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Leaving the polls what they are looking for. Someone who shares their values, came in first. Followed closely by someone who could bring about change. And then someone who tells it like it is. We have a team of correspondents covering the primary. First well go to Major Garrett with the republicans. Major. Reporter scott, Top Republicans here believe donald trump will win tonight. After that, they dont have a clue. As the evening goes on, battle for a coveted secondplace finish could involve four, possibly five candidates. How we doing over there . Reporter donald trump leading the polls here by a wide margin sought lastminute votes outside a manchester elementary school. But the trump circus blocked voter access and had to move. No one can get through to vote, thanks to mr. Trump. Lets move it along. Say you want a revolution reporter trump was under fire for repeating a profane insult from the audience at his Campaign Rally last night. She said hes a bleep . Reporter it was directed sidestepping a question on waterboarding. Somebody else said it. I didnt say it. And that was a repeat but a woman said it in the audience. Well, shes chosen to go down the road of insults. He can do that. Reporter as voters lined up across New Hampshire, trumps nervous republican challengers trafficked in vague optimism. I dont create the expectations but i feel good about where we are. Reporter hopeful today . Of course. Its election day. Youre always hopeful on election day. I do seem uptight . Do i seem nervous . Reporter jeb bush is looking for a strong finish here to revive his campaign. Reporter what about this notion that its do or die here in New Hampshire for you . No, its not do or die. We have a Real Organization in south carolina, the best organization in nevada, a nationwide campaign. Reporter marco rubio, after a widely criticized debate performance this weekend, pushed through reporters to meet prospective voters. Reporter do you have theres a test you have to cross over tonight after saturdays debate . Oh, no, no, no. Look, thats a media thing. Voters are excited about this campaign. You see the turnout. Today is going to be historic so reporter a Trump Victory would stabilize his campaign after iowa and set up a heavyweight battle for conservative loyalty with cruz in south carolina. As for alternatives to vote, the finishers tonight could help some campaign scorktz, and deal a death blow torgs. Pelley theres no chance of a death blow to the democratic side, but Bernie Sanders did have a big lead over Hillary Clinton in the preprimary polls. When we asked democratic voters today most important quality, honest and trustworthy was number one. Nancy cordes is covering the race for us. Nancy. Reporter scott, Hillary Clinton and her husband launch aid series of attacks this week aimed at cutting into the sanders advantage on that honesty question. Its a risky strategy that can cut both ways. And theres no sign yet that it paid off. How are you feeling today . Im feeling great. Reporter sanders paid a visit to a polling place in concord today feel the bern reporter and was mobbed by supporters anticipating a win. And it looks like there is going to be a large voter turnout. Reporter clinton made four stops, starting at dawn in manchester. cheers sounding upbeat, but realistic. How are you feeling about a comeback, secretary clinton . You know what, im just here to thank all of the people who have worked so hard for me. Ive got a lot of longtime friends who have been working day and night for me. Reporter the clinton camp has tried to write off the sanders lead as nothing more than loving thy neighbor. After all, his home state of vermont is known here as New Hampshire upside down. You know, im so happy to be out here. Reporter but clinton was leading here until the fall, when sanders caught on, especially with young voters like dan boucher. Hes the only one who seriously talks about the income gap and wealth quality so it was an easy one for me. Reporter becoming a major if you guys want to walk, were going to walk a little bit. Reporter a senator who was toting his own lawnt laundry just a few weeks ago is now flanked by secret service which, as he learned today, makes an impromptu stroll around the block a lot more complicated. The next couple of contests will be anything but a walk for sanders. South carolina has a large African American population, nevada has lots of hispanics, and right now, scott, clinton does better with both groups. Pelley and well start getting real vote totals after 8 00 eastern. Nancy, thanks so much. For some insight into this, we turn, of course, to john dickerson, our cbs news political director and the anchor of face the nation. John, what are you seeing in the republican race . Reporter well on the republican side, scott, it looks like Donald Trumps party. Voters were asked, do you support a ban on muslims coming into the United States . 66 said yes. Theres not good news, in New Hampshire, they dont value electability as much as they did in iowa. In iowa, they did, and rubio did well with voters who liked that quality. Fewer do in New Hampshire. Also, twothirds of the voters said that the debates were very important in their vote. And marco rubio didnt do so well in the last debate. That opens the door for a candidate like john kasich or jeb bush. Rubio came in to New Hampshire hoping to be the alternative to trump and cruz. Now there may be some others joining him. Pelley pelley and what about the democrats . On the democratic side, 77 said they made up their mind before the last few days. Thats good news for Bernie Sanders because hes been ahead in polls for a very long time. Also, as you mentioned, that honest and trustworthy number, very high in New Hampshire, thats good for sanders. Also, those who were asked, does eelect iblght matter as much . Far fewer in New Hampshire thats good for sanders, too. Pelley john, thank you. And now joining us for his 11th New Hampshire primary, bob schieffer. Thank you, scott. Un, after hearing those numbers that 82 of the republicans favor a ban on muslims, its hard to see how donald trump does not win this thing tonight. The big question now, as john was pointing out, who finishes second . And what makes New Hampshire so hard to handicap is this is the last place where the voters play a role. After this, it all moves to television, but the voters have a role, and they take it very seriously. Thats why you see, like, 40 saying they didnt make up their mind until the very last minute. Its how those lastminute voters break will determine who gets the ticket after finishing second, third, and fourth out of New Hampshire. On that question about hillary were asked, what quality they liked most . 30something percent said that was the most important thing, honesty and integrity. That same question when it was asked to iowa voters, Bernie Sanders won by eight to one. This could be a long night for pelley thank you very much, bob. Well be updating you with the results from New Hampshire during prime time tonight right here on cbs. It doesnt look like the weather dampened the turnout. A storm dropped seven inches of snow, but thats nothing that hamp cant handle. Another storm moving you want east coast made a mess in maryland today, and flooding is the big concern along the coast. High tide brought high water to the jersey shore. There was a terrible crash today in germany. Two commuter trains were put on the same track. Automatic braking systems failed, and they hit head on. At least 10 people were killed, some were airlifted to hospitals, others taken by boat. No word yet on how the trains were switch to the same track. Tonight, we have a cbs news vehicles into what is said to be a revolutionary blood test to detect cancer, even before a patient notices symptoms. Several companies are racing to develop this, but are some of them promising more than they can deliver . Jaix andjim axelrod and producer emily rand looked into this. Reporter at this Health Care Conference in Silicon Valley a few weeks ago, biotech pioneers pitched the latest and greatest in Personalized Health care. This has the potential to totally change not just cancer but all of medicine. Reporter dr. Richard klausner is the former head of the National Cancer institute and a director of grail, a company dwrepg a blood fest interest cancer known as a liquid biopsy somebody with no symptoms. Reporter could get their blood drawn. Exactly. Reporter and you could determine they have cancer. Thats the holy grail. Reporter the idea holds great promise, but klausner says proving it works will take time. We just dont have the clipical data and the yt and we have to get it. Reporter there is a lot of incentive. The liquid Biopsy Market is expected to be worth 22 billion by 2020. Another company after a piece of it is san diegobased pathway genomics. Pathway raised 40 million in its last round of fundraising. Its, like, the most amazing thing. Reporter and raised its profile when one of its genetic tests was featured on keeping up with the kardashians. Mitch mulinex from pathway genomics. Nice to see you. Reporter what caughture attention was the test pathway launched in september. Introducing pathway genomics revolutionary test cancer intercept, detect and monitor. Reporter available by physician order for as little as claimed it could do what others say is years away. Cancer intercept can detect a growing tumor in the body before the patient may notice symptoms. Reporter a few weeks ago, we visited pathway to ask them about their claims. Before we sat down with the c. E. O. , jim plante, they played us that marketing video. We just watched a video upstairs. Right. Reporter and it says the liquid biopsy will detect cancer before symptoms. May, may. Reporter thats not what the video says. It says may. We dont way will. We say may. Reporter you dont make the claim that you can detect cancer . We say the information can be used to help guide potential early early diagnosis. Reporter we also asked plante about this chart showing the advantages of their liquid biopsy over a traditional tissue biopsy. We never say it replaces solid tissue biopsy. Like an either or, jim, doesnt it . Its not an either or. Reporter tumor biopsy versus election biopsy. Its one piece of information that helps guide the physicianpatient discussion. While its good to have extra tools, that doesnt mean we should be using them on our patient outside of research settings. Reporter dr. Max dean is a cancer researcher at stanford. Pathway cites his research as evidence their test can detect cancer in otherwise healthy patients. I think were still years away from that possibility. While we have reporter years. Years. That absolutely requires thousands of patients and longterm trials to prove that. Reporter thousands of patients, years of testing, correct. Reporter and if a company isnt doing any of those three . Then i dont think i would order that test. Reporter the food and Drug Administration tells us can intercept a major health risk. In september, the f. D. A. Sent pathway genomics a letter citing concerns the test did not have adequate clinical validation and may harm the public health. Pathway now has three Clinical Trials under way to study its liquid biopsy, but it all began after the test was already on the market. And, scott, after our interview, pathway did pull that promotional data from its web site. Pelley jim, thanks very much. Great report. Youre probably wondering how these companies are able to sell unproven tests. Well, jim will have morthat tomorrow on cbs this morning. Today, federal Health Officials sent hundreds of additional kits to florida to test for the zika virus. 16 cases are confirmed there, the most of any state. There are at least 64 cases in 16 states and the district of columbia. Zika is spread by mosquitoes and is suspected of causing a serious birth defect. Off or is it a fast ride to trouble . The broncos get a parade fit for champions. And this little piggy goes to the polls when the cbs evening news continues on primary night. Hi hey you look good. Thank you, i feel good. It all starts with eating right. Theyre delicious and help keep my body in balance. I love these. Sunsweet amaz n prunes, the feel good fruit. If youre taking multiple medications, does your mouth often feel dry . But it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. Thats why theres biotene, available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel. Biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. Remember, while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isnt. Biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. Pelley mortgages to buyers who couldnt afford them put the u. S. On the road to the great recession. So we were curious when we saw an ad during the super bowl for an eightminute mortgage. Anthony mason went looking for answers. Reporter quicken loans Super Bowl Ad made a simple proposition what if we did for mortgages what the internet did for buying music and plane tickets and shoes . Reporter thats what theyre offering with rocket mortgages. You could get a mortgage on your phone. Reporter but just seven nearly took down the economy, the ad rang alarmbles. Lets do the financial crisis again, but with apps dave weigl of the Washington Post tweeted. I know a lot of people interpreted the commercials of saying were going back to the days of easy money but thats just simply not happening. Reporter holden lewis of bankrate. Com said the median credit score of a mortgage applicant is now 753 out of 850, the highest since 2001. Rocket mortgage is just trying to streamline the application process. Is this quicken yap a game changer, do you think . I think its a game changer in a sense other Mortgage Companies are going to have to make it easier to put in your documentation and your paperwork. Reporter on the rocket app, you enter income and bank details, which allows quicken to communicate directly with banks. It estimatans affordable home price and costs and allows says quicken president jay foreigner. If you go on to rocket mortgage, you can see the Interest Rates, you can see the fees, and you can see how changing the Interest Rate would change your fees. Reporter so this is not about changing credit standards. No, quicken loans is known for having some of the highest credit standards in the country. Reporter rocket, he says, is trying to take the mystery out of the mortgage process. And that Super Bowl Ad certainly got attention. Foreigner says 14,000 people visited their web site in the first minute it aired, scott. Pelley anthony mason, anthony, thank you very much. The good times are rolling in new orleans. Well visit when we come back. Ibsd. You know the symptoms when they start. Abdominal pain. Urgent diarrhea. Xifaxan is a new ibsd treatment that helps relieve your diarrhea and abdominal pain symptoms. And xifaxan works differently. Its a prescription antibiotic that acts mainly in the digestive tract. Do not use xifaxan if you have a history of sensitivity to rifaximin, rifamycin antibiotic agents, or any components of xifaxan. Tell your doctor right away if your diarrhea worsens while taking xifaxan, as this may be a sign of a serious or even fatal condition. 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I tried depend last weekend. It really made the difference between a morning around the house and getting a little exercise. Only depend underwear has new confidence Core Technology for fast absorption and the smooth, comfortable fit of fitflex protection. Get a coupon at depend. Com pelley we have breaking the divided court has decided to stop enforcement of the president s sweeping plan to address Climate Change until after all the legal challenges are resolved. Downtown denver was painted orange today as hundreds of thousands welcomed home the super bowl champion broncos. Fans lined up 30 deep for the parade. M. V. P. Von miller and quarterback Peyton Manning were on the lead fire truck, along with the lombardi trophy held high by annabel bowlen, the wife of team owner pat bowlen, who stepped down in 2014 with alzheimers disease. The crowds were just as spirited in new orleans for mardi gras. Bands serenaded the french quarter, beads flew, and marchers wore their most outrageous costumes. The celebration ends when fat tuesday becomes ash wednesday, the beginning of the christian holy season of lent. It was a real squeaker at the an escaped pig showed up at one of the voting places. Police had no luck corralling it, so eventually the owner came and got it, but theres no telling if the pig was republican, democrat, or independent. And well be right back. They call it planning for retirement because getting there requires exactly that. A plan for what you want your future to look like. For more than 145 years, pacific life has been providing solutions to help individuals like you achieve longterm financial security. Bring your vision for the future to life with pacific life. Talk to a Financial Advisor to help build and protect your retirement income. Pacific life. toilet flush if you need an opioid to manage your chronic pain, you may be sooo constipated it feels like everyone can go. Except you. Tried many things . Still struggling to find relief . You may have opioidinduced constipation, oic. Its different and may need a different approach. Opioids block pain signals, which is why it can feel like your opioid pain med is slowing your insides to a crawl. Longing for a change . Have the conversation with your doctor about oic, and ask about prescription treatment options. Made on behalf of those living with chronic pain and struggling with oic. On iowas rural roads . So would some state lawmakers. Next at six. The chances itll happen. This legislative session. Pelley as the candidates await the vote count tonight, we size up the competition, not theirs, ours. Heres julianna goldman. Reporter you might think this is any other shoe leather reporter covering Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, but Kaitlyn Clark is just 11 years old. Is there any specific issues you really want covered . 20 on assignment for ask the scholastic news providing a kidseye view of the political process. Were going to get a lot more good job with rising incomes for people. Thank you, and do you have a plan so you know how to do that . I do, i do. Reporter 14yearold gabe ferris has learned sometimes you score interviews. Why should young voters vote for you, trump . Because your future is much better with me than anybody else. Reporter and like the rest of us, sometimes you dont. Governor kasich, why should young voters vote for you . Thats just the nature of the beast. Youre not going to get every interview, i guess, so on to the next candidate. Reporter and anyway, gabes colleague, maxwell surprenant, had already spoken with john kasich, and filed a blog post. There are a lot of issues that affect kids its environment, education, the economy. Thats one of the reasons i really like my job is i get to i get to tell other kids about that. Reporter scholastic has had a volunteer press corps since then, the job has evolved. Theyre juggling the multitasking demands of campaign coverage, shooting videos, taking notes on iphones, and, of cose, tending to their twitter feeds. As for making political predictions, kaitlyn has seen enough of this cycle not to. I think its just a level Playing Field right now, and well find out tuesday night. Reporter cub reporters making civics class look like childs play. Julianna goldman, cbs news, washington. Pelley theres no democracy without journalism. Thats the cbs evening news for tonight. Well be watching the voting in New Hampshire and bring you updates throughout the evening. Around the world, well see you [kcci captioning is brought to you by the iowa clinic. ] steve first it was the interstates. Now iowa lawmakers want to raise the speed limits on some rural roads. What may put the brakes on the idea. Stacey a des moines man dies in a house fire. A fire he may have started himself as police tried to talk him out. What the officers who tried to save the mans life are saying. Steve and burrowing out from the blizzard. See what it took to pull out dozens of cars stranded in ditches. The iowa house is looking at raising the speed limits on some rural roads. Stacey a house subcommittee approve two separate bills yesterday. One raises the limit to 60milesanhour. The other would raise the limit to 65. The bills go to the full House Transportation Committee to see which, if any, move forward in the legislature. Staceydoes the bill ve a chance of getting a green light . Steve or will it hit speed bumps. Kccis Marcus Mcintosh is live with a look

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