Transcripts For KCAU Good Morning America Weekend Edition 20

Transcripts For KCAU Good Morning America Weekend Edition 20160221

political news. a decisive victory for donald trump. is he now inevitable? >> here they are. we're talking about those numbers out of the south carolina republican primary. look at that. trump ten points ahead of his nearest rivals, marco rubio and ted cruz. overnight, trump took to the stage to celebrate his win. his family, you can see, arrayed behind him. meanwhile, a different kind of night for jeb bush. the clearly crest fallen candidate bowing out after a fourth place finish. >> we do have big developments on the democratic side as well. hillary clinton pulls out a five-point win over bernie sanders in nevada. celebrating with a late-night rally in texas. meantime, sanders vowing to fight on. we have team coverage this morning. we get going in spartanburg, south carolina, this morning with tom llamas. hi, tom. >> reporter: paula, good morning. donald trump last night said he would be happy if he won by one vote. he won but much more than that. than just massive rallies and sound bites. there are real votes there. fewer candidates. and one who says he sees a path to beat trump. he's done it again. donald trump taking the south carolina primary. now, a back-to-back winner in the gop race for president. >> i want to begin by thanking the people of south carolina. this is a special state. >> reporter: the yankee billionaire winning down south. voters sticking with trump. >> there is nothing easy about running for president. i can tell you. it's tough. it's nasty. it's mean. it's vicious. it's beautiful. >> reporter: the trump family there on the victory stage. melania leading the charge for the next contest. >> we love you. and we are going ahead to nevada. and we will see what happens. he will be the best president. >> reporter: and the other big headline. jeb bush. a one-time front-runner. dropping out of the race. >> and so tonight, i'm suspending my campaign. >> reporter: the former florida governor, joined by his family. his wife, like jeb himself, e moek nal on that stage. bush leaving the race with this advice for his p. and a subtle jab at trump. >> i firmly believe the american people must entrust this office to someone who understands that whoever holds it is a servant. not the master. >> reporter: senator marco rubio hoping jeb supporters turn towards him. rubio finishing second in a razor-thin victory over senator ted cruz. the rubio campaign banking on momentum from this primary lifts them closer to trump and eventually to the nomination. >> history will say on this night in south carolina, we took the first step forward in the beginning of a new american century. >> reporter: and trump may have an ace up his sleeve. a nevada surprise. the addition of more trumps. we have a hospital ready just in case. and south carolina, we're going to have a baby, there's nothing wrong with that, right? so -- could be any second. it could be before i'm finished. >> reporter: and overnight, no breaking news in the trump family world. ivanka still has not delivered. donald trump waiting on the grandchild. as for ohio governor john kasich. he's still in the race. he wasn't here last night. he's hoping the midwest primaries boost his campaign. dr. ben carson who has performed poorly so far in all three contests vowing to stay if the race. paula and dan? >> thank you, tom llamas. both vowing to stay in. let's bring in matt dowd. good morning. >> good morning, dan. >> what, if anything, stands between donald trump and the nomination? >> i think that right now the only trump is in a dominant position. two things can bring him down. they have to operate simultaneously. do better than the mid 20s. whether it's marco rubio, ted cruz. possibly john kasich. the other thing is, donald trump won in spite of everything that happened last week, not because of. over time, are those weights on hiss back that will push him down and push him down and push him down that he can't get over a certain limit on the ballot? i think those two things. right now, if you put your chips on the table, donald trump will be the republican nominee. >> so his fights with the pope, the whole nation of mexico. >> the entire state of south carolina, political state of south carolina. i think though he won, it's an accumulative effect that could be problematic in the long haul. >> so the teflon could wear off. >> could wear off. >> let's talk marco rubio. there's news mitt romney may endorse. how important is that? and does rubio's path to the nomination look viable to you? >> i think the mitt romney thing in his lane. he wants to build up enough so that basically he can become a one-on-one race with donald trump. the problem is ted cruz is still in this. he's doing ver well, especially among evangelicals and social conservatives. i think marco rubio has a good path. but where does he win? he's finished third, fifth, and second. he's not had a victory. it's open. it will be difficult for him to demonstrate what's the first state he wins in? >> does the jeb bush development, a poignant scene overnight, does jeb bush bowing out, does that possibly help marco rubio? do his voters and funders go to rubio? >> his funders automatically go to rubio. the establishment leadership. i don't think all the voters go to rubio. if you look at breakdown. some go to rubio. some go to trump, some go to cruz, some stay out of it. the interesting thing about jeb bush, the end of the dynasty, we haven't had a winning gop ticket bush or a nixon on it since 1928. >> fascinating bit of perspective. this year may be different. matthew dowd, such a fluid and interesting race. let's go to paula for the democratic side. >> thank you, dan. let's jump into the democratic ring. hillary clinton is the big winner this morning. she edged out bernie sanders in nevada by a little over five points in what proved to be a tight contest. without overstating the obvious, though, this win was much-needed for clinton who lost badly in new hampshire. mary bruce joins us from las vegas this morning. good morning, mary. >> reporter: hi, paula. good morning. the clinton camp is feeling good this morning. after riding a wave of minority support here. it was neck and neck until the bitter end. but ultimately, hillary clinton was dealt the winning hand she was hoping for. >> the fight goes on, the future that we want is within our grasp! >> reporter: cheers and a sigh declared victory. >> some may have doubted us but we never doubted each other. [ cheers and applause ] and -- this one's for you. >> reporter: sanders coming in with a strong second. >> and now it's on to super tuesday. thank you! >> reporter: proving he can get solid support from minority voters. >> we have the momentum. we're going to see the results of one of the great political upsets in the history of the united states. [ cheers and applause ] [ chanting ] >> all: feel the burn. feel the burn. >> reporter: the candidates raced to appeal to uniyor workers. as they fought for every last vote. >> everyone wants the union vote. we're a strong force. >> reporter: sanders making his case. as voters waited in line. >> thank you very much. thanks for coming out. >> reporter: the candidates crisscrossed from one site to the other. almost bumping into each other at this casino. >> reporter: their battle so close, some precincts had to use a vegas-style tie breaker. a deck of cards. clinton won this draw with a 9 of clubs. in this case, what happens in vegas doesn't necessarily stay in vegas. hillary clinton is hoping to ride the wave of momentum to a big win in the next contest in south carolina. dan and paula? >> and after that, it's all about super tuesday, mary, thank you. we do want to continue the discussion on the democratic showdown. we want to bring in jonathan karl. thanks for taking a couple of moments out of your busy day. we want to first and foremost. exit polling shows clinton has serious issues. empathy. distrust. how does she repair that? if not, how vulnerable does she remain? >> first thing is to move to south carolina. where every single public poll since the beginning of this campaign has had her with a big, double-digit lead over bernie sanders. she's hoping back-to-back victories will put the memory of new hampshire way in her past. vulnerabilities. not just the ones you mentioned. young democrats. still overwhelmingly in the exit polls, the young vote, under 45, goes significantly overwhelmingly to bernie sanders. she needs to find a way to get that obama coalition back together. she can start doing that. >> let me ask about sanders. he, as mary pointed out, a strong showing against minority voters -- among minority voters. does he continue to have a shot at winning this nomination? >> he certainly has a shot. it's a long shot. but he certainly has a shot. and more importantly, dan, he has the ability to stay in the race for a long time. you know, if you look at the way the democrats allocate their delegates, every state is proportional. while hillary clinton eked out a win, a significant but narrow win in nevada, bernie sanders he'll continue to rack up delegates in every state he can come in a close second to hillary clinton. he can stay in this race for a long time. and, hillary clinton has shown weaknesses. we'll see what happens. >> jonathan karl. thank you for the xs and os. for the breakdown. have a great show. >> you got it. >> a remind, john will be a part of a big edition of abc's "this week." george stephanopoulos is talking with donald trump, ted cruz, marco rubio. the breaking news out of michigan. this mug shot just into our news room of a suspect in a series of random shootings overnight in kalamazoo. police say the gunman was driving around, opening fire, and abc news' alex perez is on the ground and on the story. alex, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, dan. authorities are trying to figure out what triggered this rampage. investigators say the suspect randomly chose his victims and then shot them. >> shots fired. we have one confirmed victim right now. >> reporter: overnight, a city gripped with fear after multiple shootings took place across but now, residents waking up, knowing the suspect, jason dalton, is in custody. the shooting spree spanning 13 miles at three locations. the first, this parking lot, where a woman walking to her car was shot several times as the suspect reportedly drove by in a chevrolet hhr. in her car, a few feet away, her terrified children. >> this is your worst nightmare. where you have somebody just driving around, randomly killing people. >> reporter: then the 45-year-old white male headed to this car dealership, firing off several shots, hitting two people. a father and son sitting in their car later confirmed dead. >> when i got the call this evening, i was -- i was absolutely shocked by it. >> reporter: about five minutes later, a third crime scene in a cracker barrel restaurant parking lot. shots rang out, hitting two separate cars filled with people. according to repepepep there were two other shooting locations at an intersection near the restaurant. >> the threat to the public is over. with we know this is our >> reporter: investigators now working on a motive. the suspect is expected to face murder charges. paula? >> our thoughts and prayers go out to the good people of michigan, alex. thank you. we want to bring in jeff hadley. the chief of the kalamazoo department of public safety. first and foremost, chief hadley, we want to say our condolences to the people of kalamazoo. thank you for joining us this morning. first and foremost. >> thank you. >> i know that the first attack, there were three separate crime scenes. the first attack happened at 6:00. that suspect was then apprehended about 6 1/2 hours later. can you give us a sense of what happened in the 6 1/2 hour lockdown? >> yes, ma'am. the first event that happened out in the county around 5:30, this evening, you know, we -- kalamazoo county sheriff's department, it was their investigation. they treated it as a single, isolated incident. put out suspect information, it wasn't until the second event happened about 10:00 yesterday evening. then subsequently, quickly thereafter, about 20, 25 minutes later, the third event at the cracker barrel out in the county, a different part of the county, that we were able to kind of string those three things together. the suspect was quickly apprehended in downtown kalamazoo. >> chief hadley. the suspect has been named. his name is jason dalton. 45 years old. he's in custody. how certain are you that there were no accomplices? >> we're fairly certain at this point. obviously, the investigation continues. we're trying to piece it all together. obviously, a lot of it doesn't make sense to us or anyone else for that matter. these appear to be completely random acts of violence. none of the victims knew each other nor did they know the suspect, that we know of. and so, it's as baffling to us as it is to everyone else. did this suspect, jason dalton, have any kind of record, to your knowledge? >> not to my knowledge. no criminal history. no involvements with us or any other police agency in the county that we know of. not in our record system. so this is a cple surprise as far as i'm concerned. >> i know it's very early into the investigation. any sense that this particular individual was mentally unstable? >> we don't have any indication of that at this point. obviously, someone that's going to go out and commit these type of crimes in succession, like he did, obviously calls to question somebody's mental capacities. as of this time, we don't know of any history with him specifically in rms of him being a mental health consumer. >> going back to the crime scenes. three separate crime scenes over a course of about 4 1/2 hours, 13 miles apart. you truly believe this was completely random? >> truly believe it was completely random. >> chief hadley. our thoughts and prayers to the people in the kalamazoo area. best of luck in your investigation. >> thank you. >> a horrifying and mystifying series of events there. our thanks to him. let's turn to the weather, and indra, who is in for rob marciano. indra, what's popping? >> flooding. that will be the big story over the next couple of days. video out of sparta, illinois. three inches of rain. in a short period of time. we know what happens. look at this. look at the map. look at the advisories. we're seeing the advisories extending from west virginia, through d.c., even from there, the story extends farther down to the south. we have a pattern change. the jet stream dipping to the south. the 2 to 4 inches. widespread, heavy rain. we need to spin it. there's an upside. it's not snow. it's rain. so yes, it's the weekend. it will still be warm for about a day or so. each day gets a little bit cooler. as we go through the weekend, notice the change as you talk drop. it's cool somewhere. where is it warm? on the west coast.y. it was good for the soul. didn't it just feel good? >> i don't know. >> i did. i was out all day. >> i hear it was nice. >> it was beautiful. i heard it from indra. so i went outside. >> excellent. that's the way i like it. >> did you take your couch outside? >> the weather in my living room was perfect. thank you, indra. >> anytime. a lot of other news. what's going on? >> hey, dan and paula. sara. indra. good morning, everyone. inspectors now trying to figure out what caused a terrifying accident at a west virginia ski resort. more than two dozen people fell from a ski resort at the timberline resort. at least 100 skiers dangled trapped. no one was seriously injured. to breaking news overseas in syria. dozens of people have been killed in twin bomb blasts in the city of homs. the deadly attack comes just as john kerry announces a provisional agreement in principle for a cease-fire in the war that's ravaged that country. and antonin scalia was laid to rest on saturday. his cloak-draped casket given high catholic honors at mass celebrated by his son, a priest, father powell scalia. vice president joe biden among the people who packed the basilica. is climbing after the most powerful cyclone on record. of the southern hemisphere ripped through that island chain. at least three people were killed. hundreds of homes destroyed as people sheltered from winds up to 177 miles an hour. look at this dramatic rescue in the rough waters off of washington state. coast guard officials recusing three surfers. one of them holding on to a surfboard. being pulled by the strong currents there. they're all okay. and finally, steve harvey is left stunned during "family feud" when he posed this question to a husband just once. what would you like to tell your wife? that she's what? check it out. >> i'm going to get in a lot of trouble for this. she's fat. >> she's pregnant with your child. you don't understand? >> i understand now. >> good luck back at the house. fat! >> how about that? he got the answer right. but there is a reason they call this "family feud." they left together. >> you ask your husband, be fat? don't ever be truthful. >> he was trying to win money. >> she's pregnant. like, she's pregnant. >> i get it, i get it. >> never okay. >> i've never seen all of your guys' mouths drop simultaneously. >> that was one of the dumbest things i have seen said on vision. >> i mean, people, he was like, he -- he -- he -- >> they left together. >> clearly, that will be their >> exactly. >> you feel bad for him? >> i do. >> he's put on the spot. >> poor guy. >> okay. >> we say stupid stuff when we're put on the spot every now and then. >> not that stupid. boycotting beyonce. why some police groups across the country want no part of the superstar. plus, our epic adventure. "gma" on safari. live, amy robach heading to one of the most beautiful places on the planet. she's ready to take you alon on a breathtaking journey. and eating etiquette. should you use a fork and spoon to twirl your spaghetti? a top chef weighs in on the dining dilemma. >> just put your face right in >> that's what i do. enamel is your teeth's first line of defense. but daily eating and drinking can make it weak. try colgate enamel health. it replenishes weak spots with natural calcium to strengthen enamel four times better. colgate enamel health. stronger, healthy enamel. nivea in-shower body lotion. first i wash... then i apply it to my wet skin. it moisturizes with no sticky feel. i quickly rinse off. and i'm ready to go. nivea in-shower body lotion -- in the body lotion aisle. to the couple wondering what a good deal looks like... no. seriously? we'll give it a 6 for composition. scary. no haggle price on the window? not zany enough? sometimes the best deals are pretty plain to see. listen up! i'm here to get the lady of the house back on her feet. and give her the strength and energy to stay healthy. who's with me?! yay! the complete balanced nutrition of great tasti ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. ensure. take life in! song: "that's life" song: "that's life" that's life. you diet. you cise. and if you still need help lowering your blood sugar... ...this is jardice. along with diet and exercise, jardiance works around the clock to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. it works b bhelping your body to get rid of some of the sugar it doesn't need through urination. this can help you lower blood sugar and a1c. and although it's not for weight loss or lowering systolic blood pressure, jardiance could help with both. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. other side effects are genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections, changes in urination, kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of an allergic reaction. symptoms may include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. so talk to your doctor, and for details, as always, it's hometown trivia time. toda we're recognizing our new haven, connecticut, and hartford affiliate. wtnh. channel 8 in connecticut. are you ready? >> yes. >> let me ask the question before you leap in. >> why do you always look at me? >> this famous 19th century american author, humorist, and author, lived in hartford for 17 years. one of the most famous quotations is -- the reports of my death are greatly exaggerated. >> dan harris? >> mark twain. samuel longhorn clemens. >> you got it. you're on a streak here. >> yes, yes. >> one more. this yale university secret society boasts alumni. including two former presidents, william howard taft and george w. bush. dan harris? >> skull and bones. >> dan, you're on a roll herer you got all four this weekend. >> john kerry was al welcome back to "gma" on a big morning in american politics. as both donald trump and hillary clinton win big in their respective races. this is trump's second straight double-digit primary win. as jeb bush, once considered the front-runner, announces he's suspending his campaign. also right now, a tragedy. at least six people are killed, random shooting spree in kalamazoo county, michigan. the suspect, jason dalton, 45 yeyes old, has been taken into custody. no word yet on authorities on a motive. in dallas, police now say they have hotel surveillance video of the alleged altercation between quarterback johnny manziel and his ex-girlfriend, colleen crowley. who told police manziel hit her and dragged her into a car. officials say they have not decided on what charge, in any, will be filed against nziel. what an extraordinary fall from grace. >> a talented guy. a lot of questions about his future this morning. on a happier note, it's "gma" on safari live. amy robach taking us on a tour of the garden of eden. in after -- africa. she'll join us live from tanzania. to explain the this unprecedented network tv event. first, the growing beyonce backlash. the singer getting grief for her song, formation. and for her performance at the super bowl halftime show earlier this month. >> some police unions are unhappy at what they see as her anti-cop message and are calling for a law enforcement boycott during her tour. eva pilgrim joins us with more. >> reporter: good morning, guys. the fallout from beyonce's super bowl performance is gaining ground. cops all across the country are refusing to go to her show. this morning, queen bey facing a police boycott of her upcoming tour, creating security questions. most venues depend on officers to volunteer for at least some of the security shifts. now some union leaders are calling for cops not to be on hand when her formation comes to their city. i got hot salsa >> reporter: the fraternal order of police in miami, where beyonce's tour kicks off, citing super bowl halftime show. okay ladies now let's get in formation >> reporter: and taking a vote to suggest that all law enforcement officers boycott the april 26th concert, claims she conveys an anti-police message. in her latest music video. >> reporter: despite t t independent union leaders' calls, the miami police department reassuring fans it will have a sufficient number of police officers staffing this and every event that happens in our city. i might get your song played on the radio station >> reporter: but the idea of a beyonce strike may be catching on. the president of the nashville police union calling for a similar protest by the cops it represents. >> ultimately, we're asking the officers not to volunteer. >> reporter: in addition to miami and nashville, police unions in tampa also calling for some form of boycott when beyonce rolls into town, with houston, boston,n,nd new york considering swearing off shong up when she comes to slay. i slay i slay beyonce >> reporter: not every police union is ready to get in formation. in a statement to abc news, the president of the dallas police association writing our only focus at this time is reducing the recent surge in violent crime in dallas. we reached out to beyonce for comment. on the boycott. they're not issuing a comment this morning. >> interesting we're seeing movement against her in hston, her hometown. i see a little flower peeking through. does that mean spring's around the corner? >> i love this, yeah. actually, the flowers are confused out towards kansas city. they had temperatures three days in a row into the 70s. of course they're confused. it was a record for the area. wasn't it just so nice yesterday? the maps. temperatures in the midwest, a good 20 degrees above normal. out toward the east coast, yeah, about ten degrees above normal. that is changing. look at the jet stream. it's going to drop down low. let's look at it. three lows. making their way through. heavy rainnd flooding. that will be the new story. it's that guy. that's the one we're going to be watching very closely over the next several days. a huge change as we go back to work. of course, we're going to be talking about another storm bringing rain, snow, that wintry mix will be out there. here's the good news. right now, looks like the bulk of this staying out of the major cities. heavy rain for d.c., new york city. >> that one brought to you by trivago. it was nice on the weekend. if it's going to be bad, bring it during the week. all good. >> i'm worried about my tulips. already starting to peek through. i feel like they're going to die. >> i'm worried, too. in new york city, where? >> i don't l le in -- i live in the burbs. >hat's the key. >> i got kids. i got out of here. coming up on "good morning america," "gma" on safari live. amy robach is in tanzania with a preview of the big event. good morning, amy. we love the hat. >> she looks so cute. >> thank you. i brought it especially for safari. good morning, guys. we're here. we made to it the ngorongoro crater 30 minutes ago. and i'm not kidding. we left friday afternoon. from jfk. we just got here. have already had a couple of adventures. so much more to me. stay with us. back at home. we built our factories here becacae of a huge natural resource. not the land. the water. or power sources. it's the people. american workers. they build world-class products. and that builds communities. and a better future. for all of us. because making something in america means so much, to so many. weathertech. proudly made in america. ever look at a squirrel and think, "yeah, i could use that kind ofenergy? pretty sure that's how nuts werediscovered. larabar. food made from food. seme. see me. don't stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just i'm not contagious. see me to know that i won't stop. until i find what works. discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75% skin c carance at 3 months.. while the majority saw 90% clearance.e. do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms... ...such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have crohn's disease, tell your doctor as symptoms can worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me. see me. see me on my way. find clear skin and a clearer paththorward. for a different kind of medicine, and we're so excited to tell you about "gma" on safari live. it's an epic event with our own amy robach. it will feature the latest in virtual reality and drone technology. to transport all of our viewers. to a crater in tanzania. it's known as the garden of eden of africa. >> the visuals, however, are stunning. tuesday, for the first time in viewer, using your tablet or mobile ah device, you're going to be able to choose your own adventure. im-360 is our partner in this. amy robach joining us from tanzania with more. looking a little bit more like a better lking crocodile dunde amy, good morning. >> you have to look the part. when you're here. >> i know. you wear it well. walk us through the moving parts that will make this "gma" adventure so cool. >> first of all, and i believe you have said this. this is the first ever live safari in the ngorongoro crater. on televisioio it's never been done before. we have a crew of 22. the drones. the im-360 camera. and it is spectacular. bauds at home, you don't have to travel the 28 hours it took me to get here. you can, from the comfort of your couch, go along with us. we'll be moving live in vehicles in the crater. the great migration has begun. you can sit at home and move with us. and see whatever you want to see with our 360 technology. it is going to be spectacular. so, we're bringing safari to you. back there around the country. and, it's breathtaking. >> well, amy, we want to say thank you -- >> i want to also tell you. >> go ahead, hon. go ahead. >> all right. well, i was just going to say, as we were coming here, the trek from kilimanjaro to here, we made a stop. i want to show you quickly. we got to go to a refugegef sorts that saves a a rescued orphaned animals. so much poaching here we'll be talking about as well in the next couple of days. i got to meet, with a very safe two lion cubs. they're 1 1/2. they were not the cute, furry kind. they were ferocious. my heart was pounding, even though i had a steel door between me and them. see a wild animal. they're only going to be there for a couple of weeks. they're fattening them up. they're going to take them back to the wild and they'll flourish. i met a caracal. i got to hold her. her name is ginger. she's going to be released as well. they saved her from ing shipped off to the middle east. this ic an incredible center. it saves so many animals. it's hoping to -- to prevent all of the atrocies committed across the country. you guys are ooh'ing and aah'ing. ginger is cute, isn't she? >> that's sara you hear. she's ooh'ing and aah'ing. >> it was the cat a a you, amy. you look so cute. >> an adorable pair. amy, so jealous of your experience. appreciative of the message you're bringing home. >> thanks for traveling 28 hours. >> thank you, guys. stay with us. keep watching. we're on monday and tuesday. it's going to be incredible. >> we're going to call it amy's she looks so cute. >> crocodile robach. coming up on "good morning america," now whip up a healthy breakfast in just 60 seconds. i'm skeptical. i don't think it can happen. 60 seconds? >> i believe it. >> that's a minute. seconds? >> i believe it. >> that's a minute. good food choices, i had no idea that it was damaging the enamel of my teeth. i wanted to fix it, i wanted tfix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said that pronamel can make my teeth stronger, that it was important, that that is something i could do each day to help protect the enamel of my teeth. pronamel is definitely helping me to lead the life that i want to live. hey, jesse. who are you? 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(vo) shop all l kes, models and colors in your neighborhood... all with worry-free ownership.p. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... this morning on "the weekend download." breakfast. some restaurants p pk 1300 caloriri into one meal. there's a bettereray to start your day. here to tell us about it is the authth of "zero belly diet and abc nutrition and wellness editor dave zinczenko. what should you try to get in where is my fat? where is my protein? where is my fiber? you could do that at a touch of a button after you turn the tv on with a smoothie. grab your blender. throw some healthy fat in there like avocados. throw some greens in there, some fruit for your fiber. and the next thing you know, you put in ice and unsweetened almomo milk, you have a 200-caloloe meal that tastes like dessert. and it's delicious. 60-second nutrition. >> what if you want something more solid, more hearty to start your day? >> one thing you could do without cooking. you could go for something like overnight oats, which is a big, all the rage now. you just put oats in a bowl with some milk or water. you let it sit for the night. and the next morning, it's ready to go. >> finally, what about eggs? good choice? >> they're awesome. probably the best, the most -- have the most nutrition per caloloe. than any food on earth. you just want to make sure, ron, to eat the yolk. that's where all the good stuff is. for the tips on a healthy and hearty breakfast. back to you guys. sticking witthe food theme. maybe not as healthy. the special breakfast sandwich that could be coming to your mcdonald's, up ahead in "pop news." >> 200 calories?a surprise? shingles. and how it can hit you out of nowhere. i know. i had it. c'mon let's sit down and talk about it. and did you know that one in three people will get shingles? (all) no. that's why i'm reminding people if you had chickenpox then the shingles virus is alreadydynside you. (all) oooh. who's had chicicnpox? scoot over.. and look that nasty rash can pop up anywhere and the pain can be even worse than it looks talk to your doctor or pharmacist. about a vaccine that can help prevent shingles. enamel is your teeth's first line of defense. but daily eating and drinking can make it weak. it replenishes weak spots with natural calcium to strengthen enamel four times bettete colgate enamel health. stronger, healthy enamel. with the pain and swelling of my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis... ordinary objects often seemed... intimidating. doing something simple... meant enduring a lot of pain. if ra is changing your view of everyday things orencia may help. orencia works differently by targeting a source in the inflammation process. for many, orencia provides long-term relief of ra symptoms. it's helped new ra patients and those not helped enough by other treatments. do not take orencia with another biologic medicine for ra due to an increased risk of serious infection. serious sisi effects can occur including fafal infections. ses of lymphoma and lung cancer have been reported. ll your doctor if you're prone to or have any infection like an open sore, the flu, or a history of copd, a chronic lung disease. orencia may worsen your copd. if you're not getting the relief you need... ask your doctor about orencia. orencia. see your ra so, i'm going to filibuster because sara just put a huge amount of pasta into her mouth. i don't think she can do "pop news" for an in-depth period of time. >> i was doing a "pop news" investigation. i needed to taste the food first to make sure it wasas okay for you guys. >> okay. >> and bauds we love food, we're serving up some breakfast first. check out the chicken mcgriddle from mcdonald's. i'm sure the name mcgriddle gave it away. a fried chicken patty wedged in between two maple mcgriddles. in place of a regular bun. only being tested in a handful of locations in central ohio. if it's a success, it could be a bona fide menu selection. across the country. >> i like it. >> you took a bite of it? >> were you not going to? you guys are my taste-testers. >> i've been accused of not eating the food. >> it's like a big mcnugget. >> i want to see indra eat it. take a bite. >> now the pressure's on. >> eat it! >> she's from l.a. >> i do love chicken mcnuggets. i'm not going to lie. >> don't spit it in your napkin. >> you're doing it for work. >> it's like a chicken waffle. >> that's delicious. >> without the waffle. >> spicy, too. >> but that's supposed to be waffles. >> pancake, no? >> it's waffle-esque. >> it's sweet. >> waffles and pancakes are cousins. and now, because we love the "pop news" still eating. we're jumping ahead to dinner. because why not? and a pat thatt problem posed b b "brooklyn," when saoirse ronan's character gets invited to dinner. >> how did you learn to eat spaghetti like that? >> i've been taking lessons. >> lessons? >> a class? >> the fork and spoon method now raising a red sauce ruckus. so to spoon or not to spoon? that is the question. joining us is marc murphy. chef and owner of land mark in new york city and gray salt in tampa. >> yes. >> now, we have e question for you. yoyowere born in milan.. >> yes. >hat's up? >> when i came to america, i grew up in milan. i livered in rome and i lived in genoa. i lived there for about nine years. i never saw anybody eat pasta with a spoon. >> do like this and slurp it up? >> no, look, the side of the bowl is the spoon. why do you need a spoon? how are you going to drink your wine? with a spoon? >> i haveever been. my name is murphy. i was born in italy. my mother is french. i grew up mostly in europe. i never saw people eat with a spoon until i came to america. >> are you silently judging us? >> a litite bit. the worst thing is that at the restaurants. at landmark, we bring the spoon witht. >> y've never said a worl. >> hum all the bad eaters. some say i don't like the sauce splashes. the nook takes care of that? >> you're not supposed to have too much sauce on it either. i find sometimes now, too much sauce on the pasta. pasta is about pta. it's not about the sauce. it's a good ratio between the two. >> just for the record, your restaurants are amazing. and this bowl of pasta is amazing. thank you for coming on. i'm hoping for a free appetizer next time. thank you for joining us this morning. appetizer next time. thank you for joining us this morning. good morning, america. saturday night. abc. warriors-clippers. that's where we're starting. golden state. they haven't lost back-to-back games all season. blown out friday in portland. draymond green, 11th triple-double of the season. golden state l l by 10 at the half. steph curry. 2:30 to play. but, the clippers, a 13-0 run and this shot for the tie. the warriors now, 49-5. number 14, kentucky, playing some really good basketball. von miller. "snl." the grammys. "sportscenter." and at his alma mater. daniel house drives. 4.1 seconds remaining. it's offbalance. itit good. a & m. big win for them. "sportscentete" 5:00 eastern the winner of the great american for now, enjoy your sunday. starting right now on "this week" with george stephanopoulos. trump takes control. the brash billionaire dominates in conservative south carolina. >> when y y win, it's beautiful. >> his second straight win. >> let's put this thing away. >> now, no doubt, the outsider is the republican front-runner. can anyone stop him? >> south carolina has given us >> the son of bar tender and maid from cuba tonight stands one step closer to being the 45th president of the united states of america. >> trump, rubio, cruz. all here live. and -- hillary squeaks by. >> the fight goes on! >> the democratic race tighter than ever. plus, apple goes to war. inside the tech giant's refusal to help the fbi unlock a terrorist's iphone. live. week." stephanopoulos. good morning, after a crucial saturday vote in the race for the white house, two candidates now in command. for the democrats, hillary nevada. the win out west, nearly six points over bernie sanders puts her back in control. she heads to south carolina and super tuesday with big leads in the bigst states. and for thehe republicans, it's

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