Transcripts for KCBQ 1170 AM [1170 The Answer] KCBQ 1170 AM

KCBQ 1170 AM [1170 The Answer] KCBQ 1170 AM [1170 The Answer] November 30, 2019 220000

Her. 6. Hours townhall dot com I'm wrong. A day after 2 people were killed by a knife wielding man on the London Bridge before police fatally shot him Mayor City Khan says the threat level for a long time has been severe in London which means an attack is highly likely. To strike. Such research is. The self-service service ready body else stretched between. The instructors set up was necessary they still did their job Police say the suspect was previously convicted on terrorism charges but was let out of prison early to attend a learning together conference for ex offenders and while media reports ISIS is claiming responsibility police say appears the man acted alone Meanwhile Dutch police arrested a 35 year old homeless man today on suspicion of stabbing 3 teens in the street at the Hague crowded with Black Friday shoppers the victims 215 year old girls and a 13 year old boy were treated at a hospital and released late Friday. Online sales for Black Friday had a record high of $7400000000.00 according to Adobe analytics all that online shopping may have helped thin the crowds at some of the stores and malls on Black Friday when people were filling their online carts with phones computers and other electronics a record was also set for Thanksgiving Day online sales which hit 4200000000 but the biggest ever online sales day was last year cyber Monday and Adobe analytics expects this Monday's online sales to reach 9400000000 dollars Julie Walker New York and with Black Friday behind us today a small business Saturday celebrating small business and encouraging customers to shop locally Sunday is museum store day when museums and other cultural institutions offer shoppers their deals news and analysis at townhall dot com. Nature of health on the answer San Diego is sponsored by William Sickert. Welcome to the nature of health featuring the best of the best in human health products and resources now here's your host for the nature of healthy real sick. Day everyone welcome to the show and happy holidays pay attention to your driving and mostly pay attention to the people driving around you raise the. Roof and Julian yesterday showing the snow and. Yeah there are some examples of for driving and it seems that the rain causes the problem and we should have more today but anyway be careful so a public announcement for everybody tomorrow is it so we are going to be at the Del Mar fair from $11.00 to 5 pm the racing is from $11.00 to 2 pm so show up and the tickets the free tickets those offering on the show are all gone so you may have to pay for parking and may have to pay for admission if you weren't listening for the many that emailed us. Nature of hell San Diego at g. Mail dot com They got in and they'll be there tomorrow so can't wait to see you guys please come by the New Life ensures booth I'll be there pretty much all the days should have a lot of fun out there and I would bring a coat I'm thinkin $64.00 at the high so that's going to be for the Midwesterners that show up there they'll be in shorts but for the rest of us will be in down coats so anyway in the news there's always one rant that I have and it usually pops out in the sports world and this was no different from a holiday weekend Colin Kaepernick Ok everybody knows them or if you don't know I'm just Google it and even if you misspell it you can misspell it by Colin Kahl and whatever you'll find it Kaepernick and. Really admire disc I as he went into the n.f.l. Did a great job went into the recruiting process I mean this is a guy that was literally adopted from a mixed family and the father left then you know just the story of getting to fame and the reason I liked him so much was because of statistics so this is the 1st time in just a few years in the n.f.l. That this guy actually beat who is the greatest quarterback of all time well not Joe Nemeth modernly Tom Brady All right so only a few percentage points but I mean this guy had a completion rate higher than Tom Brady in his career in the n.f.l. Yes Do your research it's true I couldn't believe it I was amazed and I just want to tell everybody the rant today is just a little bit about. How to represent yourself and how to be a leader and a hero and realize that high school kids watch you in the n.f.l. Because they want to emulate you and then they want to be recruited at a college which you were calling and then they want the ultimate which is go into another level of recruiting call it combine call it whatever but you actually get picked by an n.f.l. Team and perhaps your sign on bonus would be more money than most people win the lottery literally on average $20000000.00 in your bank when you sign in and all you got to do is play without injury and even if you get injury there's guarantees that the contracts are right and then suddenly the lesson I want all kids to learn is your craft and your success is your skill as a sport you do not need to become an activist you do not need to become an agenda for what ever it is you're standing for you can do that when you retire but in the mean time in the n.f.l. There's a cartel and it's a good one I think which is the n.f.l. They're concerned about their image they're concerned about what players think of their players what the public thinks of their players and that's their brand. They protect it if you have the n.f.l. On a jersey just like I'm wearing a Yamaha Jersey right now and incident official Yamaha Jersey so there's a little sign on there that says this is our brand and they protect it. So what column is done in the aftermath of his career in this situation to become a free agent and it just means that Ok with stats like his you would get snatched up so quickly and yet no one touched him and then suddenly Nike pulls out puts his face down in downtown New York and says hey he's our new poster boy so to speak for our brand and goes and does things so here are the 2 things that took place only in the recent months and literally recent days so instead of going to the n.f.l. And going to practice and having people look at you because you're a free agent and you're interested in being recruited in good faith you go and they ask you to sign a waiver and you don't want to sign it and it's a standard waiver that everybody everybody at that event has signed and consented to and then they also say well you can't film yourself you can't have your own film crew and he didn't like that so he runs away to some other field and hopefully some people follow them because of the controversy and suddenly he does a practice there and can't figure out why no one has contacted him well you know there's an issue there and it's because you're unpopular I don't care if you Neal you stand you do jumping jacks whatever you want to do at the national anthem or the Girl Scout troops going by in the parade doesn't matter you're not an activist Ok Hank Aaron was an activist in sports did very well. No question about it Muhammad Ali who trained in Berrien Springs Michigan 20 minutes from my house an activist and did it well why he's a superior athlete with passion Oprah Winfrey and activists for better or for worse whatever she's a personality out there of color and does a great job gives more money away the most people could ever make a great lover Roberta local mentee in his own way did many things to advance baseball based on his appreciation for the fact that he got a break and you know you got a break and you got a break playing for the n.f.l. And you screwed up are a you're not a black activist you're not black Ok wake up to that you're from a mixed marriage everybody doesn't I'm in a mixed marriage and I enjoy it immensely but I got to tell you that's not something the push forward if your kids which you were a kid of that weren't there all right the 2nd thing is is where you're really blew it and that was on Thanksgiving going to the un thinks giving event up in a prison in Northern California little place called Alcatraz Ok And again Dude you're not an American Indian you're not a native american All right I don't know why you're there I don't know why you're trying to do these things to create attention and it's all negative so if I can give you some career advice it's over and if I can give you some additional career advice maybe you can wake up to this and really start following a path it upsets me to have so much talent. And such statistical prowess go into the abyss of nowhere based on your lack of appreciation for your talent as a public figure and doing something with that that is today's rant and once again the n.f.l. Is a participant in that and I think the n.f.l. In their defense has done a great job you know the settlement for the concussion things and whatever I mean could have been into the millions and millions of $1.10 split with some other guy you know whatever so I hope that's paying for these trips around the country to show up at places you don't need to being somebody who you are not with that let's get back to the nature of health Oh I get it I think I'm getting out here so anyway so this show is kind of special because I've got some guests lined up for the next month and into 2020 and has to do with products has to do with technology but today I want to spend some time talking about water and we're here in Southern California were here in San Diego County and I live in Carlsbad and we have the adult Carlsbad water and you know the alkaline water and all that is great and people seem to be infatuated with water. And the reason I say that is because one of the largest aisles in a health food store you can spend up to $4.00 for a quart of water or and that's the economy of water so it's huge I was the c.e.o. Of pent up water a multimillion dollar organization that made a very very specific project the no longer is what it is if you're looking at buying pens in a health food store trust me take a total dissolve solid meter it's not 10 to anymore nothing against the manufacturer that ended up taking them over but it's not the same thing there's all kind of there's black water there's electrolyte water there's structured water and people kind of buy it based on the sexy bottle or the fact that it's purple and I like purple or whatever it may be but the water market is huge Nestle just a tiny company. Literally sucked lakes of water dry in my state of Michigan making their water bottle water so that they could create a product that is sold virtually everywhere in the country so with that the question is Ok Bill if you have a water technology background what's your resume I was the c.e.o. Of Aqua foot tonics that's a technology company patented that created the technology inside of pen to water and as a result of that guess what in the c.e.o. Round tables and networking you meet the C.E.O.'s of other water technologies and it's simple to sit there and ask questions hey so Geez Lee what do you think or what's this or what's your take on this I mean I've seen products that are out there and marketed that are mimics of bleach that are put into water to make it absorb better Ok yes I agree with that but when you taste the water and it can taste like you're drinking out your pool it's like Bill do what do you think about that and it's out there and you can spend as much or as little money on it people always ask Ok so what do you have in your home I'll get to that in a little bit but I do want everybody to know that there are some myths about water and I want to start at the 30000 foot level and then kind of the land the plane with what's out there let me start with tap water Ok tap water is sewage Ok it's goes to a sewage treatment plant it's converted the way the courage it to be technically registered as clean water is to use a lot of chlorine there's a lot of minerals the obviously have to filter it you got to make sure all the toilet paper is out of there and all that stuff you're thinking oh no Bill Gross No dude it's it's there go buy a water treatment plant in July in Southern California. Keep your vents open on the car don't use the car filter Ok so don't use research elating air and just drive by that baby and tell me what you smell and I can assure you it's definitely what was the original water for you're drinking so you're thinking Well that can't be right because my parents of drink tap water all their life there are dead or maybe they are I don't know but the bottom line is tap water is not bad it's just highly processed water but in it is a thing called dissolve solids and there's material in there and words like oh yeah I remember my dentist talking about fluoride and we had this big 0 March in Marietta California against Florida no water because Ok with respect to Flora it works for children who are developing teeth and if you've lost your baby teeth and now you've created your 1st 2nd set of teeth and that's your final set of teeth until they're yanked out you go to smile world and whatever your new dentures that's it but after that you don't need fluoride that's the only technical benefits of Florida and so to have it in your water as an adult or me definitely doesn't do any good doesn't make your teeth whiter doesn't make it the stronger has done with fluoride after the development stages of life so if it's in there it is one of the smallest unfilter bull molecules known to man next and I'm sure we'll get into this after the break but are those things that they're just now starting to ask you to recycle and by giving them with no questions asked in a box at the police station or the fire station or a local recycling center all the pharmaceutical drugs that are out there. Trust me they're just as unfertile Bowl as a lot of other things will come back with some shocking news after the break we'll see if your help will be back. There's more nature of help with Bill secured on the way on the answer San Diego. All of the lights on Main is back head over this afternoon and evening to downtown home for the biggest Christmas block party this side of the 8 o 5 come on your own or bring the family because there will be something for everyone whether it's ice skating carnival rides boutique vendors or delicious food you'll enjoy it all under the lights and sounds of the Christmas season if Live music is more your being you'll enjoy 2 different fantastic bands keeping everyone rockin the whole night if that's not enough come see the big man himself that's right Santas coming early and he'll be taking pictures with the kids in Santas village most importantly the annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony will take place on the corner of Main Street in Magnolia Avenue at 6 pm that's made a magnolia 6 pm grab some coffee or cocoa and gather with the community to celebrate this start of the season holiday lights on Main in downtown home starts at 1 pm and ends at 8 head on over from one to 8 this afternoon and evening. Imagine what better blood flow would do for your health with Addison thermo therapy that's a.v. a C e n which stands for advanced vascular circulation enhanced meant clinically proven for reducing the widespread pain associated with fibromyalgia and f.d.a. Cleared for multiple health parameters including the temporary relief of joint pain associated with arthritis and muscular relaxation this simple and safe device is now available to consumers and healthcare professionals in North America this remarkable San Diego developed and patented technology is totally unique after over $6000000.00 treatments and numerous clinical studies substantial evidence exists that daily use can lessen and even eliminate numerous health challenges in adults and children truly a wellness appliance for the entire family. Imagine what better blood flow would do for your health with obvious and thermo therapy that's aviate c e n which stands for advanced vascular circulation enhanced clinically proven for reducing the widespread pain associated with fibromyalgia and f.d.a. Cleared for multiple health parameters including the temporary release of joint pain associated with arthritis and muscular relaxation this simple and safety officer device is now available to consumers and healthcare professionals in North America this remarkable San Diego developed and patented technology is totally unique after over $6000000.00 treatments and numerous clinical studies substantial evidence exists that daily use can lessen and even eliminate numerous health challenges in adults and children truly a wellness appliance for the entire family and it comes with a 30 day 100 percent money back guarantee for more information including pricing and clinical documentation simply email this radio program at nature of health San Diego and e-mail dot com That's the nature of hell San Diego and e-mail dot com Welcome back to nature of health get ready to learn about the best of the best in human health products and resources now here's your host Bill shipper. Welcome back everybody we were talking about water on the break after we. Trash some people in the public with the issues so. Nothing new here anyway ah we're talking about fluoride we're talking about tap water we're talking about water and I told everybody on the before the break I'd be landing a plane from 30000 feet I I think we dripped down about 5000 feet but tap water and bottled water and oh well oh come on Bill what's the best water and you said you were the c.e.o. Of all water technology company so hopefully you can give us Lee answers well. First of all let's let's go into tap water and there's. A quote nothing wrong with it because. Only human health standards the water really can't come out of the tap unless there's a huge violation so I'm not talking about you know the lead in Michigan which was highly discovered I'm not talking about the brown water that comes out in Corona. I'm talking about normal clear water that comes out of your faucet in Carlsbad San Diego whatever but I will tell you that it's also an environment that is the equivalent of what we are experiencing at the beach in Del Mar today or right now I hope to see you all at the Donmar Fair Grounds tomorrow at the ladies day at the races that's going to be great but that's as close as I would want to get to the water in dull Mar period which is only about $200.00 yards away and you're asking well what's up with that so. There's a little golf course they had like 8 bazillion gallons of it's entire sewage which from a golf course that's pretty busy in Southern California is probably a lot all right you think Hey wait a minute so they must have a septic tank they must have know they actually have huge hydro pumps to actually get the sewage into the sewage treatment system so it can be treated and fortunately there was a little bit of a leak in that sewage system won't leak is a joke I mean it literally created an underground aquifer of the cesspool of raw sewage that was created by a golf course yes all the sewage from every bathroom on the golf course the clubhouse related areas all went into the ocean in a relatively quick period of time so and they're suggesting that with the rain and the leak you might not want to go in that water for a period of time. And you'll glow in that water if you go into it this is Dana Point all the way up to Newport Beach that's only a stretch of coast about 20 miles and don't swim there in fact every time it rains in San Diego county literally the water according to the Coast Guard as well as the lifeguard stations that measure the stuff on a daily basis is which within a couple of percentage points of toxic so you can figure out why you got that sinus infection some a clue the flu diarrhea whatever it may be because you went out surfing just a few days after the rainstorm Well trust me that water is definitely no good so now let's take that sewage leak that took place at the golf course where would it go otherwise it goes into the sewag

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Radio Program , Distillation , Water Pollution , Drinking Water , Water , Water Treatment , Sanitation , Sewerage , Liquid Water , Business Terms , Water Supply , Sewerage Infrastructure , Coolants , Dielectrics , Excipients , Small Business , Truth , Players Of American Football From California , American Rock Music Groups , Bottled Water Brands , Homogeneous Chemical Mixtures , Monopoly Economics , Legal Doctrines And Principles , Mathematical Terminology , Health Care , Tort Law , Health Policy , Radio Kcbq 1170 Am , Stream Only , Radio , Radioprograms ,

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