Transcripts For KCAU World News Now 20160210 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KCAU World News Now 20160210

good morning on this busy wednesday. i'm reena ninan. >> and i'm kendis gibson. it is busy because we're talking all about the big election results and some are still questionable right now whether or not who came in third place in new hampshire. >> which i would say is important to know who's going to drop out, what's going to happen in south carolina, nevada. >> absolutely. we did get this result. former virginia governor jim gilmore has received more than 100 votes in the new hampshire primary. that's a big deal. that's almost tenfold compared to what he received in the iowa caucuses. he's still in the race. >> oh, boy. >> so let's talk about the landslides in new hampshire. voters in the nation's first primary throwing crucial support behind donald trump and bernie sanders. >> sanders triumphed over hillary clinton which winning over a majority of young people and independents. trump came out on top of the john kasich clinched second place. we begin with abc's david wright. >> reporter: donald trump is the projected to win the republican primary. the democrats bernie sanders. who celebrated by playing hoops with his grandkids. moments earlier, hillary clinton had called him to concede defeat. >> because of a huge voter turnout, and i say huge -- >> reporter: governor kasich came out of nowhere and isow projected to take second. >> how could any man be so lucky to have all of you. >> reporter: third place still too close to project, between rubio, bush. >> you all have reset the race. for t tt i am grateful. >> reporter: and cruz. >> and the sack results -- right now it appears we're effectively tied for third. >> reporter: depending who ekes out third place, the biggest casualty in new hampshire may it be marco rubio. >> i did not do well on saturday night. so listen to this. that will never happen again. saturday night's abc news debate where rubio repeated that same memorized line from his stump speex over and over again. >> and let's dispel once and for all with this fiction that barack obama obama doesn't know what he's doing. >> there it is, the memorized 25-second speech. there it is, everybody. >> i want to begin by grating senator sanders. >> reporter: hillary clinton was gracious in defeat. suggesting she hopes to be the comeback kid in south carolina. >> it's not whether you get knocked down that matters, it's whether you get back up. >> reporter: despite her huge loss in new hampshire, the odds are ever in her favor moving forward in these hunger games. stay tuned for south carolina and nevada next. i'm david wright in concord, new hampshire. >> and it really was an unforgettable night with the republicans leaning right and the democrats leaning left. >> and trump and sanders walking away as winners. our coverage live from manchester. let's talk about some of the other candidates, including a very emotional chris christie. >> reporter: hi, reena. yeah, he got very emotional during his speech tonight. he put a lot into the campaign here in new hampshire. and it just didn't work out the way that he hoped. so in his speech tonight, he said that he's actually going to go home to new jersey instead of carrying on to south carolina as he insisted that he would. so he's going home he says to watch for the final results from last night and to make the decision whether or not he will stay in this race, but he says he has no regrets about the way he ran his campaign here. >> and the second place republican, john kasich, he just tweeted that he has an event in mt. pleasant, south carolina, tomorrow morning. what are we hearing about his campaign going forward? >> reporter: he has a busy day in south carolina today. some are raising concerns whether he will be able to be have a repeat of what he saw did he really well here because he spent more time in new hampshire than the other gop candidates and held more than 100 town halls here. but his opponents are now trying to capitalize on this perceived idea that he's going to be weak moving forward. bush jeb bush sent out a note to supporters and staff saying there's a good talking point about kasich saying he has little to no chance in south carolina and does not have national organization that can be compete. so kasich has a bunch of events planned in south carolina. he is saying he's staying positive and thinks he can do well there. but some people are raising questions. >> it was old school politics that helped kasich win in new hampshire. he hit the ground running there. >> we'll see how this bloodbath turns out in south carolina. abc's marci gobs, live in manchester, thank you. do stay with abc news all morning long as we cover the new hampshire primary. we're going to check in with the hillary clinton campaign. that's later this half hour. republicans on capitol hill trillion budget planning dead on arrival. among his proposals a major new tax on crude oil that would raise the privacy gasoline by 24 cents. the budget largely leaves alone huge benefit programs like dicare, social security, medicaid and food stamps. if paul ryan called the budget a manual for growing the federal government at the expense of hard working americans. a grim warning from america's top intelligence officials. they now say that isis will attempt direct attacks on the u.s. sometime this year. national intelligence director james clapper testified before senate panel. he is calling isis the country's top terror threat andnd warns as terrorists posing as regulars to sneak into other countries. >> concerns about the zika virus continue to grow in the u.s. there are now 66 confirmed cases here in this country. 19 states and washington, d.c. some new states that are on the list now include delaware, indiana, ohio, pennsylvania, and and overseas in china, that country reporting its first case of the virus. a man whoho had traveled to venezuela. and hope solo says if she had to choose whether to go to the summer games in brazil right now, she would not go because of fears about the zika virus. solo told "sports illustrated" she would never take the risk of having an unhealthy child. the woman's national soccer team was scheduled to be briefed last night about the zika virus outbreak. >> so scary for stoem female atatetes. there's another health hazard for pregnant women this morning, one we've neen for decades. data shows that more than 8% of women reported sneaking tobacco during pregnancy when compared to preview years. the figure is an improvement. but investigators overwhelmingly agree any amount of smokinging is detriment. turning to you to the weather. and winter storm warnings for the mountains and higher elevations of the mid-atlantic region. fallen in washington, d.c. and baltimore and light snow is continuing across central pennsylvania which could eventually see half a foot before the arctic cold moves in later on this week. and the storm system dumped snow as far as south as huntsville, alabama. national weather service says a winter weather system moving through the state could dump as much as 2 inches of snow in higher elevations there. veral school s stems had layed openings yesterday because o o slick roads. from that cold to possible record high temperatures again today in southern california. it felt like midsummer in los angeles and orange counties and across much of the region. today's forecast calls 88 degrees in l.a., that would mean an all-time high . temperatures are expected to remain in the low 80s. that's well into the weekend. in oklahoma, firefighters are expecting another day of dangerous grass fires. low humidity and strong winds have ever been pushing flames across bone dry parcels of land. late at school while crews worked to put out fires threatening homes. police are telling drivers avoid roads shrouded in smoke. it sounds like basic common sense about you you forget sometimes. >> that's the reminder right there. today's forecast, windy, dry, hot again out west. up to 20 degrees above normal. snow around the great lakes and northeast. chilly in the southeast with freeze warnings in northern florida. >> as we mentioned, 80s notice los angeles and phoenix. 60s in miami and portland 40s and kansas city and atlanta. 16 in chicago, oh, chilly 11 for minneapolis. well, they had terrific weather in denver for broncos victory party. it started with a parade. >> von miller at one point hoisted the lombardi trophy. the denver mayor estimating 1 million people watched the parade or attended the rally that followed it. saluting their heros despite school being in session. excused absences were offered but onliful parents let officials know beforehand. >> those notices probably went out sunday night after the game was called. >> exactly. it's really fun t t see. i love it because it's so important for cities and such a great sense of spirit. >> having lived in washington the lt five years, we haven't seen that. >> you haven't seen that. >> i wouldn't know what that's like. >> there's always the nationals though. they don't play in the super bowl though, do they? >> no, they play in the world cup. >> the world cup. all right. we're going to fix that. >> coming up in "the skinny," the legal battle for drug company ceo martin well havely anddhe wu tang clan. >> interesting duo. bug off, the best repellents to fight off mosquito bites in the middle of the zika crisis. >> first the new hampshire primary and what hillary clinton's loss means to her campaign. you're watching "world news so how ya doing? enough pressure in here for ya? ugh. my sinuses are killing me. yeah...just wait 'til we hit ten thousand feet. i'm gonna take mucinin sinus-max. too late, we're about to take off. these dissolve fast. they're new liquid gels. and you're coming with me... wait, what?! you realize i have gold status? do i still get the miles? new mucinex sinus-max liquid gels. dissolves fast to unleash max strength medicine. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. (ugh.) does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty? don't avoid it, resolve it. our formula with a special conditioning ingredient, softens your carpet with every use. it's resolve, so you know it cleans and freshens. but it also softens. resolve. a carpet that welcomes you. and to clean pet messes, human coronavirus... hepati- >>c virus. there are a lot of different kinds of yucky gerer. but not all disisiecting wipes... are approvedo kill the same nber of them. lysol wipes are approved to kill more types of germs than clorox. don't pick just any wipe. try that one! this cold and flu season there's moving... and there's moving with move free ultra. it has triple-action support for your joints, cartilage and bones. and unlike the big osteo-bi flex pills, it's all in one tiny pill. move free ultra. get your move on. (sounds of birds whistling) music introducing new k-y touch gel cr me. for massage and intiticy. every touc gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. a tidal wave of voter discontent has swept donald trump and bernie sanders into the major victories in the new hampshire primaries. and in a shake-up of the gop race, an john kasich launched himself into second place. as of this hour, ted cruz, jeb bush and marco rubioio maintained a tight flea way race for third place. still too close to call. >> yesterday's balloting in new hampshire was a stinging defeat for hillary clinton. >> both she and her campaign expected sanders would win. but not by this much. a 21%ers marge. from the clinton campaign. new hampshire. good morning, liz. >> reporter: good morning, reena and kendis. hillary clinton just wrapping an up her concession speech here, husband bill, daughter chelsea by her side. she called sanders to congratulate him last night. her campaign always knew this would be a tight race but the loss is a real embarrassment for them. sanders has tapped into anger and frustration among sproerptz here's what is she had to say in her concession speech overnight. >> i know, i've had a blessed life but i also know what it's like to stumble and fall. and so many people across america know that feeling. ande've learned it's not whether you get knocked down that matters, it's whether you get back up. >> now, the big question is what's next. campaign sources telling me their focus is shifting to the next two states up, south carolina and nevada where hillary clinton really needs to tap into that latino and african-american voter blolo in orderro propel her to the reena and kendis? >> people would sayay that's one of hillary clinton's strengths is she does really well with minorities particularly the african-american, latino community. >> that said, bernie sanders is trying to tap into that world meeting with reverend al today at some point i believe in the new york city area. so it's not necessarily a fire wall for the former secretary of state. >> he's got a lot of money, too. so if you've got a little bit of money, keep going. >> he's outraising hillary clinton. >> intntesting point.t. coming up, the rapper who bought his mom to battle for him. >> okay. "the skinny" is next. skinny, so skinny well, this is exciting. leading "the skinny" this morning, big news for one of reena's favorite rap groups. >> i don't know why bernie sanders isn't meeting with them. wu-tang clan fighting against ex-ceo martin shkreli after beefing with congress by pleading the fifth and calling an the imbeciles for investigating him. that's what they said. he now has a killer on his trail as in ghost face killer. >> the wu-tang rapper released a gouging drug prices while winning an exclusive album they auctions off to him for $2 million they let shkreli have it but brings in the big guns, his mama. >> you wicked boy. you wicked boy. how were you raised? >> tell him, ma. >> do you have any morals. >> tell him, mama. t him. >> i can't believe you. come on now. this man is too good for you. >> bring in mama. see, jeb bush did it. now wu-tang clan is doing it. bringing in mama. and in a strange twist, shkreli ghost face and other wu-tang clan members f fd themselves o o the same side. >> a a new york artist is suing shkreli, but tang and the album for $2 million over copyright infringement claiming his portraits of group members were included in the auctioned album without his permission. >> i get why bernie sanders didn't meet with them. maybe he thought it would be too much right now. he'll meet probably with his >> big news out of hollywood for one of its best known leading menn johnny deppapped for a major reboot. >> depp had a rough 2015 on the big screre. there was a ridiculed flop mordecai and a strong machinence in black mass that is yielded little in awards recognition. regardless, depp is moving forward. we've learned last night he will star in an aadaptation of the h.g. wells story "the invisible man." this was first made for the big screen in 1933 and starred claude rains as the scientist who becomes unhinged after turning himself invisible. i like the old school remakes. >> we'll see how he does. kelly clarkson has finally revealed are the big project she's been working on. it is a children's inspired book inspired by her baby daughter. >> the original american idol made the announcement yesterday in a video. look at her. so cute. this video was posted to social l "river rose and the magical lullaby" inspired by her world travels. but she reveals it isn't always easy working with the young talent. >> you try and talk to her, she shuts the door right in your face. she's such a micromanager. she's like going down the hall making sure you're doing your job, you're doing yourob. >> cute. >> i want to get this one. this looks adorable. the book south in october of this year. >> and finally, exciting news for fans of the current classic animated film "frozen." you'll soon be able to follow princess he will sa on her quest to find her sister all the way 0 broadway. >> the musical adaptation slated for spring 201 opening. thererwill be a prebroadway engagement in 2017. >> disney is tharent company of abc. >> comes from upstairs. >> okay. >> i'm still trying to get into the line king. tough to get those tickets. >> need to know people. it's the "pungent gym bag stink" neutralizer. and the "prevent mold and mildew on the shower curtain for up to 7 days" spray. it's also the "odor causing bacteria" fighter. and even the "athlete's foot fungus" killer. discover more ways you can use lysol disinfectant spray to help keep your home healthier. (ugh.) does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty? our formula with a special conditioning ingredient, softens your carpet with every use. it's resolve, so you know it cleans and freshens. but it also softens. resolve. a carpet that welcomes you. and to clean pet messes, try rerelve pet expert. my son and i used to watch the red carpet shows on tv now, i'm walking them. life is unpredictable being flake free isn't. because i have used head and shoulders for 20 years. used regularly, it removes up to 100% of flakes live flake free for life (sounds of birds whistling) music introducing new k-y touch gel cr me. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. that's a lot of dies& no problem. i'll use a lot of detergent. dish issues? get cascade platinum. one pac cleans tough food better than cascade. well, finally this half hour, the growing concern over the zika virus with more confirmed cases in the united states, the white house is now announcing it's asking congress for nearly $2 billion to combat its spread. >> but the questione all have, is how can we protect ourselves from all of this? consumer reports is reissuing its exclusive list of the most effective mosquito repellents. linzie janis has the details. >> reporter: concerns surrounding the zika virus at an all-time high. to the highest level of activation, assigning staff to work 24/7 on the response. and while the worldontinues to ray p pticides to try to kilil off thth mosquitoes, what can you do to keep from being bitten? >> aditi is safe and effective. >> reporter: "consumer reports" rereleasing ratings for repellents. highlighting their results regarding the 80s egyp tie moss quit tote known for carrying and spreading zika. consumer reports finding these three products to be the most fective. sawyer fisherman's formula picaridin, natural repel and off deep woods eight institute we found against the zika virus were the ones that contained either 25% aditi or 20% picaridin. both protected for about eight hours. >> those infected with zika may become ill with fever, rash, joint pain or red eyes. infected, 9 virus has been linked to microcephaly. while the cdc says it's safaf to use repellent while pregnant or nursing, they recommend using a epa registered insect repellent and pay close attention to the instructions on the label. linzie janis, abc news, new york. >> i know when i was pregnant, i didn't want to the put off. you didn't want chemicals. >> you don't want anything. it's a frightening thing. away. a lot of these female athletes are worried what the situatiti will beeome six months from now. we'll see. all right. don't miss our updates on facebook stick with us at abc. good morning. i'm reena ninan. >> i'm kendis gibson. here are some of the top headlines we're following on this morning on "world news now." a resounding reflection and rejection of piticss usual. donald trump and bernie sanders win bign new hampshire. john sich's investment paid off. and the race for third place at this hour too close to call. our extended coverage is just ahead. president obama is proposing a major new tax on crude oil that would raise the price of gasoline by 24 cents. it's part of his new budget sent to congress already being called by republicans dead on arrival. soccer star hope solo says ifif she had to choose whether to go to the summer games in brazil right now, she would probably skiphe games in fear about the zika virus. the u.s. olympic committee says it is keeping a close eye on the and denver's mayor says a million people turned out to celebrate the broncos super bowl victory, peyton manning and his teammates rode on fe trucks through the city streets before a big public rally. those are some of our top stories on this wednesday, february 10th. from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning to you, everyone. we're goingo get started wh the incredible night for both donald trump and bernie sanders getting a huge vote of confidence from new hampshire voters. not sure that i nailed the huge properly there. trump easily took first place as predicted. the surprise of the night john kasich carving out a second place victory and intense fight for third is still too close. >> sanders pulled off a solid win against hillary clintoto the oldest candidate in the race getting t t seal off approval from young voters and many others. marci gonzalez begins our coverage live in manchester. >> reporter: good morning, guys. clinton admitted in her concession speech she has a lot of work to do especially with young voters but she and most of the other candidates are vowing to continue on despite those landslide wins. >> oh, wow. >> reporter:r: huge victory for dodold trump. >> we'reot going to forget you. you u arted it. remember, you started it. >> reporter: and a long anticipated win. >> thank you, new hampshire. >> reporter: for bernie sanders. >> we have sent the message that will echo from wall street to washington, from maine to california. >> reporter: hillary clinton who won here in 2008 conceding but still confident. >> now we take this campaign to the entirecountry. we are going to fight for every vote in every state. >> john kasich now projected by abc to come in second. on the republican side. this campaign. >> reporter: with ted cruz, jeb bush and marco rubio in a close battle for third. >> i did not do well on saturday night. so listen to this. that will never happen again. >> reporter: two-thirds of voters in abc exit polls calling recent debates an imporornt factor in their cision. >ade up my md this morning at coffee. >> reporter: it came down to the undecided voters and a big turnout at the polls. one precinct staying open late with the last minute line of traffic to get in two miles long. and with the gop candidates now focused on south carolina, chris christie says he's going home to decide whether he'll continue in the race. kendis and reena? >> okay. and marci, one quick question about hillary clinton. youu know, afterer her conceceion speech. what's next for the former secretary of state? >> reporter: kendis, she's keeping up with her whole fighter theme that she's able to her campaign put out a note tonight after the concession speech saying the nomininion will likely be won in march because voters going to the polls next month are different than those who voted in iowa and new hampshire. they include voters with they say a broader range of races and religions. so they're being very optimistic moving forward. >> marci, what's the deal with ben carson? we didn't hear anything from him last night. what's happening with his campaign? >> reporter: he's spent very little time here in new hampshire and he actually left early yesterday to go to south carolina. he canceled a watch party that he had planned here tonight because he's putting a lot of emphasis on the race in south carolina thinking he'll have a better chance of connecting with voters e. >> w wll have to see w wt happens. abc's marci gonzalez live in manchester. there were two stunning victories trump a sanders and trump had plenty to say to his supporters. >> those made up of both conservative and moderate republicans alike. good morning. >> a wild scene here in manchester. the crowd of supporters for donald trump thrilled about his victory. trump took the stage to chants ofuild that wall, build that wall clelely ump's messa on immigration on the military, and also on assisting veterans helped him in the granite state. now, this is trump's first victory. he comes out number one and follows a second-place finish in the iowa caucuses. trump said he's on his way to south carolina now. what i noticed is his swagger and his confidence is definitely back. that's something that took a hit after that second-place finish in iowa, but that vintage and donald trump, that first shot him to the top of the polls across the nation is back. he says he's taking all of that to southcarolina. reena and kendis. >> our thanks to tom who covers the republicans for abc news. and clearly this was a shake-up for the republicans. >> and it's your voice, your vote. good morning, shush. >> reporter: good morning. two of the most improbable candidates at the start of this race are on top he donald trump and bernie sanders are the winners of the new hampshire primary. the reality television star and self-proclaimed democratic socialist cruised to easy victories in the first primary state. sanders defeating hillary clinton in a state she beat then senator barack obama in eight years ago. in her concession speech, she tried to reach out to minority voters critical voting blocs in the next contest. of south carolina and nevada. as well as young voter who's backed sanders in stunning numbers, eight out of ten young voters here in new hampshire supported sanders over clinton. she acknowledged those v vers may not be supporting her but she said i support them. and the race for the anti-trump vote on the gop side didn't boinl much clearer but ohio governor john kasich came in second. ted cruz, jeb bush ab-marco rubio will all still fight it out. means good news for trump as there is no one alternative to the rate mogul. and voters don't coalesce around one other candidate. john kasich told his supporters he won because of his positite message, saying lastnight, there's magic in the air. new jersey governor chris christie came in sixth place here in new hampshire and told supporters he was going home with his family to contemplate the future of his campaign. reena, kendis? >> show shawnna, thank you so much. we'll bring you the mood from the sanders campaign and all the memorable speeches from new hampshire as our coverage continues. that's later this half hour. firsto some other storieses we're covering thth mornini. two months after the deadly san bernardino shooting the fbi still cannot unlock one major clue. the head of the fbi says investigators have not been able to access one of the killer's phones. james comey tells congress it's one example of how encryption is interfering with terrorism investigation. must now issue a decision about whether a convicted killer whose case gained attention through the pododst "serial" should get a new trial. his case was the subject of a five-day court hearing that was two days longer than expected. he's serving a life sentence for the murder of his ex-girlfriend. there's no timetable for when the judge will issue his written rulinging whether sayid should get another trial. nasa says it is unlikely a man in india was killed by a meteorite as indian government officials claimed. it happened over the weekend on the campus of a private engineering college. but after looking at pictures online, nasa scientistsaid that small meteorites do not stt fires or cause explosions when they hit the ground. the evidence was more consistent with a land-based explosion than something from space. back here in the u.s., it should be quiet a scene tonight at a port in the new jersey when a royal caribbean megaliner pulls in after what by many the more than had 6,000 people on board endured giant waves a a hurricane force winds all of this over the weekend. the ship's captain c cims the storm ty eountered was more powerful than what was forecast. but one senator is now calling on federal transportation officials to investigating this entire cruise. royal caribbean has already apologized to the passengers. they are all getting a full refund and special offers toward a future cruise. one of the world's smallest babies has gone home for the first time in her life e layah faith was born september 23 in charlotte, north carolina. she was 14 weeks early and weighed just 10 ounces. yesterday after four mounts of blood transfusions and careful feeding, doctors said she's ready to head home. her mother couldn't have ever been more thrilled. >> i want to know who she is. because she is feisty. i'm ready to see what's in store. >> she must be feisty. carolina's medical center called her tater tot. e now weighs five times her birth weight, five pounds and seven ounces. look at that gorgeous baby. she seems like a fighter. #p>> just wait till h teenage years. >> exactly. >> you'll find out what kind of young lady she will be. well today is ash wednesday. that means lent has begun and that means plenty you have folks probably need to do a little more exercising today. >> yeah, we're seeing that because they likely spent their day eating those polish jelel fified doughnutstsnly served on fat tuesdays. one one bakery in milwaukee was filling huge orders. one person ordered 75 dozen of them. some of the bakers worked for 16 hours straight to meet demands. >> what's the other guy going to eat? why don't we ever get these? >> we'll have to work on that for next year. >> in new orleans, the mardi gras partying is winding down. is this live pictures from bourbon street here? and now many of the revelers who wewe having a grand time last night can start dealing with their hangovers once they sober up. party ended at midnight when police and street cleaners made their way through lent ends on easter which is sunday, march 27th. got to figure out what i'm giving up this year. coming up, we're returning to our top story. the results of the new hampshire primary. >> including the big boost for bernie sanders' campaign. what insiders are telling us overninit after a very clear-cut victory. >> and later, the best one-lirs and political speeches of the night. candidates in their own words. and ash wednesday. it's very dry in new orleans. that's noel's joke. it was dry in new orleans, ash wednesday. does your carpet ever feel roughghnd dirty? don't avoid it resolve it. our formula with a special conditioning ingredient, softens your carpet with every use. it's resolve, so you know it cleans and freshens. but it also softens. resolve. a carpet that welcomes you. and to clean pet messes, try resolve pet expert. so how ya doing? enough pressure in here for ya? ugh. my sinuses are killing me. yeah...just wait 'til we hit ten thousand feet. i'm gonna take mucinex sinunumax. too late, we're about to take off. these dissolve fast. they're new liquid gels. and you're coming with me... wait, what?! u realize i have golstatus? do i still get the miles? new mucinex sinus-max liquid gels. dissolves fast to unleash max strength medicine. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. >> important message for residents age 50 to 85. write down this number now. right now, this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance life insurance with a rate lock through the colonial penn program. if you are on a fixed income, learn about affordable whole life insurance that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. if you did not receive your information, call this number now. your acceptance is guaranteeee with no health questions. stand by to lelen more. >'m alex trebek, here to tellllou about a pular life insurance plan with a rate lock th locks in your rate for life so it can never increase. did you get your free information kit? if not, please call this number now. this affordable plan through the colonial penn program has coverage options for just $9.95 a month. your rate is locked in and can never go up. and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. see how much coverage u can get for just $9.95 a month. for your free information kit. choose to move freely. move free ultra has triple-actioiosupport for your j jnts, cartilage and bones in one tiny pill. move free ultra. get your move on. and now try move free night. the first and only 2-in-1 joint and sleep supplement. introducing new k-y touch gel cr me. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. returning to our top story, voters demanding for a major change on both sides of the political aisle have overwhelmingly swept donald trump and bernie sanders to victory in new hampshire. and in a reshuffling of the gop, john kasich seen there surged to a an distant second place. as of this hour, ted cruz, jeb bush and marco rubio maintained a tight three-way race for thirds place. it's too close to call. >> vermont senator bnie sanders trounced hillary clinton by a projected 20 plus percentage points. >> and he says his win is sending a profound message to the political establishment. the economic establishment and to the media establishment. abc's mary alice parks is in concord, new hampshire, with the sanders campaign. good morning. >> reporter: that's right, reena and kendis. bernie sanders didn't just win here in new hampshire. he won by a landslide. the independent senator from veont did particularly well said they wanted an outsider. he also did well with those who said they were worried about the economy. but you can imagine here last night, there was very little worry. it was a celebration, a giant party. bernie sanders's supporters know now he leaves new hampshire with quite a lot of momentum into the next few states in nevada and south carolili. he thanked volunteers but also sort of switched his tone. he sai that his vicry here was sending a profound message. the political and economic establishment. he actually said that his victory was servingotice to the establishment and he said that he was able to win because of huge voter turnout. using what has now become a bernie sanders phrase. he was able to harness enthusiasm and energy, he said, and it is exactly that enthusiasm and energy he believes will be necessary for democrats to win in november. >> thank you so much mary alice. >> quite a big night there in new hampshire for bernie sanders. should point out, just about this time last year, it was the opposite where hillary clinton was polling in the 60s and bernie sanders was down at 19%. so incredible change there. >> it's also a historical moment because bernie sanders is the first nonchristian. he's jewish even though he says he believes god is in his own words, he said alld of us are connted. an all life is connected. that's why we're all tied. he is the first jew and nonchristian to win a presidential primary of major political parties. this is a big moment. but it's also amazing we're calling this such a big moment. >> that's a big deal. >> exactly. >> all right. we'll see how it plays out in the christiansouth. comingngup, full analysis of where the campaigns standnd now. >> after an evening of ups and downs, the race for the white now."tt2w`tiy %t- bt@q u@ tt2w`tiy %t- "a@q0y$ tt2w`tiy %t- bm@q;r( 4w`tiy %t-" dztq l'l'tt4w4wiy %t-" entq new hampshire and i always will. >> reporter: first i don't think she expected to lose by the margin she lost which was huge in the course of new hampshire. keep in mind, this was a state she won in 2008 against barack obama. and nowhe's come and lost it against bernie sanders. this is goi to totally affect the raceoing forward which iss what is likely to happen is bernie sanders is going to rise coming out of this because of a bump of positive press. >> we won. because we harnessed the energy and the excitement that the democratic party will need to susueed in november. >> reporter: and then he's going to start leading in certain states around the country. so she's in a real fight now r the nomination. still favored, but she's going to h he to fight this out. through march and probablyy into april. i think t ts is the perfefe storm for donald trump which is he wins, he exceeds his poll numbers. he wins by double digits. he recovers from a loss and now he has multiple candidates to run against which is the perfect scenario for him. candidates because they really -- we have some very talented people and to be victorioususgainst some of these people even if it's for one week. it's going to be for many weeks, okay. >> he doesn't do well if it's one-on-one. i think he goes into south carolina favored and goes into the march 1st states in still a dominant position. it the establishment is probably in full-on panic mode. how can they stop him. i'm not saying he's not going to fall. right now, donald trump is the dominant candidate in this race. >> a lot of people sayingnline that the republicans need to follow beyonce'e' advice and get in formation behind an establishmt. >> formation for the republican, party. >> i'm sure there is right about now. yeah, a lot of people are saying they need to consolidate. >> what's interesting, the last primary is d.c. june 14th. >> yes, the important d.c. primary. >> interesting. >> all right. coming up, memorable moments.ere do you thihi you're going? to work, with you. it's taco tuesday. you're not coming. i took mucinex to help get rid of my mucusy congestion. oh, right then i il swing by in lili 4 hours. forget the t tos! one pill lasts 12 hours. i'm good all day. wait! your loss. i was going to wear a sombrero. only mucinex has a bi-layer tablet that starts fast, and keeps working. not 4, not 6, but 12 full hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, this is an important message. so plee, write down the number on your screen. the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. it's a rate lock for your life insurance that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. but be careful. many policies you see but you can get a lifetime rate lock through the colonial penn program. call this number to learn more. this plan was designed wiwi a rate lock for people on a fixed income who want affordable life insurance that's simple to get. coverage options for just $9.95 a month, less than 35 cents a day. act now and your rate will be locked in for life. it will never increase. your coverage can never be cancelled as long as you pay your premiums, and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. you cannot be turned down because of your health. call for y yr information kit and gift. both are free, with no obligation. don't wait, jill and kate use the same dishwasher. same detergent. but only jill ends up with wet, spotty glasses. kate adds finish jet-dry with five power actions that dry dishes and prevent spots and film, so all that's left is the shine. for better results, use finish jet-dry. choose to move freely. move free ultra has triple-action support for r ur joints, cartilage and bones in one tiny pill. move free ultra. get your movon. and now try move free night. the first and only 2-in-1 joint and sleep supplement. did you know there's a cough liquid that lasts for twelve hours? try delsym twelve hour cough liquid. its advanced formula releases powerful medicine t tt acts fast try delsym . those pictures of downtown manchester, new hampshire, where there were a lot of the fireworks last night. things are calming down in new hampshire overnight but the race for the white house just keeps picking up more speed. >> after the primary election results rolled in, the candidatesad plenty to say. some were beaming, others defeatsed. and the restoping to hang in for the long-long haul. >> tnk you, new hampshir >> we love you. we're going to be back a lot. we're not going to forget you. you started it. remember, you starred it. >> the most important question in this race is who is prepared to be commander in chief. >> when i'm president of the united states -- >> as president, i will defend this nation. >> w wwill go home to new jersey tomorrow morning. will make a decision on our next step forward. >> we've leaed it's not whether you get knoed down that matters. it's whether you get back up. >> there's magic in the air with this campaign. >> we see this as an opportunity for all of us, and i mean all of us, to restore the spirit of america and to leave no one behind. am i right? that's what we're all fighting for. >> that's why they cannot win this election. that's why we must win thihi election a a we will win this election. >> t ty're throwing everything at me except the kitchen sink. and i have the feeling that kitchen sink is coming pretty soon. >> but i heard parts of bernie's speech. he wantsts to give away our country, folks. he wants to giveaway. we're not going to let it happen. >> together, we have sent a street to washington, from maine to california. >> now we take this campaign to the entire country. we're going to fight for every vote in every state. we're going to fight for real solutions that make a real difference in people's lives. >> some important dates by the way coming up. straight ahead. so you have on february 20th is the nevada caucuses for the decrats and the republicans will have their primary in south cacalina. then thehe democrat willl have eir primary in south carolina on the 27th of this month. so they have a few days to get things together. >> it will be interesting. >> that's the news for this hf hour. facebook this morning on "world news now," political surprises in new hampshire. >> donald trump walks away with the republican primary victory. and democrat bernie sands easily defeats lkt. the record turnout and the surprises from voters live from manchester. >> and what's next for the republicans? with john kasich takinin second place and jeb bush's political spending, ce emerge as a major competitor to donald trump? >> and later "the mix," you never know what you'll see in a new hampshire polling place. what was a 600-pound pig doing here anyway? >> it's wednesday, february 10th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." it is wednesday, a busy one. i'm kendis gibson. >> and i'm reena ninan. we begin with the commanding victories the new hampshire donald trump and bernie sanders trouncing their party rivals. >> yeah, trump ran away with the republican race followed by a surpse second-place finish by ohio governor john kasich. the fight for third place, well, it is still at this hour too close to call. >> and on the democratic side, an overwhelming show of support for bernie sanders beating hillary clinton by a huge margin. our conch begins with abc's mars a gonzales in manchester. morning to you. >ood rning. no surprises with those first-place finishers. the front-runners in the polls ended up winning the primary and% winning big. >> oh, wow. >> reporter: a huge victory for donald trump. >> we're not going to forget you. it you started it. remember, you started it. >> reporter: and a long anticipated win. >> thank you, new hampshire. >> reporter: for bernie sanders. >> we have sent a message that californrn. >> reporter: hillary clinton who won here in 2008 conceding but still confident. >> now we take this campaign to the e country. we are going to fight for every vote in every state. >> john kasich now projected by abc to come in second on the republican side. >> there's magic in the air with this campaign. >> reporter: with ted cruz, jeb bush and marco rubio in a close battle for third. >> i did not do well on saturday night so listen to this. that will never happen again. >> reporter:two-thirds of voters in abc exit polls calling recent debates an important factor in their decision. >> made up my mind this morning at coffee. >> reporter: it came down to those undecided voters and a big turnout at the polls. one precinct staying open late with the last minute line of traffic to get in two miles long. >> and with the gop candidates noww focused on southcarolina, home to dide whether hll st in the race. kendis and reena. >> so many decisions that need to be made. we've heard hillary clinton possibly changing hessages. what's ahead for the candidates in south carolina? >> reporter: yeah, the gop candidates heading straight to south carolina. they have multiple events already planned for today with just ten days to go before the primary there. >> and marci, we saw those images that were pretty shocking of the traffic januarys. and i guess there was record turnout or a lot of undecideds that had a role in this decision yesterday. >> reporter: yeah, this was a really interesting race here. now the officials still haven't confirmed that it was record turnout but they said that it's shaping up to be that way. they think that this is going to go down in the record books but not making it official yet. you saw those big lines of traffic that actually had them keeping the polls open later excitement aboutut this race. lines out of theoors at som of these polling places. some of the voters said they didn't make up their minds about who they were going to vote for until they got into the booth. >> so fascinating new hampshire politics. we love if. marci gonzalez with a front row seat there in manchester. thank you. >> thanks. as jeb bush put it, new hampshire voters have essentially reset the race. >> that's a good way of putting it. we'll have to wait for the dust to set too see who is stiti standing. abc's political director rick klein explains what happens next and what's going on. morning to you, rick. >> reena and kendis, shock waves outs of new hampshire. the democratic party moving left to go with bernie sanders. the republican party going right to deliver donald trump his first primary victory. a stunning series of events for two of the unlikeliest characters in this 2016 cast. in addition to that, the republican party adding john kasich a surprise second-place finish. totohest shape s s far of her campaign dea a staggering blow, a blowout victory to someone she was never supposed to be competitive with. chris christie going home to reassess hiscandidacy. big changes on the democratic and republican side. no end in sight for either battle. reena and kendis. >> our thanks to rick in new hampshire. stay with us for more coverage from new hampshire including more reaction from the republicans after a stunning night. that's later in this half hour. ell, another major story this mornrning. a new terror warning from ininlligence officials. they n n say isis will attempt direct attacks on the u.s. sometime this year. national interrogation director james clapper testified before a senate panel calling isis the country's top terror threat. he also said china, russia and north korea will continue to be cyberthreats. >> two months after the deadly attacks in san bernardino, the fbi still hasn't been able to be crack an important clue. james comey testifying before ngress admitting one of the remains inaccessible. the two attackers shot and killed 14 people. >> san bernardino very important investigation to us. we still have one of those killer's phones we have not been able to open. it been over two months now. we're still working on it. >> incredible. comey says it's a big problem when law enforcement arped with a search warrant cannot open a phone even when a judge says there's probably cause to have it opened. in germany, investigators are trying to figure out what causeded two c cmuter trains to collide. the two the train engineers were thought to be among the dead. one person still missing in the wr. the two black boxes have ever been recovered and are now being analyzed for clues. this video taken by the turkish coast guard. a helicopter crew member is lowered into the mediterranean sea before swimming to rescue a migrant clinging to the only part of the sunken boat that was still bob water. the pair were hoisted up to the it's believed more than 20 o oer refugees were killed as that boat went down. a u.s. senator is asking federal transportation officials to look into the royal caribbean cruise that many of the thousands of passengers on board are calling a nightmare. the ship is scheduled to arrive tonight. its captain has been in touch with passengers as abc's linsey >> reporter: new passenger accounts tonight about these >> it's probably the biggest scare that i've had so far imy life. >> reportete shara strand tells s us she was so fearful for her life sunday night, she called her mother, just in case she didn't survive. >> i just wanted to call and say that loved her. >> reporter: this royal caribbean cruise ship is on its way back to new jersey after hurricane-force winds, over 100 miles per hour, and 30-foot waves prevented it from making it to its final destination of the bahamas. cell phone video captures flying furniture and shattered gls, coast. the captptn tells the cruise directororn a video, he didn't't realize the magnitude of the storm ahead of time. >> the whole thing was not bigger than this and it was up here and it just exploded. >> yes, this storm did explode. it had rapid intensification. but that was forecast. this captain should have known what he was sailing into. >> reporter: because of more bad weather, the ship isn't expected to return back here until wednesday night. linsey davis, abc news, bayonne, new jersey. >> well, we're used to seeing demolition videos going smoothly but in houston, texas, a demolition has been caught on camera going very, very wrong. this video shows the demolition the excavator gets way too close to the building. the rubble falls right on top of the machine. unbelievably, the witnesses say that the operator of that machine was not hurt. terrifying. >> very fortunate. the government should issue more stringent rules for how rechargeable batteries are danger according to the heaea of the ntsb. heays the lithium ion batteries should be separated from other flammable cargo and the number of batteries in a single pallet or container should be limited, as well. it's suspected such a battery sparked fire destroyed an asiana airlines cargo plane in 2011. gas prices are expected to plunge to a level not seen in years. analysts say drivers in michig, indiana, ohio, illinois and missouri would see 99 cent gas as early as next week and right now, nearly 90% of americans paid less than $2 a gallon. a huge surplus at refineries in the west and midwest is the reason prices are going to a new low. welcome, welcome. >> yeah. we're okay with it. gas for less than a happy meal. >> i never thought of it that way. >> i haven't gotten a happy meal. >> it is. >> parents may want to think twice before purchasing another happy meal after seeing these >> yeah, lak chiropractor posted images of her on her facebook that she c cims it's a happy meal she bought six years ago. fries a little bit shriveled. but those fries and the chicken nuggets didn't have the slightest trace of mold or decomposition. >> okay. so these i thinks have not been confirmed. love daal says it's part after experiment to prove how unhealthy the chemicals in our food really are. >> they have lasting power. >> of course, mcdonald's said that this is a quote fromhem "i"ithe right environmeme our burgers fries and other items could decoose. the reason is may not decompose simple science. you need to have vernon conditions specifically moisture is what they're saying and bacteria mold may not grow significance. >> so you need to have moisture in order for it to decompose. >> that's their take on it. >> i don't know that helps me make it more andising. happy meal because they get books. just for the week i think, this week and last week. >> just buy the news books. >> coming upin the mix" an election night tantrum from a toddler upset about his mom's vote. >> with donald trump winning new hampshire, what's next for number two, john kasich and the rest? we'll get an inside look. >> and later love and money. the tough decisions couples who are falling in love face when it's time to marry and merge those finances. >> but you don't have to marry us to find us on facebook, w or twitttt @abcwnn. you're watating "world news now." human coronavirus... hepati- >>c virus. there are a lot of different kinds of yucky germs. but not all disinfecting wipes... are approved to kill the same number of them. lysol wipes are approved to kill more types of germs than clorox. don't pick just any wipe. this cold and flu 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new hampshire. and in a reshuffling of the gop deck did, john kasich finished in a distant second place. and as of this hour, ted cruz, jeb bush, marco rubio have maintained a tight three-way race for third place. too closese to call. true to form,ew hampshire voters refused to bee predictable. >> yes, that has been consistent. the primary elections took the wind right out of some candidates' sales. it's your voice, your vote with abc's arlette sands joining us now from manchester, new hampshire. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. as donald trump would say, it was a huge victory for him here he beat his rivals by dble digits just one week after losing the iowa caucuses to ted cruz. what may be more interesting is how the rest of the republican rara shook out. john kasich placed second here and following him jeb bush, marco rubio and ted cruz all bunched up within one point of each other. the biggest disappointment of the night came from rubio who was riding on a high when he came here to new hampshire after placing third in iowa. but our news debate, he stumbled in that on saturday night. in his concession speech he said that was to plain for his loss here in iowa. th primary mayay breatheheew life into the campaign of jeb bush who bet big here in new hampshire. his campgn and super pac spent nearly $30 million in campaign advertisements the most of any gop candidate in the state. they all head to south carolina where the battle is expected to be more intense. the establishment feels so splintered they're trying to to ted cruz and donald trump. kendis and reena. >> arlette, thank you so much. chririchristie saying he'e' going to take a litite time off. his wife was a little emotional. the kids were emotional. they invest so much of everything into this and it's always sad to see, but it winnows down. nevada fascinating. beyond south carolina. hillary clinton expected to do well because a lot of latinos she's strong with la it inknows. bernie sanders a lot of people saying he's going to iest more and possibly do well. >> 11 days out from nevada and south carolina for the republicans. so a lot could change in t ts race. christst saying he's not necessarily suspending his campaign as yet. he's just going to take a breather and see exactly whether they're going to go forward. there's a debate for the republicans on saturday. the democrat have another one, as well. so a lot can happen. >> a lot can happen as marco rubio says, he knows his debate it's been interesting. who would have thought a reality show star has won the new hampshire primary. >> there's hope for yo kendis. >> yes. >> that is true. coming up inur next half hour, protection against zika. the outbreak of the virus g fears as cases keep popping up in the u.s. experts are now identifying the best mosquito repellents. >> first, couples that save together stay together. how to approach the awkward issue of finances with your spouse. you're watching "world news now." i believe, i believe believe we're still worth the fight you'll see there's hope for this world tonight i believe, i believe rock guitar be. >> b.i.g. >> you like notorious. >> so money is usually cried as when it comes to relationships. couples rarely like to talk about . >> you should. it's important. we know having a plan is one of the k ks to savinin and success abc'sebecca jarvis shows us how couples can work together. >> reporter: brian and caila met 2 1/2 years. >> we met volunteering. we both love dogs. >> somebody who loves dogs, how can you not fall in love. >> reporter: and plan to get married this summer but talking about merging finances has been a challenge. >> for me, talking about money is very uncomfortable. >> reporter: according to "newsweek" poll,47% of couples say t ty did not talk about financial issues prior to getting married. >> you're not just talking about money, you're talking about choices had. >> reporter: we brought in the author of "financial intimacy" to help this coup counsel plan their financial future together. >> caila. >> please come on in. welcome. >> reporter: her number one tip. are your goals, what are my goals and what are our goals. >> reporter: her advice, be open aboutinances. list each person's assets, debts and expenses. have a transition plan. decide if you want to merge bank accounts who will play what financial roles like paying bills and managing investments. and keep the conversation going after you're married. >> you are intentionally having what i call money dates. >> reporter: she says planning your wedding is a starting point. >> that's a perfect entree into some of the more awkward pieces of the conversation about money. >> reporter: b binning a life together on the right finincial footing. rebebea jarvis, abc news, new york. what's the best financial advice you ever received? >> invest in the lotto. >> invest in th lotto? >> it's a sure shot way of making millions. >> you've won how many times? >> i actually cashed in my ticks yesterday. i won ten bucks over the last six months. morning. >> yes, going to make it rain up in here. we'll be right back. approaching medicare eligibility? you may think you can n t off checking out your medicareptions until you'resixty-five, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. the rest is up to you. that's where aarp medicare supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company come in. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they could help pay some of what medicare doesn't, saving you in out-of-pocketmedical costs. you've learned that taking informed steps ong the way really makes a difference later. at's what it means to go long . call now and request this free [decision guide]. it's full of information on medicare and the range of to choose from based on your needs and budget. all plans like these let you choose any doctor or hospital that 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free ultra. it has triple-action support for your joints, cartilage and bones. and unlike the big osteo-bi flex pills, it's all in one tiny pill. move free ultra. get your move on. jill and kate use the same dishwasher. same detergent. but only jill en up with wet, spottytylasses. kate adds finish jet-dry with fivivpower actions at dry dishes and prevent t ots and film, so all thas left is t shine. of time now for "the mix." we were talking earlier this half hour how campaigns can be so emotional for families. that included the toddler who found out his mother was voting for bernie sanders instead of hillary clinton in new hampshire. you got to take a listen to this one. >> i want to show daddy. can you tell me? >> i want to vote for hillary clinton. >oh. and mama dn't vote for hillary clinton? oh, okay. >> it's emotional because daddy did vote for hillary clinton apparently. and he didn't know the why mommy didn't vote for her, as well. >> and you know, the thing that's coming out of new hampshire is a lot of people are saying that hillary clinton doesn't have the youth vote. clearly she has youth support right there. >> well, said, kendis. also out of new hampshire, an interesting scene yesterday. of course, as many people were voting, you had this at a voting booth. a 600-pound pig at a polling station there. 600-pound pig just wandered off from a farm and triedo get in. they wouldn't let him in. >> oh. >> and then this pig started chasing the police. >> wow. >> there could be many jokes there. about you. >> this could be a case of voter intimidation. >> it is sort of. that pig hasn't been seen since. >> oh. >> it escaped from a farm and they finally gototim back into his pen. >> have lots around here, too. >> there are clearly. >> welcome addition. okay. honesty may be the best policy especially when you're dealing with your children. and your child is late for school. this dad took it to the next level in saratoga springs, 12 and sarah who is 7, sarah the little one took a note into school from dad thataid sorry forced tardineness but isabela was lucky enough to see bruce springsteen and darned if he dn't play for 31/2 hours. he said this may not seem like a good excuse. but can you imagine how many kids would be late if god were to library. >> so springsteen is close to godliness. so is sugar ray. you remember them? >> yeah. >> this was a popular class florida state san diego. where these new parents they do the weeks dance class at the studio to nice choreographed moves to sugar ray fly. >> what's the guy doing without the weeks in the middle. >> i think he's the instructor. he's been working on these moves ever since sugar ray was a thing. a good 30 years or so. this video is very popular. this morning on "world news now," new hampshire's frustrated voters choose donald trump. and bernie sanders, the first primary results of 2016 and what's next for a long list of candidates. >> including hillary clinton. sounding defeated by sanders. her message to her campaign as she focuses on south carolina. we have extended coverage. >> new details this half hour, growing concerns about the vicious zika virus. the olympiathletes having second thoughts about competing in braral and the be repellents to fight mosquitos. > and late area, johnny depp's decision to take a new movie role. this is a character you may have trouble see. that's in "the skinny" on this wednesday, february 10th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning on this busy wednesday. >> and i'mendis gibson. of course, it isis busy because 're talking all about the bigig election results a some a still questionable right now whether or not who came in third place in new hampshire. >> which i would say is important to know moving forward who's going to drop out, what's going to happen in south carolina, nevada. >> absolutely. we did get this result. former virginia governor jim gilmore has received more than 100 votes in the new hampshire primary. and that's a big deal because that's almost tenfold compared to what he received in the iowa caucuses. he's still in the race. >> o o boy. >> so let's talk a aut the landslides in new hampshire. voters in the nation's first primary throwing crucial support behind donald trump and bernie sanders. >> sanders triumphed over hillary clinton by winning over a majority of men, women, young people and independents. trump came out on top of the republican pack. john kasich clinched second place. a few points ahead of the david wright. >> reporter: donald ump is the projected to win the republican primary. the democrats bernie sanders who celebrated by aying hoops with his grandkids. moments earlier, hillary clinton had called him to concede defeat. >> because of a huge voter turnout, and i say huge -- >> reporter: governor kasich came out of nowhere and is now projected to take second. >> how could any man be so lucky to have all of you. >> reporter: third place still too close to project, between rubio, bush -- >> you all have reset ththrara for that i am m ateful. >> reporter: and cruz. >> and the exact results are unknown. but right now, it appears that we areffectively tied for third in the state of new hampshire. >> reporter: depending who ekes out third place, the biggest casualty in new hampshire may be marco rubio. >> i did not do well on saturday night. so listen to this. that will never happen again. >> reporter: referring to where rubio repeated that same memorized line from his stump speech over and over again. >> and let's dispel once and for all with this fiction that barack obama doesn't know what he's doing. >> there it is, the memorized 25-second speech. there it is, everydy. >> i want to begin by congratulate agsenator sanders. >> reporter: hillary clinton was gracious in defeat. suggesting she hopes to be the comeback kid in south carolina. >> it's not whether you get knocked down that matters, it's whether you get back up. >eporter: despite her huge loss in new hampmpire, the odds are ever in her favor moving forward in these hunger games. stay tuned for south carolina and nevada next. i'm david wright in concord, new hampshire. >> and it really was an unforgettable night with the republicans leaning right and the democrats leaning left. >> and trump and sanders walking away as winners. abc's marci gonzalez continues manchester. hey, marci, good morning. let's talk about some of thehe other candidatat, including a very emotional chris christiti >> reporter: hi, reena. yeah, he got very emotional during his speech tonight. he put a lot into the campaign here in new hampshire. and it just didn't work out the way that he hoped. so in his speech tonight, he said that he's actually going to go home to new jersey instead of carrying on to south carolina as he insisted that he would. so he's going home he says to watch for the final results from last night and to make the decision whether or not he will stay in this race, but he says he has no regrets about the way he ran his campapan here. >> and the second place republican, john kasich, he just tweeted that he has an event in mt. pleasant, south carolina, tomorrow morning. but what are we hearing about his campaign going forward? >> reporter: he has a busy day in south carolina today. but some are racing concerns about whether he'll be able to be have a repeat of what he saw he did really well here because he spent more timemen new hampshirirthan the other gop candidates and h hd more than 100 0 wn halls here. but his opponents are nonotrying to capitalize on this perceived idea that he's going to be weak moving forward. bush -- jeb bush sent out a note to his supporters and staff saying that there's a good talking point about kasich saying that he has little to no chance in south carolina and does not have the national organization that can compete. so kasich has a bunch of events planned in south carolina. he is saying he's staying positive and thinks he can do well there. but some people are raising questions. >> it was old school politics that helped kasich win in new hampshire. he really hit the ground running there. >> he did. >> we'll see how this bloodbath turns out in south carolina. abc's marci gonzales, live in manchester, thank you. do stay with abc news all morning long as we cover the new hampshire primary. we're going to check in with the hillary clinton campaign. that's later this half hour. republicans on capitol hill trillion budget plan dead on arrival. among his proposals a major new tax on crude oil that t uld raise the price of gasoline by 24 cents. the budget largely leaves alone huge benefit programs like medicare, social security, medicaid and food stamps. house speaker paul ryan called manual for growing the federal government at the expense of hard working americans. a grim warning from america's top intelligence officials. they now say that isis will attempt direct attacks on the u.s. sometime this year. national intelligence director james clapper testified before a senate panel. he i icalling isis the cououry's top terror threat and warns of terrorists posing as regulars to -- as refugees to sneak into other countries >> concerns about the zika virus continue to grow in the u.s. there are now 66 confirmed cases here in this country. 19 states and washington, d.c. some new states that are on the list now include delaware, indiana, ohio, pennsylvania, and tennessee. and overseas in china, that country reporting its first case a man who had traveled to venezuela. >> and "uss soccer star hope solo says if she had to choose whether to go to the summer games in brazil right now, she would not go because of fears about the zika virus. solo told "sports illustrated" she would never take the risk of having an unhealthy child. the woman's national soccer team was scheduled to be briefed last night about the zika virus outbreak. >> so scary for some female -- for so many of those female athletes. the's another health hahard for pregnant womemethis morning,g,ne we've known for decades. data shows that morerehan 8% of data from a large national survey shows thatore than 8% of women reported smong tobacco during their pregs. when compared to previous years, the figure is an improvement. but investigators overwhelmingly agree any amount of smoking is detrimental. turning to you to the weather. and winter storm warnings for the mountains and higher elevations of the mid-atlantic region up to 4 inches of snow has baltimore and light snow is continuing across central pennsylvania w wch could eventually see half a foot before the arctic cold moves in later on this week. and the storm system dumped snow as far as south as huntsville, alabama. the national weather service says a winter weather system moving through the state could dump as much as 2 inches of snow in higher elevations there. several school systems had delayed openings yesterday because of slick roads. from that cold to possible record high temperatures again today in southern california. it felt like midsummer in s angeles and orangegeounties and across much of the regioio today's forecast calls 88 degrees in l.a.,hat would mean an all-time high record. wemperatures are expected to remain in w 80s. that's well into the weekend in oklahoma, firefighters are expecting another day of dangerous grass fires. low humidity and strong winds have ever been pushing the flames across bone dry parcels of land. students in one area were kept late at school while crews threatening their homes. policecere telling drivers a aid roads that are shrouded in smoke. it sounds like bas common sense, but you kind of forget sometimes. >> that's the reminder right there. today's forecast, windy, dry, hot again out west. up to 20 degrees above normal. snow around the great lakes and northeast. chilly in the southeast with freeze warnings in northern florida. >> as we mentioned, 80s notice los angeles and phoenix. 60s in miami and portland 40s in kansas city and atlanta. 40s for new york and boston. 16 in chicago, oh, chilly 11 for minneapolis. well, they had terrific weather in denver for the bronco an's big victory party. it starred with a mile long parade. >> von miller at one point hoisted the lombardi trophy. while riding on top of a fire truck. denver's mayor estimating that 1 million people watched the parade or attended the rally that followed it. saluting their heros despite school beingn session. excused absences were offered but only if parents let hool officials kw beforehand. >> a those notices probably went out sunday night after the game was called. >> exactly. it's really fun to see. i love it because it's so important for cities and such a great sense of spirit. >> having lived in washington the last five years, we haven't seen that. >> you haven't seen that. >> i wouldn't know what that's like. >> there's always the nationals though. they don't play in the super bowl though, do they? >> no, they play in the world cup. >> the world cup. all right. we're going to fix that. >> coming up in "t"t skinny," the legal babale for drug compmpy ceo martin shkreli and the wu tang clan. >> interesting duo. also ahead, bug off. the best repellents to fight off mosquitoites in the middle of the zika crisis. >> but first, we return to our top story, the new hampshire primary and what hillary clinton's loss means to her campaign. you're watching "world news so how ya doing? enough pressure in here for ya? ugh. my sinuses are killing me. yeah...just waitittil we hit ten ththsand feet. i'm gonna take mucinin sinus-max. too late, we're about to take off. these dissolve fast. they're new liquid gels. and you're coming with me... wait, what?! you realize i have gold status? do i still get the miles? new mucinex sinus-max liquid gels. dissolves fast to unleash max strength medicine. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. (ugh.) does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty? don't avoid it, resolve it. our formula with a special conditioning ingredient, softens your carpet with every use. it's resolve, so you know it cleans and freshens. but it also softens. resolve. a carpet that welcomes you. and to clean pet messes, human coronavirus... hepati- >>c virus. there are a lot of different kinds of yucky germs. but not all disinfecting wipes... are approved to kill the same number of them. lysol wipes are approved to kill more types of germs than clorox.x. don't pick just any wipe. try that one! this cold and flu season there's moving.... and there's moving with move free ultra. it has triple-action support for your joints, cartilage and bones. and unlike the big osteo-bi flex pills, it's all in one tiny pill. move free ultra. get your move on. (sounds of birds whistling) music troducing new k-y touch gel cr me. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. >> turning to our top story, a tidal wave of voter discontent has swept donald trump and bernie sanders into the major victories in the n hampshire presidential primaries. and in a shake-up of the gop race, john kasich has launched himself into second place. and as of this hour, ted cruz, jeb bush, and marco rubio have maintained a tight three-way race for third place. still too close to call. >> yesterday's balloting in new hampshire was a stinging defeat for hillary clinton. >> both she and her campaign expected sanders would win. but not by this much. a 21% margin. abc's liz kreutz has the latest in new hampshire. good morning, liz. >> reporter: good morning, reena and kendis. hillary clinton just wrapping up her concessi speech here, sband bill, daughtererhelsea by her side. she called sanders to congratulate him last night. the clinton campaign always knew this would be a tight race, but the loss here is a real embarrassment for them. ffrz they've conceded that sanders has tapped into anger and frustration among voters. here's what is clinton had to say in her concession speech ernight. >> i know, i've had a blessed life but i also know what it's like to stumble and fall. and so many people across america know that feeling. and we've learned it's not whether you get knocked down that matters, it's whether you get back up. >> reporter: now the big question is what's next? campaign sources telling me their focus is shifting to the next two states up, south carolina and nevada where hillary clinton really needs to tap into that latino and african-american voter bloc in order to propel her to the nomination. reena and kendis? >> people would say that's one is she does really well with minorities particularly the african-american, latino community. >> it'ss going to be a tough road said. but that said, bernie sanders is trying to tap into that world. he's meeting with reverend al today at some point i believe in the new york city area. so it's not necessarily a fire wall for the former secretary of state. >> he's got a lot of money, too. so if you've got a little bit of money, keep going. >> he's outraising hillary clinton. >> interesting point. capitol coming up, the rapper who brought his mom to battle for him. >> okay. and why kelly clarkson's baby "the skinny" is next.`h@ skinny, so skinny well, this is exciting. leading "the skinny" this morning, big news for one of reena's favorite rap groups. >> i don't know why bernie sanders isn't meeting with them. wu-tang clan fighting against infamous ex-pharmaceutical ceo martin skrel celly after beefing with congress by pleading the fifth and calling them imbeciles for investigating him. that's what they said. he now has a killer on his trail as in ghost face killer. >> the wu-tang rapper released a video slamming shkreli for winning an exclusive album they auctioned off to him for $2 million. ghost face let's shkreli has it but then he brings in the big guns, his mama. >> you wicked boy. you wicked boy. how were you raised? >> tell him, ma. >> do you have any morals? >> tell him, mama. get him. >> i can't believe you. come on now. this man is too good for you. >> bring in mama. see, jeb bush did it. now wu-tang clan is doing it. bringing in mama. and in a strange twist, shkreli ghost face and other wu-tang clan members find themselves on the same side. >> a new york artist is suing shkreli, wu tang and the album for $2 million over copyright infringement claiming his portraits of group members were included in the auctioned album without his permission. >> i get why bernie sanders didn't meet with the wu tang clan. maybe he thought it would be too much right now. he'll meet probably with his mama. mama's bad. one of its best known leading men, johnny depp, tapped for a major reboot. >> depp had a rough 2015 on the big screen. there was a ridiculed flop "mordecai" and a strong performance in "black mass" that yielded very little in awards recognition. regardless, depp is moving forward. we've learned last night he will star in al adaptation confident h.g. wells story, "the invisible man." this was first made for the big screen in 1933 and starred claude rains as the scientist who becomes unhinged after turning himself invisible. i like the old school remakes. >> we'll see how depp does. kelly clarkson has finally revealed the big project she's been working on. it is a children's inspired book inspired by her baby daughter. >> t original american idol made the announcement yesterday in a video. look at her. she's just so cute. "river rose and the magical lullaby" speiered by clarkson's world travels with her daughter rose. but she reveals it isn't always easy working with the young talent. >> you try and talk to her, she shutthe door right in your face. she's such a micromanager. she's like going down the hall making sure you're doing your job, you're doing your job. >> cute. >> i want to get this one. this looks adorable. the children's book is out in >> and finally, exciting news for fans of ththcurrent classic animated film "frozen." you'll soon be able to follow prinss elsa on her quest to find her sister all the way to broadway. >> the musical adaptation slated for spring 2018 opening. there will be a prebroadway engagement. >> disney is the parent company >> comes from upstairs. >> really? >> okay. >> need to know people. line king. tough to get those tickets. >> need to know people. and the "prevent mold and mildew on the shower curtain for up to 7 days" spray. it's also the "odor causing bacteria" fighter. and even the "athlete's foot fungus" killer. discover more ways you can use lysol disinfectant spray to help keep your home healthier. (ugh.) does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty? our formula with a special conditioning ingredient, softens your carpet with every use. it's resolve, so you know it cleans and freshens. but it also softens. resolve. a carpet that welcomes you. and to clean pet messes, try resolve pet expert. my son and i used to watch the red carpet shows on tv now, i'm walking them. life is unpredictable being flake free isn't. because i have used head and shoulders for 20 years. used regularly, it removes up to 100% of flakes live flake free for life (sounds of birds whistling) music introducing new k-y touch gel cr me. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. that's a lot of dishes& no problem. i'll use a lot of detergent. dish issues? get cascade platinum. one pac cleans tough food better than cascade. well, finally this half hour, the growing concern over the zika virus with more confirmed cases in the united states, the white house is now announcing it's asking congress for nearly $2 billion to combat its spread. >> but the question we all have, is how can we protect ourselves from all of this? consumer reports is reissuing its exclusive list of the most effective mosquito repellents. and abc's linzie janice has the details. >> reporter: concerns surrounding the zika virus at an all-time high. the cdc raising their response activation, assigning staff to work 24/7 on the response. and while the world continues to spray pesticides to try to kill off the mosquitoes, what can you do to keep from being bitten? >> deet is safe and effective. >> reporter: "consumer reports" rereleasing ratings for mosquito repellents. highlighting their results regarding the aegypti mosquito known for carrying and spreading zika. consumer reports finding these three products to be the most effective. sawyer fisherman's formula picaridin, natrapel and off deep woods eight. we found against the zika virus were the ones thatontained either 25% deet or 20% picaridin. both protected for about eight hours. >> those infected with zika may become ill with symptoms like and when pregnant women become infected the virus has been linked to a severe birth defect, microsefly. while the cdc says it's safe to use repellent while pregnant or nursing, they recommend using an epa registered insect repellent and pay close attention to the instructions on the product's label. linzie janis, abc news, new york. >> that's a big fear. i know when i was pregnant, i didn't want to put -- you didn't want chemicals. >> you don't want anything. it's a frightening thing. the olympics are only six months away. a lot of these female athletes are worried what the situation will be come six months from now. we'll see. all right. don't miss our updates on faceok >> so much more coming up on here on "world news now." stick with us at abc. more coming up on "world news now." . this morning, "your voice, your vote," the blow-out in new hampshire. >> huge voter turnout and i say huge. >> fed up voters delivering landslide wins to bernie sanders and donald trump. >> you are going to be so happy, we are going to make america so great again. maybe greater than ever before. >> throwing more chaos into the republican race, providing john kasich's campaign, other candidates left reeling. >> our disappointment tonight is not unusual. it's on me. it's on me. >> once considered untouchable hillary clinton in a fight of her life. >> i know i have some work to do, particularly with young people. >> and appic shake-up from this first in the nation primary. starts now. morning, everyone. voters in new hampshire living up to their reputation of being independent thinkers, you might say shaking up both sides in the race for the white house. >> voters came out near record numbers. take a look at this scene from well into the evening. you can see cars as far as the eye can see people rushing to vote. >> those voters sending shock waves through the democratic race giving fellow new englander bernie sanders a landslide victory over hillary clinton and heading the race on the republican side an easy win for donald trump but ohio governor john kasich in second. ted cruz and marco rubio struggling to tube indicate their success in iowa but jeb bush with a strong showing after spending the most of any candidate. >> and those results getting a big thumbs up from donald trump overnight tweeting from his jet it's "your voice, your vote" and abc's kenneth moton begins our coverage live from new hampshire. >> reporter: good morning, reena and kendis. what a night for politics. it shows anything can happen in this race. the polarizing billionaire and self-described democratic socialist. big vtories here in new hampshire. >> oh, wow. >> reporter: republican donald trump and democrat bernie hampshire. >> we are going to make america so great again, maybe greater than ever before. >> together, we have sent the message that will echo from wall street to washington. >> reporter: the outsiders crushed their competition. the voters in the granite state angry at washington, worried about the economy and looking for honesty not electability emerging from the pack of republican governors a surprise second place finisher, ohio governor john kasich. >> if you don't have a seat belt go get one. we're going to shake this country from top to bottom. in the gop race is between ted cruz. >> your victory night has left the washington cartel utterly terrified. >> reporter: jeb bush. >> it looks like you all have reset the race and for that i thank you. >> reporter: and marco rubio who admitted saturday nit's debate was his downfall. >> listen to this, that will never happen again. >> reporter: a tough night f democratic front-runner hillary clinton who promised supporters she's marching on to the nomination. >> now we take this campaign to the entire country. we are going to fight f every vote in every state. >> reporter: her opponent proved off. so, today is on to the next one, south carolina. the state's gop primary is set for next weekend but new jersey governor chris christie is headed home to decide if he'll stay in the race. reena and kendis. >> yeah, as we look forward to south carolina, of course, you mentioned the one that is set for next weekend and, of course, the democrats are voting there how is the race shaping up in south carolina? >> reporter: well, in the republican race who knows because anything can happen and we saw that tonight. but we do know that according to the latest polls donald trump still has that double-digit lead in south carolina.marco rubio and ted cruz follow. for the democrats, hillary clinton is leading bernie sanders by a large margin and that's the point she's been making over and over again. she appeals to the national democratic electorate which is why she's the democratic front-runner but we all know bernie sanders won't go down without a fight. >> that's true. we heard so much from ted cruz on iowa's primary night, caucus night but not so much last night. we'll have to see what happens. kenneth, thank you so much. >> the voters of new hampshire dealt a disappointing blow to ben carson. he was the doctor who once enjoyed front-runner status came in dead last in the primary. carson canceled his event in new hampshire last night. he left the state early and headed to south carolina where events. carly fiorina, well, didn't fare much better than carson but apparently not ready to throw in the towel just yet. fiorina addressed supporters in manchester last night saying she's not going to sit down and be quiet. and playing in the background, tom petty's "i won't back down." well, win or lose any candidate decideing to stay in the race is looking to south carolina and nevada. >> hillary clinton may be reassessing her strategy. abc news political analyst matt dowd breaks it all down for us. >> i still love new hampshire and i always will. >> reporter: first i don't think she expected to lose by the marriagesen she lost which was hampshire. keep in mind this was a state she won in 2008 against barack obama and now she's come and lost it against bernie sanders. the race going forward which is likely to happen, bernie sanders will rise coming out of this because of a bump of positive >> we won because we harnessed the energy and the excitement that the democratic party will need to succeed in november. >> reporter: so she's in a real fight for the nomination now. i think this is the perfect storm for donald trump which is he wins, he exceeds his poll numbers and now he has multiple candidates to run against, which is the perfect scenario for him. >> to be victorious against some of these people even if it's for one week but believe me, it's going to be pore many week, okay. >> reporter: he doesn't do well if it's one-on-one and i think donald trump goes into south carolina heavily favored probably wins. i'm not saying donald trump isn't going to fall, mistakes can be made as we've seen but i think right now donald trump is the dominant candidate in this race. >> our thanks to matt dowd there and we learned a lot from exit polling that came out of the race. two-thirds of republican voters saying they support trump's call to temporarily ban muslims from >> and the youth voters under 30 bernie sanders beat hillary clinton by a colossal margin. >> one more note you can say that bernie sanders prepared for his deliver rg his victory speech in a rather unique way. >> yeah. you see sanders there. shooting hoops at a high school in concord just as his supporters were anxiously waiting to hear from him. sanders was joined on the court by his sons and grandkids. there's already a hoop at the white house, so you know he is all set. >> he might be. >> okay, check out this little guy in the backseat upset because he wanted his mom to vote for hillary clinton. >> i want to show daddy. can you tell me? momma didn't vote for hillary clinton? >> no. >> youth vote there. >> she does. well, that didn't happen mom voted for someone else. he'll have another chance by the way to agree with his parents' stay with abc news all morning long. george and robin will talk with donald trump and john kasich later on "good morning america." well, coming up, the morning's other major stories. >> including a major scare here in new york city. smoke seen at the top of the new world trade center. and caught on camera. a building demolition gone very wrong. how they emerged from the rubble unscathed. quilted northern works so well people can forget their bathroom experience. just like they forgot conductor randy, at least he's not constable bob. belvita breakft biscuits provide steady morning energy whether you... love the great outdoors... love the great indoors... or just really love doors. belvita. because we can all use steady morning energy. what if there was another way to look at relapsing multiple sclerosis? this is tecfidera. tecfidera is not an injection. it's a pill for relapsing ms that has the power to cut relapses in half. imagine what you could do with fewer relapses. tecfera may cause serious side effects, such as allergic reactions, pml, which is a rare brain infection that usually leads to death or severe disability, and decreases in your white blood cells. are flushing and stomach problems. tell your doctor about any low white blood cell counts, infections, any other medical conditions, or if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. learn more about the most prescribed pill for relapsing ms in the us, at talk to your doctor about tecfidera, and take another look at relapsing ms. that is the top of the new world trade center in new york city getting a lot of attention last night. steam coming from ventilation unis had some people concerned the building was on fire. officials took to social media to say nothing was out of the ordinary. a grim morning for america's top intelligence officials. on the u.s. sometime this year. national intelligence director james clapper testified before a senate panel calling isis the country's top terror threat. he also warns of terrorists posing as refugees to sneak into other countries. new warnings are being issued to airlines about cargo that could explode in flight. the shipment of lithium based batteries has been linked to at least three airplane disasters in recent years. the ntsb recommends that such batteries should be separated from other flammable cargo and the faa urging carriers to study the fire risk b shipping possibly volatile cargo. drivers in nine midwest states could see gas prices dip below a dollar. dollar gallon by next week, the lowest price in more than 16 years. right now nearly 90% of americans pay less than 2 bucks to are a gallon. the low price is largely due to a glut of oilen 0 the global markets. today is ash wednesday, the start of lent and the party is that means and anywhere else that mardi gras is celebrated. the fat tuesday revelry officially finished up at midnight when police and cleanup crews started making their way through the french quarter. leapt, of course, ends on easter. got to figure out what i'm giving up. >> you're running out of time. this is the day. >> i know. when we come back we do have breaking news overnight. a cross country flight diverted due to a drunk passenger. why he had to be removed. plus mile high. the celebrations in denver has air super bowl champs returned. hey, remember the game when i set the rookie passing record? i mean, you only mentioned what, 50 times... how about when i had three events in one night? well, i've been working on my new superhero move all day! we're non stop, we've gotta have our extra protein. oikos triple zero greek non fat yogurt has 15 grams of protein. zero added sugar, and zero holding me back! oikos triple zero. be unstoppable. mmm dannon see me. see me. don't stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. i'm not contagious. see me to know that i won't stop. until i find what works. discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75% skin clearance at 3 months. while the majority saw 90% clearance. do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms... ...such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have crohn's disease, tell your doctor as symptoms can worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me on my way. find clear skin and a clearer path forward. for a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. you take my breath ay... so i thought i'd return the favor. at jared, we only sell one piece of jewelry for valentine's day... the one that puts your heart in her hands. and it's waiting for you... at jared. announcement: this storm promises to be the biggest of the decade. with total accumulation of up to three feet. roads wi be shut do indefinitely. and schools are closed. campbell's soups go great with a cold and a nice red. some parts of pennsylvania and elsewhere across the mid-atlantic could eventually see half a foot of snow today. arctic cold moves in this weekend. meantime, record highs possible in the los angeles area. readings as high as 80 is expected and further north in san francisco a coast guard helicopter crew rescued an elderly man who was swept into the pacif by a powerful wave. it's believed he went in to help his female companion who had also been swept away. thankfully both were taken to a hospital. checking the roads today, that snow we mentioned in pennsylvania and the northeast and things will be slippery from the dakotas all the way into the misvalley. if you're flying airport delays possible in boston and new york. want to turn back to our top resetting the race for the white house. >> as donald trump and bernie sanders take their victory laps, we'll have to wait for the dust to settle to see who is still standing. abc's political director rick klein explains what happened and what's next. good morning, rick. >> reena and kendis, shock waves out of new hampshire. the democratic party moving left to go with bernie saers and the republican party going right to deliver donald trump his first primary victory, a stunning series of events for two of the unlikeiest characters in this 2016 cast. in addition to that, the republican party adding someone to their list, john sich, a surprise second place finish gives him a head of steam heading into the next contest and hillary clinton in the toughest shape so far of her campaign dealt a staggering blow, a blow-out victory to someone she was never supposed to be competitive with and chris christie going home to reassess his candidacy. no end in sight for either battle. reena and kendis. south, set for february 20th. an alaska air mines flight was diverted to denver because of an unruly passenger. the man was reportedly drunk and abusic. witnesses say at one point the man claimed everyone was going to die. the flight was from boston to san diego. but the pilot landed in denver where the man was removed by officers. the flight later arrived in san diego safely. in the meantime, in houston, texas, a very different kind of danger played out during the demolition of a parking garage. this video shows the excavator getting too close to comfort for the buiing triggering the collapse of that entire section of the garage. raining rubble down on the machine. unbelievably the witness tellseshe operator of that machine was not injured. also caught on video a suspect pulling aun on a convenience store clerk in manchester, new hampshire, but they noticed the gun was a fake and made out of plastic and he out of the store. he says in the future he won't risk his life over a couple hundred dollars. things can get back to normal in denver now that the broncos celebrated their victory. 1 million people watched the team's parade yesterday or attended the rally that followed. the team rode fire trucks through the streets. president obama made the traditional call to the super bowl winners. inviting them to the white house hopefully before he leaves office. it always takes so long for the team -- >> he's a busy man. >> a priority. national priority. time now for the morning's highlights. >> the nba's best start us off. here are our friends at espn. >> he's stan. i'm neil. tony is producing this and said stan will go first. >> the warriors at home. golden state's win streak 41 and counting at home. steph curry, cut it out. game and check out this play. he'll get the hockey assist here but had nine traditional basketball assists in this game as well. rockets made it a game. james harden has 37 but in the fourth the warriors put it away, 24-0 at home in season. 123-110. jazz won six straight but are in trouble at dallas. four seconds left down three. rodney hood out of trouble. hood had 29. overtime, tell me gordon hayward doesn't have product in his hair when he plays. come on now. the butler did it. utah has won seven straight. hayward had 20. jazz beat the mavs. hurt anybody. you got product in there. >> no. >> there's stuff in there. >> problems you don't have. >> exactly. long hair problems. okay, so the nba is great and all, but we need some high school hoops for craziness like this. >> a team in pennsylvania thought they had the game in the bag with the late basket but as time ran out one player unleashed a full court shot and, of course, it went -- it went in. >>:oh. >> what's the saying the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. >> so what is that. >> all caught on tape both. "the pulse," the "titanic" set to sail again. "frozen" fans not ready to a new audience to delight. i take pictures of sunrises, but with my back pain i couldn't sleep and get up in time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. i'm back. aleve pm for a better am. jane didn't like restrictions. especially when it came to watching her calories. that's why jane loves light & fit greek nonfat yogurt. bursting with rich creamy awesomeness, all for 80 calories. light & fit. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot, but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. how do you eat healthier, while you enjoy life and lose weight? now you can do it all with one simple plan. the all-new smartpoints from weight watchers. our most advanced plan ever. join for free and lose ten pounds on us. time for "the pulse" and we'll start with another "titanic" seriously. we all know the movie starring leo dicaprio and kate winslet. >> "tien ii" will be billed. the new ship is the brainchild of an australian billionaire. >> it will have all modern safety equipment and lifeboats. its maiden voyage will be from china to dubai sometime in 2018. >> couldn't get me on it, sorry. >> it won't have the same ending hopefully. mcdonald's has millions of fans around the world but serious foodies may not consider themselves in that group until now. okay, so check out this spread that you see there. from los angeles chef, it looks good, right, aftervocadoavocado, soup. the 40 food bloggers were impressed until they figured out >> this can't be real. apparently the fast food megachain asked the chef to come up with a menu based on its signature foods so most of the guests werele fooed but one guy yelled, golden arches. before the end of the meal. somehow someone caught on. >> so they knew. >> they played it well. it's all about presentation again. that's what it's about. >> how you lay out the chicken fluths. >> that's right and the dipping sauces have to be -- >> in six or 12. broadway. >> our parent company has announced princess taking her quest to find her sister to the great white way. the curtain is set to go up on a musical adaptation of "frozen" in spring of 2018 in a city yet to be announced next sum sfwler they will reunite the team behind the movie but who will be cast in the lead roles yet not announced >> more news after this. and i was worried about joint damage. my doctor said joint pain from ra can be a sign of existing joint damage that could only get worse. he prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common, or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. joint pain and damage... can go side by side. ask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. enbrel, the number one at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of likemedia equals anti-social. hey guys, i want you to meet my fiancee, denise. hey. good to meet you dennis. when hollywood's premiere jewelry designer, neil lane, creates a ring for today's biggest stars... he designs it to look fabulous from every angle. and for his collection at kay jewelers... he does the exact. same. thing. yes! neil lane bridal. uniquely beautiful hand-crafted rings at kay, the number one jewelry store in america. my collection is vintage inspired... with flowing lines that evoke a sense of timelessness. because i want every woman to feel like a star. checking our top stories, donald trump is celebrating a big victory in new hampshire beating out his republican rivals by a wide margin. john kasich pulled off a surprise second place finish while ted cruz, jeb bush and marco rubio tussled for t place. on the democratic side bernie sanders defeated hillary clinton by a big margin. he was bolstered by wide range of voters attracting majority of independents, men, women and young voters. the cruise ship tossed around in the atlantic set to arrive at its new jersey port tonight. one north is calling for a federal investi of why it sailed into a powerful storm. today's weather warm and dry across most of the west. snow squalls from the dakotas into the midwest. snow also from the northeast and new england. well, a finalook at the new hampshire primary delivering extraordinary victories to donald trump and bernie sanders. their this morning, "your voice, your vote," the blow-out in new hampshire. >> huge voter turnout and i say huge. >> fed up voters delivering landslide wins to bernie sanders and donald trump. >> you are going to be so happy, we are going to make america so great again. maybe greater than ever before. >> throwing more chaos int the republican race, providing john kasich's campaign, other candidates left reeling. >> our disappointment tonight is not unusual. it's on me. it's on me. >> once considered untouchable hillary clinton in a fight of her life. >> i know i have some work to do, particularly with young people. >> and appic shake-up from this first in the nation primary. starts now. >> and we do say good wednesday morning, everyone. voters in new hampshire living up to their reputation of being independent thinkers, you might say shaking up both sides in the race for the white house. >> voters came out near record numbers. take a look at this scene from well into the evening. you can see cars as far as the eye can see people rushing to vote. >> those voters sending shock waves through the democratic race giving fellow new englander bernie sanders a landslide victory over hillary clinton and heading the race on the republican side an easy win for donald trump but ohio governor john kasich in second. ted cruz and marco rubio struggling to tube indicate their success in iowa but jeb bush with a strong showing after spending the most of any candidate. >> and those results getting a big thumbs up from donald trump overnight tweeting from his jet it's "your voice, your vote" and abc's kenneth moton begins our coverage live from new hampshire. >> reporter: good morning, reena and kendis. what a night for politics. it shows anything can happen in this race. the polarizing billionaire and self-described democratic socialist. big victories here in new hampshire. >> oh, wow. >> reporter: republican donald trump and democrat bernie sanders victorious in new hampshire. >> we are going to make america so great again, maybe greater than ever before. >> together, we have sent the message that will echo from wall street to washington. >> reporter: the outsiders crushed their competition. the voters in the granite state angry at washington, worried about the economy and looking for honesty not electability emerging from the pack of republican governors a surprise second place finisher, ohio governor john kasich. >> if you don't have a seat belt go get one. we're going to shake this country from top to bottom. in the gop race is between ted cruz. >> your victory night has left the washington cartel utterly terrified. >> reporter: jeb bush. >> it looks like you all have reset the race and for that i thank you. >> reporter: and marco rubio who admitted saturday night'sebate was his downfall. >> listen to this, that will never happen again. >> reporter: a tough night for democratic front-runner hillary clinton who promised supporters she's marching on to the nomination. >> now we take this campaign to the entire country. we are going to fight for every vote in every state. >> reporter: her opponent proved he won't be so easy to shake off. so, today is on to the next one, south carolina. the state's gop primary is set for next weekend but new jersey governor chris christie is headed home to decide if he'll stay in the race. reena and kendis. >> yeah, as we look forward to south carolina, of course, you mentioned the one that is set for next weekend and, of course, the democrats are voting there how is the race shaping up in south carolina? >> reporter: well, in the republican race who knows because anything can happen and we saw that tonight. but we do know that according to the latest polls donald trump still has that double-digit lead in south carolina. marco rubio and ted cruz follow. for the democrats, hillary clinton is leading bernie sanders by a large margin and that's the point she's been making over and over again. she appeals to the national democratic electorate which is why she's the democratic front-runner but we all know bernie sanders won't go down without a fight. >> that's true. we heard so much from ted cruz on iowa's primary night, caucus night but not so much last night. we'll have to see what happens. kenneth, thank you so much. >> the voters of new hampshire dealt a disappointing blow to ben carson. he was the doctor who once enjoyed front-runner status came in dead last in the primary. carson canceled his event in new hampshire last night. headed to south carolina where still has scheduled campaign events. carly fiorina, well, didn't fare much better than carson but apparently not ready to throw in the towel just yet. fiorina addressed supporters in manchester last night saying she's not going to sit down and be quiet. and playing in the background, tom petty's "i won't back down." well, win or lose any candidate decideing to stay in the race is looking to south carolina and nevada. >> hillary clinton may be reassessing her strategy. abc news political analyst matt dowd breaks it all down for us. >> i still love new hampshire and i always will. >> reporter: first i don't think she expected to lose by the marriagesen she lost which was huge in the course of new hampshire. keep in mind this was a state she won in 2008 against barack obama and now she's come and lost it against bernie sanders. this is going to totally affect the race going forward which is likely to happen, bernie sanders will rise coming out of this >> we won because we harnessed the energy and the excitement that the democratic party will need to succeed in november. >> reporter: so she's in a real fight for the nominatn now. i think this is the perfect storm for donald trump which is he wins, he exceeds his poll numbers and now he has multiple candidates to run against, which is the perfect scenario for him. >> to be victorious against some of these people even if it's for one week but believe me, it's okay. >> reporter: he doesn't do well if it's one-on-one and i think donald trump goes into south carolina heavily favored probably wins. i'm not saying donald trump isn't going to fall, mistakes can be made as we've seen but i think right now donald trump is race. >> our thanks to matt dowd there and we learned a lot from exit polling that came out of the race. two-thirds of republican voters saying they support trump's call to temporarily ban muslims from >> and the youth voters under 30 bernie sanders beat hillary clinton by a colossal margin. >> one more note you can say that bernie sanders prepared for his deliver rg his victory speech in a rather unique way. >> yeah. you see sanders there. shooting hoops at a high school in concord just as his supporters were anxiously waiting to hear from him. sanders was joined on the court by his sons and grandkids. there's already a hoop at the white house, so you know he is all set. >> he might be. >> okay, check out this little guy in the backseat upset because he wante mom to vote for hillary clinton. >> i want to show daddy. can you tell me? momma didn't vote for hillary clinton? >> no. >> youth vote there. >> she does. well, that didn't happen mom voted for someone else. he'll have another chance by the way to agree with his parents' stay with abc news all morning long. george and robin will talk with donald trump and john kasich later on "good morning america." well, coming up, the morning's other major stories. >> including a major scare here in new york city. smoke seen at the top of the new world trade center. and caught on camera. a building demolition gone very wrong. how they emerged from the rubble unscathed. quilted northern works so well people can forget their bathroom experience. just like they forgot conductor randy, at least he's not constable bob. belvita breakfast biscuits provide steady morning energy whether you... love the great outdoors... love the great indoors... or just really love doors. belvita. because we can all use steady morning energy. what if there was another way to look at relapsing multiple sclerosis? this is tecfidera. tecfidera is not an injection. it's a pill for relapsing ms that has the power to cut relapses in half. imagine what you could do with fewer relapses. tecfera may cause serious side effects, such as allergic reactions, pml, which is a rare brain infection that usually leads to death or severe disability, and decreases in your white blood cells. are flushing and stomach problems. tell yr doctor about any low white blood cell counts, infections, any other medical conditions, or if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. learn more about the most prescribed pill for relapsing ms in the us, at talk to your doctor about tecfidera, and take another look at relapsing ms. that is the top of the new world trade center in new york city getting a lot of attention last night. steam coming from a ventilation unit had some people concerned the building was on fire. officials took to social media to say nothing was out of the ordinary. well, a grim morning from officials. isis will attempt direct attacks on the u.s. sometime this year. national intelligence director james clapper, he testified before a senate panel calling isis the country's top terror threat. he also warns of terrorists posing as refugees to sneak into other countries. new warnings are being issued to airlines about cargo that could explode in flight. the shipment of lithium-based batteries has been linked to at least three airplane disasters in recent years. the ntsb recommends that such batteries should be separated from other flammable cargo, and the faa urging carriers to study the fire risk before shipping possibly volatile cargo. well, drivers in nine midwest states could see gas prices dip below a dollar. the dollar gallon by next week, the lowest price in more than 16 years. right now nearly 90% of americans pay less than 2 bucks for a gallon. the low price is largely due to a glut of oil on the global markets. today is ash wednesday, the start of lent and that means the party is over in anywhere else that mardi gras is celebrated. the fat tuesday revelry officially finished up at midnight when police and cleanup crews started making their way through the french quarter. lent, of course, ends on easter. >> got to figure out what i'm giving up. >> you're running out of time. this is the day. >> i know. when we come back, we do have breaking news overnight. a cross country flight diverted due to a drunk passenger. why he had to be removed. the celebrations in denver as their super bowl champs return. hey, remember the game when i set the rookie passing record? i mean, you only mentioned what, 50 times... how about when i had three events in one night? well, i've been working on my new superhero move all day! we're non stop, we've gotta have our extra protein. oikos triple zero greek non fat yogurt has 15 grams of protein. zero added sugar, and zero holding me back! oikos triple zero. be unstoppable. mmm dannon see me. see me. don't stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. i'm not contagious. see me to know that i won't stop. until i find what works. discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75% skin clearance at 3 months. while the majority saw 90% clearance. do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms... ...such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have crohn's disease, tell your doctor as symptoms can worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me on my way. find clear skin and a clearer path forward. for a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. you take my breath away... so i thought i'd return the favor. at jared, we only sell one piece of jewelry for valentine's day... the one that puts your heart in her hands. and it's waiting for you... at jared. announcement: this storm promises to be the biggest of the decade. with total accumulation of up to three feet. roads will be shut down indefinitely. and schools are closed. campbell's soups go great with a cold and a nice red. some parts of pennsylvania and elsewhere across the mid-atlantic could eventually see half a foot of snow today. arctic cold moves in this weekend. meantime, record highs are possible today in the los angeles area. readings as high as 80 is expected once again, and further north in san francisco a coast guard helicopter crew rescued an elderly man who was swept into the pacic by a powerful wave. it's believed that he went in to help his female companion wh had also been swept away. thankfully both were taken to a hospital. checking the roads today, that snow we mentioned in pennsylvania and the northeast and things will be slippery from the dakotas all the way into the mississippi valley. if you're flying, airport delays are possible in boston i want to turn back to our top story right now. new hampshire voters resetting the race for the white house. >> as donald trump and bernie sanders take their victory laps, we'll have to wait for the dust to settle to see who is still standing. abc's political director rick klein explains what happened and what's next. good morning, rick. >> reena and kendis, shock waves out of new hampshire. the democratic party moving left to go with bernie sanders, and the republican party going right to deliver donald trump his first primary victory, a stunning series of events for two of the unlikeiest characters in this 2016 cast. in addition to that, the republican party adding someone surprise second place finish gives him a head of steam heading into the next contest and now hillary clinton in the toughest shape so far of her campaign dealt a staggering blow, a blow-out victory to someone she was never supposed to be competitive with. chris christie going home to assess his candidacy. big changes on the democratic and republican side. battle. reena and kendis. >> all right, rick and the crew moving south to south carolina the set primary focusecused for february 20th. an alaska airlines flight was diverted to denver because of an unruly passenger. the man was reportedly drunk and abusive. witnesses say at one point the man claimed everyone was going to die. the flight was from boston to san diego. but the pilot landed in denver where the man was removed by officers. the flight later arrived in san diego safely. in the meantime, in houston, texas, a very different kind of danger played out during the demolition of a parking garage. this eyewitness video shows the excavator getting a little too close to comfort for the building triggering the collapse of that ention of the garage raining rubble down on the machine. unbelievably the witness tells us the operator of that machine was not injured. also caught on video a suspect pulling a gun on a convenience store clerk in manchester, new hampshire, but fake and made out of plastic, he pounced beating him as he chased out of the store. he says in the future he won't risk his life over a couple hundred dollars. things can get back to normal in denver now that the broncos have celebrated their super bowl victory. they estimated that 1 million people watched the team's parade yesterday or attended the rally that followed. the team rode fire trucks through the streets. president obama made the traditional call to the super bowl winners inviting them to the white house hopefully before he leaves office. it always takes so long for the team -- >> very long. >> why does it take long? >> he's a busy man. >> a priority. national priority. time now for the morning's highlights. >> the nba's best start us off. here are our friends at espn. >> he's stan. i'm neil. tony is producing this and he said stan will go first. >> yep, let's start at the top. the warriors at home taking on the rocket. golden state's win streak 41 and counng at home. steph curry, cut it out. 19 in the first quarter. game, and check out this play. he'll get the hockey assist here but he had nine traditional basketball assists in this game as well. rockets made it a game. james harden had 37, but in the fourth quarter the warriors put it away, 24-0 at home in season. 123-110. jazz won six straight but they're in trouble at dallas. four seconds left, down three. rodney hood out of trouble. hood had 29. overtime. tell me gordon hayward doesn't have product in his hair when he plays. come on now. the butler did it. utah has won seven straight. hayward had 20. jazz beat the mavs. >> a little brill cream never hurt anybody. >> yeah this, is my real hair, >> you got any product in there? let me see. >> no. >> you got stuff in there. there's stuff in there. >> problems you don't ha. >> yes, exactly. long hair problems. okay, so the nba is great and all, but we need some high school hoops for craziness like this. >> a team in pennsylvania thought that they had the game in the bag with the late basket but as time ran out, one player unleashed a full court shot and, of course, it went -- it went in. >> it did. >> what's the saying, the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. >> yeah, so what is that? >> all caught on tape. both. in "the pulse," the "titanic" set to sail again. and "frozen" fans not ready to let it go. how about the newest disney to delight. i take pictures of sunrises, but with my back pain i couldn't sleep and get up in time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. i'm back. aleve pm for a better am. jane didn't like restrictions. especially when it came to watching her calories. that's why jane loves light & fit greek nonfat yogurt. bursting with rich creamy awesomeness, all for 80 calories. light & fit. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot, but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. how do you eat healthier, while you enjoy life and lose weight? now you can do it all with one simple plan. the all-new smartpoints from weight watchers. our most advanced plan ever. join for free and lose ten pounds on us. time for "the pulse" and we'll start with another "titanic" seriously. we all know the movie starring leo dicaprio and kate winslet. >> "tien ii" will be billed. the new ship is the brainchild of an australian billionaire. >> it will have all modern safety equipment and lifeboats. its maiden voyage will be from china to dubai sometime in 2018. >> couldn't get me on it, sorry. >> it won't have the same ending hopefully. mcdonald's has millions of fans around the world but serious foodies may not consider themselves in that group until now. okay, so check out this spread that you see there. from los angeles chef, it looks good, right, aftervocadoavocado, soup. the 40 food bloggers were impressed until they figured out >> this can't be real. apparently the fast food megachain asked the chef to come up with a menu based on its signature foods so most of the guests werele fooed but one guy yelled, golden arches. before the end of the meal. somehow someone caught on. >> so they knew. >> they played it well. it's all about presentation again. that's what it's about. >> how you lay out the chicken fluths. >> that's right and the dipping sauces have to be -- >> in six or 12. letting it go all the way to broadway. >> our parent company has annound princesslsa taking her quest to find her sister to the great white way. the curtain is set to go up on a musical adaptation of "frozen" in spring of 2018 in a city yet to be announced next sum sfwler they will reunite the team behind the movie but who will be cast in the lead roles yet not announced >> more news after this. and i was worried about joint damage. my doctor said joint pain from ra can be a sign of existing joint damage that could only get worse. he prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common, or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. joint pain and damage... can go side by side. ask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. enbrel, the number one at ally bank, no branche equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of ial media equals anti-social. hey guys, i want you to meet my fiancee, denise. hey. good to meet you dennis. when hollywood's premiere jewelry designer, neil lane, creates a ring for today's biggest stars... he designs it to look fabulous from every angle. and for his collection at kay jewelers... he does the exact. same. thing. yes! neil lane bridal. uniquely beautiful hand-crafted rings at kay, the number one jewelry store in america. my collection is vintage inspired... with flowing lines that evoke a sense of timelessness. because i want every woman to feel like a star. checking our top stories, donald trump is celebrating a big victory in new hampshire beating out his republican rivals by a wide margin. john kasich pulled off a surprise second place finish while ted cruz, jeb bush and marco rubio tussled for third place. on the democratic side bernie sanders defeated hillary clinton by a big margin. he was bolstered by wide range of voters attracting majority of independents, men, women and young voters. the cruise ship tossed around in the atlantic set to arrive at its new jersey port tonight. one rth is calling for a federal invtion of why it sailed into a powerful storm. today's weather warm and dry across most of the west. snow squalls from the dakotas into the midwest. snow also from the northeast and new england. well, a final look at the new hampshire primary delivering traordinary victories to >> yes, so winnerselebrate and this morning, "your voice, your vote," the blow-out in new hampshire. >> huge voter turnout, and i say huge. >> fed up poters delivering landslide wins to bernie sanders and donald trump. >> you are going to be so happy, we are going to make america so great again, maybe greater than ever before. >> throwing more chaos into the republican race providing john kasich's campaign, other candidates left reeling. >> our disappointment tonight is not on you. it's on me. it's on me. >> once considered untouchable, hillary clinton in the fight of her life. >> i know i have some work to do, particularly with young people. >> an epic shake-up from this first in the nation primary. starts now. and we do say good wednesday morning, everyone. voters in new hampshire living up to their reputation of being independent thinkers, you might say, shaking up both sides in the race for the white house. >> voters came out near record numbers. take a look at this scene. it's from well into the evening. you can see cars as far as the eye can see, people rushing to vote. >> those voters sending shock waves through the democratic race giving fellow new englander bernie sanders a landslide victory over hillary clinton, and heading the race on the republican side as well, an easy wifor donald trump, but ohio governor john kasich in second. ted cruz and marco rubio struggling to duplicate their success in iowa, but jeb bush with a strong showing after spending the most of any candidate. >> and those results getting a big thumbs up from donald trump overnight tweeting from his jet. it's "your voice, your vote," and abc's kenneth moton begins our coverage live from new hampshire. kenneth, good morning. and kendis. what a night for politics. it shows anything can happen in this race. the polarizing billionaire and the self-described democratic socialist. the outsiders in this race, well, they had big victories here in new mpshire. >> oh, wow. >> reporter: republican donald trump and democrat bernie sanders victorious in new hampshire. >> we are going to make america so great again, maybe greater than ever before. >> together, we have sent the message that will echo from wall street to washington. >> reporter: the outsiders crushed their competition. the votersn the granite state angry at washington, worried about the economy and looking for honesty, not electability. emerging from the pack of republican governors, a surprise second place finisher, ohio governor john kasich. >> if you don't have a seat belt go get one. we're going to shake this country from top to bottom. >> reporter: the fight for third cruz. >> your victory tonight has left the washington cartel utterly terrified. >> reporter: jeb bush. >> it looks like you all have reset the race, and for that i am truly thankful. >> reporter: and marco rubio who admitted saturday night's debate was his downfall. >> listen to this, that will never happen again. >> reporter: a tough night for democratic front-runner hillary clinton, who promised supporters she's marching on to the nomination. >> now we take this campaign to the tire country. we are going to fight for every vote in every state. >> reporter: her opponent proved he won't be so easy shake off. so, today is on to the next one, south carolina. the state's gop primary is set for next weekend, but new jersey governor chris christie is headed home to decide if he'll stay in the race. reena and kendis. >> yeah, as we look forward to south carolina, of course, you mentioned the one that is set for next weekend and, of course, the democrats are voting there on the 27th. south carolina? >> reporter: well, in the republican race who knows because anything can happen, and we saw that tonight. but we do know that according to the latest polls, donald trump still has that double-digit lead in south carolina. marco rubio and ted cruz follow. for the democrats, hillary clinton is leading bernie sanders by a large margin, and that's the point she's been making over and over again. she appeals to the national democratic electorate, which is why she's the democratic front-runner, but we all know bernie sanders won't go down without a fight. >> that's true. we heard so much from ted cruz on iowa's primary night, caucus night, but not so much last night. so, we'll have to see what happens. >> yeah. >> kenneth moton live in manchester. kenneth, thank you so much. >> and, of course, the voters of new hampshire dealt a disappointing blow to ben carson. he was the doctor who once enjoyed front-runner status, he came in dead last in the primary. carson canceled his event in new hampshire last night. he left the state early and headed to south carolina where he still has scheduled campaign and carly fiorina, well, didn't fare much better than carson, but she's apparently not ready to throw in the towel just yet. fiorina addressed supporters in manchester last night saying she's not going to sit down and be quiet. and playing in the background, tom petty's "i won't back down." well, win or lose, any candidate deciding to stay in the race is now looking to south carolina and nevada. >> and as donald trump picks up momentum, hillary clinton may be reassessing her strategy. abc news political analyst matt dowd breaks it all down for us. >> i still love new hampshire, and i always will. >> reporter: first i don't think she expected to lose by the margin she lost, which was huge in the course of new hampshire. keep in mind this was a state she won in 2008 against barack obama and now she's come and lost it against bernie sanders. this is going to totally affect the race going forward, which is what is likely to happen, bernie sanders is going to rise coming out of this because of a bump of positive press. the energy and the excitement that the democratic party will need to succeed in november. >> reporter: so she's in a real fight now for the nomination. i think this is the perfect storm for donald trump, which is he wins, he exceeds his poll numbers, and now he has multiple candidates to run against, which is the perfect scenario for him. >> to be victorious against some of these people, even if it's for one week, but believe me, it's going to be more many weeks, okay. >> reporter: he doesn't do well if it's one-on-one, and i think right now donald trump goes into south carolina heavily favored probably wins. i'm not saying donald trump isn't going to fall, mistakes can be made as we've seen, but i think right now donald trump is the dominant candidate in this race. >> our thanks to matt dowd there, and we learned a lot from exit polling that came out of the race. two-thirds of republican voters saying they support trump's call to temporarily ban muslims from entering the united states. 30, bernie sanders beat hillary clinton by a colossal margin, something she alluded to last night. >> and one more note, you can say that bernie sanders prepared for his delivering his victory speech in a rather unique way. >> yeah. you see sanders there. shooting hoops at a high school in concord just as his supporters were anxiously waiting to hear from him. sanders was joined on the court by his sons and grandkids. there's already a hoop at the white house, so you know he is all set. >> he might be. >> okay, check out this little guy in the backseat upset because he wanted his mom to vote for hillary clint >> i want to show daddy. can you tell me? >> i wanted hillary clinton. >> oh, and momma didn't vote for hillary clinton? oh, okay. >> the youth vote there. >> yeah, she does. all right. well, that didn't happen. mom voted for someone else. he'll have another chance by the way to agree with his parents' choices in november. morning long. george and robin will talk with donald trump and john kasich later on "good morning america." well, coming up, the morning's other major stories. >> including a major scare here in new york city. smoke seen at the top of the new world trade center. and caught on camera. a building demolition gone very wrong. how they emerged from the rubble unscathed. quilted northern works so well people can forget r bathroom experience. who sees all and forgets nothing. at least he's not constablbob. belvita breakfast biscuits provide steady morning energy whether you... love the great outdoors... love the great 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last night. steam coming from a ventilation unit had some people concerned the building was on fire. officials took to social media to say nothing was out of the ordinary. well, a grim morning from officials. isis will attempt direct attacks on the u.s. sometime this year. tional intelligence director james clapper, he testified before a senate panel calling isis the country's top terror threat. he also warns of terrorists posing as refugees to sneak into other countries. new warnings are being issued to airlines about cargo that could explode in flight. the shipment of lithium-based batteries has been linked to at least three airplane disasters in recent years. the ntsb recommends that such batteries should be separated from other flammable cargo, and the faa urgi carriers to study the fire risk before shipping possibly volatile cargo. well, drivers in nine midwest states could see gas prices dip below a dollar. the dollar gallon by next week, the lowest price in more than 16 yes. right now nearly 90% of americans pay less than 2 bucks for a gallon. the low price is largely due to a glut of oil on the global markets. today is ash wednesday, the start of lent and that means the party is over in anywhere else that mardi gras is celebrated. the fat tuesday revelry offi >> you're running out of time. this is the day. >> i know. when we come back, we do have breaking news overnight. a cross country flight diverted due to a drunk passenger. why he had to be removed. plus mile high. the celebrations in denver as their super bowl champs return. hey, remember the game when i set the rookie passing record? i mean, you only mentioned what, 50 times... how about when i had three events in one night? well, i've been working on my new superhero move all day! we're non stop, we've gotta have our extra protein. oikos triple zero greek non fat yogurt has 15 grams of protein. zero added sugar, and zero holding me back! oikos triple zero. be unstoppable. mmm dannon see me. see me. 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cosentyx. you take my breath away... so i thought i'd return the favor. at jared, we only sell one piece of jewelry for valentine's day... the one that puts your heart in her hands. and it's waiting for you... at jared. announcement: this storm promises to be thebiggest of the decade. with total accumulation of up to three feet. roads will be shut down indefinitely. and schools are closed. campbell's soups go great with a cold and a nice red. some parts of pennsylvania and elsewhere across the mid-atlantic could eventually see half a foot of snow today. arctic cold moves in this weekend. meantime, record highs are possible today in the los angeles area. readings as high as 80 is expected once again, and further north in san francisco a coast guard helicopter crew rescued an elderly man who was swept into the pacific by a powerful wave. it's believed that he went in to help his female companion who had also been swept away. thankfully both were taken to a hospital. checking the roads today, that snow we mentioned in pennsylvania and the northeast and things will be slippery from the dakotas all the way into the mississippi valley. if you're flying, airport delays are possible in boston i want to turn back to our top story right now. new hampshire voters resetting the race for the white house. >> as donald trump and bernie sanders take their victory laps, we'll have to wait for the dust to settle to see who is still standing. abc's political director rick klein explains what happened and what's next. good morning, rick. >> reena and kendis, shock waves out of new hampshire. the democratic party moving left to go with bernie sanders, and the republican party going right to deliver donald trump his first primary victory, a stunning series of events for two of the unlikeiest characters in this 2016 cast. in addition to that, the republican party adding someone to their list, john kasich, a surprise second place finish gives him a head of eam heading into the next contest and now hillary clinton in the toughest shape so far of her campaign dealt a staggering blow, a blow-out victory to someone she was never supposed to be competitivwith. chris christie going home to reassess his candidacy. and republican side. no end in sight for either battle. reena and kendis. >> all right, rick and the crew where all eyes are focused. the set primary focusecused for february 20th. an alaska airlines flight was diverted to denver because of an unruly passenger. the man was reportedly drunk and abusive. witnesses say at one point the man claimed everyone was going to die. the flight was from boston to san diego. but the pilot landed in denver where the man was removed by officers. the flight later arrived in san diego safely. in the meantime, in houston, texas, a very different kind of danger played out during the demolition of a parking garage. this eyewitness video shows the excavator getting a little too close to comfort for the building triggering the collapse of that entire section of the garage raining rubble down on the machine. unbelievably the witness tells us the operator of that machine was not injured. also caught on video a suspect pulling a gun on a convenience store clerk in manchester, new hampshire, but fake and made out of plastic, he pounced beating him as he chased out of the store. he says in the future he won't risk his life over a couple hundred dollars. things can get back to normal in denver now that the broncos have celebrated their super bowl victory. they estimated that 1 million people watched the team's parade yesterday or attended the rally that followed. the team rode fire trucks through the streets. president obama made the traditional call to the super bowl winners inviting them to the white house hopefully before he leaves office. it always takes so long for the team -- >> very long. >> a priority. national priority. time now for the morning's highlights. >> the nba's best start us off. here are our friends at espn. >> he's stan. i'm neil. tony is producing this and he said stan will go first. >> yep, let's start at the top. the warriors at home taking on the rocket. golden state's win streak 41 and counting at home. steph curry, cut it out. 19 in the first quarter. game, and check out this play. he'll get the hockey assist here but he had nine traditional basketball assists in this game as well. rockets made it a game. james harden had 37, but in the fourth quarter the warriors put it away, 24-0 at home in season. 123-110. jazz won six straight but they're in trouble at dallas. four seconds left, down three. rodney hood out of trouble. hood had 29. overtime. tell me gordon hayward doesn't have product in his hair when he plays. come on now. the butler did it. utah has won seven straight. hayward had 20. jazz beat the mavs. >> a little brill cream never hurt anybody. >> you got any product in there? let me see. >> no. >> you got stuff in there. there's stuff in there. >> problems you don't have. >> yes, exactly. long hair problems. okay, so the nba is great and all, but we need some high school hoops for craziness like this. >> a team in pennsylvania thought that they had the game in the bag with the late basket but as time ran out, one player unleashed a full court shot and, of course, it went -- it went in. >> it did. >> what's the saying, the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. >> yeah, so what is that? >> all caught on tape. both. in "the pulse," the "titanic" set to sail again. and "frozen" fans not ready to let it go. to delight. i take pictures of sunrises, but with my back pain i couldn't sleep and get up in time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. i'm back. aleve pm for a better am. jane didn't like restrictions. especially when it came to watching her calories. that's why jane loves light & fit greek nonfat yogurt. bursting with rich creamy awesomeness all for 80 calories. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot, but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. how do you eat healthier, while you enjoy life and lose weight? now you can do it all with one simple plan. the all-new smartpoints from weight watchers. our most advanced plan ever. join for free and lose ten pounds on us. time for "the pulse" and we'll start with another "titanic" seriously. we all know the movie starring leo dicaprio and kate winslet. >> "tien ii" will be billed. the new ship is the brainchild of an australian billionaire. >> it will have all modern safety equipment and lifeboats. its maiden voyage will be from china to dubai sometime in 2018. >> couldn't get me on it, sorry. >> it won't have the same ending hopefully. mcdonald's has millions of fans around the world but serious foodies may not consider themselves in that group until now. okay, so check out this spread that you see there. from los angeles chef, it looks good, right, aftervocadoavocado, soup. the 40 food bloggers we impressed until they figured out mcdonald's. >> this can't be real. apparently the fast food megachain asked the cf to come up with a menu based on its signature foods so most of the guests werele fooed but one guy yelled, golden arches. before the end of the meal. somehow someone caught on. >> so they knew. >> they played it well. it's all about presentation again. that's what it's about. >> how you lay out the chicken fluths. >> that's right and the dipping sauces have to be -- >> in six or 12. letting it go all the way to broadway. >> our parent company has announced princess elsa taking her quest to find her sister to the great white way. the curtain is set to go up on a musical adaptation of "frozen" in spring of 2018 in a city yet to be announced next sum sfwler they will reunite the team behind the movie but who will be cast in the lead roles yet not announced >> more news after this. and i was worried about joint damage. my doctor said joint pain from ra can be a sign of existing joint damage that could only get worse. he prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common, or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. joint pain and damage... can go side by side. ask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. enbrel, the number one at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. of like social media equals anti-social. hey guys, i want you to meet my fiancee, denise. hey. good to meet you dennis. when hollywood's premiere jewelry designer, neil lane, creates a ring for today's biggest stars... he designs it to look fabulous from every angle. and for his collection at kay jewelers... he does the exact. same. thing. yes! neil lane bridal. uniquely beautiful hand-crafted rings at kay, the number one jewelry store in ameca. my collection is vintage inspired... with flowing lines that evoke a sense of timelessness. because i want every woman to feel like a star. checking our top stories, donald trump is celebrating a big victory in new hampshire beating out his republican rivals by a wide margin. john kasich pulled off a surprise second place finish while ted cruz, jeb bush and marco rubio tussled for third place. on the democratic side bernie sanders defeated hillary clinton by a big margin. he was bolstered by wide range of voters attracting majority of independents, men, women a young voters. the cruise ship tossed around in the atlantic set to arrive at its new jersey port tonight. one north is calling for a fe investigation of why it sailed into a powerful storm. today's weather warm and dry across most of the west. snow squalls from the dakotas into the midwest. snow also from the northeast and new england. well, a final look at the new hampshire primary delivering extraordinary victories to donald trump and bernie sanders. >> yes, so winners celebrate and their rivals lick their wounds. sounds of the day. >> good morning, america. the first votes being cast in the nation's first primary right now. >> we'll all be on the same team soon. >> let me warm that up for you. >> ooh. that turned out good. >> how are you doing? >> cold. >> did you guys just vote? >> sure did. >> who did you vote for? >> not telling you. >> senator sanders, your prediction for tonight? >> it's a large voter turnout. we're going to do just fine. >> the first primary in the nation. votes being tallied for some a make or break moment in the race for president. >> is tonight your night? >> well, we'll find out. >> the polls have just closed in new hampshire. the nation's first primary and we have two winners. for the republicans, abc news projects that donald trump will win. and some votes already counted and it's looking like a decisive victory. a decisive win for bernie sanders on the democratic side. the vermont senator scoring big over former secretary of state hillary clinton who defeated barack obama eight years ago. >> together, we have sent the message that will echo from wall street to washington, from maine to california. [ cheers and applause ] >> we are going to start winning again and we're going to win so much you are going to be so happy, we are going to make america so great again. maybe greater than ever before. >> that's what i love. >> small promises. >> well, that's what's making news in america this morning.

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