have no suspect or motive. Her father spoke to us for our series voices against violence. Reporter it was a crime so unimaginable it left Cleveland Police chief Calvin Williams at a loss for word. Its tough. This should not be happening. Reporter 5monthold Avielle Wakefield is the third child killed by a gun in cleveland in the last month. Charles wakefield is her father. Never did i wake up thinking that was going to be my last day seeing her. Reporter what do you think that says about this city . Im speechless. Im going to strive for my this nation. We need it. Spiking gun homicide rate in cleveland up 22 . A dozen other cities have seen an increase in homicides including st. Louis. Jennifer joyce is the top prosecutor and says murders by guns are up 51 . There is no, you know, Silver Bullet pardon the pun to solve gun violence not in st. Louis not anywhere. Reporter her office launched this website to tell the stories of the victims and also the offenders. I think the Mass Shootings as concerning and troubling as they are they get a lot of the focus when we talk about gun violence opposed to the daytoday shootings in our cities that are really piling up a lot more in terms of body count than the Mass Shootings are. Do you think there will be other parents like you . I hate to say this, but yeah. Yep. There is going to be somebody else. Reporter the other two children who were killed here in cleveland in the last month were ages 3 and 5. Scott, in the last four years, more than 500 children under the age of 12 were killed by guns in will be right back. Ng pc17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test maint. Testing pc17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test maint. Testing pc17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test maint. Testing pc17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test maint. Testing pc17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test maint. Testing pc17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test maint. Testing pc17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test maint. Testing pc17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test maint. Testing pc cbs caption test maint. Testing pc17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test maint. Testing pc17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test maint. Testing pc17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test maint. Testing pc17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test maint. Testing pc17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 678 its ryans cell phone. Gibbs isolate calls from psyops, governmentissued lines. Theres five or six different numbers here. Crossreference with incoming calls to banks over the past month. When the engines failed on the plane i was flying, i knew what to do to save my passengers. But when my father sank into depression, i didnt know how to help him. When he ultimately shot himself, he left our family devastated. Dont let this happen to you. If you or a loved one is suicidal, call the National Suicide prevention lifeline. No matter how hopeless or helpless you feel, with the right help, you can get well. franklin d. Roosevelt the inherent right to work is one of the elemental privileges of a free people. Endowed, as our nation is, with abundant physical resources. And inspired as it should be to make those resources and opportunities available for the enjoyment of all. We approach reemployment with real hope of finding a better answer than we have now. Job placement and training for people in your community. The latest craze in office furniture. The standing desk. Companies are ordering them for employees and the white house wants them for president ial staff. The trend is moving from the office to the classroom. Maria villareal reports. Down. Reporter at this Elementary School in san rafael, california. Our hand are here, my friend. Reporter motivating students to move is more than just their morning routine. Its an allday commitment that starts with these standing desks. Gets your legs working so you are not like i cant move. Because you get stiff. Reporter their favorite feature is the aptly named fidget bar. It burns off lots of my energy so i can concentrate without wiggling around in the chairs. Reporter 19 of the 22 classrooms have standing desks. The last three will be converted by the end of the year. Im so excited for them and thrilled we found a way to make them more excited about school. Reporter principal tracy smith says initially students got tired from standing all day. Within a few months they were focused, confident and productive in the classroom. Studies show allowing kids to move during the day can improve grade up to 15 and helps kids burn 25 more calories. The doctor says there isnt data on the long term effects of kids using standing desks but the physical benefits are immediate. You increase the muscle tone in your legs. Seems to be an improvement in actually circulation and arterial function and expending a few calories extra every hour can lead to big changes. Reporter but those big changes can come with a big price tag. It can cost up to 6,000 to convert a single classroom. Thats why some schools are experimenting with alternatives like yoga balls to increase core stability, exercise bikes for read ride programs, or bands like these to keep kids active. My ultimate goal is to have the federal government take notice at a minimum when a new school is built, a given standing desks will be the norm. Reporter while it may take time to catch on around the country. These kids are proud to be taking a stand. And sitting for too long is the new smoking. Reporter for cbs this morning, maria villareal, california. Thats the cbs overnight news for this thursday. For some of you the news continues. For others check back with us a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. York city, im jim axelrod. Death opens the doors of a secretive church. Parishioners are charged in the savage beating of two teenagers to force them to confess their sins. Also tonight. Clinton, sanders, and the first democratic debate. The American People are sick and tired of hearing about your damnemails. Products promoted as Health Supplements are sending tens of thousands to the emergency room. And theyre just delivering the paper, so why are 15,000 people following them. Announcer this is the cbs overnight news. We begin the broadcast this morning with the death in the word of life church. Police in upstate new york say beaten, one fatally, by members of the congregation including the victims parents. As for the motive, Michelle Miller is following the investigation. Reporter 59yearold Deborah Leonard and 65yearold husband bruce were charged with manslaughter in the beating death of their 19yearold son lucas. Authorities say lucas and his 17yearold brother christopher were brought to the word of life Church Sunday night as part of a Spiritual Counseling session. New Hartford Police chief for frz. Both brothers were subjected to physical punishment over the course of several hours. And the hopes that each would confess their prior sins and ask for forgiveness. Reporter according to this new Hartford Police complaint, lucas sustained Blunt Force Trauma with injuries to his stomach, genital, back and thigh areas. Authorities say at one point, lucas stopped breathing and was taken to the hospital monday afternoon. Brutally beaten inside the church. He is in serious condition. The assault has left the Central New York community stunned. Tara litz lived next door to the church for ten years. We always joked around and said they were a cult. Which now we are believing that they probably were. Reporter what made you think that . Just the odd behavior. A gated community. You line up in a row. Theyve all go in together. The gates close. Reporter four others including the victim any sister have been charged with assault. Scott, this investigation is on going and police do expect more arrests. The accused have not commented yet about the charges. Michelle miller, thank you very much, michelle. Last night we told you about a landmark verdict in milwaukee. A jury ordered badger guns to pay nearly 6 million to two Police Officers who were shot and grievously wounded by a gun purchased from that store. Today bethoth sides of the gun issue debated what this means. Here is dean reynolds. Reporter when a milwaukee jury saw the gun sale at a local store and saw two policemen shot with the same weapon in the hand of an underaged gunman they found the store at fault. Brad heaton is a juror. I was surprised how easy it is, if you are organized, a decent liar, pretty much anyone can. So it is incumbent upon gun dealers to do everything that they can to vet people when they come in. Reporter in 2005 Congress Passed a law barring most lawsuits against gun manufacturers and sellers for the way buyerses to their products. There were exceptions involving negligence. In the milwaukee case, the 1yearold gunman had an older friend buy the gun for him which is illegal. The jury found that the gun store employees either knew or should have known that. They didnt care. I mean, the core part of their market was criminals buying guns. Reporter edward flynn is milwaukees chief of police. Common sense american citizens said, wait a minute. Reckless behavior where gun stores are supplying criminals with firearms has to be something punished. This is a reporter at this store in minneapolis, gun salesman said the jury verdict was chilling. We cant help, be held responsible for the actions of others with a legally acquired firearm or any other product. I think if there is an unreasonable hysteria people start doing a kneejerk reaction. Im sure that has possibility of putting out the business. Reporter the attorney for the gun store said the ruling will be appealed and, scott, he has until november 16th to file it. The shooter in the case got 80 years and the person who bought the gun two years. Dean reynolds. Thanks. Our cbs news legal analyst. Rikki, does this mean cases like this are going to be filed all over the country . It certainly means cases like this that are in the pipeline will go forward. They will go forward with more hope than they had a week ago. However, it does not mean they will succeed. Aas we know there is an appellate process here. It will take years for this to become a real precedent. Right now, it is simply a jury verdict under very unique circumstances, scott. What are the unique circumstances that made this case a slam dung for thek for the jury . You had video. The picture was worth a thousand word. The real purchaser and the straw purchaser the guy who was going to go in of legal age to buy for his friend. And you can see their shen shenanigans in the store. The straw purchaser checked off the wrong box. On the federal form. On the form. The clerk helped him correct it. Now those circumstances are so unique to show that this store should have known or had reasonable belief to know that this gun ultimately might be used for a criminal purpose. Rikki klieman, thank you so much. Today, israel deployed hundreds of soldiers to stop a wave off takes by palestinians. In jerusalem, Israeli Police shot and killed a palestinian man they say was running towards them with a knife. Since last month, eight israelis and 30 palestinians have been killed. The talibans recent surge in afghanistan has apparently led president obama to change his mind about pulling nearly all American Forces out. Margaret brennan has learned the president s plans. Margaret. Scott, this is a tough call for the president who declared the american war in afghanistan there are currently 10,000 u. S. Troops in afghanistan. And sources tell us that the u. S. Is expected to leave around 6,000 after 2016. Now, thats an increase from the 1,000 soldiers that the president originally planned to station in kabul by end of his term. Just last month. Taliban forces overran a major afghan city since 2001. U. S. Military advisers are warning a more robust American Military presence is needed to combat a resurgent taliban, as well as some growing threats from the Islamic State and al qaeda. Margaret, thank you. Margaret brennan at the white house. Right back. Today, Vice President joe biden said he is proud of last nights democratic president ial debate. But if he was looking for a roone to reason to jump into the race he likely didnt find it. Hillary clinton dominated. Nancy cordes was there. Reporter clinton and sanders clashed from the start over gun control. Is Bernie Sanders tough enough on guns . No, not at all. Reporter capitalism. I think we shoe look to countries like denmark. Reporter and huh to rein in i went to wall street in 2007 before the big crash we had. I basically said cut it out. Quit foreclosing on homes. You do not, congress does not regulate wall street. Wall street regulates congress. And we have got to break up these bangks. Reporter clinton was ready when they criticized her vet to go to war in iraq. Which she now calls a mistake. I recall being on a debate stage, about 25 times, with then senator obama debating this issue. After the election he asked me to become secretary of state. Reporter sanders came to clintons rescue on the issue that dogged her the most. That the American People are sick and tired of hearing about your damn, emails. Thank you. Me too. Me too. Some people are going to say you gave her a big gift. I dont know i gave her a big gift. What i said was true. Let us talk about the real, use. Reporter of the three candidates polling near 0, former Maryland Governor Martin Omalley had the strongest night. We passed comprehensive gun safety legislation. Reporter if Vice President joe biden was hoping for a front run r to falter it didnt happen. And Clintons Campaign manager said today its time for him to make up his mind. All biden shared today was this, brief assessment of the night. I was proud of, i thought they all did well. Bidens backers insist there is still room for him in this race even if the others exceeded expectations. One adviser told me today, scott, if he does jump in, voters will forget about the first debate and focus on the second one here at Drake University in iowa next month. Nancy cordes, thank you, nancy. Tomorrow a zimbabwean hunter will go on trial for helping an american client kill a beloved lion. The american, Walter Palmer does not face charges. He paid a fortune for a hunting permit. That money is supposed to help conservation, but our correspondent discovered who is really bagging the blood money. Cecil was a Star Attraction at the national park. The minnesota dentist who killed him said he had done nothing wrong. He paid 55,000 for a legal hunting permit. Cecil was an icon on our part of the industry. Reporter the safari operators in zimbabwe, he told us americans like palmer make up the majority of zimbabwes trophy honers. Part of the huge hunting fees they pay is to go to conservation and community projects. He told us it rarely does. Blaming corrupt government officials. It is a problem. It is a real menace. People are in dire straits. And people can do almost anything in terms of selling their souls for a bit of silver. Rancheros. Reporter one District Council received 150,000 in hunting fees, eight times the average salary. But villagers said they havent seen any of it. What do you live on . How many dollars . Nothing. Reporter nothing. Not one cent. Nothing. Reporter he wants to sell his goats for food. For now he lives off the meager crops he grows. Unlike the villagers, it has Running Water and he showed us his thriving sun flowers. We were there today, with the sun and everything, the crops arent doing there so well. Theyre really battling. You need to water them. Reporter really . But they didnt have water . Unfortunately. Reporter yeah. In addition to schools and clinics, he told us the hunting fees also go to buy food. So why does everybody say they didnt have food . So are you saying theyre lying to us . Yeah, of course they are. Reporter theyre lying to us . They are. Because theres no one go hungry in this country. Reporter it is rare for illegal hunting to be prosecuted. This time the International Outcry over cecil the lion resulted in not only a trial but partial ban of big game hunting on some of the farms bordering the national park. Thank you, deborah. After a deadly outbreak of listeria, we have turned up more red flags about our food supply. And this church had quiet. Well, things in the bedroom have always been pretty good. Yeah, no complaints. Weve always had a lot of fun, but i wanted to try something new. And im into that. So were using ky love. Its a pleasure gel that magnifies both of our sensations. Right, i mean, for both of us, just. Yeah, it just takes all those awesome feelings you usually feel and it just makes them. Rawr. Right here on monday we reported former blue bell creamery workers complained about filthy conditions at a texas factory linked to an outbreak of listeria. Turns out the outbreak had been going on for years. Ten people got sick from the bacteria. Three died. Tonight, jim axelrod continues his investigation. Reporter Richard Porter and tina ettiger were patients at via christie Saint Francis they were both infected with listeria. They were treated by dr. Tom moore and his colleagues. I think the public has an expectation, i think a reasonable expectation, that when they come to the hospital, that the food thats given to them is safe. Reporter they had been sickened by contaminated Blue Bell Ice Cream. Porter survived the infection, ettiger did not. Did our food Safety System fail Richard Porter and tina ettiger . I believe it did. Reporter fda record show blue bells own testing found listeria in its oklahoma plant as far back as 2013. The laws at the time did not require blue bell to share that information with regulators. Michael taylor is the fda Deputy Commissioner for foods. Do the current laws do enough to protect the most vulnerable americans. We dont think they do enough to protect all americans. Thats why we have the 3,000 deaths annually from a wide range of pathogens. Reporter taylor says that will change with the implay men taegs of the food safety modernization act, the first overall of u. S. Food safety laws in more than 70 years. The kind of practices we saw in the facility are what the new food safety law is intended to prevent. Reporter you are going from reactivity to prevention. Exactly. Thats the shift. Reporter the shift started this fall when the fda began implementing rules. With 1,000 inspectors for 100,000 facilities. Taylor says they cant do it alone. The companies have to take responsibility for understanding the hazard in their facilities. Reporter you will never have the resources to be in every Production Facility every day. We have got to have a system that creates real accountability on the companies for doing the right thing for prevention every day. Of course, the fda need money to make this all work. So far, congress has authorized just about 28 of what its estimated they will need to fully implement the new law. We have learned so much in the series, jim. Thank you very much. There was a close call at Los Angeles International airport. An airport worker drove onto a runway just as a jetliner carrying 78 people was cleared for takeoff. An alarm sounded in the tower, the pilot hit the brakes. Nobody was hurt. A new warning about the supplements coming next. Today the government blamed Dietary Supplements for sending 23,000 people to the emergency room each year, and putting more than 2,000 of them in the hospital. Dr. Jon lapook is looking into this. Chris herrera was 15, he lost 56 pound while taking a Green Tea Extract build as a fat burner. His mom, lourdes gonzalez. Him seeing the difference what one pill was doing, he probably decided to take more on his own without letting me know. But then his eyes turned yellow. Medical tests showed his liver was failing. Doctors blame the Green Tea Extract. Having to hear the doctor tell me every day that christopher had a 50 chance of dying and not making it was hurtful. Reporter herrera recovered. Half of American Adults use at least one supplement, so 23,000 emergency visits a year reflects a relatively low complication rate. But since these product dont need fda approval, the cdc says it is important to monitor their safety. Weight loss and Energy Product accounted for 50 of visits. 5 to 34. Most typical patients young adults. Most common symptoms were cardiac. Chest pain. Elevated heart rate. Dr. Andrew geller of the cdc its the reports lead author. Some Dietary Supplements may have benefits. But there are risks. We encourage patients to tell their physicians that theyre taking Dietary Supplements and which ones. Reporter scott, patients dont tell doctors theyre taking supplements they dont kid them real medications. Supplements can have interact actions with med. Bring your medicines to the doctors office. Throw them on the table. One by one go over what you are taking. Thanks, doc. In london they asked not for whom the bell tolled, they asked if anyone could stop it. A Technical Glitch caused the bell at saint george to ring nonstop for 24 hours. The residents went nuts. One chimed in, have you tried turning it off and then on again. We dont know who finally fixed it. But he is our candidate for the nobel prize. Every day its getting closer going faster than a roller coaster a love like yours will surely come my way hey, hey, hey babies arent fully developed until at least 39 weeks. If your pregnancy is healthy, a healthy baby is worth the wait. O0 c1 travel is part of the american way of life. When were on vacation, we keep an eye out for anything that looks out of place. [ indistinct conversations ] miss, your bag. When we travel from city to city, we Pay Attention to our surroundings. [ cheering ] everyone plays a role in keeping our community safe. Whether youre traveling for business or pleasure, be aware of your surroundings. If you see something suspicious, Say Something to local authorities. [ vocalizing ] [ buzzing ] [ tree crashes ] [ wind howling ] we end it we power couple into new media and old. Heres chip reid. Reporter it is 4 30 a. M. When the first boat docks at marthas vineyard. Every morning jan and his wife, moira load 2,000 pounds of newspapers into two beat up vans and hit the road. Good morning. Reporter after losing their sixfigure incomes in architecture and software during the recession, it was a way to make just enough money to stay on the island they loved. Their friend on the mainland thought they had gone mad. I said, you know what, you should see the science, this place, in the morning. Its fantastic. I said you know what i will take a picture every day. Send it to you. Reporter thats how it started. Today they have 2,000 email followers and 13,000 on facebook. The way the light strikes something. You think, i have to stop right now. Take that picture. Reporter you are preoccupied. Not even thinking about the paper route . No. Sometimes, 25 minutes go by. I think maybe i should deliver some papers now. Reporter demand for their photos is so great they expanded into cards, calendars, even art exhibits. Still they earn a fraction of what they used to make in their High Pressure corporate jobs. 20 . You make 20 now. Yeah. Maybe. Reporter are you happier now . Yeah. Here. Take this out. Reporter wow. Beautiful. You were worried it would be too gray to get a photograph. Theres always something. Reporter in the morning i love that little boat. Reporter to brighten the day friends. Chip reid, cbs news, marthas vineyard, massachusetts. And thats the cbs thursday. Continues. For others, check back with us a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. York city, im scott pelley. Welcome to the overnight news. Im jim axelrod. Zimbabwe has decided not to bring charges against the dentist from minnesota who killed cecil the lion earlier this year on a big game hunt. Cecil was the Star Attraction at a game park and was fitted with an electronic collar. Walter palmer paid 55,000 for the hunt. The paperwork was in order. But the lion was illegally lured out of the park. The commercial hunter in charge of the safari will be in court today facing up to ten years in jail. The incident has triggered a fierce debate over trophy hunting in zimbabwe. Deborah patta is there. Falls together with zimbabwes game reserves are major Tourist Attractions here. The riches are not shared, after 35 years of oppressive rule, the government is broke and the economy in ruins. The national park, former home to cecil the lion is being ravaged by zimbabwes dire conditions. As a result conservation relies primarily on hunting. We spoke to a man who oversees the industry. How much money does the government give to the parks . Nothing. Zeier zero. Reporter the parks turn to hunting. When the dentist was on a private hunt. 30 of fees for private hunts are supposed to be paid to the national parks. In most cases you find because of the bureaucratic natures of organization, most extent through Administration Costs directly to conservation. Reporter if a hunt is on land owned by indigenous communities the community is to receive 100 of trophy hunting fees. This money administered by rural District Council. We met its ceo near his thriving sunflower crops. We were there today with the sun and everything the crops arent doing so well. Theyre battling. You need to water them. Reporter really. Yeah. Reporter but theyre out of walter. Unfortunately. Reporter yeah, uhhuh. Unlike the rural poor, he has Running Water. His council made over 600,000 in trophy fees over the past year. He claims that money is used to provide infrastructure and feeding schemes for local communities. But the villagers we spoke to say they havent received a cent from the council. Like this man who has not had a job for decades and does not have one dom larllar to his name. So where do you get your food from . From agriculture. Reporter by agriculture he means the few meager crops he is able to grow in a country that is facing a drought. Why does everybody say they dont hatch food . Are you saying theyre look to us . Yeah, of course they tar. Reporter theyre league to us . They are. They are. Yes. Reporter it is rare for illegal hunting to be prosecuted in zimbabwe. This time the International Outcry over the shooting of cecil the lion resulted not only in a trial but a partial ban of big game hunting on some of the farms bordering the national park. Sheriff in nevada want to court seeking a warrant to get a blood sample from lamar odom, former basketball player and reality tv star was found unconscious in a local brothel. He is hospitalized on life support. Authority want to know what drugs he was taking. Michelle miller has the story. Reporter according to the brothels owner, odom had been partying for days. He said odom was looking to get away from everybody and having a good time. Flipped it up. Odom comes in. Reporter former Los Angeles Laker star, lamar odom found unconscious at a brothel tuesday. Rushed to Sunrise Hospital in las vegas. His nearly 7 foot frame too tall to be air lifted by helicopter. Saturday, odom checked in at dennis hoffs love ranch south in crystal, nevada, dennis hoff is the brothels owner. Hoff says odom was drinking cognac and had taken herbal viagra like supplement, discovered unresponsive in his room by two women. Traumatized. Odom, the winner of two of nba championships with the Los Angeles Lakers, last played in the nba two years ago. His off the Court Struggles included an arrest in 2013 for driving under the influence. Lamar, you do have to go to the dentist, baby. Reporter odom featured on Reality Tv Show keeping up with the kardashians throughout his four year marriage to khloe. The two filed for divorce in 2013. Several nba players have turned to socialed me y to show their support. Miami heat star dwayne wade tweeted, prayers all the way up for my brother. Odoms representatives have not responded to cbs this mornings request for comment. The nye county sheriff in nevada is investigating. Our investigation into the deadly listeria outbreak linked to Blue Bell Ice Cream revealed the company may have been selling tainted product for years. Take so long for the fda to discover this. Reporter Richard Porter and tina ettiger were patients at via christie Saint Francis hospital in wichita, kansas when they were both infected with listeria. They were treated by dr. Tom moore and his colleagues. I think the public has an expectation, i think a reasonable expectation, that when they come to the hospital, that the food thats given to them is safe. Reporter they had been sickened by contaminated Blue Bell Ice Cream. Porter survived the infection, ettiger did not. Did our food Safety System fail Richard Porter and tina ettiger . I believe it did. Reporter fda record show blue bells own testing found listeria in its oklahoma plant as far back as 2013. The laws at the time did not require blue bell to share that information with regulators. Michael taylor is the fda Deputy Commissioner for foods. Protect the most vulnerable americans. We dont think they do enough to protect all americans. Thats why we have the 3,000 deaths annually from a wide range of pathogens. Reporter taylor says that will change with the implementation of the food safety modernization act, the first overall of u. S. Food safety laws in more than 70 years. The kind of practices we saw in the facility are what the new food safety law is intended to prevent. Reporter you are going from reactivity to prevention. Exactly. Thats the shift. Reporter the shift started this fall when the fda began implementing rules. With 1,000 inspectors for 100,000 facilities. Taylor says they cant do it alone. The companies have to take responsibility for understanding the hazard in their facilities. Reporter you will never have the resources to be in every Production Facility every day. We have got to have a system that creates real accountability on the companies for doing the right thing for prevention weve got trouble in tummy town. Peptocopter when cold cuts give your belly thunder, pink relief is the first responder, so you can be a business boy wonder weve been changing things up with ky love. Oh yeah. Its a pleasure gel that magnifies both our sensations. It gives us chills in places weve never gotten chills before. Yeah, it makes us feel like. It has been more than 40 years since Richard Nixon became the only president in u. S. History to resign from office. Watergate was his undoing. Now all these years later, new details of the scandal are emerging. David martin reports for sunday morning. Subcommittee will come to order. Reporter it was the biggest bombshell of the biggest political scandal in american history. Mr. Butterfield are you aware of the installation of any listening devices in the oval office of the president . I was aware of listening devices, yes, sir. Reporter white house aide Alexander Butterfield revealing the existence of the white house taping system to the Senate Watergate committee. When butterfield gave that dramatic testimony in july, 1973, it was a pivot point in watergate. Reporter reporter bob woodward along with Carl Bernstein famously exposed the machinations of the white house, tried and failed to interview butterfield. He passed the name on to the committee. Do you think the tapes had ever been revealed had it not been for butterfield . Probably would not have. Reporter turned out butterfield was sitting on a lot more secrets. 20 boxes full of them. This is the year, 1971. And each of these is a month. Reporter two years ago he turned over to woodward. Reporter did you ever, in your wildest dreams, think that you would one day collaborating with bob woodward of all people . No, not at all. Reporter what did you think when you walked into his apartment and you see the 20 boxes . I thought wow. Lets start looking. Reporter the result is the last of the president s men, published by simon and schuster, a division of cbs. In adiagnosis to the documents. Woodward spent 40 hours interviewing butterfield who for three years occupied the office next to the president s. First one to see hem every day. Last one to see him every night. Attending to all the imneed. Reporter when butterfield left he took his files with him. Some of the documents are classified top secret. How did you just walk away with them from the white house . It was easy. I just walked away with them. I did the wrong thing. No one is supposed to do that. But i felt to tell you the truth, that, those papers were safer with me than with anyone. I had been around classified. I am saying i wasnt going to show these to the wrong person. I was going to take good care of them. Reporter one top secret document reveals nixons candid handwritten opinion of the bombing of vietnam. An angry scrawl across a report from henry kissinger. We have had ten years of total control of the air and laos and vietnam. The result zilch. And just the day before nextson told dan rather of cbs news, exactly the opposite. The results have been very, very effective. Surely, nixon was not the first and wont be the last president to privately say things he would never say in public. Yeah, the level of contradiction and the depth of the fraud. Reporter according to woodwards research nixon ordered the military to drop nearly 3 million tons tough bombs and would order another after the zilch memo. It send you to, send you into your heart and soul about, you know what are we doing . How did this happen . How could we have been led this way . It takes the concept of military leadership by a president turns it on its head. Reporter another document, this one in butterfields handwriting details nixons reaction to the massacre in which 504 vietnamese sill vi civilianed were slaughtered. Get background of all involved. Almost be disclosed. Does credit witnesses. Diskrez it rings a bell. We went to great lengths. Reporter butterfield wrote a memo about left wing affiliations of the soldier who first blue the whistle. And another aboutsy more hearst the reporter who broke the story. According to the memo. Hearst received a grant from the edgar b. Stern family fund which is clearly left wing and antiadministration. Another vulnerable spot according to butterfields notes, is the possible involvement of a lib jew. If the guy was a liberal jew, that was, material with which to, to discredit somebody. You are asking me things that are very difficult to explain about a very complicated man. Reporter a president who on a Christmas Eve tour of the Old Executive Office building next to the white house, made a discovery that sparked a witchhunt. Some of the staff people, bureaucrats, Civil Servants had pictures of john f. Kennedy on their desks. Or on the wall. Nixon said we have to get rid of that infestation, as if it was some sort of disease that somebody would have a picture of j. F. K. In their office. What were you supposed to do about these pictures of other president s on the walls . Get them all take ebb down. Get them all taken down . Yes. He made that an express order. Roy in particular, white house chief of staff told butterfield the president would like you to find out who the woman is who has the two kennedy pictures. Adding he asked about it once a week at least. Butterfield reported back the cia secret service and fbi and House Committee on unamerican activities all found the woman, a Civil Servant named Edna Rosenberg was a completely royal american. Whats surprised is you go through all of this, the amount of energy that was devoted to these kind of maneuvers. This was a subversion of what the job of the presidency is. All of it documenteden butterfields files. Thats to holdeman. This is to the treasury secretary. This is to the social secretary for the white house. They really are sort of a record of what the president is thinking about on on any given day. Yeah. Some of them at least 40 years after, seem very, very strange. Yes, they do. Did they . Did they seem strange at the time . In this strange environment, no. Nothing of course was stranger than the break in at Democratic National Committee Headquarters in the watergate. That third rate burglary which brought down the president. Butterfield was not in on it but knew about the taping system that could answer the question, what did the president know . When did he know it . Listen, the last thing i wanted to do was be the person who gave away the secret. Holdeman and i told the president we would never tell. Reporter then a retired fbi agent, donald sanders, a member of the Watergate Committee staff, wound up an otherwise routine interview by asking exactly the right question. Do you remember the question . Exactly. How did it go . Was there ever any other listening device in the oval office . That was the, and i said, i think i said, my, im ser you asked that question. Im sorry you asked that question. History flips right there. I knew what i was saying, getting into. I really knew what it meant. When you look back at at now. Would you have done anything differently in the way you handled that explosive secret of the taping system . I bet. I regret nothing. I didnt do everything right. But i satisfied myself that that i didnt tell a lie. Reporter it was of course the tapes that revealed the president had obstructed justice by ordering the coverup of the water gaittergate break in. Nixon resigned. Butterfield faded into retirement in california. The meeting president s have before they go up to the capital to be sworn in as the new president. Reporter now he is back to teach us all one of the basic lessons of journalism. There is the preside your clever moves wont stop the cold and flu. But disinfecting with lysol can. Lysol wipes and spray are approved to kill more types of germs than clorox. To help keep your family healthy, jill and kate use the same dishwasher. Same detergent. But only jill ends up with wet, spotty glasses. Kate adds finish jetdry with five power actions that dry dishes and prevent spots and film, so all thats left is the shine. For better results, use finish jetdry. Take a look at these bbq trophies best cracked pepper sauce. Most ribs eaten while calf roping. Yep, greatness deserves recognition. You got any trophies, cowboy . Whoomp there it is uh, yeah. Well, uh, well theres this one. Best insurance mobile app . Yeah, two years in a row. Well ill be. Does that thing just follow you around . Like a little puppy the awardwinning geico app. An infant is one of the latest and youngest faces of the ep dem epidemic of gun violence. Laid to rest one week after hit by a stray bullet riding in a car in cleveland. Police have no suspect or motive. Her father spoke to us for our series voices against violence. Reporter it was a crime so unimaginable it left Cleveland Police chief Calvin Williams at a loss for word. This should not be happening. Reporter 5monthold Avielle Wakefield is the third child killed by a gun in cleveland in the last month. Charles wakefield is her father. Never did i wake up thinking that was going to be my last day seeing her. Reporter what do you think that says about this city . Im speechless. Im going to strive for my babys justice for cleveland and this nation. We need it. Reporter her death adds to a spiking gun homicide rate in cleveland up 22 . A dozen other cities have seen an increase in homicides including st. Louis. Jennifer joyce is the top prosecutor and says murders by guns are up 51 . This is a very complex problem. There is no, you know, Silver Bullet pardon the pun to solve gun violence not in st. Louis not anywhere. Reporter her office launched this website to tell the stories of the victims and also the offenders. I think the Mass Shootings as concerning and troubling as they are they get a lot of the focus when we talk about gun violence opposed to the daytoday shootings in our cities that are really piling up a lot more in terms of body count than the Mass Shootings are. Do you think there will be other parents like you . I hate to say this, but yeah. Yep. There is going to be somebody else. Reporter the other two children who were killed here in cleveland in the last month were ages 3 and 5. Scott, in the last four years, more than 500 children under the age of 12 were killed by guns in this country. Will be right back. Embarrassed by a prostate exam . Imagine how your doctor feels. As a urologist, i have performed 9,421 and a half prostate exams. So why do i do it . Because i get paid. Und. On this side of the glove i know prostate exams can save lives. So, if you are a man over 50, talk to you doctor to see if a prostate exam is right for you. If we can do it, so can you. The latest e craze in office furniture. The standing desk. Companies are ordering them for employees and the white house wants them for president ial staff. The trend is moving from the office to the classroom. Maria villareal reports. Down. Reporter at this elementary california. Our hand are here, my friend. Reporter motivating students to move is more than just their morning routine. Its an allday commitment that starts with these standing desks. Gets your legs working so you are not like i cant move. Because you get stiff. Reporter their favorite feature is the aptly named fidget bar. How does it help you focus . Energy so i can concentrate without wiggling around in the chairs. Reporter 19 of the 22 classrooms have standing des ticks. The last three will be converted by the end of the year. Im so excited for them and thrilled we found a way to make them more excited about school. Reporter principal tracy smith says initially students got tired from standing all day. Within a few months they were focused, confident and productive in the classroom. Studies show allowing kids to move during the day can improve grade up to 15 and helps kids burn 25 more calories. The doctor says there isnt data on the long term effects of kids using standing desks but the physical benefits are immediate. You increase the muscle tone in your legs. Seems to be an improvement in actually circulation and arterial function and expending can lead to big changes. Reporter but those big changes can come with a big price tag. It can cost up to 6,000 to convert a single classroom. Thats why some schools are experimenting with alternatives like yoga balls to increase core stability, exercise bikes for read ride programs, or bands like these to keep kids active. My ultimate goal is to have the federal government take notice at a minimum when a new school is built, a given standing desks will be the norm. Reporter while it may take time to catch on around the country. These kids are proud to be taking a stand. And sitting for too long is the new smoking. Reporter for cbs this morning, maria villareal, california. Thats the cbs overnigh news for this thursday. For some of you the news continue thousands. For others check back with us a little later for the morning

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