That's 5 percent more than last year the airlines say they've added $143000.00 seats a day since last year which they hope is enough to meet demand the busiest flying day is expected to be December 21st the Friday before Christmas the quietest Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Warren Levinson New York 1000 people have been taken to hospital with minor injuries after 2 buses collided at Walt Disney World a Florida highway patrol's as one bus where read another at a parking booth near Epcot Tuesday there were 51 passengers the 2 busses a highway patrol spokeswoman says the passengers taken to the hospital had very minor injuries breaking news analysis at townhall dot com but clued up on the recent wildfires in California will be costly estimate is it will cost at least $3000000000.00 to clear debris from the 3 wildfires that's more than the record 1300000000 spent just last year Cal Fire director Ken Pimlott says times are changing folks can say what they want to say but when firefighters are living climate change there it's staring them in the face every day says the camp fire in northern California burned unlike anything they've seen before he will have in some cases minutes to notice residents about the potential for a fire spreading the need for evacuations the cleanup from these fires is expected to start next month in California and take about a year to complete I met Donohue a conservative party official says British prime minister Theresa May will face a no confidence vote in her leadership may have had a years long battle to try and get brushed approved by parliament for the stories at townhall dot com Patrick Foss. Imagine doing one thing that gives you an entirely different perspective about your place in the world think it would be 29th team during the stand with Israel to work with Dennis Prager in Mike Gallagher happening December 2nd through 11th 2018 register today at the answers San Diego dot com keyword Israel. Am 1170 and. Out of God bless you all thank you for listening and see a cop thank a cop every day see a cop Thank you. 3 police officers down in Houston shot today. Doing their job serving this a warrant on some fellow who opened fire on these 3 police officers down in Houston all 3 police officers will be fine but just a reminder again of what our men and women in blue deal with choose to deal with every single day so when you see a police officer think that police officer for what that police officer does I think about Chicago Illinois and I get rather depressed. And I've been thinking you know little Rahm is stepping away and I think the reason run Emanuel by the way is is not running for reelection primarily because he wants to run away from the disaster the looming financial disaster that is the city of Chicago and Rahm wants to get as far away from the looming disaster of Chicago as he can so that somebody else will have to deal with it and runs probably also a little bit bored he wants to go on t.v. And do something that I think Rahm's hope and that the Democrats going to become president 2020 and Rahm can go work for a Democrat president but I'm I'm thinking to myself today that who cares about Rahm Emanuel and you've got about what you've got 20 some candidates Democrat candidates running to replace Rahm Emanuel and they're all Democrats they're all kind of sort of pretty much the same they're all kind of pretty much going to do more of this say more what Rahm did more what Daley did before him more. Every single Democrat mayor of Chicago has done for the last so many years. That have helped make Chicago one of the most broke cities in the country one of the most bankrupt cities in the country one of the most corrupt cities in the country one of the most dangerous cities in the country and a city that is like literally physically quite literally falling apart and I'm thinking to myself all day today it doesn't matter. That matter who the next mayor is going to be it's going to be some machine Democrat some Democrat who's going to keep doing more the same and Chicago is going to stay on the road it son broke corrupt bankrupt raising taxes on everybody so that everybody just wants to keep leaving Chicago and I'm wondering to myself why do these good people of Chicago white black and brown keep voting for more the same why do these good Chicago wins white black and brown keep bending over and telling their mayors in their politicians to kick them in the backside again. Rahm Emanuel's going to deliver a big speech tomorrow in front of the city council. And he's going to outline all the challenges that face the city of Chicago. And Rahm Emanuel is going to call for the state to legalize marijuana he's going to call for the state to let Chicago have a casino and he's going to call for the state to amend the Constitution to help Chicago dress it's looming pension crisis that by the way is going to balloon Chicago's pension crisis is going to believe in to at least a $1000000000.00 in additional annual payments by 2020 by 2023 Scuse me. An additional $1000000000.00 in annual pension payments. And so you will you listen to what you look at what Rob's going to be calling for you know legalize weed give me a casino change the constitution all of this stuff all he's looking for is more and more money to pay for right all the debt the pension crisis in the debt that Chicago is experiencing and Rahm will float borrowing more money lives just keep borrowing more money to deal with the financial and fiscal disaster that is Chicago and this comes Rahm Emanuel them our little Rahm will lay out. The big pension problem and it doesn't do it's justice to call it a pension problem. After he's already issued record property taxes and other fee and fine hikes to help shore up Chicago's for pension funds which are all and were all grossly underfunded when he took office and now they're even more underfunded in 2020 Rob's going to tell the city council that's like right around the corner hold on this is the end of 28292020 that's like in just a little over a year the city's going to need another $276000000.00 in new revenue to pay for higher police and fire pension contributions in 2022. The new revenue for the municipal and Labor's funds is projected to increase by about 310000000. Is going to tell all of these aldermen. The city's broke its pension funds are nearly bankrupt the city of Chicago physically is falling apart it's a dangerous city in many many neighborhoods the school system the government run school system talked about pension problems forget about that for a minute the government school system is subs standard in many many neighborhoods and so I'm wondering again the day before Rahm makes his big speech how to save Chicago how have bailed out Chicago in the in the way you bail out Chicago the way Rahm is going to say we got a bailout Chicago is just take more and more money for more and more people in the state of Illinois. I'm just wondering the day before this speech I don't see anything changing there in a Republican Party in the city of Chicago right there's barely a Republican Party in the state of Illinois Lordi be there ain't no Republican Party in the city of Chicago and I'm thinking to myself more more more you know what one it's been a one party city for ever and I don't care if that party is the Republican Party or the Democrat Party when you have one party in charge of a city forever one party in charge of a state forever one party in charge of a nation for ever you're going to get corruption it's common you're going to get broke and broken necks you're going to get bankruptcy you're going to get failing schools in dangerous streets you're going to get a city that's falling apart in this case and you're going to get a city that can't pay for itself you're going to get a city government that the people of Chicago can't even come close to affording a one party city forever and this one party city next April Mays going to elect another Democrat and that Democrat will keep doing what every Democrat. Before that Democrat has done borrow and spend borrow and spend and more and more people are just going to keep leaving the city of Chicago and you know what that means because the rest of the state can relate because more and more people right leaving the state of Illinois everybody leaving the state of Illinois is a taxpayer so they're taking their taxes with them they're taking their their abilities and their strengths and their contributions and their productivity with them those are the same people leaving the city Chicago they see the writing on the wall why does Chicago keep putting the same people in charge why does white black and brown Chicago keep voting Democrat over and over and over again and you wonder and you ask yourself Do the people of Chicago like what the Democrat Party has done for Chicago in the last what 405-060-7080 years that's a straight up question for anybody living in Chicago 312-642-5600 nothing's going to change Rob's gone somebody else is coming and nothing's going to change Whitey keep doing it white black brown Chicago Why do you keep doing it why do you keep voting Democrat 312-642-5600. Daily It doesn't matter who it's going to be the bankrupting of Chicago will continue and more and more people will when they can come to a. Fresh brutally honest this is your. Radio Network. We've all heard the old adage timing is everything this is Nick Rove it's owner of American federal rare coin and boy and here's a story that illustrates the point a client of mine bought 750000 dollars worth of numismatic coins from another dealer when the. 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You have a government you can't afford you have a pension system you have pension obligations you cannot afford and all you're doing is borrowing and borrowing and borrowing more money and taxing and taxing in taxing and taking more money away from the people who live in Chicago every single year Chicago by virtually every measurement is one of the most corrupt cities in the country we could talk every day about how dangerous the streets of Chicago are why do people in Chicago keep doing that not only to give the Republican Party a pass because the Republican Party really has made very little effort to be relevant at all in Chicago look I get it right that this story the party story in Chicago is the same as it is around the country in general most cities in America in general the Democrats take say the black vote for granted the brown vote for granted and the Republicans don't seem to give a damn. So you're a black woman or a black man living on the south side Chicago you've got one party that doesn't seem to care about you that's the Republican Party and you've got another party that you know takes advantage of you and really didn't give a damn much either so I know the Republicans need. Step up to the plate but I wish voters would wake up as well let me go to Kevin Hey Kevin you're on with your waltz. Hey Kevin you there man yeah there is you know it's not you are man it's your turn. You know you are you're talking about hold on to the bad say. 10 times worse have been stomach what's 10 times worse. The one party rule Oh yeah why I generally believe that 2 are. Why God allows I got a lousy connection there Kevin but I think I get your drift Look I don't like one party rule any where I think eventually when you have one party ruling I know you're always going to have corruption your of Ventura Lee went when politicians are not held accountable when they can just keep getting re reelected there's no competitions nobody running against them you are going to have corrupt politicians now I generally believe Republicans govern better generally than Democrats but no even one party Republican ain't a Ain't no panacea let me go to Tony Hey Tony Joe how I love your looks and see every chance yet Thank you man. A couple points point number one this whole pension crisis I would agree quotation Yeah but it's really about is protecting bondholders . Who buys the bonds that the city issues the big shots the guys on the sell 3 nobody talks about the bonds the interest on the bonds is actually more than the city pay and it's clench and that's point number one point number 2 is the $10000000000.00 deal that the mayor is purporting right what exactly I mean that's going to be mean a big sales commission to our friends on the South Street that's going to be one percent and one of the half percent as a sales commission on running this money selling these bonds that's $1250000000.00 as a parting gift Yeah you're you know Tony's talking about float and borrowing another 10000000000 in pen and 1000000 what it means yeah with a b. And there's a sales commission attached to that chill that's the problem well so so Tony what's the what's what's the answer. Is there an answer to any of this to the pension thing well I think the answer is the start to begin from the beginning those that have already earned their pension benefits have to be made whole those who begin have to begin under a different program bingo Yeah no I Tony thanks great call you're right. And I guess like with most things in Illinois in Chicago I don't think we get there till we crash I don't think we get to real reform until we literally crash let me go to Big John Hay Big John it's a joke. To see some day I mean everybody I want jobs my great segment of firearms are not in Washington God bless you you know what the problem. Points freedom for Exxon that's outside to murder everything it goes to Democrats don't go out there general do nothing so to get Democrats to people they are McDaniel Yeah that's a really no right what right from wrong if you don't get your way out so to democrats are just big diff Democrats tell them all it's going to get better it's going to get better don't worry about it but it doesn't get better and Tony to a guy get caught up right before me here 100 percent right our. Stock of pensions have to be reforged because there's I personally know I promise I really know I have a friend that worked for tickets a cockroach he it's 75 years all right now John here cheering for our actions you know my God. And since Joel should anybody. Yeah. Yeah yeah yeah but it gets taken and you're not sent to the gallery we're not sunspots again and. Average person takes I'm 26 back on a limb Dowding makes a big John thank you brother love the passion I guess what I'm most fascinated by is why don't most people in the city of Chicago see this white black and brown not a race thing to me why don't most people in the city of Chicago understand forget about thrust the state for a minute because it's the same problem that we have a a government a city government in Chicago that we cannot afford and we have pension obligations right now that we cannot afford and those people in Chicago who do kind of sort of maybe get it there they're trying to figure out how to leave Chicago and it just makes me so sad because there's going to come a day. Chicago's going to plotz Chicago will financially come to all Chicago will crash and you can have a whole bunch of people in the cities Chicago there are going to be looking up in the sky and wonder what the hell just happened what happened. It's right in front of us. The shape. I don't have. 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