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The temperatures around the state. 27 for ames. There is your day planner. Going to be a nice, warm day, but it will be cloudy. Patchy fog this 20. Noontime temperature below 30s. 3 00, 36 degrees. We have 40s and the a day or cast in the 8 day forecast alyx after nearly 24 hours of being stranded in a snowstorm, some iowa students teachers and chaperons are on their way home. 25 Dowling Catholic High School Students are among thousands of people stranded because of this storm. They were on their way home from washington d. C. When their bus got stuck on a pennsylvania turnpike east of pittsburg. The bus left d. C. Thursday afternoon hoping to beat the blizzard. A car crash near the turnpike backed up traffic for several miles. Snow piled up so fast their bus wasnt able to move. But they made the most of the situation. Weve received dozens of students playing in the snow and singing on the bus. But there were some other issues. We are slowly running low on food, which isnt fun and weve completely run out of water. So if we want to drink water we have to go outside and fill our water bottle with snow and go back on the bus and wait for it to melt. Alyx luckily some men delivered more water for them yesterday. This blizzard pounded the east coast dumping several feet of snow in some of the nations major cities. More than a dozen people have died in the storm. Don champion reports from the nations capital. Don a major snow storm hammered the northeast. The foot traffic in new york noticeably quieter saturday night. The National Weather service says more than two feet of snow fell in the big apple. Packing a lot of punch. Don major coastal flooding pushed water up to residents doorsteps in new jersey. Philadelphia could get up to 2 feet of snow by the time the storm ends. Im well beyond the idea of Winter Wonderland. Theres no romance to a blizzard in my mind. Don this bride wasnt about to let the Winter Weather stop her wedding day. The Duquesne University mens basketball teams bus was finally freed after being stranded on the pennsylvania turnpike since the storm hit friday night. High winds caused blinding whiteout conditions in the nations capital. A pair of four by four pickups linked together to tow a ladder truck out of a jam. The snow fell so fast that crews couldnt clear roads side streets were out of the question and officials warned that could slow 911 response times. Our interests is in our Public Safety being able to move our First Responders and getting don the storm also stranded thousands of travelers and more than 10,000 flights were cancelled. Alyx officials now confirming at least 19 deaths are weather related. Its no surprise winter storm jonas is causing travel problems. Airlines cancelled nearly 7,000 flights over the weekend and are starting to cut monday services as well. Two airports in washington d. C. Will likely remain closed through today. Officials say the snow and high winds make snow removal difficult. Amtrak has also cancelled and cut back on services. Several trains scheduled to depart washington, d. C. For new york city were cancelled. Officials say passengers should contact amtrak or their airline directly for information and to rebook trips if necessary. A new mexico rancher renounced his u. S. Forest service grazing contract at an event in oregon saturday. The event was held by an armed group occupying the Malheur National wildlife refuge to protest federal land use began occupying the refuge on january 2. Bundy says the government has no authority to enforce grazing contracts with ranchers. The rancher, adrian sewell, says hes restricted to allowing 85 cattle to graze on his land. In the past he says hes run about 600 animals. Police say a 17yearold has been charged with multiple first degree murder and attempted murder after a mass shooting in a western canada school. Officials say the teen cant be named under canadas youth criminal justice act. Nine people were shot in the school, two fatally. The other seven wounded are hospitalized. Police say two brothers were shot dead in a home before the gunman headed to the school. The shooter was arrested outside the School Friday morning. In local news this morning two , people are being treated after an Early Morning rollover. City exit. Officers on scene tell kcci that the two sustained minor injures , but the car is in pretty bad shape. There were reports of slick roads in that area. An escaped inmate is in custody this morning. Officials confirm that the inmate who escaped from the Newton Correctional Release Center was apprehended last night. Edward shorter went missing friday afternoon. No word on where he was found. Time now is 5 06. As frank just mentioned, the missed he was talking about makes some conditions. Frank it actually uses on contact. You may have to be do scraping out there. Its actually pretty dry. No precipitation on the radar. We cannot even see on radar. I will to you what, there is a system brewing just down south. Mean more precipitation for us. We have been talking about it for a while. Waking up this morning, not bad. 29 in the metro. 28 in knoxville. 27 for ottoman. The backside highpressure were working. 27, north platte. Near 30 or kansas city. For kansas city. 37 degrees monday. It looks like rain for the morning hours. That will transition to a rain, snow mix. Tuesday, we dry out a little. We are back in the 20s. We have got 40s after that. I will tell you when coming up. Alyx lets just jump to summer. Its a sure sign that summer is not too far away. The 2016 ragbrai route was released last night. And here it is. Glenwood, shenandoah, creston, leon, centerville, ottumwa, washington, muscatine. If you have not noticed its a , southern iowa route. Ragbrai begins july 23. But, before summer starts, its caucus season. Last night was the premiere of caucus. The musical at the stoner theater. The story follows an iowa farmer and his family after they are dubbed typical caucusgoers by the national media. The candidates prove they will do anything to win their votes. The 2016 production features new songs, characters, and celebrity guest appearances. You can catch it now through february 6. The Opening Weekend shows continue today with a matinee at 2 00. We usually only see the president ial candidates giving their stump speech on the campaign trail. So our chief political reporter, Cynthia Fodor, asked Hillary Clinton to stop by and sit down with a group of iowa women for an informal candid conversation. President ial candidate stops by your house. And not many voters get to get up close and personal with Hillary Clinton. Marsha wannamaker put out lunch for the ladies with the former first lady. I thought it was a great idea this worked out. Absolutely. Sunday the woman who could be the first woman in the white house wants to know whats on the minds of women in the heartland. My question is about education policies . Lets have universal prek start on priority basis for low income kids. Cynthia these busy moms want to know hillarys secret. The question is simple, what keeps you going . My friends say i have a responsibility gene. Which sometimes gets in my way people, but thats who i am. I mean vitamins, exercise, yoga all help too. And how can she reach across the aisle . Ive always worked with republicans, when im not running they say nice things about me. The former secretary of state confided what keeps her up at night. Most. Terrorists getting two things i worry about mostare terrorists getting Nuclear Materials for a nuclear attack. And this whole issue of cyber. Cynthia before leaving, she talked about coming back. Maybe if im fortunate to be nominee we can do it again. Inviting this lunch bunch to her inauguration. This. Alyx you can hear more of the conversation with Hillary Clinton, up close and personal, coming up this morning, at 10 30, right after face the nation. Still to come register , recommendations. Who has the Des Moines Registers vote. Plus trump in town. He basic bargain of america is if you work hard, and you do your part, you should be able to get ahead and stay ahead. But so many families dont feel like their hard work pays off. Thats not the way america is supposed to operate. I want to go to bat for them every single day. Get incomes rising. Get equal pay for women. Cut the cost of health care and child care so people can actually get ahead. Hillary clinton, she has what it takes to get things done. This is iowas news leader. This is kcci 8 news this morning weekends with alyx sacks and meteorologist metinka slater. Frank welcome back. We are waking up with clouds, even some miss. We have had it all yet day yesterday. Kind of felt the sun peeking out yesterday around the clock. 27 in ames. Marshall also at 26 degrees. Whens at the south, southwest. It will not be a windy day today, but those winds coming in some warmth. Humidity at 85 . We have been talking about the warm temperatures for a a while. 36 today, 37 tomorrow. Wednesday the jump act in the 30s. And could see the orders by the end of the week. Alyx the Des Moines Register Editorial Board announced its president ial endorsements for each party saturday. For the republicans, its marco rubio. The board believes he has the potential to chart a new direction for the party. They like that he has a good favorability rating with independents as well as republicans. Now on democrat side, they chose Hillary Clinton. The board says she has experience that no other candidate can match. They believe each candidate is the best hope for their respective parties. We sat around and had a , both the democratic and republican, and i think we all felt good about where we landed. Alyx the endorsement comes on a busy weekend for Hillary Clinton. The democratic candidate is seeking to hold off a late surge from sanders. She was also in eastern iowa saturday holding a rally in davenport. Clinton took questions from the crowd. She says if elected, she will make sure a hallmark piece of legislation is never changed. I will never ever let them privatize Social Security, but we do have to get some more funding into Social Security, so when we say to young people it will be there we mean it. Alyx clinton held two more events in eastern iowa saturday. Before his event in pella last night, trump was in sioux city. He spoke at a rally Dordt College saturday morning. Supporters are so loyal they would stick with him even if he shot somebody in the middle of new york city. My people are so smart, and you know what else they say about my people . The polls, they say i have the most loyal people, did you ever see that . Where i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldnt lose any voters, ok . Its incredible. Alyx trump spoke for about an hour to crowds in sioux city and pella. Trumps top gop rival also got a big endorsement saturday. Conservative political commentator and radio host glenn beck endorsed ted cruz for president. Beck appeared with cruz at a rally in ankeny. Cruz says hes grateful for the support from beck and all of iowa. I am so grateful right now that there are iowans across this state on their knees, asking for gods guidance in this election. That is what we need. I hope every one of us lifts up prayers for our nation. Candidates will be in town tomorrow. They will take part in a Town Hall Forum hosted by cnn at Drake University. We will be carrying the event live on our subchannel 8. 3 my des moines starting at 8 00 p. M. We will check back in with frank. You . Last night. This is from Julie Madison randall and hourly and in albion. Just enough to see the moon peeking out. Yesterday, not bad. Made it up to 27 degrees. 29 right now in des moines. 28 for knoxville. Mid20s pretty much ever else notice storm lake, only a quarter of a mile of visibility. Keep in mind you might have patchy fog. Winds out of the southwest. 29 degrees for your 9 00 a. M. Temperature. By 3 00, 36 degrees. Unfortunately will not see much sunshine. By 9 00, we are still in the 30s. Notice on the radar, we are still seeing the south build. We are watching this system down in the south. That is going to bring us our next shot for precipitation. Heres our future cast. Notice in the south, the temperature system is going to be moving east and wrapping up moisture. Looks like the snow is going to be late tomorrow. Were starting things out this afternoon, again mainly cloudy. Clouds increase in more even more tonight. We see a break in the clouds this afternoon. Were going to see more clouds tonight. I think we are going to wake up to rain on monday. That will transition to a rain, snow mix in the morning hours. The evening commute could be a little dicey. These the system will pull out late monday and early tuesday. Area light accumulation. Generally around an inch or less. Could be up to an inch and a half up north. Not expecting a major snow that as temperatures will be to warm. 36 your high fort des moines. Could see some freezing drizzle tonight. 37 degrees on monday. That is going to keep us mainly in the rain for monday. 20 eight, tuesday. Back in the thursdays 30s on wednesday. 45 degrees by friday. It is a big weekend george my familys lived on this farm for three generations. The Bakken Pipeline would pump dirty crude oil across iowa. Patti the fact that Bernie Sanders stands up against the pipeline is one of the reasons we support him. George Bernie Sanders didnt hesitate to say no to the big oil companies. Patti bernie knows that if we dont act, we threaten the climate and the health of our children. Bernie sanders understands that. Patti Bernie Sanders has the guts to just stand up for what he believes in. A win for iowa state over topranked oklahoma. A chance against kansas on monday. Taking on tcu saturday afternoon , hoping to stay and the when column. Lets jump into it. Early on. Huge jim and the foul hooch huge jim huge jame and the foul. Closing seconds of the first half, iowa has the lead. Drink the three at the buzzer. They led by nine at the halftime. We before the junior morris, pulled away in the second half. Just one turnover. I would state winds it 7360. Next up, the big one. Step 48 00 tipoff. You can see the game on espn. Speaking of the jayhawks, they were home on saturday. Looking to get when number 200. Second half, here come the jayhawks. Perry ellis, great basket. He had a huge day. Then you have got to cover ellis, wide open. Jayhawks when it 76dixie seven 7667. The panthers have lost three straight games in the ballet. Trying to get back in the win column. Taking on Illinois State. Here he drains the v3. Later on, walked in couples up, Illinois State would find a way to pull away in the second half. Drake taking on loyola. Next up against Illinois State on the 26th. Peter jok with a careerhigh. We wanted to get off to a good start. My teammates kept finding me and i was knocking down shots. All i had to do was make a shot and it was great. Clemens was spectacular. Another example of us moving the ball and doing what we needed to do to win on the road. Reporter in womens basketball, if you want to win the big 12 you have to go through baylor. At home over the fourthranked team in the country. Doing her part to help the cause. Later on, she gets it from the outside. Drains the three. She had a gamehigh 22 points for baylor but baylor, ranked number four for a reason. They beat iowa state. Saturday the energy hit the early on, here comes iowa. James innes with the strong finish. Strong move to the basket for the bucket. Andrew harrison from kentucky am a drive than. He had a 26 point game on the night. Grandy wrestling does one thing. When win. They were taking on grayson on saturday. Topranked gotland color with the takedown. He gets the win. They went easy, 44nine. Wild on the one of the cool perks of this place is you can eat as much cereal as you want. Its like im going to work to get some. Alrighty. We just like cereal. We make it, eat it, love it, live it. This is iowas news leader. This is kcci 8 news this alyx after 36 hours of relentless snow, people on the east coast are seeing better conditions this morning. Plus, a group of students that got stuck on the new jersey turnpike. Waking up to some damp air out there, frank. Frank that is a travel concern to. It is freezing mist in some portions, so obviously that is going to mean you need a few exit minutes. Also, you are probably going to do some scraping if your car has been sitting outside. The air is below freezing so so this submit missed so this mist will freeze on contact. The skycam looking pretty good. 29 degrees here in des moines. Humidity at 85 . We have a lot of moisture in the air. Mid20s all across the state. There is your day planner looking good temperature wise. Temperature, 31. It will be a quiet day today. Going out this afternoon with temperatures in the mid30s. We gave forecast, got a Little Details coming up. Alyx speaking of snow, cynthia piles of snow at least 17 inches. Up to 40 inches in the outlying suburbs many roads are covered and and passable so there is a lot of work for crews. The mayor has been asking drivers to stay off the road. At Reagan National airport, no teams are working to clear the runway. They will likely not reopen today. It service will remain suspended to give crews time to clear the tracks. Alyx duels airport has reported about 30 inches of snow. Landmarks were deserted saturday. Officials are still trying to determine whether the lateral government will open tomorrow. Two airports in the washington region will likely remain closed throughout the day. Heavy snowfall and high winds are making snow removal on the runways, roads, and parking lots difficult. Along with nearly 10,000 Flights Canceled due to the storm amtrak also canceled and cut back on service. Several trains scheduled to depart d. C. To new york city were canceled. As well as service from washington to stations in virginia and the southeast. 25 Dowling Catholic High School Students are finally on their way home after being stranded because of the storm. They say they made the best out of a bad situation. We built a fort and had a couple snow ball fights. Weve been sledding on the side of the highway. Alyx they were on their way washington d. C. When their charter bus got stuck on a pennsylvania turnpike east of pittsburg. The group left d. C. Early friday afternoon hoping to beat the blizzard, but a car accident near the turnpike backed up traffic for several miles. Luckily someone brought water to , the group as they had just run out. Officials are reporting a 7. 1 earthquake hit alaska. It could have been felt across much of the state. No injuries have been reported. To the northwest. Police say a 17yearold has been charged with first degree murder and attempted murder in a mass shooting. Nine people were shot in the school two fatally. A total of seven people were wounded in the friday shooting are in the hospital recovering. Two teen brothers were also shot school. And in California Police are , trying to track down 3 inmates who broke out of a maximumsecurity jail. Authorities say 3 inmates who escaped from a maximumsecurity jail cut through halfinch steel bars. They then got on the roof and got down using a makeshift rope. The 3 men were facing charges of murder, attempted murder, kidnapping, and torture. Authorities say the 3 are very dangerous. Back here at home officials have , confirmed that the inmate who escaped from the Newton Correctional Release Center is back in custody. Edward shorter went missing early saturday afternoon. Hes serving a 20 year sentence for possession of a controlled substance. No word on where they found him. Two people are being treated this morning after an Early Morning rollover. The crash happened on highway 163 right before the prairie city exit. Officers on the scene tell kcci that the two sustained minor injuries but the car is in , pretty bad shape. Roads in that area. Something to certainly keep in mind as folks head out, frank. Frank kind of freezing mist in the air today. Satellite radar, there is the clouds. It is going to be a cloudy day today. All eyes to the southwest area it is a system down here that is going to be making its way up, bringing us a shot of rain and maybe even snow. Temperatures billing pretty good this morning. 29 here in des moines. Made it only two 29 yesterday. We have already eclipsed our high in many locations from yesterday. 28 in ottoman. Things looking good temperature wise, with many locations in the 30s. Monday, a little speedbump. Then maybe snow. Rain throughout much of the day, and then tuesday we are back in the upper 20s. We have 40s in the forecast coming up. Alyx turning to commitment 2016 news. The Des Moines Register Editorial Board has announced its president ial endorsements. They chose marco rubio for the republicans. The board believes he has the potential to chart a new direction for the party. And on the democratic side , Hillary Clinton. They say she has experience that no other candidate can match. The register believes each candidate is the best hope for their respective parties. Coming up today on kcci, close up. Hillary clinton sits down with chief political reporter Cynthia Fodor. She shares her views on terrorism, education, and what keeps her going. You can catch the full interview right here on kcci at 10 30 following face the nation. Still ahead on kcci 8 news this morning weekends. Kevin hart and ice cube are back in ride along 2. John pascuzzi is looking for laughs in this mornings review. Plus, the countdown is on. Super bowl 50 is two weeks from today. Can you believe that . Hmm hmm hmmhmmhmmhmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmhmm let us be lovers, well marry our fortunes together [ cheering ] ive got some real estate here in my bag counting the cars on the new jersey turnpike theyve all come to look for america [ cheers and applause ] all come to look for america all come to look for America Frank k good sunday morning. We have clouds still out there. Sunshine, but not today. At least we are going to be dry. You will notice more clouds out west. That is a system approaching from the south. It is going to move its way through tomorrow. Algona, 27. Carol at 28. Same for knoxville. The other thing youre going to have to keep an eye on if you are out on the roads, is some patchy fog. Humidity at 85 here in des moines. Almost completely saturated out west. That is where the fault is worst. The high for today or six degrees. We had been below freezing since january 15. If you like temperatures in the 40s, i have those two coming up. Looking for a laugh or two . This week John Pascuzzi reviews a very funny sequel or is it . John its the sequel to the 2014 surprise hit that brought in over 135 million world wide. Its ride along 2. Kevin hart and ice cube are back as Atlanta Police detectives ben barber and james payton, respectively. Barber is still trying to win the respect of payton, not only as a Police Officer, but also as his future brotherinlaw. This time they team up to catch , a major crime boss that will take them to miami where danger is awaiting them at every turn. Give me my keys. Thats my toes. Get out of the car. Are you guys ok . Cut the manpower main power. John costarring ken jeong of hangover fame as a criminal computer hacker and Benjamin Bratt as the miami crime boss, ride along 2 is pretty silly stuff. Hart is his usual high pitched hyperactive self and ice cube has mastered the art of the scowl. But except for a few laugh out loud moments, the film, by half way through will have you , asking, are we there yet . Ride along 2 unfortunately, youll be taken for a ride. For kcci 8 news, this is John Pascuzzi at the movies. Alyx and our panda theme continues. Next week john reviews kung fu panda 3, starring the voices of jack black and angelina jolie. In other entertainment news, starstudded financial crisis comedy the big short gained some oscar equity saturday night. They received the Producers Guild of americas highest film award. Are also oscar voters. For the past 8 years, the guilds choices for its top trophy went on to win the bestpicture prize at the academy awards. Other films that were up for the pgas top honor this year included bridge of spies, brooklyn, exmachina, mad max fury road, the martian, the revenant, sicario , spotlight, and straight outta compton. And the Organization Behind the oscars is taking sweeping measures to double the number of women and minority members by 2020. The action comes amid a backlash over all of the nominees in acting categories this year being white. It led some hollywood heavies to protest the awards. In a unanimous vote last week the academy of Motion Pictures , arts and sciences approved several changes. Among the moves, its launching a Global Campaign to identify and recruit qualified new Academy Members who represent still to come, a look at the world a president has to grapple with, sometimes you cant even imagine. Thats the job. And shes prepared for it like no other. A tireless secretary of state, standing up against the abuse of women and girls. Negotiating a ceasefire in gaza, leading the diplomacy that keeps us out of war. The presidency is the toughest job in the world. And shes the one leader who has what it takes to get every part of the job done. Im Hillary Clinton, and i approve this message. Song thats life song thats life song thats life thats life. You diet. You exercise. And if you still need help lowering your blood sugar. This is jardiance. Along with diet and exercise, jardiance works around the clock to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. It works by helping your body to get rid of some of the sugar it doesnt need through urination. This can help you lower blood sugar and a1c. And although its not for weight loss or lowering systolic blood pressure, jardiance could help with both. Jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. This may cause you to feel dizzy, faint or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. Other side effects are genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections, changes in urination, kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. Do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. Stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of an allergic reaction. Symptoms may include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. Taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. So talk to your doctor, and for details, visit jardiance. Com. Weather is never more than 5 minutes away. Only on kcci 8 news this morning. Frank welcome back. I have got some good news for you. Wake up temperatures looking great. 29 here in the metro. 27 for ames. 27 for marshalltown. We are tired of the Single Digits and teens. Stay on the former side of things for a while. Look at the visibilitys. Claire and at two and a half. Preston is not even reporting. Hopefully they are ok down there. Even mine, just to the south and west. That is where the fog is the worst. The other thing with the temperatures the low freezing, we might have some freezing mist. The roads could be a little slick. Bigtime humidity. 85 this hour. 29 by 9 00. 36 by 3 00. By 6 00, temperatures they in theres the clouds. We are watching this system out west. On futurecast, notice to the south it is lifting its way out north. I think most of the snow will be off to the east. Were going to start things out today. Notice we increased the cloud cover. Eventually, we will see rain move in by the running hour. I think it will change over to snow by the afternoon. The evening commute tomorrow afternoon could be dicey. Generally no more than an inch. 8 day forecast. 37 on monday. It will be mainly rain throughout the day. Friday back into the mid40s. Alyx would you say any of that rain could turn to snow . Frank yes, definitely and the afternoon tomorrow when things cool down. Alyx street closures, traffic jams, and a new city under construction. The new way of life as california gets ready for the biggest game of the year. We are now just two weeks from super bowl 50. Anne makovec is in San Francisco where construction is well underway. Anne they say you cant build rome in a day, but you can build a city in a week. Welcome to the home of the future super bowl city. Anne Justin Herman plaza is turning into a football fans dream. I am totally excited about this. This is awesome. Anne this area will be a broadcast village for Networks Like cbs and espn. And over here, the centerpiece Fan Energy Zone with interactive video displays. We want this to be an for everyone in the bay area. Anne and if that includes you, youll want to leave your car behind. Road closures began today on the southbound embarcadero and market street, rerouting traffic including public buses. But we have Service Running throughout the city, throughout downtown, and we believe that these plans will get people where they need to go. Anne speaking of going, portable toilets are being moved into place to accommodate up to a million football fans. But some of the locals say theyre being fenced out. Street artists are planning to protest the loss of their business space. We have no rights, we have no one representing us, and we have no ability to stand up for ourselves. Anne organizers say San Francisco is putting its best foot forward. The eyes of the world will be on the bay area and theyll be right here during that week, so itll be incredibly exciting. Anne for fans, volunteers, and locals alike. This doesnt happen every day. So just enjoy it and i think san other cities. Alyx super bowl 50 is set for february 7 live right here on cbs. In super bowl 50 later on tonight. The new England Patriots take on championship today at 2 00 right here on kcci. Then the Arizona Cardinals will 5 40 on fox for the nfc the winner of each will play in two weeks for super bowl 50. Waking up to what feels like a warm morning. It is 29 degrees out there. Something to know. There are some reports of some congress doesnt regulate wall street. Wall street regulates congress. Its a rigged economy that sends most new wealth to the top 1 . And its held in place by a corrupt political system where wall street banks and billionaires buy elections. My campaign is funded by over two and a half million small contributions. People who know you cant level the Playing Field by taking more money from wall street. Im Bernie Sanders, and i approve this message. Alyx welcome back to kcci. Paving the way for aviation. Pan am airlines had many first for the air travel industry. And as cbs sunday mornings lee cowan shows us traveling across the ocean was more than just a lee pan am last blue and 19 in 1981. I read unions like this, not long ago in savannah, georgia. We had to have a bit of college at least which i had. We were happy go lucky girls. Lee she and her daughter both blue for pan am. I started in 1948. Dinosaur days. Out of San Francisco i flew to honolulu every time. Lee pan am was the pioneer in aviation. Pan am was the First Airline to Schedule Service across the atlantic and pacific. They were the first want to have hot meals on an aircraft. Lee she flew secures for the airline. Flying first class, on a clipper, was the experience of a lifetime. People dress up for it. It was an occasion. The journey was as important as the destination. Alyx the golden age of travel. Plus, tackling the violence of football. And president obama sits down to talk about the flint water crisis. Those stories and more on cbs sunday morning right here on kcii kcci. Stay with us everyone, another muscatine,. Thats creating treacherous roads. Especially to the west. Combined with that mist in the air, we also have patchy fog. You see visibility, it is down to around three quarters of a mile right now. Look here, a quarter mile here. If youre heading from the west this morning, keep that in mind. Here in des moines, 4 miles visibility. A location that could be dealing with some of the fog, thats a live shot. Some of the low laying moisture in the air, typical with that wind from the south, the Early Morning hours, theyll be damp out there, could be foggy. 29 the wakeup temperature in the morning. 28. Low 20s here. You will love the 8day forecast with temperatures in the 40s. Well tell you when coming up. Alyx after 48 hours of being stranded in a snow storm some iowa teachers, students, chaperones are on their way home. Theyre among thousands stranded because of the storm. They were on their way home from washington d. C. When their bus got stuck on a pennsylvania turnpike east of pittsburgh. The bus left dc thursday afternoon hoping to beat the blizzard and a car crash backed up traffic for several miles. The snow piled up so fast the bus wasnt able to move. They made the most of the situation. We received dozens of pictures and videos of students playing in the snow, playing on the bus. We are slowly running low on food. Which is not fun. We have completely ran out of water. If we want to drink water we have to go outside and fill our water bottle with snow and bring it back on the bus to wait for it to melt. Luckily men did deliver water to them after that yesterday. The blizzard pummeled the east coast dropping several feet of snow on major cities. More than a dozen have died in the storm. Doug champion reports from the nations capital. Reporter major snow storm hammered the northeast. The foot traffic in new york citys time square was noticeably quieter saturday night. The National Weather service says more than 2 feet of snow fell in the big apple. This is a storm thats got a lot packing a lot of punch. Major coastal flooding pushed water up to residents door steps in new jersey. Philadelphia could get up to 2 feet of snow by the time the well beyond the idea of Winter Wonderland there sh no romance to a blizzard this bride wasnt go to let the weather stop her wedding day. The bus here was pulled free after being stranded since the storm hit on friday night. There was blinding whiteout conditions in the nations capitol and a 4 by 4 pickups were linked together to tow a ladder truck out of the jam. The snow fell so fast, the crews couldnt clear the roads. Side streets were out of the question. Officials warned that could slow 911 response times. Our interests is in our Public Safety being able to move our First Responders and getting the city back open. The storm also stranded thousands of travelers and more than 10,000 fleets were canceled. Don champion, cbs news, washington. Alyx incredible images. Deaths are related to the Winter Weather. It is no surprise that winter storm jonas is causing travel problems. Airlines canceled 7,000 flights over the weekend and are starting to cut into the monday services as well. Two airports in washington d. C. Will likely remain closed through today. The Officials Say that the snow and high winds make the snow removable difficult. Amtrak has canceled and cut back on a services and several trains scheduled to depart washington d. C. For new york city were canceled. Passengers should contact amtrak or their airline directly for information and to rebook trips. A new mexico rancher renounced his rights to the malheur to protest the federal land use properties. The group led by ammon bundy they have no authority to enforce the contracts, Adrien Sewell is restricted to allowing only 85 cattle to graze on his land. In the past he says he was able to run about 600 animals. Police say that a 17yearold has been charged with multiple counts of first degree murder and attempted murder after a shooting in western canada. Officials say that the teen cant be named under canadas youth criminal justice act. Nine people were shot in the school. Two fatally. The other 7 wounded are hospitalized this morning. Police say that two brothers were also shot dead in the home before the gunmen headed to the school. The shooter was arrested outside of the School Friday afternoon. Local news this morning, new this morning, two people are being treated after an Early Morning roll over. The accident happened on highway 163 before the prairie city exit. The two sustained minor injuries and the car is in bad shape. The roads were slick in the area as well. An escaped inmate is in officials confirm that the inmate who escaped from the Newton Correctional Release Center was apprehended last night. Edward shorter went missing friday afternoon. No word on where they found him. Time, 6 06, your weather never more than 5 minutes away. For those on the roadway, take it easy we have slick roads. Because of the low level moisture thats freezing on contact with the objects out there, could be the cars windshields or the roads. Keep that in mind. Otherwise, the clouds and fog are out there. You can see a lot of cloud cover all across the midwest here on satellite radar and were keeping an eye to the south and west where the next system is. It is moving on in throughout the day tomorrow. A mild morning, 10 warmer here than yesterday. Were at 29, 28 for aims. Mid 20s for webster city. Marshall, theyre at 27. Again, you look back 24 hours ago, we were at 19 here in des moines. Dodge and 5 warmer. A nice day across the midwest, you look to the south, dodge city, kansas, 56. Thats almost like pool weather. Thats the weather you want to go out, layout and get a suntan. Unfortunately we wont have the sun around here today. 32 for minneapolis. 41 in kansas city. We can dream about spring the 8day forecast, springlike temperatures are coming your way. Alyx why dream about spring when you can dream about summer hold on for a longer. The 2016 ragbrai route was released last night. Here it is glenwood, shenandoah, creston, leon, centerville, ottumwa, washington, muscatine. If you havent noticed it is a southern route, ragbrai begins july 23rd. Before summer starts, it is caucus season. Last night was the premier of caucus, the musical. The story follows an iowa farmer and family about how they are dubbed typical caucus goers by the candidates prove theyll do anything to win their votes. The 2016 production features new songs, characters and celebrity guest appearances. You can catch it now through february 6th. The Opening Weekend shows continues today with a matinee at 2 00. We usually only see the president ial candidates giving the stomach speech on the campaign trail. Our chief political reporter Cynthia Fodor asked hillary to stop by and sit with a group of iowa women for an informal conversation. It is not every day that a president ial candidate stops by your house. Good to see you we talked about doing this last summer. Remember. Not many voters get to get up close and personal with Hillary Clinton. Im claudey. Marsha put out lunch for the ladies with the former first lady. I thought it was a great idea then. Im happy it worked out. So glad to be here. First women in the white house wants to know whats on the minds of women in the heartland. My question is going to be around education and education policy. Lets have universal prekindergarten but we start on a priority basis for lower income, disadvantaged kids. These busy moms want to know hillarys secret. The question is very simple, what keeps you going . My friends say that, you know, i have this responsibility gene which sometimes gets in my way because i feel such a responsibility toward things and people. Thats who i am. Vitamins, exercise yoga, all of that helps too how can she breach the aisle . I have always worked with republicans. It is so funny to me. When im not running for office, they actually say really nice things about me. The former secretary of state confided what keeps her up at night. The two things i worry most Nuclear Materials that they could use for a nuclear attack, and then this whole issue of cyber. Before leaving she talked about coming back. Maybe if im fortunate to be the democratic nominee we can do it again. Inviting this lunch bunch to her inauguration. Yes yes well have a big iowa day she loves those in iowa and asked them to take the number one role in the nation seriously to caucus to have a say in who is the next president. Thank you so much for doing this. Cynthia fodor, kcci 8. Alyx you can hear more of the conversation with Hillary Clinton up close and personal coming up this morning at 10 30 right after face the nation. Still to come, a recommendation, donald trump firing another controversial comment. The shocking statement he made good morning welcome back 6 14. Waking up to slick roadways this morning. Especially to the north and west. You see icy roadways up there. This is something i havent seen for a while. This means frost cover up in northwestern iowa, again, were seeing that freezing mist out there. Then if you go to the east, highway 330 to the north and to the east of the metro up by Marshall Town, keep that in mind, it could be slick. Metro Road Conditions are looking good. Just give yourself extra minutes with the freezing mist out there. Temperatures are looking good across the board. Upper 20s for much of the state. Were dealing with fog out there though this morning. Al 5 relative humidity. You go to the west, almost completely saturated out to the west. Visibility does dropout there. Give yourself extra time if youre out this morning. Alyx thank you. Editorial board announced their nominations on sunday. For the republicans, marco rubio and they like that hes a good favorability rating with independents and republicans. Now on the democratic side they chose clinton. Shes experienced and they believe each candidate is the best hope for their respective parties. We sat around, we had a vigorous debate about both sides, democratic and republican. You know, i think we all felt good about where we landed. Alyx the endorsement is on a busy weekend for clinton. Shes seeking to hold off a late surge from sanders and was in eastern iowa on saturday hoping to rally in davenport and took questions from the crowd and says of said if elected shell is never changed. I will never, ever let them privatize Social Security. We do have we do have to get some more funding into Social Security. When we say to young people it will be there, we mean it. Alyx clinton held two more events in eastern away on saturday. Donald trump is stirring up controversy again. He was back in the state on saturday. He said that his supporters are so loyal that they would stick with him even if he shot somebody in the middle of new york city. My people are so smart, and you know what else they say about my people, the polls, they say i have the most loyal people. Did you ever see that . I could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldnt lose any voters. It is incredible. Alyx having fun with it, trump spoke for about an hour to his top gop rival also got a big endorsement saturday, glen beck endorsed ted cruz for president. Beck appeared with cruz in a rally in ankeny. Hes grateful for the support from beck and all of iowa cruz says. Im so grateful right now that there are those across the state on their knees asking for gods guidance in this election. Thats what we need. I hope everyone of us lifts up prayers for our nation. Alyx cruz will be back in iowa tomorrow with three stops in the northeastern part of the state. All three Democratic Candidates will be in town tomorrow. Theyll be taking part in a Town Hall Forum hosted by cnn at Drake University. Well carry that event live on 8. 39 des moines starting at 8 00 p. M. Time, 6 18. Well check back in with frank. A lot of snow behind you where is that . A lot. Thankfully it is not around here. From new york where they got over 2 feet of snow. Look at that. Is that a car or igloo . I see a mirror. I think thats a car. Can you imagine digging that out . I doubt theyll be going anywhere any time soon in those cars. Wake up temperatures are around here feeling good. 29 here in the metro. 28 for aims. 27 here. Cold enough for snow but today. We have patchy fog, freezing mist and to the west, crest ton reporting again. Good to have you back online. Ottoman, 1 and 3 quarter visibility, to the north, it improves around carol. Give yourself extra minutes if youre heading in from the south and west this morning. Notice that humidity, 85 . We have a lot of low level moisture. Wind from the south and typically any time you have the wind from the south this time of year in the overnight hours youre going to work in moisture. The clouds are out there today, well keep them looked in throughout the day locked in next system is to the south and west pulling in as an area of low pressure. The main center of circulation will stay south of the state. Going to rap in colder air by monday afternoon with some snow. This map overdoing the snow. Lets show you another one here on futurecast. You will zoom things in. Clouds today, well start the day tomorrow with maybe a bit of freezing mist and that will then change over to rain as things warmup a bit throughout the day and then it transitions to snow by monday afternoon. Monday afternoon driving commute could be a little treacherous. Give yourself extra minutes and not expecting much accumulation, generally less than an inch. Could see over an inch to the north and to the east. Not much again with the temperatures mainly above freezing tomorrow. 36 is the afternoon high, tonight, 29 for the low. Freezing drizzle late in the Early Morning hours tomorrow. Monday though mainly rain throughout the day. A change over to snow late in the day. We drop a bit on tuesday, back we crews all the way back cruise to the 40s again by friday. It is a big weekend for college hoops. We talk high with a states big win and as president , i will defend this nation, but i will do it responsibly. I voted against the war in iraq, and that was the right vote. We must never forget the lessons of that experience. Isis must be destroyed, but we should not do it alone. We need an International Coalition with muslim boots on the Ground Fighting with our support. Its time to end the quagmire of perpetual warfare in the middle east. As president , i will. What a week for iowa state a win on monday, a chance to take down kansas this upcoming monday and a road trip in between. Trying to stay in the win column amp the huge win, lets jump into it early. Get out of his way a huge john mccain and the foul iowa state taking the early lead. A great day. Ahead of the pack, nifty finish at the basket. Morris had a great day. How about the defense . Pick your pocket, going coasttocoast the other way for the score. And morris is on the roll. Closing seconds of the first half. Iowa state has the lead. He drains the 3 at the buzzer. Iowa state led by 9 at halftime. Then leave it to the junior. Morris pulling away in the second half. Morris, 18 points, 6 assists, 1 turnover. Iowa state wins it 7360, the final. Next up, the big one the j hawks come out on monday, tip time is set for 8 00. You can see the game on espn. Speaking of the jay hawks they were at home on saturday taking looking to get win number 200 at home. Texas early on, they have the jam. Texas led at the half. Second half, here are the jay hawks. Scores. A huge day. An opening from 3point land and it is good. Then you have it wide open in the corner, nailing a triple. They go on to win. This is the 200th win at home. The panthers, theyre looking to find magic. They lost 3 straight games in the valley heading to saturday trying to get back in the win column yesterday taking on Illinois State. A great day draining a 3. Again, he pulls up, does it himself, he has 23 points. It is not enough. Illinois state found a way to pull away in the second hatch. Drake on the road taking on layola and the struggles continue. They fall 6863, next up theyre at Illinois State on the 26th. The hawkeyes were off on saturday. They could sit back, enjoy the undefeated record in the big 10. Next up, theyre back home this afternoon. 12 00. Taking on purdue. Theyll look for another strong showing. There was a career high 29 against rutgers and hes proving hes a huge weapon in this roster. We wanted a good start, a fast start. The teammates were finding me, i was knocking off the shots. My teammates kept finding me and i had the shots and it was great. We need to tick it up on the defense. He was spectacular either of them could be player of the game. They had 29 and 20. Never example of us moving the do to get on the road. Iowa hosts purdue this afternoon. Tipoff is set for 12 00 p. M. In womens basketball, if you want to win the big 12 you have to go through baylor, thats the struggle there was yesterday trying to rally the troops with an upset win at home over the hath ranked team in the country. Early on, johnson helping the cause. Driving for the basket. Great touch for the bucket and later on she gets it from the outside. Draining the 3. She had a game high 22 points. Baylor ranked 4th for a reason. They start to pull away. Wallace hits from the corner. Baylor going on to win 7761 the final. Saturday the energy hit the floor and hit the floor for a great cause. It was hoops for a cure night. Jersey auction, blood drive to benefit the local Cancer Charities and the pink shirts. Early on, here is iowa with the strong finish and foul. Down low, a strong move to the basket for the bucket and harrison from kentucky driving in, he had a 26 on the night and the energy fell. 105119 the final. Wrestling, it is one thing win the top team was at home on saturday taking on grace land. Look at the mood lighting in this place 133 top ranked cutler with the take down. He gets the 20 to 5 pull for the win. He loves it at 157, top ranked henderson getting the pin, and they rule on saturday they win easy, 449 the final over grace land. On the ice, the wild fall on the road against rockford and the the world a president has to grapple with, sometimes you cant even imagine. Thats the job. And shes prepared for it like no other. A tireless secretary of state, standing up against the abuse of women and girls. Negotiating a ceasefire in gaza, leading the diplomacy that keeps us out of war. The presidency is the toughest job in the world. And shes the one leader who has what it takes to get every part of the job done. Right now on kcci 8, letting up after 36 hours of nonstop snow and wind people on the east coast are seeing better conditions. How the storm faired out in d. C. And a group ive with a students that were stranded near the pennsylvania turnpike. Live reports coming up from d. C. In a few minutes. First, we have breaking news at 6 32, a woman has been found dead inside of a southeast des moines home. Crews are on the scene right now on pioneer road southeast of 14th street. The crime seen investigators were on the scene early this morning. Well have the latest developments throughout the thank you for joining us. Im alyx sacks. Frank is standing by. Were watching the roadways this morning because treacherous out there in some parts. We have been checking in with Road Conditions this morning. Partially covered with ice especially off to the north and east of the metro. Off to the north and west. Keep an eye on that. The major interstates are looking okay. The highways, the byways, you have to keep an eye on. We have dealt with fog out there. You can see a live shot here on the web cam. Yeah. Mist in the air in stuart, fog. Watch the reduced visibilities, you need extra time heading out and about today. Taking a look at the visibilities, you notice theyre worst to the north, a half mile here for aldona, and still 4 miles here in des moines. Temperatures though waking up great. 29 here in the metro. Yesterday. 28 for aims and 20. The day planner today. It is going to be nice and warm. 36 the afternoon high, going to be a cloudy day though. The 8day forecast, the 40s are back. Details on when and where coming up. Alyx today is the day for clean up and assessing how quickly things will get back to usual in the nations capitol. Much of the city and landmarks were deserted saturday. Other popular Tourist Spots like the Smith Smithsonian and national zoo will be closed again today. The officials will determine if the federal government will reopen tomorrow. The agency closed at noon friday to get workers times to get home before the blizzard moved in. In washington, two airports will likely remain closed light the day. Throughout the day. Snow removable on the runways, roads, parking lots, it is difficult. Along with nearly 10,000 Flights Canceled due to the storm and amtrak also canceled and cut back on services. Depart d. C. And new york city, they were canceled and service from washington to stations in virginia and the southeast. 25 students are on their way home after being stranded because of the storm. They made the best of a bad situation they say. We had a couple of snowball fights. We have been sledding on the side of the highway. Alyx they were on their way home from a prolife rally in washington d. C. When their charter bus got stuck on a pennsylvania turnpike east of pittsburgh. The group left d. C. Early friday afternoon hoping to beat the blizzard and then a car crashed near the turnpike and backed up traffic for several miles. Luckily someone brought water to the group as they had just ran out. Millions of americans are preparing to dig out this morning after the weekends mammoth blizzard. Sally kidd is joining us live from washington d. C. With details. Sally good morning. Books, people up and down the east coast have been impacted. At least 18 people have died in the storm that brought heavy snow and strong winds all up and down the east coast. In new york city over 26 inches fell in central park, the mayor imposed a travel ban there yesterday ordering all nonemergency personnel to stay off the roads shutting down buses awn subway lines, the ban will be lifted this morning. Meantime, along the coast in new jersey, residents had major flooding and a rising storm surge prompting evacuations. On the coast of delaware, virginia, they had winds up to 50 miles an hour. The airlines had canceled nearly 7,000 flights today and thats trickling over into tomorrow. Some flights, some services are being canceled already for tomorrow. Back to you. Alyx a lot of miss out there. Looking in that area . Sally it is going to take a while. The governor of maryland shut down interstates from western maryland all the way over to the Baltimore Beltway. Now it is because we were seeing so many tractor trailer accidents on the highways hoping to get those reopened this morning. Back to you. Sally kidd live from washington. Thank you so much. Right now officials are reporting a 7. 1 magnitude earthquake hitting southern alaska this morning. The quake struck around 4 30 and it could be felt across much of the state. All the way to anchorage. No injuries have been reported. To the northwest, a 17yearold was charged with first degree murder and attempted murder in a mass shooting. 9 were shot in a school, two fatally. A total of 7 were wounded in the hospital recovering. Two teen brothers were also shot dead in a home before the gunmen headed to the local community school. Authorities say that the three men are very dangerous. Back here in iowa, officials have confirmed that the inmate that escaped from the Newton Correctional Release Center is back in custody today. Edward shorter went missing saturday afternoon. Hes serving a 20year sentence for a possession of a controlled substance. No word on where he was found. New this morning, two people are being treated this morning after an early roll over. The accident happened on highway 163 right before the prairie officers on scene tell us that two sustained minor injuries but the car is in bad shape. There are slick roads in that area. Something to certainly keep in mind as far as the forecast is concerned. Thats right. We have some slick roadways out there. Also dealing with fog. Keep that in mind. Satellite and radar, yeah, it is going to be a cloudy day. You will notice out to the west that youre building more clouds. You dont have clearing going on out there. Yeah, well be stuck with the clouds and we head throughout much of the day today and were watching down to the south and west of the next system. It is pulling on in bringing us a chance for some precipitation by tomorrow. A nice warm morning. 29 in the metro. 28 for aims and by the way, our High Temperature yesterday was only 27. Were already warmer than the High Temperature on saturday. Thats a great way to start the day. 10 warmer than the same time yesterday in des moines. The threeday outlook temperature wise looking good. Today and tomorrow. Tomorrow well start the day with freezing rain and transition back to rain and then snow by the end of the day. Tuesday we dry out a bit dropping in the Temperature Department back in the upper 20s. Alyx a lot of weather coming up on kcci 8 this mornings weekends, the first one made a fortune now theyre back at it again with ride along 2. John pascuzzi is looking for laughs in this ones review. The countdown it on, super bowl 50 is two weeks away from today how super bowl city is preparingter. Dad i know. Spots. Culligan man the problem is your water anncr a culligan wholehouse water conditioning system gets rid of sediment or impurities. So keeping everything spotless is effortless. Mom hey. Dad the culligan man. E problem is your water anncr a culligan wholehouse water conditioning system gets rid of sediment or impurities. Dad spots. Culligan man the problem is your water anncr a culligan wholehouse water conditioning system gets rid of sediment or impurities. Welcome back. Time, 6 42. The temperatures, feeling good. Were 10 above where we were the same time yesterday. Not really above average for the highs. Wakeup temperatures feeling good, around 27 to 29 across much of the state. Things thats not looking so good this morning, those are the roads. Just off to the north and west, partially covered with ice. Same goes just off to the north and east. Portions of highway 30, you can seep 330 back here, partially covered with ice. We have the freezing mist. It is freezing on contact with the roads and probably the car windshield if it is outside too. You may have to scrape heading to church or breakfast this morning. Well stay locked in with the a mainly cloudy day and a warm one heading for highs today in the mid 30s. Thank you, frank. Looking for a laugh or two . You may want to try the new sequel ride along 2. John pascuzzi has this mornings review. You know, it is the sequel to the 2014 surprise hit that brought in over 135 million worldwide. It is ride along 2. Kevin hart and ice cube are back as Atlanta Police detectives. Hes still trying to win his respect as a Police Officer and his future brotherinlaw. This time they team up to catch a major crime boss that will take them to miami where danger is awaiting them at every turn. Give me the keys. This stinks. Thats not it is get off my neck. You guys okay . Look at the main power. There is a criminal computer hacker and a miami crime boss, ride along 2 is silly stuff. Hart is his usual self and ice cube has mattered the scowl. Except for laugh out loud moments, the film will have you asking are we there yet . Ride along 2, unfortunately youll be taken for a ride. For kcci 8, this is John Pascuzzi at the movies. Alyx next week john will review kong few fu panda 3. Super bowl city, how crews are set up in San Francisco for the game of the year and well look at the 8 you should be able to get ahead and stay ahead. But so many families dont feel like their hard work pays off. Thats not the way america is supposed to operate. I want to go to bat for them every single day. Get incomes rising. Get equal pay for women. Cut the cost of health care and child care so people can actually get ahead. Hillary clinton, she has what it takes to get things done. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. With 40 megs of Internet Speed from centurylink, a family of four can all be online at the same time, streaming, gaming, or downloading movies. Yeah, the internets great, but i think hair and makeup went a little too far. Yeah, thats not working. I much prefer the twoday beard, hornrimmed glasses, justsleptinhiscar kinda thing. Yeah, i miss the rumpled crazy uncle look. Okay. Be paul giamatti. Thats the essence of this role. Feel like a hollywood insider whos the rebel now . No way. Yes way savor an egg mcmuffin any time you like. A fresh cracked egg, melty cheese, canadian bacon and an english muffin with real butter. Mcdonalds all Day Breakfast menu. Yeah welcome back. 12 minutes until 7 00 on your sunday morning. Were waking up to dry conditions around here. A different story off to the east. This photo sent in on the facebook page, yeah, thats a table on someones deck and thats a whole lot of snow on top of it. Can you imagine that . Look at that. This is a little snow cube out there in west virginia. We dont have to deal with that for a while. Well see some snow in the forecast but not nearly that much. Temperatures around here, not too bad waking up. 29 here in the metro. 27 in Marshall Town and a mild start to the day. Were dealing with fog, especially to the west and down to the south and west. Keep that in mind. Thats impacting the roadways. It is freezing on contact. Keep that in mind too. Wind from the south, southwest, it is bringing in some humidity, 85 right now. It is actually almost 100 saturated and the fog is worse there this morning. You see on satellite and radar, mainly cloudy skies, were watching the system down to the south and west. It will be coming in bringing in rain and maybe snow. Were back to work on monday. You see on the futurecast, the main center of circulation is staying south of the state and it will be bringing in that precipitation by early in the day on monday and then this will finally pull out by the latter well track it on the futurecast, statewide perspective. Today, a mainly cloudy day. Well see peeks of sunshine, but i highly doubt that. Heading through monday morning, well see maybe a bit of a patchy, freezing drizzle as the temperatures are cold enough for that and then heading throughout the morning, it will mainly be rain, then transitioning to snow by monday afternoon. The evening commute may be slick out there. This will all pull out by the evening hours on monday. It will be a fast mover, not expecting much in the way of accumulation because the temperatures are too warm for much of the day. Generally less than an inch, could see a half inch to an inch in the metro. Higher totals just off to the north and to the east where it will be cooler tomorrow afternoon. 36 is the High Temperature today. Cloudy. Winds from the south. 29 the low tonight. You could see more fog, maybe some of that freezing drizzle late in the Early Morning hours on monday and then it will transition into snow and then it will transition back to rain. Day. 28 for tuesday. 30s on wednesday. Look at that. We may see 45 again by friday. That will feel great. Sure will. If you dont like the weather, just wait 10 minutes it will change alyx street closures, traffic jams, new city under construction, it is not the weather but all about the super bowl as california gets ready to host the biggest game of the year. Were now just two weeks away from super bowl 50 and well go to San Francisco where construction is well underway on super bowl city. They say you cant build rome in a day, you can build a city in a week. Welcome to the future home of super bowl city. Justin herman plaza is turning into a football fans dream. Im totally excited about this. This is awesome. This area is a broadcast village for Networks Like cbs and espn and over here the center piece fans energy zone with interactive video displays. We want it to be an inclusive everybody in the bay area. If that includes you, you want to leave your car behind. Road closures began today on the southbound market street, rerouting traffic including public busing. We have Service Running throughout the city and throughout downtown and we believe that the plan also get people where they need to go. Speaking of going, portable toilets are being moved into place to accommodate up to a million football fans. Some of the locals are saying theyre fenced out, street artists are planning to protest the loss of their business space. We have no rights, we have no one representing us. We have no ability to stand up for ourselves. Organizers say that San Francisco is putting its best foot forward. The eyes of the world will be on the area, right here during that week. It is incredibly exciting. For fans, volunteers and locals alike. This doesnt happen every day. Enjoy it. San francisco will out do all of alyx thats saying a lot there the super bowl will be february 7th live here on cbs. Well know who will play in that big game tonight. The new England Patriots take on the Denver Broncos for the afc championship. Thats today at 2 00 right here. Then coming up tonight, bears and cardinals will face the panthers and thats at 5 40 on fox for the nfc championship. Again, those two winners will be playing two weeks from today. Kcci 8, time is 6 52 on your sunday morning. Looking like folks are out and about getting going on their sunday morning. This is a live look at the northeast. Temperature reports are in, slick roads, make sure you take it slow out there. Peak of today in america, the to1 10 of 1 owns almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 this great country and our government belong to all of us. Wall street, corporate america, wealthy Campaign Donors have so much influence that the only way they are defeated is when millions of people begin to stand up and say loudly and clearly, enough is enough. Welcome back to kcci paving the way for aviation pan am welcome back to kcci 8. Paving the way for aviation, pan am airlines had many firsts for the air travel industry and at lee cowan shows us, travelic across the ocean, it was more than a trip. Pan am last flew in 1991. The former employee, the golden age of travel, it lives on. At reunions like this, held nod long ago in savannah, georgia. The stewards, they were thought of, we had to have a bit of college at least, which i had. We were happy go lucky girls this 90yearold and her daughter leslie both flew for pan am. I started in 1948. Dinosaur days out of San Francisco i flew to honolulu every time. It was a second homes. Pan am was the pioneer in aviation. A 130, the most advanced piece of commercial flying machine in the world. Pan am was the First Airline to have scheduled Service Across the atlantic and pacific. They were the first to have an actual Airline Terminal and to serve hot meals on board an aircraft. Author and historian flew six years for the airline. 707 jet service, flight 116 to paris. Flying first class on a clipper was the experience of a lifetime. People dressed up for it. It was an occasion. The journey was as important as the destination. Incredible stories. That will be coming up this morning. Right now well take a look at the forecast. What can we expect for the day . It will start out foggy and end cloudy. Thankfully it will be warm today. 36. It will feel great. A lot warmer than yesterday. By the way, we have been below freezing here in des moines since january 15th. It has been a while since we have been above 30. It will feel nice to be above 30 today. Alyx a not so hot minute you got it winds from the south, 5 to 10 bringing in warm air for us. Tonight we drop back in the maybe some of the freezing drizzle and freezing mist just like were seeing this morning. That will transition to rain monday morning and then snow in the afternoon, 37. We crews to the 40s by the end of the week. Alyx the top stories are straight ahead on your morning news later. Stay with us, everyone. Another full hour of kcci 8 this morn you know the basic bargain of america is if you work hard, and you do your part, you should be able to get ahead and stay ahead. But so many families dont feel like their hard work pays off. Thats not the way america is supposed to operate. I want to go to bat for them every single day. Get incomes rising. Get equal pay for women. Cut the cost of health care and child care so people can actually get ahead. Hillary clinton, she has what it takes to get things done. Stranded in pennsylvania, what the conditions are and when theyll lighten up. We have breaking news at 7 00 this morning, officials have confirmed that theyre now investigating a suspicious death. Around 4 30 officials found a woman deceased in a home. Crews are on the scene right now on the 1400 block of pioneer road off of southeast 14th street. You can count on kcci 8 for the latest developments throughout the morning and rest of the day. Good sunday morning. Were now checking in with frank for a look at the forecast. A little humid out there. Not typical necessarily for from what we have seen recently. Thats right. Were waking up to moisture very close to the ground. Thats meaning some patchy fog out there and also some freezing you see a live shot here of the winter web cam. You have to watch the roads out there, they could be slick because, of course, the ground temperature below freezing and the mist is freezing on contact with not only the roads but maybe your car windshields. If the car has been sitting outside overnight, you may have to do scraping. Notice the visibilities, they really deteriorate to the west. The half mile and two and a half miles here, 3 miles. Not so bad here in des moines, were with 4 miles disability. Give yourself a few extra minutes and youll be glad you did. Were 10 warmer than the same time yesterday waking up. The day planner, a cloudy one. Patchy fog this morning. Quiet though, no precipitation today. That will roll in tomorrow. Noontime temperature, 31. Look at that, falling out, 3 00 temperature, 36. Alyx thank you. In a snow storm, theyre now on their way home. The students are among thousands stranded yesterday because of the storm and they were on their way home from washington d. C. When the bus was stuck in a pennsylvania turnpike east of pittsburgh. The bus left d. C. Friday afternoon hoping to beat the blizzard and a car crash backed traffic up for several miles. Snow piled up so fast that the bus wasnt able to move. They made the most of the situation. We received dozens of pictures and videos of students playing in the snow and singing on the bus. They say that there were some issues. We are slowly running low on food. Which isnt fun. We completely ran out of water. If we want to drink water, we have to go outside, fill our water bottle with snow and bring it back on the bus and wait for it to melt. Luckily after that the men delivered water to them. Just about every mode of transportation in new york city shut down yesterday and overnight thanks to the blizzard thats ranked as the second largest snow storm in the citys history. The travel ban that shut down the city streets was just lifted. We have a report from new york city. Pedestrians take pity on a driver who defied the travel ban in new york city. Saturday afternoon all nonemergency vehicles were ordered off of the roads in new york city. Tunnels and bridges, they were shut down. It is very important that people clear the roads so sanitation can do its work and get the city back on the feet in the next day or two. Roads were also closed on long island. On the cross island parkway, new york governor helped the stranded motorist. Between the snowfall and the wind, it is really a treacherous, treacherous situation. The more than 2 feet of snow took a heavy toll. 3 people that were shoveling in new york city died of apparent heart attacks and in mount vernon, westchester county, sport dome to prevent a collapse. The great white way is dark, the matinee, evening performances here were all canceled. These twins were supposed to see the show school of rock to celebrate their 18th birthdays. Are you disappointed it is canceled . Yes. How long had you planned it . A couple of months actually. Other new yorkers relished the weather. Lulu went sledding. She loves it so much, shell knock little kids over to run to the top of the hill. It is time for the snow selfies and other pictures to remember a storm for the ages. This morning the governor lifted the travel ban and life without a white blanket resumes. Alyx violators of the travel ban could have been fined up to 300. So far this were no reports of anyone who is charged. It is no surprise that winter storm jonas is causing travel problems. Airlines canceled 7,000 flights two airports in washington d. C. Will likely remain closed through today. Officials say that the snow and high winds make snow removable difficult. Amtrak is also canceled and cutting back services. Several trains scheduled to depart washington d. C. For new york city were canceled. Officials say that the passengers should contact amtrak or airlines directly for information to rebook trips if necessary. In new mexico, a rancher renounced his grazing contract with the u. S. On saturday. The event was held by an armed group occupying the malheur mountain life refuge. The group led by ammon bundy began occupying the refuge on january 2nd. Ammon bundy says says that the government has no authority to enforce grazing contracts. The rancher says hes restricted to allowing only 85 cat toll graze on his land. Cattle to graze on his land. In the past, hes ran 600 animals. Police say that a 17yearold was charged with multiple counts of first degree murder and shooting in western canada. The Officials Say that the teen cant be named under canadas youth criminal justice act and 9 people were shot in the school, 2 fatally. The other 7 wounded are hospitalized this morning. Police say that the two brothers brothers were shot did he do before the gunmen went to the school. The shooter was arrested friday afternoon. Local news this morning, two are being treated after an Early Morning roll over. The accident happened on highway 163 right before the prairie city exit. Officers on scene tell kcci 8 that two sustained minor injuries and the car is in pretty bad shape. There were reports of slick roads in that area. A state i participate is in custody. Officials confirm that the inmate that escaped from the Newton Correctional Release Center was apprehended last night. He went missing friday afternoon and no word on where he was found. Time, 7 07, well check back in with frank. But mist y. A lot warmer than our past several days out here at least waking up. 28 here in des moines. Feeling nice yesterday we were in the teens. Some parts of the state were waking newspaper Single Digits. Creditsyou look back, just 24 hours ago, 9 warmer here in des moines and 10 warmer for ames and fort dodge, warmer than yesterday. Not bad. That means warmer temperatures this afternoon. Look at the warm air. 44 today. 56 for dodge city, kansas. 41 in kansas city. Thats feeling nice. Well top out in the mid to upper 30s. We have the 40s in the eightday forecast. Well let you know when and where coming up. Feeling like spring bullets skip to summer it is not that far away. The 2016 ragbrai route was released last night. It could have you dreaming of summer months. Here it is, glenwood, shenandoah, creston, leon, washington, muscatine. As you see, it is a southern iowa route and ragbrai begins july 23rd. Before summer starts, it is caucus season. Last night was the premier of caucus, the musical at the stoner theater. The story follows an iowa farmer and family as they are dubbed typical caucus goers by the national media. The candidates prove theyll do anything to win their votes. The 2016 production features new songs, characters and celebrity guest appearances. Catch it now through february 6th. The Opening Weekend shows continue today with a matinee at 2 00. We usually only see the president ial candidates giving their stump speech on the campaign trail. Our chief political reporter Cynthia Fodor asked Hillary Clinton o to stop by and sit down with a group of women for an informal, candid conversation. Youre so nice to do this thank you. It is not every day that a your house. We talked about doing this last summer, remember . Not many voters get to get up close and personal with Hillary Clinton. Im claudia. Marsha put out lurching lunch for the ladies. Im so happy this worked out. It was a great idea. So glad to be here. The woman that could be the first woman in the white house wanted to know whats on the minds of woman in the heartland. My question is on education and education policy. Lets have universal preexpectingprekindergarten but we start on a priority basis for lower income, disadvantaged kids. These moms want to know the secret. The question is simple, what keeps you going . My friends say that, you know, i have this responsibility gene. Which sometimes gets in my way. I feel such a responsibility towards things and people. Thats who i am. Vitamin, exercise, yoga, you how can she breach across the aisle . I have always worked with republicans. It is so funny to me. When im not running for office they actually say really nice things about me. The former secretary of state confided what keeps her up at night. The two things i worry most about, theyre terrorists getting Nuclear Materials that they could use for a nuclear attack. Then the whole issue of cyber. Before leaving she talked about coming back. Maybe if im fortunate to be the democratic nominee we could do it again. Inviting this lunch bunch to her inauguration. Yes yes well have a big iowa day she loves those in iowa and asked them to take their number one role in the nation seriously to caucus and to have a say in who will be the next president. Thank you so much. Thank you for doing this. Alyx you can hear more of the conversation with Hillary Clinton coming up on closeup this morning at 10 30 right after face the nation. Still to come, register recommendation, who has the Des Moines Register vote. Donald trump fires another controversial comment. The shocking statement he makes supporters are. Good morning welcome back look at the temperatures, feeling good. Were not in the Single Digits or teens. Most of us, in the upper 20s des moines, 28. 24. Fort dodge, warm this time of year, 27. Keep in mind, some roads could be a bit slick. Were getting in some road reports of partially covered with ice roadways just off to the north and east and off to the north and west of the metro. The roads right now, theyre good. Well keep the clouds around today but it is a warm up with. Temperatures are cruising all the way up to the mid 30s. 8day forecast, just coming your way in a few minutes. Well should be in the 40s in a few days. Alyx sounds good. Looking forward to it. The Des Moines Register Editorial Board announced the president ial endorsements for each party on saturday. For the republicans, it is marco rubio. Potential to chart a new direction for the party. They like that he has a good favorability rating with independents and republicans. On the democratic side they choose Hillary Clinton. The board says she has experience that no other candidate can match. They believe each candidate is the best hope for their respective parties. The endorsement comes on a busy weekend for Hillary Clinton. The candidate is seeking to hold off a large surge from sanders and was in eastern away on saturday holding a rally in davenport. She had questions from the crowd and says if elected shell make sure that a hallmark piece of legislation is never changed. I will never ever let them privatize Social Security. We do have we do have to get some more funding in to Social Security. When we say to young people it will be there, we mean it. Alyx clinton held two more donald trump is stirring up controversy again. The republican frontrunner was back in the state on saturday. He said his supporters are so loyal they would stick with him, even if he shot somebody in the middle of new york city. My people are so smart, and you know what else they say about my people . The polls, they say that i have the most loyal people. Did you ever see that . I could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldnt lose any voters. It is incredible as you could hear, the comment got laughs from the crowd. Trump spoke for an hour to crowds in sioux city. Trump topped gop rival, got a big endorsement, glen beck endorsed ted cruz for president. Beck appeared with cruz at a rally in ankeny and cruz is grateful for the support from beck and all of iowa. Im so grateful right now that there are those across the state on their knees asking for thats what we need. I hope everyone of us lifts up prayers for our nation. Alyx all three Democratic Candidates will be in town tomorrow taking part in a Town Hall Forum hosted by cnn at Drake University and well be carrying it live on the sub channel 8. 3 my des moines starting at 8 00. Time, 7 17 on your sunday morning. Frank, gorgeous shot behind you this is from yesterday on my facebook page. Julie Madison Randall sent this in. You see a moonlit sky out there. Just enough to see the moon and few peaks of sunshine most of the day was cloudy. You remember that. 28 is the temperature right now in des moines. A warm 28 for a. Mes. Were keeping an eye on the patchy fog south and west. 3 miles visibility right now. Credits ton, a half mile. Mile. Here, 4 miles. Give yourself extra minutes. 28 the temperature right now in the metro. We have the mist in the air. Some could be freezing on contact with roadways. Give yourself some extra minutes. Youll be okay. The winds from the south, southwest right now pumping in the moisture and you notice the clouds are out how there right now, clouds, satellite radar, tracking a system to the south and west pulling on in in the next 212 or so hours bringing 12 or so hours bringing a chance form. The futurecast, the low is sliding to the east. The main circulation, it is staying to the south, wrapping in colder air by the end of the day on monday and cold enough for some snow. Lets track that here on futurecast. We start it out today. Things will be dry. No worries today. A going throughout monday, well start the day with freezing drizzle and then as we head throughout the morning hours, temperatures are warming up, it will transition back to rain and snow by the end of the day. Could be dicey for the evening commute as we have some of the snowfalling, not expecting much in the way of accumulation. Generally less than an inch here. You go to the east, could be heavier as it will be cooler on the backside of that low. Could be just about an inch and a half, up around waterloo. Not a big system but keep that in mind tomorrow. 36 is the High Temperature in des moines. A cloudy day. Fog burning off throughout the morning hours. Then it will come back tonight. 29 for the low. Keep that in mind. More of that fog possible. Monday, there is a chance of rain. 37. There will be snow by the afternoon. Look at that, friday, 45. Thats good looking. It is a big weekend for college hoops. Theonks ] okay, this is u. S. Cellular, and this is verizon. Now, same phones, but with u. S. Cellular you get 6 gigs of 4g data for only 40 per month 20 less than verizon. And u. S. Cellulars network was built to work in places like out here, here, and here. So, with all of that, why would you ever go to verizon . Switch to u. S. Cellular now and get 6 gigs of data for just 40 a month plus get 300 back. Welcome back. What a week for iowa state . A win over oklahoma on monday. A chance to take down kansas this upcoming monday and a road trip right in between. Saturday afternoon, theyre trying to stay in the win column after the huge win against the sooners. Get out of his way a huge jam and foul iowa state taking the early lead a great day ahead of the pack, nifty finish at the basket and morris had a great day. The defense, picking the pocket. Going coasttocoast the other morris is on a roll, so are they closing seconds of the first half, iowa state has the lead. An inbound pass and draining the 3 at the buzzer. Leave it to the junior. Morris pulling away in the second half. 18 points, 6 assists, one turnover. Iowa state wins it 7360 in the final. Next up, the big one the jay hawks come on monday, tip time is set for 8 00. You can see the game on espn. Speaking of them, they were at home on saturday taking on texas. Theyre looking to get win number 200 at home. Texas early on, the lob and jam texas led at the half. Second half though, here come the jay hawks, ellis, a great spin to the basket, scores. A huge day finding an opening from 3point land. It is good. You have to come around. It is wide open in the corner. Jay hawks win 7667. This is the 200th win at home. The panthers, theyre looking to find magic. They have lost 3 straight games in the valley and trying to get back in that win column yesterday taking on Illinois State. What a great day he drains the 3, cutting in the Illinois State lead. Later on, he walks in, pulls up, does it himself. He had 23 points and it is just not enough. Illinois state found a way to pull away in the second half. They have lost now four straight games. Drake on the road taking on layola this weekend and the struggles continue for the bulldogs, they fall. Next up theyre at Illinois State on the 26th. The iowa hawkeyes were off on saturday. They could sit back, engy the undefeated record in the big 10. Next up, back home this afternoon, 12 00 taking on purdue. Then looking for another strong jock pulled in a career high 29 against rutgers and hes proving hes another huge we in this hawkeye roster. We wanted to get off to a good start, a fast start. Our team is they were finding me, knocking off shots, i have to just make the shots. It was great. We still they need to pick it up on the defense. Clemons, spectacular, either could be the player of the game. Thats what he has 29 and 20 still. Another example of us moving the ball and doing what we need to do to win on the road and get 90 points. Iowa hosting purdue this afternoon. Tipoff is set for 12 00 p. M. Womens basketball, if you want to win the big 12 you have to go through baylor, thats the struggle that finley and company had yesterday trying to rally the troops with a big upset win at home over the fourth ranked team in the country. Johnson doing her part to help with some great touch to the bucket but later on she gets it from the outside. She drains the 3. She had 22 points. Baylor, ranked 4th for a reason. They pull away. Wallace hitting from the corner. Baylor winning, 761 the final. Saturday, the energy hit the floor and hit the floor for a great cause, it was hoops for a cure night. Jersey auction, blood drive, benefiting local Cancer Charities and the pink jerseys, here is iowa. The strong finish and the foul. Later on again, the big man giving it tout lou. A strong move to the basket for the bucket and harrison from kentucky, he drives in, he had a 26 on the night and the energy false, 105119 the final. Grandee wrestling does one thing, win the Top Ranked Team was at home on saturday taking on grace land. This place 133, top ranked cutler with a take down. He has the 205 tech call for the win. He loves it. At 1 57, henderson, getting the pin. They rule on saturday they win easy, 4499 final and the wild fall on the road against rock ford and the bucks win in a shootout 43 the final thats a look at snow, wind, people on the east coast are seeing better conditions. How the storm faired out yesterday in d. C. Plus a group of iowa students that were stranded near the pennsylvania turnpike. Live reports from d. C. In a few short minutes. We begin with breaking news at 7 31, officials have confirmed that theyre now investigating a suspicious death around 4 30 this morning officials found a woman dead inside of a home. Now on pioneer road and it is off of southeast 14 street. Crime investigators were on the scene early this morning. Tape with kcci 8 online and on air as the story stay with kcci 8 as the story develops. Millions of americans are preparing to dig out this morning. Sally kidd joins us from washington with details. This is one for the record books, people up and down the east coast have been impacted by the blizzard at least 18 people died in the storm that dumped heavy snow and brought strong winds to the region. Now in new york city central park got more than 26 inches of snow. There was a travel ban imposed yesterday and that was lifted this morning. Meanwhile, around the coast of new jersey, residents grappled with major flooding and a rising storm surge prompting evacuations. On the coast of delaware, winds up to 50 miles an hour and that storm is still moving north further off of the coast. The Airlines Cancel nearly 7,000 flights this weekend and in some service, theyre cut back on monday. Alyx the weather wrecking havoc on travel. How are the major highways in that area . Sally a huge job getting the highways cleared. Some of the major highway, 3 in maryland, large sections were shut down from western maryland all the way over to the Baltimore Beltway because so many tractor trailers were getting in accidents. The governor is making a decision this morning on reopening them. Alyx thank you. Thats sally kidd live in washington this morning. Thank you. Today will be a day for cleanup and assessing how quickly things can get back to usual in the nation capital. The city and landmarks were deserted on saturday and the smithsonian, the national zoo, officials are still trying to determine if the federal government will reopen tomorrow. The agency closed at noon on friday to give workers time to get home before the blizzard moved in. Also in washington, to airports likely will remain closed throughout the day. Heavy snowfall and high winds are making snow removable on runway, roads, parking lots difficult. Along with nearly 10,000 Flights Canceled due to the storm, amtrak also canceled and cut back on services. Trains set to leave for dc and new york, they were canceled as well as others in the southeast. 25 High School Students are finally on their way home after being stranded in the storm. They say that they made the best of a bad situation. We had a couple of snowball fights, we have sled on the side of the highway. They were on their way home from a prolife rally in bus got stuck on a pennsylvania turnpike just east of pittsburgh. The group left d. C. Early friday afternoon hoping to beat the blizzard. The car crashed near the turnpike backed up traffic for several miles. Luckily someone brought water to the group as they had just ran out. We have breaking news overseas, a Turkish Airline flight from houston to istanbul has been taken to ireland due to a bomb alert. The 777 landed safely and all passengers and crew are safely off of the plane. The bomb threat is now being investigated. Right now, officials are reporting a 7. 1 magnitude earthquake hitting southern alaska this morning. The quake struck around 4 30 and it could have been felt across the state all the way to anchorage. There are reports of Power Outages and luckily no injuries have been reported. Over in California Police are trying to track down three inmates who broke out of the maximum security jail. Who escaped from the jail cut through half inch steel bars and got on the roof and were able to make it down with a makeshift rope. The three were facing charges in murder, attempted murder, kid nallkidnapping and torture. Theyre very dangerous. At home officials confirmed an inmate that escaped from the Newton Correctional Release Center is back in custody. Afternoon. He was serving 20 years sentence substance. No word on where he was found. New this morning, two people are being treated after an Early Morning roll over. The crash happened on highway 163 right before the prairie city exit. Officers are on scene and told kcci 8 that the two sustained minor injuries and the car is in bad shape. There were reports of slick roads in that area. Time now, 7 36ish frank, slick roads and a bit of fog certainly something to be aware of heading out the door. Thats right. Things will improve heading throughout the latter portion of the morning. You can see a live shot off to the north. Yeah, pretty foggy up there. Some of the roadways, they could be slippery as that fog is freezing on contact with the roads and it is even kind of a mist out there in some portions of the state. You could see the worst visibility to the west, algona, a quarter mile, here, four miles, 3 miles down here. Give yourself some extra time with the roadways and you could have a glaze of ice over the roadways this morning. The temperatures, not bad for waking up. 28 here in the metro. 28 for ames. Low 20s here. I see the day planner, things are looking up throughout the rest of the day, well warmup and get rid of the fog, the fog just a morning thing begin noon. Cloudy, it will be by noon. Cloudy, it will be hope 30s by then. The 3 00 temperature, 36. By the way, the last time we were above freezing in des moines was way back on january 15th. It will be nice to thaw out a breathing that warmer air in and out turning to commitment 2016, the Des Moines Register Editorial Board announced the president ial endorsement, they choose marco rubio for the republicans and the board believes he has the potential to chart a new direction for the party. On the democratic side, Hillary Clinton, they say she has experience that no other candidate can match. The register believes that each candidate is the best hope for the respective parties. Coming up today on kcci 8 closeup, Hillary Clinton sits down with chief political reporter Cynthia Fodor sharing her views on tear rich, education and what keeps her going. You can catch the full interview right here at kcci 8 at 10 30 following face the nation. Still ahead, are you sticking with the new years resolution . With welcome back. A lot of snow out to the east. My can you see sent these pictures to me on my facebook page. Shes from brooklyn. Are those cars or igloos . I dont know i think there may be a car, you could just see the mirrors sticking out. Thats about it. They have 2 feet of snow on top of them. It will take the folks a while to dig out. Thank you for sending me the pictures. Waking up to a mild morning, it will here in the metro. 28 for ames. With fog out there. Give yourself extra minutes especially to the west. Just under 2 miles for creston and it is bad just off to the north and west. Thats where the visibility and the fog has been worst out there this morning. 28 the current temperature. Notice the relative humidity. 88 . The wind from the south, it is drawing up the gulf moisture and really bringing in at closing seconds of moisture and a lot of warmth too. It will be nice and warm this afternoon. Well keep the clouds around. A blanket of clouds around the state. You see a low pressure system to the south and west. Thats what were keeping an eye on as it pulls in on monday, we will see a chance for precipitation. It will start as a freezing mix in the morning and transition to rain and snow by afternoon. Lets track that closer to home with futurecast. Statewide perspective. Were starting things out this afternoon. It will be dry today, quiet, a warm day. Making it to the mid 30s. That will feel great. After about 3 00 a. M. Maybe seeing some freezing mix moving in. Then it is reign throughout the majority of the morning and by the afternoon notice i have stopped it here at 4 00, it falls to snow and this will wrap out of here by evening hours on monday. Not expecting much measurable snowfall with this. Temperatures will be too warm throughout much of the day. Generally less than an inch in many locations, maybe over a half inch in des moines. An inch and a half here for waterloo and to the east of there, could see 2 inches. 36 is the high today. A cloudy day. The fog burns off through the morning. 29 the low tonight. Some freezing drizzle after midnight seeing more fog. Out there. Keep that in mind. 37. We cool down a bit on tuesday. Warming back up on wednesday. Low, 30s. Back to near 40 on thursday. Mid 40s again by friday. Thank you, frank. Is your new years resolution to is it working . Guess what, youre not alone. More than twothirds of people that get financial goals set for the year actually fail. What type of goals do you hear people sort of setting for the new year . Is it to put more away for the 401k, savings accounts, what . You know, it comes down to what are you struggling with . Is it your health . Your finances . Im glad you brought up the 401k, we have the worst opening history. People are really hurting. People are calling in trying to get help. What i would encourage the viewers to do, start with a budget, thats a great new whats next . When we talk about how do you make sure that youre doing what you should be doing, how do you know it is right for you . Well, you know, you need to have a goal first. What do you want to accomplish . If it is putting a budget, now you have a reason, and it will you have to find that is it paying off student loans, getting out of debt, the fun stuff, maybe it is the vacation you want to go on. You need to have a reason. When you do, the goal is clear. How do you make sure that you dont fail at your new years resolution . How do you hold yourself accountable . You know, if you can actually just write it all down and on my website, i do, i have a starting point there. We need to make you accountable. Otherwise youre not going to do it. Thats the first big piece. When you notice the new years resolutions and people starting to stow money away and an emergency pops up, the unexpected medical bill, a car crash, you know, heaven forbid. How do you make sure that that money is not the emergency money . You know, it really that piece right there, it is about using the real numbers. You know, dont just take your annual pay, divide it by 12 months. I look at your net, what are you netting . Whats coming home to you . Then you put that into Everything Else and factor in the variable expenses and fixed expenses and dont let emotions get in the way. Impulse buying, when angry, sad, angry, all of those things, they can make you spend money. A budget, it is logical. It is a nice tie in to understand the spending habits. With that budget, make sure it is a realistic expectation, if youre only bringing home x amount, dont have x amount youre trying to budget to save. Exactly. Im glad you said that. To be realistic, you know, for the new year resolutions, people look people look at a budget and it is almost the same as going ton a diet. It doesnt happen if you make the huge unrealistic changes right away. You take small strides and build a team around you and ask for support. Youre great with helpful tips getting us on track for the new year. Joining us this morning. 28 down there in knoxville, credits ton waking up at 21. Looking back just 24 hours ago, were 9 here. 11 warmer here in fort dodge. Well keep it going. This afternoon, temperature wise, it is great. 36 , rain, snow mix tomorrow morning. All snow by the end of the day on monday. 37 , cooling down on tuesday. Back in the upper 20s. Thank you, frank. Were pleased to have a special guest with us this morning. We have sheryl here to talk to us about a job fair coming up. Pa great opportunity for folks next week. Yes. A fabulous opportunity. We have a nonclinical job fair. It is not medical service, it is the heart of the house people that were looking for. It is from 10 30 to 6 30 on january 28th. It is at our education and resource center, 1415 wood lapped avenue. Were looking for great people that want to serve patients and have that hospitality feel, able to talk to our patients and we more of the support services. Launch thats what maybe not everybody realizes with the hospital. You have so many jobs that are needed with a variety of skill sets. Some, you wouldnt even think about. Can you name a few . Food service, we are looking for cooks, food service associates, we have housekeeping, Public Safety, groundskeepers, were looking for maintenance and were looking for patient transport. All kinds of back to the house. The list goes on really. How many positions are you looking to fill . We have 70 openings right now and were really looking hard for those quality people that want to serve patients. This is a first time that you have held a job fair like this one and a lot of opportunities day of. You said there will be interview there is . Well do on the spot interviews and then we have computers set up to assist with actually filling out the certificates of readiness, bring the resume, if you have the employment history, bring the full history with you. We can assist. Alyx all helpful tools when showing up to any job interview. What type of people, type of skill sets, personalities are you looking for . Were looking for people who are outgoing, really able to converse with patients but remember we dont really touch the patients like nursing, medical doctors. Were the back of the house, heart of the house, the support unit for nursing really, for those that are in the hospital. The support system, Everybody Needs support. Here it is one last time, the january 28th, from 1023 06 30. Onks ] okay, this is u. S. Cellular, and this is verizon. Now, same phones, but with u. S. Cellular you get 6 gigs of 4g data for only 40 per month 20 less than verizon. And u. S. Cellulars network was built to work in places like out here, here, and here. So, with all of that, why would you ever go to verizon . Switch to u. S. Cellular now and get 6 gigs of data for just 40 a month plus get 300 back. Lets not overthink this. Whos the rebel now . No way. Yes way savor an egg mcmuffin any time you like. A fresh cracked egg, melty cheese, canadian bacon and an english muffin with real butter. Mcdonalds all Day Breakfast menu. Yeah above average forecast today, 36. The fog is lingering through the morning hours. It will be had a cloudy afternoon. Tonight, were watching the freezing drizzle move in late. Into the morning hours, on monday, monday it looks like a mess. It is going to start as freezing drizzle and then back to rain. Then the snow in the afternoon. 37. Look at that, were back in the 40s by friday. Alyx thank you, frank. Here is heather this morning, it smells so good i know you cant smell it but you can see it it looks delicious youre here to teach us to put the perfect peta together. I am pita. We start with the pitas, we have wheat, white, regular, small. A good variety. We have the regular white one today. We have romain, espnish. All ofspinach andtomatoes. What are you making . A chicken pita, low cal, fat. How many calories are in a pita . Around 300 for this one. Okay. Is this the kitchen sink or when they come out, you make this right in front of them for them, right . Yes. We do. For every customer. This is feta, a low cal cheese. This is a low fat greek yogurt, the cucumbers, the this sauce, this is delicious this is a favorite of yours truly. Do you charge extra if you want more . No. It is free love that love the nonadded charges. When youre cooking up back there, is all of this meat cooked fresh . Everything is cooked to order. What type of meat do you have other than chicken . We have gyros, philly steak, we have the turkey, yeah, a lot of options. Is it tough to be around . No. It is a healthy option when youre on youre on the road, trying to get that quick bite on the lunch break, what have you. This is a quick, healthy option, you sort of take it right then and there. We chop all of the veggies up fresh daily so you know that youre getting really, really healthy ingredients and it is take a look at that. Thats filled to the brim. Where are you located. How can people can they call in and order . We can. Any customer can call in to order. We can send in the faxes, order online. Definitely. I asked two questions there, my fault. Where are you located in. We just opened this second one on january 4th. How is business so far . Fantastic amazings a good stretch of businesses in there, needed in that area as well. Final question, whats your favorite pita pit sandwich . Oh probably chicken and bacon. Chicken and bacon. Is your mouth watering yet . Were so sorry to torture you with this on this sunday morning. Cant thank you enough for joining us. Pita pit. Resolutions. Cant thank you enough for have a great day donkey sound elephant sound theres a big difference between making noise, tapping sound and making sense. elephant sound donkey sound when it comes to Social Security, we need more than lip service. Our next president needs a real plan to keep Social Security strong. elephant noise hey candidates. Enough talk. Give us a plan. Captioning made possible by johnson johnson, where quality products for

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