Transcripts For KCAU World News Now 20160218 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KCAU World News Now 20160218

>> you had something? >> no, i was just talking about crazy kanye. we'll get to that in a little bit. >> i thought we'd talk about the presidential poll. i found that more interesting than kanye. >> wild and crazy swings, of course. >> ted cruz overtaking donald trump in the latest poll, and it's fascinating see exactly what's going to happen leading up to nevada. >> exactly. nevada is coming up on saturday for the democrats and south carolina on saturday for the republicans. new national poll though, this is a game-changer apparently. cruz has inched ahead of trump by two points. making it a statistical dead heat and the number three spot goes to marco rubio who is enjoying a key endorsement. abc's lana zak is covering the gop candidates. there are just days till reblicans vote in south carolina and governor nikki haley is hoping her endorsement could give a win to marco rubio. about will be a great day in americaing. > south carolina's plampb governor has enjoyed approval ratings of 81% and rubio pulling at 14% coos use the boost. >> if we lose this election, we lose more. i believe we lose the american dream. >> reporter: ted cruz throwing down the gauntlet with the donald trump. >> donald, if u want to file a lawsuit, challenging this ad, claiming it is defamation, file the lawsuit. >> reporter: trump has been threatening legal action over this cruz ad released in the wake of justice scalia's death. >> i am pro-choice in every respect. >> we cannot trust donald trump with these serious decisions. >> reporter: trump says cruz is a liar. >> cruz said he's not pro-life. i said i'm not? i'm pro-life. you can't lie about people like that. >> reporter: but the ad doesn't seem to be hurting trump's poll numbers. trump holds a 16-point lead over te cruz. for rubio, bush, carson and kasich, the number is less than the number that gives trump the lead. cruz seems to be challenging trump's lead and in what is now becoming increasingly common, the republican establishment seems to be on a campaign for anyone but trump. senator mike lee is going to be campaigning this morning with ted cruz and in the afternoon with marco rubio. reena. >> thank you. this morning the white house will announce that president month. he will be the first president to visit the island while in office since calvin coolidge long before the castro revolution. republican presidential hopeful marco rubio calls the decision a mistake and says he will not go power. >> a year and two months after the opening to cuba, the cuba government remains as repressive as he ever but they have access to billions of dollars in resources they didn't have >> reporter: he also said it is part of the administration's policy of weakness and appeasement to america's enemies. apple is in a security showdown with the fbi refusing to help the agency hack the iphone used by one of the san bernardino terrorists. despite a court order. the computer company says doing so would create a backdoor into the confidence information in every phone. donald trump is siding with the government. >> i think it's disgraceful that apple is not helping on that. i think security first and i always felt security first. apple should absolutely we should force them to do it. >> marco rubio weighing in on this too calling it a tough issue but he hopes apple will cooperate and be a good corporate citizen. >> john kasich says it's not an unreasonable request. >> the pope is heading back to the vatican after a moving mass in mexico across the u.s. border. he capped off his visit by their hearst to thousands of migrants. abc's terry moran was tl >> reporter: he stood on the banks of the rio grande, head bowed in silent prayer, here at this troubled border. across the river, a few feet away in the united states, americans, including some undocumented immigrants, praying with francis, remembering the thousands who have died in the desert, trying to get to the u.s. spiritually, there was no border here. joyous crowds on both sides, in juarez and in el paso, a hugely symbolic celebration, a message from the pope. this week, donald trump sent a message back, in an interview with fox business. >> the pope is a very political person. i don't think he understands the danger of the open border that we have with mexico. >> reporter: but mexico has embraced this pope. at one point moving him, almost toppling him until he rebuked them. "don't be selfish," he said. and at every step, francis has spoken out, blasting some businesses as slave drivers that and especially taking on the violence of the drug trade here in this city, once racked by thousands of murders. but now, juarez with crime down to manageable levels, proudly hosting the pope. for francis, this isn't about politics. it's about taking in the stranger and welcoming in the refugee. he would say, that's christianity. terry moran, abc news, with the pope in juarez, mexico. >> terry's been in iraq. so he got lucky. he got a boon doingal to hang out with the pope. a los angeles hospital confirms it's been paid $17,000 in ran some to hackers who disabled its network. the ceo of the hollywood presbyterian hospital defended the move. the hackers demanded the ran some be paid in bitcoin because the online currency is difficult to trace. two los angeles police officers are under arrest charged with repeatedly raping prosecutors say the two who worked at partners threatened theomen with arrest if they didn't give in to their demands. they're due in court later today to face more than a dozen felony charges. if convicted they could face a life in prison. bill cosby is now suing the woman whose complaint led to his sexual abuse arrest. the lawsuit says she, her attorneys and her mother and others broke confidentiality agreements. the comedian also claimed that an agreement to settle her civil lawsuit against him more than a decade ago shielded him from criminal prosecution, a judge has denied his request for dismissal. boxer manny pacquiao's views about homosexuality will cost him his endorsement deal with nike. he's running for a senate seat in the philippines and during an interview he said gay people "are worse than animals." other experiences of his upcoming fight could follow nike's lead. for many millions of americans a promise of warmer weather has arrived with the official opening of baseball's spring training. look at there. >> hey, boys. >> looks good in florida. by the end of the day, pitchers and catchers from 19 of the 30 major leagues will have reported in either florida or arizona. plenty of field players are already working out, as well. spring training games start over the next tep days or so and the april 3rd. >> yep, and it will end with the nationals winning it all. >> you love your nationals. if a new patent applicationings from airbus is to be believed, passengers could be in for more of a pinch than ever before. here's a company's diagram for an underseat storage compartment to use it, you would obviously have to stand up, turn around and open it. but it would also severely cut down on regular room for the airbus on behalf of the flying public we say please don't. >> no, no, no. we'll give up the snacks before the leg room. we did give up the snacks. >> we lost with that. while we're talking about flying, check out this coyote in the circle there right in the middle of that scene there. it was running around yesterday morning on runways of milwaukee's airport. unwelcome visitor delayed one fight briefl the plane eventually made a safe landing. ground crews chased the coyote off sending it back to where it came from. >> okay. glad it got home. >> it's wisconsin. weird stuff happens in wisconsin, as well florida. >> no matter how productive new technology is, you can play games with it. so it should be a surprise that you can now play ping-pong on your apple watch. >> yeah, the app is called a tiny game of pong. it is free although for a dollar, you can get an artificial interrogation opponent. early computer systems because it had such a simple display. oh it should work well on a type i device. >> i thought it was ping-pong. i was trying to figure out how you play ping-pong on an apple watch. was that before atari? >> i think it was. >> it was before the atari. >> coming up in "the skinny," adele getting love online but not for something she did on stage. cutting edge fabric that could revolutionize the way clothing is made. break through at new york's fashion week. >> and the teenager who posed as a doctor even opening a busy medical practice. who did can he fool and how did he get away with it after today's forecast. matt, hey, it is drink wine day. our favorite prop. >> that's your favorite. >> let's pop it open. >> no, no. jill and kate use the same dishwasher. same detergent. but only jill ends up with wet, spotty glasses. kate adds finish jet-dry with five power actions that dry dishes and prevent spots and film, so all that's left is the shine. for better results, use finish jet-dry. in a world that's trying to turn you into someone new... hair color wants to help you keep on being you. nice'n easy. natural-looking color... ...that even in sunlight, doesn't look like hair color... human coronavirus... hepati- >>c virus. there are a lot of different kinds of yucky germs. but not all sinfecting wipes... are approved to kill the same number of them. lysol wipes are approved to kill more types of germs than clorox. don't pick just any wipe. try that one! this cold and flu season lysol that. your heart loves omega-3s. but there's a difference between the omega-3s in fish oil and those in megared krill oil. unlike fish oil, megared is easily absorbed by your body... ...which makes your heart, well, mega-happy. happier still, megared is proven to increase omega-3 levels in 30 days. megared. the difference is easy to absorb. *_ seriously? where do you think you're going? to work, with you. you're not coming. i took mucinex to help get rid of my mucusy congestion. oh, right then i'll swing by in like 4 hours. forget the tacos! one pill lasts 12 hours. i'm good all day. wait! your loss. i was going to wear a sombrero. only mucinex has a bi-layer tablet that starts fast, and keeps working. not 4, not 6, but 12 full hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. everyone loves the way dark clothes make them feel. and no one wants that feeling to fade. that's why there's woolite darks. it's free of harsh ingredients, keeping dark clothes looking like new for 30 washes so your love for dark clothes will never fade. this is incredible video from thailand. this 500-foot cargo ship lost control and smashed through a walkway along the bangkok harbor. bad weather and strong currents are to blame for the accident. remarkably, nobody on the walkway or the ship suffered any injuries even though the ship was damaged, it managed to stay afloat till repairs were made. wow. facing some serious charges this morning, an 18-year-old man from south florida who calls himself dr. love. he's facing felony charges for allegedly practicing medicine without a license. brazenly, opening up his own practice inside a medical building. abc's matt gutman with the story. >> reporter: he had the lab coat >> they say you've been practicing medicine without a license? >> reporter: but police say this self-declared florida doctor lacked a medical licen. just 18, malachi love robinson, was charged with seven counts including grand theft and fraud for allegedly practicing without a license. our west palm beach station wpbf was right there when he was arrested tuesday. >> i'm hurt because of the accusations and the allegations. >> reporter: last month, he proudly offered this tour of his office. >> this is the new birth and life medical center. >> reporter: saying he never claimed to be an md. but wpbf peeled back the tape on this sign, revealing those very letters. >> so many physicians, they speak to me and they are just in awe. it's not because i'm a great person, not because i'm some miracle from heaven sent, it's just because i have a passion for helping people. >> reporter: including an undercover sheriff's deputy. another patient, an 86-year-old, claims he treated her for severe stomach pain, paying him nearly $3500. people with phototherapy, as well as water, food and air. last year, love-robinson roamed the halls of st. mary's hospital. >> they told me that he was a doctor and his name was dr. robinson. >> reporter: st. mary's said he never came in contact with patients and he was never charged. matt gutman, abc news, los angeles. >> matt, thank you. >> how can you do that when you know these people are suffering? >> i'm amazed he was able to get away with it. a, how did he afford the rent for his office there, and how did he get. >> lots of questions will be answed this morning on "good morning america." he's going to be there this morning to talk about the situation. i can't wait to see that interview. >> dr. love on "gma." check it out. when we come back, the >> and "the skinny" nextgand "the skinny" nextwand "the skinny" nextyand "the skinny" nextnand "the skinny" nextnand "the skinny" nexteand "the skinny" nexttand "the skinny" nexthand "the skinny" nexttt0w!t.*(=! %4@-,2( tt0w!t.*(=! el@-&5d tt0w!t.*(=! ed@- 7 tt0w!t.*(=% )8h-@i\ tt0w!t.*(=% kzh-]& tt0w!t.*(=% n-h-(o, tt0w!t.*(=% 0ph-6(4 tt0w!t.*(=% s"h-&zt tt0w!t.*(=% ueh-%8$ tt0w!t.*(=% 7hh-9:p next.. skinny, so skinny >> topping our look at "skinny" this morning, kanye west had an epic meltdown even for kanye backstage at "saturday night live." >> according to multiple reports, he went ballistic on "snl" 30 minutes before last saturday's show. it was over last minute changes to his set. walk. the "new york pos got hold of his audio in which he compared himself to stanley kubrick and apostle paul as in saint paul and picasso. >> bro, by 50%, stanley kubrick. apostle paul. i casso and escobar by 50% more influential than any other human being. don't [ bleeped ] with me. don't [ bleeped ] with me. don't [ bleeped ] with me. by 50%, dead or alive. by 50% for the next thousand years. stanley kubrick, yea. >> sources tell tmz west did eventually speak calmly with "snl" executive producer lorne michaels who decided to put the set back together. crisis apparently averted but -- >> thank god. >> the meltdown continues. >> that was crazy. >> next claims of justice averted. gwyneth paltrow saying she's very upset over the acquittal of her alleged stalker. >> a jury in los angeles found her stalker not guilty of all charges without any recommendation he be hospitalized for psychiatric treatment. prosecutors say soyu upset her by sending dozens of unsolicited letters and gifts in recent years. >> it was the second case in which he was accused of stalking. in the first he was committed to a mental institution but was eventually released. >> the foreman says they saw no evidence that he meant to cause her any harm and they felt it would have ever been worse if they convicted an innocent man whose only crime was sending love letters. we move on next to the tons of love letters from adele on social media. >> it's good to see so many people reaching out. the ten-time grammy award winner was spotted over the weekend with her partner treating their disneyland but you see him there? guess who he's dressed up as? his favorite character from "frozen," primpbs ana. >> there hes in the stroller sporting the blue and yellow dress complete with ballet flats. it's earning her countless points for bending gender norms and for letting her kids where whatever makes them feel best. >> another photo is turning heads this morning. >> most of us cringe at the idea of having to show our driver's license or passport photos but prince tweeted out his new passport photo worthy of a magazine cover. the photo of prince rodgers nelson taken february 11th is perfect in nearly every way. >> the hair, the makeup, the prince pout, even the background subtle white to gray. >> it's ver zoo landeresque. i wish he could coach me on my photo. i need to get one. introducing new k-y touch gel cr me. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. [cough, cough] mike? janet? cough if you can hear me. don't even think about it. i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. yeah...but what about mike? he has that dry scratchy thing going on. guess what? it works on his cough too. cough! guess what? it works on his cough too. what? stop! don't pull me! spoiler alert! she doesn't make it! only mucinex dm reliev bothwet and dry coughs for 12 hours with two medicines in one pill. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. they say when mr. clean saw all the different things his new smart phone does... it's not just for marks on walls... it's tough on kitchen grease... and bathroom grime too. he's your... ...all around-tough-cleaner, mr. clean. there's moving... and there's moving with move free ultra. it has triple-action support cartilage and bones. and unlike the big osteo-bi flex pills, it's all in one tiny pill. move free ultra. get your move on. jill and kate use the same dishwasher. same detergent. but only jill ends up with wet, spotty glasses. kate adds finish jet-dry with five power actions that dry dishes and prevent spots and film, so all that's left is the shine. for better results, use finish jet-dry. get ready to show your roots with roots touch-up from nice'n easy. even salon shades in just 10 minutes. for natural looking color as real as you are. show the world your roots with root touch-up. (coughing) coughing disrupts everyone's life. that's why there's delsym. delsym's advanced time release formula helps silence coughs for a full 12 hours. all night... or all day. your heart loves omega-3s. but there's a difference between the omega-3s in fish oil and those in megared krill oil. unlike fish oil, megared is easily absorbed by your body... ..hich makes your heart, well, mega-happy. happier still, megared is proven to increase omega-3 levels in 30 days. megared. we are in the midst of what many consider to be one of new york's most important weeks of the year. fashion week. >> pushing aside the usual offerings of the over the top styles worn by impossibly rail thin runway models there's a new fabric that could revolutionize the way clothes are made. here's abc's tina trinh. >> reporter: it's new york fashion week, and designers flora gil and alexa adamss are gearing up for their big show. knit wear is their specialty. this season they're adding a different material to the mix. 3-d printed plastic. string with knitting and creating fabric out of it. this is a really similar process where you're working with kind of a line of plastic. >> reporter: that plasticing is typically rigid and hard. >> we had to think about ways to make something soft and flexible animal i can't believesing hard units. >> reporter: the designers partnered with microsoft and 3-d printing company shapeways. >> this is their frosted ultradetail plastic. one of the things i love about it, it's transparent and has this sort of rubbery feel which is interesting. >> reporter: by interlocking smaller pieces together, the designers essentially created a new fabric to work with. the initial idea was to try to take ideas from traditional chain maile. >> the cool thing is that it has a little bit of give in it, right? >> yeah it, definitely has stretch in it ran it can be very malleable. >> it's going to fit t each body of the model to fit her personally which will be nice. more old world technology crochet around the edge. >> that old world meets tech world approach makes for unlimited possibilities. >> i think the next revolution in 3-d printing will be more materials. eventually they will be able to use plaques and polymers that will be soft. >> the only way it will progress is if people use it. >> reporter: it's fashion 2.0, and this season, it's ready to wear. tina trinh, abc news, new york. >> very interesting. >> do you like it. >> i do. but i'm also wearing a spider webb today. >> is it made of flask and polymers? >> it's not made of plastic. if you get too close, you might get stuck in it. >> on the web. facebook. good morning. i'm reena ninan. >> and i'm kendis gibson. here are some of the top headlines we're following this morning on "world news now." apple is refusing to comply with a court order. the fbi wants apple to break the encryption on iphone of a terrorist. apple says that would violate privacy rights. the disagreement is becoming a major political battle. we've got full details ahead. cruzzing to the top for the first time, ted cruz has overtaken donald trump in a national poll but it's still a statistical dead heat. marco rubio picked up an endorsement from south carolina governor nikki haley. >> pope francis is calling on leaders to welcome migrants with open hearst. the pope celebrated his final mass in mexico just across the texas border. thousands watched from a stadium in el paso as he prayed for those who died trying to reach the u.s. and america's newest multimillionaire stepping last month's historic powerball jackpot. they won with numbers she has been playing with every week for the past 30i years. those are some of our top stories on this thursday, february 18th. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> good morning. we're going to get start this the half hour with apple's battle with the federal government. it involves the iphone of one of the san bernardino shooters. >> the fbi believes that it contains important information about the terror attack. but that data is encrypted and apple does not want to break that code. here's more from abc's pierre thomas. >> reporter: the fbi and apple in a titanic clash between personal privacy and national security. >> need assist now. i have shots fired. >> reporter: since the bloody end of the san bernadino attack, the deadliest since 9/11, the fbi has been helplessly staring at syed farook's cell phone, an iphone 5c like this one. >> we still have one of those killer's phones that we have not been able to open. it's been over two months now. >> reporter: a federal judge now apple to find a way to hack into the iphone used by farook. apple is refusing saying if they break into the phone, it will set up a dangerous slippery slope. >> iyou design a backdoor for one phone, you have to design it for all phones. >> reporter: the fbi suspects the phone may hold critical clues about who farook was communicating with, and where he and his wife, tashfeen malik, may have traveled. the problem? they don't have farook's four-digit password. the fbi believes that farook used apple's security option, basically a self-destruct mechanism, that renders all data on the phone permanently inaccessible if the proper code isn't entered after ten tries. but with 10,000 unique possibilities, the fbi knows cracking the code is nearly impossible in just ten tries, and so it wants apple engineers to design software to break into the phone. in an impassioned statement, ceo tim cook said, "the government is asking apple to hack" its own users. adding that the software is, quote, something we simply do not have, and something we create. the fight exploding on social media with presidential candidates weighing in. >> who do they think they are? we very to open it up. >> apple is standing firm arguing if they found a way 0 break into that phone they'll be able to break into any phone which could put the private data of millions of users at stake. manhattan's chief prosecutor is trying to open 150 encrypted iphones. it's an epic legal battle that could go all the way to the u.s. supreme court. pierre thomas, abc news, washington. the trial of a man accused in another terror incident is it under way. abdul melik abdul kareem is accused of being the mastermind of an attempt to disrupt an exhibit of anti-islam cartoons in texas. two gunmen were killed. prosecutors say he trained them and bankrolled the attack. till after the attack. presint obama will not attend funeral services for antonin scalia. the white house says the president and first lady will pay their respects tomorrow at the supreme urt where scalia will lie in repose. vice president biden will attend the funeral mass on saturday. >> meanwhile, retired supreme court justice sandra day o'connor siding with president obama. o'connor an inpod by reagan says the president should get to nominate scalia's replacement. police in corn sa say a distracted driver was killed after being crushed by a transformer. he was passing by a previous rain related accident ene and crashed into a power pole. smoking grass fires disrupted the evening commute in wichita last night cusing delays. strong winds, low humidity and flag warning in effect for most of kansas. windy, warm and dry plains. recovered highs are expected danger. seattle. heavy snow in the sierra nevada and rky mountains. a warmup in the midwest. >> 40s in minneapolis and portland. 60s in memphis, l.a., as well as 70s in kansas city and dallas. next semester opens at the university of texas in austin. some students will legally be able to carry a concealed handgun into classrooms. the those carrying guns must be 21 and have a gun license. the school's president many students and faculty as well as other staff oppose the law. gun rights activists say it's critical for self-defense. the suspect accused of last spring's so-called mansion murders in washington, d.c. will murder and other charges. police say da ron wint killed an executive, his wife and their young son as well as a housekeeper and then set the house on fire before fleeing. he was linked to the crime scene by dna found op a p pza crust and he faces life in prison if convicted. newly released dashcam video shows the terrifying moments when an ordinary traffic stop ended with one person injured and one shot to death. >> what looks routine is about to turn deadly. >> just relax. just relax. >> reporter: a police sergeant in cayce, south carolina questioning demetrius bryant over an expired license. but then bryant pullsls a gun, shooting an officer in the leg. the sergeant fires back. and kills bryant. >> suspect's down. police cameras. now becoming as common as flashlights. today 76% of all departments use some time of camera. then there also citizen video. recording moments like last year whether he another south carolina officer shot and killed walter scott's ran away. that officer now charged with murder. >>ameras cut both ways. they either can justify someone's behavior or not. we've seen plenty of police shootingsing in recent past where they showed bad police behavior. >> reporter: with the help of this video, this week, both officers were cleared. and are now back to work. clayton sandell, abc news, denver. a mysterious flag that suddenly appeared in lubbock, texas, is sparking controversy. the flag with arabic writing and a heart popped up on a downtown building this week. the mayor was so alarmed he asked the city manager to but the message on the flag translated to the words, love for everyone. >> when you don't have all the information at the beginning, you should always on the side of caution. because it's better to be safe than sorry. >> officials say the situation has to be taken seriously in light of current national and international events. >> if they thought it was isis or something, isis usually doesn't put a bright red heart in the middle of their black fig or whatever. >> why not get it translated first. >> maybe they couldn't find the gaggle translate button. star is known for its sweet drinks. you might not realize how sweet some of them are. british researchers studied more than 130 drinks at several chains and starbucks beverages occupied 7 of the top ten spots. one drink contained 25 teaspoons of sugar. variety of less sugary drink options or just get a blonde. >> so no one likes washing the utensils so what if you could eat them instead of washing them? that's the idea behind the edible spoonmaker, a creation of a designer brooklyn. >> beak you cut doughing into little spoon shapes. you let them cooke for a couple moments and there they are, edible spoons. >> could be great for stirring. or maybe eating jelly or honey straight out of the jar or anything you can imagine in or out of the bedroom. >> this is creative. >> great idea. >> look at that. i do love a good biscuit. >> that is a great idea. >> good biscuit. >> had let me just eat it. >> get that person a nobel prize. >> cereal bollwls. >> jack likes anything that coming up, today's modern family blending with ex-spouses and stepchildren into a bigger, happier group. the postal worker who went postal after a big scare from wild turkeys. al hear the operator and how the folks responded. >> and a video of a boy's accident going viral. the lessons learned before you go downhill. jack, what do you really think about this? it's a great idea? >> a great idea. (ugh.) does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty? don't avoid it, resolve it. our formula with a special conditioning ingredient, softens your carpet with every use. it's resolve, so you know it cleans and freshens. but it also softens. resolve. a carpet that welcomes you. and to clean pet messes, (coughing) coughing disrupts everyone's life. that's why there's delsym. delsym's advanced time release formula helps silence coughs for a full 12 hours. all night... or all day. approaching medicare eligibility? you may think you can put off checking out your medicare options until you're sixty-five, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. the rest is up to you. that's where aarp medicare supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company come in. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they could help pay some of what medicare doesn't, saving you in out-of-pocket medical costs. along the way really makes a difference later. that's what it means to go long . call now and request this free [decision guide]. it's full of information on medicare and the range of aarp medicare supplement plans to choose from based on your needs and budget. all plans like these let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients, and there are no network restrictions. unitedhealthcare insurance company haover thirty years experience and the commitment to roll along with you, keeping you on course. so call now and discover how an aarp medicare supplement plan could go long for you. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the eds of people 50 and over for generations. plus, nine out of ten plan members surveyed say they would recommend their plan to a friend. the rest is up to you. call now, request your free [decision guide] and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. go long . a utility company says it's not guilty of criminal wrongdoing in connection with a long-running gas leak in southern california. thousands of people in porter ranch have ever been out of their homes for nearly four months because the air is polluted. investigators say southern california gas was slow to report the leak. operated the elise so canyon storage facility in cop appliance with all applicable laws and regulations. further, when we discovered the leak, we made prompt notifications to multiple agencies. >> there are also more than two dozen lawsuits. theeeak has been stopped but the nearly 6500 families can't move back to their homes still state authorities certify the fix. to a potential danger on the ski slopes that people may not have known existed. trees. >> yeah, there are treacherous passes of loose snow created by low hanging branches that keep snow from packing into the area around the trunk and hit at high speed, they can be deadly, of course. here's abc's neal karlinksky. >> hit the jump. hit it. >> reporter: a father and son back country ski outing turning to a heart pounding fight for seconds as 5-year-old ethan goss he's fallen out of sight in that tree well. >> ethan? winston gaus digs his son out. the boy fighting sef indication. >> here we go. here we go. i got you. >> i need to breath. >> reporter: the video now viewed more than a milon tiles online as this father us his closos call 0 warn others causing it the m mt frightening experience he's had ass a rent. >> i iemember sitting there watching the video with him and my leg was shaking just a bit. it was pretty emotional afterwards. it was a true moment, know, for me to pull him out. >> i had a near death experience. >> you never expect something like that to happen to you. but oncet does it's kind of shocking. >> reporter: it's hard to see till you're up close. these branches block so much snow. one step down there you sink another six feet at least. northwest a alanche institute showsust how paralyzing it can be, a staggering 90% of skiers who fall in tree wells fail to get themselves out help. accounting for 20% of all ski fatality fatalities. in this dramatic video posted on live leak in 2012, a snow boarder is buried while his friend's camera rolls. once he's partially dug out, you can see how helpless and contorted he was, legs and one arm stuck above him like cement. >> it can be really scary. if youou hit the stree, you can knock a lot of snow on the tree off. >> if you fall in, experts say try to keep a hand in front of your face to clear a place to breathe. hug the treat if possible and use it as leverage to pull yourself out and finally and most importantly, always ski with a buddy and keep each other in sight. th's what saved ethan. i was trying to so hard to get get snono away. >> it doesn't touch homom till you have someone that you know w well like a loved one fall in. >> reporter: neal karlinksky, abc news, snoqualmie pass, washington. >> that i never even thought of. >> i love all that fresh powder. >> coming up, mail carriers are no stranger to danger. >> traditionally it's the occasional nasty dog. in a new jersey community, it was wild turkeys. that's next. there are 16 millioiochildren struguging with hunger america. that's 1 in 5 daughters, sons, neighbors, and classmates who don't know where their next meal is coming from. yet billions of pounds of good food go to waste every year. it's time we do something about it. feeding america is a nationwide network of food banks that helps provide meals to millions of kids and families in need. together we can solve hunger. together, we're feeding america. there's one thing you can never have sex without. it's'sot something you buy. or something you take. in fact there's only one way to get it. it has to be given to you. freely. it's consent. because sex without it... isn't sex. it's rape. consent. if you don't get it, you don't get it. it's on us to stop sexual assault. wait oh, yes, wait a minunu mr. postman, wait, wait mr. postman snee postal carriers are lauded for their adherence to their unofficial motto. >> neither snow nor heat nor rain nor gloom of night saves these carriers from the swift with completion of their appointed rounds. >> some people hear roosters. around here we wake up to gobble, gobble. >> reporter: it seems wild turkeys rule in this picturesque culled desack in hills dale. >> if you shoo them, they leave. >> no, they don't run. >> reporter: which is why we were here in the first place. >> i think that's ridiculous. it's silly. >> reporter: helen is talking turkeys, yes, we found them, surrounded a letter carrier's truck obtuse. he was so upset, couldn't get out and called his boss for help. the postmaster dialed 911. >> lice. >> reporter: this is the actual call. >> you're not going to believe this, but i got a carrier being attacked by wild turkeys won't let him deliver the mail. >> here on the drive, he wasn't attacked, rather surrounded. word is that m ml carrier was a substitute. while folks got a really good laugh about this, they admit the birds can be intimidating. >> i don't want to judge. >> don't judge. >> i don't want to judge anybody, especially if you're not used 0 toit. we're used to it. we see them every day. >> reporter: helen watches from her window. >> some we don't see them. they're out there swimming. >> to be clear this isn't a 100% positive i.d. be the same one that stopped the mail crier in his tracks. my gut tells me iis. >> my truck is in the driveway. they always peck at it. they don't peck at the metal part, just the tires they don't like. >> reporter: something tells me the carrier will proceed with caution next time he's here. in hills dale. >> we've got loads of deer here also. >> reporter: kimberly richardson, eyewitness news. >> that's a cute story. >> it is cute. they can be scary, wild turkeys. >> you have a way of dealing with them. ah with, a little gravy. >> dinner is rved. >> you do. >> a little wild turkey with a >> yes, great. (sounds of birds whistling) music introducing new k-y touch gel cr me. for massage and intimacy. ery touch, gently innsified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. [cough, cough] mike? net? cough if you can hear me. don't even think about it. i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. yeah...but what about mike? he has that dry scratchy thing going on. guess what? it worksn his cough too. cough! guess what? it works on his cough too. what? stop! don't pull me! spoiler alert! she doesn't make it! with two medicines in one pill. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. shoulders don't just carry pads. they carry your fans' passions, hopes, and dreams and maybe, a chance at greatness... because shoulders were made for greatness. not dananuff choose to move freely. move free ultra has triple-action support for your joints, cartilage and bones in one tiny pill. move free ultra. get your move on. and now try move free night. the first and only 2-in-1 joint and sleep supplement. (coughing) coughing disrupts everyone's life. that's why there's delsym. delsym's advanced time release formula helps silence coughs for a full 12 hours. all night... or all day. does your carpet ever feelough and dirty? don't avoid it, resolve it. our formula with a special conditioning ingredient, softens your carpet with every use. it's resolve, so you know it cleans and freshens. but it also softens. resolve. a carpet that welcomes you. and totolean pet messes, try resolve pet expert. jill and katee use the same dishwasher. same detergent. but only jill ends up with wet, spotty glasses. kate adds finish jet-dry with five power actions that dry dishes and prevent spots and lm, so all that's left is the shine. we are family >> that's great we broke out the sisters. >> it's difficult enough. >> send me shade for the sisters sisters joke. it's difficult enough to raise kids inside and intact family let alone doing it through the upheaval of divorce and remarriage. >> and celebrity trainers heidi and chris powell are showing other familiess how to make the best out of tricky situations like theirs. here's here's juju chang. >> on their show extreme weight loss, heidi and chris powell inspire@ contestens to dig deep and pursue a healthy lifestyle. >> come on. there you go. >> reporter: now the couple married for 5 1/2 years are inspiring people in a new way. >> with three people that are willing to put the kids first with this incredible dynamic that has resulted in four wuffully happy kids and consequently t tee happy adults. >> heidi postingnghis family portrait on instagram of her ex-husband cuddling with their two older kids and the two younger ones she shares with chris, along with the #love my blended family. the picture generating lots of positive buzz with comments like truly amazing example how to rock a blended family. >> early on we spent time alone so we could talk to each other about parenting plans, et cetera and who i could be for his children. it was so important for me to acknowledge and recognize that he is their father. he will always be their father. it's not my job to step in and try to be their dad. >> the powells joining the growing ranks of blended family from tom brady and gisele hanging with his ex-to will and jada pinkett smith and his ex- have a safe haven were they're with one parent or the other. and their health, their well-being and their self-esteem stay intact as much as possible at all times. >> reporter: thohoh heidi admits the hasn't all been smooth sailing they're a a committ to making it work. >> i'm not telling everyone they need to be best friends. i do think so much positive can come when you're just kind to somebody else. >> reporter: juju chang, abc news, new york. >> it's a good example into it is. they really need to be beer looking though. >> that's a good-looking family. that's the news for this half hour. this morning on "world news now," a political message from the pope. >> the prayers, symbolism and statements about immigration at the mexico, texas border. pope francis has to say about an emotional political issue. security showdown. the dispute between the fbi and apple over a locked phoned by the san bernardino terrorists. why it could go to the supreme court. hospital hack. the california medical centering computer system infected by a virus. would you pay a ransom to get backonline? andater the instant multimimlionaires who just claimed their part of a historic powerball prize. what this couple is not planning to do even though they're rich. it is thursday, february 18th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning, everybody. we've made it to thursday. i'm kendis gibson. >> and i'm reena ninan. friday eve around here. all around here. we're all excited for the weekend. >> that's just the pope from the border. he's so close to the u.s., you're feeling positive vibes. >> sne mexico is saying good-bye to il papa. the powerful message from the pope speaking on behalf of migrants standing a stone's throw from the u.s. boarder. >> heading back to the vatican this morning after wrapping up a five-day visit to mexico where he called on countries to welcome people fleeing persecution, violence and poporty. marci gonzalez has the latestt from the rder. good morning. >> r rorter: the excitememt on the other side of the rio grande echoed here in el paso. thousands gathered in the stadium to watch a simulcast of the mass and to hear the pope's strong words on violence, poverty and the hot button issue of immigration. pope francis left mexico his message still echoing through the hearst of the faithful on [ speaking foreign language ] >> reporter: after holding mass in the violence torn city of juarez, and praying just steps from el paso for the thousands who have died trying to cross into the united states and for the families still separated by this fence. >> we are tying unity between the two the countries by going to the river together and praying together. it's isn't that wonderful. >> reporter: the pope again focused on one of the most heated issues this election year. immigration. the vatican dismissing donald trump's claims that the pope is politicallyotivated as the pontiff again called for compassionon cfter his visit with workers in juarez where he spoke out against exploitation and his emotional one-on-one time with prisoners, the pope headed home capital of mexico -- >> reporter: saying he was touched by the growing contrast here of hope. and hope francis had a hopeful message of his own saying there is still time for changing and to end what he called the suffering of countless men and women. kendis and reena? >> marci, thank you so much. there is a major development in u.s./cuba releases. president obama is going to cuba cuba next month. sources tell us the trip is planned for march 21st and 22nd about 15 months after the administration began reopening diplomatic relations with cuba. he will be the first president in 80 years to visit the island while in office. the official announcement froro the white house is expect this had morning. and the president is creating a new commission on cybersecurity. he is tapping former national security advisor tom donnalley former ibmceo as vice chair. the commission will dra recommendations on better protecting government, business, and consumers from cyberattacks. the panel is supposed to make its report by the december 1st. apple is refusing to help the fbi hack into a terrorist's iphone despite a court order. but the case has much greater security ramifications than just this particular terrorist or this computer company. brandi hitt has the story. >> reporter: it's the ultimate showdown over national security and the pricy of your smartphone. all tied to last year's deadly terrorist attack in san bernardino. >> we still have one of those killer's phones we have not been able to open. >> reporter: a u.s. magistrate judge can has ordered apppal to hack to look for clues about other other terror ots. apple is vowing to appeal, sending this message to examiner we fear this demand would undermine the very freedoms and liberty our government is meant to protect. >> as soon as the apple creates a backdoor, the phone becomes vulnerable. and hackers are so brilliant these days, if they even got a whiff of how it was done, they'll find out how to do it. >> reporter: 14 people were killed in san bernardino and the victims' families are also weighing in. larry cauffman's partner arn ryan reyes saying apple kind of needed to come forward and not continue to fight. that's extremely wrong. yvette's uncle adding i understand they're trying to protect customers overall but this is a criminal case. not all users agree. >> it's going to give the government the right to go into everybody's phone. >> reporter: this battle will continue 0 play out in the courts moving up to the 9th circuit could you tell of appeals and potentially the u.s. supreme court. brandi hitt, abc news, los angeles. the u.s. b bieves air strikes destroyed more than $500 million in cash. they say the terrorist group's finances are severely strained. some isis fighters report their salaries have ever been cut 50%. the u.s. says isis is responsible for a chemical weapons attack on kurdish forces in iraq last august. the u.s. is joining its allies in condemning in strongist possible terms a car bomb attack ta killed at least 28 people in turkey. the explosion went off at the height of the evening rush hour in the capital city of ankara. targeting vehicles, carrying turkish military personnel, the turkish vernment has already begun its investigates into the bomb about so far no one has claimed upon the. a new poll showing donald trump may be starting to slip a little bit. national poll has ted cruz slightly ahead of trump in a statistical dead heat. marco rubio is in third place but hoping for i an surge in saturday's primary after about enenrsement ofouth carolina governor nikki haley. trump was quick to take a jab. >> you know, nikki haley give a speech a couple weeks ago and good. she's very, very weak on on illegal immigration. >> every day is a great day in south carolina. ladies and gentlemen, if we elect marco rubio, every day will be a great day in america. >> at a cnn town hall in south carolili, rubio and cruz both disapproved of president obama's trip to cuba. cruz responded to the cease and detis letter from trump over a campaign ad. he said he laughed out loud because the ad uses trump's own words. >> the democrats are also running fleck and neck. hillary clinton has 44% and bernie sanders has 42%. they're each hoping to win more voters when they appear together tonight at a town hall event in nevada. yeah vega. >> i'm one of those mothers who met with her and was able to make it through. >> reporter: hillary clinton standing with the tearful mother of sasdra bland, the icago woman who's death in a jail cell sparked outrage. >> we need to face the reality of systemic racism. >> reporter: clinton and bernie sanders trying to woo minority voters. from the campaign trail -- >> what we have got to do is bring justice back to the criminal justice system. >> reporter: to the airwaves -- >> bernie sanders. >> hillary clinton. [ speaking foreign language ] reporter: clinton's now facing theheossibility she couldld lose nevada,a,oo. we went to her brooklyn headquarters to speak with her campaign manager. >> we always anticipated that this would be a very close contest. >> reporter: what is bernie sanders doing in nevada that you are not? >> i don't know. you'd have to ask him what he's doing. we are executing on our strategy. >> reporter: a strategy that involves thousands of volunteers now focused on getting voters to caucus. clinton herself, now featured in great at advocating for other people, but i'm not so good at really promoting myself. just find it hard totoo." >> and now word about what happens if there's a tie in these nevada caucuses. in iowa, they coinosses. in nevada they're handing out decks of cards to every precincts. they have to be shuffled times before they're used. if there's a tie, there's a draw. and the highest card wins. cecilia vega, an abc news, new york. now you another potential rick for women who waited till they're older to have dids kids. women who became pregnant at 40 or older were more l lely to have a stroke later in life. for those women, there was a 60% increase in the risk of a i brain bleed. there was also a slight increase in heart disease. experts say more research is necessary to confirm a direct lirveg. >> say you like to put grated parmesan chinese on your favorite italian dish to add extra flavor. you're also getting a small serving of wood pulp. the fda is cracking down on companies that use cheap fillers in their parmesan like wood pulp. itomes in the form of a legal common food additive which prevents the cheese from sticking together and getting oily. >> i do love my@parmesan. you were saying don't get the two for $5 parmesan at the store. get the $18 thing. without much fanfare, facebook launched a crack down to lid sites of marijuana related material. >> what? >> i know. dozens of accounts operated by rijuanan businesses have already been shut wn. cebook says those pages were rereved "for violating our community standards." ny account owners say they've never sold one bit of pot online and say their business is suffering due to less exposure on social need media. >> there are no more colorado a couple in pennsylvania wakes unhappy this morning because their golden retriever is safely back with them. the dog was stuck in that 15-foot deep hole for two nights. >> poor sky. the fire department's assistant chief climbed into the hole,ot a makeshift harness around sky and his colleagues. they pulled sky to safety and once he was safe, sky waste nod time trying to run aroundagain. >> the firemen think sky sensed that he was being saved during the operation and that he was develops cooperative. >> cute. >> very cute. coming up "the mix," one woman marking her territory. what a girlfriend is doing to keep others away from her man. >> also ahead, the instant ltimillionaires in f frida claiming their part of a jumbo power jackpot. but wait, wouldn't you quit your job after cashing in? >> yep. >> and the unprecedented move by hospital's medical computer was hacked. >> you're watching "world news now." human coronavirus... hepati- >>c virus. there are a lot of different kinds of yucky germs. but not all disinfecting wipes... are approvededo kill the same nber of them. lysol wipes are approved to kill more types of germs than clorox. don't pick just any wipe. try that one! this cold and flu season lysol that. pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. then your eyes may see it differently. only flonase is approved to relieve both itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by er producing six keyeyinflammatory subststces that cause ouousymptoms. most allergy pills only control one substance. flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. let your eyes decide. flonase. 6>1 changes everything. (sounds of birds whistling) music introducing new k-y touch gel cr me. for massage and intimacy. ery touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. happy anniversary nner, darlin' n this much love cleaned by a little bit of dawn ultra? oh yeah. of two bottles of this bargain brand. a drop of dawn and grease is gone. (ugh.) does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty? don't avoid it, resolve it. our formula with a special condndioning ingredient, softens s ur carpet with every use. it's resolve, so you know it cleans and freshens. but it also softens. resolve. a carpet that welcomes you. and to clean pet messes, try resolve pet expert. stress sweat. it can happen anytime to anyone. stress sweat is different than ordinaryweat, it smells worse. get 4 times the protection against stress sweat. with secret clinical strength invisible solid and clear gel. choose to move freely. move free ultra has triple-action support for your joints, cartilage and bobos in one tiny pill. move free ultra. get your move on. move free night. the first and only 2-in-1 joint and sleep supplement. teachers at some of the country's largest school districts staged walk ins yesterday such as this one in chicago. in chicago and dozens of other cities. the teachers were calling for more funding and less testing. the prprests happened beforor the schoho day started. when the bells rang, thehe their places in their classrooms. the university of michigan is investigating a suspected outbreak of norovirus. nearly 100 students are suffering from gastro intestinal illness. most eat in the same dining hall. results won't be available for several days confirming what the illness is. the big 10 women's swimming and driving championships did begin last flight on campus. >> in los angeles a computer virus sickened an entire hospspal. paralylyng its entire computer met work. the ceo of hollywood presbyterian medical center says they were forced to pay $17,000 to hackers to regain control of their computers. matt gutman has the story. >> hollywood presbyterian hospital computer systems sickened with a virus. the so-called ran some aware turning data to gobbledeygook. >> it was odd being at the said d d notot use the computers. i'm like what's going on with the xurs? they said we got hacked. >> reporter: so typically what they're doing in ran some aware is not actually stealing data but doing something we call encrypting the data. >> reporter: and why bitcoins? expert say they're nearly united nations traceable. this type of ran some wear is new. >> they're using more sophisticated tactics but also demanding a much higher level of ran some from theirir victim. >> reporter: the hospitata leaving this message onts voice mail saying its functions are unaffected. >> we want to assure you that patient care has not been compromised as we continue to address this incident. >> reporter: also on the case the fbi releasing this statement "we are investigating the compromise with martins at lapd to determine person or group responsible." matt gutman, abc news, los angeles. >> so they paid the ran some before alerting authorities. saying why. apparently it was ten days. they found the malware february 5th and it wasn't restored till ten days later. >> that's so odd they waited to alert the authorities. i think it's an awful precedent. i can't believe they paid it. we'llee what ends up happening after this. coming up in our next half hour, a real life catch me if you can case in florida. take a look at had this 18-year-old. he's now facing felony charges for brazenly opening up a medical practice inside a dical building and passing himself off as a adoctor. how did he manage to get away with it? first america's newest multimillionaires. the story behind the couple who finally came forward to claim if i had a million dollars we wouldn't have to walk to the store >> bear naked ladies. >> we all like anything tha sings about a million dollars and then some. a couple in florida no longer has to worry what they do if they had a million dollars. now they have $328 million. >> they're winners of last month's historic powerball jackpot. they kept everyone in the dark about their win. even their children. steve osunsami has more. >> reporter: these two ought to teach a class on how to keep a big secret. >> we just kept quiet. >> yeah, absolutely quiet. >> just acted normal. >> reporter: maureen smith and her husband, david kaltschmidt say they told no one they were holding onto a winningngowerball ticket from therawing in january worth a third of the record $1.5 billion jackpot. he even kept going to work, as an engineer at northrop grummon. >> first day i arrived, late to saying more money, more problems. >> i lost over ten pounds, too. you know, it's a lot of pacing at night. >> reporter: he's 55, she's 70.. they've been married since 1980 and moved to florida from new york. they didn't want to talk about children, but have put their one lump sum of nearly $3232million into a trust for their family. they won with numbers they've been playing regularly for 30 years. and couldn't feel more blessed tonight. steve osunsami, abc news, tallahassee. >> when we have these big powerball jackpots we cannot wait. we get annoyed when they wait. i love it they got their ducks in line. didn't tell anybody else. she was ann sales woman. >> oh, man, i look like a pimp. >> i look like i'm trying to ll you a homom withhour $10 win. i'm impressed by her. she's 70 and he's 55. >> yeah. >> married sma and they got married when he was 20 something. >> how do you know this? that's what i was impressed by. seriously? where do you think you're going? to work, with you. it's taco tuesday. you're not coming. i took mucinex to help get rid of my mucusyongestion. oh, right then i'll swing by in like 4 hours. forget the tacos! one pill lasts 12 hours. i'm good all day. wait! your loss. i was going to wear a sombrero. only mucinex has a bi-layer tablet that starts fast, and keeps working. not 4, not 6, but 12 full hours. start the e lief. ditch the misery. let's end this. if you're age 50 to 85, this is an important message. so please, write down the number on your screen. the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. it's a rate lock for your life insurance that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. but be careful. ny policies you see do not have e e, but you can get a lifetime rate lock through the colonial penn program. call this number to learn more. this plan was designed with a rate lock for people on a fixed income who want affordable life insurance that's simple to get. coverage options for just $9.95 a month, less than 35 cents a day. act now and your rate will be locked in for life. it will never increase. your coverage can never be cancelled as long as you pay yoururremiums, and your acceptatae is guaranteed, with no health questns. you cannot be turned down because of your health. call for your information kit both are free, with no obligation. don't wait, call this number now. (sounds of birds whistling) music introducing new k-y touch gel cr me. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. and now it's time for a mix". there's a strange noise coming t in forest grobe, oregon, that nobody knows what it is or where it's coming from. take a listen. [ high pitched sound ] >> isn't that weird? >> they have no idea where it's coming from. at first they thought it was metal screeching on a train track. but there are no train tracks nearby. somebody recorded it. took it to the fire department. the fire marshal says th they just have no clue. what could be that noise. >> so it's still a mystery at this point. >> still a big mystery. >> it's got to be wonderful living inhat neighborhood right now. >> can you imagine? would drive me nuts. >> we say hello to the audience in that town. >> turn us up a little. >> because you're up right now with that noise. we celebrated cj, the winner of best in show yesterday at the westminster dog show. getting rakz online during the two-day competition was the lean burger. he was looking out for one thing, the sack that was inside of his handler's pocket he just kept going after the snack. usually you don't see moments like these. these are very well trained dogs on the is taken but daria was looking out for o thing. >> all on the big is taken. >> needless to say daria did not win the competition. >> plane he just needs a little breakfast in the morning. he needs to be fed. >> he was hungry. >> it's good that anyway, he went aittle further south, he could have had problems with that one. we've got to talk about girlfriend and her boyfriend. >> that would have ever been what that noise was. >> it's the alarm system going off. >> she decides her boyfriend decides that he's going to take a trip to i by za. she gives him a shirt. this shirt. it has a picture of her look at i'm not going to wear this in ibiza. apparently it says on the shsht that i'm taken. so for the girls to back off. i love my girlfriend abby. i hate the girls in ibiza so please stay away from me. she looks excited. >> clinger alert. beautiful video, two women who have within friends for 71 years, listen to their reunion. they've been besties for 75 years. >> we got them. >> you got to be 102 and you're about to be 100 and both of you all look fabulous. >> uh-huh. we know it. >> the neighbors, they were neighbors in 1945 when they met and they have kept in touch. >> they look amazing. see good friendships can keep >> good now," campaign crunch. latest polls showing razor thin leads in the republican and democratic races days before voters make critical choices in south carolina and nevada. who has an edge? >> emotional message. the pope's final hours in mexico spent along the texas border. how he ventured into the middle of a sensitive american political issue. >> and new this half hour, it's an airport where weathererelays are common during the wintnt. >> but this time it s a wild scene on the tarmac at this busy airport. the coyote interfering with air traffic. later, kanye west's backstage tantrum that's going public. where he lost his cool this time and who has leaked the video. it is thursday, february 18th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning on this thursday. i'm kendis gibson. >> and i'm reena ninan. sorry. >> go ahead. >> no, i was just talking about kanye, crazyzyanye. we'lget to that in a little bit. >> i thought we'd talk about the presidential poll. i found that more interesting than kanye. >> some wild and crazy swings, of course. >> ted cruz overtaking donald trump in the latest poll, and it's fascinating see exactly what's going to happen leading up to nevada. >> exactly. nevada is coming up on saturday for the democrats and south carolina on saturday for the republicans. a new national poll though, this is a game-changer apparently. cruz has inched ahead of trump by two points. making it a statistical dead heat and the number three spotot gogo to marco rubio who o also enjoying a key endorsement. it's your voice, your vote. abc's lana zak is covering the gop candidates. >> reporter: there are just days until republicans vote in south carolina and governor nikki haley is hoping her endorsement could give a win to marco rubio. >> ladies and gentlemen, if we will be a great day in america. >> reporter: south carolina's popular governor has enjoyed approval ratings of 81% and rubio pullili at 14% could use the boost. >> if we lose this electctn, we lose more than an election. i believe we lose the american dream. >> reporter: ted cruz throwing down the gauntlet with donald trump. donald, i would encourage you if you want to file a lawsuit challenginthis ad, claiming it is defamation, file the lawsuit. >> reporter: trump has been threatening legal action over this cruz ad released in the wake of justice scalia's death. >> i am pro-choice in every respect. >> we cannot trust donald trump with these serious decisions. >> reporter: on the trail trump says cruz is a liar. >> cruz said he's not pro-life. i said i'm not? i'm pro-life. you can't lie about people like that. >> reporter: but the ad doesn't seem to be hurting trump's poll numbers. in the first southern primary state. trump holds a 16-point lead over his nearest competitor ted cruz. in fact, even adding together for rubio, bush, carson and kasich, the total is less than the number that gives trump the lead. cruz seems to be challenging trump's lead and in what is now becoming increasingly common, the republican establishment seems to be on a campaign for anyone but trump. senatotomike lee is going totoe campaigning this morningngith ted cruz and in the afternoon with marco rubio. reena, kendis? >> thank you. this morning the white house will announce that president obama is visiting cuba next month. he will be the first president to visit the island while in office since calvin coolidge long bore the castro revolution. republican presidential hopeful marco rubio calls the decision a mistake and says he will not go to cuba while the castros are in power. >> a year and two months after the opening to cuba, the cuba government remains as repressive as ever but now they have access to millions if not billions of dollars in resources that they didn't have access to before this opening. >> reporter: he also said it is policy of weakness and appeasement to america's enemies. apple is in a security showdown with the fbi refusing to help the agency hack the iphone used by one of the san bernardino terrorists. despite a court order. the computer company says doing so would create a backdoor into the confidence information in every iphone. presidential hopeful donald trump is siding withthhe governmentnt >> i think it's disgraceful that apple is not helpingngn that. i think security first and i always felt security first. apple should absolutely we should force them to do it. >> marco rubio weighing in on this too calling it a tough issue but he hopes apple will cooperate and be "a good corporate citizen." >> john kasich says he doesn't think it's an unreasonable request. >> the pope is heading back to the vatican after a moving mass in mexico across the u.s. border. he capped off his visit by appealing to countries to open migrants. abc's terry moran was there. >> reporter: he stood on the banks of the rio grande, head bowed in silent prayer, here at this troubled border. across the river, a few feet away in the united states, americans, including some undocumented immigrants, praying with francis, remembering the thousands who have died in the desert, trying to get to the u.s. spiritually, there was no border here. joyous crowds on both sides, in juarez and in el paso, a hugely symbolic celebration, a message from the pope. this week, donald trump sent a message back, in an interview with fox business. >> the pope is a very political person. i don't think he understands the danger of the open border that we have with mexico. >> reporter: but mexico has embraced this pope. at one point mobbing him, almost toppling him until he rebuked them. "don't be selfish," he said. and at every step, francis has spoken out, blasting some businesses as slave drivers that and especially taking on the violence of the drug trade here in this city, once racked by thousands of murders. but now, juarez with crime dn to manageable levels, proudly hosting the pope. for francis, this isn't about politics. it's about taking in the stranger and welcoming the refugee. he would say, that's christianity. terry moran, abc news, with the pope in juarez, mexico. >> terry's been in iraq. so he got lucky. he got boondoggle to hang out with the pope. a los angeles hospital confirms it's been paid $17,000 in ransom to hackers who disabled its computer network. the ceo of the hollywood presbyterian medical center defended the move saying it was the most efficient way to get its system running again. the hackers demanded the ransom be paid in bitcoin because the online currency is difficult to trace. two los angeles police officers are under arrest charged with repeatedly raping prosecutors say the two who worked as patient -- partners threatened the women with arrest if they didn't give in to their demands. they're due in court ler today to face more than a dozen felony charges. if they are convicted, they could face life in prison. bill cosby is now suing the woman whose complaint led to his sexual abuse arrest. the lawsuit says she, her attorneys and her mother a others broke confidentiality agreements. the comedian also claimed that an agreement to settle her civil lawsuit against him more than a decade ago shielded him from criminal prosecution. a judge has denied his request for dismissal. boxer manny pacquiao's views about homosexuality will cost him his endorsement deal with nike. pacquiao is running for office a senate seat in the philippines and during an interview, he said gay people, "are worse than animals." nike called that abhorrent. and immediately ended its other companies could follow nike's lead. for many millions of americans a promise of warmer weather has arrived with the official opening of baseball's spring training. look at there. >> hey, boys. >> looks good in florida. by the end of the day, pitchers and catchers from 19 of the 30 major leagues will have reported in either florida or arizona. plenty of field players are already working out, as well. spring training games start over the next ten days or so and the league's opening day is sunday, april 3rd. >> yep, and it will end with the nationals winning it all. >> you love your nationals. if a new patent application airplanemaker airbus is to be believed, passengers could be in for more of a pinch than ever before. here's a company's diagram for an underseat storage compartment. to use it, you would obviously have to stand up, turn around and open it. but it would also severely cut down on leg room for the passenger behind you. public we say please don't. >> no, no, no. we'll give up the snacks before the leg room. wait, we did give up the snacks. >> we lost with that. while we're talking about flying, check out this coyote in the circle there right in the middle of that scene there. it was running around yesterday morning on runways of milwaukee's airport. the unwelcome visitor delayed one flight briefly. the plane eventually made a safe landing. ground crews chased the coyote off sending it back to where it came from. >> o oy. glad i igot home. >> it's wisconsin. weird stuff happens in wisconsin, as well as florida. >> no matter how productive new technology is, you can always play games with it. so it should be a surprise that you can now play ping-pong on your apple watch. >> yeah, the app is called a tiny game of pong. it is free although for a dollar, you can get an artificial intelligence opponent. pong was a classic game on the it had such a simple display. it shouldldork well on a tiny device like a watctc >> i thought it was ping-pong. i was trying to figure out how you play ping-pong on an apple watch. pong was before my time. was that before atari? >> i think it was. >> it was before the atari. >> coming up in "the skinny," adele getting lots of love online but not for something she did on stage. also, cutting edge fabric that could revolutionize the way clothing is made. break through at new york's fashion week. >> and the teenager who posed as a doctor even opening a busy medical practice. who did he fool and how did he get away with it after today's forecast. matt, hey, it is drink wine day. our favorite prop. >> that's your favorite. >> let's pop it open. >> no, no. jill and kate use the same dishwasher. same detergent. but only jill ends up with wet, spotty glasses. kate adds finish jet-dry with five power actions that dry dishes and prevent spots and film, so all that's left is the shine. for better results, use finish jet-dry. in a world that's trying to turn you into someone new... hair color wants to help you keep on being you. nice'n easy. natural-looking color... ...that even in sunlight, doesn't look like haha color... human coronavirus... hepati- >>c virus. there are a lot of different kinds of yucky germs. but not all disinfecting wipes... are approved to kill the same number of them. lysol wipes are approved to kill more types of germs than clorox. don't pick just any wipe. try that one! this cold and flflseason lysol that. your heart loves omega-3s. but there's a difference between the omega-3s in fish oil and those in megared krill oil. unlike fish oil, megared is easily absorbed by your body... ...which makes your heart, well, mega-happy. happier still, megared is proven to increase omega-3 levels in 30 days. megared. the difference is easy to absorb. seriously? where do you think you're going? to work, with you. you're not coming. i took mucinex to help get rid of my mucusy congestion. oh, right then i'll swing by in like 4 hours. forget the tacos! one pill lasts 12 hours. i'm good all day. wait! your loss. i was going to wear a sombrero. only mucinex has a bi-layer tablet that starts fast, and keeps working. not 4, not 6, but 12 full hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. everyone loves the way dark clothes make them feel. and no one wants that feeling to fade. that's why there's woolite darks. it's free of harsh ingredients, keeping dark clothes looking like new for 30 washes so your love for dark clothes will never fade. this is incredible video from thailand. this 500-foot cargo ship lost control and smashed through a walkway along the bangkok harbor. bad weather and strong currents are to blame for the accident. should say, remarkably, nobody on the walkway or on the ship suffered any injuries. even though the ship was damaged, it did manage to stay afloat until repairs were made. wow. facing some serious charges this morning, an 18-year-old man from south florida who calls himself dr. love. >> he's facing felony charges for allegedly practicing medicine without a license. brazenly, opening up his own practice inside a medical building. abc's matt gutman with the story. >> reporter: he had the lab coat practicing medicine without a license? >> reporter: but police say this self-declared florida doctor lacked a medicalalicense. just 18, malachi love robinson, was charged with seven counts including grand theft and fraud for allegedly practicing without a license. our west palm beach station wpbf was right there when he was arrested tuesday. >> i'm hurt because of the accusations and the allegations. >> reporter: last month, he proudly offered this tour of his office. >> this is the new birth and life medical center. >> reporter: saying he never claimed to be an md. but wpbfeeled back the tape on this sign, revealing those very letters. >> so many physicians, they speak to me and they are just in awe. it's not because i'm a great person, not because i'm some miracle from heaven sent, it's just because i have a passion for helping people. >> reporter: including an undercover sheriff's deputy. another patient, an 86-year-old, claims he treated her for severe stomach pain, paying him nearly $3500. his website says he treats well as water, food and air. last year, love-robinson roamed the halls of st. mary's hospital. >> they told me that he was a doctor and his name was dr. robinson. >> reporter: st. mary's said he never came in contact with patients and he was never charged. matt gutman, abc news, los angeles. >> how can you do that when you know these people are suffering? >> i'm amazed he was able to get away with it. a, how did he afford to pay the rent for his office there? and how did he get -- >> lots of questions will be answered this morning on "good morning america." he's going to be there this morning to talk about the situation. so i can't wait to see that interview. >> dr. love on "gma." check it out. when we come back, the undercover video from kanye west skinny" next.gand "the skinny" nextwand "the inny" nextyand "the skinny" nextnand "the skinny" nextnand "the skinny" nexteand "the skinny" nexttand "the skinny" nexthand "the skinny" nexttt0w!t.*(=! %4@-,2( tt0w!t.*(=! el@-&5d tt0w!t.*(=! ed@- 7 tt0w!t.*(=% )8h-@i\ tt0w!t.*(=% kzh-]& tt0w!t.*(=% n-h-(o, tt0w!t.*(=% 0ph-6(4 tt0w!t.*(=% s"h-&zt tt0w!t.*(=% ueh-%8$ tt0w!t.*(=% 7hh-9:p skinny, so skinny >> topping our look at "the skinny" this morning, kanye west had an epic meltdown even for kanye back is taken at "saturday night live." >> according to multiple reports, he went ballistic on "snl" 30 minutes before last saturday's show. it was over last minute change to his set. reported he threatened to walk. the "new york post" got ho of his audio in which he compared himself to stanley kubrick and apostle paul as in saint paul and picasso. >> bro, by 50%, stanley kubrick. apostle paul. picasso and escobar, i am 50% more influential than any other human being. don't [ bleeped ] with me. don't [ bleeped ] with me. don't [ bleeped ] with me. by 50%, dead or alive. by 50% for the next thousand years. stanley kubrick, yea. >> sources tell tmz west did eventually speak calmly with "snl" executive producer lorne michaels who decided to put the set back together. crisis apparently averted but -- >> thank god. >> the meltdown continues. >> who knows what that guy was capable of. that was crazy. >> next claims of justice averted. gwyneth paltrow saying she's very upset over the acquittal of her alleged stalker. >> a jury in los angeles found 66-year-old dante soiu not guilty of all charges without any recommendation he be hospitalized for psychiatric treatment. prosecutors say dante soiu upset her by senng dozens of unsolicited letters and gifts in recent years. >> it was the second case in which he was accused of stalking the actress. in the first he was committed to a mental institution but was eventually released. >> the jury foreman tells tmz they saw no evidence that he meant to cause paltrow any harm and they felt it would have ever been worse if they convicted an innocent man whose only crime was sending love letters. we move on next to the tons of love letters for adele on social media. >> it's good to see so many people reaching out. the ten-time grammy award winner was spotted over the weekend with her partner treating their son angelo to a day at bud take a close look. you see him there? guess who he's dressed up as? his favorite character from "frozen," princess anna. >> there he is in the stroller sporting the blue and yellow dress complete with black ballet flats. it's earning her countless cool points for bending gender norms and for being the kind of mom who lets her kids wear whatever makes them feel best. >> i love that. >> another photo is turning heads this morning. >> most of us cringe at the idea of having to show our driver's license or passport photos but prince tweeted out his new passport photo worthy of a magazine cover. the photo of prince rodgers nelson taken february 11th is perfect in nearly every way. >> the hair, the makeup, the prince pout, even the lighting captured the background subtle white to gray. >> it's very zoolanderesque. >> i love it. i wish he could coach me on my passport photo. i need to get photo. i need to get one. introducing new k-y touch gel cr me. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. [cough, cough] mike? janet? cough if you can hear me. don't even thihi about it. i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. yeah...but what about mike? he has that dry scratchy thing going on. guess what? it works on his cough too. cough! guess what? it works on his cough too. what? stop! don't pull me! spoiler alert! she doesn'make it! only mucinex dm relieves bothwet and dry coughs for 12 hours with two medicines in one pill. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. they say when mr. clean saw all the different things his new smart phone does... it's not just for marks on walls... it's tough on kitchen grease... and bathroom grime too. he's your... ...all around-tough-cleaner, mr. clean. there's moving... and there's moving with move free ultra. it has triple-action support for your joints, cartilage and bones. and unlike the big osteo-bi flex pills, it's all in one tiny pill. move free ultra. get your move on. jill and kate use the same dishwasher. same detergent. but only jill enen up with w w, spotty glasses. kate adds finish jet-dry withive power actions that dry dishes and prevent spots and film, so all that's left is the shine. for better results, use finish jet-dry. get ready to show your roots with roots touch-up from nice'n easy. even salon shades in just 10 minutes. for natural looking color as real as you are. show the world your roots with root touch-up. (coughing) coughing disrupts everyone's life. that's why there's delsym. delsym's advanced time release formula helps silence coughs for a full 12 hours. all night... or all day. your heart loves omega-3s. but therers a difference bebeeen the omega-3s in fish oil anthose in megar krill oil. unlike fish oil, megared is easily absorbed by your body... ...which makes your heart, well, mega-happy. happier still, megared is proven to increase omega-3 levels in 30 days. megared. we are in the midst of what many consider to be one of new york's most important weeks of the year. fashion week. >> pushing aside the usual offerings of the over the top styles worn by impossibly rail thin runway models there's a new kind of fabric that could revolutionize the way clothes are made. here's abc's tina trinh. >> reporter: it's new york fashion week, and designers flora gil and alexa adams are gearing up for their big show. knitwear is their specialty. this season they're adding a different material to the mix. 3-d printed plastic. >> basically starting with a thenning fabririout of it. this is a really similar process where you're working with kind of a line of plastic. >> reporr: but that plastic, it's typically rigid and hard. >> we had to think about ways to make something soft and flexible and lleaeae using hard units. >> reporter: the designers partnered with microsoft and 3-d printing company shapeways. >> this is their frosted ultradetail plastic. one of the things i love about it, it's transparent and has this sort of rubbery feel which is really interesting. >> reporter: binterlocking smaller pieces together, the designers essentially created a new fabric to work with. the initial idea was to try to take ideas from traditional chain maile. >> the really cool thing here is that it actually has a little bit of give in it, right? >> yeah, it definitely has stretch in it and it can be very malleable. >> it's going to fit to each body of the model to fit her personally which will be nice. >> we're combining it with a more old world technology >> that old world meets tete world approach makes for unlimited possibilities. >> i think the next revolution in 3-d printing will be more materials. eventually they will be able to use plastics and polymers that are completely soft. >> the only way it will get better and really progress is if people use it. >> reporter: it's fashion 2.0, and this season, it's ready to wear. tina trinh, abc news, new york. >> very interesting. >> do you like it? >> i do. but i'm also wearing a spider web today. >> is it made of plastic and polymers? >> it's not made of plastic. and polymers. but if you get too close, you might get stuck in it. >> on the web. >> don't miss our updates on facebook. making news in america this morning, candidadas ash. presidtial hopefuls speak out overnight. new polls jolting the campaigns and donald trump defending his temper. a live report just ahead. destination, cuba. president obama set to become the first president in 80 years to visit the nation new reaction overnight. a shipwreck caught on camera. a cargo vessel smashes through a harbor walkway. the incredible scene, what caused this accident? and passenger pinch. outrage as your legroom may be shrinking but is this actctlly a good thing? good thursday morning. we begin with a surprise shift in the latest presidential polls. >> as the republicans scramble win over undecided voters across south carolina, a new national poll shows ted cruz for the first time making it a statistical dead heat. >> m mco rubio is h hding on to third place and he's goingng into saturday's primary with a key endorsement from south carolina's popular governor. >> it's "your voice, your vote. we get the latest right now on the campaign trail from abc's ray raimundi starting with the republicans. >> reporter: the clash of the republican candidates now going into overdrive. the battleground, south carolina, where four of the six republican candidates participated in town hall for rums across two cable networks. >> i do attack people when i'm attacked. >> reporter: republican front-runner donald trump all alone on msnbc where he attacked his fellow counterparts and defended his fiery temperament. >> in a year from now, people will respect what i did. you're so worried about being nice and bei politically correct. what would you rather have me do, be nice to everybody. >> reporter: over on cnn ted cruz and marco rubio along with dr. ben carson got their chance to address questions from south carolina voters. trump after receiving a cease and desist letter. what did you t tnk when you actually got the letter. >> i'll confefe i laughed out loud and i don't think anyone is surprised that donald is threatening to sue anyone. >> reporter: rubio with a more personal message smiling from ear to ear from nikki haley's endorsement. >> tomorrow we'll be campaigning alongside an african-american republicanansenator. all three are doing that here in south carolina. >> reporter: on the demococtic side, hililry clinton and bernie sandnds are battling it out in nevada ahead of that state's caucuses this weekend, new polls show the race in nevada at a virtual dead heat. and with the race so tight in nevada the democratic party is providing an unopened deck of cards at all 250 precinct locations. if there is a tie a single card, the tie possibly coming down to a high card draw. >> how very vegas. there. ray, thank you. some of the republican hopefuls are siding with the obama administration. they think apple is wrong and refusing to hack an iphone for the fbi. >> the iphone was used by one of the san bernardino terrorists and the fbi feels it may have important data on it. apple says that breaking the encryption would compromise the privacy of every iphone. the white house disagrees. >> they are not asking apple to redesign i i product oro create a new b bk door to one of their products. they're simply asking for something that would have an impact on this one device. >> apple will appeal a federal judge's ruling in favor of the fbi and it could end up in the supreme court. several of the republican candidates say that apple has a valid concern but should comply. a major announcement from the white house this morning. sources tell abc news the historic trip is planned for next month. about 15 months after the administration began re-opening diplomatic relations with cuba. president obama will be the first president in 80 years to visit the island while in office. overnight republican presidential hopeful marco rubio calling the decision a mistake. and the president will not attend funeral services for the supreme court justicentonin scalia. the white house says the president and first lady will however pay respects tomorrow at the supreme court where scalia will lie in repose. vice president biden will attend the p pvate fununal m ms on saturday. in the meantime, retired supreme court justicesandra day o'connor is siding with president obama saying he should get to nominate scalia's replacement. pope francis will be back at the vatican this morning after delivering a powerful message in mexico just yards from the u.s. border. as he wrapped up his five-day visit the pope appealed to to migrants and prayed for the thousands who died trying to reach the united states to escape poverty, violence and persecututn. theass was beamed lived across the border to 30,000 in a stadium in el paso. air strikes on isis banks in iraq and syria have destroyed more than $500 million in cash. the loss of all that cash is putting a severe strain on the terror group's finances. in fact, so much so that some isis fighters report their salaries have been cut by half. the air strikes have also taken a heavy toll on isis and its oil smuggling which provides major revenue for its operions. breaking overnight the turkish government officials now sa that as syrian national was behind a car bomb attack in turkey's capital that killed at least 28 people and injured dozens more. the explosion went off at a busy intersection duringhe height of the evening rush hour where two buses carrying military personnel weretoed at a traffic well, it rained in los angeles for the first time this month yesterday and will happen agagn. e storm system movov across the entire west coast. >> impressive system there. except for little bit of rain in the northtest plains, that's about it for precipitation today. it'll be mild for the rest of the midwe with higher than usual temperatures but a little chilly in the east. still no rain or snow here so we'll take it. coming up a pair of health alerts for both men and women. plus, troubling news for gwyneth paltrow. the case of her allegedtalker now over. why the man was acquitted by a jury. but first baby-sitters nationwide experiencing a pay raise. the going rate is going up. i think when people hear about memory care they're scared, they think that it's sad. i think it's important for everyone to know that there is so much more to memory support than the stigmas you hearabout. that they're not locked away and that they still have a lot to live for, you know, that they have people that care about them and they y ve people that lovovthem and i love themem so their lives stiti matter. that is what i do this for. the flu virus. it's a really big deal. and with fever, aches, and chills, mom knows it needs a big solution: an antiviral. don't kid around with the flu, call your doctor and ask about prescription tamiflu. attack the flu virus at its source with tamiflu, an antiviral that helps stop it from spreading in the body. miflu in liquid form is fda approveded to treat the flu in pele two weeks of age and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion, or abnormal behavior. the most common side effectctare mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. anti-flu? go antiviral in southern california, a driver was crushed and killed when a transformer fell on to his pickup truck. police say he was distracted as he passed by another accident, lost control of his truck and smashed into a utility pole. two other transformers also came down causing a major power outage in the area. also in california, federal investigators now say corrosion along the exterior of a pipeline is the cause of that massive oil spill off the coast of santa barbara last year. preliminary findings indicate that the oil began gushing from a two-foot section of pipe. after pumps were shut down and restarted. those findings alsoote that the spill dumped neaeay 1414000 gallons, that's much more than the original estimate of 100,000. hollywood presbyterian medical center in los angeles confirming it has paid about $17,000 in ransom to hackers who disabled its computer network. the ceo says that was the most efficient way to get the the hackers demanded the ransom be paid in bit coin because the online currency is difficult to trace. health alert this morning. anotherotential risk for women who waiai until they're older to have kids. research found women who became pregnant at 40 or older were more likely to have a stroke later in life. for those women there was a 60% increase in the risk of a brain bleed. there is also a slight increase in heart disease. but experts say more research is necessary to confirm a direct link. a highly anticipated study finds testosterone gel treatment is no fountain of youth. the study revealed mostly modest improvements in the sex lives, walking strength andnd the mood of 800 menn who participated. all of them were age 65 and over. researchers say their wor isn't extensive enough to determine whether long-term use of testosterone gel raises the risk of heart attacks and prostate cancer as some studies indicate. be in for more of a pinch than ever if planemaker airbus moves ahead with the idea. check it out. the company's diagram here for an underseattorage compartment to use it you'd obviously have to stata up,, turn arounun and en it. but it would also severely cut down o legroom for the passenger behind you. the diagram is part of a new airbus patent application. >> okay. well, baby-sitters around the world, rejoice. on averager pay is going up. the national average for baby-sitting one child is $15.71 an hour. up 5% from last year and two children, the average rate is $18 an hour. those costs are considerably higher and expensive cities like new york and san francisco. nearly 20% of sitters get tips on top of their regular pay. >> baby-sitters union is powerful. >> they deserve it, i have to say. >> they do. coming up lost and find, a dog finds best friends ready to help. officers accused of sexual assault in their squad cars. the details just ahead. until i realized how much our digestive systems handle during winter. 90 stressful days juggling hectic schedules. over 4 4meals of heavy comfofo foods like baked mac & cheese. no wonder after all that our digestive systems can act up. so try the activia two week challenge! enjoying activia twice a day for two weeks may help reduce the frequency of bloating, gas, discomfort or rumbling. try it! it works in two weeks or it's free. dannon i've been claritin clear for 14 days. when your allergy symptoms start... ...doctors recommend taking one claritin every day of your allergy season... ...for continuous relief. with powerful, 24 hour... ...non-drowsy claritin, live claritin clear. i was not aware of how much acidity was in my diet... that it was damaging the enamel. i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said pronamel can make my teeth stronger. pronamel is helping me lead the life that i want to live. karl, dodot you have friends coming over? yeah, so? it stinks in here. you've got to wash this whole room are you kidding? wash it? let's wash it with febreze. for all the things you can't wash, use... ...febreze fabric refresher whoa hey mrs. webber inhales hey, it smells nice in here and try pluggable febreze... continuously eliminate odors for... ...up to 45 days of freshness pluggable febreze and fabric refresher... nasty weather and strong currents are blamed for this accident. a 500-foot cargo ship crashing through a pedestrian walkway in bangkok. once the ship finally stopped onlookers scrambled too take pictures. remarkably nobody on the walkway or ship suffered any injuries. it'll be pretty smooth sailing for drivers in most of but you may find the roads a little slippery in the northern plains. you're likely to find heavy snow on roads through the western mountains and wet road surfaces on the west coast. >> i see what you did there. smooth sailing. flying, airport delays likeliest in san francisco and los angeles. speaking of los angeles, a shocking case out of there this morning. two veteran police officers are under arrest charged witit repeatatly rapinin four women while on duty over a three-year period. >> prosecutors say the two officers who worked as partners threatened the womenwith arrest if they d)dn't give in to their demands. the officers are set to appear in court today. the two face more than a dozen felony charges if convicted, they could be sentenced to life in prison. back on the east coast bill cosby is suing the woman whose complaint led to his arrest. the lawsuit says she, her attorneys and mother as well as others broke confifintiality agreements signed more than a decade ago. thee comedianas also claimed an agreement to settle her civil shielded him from criminal prosecution. a judge has denied his request for dismissal. a man accused of stalking gwyneth paltrow has been found not guilty despite tearful by the oscar winning actress a jury acquitted dante soiu. the 66-year-old was committed to a mental institution for sending paltrow letters and lewd messages. they saw no evidedee that soiu meant to cause paltrow any harm, they say. a sponsor backlash following comments about home"home" sexuality by manny pacquiao. he said gay people are worse than animals, i'm quoting here. nike called that ab horpts and immediately ended its relationship with pacquiao. others could follow nike's lead. two wisconsin tweens are the girls werealfway across a nearly mile-long railroad bridge when a train raced down the tracks. the bridge was not designed for pedestrians and they had nowhere to go. they survived by hanning off the trestle as the train passed. well, the family member ss -- family membered rescued was just as grateful as those girls. that's a golden retriever named skye. he fell into the 15-foot deep hole in state college, pennsylvania and was there for two nights. one firefighter climbed into the hole and got a makeshift harne in around skye and his colleagues on the surface pulled skye to safety. tail wagging and happy. >> very happy. >> and one more animal item for you. yeah, a deer caught on surveillance camera. just a typical day browsing the aisles of a virginia liquor store. that's a smart door. pushed the door open, walked in and was quickly shown out the apparently no damagedone. no bottles broken. >> what was that campari he was after. >> looking for the henny. the nba gets back to business following its all-star break. highlights from espn. i'm steve levy. one of the best rivalries if not the best in sports resumed on wednesday night. 20th ranked blue devils visiting fifth ranked north carolina and the game would not disappoint. a couple of heavyweight head coaches and then north carolina up six just over sevev to go. grayson allen smothered at the m by justin jackson. we go the other way, jackson crashing the glass and the put- t-back. eight and coach k wants to talk it over. duke would come back, down two. luke kennard corner three. dukies have the lead. ten seconds left. north carolina had three time-outs, didn't use any of them. joel berry is blocked by derek thornton and that's the way this one ends. ngle point. meanwhil buddy heald, texas tech. just over two minutes to play. texas tech is down four. toddrick gotcher got that three. cuts it to one. here's oklahoma. keenan evans coming up with a texas tech steal, run of the floor and the bucket, red raiders up one. 14 seconds to go. oklahoma is down two. eisai yeah cousins on the drive trying for the lob to khadeem ttin off the mark. texas tech completes the upset and the fans rush the court. as they often do. that'll do it for us. be sur to tune in 7:00 a.m. eastern time for a fresh look at the night that was in sports on the one and only espn "sportscenter." have a great day. >> well, coming up, the power ball winning couple finally stepping forward and what they'll be spending their winnings on first. kanye west's latest outburst and who he's comparing himself and you're talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me reach for more. doctors have been prescribing humira for more than ten years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometim fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, rious allergic reactctns, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. talk to your doctor and visit i've been on my feel all day. i'm bushed! yea me too. excuse me...coming through! ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. scholls massaging gel insoles. they're proven to give you comfort. which helps you feel more energized ...all day long. i want what he has. so my kids don't have to forage, got two jobs to pay a mortgage, and i've also got a brain. life's short, talk is cheap. i'll be working while you sleep. ill don't think i've got a brain? you think a resume's enough? who'll step up when things get tough? don't you want that kind of brain? a degree is a degree. you're gonna want someone like me. time nowo check "the pulse" starting with kanye west unplugged. >> it's been a busy week for kanye taking credit for taylor swift's claim and claims to be $53 million in debt and now we're hearing his backstage before his appearance on "snl." >> in the recording from "the new york post" we hear him threatening to leave the show and comparing himself to a saint. bro, by 50% stanley kubrick, apostle paul, picasso, [ bleep ] picasso and escobar. by 50% more influential than any other human being. >> sources tell tmz kanye did eventually speak with "snl" executive producer lorne set back together. >> whoa. crisis averted. >> yes, just a few humblebrags there. the florida winners of last month's ge powerball jackpot realize that their lives will never be the same. the total jackpot was $1.6 billion. >> their share is more than half a billion dollars. although with a lump sum payment it is a mere 328 million before taxes and before coming forward they sought legal advice and established a trust for the money. >> they're still working on what's next. >> we're not going to go party, no. >> we're still going to live the same lives basically. i mean my truck is about to fall apart so i do need a vehicle. >> he'll retire and that's what he really wanted to do. >> retirement, a new truck. pretty good. >> good ideas. >> the couple told no one they were holding on to the winning ticket. he by the way is 55. she's 70. they've been married since 1980 won with the numbers they've been playing nearly all the time. apparently she's a big lotto fan. >> yeah, she is and a fan of young men, as well, 19 when he got married to her. finanay, a real mystery that has the neighbors in the suburb of portland, oregon, completely baffled. their question what exactly is causing this noise. [ screeching noise ] >> well, they've been hearing that loud shriek for the last couple of weeks. >> wow. >> several possible culprits have already been ruled out including trains on the track, water in gas lines, even wildlife. >> one resident says she thinks someone needs to get their car's brakes checked. the mystery does continue. >> see, i just don't know what it could bement how can you not figure out what thatound is. >> it's annoying. >> all right. more news after this.pain, ese feet served my country, carried the weight of a family, and walked a daughter down the aisle. diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain. from moderate to even severe diabetiti nerve pain. lyrica may cause serious allergiciceactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and my biggest reason to walk calls me grandpa. if you're looking to save money on your medicare part d prescriptions, walgreens says, carpe med diem. seize the day to get more out of life and medidire part d. just switch to w wgreens for savinin that'll be the highlight of your day. now preview the cost of your copay before you fill. you can even get one-dollar copays on select plans. our top stories on this thursday morning for the first over donald trump in a national poll. marco rubio came in third as he picked up an endorsement from south carolina governor nikki haley ahead of saturday's primary there. and as part of his program to re-establish ties with cuba, president obama will go there next month, only one other president has visited cuba while in office and that wasas calvin coolidge bk in 1928. and by the end of today pitchers and catchers for most major league baseball teams will have officially opened spring training.r those counting there's just over six weeks until opening day. and today's weather, sunny but chilly in the east, very warm and windy in the south. warmer, though, than usual in the midwest. well, it doesn't matter what the weather condions are, you can always count on your postal carrier to get the job done. >> but it's not alway the elements that give him the birds can ming news in america this morning, candidates clash. presidential hopefuls speak out overnight. new polls jolting the campaigns and donald trump defending his temper. a live report just ahead. destination, cuba. president obama set to become the first president i 80 years to visit the nation. new reaction overnight. a shipwreck caught on ra. a cargo vessel smash thrhrgh a harbor lkway. the incredible scene, what caused this accident? and passenger pinch. outrage as your legroom may be shrinkingut is this actually a good thing? good thursday morning. we begin with a surprise shift in the latest presidential polls. >> as the republicans scramble to win over undecided voters across south carolina, a new national poll shows ted cruz for the first time making it a statistil dead heat. >> marco rubio is holding on to third place and he's going into saturday's primary with a key endorsement from south carolina's popular governor. >> it's "your voice, your vote." we get the latest right now on the campaign trail from abc's ray raimundi starting with the republicans. >> reporter: the clash of the republican candidates now going into overdrive. the battlegrgrnd, south carorona, where four off the six republan candidates participated in town hall for rums across two cable networks. >> i do attack people when i'm attacked. >> reporter: republican front-runner donald trump all alone on msnbc where he attacked his fellow counterparts and defended his fiery temperament. >> in a year from now, people will respect what i did. you're so worried about being nice and being politically correct. what would you rather have me do, be nice to everybody. >> reporter: over on cnn ted cruz and marco rubio along with dr. ben carson got their chance to address questions from south cruz whipping out the hammer on trump after receiving a cease and desist letter. >> what did you think when you actually got the letter. >> i'll confess i laughed out loud and i don't think anyone is surprised that donald is threatening to sue anyone. >> reporter: rubio with a more personal message smiling from ear to ear from nikki haley's endorsement. >> tomorrow we'll be campaigning alongside an african-american republican senator. all three are doing that here in south carolina. >> reporter: on the democratic side, hillary clinton and bernie sanders are battling it out in nevada ahead of that state's caucuses this weekend, new polls show the race in nevada at a virtual dead heat. and with the race so tight in nevada the democratic party is providing an unopened deck of cards at all 250 precinct locations. if there is a tie a single card, the tie possibly coming down to a high card draw. >> how very vegas. hugeoter rnout expected there. ray, thank you. some of the republican hopefuls are siding with the obama administration. they think apple is wrong and the fbi. >> the iphone was used by one of the san bernardino terrorists and the fbi feels it may have important data on it. apple says that breaking the encryption would compromise the privacy of every iphone. the white e use disagrees. >> they are not asking apple to redesign its product or to create a new back door to one of their products. they're simply asking for something that would have an impact on this one device. >> apple will appeal a federal judge's ruling in favor of the fbind it could end up in t supreme court. several of the republican candidates say that apple has a valid concece but should comply. a major announcement f fm the white house this morning. sources tell abc news the historic trip is planned for next month. about 15 months after the administration began re-opening diplomatic relations with cuba. president obama will be the first president in 80 years to visit the island while in office. overnight republican presidential hopeful marco rubio calling the decision a mistake. and the president will not attend funeral services for the supreme court justice antonin scalia. the white house says the president and first lady will however pay respects tomorrow at the supreme court where scalia will lie in repose. vice president biden will attend the private funeral mass on saturday. in the meantime, retired supreme court justice sandra day o'connor is siding with president obama saying he should get to nominate scalia's replacement. pope francis will be back at the vatican this morning after delivering a powerful message in mexico just yards from the u.s. border. as h h wrapped up his five-day vivit the pope appealeddo to migrants and prayed for the thousands who died trying t reach the united states to escape poverty, violence and persecution. the mass was beamed lived across the border to 30,000 in a stadium in el paso. air strikes on isis banks in iraq and syria have desoyed more than $500 million in cash. the loss of all that cash is putting a severe strain on the terror group's finances. in fact, so much so that some isis fighters report t eir salaries have been cut by half. the air strikes have ao taken a heavy toll on isis and its oil smuggling which provides major revenue for its operations. breaking overnight the turkish government officials now say that as syrian national was behind a car bomb attack in turkey's capital that killed at least 28 people and injured dozens more. the explosion went off at a busy intersection during the height of the evening rush hour where two buses carrying military well, it rained in los angeles for the first time this month yesterday and will happen again. the storm systemg across the entire west coast. >> impressive system there. except for a little bit of rain in the northwest plains, that's about it for precipitation today. it'll be mild for the rest of the midwest with higher than usual temperatures but a little chilly in the east. still no rain or snow here so we'll take it. coming up a pair of health alerts for b bh men and women. plus, troubling news for gwyneth paltrow. the case of her alleged stalker now over. why the man was acquitted by a jury. but first baby-sitters nationwide experiencing a pay raise. the going rate is going up. i think when people hear about memory care they're scared, they think that it's sad. i think it's important for everyone to know that there is so much more to memory support than the stigmas you hearabout. that they're not locked away and that they still have a lot to live for, you know, that they have people that care about them and they have people th love them and i lovthem, so their lives still matter. that is what i do this for. the flu virus. it's a really big deal. and with fever, aches, and chills, mom knows it needs a big solution: an antiviral. don't kid around with the flu, call your doctor and ask abt prescription tamiflu. attack the flu virus at its source with tamiflu, an antiviral that helps stop it from spreading in the body. tamiflu in liquid form is fda approved to treat the flu in people two weeks of age and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. chdren and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion, or abnmal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and voming. anti-flu? go antiviral iv southern california, a driver was crushed and killed when a transformer fell on to his pickup truck. police say he was distracted as he passed by another accident, lost control of his truck and smashed into a utility pole. two other transformers also came down causing a major power outage in the area. also in california, federal investigators now say corrosion along the exterior of a pipeline is the cause of that massive oilil spill off the c cst of s sta barbara last year. preliminary findings indicate that the oil began gushing from a two-foot section of pipe. after pumps were shut down and restarted. those findings also note that the spill dumped nearly 143,000 gallons, that's much more than the original estimate of 100,000. hollywood presbyterian medical center in los angeles confirming it has paid about $17,000 in ransom to hackers who disabled its computer network. the ceo says that was the most efficient way to g ghe the hackers demanded the ransom be paid in bit coin because the online currency is difficult to trace. health alert this morning. another potential risk for women who wait until they're older to have kids. research found women who became pregnant at 40 or older were more likely to have a stroke later in life. for those women there was a 60% increase in the risis of a brain bleed. there is also a slight increase in heart disease. but experts say more research is necessary to c cfirm a direct linknk a highly anticipated stutu finds testosterone gel treatment is no fountain of youth. the study revealed mostly modest improvements in the sex lives, walking strength andhe mood of 800 men who participated. all of them were age 65 and over. researchers say their work isn't extensive enough to determine whether long-term use of testosterone gel raises the risk of heart attacks and prostate cancer as some studies indicate. be in for more of a pinch than ever if planemaker airbus moves ahead with the idea. check it out. the com\any's diagram here for an underseat storage comrtment to use it you'd obviously have to stand up, turn around and open it. but it would also severely cut down on legroom for the passenger behind you. the diagram is part of a new airbus patent application. >> okay. well, baby-sitters around the world, rejoice. on average your pay is going up. the nationalal average for baby-sittingng one child is $15.71 an hour. up 5% from last year and two children, the average rate is $18 an hour. those costs are considerably higher and expensive cities like new york and san francisco. nearly 20% of sitters get tips on top of their regular pay. >> baby-sitters union is powerful. >> they deserve it, i have to say. >> they do. coming up lost and find, a dog finds best friends ready t t help. officers accused of sexual assault in their squad cars. the details just ahead. until i realized how much our digestive systems handle during winter. 90 stressful days juggling hectic schedule over 40 meals of heavy comfort foods like baked mac & cheese. no wonder after all that our digestive systems can act up. sory the activia two week challenge! enjoying activia twice a day for two weeks may help reduce the frequency of bloating, gas, discomfort or rumbling. try it! it works in two weeks or it's free. dannon i've been claritin clear for 14 days. when your allergy symptoms start... ...doctors recommend taking one claritin every day of your !llergy season... ...for continuous relief. with powerful, 24 hour... ...non-drowsy claritin, live claritin clear. i was not aware of how much acidity was in my diet... that it was damaging the enamel. i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said pronamel can make my teeth stronger. pronamel is helping me lead the life that i want to live. karl, don't you have friends coming over? yeah, so? it stinks in here. you've got to wash this whole room are you kidding? wash it? let's wash it withthebreze. for all the things you can't wash, use... ...febreze fabric refresher whoa hey mrs. webber inhales hey, it smells nice in here and try pluggable febreze... continuously eliminate odors for... ...up to 45 days of freshness pluggable febreze and fabric refresher... ...[inhale + exhale mnemonic]... nasty weather and strong currents are blamed for this accident. a 500-foot cargo ship crashing through a pedestriaia walkway in bangkok. once the ship finally stopped onlookers scrambled to take pictures. remarkably nobody on walkway or ship suffered any injuries. it'll be pretty smooth sailing for drivers in most of but you may find the roads a little slippery in the northern plains. you're liky to find heavynow on roads through the western mountains and wet road surfaces on the west coast. >> i see what you did there. smooth sailing. flying, airport delays likeliest in san francisco and los angeles. speaking of los angeles, a shocking case out of there this morning. two veteran police officers are under arrest charged with repeatedly raping four women whil on duty over a three-year period. >> prosecutors say the two officers who worked as partners threened the women with arrest if they didn't give in to their demands. the officers are set to appear in court today. the two face more than a dozen felony charges if convicted, they could be sentenced to life in prison. back on the east coast bill cosby is suing the woman whose complaint led to his arrest. the lawsuit says she, her attorneyey and mother as well as othersroke confidentiality agreements signed more than a decade ago. the comedian has also claimed an agreement to settle her civil shielded him from criminal prosecution. a judge has denied his request for dismissal. a man accused of stalking gwyneth paltrow has been found not guilty despite tearful by the oscar winning actress a jury acquitted dante soiu. the 66-year-old wasommitted to a mental institution for sending paltrow letters and lewd messages. they saw no evidence that soiu meant to cause paltrow any harm, they say. a sponsor backlash following comments about home"home" sexuality by manny pacquiao. he said gay people are worse than animals, i'm quoting here. nike called that ab horpts and immediately ended its relationshsh with pacquiao. others could follow nike's lead. two wisconsin tweens are the girls were halfwaycross a nearly mile-long railroad bridge when a train raced down the tracks. the bridge was not designed for pedestrians and they had nowhere to go. they survived by hanning off the trestle as the train passed. well, theamily member sss -- family membered rescued was just as grateful as those girls. that's a golden retriever named skye. he fell into the 15-foot deep hole in state college, pennsylvania and was there for two nights. one firefighter climbed into the hole and got a makeshift harness in around skye and his colleagues on the surface pulled skye to safety. tail wagging and happy. >> very happy. >> and one more aninil item for you. yeah, a deer caught on survrvllance camera. just a typical day browsing the store. that's a smart door. pushed the door open, walked in and was quickly shown out the back door. no bottles broken. >> what was that campari he was after. >> looking for the henny. the nba gets back to business following its all-star break. highlights now from espn. i'm steve levy. one of the best rivalries if not the beses in sports resumed on wednesday night. 20th ranked blue devils visiting fifth ranked north carolina and the game would not disappoint. a couple of heavyweight head coaches and then north carolina up six just over seven to go. grayson allen smothered at the rim by justin jackson. we go the other way, jackson crashing the glass and the put- put-back. eight and coach k wants to talk it over. duke would come back, down two. luke kennard corner ththe. dukies have the lead. ten seconds left. north carolina had three time-outs, didn't use any of them. joel berry is blocked by derek thornton and that's the way this one ends. single point. meanwhile, buddy heald, number three oklahoma visiting texas tech. just over two minutes to play. texas tech is down four. toddrick gotcher got that three. cuts it to one. here's oklahoma. keenan evans coming up with a texas tech steal, run of the floor and the bucket, red raiders up one. 14 seconds to go. oklahoma is down two. eisai yeah cousins on the drive trying for the lob to khadeem lattin off the mark. texas tech completes the upset and the fans rush the court. as they often do. that'll do it for us. be sure to tune in 7:00 a.m. eastern time for a fresh look at the night that was in sports on the one and only espn "sportscenter." have a great day. >> well, coming up, the power ball winng couple finally stepping forward and what they'll be spending their winnings on first. kanye west's latest outburst and who he's comparing himself and you're talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and d otect my joints fromomfurther damage. this is humira helpipi me reach for morere doctors have been prescribing humira for more than ten years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allerg reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment get testededor tb. tell your dodoor if you'u' been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to inctions, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. talk to your doctor and visit i've been on my feel alday. i'm bushed!$tyea me too. excuse me...coming through! ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. scholls massaging gel insoles. they're proven to give you comfort. which helps you feel more energized ...all day long. i want what he has. so my kids don't have to forage, got two jobs to pay a mortgage, and i've also got a brain. life's short, talk is cheap. i'll be working while you sleep. still don't think i've gotot brain? you think a resume's enough? who'll step up when things get tough? don't you want that kind of brain? a degree is a degree. you' gonna want someone like me. time now to check "the pulse" starting with kanye west unplugged. >> it's been a busy week for kanye taking credit for taylor swift's claim and claims to be $53 million in debt and now we're hearing his backstage before his appearance on "snl." >> in the recording from "the new york post" we hear him threatening to leave the show and comparing himself to a saint. bro, by 50% stanley kubrick, apostle paulpicasso, [ bleep ] picasso and escobar. by 50% more influential than any other human being. >> sources tell tmz kanye did eventually speak with "snl" executive producer lorne set back together. >> whoa. crisisaverted. >> yes, just a few humblebrags there. t t florida winners of last month's huge powerball jackpot realize that their lives will never be the same- the total jackpot was $1.6 billion. >> their share is more than half a billion dollars. although with a lump sum payment it is a mere 328 million before taxes and before coming fororrd they sought legal advice and established a trust for the money. >> they're still working on what's next. >> we'reot going to gogoarty, no. >> we're still going t t live the same lives basically. i mean my truck is about to fall apart so i do need a vehicle. >> he'll retire and that's what he really wanted to do. >> retirement, a new truck. pretty good. >> good ideas. >> the couple told no one they were holding on to the winning ticket. he by the way is 55. she's 70. they've been married since 1980 won with the numbers they've been playing nearly all the time. apparently she's a big lotto fan. >> yeah, she is and a fan of young men, as well, 19 when he got married to her. finally, a real mystery that has the neighbors in the suburb of portland, oregon, completely baffled. their question what exactly is causing this noise. [ screeching noise ] >> well, they've been hearing that loud shriek for the last couple of weeks. >> wow.w. >> several possible culprits have already been ruledut including trains onhe track, water in gas lines, even wildlife. >> one resident says she thinks someone needs to get their car's bres checked. the mystery does continue. >> see, i just don't know what it could bement how can you not figure out what thatt sound is. >> it's annoying. >> all right. more news after this.pain, the feet served my country, carried the weight of a family, and walked a daughter down the aisle. diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talkeketo my doctor and prescribed lyrica.. nerve dage from diabet causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain. from moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and my biggest reason to walk calls me grandpa. if you're looking save money on your medicare part d prescriptions, walgreens says, carpe med diem. seize the day to get more out of life and medicare part d. just switch to walgreens for savings that'll be the highlht of your day. now preview the cost of your copay before you fill. you can even get one-dollar copays on select plans. our top stories on this thursday morning for the first over donald trump in a national poll. mao rubio came in third as he picked up an endorsement from south calina governor nikki ley ahead of saturday's primary there. and as part of his program to re-establish ties with cuba, president obama will go there next month, only one other president has visited cuba while in office and that was calvin coolidge back in 1928. and by the end of today pitchers and catchers for most major league baseball teams will have officially opened spring tr for those counting there's just over six weeks until opening day. and today's weather, sunny but chilly in the east, very warm and windy in the south. warmer, though, than usual in the midwest. well, it doesn't matter what the weather conditions are, you can always count on your postal carrier to get the job done. elements that give him thursday. making news in america this morning, candidates clash. presidential hopefuls speak out overnight. new polls jolting the campaigns and donald trump defending his temper. a live report just ahead. destination, cuba. president obama set to become the first president in 80 years to visit the nation. new reaction overnight. > a shipwreck cauaut on camera. a cargo vessel smashes through a a harbor walkway. e incredible scene, what caused this accident? and passenger pinch. outrage as your legrm may be shrinking but is this actually a good thing? good thursday morning. we begin with a surprise shift in the latest presidential polls. >> as the republicans scramble to w over u undecided votersrs across south carolina, a new national poll shows ted cru for the first time making it a statistical dead heat. >> marco rubio is holdingn to third place and he's going into saturday's primary with a key endorsement from south carona's popular governor. >> it's "your voice, your vote." we get the latest right now on the campaign trail from abc's ray raimundi starting with the republicans. >> reporter: the clash of the republican candidates now going into overdrive. the battleground, south carolina, where fr of the six republican candidates participated in town hall for rums across two cable networks. >> i do attack people when i'm attacked. >> reporter: republican front-runner donald trump all alone on msnbc where he attacked his fellow counterparts and defended his fiery temperament. >> in a year from now, people will respect what i did. you're so worried about being nice and being politically correct. what would you rather have me do, be nice to everybody. >> reporter: o or onnn ted uz and marco rubio a ang with dr. ben carson got their chance to address questions from south cruz whipping out the hammer on trump after receiving a cease and desist letter. >> what did you think when you actually got the letter. >> i'll confess i laughed out loud and i don't think anyone is surprised that donald is threatening to sue anyone. >> reporter: rubio with a more personal message smiling from ear to ear from nikki haley's endorsement. >> tomorrow we'll be campaigning alongside an african-american republican senator. all three are doing that here in south carolina. >> reporter: on the democratic side, hillary clinton and bernie sanders are battling it out in nevada ahead of that state's caucuses this weekend, new polls show the race in nevada at a virtual dead heat. and with the race so tight in nevada the democratic party is oviding an unopened decec of cards at a a 250 precinct locations. if there is a tie a single card, the tie possibly coming down to a high card draw. >> how very vegas. huge voter turnout expected there. ray, thank you. some of the republican hopefuls are siding with the obama administration. they think apple is wrong and refusing to hack an iphone for the fbi. >> the iphone was used by onene of the san bernardinin terrorists andd the fbi feels it may havav important data on it. apple says that breaking the encryption would compromise the privacy of every iphone. the white house disagrees. >> they are not asking apple to redesign its product or to create a new back door to one of their products. they're simply asking for something that would have an impact on this one device. >> apple will appeal a federal judge's ruling in favor of the fbi and it could end up in the supreme court. several of the republican candidates say that apple has a valid concern but should comply. a major announcement from the white house this morning. sources tell abc news the historic trip is planned for next month. about 15 months after the administration began re-opening diplomatic relations with cuba. president obama will be the first president in 80 years to visit the island while in office. overnight republican presidential hopeful marco rubio calling theecision a a mistake. and the president will not atatnd funeral servicess for the supreme cot justice antonin scalia. the white house says the president and first lady will however pay respects tomorrow at the supreme court where scalia will lie in repose. vice president biden will attend the private funeral mass on saturday. in the meantime, retired supreme court justice sandra day o'connor is siding with president obama saying he should get to nominate scalia's replacement. pope francisisill be back at the vatican thihi morning after delivering a powerful m msage in mexico just yards from the u.s. border. as he wrapped up his five-day visit the pope appealed to to migrants and prayed for the thousands who died trying to reach the united states to escape poverty, violence and persecution. the mass was beamed lived across the border to 30,000 in a stadium in el paso. air strikes on isis banks in iraq and syria have destroyed more than $500 million in cash. the loss of all that cash is putting a severe strain on the terror group's finances. in fact, so much so that some isis fighters report their salaries have been cut by half. the air strikes have also taken a heavy toll on isis and its oil smuggling which provides major revenue for its operations. breaking overnight the turkish government officials now say that as syrian national was behind a car bomb attack in turkey's capital that killed at least 28 people and injured dozens more. thee explosion went off at a busy intersection during the height of the evenini rush hour where two buses carrying military well, it rained in los angeles for the first time this month yesterday and will happen again. the stotem moving across the entire west coast. >> impressive system there. except for a little bit of rain in the northwest plains, that's about it for precipitation today. it'll be mild for the rest of the midwest with higher than usual temperatures but a little chilly in the east. still no rain or snow here so we'll take it. coming up a pair of health alerts for both men and women. plus, troubling news for gwyneth paltrow. the case of her alleged stalker now over. why the man was acquitted by a jury. but first baby-sitters raise. the going rate is going up. i think when people hear about memory care they're scared, they think that it's sad. i think it's importata for everyone to know that there is so much more to memory support than the stigmas you hearabobo. thbt they're not locked away and that they still have a lot to live for, you know, that they have people that care about them and they have people that love them and i love them, so their lives still matter. that is what i do this for. the flu virus. it's a really big deal. and with fever, aches, and chills, mom knows it needs a big solution: an antiviral. don't t d around with the flu, call your doctor and ask about prescription tamiflu. attack the flu virus at its source with tamiflu, an antiviral that helps stop it from spreading in the body. tamiflu in liquid form is fda approved to treat the flu in people two weeks of age and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an alleleic reaction, a sesere rash, or signs of unusual bebevior, stop taking tamifluu d call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion, or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. anti-flu? go antiviral in southern california, a driver was crushed and killed when a transformer fell on to his pickuptruck. police say he was distracted as he passed by another accident, lost control of his truck and smashed into a utility pole. two other transformers also came down causing a major power outage in the area. also in california, federal investigators now say corrosion along the exterior of a pipeline is the cause of that massive oil spill off the coast off santa barbara last year.. preliminary f fdings indicate that the oil b ban gushing from a two-foot section of pipe. after pumps were shut down and restarted. those findings also note that the spill dumped nearly 143,000 gallons, that's much more than the original estimate of 100,000. hollywood presbyterian medical center in los angeles confirming it has paid about $17,000 in ransom to hackers who disablbl its computer network. the ceo says that was the most efficient way to get the the hackers demanded the ransom be paid in bit coin because the online currency is difficult to trace. health alert this morning. another potential risk for women who wait until they're older to have kids. research found women who became pregnant at 40 or older were more likely to have a stroke later in life. for those women there was a 60% increase in the risk of a brain bleed. there is also a slight increase in heart disease. but experts say more research is nececeary to confirm direct link. a highly anticipated study finds testosterone gel treatment is no fountain of youth. the study revealed mostly modest improvements in the sex lives, walking strength and the mood of 800 men who participated. all of them were age 65 and over. researchers say their work isn't extensive enough to determine whether long-term use of testosterone gel raises the risk of heart attacks and prostate cancer as some studies indicate. be in for moree of a pinchch t tn ever if planemaker airbus moves ahead with the idea. check it out. the company's diagram here for an underseat storage compartment to use it you'd obviously have open it. but it would also severely cut down on legroom for the passenger behind you. the diagram is part of a new airbus patent application. >> okay. well, baby-sitters around the world, rejoice. on average your pay is going up. the national average for baby-sitting onehild is $15.71 an hour. up 5% from last year and two children, the average rate is $18 an hour. thlse costs are considerably higher and expensive cities like new york and san francisco. nearly 20% of sitters get tips on top of their regular pay. >> baby-sitters union is powerful. >> they deserve it, i have to say. >> they do. coming up lost and find, a dog finds best friends ready to help. officers accused of sexual assault i i theirir squad cars. the details juju ahead. until i realized how much our digestive systems handle during winter. 90 stressful days juggling hectic schedules. over 40 meals of hvy comfort foods like baked mac & cheese. no wonder after all that our digestive systems can act up. so try the activia two week challenge! enjoying activia twice a day for two weeks may help reduce the frequency of bloating, gas, discomfort or rumbling. try it! it works in two weeks or it's free. dannon i've been claritin clear for 14 days. when your allergy symptoms start... ...doctors recommeme taking one clalatin every day of y yr allergy season... ...for continuous relief. with powerful, 24 hour... ...non-drowsy claritin, live claritin clear. i was not are of how much acidity was in my diet... that it was damaging the enamel. i wanted to o x it right away. my dti recmended pronamel. he said pronamel can make my teeth stronger. pronamel is helping me lead the life that i want to live. karl, don't you have friends coming over? yeah, so? it stinks in here. you've got to wash this whole room are you kidding? wash it? let's wash it with febreze. for all the things you can't wash, use... ...febreze fabric refresher whoa hey mrs. webber inhales hey, it smells nice in here and try pluggable febreze... continuously eliminate odors for... ...up to 45 days of freshness pluggable febreze and fabric refresher... ...[inhale + exhale mnemonic]... nasty weather and strong currents are blamed for this accident. a 500-foot cargo ship crashing through a pedestrian walkway in bangkok. once the ship finally stopped onlookers scrambled to take pictures. remarkably nobody walkway or ship suffered any injuries. it'll be pretty smooth but you may find the roads a little slippery in the northern plains. you're likely to find heavy snow on roads through the weste mountains and wet road surfaces on the west coast. >> i see what you did there. smooth sailing. flying, airport delays likeliest angeles. speaking of los angeles, shocking case out ofhere this morning. two veteran police officers are under arrest charged with repeatedly raping four women while on duty over a three-year period. >> prosecutors say the two officers who worked as partners threatened the women with arrest if they didn't give in to their demands. the officers are set to appear in court today. the two face more than a a dozen felony charges if convicted, they could bee sentenced to life in prison. back on the east coast bill cosby is suing the woman whose complaint led to his arrest. the lawsuit says she, her attorneys and mother as well as others broke confidentiality agreements signed more than a decade ago. the comedian has also claimed an suit against him back then shielded him from criminal prosecution. a judge has denied his requeue for dismissal. a man accused of stalking gwyneth paltrow has been found not guilty despite tearful by the oscar winning actress a jury acquitted dante soiu. the 66-year-old was committed to a mental institution for sending paltrow letters and lewd messages. they saw no evidence that soiu meant to cause paltrow any harm, they say. a sponsor backlash following comments about home"h"he" sexuality by manny pacquiao. he said gay people are worse than animals, i'm quoting here. nike called that ab horpts and immediately ended its relationship with pacquiao. others could follow nike's lead. two wisconsin tweens are the girls were halfway across a nearly mile-long railroad brie when a train raced down t t tracks. thth bridge was not desesned for pedestrians and they had nowheree to go. they survived by hanning off the trestle as the train passed. well, the family member ss -- family membered rescued was just as grateful as those girls. that's a golden retriever named skye. he fell into the 15-foot deep hole in state college, pennsylvania and was there for two nights. one firefighter climbed into the hole and got a makeshift harness in around skye and his colleagues on the surface pulled skye to safety. tail waggi and happy. >> very happy. >> and one more animal item for you. yeah, a deer caught on surveillance camera. just a typical day browsing the aisles of a virginia liquor store. that's a smart door. pushed the door open, walked in and was quickly shown out the back door. no bottles broken. >> what was that campari he was after. >> looking for the henny. the nba gets back to business following its all-star break. highlights now from espn. i'm steve levy. one of the best rivalries if not the best in sports resumed on wednesday night. 20th ranked blue devils visiting fifth ranked north carolina and the game would not disappoint. a couple of heavyweight head coaches and then north carolina up six just over seven to go. grayson allen smothered at the rim by justin jackson. we go the other way, jackson crashing the glass and the put- put-back. eight and coach k wants to talk it over. duke would come back, down two. luke kennard corner three. dukies have the lead. ten seconds left. north carolina had three time-outs, didn't use any of them. joel berry is blocked by derek thornton and that's the way this duke wins at north carolina by a single point. meanwhile, buddy heald, number three oklahoma visiting texas tech. just over two minutes to ay. texas tech is down four. toddrick gotcher got that three. cuts it to one. here's oklahoma. keenan evans coming up with a texas tech steal, run of the floor and the bucket, red raiders up one. 14 seconds to go. oklahoma is down two. eisai yeah cousins on the drive trying for the lob to khadeem lattin off the mark. tetes tech completeshe upset and the fans rush the court. they oftendo. th'll do it for us. be sure to tune in 7:00 a.m. eastfrn time for a fresh look at the night that was in sports on the one and only espn "sportscenter." have a great day. >> well, coming up, the power ball winning couple finally stepping forward and what they'll be spending their winnings on first. kanye west's latest outburst to arthritis like me, and you're talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me reach for more. doctors have been prescribing humira for more than ten years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious alleleic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. talk to your doctor and visit i've been on my feel all day. i'm bushed! yea me too. excuse me...coming through! ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. scholls massaging gel insoles. they're proven to give you comfort. which helps you feel more energized ...all day long. i want what he has. so my kids don't have to forage, got two jobs to pay a mortgage, and i've also got a brain. life's short, talk is cheap. i'll be working while you sleep. still don't think i've got a b bin? you think a resume's enough? who'll step up when things get tough? don't you want that kind of brain? a degree is a degree. you're gonna want someone like me. time now to check "the pulse" starting with kanye west unplugged. >> it's been a busy week for kanye taking credit for taylor swift's claim and claims to be $53 million in debt and now we're hearing his backstage before his appearance on "snl." >> in the recording from "the new york post" we hear him threatating to leave t t show and comparing himself to a saint. bro, by 50% stanley kubrick, apostle paul, picasso, [ bleep ] picasso and escobar. by 50% more influential than any other human being. >> sources tell tmz kanye did eventually speak with "snl" executive producerer lorne set back together. >> whoa. crisis averted. >> yes, just a few humblebrags there. the florida winners of last month's huge powerball jackpot realize that their lives will never be the same. the total jackpot was $1.6 billion. >> their share is more than half a billion dollars. although with a lump sum payment it is a mere 328 million before taxes and before coming forward they sought legal advice and established a trust for the money. >> they'y' still working on what's next.t. >> we're not going to go party, no. >> we're still going to live the same lives basically. i mean my truck is about to fall apart so i do need a vehicle. >> he'll retire and that's what he really wanted to do. >> retirement, a new truck. pretty good. >> good ideas. >> the couple told no one the were holding on to the winning ticket. he by the way i 55. she's 70. they've been married since 1980 n with the numbers they've been playiyi nearly all the time. apparently she's a big lotto fan. >> yeah, she is and a fan of young men, as well, 19 when he got married to her. finally, a real mystery that has the neighbors in the suburb of portland, oregon, completely baffled. their question what exactly is causing this noise. [ screeching noise ] >> well, they've been hearing that loud shriek for the last couple of weeks. >> wow. >> several possible culprits have already been ruled out including trainsn the track, water in gas lines, even wildlife. >> one resident says she thinks someone needs to get their car's brakes checked. the mystery does continue. >> see, i just don't know what it could bement how can you not figure out what that sound is. >> it's annoying. >> all right. more news after this.pain, these feet served my country, carried the weight of a family, and walked a daughter down the aisle. diabetic nve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain. from moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and my biggest reason to walk calls me grandpa. if you're looking to save money on your medicare part d prescriptions, walgreens says, carpe med diem. seize the day to get more out of life and medicare part d. just switch to walgreens for savings at'll be the highlight of your day. now preview the coco of your copay bere you fill. you can even get one-dollar copays on lect plans. our top stories on this thursday morning for the first over donald trump in a national poll. marco rubio came in third as he picked up an endorsement from south carolina governor nikki haley ahead of saturday's primary there.( and as part of his program to re-establish ties with cuba, president obama will go there next month, only one other president has visited cuba while in o oice and that w w calvin coolidge back in 1928. and by the end of today pitchers and catchers for most major league baseball teams will have officially opened spring training. for those counting there's just over six weeks until opening day. and today's weather, sunny but chilly in the east, very warm and windy in the south. warmer, though, than usual in the midwest. well, it doesnsn matter what the weather conditions are, you can always count on your postal carrier to get the job done. >> but it's not always the elements that give him the hardest time. birds can apparently give him a tough time too. wabc's kimberly richardson explains. >> some people hear roosters. we wake up to it. turkeys rule here in this picturesque cul-de-sac in hillsdale. if you shoo, them leave, right? >> no, they don't ruru >> reporter: which is why we were here innhe first place. >> it's ridiculous. >> reporter: hel is talking about what happened after wild turkeys, yes, we found them, surrounded a letter carrier's truck on tuesday. he was so upset, couldn't get out and called his boss for help. the postmaster dialed 911. this is the actual call. >> you're not going to believe this but i got a carrier that's being attacked by wild turkeys, won't letetim deliver the mail. >> reporter: here on he practice nad ive, he wn't attacked rather surrounded. word is that pail carrier was a substitute and while folks got a really good laugh about this, they do admit the birds can be intimidating. >> i don't want to judge anybody. especially if you're not used to it. we see them every day. >eporter: helen watches from her window. >> summer we don't see them. they're out there swimming or -- >> reporter: to be clear this isn't a 100% positive i.d. the gang we just spotted may not be the same one that stopped that mail carrier in his tracks. my gut tells me it is. >> my truck is in the driveway, they always peck at it. they don't peck at the metal part, just the tires they don't like. >> reporter: something tells me that mail carrier will proceed with caution next time he's here. in hillsdale. >> we've got loads of deer here also. >> reporter: we'll get to them next week. kimberly richardson channel 7, eyewitness news. >> we know where to go for thanksgiving dinner. >> there you go. >> that's what's making news in america this monk. >> stay with us for "good have a great thursday. making news in america this morning, candidates clash. presidential hopefuls speak out overnight. new polls jolting the campaigns and donald trump defending his temper. a live report just ahead. destination, cuba. president obama set to become the first president in 80 years to visit the nation. new reaction overnight. a shipwreck caught on camera. a cargo vessel smashes through a harbor walkway. the incredible scene,e,hat caused thihi accidede? and passenger pinch. outrage as your legroom may be shrinking but is this actually a good thing? good thursday morning. we begin with a surprise shift in the latest presidential polls. >> as the republicans scramble to win over undecided voters across south carolina, aa new national poll shows ted cruz

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