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Her strength. Hillarys experience, knowledge was unmatched, the breadth and depth of her knowledge. Rose but they say clinton still has her weaknesses we noted at times when those invasive. Evasive. The Des Moines Register just endorsed you, any reaction . Very pleased, obviously, it means a lot to me. Rose when it comes to caucus night the board hopes people will keep their endorsement in mind. We dont know whether its going to be persuasive, but we hope people will read what we have to say and at least give that some consideration. Laura the board is made up of six people from the registers editorial staff. They interviewed the candidates throughout the year to make their decision. The endorsement comes on a busy weekend for Hillary Clinton. Clinton is seeking to hold off a late surge from sanders. She is also in eastern iowa today holding a rally earlier clinton took questions from the crowd. She says if elected, she will make sure Social Security does not become privatized. Talk todd Bernie Sanders also campaigning today in eastern iowa. Sanders told the crowd that despite what the Clinton Campaign is saying, he is the right candidate to take on a republican candidate in november. Sanders says that hes seeing so much support because people are tired of establishment politics. Laura donald trump also campaigning across the state today. He held an event in pella this afternoon. Also at the event, iowa senator Chuck Grassley who didnt endorse the candidate but told the crowd he was happy to be at the event. Before trumps event in pella, he spoke at a rally in sioux city. Trump told the crowd that his supporters are so loyal they would stick with him even if he shot somebody in the middle of new york city. My people are so smart, and you know what else they say about my people . The polls, i have the most loyal people, did you ever see that . Where i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldnt lose any its incredible. Todd trumps top gop rival also got a big endorsement today. Conservative political commentator and radio host glenn beck endorsed ted cruz for president. Beck appeared with cruz at a rally in ankeny. Cruz says hes grateful for the support from beck and all of iowa. I am so grateful right now that there are iowans across this state on their knees, asking for gods guidance in this selection. Election. That is what we need. I hope every one of us lifts up prayers for our nation. Todd new york mayor bloomberg would consider running. He has set a march deadline to make a decision. Laura a blizzard continues to bear down on the east coast some of the nations major cities. As Craig Boswell reports, millions of people are in for a long night ahead. Craig a major snow storm is still hammering the northeast. The foot traffic in new york citys times square was noticeably quieter saturday night. Officials expect nearly 30 inches of snow in the big apple. The rate of the snow storm continues to be intense between 1 and 3 inches per hour. Greg craig major coastal flooding pushed water up to residents doorsteps in new jersey. Philadelphia could get up to 2 feet of snow by the time the storm ends. Im well beyond the idea of Winter Wonderland theres no romance to a blizzard in my mind. Craig this bride was going to the chapel to get married, no matter what. After being stranded on the pennsylvania turnpike since the storm hit friday night, the Duquesne University Mens Basketball Team is finally on the move. High winds caused blinding whiteout conditions in the nations capital. A pair of four by four pickups truck out of a jam. Snow has been falling so fast that crews cant clear roads. Side streets are out of the question and officials warn that could slow some 911 response times. Our interests is in our Public Safety being able to move our First Responders and getting the city back open. Craig the storm also stranded thousands of travelers. More than 10,000 flights were cancelled and the runways at dulles and National Airport reagan National Airport were closed. Craig boswell, cbs news, washington. Laura and good news tonight. the 25 Dowling Catholic High School Students are finally headed home. Todd they were stranded on a bus in the blizzard for more than 20 hours. The students were coming home from the march for life rally in washington d. C. When their charter bus got stuck near the pennsylvania turnpike. Kccis kim st. Onge has the story. Kim dozens of teens, stranded on a bus, with hours of time to kill. Kim their crew of 50 left d. C. A day early, thinking theyd beat the blizzard. An accident near the pennsylvania turnpike backed up traffic, their charter bus couldnt keep up with the snow. We are slowly running low on food, which isnt fun and weve completely run out of water so if we want to drink water we have to go outside and fill our water bottle with snow and go back on the bus and wait for it to melt. Kim they cant flush the toilet on the bus so they have to go outside. Bruce brown admits he secondguessed sending his daughter kennedy on the trip. The worry was last night but when the sun came up and we saw the pictures of what they were up to big sense of relief. We built a fort and had a couple snow ball fights. Weve been sledding on the side of the highway. Kim hundreds of other stranded students joined them for mass outside with an altar made from snow. Its super easy to just be really down in the dumps about this whole situation but its come together and stay positive and at least try to make the best out of it. Kim proof, the power of their faith can weather any storm. Kim st. Onge, kcci 8 news, iowas news leader. Todd a teacher who is on the bus says there was talk of not going on the trip at all, but everyone thought they could make it back before the storm hit. Their charter bus has enough gas to idle for 6 days. Laura checking in with jason now. A lot of snow on the east coast, and we have our own chance for a view flurries. A few flurries. Jason there were some spots with 40 inches. Not surprise a few buses got stuck. For us, not sing a lot. Again, we have chances for snow on monday. Tomorrow not looking too bad. Temperatures in the mid20s. We are all the way up to 33 degrees at noon. Ontrack 436. There are larrys in the forecast. I will bring all of that coming up shortly. Todd its a sure sign that summer is not too far away. The 2016 ragbrai route unveivled tonight. And here it is. Glenwood, shenandoah, creston, leon, centerville, ottumwa washington, muscatine. As you can see its a southern iowa route. Ragbrai begins july 23. Laura not everyone is hating the major storm hitting the east coast. See the animals enjoying themselves, next on kcci. Todd first there was ride along. now ride along 2, a new comedy sequel. John pas ringing you cant deal with something, by ignoring it. But thats how some president ial candidates seem to be dealing with Social Security. Americans work hard, and pay into it. To keep it strong. elephant noise donkey noise hey candidates, answer the call already. This is iowas news leader. This is kcci 8 news at 10 00 with todd magel, laura nichols, laura carol meteorologist , jason sydejko, and sports with scott reister. Laura Funeral Services were held today for a family killed in a house fire in boxholm. Services for 27yearold amber, 9yearold riley, 6yearold autumn, and 4yearold brayden at the Southeast Valley Middle School in burnside. Amber and her 3 children died last sunday in a house fire in boxholm. Investigators believe a space heater may have sparked the fire. Todd right now, authorities need your help to find an inmate who escaped from the newton correctional release center. Officials say edward shorter was not present during a routine count this afternoon. Shorter is 28yearsold, with tattoos on the upper right and upper left arm. Hes serving a 20 year sentence for possession of a controlled substance. If you have any information on his whereabouts call 911. In california, police are trying to track down 3 inmates who broke out of a maximumsecurity jail. Officials in Orange County discovered them missing last night. They were facing charges of murder, attempted murder, kidnapping, and torture. The Sheriffs Office says the escapees got to the roof by cutting through steel bars and plumbing tunnels. They used sheets to rappel to the ground and then took off. The Sheriffs Office says all of find the inmates. Laura taking a live look at times square. Major cities like new york city and washington dc are completely shut down because of this storm. But some residents are having fun in this snow storm. Take a look at his video from arlington, virginia. Two Young Children being pulled in a sled by the family dog. Todd and this video is being shared all over social media today. The national zoo in washington, dc posted this video of the panda tian tian, who woke up this morning to find a lot of snow. The young bear looks pretty excited about frolicking in the winter weather. Laura not to feel left out, officials at the national zoo also brought in a bucket of snow for panda cub, bei bei. The feisty youngster took over a bucket of the snow brought into his pen, while his mother went for the bamboo. But bei bei then decided hed had enough of the snow and moved on to the bamboo as well. Todd checking back in with jason i just want to clear it up. That was actually me and a panda costume. No, i was not there. I was in a much less snowy environment. Clouds out there blocking out the sun all day long. It has been hard to find any sunshine out there it at all. Though i can promise you we have some in the forecast for it there are chances tomorrow. Mid20s right now. Temperatures are only dropping into the low 20s and the overnight hours. You can see downtown, a general haze. Otherwise, comfortable. Wind chill only down to the teens. Got a decent stretch ahead of us. 30 degrees is where we top out at. Much sunshine at all and you can see why. A huge mass of clouds. A chance of snow and wintry mix for some of us. I dont think we will see a lot. We will get totals in a second, just know that monday could be a slicker commute. It starts to make its way on the south, some chances for snow and clouds. Things are not going to really get going until early sunday morning. The reason why we could see a mix. We could see a mix there. You may just see a little bit of snow. Futurecast continues to bring in cloud cover as we head into the afternoon. Starts to make its way through. After this, we stay locked in with cloud cover for a little bit. Again, if youre hoping for the sun to finally make an appearance, it is simply going to take its time. Futurecast overdoing this one. I dont think wed see 3. 9 inches. I think it general wanted to inches or so, three being on the extreme and of what we could see. Again, were going to work in warm air through central and southern portions of the state. Middle teens tomorrow. We are above freezing. No matter where you are, if you get a little bit of sunshine, take a picture because i dont next it is, we top out at 36 on monday. 28 on tuesday. 40s back in the forecast. We work our way up to a low of 30 on saturday. Todd the first one made a fortune, now kevin hart and ice cube are back in ride along 2. John pascuzzi is looking for laughs in tonights review. The world a president has to grapple with, sometimes you cant even imagine. Thats the job. And shes prepared for it like no other. A tireless secretary of state, standing up against the abuse of women and girls. Negotiating a ceasefire in gaza, the presidency is the toughest job in the world. And shes the one leader who has what it takes to get every part of the job done. Laura looking for a laugh or two . Todd you might try the new sequel, ride along 2. But first, a word from our movie reviewer John Pascuzzi. John its the sequel to the 2014 surprise hit that brought in over 135 million world wide. Its ride along 2. Kevin hart and ice cube are back as Atlanta Police detectives ben barber and james payton , respectively. Barber is still trying to win the respect of payton, not only as a Police Officer but also as his future brother in law. This time they team up to catch a major crime boss that will take them to miami where danger is awaiting them at every turn. Give me my keys. Ell out of the car. Cut the main power. John costarring ken jeong of hangover fame as a criminal computer hacker and Benjamin Bratt as the miami crime boss, ride along 2 is pretty silly stuff. Hart is his usual high pitched hyperactive self and ice cube has mastered the art of the scowl. But except for a few laugh out loud moments, the film, by half way thru, will have you asking, are we there yet . Ride along 2, unfortunately, youll be taken for a ride. For kcci 8 news, this is John Pascuzzi at the movies. Todd and our panda theme continues. Next week john reviews kung fu panda 3, starring the voices of jack black and angelina jolie. Laura tony seeman in now with sports and we have a lot of tony we have a lock to talk about. We have some ballyhooed to talk with 40 megs of Internet Speed from centurylink, a family of four can all be online at the same time, streaming, gaming, or downloading movies. But i think hair and makeup went a little too far. Yeah, thats not working. I much prefer the twoday beard, hornrimmed glasses, justsleptinhiscar kinda thing. Yeah, i miss the rumpled crazy uncle look. Okay. Be paul giamatti. Thats the essence of this role. Feel like a hollywood insider with highspeed internet from centurylink. The person who lives here. Has to solve problems as big as the world. And as small as your kitchen table. Thats the job. Everyday. For eight million kids. The senator who helped a city rise again. The secretary of state who stood up for america, and stared down hostile leaders around the world. Is the one candidate for president who has everything it takes to do every part of the job. Shell never let anyone privatize Social Security and medicare. Or shut down planned parenthood. Shell take on the gun lobby. Finally get equal pay for women. And stop the republicans from ripping all our progress away. So on february first, stand up for hillary. Because if you want a president who knows how to keep america safe. And build a stronger economy. Hillarys the choice. Im listening to you, im fighting for you, and with your support, im going to deliver. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. This is kcci 8 sports. Tony what a week for iowa state. A win over top ranked oklahoma on a chance to take down kansas monday. This upcoming monday, and a road trip in between. Taking on tcu this afternoon. Steve prohm and company hoping to stay in the win column. Early on, jameel mckay wham bam jam and the foul isu takes the early lead. Great day for monte morris, ahead of the pack and a great finish. Morris had a fantastic afternoon. How about playing some defense, with the steal and back he goes the other way for the score. Closing seconds of the first half, pass to abdel nader and he drains the 3. Isu led at the break. Then leave it to morris to help morris had 18 points, 6 assists. Isu wins it 7360. Next up for the clones, the game everyone is keeping their eye on. The jayhawks come to hilton coliseum. Tip time is set for 8 00. You can see the game on espn. Speaking of the jayhawks, they were at home today taking on texas. Bill self looking for win number 200. Texas out fast lob to prince ebay for the jam. Texas led at the half. Second half, here come the jayhawks. Perry ellis spins to the basket and scores he would have a big day. Later on, wayne selden finds an opening from three. Later on, it is ellis wide open in the corner. Jayhawks win it 7667 for bill selfs 200th win at home. Two powerhouses in the big 12, oklahoma at baylor. Sooners take the lead. Later on, isaiah cousins with the steal back the other way dishes it over to woodard who drains the 3. Buddy hield nails the 3. Oklahoma goes on to win 8272. The uni panthers are a team looking to find some magic. Theyve lost 3 straight games in the valley. Trying to get back in the win column today taking on illinois , state. Wes washpun having a great day. Here he drains the 3 to cut into the lead. Later on he pulls up, washpun with 23 points today. But Illinois State would pull away in the second half. Uni falls 7667. Theyve now lost 4 straight. Drake men on the road taking on loyola. The struggles continue for the bulldogs. They fall 6863. Next up, theyre at Illinois State on the 26th. They can just sit back and enjoy their undefeated record in the big 10. Next up, theyre back home at carver tomorrow afternoon at 12 00 taking on purdue. , they will be looking for another strong showing from peter jok. Jok poured in a career high 29 against rutgers. Hes now proving hes another huge weapon in this deep iowa roster. We wanted to get off to a good start. My teammates kept finding me. My teammates kept finding me and all i had to do was make shots. It was great. We need to pick it up on the defense. Clemens was spectacular. Either one of those players could have been player of the game. Again, another example of us moving the ball and doing what we needed to do to win on the road. Tony iowa hosts purdue tomorrow tipoff is set for noon. Michigan state taking on marilyn. Maryland going to work in the second half. Robert cook with the steal. Denzel valentine drives in bucket and the foul. Michigan state would pull away in the second half. They win 7465. When youre talking Womens Basketball in the big 12, you have to go through baylor. She is not done. From 3. She had a game high 22 points. Baylor would pull away. Chrissy wallace. Baylor beats isu 7761 the final tonight the energy hit the floor at Wells Fargo Arena and hit the floor for a great cause. It was the hoops for a cure night. There was a jersey auction and blood drive to benefit local cancer. Early on here comes iowa, james ennis with the strong finish, bucket and the foul. Later on the big man Alex Stepheson with the strong move to the bucket. Andrew harrions, from kentucky drives in. He had 26 on the night. The energy fall 105119 the final. Grand view wrestling does one thing, win. The Top Ranked Team in the naia. They went to work quick. God when color with the takedown. Grant henderson. And on the ice tonight. As president , i will defend this nation, but i will do it responsibly. I voted against the war in iraq, and that was the right vote. We must never forget the lessons of that experience. Isis must be destroyed, but we should not do it alone. We need an International Coalition with muslim boots on the Ground Fighting with our support. Its time to end the quagmire of perpetual warfare in the middle east. As president , i will. Todd tonight officials confirmed that the inmate who escaped from the Newton Correctional Center is now back in custody. He went missing earlier this morning. Laura that doesnt for us tonight. Announcer 3 republican governors. But which governor won national praise for tough leadership handling nine hurricanes . Which governor made his state number one in job creation . Which governor led the fight to stop obamacare expansion in his state . And which governor laid out a tough plan to destroy isis months before the paris attacks . Jeb bush. Right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. Announcer tonight on an amazing monopoly millionaires club. Throw me a 7 and win 1 million. Announcer with an ending this unbelievable. You got a chance at 1 million right here announcer . We had to. Come on, 7 announcer . Show it. Yeah you won announcer . First. Unbelievable announcer hit the rewind button to see how we got here. The money trains rollin. Announcer on an allnew

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