Transcripts For KCCI KCCI 8 News At Six 20151114 : compareme

Transcripts For KCCI KCCI 8 News At Six 20151114

his 90-minute talk in fort dodge at a community college took aim at virtually everyone from ben carson, the u.s. generals, to the intellect of iowans. kcci's rose heaphy joins us now with more on what donald trump had to say and reaction. rose: absolutely. while trump won't be speaking here tomorrow evening, his words iowa. some people i spoke to today say they're not taking him seriously as a candidate. donald: how stupid are the people of iowa? how stupid? rose: a statement -- in response to ben carson closing the gap in the iowa gop polls. it is rubbing some iowans the wrong way. terri: if you can't make it in iowa, you can't make it anywhere. donna: he just needs to keep his mouth shut. he'd be better off for it. rose: trump went on the attack, the hardest against carson. he referred to carson's book, in which the doctor described his past and a time he attempted to stab a friend in the stomach -- a scenario trump questioned. donald: he hit the belt buckle. anybody have a knife, want to try it on me? [laughter] anybody? it ain't gonna work. rose: throughout his speech, trump also blasted the media. donald: i can leave this scum back here, the press alone. i don't need them anymore. they're garbage. rose: kcci political analyst dennis goldford says these remarks are just part of the trump factor. dennis: his supporters say, yeah, he's telling it like it is. and he's being honest. and none of this political babble you hear from regular candidates. on the other hand, what he said was rather astounding. right now, he probably did himself at least as much damage if not more than he did himself good. rose: but trump's supporters say they like that he's tough. curtis: he's open. and he will tell what he thinks, not just what people want to hear. rose: iowans say they don't expect trump to go anywhere any time soon. >> i don't think it's anywhere close to being over yet. i think we're going to see. >> and it is entertaining, i have to give him that. [laughter] rose political analyst dennis : goldford says it will be interesting to see how these comments impact trump in the coming days, calling it a "prime test." kevin? kevin: thanks, rose. it is quiet here, but it will be very busy. that does not mean the campaigns have not been busy, they are working very diligently right now. cynthia visited all three campaigns. cynthia: i did. you can feel the excitement around the campus here right now. and you can feel the excitement each hoping their candidate comes out a winner. when hillary clinton, bernie sanders, and martin o'malley take their places behind these podiums, the volunteers behind them will eagerly, nervously, cheer them on. hoping this is the place their candidate will outshine the others. kristin: people are looking for alternative. o'malley. every time people meet him, they come away impressed, relieved to have an alternative. matt: hillary talks about iowa across the country in her stops. she had a good first debate , and we expect her to have a strong performance tomorrow night. and share the stories she's been doing since she came to iowa. robert: bernie talks about rigged economy and corrupt political system. and you know, maintain his honest, sincere, passionate approach to stand up for the working class. we think it's an important night for us, and he's ready. cynthia: and all of the candidates are ready, too for their watch parties around the drake area. o'malley at saint's pub. sanders will have his at the varsity theater down the street. and clinton will have her watch party right here on campus. we will be covering all of those tomorrow night, as well as covering all of the candidates and the representatives here in kevin: every four years, a fun place to be. a really big force in this debate is twitter. they will be handling the submission of questions. if you want to submit questions can through twitter, through the hashtag #demdebate. you can see tomorrow's debate on kcci channel 8 tomorrow at 8 p.m. i will be co-moderating along , side cbs' john dickerson, congressional correspondent nancy cordes, and the "des moines register"'s kathie obradovich. before the debate, watch special coverage live from drake university. that starts at 6:30 p.m., following our newscast. following the debate, kcci 8 news at 10:00 will be an hour long addition to bring you the best post-debate analysis. coverage continues sunday morning at 5 a.m. on kcci 8 news "this morning." then following "face the nation," kcci 8 news "close up" will be live with post-debate with yours truly, and kathie obradovich. i spoke with one of my co-moderators of tomorrow's debate. cbs news political director john dickerson, who says he wants to make sure the candidates, not the moderators, are the story of tomorrow. john: we need to be a window. people do not notice you, but through you, the voters get a vision or a view or understanding of what the candidates are doing. if i do it right, they will be talking about the candidates and what they said -- not talking about me. kevin: if you wake up sunday morning, and they are talking about the candidates, i think the moderators have done a good job. let's keep our fingers crossed on that. steve and stacey, back to you. stacey: thank you, kevin. an 18-year-old charged with posting child pornography on social media in fort dodge. kelliann beals faces charges of possessing and disseminating child pornography. fort dodge police say beals had pictures of the young girl. then used a fake social media account to post those photos. that account has now been seized by fort dodge police. the city of sheldahl issuing a bottled water advisory tonight. the dnr detected levels of nitrate in the city's water, twice the maximum level allowed. the water is safe for adults and children over the age of six months. officials say boiling the water does not work. that actually increases the nitrite level in the water. steve: cooler but calmer weather than we had earlier this week. kcci meteorologist kurtis gertz with a first look at your weekend forecast. kurtis: great sunshine out there today, more as we slide to the weekend. look at this pretty shot from eric williamson, and owl there. 6:00 a.m. is 34, 57 by noon. 3:00 p.m., look at saturday, 62 degrees with sunshine. winds will not be bad on it will get breezy on sunday, a touch cooler, but well above normal for this time of year at 60 degrees. more tornadic activity coming in, some surveys to pay -- we are now at a total for 12 statewide, zero north of grand river, and northwest of there, two more ef-1s. hawkeye forecast, cyclone forecast, 8 day forecast -- all stacey: stacey: more now on those terrorist attacks in paris. word now that french security forces have launched a counter-attack on a theater held by terrorists. steve: we're going live to cnn for the very latest. >> new information that this is over. preciousness from the secretary person to the population, to stay at home, to council any activity that is not strictly required. we will see by tomorrow how it goes. already, we are in a state of emergency. which is also quite an unknown situation. since, i think, this must be checked for years -- we have not seen a state of emergency in paris. >> thank you so very much for taking the time, deputy mayor. i know you sound very broken up, as i'm sure anyone listening to you feels. thank you very much. outside a concert hall right now joining me on the phone, the concert hall is where this massive siege just occurred. mayor of paris was unable to tell us, how that ended. how many more lost their lives, obviously, you can see a lot of people escaping. they do not know how many more were inside,, he lost their lives. what are you able to tell us, what did you see? >> basically, i'm a few minutes away from where the concert -- the rock concert was happening. i am on this little street just off the boulevard. i'm in the third arrondisement. i can see the emergency vehicles coming, this makeshift staging area where they are putting injured people inside. i see people being carried out in stretchers, out on stretchers into this place right now. >> do you have any sense from talking to people what happened inside that hall? >> we actually cannot speak to the injured right now, because they are being carried on to the stretchers and inside right now. none of them are actually walking out. they are coming in through the emergency vehicles, and going directly inside the cafe. steve: the latest from paris tonight, we will have more in this newscast as is more integrated also up to the amend minute on kurtis: cooling down out there after the bright sunshine today, 45 degrees and calm winds after all of the strong ones we have been having. humidity is 45%. we set a record, the latest 32-degree day or less. we had 31. last time it happened, the last closest was back on 11/11 of 1882. by 10 p.m. call we have clear skies, wind chill early tomorrow. 34 degrees, it is going to be a mild saturday out there. the average high is 49. we hit the 50's by noon. and 3:00 p.m. is 62 degrees. headed to the cyclone game? just a gorgeous one out there, tailgate temperatures in the 50's. kickoff around 60. look how quickly it cools down, keep that in mind by the fourth order. down to 49. can it stadium -- kinnick stadium is mid 40's by the fourth quarter with a bit of a south wind and mostly clear skies. i hope your team does well. there is across the state, clear skies, a beautiful day across most of the midwest read except for the parts in michigan, some cloud cover in the dakotas. here is futurecast. we are disappointed stay with the sunshine as we move into saturday. looks to be sunny throughout the day. as we had to saturday night, more clear skies. i think you get the picture here. sunshine on the way today and on sunday. clouds will increase on sunday, moisture moves on and sunday night. it looks like a good chance for a one round of rain early on monday. that to push on out and we will quiet down to the rarely on monday afternoon, before more moisture moves in and write nd widespread rain on tuesday. dipping down tonight to 34, below freezing out of town. the temperature drops just a bit, sunshine tomorrow, southwest wind at 10-50. a nice warm-up, 62. i got out of doors over in iowa city. here is your we wrestling forecast, 57 by 1 p.m. with nothing but sunshine. eight-day forecast, some 60's and clouds arriving late in the day. if you have some harvesting to do, this is the weekend. it starts to get soggy next week. then it gets colder, 40's on the way next friday and saturday. stacey: up next we'll go live to , the unidome for semifinal football. including a preview of the evening's marquee matchup -- dowling catholic and valley. steve plus, handing out the big find out which central iowa i love a gourmet cheeseburger as much as anybody. and that's why we created the pub burger at culver's. my favorite cheeseburger starts with great beef. when you get that burger in your hand and the juices are flowing, you want to devour it. chef, we're going to make a pepper grinder pub burger. i'm stoked, man. we've got a little wisconsin swiss and wisconsin cheddar. those are the criteria for me fresh beef, bacon, wisconsin cheese. the four-peppercorn mayo really sets this burger apart. this is the ultimate bacon cheeseburger. our new pepper grinder pub burger. announcer: from iowa's sports leader, this is kcci 8 sports. andy: on the busiest day of the local sports year, we begin with high school football. the state semifinals continue today. scott reister and tony seeman our lives in the dome. scott: dowling has starters up and down the line, one thing remains the same. making it to the dome. the fourth time in the last sixth seasons, third straight. they have an opponent they know very well, archrivals the valley tigers. >> i think most of them have been here, obviously, i'm not sure if they had the role they had tonight. but we are here last couple of years. we understand what it takes. they know we're in for a big challenge. > you want to play against> very good talent. it feels good to be back here and playing such a good team. scott: their archrival, the valley tigers. looking to avenge a loss earlier this evening. >> you know you're going to play a good team, and that is who we have. they handled us pretty good. we have the do a lot of things better tonight. scott: it is halftime at the other semifinals. tied game, valley will start an hour late. not until 8:00 on the main event. tony seeman has coverage of the semifinal from the dome. tony: the raiders have never made it to a title game, they have the opportunity on friday. they would have to get through akron westfield. mount is over three hours from cedar falls, but raider nation was in the house. let us jump to the second half. this is where it gets interesting. game is tied, connor anderson keeps moving his feet. mount ayr down by a touchdown. he takes the game over. from jake taylor, he does the rest. that ties the game up. that highlight reel grab gave them the lead. akron is not done. austin makes it a one-point game with a minute left. they go for two. it pays off. monmunt ary falls in a one-point heartbreaker. tony seeman, kcci. we rejoin you at 10:00 with the latest on valley at dowling. andy? state volleyball hits the championship round. ankeny centennial taking on ari winters with the kill. she's just a freshman. she had 18 kills. ankeny centennial wins back to back titles. 3-0. jessica: it is fantastic, to take this group who had been underestimated all season. they came out and work for. all along the way, to win with this team, it feels so special. savana: we knew we had people who could play every position all the way around. strong program, and we want to continue the legacy. andy: nevada on the cusp. katy cassabaum match-winning kill. they win 3-0 over west liberty. another state championship, they come up just short. west delaware wins this one to take the 4a title. college basketball is officially here. we have taken our first steps towards march madness, i was state played game one of the year. isu opens against colorado. that was jameel mckay with the dunk. cyclonesou think there's no solution to the climate crisis, think again. in iowa, wind energy is already producing reducing our dependence on foreign oil and supporting six thousand jobs. i'm tom steyer. with bold leadership and an endless supply of wind and sun, we can do that across america. the goal is 50% clean energy by 2030. stacey: the latest now on the terror attacks in paris. steve: two paris police officials say security forces an assault on a concert hall filled with hostages, killed at least two attackers. one official described "carnage" inside the building, saying the attackers had tossed explosives at the hostages. a french police official says at least 100 people have been killed inside. on this tonight at >> below the belt? >> he lunged that life. >> has donald trump finally gone too far. >> if you're a child molester, a sick puppy, there's no cure for that. >> the ncis star who says she

Related Keywords

United States , Nevada , Drake University , Iowa , Iowa City , Mount Ayr , West Liberty , Delaware , Colorado , Wisconsin , Michigan , France , Paris , Rhôalpes , Des Moines , Cedar Falls , Iowans , America , French , Jameel Mckay , Ben Carson , Dowling Catholic , Nancy Cordes , John Dickerson , Kurtis Gertz , Tony Seeman , Tom Steyer , Akron Westfield , Kcci Kevin Cooney , Connor Anderson , Eric Williamson , Jake Taylor , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For KCCI KCCI 8 News At Six 20151114 :

Transcripts For KCCI KCCI 8 News At Six 20151114

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his 90-minute talk in fort dodge at a community college took aim at virtually everyone from ben carson, the u.s. generals, to the intellect of iowans. kcci's rose heaphy joins us now with more on what donald trump had to say and reaction. rose: absolutely. while trump won't be speaking here tomorrow evening, his words iowa. some people i spoke to today say they're not taking him seriously as a candidate. donald: how stupid are the people of iowa? how stupid? rose: a statement -- in response to ben carson closing the gap in the iowa gop polls. it is rubbing some iowans the wrong way. terri: if you can't make it in iowa, you can't make it anywhere. donna: he just needs to keep his mouth shut. he'd be better off for it. rose: trump went on the attack, the hardest against carson. he referred to carson's book, in which the doctor described his past and a time he attempted to stab a friend in the stomach -- a scenario trump questioned. donald: he hit the belt buckle. anybody have a knife, want to try it on me? [laughter] anybody? it ain't gonna work. rose: throughout his speech, trump also blasted the media. donald: i can leave this scum back here, the press alone. i don't need them anymore. they're garbage. rose: kcci political analyst dennis goldford says these remarks are just part of the trump factor. dennis: his supporters say, yeah, he's telling it like it is. and he's being honest. and none of this political babble you hear from regular candidates. on the other hand, what he said was rather astounding. right now, he probably did himself at least as much damage if not more than he did himself good. rose: but trump's supporters say they like that he's tough. curtis: he's open. and he will tell what he thinks, not just what people want to hear. rose: iowans say they don't expect trump to go anywhere any time soon. >> i don't think it's anywhere close to being over yet. i think we're going to see. >> and it is entertaining, i have to give him that. [laughter] rose political analyst dennis : goldford says it will be interesting to see how these comments impact trump in the coming days, calling it a "prime test." kevin? kevin: thanks, rose. it is quiet here, but it will be very busy. that does not mean the campaigns have not been busy, they are working very diligently right now. cynthia visited all three campaigns. cynthia: i did. you can feel the excitement around the campus here right now. and you can feel the excitement each hoping their candidate comes out a winner. when hillary clinton, bernie sanders, and martin o'malley take their places behind these podiums, the volunteers behind them will eagerly, nervously, cheer them on. hoping this is the place their candidate will outshine the others. kristin: people are looking for alternative. o'malley. every time people meet him, they come away impressed, relieved to have an alternative. matt: hillary talks about iowa across the country in her stops. she had a good first debate , and we expect her to have a strong performance tomorrow night. and share the stories she's been doing since she came to iowa. robert: bernie talks about rigged economy and corrupt political system. and you know, maintain his honest, sincere, passionate approach to stand up for the working class. we think it's an important night for us, and he's ready. cynthia: and all of the candidates are ready, too for their watch parties around the drake area. o'malley at saint's pub. sanders will have his at the varsity theater down the street. and clinton will have her watch party right here on campus. we will be covering all of those tomorrow night, as well as covering all of the candidates and the representatives here in kevin: every four years, a fun place to be. a really big force in this debate is twitter. they will be handling the submission of questions. if you want to submit questions can through twitter, through the hashtag #demdebate. you can see tomorrow's debate on kcci channel 8 tomorrow at 8 p.m. i will be co-moderating along , side cbs' john dickerson, congressional correspondent nancy cordes, and the "des moines register"'s kathie obradovich. before the debate, watch special coverage live from drake university. that starts at 6:30 p.m., following our newscast. following the debate, kcci 8 news at 10:00 will be an hour long addition to bring you the best post-debate analysis. coverage continues sunday morning at 5 a.m. on kcci 8 news "this morning." then following "face the nation," kcci 8 news "close up" will be live with post-debate with yours truly, and kathie obradovich. i spoke with one of my co-moderators of tomorrow's debate. cbs news political director john dickerson, who says he wants to make sure the candidates, not the moderators, are the story of tomorrow. john: we need to be a window. people do not notice you, but through you, the voters get a vision or a view or understanding of what the candidates are doing. if i do it right, they will be talking about the candidates and what they said -- not talking about me. kevin: if you wake up sunday morning, and they are talking about the candidates, i think the moderators have done a good job. let's keep our fingers crossed on that. steve and stacey, back to you. stacey: thank you, kevin. an 18-year-old charged with posting child pornography on social media in fort dodge. kelliann beals faces charges of possessing and disseminating child pornography. fort dodge police say beals had pictures of the young girl. then used a fake social media account to post those photos. that account has now been seized by fort dodge police. the city of sheldahl issuing a bottled water advisory tonight. the dnr detected levels of nitrate in the city's water, twice the maximum level allowed. the water is safe for adults and children over the age of six months. officials say boiling the water does not work. that actually increases the nitrite level in the water. steve: cooler but calmer weather than we had earlier this week. kcci meteorologist kurtis gertz with a first look at your weekend forecast. kurtis: great sunshine out there today, more as we slide to the weekend. look at this pretty shot from eric williamson, and owl there. 6:00 a.m. is 34, 57 by noon. 3:00 p.m., look at saturday, 62 degrees with sunshine. winds will not be bad on it will get breezy on sunday, a touch cooler, but well above normal for this time of year at 60 degrees. more tornadic activity coming in, some surveys to pay -- we are now at a total for 12 statewide, zero north of grand river, and northwest of there, two more ef-1s. hawkeye forecast, cyclone forecast, 8 day forecast -- all stacey: stacey: more now on those terrorist attacks in paris. word now that french security forces have launched a counter-attack on a theater held by terrorists. steve: we're going live to cnn for the very latest. >> new information that this is over. preciousness from the secretary person to the population, to stay at home, to council any activity that is not strictly required. we will see by tomorrow how it goes. already, we are in a state of emergency. which is also quite an unknown situation. since, i think, this must be checked for years -- we have not seen a state of emergency in paris. >> thank you so very much for taking the time, deputy mayor. i know you sound very broken up, as i'm sure anyone listening to you feels. thank you very much. outside a concert hall right now joining me on the phone, the concert hall is where this massive siege just occurred. mayor of paris was unable to tell us, how that ended. how many more lost their lives, obviously, you can see a lot of people escaping. they do not know how many more were inside,, he lost their lives. what are you able to tell us, what did you see? >> basically, i'm a few minutes away from where the concert -- the rock concert was happening. i am on this little street just off the boulevard. i'm in the third arrondisement. i can see the emergency vehicles coming, this makeshift staging area where they are putting injured people inside. i see people being carried out in stretchers, out on stretchers into this place right now. >> do you have any sense from talking to people what happened inside that hall? >> we actually cannot speak to the injured right now, because they are being carried on to the stretchers and inside right now. none of them are actually walking out. they are coming in through the emergency vehicles, and going directly inside the cafe. steve: the latest from paris tonight, we will have more in this newscast as is more integrated also up to the amend minute on kurtis: cooling down out there after the bright sunshine today, 45 degrees and calm winds after all of the strong ones we have been having. humidity is 45%. we set a record, the latest 32-degree day or less. we had 31. last time it happened, the last closest was back on 11/11 of 1882. by 10 p.m. call we have clear skies, wind chill early tomorrow. 34 degrees, it is going to be a mild saturday out there. the average high is 49. we hit the 50's by noon. and 3:00 p.m. is 62 degrees. headed to the cyclone game? just a gorgeous one out there, tailgate temperatures in the 50's. kickoff around 60. look how quickly it cools down, keep that in mind by the fourth order. down to 49. can it stadium -- kinnick stadium is mid 40's by the fourth quarter with a bit of a south wind and mostly clear skies. i hope your team does well. there is across the state, clear skies, a beautiful day across most of the midwest read except for the parts in michigan, some cloud cover in the dakotas. here is futurecast. we are disappointed stay with the sunshine as we move into saturday. looks to be sunny throughout the day. as we had to saturday night, more clear skies. i think you get the picture here. sunshine on the way today and on sunday. clouds will increase on sunday, moisture moves on and sunday night. it looks like a good chance for a one round of rain early on monday. that to push on out and we will quiet down to the rarely on monday afternoon, before more moisture moves in and write nd widespread rain on tuesday. dipping down tonight to 34, below freezing out of town. the temperature drops just a bit, sunshine tomorrow, southwest wind at 10-50. a nice warm-up, 62. i got out of doors over in iowa city. here is your we wrestling forecast, 57 by 1 p.m. with nothing but sunshine. eight-day forecast, some 60's and clouds arriving late in the day. if you have some harvesting to do, this is the weekend. it starts to get soggy next week. then it gets colder, 40's on the way next friday and saturday. stacey: up next we'll go live to , the unidome for semifinal football. including a preview of the evening's marquee matchup -- dowling catholic and valley. steve plus, handing out the big find out which central iowa i love a gourmet cheeseburger as much as anybody. and that's why we created the pub burger at culver's. my favorite cheeseburger starts with great beef. when you get that burger in your hand and the juices are flowing, you want to devour it. chef, we're going to make a pepper grinder pub burger. i'm stoked, man. we've got a little wisconsin swiss and wisconsin cheddar. those are the criteria for me fresh beef, bacon, wisconsin cheese. the four-peppercorn mayo really sets this burger apart. this is the ultimate bacon cheeseburger. our new pepper grinder pub burger. announcer: from iowa's sports leader, this is kcci 8 sports. andy: on the busiest day of the local sports year, we begin with high school football. the state semifinals continue today. scott reister and tony seeman our lives in the dome. scott: dowling has starters up and down the line, one thing remains the same. making it to the dome. the fourth time in the last sixth seasons, third straight. they have an opponent they know very well, archrivals the valley tigers. >> i think most of them have been here, obviously, i'm not sure if they had the role they had tonight. but we are here last couple of years. we understand what it takes. they know we're in for a big challenge. > you want to play against> very good talent. it feels good to be back here and playing such a good team. scott: their archrival, the valley tigers. looking to avenge a loss earlier this evening. >> you know you're going to play a good team, and that is who we have. they handled us pretty good. we have the do a lot of things better tonight. scott: it is halftime at the other semifinals. tied game, valley will start an hour late. not until 8:00 on the main event. tony seeman has coverage of the semifinal from the dome. tony: the raiders have never made it to a title game, they have the opportunity on friday. they would have to get through akron westfield. mount is over three hours from cedar falls, but raider nation was in the house. let us jump to the second half. this is where it gets interesting. game is tied, connor anderson keeps moving his feet. mount ayr down by a touchdown. he takes the game over. from jake taylor, he does the rest. that ties the game up. that highlight reel grab gave them the lead. akron is not done. austin makes it a one-point game with a minute left. they go for two. it pays off. monmunt ary falls in a one-point heartbreaker. tony seeman, kcci. we rejoin you at 10:00 with the latest on valley at dowling. andy? state volleyball hits the championship round. ankeny centennial taking on ari winters with the kill. she's just a freshman. she had 18 kills. ankeny centennial wins back to back titles. 3-0. jessica: it is fantastic, to take this group who had been underestimated all season. they came out and work for. all along the way, to win with this team, it feels so special. savana: we knew we had people who could play every position all the way around. strong program, and we want to continue the legacy. andy: nevada on the cusp. katy cassabaum match-winning kill. they win 3-0 over west liberty. another state championship, they come up just short. west delaware wins this one to take the 4a title. college basketball is officially here. we have taken our first steps towards march madness, i was state played game one of the year. isu opens against colorado. that was jameel mckay with the dunk. cyclonesou think there's no solution to the climate crisis, think again. in iowa, wind energy is already producing reducing our dependence on foreign oil and supporting six thousand jobs. i'm tom steyer. with bold leadership and an endless supply of wind and sun, we can do that across america. the goal is 50% clean energy by 2030. stacey: the latest now on the terror attacks in paris. steve: two paris police officials say security forces an assault on a concert hall filled with hostages, killed at least two attackers. one official described "carnage" inside the building, saying the attackers had tossed explosives at the hostages. a french police official says at least 100 people have been killed inside. on this tonight at >> below the belt? >> he lunged that life. >> has donald trump finally gone too far. >> if you're a child molester, a sick puppy, there's no cure for that. >> the ncis star who says she

Related Keywords

United States , Nevada , Drake University , Iowa , Iowa City , Mount Ayr , West Liberty , Delaware , Colorado , Wisconsin , Michigan , France , Paris , Rhôalpes , Des Moines , Cedar Falls , Iowans , America , French , Jameel Mckay , Ben Carson , Dowling Catholic , Nancy Cordes , John Dickerson , Kurtis Gertz , Tony Seeman , Tom Steyer , Akron Westfield , Kcci Kevin Cooney , Connor Anderson , Eric Williamson , Jake Taylor , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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