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Alyx one day before the Iowa Caucuses and the candidates are pulling out the stops to attract voters. The latest Des Moines Register poll shows donald trump reclaiming the lead by Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton arnett and that. Arnett and neck. Marlie hall has the latest. Bernie sanders how would you like to make the pundits look dumb on election. Bernie sanders urged a crowd, warning they will lose if there is a low turnout. Hillary clinton announced a plan for free college tuition. I do not believe giving free college to Donald Trumps youngest child is honest to all the Young Americans that need help. A poll shows donald trump as a fivepoint lead over Ted Cruz Donald trump the only thing that matters is the poll taken on monday. Trump campaigned with Jerry Falwell junior while saying he look forward to 2017. Ted cruz donald trump will be back on television. It is a hot topic on iowa. Ethanol is made from the states number one crop. Rey Kyle Phillips says youll will only favored candidates a favor a government mandate to increase the amount of ethanol blended into fuel. I want something that will support my family. Iowa voters have several opportunities to find out where candidates stand today as they make their final push ahead of mondays caucuses. Alyx republican frontrunner donald trump campaigned across iowa saturday, calling on supporters to get out to caucus monday night. Donald trump it all doesnt matter if you dont caucus on monday. The polls dont matter, none of this matters. The only thing that matters is the poll they take on monday. Alyx trump will be in Council Bluffs and sioux city today. He says he plans to stay in iowa through monday and plans to make stops at several caucuses in iowa that night. One undecided iowa voter says she made up her mind saturday after hearing ted cruz at a rally in ames. Cruz challenged the crowd of about 400 at the Gateway Hotel to bring 9 friends each to caucus for him monday. Cruz stressed that as president , he would end common core, destroy isis and repeal obamacare. He also asked iowans to support him in prayer during this final stretch before the caucus. Sen. Cruz this responsibility that you bear on your shoulders to look at the candidates and vet us. Not to listen to what we say but to look at our actions as the scriptures, say you shall know them by their fruits. Alyx cruz supporters at the rally tell kcci theyll caucus his word and the right candidate to change the direction of the country. A Cruz Campaign flyer is taking some iowans by surprise. Some voters received this flyer in the mail giving a grade on their past voter turnout record. This voter tells us it feels like a personal attack that he and his neighbors all received an f grade. Kcci spoke with a Cruz Campaign spokesman who tells us using civic guilt is an effective way to persuade voters to caucus. He says its based off of a Republican Party flyer from 2014. Before a rally in ames, cruzs competitor marco rubio spoke to reporters about the campaign fliers. Sen. Rubio i had some voters mention to me they were upset about it. Obviously, they had peoples names and they gave them an f rating for how they voted, i think a lot of voters are disturbed by it, and that sort of again, i mean its kind of an unusual way to end your campaign. Is running on Iowa Television stations this weekend. He says theyre intended to give answers to voters who did not have a chance to go to any of his town hall meetings. We will check back in with frank. Beautiful weekend but a change on the way. Frank it will start today with a little bit of a shower to the north of the metro. We could see sprinkles rolled through the morning but it looks like most of that will stay to the north and down to the south and west. Things widen out and he will notice this part of the bigger system that we will not get in on much. There is snow in nebraska pulling through so if you have travel plans keep in mind. 37 and the metro, ames and webster city at 32. Creston this hour in a warm 36. 20s for rapid city, kansas city a few sprinkles out there, you might see sunshine. The column before the storm, the storm moves in late in the day. Already a blizzard watch in effect for tuesday. Alyx important to keep an eye on. The Democratic Candidates will square off one more time before the New Hampshire primary. The Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders campaigns have reached an agreement to hold another debate before the New Hampshire primary and three additional debates after that. The first new debate will be held thursday, february 4th, sponsored by msnbc. The New Hampshire primary is the following tuesday, february 9th. Bernie sanders also speaking to voters in iowa saturday. Sen. Sanders we are going to American History on monday night. Alyx at a rally in cedar rapids, the vermont senator stressed that he believes he will win monday night if voter turnout is high. Of Hillary Clintons campaign, saying she brings forth false statements about his voting record. Another big day in iowa for politics. Its last day to campaign before the first in the nation causes. Carly fiorina, mike huckabee, rick santorum, chris christie, ted cruz, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Martin Omalley will be making stops in the metro. Donald trump, marco rubio, rand paul, jeb bush, and ben carson will also be in the state. Still ahead on kcci 8 news this morning weekends. Clinton one on one. What the democratic candidate had to say about her controversial email scandal. And how she plans to move the country forward if elected. The American People cant afford to wait for ideas that sound good on paper. But will never make it in the real world. The grandmother who has to choose between paying for medicine and paying rent. Cant wait. The single mom who desperately needs a raise. Cant wait. We can make real progress, right now. Im caucusing. Im caucusing. Im caucusing for Hillary Clinton. Theyre one of the wall street banks that triggered the financial meltdown goldman sachs. Just settled with authorities for their part in the crisis that put seven million out of work and millions out of their homes. How does wall street get away with it . Millions in Campaign Contributions and speaking fees. Our economy works for wall street because its rigged by wall street. As long as washington is bought and paid for, we cant build an economy that works for people. Sanders im Bernie Sanders, and i approve this message. This is iowas news leader. This is kcci 8 news this morning weekend. With alyx sacks and meteorologist metinka slater. Frank good morning and welcome back. If you are to the north were waking up to light sprinkles around fort dodge and clarion. Mason city could be getting in on freezing rain but not much to 34 in algona, knoxville checks in at 34. Ankeny at a warm 36. Maybe those morning sprinkles but by the afternoon you will like the 4 00 temperature at 43 degrees. Alyx Hillary Clinton held a rally of her own saturday in ames. There she talked about jobs, the economy, income inequality and guns. Former arizona congresswoman Gabby Giffords joined her on stage. She also addressed her personal email server problems when she sat down for a oneonone interview with our steve karlin. Steve people cant help but look at this and have questions. Whats your response to that . Hillary clinton well, my response is i want all of the emails out. I take classification very seriously. I think voters are pretty smart. With bengazi, they saw me testify for 11 hours. With this, they know that this is all retroactive. There was nothing marked classified at the time. Steve has your campaign been made better by having bernie Hillary Clinton well, i believe in competition and i think this has been a great campaign. Im grateful to the people of iowa and im grateful to my fellow candidates because i think weve all upped our game. We need to because its the toughest job in the world that were vying for. So as we close, moving toward the caucus, i really want to thank your viewers and everybody else who takes part in this process. Steve do you get the impression as you travel around the state of iowa and also in New Hampshire, that people really want not just an advocate but they really need somebody to take care of them . Hillary clinton its really interesting that you say that. Ive done a lot of interviews and youre the only person whos really put it like that. Thats what im hearing from people. Im hearing people say weve got to be able to count on our government, weve got to be able to get ahead again. Weve got to be able to feel like our kids are going to have better lives because of our hard work. Thats the American Dream i was thats what i want for my granddaughter and the grandchildren and children of everybody in this country. And i do think that people are worried that somehow weve lost our way and they hear so much meanspiritedness and all kinds of attacks and negativity. You know, they think the game is rigged against them and want somebody to come in and roll up their sleeves and get to work for them and thats exactly what i will do. Steve in ames, steve karlin, kcci 8 news, iowa news leader. Alyx former president bill clinton is on the campaign trail for his wife. He spoke to potential caucusgoers in iowa falls saturday before meeting up with Hillary Clinton and their daughter chelsea for a rally in cedar rapids. The three of them will continue to hold events together through caucus night. Dont forget to tune into cbs sunday morning. Major garrett will have a long form piece previewing tomorrows caucuses. You can catch that starting at 8 00 a. M. And tune in later this morning for kcci 8 news close up. Cant afford to miss. Well talk to leaders from Iowa Democrats and republicans, getting their insights on the caucus process. Youll also learn when, where, and how to caucus. Plus, whose on top in the final poll before the big night. Thats kcci 8 news close up at 10 30 tomorrow morning, right after face the nation. This morning right after face the nation. Frank especially north of the metro we are still pretty dry, 37 in the metro. 34 in clarion and 32 in marshalltown. Mid30s for creston waking up. Wind has been light out of the north and west with pressure relatively on the high side but low pressure is moving through to the south. Todays forecast might see showers around out of here by the afternoon. The average for this time of year is low 30s. Isolated showers to the north and another pocket to the south and west. The metro should stay mainly try. There is snow to the west where it is cold enough for that but most of us stay dry. Maybe you have heard of the storm, it will be cruising in. High pressure will build and all eyes down to the south and west as low pressure. Through late monday into tuesday bringing a good chance for snow across the state. You will start things out with isolated showers on through that will amount to much at all. You might stay dry all day today. Sunshine by the afternoon although i think it will be in and out of the clouds and through the day monday, things look dry for most of the day. Late monday into monday night snow starts after caucus time. 6 00 a. M. , notice where this model has it to the north and west. Not as much in the metro and to the south and east it is mainly rain. That might really affect the snowfall totals if this low pressure system takes a northwesterly turn. Notice snow continues into tuesday evening and pulls out by wednesday but a north wind will pull in bigtime wind and blowing snow is a concern. Six to 10 inches northwest of the metro. They really decreased to the south and east. You could see 10 plus inch amounts. A blizzard watch has been issued late monday night into tuesday. This could all change of of the next couple of days and affect the totals. 26 is below tonight. A big cool down by the end of next week. Theyre one of the wall street banks that triggered the financial meltdown goldman sachs. Just settled with authorities for their part in the crisis that put seven million out of work and millions out of their homes. How does wall street get away with it . Millions in Campaign Contributions and speaking fees. Our economy works for wall street because its rigged by wall street. And thats the problem. As long as washington is bought and paid for, we cant build an economy that works for people. Sanders im Bernie Sanders, and i approve this message. One of the areas that ive been particularly interested in is the area of children. We intend to be sure that everybody in this room and every child in this state is somebody. No matter where theyre born, no matter to whom they are born. I want to make sure that every child has a chance to live up to his or her godgiven potential. And im not stopping now. Im Hillary Clinton, and i have always approved this message. There are those who say we cannot defeat a corrupt political system and fix a rigged economy. But i believe we need to lift our vision above the obstacles in place and look to the american horizon. To a nation where every child can not only dream of going to college, but attend one. Where quality healthcare will be a birthright of every citizen. Where women receive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. An america where after a lifetime of labor, there is time for rest and grandchildren. A nation that defends our people and our values, but no longer carries so much of that burden alone. I know we can create that america if we listen to our hearts. And that journey begins here in iowa. Im Bernie Sanders. I approve this message, and i ask you to join with us at the caucuses on monday night. Thank you. The American People cant afford to wait for ideas that sound good on paper. But will never make it in the real world. The grandmother who has to choose between paying for medicine and paying rent. Cant wait. The single mom who desperately needs a raise. Cant wait. The student with a mountain of debt cant wait. We can make real progress, im caucusing. Im caucusing. Im caucusing for Hillary Clinton. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. When you look at resumes across College Basketball it is hard to compare with the cyclones. Isu has notched one over oklahoma. Fifth texas a m was another story. Billy kennedy gave Steve Perlman a start when he hired him as an unpaid assistant. Tied at 30. The second half, a breakaway jim. 11 points, four rebounds. Burton, fancy, to the k. Nine points, 14 rebounds. Isu lead by three. Iowa state south by three. George niang doing niang type things. They close the game on a 14 to 16 run. How about this. Niang follows left right left right. Look at the back. The little kid trolling towards niang that the fan really wants him to stay down. They know house brings down the house daniel house brings down the house. We have very good defense. We tried to keep everybody front. A lot of it has to do with them and some of it we have. The couple possessions we had up with this. We have to have a better job in execution and put guys in better positions. Iowa state taking on West Virginia on tuesday. More big 12 action. Kansas and kentucky one agame. Tossing a quarter off the back of the rim. We had to ot. Kansas goes on to win this one. More college hoops. Oklahoma at lsu. Then at 14 points, 32 points in this one. He was electric. 77 to 75. Oklahoma comes away with the win. Drake has not taken the step they were expecting in three years. The bulldogs were winless. Was what the doctor ordered coming in with a three and 19 overall record. Drake had a lead in the second half. Thats good for a triple. He is all right. Not impressed. Drake would not be denied. Breaking ankles, making people look fullest. This is after graham woodward. He had a careerhigh performance. Drake has its first conference win of the system. Sunday, we will be having another fun day. Iowa tries to get back in the winning column. Uni hosts Southern Illinois. Golden state playing the worst team in the league. The 76ers. Down to the wire, tied at 105 they pull up, drained a three, gold goes on to win 108 to 105. Energy at home tonight taking on. 81 to 83. For the cyclone women, january cannot and soon enough. Taking on oklahoma, trying to get back in the winning column. Isu with the lead in the second half. She had 18 on the day and passing 1000 career points. Back comes oklahoma. Drilling the 3m a corner, the sooners would take the lead. Iowa state trying to keep up. Just a gritty play here. She has 16 points but down the stretch, the sooners proved to be a little much. And trying but we cannot make enough shots. When you look at the third and fourth quarter, our ability to make baskets in a game like this where the temple is not faster really hurt. Until we get that cleaned up, its possible there is no way for us to be successful. The American People cant afford to wait for ideas that sound good on paper. The grandmother who has to choose between paying for medicine and paying rent. Cant wait. The single mom who desperately needs a raise. Cant wait. The student with a mountain of debt cant wait. We can make real progress, right now. Im caucusing. Im caucusing. Im caucusing for Hillary Clinton. Hmm hmm hmmhmmhmmhmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmhmm let us be lovers, well marry our fortunes together [ cheering ] ive got some real estate here in my bag counting the cars on the new jersey turnpike theyve all come to look for america [ cheers and applause ] all come to look for america all come to look for america im Bernie Sanders, and i approve this message. The mostwatched morning news in central iowa. This is iowas news leader. This is kcci 8 news this morning weekend. Alyx right now. Caucus countdown. Were now just one day away from the Iowa Caucuses. The city of des moines is lighting up in political colors. How the 2016 hopefuls are making their final plea to voters. Welcome back everyone and thank you for joining us. I am here with frank talking about the forecast. It is a top subject along with the caucuses because the big frank a lot of folks will be leaving town tuesday. That is around the time things will start to dial up in terms of snow. We are keeping an eye on things with the model coming to agreement and as you get closer to any snow event they will. The latest timing and total coming up. We are starting with showers around creston and to the north around fort dodge. Those will be pretty light. I think central iowa stays dry but you could run into an isolated shower. 37 in des moines, 34 in ames. Well above our average High Temperatures for this time of year. Scattered showers in your day planner. Slivers of sunshine, 3 00 temperature at 43. The latest futurecast, we will show you coming up. Alyx thanks frank. To commitment 2016 news, where its all about the Iowa Caucuses. But what can you actually expect to see tomorrow night . Building. Nikole there are about 40 events happening on this caucus eve as the candidates fan out all over the state in a final push. In iowa, bombarded by billboards. Inundated with Campaign Commercials and calls. Randy atchison weve been getting 4, 5, 6 calls at night. Nikole with one day to go before the caucuses. Its all hands on deck to get out the vote. Gabby giffords im here to talk to you about Hillary Clinton. Nikole Gabby Giffords and astronaut husband mark kelly rallying Hillary Clinton supporters. Cmdr. Mark kelly you know, ive done this with gabby before, and in helping her, me doing the small part that i could, its fun to do. Nikole clinton leads Bernie Sanders by three points according to the final poll conducted by the Des Moines Register and bloomberg politics. Sen. Sanders this is very clearly a close election. Donald trump the only thing that matters is the poll thats going to be taken on monday. Nikole donald trump has pulled ahead of ted cruz with a five caucus. Nikole at this des moines diner. Decision time. Bob johnson my favorite is Bernie Sanders. Cindy roeser i love politics, strong democrat, hillary fan. Gayle perbera either ted cruz or marco rubio. Marilyn ford i liked donald trump. Tonya deal i think hes cool as all get out, but he cannot be our president. Nikole one key thing that will be crucial in the caucuses, turnout but theres growing concern that might be hindered with a snow storm approaching tomorrow night. In des moines, im Nikole Killion. Alyx well keep checking in with Nikole Killion, whos spending the next few days in the Hawkeye State keeping tabs on the race for the white house. We will have her life coming up at 6 00 a. M. The Democratic Candidates will square off one more time the New Hampshire primary. The clinton and sanders campaigns have reached an agreement to hold another debate, as well as three additional debates after that. The first new debate will be held thursday, february 4th the New Hampshire primary is the following tuesday, february 9th. Hillary clinton was out campaigning saturday. In ames, she did not focus on her emails during the rally. Instead, she and former arizona congresswoman Gabby Giffords focused on gun control. Clinton highlighted the differences between her policy on gun safety versus that of Bernie Sanders. Also on the democratic side, Bernie Sanders also in iowa speaking in manchester saturday. He told supporters what it will take for him to beat clinton on caucus night. Sen. Sanders right now, election were held today i would say its a tossup. Some polls have us a little bit ahead some polls have secretary clinton a little bit ahead. Virtually tied. We will win the caucus on monday night if there is a large voter turnout. We will lose the caucus on monday night if there is a low voter turnout. Alyx sanders also spoke about the 2008 election of president he called it revolutionary not because of the color of his skin, but because of his ideas. And on the republican side. A ted Cruz Campaign flyer is taking some iowans by surprise. Some voters received this flyer in the mail, giving a grade on their past voter turnout record. This voter tells us it feels like a personal attack, that he and his neighbors all received an f grade. Kcci spoke with a Cruz Campaign spokesman who tells us using civic guilt is an effective way to persuade voters to caucus. He says its based off of a Republican Party flyer from 2014. Cruzs main rival in iowa, donald trump held a Campaign Rally in dubuque saturday. Trump again brought up the fact that cruz was born in canada, questioning how he is eligible to run for president. Trump also defended his decision to not participate in thursdays fox news debate. Donald trump i think the debate turned out to be good that i didnt do it. It was a lousy debate anyway. Boring, boring. That was a hard thing to watch, but it wouldnt have been hard. If i was there you wouldve liked it, right . Alyx trump plans to stay in iowa through caucus night. Florida senator marco rubio is putting in a lastditch effort to win over iowa voters before caucuses. The Rubio Campaign is airing a halfhour Television Special in every media market in iowa this weekend. The First Special aired saturday in sioux city. Today, the specials will air in des moines, cedar rapids, and davenport. Caucusgoers can call or tweet in their questions for the republican hopeful. Rubio spoke to voters at a rally in sioux city, telling them he believes he is the only one who can beat the democratic nominee come november. Sen. Rubio there is a reason why Hillary Clinton spends more, and her super pacs spend more time attacking me than any other republican. Because they dont want to run against me. But i cant wait to run against her. I cant wait. If you nominate me, we win. They know this. Alyx rubio plans to hold events in cedar falls, cedar rapids, and davenport today. As we approach the caucuses, a reminder to tune into kcci monday night. We will be live all night long until the final results are in. We will also have crews at all the big campaign watch parties. And well be live inside a democratic and a Republican Caucus. Our coverage starts at 6 30 monday night. Time for frank. It will be a busy night monday and also on the weather side. Frank the good news is most of that snow falls after caucus time is over so that is the great news. That could change. Where watching low pressure with timing and totals up in the air but we are starting to get more confident closer to this event. There is rain out there mainly to the north. I think we will stay locked in with clouds and could see isolated showers. Mainly this morning and by this afternoon we will clear those out. Temperatures are not bad, 37 in des moines and 34 in ames. Storm lake is at 34. The average High Temperature is 32 so we are well above that. A warm day all across the region. Travel plans to the south, you might run into showers for you will also run into warmer temperatures. Upper 60s for st. Louis. There are a lot of changes coming up and details straight ahead. Alyx thanks frank. Around iowa this morning. Mumps has been confirmed in a central iowa School District. Kcci has learned one person has the viral illness in the United Community School District in boone. We reached out to the superintendent who tells us they were informed of the mumps case on friday. But did not tell us whether the affected person was a student or a faculty member. Of mumps, contact your physician and boone county or story county public health. And in waterloo, a newlyopened restaurant is now closed after a fire broke out. Crews were called to tokyo bay just after 3 saturday morning. Investigators say restaurant video cameras captured the start of the fire, which was caused when hot fried food was placed in a plastic container. The restaurant did sustain smoke damage and the sprinklers will have to be reinstalled. They hope to have tokyo bay reopened within the next few weeks. A murder trial has been set for a Franklin County man. 61yearold ronald rand is set to stand trial on august 22nd. Rand pleaded not guilty earlier this month. Authorities say he shot 51yearold michelle kay at his home in hampton on december 13th. Hes being held in the Cerro Gordo County jail on a 1 Million Dollar cash or surety bond. Coming up on kcci. Panda 1 and 2. But will number three be just as good . A big night for the big screens. The latest stop in awards season. Who came out on top of last nights sag awards. Theyre one of the wall street banks that triggered the financial meltdown goldman sachs. Just settled with authorities for their part in the crisis that put seven million out of work and millions out of their homes. How does wall street get away with it . Millions in Campaign Contributions and speaking fees. Our economy works for wall street because its rigged by wall street. As long as washington is bought and paid for, we cant build an economy that works for people. Sanders im Bernie Sanders, and i approve this message. One of the areas that ive been particularly interested in is the area of children. We intend to be sure that everybody in this room and every child in this state is somebody. No matter where theyre born, no matter to whom they are born. I want to make sure that every child has a chance to live up to his or her godgiven potential. And im not stopping now. Im Hillary Clinton, and i have always approved this message. Alyx welcome back to kcci. Take a look at these photos. These were uploaded through our ulocal page. A viewer captured this downtown saying this city needs no introduction. Here. One of our favorite spots downtown. This is the state Capital Building at sunrise. The sky just lighting up the building. Our viewers do an incredible job sending in photos. We love them all. Frank, you do a great job of sharing them as well but unfortunately, we have a not so beautiful forecast ahead. Frank we might be able to dig out from the storm and take photos but stay safe. We have rain to the north and extreme northern portions of webster county. Some of this may be a rain snow mixture but most of it falls as rain to the north of the metro. It is sliding to the north and east and diminishing in intensity to the morning. Feeling good, 37 in the metro and aims at 34. Right around freezing for marshalltown. Heading for highs today in the low 40s. 42 in Council Bluffs. If you have outdoor plans, there is your output. Maybe a few sprinkles this morning with partly sunny skies. Temperatures make it way into the low 40s by 4 00. Alyx thanks frank. Looking for a good family movie . John pascuzzi tells us if the the new kung fu panda 3 is the one to watch. John hes a panda, not just any panda. Hes a kung fu panda. And this is kung fu panda 3. Jack black is back as po, who gets the surprise of his life when his long lost father li shan returns. But the happy reunion is threatened by an ancient super villian named kai who also returns to wreak havoc on the kingdom. Its now up to po to teach a village of clumsy, fun loving pandas to become kung fu pandas and fight off the evil kai. I have returned. Slayer of widows . I used to work with him. Silence. Theres no way i can stop him. Unless you have an army of your own. You will teach us. Nobody said this was going to be easy. John also featuring the voices of kate hudson, Dustin Hoffman and angelina jolie, kung fu panda 3 is a film for kids of all ages. Its filled with heart and humor along with life lessons of love, friendship, and commitment to make this third movie in the wildly successful kung fu panda franchise another must see. Kung fu panda 3. It earns a black belt for good time panda monium. For kcci 8 news, this is John Pascuzzi at the movies. Alyx thank you for that one. Three for three is not bad. Next week, john reviews the finest hours. The true story of one of the most daring ever rescues at sea, affleck. Alyx the oscars may have been deemed a diversity problem but , the Screen Actors Guild awards were another story. David daniel looks at saturday nights biggest winners and moments. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to diverse tv. David the 22nd annual sag awards turned into a show of strength for diversity in hollywood. Queen latifah was honored for the tv movie bessie. And i hope that anyone out there who does not come in the package that people say you should keep fighting for it. David for the second straight year, orange is the new black doubled down. Uzo aduba repeated as best female actor in a comedy. A show that reflects and represents so many people. David and the show triumphed again as best comedy series. Look at this stage. I mean, this is what we talk about when we talk about diversity. David idris elba pulled off a double of his own, winning a tv award for luther and a film award for beasts of no nation. We made a film about real know . David Jeffrey Tambor won for playing a transgender woman in transparent, and Alicia Vikander won for playing the wife of a trans woman in the danish girl. Even the nights Lifetime Achievement honoree, the legendary Carol Burnett, recalled being told, early in her career. Burnett no, no, no, no. Look all the comedy variety shows are hosted by men. Comedy variety is a mans game. David as for those looking for oscar indicators, the revenant star Leonardo Dicaprio and brie larson from room took top film acting honors. And the nights big award, best film ensemble, went to spotlight, about journalists revealing sexual abuse by catholic priests. This is really for the disinfranchised everywhere. This is for every flint, michigan in the world. This is for the powerless. David a fitting end to a night that showed hollywoods ability to reach and represent people through its diversity. In hollywood, im david daniel. Downton abbeys third win for best drama series. Viola davis second for female actor in a drama. And Kevin Spaceys second win for male actor in a drama. Still ahead on kcci. Another blast of winter weather. Frank tells us when the next storm system will be moving into the state. Plus, fighting alzheimers. How this football fan is using his teams stats to take the disease head on. And the big win hes hoping for next sunday. The time has come to make a choice. About which candidate can actually make a difference for you. In a world as complex as this, we need a president as experienced as hillary. In the situation room. At the negotiating table. And always on your side. Fighting for children and families. With a real plan to get incomes rising. Reduce drug prices. Win equal pay for women. And protect Social Security and medicare for seniors. Shell build on obamacare, break through the gridlock, not add to it. Defend planned parenthood, not attack it. Stand up to the gun lobby, not protect it. Lead on foreign policy, not ignore it. We need a president with the experience and determination to get the job done. Im running to make a difference. A real difference for you and your families across our country. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Bernie sanders. Endorsed by friends of the earth action as a bold, fearless voice for the planet. The nation endorses bernie saying, you can trust sanders because he doesnt owe his political career to the financial overlords. The Des Moines Register calls him, a man of courage and principle. Endorsed by Council Bluffs Daily Nonpareil because he would build on obamas legacy and challenge the establishment. Im Bernie Sanders and i approve this message. One of the areas that ive been particularly interested in we intend to be sure that everybody in this room and every child in this state is somebody. No matter where theyre born, no matter to whom they are born. I want to make sure that every child has a chance to live up to his or her godgiven potential. Ive spent my life fighting for children, and im not stopping now. Im Hillary Clinton, and i have always approved this message. Frank welcome back. Temperatures feeling pretty good when you consider the average high as 32. We are already waking up five degrees above that. 37 is our temperature downtown. 34 in knoxville. You will still need a jacket outside. Generally less than 10 mileperhour wind. Isolated showers to the north. Also to the south and west. Most of us state drive through the morning stay dry through the morning. If you have heard the system to the west. High pressure builds and and the area of low pressure starts to pull in from the southwest. That will be our big snow maker. We are starting things out this morning with a few isolated showers. Most state to the north and to the south we could see clearing through the afternoon hours. Monday looks dry. After caucus time, snow moves then. Mainly rain in southeastern iowa and the system pulls out late tuesday into early wednesday and that is done. Six to 10 inches to the north and northwest. Could see more in extreme southwest. Then that deteriorates to the south and southeast at four to six inches. Two to four inches to the south and east. Extreme southeast iowa sees rain with the system. There is a blizzard watch and effect late monday into tuesday night. Wind will be howling out of the north and northwest near 20 to 40 miles per hour. 43 is the high today, not as for mass yesterday but not bad for this time of year. Wind is generally light. 8 day forecast has changes coming monday. 20s back for a temperature on wednesday. It will be called her by the end of the week and 20s for highs things could change, we will keep finetuning. Alyx an alzheimers patient in North Carolina is hoping football will help him fight the disease. Not by playing it, but by keeping up with the stats about his beloved Carolina Panthers. Sarah blakemorgan has the story. Sarah spend just a few minutes with peter setzer, and youll quickly learn where his his allegiance lies. Peter setzer i love cam newton with his exuberance. Sara this is the man who loves the Carolina Panthers. Peter setzer i Read Everything that the Charlotte Observer writes about the panthers. Sarah setzer doesnt just read them, he cuts them out. Taping the printed paper to the back of his bedroom door. Peter setzer here is cam in action. Fantastic. Sarah setzer reads these articles over and over again, because if he doesnt, hell forget. Peter setzer about a year ago, alzheimers and of course that was a blow. Sarah setzers alzheimers is in its early stages. He hopes to keep it that way. Peter setzer the average person whos diagnosed with alzheimers will die in 11 years, and my determination is to slow that down. Sarah the former pastor has a list of things he does every day to slow the disease down. About a hour of brain games. Sarah his favorite is pouring over panther stats with his grandson. Peter setzer im going to go down fighting and do everything i can to prolong life. My hope is he will always remember to call me on game day and talk about the game. And hope he knows who i am when i call him and i hope hell always know who his grandson is. Sarah for many with alzheimers, uncertainty is the setzer is just looking forward to adding a new article to his door, once his team takes home the trophy. Peter setzer oh. I wouldnt miss it. Alyx what a can do positive attitude. Setzer hopes his Carolina Panthers can pull off a super bowl 50 win. They take on the Denver Broncos one week from today. Live from levi stadium in california, right here on kcci. Alyx coming up after the break. Taking the big stage. How the band set to perform at the super bowl says this is the biggest performance of their career. Sunday morning. From postal workers to nurses. Hes been endorsed for real change Bernie Sanders. Endorsed by friends of the earth action as a bold, fearless voice for the planet. The nation endorses bernie saying, you can trust sanders because he doesnt owe his political career to the financial overlords. The Des Moines Register calls him, a man of courage and principle. Endorsed by Council Bluffs Daily Nonpareil because he would build on obamas legacy and challenge the establishment. Im Bernie Sanders and i approve this message. Do you think when you are president youll be paid as much as if you were a manmale. This is one of the jobs where they have to pay you the same. But there are so many examples where that doesnt happen. Im going to do everything i can to make sure every woman in every job gets paid the same. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmhmm theyve all come to look for america all come to look for america im Bernie Sanders, and i approve this message. Alyx welcome back to kcci. The band coldplay celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. And as cbs sunday mornings Anthony Mason tells us, theyll be the life of the party at next sundays super bowl. Anthony for the bands for principles, johnny buckland, will champion, guy berryman, and chris martin, it is the biggest gig of their career. What is the audience for this, like a gazillion people . I think it is like three gazillion. If something goes wrong, it is my daughter said the sweetest thing yesterday. She said, how are you feeling about the super bowl . She said, the worst that can happen is you will get turned into a anthony their biggest show will also be there shortest. I love the whole concept of trying to present your entire musical life in 12 and a half minutes. It is a great challenge. Anthony have you figured out what you are going to do yet . We have possibly got 11 good minutes. We have some special guests. Anthony so there are going to be fans all down here, right . And then you are coming to same . Anthony those guests have not been officially named, but beyonces footprints, i would say she was here about four hours ago. Alyx what would the super bowl be without the surprises . Todays top stories are straight ahead on your morning news leader. Including the latest. Stay with us, everyone. Youre watching kcci 8 news. Right now on kcci, candidates campaign. Alyx right now on kcci, candidates campaign. 2016 hopefuls continue their stops across iowa as we count down the final day to caucuses. Where some of them stand in a final poll just released. And what they have to say to voters just a day ahead of the Iowa Caucuses. Good sunday morning, everyone. Thanks for being with us. Im alyx sacks. It is 6 00 on sunday, january a. M. 31st. Coming off of a beautiful warm winter day yesterday. But a big change in the forecast. Frank it has been getting a little closer every day. It is getting a little close to game time for us around here. Super doppler eight just off to the north, that is where some freezing mix could be possible. The area of rain down to the south and west is a little bit heavier down around creston. Eventually it will be moving into the winterset area and extreme northwest portions of madison county. Bedford in Taylor County seeing some of that as well. In des moines, 37 degrees, went out of the north, northwest. It is a bit cooler off to the north and east and that is why they will see next precipitation, mixed reciprocation, but everyone else is above freezing. Alyx one day before the Iowa Caucuses, and the president ial candidates are pulling out all the latest Des Moines Register poll shows donald trump has reclaimed his lead on the republican side, while Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are neck and neck on the democratic side. The winners could be decided by the still undecided voters. Marlie hall has the latest from des moines. Mr. Sanders how would you like to make the pundits look dumb on Election Night . Marlie senator Bernie Sanders urged a young crowd at the university of iowa to caucus on monday, warning hell lose if theres a low turnout. Hillary clinton attacked sanders on his plan for free college tuition. Ms. Clinton i do not believe giving free college to Donald Trumps youngest child is in the best interest of all the hardworking americans who need help. Marlie among republicans, the Des Moines Register poll shows donald trump has a five point lead over ted cruz and a 13 point lead over marco rubio. Mr. Trump the only thing that matters is the poll thats going to be taken on monday. Marlie trump campaigned with reverend Jerry Falwell, jr. , evangelical christian voters, while cruz said he looks forward to january 2017. Mr. Cruz donald trump will be back on television. Iowa gold. Marlie ethanol is a hot topic in iowa. The renewable fuel is made from corn, the states number one crop. It could be a deciding issue for some iowa voters. Marlie farmer ray Kyle Phillips says hell only consider candidates who favor a government mandate to increase the amount of ethanol blended into fuel. Its my livelihood, it supports my family. Marlie iowa voters have several opportunities to find out where the candidates stand on all of the issues today as they make their final push ahead of mondays caucuses. Marlie hall, cbs news, des moines, iowa. Alyx republican frontrunner donald trump campaigned across iowa saturday, calling on supporters to get out to caucus monday night. Mr. Trump it all doesnt matter if you dont caucus on monday. It all doesnt matter. The polls dont matter, none of the only thing that matters is the poll that is going to be taken on monday. Alyx trump will be in Council Bluffs and sioux city today. He says he plans to stay in iowa through monday, and plans to make stops at several caucuses in iowa that night. One undecided iowa voter says she made up her mind saturday after hearing ted cruz at a rally in ames. Cruz challenged the crowd of about 400 at the Gateway Hotel to bring nine friends each to caucus for him monday. Cruz stressed that as president , he would end common core, destroy isis and repeal obamacare. He also asked iowans to support him in prayer during this final stretch before the caucus. Mr. Cruz this responsibility that you bear on your shoulders to look at the candidates and vet us, not to listen to what we say, but to look to our actions. As the scriptures say, you shall know them by their fruits. Alyx cruz supporters at the rally tell kcci theyll caucus for him because hes a man of his word and the right candidate to change the direction of the a Cruz Campaign flyer is taking some iowans by surprise. Some voters received this flyer in the mail, giving a grade on their past voter turnout record. One voter tells us it feels like a personal attack, that he and his neighbors all received an f grade. Kcci spoke with a Cruz Campaign spokesman who tells us using civic guilt is an effective way to persuade voters to caucus. He says its based off of a Republican Party flyer from 2014. Before his own rally in ames cruzs competitor marco rubio , spoke to reporters about the campaign fliers. Mr. Rubio i had some voters mention to me they were upset about it, obviously. They had peoples names and they gave them an f rating for how they voted. I think a lot of voters are disturbed by it, and that sort of again, i mean, its kind of an unusual way to end your campaign in the state. Rubio also spoke about a series of halfhour specials he is running on Iowa Television stations this weekend. He says theyre intended to give answers to voters who did not his town hall meetings. Time now, 6 05 on your sunday morning. Waking up to wet roads. Frank especially off to the north, that is where the mixed precipitation could be, off to the south and east of mason city. There is also precipitation in southwest iowa, entering union county toward sections of madison county. If you are down around winterset, you might see some rain. 36 degrees in creston, 37 in des moines. If you have travel plans northeast today, keep in mind, it could be just a bit slick. Temperatures feeling nice around the midwest, 33 in minneapolis, 35 in green bay. Not too bad of a day for much of the reason region temperaturewise. A bit cooler to the north but still pretty seasonably mild. Are going to start to change. Today, back in the low to mid 40s for highs. Monday, much of the day will be dry. The snow moves in, during the overnight hours and tuesday, we are under a blizzard watch. Alyx ready or not, here it comes. The Democratic Candidates will square off one more time before the New Hampshire primary. The Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders campaigns have reached an agreement to hold another debate before the New Hampshire primary, and three additional debates after that. The first new debate will be held thursday, february 4th, sponsored by msnbc. The New Hampshire primary is the following tuesday, february 9th. Bernie sanders also speaking to voters in iowa saturday. Mr. Sanders we are going to make American History on monday night. Alyx at a rally in cedar rapids, the vermont senator stressed that he believes he will win monday night if voter turnout is high. Sanders also criticized the tone saying she brings forth false statements about his voting record. Another big day in politics for iowa. Its last day to campaign before the first in the nation causes. Carly fiorina, mike huckabee, rick santorum, chris christie, ted cruz, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Martin Omalley will be making stops in the metro. Donald trump, marco rubio, rand paul, jeb bush, and ben carson will also be in the state. Still ahead on kcci 8 news this morning weekends, clinton oneonone. What the democratic candidate had to say about her controversial email scandal, and how she plans to move the country forward if elected. One of the areas that ive been particularly interested in is the area of children. All of us have a responsibility, to ourselves, to our children, to each other. We intend to be sure that everybody in this room and every child in this state is somebody. No matter where theyre born, no matter to whom they are born. By the values of their parents and the policies of their nation. Its time to protect the next generation, fill the lives of our children with possibility and hope, open up the doors so that every child has a chance to live up to his or her godgiven potential. Ive spent my life fighting for children, families and our country, and im not stopping now. crowd cheers im Hillary Clinton, hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmhmm theyve all come to look for america all come to look for america im Bernie Sanders, and i approve this message. Frank welcome back, got some rain to the south and west this morning. It is all moving off to the east, so if you are down around there, you might have some slick roadways. 37 in the metro, 34 in ames. Low 30s and marshalltown. Yesterday made it up to 49 40s. 44 lamoni, 42 Council Bluffs, cooler to the north. Alyx Hillary Clinton held a ames. There, she talked about jobs, the economy, income inequality, and guns. Former arizona congresswoman Gabby Giffords joined her on stage. She also addressed her personal email server problems when she sat down for a oneonone interview with our steve karlin. Steve people cant help but look at this and have questions. Whats your response to that . Ms. Clinton well, my response is i want all of the emails out. I take classification very seriously. I think voters are pretty smart. With bengazi, they saw me testify for 11 hours. With this, they know that this is all retroactive. There was nothing marked classified at the time. Steve has your campaign been made better by having Bernie Sanders in the race . Ms. Clinton well, i believe in competition and i think this has been a great campaign. Iowa and im grateful to my fellow candidates because i think weve all upped our game. We need to because its the toughest job in the world that were vying for. So as we close, moving toward the caucus, i really want to thank your viewers and everybody else who takes part in this process. Steve do you get the impression as you travel around the state of iowa and also in New Hampshire, that people really maybe somebody to take care of them . Ms. Clinton its really interesting that you say that. Ive done a lot of interviews and youre the only person whos really put it like that. Thats what im hearing from people. Im hearing people say, weve got to be able to count on our government. Weve got to be able to get ahead again. Weve got to be able to feel like our kids are going to have better lives because of our hard work. Thats the American Dream i was raised with. Thats what i want for my granddaughter and the everybody in this country. And i do think people are worried that somehow weve lost our way and they hear so much meanspiritedness and all kinds of attacks and negativity. You know, they think the game is rigged against them and want somebody to come in and roll up their sleeves and get to work for them, and thats exactly what i will do. Steve in ames, steve karlin, kcci 8 news, iowas news leader. Alyx former president bill clinton is on the campaign trail for his wife. He spoke to potential caucusgoers in iowa falls saturday. All before meeting up with Hillary Clinton and their daughter, chelsea, for a rally in cedar rapids. The three of them will continue to hold events together through caucus night. And do not forget to tune in to cbs sunday morning. Major garrett will have a long form piece previewing tomorrows 8 00 a. M. And tune in later this morning for kcci 8 news close up. Its the precaucus show you cant afford to miss. Well talk to leaders from Iowa Democrats and republicans getting their insights on the caucus process. Youll also learn when, where, and how to caucus. Plus, whos on top in the final poll before tomorrow night. Thats kcci 8 news close up at 10 30 this morning right after face the nation. 6 14, we will check back in with frank. Frank viewers sending in some neat photos, this was yesterday at lake panorama. Tricia sent this to me on my Facebook Page, fire in the sky. It made it up to 49 in des moines, 45 in ames. Creston made it up to 50 degrees, the warmest day in quite some time. You have to go all the way back to december to get a nice warm day like yesterday. Isolated showers off to the north that could be mixing in the heavier rain this morning is down to the south and west. It is not very heavy but will be moderate in some spots. There is snow out to the west. It is pretty light with this first system sliding through over the weekend, off to the north and east. A brief period of hh pressure builds, and all eyes tune turn to the south and west monday night for the chance of snow. Rain mainly off to the north and to the south. That will be moving all out this afternoon. More clouds build in by monday and eventually a chance for snow , especially late monday night into tuesday. Notice the timing, at looks like Tuesday Morning heavy snow off to the north. This spot is bringing more rain to the south and east. It will be critical were the it looks like the lighter amounts to the south and east and heavier amounts to the north and west. On wednesday, we are dealing with a blowing snow concern. Six to 10 inches to the west and north. At rapidly deteriorates down to the south and east, with a dry spot that will build in in addition to warm temperatures. This could shift in 24 hours. A blizzard watch in effect monday night into tuesday night, mainly for those heavier bands off to the north and west. 43 to gaze degrees today in des moines. 8 day forecast, we have some changes. Monday, 39. Tuesday, snow moves in and will thursday, a little cooler and we dropped all the way into the teens by sunday. Theyre one of the wall street banks that triggered the financial meltdown goldman sachs. Just settled with authorities for their part in the crisis that put seven million out of work and millions out of their homes. How does wall street get away with it . Millions in Campaign Contributions and speaking fees. Our economy works for wall street because its rigged by wall street. And thats the problem. As long as washington is bought and paid for, we cant build an economy that works for people. Sanders im Bernie Sanders, and i approve this message. donkey sound elephant sound theres a big difference between making noise, tapping sound and making sense. elephant sound donkey sound when it comes to Social Security, we need more than lip service. Our next president needs a real plan to keep Social Security strong. elephant noise people cant afford to wait for ideas that sound good on paper. But will never make it in the real world. The grandmother who has to choose between paying for medicine and paying rent. Cant wait. The single mom who desperately needs a raise. Cant wait. The student with a mountain of debt cant wait. We can make real progress, right now. Im caucusing. Im caucusing. Im caucusing for Hillary Clinton. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Welcome back. When you look at resumes across College Basketball, it is hard to compare with the iowa cyclones. Fifthranked texas a m was a Billy Kennedy gave steve prohm a start nearly 20 years ago when he hired him as an unpaid assistant. Saturday, they got to face off. Second quarter, rake away jim. 11 points, three rebounds, he was not done yet. Burton to mckay, behind the back over the head. Take another look, just fancy. Mckay is not going to miss from there. George niang doing george niang type things. Tyler davis follows it up, tips it in. How about this, niang follows up with a left, right, left, right chant. A little kid trolling george ni him to sit down. House brings down the house. 7262 aggies, their best season in school history. It is a very good defensive team. They try to keep everybody in front and clogged the paint. A lot of it has to do with them, and some of it, it was a couple possessions we had opportunities to score and some possessions, we have got to do a better job in execution. I have got to do a better job of putting guys in better positions. Iowa state is back home taking on West Virginia on tuesday. Kansas city, kentucky, tied up. Out the back of the rim. In ot, selden took over. More college hoops, oklahoma and lsu. 14 points, nine boards. Final 7775, oklahoma comes away with a win. Drake has not taken a step forward that the coach was not expecting. They were winless, but bradley was in town and that was just what the doctor ordered. Coming in with a 319 overall record, drake had a doubledigit lead at the half. They cut it to six at one point. Drake would not be denied on this day. Reed timmer, woodward had a career day. 24 points. 8070, drake and its first improving 219. Sunday, iowa tries to get back in the win column, taking on northwestern at 2 00. How about some nba action . The gold plays the worst team in the league, the 76ers. Down to the wire, tied up at 105. Harrison barnes pulls up, drains the three. He loves it. Golden state holds on to this one, when i wait105. Energy at home tonight. For the cyclone women, january cannot and soon enough. They lost four straight. Taking on oklahoma, trying to get back into the win column. Taking on the sooners, isu with the lead at the half. Shauna johnson had 18 on the day mark. Back comes oklahoma. Drills the three in the corner, the sinners would take the lead. Iowa state trying to keep up. Janet buckley, just gritty play. Gets the bucket and the foul, she has 16 points. 7771 is the final over iowa state. I think we are playing hard, we are trying, but we just cannot make enough shots. When you look at the third and fourth quarter, our inability to make baskets in a game like this are the tempo is a little faster really hurt. Until we get that cleaned up a little bit, it is pososble that there is no way for us to be successful. The time has come to make a choice. About which candidate can actually make a difference for you. We need a president as experienced as hillary. In the situation room. At the negotiating table. And always on your side. Fighting for children and families. With a real plan to get incomes rising. Reduce drug prices. Win equal pay for women. And protect Social Security and medicare for seniors. Shell build on obamacare, not start over. Break through the gridlock, not add to it. Defend planned parenthood, not attack it. Stand up to the gun lobby, not protect it. Lead on foreign policy, not ignore it. We need a president with the experience and determination to get the job done. Im running to make a difference. A real difference for you and your families across our country. Im Hillary Clinton the most watched morning news in central iowa. This is iowas news leader. This is kcci 8 news this morning weekends. Alyx right now its 6 28, caucus countdown. The city of des moines is lighting up in red, white, and blue. Nikole killion is live in des moines. She will tell us how the 2016 hopefuls are making their final plea to voters. I am alyx sacks, alongside meteorologist frank scaglione. A serious storm is moving in. Frank it looks like some of the latest models moving that snow further off to the north and west, bringing drier air to southeast iowa and keeping it reined down there. Keeping it rain down there. The heaviest snow remains off to the north and west of the des moines metro, so we will show you some of those latest models in a moment. Waking up to some rain around creston and to the south and west of the metro. These are light to at times Ringgold County around mount ayr also seeing some shower activity. In des moines, 37 degrees, wind light out of the north. Temperatures warm enough for just rain, that is the good news. 8 day forecast, we have a whole lot of changes coming up. Alyx to commitment 2016 news, where its all about the Iowa Caucuses. But what can you actually expect to see tomorrow night . Nikole killion joins us live from outside the kcci studios, where the excitement is building. Nikole they have a lot on cap today. There are about 40 events happening on this caucus eve as the candidates fan out allllver the state in a final push. In iowa, bombarded by billboards, inundated with Campaign Commercials, and calls. Weve been getting four, five, six calls at night. Nikole with one day to go before the caucuses, its all vote. Ms. Giffords im here to talk to you about Hillary Clinton. Nikole Gabby Giffords and astronaut husband mark kelly rallying Hillary Clinton supporters mr. Kelly you know, ive done this with gabby before and in helping her, me doing the small part that i could, its fun to do. Nikole clinton leads Bernie Sanders by three points, according to the final poll conducted by the Des Moines Register and bloomberg politics. Mr. Sanders this is very , very clearly a close election. Nikole and in the republican race mr. Trump the only thing that matters is the poll thats going to be taken on monday. Nikole donald trump has pulled ahead of ted cruz with a five point advantage. Mr. Cruz we will win the iowa caucus. Nikole at this des moines diner party of four. Nikole decision time. My favorite is Bernie Sanders. I love politics, strong democrat, big hillary fan. Either ted cruz or marco rubio. I liked donald trump. I think hes cool as all get president. Nikole one key thing that will be crucial in the caucuses turnout. But theres growing concern that might be hindered with a snow storm approaching tomorrow night. Alyx some big endorsement news over the weekend from the new york times. Nikole big news, they picked Hillary Clinton and john kasich. Of Hillary Clinton, they say she is one of the most qualified candidates in modern history. They say john kasich is the only possibility for republicans who are tired of extremism and an experience that are on display during this race. Alyx well keep checking in with Nikole Killion, whos spending the next few days in the Hawkeye State keeping tabs on the race for the white house. The Democratic Candidates will square off one more time before the clinton and sanders campaigns have reached an agreement to hold another debate as well as three additional debates after that. The first new debate will be held thursday, february 4th, sponsored by msnbc. The New Hampshire primary is the following tuesday, february 9th. Hillary clinton has been out campaigning across iowa. In ames, she did not focus on her emails during the rally. Instead, she and former arizona congresswoman Gabby Giffords focused on gun control. Clinton highlighted the differences between her policy on gun safety versus that of Bernie Sanders. Also on the democratic side, Bernie Sanders also in iowa, speaking in manchester saturday. He told supporters what it will take for him to beat clinton on caucus night. Mr. Sanders right now, if the election were held today, i would say its a tossup. Some polls have us a little bit ahead, some polls have secretary clinton a little bit ahead. Virtually tied. We will win the caucus on monday night if there is a large voter turnout. We will lose the caucus on monday night if there is a low voter turnout. Alyx sanders also spoke about the 2008 election of president obama. Because of the color of his skin, but because of his ideas. Now to the republican side, a ted Cruz Campaign flyer is taking some iowans by surprise. Some voters received this flyer in the mail, giving a grade on their past voter turnout. This voter tells us it feels like a personal attack, that he and his neighbors received an f grade. Kcci spoke with a Cruz Campaign spokesman who tells us using civic guilt is an effective way to persuade voters to caucus. He says its based off of a Republican Party flyer from 2014. Cruzs main rival in iowa, donald trump held a Campaign Rally in dubuque saturday. Trump again brought up the fact that cruz was born in canada, questioning how he is eligible to run for president. Trump also defended his decision to not participate in thursdays fox news debate. Mr. Trump i think the debate turned out to be good that i didnt do it. It was a lousy debate anyway. Boring, boring. That was a hard thing to watch, wasnt it . But it wouldnt have been hard, liked it, right . Alyx trump plans to stay in iowa through caucus night. Florida senator marco rubio is putting in a lastditch effort to win over iowa voters before monday. The Rubio Campaign is airing a halfhour Television Special in every media market in iowa this weekend. The First Special aired saturday in sioux city. Today the specials will air in , des moines, cedar rapids, and davenport. Caucusgoers can call or tweet in their questions for the republican hopeful. Rubio spoke to voters at a rally in sioux city, telling them he believes he is the only one who can beat the democratic nominee come november. Mr. Rubio there is a reason why Hillary Clinton spends more and her super pacs, spend more time attacking me than any other republican. Because they dont want to run against me. But i cant wait to run against her. [applause] mr. Rubio i cant wait. [applause] mr. Rubio we cant lose this election. If you nominate me, we win. Alyx rubio plans to hold events in cedar falls, cedar rapids and davenport today. As we approach the caucuses, a friendly reminder to tune into kcci monday night. We will be live all night long until the final results are in. We will also have crews at all the big campaign watch parties. And well be live inside a democratic and a Republican Caucus. Our coverage starts at 6 30 monday night. Time now, 6 35, we will check back in with frank for a tricky forecast that is changing all the time. Frank the track of this low pressure system and where that 32 degrees line, all playing into this egg storm system that is coming in. Big storm system that is coming in. We have some rain to the south of the metro. Around creston, mount ayr, or this morning, might see some sunshine this afternoon peaking in and out of the clouds. 37 in des moines, and low 30s and marshalltown. Much of the state waking up well above freezing. Minneapolis at 33, st. Louis at 54, and low 40s for indianapolis. Today, about the last nice day. 43 degrees as our afternoon high. Tomorrow, mainly dry, snow moves in late in the evening. Tuesday, a blizzard watch, the 8 day forecast will track all of this for you. Alyx around iowa this morning, mumps has been confirmed in a central iowa School District. Kcci has learned one person has the viral illness in the United Community School District in boone. We reached out to the superintendent, who tells us they were informed of the mumps case on friday, but did not tell us whether the affected person was a student or a faculty member. If your child shows any symptoms of mumps, contact your physician public health. And in waterloo, a newlyopened restaurant is now closed after a fire broke out. Crews were called to tokyo bay just after 3 00 saturday morning. Investigators say restaurant video cameras captured the start of the fire, which was caused when hot fried food was placed in a plastic container. The restaurant did sustain smoke damage and the sprinklers will now have to be replaced. They hope to have tokyo bay reopened within the next few weeks. A murder trial has been set for a Franklin County man. 61yearold ronald rand is set to stand trial on august 22nd. Rand pleaded not guilty earlier this month. Authorities say he shot 51yearold michelle kay at his home in hampton on december 13th. Hes being held in the Cerro Gordo County jail on a 1 million cash or surety bond. Coming up on kcci, John Pascuzzi loved kung fu panda 1 and 2. But will number three be just as good . A big night for the big screens. The latest stop in awards season. Nights sag awards. Theyre one of the wall street banks that triggered the financial meltdown goldman sachs. Just settled with authorities for their part in the crisis that put seven million out of work and millions out of their homes. How does wall street get away with it . Millions in Campaign Contributions and speaking fees. Our economy works for wall street because its rigged by wall street. And thats the problem. As long as washington is bought and paid for, we cant build an economy that works for people. Do you think when you are president youll be paid as much as if you were a manmale. This is one of the jobs but there are so many examples where that doesnt happen. Im going to do everything i can to make sure every woman in every job gets paid the same. As the men who are doing that job. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Frank welcome back, 6 41. The clock is just above our light. Waking up to rain to the south of the metro. Here is a live shot from our winterset webcam. Winterset into madison county, Taylor County, union county and Ringgold County getting in on mild precipitation. Temperatures feeling good waking up, 34 in ames and above freezing and marshalltown. Headed for 43 today, cooler than yesterday, 44 in lamoni. 8 day forecast, tracking the snow system late monday into tuesday. Alyx after all this winter weather, you may want to check out a movie. John hes a panda, not just any panda. Hes a kung fu panda. And this is kung fu panda 3. Jack black is back as po, who gets the surprise of his life when his long lost father li shan, bryan cranston, returns. But the happy reunion is threatened by an ancient super villian named kai who also returns to wreak havoc on the kingdom. Its now up to po to teach a pandas to become kung fu pandas and fight off the evil kai. I have returned. Beast of vengeance, beggar of windows. There is no way i can stop him. Unless you had an army of your own. That you do not know, through. No kung fu. But you will teach us. John also featuring the voices of kate hudson, Dustin Hoffman and angelina jolie, kung fu panda 3 is a film for kids of all ages. Its filled with heart and humor along with life lessons of love, friendship and commitment to make this third movie in the wildly successful ku fu panda franchise another must see. Kung fu panda 3, it earns a black belt for good time panda monium. Pascuzzi at the movies. Alyx john gets me again without one. Next w wk, he will be reviewing the finest hours, the true story of one of the most daring ever rescues at sea, starring chris pine and casey affleck. The oscars may have a diversity problem, but the Screen Actors Guild awards were another story. David daniel looks at saturday nights biggest winners and moments. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to diverse tv. David the 22nd annual sag awards turned into a show of strength for diversity in hollywood. Queen latifah was honored for the t. V. Movie bessie. And i hope that anyone out there who does not come in the package that people say you should, keep fighting for it. David for the second straight year, orange is the new black doubled down, uzo aduba repeated as best female actor in a comedy. A show that reflects and represents so many people. David and the show triumphed again as best comedy series. Look at this stage, i mean, we talk about diversity. David idris elba pulled off a double of his own, winning a t. V. Award for luther and a film award for beasts of no nation. We made a film about real people, and real lives, you know . David Jeffrey Tambor won for playing a transgender woman in transparent, and Alicia Vikander won for playing the wife of a trans woman in the danish girl. Even the nights Lifetime Achievement honoree, the legendary Carol Burnett, recalled being told early in her career Carol Burnett no, no, no, no, look, all the comedy variety shows are hosted by men. Comedy variety is a mans game. David as for those looking for oscar indicators, the revenant star Leonardo Dicaprio and brie larson from room took top film acting honors, and the nights big award, best film ensemble, went to spotlight, about journalists revealing sexual abuse by catholic priests. This is really for the disenfranchised everywhere. This is for every flint, this is for the powerless. David a fitting end to a night that showed hollywoods ability to reach and represent people through its diversity. In hollywood, im david daniel. Alyx still ahead on kcci another blast of winter weather. , frank tells us when the next storm system will be moving into the state. Plus, fighting alzheimers. How this football fan is using his teams stats to take the disease head on, and the big win hes hoping for next sunday. There are those who say we cannot defeat a corrupt political system and fix a rigged economy. But i believe we need to lift our vision above the obstacles in place and look to the american horizon. To a nation where every child can not only dream of going to college, but attend one. Where quality healthcare will be a birthright of every citizen. Where a good job is not a wish, but a reality. Where women receive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. There is time for rest and grandchildren. A nation that defends our people and our values, but no longer carries so much of that burden alone. I know we can create that america if we listen to our hearts. And that journey begins here in iowa. Im Bernie Sanders. I approve this message, and i ask you to join with us at the caucuses on monday night. One of the areas that ive been particularly interested in is the area of children. We intend to be sure that everybody in this room and every child in this state is somebody. No matter where theyre born, no matter to whom they are born. I want to make sure that every child has a chance to live up to his or her godgiven potential. Ive spent my life fighting for children, and im not stopping now. Im Hillary Clinton, weather is never more than five minutes away, only on kcci 8 news this morning. Frank a good sunday morning. If you have been outside, you have probably noticed it feels pretty good for our wakeup temperature, 37 in des moines, 34 in ames. Above freezing everywhere pretty much except for waterloo, at 31 degrees. Rain moving out of portions of medicine and union county. Taylor and Ringgold County are getting in on some of that. This could be moderate rain, but you can see some heavier bands. Most of this stays to the south and east of the metro. Keep that in mind, you could have some wet roadways as you venture out. We had some rain off to the north this morning and that is we will build in some clearing as High Pressure tries to push this area of low pressure out. Then all eyes will be on this low pressure system moving through late monday into tuesday. Lets track it with the latest futurecast, showing some of those morning showers. Might see a few peeks of sunshine, but otherwise still cloudy. Notice monday, touch of the day we stay dry and then late monday into monday night we pull in some of that snow. Watch were that snow is, much of this model off to the north keeps rain to the south. It pulls in drier air by tuesday afternoon, and that will limit snowfall totals to the south and east. The snowfall continues to the snow to the north and west before it pulls out. Six to 10 inches to the north and west, lighter amounts in keep in mind, this is mainly rain and that dry slot could affect totals in southeastern iowa. Blizzard watch in effect late monday into tuesday. It will be a mess by the middle of the week. 43 our High Temperature, 26 below tonight. 8 day forecast, most of monday stays dry. This is late monday into tuesday. Tuesdays high, 34. We are going to keep folks uptodate all the way until that event. Alyx a wet, wintry mix will make travel difficult. An alzheimers patient in North Carolina is hoping football will help him fight the disease, not by playing it but by keeping up with the stats about his beloved Carolina Panthers. Sarah blakemorgan has the story. Sarah spend just a few minutes with peter setzer, and youll allegiance lies. I love cam newton with his exuberance. Sarah this is the man who loves the Carolina Panthers. I Read Everything that the Charlotte Observer writes about the panthers. Sarah setzer doesnt just read them, he cuts them out, taping the printed paper to the back of his bedroom door. Here is cam in action. Fantastic. Sarah setzer reads these articles over and over again, because if he doesnt, hell forget. About a year ago, i was diagnosed with mild alzheimers, and of course that was a blow. Sarah setzers alzheimers is in its early stages. He hopes to keep it that way. The average person whos diagnosed with alzheimers will die in 11 years, and my down. Sarah the former pastor has a list of things he does every day hoping to slow the disease down. About a hour of brain games. Sarah his favorite is pouring over panther stats with his grandson. Im going to go down fighting and doing everything i can to prolong a good life. My hope is that he will always remember to call me on game day and talk about the panthers game. My hope is that hell always know who i am when i call him, and i hope hell always know who his grandson is. Sarah for many with alzheimers, uncertainty is the only thing they can see ahead. Setzer is just looking forward to adding a new article to his door, once his team takes home the trophy. Oh, i wouldnt miss it. Alyx incredible story. Setzer hopes his Carolina Panthers can pull off a super bowl 50 win. They take on the Denver Broncos one week from today, live from levi stadium in california right here on kcci. Coming up after the break, taking the big stage. The super bowl says this is the biggest performance of their career. Next in a sneak peak of cbs sunday morning. From postal workers to nurses. Hes been endorsed for real change Bernie Sanders. Endorsed by friends of the earth action as a bold, fearless voice for the planet. The nation endorses bernie saying, you can trust sanders because he doesnt owe his political career to the financial overlords. The Des Moines Register calls him, a man of courage and principle. Endorsed by Council Bluffs Daily Nonpareil because he would build on obamas legacy and challenge the establishment. Im Bernie Sanders do you think when you are president youll be paid as much as if you were a manmale. This is one of the jobs where they have to pay you the same. But there are so many examples where that doesnt happen. Im going to do everything i can to make sure every woman in every job gets paid the same. As the men who are doing that job. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Alyx welcome back to kcci. The band coldplay celebrates its and as cbs sunday mornings Anthony Mason tells us, theyll be the life of the party at next sundays super bowl. Anthony for the bands four principals, johnny buckland, will champion, guy berryman, and chris martin, it is the biggest gig of their career. What is the audience for this, like a gazillion people . I think it is like three gazillion. If something goes wrong, it is going to be a big problem for me. My daughter said the sweetest thing yesterday. She said, how are you feeling about the super bowl . Of course we are a little bit nervous. She said, the worst that can happen is you will get turned anthony their biggest show will also be their shortest. I love the whole concept of trying to present your entire musical life in 12 and a half minutes. It is a great challenge. Anthony have you figured out what you are going to do yet . We have possibly got 11 good minutes. Though we have some special guests and they will cover the rest. Anthony so there are going to be fans all down here, right . And then you are bit to come on and saying, are you cool with that . Anthony those guests have not been officially named, but hinted. This may be beyonces footprints, i would say she was here about four hours ago. Alyx a front row seat to coldplay. Plus, Comedian Samantha Bee joins tvs late night boys club, and campaign 2016. Those stories and more this 8 00 a. M. Then at 9 30, face the nation with john dickerson. Heres a look at some of the stories hes working on. Down to the wire in iowa, how important is a firstplace finish . John dickerson goes oneonone with donald trump, and talks with marco rubio, that and more on face the nation. Alyx before we let you go this hour, we are getting another update on the forecast, forever changing. Frank it really just depends on where folks are, that will depend on what they see. To the north, you will see more snow and to the southeast, not as much. 26 below tonight. We stayed dry today and tomorrow, but then things start to change. Starts to pull through, 34 degrees. That will mean snow in some parts of the state, rain and others. Tuesday, the snow will blow around and we are back into the 20s and Single Digits for lows. Alyx todays top stories are straight ahead on your morning news leader. Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmhmm all come to look for america all come to look for america youre watching kcci 8 news. Alyx candidates campaign. 2016 hopefuls continue their stops across iowa as we count down to the final caucuses. Where some of them stand in a final poll just released. And what they have to say to get voters out on monday night. Good sunday morning, everyone. Thanks for being with us. Im alyx sacks. It is 7 01 on sunday, january 31st. Coming off of a beautiful warm winter day. Today wont be so bad either, but a little bit of what roads. Frank you can see on 35, you will see some of that rain. You will notice moderate to a times heavy rainfall coming out of the system as it moves through, so if you have travel plans on interstate 35, keep lamoni, chariton and toward lucas county will get in on some of that moisture. Temperatures warm enough for just rain thankfully, 37 degrees, wind out of the north at four. Yesterday made it up to 49 degrees in the metro. 34 in ames, 37 in des moines. The 8 day forecast, things are really going to change. Alyx one day before the Iowa Caucuses, and the president ial candidates are pulling out all the stops to attract voters. The latest Des Moines Register poll shows donald trump has reclaimed his lead on the republican side, while Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are neck and neck on the democratic side. The winners could be decided by the still undecided voters. Marlie hall has the latest from des moines. Mr. Sanders how would you like to make the pundits look dumb on Election Night . Marlie senator Bernie Sanders urged a young crowd at the university of iowa to caucus on monday, warning hell lose if Hillary Clinton attacked sanders on his plan for free college tuition. Ms. Clinton i do not believe giving free college to Donald Trumps youngest child is in the best interest of all the hardworking americans who need help. Marlie among republicans, the Des Moines Register poll shows donald trump has a five point lead over ted cruz and a 13 point lead over marco rubio. Mr. Trump the only thing that matters is the poll thats going to be taken on monday. Marlie trump campaigned with reverend Jerry Falwell, jr. , saturday night to attract evangelical christian voters, while cruz said he looks forward to january 2017. Mr. Cruz donald trump will be on television. Iowa gold. Marlie ethanol is a hot topic in iowa. The renewable fuel is made from corn, the states number one crop. It could be a deciding issue for some iowa voters. Marlie farmer ray Kyle Phillips says hell only consider candidates who favor a government mandate to increase the amount of ethanol blended into fuel. Supports my family. Marlie iowa voters have several opportunities to find out where the candidates stand on all of the issues today as they make their final push ahead of mondays caucuses. Marlie hall, cbs news, des moines, iowa. Alyx republican frontrunner donald trump campaigned across iowa saturday, calling on his supporters to get out to caucus monday night. Mr. Trump it all doesnt matter if you dont caucus on monday. It all doesnt matter. The polls do not matter, nothing matters. The only thing that matters is the poll they take on monday. Alyx trump will be in Council Bluffs and sioux city today. He says he plans to stay in iowa through monday, and plans to make several stops, including on caucus night. One undecided iowa voter says she made up her mind saturday after hearing ted cruz at a rally in ames. Cruz challenged the crowd of about 400 at the Gateway Hotel to bring nine friends each to cruz stressed that as president , he would end common core, destroy isis and repeal obamacare. He also asked iowans to support him in prayer during this final stretch before the caucus. Mr. Cruz the responsibility that you bear on your shoulders to look at the candidates and vet us, not to listen to what we say but to look at our actions. As the scriptures say, you shall know them by their fruits. Alyx cruz supporters at the rally tell kcci theyll caucus for him because hes a man of his word and the right candidate to change the direction of the country. A Cruz Campaign flyer is taking some iowans by surprise. Some voters received this flyer in the mail, giving a grade on their past voter turnout record. This voter tells us it feels like a personal attack, that he and his neighbors all received an f grade. Kcci spoke with a Cruz Campaign spokesperson who tells us using civic guilt is an effective way to persuade voters to caucus. He says its based off of a 2014. Before a rally in ames, cruzs competitor marco rubio spoke to reporters about the campaign fliers. Mr. Rubio i had some voters mention to me they were upset about it, obviously. They had peoples names and they gave them an f rating for how they voted. I think a lot of voters are disturbed by it, and that sort of again, i mean, its kind of an unusual way to end your campaign in the state. Alyx rubio also spoke about a series of halfhour specials he is running on Iowa Television stations this weekend. He says theyre intended to give answers to voters who did not have a chance to make it to any of his town hall meetings. 7 07 on your sunday morning, we will check back in with frank. Frank we have some wet roadways in the metro, especially down south. Fastmoving showers moving through the metro right now, mainly to the south. The lower two tears of counties there is some snow, but it is out to the west where it is cold enough for that. Temperatures have been too mild for any snowflakes to fly. 37 in des moines, 34 in ames. Your average High Temperature for this time of year is 32 degrees. A pretty mild start all across the midwest, the exception out to the west where temperatures are in the 20s for rapid city and north platte. Kansas city waking up at a warm 39 degrees. Things will start to change. 43 degrees today, the calm before the storm tomorrow, 39, and a blizzard watch in effect tuesday. We will pinpoint where the heaviest rain will fall, coming up. Alyx the Democratic Candidates will square off one more time before the New Hampshire primary. Sanders campaigns have reached an agreement to hold another debate before the New Hampshire primary, and three additional debates after that. The first new debate will be held thursday, february 4th, and that is going to be sponsored by msnbc. The New Hampshire primary is the following tuesday, february 9th. Bernie sanders also speaking to voters in iowa saturday. Mr. Sanders we are going to make American History on monday night. Alyx at a rally in cedar rapids, the vermont senator stressed that he believes he will win monday night if voter turnout is high. Sanders also criticized the tone of Hillary Clintons campaign, saying she brings forth false statements about his voting record. Another big day in iowa for politics. It is the last day to campaign before the first in the nation causes. So carly fiorina, mike huckabee, rick santorum, chris christie, ted cruz, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Martin Omalley will be making stops in the metro. Donald trump, marco rubio, rand will also be in the state. Still ahead on kcci 8 news this morning weekends, clinton oneonone. What the democratic candidate had to say about her controversial email scandal, and how she plans to move the country forward if elected. Plus, the final push, how these candidates are the American People cant afford to wait for ideas that sound good on paper. But will never make it in the real world. The grandmother who has to choose between paying for medicine and paying rent. Cant wait. The single mom who desperately needs a raise. Cant wait. The student with a mountain of debt cant wait. We can make real progress, right now. Im caucusing. Im caucusing. Im caucusing for Hillary Clinton. Theyre one of the wall street banks that triggered the financial meltdown goldman sachs. Just settled with authorities for their part in the crisis that put seven million out of work and millions out of their homes. How does wall street get away with it . Millions in Campaign Contributions and speaking fees. Our economy works for wall street because its rigged by wall street. And thats the problem. As long as washington is bought and paid for, we cant build an economy that works for people. Sanders im Bernie Sanders, and i approve this message. This is kcci 8 news this morning weekends with alyx sacks and meteorologist metinka slater. Frank good sunday morning, welcome back. Waking up to rain and some portions of the state. You can see wet roadways in kossuth county on our live cameras, courtesy of Mercy Medical center. Rain through clarke county, osceola, Ringgold County moving into decatur county. Expect some light to a times moderate rainfall. Most of this stay south of the des moines metro this morning. Your outdoor outlook looking pretty nice, get outside if you can. 4 00 p. M. , 43, way above average for january. Alyx Hillary Clinton held a rally of her own saturday in ames. There, she talked about jobs, the economy, income inequality, and guns. Gabby giffords joined her on stage. She also addressed her personal email server problems when she sat down for a oneonone interview with steve karlin. Steve people cant help but look at this and have questions. Whats your response to that . Ms. Clinton well, my response is, i want all of the emails out. I take classification very seriously. I think voters are pretty smart. With bengazi, they saw me testify for 11 hours. With this, they know that this is all retroactive. There was nothing marked classified at the time. Steve has your campaign been made better by having Bernie Sanders in the race . Ms. Clinton well, i believe in competition and i think this has been a great campaign. Im grateful to the people of iowa and im grateful to my fellow candidates because i think weve all upped our game. We need to because its the toughest job in the world that were vying for. So as we close, moving toward the caucus, i really want to thank your viewers and everybody else who takes part in this process. As you travel around the state of iowa and then in New Hampshire that people really , want not just an advocate but somebody to take care of them . Ms. Clinton its really interesting that you say that. Ive done a lot of interviews and youre the only person whos really put it like that. Thats what im hearing from people. Im hearing people say, weve got to be able to count on our government. Weve got to be able to get ahead again. Weve got to be able to feel like our kids are going to have better lives because of our hard work. Thats the American Dream i was raised with. Thats what i want for my granddaughter and the grandchildren and children of everybody in this country. And i do think people are worried that somehow weve lost our way and they hear so much meanspiritedness and all kinds of attacks and negativity. You know, they think the game is rigged against them and want somebody to come in and roll up their sleeves and get to work for them, and thats exactly steve in ames, steve karlin, kcci 8 news, iowas news leader. Alyx former president bill clinton is on the campaign trail for his wife. He spoke to potential caucusgoers in iowa falls saturday. Before meeting up with Hillary Clinton and their daughter, chelsea, for a rally in cedar rapids. The three of them will continue to hold events together through caucus night. Do not forget to tune in to cbs sunday morning. Major garrett will have a long form piece previewing tomorrows caucuses. You can catch that starting at 8 00 a. M. And tune in later this morning for kcci 8 news close up. Its the precaucus show you cant afford to miss. Well talk to leaders from Iowa Democrats and republicans getting their insights on the caucus process. Youll also learn when, where, and how to caucus. Plus, whos on top in the final poll before the big night. Thats kcci 8 news close up at 10 30 this morning right after time now, 7 16, 37 degrees, and a beautiful photo behind you. Frank we have been getting some great photos. David got the shot of the saylorville dam. We have had some neat photos shared. You can share those on my Facebook Page on kcci. Com. Temperatures waking up, 37 in the metro, 34 in ames, 36 knoxville. Where it is raining this morning, thankfully the temperatures are warm enough for rain. Rainfall moving through osceola and clarke county, eventually lucas county and entering marion county. It has been raining down to the south and to the west for most of the morning. It has been pretty light, moderate rain at times. Went out of the north at seven, pressure moves through, bringing us a few isolated showers. High pressure will briefly build in from the west, and another system pulls through. Here it is on future, this one gets out of here quickly. High pressure settled in and the wind switches out of the east tomorrow. Noticed to the south and west, this area of low pressure begins to pull in late monday into tuesday. Notice how it is picking up on some of those isolated showers this morning. There might be a few blanks breaks in the cloud this afternoon. Notice again, the clouds start to clear out and it will be a partly cloudy night. Monday, we build in more clouds and the evening hours is when the snow starts, the heaviest snow to the north and west. Makes for central iowa, maine rain mainly in the southeastern portion of the state. This model tries to bring in some drier air, limiting our totals in central and southern iowa. By wednesday, the snow is over but the wind is howling out of the north, blowing around the snow that we receive like a blizzard. Heres the latest totals, six to 10 inches mainly to the north and west. Four to six inches in central iowa, and the totals deteriorate in southern iowa, with mainly rain with warmer temperatures. A blizzard warning in effect monday into tuesday, but mainly for the sections of northwestern iowa. This could shift a little bit, so keep it tuned. 43 degrees our High Temperature 8 day forecast, we have some changes. Late monday, the system moves in. Tuesday, wednesday, messy. It was a rough weekend for the cyclones, we break it all down. The time has come to make a choice. About which candidate can actually make a difference for you. In a world as complex as this, we need a president as experienced as hillary. In the situation room. At the negotiating table. Fighting for children and families. With a real plan to get incomes rising. Reduce drug prices. Win equal pay for women. And protect Social Security and medicare for seniors. Shell build on obamacare, not start over. Break through the gridlock, not add to it. Defend planned parenthood, not attack it. Stand up to the gun lobby, not protect it. Lead on foreign policy, not ignore it. We need a president with the experience and determination to get the job done. Im running to make a difference. A real difference for you and your families across our country. Welcome back. When you look at resumes across College Basketball, it is hard fifthranked texas a m was a different story. On saturday, aggies coach Billy Kennedy gave steve prohm a start nearly 20 years ago when he hired him as an unpaid assistant. Saturday, they got to face off. Second half, burton break away , jam. 11 points, three rebounds, he was not done yet. Take a look at this. Burton to mckay, behind the back over the head. Mckay, nine points, 14 rebounds. Take another look, just fancy. Mckay is not going to miss from there. Isu lead by three. Later, down by three. George niang doing george niang type things. He had 15 points, six boards. Tyler davis follows it up, tips it in. How about this, niang follows up with a left, right, left, right chant. A little kid trolling george niang. That aggie fan really wants him to sit down. Late in the game, daniel house brings down the house. Final in this 7262 aggies, one, their best season in school history. Here is steve prohm after the game. It is a very good defensive team. They try to keep everybody in front and clogged the paint. A lot of it has to do with them, and some of it, it was a couple possessions we had opportunities to score and some possessions, we have got to do a better job in execution. I have got to do a better job of putting guys in better positions. Iowa state is back home taking on West Virginia on tuesday. More big 12 sec action, kansas and kentucky, what a game, what a finish. Tied up at the buzzer. Out the back of the rim. In ot, selden took over. Kansas goes on to win this, 9084. More college hoops, oklahoma and lsu. Ben simmons taking on buddy hell. 14 points, nine boards. Final in this 7775, oklahoma , comes away with a win. Drake has not taken a step forward this year that head coach was not expecting in your three. They were winless, but bradley was in town and that was just what the doctor ordered. Coming in with a 319 overall record, drake had a doubledigit lead in the second half, but the braves kept it close. They cut it to six at one point. Is this kid worried, no. Drake would not be denied on this day. Reed timmer breaking an ankle making people look foolish. 24 points. The final this one, 8070, drake and its first conference win of the season improving 219. Sunday will be another fun day of hoops. Iowa tries to get back in the win column, taking on northwestern at 2 00. Uni hosts Southern Illinois at 3 00. How about some nba action . Golden state playing the worst team in the league, the 76ers. It is going to be a blowout, right . Wrong. Down to the wire, tied up at 105. Harrison barnes pulls up, drains the three. He loves it. Golden state holds on to this one, 108105. Energy at home tonight. Taking on kansas, 8783. For the cyclone women, january cannot end soon enough. The clones lost four straight. Taking on oklahoma, trying to get back into the win column. On the sooners, isu with the lead at the half. Tictactoe passing to shauna johnson. She had had 18 on the day and passed the 1000 career point mark. Watching from the rafters. Back comes oklahoma. Drills the three in the corner, the sooners would take the lead. Iowa state trying to keep up. Leave it to jaiteh buckley, just gritty play. Gets the bucket and the foul, she has 16 points. Down the stretch, the sooners proved to be a little too much. 7771 is the final over iowa state. I think we are playing hard, we are trying, but we just cannot make enough shots. When you look at the third and fourth quarter, our inability to make baskets in a game like this where the tempo is a little faster really hurt. So until we get that cleaned up a little bit, it is possible that there is no way for us to next the time has come to make a choice. About which candidate can actually make a difference for you. In a world as complex as this, we need a president as experienced as hillary. In the situation room. At the negotiating table. And always on your side. Fighting for children and families. With a real plan to get incomes rising. Reduce drug prices. Win equal pay for women. And protect Social Security and medicare for seniors. Not start over. Break through the gridlock, not add to it. Defend planned parenthood, not attack it. Stand up to the gun lobby, not protect it. Lead on foreign policy, not ignore it. We need a president with the experience and determination to get the job done. Im running to make a difference. A real difference for you and your families across our country. The most watched morning news in central iowa. This is iowas news leader. Morning weekends. Alyx right now at 7 30, caucus count down. Were now just one day away from the Iowa Caucuses. The city of des moines is painted in red, white, and blue and preparation. What to expect on this caucus eve. Thank you so much for joining us, i am alyx sacks. We have Nikole Killion with us this morning. So far, what has stood out to you the most . Nikole we want to give a special thank you. We always appreciate the hospitality. Getting out and talking to the voters, everybody is really excited about tomorrow night, especially those who are caucusing for the first time, have been there, done that, and are just ready. Alyx old pros. All the things you have been noticing thus far, what has stood out in the fact that there have been some changeups on the way. Ted cruz and donald trump not showing up at last weeks debate. Nikole obviously we have the new poll numbers showing that donald trump is ahead of ted cruz at this point. I think he has a fivepoint lead. You have on the democratic side Hillary Clinton leading Bernie Sanders very narrowly, i believe 45 to 42 . This will be too close to call, so it will be very interesting to see what the actual results and up being tomorrow night. Alyx some big endorsements came nikole this is a big endorsement for Hillary Clinton and on the republican side, john kasich. In terms of the new york times, they called Hillary Clinton perhaps one of the most qualified candidates in modern history. Of john kasich, they said he is the most plausible candidate for republicans who are tired of the extremism and inexperience it has been in this race. Alyx i vaguely skipped over this, but donald trump skipping the last debate, is that hindered his campaign . He held his own special event. Nikole we can see from the poll numbers that as of now, he is still on top so it does not seem to be affecting him from that perspective. Also we know he has given money i think he raised 6 million and gave out 11 million 11,000 to a charity in iowa. He is tweeting that he is going to church today and iowa. He and his wife will be visiting a local church so i am sure that we at the press will follow along. Alyx i know he plans on being with us until caucus night. What is in store for you and your crew as you continue to follow this very busy time . Nikole we are just keeping and i on the skies on the snowstorm and hoping we make it out on tuesday. We do have that New Hampshire primary coming up about a week away. We learned democrats will hold another debate next thursday. We will be keeping busy with that. The republicans have a debate a couple days after the primary, so we will be going nonstop if we can get out. Alyx thank you for that Nikole Killion live for us in des moines. We will send it over to frank and the studio who is keeping a close eye on the forecast. Frank we are going to be watching that system that will be moving through late monday into tuesday and wednesday. If you are out caucus thing, you should be ok, and things deteriorate after that. This weather around here has been great. You have seen some great sunrises and sunsets, tricia sent this in. Neat photos coming in on our u local site. Those temperatures not feeling like january in iowa. Midtoupper 30s and the metro. Knoxville warm at 36. Super doppler 8, you can see the moisture pushing into lucas this has state south and east of the des moines metro. Maybe around highway 34, keep that rain in mind this morning. Pressure on the low side as low pressure starts to pull through. Here it is on futurecast, a fast mover as it pulls through this morning. Highressure will push out, the next system to the south and west, and that will be our snow maker as it pulls through tuesday and wednesday. By the afternoon, we start to clear some of the clouds out. We could see some peeks of sun. Tonight, it will be clear, dry, and,. Monday, just about the same temperatures. The snow starts to move in, and notice where the heaviest snow is, to the north and west. And the metro it looks like just rain to start things out. This is the latest model, it brings in mainly rain Tuesday Morning, then a dry slot works in. This would limit snowfall totals to the south, but it continues to snow to this north and west all the way through the day tuesday. Six to 10 inches, this is the latest, four to six in central iowa, and the totals deteriorate to the south and east. Extreme southwestern iowa, we will keep an eye on this, a blizzard watch in effect. 43 the High Temperature in des moines today, not as warm as yesterday but not bad for this time of year. Staying pretty mild for a mondays high, 39. Tuesday, 34. Wednesday, blowing snow and 22. We and out the week in the teens. Alyx Democratic Candidates will square off one more time before the primaries. Clinton and sanders campaigns have agreed on a new debate on february 4, sponsored by msnbc. The primary is the following tuesday, february 9. A reminder to tune into kcci monday night. We will be live on monday night until the final results come in, and we will be live inside a democratic and Republican Caucus starting at 6 30 monday night. The Syrian Government says at least 45 people are dead after a triple bombing in the syrian capital. Bombs were detonated at a bus terminal, followed shortly by two suicide bombings. At least 21 people are dead after a massive multi car pileup in egypt. Fog and excessive speed led to the crash just south of cairo. Deadly traffic crashes claim more than 10,000 lives yearly in egypt. Traffic rules are often ignored. Back here at home, mumps has been confirmed in a central iowa School District. Kcci has learned one person has the viral illness in the United Community School District in boone. We reached out to the superintendent, who tells us they were informed of the mumps case on friday, but did not tell us whether the affected person was a student or a faculty member. If your child shows any symptoms of mumps, contact your physician and boone county or story county public health. And in waterloo, a newlyopened restaurant is now closed after a fire broke out. Crews were called to tokyo bay just after 3 00 saturday morning. Investigators say restaurant of the fire, which was caused when hot fried food was placed in a plastic container. The restaurant did sustain smoke damage and the sprinklers will have to be reinstalled. They hope to have tokyo bay reopened within the next few weeks. A murder trial has been set for a Franklin County man. 61yearold ronald rand is set to stand trial on august 22nd. Rand pleaded not guilty earlier this month. Authorities say he shot 51yearold michelle kay at his home in hampton on december 13th. Hes being held in the Cerro Gordo County jail on a 1 million cash or surety bond. Still to come on kcci, John Pascuzzi loved kung fu panda 1 and 2. But will number three be just as good . A big night for the big screens. The latest stop in awards season. Nights sag awards. There are those who say we cannot defeat a corrupt political system and fix a rigged economy. But i believe we need to lift our vision above the obstacles in place and look to the american horizon. To a nation where every child can not only dream of going to college, but attend one. Where quality healthcare will be a birthright of every citizen. Where a good job is not a wish, but a reality. Where women receive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. An america where after a lifetime of labor, there is time for rest and grandchildren. A nation that defends our people and our values, but no longer carries so much of that burden alone. I know we can create that america if we listen to our hearts. And that journey begins here in iowa. Im Bernie Sanders. I approve this message, thank you. The American People cant afford to wait for ideas that sound good on paper. But will never make it in the real world. The grandmother who has to choose between paying for medicine and paying rent. Cant wait. The single mom who desperately needs a raise. Cant wait. The student with a mountain of debt cant wait. We can make real progress, right now. Im caucusing. Im caucusing. Im caucusing for Hillary Clinton. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Theyre one of the wall street banks that triggered the financial meltdown goldman sachs. Just settled with authorities for their part in the crisis that put seven million out of work and millions out of their homes. How does wall street get away with it . Millions in Campaign Contributions and speaking fees. Our economy works for wall street because its rigged by wall street. And thats the problem. As long as washington is bought and paid for, sanders im Bernie Sanders, and i approve this message. Frank welcome back, 7 42, tracking some rain on super doppler just off to the north around fort dodge, humbled, clarion. The heavier rain so far has been just down to the south of the metro. You can see it rolling through chariton, knoxville right now. Highway 34 also a little wet, temperatures have been warm ankeny. A big snowstorm headed our way, details coming up. Alyx thanks, frank. Looking for a good family movie . John pascuzzi tells us if the new kung fu panda 3 is the one to watch. John hes a panda, not just any panda. Hes a kung fu panda. And this is kung fu panda 3. Jack black is back as po, who gets the surprise of his life when his long lost father li shan, bryan cranston, returns. But the happy reunion is threatened by an ancient super villian named kai who also returns to wreak havoc on the kingdom. Its now up to po to teach a village of clumsy, fun loving pandas to become kung fu pandas and fight off the evil kai. Kai has returned. Who . There is no way i can beat him. You do not know kung fu. You will teach us. Nobody said this was going to be easy. John also featuring the voices of kate hudson, Dustin Hoffman and angelina jolie, kung fu panda 3 is a film for kids of all ages. Its filled with heart and humor along with life lessons of love, friendship and commitment to make this third movie in the wildly successful ku fu panda franchise another must see. Kung fu panda 3, it earns a black belt for good time panda monium. For kcci 8 news, this is John Pascuzzi at the movies. Comingalyx coming up next week, john reviews the finest hours, the true story of one of the most daring ever rescues at sea, starring chris pine and casey affleck. The oscars have been known to some as having a diversity problem but the screen actors , guild awards were another nights biggest winners and moments. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to diverse tv. David the 22nd annual sag awards turned into a show of strength for diversity in hollywood. Queen latifah was honored for the t. V. Movie bessie. And i hope that anyone out there who does not come in the package that people say you should, keep fighting for it. David for the second straight year, orange is the new black doubled down, uzo aduba repeated as best female actor in a comedy. A show that reflects and represents so many people. David and the show triumphed again as best comedy series. Look at this stage, i mean, this is what we talk about when we talk about diversity. David idris elba pulled off a double of his own, winning a t. V. Award for luther and a film award for beasts of no nation. We made a film about real people, and real lives, you know . David Jeffrey Tambor won for playing a transgender woman in transparent, and Alicia Vikander won for playing the wife of a trans woman in the danish girl. Achievement honoree, the legendary Carol Burnett, recalled being told early in her career Carol Burnett no, no, no, no, look, all the comedy variety shows are hosted by men. Comedy variety is a mans game. David as for those looking for oscar indicators, the revenant star Leonardo Dicaprio and brie larson from room took top film acting honors, and the nights big award, best film ensemble, went to spotlight, about journalists revealing sexual abuse by catholic priests. This is really for the disenfranchised everywhere. This is for every flint, michigan in the world. This is for the powerless. David a fitting end to a night that showed hollywoods ability to reach and represent people in hollywood, im david daniel. One of the areas that ive been particularly interested in is the area of children. We intend to be sure that everybody in this room and every child in this state is somebody. No matter where theyre born, no matter to whom they are born. I want to make sure that every child has a chance to live up to his or her godgiven potential. Ive spent my life fighting for children, and im not stopping now. Im Hillary Clinton, hmm hmm hmmhmmhmmhmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmhmm let us be lovers, well marry our fortunes together [ cheering ] ive got some real estate here in my bag counting the cars on the new jersey turnpike theyve all come to look for america [ cheers and applause ] all come to look for america all come to look for america im Bernie Sanders, and i approve this message. Frank welcome back, 10 minutes until 8 00. We are dealing with some rain just up north around fort dodge, the heavier stuff to the south around osceola and sherry to chariton. Warm enough for just rain in temperature, mid30s and grinnell. Today we are headed for afternoon highs once again in the 40s. Alyx here with us this morning is shy of a dozen, an all men a Cappella Group from iowa state. And you guys perform a wide variety of music. Where do you guys perform . We are a for hire group so we perform anywhere. Alyx and you guys have something special, i am not going to give it away quite yet, but you guys perform a wide variety of music. Do you have a favorite . I think we also like pop a cappella, but we do it all. Alyx i am not going to waste anymore time. You guys are performing by imagine dragons. Waking up to ash and dust i white my brow and sweat my rest waking up to the chemicals breaking in, shaking up, checking out of the prison bus this is it, the apocalypse im waking up, i feel it in my soul an f to make the futures blow welcome to the new age, welcome to the new age, welcome to the new age, oakland to the new age radioactive, radioactive, im breaking in, tripping up, and checking out of the prison bus this is it, the apocalypse i am waking up, i feel it in my soul to make my systems go, welcome to the new age, to the new age, welcome to the new age, to the new age radioactive, radioactive, radioactive, radioactive deep in my bones straight from inside i am waking up girl do you know what youre falling for . Coming at you like a dark course ready for the perfect storm once your mind, there is no going back i feel it in my theyre one of the wall street banks that triggered the financial meltdown goldman sachs. Just settled with authorities for their part in the crisis that put seven million out of work how does wall street get away with it . Millions in Campaign Contributions and speaking fees. Our economy works for wall street because its rigged by wall street. And thats the problem. As long as washington is bought and paid for, we cant build an economy that works for people. Hmm hmm hmmhmmhmmhmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmhmm let us be lovers, well marry our fortunes together [ cheering ] ive got some real estate here in my bag counting the cars on the new jersey turnpike theyve all come to look for america all come to look for america all come to look for america all come to look for america im Bernie Sanders, and i approve this message. Alyx welcome back to kcci. A new poll from the Des Moines Register shows Hillary Clinton is on top with iowa voters. She has 45 of likely voters. Bernie sanders is in second by just 3 points at 42 . And Martin Omalley is still in a distant third with 3 . And donald trump is leading on the republican side here in iowa. He has 28 of likely voters. Ted cruz is in second with 23 . And marco rubio is in third with 15 . Monday night. We will be live all night long until the final results are in. We will also have crews at the campaign watch parties, and democratic and a Republican Caucus. Our coverage starts at 6 30 monday night. Time to check in with our weather. The good news, it sounds like those trying to travel for caucuses should be able to leave before the storm hits. Frank lets show you the latest models, this is very early Tuesday Morning. Mostly heavy snow to the north and west, southeastern iowa thing the rain, and a little bit of a dry patch. There is the latest totals, the heaviest to the west. This is a dynamic forecast, a dynamic system that is bound to change a little bit, so stick with us. I will bring you the very latest phone ringing you cant deal with something, by ignoring it. But thats how some president ial candidates seem to be dealing with Social Security americans work hard, and pay into it. So our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. elephant noise donkey noise hey candidates, answer the call already. Captioning made possible by johnson johnson, where quality products for the American Family have been

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