Transcripts For KCAU Good Morning America Weekend Edition 20

Transcripts For KCAU Good Morning America Weekend Edition 20160116

a lotto mystery. hey, good morning. america. very happy to have cecilia vega on board. good morning to you and you're here on a morning when there is a lot of news including an al qaeda attack on a hotel popular with westerners overseas. we'll have the latest on that. and look at this. this is the front page of "the wall street journal" this morning. u.s. stocks slide in global rout. >> rough, rough morning. terror and economic uncertainty. this is the backdrop as the race for the white house heats up and this weekend is key in the campaign. we are now only about two weeks away from the very first votes in iowa. on both sides ght now, tight races and tension, in particular that showdown right there between one-time friends donald trump and ted cruz, and just a few minutes ago, trump upping the ante on twitter. abc's mary bruce leading us off mary, good morning to you. >> reporter: hi, cecilia. good morning. well, they are neck and neck in the early states and now there's no question, that bromance between trump and cruz is over. trump is still hammering cruz about his birth questioning his eligibility to be president and cruz isn't just hitting trump in return he's also now in a war of words taking on the nation's largest city. >> i apologize. >> reporter: this morning, ted cruz is saying sorry, not sorry. >> you're right, donald trump, hillary clinton and andrew cuomo and bill de blasio have all demanded an apology and i'm happy to to apologize. i apologize to the millions of new yorkers who have been let down by liberal politicians in that state. >> reporter: new yorkers are outraged after the republican candidate questioned the city's values. >> i am disgusted at the insult that ted cruz threw at this city. >> repepepr: even lady liberty is giving him the finger. the feud escalated after cruz taking a shot at donald trump. >> but everyone understands that the values in new york city are socially liberal or pro-abortion or pro-gay marriage, focused around money and the med >> reporter: but trump got the last word. >> when the world trade center came down, i saw something that no place on earth could have handled more beautifully, more humanely than new york. >> reporter: those comments spurred hillary clinton to do the impossible, agree with trump. clinton tweeting, "just this once trump's right. new yorkers value hard work, diversity, tolerance, resilience and building better lives for our families." and another first, trump at a pizza ranch. the must stop rite of passage for presidential candidates in iowa. >> i like the pizza. >> reporter: pizza but no more hits against cruz for now. >> i think i've already done that. >> reporter: but those hits will likely keep on coming today as trump and cruz appear at the same tea party convention >> mary, thank you so much. to talk about here, so let's go abt news political analyst matt dowd in los angeles. matt, good morning. when donald trump says lawsuits have been filed as he just said in a tweet, do we know what that even means and is this issue of canadian citizenship or american citizenship a genuine vulnerability for cruz? >> well, donald trump obviously woke up today on whatever side of the bed and started moving on the tweets this morning and i actually think this is a real vul jeshlt for ted cruz. one, it's not settled. everybody sort of looked at this and said it's unsettled whether for or against ted. i think it's a question. any time people walk into a voting booth and there's a question mark, they'll go for some other alternative so i think ted will have to deal with this and donald will keep pushing this over the course of this campaign. >> but just to clarify he's not the one filing lawsuits here. >> no, there's a trial lawyer in houston that filed a lawsuit yesterday, i think, but syria alluded in this his this morning that others would come. i think he's just raising the question there is a question a question when they go to vote. >> all right. what about this new york values dust-up. does that help or hurt cruz? >> well, obviously ted -- it's a dog whistle sort of godless, heathen "dex and the city" new yorkers and trying to appeal to social conservatives in iowa and new hampshire. i don't think it's effective and one of the problems i think ted has in the course of this is there could be hypocrisy blowback. here's a guy whose wife worked for goldman sachs who had health insurance from goldman sachs who went to princeton and who raises money in new york. i think if donald trump makes it about hypocrisy will be a problem. this race has come from best friends forever though to "gangs of new york" and we're in a knife fight right now. >> bff to "gangs of new york." well put, matt dowd. don't forget the democrats are still running and they've got a big debate tomorrow night. we'll talk about that as this weekend continues and a quick programming note. "this week with george stephanopoulos" tomorrow morning, george is going to go one-on-one with donald trump himself. matt, thank you very much and, cecilia, over ou. >> okay. so many people very nervous about their 401(k)s this morning. abc news chief business and economics correspondent rebecca jarvis is here to break it all down. they're calling this the worst start to a new year ever. what's behind this all? >> it's looking really bad, cecilia, and a lot of people who are looking another big hit. points on friday ahead of a long weekend for wall street. that is a loss of more than 8% so far for this year. now, part of the blame here is oil. oil closed at $29.42 a barrel. that is the lowest level for oil prices in 12 years. now, from a consumer standpoint you're benefiting from it because you're paying less at the pump but the issue is all the energy companies in this country. their profits are getting eaten into because of prices this low and for people who have jobs in the oil and gas industry right now, this is a big concern because their jobs are now looking like they are at risk. some of them have even been lost already. there is also china. fears here because their markets are down 20% from the december highs. they have been getting hit time and time begin, cecilia, and what we've seen over and over again this year when china's markets tank, ours do too. >> hits us here at home. concern and fear the words you mentioned. what is happening with people's 401(k)s, so many people looking at their portfolio saying what do i do? >> a lot of white knuckle days for those retirees especially. the average 401(k) of $92,000 has already lost about $7500 in value since the beginning of this year. now, the unsatisfying answer is the accurate answer. it's the one people hear time and time again in these environments of down market days. unfortunately, riding it out tends to be the best option and historically speaking, if you rode out the great recession, if you didn't sell on those terrible down market days, your portfolio is up, in fact, the stock market in the last five years has returned massive amounts to investors, so in a larger context, cecilia, it's >> long term, don't panic, but not easy to do. >> hard to do but that's the answer. having a cushion set aside is importt too especially if you're a retiree. you do not want all of your money in the stock market. you want that cushion set aside. >> good to see you this morning, rebecca. thanks a lot. >> great advice, possibly a buying opportunity, rebecca, thank you. we do have weather news including a tornado in florida and meteorologist indra petersons is tracking it all. good morning, indra. >> good morning, dan. doesn't it feel like deja vu from last weekend when we talked about an ef2 tornado right around cape coral, florida. this time yesterday an ef-1 struck the exact same region. look at these winds ripping. about 100 miles per hour around ft. myers, florida, we're talking about downed trees and here we go again. let's take a look at the map. you'll see another system is out there again this morning. so here we go, we have already some light showers in the region but we're going to watch for that risk of severe weather. so starting around the gulf right around texas, right in through florida today, still looking at that exact same threat. we're looking at just a slight risk out there but nonetheless see similar damage and even that threat for a tornado out there. as far as rain, that means more rain. 1 to 2 already seen. we're doubling down another 1 to 2 possible which means the threat for flooding. cecilia. >> bad weather is to blame for a rough ride for some miami bound passengers. the turbulence so bad people on board hit their heads. a flight attendant had to be rushed to the hospital. abc's eva pilgrim has the story from laguardia airport here in new york. >> reporter: coming off on a stretcher, an american airlines flight attendant with a bloodied nose after the plane she was working on was violently tossed around in the sky injuring her and five of the 159 passengers on board. >> american 1410, we have one flight attendant with a broken nose and we have several minor injuries to passengers. >> reporter: one of the stewardesses when the plane dropped, she went flying in the air, bashed her nose and was gushing blood. flight 1410 taking off from new york's laguardia friday morning on the way to miami international. in vero beach the pilots hit a storm. the airline confirming this morning that the boeing 737 hit severe turbulence flying through south florida. >> it felt like a roller coaster. it was just very uncomfortable and everybody was afraid. >> people that weren't in seat belts were flying up and hitting their heads on the top of the plane. >> reporter: and it wasn't the only flight coming into miami to feel mother nature's wrath. more than 60 flights were delayed during the storms on friday. >> you got to get a left before the weather. 12:00 american. >> it was bad. it was bad. >> we through out of our seats and grabbed each other's hands. we were freaking out. >> i was crying. that's how crazy it was. >> reporter: now, passengers on flight 1410 tell us american airlines is giving them a $150 credit. as for if they'll fly again, many don't have a choice saying they have to get back home. dan. >> got to get back on the horse, we're going to turn now to the powerball mystery. two out of the three winning tickets from wednesday's historic jackpot are unclaimed this morning. we did, however, just meet the winners from tennessee. they showed up to collect their check with their dog in tow. abc's steve osunsami on their sweet and surprising plans for what to do next. >> reporter: good morning to you, dan. so far lottery officials here at the tennessee state headquarters have only given the family here a portion of their winnings. the rest will come later but the couple did leave with a nice million or so to tide them over. >> we just wanted a little piece of the pie. now i'm real grateful that we got the big piece of the pie. [ laughter ] >> reporter: this morning john and lisa robinson will have to pinch themselves because it's not a dream. >> i was running down the hallway screaming and crying and i said, you got to check the numbers. >> reporter: numbers her husband says he almost didn't even buy. >> i told her, i said i really don't feel like picking them up but i said i will a stop at the store. >> reporter: he's seen here on a buying the ticket the day before asking for four tickets and telling the cashier to print them individually. the third ticket was the winner. >> reporter: why separate tickets as opposed to -- >> that's just the way i do it. >> reporter: they came to collect the cash with their dog abby and their daughter tiffany. lisa cried when she explained what she's do to help her children. >> what are you going to do? what's the first thing on the list? >> well, our daughter had some -- >> student loans that they're going to help me pay. >> reporter: they say they're still going to work on monday and that they're not moving. their home is big enough. they say they love their lives as is. >> big fancy houses, elaborate houses, they're nice, don't get me wrong, but also you got to clean them. >> reporter: the other two jackpot winners in florida and california have not yet come forward. the lottery is now confirming that the ticket given to a california nurse by her boss is not the winner. reportedly the target of a prank by her son. park avenue health care's director is telling abc news that the woman is now taking a leave of absence. the winning couple here moved fast. they immediately talked to an accountant at day after the drawing, the same day they met with a lawyer. dan and cecilia. >> steve, thank you. let's see how long that arieler allergy to large, fancy houses lasts. >> i'm still upset i didn't win. just saying. >> there's a large chorus of people who feel that way. >> there's another drawing tonight by the way if you want to get in. it's a mere, i don't know, 40 million bucks or something. >> thank you for encouraging her gambling habits. speaking of ron claiborne we have serious news including overseas. you got the headlines. >> good morning to you, dan and sara, cecilia, good morning, everyone. we begin with breaking news. an al qaeda affiliated group storming a luxury hotel in the african nation of burkina faso. the incident over this morning but the 126 hostages in the capital of ouagadougou now freed. three gunmen were killed by local and french forces died in that attack. and back here at home a desperate search happening right now off the coast of hawaii for 12 marines missing after an apparent midair collision after two military helicopters. despite wreckage strewn across a two-mile area this is searchers scour the area off the island of oahu for possible survivors. walmart is closing stores in the u.s. the closures include all of walmart's smaller express locations. the move will affect 10,000 american workers. and now to a health warning. cdc officials are urging pregnant women and those thinking of getting pregnant to postpone travel to mexico, puerto rico and several central and south american countries affected by the zika virus. the mosquito-borne illness is links to birth defects. a baby born in hawaii has tested positive for the disease after the mother was likely infected some tragic news from our abc family. a producer from our chicago on vacation in belize. anne swaney was reported missing thursday after she failed to return to her hotel. her body was found friday with bruises on her neck and lacerations to her head and we extend our deepest condolences to the swaney family. and dustin diamond, best known for playing screech in the 1990s sitcom "saved by the bell" reported to a wisconsin jail last night. he is serving a four-month sentence in that jail for a 2014 christmas day barroom stabbing. and finally an alleged store robber who picked the wrong person to pick on. now, check this out. the suspect stormed a convenience store in st. louis shooting right at the woman in the counter. behind the counter, 63-year-old store owner went on the attack after the suspect then attacked her husband. >> then he pulled my husband down. i shoot him right away. i swear to god i don't want to kill people. i'm too old enough, you know, i have to protect myself and protect my husband. >> and she did. she -- the suspect ended up nobody was injured. a happy ending except unless you're a criminal, i suppose. >> i like how you called him an alleged robber. i think we can say given the video he did it. >> i'm not going there. >> legal standards for dan harris. >> innocent till proven guilty or caught first. >> right, right, it was photoshopped, ladies and gentlemen. indra is back. indra, save us with the weather, please. >> you know, we're actually talking about a nor'easter this morning. typically i say nor'easter, january, we'd be talking about a blizzard out there but today a lot of widespread action from a quick-moving system. here's the key. if we had one you'd talk about it coming on the back side and heavy amounts of snow but we have two lows on the front side of this low all the warm air is coming out of the south. this warm air is counteracting the cold air for the first system so once this guy kicks out of here now comes the bad boy bringing in all the cold that is the reason we're talking about mainly rain, that and, yes shgs, the ocean is still warmer than normal and then we'll talk about that cold air when the second guy comes on through. not to say we won't be talking about any snow but not what you typically see this year. winter weather advisories are up and lake-effect snow. this could be the beginning of one to two feet right around the lakes but a low chicago, philly, d.c., you're talking about a couple flurries will be out there but we're all going to continue to be talking about that real chill, that cold burst of air, those windchills very cold already this morning but look at the danger. on in. this is by far the best nor'easter i've been through. a little bit of rain and out of here, guys. >> that's the kind we like. >> yeah, i like your style thank you, indra. we have extraordinary images and a really harrowing story coming out of outer space. >> yeah, the space walk had to be cut short when the helmet of a nasa astronaut fixing the international space station began to fill with water and sara is here with the story. this reminds me of the movie "gravity." >> it reminds me of "gravity" "martian," we've all seen this before but this was real life so no second chances, no second takes, and it could have ended badly. >> what do i do? >> reporter: in hollywood blockbusters like "gravity" show us how space walks can turn disastrous in an instant, but that may have nothing on the real-lif just a tablespoon of water caused rnational space station. >> we know it's a small amount of water. we already got the location and the quantity. >> reporter: american astronaut timothy kopra and his british partner tim peake on an extra vehicular repair mission when kopra noticed a cooling loop in his space suit was leaking. >> if there's any way to get a temperature of the water, i don't know, try to drink it and note the taste. >> water is cold. >> that small amount of water prompting mission control to end the pair's five-hour space walk early. >> start opening your cuff check list to page 7. we are in a terminate case. >> reporter: fearing a repeat of this 2013 mission which almost saw italian iss engineer luca parmitano drown when half a gallon of water flooded his helmet during a space walk. >> my suit is really wet. >> luca went out twice and the first time he went out, he had water in his helmet then and i don't think we quite handled it the right way. >> reporter: according to nasa kopra was never in that degree of danger saying the flight director brought the duo back in as a precaution. this morning the veteran astronaut safe on board the station and surely waiting to houston. >> that was perfect. we'll buy you a drink, a soda when you get home. >> i think i've been jaded by the movies because when these little things happen i'm like, oh, it's fine. but then you see this man could have drowned. >> absolutely, and i i think he deserves more than soda. >> i think we need to make that a stiffer drink. my two cents. >> absolutely. we're encouraging gambling and drinking ts morning. it's a family broadcast. >> we're only halfway in. >> houston, we have a problem. >> we've got more vices we can force on people. >> that's exactly right. speaking of only being halfway in, let me tell you what's coming up on the show this morning. breaking his silence the actor sean penn speaking out for first time about that controversial interview with the infamous drug lord el chapo. what he is saying about their meeting this morning. plus, risky business, why it's so dangerous to be a real estate agent and what they're now doing to make their job safer. and striking a pose. look who's back and on the cover of "vogue." the fun "zoolander" photo shoot up ahead in "pop news," ridiculously good. i'm practicing my "zoolander" right now. 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side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. side effects can lead to dehydration, if your pill isn't giving you the control you need... ...ask your doctor about... ...non-insulin victoza . it's covered by most health plans. coming up on "gma," how to prepare for the new s.a.t., and should students even take it? and diet blowing vacations. the spots where you are most likely to pack on the pounds. we'll be back. back. okay, hometown trivia time and we are saluting our monroe, louisiana, el dorado, arkansas, affiliate kaqy channel 11 and our trivia curator drew cowen says i have to make them easier. so these are very easy. >> tricky for drew. >> don't say that until we -- even harder. >> this airline, the largest in the world was once head quartered in monroe in the 1920s. it is now based in atlanta. >> delta. >> delta, oh. >> dan harris. >> is that right? >> dan, you should be ashamed of yourself if you don't get this one. this west monroe, louisiana, native was a former boston celtics center and player/coach who wore the number 6 and played on 11 championship teams. >> larry bird. >> no, it's robert -- >> you're lucky this isn't the >> bill russell. all right. welcome back to "gma." happening right now, the gop birther battle heating up this morning. trump tweeting about a lawsuit filed by a lawyer down in texas taking aim at ted cruz's eligibility to become president. trump says cruz was a canadian ends his tweet in trumpian style, i told you so. >> how many times have we heard that this campaign. also right now a bank robber on the fbi's ten most wanted list is now in custody. 25-year-old myloh jaqory mason allegedly wore the infamous mask from the movie "scream." those movies earning him the name the scream robber. also right now, the so-called affluenza teen ethan couch who was captured in mexico is gearing up for his return to the united states. his lawyer now no longer fighting extradition. couch, you'll remember, took off to mexico with his mom violating parole after a drunk driving wreck that killed four people. anything you do in a "scream" mask, i don't care if it's buying popsicles or yarn bombing somebody. >> this is freak. >> i hadwanted to get the term yarn bobbing into the show this morning. you don't know what it means. we'll explain in a commercial. also coming up the potential dangers and this is quite serious, the potential dangers the new lengths agents are going to to protect themselves. it's quite a story. but first here, the first comments this morning from the actor sean penn about his interview with the notorious drug lord el chapo. >> the actor is now breaking his silence and revealing why he agreed to that controversial meeting, and here's abc's matt gutman with more. >> i thought this is somebody upon whose interview could i begin a conversation. >> reporter: sean penn speaking out about his controversial interview with notorious drug kingpin joaquin "el chapo" guzman. >> the entire discussion about this article ignores its purpose which was to try to contribute to this discussion about the policy in the war on drugs. >> reporter: the actor secretly meeting with the drug lord in his jungle hideout in mexico back in october for an interview for "rolling stone." mecan soap opera star kate del castillo who el chapo hoped would make a biopic about him and smoothed over by tequila but insisted during an interview with cbs' "60 minutes" he accepted it as a way to shed light on the war on drugs. the notorious drug trafficker on the run at the time of the meeting after he escaped from a maximum security mexican prison in july. now penn says he believes the mexican government is lying about his connection to the kingpin's capture. authorities apprehending guzman on january 9th catching him in his home state of sinaloa after he tried escaping a raid by slipping into the city's sewer tunnels. i had to crawl under that to get over there. right there is that door. it looks like a portal on a submarine and through there is the entrance to the drainage system. >> they were clearly very humiliated by the notion that someone found him before they did. well, nobody found him before they did. >> reporter: for "good morning los angeles. >> it is quite a story. thank you, matt. >> incredible. >> let's check the forecast now and indra petersons is in for rob this morning. good morning. >> good morning. finally the winter is here. exactly where it should be way which is way down to the south. for that reason it produced a slight nor'easter to the northeast but here comes the second one, so we're calling it the one-two punch. here comes the next system kind of kicking out of here bringing florida another chance at rain, so 1 to 2 inches expected again today but who's getting the real weather. that would actually be cali, here they go again, next system, pretty powerful so winter storm warnings will be out there. winds gusting even as high as 60 miles an hour. one to two feet possible in the cascades but it's the surf. heads-up up, surfers, 20, if not think santa barbara. >> that weather was brought to you by state farm. now, remember it's going to be very cold next week. after that it's going to be nice. so get mad at me next week, you better be really nice the week after that. >> i love we get the surfing and snow all in one. >> i'm cali, so you got to throw that in. >> full service show, cecilia. >> thank you, indra. coming up on "gma" why being a realtor could be so incredibly dangerous. 20 murders in the last decade and the new efforts at self-defense. also taking the stress out of taking the new s.a.t. the advice for students and parents ahead in our weekend download. i wish they had that when i was in high school.t when i was in high school.m married. does it matter? you'd do that for me? really? yeah i'd like that. who are you talking to? sounds like a really good deal. jake from state farm, at three in the morning? who is this? it's jake from state farm. 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thinking. don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt & pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. both made switching to eliquis right for me. it took jurors less than an hour on friday to come to the verdict in the trial of a man accused of kidnapping and killing a real estate agent. aaron lewis guilty of capital murder >> beverly clark disappeared and shallow grave after showing a house in little rock. her death illustrating just how dangerous the world of real estate can be and rebecca jarvis is back with a look at what some agents are now doing to protect themselves. >> reporter: why is this room full of agents in new jersey learning how to stab someone in the eye? >> my thumb is in your eye socket. >> reporter: they're taking a self-defense course specifically tailored for real estate agents because their job can be downright dangerous. >> i make sure foremost that i have an exit strategy. i open the gates on the back of the house. i open the back door. >> reporter: real estate mogul and "shark tank" star barbara corcoran says you never know exactly who will be coming to check out that listing and they may be walking away with more than the property fact sheet. in the last decade more than 20 real estate agents were murdered according to the u.s. bureau of labor statistics. >> being in the real estate business is one of the most high risk businesses in the nation and yet people don't know about it. >> reporter: in florida one man realtors at gunpoint. one bound with zip ties and made to demand a $50,000 ransom from her husband. he said no. >> police department. >> i'm a realtor. i was showing homes and someone just robbed me. >> reporter: police say that's when the suspect moved on to a second realtor, robbing her at gunpoint. >> he says, sorry about this and i turn and look at him and there's a gun pointed between my eyes. >> reporter: that suspect paul pinkston facing a potential life sentence for charges of kidnapping with a deadly weapon and anned robbery. he has pleaded not guilty. >> are real estate agents sitting ducks? >> they are. nothing is more essential to the real estate business than a new customer. and a new customer could be a good customer, or it could be the wrong customer. >> reporter: and it's mostly female agents who are meeting mr. wrong customer. women make up 60% of the real estate agent population and it market yourself relentlessly to perfect strangers. >> being open like that, of course, makes them a lot more vulnerable. >> get off. back. >> reporter: and that's why it may be good to get this kind of training in case you have to take matters into your own hands. for "good morning america," rebecca jarvis, abc news, new york. >> probably not a bad idea. >> nope. >> after all those stories. >> yeah. coming up on "good morning america," the biebs and beethoven, two musical geniuses? i don't know. the pop star goes classical coming up in "pop news." the flu virus. it's a really big deal. and with fever, aches, and chills, mom knows it needs a big solution: an antiviral. don't kid around with the flu, call your doctor within the first 48 hours of symptoms and ask about prescription tamiflu. attack the flu virus at its source with tamiflu, an antiviral that helps stop it from spreading in the body. to treat the flu in people two weeks of age and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion, or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. anti-flu? go antiviral with tamiflu. here you are. anything i can do to make your stay more magical? well, i wish we could have even more park time. have dinner with a princess. oo i want to ride the monorail! oh, take a break by the pool. but be back in time for fireworks. let me see what i can do. whoa when you stay at a select walt disney world resort hotel, you get the most out of your vacation...and your family. and now, you'll save up to 25% off a select walt disney world in today's weekend download taking the stress out of those after next weekend's test and here with what parents and students should know is anthony james green of green james prep so what can parent ss do to help their kids through this stressful examination? >> the advice for parents is really simple. start them as early as possible and give them the tools they need to succeed on their own. a lot of test prep boosts prep camps for juniors and zines which is way too late and i think that's a big reason why scores are declining around the country, so if you can start as early as freshman year, do so. >> freshman year. what about the students who have to take the test. any tips for them? >> for students cramming doesn't work. you know, you learn best when you study over the long term. and if you put in just 15 to 30 minutes a day and start early, you'll be able to master all the material really easily without disrupting your schedule or stressing yourself out. so the key is just to start as soon as you possibly can. >> we have a new s.a.t. beginning in march. should students take that or skip it and take the next one. >> the newest s.a.t. you're prepared so there's a lot of practice tests online and see what it looks like. if you put in the time and see what scores you'll get. go for it. no reason to take it in march if you don't have to thanks, >> okay, thanks for those tips, anthony james. >> sara, what do you got? >> so we are talking about "pop news" which is dan harris' favorite topic. >> sure. >> and one of my favorite movies is "zoolander" and that's going to be in "pop news" today so i want your best blue steel. dan already told me he won't do it because he's a serious news man. >> can i do blue smirk? >> cecilia will do it. there's blue steel. >> here's mine. >> she pouts. >> we're going to work on blue steel before "pop news." >> we'll be right back. keep it here. " coming up. we'll be back.metimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! 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"good morning america" is brought to you by office depot office max. gear up for great. i see a little switch-a-roo on this side of the desk this morning. >> how did you notice? >> ron is being a gentleman. >> i'll be doing weather tomorrow. >> he nailed it. he's been practicing. >> meteorologist ron claiborne, ladies and gentlemen. but it is time for "pop news" with the one and only sara haines. what you got? >> dan, did you have to try too hard to say that sincerely? you love me. it's been a busy week for derek zoo lander. founder of the derek zoolander kids who can't read good or fit into the front door either if you've watched "zoolander" but the superstar appearing in a new perfume commercial and now on the cover the model, also known as ben stiller dazzles alongside "zoolander 2" co-star penelope cruz who just dazzles, period, in a series of shots by annie liebowitz as you'd expect really, really ridiculously good looking. "zoolander 2" struts into theaters on february 12th. i am going to assume nobody at this table understood any of the references to the movie. >> no, i got it. >> i did. >> dan, do it. come on, do it. dan, go. >> one blue steel. had >> no. >> remember that time you grabbed -- >> you're going to be better than me. >> indra. >> ron, do you know what blue steel is? it's a movie called "zoolander." there's ben stiller -- >> what do you got about lisa bonet? >> oh, my. that was the transition. he's my segue helper. thank you, ron claiborne. has actress lisa bonet found the fountain of youth? possibly. in a new calvin klein ad she looks more like her 27-year-old they are part of calvin klein's new campaign in which models -- a lot of model themes going on here. >> do you see her? >> describe -- it's called a tease -- what time means to them and clearly in bonet's case it means standing still. she does look amazing. >> she's always been beautiful. >> my favorite thing to do -- >> stunning. >> that's pretty impressive. i hope i'm mistaken for my kid's sibling at some point. >> you will be. >> really? >> for other reasons. >> wow. >> wow. >> you went there. >> rookie robin, i'd like you to leave my table. if you're trying to pack on the pounds, which i am, you should head to the dominican republic. a new study out this morning says the caribbean island is the place vacationers are most likely to gain weight. however, if you're trying to lose a few pounds, try rome. >> what? >> yeah. no, it does, you walk a lot. even if it's calorie laden travelers reported weight loss. when was the last time you went to italy and lost weight? never. but the best place to get trim on vacation is actually right here in the big apple but if you live here rules don't apply, guys. hey, fatties, woo. >> i went to rome like a year or so ago with my wife and i bought a pair of pants there just randomly. i came home. i had to get them tailored because i had lost one full waist size. >> you know what it is, it's not just the walking but there are no preservatives. >> i gained so much fat. >> you got fat, dan? i need a picture for proof. i don't believe when you try to relate to me and it's not working. >> i don't want to go on vacation and think about weight. >> absolutely. >> pina coladas. and the last place you want to think about it is in a bathing suit on a caribbean beach. thank you for making me fatter. >> yeah. >> thank you for that. yeah, and when classical music comes to mind you think of bach and beethoven. [ playing "fur elise" ] >> when you're justin bieber, you can play anywhere. there's probably an app for that and justin bieber is keeping it classy wooing guests playing the classical stylings of beethoven. that's "fur elise." >> fur, "fur elise." it's deutch. >> the poor state of iowa. everything i do wrong i blame on the state and they're like we don't claim you. i have most of the time they realize i'm a proud iowan. other times i throw the whole state under the bus. hello. >> great "pop news," sara. thanks to cecilia vega for being >> we'll see you tomorrow. good morning. hope you're enjoying the news. hope it's a pleasant news morning. right now we're doing sports. here we go. this was the best finish of the night in the nba. anthony davis made it that way. six seconds to go, tied at 107, take flight. jrue holiday throwing it up for davis. davis with 22 points. anderson had 32 for the pelis. he had six triples in this game, but it's davis for the pelicans who hit what turned out to be the game winner because nicola batum got the inbounds pass but couldn't hit. pelicans take it at home, 109-107. >> you had way more "sportscenter." we got the heat, nuggets. dwyane wade shoulder injury so he sitting out this one. hassan whiteside stepping it up. block. oh, another block, and a guy with a difficult name to say so i won't say it and then another one. just -- he's doing it. how about this guy. how do you say his name, beno? >> beno udrih. >> yeah, that guy, throwing it on the lob and whiteside still playing "d." you'll pay for your transgressions. 17 rebounds, 11 blocked and he's our player of the night. >> yeah. >> triple-double. >> is. congratulations. >> that's all we have. announcer: "jack hanna's wild countdown" is sponsored by nationwide. hanna, coming to you from my

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Transcripts For KCAU Good Morning America Weekend Edition 20160116 :

Transcripts For KCAU Good Morning America Weekend Edition 20160116

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a lotto mystery. hey, good morning. america. very happy to have cecilia vega on board. good morning to you and you're here on a morning when there is a lot of news including an al qaeda attack on a hotel popular with westerners overseas. we'll have the latest on that. and look at this. this is the front page of "the wall street journal" this morning. u.s. stocks slide in global rout. >> rough, rough morning. terror and economic uncertainty. this is the backdrop as the race for the white house heats up and this weekend is key in the campaign. we are now only about two weeks away from the very first votes in iowa. on both sides ght now, tight races and tension, in particular that showdown right there between one-time friends donald trump and ted cruz, and just a few minutes ago, trump upping the ante on twitter. abc's mary bruce leading us off mary, good morning to you. >> reporter: hi, cecilia. good morning. well, they are neck and neck in the early states and now there's no question, that bromance between trump and cruz is over. trump is still hammering cruz about his birth questioning his eligibility to be president and cruz isn't just hitting trump in return he's also now in a war of words taking on the nation's largest city. >> i apologize. >> reporter: this morning, ted cruz is saying sorry, not sorry. >> you're right, donald trump, hillary clinton and andrew cuomo and bill de blasio have all demanded an apology and i'm happy to to apologize. i apologize to the millions of new yorkers who have been let down by liberal politicians in that state. >> reporter: new yorkers are outraged after the republican candidate questioned the city's values. >> i am disgusted at the insult that ted cruz threw at this city. >> repepepr: even lady liberty is giving him the finger. the feud escalated after cruz taking a shot at donald trump. >> but everyone understands that the values in new york city are socially liberal or pro-abortion or pro-gay marriage, focused around money and the med >> reporter: but trump got the last word. >> when the world trade center came down, i saw something that no place on earth could have handled more beautifully, more humanely than new york. >> reporter: those comments spurred hillary clinton to do the impossible, agree with trump. clinton tweeting, "just this once trump's right. new yorkers value hard work, diversity, tolerance, resilience and building better lives for our families." and another first, trump at a pizza ranch. the must stop rite of passage for presidential candidates in iowa. >> i like the pizza. >> reporter: pizza but no more hits against cruz for now. >> i think i've already done that. >> reporter: but those hits will likely keep on coming today as trump and cruz appear at the same tea party convention >> mary, thank you so much. to talk about here, so let's go abt news political analyst matt dowd in los angeles. matt, good morning. when donald trump says lawsuits have been filed as he just said in a tweet, do we know what that even means and is this issue of canadian citizenship or american citizenship a genuine vulnerability for cruz? >> well, donald trump obviously woke up today on whatever side of the bed and started moving on the tweets this morning and i actually think this is a real vul jeshlt for ted cruz. one, it's not settled. everybody sort of looked at this and said it's unsettled whether for or against ted. i think it's a question. any time people walk into a voting booth and there's a question mark, they'll go for some other alternative so i think ted will have to deal with this and donald will keep pushing this over the course of this campaign. >> but just to clarify he's not the one filing lawsuits here. >> no, there's a trial lawyer in houston that filed a lawsuit yesterday, i think, but syria alluded in this his this morning that others would come. i think he's just raising the question there is a question a question when they go to vote. >> all right. what about this new york values dust-up. does that help or hurt cruz? >> well, obviously ted -- it's a dog whistle sort of godless, heathen "dex and the city" new yorkers and trying to appeal to social conservatives in iowa and new hampshire. i don't think it's effective and one of the problems i think ted has in the course of this is there could be hypocrisy blowback. here's a guy whose wife worked for goldman sachs who had health insurance from goldman sachs who went to princeton and who raises money in new york. i think if donald trump makes it about hypocrisy will be a problem. this race has come from best friends forever though to "gangs of new york" and we're in a knife fight right now. >> bff to "gangs of new york." well put, matt dowd. don't forget the democrats are still running and they've got a big debate tomorrow night. we'll talk about that as this weekend continues and a quick programming note. "this week with george stephanopoulos" tomorrow morning, george is going to go one-on-one with donald trump himself. matt, thank you very much and, cecilia, over ou. >> okay. so many people very nervous about their 401(k)s this morning. abc news chief business and economics correspondent rebecca jarvis is here to break it all down. they're calling this the worst start to a new year ever. what's behind this all? >> it's looking really bad, cecilia, and a lot of people who are looking another big hit. points on friday ahead of a long weekend for wall street. that is a loss of more than 8% so far for this year. now, part of the blame here is oil. oil closed at $29.42 a barrel. that is the lowest level for oil prices in 12 years. now, from a consumer standpoint you're benefiting from it because you're paying less at the pump but the issue is all the energy companies in this country. their profits are getting eaten into because of prices this low and for people who have jobs in the oil and gas industry right now, this is a big concern because their jobs are now looking like they are at risk. some of them have even been lost already. there is also china. fears here because their markets are down 20% from the december highs. they have been getting hit time and time begin, cecilia, and what we've seen over and over again this year when china's markets tank, ours do too. >> hits us here at home. concern and fear the words you mentioned. what is happening with people's 401(k)s, so many people looking at their portfolio saying what do i do? >> a lot of white knuckle days for those retirees especially. the average 401(k) of $92,000 has already lost about $7500 in value since the beginning of this year. now, the unsatisfying answer is the accurate answer. it's the one people hear time and time again in these environments of down market days. unfortunately, riding it out tends to be the best option and historically speaking, if you rode out the great recession, if you didn't sell on those terrible down market days, your portfolio is up, in fact, the stock market in the last five years has returned massive amounts to investors, so in a larger context, cecilia, it's >> long term, don't panic, but not easy to do. >> hard to do but that's the answer. having a cushion set aside is importt too especially if you're a retiree. you do not want all of your money in the stock market. you want that cushion set aside. >> good to see you this morning, rebecca. thanks a lot. >> great advice, possibly a buying opportunity, rebecca, thank you. we do have weather news including a tornado in florida and meteorologist indra petersons is tracking it all. good morning, indra. >> good morning, dan. doesn't it feel like deja vu from last weekend when we talked about an ef2 tornado right around cape coral, florida. this time yesterday an ef-1 struck the exact same region. look at these winds ripping. about 100 miles per hour around ft. myers, florida, we're talking about downed trees and here we go again. let's take a look at the map. you'll see another system is out there again this morning. so here we go, we have already some light showers in the region but we're going to watch for that risk of severe weather. so starting around the gulf right around texas, right in through florida today, still looking at that exact same threat. we're looking at just a slight risk out there but nonetheless see similar damage and even that threat for a tornado out there. as far as rain, that means more rain. 1 to 2 already seen. we're doubling down another 1 to 2 possible which means the threat for flooding. cecilia. >> bad weather is to blame for a rough ride for some miami bound passengers. the turbulence so bad people on board hit their heads. a flight attendant had to be rushed to the hospital. abc's eva pilgrim has the story from laguardia airport here in new york. >> reporter: coming off on a stretcher, an american airlines flight attendant with a bloodied nose after the plane she was working on was violently tossed around in the sky injuring her and five of the 159 passengers on board. >> american 1410, we have one flight attendant with a broken nose and we have several minor injuries to passengers. >> reporter: one of the stewardesses when the plane dropped, she went flying in the air, bashed her nose and was gushing blood. flight 1410 taking off from new york's laguardia friday morning on the way to miami international. in vero beach the pilots hit a storm. the airline confirming this morning that the boeing 737 hit severe turbulence flying through south florida. >> it felt like a roller coaster. it was just very uncomfortable and everybody was afraid. >> people that weren't in seat belts were flying up and hitting their heads on the top of the plane. >> reporter: and it wasn't the only flight coming into miami to feel mother nature's wrath. more than 60 flights were delayed during the storms on friday. >> you got to get a left before the weather. 12:00 american. >> it was bad. it was bad. >> we through out of our seats and grabbed each other's hands. we were freaking out. >> i was crying. that's how crazy it was. >> reporter: now, passengers on flight 1410 tell us american airlines is giving them a $150 credit. as for if they'll fly again, many don't have a choice saying they have to get back home. dan. >> got to get back on the horse, we're going to turn now to the powerball mystery. two out of the three winning tickets from wednesday's historic jackpot are unclaimed this morning. we did, however, just meet the winners from tennessee. they showed up to collect their check with their dog in tow. abc's steve osunsami on their sweet and surprising plans for what to do next. >> reporter: good morning to you, dan. so far lottery officials here at the tennessee state headquarters have only given the family here a portion of their winnings. the rest will come later but the couple did leave with a nice million or so to tide them over. >> we just wanted a little piece of the pie. now i'm real grateful that we got the big piece of the pie. [ laughter ] >> reporter: this morning john and lisa robinson will have to pinch themselves because it's not a dream. >> i was running down the hallway screaming and crying and i said, you got to check the numbers. >> reporter: numbers her husband says he almost didn't even buy. >> i told her, i said i really don't feel like picking them up but i said i will a stop at the store. >> reporter: he's seen here on a buying the ticket the day before asking for four tickets and telling the cashier to print them individually. the third ticket was the winner. >> reporter: why separate tickets as opposed to -- >> that's just the way i do it. >> reporter: they came to collect the cash with their dog abby and their daughter tiffany. lisa cried when she explained what she's do to help her children. >> what are you going to do? what's the first thing on the list? >> well, our daughter had some -- >> student loans that they're going to help me pay. >> reporter: they say they're still going to work on monday and that they're not moving. their home is big enough. they say they love their lives as is. >> big fancy houses, elaborate houses, they're nice, don't get me wrong, but also you got to clean them. >> reporter: the other two jackpot winners in florida and california have not yet come forward. the lottery is now confirming that the ticket given to a california nurse by her boss is not the winner. reportedly the target of a prank by her son. park avenue health care's director is telling abc news that the woman is now taking a leave of absence. the winning couple here moved fast. they immediately talked to an accountant at day after the drawing, the same day they met with a lawyer. dan and cecilia. >> steve, thank you. let's see how long that arieler allergy to large, fancy houses lasts. >> i'm still upset i didn't win. just saying. >> there's a large chorus of people who feel that way. >> there's another drawing tonight by the way if you want to get in. it's a mere, i don't know, 40 million bucks or something. >> thank you for encouraging her gambling habits. speaking of ron claiborne we have serious news including overseas. you got the headlines. >> good morning to you, dan and sara, cecilia, good morning, everyone. we begin with breaking news. an al qaeda affiliated group storming a luxury hotel in the african nation of burkina faso. the incident over this morning but the 126 hostages in the capital of ouagadougou now freed. three gunmen were killed by local and french forces died in that attack. and back here at home a desperate search happening right now off the coast of hawaii for 12 marines missing after an apparent midair collision after two military helicopters. despite wreckage strewn across a two-mile area this is searchers scour the area off the island of oahu for possible survivors. walmart is closing stores in the u.s. the closures include all of walmart's smaller express locations. the move will affect 10,000 american workers. and now to a health warning. cdc officials are urging pregnant women and those thinking of getting pregnant to postpone travel to mexico, puerto rico and several central and south american countries affected by the zika virus. the mosquito-borne illness is links to birth defects. a baby born in hawaii has tested positive for the disease after the mother was likely infected some tragic news from our abc family. a producer from our chicago on vacation in belize. anne swaney was reported missing thursday after she failed to return to her hotel. her body was found friday with bruises on her neck and lacerations to her head and we extend our deepest condolences to the swaney family. and dustin diamond, best known for playing screech in the 1990s sitcom "saved by the bell" reported to a wisconsin jail last night. he is serving a four-month sentence in that jail for a 2014 christmas day barroom stabbing. and finally an alleged store robber who picked the wrong person to pick on. now, check this out. the suspect stormed a convenience store in st. louis shooting right at the woman in the counter. behind the counter, 63-year-old store owner went on the attack after the suspect then attacked her husband. >> then he pulled my husband down. i shoot him right away. i swear to god i don't want to kill people. i'm too old enough, you know, i have to protect myself and protect my husband. >> and she did. she -- the suspect ended up nobody was injured. a happy ending except unless you're a criminal, i suppose. >> i like how you called him an alleged robber. i think we can say given the video he did it. >> i'm not going there. >> legal standards for dan harris. >> innocent till proven guilty or caught first. >> right, right, it was photoshopped, ladies and gentlemen. indra is back. indra, save us with the weather, please. >> you know, we're actually talking about a nor'easter this morning. typically i say nor'easter, january, we'd be talking about a blizzard out there but today a lot of widespread action from a quick-moving system. here's the key. if we had one you'd talk about it coming on the back side and heavy amounts of snow but we have two lows on the front side of this low all the warm air is coming out of the south. this warm air is counteracting the cold air for the first system so once this guy kicks out of here now comes the bad boy bringing in all the cold that is the reason we're talking about mainly rain, that and, yes shgs, the ocean is still warmer than normal and then we'll talk about that cold air when the second guy comes on through. not to say we won't be talking about any snow but not what you typically see this year. winter weather advisories are up and lake-effect snow. this could be the beginning of one to two feet right around the lakes but a low chicago, philly, d.c., you're talking about a couple flurries will be out there but we're all going to continue to be talking about that real chill, that cold burst of air, those windchills very cold already this morning but look at the danger. on in. this is by far the best nor'easter i've been through. a little bit of rain and out of here, guys. >> that's the kind we like. >> yeah, i like your style thank you, indra. we have extraordinary images and a really harrowing story coming out of outer space. >> yeah, the space walk had to be cut short when the helmet of a nasa astronaut fixing the international space station began to fill with water and sara is here with the story. this reminds me of the movie "gravity." >> it reminds me of "gravity" "martian," we've all seen this before but this was real life so no second chances, no second takes, and it could have ended badly. >> what do i do? >> reporter: in hollywood blockbusters like "gravity" show us how space walks can turn disastrous in an instant, but that may have nothing on the real-lif just a tablespoon of water caused rnational space station. >> we know it's a small amount of water. we already got the location and the quantity. >> reporter: american astronaut timothy kopra and his british partner tim peake on an extra vehicular repair mission when kopra noticed a cooling loop in his space suit was leaking. >> if there's any way to get a temperature of the water, i don't know, try to drink it and note the taste. >> water is cold. >> that small amount of water prompting mission control to end the pair's five-hour space walk early. >> start opening your cuff check list to page 7. we are in a terminate case. >> reporter: fearing a repeat of this 2013 mission which almost saw italian iss engineer luca parmitano drown when half a gallon of water flooded his helmet during a space walk. >> my suit is really wet. >> luca went out twice and the first time he went out, he had water in his helmet then and i don't think we quite handled it the right way. >> reporter: according to nasa kopra was never in that degree of danger saying the flight director brought the duo back in as a precaution. this morning the veteran astronaut safe on board the station and surely waiting to houston. >> that was perfect. we'll buy you a drink, a soda when you get home. >> i think i've been jaded by the movies because when these little things happen i'm like, oh, it's fine. but then you see this man could have drowned. >> absolutely, and i i think he deserves more than soda. >> i think we need to make that a stiffer drink. my two cents. >> absolutely. we're encouraging gambling and drinking ts morning. it's a family broadcast. >> we're only halfway in. >> houston, we have a problem. >> we've got more vices we can force on people. >> that's exactly right. speaking of only being halfway in, let me tell you what's coming up on the show this morning. breaking his silence the actor sean penn speaking out for first time about that controversial interview with the infamous drug lord el chapo. what he is saying about their meeting this morning. plus, risky business, why it's so dangerous to be a real estate agent and what they're now doing to make their job safer. and striking a pose. look who's back and on the cover of "vogue." the fun "zoolander" photo shoot up ahead in "pop news," ridiculously good. i'm practicing my "zoolander" right now. "good morning america" is brought to you by wayfair. a zillion things home. come on in pop pop. happy birthday. i just had a heart attack... and now i have a choice. for her. for them. and him. a choice to take brilinta. a prescription for people who've been hospitalized for a heart attack. i take brilinta with a baby aspirin more than 100 mg. it's such an important thing to do to help protect against another heart attack. brilinta worked better than plavix. and even reduced the chances of dying from another one. don't stop taking brilinta without talking to doctor. since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. don't take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers. a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery and all 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should not be used in people... ...with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza has... victoza is not insulin. do not take victoza if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer... multiple eocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza ... ...or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include itching... ...rash, or difficulty breathing. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza , including... ...inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). stop taking victoza and call your doctor right away... ... if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away... your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. side effects can lead to dehydration, if your pill isn't giving you the control you need... ...ask your doctor about... ...non-insulin victoza . it's covered by most health plans. coming up on "gma," how to prepare for the new s.a.t., and should students even take it? and diet blowing vacations. the spots where you are most likely to pack on the pounds. we'll be back. back. okay, hometown trivia time and we are saluting our monroe, louisiana, el dorado, arkansas, affiliate kaqy channel 11 and our trivia curator drew cowen says i have to make them easier. so these are very easy. >> tricky for drew. >> don't say that until we -- even harder. >> this airline, the largest in the world was once head quartered in monroe in the 1920s. it is now based in atlanta. >> delta. >> delta, oh. >> dan harris. >> is that right? >> dan, you should be ashamed of yourself if you don't get this one. this west monroe, louisiana, native was a former boston celtics center and player/coach who wore the number 6 and played on 11 championship teams. >> larry bird. >> no, it's robert -- >> you're lucky this isn't the >> bill russell. all right. welcome back to "gma." happening right now, the gop birther battle heating up this morning. trump tweeting about a lawsuit filed by a lawyer down in texas taking aim at ted cruz's eligibility to become president. trump says cruz was a canadian ends his tweet in trumpian style, i told you so. >> how many times have we heard that this campaign. also right now a bank robber on the fbi's ten most wanted list is now in custody. 25-year-old myloh jaqory mason allegedly wore the infamous mask from the movie "scream." those movies earning him the name the scream robber. also right now, the so-called affluenza teen ethan couch who was captured in mexico is gearing up for his return to the united states. his lawyer now no longer fighting extradition. couch, you'll remember, took off to mexico with his mom violating parole after a drunk driving wreck that killed four people. anything you do in a "scream" mask, i don't care if it's buying popsicles or yarn bombing somebody. >> this is freak. >> i hadwanted to get the term yarn bobbing into the show this morning. you don't know what it means. we'll explain in a commercial. also coming up the potential dangers and this is quite serious, the potential dangers the new lengths agents are going to to protect themselves. it's quite a story. but first here, the first comments this morning from the actor sean penn about his interview with the notorious drug lord el chapo. >> the actor is now breaking his silence and revealing why he agreed to that controversial meeting, and here's abc's matt gutman with more. >> i thought this is somebody upon whose interview could i begin a conversation. >> reporter: sean penn speaking out about his controversial interview with notorious drug kingpin joaquin "el chapo" guzman. >> the entire discussion about this article ignores its purpose which was to try to contribute to this discussion about the policy in the war on drugs. >> reporter: the actor secretly meeting with the drug lord in his jungle hideout in mexico back in october for an interview for "rolling stone." mecan soap opera star kate del castillo who el chapo hoped would make a biopic about him and smoothed over by tequila but insisted during an interview with cbs' "60 minutes" he accepted it as a way to shed light on the war on drugs. the notorious drug trafficker on the run at the time of the meeting after he escaped from a maximum security mexican prison in july. now penn says he believes the mexican government is lying about his connection to the kingpin's capture. authorities apprehending guzman on january 9th catching him in his home state of sinaloa after he tried escaping a raid by slipping into the city's sewer tunnels. i had to crawl under that to get over there. right there is that door. it looks like a portal on a submarine and through there is the entrance to the drainage system. >> they were clearly very humiliated by the notion that someone found him before they did. well, nobody found him before they did. >> reporter: for "good morning los angeles. >> it is quite a story. thank you, matt. >> incredible. >> let's check the forecast now and indra petersons is in for rob this morning. good morning. >> good morning. finally the winter is here. exactly where it should be way which is way down to the south. for that reason it produced a slight nor'easter to the northeast but here comes the second one, so we're calling it the one-two punch. here comes the next system kind of kicking out of here bringing florida another chance at rain, so 1 to 2 inches expected again today but who's getting the real weather. that would actually be cali, here they go again, next system, pretty powerful so winter storm warnings will be out there. winds gusting even as high as 60 miles an hour. one to two feet possible in the cascades but it's the surf. heads-up up, surfers, 20, if not think santa barbara. >> that weather was brought to you by state farm. now, remember it's going to be very cold next week. after that it's going to be nice. so get mad at me next week, you better be really nice the week after that. >> i love we get the surfing and snow all in one. >> i'm cali, so you got to throw that in. >> full service show, cecilia. >> thank you, indra. coming up on "gma" why being a realtor could be so incredibly dangerous. 20 murders in the last decade and the new efforts at self-defense. also taking the stress out of taking the new s.a.t. the advice for students and parents ahead in our weekend download. i wish they had that when i was in high school.t when i was in high school.m married. does it matter? you'd do that for me? really? yeah i'd like that. who are you talking to? sounds like a really good deal. jake from state farm, at three in the morning? who is this? it's jake from state farm. what are you wearing jake from state farm? uh, khakis. she sounds hideous. well, she's a guy so... another reason more people stay with state farm. get to a better state. i need new carpet. ok. i have two dogs. and a husband. house trained? my husband? no, the dogs. sometimes. i'd suggest stainmaster pet protect carpet. why? incredibly durable and stain resistant. that's why they call it master it's... i got it. now get free basic installation with purchase of stainmaster carpet and pad at lowe's. i sure had a lot on my mind when i got out of the hospital after a dvt blood clot. what about my family? my li'l buddy? and what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital but i wondered if this was the right treatment for me. then my doctor told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. but eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. knowing eliquis had both... turned around my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt & pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. both made switching to eliquis right for me. it took jurors less than an hour on friday to come to the verdict in the trial of a man accused of kidnapping and killing a real estate agent. aaron lewis guilty of capital murder >> beverly clark disappeared and shallow grave after showing a house in little rock. her death illustrating just how dangerous the world of real estate can be and rebecca jarvis is back with a look at what some agents are now doing to protect themselves. >> reporter: why is this room full of agents in new jersey learning how to stab someone in the eye? >> my thumb is in your eye socket. >> reporter: they're taking a self-defense course specifically tailored for real estate agents because their job can be downright dangerous. >> i make sure foremost that i have an exit strategy. i open the gates on the back of the house. i open the back door. >> reporter: real estate mogul and "shark tank" star barbara corcoran says you never know exactly who will be coming to check out that listing and they may be walking away with more than the property fact sheet. in the last decade more than 20 real estate agents were murdered according to the u.s. bureau of labor statistics. >> being in the real estate business is one of the most high risk businesses in the nation and yet people don't know about it. >> reporter: in florida one man realtors at gunpoint. one bound with zip ties and made to demand a $50,000 ransom from her husband. he said no. >> police department. >> i'm a realtor. i was showing homes and someone just robbed me. >> reporter: police say that's when the suspect moved on to a second realtor, robbing her at gunpoint. >> he says, sorry about this and i turn and look at him and there's a gun pointed between my eyes. >> reporter: that suspect paul pinkston facing a potential life sentence for charges of kidnapping with a deadly weapon and anned robbery. he has pleaded not guilty. >> are real estate agents sitting ducks? >> they are. nothing is more essential to the real estate business than a new customer. and a new customer could be a good customer, or it could be the wrong customer. >> reporter: and it's mostly female agents who are meeting mr. wrong customer. women make up 60% of the real estate agent population and it market yourself relentlessly to perfect strangers. >> being open like that, of course, makes them a lot more vulnerable. >> get off. back. >> reporter: and that's why it may be good to get this kind of training in case you have to take matters into your own hands. for "good morning america," rebecca jarvis, abc news, new york. >> probably not a bad idea. >> nope. >> after all those stories. >> yeah. coming up on "good morning america," the biebs and beethoven, two musical geniuses? i don't know. the pop star goes classical coming up in "pop news." the flu virus. it's a really big deal. and with fever, aches, and chills, mom knows it needs a big solution: an antiviral. don't kid around with the flu, call your doctor within the first 48 hours of symptoms and ask about prescription tamiflu. attack the flu virus at its source with tamiflu, an antiviral that helps stop it from spreading in the body. to treat the flu in people two weeks of age and older whose flu symptoms started within the 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those after next weekend's test and here with what parents and students should know is anthony james green of green james prep so what can parent ss do to help their kids through this stressful examination? >> the advice for parents is really simple. start them as early as possible and give them the tools they need to succeed on their own. a lot of test prep boosts prep camps for juniors and zines which is way too late and i think that's a big reason why scores are declining around the country, so if you can start as early as freshman year, do so. >> freshman year. what about the students who have to take the test. any tips for them? >> for students cramming doesn't work. you know, you learn best when you study over the long term. and if you put in just 15 to 30 minutes a day and start early, you'll be able to master all the material really easily without disrupting your schedule or stressing yourself out. so the key is just to start as soon as you possibly can. >> we have a new s.a.t. beginning in march. should students take that or skip it and take the next one. >> the newest s.a.t. you're prepared so there's a lot of practice tests online and see what it looks like. if you put in the time and see what scores you'll get. go for it. no reason to take it in march if you don't have to thanks, >> okay, thanks for those tips, anthony james. >> sara, what do you got? >> so we are talking about "pop news" which is dan harris' favorite topic. >> sure. >> and one of my favorite movies is "zoolander" and that's going to be in "pop news" today so i want your best blue steel. dan already told me he won't do it because he's a serious news man. >> can i do blue smirk? >> cecilia will do it. there's blue steel. >> here's mine. >> she pouts. >> we're going to work on blue steel before "pop news." >> we'll be right back. keep it here. " coming up. we'll be back.metimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! 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"good morning america" is brought to you by office depot office max. gear up for great. i see a little switch-a-roo on this side of the desk this morning. >> how did you notice? >> ron is being a gentleman. >> i'll be doing weather tomorrow. >> he nailed it. he's been practicing. >> meteorologist ron claiborne, ladies and gentlemen. but it is time for "pop news" with the one and only sara haines. what you got? >> dan, did you have to try too hard to say that sincerely? you love me. it's been a busy week for derek zoo lander. founder of the derek zoolander kids who can't read good or fit into the front door either if you've watched "zoolander" but the superstar appearing in a new perfume commercial and now on the cover the model, also known as ben stiller dazzles alongside "zoolander 2" co-star penelope cruz who just dazzles, period, in a series of shots by annie liebowitz as you'd expect really, really ridiculously good looking. "zoolander 2" struts into theaters on february 12th. i am going to assume nobody at this table understood any of the references to the movie. >> no, i got it. >> i did. >> dan, do it. come on, do it. dan, go. >> one blue steel. had >> no. >> remember that time you grabbed -- >> you're going to be better than me. >> indra. >> ron, do you know what blue steel is? it's a movie called "zoolander." there's ben stiller -- >> what do you got about lisa bonet? >> oh, my. that was the transition. he's my segue helper. thank you, ron claiborne. has actress lisa bonet found the fountain of youth? possibly. in a new calvin klein ad she looks more like her 27-year-old they are part of calvin klein's new campaign in which models -- a lot of model themes going on here. >> do you see her? >> describe -- it's called a tease -- what time means to them and clearly in bonet's case it means standing still. she does look amazing. >> she's always been beautiful. >> my favorite thing to do -- >> stunning. >> that's pretty impressive. i hope i'm mistaken for my kid's sibling at some point. >> you will be. >> really? >> for other reasons. >> wow. >> wow. >> you went there. >> rookie robin, i'd like you to leave my table. if you're trying to pack on the pounds, which i am, you should head to the dominican republic. a new study out this morning says the caribbean island is the place vacationers are most likely to gain weight. however, if you're trying to lose a few pounds, try rome. >> what? >> yeah. no, it does, you walk a lot. even if it's calorie laden travelers reported weight loss. when was the last time you went to italy and lost weight? never. but the best place to get trim on vacation is actually right here in the big apple but if you live here rules don't apply, guys. hey, fatties, woo. >> i went to rome like a year or so ago with my wife and i bought a pair of pants there just randomly. i came home. i had to get them tailored because i had lost one full waist size. >> you know what it is, it's not just the walking but there are no preservatives. >> i gained so much fat. >> you got fat, dan? i need a picture for proof. i don't believe when you try to relate to me and it's not working. >> i don't want to go on vacation and think about weight. >> absolutely. >> pina coladas. and the last place you want to think about it is in a bathing suit on a caribbean beach. thank you for making me fatter. >> yeah. >> thank you for that. yeah, and when classical music comes to mind you think of bach and beethoven. [ playing "fur elise" ] >> when you're justin bieber, you can play anywhere. there's probably an app for that and justin bieber is keeping it classy wooing guests playing the classical stylings of beethoven. that's "fur elise." >> fur, "fur elise." it's deutch. >> the poor state of iowa. everything i do wrong i blame on the state and they're like we don't claim you. i have most of the time they realize i'm a proud iowan. other times i throw the whole state under the bus. hello. >> great "pop news," sara. thanks to cecilia vega for being >> we'll see you tomorrow. good morning. hope you're enjoying the news. hope it's a pleasant news morning. right now we're doing sports. here we go. this was the best finish of the night in the nba. anthony davis made it that way. six seconds to go, tied at 107, take flight. jrue holiday throwing it up for davis. davis with 22 points. anderson had 32 for the pelis. he had six triples in this game, but it's davis for the pelicans who hit what turned out to be the game winner because nicola batum got the inbounds pass but couldn't hit. pelicans take it at home, 109-107. >> you had way more "sportscenter." we got the heat, nuggets. dwyane wade shoulder injury so he sitting out this one. hassan whiteside stepping it up. block. oh, another block, and a guy with a difficult name to say so i won't say it and then another one. just -- he's doing it. how about this guy. how do you say his name, beno? >> beno udrih. >> yeah, that guy, throwing it on the lob and whiteside still playing "d." you'll pay for your transgressions. 17 rebounds, 11 blocked and he's our player of the night. >> yeah. >> triple-double. >> is. congratulations. >> that's all we have. announcer: "jack hanna's wild countdown" is sponsored by nationwide. hanna, coming to you from my

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