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music amanda New Hampshire votes and decides something totally different than iowa. Well recap that states first in the nation primary as the field shrinks because of it. Sabrina and Iowa Democrats do some new caucus counting. After that our attention turns back to local. A statehouse rep straight ahead. music sabrina thanks for joining us for this week in iowa. Happy valentines day everyone. Im sabrina ahmed. Amanda happy valentines down, plenty to go. Iowa and New Hampshires first in the nation caucus, some primary are now in the books. And this is how it all shook out on tuesday. Donald trump the winner of the night on the republican side with 35 of the vote. Rounding out the top 5, john kasich followed by ted cruz, jeb sh, and marco rubio who all basically tied when it comes to the amount of delegates awarded. And then on the democratic side of things a much wider margin of victory for Bernie Sanders. He got 60 of the vote over clinton. Sabrina two completely different winners than what came out of iowa. On the republican side that was ted cruz, and a squeaker of a victory for Hillary Clinton in iowa, only a couple tenths of a percent. And that led actually, that lead, excuse me, actually shrank after caucus night. The Iowa Democratic party ended up having to review some results from 14 different precincts where possible counting errors occurred. They found 5 instances where something actually did go wrong. We featured some of these after retallying everything after some bad publicity and a scathing Des Moines Register editorial, Bernie Sanders was bumped up point one percent of state delegate equivalence. Hillary clinton went down about the same amount, but it didnt change the outcome. Clinton still won the caucuses with 49. 84 of the total vote. Now the chair of the Iowa Democratic party, doctor andy mcguire is also saying she will convene a committee to look at ways to improve the caucus process. Amanda so we wondered are they worried at all about these issues affecting iowas first in the nation status . The head of communications for the Iowa Democratic party was on our show last week to talk about that. Sam we had an historically close election that was preceded by a historically close election. Amanda yeah, true. Sam in some ways i think that shows how amazing iowa is. Amanda mmhmm. Sam because, you know, there were heavy favorites in both of those times and you wanna know what . Iowans made the final call. They, to talk to them oneonone, they had to travel all across our state. I think it you know, lightning apparently does strike twice with close elections here in iowa chuckling sam but i dont think thats something against iowa. I think thats something for iowa. Amanda right. Sabrina so this is when it get in, gets interesting. What happens next . Amanda mmhmm. Sabrina later this month South Carolina and nevada both vote. Then its super tuesday, march 1st with voting in more than a dozen states. Amanda yeah, its a big day. whooshing amanda so lets take a look at the latest National Polls now as we head into more voting contests. These numbers are from quinnipiacs newest survey of republicans nationwide showing donald trump with 31 support to become the eventual nominee followed by ted cruz and marco rubio. And Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders 44 to 42 . Thats a pretty slim lead for clinton. Sabrina yes, it is. Amanda up next we dive deeper into the democratic race. Can Hillary Clinton avoid a 2008 repeat or could Bernie Sanders go all the way . And whats all this talk about super delegates music sabrina welcome back everyone. Were joined now by pat rynard, the man behind the line. Always carefully following the latest developments on the democratic side. Pat, thanks so much for being here. Pat absolutely. Sabrina okay, so we just kind of covered this, but Bernie Sanders came out the clear winner tuesday in New Hampshire. Did that surprise you . Pat it didnt surprise me so much that he did so well but that clinton did so poorly. Um, i mean ,to get beat by 22 points in a state that saved her last time around. I dont care if Bernie Sanders is the, from the neighboring state. It wasnt as big a deal as many people thought. That, thats just bad and its surprising and disappointing that clinton has fallen back into the same 2008 messaging scheme that hurt her so badly last time. And shes doing it again with a party whos, thats moved even further to the left. Amanda yeah. Pat so i just dont understand why they think its gonna go any differently. chuckling amanda so with bernie coming in so closely in second place in iowa, then winning in new mpshire, you think he can continue this, that hell have this momentum for awhile . Hes gonna have some very strong momentum which the, the most important part of that going into some states where clinton is thought to be strong is that when you have that excitement, when you have those wins, it causes people who are probably with clinton to step back and rethink it for a moment and, you know, give Bernie Sanders a closer look. And so i think hes going to start to make up his deficit with africanamerican voters in many of the Southern States and probably latino ones, too, out in nevada. Sabrina okay. So well get back to minority voters in just a second and well also get back to Clintons Campaign strategy which you mentioned a little bit. But first i do wanna talk about michael bloomberg. Um, he said that if Bernie Sanders gets the nomination hell run as an independent. Is that looking more likely . And i mean, how pat sure. Sabrina difficult of a race does he have if he decides to do that . Pat i have, i dont know whos chuckling pat gonna be runnin the draft bloomberg movement, um laughing pat i, you know, i suppose if its both sanders and trump there would be some room for whos seen as a more, uh, rational or mainstream kinda candidate for folks who dont wanna go so far to the left or so far to whatever donald trump is. chuckling pat um, and hed certainly have enough money to, to run it. I just dont think that given what the, the dynamics of the country is right now thats brought trump and sanders to the forefront, i dont think that bloomberg is the one to come in to, to change that. Sabrina not the answer. Amanda lets go back to talking about Hillary Clinton. You mentioned that maybe shes fall, fallen back a little bit in her campaign style. And you dont maybe like to see that that much. What would you say she needs to do then . music pat i think she needs to present a more forward thinking mrs. Clinton thank you. Pat a more forward thinking mrs. Clinton wow thanks so much. Pat type of overall vision for country mrs. Clinton thank you all. Pat and not make it so much about herself mrs. Clinton thank you. Pat and her own qualifications which are already quite apparent. I think she needs to move away from the mrs. Clinton hello, burlington. chuckling pat you know, feminism message. Pat not that its a bad message. Its just that all the people who would vote based on that type of stuff are already with her anyway so its not like shes reaching out to anybody new. So i think she needs to, to maybe make it a little bit more about the kind of economic and equality stuff that sanders does, but i think just have a general sense of where, where the Democratic Party is gonna move the country moving forward in one cohesive message as opposed to lots of little issue points here and there. Sabrina well, even in the debate on thursday night and in many other instances she keeps bringing up president obama saying that shes the clear successor to obama. Pat right. Sabrina does, does that, she even is using one of the staffers who helped him get the reelection in 2012. Pat correct. Yeah. Sabrina as of yet, as of recent. So, um, i mean, is that helping or is that going to hurt her . Pat you know, one of the big debates i think that the Democratic Party hasnt had that it needs to have is was barack obama a good president . Because there are a lot of democrats who arent, who arent happy with the lack of progress made under his administration especially when and the house during, during his first two years. And thats not something a lot of people voice in public because its just too easy to go after him and say oh, youre saying bad things about barack obama. And apparently thats just sacrilege now to say anything like that. But there are a lot of democrats, a lot of progressives who have looked at the past 6 years and just seen a whole lot of gridlock and yeah, we had a democrat and yeah, they like obama. But he just didnt get it done. So do we need a new approach to get more done . Amanda alright. Lets talk about super delegates. And about a minute before we head to break here. You had a blog out this week entitled dear clinton backers, for the love of god dont talk about super delegates. chuckling sabrina great blog, by the way. Pat yeah. chuckling amanda so we wanted to do a quick count here. Clinton has 394 delegates locked up right now because of pledge super delegates compared to sanders 42. You need more than 2,300 to win the nomination. Sabrina okay. So super delegates are those higher up Party Members who can swing support one way or the other, that can kind of go against the popular vote potentially. Sabrina um, in the 2008 election, clinton assured donors that she had those super delegates locked up. Of course in the end she lost the nomination. Pat right. Sabrina i mean, are we seeing this all over again . Is this deja vu . Pat it is. And i mean, you just saw those numbers. They look terrible. I mean, she lost big in one state and just barely won another one. And shes leading big time in, in the delegate count. And thats just, it, it, it just, the optics of it look so bad. I mean, look. Its not her fault that super delegates exist. And if those are the rules of the game then you go after what the delegates are. But its not like its gonna end where sanders is just barely ahead and the super delegates put her over the top. If it did itd be a disaster. So you might as well just say like i, i dont care about super delegates and get rid of that really bad storyline because that storyline really hurt her last time around. Even worse now with this whole establishment stuff that Bernie Sanders is attacking. Amanda right. Lets quickly talk about the importance of minority voters and how you think theyll help her or Bernie Sanders. Pat so it, its fascinating forward and how Hillary Clintons base of support has switched from 2008 where barack obama won a lot of the Southern States based on many africanamericans voting for him for obvious reasons whereas it looks like thats gonna be a much Stronger Base for clinton this time. So she may end up doing better in Southern States. Bernie sanders may end up doing better in the rust belt, midwestern states, ohio and pennsylvania because of his economic message. But i do think that sanders, you know, the more he, he works those communities, the, the more people are gonna come around to him, you know, especially when hes seen with the black lives Matter Movement in the last couple years that, you know, a lot of minority communities in the country has gotten a lot more radicalized and a lot more focused on, on inequality issues more on the economic side. And that, that plays well into sanders message. Amanda . Sabrina and of course being from vermont that doesnt really help him because pat yeah. No. State. Pat right. Right. chuckling sabrina yeah. Okay. Well, thank you very much, pat. Pat mmhmm. Yeah. Sabrina well join you in just a few minutes as well. music sabrina but coming up next our attention turns to the republican race and the big winners from New Hampshire. But who can keep the momentum going as we get closer to the sec music amanda welcome back everyone. Were joined now by Craig Robinson from the Iowa Republican blog to talk about whats going on in the republican side of the race. Thanks for being here first of all. So lets check on the running delegate count. First of all, donald trump leading here with 17, but of course theres a long way to go. chuckling amanda you need more than 1,200 delegates to win the republican nomination. Sabrina alright. So lets talk trump. Back in the summer who wouldve predicted that hed be more than a passing fling over the conservative base . Now hes a true, tried and true frontrunner. Do you think that the top brass in the Republican Party thinks this is a big problem for the general election . I mean, can he actually win the nomination . Craig yeah, i think theyre starting to come to grips with to remember is is iowa and New Hampshire shouldve been the two states that wouldve been the most difficult for trump. And, you know, he cleared the hurdle pretty easily in New Hampshire. And even though he didnt win iowa, and the polls showed that he was leading, i still think mr. Trump oh, wow craig getting 45,000 votes mr. Trump wow, wow craig in iowa which wouldve set a record had ted cruz not surpassed that by even more. Amanda mmhmm. Craig i still think that was an impressive finish for him in iowa. Those, the first two states shouldve been difficult and instead it launched him very much in the same way it launched mitt romney 4 years ago. Amanda lets talk about kasich for a second. Someone who didnt do well in iowa, but he won second place in New Hampshire. Maybe surprising for iowans to learn that because he was basically off the radar here, and he wasnt here a lot. But he did spend a lot of time in New Hampshire. And, so do you think that was a good strategy for him . He, i dont wanna say he ignored iowa, but more or less. Craig clearly it was the right move amanda mmhmm. Craig i think to focus his resources and time in New Hampshire. And, you know, his almost getting as much coverage as you wouldve received had he won because trumps win was kinda guaranteed going into the evening. Um, the big question for kasich is moving forward. Where, where does he have the ability to win again and to, and to build on this momentum . I think South Carolinas tough. Nevadas gonna be tough for him. So the big question is is where does he go from here . Sabrin but he does have christies big backer who ken langone who was, is the founder of home depot . Craig mmhmm. Sabrina huge gop backer. Now hes backing kasich. I mean, now hes gonna start getting a little bit more momentum from maybe the establishment. Craig yeah, but as weve seen in this race money is something you definitely wanna have. But ask jeb bush how, how thats helped. chuckling craig i mean, jeb bush has run a lot of tv ads, put a lot of stuff in my mailbox. Uh, but doesnt have a lot to show for it today. And so South Carolina becomes this very interesting state as i think itll decide where do we go from here . Is maybe who, and we, i think were confident in knowing that its ted cruz and donald trump, but whos the third . And i think thats what South Carolina will determine. Amanda lets talk about ted cruz who of course won the iowa caucuses. He did place third in New Hampshire. Here we are going into the Southern States that are more religious. How do you think hes gonna fare . Craig well, i think New Hampshire was always gonna be difficult. And i think he was able to get a third place finish because of how muddled up the more establishment side of the lane was in New Hampshire. And so, um, you know, we forget Mike Huckabee finished third place with about 10 of the vote in New Hampshire in 2008 and everyone thought why on earth are you spending time there . I mean, youre kinda forced there, to go there with debates and all the Media Coverage. Amanda mmhmm. Craig but, so i think he benefited from how many people were still in this race. South carolinas much more fertile territory for him. But again, its more complex because you have, not only do you have trump, its, you also have this military vote in south have some establishment bush ties there. Jebs bringing his brother in to campaign. Gonna be fascinating to watch. Everyones goin all out to, to do something in, in South Carolina. So its gonna be important for cruz to win it. Amanda mmhmm. Craig and if not win it, lose it closely. Sabrina okay. So lets talk about the people who have dropped out because, you know, New Hampshire and iowa did whittle down the field a little bit. Most recently Carly Fiorina and Chris Christie dropping out. Where does that support go and who do you foresee being the next to drop out . Craig yeah. I think that, um, i dont know if their support, when you, when you think about, theyre moving on to these other states. And the race really becomes this compacted, you know, 7 week, 7 day, 10 day contest instead of a, you know, we get him for a year. chuckling sabrina right. Right. Craig were spoiled. I think moving forward, um, the people to watch are kind of, you know, the ben carsons of the world, even a jeb bush. I mean, jeb bush has the money and a super pac, but he doesnt have the, the wins, you know, the sustainability in the race moving forward. Amanda what about craig and kasich as well. Amanda what about marco rubio who was a big headline coming out of iowa but then he had these flubs in the debate . Do you think thats gonna affect him at all . Craig i think South Carolinas critical. I think that he has to show that momentum again. I think he has a much Better Campaign infrastructure in South Carolina than he had in either iowa or New Hampshire. So thats good. But he had a head of steam going into New Hampshire and we saw not just what a, a debate performance does, a poor debate performance, but all the Media Coverage of it. Amanda mmhmm. Craig and even with the super bowl the next day sabrina uhhuh. Craig everyone was talking about marco rubios robotic answers and they got robots following him on the campaign trail now. Thats never good. Sabrina so in the end it really, a lot of it comes down to South Carolina. Craig yes. Absolutely. And the gop race for sure. Amanda alright, craig, thanks so much. music amanda coming up next, since National Politics are simmering down here in iowa, we will be everyone. Well, now that the National Spotlight has kind of dimmed on iowa we can turn our attention back to some of the issues that probably matter a whole lot more to the lives of everyday iowans. Amanda yes. And those are things that are decided each and everyday at the iowa statehouse. And there was some movement this week against the governors plan to privatize medicaid. Its mainly Senate Democrats who are leading this charge to stop from changing over to this managed care system. They are getting a little bit of republican support. Let me ask you guys in your opinion. Is there any way that this train that is the privatization of medicaid, can it be derailed at all . Craig i think its very difficult and i think its very difficult because you have a republican governor and you have a republican house. Amanda mmhmm. Craig and so i think the democrats are raising a valid point here. And i think its, its fair criticism of the governors plan. But in terms of changing things you already have the governor throwing out the threat of a veto. You have speaker upmeyer saying that, you know, shes not even gonna bring up this because of that veto threat. Is a lot of politics. But maybe a discussion thats worth having. Amanda mmhmm. Are you surprised at all that there were 3 Senate Republicans who signed onto this . Does that surprise you, pat . Pat no. Maybe those 3 and not just 1 or 2. But its, you know, it clearly shows that theres, theres bipartisan opposition to this. Amanda mmhmm. Pat its too bad that they wont be able to take it up in the house because i think it would be absolutely fascinating to see how many republicans break ranks on it. Amanda i agree. chuckling sabrina do you think, do you think any House Republicans will, you know, demand that it be brought up . Craig um, i think thats probably not gonna happen. I think theyre pretty, they close ranks pretty fast in the house. Pat part of the problem is a lot of their moderate members are retiring this year so sabrina okay. Pat they, they dont need to to help themselves out in their elections. Sabrina heres another Interesting Development out of this medicaid situation is that former governor chet culver has reemerged on the state political Stage Holding town halls to discuss branstads plan. So whats he doin . chuckling amanda what is he up to . Pat yeah, i, i dont know. laughing pat its kinda interesting especially since he was out in cedar rapids. He mentioned out there that he was gonna do similar events in sioux city and in davenport. So hes hitting all of the major media markets around the state which makes you wonder, and its not like anybody was asking him to do this, anybody on the Democratic Party side was, you know, hey chet culver, go out to these different places for us on medicaid. So one could think that its to maybe set himself up for a future run. Sabrina for what, though . Pat yeah. Craig i think this is a run for governor. Pat yeah. Amanda really sabrina really . Craig a reemergence. Another comeback campaign. And you gotta remember. Chet culver is a good centrist democrat who can raise money. And i think that matters more than anything. Theres a lot of names that could run for governor in iowa on the democrat bench. But culvers the one that has the Fundraising Network and, and those kinda more mainstream democrat positions that i think he would be a tough candidate to beat in a, a republican. Sabrina you think thats more so than a congressional run . Craig yeah. I, i think he has shown his hand here that hes not necessarily interested, uh, in a congressional campaign. I think if, if we were talking about the u. S. Senate might be a little different. Pat mmhmm. Craig but he needs to take a step and so his reemergence into politics i find to be fascinating. Sabrin wow. Me, too manda alright. chuckling amanda thanks guys very much. Well be right back on this music e pigs than people happen during the iowa caucuses. This is a 600pound pig spotted outside a New Hampshire primary polling place on tuesday. chuckling sabrina thats right. He escaped from a nearby farm. Amanda aw. Sabrina yummy. Alright. chuckling sabrina happy valentines day everyone. Thanks for watching. Amanda well see you again next sunday. dramatic music b hello and welcome to ag phd. Im brian hefty. D and im darren hefty. Thanks for joining us today. Weve been talking about nutrients through the fall and winter and one of the micronutrients that really is misunderstood is boron. People are nervous about

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