Well ladies and gentlemen boys and girls it's time once again for another exciting adventure of picking up the tempo that's right where it's. A little bit of progressive an alternative country some collective folk music intricacy an interesting little themes and journeys right up until the 10 o'clock hour My name is Rob Kimball Helios little Robbie Kimball and the music circles glad to be with you tonight I've got a really really fun show planned for you I've got a very interesting in studio guest coming up in a little bit going to be talking about some concerts cd release party new cd and all kinds of really cool stuff so fasten your seat belt and let's play some music here a new public radio station P.C.P.'s. Oh . Well hearing him you music you're on k c b x. That was a gentleman named by the name of wild and Henson has a new album called Texas made honky tonk really nice album and that's a really great tune got kind of like. The sixty's seventy's vibe to it maybe called an empty glass and before that Casey Walden a new album white noise white lines Kentucky 1988 and Dallas Burl new album southern wind who we heard got a ramble hand of fine guitar work on that tune and from the Caroline Carolyn Sills combo an album that. Found a couple weeks ago on you really Shel fear key c.b.x. Gold return to El Paso it's actually e.p. Few songs on a really really good playing and singing from top to bottom on this new album and skull Felina. Started to set here and I've got a few more tunes for my special guest shows up here at $830.00 it's picking up the tempo. Well that's the case c.b.x. And I will move to week. And a good pick and so now my been planning on for a little but little while I'm on the show I really want to hurt and I really really liked it it's called the highway the highwayman and I want to see the highway women not the high women and we heard. A crowded table somewhere self-titled album Brand New and then before that Jack temps and gentleman that. Wrote. Peaceful easy feeling and. Heels course having a hit record with that one and this brand new album called one more time with feeling never had a chance to say good bye Jack temps in. A few things off the new release shelf here Ricky c.b.x. Your turn to picking up the tempo him my very very very very special live in studio guest is Mr Period. So I hope you already have a making coffee. Coffee wouldn't count on us and you're a. Lot doing things to make you happy. You're in your you often running to get. When you child in the Midwest. But did your dreams get covered with the snow. Was it something that left your heart in wonder. Well that is something long Lee you would know. All the memory that I gather in the hallway. I love your only thing I was tied. To will remain. Black a fire that was biting warm and licking. Which is falling down to embers again. So if we pop off feelings on the table. And we chose Vons the we would lie. To claim. The law don't think it makes any difference. If you are still my father just the same. So I will be on have a making coffee. And you live for those Roman candles on the stove and. You watch them as a light up half of have a. And then follow you. You may go. You watch them as they light up half of heaven. And then follow you wherever you may call. Naturally great tune. In we were talking a little bit earlier. We're talking course that's what I'd like to do talk to my guest before we go when you were talking about that song. Is she saying that it's the 1st time you've ever played it for a lot of people or I played for a few people I've never played it on the radio most so that never recorded it. Nance making its debut right here tonight stapler Thank you well thanks for coming down we've been we've been talking about this for a long time I don't think you've ever been on the show well I've been here with Krag and I've been here with Craig medico now with Krag and I feel types of Craig and Dorian and and Bob Maybe but I don't know if we've ever just been how you've talked about it but we never for like 20 years well it. May be more than that but you've been really busy with a lot of stuff including a new a new album that you've just finished I just finished a cd and it showed up last Wednesday and. We just got along you've been working on a long time 38 months and you could you tell us a little bit about it if you like who's playing on it who produced it give me sort of the the sweet lowdown on it and then maybe after you get done talking about it a little bit place will will play a track from that sound I took all the songs that I had written in the last 9 years and I pick the ones I like the best and I also picked a song that I wrote 25 years ago called The next night I really really really well and I put them together and some friends of mine just made this happen and I approached Kenny Blackwell to see if he would help me with it because he's great producer a wonderful and satchel and nice person and the exit rate musician Yeah and I couldn't have done any better you know you couldn't have and then I just. Kind of started calling people see if they would play on it and they did and you've got his Bob policeman on there and his lovely wife Wendy and all of Cafe music oh how cool is yeah and. Darryl Voss statement because steel Bill Flores. Kristen do Shahram who's the keyboard player with Damon Christy Oh. There's probably more we have to read the little thing you know you have to read a little thing in the note see about. The scene in other words you've had you have so many people on there are so many big hitters on there you've you forgotten who they are they're. Well that's cool that's Ok I have. The new album cued up here as or any particular track that you would like to to play on your. Whatever you'd like. Well I've got it here in my hot shaky little hand. Is there anything that we may not be for me or whether it's a new new tune that we could play. He's thinking what you have this version in a Mexican that Ok we'll play that we've got and this would fit with your show Ok we've got pier yelled Here with his new cd and we're going to hear Mexican night right here on picking up the tempo of 3. He just tuned in we're hanging out with Peter yelled up tonight we're talking about his brand new cd that's just come out. He's brought one down and sharing it with us we're talking about a little bit of song writing and that was Kenny Blackwell playing the really really fine slide guitar guitar one net a beautiful Christian to show or playing him in the 3 were going. And Darryl Vos on the drums. Fred Murray on the bass man can ask for a better cast of characters to help with that and then the song is good I mean that's that's 2020 year old song isn't it I wrote it in 1902 Ok Well it's I was pretty close. Mel. Not to not to change the subject we're talking if the subject there were no well it's not really changing this is really what we're talking about music we're talking about you as a singer songwriter. But there is a benefit concert coming up November 10th this coming Sunday and we have Janice Sexton here with this tonight also. Which is who is involved with the concert as well so we've got Louis Ortega is going to be helping us out with this and. The House John Stevens who is a wonderful wonderful guitarist tell us a little bit about the concert. This man had to Peter's as a chiropractor and Shell Beach and he is just a wonderful man and he's done all this stuff for the community he takes care of the community he sees people for little money no money whatever he just takes care of people and. He's had a heart condition needed surgery and quickly and his insurance paid for it but he needs to keep his business going so we've decided to put this concert together to raise a little body and to raise awareness and. This is a 3 o'clock yes 300 and that's happening at the Mount Carmel Lutheran Church at 71 Frederick Street in San Luis Obispo Yes so grand as you go and help towards Kalpa you can now move up to the mike and tell us all about it well anyway that's Jenna Sexton ladies and gentlemen. Yeah this is going to be a Mel karma Lutheran Church and Mount Carmel is as you go on to Grand Avenue and you go under the freeway overpass is right there to the left it's $1701.00 Frederick Street Ok All right so that sounds like like a great concert to check out the Sunday if you're not doing one thing and you can we you have some C.D.'s I have my C.D.'s there this is going to be for a very worthwhile cause excellent excellent. And you know you were talking about as well having a cd release party going to have a cd release party but the date has not been a fixed as of yet Ok it might be in December it might be. I don't know it's kind of in limbo but it will happen Ok and I will broadcast it and maybe I'll come back here and tell you about it that would be very very good. I may ask you to play us another tune Ok in a little bit but while I'm added While I have the cd queued up here. Is there anything else I use you me suggest for me this is really cool the new cd. Which you could get for your very own disc Sunday Peter leavin sign it for you I will do that. I think they're all good songs but I'm really biased and this. Will play Number 10 number 10 ladies and gentlemen number 10. Be very old as my guest and I were and hanging out and that's a track off his new cd. Lou your take playing guitar on that one and we'll Flora's on the accordion he's just a jack of all trades isn't His there's nothing that Bill doesn't play there's nothing that I say Me So you guys going to do that this Sunday I think so that would be that would be green Louis can play play that wonderful guitar yes behind you that would be great yes so so how are you guys going to play for I I mean I'm it's just can I say a couple of hours Ok that's that's pretty cool yeah couple of hours and again that's this Sunday at 3 o'clock at the Mount Carmel Lutheran Church and it's Bennett for Dr Andrew Peterson and Kaye fracture. Ok tell me a little bit about that last song. Because I'm curious curious about where that song came from I always always like to put those singer songwriters on the spot because I'm always in years of people that can come up with really really good songs about tell a story about 4 years ago my youngest sister Christina took me to Mexico for her 50th birthday and I started. Because I've been in a songwriting phase for the last few years and I started writing this song about it and. I realize she was having a birthday but then I realized somebody else was having a birthday to look at that time of year and it all just sort of came together and we went to this beautiful place and watched the full moon come up and then I realized you know on Christmas Day I'm working on the round I really there's probably somebody fighting a war somewhere on this earth somewhere and I just kind of tried to resolve it that way that's interesting is really nice and kind cept you wrapped up in that tune there I really like that fact. And speaking of concepts and songs evaluate that deter there you can you please place a song while. It's doing this to a little do. You. Know me know that allowed. This is called the vakeel stright up a Zeina and this is about the back road from. Pisa Italy to look at Italy Ok. With straw to Poseidon. Winds from the coast going east. Through the hills above San Julian All in all. But all points in between. The lime jello diesel moaning. Travel to yell long ago. On his way to Carrara. For some office just as pure as a snow. Fall Some are both just as pure as a snow. Colored glass windows. Calls a lie to the few. Tuscan Cathedral. Where the faithful. Pivot to lose. The road heads into companion. As a sign lights streams through the clouds. On an aqueduct. From the time of Rome standing all to promise. Not time skies tragedy or. The moon we can suspend. But everything to us magic. Of all that we have a lot. We all arriving with her and saying. As the river departs for see. What all of you know. Subject Oh. She. Turned the pages of history. While the wind down cypress tree. With the ghost of an Italian ictus. From a 50 century. The vakeel strong. Winds from the coast going. Through the hills above Sandra Lee on a. Blog points in between. If you just tuned in my very special live in studio guest is Peter Yolanda and we've been talking about his new album which should just came out and a special concert to schooling to be held to Sunday to more Carmel Lutheran Church benefit concert at 3 o'clock and we've got a few more minutes left and you want to play a track off the new cd to kind of. Close it out it turns. Out well oh hand you the cd and you can. You can know this is Chuck number 2 track number 2 there when I was 18 years old I went traveling with a friend of mine and we hitchhiked California from. A lot of California. All of Oregon and and we did this but a year after Woodstock and we went and saw a part of America that doesn't exist anymore. Interesting bio we have traveled to Texas to anymore and all the way back down the coast I stopped in San Francisco to see by great actual And she was 78 years old and I told her my stories of my travels and she told me her story and when the day she got married she and her husband left all St Mary's Church in San Francisco and they walked to the Ferry Building and they took a ferry to Sausalito and they had. A basket of food a small bedroll and for their honeymoon they walked up the Bergen County coast to Bodega Bay while I just wrote Oh that is just gorgeous so for years I kept this song with me but not the song the story and finally my lady friend Julia said that's what you should write a song about something ecstatic just and there it is now came out this call Edward and Jewel All right. Peter I'd like to really thank you for coming by tonight thank you for having us and. Sharing your music sharing your. Your new album and it will definitely be played here on this program and definitely enjoying it very much and just a quick round up the details of this concert we get just a few minutes sets them out Nov 10th the Sunday Mount Carmel Lutheran Church 17 o one Frederick Street. That will be Louis or take a Grammy winner who we are a tiger. International guitarist John Stevens amazing guitar player amazing it's our pleasure as I self and at the concert for Andrew Peterson and his crew sticks and the church are really still there died of my next shot Well thank you guys so much for coming boy and sure and a little bit of time I'm picking up at Temple thank you for having said My pleasure . Support for gay c.b.x. Comes from apropos ladies clothing boutique fashions for women just like you with locations in San Luis Obispo pass the roadways in re Grandy learn more at Shop apropos dot com that shopper poll dot com and support comes from u.c.s.b. Arts and lectures presenting the Preservation Hall Jazz bands a tuba to Cuba a concert featuring music and climatic visuals from New Orleans to have gone on Nov 21st at Campbell hall tickets are at arts and lectures died u.c.s.b. Edu And this is k.c. B.x. Each day one Sam Lewis a bespoke e n b x h e one sent art of k.s. B. Accent to Barbara streaming the World Wide Web be x The toward she it's 9 o'clock.