Transcripts For KCCI CBS Morning News 20160224 : comparemela

Transcripts For KCCI CBS Morning News 20160224

good morning from the studio 57 newsroom at cbs news headquarters in new york. good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. donald trump heads into next week's super tuesday voting after notching his third consecutive win for the presidential nomination for the republicans. he solidified his position with a decisive win in the nevada caucuses. voters fed up with washington and those who decided before last week were key to trump's win. in the battle for second, ted cruz and marco rubio are running neck and neck. danielle nottingham has our report from las vegas. >> reporter: donald trump once unlikely candidacy is barreling toward the republican presidential nomination. the victory in last night's caucuses here was his third in a row. meanwhile, time is running short for the other gop hopefuls. after picking up a third consecutive victory in last night's nevada caucuses, donald trump continues his winning tuesday states. >> we have had some great numbers coming out of texas. and amazing numbers coming out of tennessee and georgia. it's going to be an amazing two months. we might not even need the two months, folks, to be honest, all right. >> reporter: the billionaire front-runner garnered most of his support in the state for republicans unsatisfied with the government. >> political correctness is killing us. >> i think he is here for the people and i think he wants to win. >> reporter: the win gives trump the majority of the delegates in the state, bringing him closer to clenching the gop nomination. >> i think he is well positioned to really sweep across the board. >> reporter: as trump continues to gain momentum, the rest of the gop field is battling it out to become his alternative. entrance polls show a majority of caucus go-ers who favored a candidate with more political experience and backed marco the texas senator addressed supporters shortly after the polls showed. >> one week from today will be the most important night of this campaign. >> reporter: they will face trump tomorrow night in texas before voters in 11 states pick their choice for commander in chief. the win here in nevada for trump gives his victories in three distinct regions of the united states, the northeast, the south, and now the west. with leads in the polls in a number of states, the likelihood he will become the nominee is growing by the week. danielle nottingham, cbs news, las vegas. trump won in nevada with broad support from voters who decided early and stuck with him. 70% of republican caucus go-ers in nevada made up their mind last month or before the majority of those votes for trump. 51% said they do not have a college degree and trump also won that group. coming up on "cbs this morning," we will talk to marco rubio about the nevada results chance to win the gop nomination. this morning, democrats hillary clinton and bernie sanders are in south carolina ahead of saturday's primary. last night, during a town hall meeting, both candidates said they support president obama's effort to close the prison at guantanamo bay, cuba. clinton called gitmo a continuing recruitment advertisement for terrorists. this morning, the threat of severe weather continues for millions of americans in the eastern half of the country. a killer storm system moved out of the gulf coast and into the southeast and mid-atlantic. at least eight tornadoes touched down in louisiana, mississippi, and florida. david begnaud is in convent, louisiana, where the storms killed at least two people. >> a jumbled mess. these -- these travel trailers were picked up, moved a considerable distance, and really blown apart, torn apart. >> reporter: this rv park in transformed into a scrap yard and the damage goes far beyond property. hours after the storm, a desperate search through the toppled homes for three people still unaccounted for. >> we don't have a good way of knowing if we have one, two, three people that is unaccounted for. >> reporter: survivors described their narrow escape from the storm's destructive force. >> i got in the bathtub with my dog and they were praying. and i was crying. and i was so scared. i mean, the house would not stop shaking. >> reporter: an elderly man in southern mississippi did not escape and he was killed when a tornado picked up his home and tossed it nearly 500 feet. >> kind of crazy, you know? kind of crazy how a tornado can skip one house and catch the next right next door. >> reporter: the damaging weather stretches from texas where winds whipped down rodeo tents in houston. to the florida panhandle, where tornado ripped through an apartment complex. back in convent, which for the highest cost of this storm, neighbors started helping each other even before first >> people who will survive the event, everyone was helping. so you found someone injured, we would put them and they would go to hospitals in private vehicles. >> reporter: david begnaud, cbs news, convent, louisiana. meteorologist eric fisher of our boston station wbz is following the severe weather and says it's headed east. after a night of destructive storms moving across the south we continue to track this large storm system as we head into wednesday and tracking thunderstorms into the east coast as we head into the afternoon. warm air is surging up with that. on the back side, watching heavy snow developing across the midwest. heavy rain moves into new york city and boston corridors during the night and all of this exit as we head toward thursday morning. in terms of the severe weather threat focusing on the southeastern atlantic coast and mid-atlantic coast and carolinas high risk of seeing tornadoes today. certainly damaging wind gusts. and severe threat extends to the washington, d.c. area. you can see why. down the eastern seaboard with 60s in d.c. 70s in raleigh and new york city into the 50s. cold side of the storm as heavy snow is developing as we head through the day. we are watching chicago very carefully. the snow line is straddling the city and could see some significant totals over a half foot here and especially just east of town. the biggest snow totals, northwestern indiana up to michigan, could see up to a foot in some towns. i'm eric fisher for cbs news. republicans who control the senate judiciary committee say there will be no hearing and no vote for president obama's nominee to the supreme court. the politics of replacing antonin scalia has erupted into a battle between the white house and gop opponents who want the next president to make an appointment. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell said his party would not permit a vote and revisit the matter after the election. significant medical conditions that led to justice scalia's death according to the scalia suffered from coronary artery disease, obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure and other diseases. scalia was found dead while on a hunting trip earlier this month. this week, apple will tell a federal judge that its fight with the fbi over the fight unlocking an iphone by a san bernardino terrorist should be decided by congress. demonstrations last night at apple stores urging apple not to unlock the phone. we are learning more about the man who shot people to death in kalamazoo, michigan. dalton came into his store just hours before the attack and bought a jacket with an notice pocket designed for a handgun. dalton was laughing and joking, but did not buy a weapon there. dalton is charged with six counts of murder. u.s. health officials are investigating 14 cases of the zika virus that may have been spread through sex. the virus is mainly spread by mosquitoes. traveled to areas with zika outbreaks and may have infected their female partners. >> it's very important for pregnant women to recognize that sexual transmission of zika is a possibility and to take steps to protect themselves and their unborn babies. >> the cdc is advising men who have traveled to a zika outbreak area to use a condom when they have sex with a pregnant woman. fidel castro older brother has died, ramon castro. castro bore a distinct resemblance to his brother. he was a farmer who, for the most part, stayed out of politics. ramon castro was 91 years old. coming up on the "morning news." stuck on the side of a skyscraper. window washers are trapped in new york city. later, the creator of "hamilton" helped rescue a historic book store. this is the "cbs morning news." and i said "and i bet you money you'll be able to do that senior walk". that day i said "ok it's me and you girl, me and you!" i said "if you need to stop, there's a bench we'll just hang out in the shade." she said "absolutely not! we are going to finish this race!" and we were the last ones in, but you know what? we finished the race. and she goes "desiree, i'll never quit walking. ever" incredible bladder protection from always discreet that lets you move like you mean it now comes with an incredible promise. the always discreet double your money back guarantee. always discreet is for bladder leaks and it's drier than poise. try it. we're so confident you'll love it, we'll give you double your money back if you don't. incredible bladder protection. double your money back guarantee. that's always discreet. (baseball on tv in background) with heart failure, danger is always on the rise. (water filling room) about 50 percent of people die (dog whimpering) within 5 years of getting diagnosed. but there's something you can do. talk to your doctor about heart failure treatment options. because the more you know, the more likely you are... (dog whimpering) to keep it pumping. let's get these dayquil liquid gels and go. but these liquid gels are new. mucinex fast-max. it's the same difference. this one is max strength and fights mucus. mucinex fast-max. the only branded cold and flu liquid gel that is max-strength and fights mucus. tense moments. more than 700 feet up here in manhattan, two window washers dangled for more than an hour yesterday when their scaffold collapsed near the top of a 68-story hotel. firefighters defied rain and whipping winds to rescue them by cutting open a window. the coworkers says the pair were laughing once they were inside. the creator of the broadway show "hamilton" helped save an iconic book store. and new details in the murder of a virginia teenager. those are some of the headlines on the morning newsstand. "the washington post" reports the cause of nicole lovell's death saying the 13-year-old suffered stab wounds to her. two virginia tech students are charged in connection with her disappearance and death. the money laundering and food stamp fraud. border yesterday. among those charged are two brothers of warren jeffs who is in jail for crimes relating to marrying and sexually abusing underaged grills. the tennesseean reports how some coaches of the university of tennessee are defending their college. six former female students claims the university enabled sexual assaults by athletes. the coaches say the lawsuit misses the mark. >> we are not doing anything differently now than we have done over the last 15 years as coaches. we always talk about culture. we always educate. we always, you know, preach good decisions. >> the university yesterday asked a judge to strike a mention of nfl star peyton manning from the suit. buzzfeed reports on a star-studded fund-raiser for those hurt by the water crisis in flint. "creed" director ryan kugler it will be held in the michigan city on sunday. that is oscars night. donations will be collected during a live stream on "the new york times" reports how the creator of the broadway smash "hamilton" helped a manhattan book store. after a water leak damaged the drama book shop, manuel asked his 225,000 followers to support the store. the sales soared and the shop deals exclusively in theater books. it's been open for nearly a century. still to come, a health crises forces a name change for a car. we will review the new name for a hatchback that had initially been called the zica car.nitially been called the zica car.a cry. we will review the new name for a hatchback that had initially been called the zica car.for a cry. a hatchback that had initially we will review the new name for a hatchback that had initially a cry. we will review the new name for a hatchback that had initially been called the zica car.. we will review the new name for a hatchback that had initially we will reviewr. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. at last night's democratic town hall on cnn, moderator qis chris cuomo played a clip for hillary clinton from "the late show with stephen colbert." in it, colbert blasted clinton for refusing to tell americans she won't lie to them. >> how can you be this bad? just say no. just say no! the united states! even richard nixon knew to say, i am not a crook! >> she liked that one. on the cbs "moneywatch" the results of a defective airbag investigation and a chocolate recall. hena daniels is at the new york stock exchange with that and more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. scientists hired by the auto industry say they figured out what caused takata air bags to inflate with too much force. takata airbags have caused at least ten deaths and 139 injuries. the independent tested coalition has been studying the problem for a year. it says design issues, moisture, high humidity, heat, and the use of a controversial propellant ammonium nitrate are all factors. stocks on wall street followed the price of oil -- lower. the price of cried oil sent down more than 4%. the dow jones industrials fell the nasdaq finished 67 points lower. mcdonald's is partnering with greek yogurt maker, chobani. mcdonald's said the partnership is limit to 800 restaurants in l.a. and san diego. the fast food chain is fighting to change its image. it successfully introduced all-day breakfast in october. sales rose 5.7% in the last three months of 2015. the music streaming service spotify is moving its entire service on to cloud computing services operated by google. spotify says its partnership with google is, quote, a big deal, but it's a big one for google too which is offering itself as is an alternative to amazon which dominates the cloud market. google says in ten years, its cloud could generate more money than its online ads. a massive recall by the chocolate candy maker mars. mars is recalling candy bars and other items in 55 countries in europe and elsewhere because plastic was found in several products. the dutch food safety authority including mars, mickey way, snickers and celebration. the recall does not affect the u.s. a carmaker in india is changing the name of a new car because of an international health crisis. the new hatchback was called zica. it is a virus that reached more than 20 countries and it's linked to birth defects. they have renamed the car tiago this week. >> i'm sure they checked with the cdc before picking that new name. hena daniels at the new york stock exchange, thanks a lot, hena. coming up, celine dion's emotional tribute. she honored her late husband in now that karen's taking osteo bi-flex, she's noticing a real difference in her joint comfort... karen: "she's single." ...and high levels of humiliation in her daughter. in just 7 days, your joint comfort can be your kid's discomfort. osteo bi-flex. here's a look at today's the country. where does my heart beat now where is the love that only comes through the night >> celine dion delivered a powerful performance last night in her first return to the stage since her husband's death. the show at cesar's palace began with a tribute to her husband who died last month at the age of 73. in perfect astronaut fashion, scott kelly is wrapping up his year in space with a countdown. for day eight, kelly dawned an ape suit to do some of the chores aboard the international space station. he took a break from the work to chase another crewmember around the iss. cleveland cavaliers star kyrie irving is blaming an off night on bedbugs. irving says that he felt sick after this bitten at an oklahoma city hotel before sunday's game the skivvin is known for being bitten. some say the hotel is haunted. this is the "cbs morning news."o know that i won't stop. until i find what works. vin is known for being bitten. some say the hotel is haunted. this is the "cbs morning news."asisr vin is known for being bitten. some say the hotel is haunted. this is the "cbs morning news."vin is known for being bitten. some say the hotel is haunted. this is the "cbs morning news." 8 out of 10 people saw 75% skin clearance at 3 months. while the majority saw 90% clearance. do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms... ...such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have crohn's disease, tell your doctor as symptoms can worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me. see me. see me on my way. find clear skin and a clearer path forward. for a different kind of medicine, don't bother herefor don't bother her before her first cup of coffee. a dunkin' donuts customer is wanted by philadelphia police for getting a little too steamed at an employee. surveillance video throwing a ceramic cup at the worker who was actually hurt. $1.76. come on! despite that fact, philly is known as the city of brother move. the city's landmark sign is relocating temporarily. the love sculpture was loaded on a forklift and delivered a block away while it will sit while its permanent home at love park will undergo several upgrades. here is another look at this morning's top stories. nevada caucuses. it was trump's third victory in a row heading into next week's nearly six out of the ten nevada republican caucus go-ers said they are angry at the way the government works. marco rubio and ted cruz are fighting it out for second place. a string of tornadoes ripped through the gulf coast, killing at least three people in louisiana and mississippi. an rv park in southern louisiana was hard hit. two people were killed there. rescue crews are still searching for trapped victims. at least 31 people were injured. seven are in critical condition. coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," a hearing today for kennedy cousin michael skakel in the murder of martha moxley. "48 hours" peter van zandt has details. plus a new awards show called the all def movie awards that was created an alternative to the oscars. and "hamilton" craze. we will meet the author of the >> reporter: until recently, alexander hamilton was best known as the stoic face on the 10 dollar bill. that changed when "hamilton" hit broadway. so this is? >> this is where he lived the last couple of of years of his life. you have to remember, chip, this would have been very farther north of the city at the time. this would have been virtual wilderness. >> reporter: about a hundred blocks north of the theater is where the real alexander hamilton lived in an area now known as hamilton heights. ron wrote the 800-page auto biography in which the play is based. we are sitting in alexander hamilton's house now. what is it like for you to be sitting here? >> it's a thrill to be in this house because this is the only house we know that he ever owned. >> that's all ahead on "cbs this morning." finally, punk icon and fans are releasing their first album in 13 years. the rock trio played some of that new music on "the late show with stephen colbert" last but they left the audience with their most well-known song. that is the "cbs morning news" for this wednesday. i'm anne-marie green. have a great day. when i'm walking i strut my stuff i'm as high as a kite >> you are watching kcci 8 news. eric: right now at 4:30, supreme court showdown. grassley says no to a nominee hearing. heated reaction from law experts. elizabeth: plus dating violence dangers. the new legislation hoping to combat it. >> what responsible parent would put a semi automatic in a one-year-old's hands? eric: and kids and guns. several bills pass the iowa house today expanding gun rights in iowa including one that allows children to use handguns. good morning and thanks for starting your day bright and early with us. elizabeth: it's 4:30 on wednesday february 24. i thought i noticed a few sprinkles. metinka: you might have a raindrop or a flurry this morning. right now the temperature above freezing. 35 now in des moines. if that wind is coming in from -- a little bit brisk overnight. here is your planner for today, you might see a stray snowflake otherwise, ace -- otherwise sunshine. highs today will be a little bit cool, near 41. >> those are racial slurs. racism is alive and well . elizabeth: first on kcci. racist chants? kcci's ryan smith reports students at perry high school feel threatened after a basketball game this week. ryan s.: nearly half of the student population here is minority, much of that is hispanic. that diversity is a point of pride for students faculty and staff within these hallways. but recently became the target of a derogatory basketball chant. the sixth man can swing a team's momentum toward victory. last night perry versus dallas

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