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Seconds. Good evening. We have breaking news as we come on the air tonight. The terrorist known as jihadi john targeted in a u. S. Armed drone strike earlier today. The knifewielding masked man became a sbol of isis after a number of hostages. Joining us now with latebreaking details is abcs chief investigative correspondent brian ross. Good evening, juju. He was the face of evil and the u. S. Has been tracking and targeting jihadi john, a british citizen, for months. U. S. Officials say the air strike thursday was launched by a drone as the target left a building in raqqa, syria, then entered a vehicle. One official told abc news it was a 100 flawless direct hit. The world first came to know jihadi john a little over a year ago when he appeared in this video wearing a black mask, holding a knife, threatening the life of american journalist james foley. His voice was disguised but he could not hide his british accent. Y yve plotted against us and gone out o o your w w to interfere in our affairs. Reporter r o o after the oer he presided over the murders of foley, american steven sotloff, twobritons,wo japanese hostages. Our knife will contntue to strikekehe necks of your people. Reporter earlier this year, his true identity was revealed to be mohammad emwazi, seen wearing an american baseball cap. The son of kuwaiti emigrants to the united kingdom. Emwazi was spotted by his teachers as having a violent streak. One teacher told the bbc at age 11 he was put inanger management therapy. Wed find that hed get very angry and worked up. It would take him a long time to calm himself down. Reporter flaunting his role as executioner once he joined isis with his piercing eyes and gravelly voice, emwazi became one of the worlds most wanted men. In a statement to abc news the parents of murdered hostage james foley said the air strike against jihadi john was small solace. This huge effort to go after this deranged man filled with hate, when they cant make half that effort to save the hostages while these Young Americans were still alive. Its unfortunate that the government doesnt get it. They think it gives us solace but it doesnt. U. S. Officials say they presume emwazi was killed in the drone strike based on what they observed of the hit. The vehicle he was in burst into flames and one official said jihadi john essentially evaporated. Brian, could this be a turning point in the battle against isis . Certainly the u. S. Hopes so and it will give the isis leaders there pause about how effective the u. S. Was in tracking down this one top target. Can they be after others as well . Our thanks to you, brian, for staying on top of the story over a year. Well havav complete covovage on gma first t tng in the morning and onlili with the latest 24 7 at abcnews. Com. A hehetbreaking murder mystery. Aaoung pastor comes homee to find his pregnant wife shot in their home. Her attacker still on the loose. Police are trying to piece together how and why this apparent robbery turned deadly. Abcs geo benitez has that story. Reporter they were a young couple in love. A pastor and his wife thats when i knew that id met the girl that i was going to marry. Reporter just days ago, the unthinkable happened. The young family torn apart after a mysterious gunman shot 28yearold Amanda Blackburn once in the head. She was reportedly 12 weeks pregnant and with her 1yearold son in their indianapolis home at the time. This was a robbery likely to have gone afoul. Reporter the terrifying ordeal began tuesday morning. Her husband, local pastor Davey Blackburn, says he returned home from the gym to find his house broken into. She was rushed to the hospital but could not be saved. She was pronounced dead this morning. Tonight authories are still on the hunt. The pair had moved to indianapolis just a few years ago to build their church. We had a great honeymoon, drove to south carolina, so in love. Reporter traveling the weve got drinks on the house, a little virgin pina colada reporter this video two weeks ago. On our way to chicago to take a romantic getaway. She would often speak about her relationship with him and how to further a happy marriage. Reporter still, there are questions. Like whether a robbery a few doors away that happened just hours before is related. You would have to look at t e other breakk to seeee if there were simimirities. Reporter Davey Blackburn releasing this statement. Its impossible t t comnicate all the emotions my heart hasas been forced to press. I have not only lost my minintry partneneand support,t, but also my very best friend. Authorities say they have ruled t her husband as a suspect. His gym l. A. Fitness confirmed to abc news that a blackburn checked in at 6 21 a. M. To this location tuesday morning. A less than 15minute drive from their home. Police stating they have obtained Surveillance Video that shows blackburn entering and leaving the gym. Neighborhood crime watch captain Ryan Mcconnell is a family friend. Amanda was an amazing person. Shes just an absolutely beautiful person inside and out. Reporter he says this crime has shocked this tightknit community to its core. For nightline, im gio benitez in new york. Up next, with the last of the hunger games movies about to blow up box offices, star Jennifer Lawrence gives our diane sawyer a little lesson with her favorite weapon. Your form is just horrible. Talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic, this is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira helping me reach for more. Doctors have been prescribing humira for more than 10 years. Humira works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contrubutes to ra symptoms. 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She opened up to fellow kentuckian and our abc news anchor diane sawyer, good to see you. So good to see you. She made a lot of big news. The two louisville girls all over town talking about pretty much everything. Two hometown girls spending the day ork city. This is my kitchen but the barbecue is pure kentucky. As we trave around today i looked in the mirror, your eyes are puffy so you better be charming. Reporter we stopped by to test a bow and arrow. Your form is just horrible. Reporter and well head to some of the places where her whole life changed. Do you remember the fire escapes . Reporter when she was just a 14yearold girl from louisville. Right there. Reporter our city on the ohio river. Where we grew up 45 years apart but both steeped in the soft hills of home. Oh my god, i have ive never seen this picture. Oh my god. Band class. Did they assign you the oboe . No, i just people dont wander into oboe. I did. Is there any muse that i can you think of as home . Im going to be honest, i just bit into a bone and im not sure how to spit it out on i would offer, and yet reporter back in louisville she was a cheerleader for a while. Aint no sweat this game aint over yet. Reporter i w w a book worm. She was most talkative in class. Most talkakave girl in schoooo two years in a row, pretty hard to get. Reporter at age 25 s s is some kind off dazzlzlghybrid. One minute irreverent kid. Alson actor with transfixin power on the screen. The final episode of the hunger games mocking jay part 2 is heading into theaters like an earthquake. On screen she created katniss with her message of strength in the face of ear. And offscreen lawrence has been making news, a kind of warrior challenge all her n. It became public that in her paid less than her male costars. She wrote about it. Saying, its a kind of trap for women everywhere. Backing off negotiations out of fear you wont be liked. I felt like i had to say something. Because we need to talk about it. We can ask for the same exact thing that men do. And we do face the reality that we do get judged more. Its just something that is intrinsic. And i would love to see change. Reporter some of her costars have spoken out in a kind of alliance with her. I would just hope that theres no longer a separation or a difference of, oh, its a femaledriven movie. Or, it was a block buster but it was led by a woman. Or wow, that was a really tough call for a woman. Reporter on our day together she is endlessly surprising, remembering the turmoil of her own childhood. She says she was dramatic, filled with so much volatile feeling, her brothers called her nitro. I didnt know that i was an actor, i just knew that i was weird. Different. I knew that i was smart but the evidence just didnt agage. Didnt people thinknkou were adhd . O o yeah, i was everything. I wouould think something and then feelelt. Noww know what that is. Now i can channel that at work. You dont know why somebodys telling a story then youre sobbing. It just makes you look like youre trying to get all the attention. Reporter in desperation her parents agreed to let her 14yearold daughter come to new york and try her luck. She and her mother had only been here a few days when a photographer walked up to the girl, standing at a crowd in union square. My mom gave him her bumber. Weidnt know that that was potentially dangerous and creepy. And then he called. And said, modeling agencies wanted to meet with me. Im only going to go to a Modeling Agency if they let me act which came out of nowhere. Already making demands. Already negotiating. Reporter it started with modeling and commercials. Im just saying that with me, you always have it your way. Because girl, i am made to order. Reporter she was fearless, except on the days when the phone didnt ring. And she reverted to a teenager filled with selfdoubt. And i remember crying and saying, everybody keeps saying i have it. Everybodys saying i have it. Maybe they dont, maybe theyre lying, why am i not getting anything . Reporter Flash Forward not just to the hunger games but to an oscar winner who can fall cheerfully, a louisville girl who wont let the paparazzi disres family. The paparazzi started yelling at them to get out of the picture. I was like, those are my brothers reporter she doesnt let the business trim her spirited sails. Schumer dance to uptown girl. You are riding with amy schumer nowow i am, and her sister. You haha a protection overr each other. Her because shes older. Much older. Cause shes olderr than me. She has the natural kind of protectiveness thaha comes w wh just being older than somebody. Ive been famous longer than she has s s i feel a certain protectiveness in that sense. You know. We both are incredibly blunt and incredibly opinionated. Are you laughing at loud the whole time . I laugh at loud every single day. She told me shed give me 100 if i called you di throughout the whole interview. Reporter we are now heading downtown in new york city to a unique store, a kind of gallery that has archery in the back. The hunger games girl knows what shes doing. Whoa all the way back. My arrow hits the wall. I told you to point down your form is just horrible. I thought it was good. Back your shoulder blade a little bit more. Reporter a minute later she disappears. I showed diane how to shoot archery today. Lets just say she nailed it. Reporter by Late Afternoon were winding down. Shes reflective about her life after hunger games, now at a crossroads. Whats the biggest difference in you in the last year . When i wrapped the hunger games, i wrapped these movies that had been my life for so long. And they hadad to come first in everything. I was also in a relationship with somebody for five years. And we broke up around the same time that i wrapped those movies. And ititas kind of being 24 was this whole year r , who am i . Without these movies, who am i, without this man . Reporter still so young, the future ahead. Maybe shell marry, maybe she wont. I dont know if ill ever get married. Im okay with that. I dont feel like i need anything to complete me. I love meeting people. I didnt know amy six months ago and she brings something to my life thats so special. I dont really plan o. Getting married. I definitely want to be in love. When you dont need it is when you get to choose it. Yeah. Thatt. More about me now. Hes. Reporter by christmas youll see her in joy about a struggling housewife who invents a miracle mob and transforms everything. She has this ability, this magic, that she finally cant deny any longer. All races and all classes can meet and make whatever opportunities they can. Reporter and shes already created a kind of legacy to be bold in your life. There was a girl she met on the first hunger games, a burn survivor who had scars all over her body. Shes said, i love my body. Because im the girl on fire. It made her feel strong and brave. And i just started crying. Because she gave me such a gift. And im just actctg. But it m me me feel like,f a character or a story can makak somebody change, a perception on how they feell about ththselves, then that is beautiful. Reporter for a generation of ny fans, one message believe in yourself. Our thanks to diane sawyer. Up next, George Stephanopoulos exclusive interview with president obama. Weighing in on a certain scenestealing republican welcome to the most social car weve ever designed. The 2015 nissan murano. Recipient of autopacifics bestinclass Vehicle Satisfaction award. Now get great deals think your heartburn pill works fast . Take the zantac it challenge zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. Nexium can take 24 hours. When heartburn strikes, take zantac for faster relief than nexium or your money back. With the race for the white house churning in the news cycle, president obama sat down with our own George Stephanopoulos weighing in on a wide array of issues from the free speech controversy on College Campuses to some republican candidates views on Foreign Policy and immigration. The notion that were going to deport 11 million, 12 Million People from this country, first of all, i have no idea where mr. Trump thinks the moneys going to come from. It would cost us hundreds of billions of dollars to execute that. Flashedaround the world as we were dragging parents away from their children and putting them in, what, detention centers, and then systematically sending them out. Nobody thinks that that is realistic. But more importantly, thats not who we are as americans. What do you think when you hear people cheer for that . What i think is that theres always been a strain of antiimmigrant sentiment in america. Ironically, from folks who themselves two generations or even one generation back were immigrants themselves. And its the job of leaders not to play into that sentiment. We dont want i think a president or any person in a position of leadership to play on those kinds of fears. Of course gma will have much more in the morning. Dont miss georges full interview with president obama on this week at 10 00 a. M. Eastern on abc. Were online 24 7 on our

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